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Las Cruces Sun-News from Las Cruces, New Mexico • Page 8

Las Cruces, New Mexico
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PAGE EIGHT Dusky Grouse Hunting Season' Will Open InNew Mexico Areas Saturday LAS CRUCES (N. SUN-NEWS By JACK NA.M'SON Auorliitrd 1'resn Slulf Writer i sound and of the dove Million -In full nwing, maiiv tmntiTii lire apt to forget a another season of one of America's least.Imown game birds opens Milm-diiy -lor. Dusky (iruiige. hy many illnt; Him- i nnd fjprinio 'Iiviuic i humlwiine hiril Is iouinl a thlu i of Ihe In Iht- i mountain groves Mexico nnd In other coiilh- lllnls I'lenllfiil li'-clia by of the i (luini- I i i i i i the birds ure i i i In Ihe iiifjii country tin- rhninii and In MTllnin, of MMIII- this year niiin for days. Kept.

8-11 ami Hie i i i I i i birds, 'flu- i hllllllli); In Mexil-l ll.i i I i i publicity I I lii-i-allM- i i i i I i blrdfl inn) I i i i i i in a i them. i i i i win, a to i eaeli year i I'M- have nut i i I'l'-lei-riii)! to have their I 1 I a i I I I i i i I a large I I I 1,11,1, i trunk), of high counlry trees. The season him hecn set for flirty September In order to give the young lime lo mature. Levon Lee.

director of gaunt hiril man- Police Badge To Bo Kept In.Family CHICAGO. Sept. 1 UP)--Police spmce ltcr Franl Fitzgerald, 511, retired ycntcrday but hilt-budge and badge number remained active and In the family. Fitzgerald's noil, Albert, 12- ybar-old veteran on the force received the badge und number. Seven Civil Service Employes At HollomanAir Center Gain Awards department ijitnn- iniiTiiL Ihe young hatched In TT 11 Holloman Men Rank High In Ihe ww -I-).

'imlain fooiln. will, the eon'ilni; of a the biidn lo In- Ihe high i i i i i a i i i junk.i iinij anjiell and later I Hie nee 1'orentfl wlien Ihe i artlveji. Seasnn Set l'o Keplember Tin- I.T oliii, net for Kep- tenihi-r, the i a needles I during Die late fall ami i and eating one Ilien would be a i i chewing bark i i a I I I I I I liee. i i uu i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i (Mit-i "you probnbly "il.ln'l II loll! mil) the I i a il u-nulil i i i i i i nut i i.rc "HI iiml i i of i i i i i i ihcy du In tin: lnlil he i a I I 1,1 i 1 MI II, il i li.iir of I i i i i i i i M.c will nit on I I I ranch nf Hue i Ibc i i i i i i iippioiichei, In i i a fTM el i.i it I i i nmiiinln hii mimed i i i early i i i I i i i i i lilid, ijiollv i ly (if Its i i i i i i i in 1111,1 mummed to i in hind world of i i i i lui 1 ni.j.-it nf the i'l'iir. i wllo thoilitht won a hai) lurk I in Inn liulil irlijplj lihlldcil i i i i i i i i Imt ijiilf-k I HI, 1,1, rotiielliii; between (JniilM- hilntiiiK a Ini; a best.

The i i "Inn a i groilrie are In the i i i I la u.Mially llnimler of wings IIB Hie bird talleti off anil heads duiviihlll Illl-ough heavy cover. Tlic whig shut will probably only a Hash of blue-gray body nil II IHIHHIIS an open spot In the thick liliineheji nl i a un eKiieiieiiceil bird haa round hlnmelf i a half-nilsed gun by mt upeedlng grouiie was out ol ahot- runge duwnlilll. or thoiie who have not tried (I ltrimne i Is a i worlli All many an old. timer will say. Ihe hlnlu are killed not, the higb I TOiilry In a Mt i your and Hie walk uhuie for Ihe HCIIII.

1 Lobiiters, li I li in wur( I i i lt i hundreds of an liny M'hlerhkc lobnlerllngu belou i down lo Ihe bottom 0)1. Thorns), c. Kelly 0 0 man A i Oevelophient Center wun the Twining Trophy for the second i year by oiilshooting all A i Kori-e piHtol particlpant'i In Ihe recent National Pintol Si Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. John Crosby took second place, Lt, Ed Snndlin was sixt ami Lt. Swede Carter was 21st.

I James Conway was ih oilier shooter representing Hollo man. Colonel Kelly also won nccon. In bolh the time-fir inn Icli and the National Matcl Approximatel) 1,11110 or llic notion's top shooler entered ii( these events. Kelly also took 10th In the overall aggregati 'natch. Teamwise, the Air Force four some composed of Col.

Kelly, Lt Hnndlin, Crosby and 'Major John Air Materiel Command, placed seventh In the "hard-ban" team match (Ol issue firearms and a In the Individual "hard-ball" matches. Col. Kelly placed first among A i Korce contestants. Crosby was declared I i i champion In the Air l-'on-e Worldwide pistol matches helil last sin-Ing while the Hollo- mnn learn finished third, llolloman won (lie world-wide championship In HIM and Col. Kelly was Indi- i a i-hamp.

i i i i i (, ancient art. known lo Ihe who thouBhl 'I i work of ilelooiiH. Seven Civil Service employee at Holloman received awards th week totalling over $1400. Til awards were announced by the In centive Awards Committee fo cither outstanding performane ratings or suggestions. Brig.

Gen. L. I. Davis. Cente Commander, presented checks Claude Gilmore, J300; Mrs.

Marshall, $100; Theodore T. Toon SIS; Mr. vyilllam li. Jones, $200 JJon H. Johnson, $UOO; Dr.

Cerhan II. EbL'r, and James R. Mar liUjVegnc, $201). Ollmore Kettomniendeil Claude Gilmore, Deputy Comp trailer at HADC, was recommend ed for an Oulslanding Perform ance Rallng and Sustained Super lor Perfoimance for his initiative in effecting improvements in the budget and funding practices at Holloman. Originally from Denver Colorado, Gilmore cajiic to work at HADC in May 1353.

Mm. Joan M. Marshall was recommended for Outstanding Rating for her diligence and initiative In connection with her duties in Office of DCS-Opera- tions. Mrs. Marshall, originally Irom Wankegan, Illinois, has worked HADC since March 1 tlfifi.

Theodore T. Toon received Ma award for the adoption and use of his suggestion entitled "Hydraulic Test This tent stand, adopted by the Field Main- Squadron, permits rapid lydraullc testing or aircraft on the flight line while other non- mi-table testing equipment ia In )e in the hangar. Toon has worked for HADC Ince June 1B47. Mr. nnd Mrs.

"oon have four children, Boncllle 7, Theodore 24, Hoilney Paul 21, nd Sylvia Ann 17. William li. Jones, Center Trnln- ig Ofricer, was recommended ror he Outstanding Performance Rat- ng for his contributions In the lelil of CUT, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Technical nd Command School Training and and Management Trailing. Jones, originally from Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, has been with HADC since August 3947, Gain Awards Don H. Johnson, Civilian Per aonnei Officer, was recommendec for Sustained Superior Perform ance Rating for his accomplishment in recruiting civilian administering an effective classification and wage program and promoting and maintaining harmonious employe, relations.

Mr. Johnson, originally from Mapleton, Utah, has worked for MADC-since July 111(8, and now lives at 003 Lover's Lane, Alamogordo. Dr. Gerhard R. Eber, Technical Director of Ballistic Missile Test, was recommended for Sustained Superior Performance for outstanding technical ability anil his exceptionally fine general and n-ofessional accomplishments.

Mr. originally from Saxony. Germany, has worked for HADC ilncc May, 3963. Mr. and Mrs.

Suer have three children, Ines 18, Carln 17, and Petre 13. They now ive at 1810 Florida Avenue. James R. Martin-Vegue was ecommended for Outstanding 'erformance Rating based on Sus- alned Superior Performance as Electronics Specialist at HADC. Originally from Tampa, Florida, has worked for HADC since vtarch, 1955.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin- 'Jgue have four children, Nancy Louise 7, Ruth 5. and They now live at 1204 Yucca ane, Alamogordo. Bar Aociation Official Holds Thai Government Should Not Be Remold: From Hands Of Governed DALLAS! Sept.

1 UPi-- ney.nnd chairman of the Board Smvthn fjnmtlmn i I This Treatment. Was Effective Not Recommended HOBUS, Sept. 1 UPi--Thlsworli- ed. but it's not recommended us gcneml practice. Three-year-old Ray Cox was lieing rushed by his mother to the hospital to have a small rubber ball removed from hla throat.

Their car and another collided. The Impact: apparently did the trifle. Examination turned up no I Hill's Garage nvi-il i II, riii-liii III Mill llrotvii Iliiml ,1.1 I1.1MIH1I I I 7 00 7 10 7 7 7 15 7 ft 5 00 7 110 i IS I' (1(1 in on HI 1 1 Oil 13:00 KOBE DAILY PROGRAM A on Wj News Vour llomnuml'ly' Church of aid ofvProphwy Hi'iuitsh Ohtit'cH or Christ Tim Hininhkio lloyi. I'lrat Asaembly of Cod Mlum-i-u of HlMnIng! i I'entocujlnl Oliurcli Milfili- for You I I I 1 News Miiiduy Morning lilt Parade ilunday Sorvlcu Came of the Dny Came Mittinett iiiinday Dixirtituiio HP New, III l' I I I Flnnl She), li-hia Show 111' N'ewa Wlilillwll Tuniurruw'i llendllni-ii Tiimui-luw'a WorM A i Tilo A HoiinJill, i l)lf MONDAY lilKii On 'rrnveiiir Music i i llourd K.lbl-lt i Hcoroboattl Hymn -Tlmlllnf I'dHt J-'rank WRy Krart NPWII Knur. Viu-cil (or Dny 1'nlkln' Ttnid Cnlrlc Mnnt'rlirll tinmnii fxiriil'un -HI' Your County if I I I Ncvva While Jlllldl DpfeliJ -E.

Smythe Cambrell, president of the Amerlca'n Ear Eaid yesterday the rising concern for state and local rights pointed toward the ideal "that government should not be.removed from the hands of the governed." Outlines Ned' ifrohticre Gambrell, Addressing the first general sessirjuj.of. the con vention, -said, "to the extent thai we permit to be so de icndent upon government defeat the very meaning of democracy, and permit government rule rather than to serve the ndfvldual." Gambrell, an Atlanta, at- orney, outlined what hex-ailed the lew frontiers-r-physical, spiritual nd Intellectual as "'our con- tant may well lone our will and ur ability to cope with these cnal- enges if we.develop and accept he habit of being satisfied with the meager crumbs of material security which some form of benevolent government would dole out to us." To Limit Security Program Asst. Atty. Gen. George Cocli- ran Doub, chief of the civil division of the, U.

S. Justice Uepait- mnet, said a-new executive order! will limit the. government's seen- rity program to sensitive uosi- tions. The old order was criticized because It includes all government employes, including those in nun- sensitive-positions. Another speaker, Charles Curtis of Boston, an attor- of Fellows at Harvary University, criticized the State Department for refusing to issue visas to 15 American newsmen invited to visit Red China.

Shortcomings He said the refusal was an ex- Sunday, September 2, 1956 ample of the present security program's shortcomings. "I can't sec where any principles are Involved," he said. "If it were because they are holding some Americans prisoner, can 'think of no better way lo harrasB the Chinese government than to have 15 American correspondents poking around and asking questions. Paper currency of the United Slates is made only at tho Uur- cau of KngniVlng und Printing I.I.C. tall.

Doctors theorized Pact bounreel it out. To buy, build, modernize or. refinance Like rent Savings Us never top early or too late to siart a savings account All Savings Insured up lo $10,000 MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAK ASSOCIATION OF LAS CRUCES 220JI. Church Si. JA 6 862 i Let's All Help! uy A Broom FRI.

and SAT. SEPT. 6, 7 8 They Will Call on You NO OTHER FRY PAN gives you such perfect cooking! Momber. ol Iho LAS CHUCES LIONS CLUB ol Lu Crucea will make a clly-wide canvas on Thurs- A nd ldni ev ln Sopl. 6 and 7, They're all friendly Inking lime oul irom Ihelr work.

They wanl you lo answer Ihe knock on your door in Iho same friendly spirit. 11 you ore not contacted or aro nol nt homo at Iho -Aid the Blind The biqoat project of Iho Lions Club Is to aid IHo blind, rho broomii lo bo sold in Las Crucoa I a and Friday evenings and Saturday boufll (r 'ho ADULT CENTEll of Iho NEW MEXICO time of iho call, you can buy your broom down- own Saturday morning, Sept. 8. And all our Irionds in the county are invited lo lake part, loo. Como lo Las Crucea Saturday morning and buy a broom irom the Lions on Ihe corner of Grigqs and Main.

SCHOOL FOR THE LIND. When you buy this merchandise you will bo aiding by creating more- employment for the blind and conlribullng fund. 0 nrnfI? cHT CONSERVATION AND YOUTH PROGRAMS, ir, all or goo( j. New Westsnghouse Jtomatic Fry Pan Colli FEATURING MOPS DOORMATS Top Qualify Brooms Ironing Board Covers Lions Club, International with gleaming Coppertoiie Compare its convenience! Its beauty Its exclusive features! Perfect resulU every time for now you can set the temperature when you cook or fry just like you do when you bake a pie' Wanwhouu 1 mim i fr ypc Comral measures heat where i cooked heating element follows the shape of heat. Eliminates hot spots cold spots sticking burning! Weulnglmux optn handle construction is daicneu to give-you a firm grip, prevent twisting in carrying! Guard keens fin, from hot pan! Pan may be immersed up to end of handle.

Perfect with 'Exclusive Coppcrtone Lid Makes a Regular ps fingers away seejtjoday at OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY 207 S. Main COMPLETE FURNISHERS OF HAPPY HOMES.

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