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The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana • 4

The Daily Deltai
New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUCTION SALES. THE DAILY DELTA Tost Marnhal'i efflee, and at tha aeveral police stations, bcokt will be opened, and a proper cfTLer will be present to admloleter the proper oatht to any person desiring to take tha tame, tnd to wltneaa tha inscription of tba tamt by tha party taking It. Soch cfflcer will Inrnlth to esch person ao taking and anbecriblcg, a certificate In form following i Department or TBI GttLf I NeW Orleana 182 baa taken and subscribed the oath required by General Ordera No for a of (Signed,) By command of Major General Bitlir, B. Dati, Cantaln and A. A.

4. O. BtaDQi-iRTTRt Department or th GvLr, I New Orleins, May 27, 1863. General Ordera aro. 34.

No cfflcer or soldier is permitted to take tha property of any clt am. to shot np any house or place of business, without a epeclal order from tho Provoet Judge, Provost Marshal, Quarterraaater, Military Commandant, or from tbeaa Any cltlsen whose property la taken, or annoyed In bis property, or arrested by any officer or toldler in contravention of thit order, will at once report to tbeta Hetdquartart, where he will have redress. All taking of property by efflcera or toldlera for their private use le plunder, and will bi punished as snob. By oommand of Major General Bctlxr. R.

8. Dana. Captain and Acting A. A. G.

men hire reoteeented, and Kra low representing, tr tha koneet Pltarer and tba good people of tha Bute of Louisiana that tba United Btataa Government by its foroei far come bera to cocfitoite and destroy thelt crone of Cotton and Snaart It hereby ordered to rx mide known, by pnbllcatlch la all the newepapere o' this olt, that all tmrgoee of Cotton and Sugar ahall re celtre tba rare oonduct of tbe foroea of tha Unltec Statea, and the boat! bringing them from Ixyondtbi llnea of tha United Butea foroea may be allowed to return In tafety tfier a ressonible deity, if their owners ihtll eo deslra. Provided, they bring no paaaengere, except the cwnert and manegera of aald boats, and 0' tha property to conveyed, and Bo other merchandise except provlsloni, of which inch hoata art rtquetted to brleg a fall anpply for tba benefit of tba tiff.Tlnt poor of tha city. By oommand of Major Oehxrai Bptlir. Gio. 0.

8-ntnKO, A. A. Chief of Staff. mt rei Nc "lif Ge ita re Mi mandlng General, the Commlnary annonnctt that his offict. In tht Custom House, will be open on Monday and from day to day thereafter, from 9 o'clock A.

at. to 1 r. for the purpose cf examining the olelms those who present themselvea for esilstence. Applicant! for aid should bring; inch credential! from gen tlrmn in their lespectlve Districts at shall guarr agalnat deception. The lr doierment of a clereymau a phyfeian, or any gentleman koswn or knowing, will bt tnfficient.

On Monday, two hundred rlercet of beer will bt distributed. Job Clakx, Captain and Commianry of Bnbslstenee, U. B. A. Hradquartv hi Psr-ARTMrNT or thb New Oricana, May 13, ml.

Oenernl OrderB No. ST, It having come to the kuow'edge or the Commanding General that Friday next Is propoeed to be observed a aoeyof Fitting and Prayer, in cb-d ence to aomt aupposed Proclamation of oneJifforson Davie, In tbr teveral churches cf this city, It la ordered that no mot) obeervanot be had. Churches and Religion! Housea trt to be kept open, as in timet of profound peace," but no rel'gloue excr oleet ara to be had upon tht authority alorf mentioned. By command of M-T)it Oxrt. Birnn.

Gio. O. Ptrono, A. A. Getvral, HxAoo.rAKTr.Hft Pkpahtmknt or tbr Gulf, New Orleans, Mi.y 15, 1863.

General Orriere No. SS. Al tbe effl-ers and sol of tbe United States have been antj ot to repeated In'ulte from the women (calling them telvea ladles) of New Orleans, In return for the moet scrupnlnns non-interference and courtesy on ont put, It li ordered tbat brrc after when ar femnla ahall, byword, gesture or movement. Insult or show contempt foraryem-eror aoldler of tba United Btatee. ehe shall bs regarded and held liable to bt treated aa a woman cf Ihe town pljitg her avocation.

By oommand of Major General Bctle(. Geo. C. f-TRot-o. A.

A. G. HOFFMA fr UriRKS'S HALES. Clothing, Dry GooiIh, Hum. maliijiiory, and 200 Una or Hrilp.

ITOFF.f. MAHKi-J TTop-fm am Blf IflTII o- 'M I1HV llffT. ail 'f '-Hnl 2) of I'R HAT i. 2lH buxtnuf MoAP. Atao A flrtt enrtrufnt nf Ufa'lofiery rt 'wry noftia.

A. HOGE 1 SALES. Dry Onrd. CMhihfr, IWr ftnr! BY E. ROfiER 0 -t.

Anotinnrer. Will It olrlon THf It -fn AT, 't, lOo'cloek at thai. Sale ft.omt w. a- .1 47 It Irflwro A large aaaorhutiit of ica-o ait' OO-jD-1. a I An iBv-olft ofamtr td Rajidj-M da CI.OTHINrf.

xiHi A tMortmtnt of Mtn'a at My' blRAW IlATP, a II lfloepl BOOTH trd fxorled Ikhs-i- M'e A. SCO 'S S-iLhS. All of (lie fine Funtini a' oF (lie I ill ft Vn 'US: ri.t.Us H.t T)T It HOOIT. Ati.Tioi VVni pnl.l ft -net a llo'cloU, ai tha Clib Roonu AH the fine I t'H'ptvt. Mh hla WiH'tlfH.

fat 1 tart th iHtt I Oral (t-if li 1 rmh. Ktcti Pin M'j rn-a. flra r-. In If lal.iu.jt,, fu WANTS WANTS. a ltiailai In a if1! thu' rih, tn r-rfirV 1 rli'lir nn.l ct- '1 Mie-t.

5. "IVANTED iiy a idk! M. -uo i ftu-ndti a 11 t'n i hoowka1 per lu a prltnte fimily. Add 'ma tl thie offi a. Jiib.o it a WA N' TKO An nonve ini hu i enr yomifr n.

airH irint iwfn'r, rirl'p n--'ln a ailttirAvinrt whet a ha ran hi kf li mi. If l'm cul m- 1 bim li r)tt wuitd h( fhr or i- l'e-1 a itMf n. A 'iUa hU1 e.ieil i. il at thin ofli ui rnai-t i ti cm mt a si. j( XrAN I hl- II (i Jim Ti7rmfBil(l 1 1 I a ar a rffni.

ciit at the "ourd 1irrt PnliCeS ati.iri, "ti ra en 'h ir ii; ui tt e'r Jim 1 8 IV) A 'l'aTiTirTTFii, ir Kooi.i,"4 Bed I Rrvimti ami Kitr'ion, firrr.i-rp. or ntir't n''tiM. foif liirhtei! hv bhbi. ami it 1 ivLr pa ot 'h Kfn tb 0... tiit t.

tip wrii Natadta uii'l l'i iHiiirt its' r. Aidlrna ri 11 mtylii TF DVVID OH KfHitRT i Y(R, In ill frnii. Nt V.nk, In Cn. Putlt-r i 11. tlmv will i-fiiifci- a Cvoi hy hei 'liii(j ilttir HiMits tu HI' Kf jru 1.

TXANTEI) To Hire! a-0 a iSnia)! Farm on 1 TP thtt I.tjka Kht'. wfh vt iniirovfmriittj, Adtlieaiaj K. 5 Bradoi AETsaa. DPinriT or mi "rt New Mbv 1, lsl faeneral Order. ft.

I. Ia intlclpattoo of aa Immediate dlseffibarBatloB of the troop of tfara commend erald the temptations nl tnd'aoeneata of i tarn all ptaaderlnit of pobllo or prim proper. by nt parson or persons, if hereby forbiddtis after trie severest penaltlee. If. No offloer or anliler will ebtent himself from hit tatloa wltboql armi or alone opoa any pretext what var.

Ul. Commanderi or rewlawnta and coropanlea will be bald responsible for I be tr'ct xeootloa of three ordera, and that the offender! are brought to pnnlih-meat. By order of If una Gbvbhai, Bitlir. i.xo. 0.

Bthono, A. A. General, Hlilxjl'AHTiite PurAatrntrT nr Tna New Orleau, Mae 1, IsWl. Ventral Orrtera No. 10.

I Major I. H. Bill, Volunteer Aid lie Omp of the BUff Division, la hereby appointed Provcst Joflee of tba City of New Orleana, and will be obeyed and re apeetad accordingly. II Dept. J.

B. Fmkcb, Aid de-Camp and Acting Inspector General, to hereby appointed Provost Marshal of the City of New Orleana, and Oapt. B. K. BrarroRB, Aid-da Oimp, Depi'y lVoroet Marshal.

Tney will he obeyed and niperted accordingly. Br command of Major Oen. Bctler. C. BraoKO, A.

A. General Chief of BUS. Under tba forerolne; order the undersigned thla day aeeamee the position of Prorott Marel al, for tba pnr-poae of rarrylcff ont inch of the provlsloni of tba Proolanuttoo of the General Commending wltbln thla Department ae were not left to Mao' el action and Inuring life, property aad tranqallllty to all peeoeebly dlipoeed cltlaeoe. He Informs the pobllo that, not II fnrther notice, hie office will be In the United Btatee Onetom P0nae On Ctnal itreet. P'iticnlarly doae ha cell attention to the prohibition Iralnet aeamblaee of psraona In tba ttreete) tta lata of llqoot to tololere i tba neceeelty for a llcema upon tba part of keepera of pobllo honeet, ocffea booaea and drinking aaloona to the poetlng of placards ahont the atreete airing Informatloa eoncernicg the action or movement! of rebel troops, and the publishing la tha newspaper! of antloea or resolution! landatory of tha enemies of tbe Ualted Btatee.

Tha aoldlera of thla coromand era rarjeot, npoa tbe part of some row-minded persona, to Insult. This most stop, repetition will lead to instant itreet and punishment. In the performanca of hit dnllea tba anderelgned will In no degree trench npon the regularly established polloa of the oily, bat will confine himeelf simply to tee fwrformioce of soon acta ae were to be aeaumrd by the military authoritlea of tha United Btatee and la each ictlon ha bopea to meet with the ready cooperation of all who hire tha welfare of the clly at heart. JoKaa H. Punch, Ald-de-Oaap and Prorost Marshal, New Or'eam.

HaiDqriTEu DtsPiaTaaxT or the Orir, I N. Orleuie, May 31, It'll. I OeneraJ Orrfere No. 19 Tha commanding General of this Department nil been Informed that there li now at Mobile a atock of II mr, pnrchaeed by tha city of New Orleana for the eobsiitenoe of Ita cltlaena. Tha suffering oonditloa of tha poor of thla city for tnt of thla floor appeals to the humanity cf thoae bay 1.

1 authority npoa either side. ''or the pnrpoaa of tba safe trinimiftloa of this Hour city the eommandlng General ordereand dlrecta nt a safe oonduct be efTorded to a aleamooat, to be Utien with tha eame, to thla place. This life comincl ihall extend to tha entire protec- lion of tbe boat In coming, reaaonablt delay fcr die-ehirge and return to Mobile. The boat will take no paesengere sare tha owners aad keepera of the Sour, and will be aobjrct to the atriot Itspeotlou of tha harbor-master detailed from these to whom lta ouster will report Its antral. Tha faith of the el'y li pledged for tha faithful per.

for me ace of tha reqolremtnte of thla order on tta part of tba agent of tba city authorities, who will be allowed to ptaa each way with the boat, gielcg no Intelligence or aid to the Confederates. By cttmnund of Majdr Uemeeal Ei-tlbr, Comdg. Department of the Uolf, Uao. 0. Etroho, a.

A. General. BaanqrAaTRRa Dspsbthfnt or tub I New Orleans, May 3, Oenaral Ordera no. SO. Tha President, I).

recu rs and Company of tba Ope Ionian Railroad are authorlaed and required to run their eara over their load for the pnrprie cf bringing to tha city of New Orletni all materials for provisions, merketlag aid anpplka of food which may ba offered, in order to anpply tha want! of tha city. No paaeecgera o'ber than those taring tha cara of aucu tuppUet aa ownert and keepere are to ba prrmlt ted Hue Into tbe ol'y, and none othere are to leave tha All other sapptloa are prohibited tramport the loM either wsv. txcept cotton and sugar, tble'y biii'i otr road, will tvir fe mrkei rata l.y tue ole. iho city avernoitiit will be allowed tha road titfcer way, ttopptng aiall ptints on tba faltu of a pledge of euob government thut he transmit! do Intelligence and aflordi no aid to tbe Confederate i. Tha trantmlbaion of live itock ii tpeclslly er Joined.

Tha ntLjm' oomnunding the pjet hivieg the leruiaoe of encbrted within picket will unt a thorough inipeotloa of the cara and bouta for the purpose of furthering tble order, and will cflsr no further hindranoe ao long is this order it in gcod couiplled Willi. Dy command or Mjfi IIinhuil Commanding Department of the Gulf. Geo. 0. Btkoo, A.

A.Onoeral. JllUiKJUAfcTititH UkrHTMf.KT tr TH Ul'LP Oaai.e, Mb 3J, lou'i. (ieneral Ordera SI. Tbe Cun mbooing Ueueril of the partment of the '-If hit been informed that lira ttcck, Boor, pro visions, purchased for lobs-stc nee of tba inhabitants of tbe city of New Orleans, are now at the junction cf tha Bed and Mistletii'pi Rivera. Tha lon'diirg oon ditloa of the poor Ql tbe city for went of tbtse tnp plica appeali to tht homsnlty these iving anthorlty on either aldo.

For tha purpose, therefore, for ti tuft tranamltalon of tbssa inpp'les to tbe cltv, Ire Commanding General ordera and dlrecta that a ts'e oonduct tt afforded for two ateamera, to be ladi with provisions, cattle and supplies of fend, either alive or slaughtered, each dsy, li so many Loose to otme. Thie tsfo eooduot ahull fxteid to tbelr entire ptotec Hon by tht forcea of the United Btatea during their coming, reasonable delay for discharge not xcei ding six days unlett la oaie of accident to their ma and In returning tour near the Junction of the Bed and Hiia aalppl Rlveit. And Bife cinduot It furthor granted to boatt laleu at befora stated with provisiona for New Oiluaus from any point above tba Junction of iLca rlveit, 11 at any time during which Ibtae tu pilot art nteded, tbe forcaa of the Unlied tituios sin bo at or above luub Junction. The boils will tako no paesengere save tbt oantit and keepera of tha IrcUht atoitasld, ard will it sub- jeot to strict inapectloa by the Harl or tkatir, dctalkd from tbcaa headquarteja, to wuum thty will nporl Ihtir arrival. Tbt faith of the city la pledged for tbe falil ful tie- cotloo of Iht requirement! of thla ordi i tbe part tf tht agtnl of tba el'y tuthotitlet, who will bt sliowtd to past with tta botta eitbtr wty, bt (iTlcg ao intelli- gtLct or lid to tbt Confedertlet.

By command of MajjUbnkiau Biri.ia, Commanding lisiarliurnt of tbt Unit. )o, C. Htbohq, A A. CI. and ofjsfr.

BiACtrt'iHraas Dsraaiuiiiir tub Ul'Lv, I New Orieaut, May (, liiit tjsnerel Older He, Hi. iha Cotaoasaing Utnertl of Uit I'eptrtient having its a iMtvtmti that rtkellloae, lying aad deeptratt BEADer ARTERt DlPARTMENT Or THE tlDLE, I New Orleana, Juua 30, 1863. General Order fJa. 4 3 No officer commanding a post can leave said post, without obtaining permission from tbe Headquarter! of the Department. By command of Major General Bitlir.

R.8. Darn, Oapt. and A. A. A.

G. HlADQtTARTRRA DEPARTMENT Or THE GrLr, I S'W Orleana, June 21, 163. I General OrderB No. 44. Any veeael attempting to leava thit port and take awar tny person cf color, who did not come here on board of her, and hat not a paai from these headquarters, will be liable) to confiscation and her master punished by Imprisonment.

No vessel shall to leave tha port until th? master hall take aa oath that he baa not any inch person on board, and will not allow any auch to cf roe on board. By oommand of BxrrJ. F., General Commanding. B.

Path, Captain and A. A. A. Beapquarters Diparthrnt cr thp GrLr, I New Or.eant, June 21, 11-02. General Order No.

4.1- All correepondence with tht Governors of Statu hy tht effloort of thit Department, In relation to pre motion! and appointment! of cffljeri In tht corpa In tbit command, mast be transmitted through them hetdquarteri, and not otberwfBe, in order that the Commanding General may add bia own testimony aa to the merit or demerit of Iha application. By oomtmod of Ma-toa Genbeal Bctler. R. S. Davis, Captain acd A.

A. A. G. HlAPOTARTERB DeAPARTMENT OP THB tlt'LV, I New Or.eina, June 23, 1861. General Order No.

All banks In tbit department will make a return to thesa headquarters of all sums doe to banks In any cf tha Statta In rebellion, aa tht mm Hood on tht fltst of May last, and also cf all changct ticca tbat date and np to tbe preaent time. A return of all Burnt due the State of I. julilana, or any cf the State will ha made In likt manner, and check! or dra'tt thereon, In favor of laid Bute or eald State fflcers, will not be paid without a permit from tbesa headquirtere. By command of Maj General Brn.EE, R. B.

Davis, Capr. and A. A. A. G.

MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Port of OrloimB. OFF ICR rr THR TlAir.T DFT.TA. Wtdn.Mt Morntiid, Jul. ii, CLEARED TB8TERD1T.

PiiMMboontr tlttill OllpSn, Wilson, for Ntw York. ARRIVED TeSTBRDAT. VVXKV.l FROM RK I' ft iUtni hip Trtvde Wind. Iifliwitj-, frro Ntvw Tofk Ht iip K-tfk Just SI rj. Ztii 1r iit, 21, Krrnch 't (Vrthw liiidUdriiti, Mr-e-iHf --ij Ul-t, Oritbt.

Alkat', lra Crniif tu 3d ml, FROM Till. COAST. Sloop Toniwrvj), from th (Mt 3d diit P. T. HTrHMIlOATS.

jsini'M, JotiM, from i'aar. BELOtV COXING UP. falp MtMrtrifi, fBrltHht it. from LUffiwl HftTani. to nulir, -n Simt.intn, Prtiitirion, Irom MrUidm.

tuillMt, lo nTi (-. ih Thtwvt-r Kiob, tfom Ucriui vut IIumiliii, 8 -hip Wl'-c. rtMr frfim KT WmI Hnir liHVflo Voutiir. fr-m if to niiilu. Cargo let toordor Ritrk lull inx'e.

from vit. liravua. Hrk 1)U. Kirk II Unit ertju, BatM, tt dift tram Boston, to nutcr nrifo. ftu'd RIDc.

Pr'jr Virginia An'oioettt, from to aiMtar. hr i NcMiMjiier Ma Srtiimiit-r a 1-c. (lt. itf.iii frvro tht Klo Qraodt. akbtKiimr rUmi, ft-tim Nataj.

1. TWP0RT3. MARSEt.iT.E Par tark rk P2M.iih pkrei 33ft fMw nruioirh I lb 4j bmndy 'U loci-KCt'i III dn ttrt 5-1 do m-oif tl lut ant i-e'. Uf i di liin'iatrno X2S ao corn Hhidouil liu tt-a erii.i -elli Imi fo 6 I i cletja s4 Lol ill I'ite-imritiim 2i mivn 1Si -ta i ufplnm d-hnricota 1 raat-I do riiiui a i'itai orniijTa tl twr-r writflf 1 9 toxaa can Hot 2 rp' tin -k in if irjii'n-c UHt rii clitmittia it d'i vn imm -Ml dt rliitnii airiia ptt) An a it.t!i. i tifiu braii ly ctguuc .1 ctfairiiga njwar w.

tar iuao unurr, ij aiuii, URCB1PT8 FBOiMTHi? 1TER10B. No receipt fr.iro np-rirer yenlerday. BSTKIPT8 PHOM THB COAMT-CO AXT Ptv alnoo Tfrnnara ST hhda njjrar ordtr. M'UtHttrS Hotel, ORNRR UAOAZINI AMD JULIA BELTS, O. Cnlainlng DUy-iU l.rgt and tlanrtoilf rurniibtrd and bath rocra, ta nw op a to tut public.

1 hit pleasantly located taona, In ha mo( rantral part of tha ci'y, liaar.ean laantd by iht under tignad, and ha nndtrfona a tht rougth itnovatlop. atd ii do rjpaa for ihe itcepttots cf traaitnt and ptunaiiaiit boa art, 1'ari I this hooaa has btan caiafullj ft ted up tut f.miiiee and ibair tar-ranta. Great cart Lai bean tektn to Tantllatt tha aatabllahtaeBt. B. Two Cnt ttot art tu tlit bonst, for tht acccmtsu'l alloc af Indy boardvn.

Om-'Sntae to tad from raJlreade and attamboatt, maytf MAliAH UK It AHK, ProprlaUM ail I all Catt 1 AT hi CAM A la STSKkT. Wt art etlllig wff tt raatly rtdurtd prlctt mt large tnd wtU twtild ttock of MRN'jl, U0V8 AND TOUTH8' ILOTIIl.Mi, 11 ATM OA FUKN1IUKU OOUDS Our fritiidl, atid Iht public gtnt ally, would do waU logiftiu rail- H. QODCHAUX FRERE A juiill J-lm Cl I'ANAI. 8TRKKT. The idama Ejrpremt 'uiiaii, 30 Natrhti atrcejt.

Porat'd Moti'y, Jew Ity, Valuable aud eUurctandUt Of mr; deetlpilon (o all part or tut uoj al Mslti. Note, UlUi and Drafi ollecitd, and averytlilng ai ptrtt'filrg to oor bueit.f a aiUtuded 10 wltb prnmpluawa aud tiUj-alch. Po- t'utiher apjjly ibt utltot t-f tha Company. JUbaaptC A. 8.

UI.Al.aa, Afceut, Oir Large Stock or CLOTH. NO, Fninrs AND furnishing goods la Mow lTer-4 nt Hetull AT KKliLUkl) pHlt'Ki, Peilert will ta uti'lled at ftry low rattm, TAYLOR KNAPr, Jii rii'tn 73 Canal rtrattt. Important to the Deaf I am to ht ftmnd tl ray ott 317 raual iiitn't. aveiy ilny from mo ml naf till Hueff ptirwma cud cjohiII nu for i lit rrinotal or lafi, a aud muidauial 013b lu tha Hend, tray ol tint Aftx'tluue of thaajtaid (-ar. I'B.

1 PAVIK. JuciiA ipit Oculiat nd Auri.i, lVfi Mittf Pie.H llerf will ht told d-ttly btirteu 4 and o'clock TKN ('KN Ta liar putrid, In mmHilae to itiit jjui that era, ou Lnf, bajtwettii Ht. Jtnupli tuid Jmia ktiaeto. J-12 ii lf Hy onlar uf tht Coiiuiilaeriry, All limit, hmifig dnlmi agalnat iht un kialgi txj art tetjiteiie! Ic pre ul tht mica lor letiletve 't Hp to ihv 26th mit. li, FRaNKO.

01 II Tlie lierc- 1 In ilile flty uilIci il rt liu) OPKK A i i.j ih- mi the ll'ti Wny IIih mi MUiit-r, Mr A. AKNlM.tilt Iht; 4f 1 Ai ill aa oih to a (I art requeah-d to mkt" a- no tit ii ii a i us i'Wum -mini due ii ui iju4 ba wi Jm 91U vil i Mica. 1 i i aMi.i am. tr oi lUtm, Paintg, nilt, Var liiad 4 Diilui, Ac, li ha if tor rit'e a' t( a I Meat pr'vat. WM MM i.tifPP 4 lu Mi.idtUOa.

New Oi le tin, Juitt SKCONU 11ANU FUUNITUKE lllll'UHr, SIIMl AND I XriUNclKII, icillier III Lot er ainajle flart. A'ta fr. nn i f.i tlORU BA all Tl KMfl RK. t1 i all siKiviij issas4 ie. I'ABiHAVK, II: CaaltaUait 1111,1, tsai ai.

HaarjqrraitTRttB Depakthbst or the GrLr, 1 New Orleans, May 9, 1863. General Ordcre No. 30. I. Col.

H. 0. Demtng, Twelfth Regiment Connecticut relieved from tbe action of General Ordera No. 33, current terlet, from thesa Headquarter! II. Acting Brigadier General Geirge F.

Bhepley, Colonel Twelfth Raglment Maine Volnuteere, ia detailed as a member of the lltary 0 immlselon Instituted by General Ordera above named. By oommand or Major Gin. Ei'tlrr. Geo. C.

Btrono, A. A. Chief of B'ltT. eaqcartrh Pepartmf.nt op the I New Or lean, May 13, lMj3. General Ordere No- 37.

It appearing that tha New Orleans Crescent, a Newspaper published In this city, It owned and edited by J. Nixon, a Rebel, now In armi igalnittha Government cf tha United States, the Commanding General of this Department orders tbat the publication or that Newspaper be suppressed, and that no publication, by pamphlet, handbill or otherwise, In tny form whatever, shall ba made from aald efflje after the pro-ma' gallon of thit order. By command of Major 0n. Bctlib. Geo.

0. Pteomi. A. A. Ctlef of Stuff.

Hkajjo.cjhtir! Dspaktmbkt or the UiLr, I New Orleao 1S62. General Ordera Bio- 38 i I. The Laundresaesof Companies ara not permitted to coma Into the quartera cf tbe men. Tbey must be kept In their own quartan, and tba clothing sent to them and sent for. II Any 061 who permltt a woman, black er white, not bit wife, in hie quarters or tbe quartertof hla company, will be dlemisaed tbe service.

By command or Major General Bdtler. 8 Davie, Capt. indA A. A Q. HBAOgfARTPRS DEPARTMENT OP THE OcLF, 1 New Orieaus, May 27, lt63.

General OrderB No. 3tt. No person oomlog as a ootrm''stoned efficer to Join tht troops or thla Department, shall be a-sigied for doty, until inch person shall have first reported himself to these Headquarters, By order of Major General BrrLIR, R. Davis, Capt. and A.

A. i. O. HlADqCARTBRS DEPARTMENT THE GrLr, I New Or leai June 6, HC3. General Order, No.

40. Any person who baa in bis possession, or tubjeot to hit control, any property of any kind or deicriptlon whatever, or tbe to called Confederate Btatei, or who has accreted or concealed, or aided in tbe concealment of such property, who ahall not, within tbrea dvya, from the publication or tbii order, give full information of the eame lo writing at the Headqoarters of tha Military Commandant, in tbe Coatombouae, to Assist ant Military Commandant, Gocfrey Weltael, thill be liable to Imprisonment and to hart bit property ccn-fl seated. By oommand of Majob Gen. B. F.

BnrLiR, Commanding Department. Wa. H. 1st Lieut aud A. A.

A. Qm. HEADCjrARTEKa DhPAHTMKNT OF THE lU'LP, New Orieaus, June 10, 1862. General Ordera No. 41 Toe Constitution and lawa cf tha United Statet require thtt all military, civil, Jutlclil, executive and legislative fflctrs of the United Statee, tnd of tbe leva rtl Statet, ttail takt an oath to aupport tbe Constitution and lawt.

If a person desiret to terve the United Statet, or to receive tpecial profit from a protec ion from the United Statea, he ihculd take upon himself the corresponding obligations. Tbit oath will not bt, as It hit never been, forced npon any. It li too lacred aa obligation, too lulled In ite tenure, tnd biinge with It too maoy benefits and privilege! to be profaned by unwilling Up rervice. I', enables ita recipient to ety, I am an American tha highest title known, lave that of him who otn ny with Bt. Paul, "I wai frta born," and bavt never renounced thai freedom.

Judget, Justloet, Sheriffs, Attorneys, all cfflcer! of the law whatever, and all person! wto bava ever been or who hire ever claimed tobeoiti-acnt of tbt Un'tcd Bta'et in thit Department, who therefore exerclae my efflse, hold any p'ace of troit or calling whatever, which ea li for the doing of any legal act whatever, or for the deg of any aot idirlal or admln'atratlve which chill or may atfact ether pere-m than actor, most take and sohveribs tbt followirg oath I do solemnly swear (or snVm) that I will bear tiut talih and allegiance to tbe United Stafet of America, and will SHpport the Constitution thereof1 All acts, doings, dcels, inatrutuents. re-oorda, or ctrtifioatea certified cr attested by, acd traneaotiona done, performed, or made by any ot the pencnt above described, from and alter tbe fifteenth day of June loa'ant, wl.o shall not have it, en and auheorlbod auch oatb, are void aud of no effjet. It having bet'OHo neoesairr, In the of tbe Commanding Geueral, as a puhl exigency," to dirlngulxh thoie who are well diipoird toward tha Government cf tha United Statet, from thxe who ttill hold ailegi-inca to tbe Grufeiorate States, and ample limi having risen to all c'M ns lor II is tloo npon tbii suhjeot, acd fu'l protection ti person and property of every law abiding ciHi-o having been bff irded, acoordlog to the tormi of the I'ricUtnat oi of May 1st: Ii ts further ordered, That ill persira ever hereto fore ci a ml of ttit Uultti Statet, arklrig or reviving auy favor, proteciioo, privilege, passport, or to have money paid them, property, or otfer valutbte thing whatever delivered to them, or any btnefi. rl tht power of tht United Statet extended to them, except protection from peraoual vloltrc), niuit take and tubaotlbt the oatb tbovt specified, bef ire their request on be beard, or a- act ius tuelr favor by any ffl ter of tha U-iltJ Slates within this Dipartoent. And for this purpose a I persons shall be deemed to have been cltiiaui of tbt Uulted States who shall huvc been resident therein for tho rpaoe of five years end upward, and if foreign born, loall n.

have claimed and received a protection of their Gi vetnment, duly tigced tnd regisiered by the proper tffl ter m.rtttan tUty daya privlooito the pubticition cf ib't order. It bavii come to the kLowleCgetf ths Commtttd Ing ti tba! many pern ona res deut wi.l.iu ils I) part meet he'ttulira been aill.ig rebellion, arms and rnuuitiout of war, rancing the blockade, giving iolonnation, concealing proeerty, aid abetting by other way a tit tJ-ctlled I'otfeler ite aiatet.ln violation of tbt lawa uf neutrality Impoatd op tht by their teveieigni, as wtll at tbt lawt of Ihe I'ul t-d Htafet, and that a leas noui'itr aia Hill tu tngiged, It It, tUerefoie, ordered that all fortignrri da inlttg aay or fit privileges ol an American clm-n, or protection or fav ir from Iha (1 imminent of Iht I'nited btates, protee-tl ja fru personal violence,) ahall previout'y take ant tubiiilbt to oath in tbe lotm foilowlog I do solemnly swear, or tfJraj.tbit to long at niy govemtueut reuiaiua at peace with the Uuited statea, I will do no act, or cjnaant that any ba done, or conceal any tbat hat been or it about to bt dost, tbat ahall aid or oom ort any of tht em ruin or oppoteri of tbt Uulted Suk'et whatever, Iblguai ybjiot of At tht CI'J Ball, tt riovotl Cvut, tl tkt Prat I 105 la' to ttl hr Hi 00! OV fh an ce' Gt "aci Pr rjp aft Tf inl relii-l mpi.r lilit wi In M-e If wire Tin HMeiii In (i finailt and I 'eiKhi' A I aaliiii Tin ware were ware I ren'i Hx HImUIm near 'I'l IVynki An a lllnuatu Tin i HaiPO.rAaTir, DitriaTwanT th Guif, I New Orleana, May 1863. I General Ordera Ra. S3. A Military Commission, of not Iras that Sea com-mitsloned officers, of and above the rank of Captain with a Recorder and Legal Adrlaer, It conatitnted tor appointed for tha trial of all high crimes and misdemeanors, which, by tha laws of any State la tbe Union, or tha United Statea, or the Law Martial, are pan lebtble with death, or Imprisonment for a long term of years.

Tbe eentencoe of tnch Commlselon will be astlmllated to those provided by tnch laws, dna regard being had to tbe neceatlty for leverlty and for prompt punishment Incident to tha disorder! and crimen arising from a rate of war. Tha Commission will tit at all conrenlent houra for the dispatch cf buiineaa, and will be attended by the Prorost Marshal or hie aasletania. All lta oraera win be reepected and obeyed, and lta aommona complied with. Aa tha motlvn of men make eo largely tha dement of the crimes oogn'aible by thtt Commlrtlon, tha rules of evidence of the English Common Law may be eo far relaxed as to allow the aocneed to be qneitloned lr preienca of tha Commltilpn, alwaya leaving It at bis free choice to rat pond or not to tba queetloa proposed. Tba accusation will he substantially in tha form need be Courts Martial, excepting that It ahonld fully act forth a description of the aocnted, with bit reeldenoe and bnslntee, whether or not he baa been a loyal eitl- aen, bit antecedent character and acta in that regard, i far aa known which portion of the aconaation may put In controversy at tha tritl, provided tha accused bo not a aoldler of tha United Btatee.

All proceedlnga, Hading! and aentencea of thla Com mission are to be so hi act to tha approval of tha Commanding General, and will ba carried Into eflect npon hie order. Tha following named offloera are detailed for and will conitltute strh Commission 1. Cel. HENRY 0. DEMING, 13th Regiment Conn.

Volunteers. 3. Col. N. A.

M. DUDLEY, 13th Regiment Mua Volunteers. S. Lieut. Col.

C.M. WHELDEH, Slit Regiment Mm. Voinnfeere. 4. M.Jor P.

A. BO A RDM AN, eth Regiment Wiscon sin Volnateere. 5. Capt. PETER BAGGG3TY, Aid de Camp.

Major J. M. BELL, Volunteer Aid de Camp, Rsoord er and Legal Adviser. By oommand of MAJOR GENERAL BUTLER. Oao.

C. Stroxo, A. A. Chief of Btsff. IltanqrABTiBB DaraaTimrr rr I New Orleana, Mty mi.

(teneral Ordera, No. S4 Acting Brlgadier-Uintral George F. Bhepley, Colonel Twelfth Regiment Maine li hereby appointed Military Commandant of New Orleans. All tffioen on do'y la this oity or Is Algiers, except officer! of Iha Division Staff, will report to him. By oommand of Mijob Genxbii, Bctlxr.

Gxo, 0. Stsoho, A. A. General. BxaDqcaRTBita Dbfabtmbht or thb Gclf, I New Orleana, May 9,1608.

GeneraJ Ordera No. S3. Tot deplorable state of deetltutlon and hunger of tha mechanic! and working claasea In thla city has ben brought to the knowledge of tht Commanding General. He baa yielded to every suggestion made by tba city Government, and ordered every method of fniuLBblug food to tht peoplt of Ntw Orleant that tht Government deeired. No relief by thoaa officials has yet been afforded.

This cur ger doea not pinch tha wealthy and ttflocntlal, tha leaden of tha rebellion, who hare got ten up thle war, and ara sow endeavoring to prore-cute it, without regard to tha starving poor, the working man, hie wife and child. Unmindful of their Buffering fellow-cltfaens at borne, they bare caused or st (Tired provisions to ba carried oat cf Iha city for Confederate tervlca tinea tbt oocapation by tht United Btatee forcet. I.tlayette Fnnare, their home of sfflaenee, wae made the depot of atom and mnollione of war for tbe Rebel armiee, and not of provleione for I heir poor neighbors. Kinking hands with the vile, the gambler, tha idler and tbe ruffian, tbey have destroyed tba togar and cotton alii might have bten rxchtnged for food for the and good, and regrated tha price of that left, by dlaeredltlrg tha very currency tbey bast furnished) while they elrped with Ibt tpecle tt well that etolen from tha United Btatea as tbe B.ios, the property of tbe good people of New Orleaus, thus leaving tbeni tn ruin and starvation. Fngltlres from Justice many of them, and othere, their aeeoctatea, staving beoauat too puerile and lne-g -nldcant to be objects of punishment by tha clemtnt Government of the United Btatea i Tbey have bitraytd their Country.

Tbey have beeu false to every truat. They have ehown themselvea Incapable of defending tbe Btata they bad aelaed npon, although they have forced every poor man'e child into their service as soldiers for that purpose, while tbey made their sous and oepbewt iflloen. Ibey can not protect those whom thry bava ruined, but have Kit them to the meroles and aaaastinatloni of a chronio mob. Tbey will not feed those whom they art ttarvlrg. Mot'y without proptrty tbtmselvti, tbey have ion dcrtd, ttolt-n tni destroyed tht mtani of thoaa who had piopetty, leaving children penniless and old age buptlesi.

Hen or Lot'isiAna, Wokxikovin, Phombtv hold-ga, Mbhcuakt! akd CiTirtss or tui United 6rTia, of whatever ntloo yon my bavt bad birth, bow lorg will yon opbo'd theee fltgraot wrorge, and by luaction autler yourNelvea to be made tba ttrta of theea leadere? Tht UoiU'd Btatea hiva sent land and naval turort btitto fight aud autdua rebellloue irmlra in array tgalitt her authority. We flod, subiUMlelly, only fugltiva miasee, tunaway properly burnera, a whbky drLnhiog mub, and atarvfng oltiaeua with their wivee and children, it le our duty to call back the firat, to pou nb tbe tecond, root out tha third, feed and protect ha last. llaady only for war, wa had not prtpartl ourselves to feed Hit hungry and relieve tha distressed with provisions. But to tht extant poetlbla within the power of Ihe Commanding Uenoral It ahUI be done. He ha captured a quantity of beef and ecgtr In-terded for tht rebelt in Its tit Id.

A thousand bsrrelt ol those stuirs alii bt distributed tiuong tbt deserving p-or cf tbit city, from wbota tbt itbela had plucdtred It even altbouith tome of Iht food will go to tupply tbt crav'ng wants of tba wivtt and children ot Ihote nowhirdltg al "Camp Hours" and elsewhere, In arnit Iht United Btatea. a. hn Clark, Aotlng Chief CoDmlttary of Bub tUlenca, will bt charged with tht execution of lull order, and will glva luhlio notice or tba place aud manner of dlatriUutiou, which will ba arrarged aa far at possible ao that Iht no worthy and liatolntt will not tha ill brnifin. Ity couiuiaud of Ma job Ubmsal BtTLtn, Ubo. U.

iKona, A. A. t'huf ol Btaf. Orrtci or foanietaar or irseistrKci, I Custom U. use, New Ol lens, Hey lttji.

li ompiiat with Ibt tbovt oidsr of Uit Com. KS DO.UAKTKRH TlKBPAHl 1IVRT OR in! flCLE, I New llrleaue, Day Id, IHtiJ. Ceneral Orders Ho SS. I It It btrrby ordered tbat neltber the City of New Orleans, nor tbe flicks thereof, exchange their Notes, Blllt or obligations lor Confederate Notea, Billt or Boiids, nor iiiue any BUI, Note or obligation payable In Confederate No es. II On tha twenty r.venih day of May Intrant, all circulation of or trade In Confederate Notea and BI1U will eeaie within thla D.

partment aud all ealra or transfer! of property made cn or after tbat day, In consideration of such Notea or Biils, directly or Indirectly, will be jld, ami tha property confiscated to the United Btatea one fourth thereof to go to the Informer. By command of Major Gen. BrTLEa. Oto. C.

Stroko, A. A. General. HEAPO.CARTBRS PnPARIMRKT OR THB GcLV, I Ntw Orleans, hiij 19, ISi3. Generat Orders No.

3t. It It rrpreaenied to tba Commanding General that great dlstreat, privation, auflering, hunger and even atervatlon have been brought upon the people cf Near Orleana and Its vicinage, by tbe coorae taken by the Banka and dealer! in currency. Ht has barn urgtd to tnke trearurea to provide aa far at may be fot tbt relief of the cil aens, to tbat the loss mny fall, in part, at least, cn thore ho have oaured and ought to bear it. The Oenertl eeet wilh regret tbat the Bankt and Bankers caueelesely lospecded epecie paymenta in September last. In oontraventlon of tba laws of the State and of the United Statea.

Having done ea, they Introduced Confederate Notet at currency, which they bought at adiaccunt, In place cf their own bills, receiving them en deposit, paying them out for their die-coonte, and collecting their customers' notet and drafts in them at money, somettmt-1 even ngalnst their will, thus g'vlng these notes credit and a wide general circulation, so IbAt they wtre substituted in the bends of tba m'ddting men, tha poor end nnaary at currency ia plice of tbat privlded the contil'utioo at lawt cf the country, or cf any valuiblt equivalent. Tha Binke tod Rukeri now endeavor to takt advantage cf tbe re estatiluhmcnt of the authority of the United States here, to tl row tbe depreciation and lore from tbla worthless ttofl of their own oreation and fueterlrg upan their depositor! and bill-holders. They relosa to receive these bills, while tbey pry them over their counters. Tbey require their depositor! to takt them. Tbey change the ol.l-gatl in cf contract! by stamping their bill! redetnibls in Cotfederate Notes." Tbey have icvra'cd the of Ubor and the pittance of the widow in ttifB piper.

Tbey sent away or bid their specie, so that tbe people could have notbligfaut these notea, which they new depreciate with wbioh to toy bread. All titber property here baa bscome nearly valueless from tbe caiamitlee of thla Iniquitous and urjust war, begun by rebtlliouB guca, turned on tho fligof ont prosperone and heppv oc-niiry, fl sating over Fort Sumter. Saved from tho Rtovral tu hy this system of back stccki alone are niw telling at great premiums In the market, while tie atocknoidtre have rere ved lare dividends. To eq'til'B. as far as may be, this general loss to hava it tail, at lent In puit, where it ought to lie, to enib'e lh pe'-ple of thla cl a'id vicinage to have a ourreucy wfit ahnll at be a to that wbicbthe wiidrniol the Const It u'lou provides for all oltlRenaof the United States, it it therefore OIIDEHKD: 1 Tbat tht several Incorporated Backs pay cut no mere Confederate Notes to their or but thut all deposits be paid In the tills of tbe S'atfS Tr-aeury Notes, Gold or Silver.

II. That all Priva'o Bunker, rect ivlrtg deposits, pay out to their dep sttri only the currotit bills of City Bu United States Trcvnry Notea, Gold or 81 rer III. That the Havtnsa Bmka pay to tbe ir depoaltors or oredltoii, ou'y 1 Id, Fllvrr, or L'ol'ed Btatei Trea-sniy Notea, current bi'la of City Bat.ks, or their on bills, to an amount out rxceeoi'ig one third of their deposits, and of e'onoiolnatlon rot lca than ore dollar, which tbey are Rntbor-t'-d to leoe, and for the redtmpiion of thur ai-aets shall ba held liable IV. Tbe Irci-porntrd II u-Ka are author asd to lame bllle of a leea dei.cujloetion than ilro dol are, butnol let thai one dollar, erviaif In ehaetort to the eontrary notwithstanding, uad art an'horli to re celve Confederate Notes fcr aty of tbiir billt till tbe 3Tib day of Miy loetant. V.

Tbat all persona end firms having loed small notea, or st.lpplaitets so called, are tt redeem thtm cn prehentatiou at tht lr placet if fcual-ne-e, ttwei the hnma of 9 a. u. end 3 r. either In Gold, Hlver, llnliul atca 1 reusury Notia, or Cur rent Blila of City Bin hi, i n-1 pemil of cn tlicatlon of their pntperiy at tl tale thetcof lor the purpose ol redemption of the nu-t so Istued, or iaipriaonmect fir a trim of bard la'or. VI Private Buketa mav lean? rotet of dencmitta- lioue rot L'ss tuau one i.or mure than ton doll rs, to two-liilrds uf the anotuit of ecie ahich they show to a eoninilirlorer iiuliitid from thtao heiic'iinatters, lu th ir vaults, and uoiuu'ly there ior tne purpose of ie.iemptiou of utiles.

By cou.nuud of Maihr Gin, Di tlfr. Geo. C. Bthomi, A. A.

llBAliJl'At'TeRa ItirARtWIVT Or TttB lln.r, I New OutU.s, rl, lntij. I fimrral rdert rro I Colonel rV. Hb HVr, ted Ald-dt-Camp, having reported il'i at nitse tteadqiurttrt, ia accorJanoe aith Bpecial O.d tt N.i. C. from tbe llia aiteta V-'ttr lu piriuet, ust tgbt-d to duty ischial uriei muter ot il.ii lf t.

II Colonel Johu W. Turnnr, Camp and uf ruitisiMetci), Uavii reported lor duty at thtau Hem iti accordoeee Bpeuial Ordert No. In tha lli-aitiiuarieti War Depart meul, hi sulijued to duty aa CLuct CutnuiiMary of Uilt Department. By oomtsacd of alajOR Uimisai,, Oio. C'.

lbrao, A Ctosra, DRUGS MEDICINES. rPI.IOATE CERTlI- rCATRllr vlrliia of ha an" WHy t- in me tlin I Mnier if Mi Fi. li. rilit tf Hr-rl is vri jliti-y. 1 iio re ii'v 'ti i .1 a in ini'e'r" I ti rnrri'i i ti nip n.ii if i at nf tlit i-it rmmiml, In- inil le m.d lie proia latum A 1.1 t- fiUv i (llr- A DU'l-' MT.d Jl I ll'- V'lK a tie -aial "r.lfr lit- othi ii- i Iw, aurt a romniHH mil I fi' K.lw.r.i rNe I fl-ms-ti rls-r sluiy t-duw ii li or I ly l- htirpat (llfTillfag Mini fiminul.tU'le iti WliiclliilS I eriui lliani vi Hi.

ma li the expfl.tijii. M''nRr CjI! Pfjiiii-R' iB'tdm, rt ItrrH) 1'epuU OftoLar Hth, niaum kkvkk, DIARRHEA AND DY-iKNTFRT, ANII ALL I PS Of VPVgRE-U. UI-vKAHCH, Curt (itMrnntrrrl or l'H m-iit Aihctlt) Ttirh rni.hpd lo fitili wi'l Hiaiu, 'Ihe et run I vet fi' ti i itr br i-hat mi'l tl hn In pa Aik- et. LtTiid htr w-'f-liiofra. I wth to drei tha pfOjite uX -a truth.

1- -tit trr- kalmi, in t-. my I' Kt-jil I rr 'o ctira, I K'laritiiftjv fn tin-amoniit I it inilr, tpa P' bt ilie rav If -m i i'. I tn ps- tt A in rit-H tha' loit't wrin' 'ete-v tr it Ti nfsn mho hi too pmr in it, Mtul me si' I wiM flufna fi-i cut ith-nut rciTHid lo (-mijlt'X'iiii ti-t it v. Ixp.iti mk hit 'ofifj and t' fiia us nm of 'li Iilsa tn n. I', r.l my trite, he govaieneJ by the tiecimiir) t-iiuAtioii ol ihe jtr- 1 lit 'iirp'eeal'n cf ta ii of the ak'ii ma be ffl a-lt i slid i it trnrlr ft l.t flail.

IO-1'tiII tit lit ft! Ml. Ht.r li or df. i rt (i.e lutiirw 1 1.e it Vt tit 1' er Xliii-ri (, rl i nrap it. ii pre. vi al jMivtf icte thhIi t.

nt ih fll'fJltOll Of llie ai.rl triJll, nmipor f-a (U-lrTTrl tnteriBl orL'Hi. li tf iniil'tm I Irh n'd iurii, kill ur bov He, 1 ig i) i.d al-i iln- run el'Qifutv. w' ich il.c he; I i n-ii. i. ui i 1.

1 ramnva. The aiii'n iift'iiimn i tt h- i ii. 'ea' 'lf (, the rt hv ihe nt li.u -jiher ll.te above neii tts- (till l-'l I -I h-e btT7Ua' re-ir'i Htll iliei ir-a atflTt applet I -e tjr the ejtate tbe ui faul ahta imt'aired. loil'a TBB CUI.R lttMaM hy rt.nny tlmt r. ifnlnr ilv eva a r.f Iht bfiw-li Ifi -pit Itnl niav h- ca a itinl we ktmw hla he-t 1-o Ii on lit ttn-i Win' t.

Hl. mj tf I in tiyrv tr! "1 Ii. Ii io I i) i te'f r.f puiylhiMK t'-tiri- il jv hy de rllll i.iliu; turn uiletltiliif humura Ot tba by dn tillt KAI-KKLAPKC1I. in al! ma of tae Hh'ire i-t-'. ti li'al'i'naT ht r- are rrn vj Ir id patt-d irtf.j.ilrat.

lf i i rnbil.t hf tu jiiiir. aii4 em-rr, Iiii-ilit, My fil iv le i -ajtitj, Chirmlr rliet. ni i.uln a 1" It. i-' ulu I rid K.te 1 hrott, at) w. li jv itlll) 0. xy- H.r it Ui io a tti i i i ua-i 10 lie larttite per'et un i. 21) I. l. tlfftt.

D'. T'm'r a ai '1 Faer, Hut- (4 rhf-i in, fr to hrln mr. il. ihe wil- tn.d 'jv nnra f.t c.r- i uid vh-Mtt, rhil't dip i rt a .1 1 i nil w'jo cau hen't i-ae 'T i 'in via A i 3 "MI 'ii' i II t. r- aa i la mi, l.uitleif Uomi1 m'tiu IM ee of ftjtlat.

T' ti rt Mv th nv tp'y nnii'li ultli.ial Knvcrinj tjuai Linuj frui ci L( i Ci 1. 1 Thl It lo ttrt mr a-lift H1 1 lligf ftli amke y. L. J. il.

K. um. trm hi ThU in rertifv that ar ma Ii line yt-tti- i. il, nu nilli it I Miii i'Im' 1 1 fi rt-Dl-n r. 11.

my ar i.inh a 0 wn elr rurttil liy 'I U-tt -J ii sjiiip ii it inl'y (ii i-fld. unit vi t. ihtj i my t'rknd, ut Oijf aatlvu, UNvd it loi t'liilie, and th turtd. KiWij H. PO )LK.

Mr (li Ititj' woi (tfrful hiil and Kftvtr Ttemaijyh ne uor lo. nrll ll.a ttnin'i sj nt ii-tili rt w-d I I thi' him to ah nUi tied 1 i 'a v-9 f.e. aiitt J. ii.tMdh. tw Uiie.u, Huv.

15, Nt P-ertlit'-4 I'M. TliH to cer-lff Um nm fot.r hv V. t. Itil -I'lo'iV Kvrlar)enm iiim'i a tieur oi' mini, hn-l i-li'Ut tr Uan ihe Xhirl d' Lri il -oi-i i it rtr i a fx t-iiAoK a. it Ci a Offl a.

his i In er Ify. I tva tl i or a ii'irtii er Ufuniin ranl.t 'ir h. a I c'a ') nU i io.i ami reTr -h ti ftj I 1 tva frnti i 1 u.ud ft-r lm ht.d- I wjW UJt fCi. i'i II SslK'l'M, r'i a rnrt I Irl tr I iVt) aiar A. .1 fni.K f.

II I.i MMtl'ON, KTtiB J.x W. Uhlll, h. Thiti le to iify tlmt I hava rn-el nt a suvta-n FliVt hp lit- oi i tin in' Km per ait mi i i'! iii ih'ra i ti li i' 1 a'lar hut! tun pet Lirni i ht at t. tv-ti till, Hr. ili.iji,, no wi' cm Miv fil'wct.

I pa frj'- hetiOi Ihafu uU la pr.trt il ritfad, AMOJ liU.HTOWSg. Mr. fliihii ha' miiinv tnv i litu Mit-a oi a M'l. i ulrt-'i'i. If-; tn tli.u it r.t.'ii- ciiri it id' iIih 'i, tho U'd'iiIi tlm if ul' i'- ni-il mo Ql-rfiaw ,,1 ht I I lift r-klll i' ill I.I Hll.iili.l.t I'll ll.Uilt.

KKW (lMlFAN, Ja'il" M. II -sif -Sir I hn I a rule a nH a. la if liiitirmHl.ltj it in. (I )m wi-li y.Mtrr 1- le, am In J'l' ntrovfii i -( I 1 hii. mil ht-eii -nu ei mt I at ng Hit i'kt'iit) frow i tl aa a in jet Wa I unit' hit.

iiitd the t'lUt'L oi' ti.littj i lt at! mr mt plftiurt to wriimnu' inir Ton tie mtdk tie. itiM-tn iKim. CI HKV, N0 71 ryutlue elitei, t'rltau. l-'tir tnl nf i il tru ali-tof. Vra TUriT JU t'Kl KL, pur bkumimh nkHtop and U.onirke, it l-a f- 1'iinfliijf to di if 'vtityll Will hu 4 4t il Hi KTH UATi.

algruil 'iand thrittl I tat.4 tilii mtd ti-4 Mtt'i trio ft. liOl I It, l' HllOTi land u'l hi I thut' Un.'i'i-.K-, 4c all tfi' Mioaa' HOOP HklllTtf, n'lgr-tUi. 1 Ki 1H a.a t-lilS IH.K HvlH.S'iK i l'4K VVV 1' 1 tnd HM'fp, I'liiiia i 'ui' ti utiu-y 111' I Kit and I K. It'1'' htikV Uf ilk, JStJiiiiij Uliuu I hrtal, I Ut iiuef.

alii IK At PK itta'. rti' r-ti 1nUKEV Sfor(tTT l'1'H lfrf Ht ritr, IHH. iy bt ai (tLa.i iimi tir-i. UH.99. a ifea eat".

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