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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 vWMip it ri fid 2 IT I' Minis Jlf UPRIGHT PIANO, The Most Popular Piano in the South. 7ot for eaab and rn caat tnontlily p(y Botta, low. rta; lo rented 910 per PDIIIP WERLEIN, Canal street, Vv innr oBUiiftr ricillUb, uigdiib, iiiudtu, IICSICJL LNSTRMBNTS. Competition flefled. Great tergaln.

Call and wpM tec write for eatalonea and prioeo. One kindred different Btylee Planoe, $150 to S750 1 lsndred ttjlen of Orirane. from $30 to $500. Ja37 lmltn LADY VISITORS Fashionable nillinery: if ttHOJiXSJLTK PBICJES etaoiiM not fail to ex LIME. ROSA REYNOIR'S IfecMt and' vepnlar eetabUsbment, NO.

9 BTjUCBT. near Canal, where they na and the Largest Variety aod Latest Styles at Lsver Prices than elsewhere; alao, Oeaoine at only 15c for 2 ounce. ra lnUat AGRICULTURAL LMUSTBIiL' REVIEW, I ewnoltflatlen Pe BoWa Berlew. Kew Or has. AgTleoltaral Bertew.

Kew Tork. and lUra Indoa tries, NasbTiUe a magazine of Aaerican tndnslalea, commercial relatione ana atmaOenal intereeta. It a Periedieal Sxpositiem of the moral. Mvlal and InteUectaal reeeuroe ol Uie aonJu the eapltal, enterprlae and tmmlTatfo of ft Soath and Knrope. i Tt toe fraternal and eommerclal expanaion of ft United States upon the mainland and aiada of the American Continent, and the in araoeanie lnterconrse across the Uthaina, PCSUSHEO MONTHLY AT $3 00 A YEAR.

IVGUB MTJaXBZB. CXXTS. OSes for IdastsBippf Gvdt state and panlan iitiSiWi VTLL BURWBI1I1, Editorial Department, HEW ORLEANS, si GO. 5 ICO Canal street 100 i attention of bayers to thalz new styles CARPETS 'Qtrrrn and bodt bsxtbskls. with rJ ton.


HJ 8IXK FURNITURE GOODS. fXj STYLES IH CROSS STRIPES, tot JTtXia AND CURTAINS. Sa ThaaTnlTlatn REOPENING or ra WE8T END HOTEL! the Train at the eeraer ef CanaJ and Careadelet etreets. Hotel is now opened for the season. JPS vlaiang vhe West End will find aay enrolled with aU the delieaelee of ihs ruiaer parties remaining atter the last oir? accommodated with carriages.

iaera may be leit atmy City ZTt. 8 Carondelet The Hotel 1 E. P. i i bj weBaangmlatp UABBLE, SLATE, ON, MAHOGANY rrr alilJY AND WALNUT Achate tiied heartbs. facings.

3 sil a flea M5qT aH rr if it i EL MANTELS IT i DRESSSUITS. Black Cloth Dress Goats, and Vests. and Doeskin Pants, are now in order for Bills. Parties, etc We haye made np a large lot of these in fine and medium grades of cloth. To accommodate persons wishing a Coat and Vest for an Erenmsr.

wa will keep one lot of these for Bent Onlj, requiring a deposit in each instance of nil valae of garments. The finer grades will not be rented. I Yon should see our new Spring Suits. Many of them are now in store and more coming. We have a good Blue Serge and several light and dark Oassimere Suits, 'all wooL at $12 each some very neat Pin Check and dark Cass.

Suits at $15 some fine Mohair, Worsted, Fancy Cass, and Corkscrew Worsted Suits, im ported Goods, at $18 to $30. A full line of the celebrated 13tar Shirts, Underwear, etc. Hew Beokwear, Hats, etc; new Spring Cloths, Cassimeres and Worsteds. Tailoring department in charge of Mr. J.

BneL Ho goods sold en Sunday. H. D. MeCOWN, CLOTHIER. Cor.

St. Charles and Common sts. n20 '83 TnSaSulatply FEBRUARY SALE OP Kid Gloves we naye resolved not to carry a single pair of Dark Kid Gloves oxer, and have made prices that win carry ont our intention. NEW HOUSQUETAIRK OACHTLETd. HEW MOUSQUETAIBE GIXVKS, in 18, IS, 18, 34, 80 Button Lengths.



Repeal vory i OAKBIAUES i BUGQIES. HARNESS, BABT CARRIAGES, ETC. FSKO N. THAYER fc Agents, 169 Grmvler etreet. Opposite St.

Charles Hotel. i French Plate Mirror im EMPOBITJJWL EngraTing8, Picture WINDOW SHADES AND CORNICES. WAIX BBACHJCT8 AWD AISDBXS. apS 8S lySaBnWelstp At KoyaJ Duconge'a Celebrated PECTORAL BALSAMIC SYRUP The Greatest and Oldest Specific for A COLDS, COUGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS I Also, the Best Compound for Diarrhea and Dysentery. In pnhUe eonfidenoo since 1829.

i I Fa E. DUCOXGE, Sole Proprietor, Laboratory, 107 Royal st. New Orleana. TOB SALE BT ALL DRUOGI8TS. 1 tr 9 jT, v.

JT 4 1 i If? J. MOPUETME GKJVES, Opera Shades. 8 Butt. Length. At 81 OO a Pair.

VIPLE PERET'S, i Haw ltBMtkM are, tear CAnaU F23 AUstp LATTER END. It is getting' the latter end of the Winter Season and we wish to reduce our Stock, and offer tar gain sin HEAVY WIN TEE SUITS and OVERCOATS. Our stock is made up of all wool goods' and tie; must be sold to make room for Spring Goods. Hare reoeired Hew Lot of Black French Diagonal Four Button Cutaway Frocks and Vests, warranted to fit. Also, Hew Stock of Black Oloth Dress Spiketail Ooats and Vests for Balls and liaxdiOras.

Prices Mederatd and Fit good, i We sell the O. and M. Shirt, that fit No. 1. Price of good.

Shirt $1 60. Late stylo hight out Collars. New lot "White Satin aod Lawn Dnde Bows, Fancy Scarfs, White Kid Gloves, Fancy Half Hose, etc. Black: and bine Corkscrew Dress 8nita at low prices. Shaker and Red Flannel Underwear, warm Merino Socks, warm Gloves, Silk Umbrellas.

FBJtailCBl BOKDS TAKEN AT PARI P. 8, No Sunday work done at our store. VIY1. H. PIGROON, 13 and 15 Oamp steeet.

98 SnTnSaemlStp LIBERMAN, 142 Canal street. Having engaged an extra foroe, am prepared to make handsome Costumes for street and evening wear at shortest notioe. Great Reduction in Hillinery. FLOWEBS A SPEOTATiTY. F10 Swlstp Atteatloa CapltaUat Splendid JavosC In choice central store and resldenoe property advertised to be sold this day, at 12 o'clock, at the 8fc Charles Auction Exchange, for succession and other aoooonts, by Meters.

Olrardey ds Maeon, auctioneers, la worthy the especial attention of oar readers. Their list comprises the following attractions: 1. The four story brick store No. 15 Camp, between Canal and Common streets, adjoins the Uibernla National Bank and lm mecuaieiy opposite sue iivy nvwi investment ol superior advantages and a business stand of great value. a.

The elegant three story brick residence No. 135 St. Charles street, opposite tno Lafayette Park one of the obotoest locations for central residence, professional or private, on that leading avenue. s. The substantially built two story brick dwelling Bo.

.64 MAgazlne, between Bace and Robin a choice home. 4. Tbe three two story frame stores and dwellings, Noa. 497, 499 and 601 Magvzlne, between Felicity and Bichard strsets, admirably located for partial occupation and productive Investments ft. The spacious two story frame house, suitable for store and dwelling.

No. 819 Dry ades, between Calliope and Clio streets, pear the market and opposite the church; and schools of St. John the Baptist. The choice building sites contained In the entire square, subdivided into quarters, formed by Prytania, Perrlere, Pcnlston and Amelia streets. T.

The three story brick store, No. 155 Tchoupitoulas, adjoining the cornet of Tchoupltoulas and Julia streets, and opposite Uessra. Haginnis Sons' oil mill. For terms and full particulars see descriptive advertisements and plans at sale. Rial Estate nr Secojtd tistb.ict at A ccnos.

This Aay at 13 o'clock 24V the St. Charles Auction Exchange, Messrs. fioey dt O'Connor will sell at puolio auotlon the three tory brick store and dwelling o. 14 St. Philip, between Chartres and Decatur streets, suitable for business or dwelling purposes, and from Its location near the foreign shipping will always command good tenants.

For full terms 'and particulars see our auction columns and plans on ex hlbition at the Charles Auction Exchange, Valuable Real, estate by Aucfios. This day. by W. I. Hodgson, auctioneer, at Arcade Auction Exchange, consisting store on Olrod street and residences en Eighth and Franklin streets.

For particulars see the advertisements and plans at place of sale. Orders have been given to examine at St. Petersburg all passports of persons not well' known, living In thoroughfares thfongh which the Emperor is In the habit of passing, or Is likely to pass, and to note those who occupy rooms with windows fronting the street. Polloe agents may be seen noting these particular from the deornik or house police. People well acquainted with the aspects df the streets of the capital have remarked an unusual number of detectives and spies meandering or skulking about since the return of the The Imperial residence, the Annltohkln Palace, has a reinforced guard at night.

Besides the ordinary foot sentinels encircling It and the guard ol honor lodged in the entrance yard, may be seen a number of polloe officers at the gates aod distributed round about, and also infantry detachments of three men pacing round the building on the footpath, and Cossack patrols In conples continually passing each other, making the same circuit. The London Grocers' Journal save: "There Is a very common idea that the Americans Inundate us with their grain. It is not so. Mr. Mongredien in hlsi pamphlet on Free Trade and English, Commerce declares that this is a great' mistake, and he even goes so far as to say that the Americans do not send us as much as one shipload of grain In the course of toe whole year.

The whole of the large Importations Into the United Kingdom of Aoier can wheat, malxe, etc, are. according to him, tbe purchases made In New York ana Baltimore by English millers, and shipped thence for English accounts at English risks paid for by the buyer, in fact, before he gets possession of the goods." Ir. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills for the core of Neuralgia are a sneeess. Dr. G.

P. Holmes, Christian burg, Va. to ctsV a druggists. i7 i'L U' THE LEG MONUMENT Tiie Inauguration of tne Bronze Statue of the Great Soldier. I An Audience of 15,000 People.

The Exercises at Lee Place and Washington Artillery HalL i Judge Fennel's Oration Mr. EequieVa Poetical Tribute. The State Troops and Visiting Military Honors Paid to the Daughters of the Great An immense audience assembled yes. terday afternoon In Lee Place to partici pate in the ceremonies incident to the unveilingrof the statue of GeruKobert E.Le. Barely has there beon witnessed such a yast gathering of the people.

Three thousand seats had been provided in the Circle itself, but these were filled mostly by ladies and their escorts an hoar before the time fixed for the opening of the ceremonies, which was 2 o'clock. Then every position on the mound of the monument available for standing room traa occupied, and a multitude of people thronged the adjacent streets. It is es timated that not less than Perswm were assembled on this occasion. The Committee of Arrangements of the Lee Monumental Association, as sisted by committees from the Associations of the Army of. Northern irginia and, Tennessee, had prepared the Circle for the ceremonies.

The railing was ornamented by flags of all nations, wtaioh fluttered gaily in the strong breeze which was blowing. A spacious plat form had been erected on the western side of the Place for the seating of the Lee Monumental Association; the sub scribers to the fund, and disti ngnished and specially Invited guests. A oanoov overarched the central por tion of the platform, which was reserved lor the officers of tbe Monumental Association and the gentlemen participating in the exercises. The Circle was in charge of Col. W.

T. Vaudry and an elioient iceoepunn (Committee, who were assisted by the Veteran Company. Battalion of Washington Ar tillery, the Continental Guards and a HotnrrimArit nf nnliftA. i 1 Oa the Platfera, which had a seating capacity of about 600, were observed, besides the officers, directors and subscribers of the Lee Monumental Association, the Justices of the Supreme Conrt and the State courts, mem Ders ox tne Dar ana clergy; "ico, Austro IIuneary, the Netherlands, Venezuela tne uovernor ana stait. Major Gen.

John Glynn, Jr. and his stall United States Senators Saulsbury and Jonas and many other distinguished gentlemen. Among the' ladies present were the daughters of Mr. Jefferson Davis, who was by Mrs. T.

S. Kennedy, the daughter of Mr. S. K. Mallory, Confederate Secretary of War.

The members of the Ladies' Confederate Monumental Association and the Ladies'. Auxiliary Lee Monumental Association were assigned places in the front row of benches. The Continental Guards. Capt. Chas.

W. Drown, arrived on the scene shortly after 1 o'clock, and hiving posted guards as requested by the gentlemen in charge of the Circle, marched back to the corner, of Camp and St. Joseph streets, to receive guests, the Detroit Lieht Infantry, which command was expected to arrive about 2 The Benevolent Associations or. tne Army of Northern Virginia, and Array of Tennessee, followed closely by the Timothy W. Howe and Joseph A.

Mower Posts, Grand Army of the Bepublic, preceded by bands of' music, into the Circle a few minutes before 2. o'clock, and took the 'places reserved for. them the boys in blue" sitting with the "boys in gray." The various commands ox une Aouisiana National Guard were posted in tbe streets adjacent to the monument, prepared for the. narads which was to follow the cere monies. Capt.

Eugene May. with Com the Washington Artillery: with a battery of four guns, were posted at some distanoe from the monument. ready to fire tbe salute of 100 buon was uw cosoiuou ox wuun VA.v 'MAS: a. O'CIeck .7 4 The sky overhead was obscured by clouds, and drops of began to falL In the Southwest appeared a mass of dark drif tin clouds, which approached rapidly. The orchestra, under Prof.

B. Moses, played the opening air of the exercises, the grand maron Rienzi, of Scarcely was this performance completed than the rain, driven by a gale of wind, poured in. torrents onane? vass o.rowd. Aanain? avn immediate dispersion of the assemblage. As rapidly as cir enmstances would permit thsy nurned frnm'tha ClrolA 'neeklnir shelter in the neighboring houses, nnder sheds and wherever protection irom mo nm to be found.

is remarkable that no accidents occurred in this tumultuous movement of so large a body of people. Then wm little onnortunitT for escape from thin anrirlen and wind driven tor rent, and the number of persona who were not wet to the skin was exsremeiy small. The occupants of the platform had the advantage, a poor one indeed, ef the shelter aflVrded by the canopy however, was not impervious to the water The storm brought dismay to the hearts of the military in their gay uniforms, whioh soon presented a bedraggled appearance. The company of veterans stationed on the steps of the monument stood to their posts, notwithstanding tie elemental war. For twenty minutes, or more, the rain con tinned to fall heavily.

When it had somewhat abated, the directors of the Monumental Association concluded to procetd with the' 1 TJavtUlns the This office was to be performed, according to the suggestions of Gen. Lee's daughters aa already mentioned in the Pieaynno by a private in the army which had served immediately under that commander. Gen. Nicholls, President of he Association of the Army Of Northern Virginia, had been requested to select a member for this service, bnt he preferred to submit the question of the' choice to the association. This was done at a meeting held yesterday, and tbe lot fell to Messrs.

John Hurley and Charles Meyers, maimed veterans ef the Virginia, army. These members were present at the opening of the exercises, but were unavoidably absent when the unveiling was ordered, and this duty was performed by Messrs. Edward. Fitipatnck and John Dunlap, also maimed soldiers who had served nnder Lee. As the canvas covering was withdrawn from the soperb figure of bronze which crowns the monument, and tbe statue of i The Great Confederate Leader stood forth grandly against the dark background of the lowering sky, i a mighty shout went np from the soldiers Of the Confederacy, and the veterans of the Grand Army ot the Republic Lomed in these loud acc lams' tions.

and cast nn their hats as enthusi astically as the men who had worn the The Daughters of Gen. Lee. standing at the windows of Mr. May's house, were spectators of the scene. the Veteran Associations of the Armies of Tennessee and Virginia and the Grand Army of the Kepublio marched by the residence of Mr.

May they cheered the daughters of tbe Confederate chief, who eeemed much effected by this mark: of retpect, and waved their handkerchiefs to tbe ex soldiers as they.passed. The crowd having been dispersed! by the storm, and the rain still continuing, the Directors of the Lee Monumental Association who ad remained in the Circle, resolved to hold a meeting to determine on future proceedings. This meeting was held at In the Washington) ArrUIety Armory, by invitation of that organization. The proceedings were as follows Official Miantes of the Asaoelatiea. R.

K. LEK MOlTOMWNTAr. ASSOCIATION Fin. 22, 1884. i Immediately after tbe dispersion by the storm of the immense audience gathered to participate in the ceremonies at tending the unveiling of the statue trf lvee, the directors or this association met at the Washington Artillery Hall, to determine what course should be pursued with reference to the ceremonies.

After consideration and discussion, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted Whereas, the immense audienoe assembled this day at Xee Statue, has signalized the veneration and respect in which tne people of New Orleans hold the memory of Robert E. Lee. and the enthuslastlo (approval with which they regard the erection of the monument to him; and, whereas, a postponement of the ceremonies could add nothins: to the tribute already paid thereby; lit it resolved. That the orauon prepared for the occasion be published; that the Mayor being present, the presentation of the monument to the dry of New Orleans by the President of this association be forthwith made; that the directors or the aesoelaUon proceed immediately to I the statue, and that the Bishop, J. N.

Galleher, here present, be requested to invoke: the blessing ot Almighty God upon the work, and that the oeremonies of the oooasion be then considered as concluded. Bcsolred. That the Board of Directors tender their thanks to tbe Grand Army of the Republic, the Associations ef the Armies or ortnern Virginia ana or xennessee, tne militia of the State and aU visiting organizations, as well as to the patriotlo women and men of the South, for their attendance In such enormous numbers, and exnress their regret that the storm prevented the completion oi tne ceremonies. i After the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Hon.

Chas. E. Fenner. Presi dent of the association, arose and, addressed Mayor Behan as follows Mr. MauorAa President of the R.

Ei Lee Monumental Association, and in its behalf. 1 have now the honor of Dresentinic the monument ibis aay unveuea, utrouga you totneoity oitew wrieans. hat I have to say touching the illustri ous man to whom it Is erected has been uiierea in anotneriorm. The Immense outDonrtoir of the people of ev urieans wmon congregacea arouna tne statue to day, defying the elements until aitnepe oi lurtner proeeeamgs naa so oe abanooned. testifies to the deep and enthu slastlo veneration with whioh his memory is revered by the women and men of the senth.

xne aeeign oi tne monument ana its construction ui to the base of the statue are tbe work of our home architect. Mr. John Rov while the statue itself is the produc tion ox a young American souipcor, air. a. u.

Doyle, of New York, whose growing reputation will surely be confirmed and extend ed thereby. experience a peculiar pleasure in natun our city represented in her chief officer by one who was a distinguished soldier under Lee. and who was at tbe same time an ac tive member of this association and con tributed valuable aid in tne succeaarui accomplishment of our enterprise, Louisiana is entitled to a lull share in the glory of Lee. Her sons illustrated by 'their valor every field on which his fame was won. i To her chief city we confide this monu ment, with full assurance that she will ap preciate ana preserve as oneoi aecmwii precious possessions.

i Thereuoon Mayor Behan arose and responded as follows v. I Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th Monnmentsi lit aeoeDtinflr at your hands and receiving into the charge of tbe city of New Orleans the monument whioh. now completed, so proudly stands as an enduring tribute to 1 A a mllff.pv it Am In.

deed difficult to sufficiently acknowledge the appreciation ana respect witn wmcn our uDuo muss regara viia autwuuDitie umw ten of those who have contributed to its oosatrnetMnu' y. This shaft has bren erected as a tribute to the greatness and virtue of one of the purest and noblest men whose names are written moaern History. flom. Ija wia not nnlv filnstrlouS I great commander, but he was also great la all tbose attributes which might constitute a bnlllaut exemplar of the highest clviliaa Gentlemen, it needed not this monument to perpetuate the name and fame of Gen. Lee.

His deeds are his monument, and they will survive and continue in remembrance long after this marble shall have crumbled into dust; his great example will outline the brush of the painter sad tbe chisel of 70LU1IE XLYfll. NEW OKLEANS, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1884. TRIPLE SHEET. i I NUUPERv'SO. tbe sculptor, for great examples are indeed imperishable: A They ill resist tha empire of decay, When time la o'er and worlds have passed away.

Gold in tbe dttwt the peri.hed hear may lie. But that which warmed it ones can never die." After the conclusion of the presentation, the board of directors, in company with Bishop Galleher, proceeded to the statue, and the Bishop, in presence of such persons as were present, pronounced hie benediction on the work. And then, on motion, the meeting adjourned. By order ef the President i W. I Hodgson, Secretary.

Company Battalion ot Washington Artillery. Capt. Eugene Mar command ing, with a four gun battery, fired, be tween ana cjock, A Kalate Cans in honor of the unveiling of the statue. An account of the 1 Lee Monumental Association, and the building of the monument was published in yesterday's Picayune, it is proper, in this record, to reproduce 9km' TMsrnaase' tV i prepared for yesterday's ceremonies, as well as the names of the officers and directors of the Association, as well as the eommittees on duty Pregrammo ef Cereavoalea tm Cesasneaca atiSP.Bf. TJnveillng of statue of Gen.

Bobert lee, at Lee Circle, Friday, Feb. 22, 188. Prof. B. Moses, musical director.

Music Grand March, Bienzl Wagner. Prayer by Bev. T. B. Markham, I.

D. Musie Nearer, My God, to Thee Mason. Poem by H. F. Music Medley, in Memory ot Other Days." B.

Mosea. Oration by Hon. Chas. Fenner Musio First Overture Leutner. Presentation of statue by the' President of the Board of and acceptance by the Mayor of the elty of New Orleans.

Mosle Overture Monumental Keler Bela. Unveiling of statue. Salute. Musio I Know that My. Bedeemer Liveth HandeL Benediction by Bt.

Bev. J.N. Galleher, I. 5 Ofiioers Lee Monumental Association, New Orleans Hon. Chas.

E. Fenner, President; Gen. G.T. Beauregard, First Vice President; Mr. M.

Mussson, Second Vice' President Mr. 8. Kennedy, Treasurer; Capt. W. I.

Hodgson. Becording Secretary Gen. W. M. Owen, Corresponding Secretary.

Directors: W. B. Schmidt, A. H. May, J.

J. Mellon, Alfred Moulton, W. J. Behan, I. L.

Lyons, Jas. Jackson, B. M. alma ley, James Sam'l Lloyd K. Coleman, Adolph Meyer, J.C.

Morris, Cart wright JEustis, B. Borland, W. T. Vudry, J. Harris, E.

A. Bnrke, Ed. A. Palfrey, Archibald MitcheU, O. H.

Allen. Committee of Arrangements James Me Connelly Chairman; Wm. hL. Owen, Corresponding Secretary A. H.

May, W. T. Vaudry, Samuel Boyd, L. R. Coleman, Cart wrig bt Eustls, Alfred Moulton, J.

J. Mellon, W. B. Schmidt. I Committee from Association' of Army of Terneseee Hen.

W. H. Rogers, President; John Augustln, Wm. Preston Johnston, Wm. W.

i. VA Committee from Association of Army of Northern Virginia Gen. F. T. monous, President; W.

B. Lyman, Louis Prados, E. D.WUlet. i i Beoeption Committee Col. W.

T. Vaudry, I Chairman; Gen. G. T. Beauregard, Mr.

1.. Unl.nn ITrm Harris. Mr. W. B.

Sehmldi, Mr. James Jack, son, CoL Sam'l Boyd, Mr. J. O. Morris, Mr.

A. H. May, Major A. Burker Mr. B.

M. Wabnaley, CoL Lloyd R. Coleman, Mr. Cart wright Eustls, CoL A. Palfrey, Mr PhiL Buchanan, Mr.

J. T. Brodnax, Mr. J. B.

Levert, Mr. H. W. Conner, D. A.

8. Vaught. Mr. 0. H.

Kennedy, Mr. M. Musson, Capt. W. I.

Hodgson, Gen. W. M. Owen, CoL Borland, Capt. Archibald Mitchell, Capt.

J. J. Mellon, Capt. I. L.

Lyons, James McConnell, Gen. Adolphe Meyer, CoL O. H. Allen, Mr. James Buckley, Mr, Jules Aldlge, Capt.

8. II. Bock, Mr Ber trand Beer, Col. J. D.

Mr. Harry T. Howard, Mr. John P. Bichardson, Mr.

Pierre Lanaux, Mr. Altert Baldwin, Mr. Geo. Q. Whitney, Mr.

It. Banlett, Mr. H. D. Baldwin PBKSKNTATlOK OF BADGES By Ike Veteraas et Tlrslaia to the Dantk ters efLee and Hill.

At a quarter to 2 while the troeps and the various associations of veterans were marching to the Monument Circle, an interesting incident occurred The association ot the 'old soldiers of the Army of Nprthern Vlr inia, headed by their President, Gen. T. Kicholls, marched up Camp street; aod stopping at, the residence of Mrs. Carev. at No.

209. called on Miss Nancy Lee Hill, daughter of Gen. D. H. Hill, Miss Hill is a pretty young lady of some 19 years, and.

she came outf pn the gallery aha bowed and smiled her acknowledgments, while Nicholls, in tne name ox tne oia soaiers, some or whom had served with her father on the battle field, presented her a basket ot flowers and a jeweled badge of as sociation. The veterans took off their hats and cheered and then marched on. Arriving ut tbe residence of CoL AiH: Aiaj AM90 AT U70f 1U ilUI TOH. Ul IIUO monument upon which the still shrouded and veiled statue of Confederate hero stood, the veterans of Lee's I old guard marched into the handsome man tji rn 1 1 sion ana niea into tne spacious drawing rooms, where, attenaea By joi. ana Mrs.

May, were Misses and Mary Lee, daughters of the great Vir ginian. 'J Gen. Nicholls, immediately attended by the Executive Committee ot the Association, Pat Hayes, J. J. Mioton, Barney McDonoogb, T.

D. Davieeon and J. J. Cnmpsten, advanoed to the ladies and were introduced by CoL May The General said he had come with the old soldiers of the Louisiana Division, who had for four, terrible but glorious years, stood as it were at the right hand ol their beloved the father of these ladies. These old soldiers, msny of them scarred sod i maimed in the fierce and bloody battles of that historic time, had shared their General's triumphs and hia misfortunes.

Much they had suffered with bun, but more than been happy to nave, oeen an. element, hnrahla element. Derhaos. i in his glory and greatness. They loved him They bad been, willing to die at ms bidding, and when he gave the order they had marched death, light heart and steady ol step and with a ebeer ringing on thek lip, They had fallen by scores and hundreds.

The blood of Louisiana was poured out on hundred hills and plains ot Virginia; but thsy had done it willingly for Eobext Lee and for duty. The war worn veteran, cooking vrith emotion, ceased speaking. He could not utter another Tears were glitter ing on the eyelids or rolling dorn tte ebeeksof the scarred and battered, old soldiers. There was, in fact, nothing Ttobe said. Theiilenceat that mo ment was supreme eloquence, ior, tne hearts of strong, men were speaking and heroism, glory lory ana aeasu.

Rnt tha ladies 1 They were overcome with emotion, and were in tears. Ap parenlly. it was by an eflors that they lauld endure the i overwhelming nMinories. ana is was relief when Pat Hayes and. Barney I McDonongh came forward ana pinnea An hnxnm nf.

each deuxhter or their old Field Marshal, a badge of the Aaso elation of the Louisiana Division of tha Army of Northern Virginia, while Gen. Nicholls presented a floral tribute. The veterans in turn filed past and pressed the hands of the Miasea Le. and marched 4a to the vat marua ravy. i As a speoial oompliment to the old Confederate soldiers who are interested in the monument to their beloved com mander, a large deputation of the old soldiers of the Grand Army of the lie publio were present, wearing the badgarv oi their order.

Tbe folio wingwere the members of Joeeph A. Mower Poet pre ent: Commander. J. E. Bisselli 'Adju tant, P.

1L Boyle Quartermaster i H. Wright I Vice Commaodera. M. Fuller and C. C.

Tracy Office of the DayW. G. James; Chaplain, Van K. K. Hil liard Burgeon, Dm Lanza Quarter master Sergeant, J.

Lawler Sergeant Major, E. V. 'Hitoh; and Comrades Adams, Dmryi Coaghlin, Myers, Abell, SeUier, Black, Batohelor, Olsen, Collier, Heidsnhain, Loan, Bouer, Barrett, Ayer, xeeting, oea lade, Dalrymple, Wood, Stephens, Clover, Badger, F. H. Win taker, W.

Ii. Whi taker, ArmstroBg, Eooney, Shearman, Kyan and Babooek. Tbe fine naval band irom the flagship Tennessee, of. fourteen in charge wf Naval Cadet S. 8.

Wood, was in attendance. The Peaf Mr. H. F. Beqnier.

ot the staff of the Picayune, a brother of Hon. A. J. Eequier, Assistants District. Attor ney, of New Yerki i distinguished lawyer and poetiis author.

had composed lor the oecAsion of the. unveiling ajt poem? on hem, jr which has been a highly eommended tor its beauty and the patrtoUo sentiments it embodies. No apology is necessary for its publication, despite the fact that circumstances did not permit Ot its being delivered by the ti Bear aloft the solid eolumn Bear it high that men may see Bow the valiant honor valor How the brave remember Lee. Poise him on the lofty summit Ot the whits enduring sWn. his form maj linger, teaching In dumb majesty ltme.

Never braver spirit battled. Never grander soldier shone, Than this victor vanquished only When his hosts were overborne. Give him greeting while he rises On this moo anient to day, 'V'Jt As the warrior who led armies To the enemy's dlamayi As the hero thrice encompassed Thrice outnumbered by tbe roe Who. with all the odds against aim, still resisted overthrow. He, the leader of the legions 4 Ho, the chief tain of the brave Be, the model man and Christian, bleeping where tne wuiows wave Shall be numbered with the noblest That have ever swayed the world.

Though his cause be lost forever And his fated flag be furled, God anoint us In this moment' For the once contending armies Now united overhead if i For the Blue and Gray together That so bravely fought and felL When the North and South divided 1 Faced the lashing name of beU. They are looking from the Heavens hwas tuio si siaiv avvu wwmj And the pipes of peace are playing Tn thr.nlr1frrnnt1.K. While we rear the solid oolumnv Bear it high that men may see How tbe valiant honor valor vt. Uow the brave remember Hon. Charles B.

Feinner, an Assosiate Justice of the Supreme Court, and the President of the Lee Monumental Association, was the unanimous choice of the directors of that body as the orator of the day. His distinguished services in the Confederate war, and well known ability as a speaker and writer, made the selection an admirable one in every respect. Judge Fenner prepared, with the care whioh. the subject demanded, the eloquent oration which is presented tinz Jadge Fsaner'a Ormtlesv It sppear before yon in the double capacity of President of the K. 'E.

Lee Monumental Association and of orator of the day. It is not of my seeking, bnt in obedience to the unanimous will of my brother officers and directors, who have imposed on me the task or commemorating the character. the. deeds and the cause of Lee, in words; as this monumental tribute was designed to commemorate them in perennial bronze sod stone. It is now nearly two years since this Summons came to me, and during that time, at such intervals as somewhat busy life afforded.

I hare devoted' myself to the study of the memorial records of Lee, with growing wonder at the purity of his life, the moral grandeur of his character and the splendor of his 'slileTementsv. s. Amazed at ths glowing picture, and little disposed to belief ih human perfection, I have, with the eye of the critic. sought to discover whether eulogy had not distorted troth, and whether, after all, this man was not too great to be so good, or. too good to be so great as hs is painted.

Unless it was my honest and considerate belief I would not insult the divine modesty of the spirit of Lee by proclaiming as I do that he was "the csnningesfc pattern of excellingnature" that was ever warmed by tbe Promethean heat For surely never revealed Itself to the human mind a more delightful subject for contemplation than the life and character of Lee. was developed by every fertilizing in fluence that coma vena to iiuuiusie sou strengthen, by the antecedents of bis race, by the surroundings of his life, br the lofty character of his education and profession. The blood which coarssd in his veins descended in purest strain through an IUUStrions ancestry nuoug dkk vo William the Conqueror, every record et which indicates a rate of hereditary gentlemen. That the blood Lannce jot who landed with tha Conqueror, and Lionel, wno lout nt la uceur do Lion, naa not deceneratea. it perco lated through the.

centuries, is evidenced by the history of the American Lees, whose, founder, was Iiiohsrd Lee, a cavalier of Charles the who re moved to the New World, and is de scribed by Bishop Ulade as a man of good stature, comely enterpn sing genius, sound head, vigorous spirit Ad paost generous Froa Juj eexcon, rrnsc, juoawiea, i. ward, J. T. Woodward, Gibson, Boy, Mndse. Smvthe.

Kennedy. Kevin, Bal .1.: i Al. 1.

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