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Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico • Page 3

East Las Vegas, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY OPT.C Lcs sin Mem mm. written order oy aa ilk- ntxtracu nom Oar i I Quite a number of new and homes are being built la ton. Colfax county looming np tfc greateut grazing locality in the Terri tory. A new daughter arrived at the how of A. C.

and wife, op Katon. and were married at Chama Judge B. handsome assuming finished propo op at Raion. L. a well-known Baton, returned home, alter sence of two Croasdale Love hare the contract forjthe erection of John W.

dence, at Roswell. The enterprising citizens of La Bejl are making for a gtai 4th of July celebration. The outlook for of all Jaan county more premisl than for several i The Territorial firemen's tonra ment at Santa Fe, on the 4th ot Ju will be a grand celebration. Mrs. E.

S. Wbittemort, oJ Jackson Tllle, visiting her daugbu Mrs. I. up at Raton. B.

P. of Stiver City, aociated himself with S. al. ter. In the practice of law in Demit p.

Mrs. Clark, mother o'f Robinson, lying quite at A. 4 P. hospital, down in Albnqoa qua. John Roosa and Miss Preston Ac(ll- snan, prominent people of Trinid were married in Kiton by C.

I. JMO Mie'tss commilted at Cabezon, out the revolver route. No aigned. Invitations have been for marriasje of Cbas. H.

McUenryv Junction City, and Mrj. Mary Thou Knrmington. The Crrssft, with commendable; issued Fa topographical map of the Bella miniaR ciunp. T. C. has arranged to put in a mill at Monero, Arr ba county, will cut 30,000 feet a diay. Judge Caldwell will have charge. I Qnlta a number of enterprising of Coltax county have leaded are fencing range for the purple of raising cattle in a from Washington arejto the Nathin Jafli and (others have uaen granted pcrmisiion toj the First National bank dt-Hos- well. Joieph E. Saint that Crty.

Hutcbinson and all portions: of western.Kan«M, would gatlCHM to the Irrigation congress IB Albuquerque. I Frank Leonard bos, for the, closed at the RoS- we)l grounds, and now ot delivery for the Pacific ex- uoropany. C. Hiyncs' irrignting county, is giving entire Jactio'n, and it an of what can be done in the way ol irrigation with neWJnietbodx. I i -R.

M. Chambers, an artiitlo decorator of rare ability, at workj on the private in the Commercial; club of O. N. Marron and William Purple, down in Albuquerque. B.

hnibaod died agq, and The snppty children at within the age greatly in of ti present pnblfo the are ooritemplalinjf erection of a school building. who, that time, reaid- Jngin Kansas City, back after There joy in the Gable andj Fwcher lief it gite over at SantaJFe. A little daughter wus born to Mr. and Mrs. FUcher, and Postmaster Gable thereby beoomes a grandfather: i A.

Hardy fust purchased Bud IN YOUTH I Mao. been Biade Ayer's Hair Vigor CORDIAUJHiORSED. mimvtw White flre last March, and statw that the will be pounding on "Old Abe on again in a few S1.1.OT4. one ar- HAIR I can'CordUlry Indono Hair 11 tor tile luir. ta Hair Uw'IroBl ot -about aaU ol tieiL.

The ol ooly two rwtored ctowlh. wlUch eonUiiuts In njy youth. I oiVr dnutntf. but they all Ayer-i Balr Vlrjc to the J. C.

Convene, AYER'S HAIB VIGOR HJ. rMD I thej "Old Abe 11 company UamU I too ago, ood. thi tee it would day. Beme come ol Chamoerlain's Paljn Balm in i I From a letter Rmltl. written by Kriv.

J. ro Gunderman, of DJmondale, MicbJ.jwe are permitted to make "I have no in! recommirJding Dr. SowlDtacorery, ire- tnluwire almoat jtbe cue of my wjlel-'Whlhrl of tie BapliU Choroh JuojoUon brought down with monla enoctediug La Grippe. of coughing woojld wita little interruption and If oonld not Snirive them. A friend New it wa.

quftkji work and blghlr ijn re Trial Free at Winter 7 Drug Co. The corner in church at the been lajidUnd church at been Isjidiat bears following Jnacriotlon, yCbri tian Church, 4, 1895." It of native marble. 1 The brick work is (pro. rapidly. come nrrrtore, I for, a and rubbed the afflicted thoroughly with It, according and within hour I completely relieved.

One application bad dons the bMincM. It jthe ilinlment on the aarl 1 Wl jit under a potltlve B- T. HJ.HKIB. Kor-amle by K. GoodaUi; Depot Drug 3: E.

Brown, formerly with the lumber moved to with family; and taken charge of the yard at that'placw. Peter WM ten with down in Albuquerque. Sute Cure a poiitive cifioliti all of the Liver and By removing the nrio acid in the blood licnrea Bhenmatiim. S. B.

of S. D.k., believe Parka" Sure Core all other for Uriniiry Sdld by UtaMratatal. Mile of up nic- I tta WBalBV YOB raa iBBBoW risk, as Ho-To-kVac sold by Wtuo Drag a refunded. Addnu, Hwrllnij JCew York or Burdette purchaMJcl 1,200 head of sheep, recently sold public auction at Hope, Eddy oonntj, for H. Ney.

j- and Skin Ointment i unequalled for Salt Head, So'ro Kipples, Chapped jgmoAt," Itching Piles, Front BUM, Chronic Son and Gnmiijatcd Eve Lids For sale by at 25 cents per box. 1 TO For a hone in a Crlc healthy con didon try Dr. Cud.v 1 Condition Powden They tone up the aid cur. of appetite, relieve', owwtapanpn, correct land oWrojj givine new life to an old or over-worked hprae. 2f per package, tfqr drugguts.

R. L. lobarifnd with counter- feUing, acquitted initbe Santa i Fe court. CIGARETtE SMOKEJRS; who care to pay little more th Mt of ordinary trade will pud taf PET CIGARETTES) i SUPERIOR TO ALLOTHER8 from lii hat cort Coldj teaf in Virginia, and 'are ABSOLUTELY PURE grow DMlMH Cuiwt Carad )8y local ai i theyj cannot the pcrtion of tho ear. There only one way to ncu, and that rem- caused by an in- condition of the lining of i the tuba, When jtbu tube geu inflamed you have riim- bllng orj imperfect heariog, jand whea it entirely cloted', the reiiult, and! thelnflsmniafioo can be taken ojnt and tube restored to normal condition, bearing wi I be destroyed forerer.

odt ot ten are by catarrh, nothing but an inflamed conilitiou ol the I We will give One Hundred for any oif ( catarrh) that cannot be.cured by Catarrh Cnre. Send for i F. CHESEY 4 i Toledo, 0. Sold by 75o- Wiliiei Day returned to Koiwell from Lextagtpo, where has been attendmg Hamillon female i college for the year. The U.

S. Qov't Reports thow Royttl Bflcluf to otben. I J. Cah'ill been appointed postmaster at! ner, wsigned. Dr.W.i'H- Lynn, late of located in Roswell, and medicine.

in WWKUi i ---r look -overament op it. Liver Brgnlalor UM The of gold value olj.llvec Headaone. A powder 1 one. oared at Ralon. ChickeB ba with food for prodnoipg It' to a little singular that nearly baby born to a democratic fcold in Cbaves county, a girl, whije- repabliein i alntoit exception 'Of the render.

i- N-JW Mexico -have; completed tbeir telophona from Lnw-i their milt on the Savajp, Rio Arriba county. to be worklog nicely. The dlstanoe miles. A oovena in honor of SaarM of began at the Chums of the Imatacnlata ConcepUou, and be continued every evening at the hour, till Friday, al next week. i Cteighton, forsatrly of; Kddy, fcMt'beentroployed by the board dpU for the publto school, P.

for the Bteiaad Julia McCord or the prf mary At a well-attended oongregal jBeeting; in the nh MK a Fe. Rev. C. Mofr Ari elected to lbe Taoaat ipastwrnte the ckvrcb named; AsaMlo C.xTe al telegram from Thornton, announcing the. death ol nto B.

de at Blaaoa, YEARS OP IKTENSfi PABC tional HomoeUt. for tatr, jean, Movly and and -I tell do. for Me. H. Dr.

Mlki' New HMiit Of Ule mee cure (or Blind, Piles. Dr. Electric Blders Ss aedlclJDe suited for any ieasoni bnt perhaps; ipore generally needed In the when the anguld, when the livec torpid and dnggiih aod aeed of tonic and kllerative felt-i A projmpVose of this medictnn has ofLen averted long and perhaps fs- levers. So midicine wUl oonntera Jtlng the system from the malarial pT Headache, indigest on, COB- yield to Electric Oc for boitle, at Winters '(Drug Rena B. Thompson iriedi'do David Wright, inj the of over at Cham Clover Boot, the great blood purifier, and clearness to complexion and coMtipa- cu.i Sold by Win Co.

ji M. Jtinei ppei.ed private club in; the; opera blodli, down in Chattanooga, i 1 Vitalii g' my life. I it the best roedy for ever rtsed." For liver; or kidney trjouble it ejfceU. Price, aenfsl Soli) by Win Co: TlejUt of July will see Colfax coun ty warrants current at on' a guarantee It incipient consumption. Only one 91.

cent byV nt hvr home in Clinton, ilob's It incipient ihe cough cure. fiO.ctf inters Co. O. Fond, a former well and ibly known lairiy of I died Tea complexion. Mroj N.

of Le Rqy, N. Y-, ri: "1 uave Tea and flndlit lie best remedy I have- -ever tried." Sold by O. G. Schaeferl. DL J.

Leahy, tor moathi at the head of' the JCIty snjourJiiDg la'Raton. Tbe American-beauty her prestige more to a ctear complexion; than to my other attribute. A pi Tea will Enable anyone to It the pimples and that muddy look. Tea uted tfy of for the complexion, vyithunt bciiW eathftrLic it donstipalion. Sold by 0.

G. TAKE CURE HA COUGH tLOOBottJe. CURE on Sold by Wint.rf sUndiif by or Bo sofltr Un minutes after losing Olataent. wili wwrwnt 1.00.1 Solil Ortia, ol Gallup, son of Ortiz, led the I hymeneal! altar iiiu Montoya, daughter ol Tomai Montoya, of of tweuty-lliree. Oaaaie I tfftaU nerrti, (ae satta 1 hive aM I ami a yowr I hae, The aalve IB the wocld for cots, oruUos, olMrsi salt rhmm, fever sons, eons skin eruptions, and tirely or no pay required.

It to faotion or mioney refunded. Pnce, 25 oenU per box. For Wjnterl Dreg Co. i Luke Walsh baa the Tivolt of HalbeksOD, down -in Albuquerque. Having Chanaberlalu 1 Coogh Oenedy My fsBiUy and Joood Mi to be flrst-eltss take pleasure la noovniMdinc U.toj»y J.

V. Koeter, Weslpbrt.H Cal. Fir! sale by K- D. Drug Virginia OM siea "I of German down Snvtr 'ii Some liftie ago, I was taken with a eramp io the stuaaob, followed bt diarrhoea. I took a.

of doees of Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Henwdy and was immediately relieved. 1 itl the beet BMdioiae IB the market for all oompiainls. I have sold resmedy to and ereryone jwbo It VffOf-'M W- gtriafcler. iVallej Ceater, Cal. For PT K.JD.

Uoodall, IDeppt Drug I No MoRElBACK ACHE. '-ALL MONEY Sold by GOODALL in Trave oawa Dr. Miles'H J. T. poetsaasur at Bio tweoaaty.

Yosi might eail it a.y ri- Yoacanget the NORTH SHORlE pIMITED aiiiQeritria tTke Ifiagara Leaves Chicago noon. New York, and Boston .6 p. i COB. CHICAGO HJL $3,000,00 A FOI THE WOU8T1IOW UMr BBBBll -f that elaMi aWboMnwr. 1 tliat from that Bftss ftfter yon jm tin secure al- T.ediate -relief JnJsgestion, and is.

i General! Broker. Irnproyed Ranches, Native Cattle, Improved Cattle, Cattle iRangea, and Sheep, Estate Stc. LiUaaM ierip of till Bidij Territorial surf Lull OfffM anctjraforcable full- by sim- ja Jlose ot Sim- thiuk that i killed Liver nothing tb do wHh 11ndigestion, and the likel It, is the icac' ian Liver that causis ijrktigestion, and that fultoesp; also Cun- stipdtiojnj jajnd those Bilious JHeacifClijcs. have to under- staujljthifflojtid cured! 1 ies troubles l'atof-H a ipi' ing jnjij yri iciiie unikil- vogctable. i.

Fw mony 1 1 Ltvtr IteuiiiUui. 1 b-ivo hnd experlrTiw witii il, 1 formally imj liiwM or UK- Until! KM; ll 5 1 cdul11 SCIATICA, ME BACK, DEBILITY, EC, WHY BE SICK UH, trbm law. Jltlonfof "'Three Classes of Men, indication KTrry old MkwB txTi'tferinc; tho KughUrt ThoSANDEN ELECTRIC Xo. C.I. I 5I Oowwi UwjWjrlil QUP AT NIGHT MOVES THE BOWELS IN I JTHC MORNINQ G.

Prac by O. 0. S. ROC3ERS, ical Hofse-Slioer JUS VEGAS, S. M.

eado bridge. attention! given to.brand- genpra.1 blacksmiih- ing; ankij woodworjk. AU work promptly i dope guaranteed." I Fnank Le Mercsiant Tailor. rii ii I know. wUlleejrft, thatil aad; will, Ik NEW u.n.or'BoeKBiJttoa.1 Practical Horseshoer, t.

Wacoat aMtlr Browee MMaeauee Ot, EAST VEGAS, NEW 1 MH3CO. SOCIEl'lESl MONTKZUMA IXJDOE MO.MM. MCll atontC, K. J. KoiaaxuT.

J. MARTIN, Bemmua'AQwr AJID pmjojia BOURBpN RYE WHISKIES I California Wines and Brandies. Agent for lender Company and the Cleveland Faiiicet Co. Natvraial and Tczidermut. Bridge Street.

UCB VEGAS, N. I. O. LODGE Ko. I Moltday at ttwlr KtF jjl TUlUnf ball jrerr M.U W.

w. njcca, or No. looltBui: fSunitayt, at Oua ball, Vlxtb AU TinunK an CLAUJ. BitLU sec'r- X.O. s'- each avpauae.

vunuc I Cii fl DOBADO TX)DOK Ko, La Hall in block, corner HU Ui and uraoil f-iUoual BaOK, Ttiureday wi flBO.W rumnclw. W. 0. 8.1 JlckGLK TKhPLB. XO.

lj 1 of Nuw- MeiUCOj K. or p. Hall, ttut 01 aiwayi Has. WUJJAJui.i 0. M.

of B.AC. I jr. A. JKoi i.i*ae«M om ike W. X.

taC. Boyal Aren GbapMr, lo. f. ant la VLltlB. Urn toot MII laVJl I.C.

Jty aire cordially In MO CKUM oommi' lnitf" r4 i. KJOU. 11 Broaumaa, fWorOiy H. aJKVA BuiauKn. I oorOlally i-- BUSINE.S8 DIRECTORY.

B. at. BLAUTmXT OeaMr Btreet aad round, aad BOK In LDJ MftOHKBO, M. KOBMTP, F. MIKKDIIB cprjirtr torn rooaa 1.

Hall fhy stsMt C. C. OOIUOOK, K. in. RAFAE1L ROMERO, Clalrri Agent.

LJAS VEGAS, N. Mi. Depredation Claims opecialty. laeae M. Hitt Cbtcago, Bur- aert, A Law, Wajmi.i»n>n, u.

are auoeUtM! wna uiu n- the A LADY'S TOILET not complete without an ideal POZZONI'S Combines i every clement of beauty and purity-- It is beautj- I fyiag, soothing, healing, health- I ful, harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most I desirable protection I to the face IA this cliniatr. Inrift npon lulling IT 11 FW UU EVarrWHtK. FOR PER WEEK WH1ING WORKERS any an i hl oatI 7, it wnlcb You nwd work.oronlr io ewt you to Irj- ImrinMi. Any do work.

taonvy from utmrt. unlaiown with OUT workrnu hour Ubor you can roakf dollmr. wbo wllUnR to work to make cut ramde la at uiyordlmirT for book InforutiuJaa. H. HALLETT Box 880, PMTLAND.


O'SULLIVAN Merchant Tailor, to'Wise Hogsert's eaUte office, old St. block work of.all kinds neatly done; also, clean- repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed in C(YE ME A TRIAL AMD BE CCHWICfli.

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