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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TWO BLYTHRVILLE (ARK.) COURIER Miss Mary Ellen Montgomery Is Wed To Lieut. Ross Dillon Hughes Jr. In a ceremony marked by dignity and beauty, Miss Mary Ellen Montgomery of Wichita Falls, Texas, became the bride of Lieut Hoss Dillon Hughes of Blytheville, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Sirs.

Allan Darnell Montgomery, 1300 Buchanan Street, Wichita Falls, with Dr. Claude fioes- ley, rector of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Wichita Kails, officiating. The brkhil party gathered before the fireplace which banked arrangements of green and white enladimns. A pnrlnnd of snvlax nnd white Iflaw wns used p.rmind a porlrait of the bride's grandfather James Talifrr- vo which hangs above the fireplace. A proprnni of nuptinl music was presented by Mr.

and Mrs. Max Kiculz of Wichita Falls Mr. Kre'jtz was hcnrd in two vocal solos. "The Level)' Song My Heart Is Eind "The Lord's accom- prtiled nt the piano by Mrs. M'ss Lnla Jane Cahoon of deslKn in rosepolnt, fell in natural from )ier head.

She wore while sntln sandals and carried it bouquet oj white orchids surrounded by white lilacs, Harry A. Haincs of Blythevlile, served as Lieutenant Hughes' best man. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Montgomery wore a day-length drcs.s ol champagne Chnntllly lace dcslsned with a wide V-neckllne, gathered cap sleeves nnd a wide flared skirt.

Her corsage was of wlilte orchfd.s. cr MKS Her I f-'room, was Downed in silver Rroy cearh and rhineMom-s. Her ncc'cs- sorlrs were In grcv, nnrl she vore of orrhl-ls. Reception Is Held Immediately the wed- Mont- reccp- a recoil neckline with tiny nr.d a draped ovr an underskirt of pleated oviiarzi. were ratio opera pumps of the shade rf her sown, and car-1 dins ceremony.

Mr. and Mr a bouquet of violets and pink Bomcry enteitp.ined with lilacs. I lion it ll'cir home. lirldc TiffnU The bride's table was covered The bride, who wns Kiven in ulch an Imported cloth of ecru Mn- mrrrintfe by her father, chose for en with handmade linen lace In- her wcdriine. a demi-tasse lonjitii! scrts.

Talisman and FQWH In Italian silk taffeta, fnsh- of smllax were used about the sll- ver punch and the champaBtie colored, tiered wedding cake. Utcr In (he evening Lieutenant SATURDAT, MAY 10, ISM Bits of News ioned with a moulded bodice and wide flared circular skirt. A. matching Spencer jacket with three quarter cuffed sleeves nnd a rolled shawl collar, were adorned -with a e.l|.'elet of ro5C point lace, with (ill-in Jabot of the same lecc at the neckline. Her veil, fashioned from a Ince scarf of noint d'esprlt with nn nil over applique Mrs.

Koss lllllnn Hughes Jr. Hughes nncl his bride left for wertdlnu trip to New Orleans mid other points of in Die South, before rcttirnlni; to Wichita Falls to make home while he Is with (he Air Force. After Jsmi-i matching ary 1 they plan to be at home In I Cashmere. Jacket. Blvthevillc, For the hi ide won- a sheath frock of pnle Swiss Taillc, will) elbow Length sleeves.

Her close fitting hat wns of natural straw with beige ribbon trim, ami she wore brown alligator shoes bag, and a Out-of-town gue.sts at the wedding Included Mr, and Airs. Ross D. Hughes parents of the bridegroom, Mrs. Hnrry Unities and Harry A. Ha In PS, nil of Blj'the- villc.

and Memphis, Hughes. Miss Nnijcy si.stcr ol of Lieutenant Layette Shower Given In Home Mrs. Carl Blachard wns fele.i at layette shower last night in the home of Mrs. H. B.

Richardson, with co-hostess. Mrs. Pat Chitmon. Mrs. Fred Perry, and Mrs.

C. E. Roush assisting. In the bunco prizes were won by Mrs. Blnckard, Mr.s.

Gene Lnnham, Mrs. Erwln Glass and Mrs. Chitmon. The hostesses presented the. honoree with corsage.

A salad course and tccci drinks were served the games. at the conclusion of Nita Rose Hall Honored Here Mrs. Louise HIH entertained group' of Blytheville High School girl grndunted nt a luncheon nt the Dixie Pig today honoring NEia Rose Hall. A red and white color scheme was carried nut, representing the school colors. Favors tfcd as miniature diplomas xvere used also lor place cards.

The honoree wns presented a gift by the hostess. Assisting the hostess In the entertainment following luncheon were Mrs. Ray Hall, mother of the honoree, Mrs. Aubrey Boyd nnd Mrs. H.

L. Hunter. Marriage Licenses Dell Senior Class Honored at Dinner Dell HlRh School graduating claw! was Thursday nfelit (lie Rtuorback with dinner parly piv- cn by the Bajilist Church of Dell. Hosts and hostesses for the affair were the Rev. and Mr.s.

M. Griffin. Mrs. J. T.

Tnte. Mrs Hnrr.v Cook. Mrs. n. G.

Gill, Miss Martha Crocker, Mrs. Udell Nevvsom, nml Mrs. Lloyd Tnte. Mr. nnd Mrs.

A. E. Cnldwcll were special guests. While and red peonies decorated tnWes which were placed In shape. Place cards were miniature diplomas on a miniature school book.

Following the dinner, Miss Joyce Gill. Mrs. B. O. GUI, and Mrs.

Novsom ontcrtnlned them with theater parly. Mrs. Gill entertained them, at the movie with a drop-in party. The table from which the party foods were served wns overlaid with cutwork linen cloth nnd centered with a low bowl of roses. The couples yesterday applied for marriage licenses nt the oflice of Mrs.

Elt7.nbclh Blythe Pnr- ker, county clerk: Johnny Smith ami Miss Lois Baker. both of Blytheville. James Edward and Betty Sue Daniels, both of Blytheville. Mrs. Grear Honored By Mrs.

Welch Mrs. G. H. Grear, wns complimented by s. Loy Welch yesterday, when she entertained the Friday Contrnct Club and six guests with dessert bridge at her home on West Walnut.

Guests included Airs. Wallace Hoke. Mrs. Blan Hcnth. Mrs.

C. C. Lnngslon. Mrs. Joe Trieschmtm and Mrs.

Cecil Shane. Individual tables nnd the home were decorated with Dutch iris nnd pansles. were won by Mrs. G. Poctz.

Mrs. Shane. Mrs. Lnngston, nnd Mrs. Hokc.

The hostess presented the honoree witli gift. Coming Events Cloudily Allnr Society of Immiiculntn Conception Catholic Church 2:30 li.m. meeting at school hull, Bund Mother, 1 have ptfr sit Hie home of Mrs. L. Moxley on EnsL Main SL.

Women's Missionary Union ot the First Baptist Church hns I p.m. luncheon followed by a business meeting and Royal Service program. Trinity Baptist Circles or WMU nnve 2:30 meeting. Circle One with Mrs. J.

If. Roberts nl 5QO Parkway nnrl Circle Two meets with Mrs. Herman Acinlr at 312 Lnkc. Circles of the First t-M-sbytcrlfm Church meet nt 2:30 ns follows: Circle One with Mrs. C.

C. Conn- cille. Mrs. Joe Pride; ircle Two with Mrs. Aubrey Conway; Cii'cle Three with Mrs.

Ross Circle Four with Mrs. A. nnrt Mrs. W. A.

Dobyns, Circle Five with Mrs. Fred Sandctnr and Circle Six with Mrs. Alice Womnck, R. C. Allen, co-hostess, in the home of Mrs.

Jesse White. Senior-Teachers High School Parent- Association meets at 3 Mrs. McCutchen Hostess to Club Mrs, O. W. McCutcht-n was host ess Thursday for a luncheon mcet- of Thursday Contract Club.

Mrs. C. Morlinst'r was a luncheon and hridsc quest. Roses wore predominant In lier arrangement. Mrs.

McCutchen won in bridge parnes nnd Mr.s. H. Wytie was second hifiti. Friday Club Is Entertained Here Friday yesterday nt the homo of Mrs. R.

A. Porter for a. luncheon meeting. Mrs. Max Find Mr.s.

n. Green were Bursts for bridge luncheon. (foses nnd d.iHes nserl throughout, ihe cntcrtaininK rooms. IVizes wnc ivoil by Mrs. Given, Mrs Momoe Criuie, serond: Mrs.

Oscar Fendlev. hridgo. Central Teachers Are Entertained Mrs. E. J.

Cure, retiring president of Centra! Parent-Teachers Association, entertained the Central teachers in two this week. Luncheon piests yesterday were Mrs. W. S. Riiyder.

Miss Barnestine French, Mrs. Bill McLeocl ond Mrs. A. Dcrryman. guests for Wednesday were Mrs.

Mildred Stubbleflcld. Miss Sunshine Swift, Mr.s. Lillian t'Ynnk nnd Miss Winnie Turner. Airman Second Class uid Mrs. James Wlmberty of Keesler Field.

Miss, are spending the Mothers' Cay weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Wimberly and Mr. and Mrs.

James Hipp. Mrs. W. G. Klebler of Enid.Okta., will arrive Monday morning to be the guest of her sister, Mrs.

W. F. Brewer and Dr, Brewer. Mrs. W.

J. pollard. Mrs. G. W.

Pyles, Mrs. p. D. Poster and Mrs. Samuel P.

Norrh spent yesterday in Memphis. Mrs. Den Ray Left today for Omaha. where she will visit her son Pvt. Atlas b.

Boles, who wns in a. plane crash April i. Mrs. Russell H. Farr and son, Gary, arrived today from Ashdown.

to visit Mr. and Mrs. nussell C. Parr. Lt, Farr.

who Is stationed nt Fort Lee. will Join them here In late May. Mr. and Mrs. R.

E. Davis arrived home thfa morning from Memphis where Mr. Davis has been a patient at the Baptist Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Burns have os their piuists their daughter, Mrs. Jack O'Kcefe. Mr.

O'Keete and Dnriati of Memphis. Another daughter, Mrs. David Barton. Mr. Enrton and Kny will arrive here tomorrow from Cntron, Mo.

Mrs. Wade K. Ewart of Kosclil'lto is spending the Mothers' Day week end with Mrs. A. M.

R. Branson and Mr. and Mrs. U. S.

Branson. Hilly Sam Hnnley. who broke both nrms in a fall, has been removed to his home on Holly frcm the Blytheville Hospital. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Hnnley. The Rev. and Mr.s. E. Brown and sons will leave Monday for the Southern Baptist Convention in Miami.

Pla. and will go lo South Carolina to the home of Rev. Mr. Brown's family for the remainder cf the month. Miss Child Will Wed In Mid-Summer Dr.

and Mrs. Fred Child announce the engagement nnd approaching marriage of their daughter. Marguerite, to Pvt. Samuel Harris. He is the son of Mrs.

W. D. Harris and the late Mr. Harris. Miss Child Is member of the graduating class of Holy Angels Academy in Jonesboro, where she Is president of the class and in glee club and other extra cur- Ircular activity.

Pvt. Harris Is graduate o( Dell High School and was a resident of that city before Inducted Into the army. He is now stationed at Fort Sill. Ok la. The wedding will be In mid-summer and tMnnt are to be announced at a later date.

FROM MISERY OF HANGOVER DISTRESS Na-l re -tn ESTER'S Radiator Shop S. Highway 61 Thor.e 3186 Complete R.itfUitrtr Repair Makes The DIKcrcnre! 1 Vita lUclUlars Voi tt.m. nt the school preceded by an executive board meeting nt 2:30 n.n A tea will follow honoring senior mothers. Blytheville Civic Music Association has a p.m. board ineellnK nt the home ot Mrs.

W. Hnrn Jayceettes have 7:30 p.m. meet- Ing with Mrs. Lngronne Whittle. Mrs.

j. p. Montandon Is hostess to La Petite Club. Tuesday Club meets with Lloyd Stlckmon. Mrs.

James C. Guard entertains Trl-Town Bridge Club. Duplicate. Bridge League meets at Country Clnb. Wednesday Deltonlan Chapter of Delphian Society has 10 a.m.

meeting at Hotel Noble. Mr.s. Robert t. Thompson entertains GIB. Chapter of PEO meets with Mr.s.

C. S. Slovons for a I fun. luncheon in her home nt Grider. Mrs.

A. B. Kerse is hostess to' and Country Club. Mrs. M.

White has meeting of Club Eipht at her home. Thursday Mrs. Lynn Jlnghcs is ho.stcss to Mrs. Prevost Hostess To Stitch and Chatter Mrs. Terry Prevost was hostess yesterday to the Stitch and chatter Club at her home.

One new member, Mrs. Gerald Travis, was admitted to the club. nnd Mrs. Hill Crnu'forcl wns a puest. In the canasta games.

Mrs. Travis wns high, Mrs. Harvey Dnrrls was second. Bouquets of roses entwined with honeysuckle were her floral decoration. The hostess served C.

C. Club Meets; Seven Present Chlckasaw Court Club met Thursday night In the assembly room, with seven members Games were played In the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Minnie Williams and Mrs. A. W.

Scott. for the meeting were Mrs. Lo-ise and Mrs. Williams. Band Mothers Have Concluding- Meeting The Band nill have their annual clrsing meeting of the year with a sunncr Monday night at the home ot 'Mrs.

W. L. Moxley on Earit Main. Neiv officers will be installed and a business meeting be conducted which will conclude this year's business. Marguerite Child will become the bride of Pvt.

Samuel Harris in a mid-summer ceremony, it was announced today by the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Fred R. Child. He is the son ot Mrs.

W. D. Harris anil.the late Mr. Harris. Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Phillips have Green. La Nueve 1M eets At. Rustic Inn La was entertained at the Rustic Inn Thursday by Mrs. R.

E. as their guests their grandchildren, Michael and Brooke Alexander of Memphis. Russell Phillips arrived home yesterday from St. Louis. Bonnie Qill Is in the Walls Hospital where he underwent surgery Thursday.

He Is the -Son ot Mr. and Mrs. of Dell. Mrs. B.

O. Gill, Mrs. Russell Gill and Mrs. J. B.

Henderson srcnt Thursday and Friday In Potts Camp. Miss. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vance Dickson.

are In Memphis as the guests ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Everett Campbell. Dorcus Class Meets In Newcomb Home Mrs. Charles Newccmb and Miss Cordelia Wilhlte were hostesses yesterday to the Dorcas class of trie.

First Baptist Church In the home of Mrs. Newcomb. They held a business session and social meeting. Mrs. Worth Holder was a guest at the dessert bridge.

High honors went to Mrs, Colemen Stevens and Mrs. Clarence Webb won second place. Box Office Opens 7:00 Show Starts rnission 9r At All Times' plnte and iced drinks. sandwich Ln Nueve. Thursday Rook Club has meeting with Mrs.

W. B. Mnyo. Blytheville -Duplicate Bridge League, meets at Hotel Noble. Mr.s.

Alex Curtis ciUeilfllns Kibitzers. At the Hospitals lle Hospital Dismissed: Ralph Wagner. Mnnila. Billy Hartley, city. Walls Hospital Dismissed: Carl Underwood, Mnnila J.

B. Fisher, city Mrs. Virgil Green, city. If a picture in llir air you've got il with tliis "CnMrn Thro a tone yoitr lirt for hrPl in TV sniiml. Otslinolivp console>incl is fifiishcil Iti wnlntit, niahoganj-, or limn! oak.

Srr llie KCA Viclnr iMfmluh (MoJcl 165) totlay. fd fanitv for Liberal oflowance for your HALSELL 8, WHITE Main Division FURNITURE CO. Phone 6096 MAY 11th Give her the gift that "keeps on giyin affords her more time for leisurely living. Ark-AAo Power Co. Electricity docs so much jet costs so lit SATURDAY Donhle Feature JOHN WAYNE Serial: Radar Man No.

8 Also Cartoon AIR CONDITIONED BY REFRIGERATION SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE -Serial: King of'the Congo No. 2 Shorts Cnnl. Showing Saturday 12:30 11:30 SUNDAY MONDAY BOB CONSIDINE STORY BRIAN CLAIRE DONLEVY TREVOR A REPUBLIC PICTUtC 1'arninounl Seleclctl Shorts Continuous Showing Everyday SUNDAY MONDAY Double Feature of MAS A LYNN? Also Metro News Conl. Showing Sun. 2-11 "Your Exclusive LION Dealer in Blvthevilie" lly Spring; 1 elrt Tires.


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