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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. The Joint Delate in Cin cinnati. Gov. Hoadly arut Jtide TortHter Pro- Bent the Issues of the Contest from Their Respective' Standpoints. Gtkcvxxxtu Oct.

The Beeond and last debate between Got. Hoadly and Judge Foraker, candidates for the Governorship, took place to-night at the Music HalL The arrangements were atmllar to those at Toledo, except that the order of speaking was reversed. Judge Foraker having the opening speech of one hour. Gov. Hoadly following or an hour and a-balf andJudge Foraker closing In thirty minutes.

Hon- J. O'Seil scted as moderator on tehalr of Gov. Hoadly and Judge Alphonee Tart, ex-Minis-ter to Russia, aoted for udge Foraxer. Some 800 ehaira on the stage were occupied ty dlsttngnlahed guests of the two parses. The balconies were reserved' for ladies and their escorts, and the remainder of the great all waa thrown open free to the multitude at 7 o'clock.

la less than half an hour It was filled to the last square foot. Fully 7000 people watted half an hour for the debate to oegln. The Interval was occupied with music and with good humored calls for the favorite candidates. Judge Foraker ap- peered at 7:65 o'clock and received a vocrlfer-ani nvHtinr. Gov.

Hoadlv'a annearanee three minutes later was signalized in a like manner. when the applause which greeted the pre iMtAtjim Af JadaeFaraker had enbslded, he began by saying he would briefly review the Toledo discussion. At that place Judge Hoadly devoted his entire opening speech to the discussion of personal liberty, and argued In favor of license. He led the audlenoe to think that the only question between the parties waa prohibition. In answering him I pointed out that there -was no such Issue, except such as existed In the vivid imagination of one who fired 100 guns lii honor of Cleveland's nomination.

He went on to say that he pointed out that the Issue was wholly different that tne Bepubllcans proposed to do something practical with the whisky question, while the Democratic plan was to do nothing. Further, he pointed out the reasons why the last legislature waa not worthy of Indorsement. When Judge Hoadly rejoined ne manifested displeasure because prohibition was not made an Issue. The party had not put In the platform what he had asked them to do, but he, in speeches, had made the issue. Gov.

Hoadly had ended by an abuse of the Republican party, hence the speaker would now say something about that party. True, It was out of power, but It did not go out as did the Democratis party in i860. Instead of being condemned, the Republican party enjoyed the unqualified approbation of the people. He then reviewed the leading achievements of the Republican party which had been accepted and approved even by tne Democrat lo party. Even Mr.

Hendricks said that there were no Issues, only corruption and fraud, but the books and the money when examined and counted, showed the greatest victory of all. He begged Judge Hoadly, in the presence of this audience, to utter no more slander ap aloft the grand old Republican party." Referring to the charges that memories of the war were being recalled by the Republican partv. he aaia that If that were true. then Ohio was behind Virginia, for there sue AJemocraao parry was carrying on a campaign with only Gen. Lee's memory as an issue.

But what the Republicans in Ohio meant by reviving the Issues of the war was the injustice of one man in Ohio having only one-seventh the political power of a Georgian. But he preferred to talk about Btate politics, and referred again to the charge of cor-vnntion in The Elactlaa Senator Fame. The only answer of Judge Hoadly was Attinal tA rm Aat.lrtn an1 awntrl n. nnl Bald that when the Democrats did wrong there was an outcry, while the Republicans kept still. xrarmg uus point or nis remarks the interruptions were such that he stopped, and Gov.

Hoadly, rising, said: "Any Democrat who Interrupted Judge Foraker Is acting badly." The house then became still, and afterward maintained better order. Judge Foraker then went on to repeat In some degree bts charge made before against said, although It had been guilty of much extravagance he wished It had made one more expenditure tbat of the coat of taking wit. ana nan so aroena me runerai ram lm.n A nw. 1 a The Beaded Debt ef Okie ana to tne refunding contract at 3.65 per w.ti..w rv i jat Gov. Hoadly had said Secretary Robinson dm approvea was contract.

a nave a telegram." he said. from Secret trv Robin- sen, saying that Gov. Hoadly had approved that contract in the first plaoe at four per wenim mi uu nomniziaon or i natl by taklu the police from the Mayor, be said it was done that Lieut. Mullen 4 might have fall swsy. Conf uslon.1 He Mullens In power was further shown by toe xuui ox ub usmwnia busotu tae ac tion of the Committee of One Hundred, wxuon is crying to prevent zraua at next Re turn in to the temperance Issue, he said tim noense eotua not oe naa under three years at the ear Meet.

Judge Hoadiv wu only difference being tbat Dr. Leonard vtnino aosointe prohibition, while Gov. Hoadiv wanted to control Hnmln, t.hj exclusive few and prohibiting ell the rest. When hla Mtvia at n1rH Tnrl am rn.aV.. marked that he was sincerely glad of It." Gav.

Uradllr KepHed ea ytog that he had two autles to perform one a teareeable and one agreeable. The cispgreaoie one was a mistake of bts own. jie la moea to nave saia that William H. enuy-aiatnat uiioon aiea a Democrat, and relied now on the reporters to make ii apologies to his Toledo audlenoe. ills second duty was to welcome Judge back to hia home; to welcome him, v- fceooaae, though he wasa Republican, he was argue a in ravor oz a license system.

At Toledo Judge Foraker brought in que lions net In this cam paien questions of religion, in which Jndara Tart anil auiw- mrut I leave Judge Foraker to argue them with Judge Tafw As a Judge, hlr. Foraker left the bench too soon to learn that he could not oeeupy a position ox neutrality that he could not be neither for nor against. I ask him to say now whether he is for or agalast prohibition. The Democratic party has never cheated the people on the subject of temperance. Referring to Judge Foraker's statement mat tne Repusuoan party had been proven honest by the examination of the Treasury books, he only said chat it did not take a very sharp man, where he kept both the books and the money, to make them Judge Foraker forgot to say that back of the books were the star rente thieves and the failure of the Freedman's savings Bank.

Jndge Foraker says there Is no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties on the subject of prohibition, and that there was no difference between the Democrats and the Prohibitionists. On this abject I stand for a rational graded Uoense eystem. I stand for the right of self-eontrol. 1 ask your votes because my party has been consistent with such principles, and the Republican party has been false to them. The Legislature elected In 1881 declared for ths principles of the Scott law and it led to revolution in Cincinnati the following year, giving immense majorities for theDemo-tratlo Secretary of State.

Referring to the partisan police power given to the present city authorities by the last Legislature, he asked: "Why was It not right if the Republicans took the same methods when G. W. O. Johnston was the Democratic Mayor of Cincinnati. In 185 the DemooraMo party framed tenv perance legislation which protested minors.

2 re vented the sale of liquors to drunkards and gave protection by allowing civil process in damages against those breaking the law, and this code lasted until the Republicans tried to amend the morals of the people by enacting the Scott law. The last Legislature tried tot declare In favor of license, and every Demo-rat was rresent and voted in favor of It, but Three Heereaax Republicans, who bad before declared in favor of license, backed water, and in obedience to a Republican caucus refused to vote at alL As to Glansdorf, he said the friends of Clansdorf, and they -were numbered by the thousands, would UmifiT reel Judge Foraker for saying tfcat thy were a lawless and troublesome thought Judge Foraker was wsjonsibto for It, as the information was handed to him by 1 Anglatae county with large DemocratiejBia-torSeTandmany saloons, but with no prosecutions for lawlessness. He then asked again: "Judge Foraker, are yon for or Sralnst prohibition I Yon have another half hour to answer in and yon can surely answer the question in that time." A voice What do you think of It I am against! and I am also against the bloody shirt. There have been Tvre Semens en the Meant lately one from Mount MaeGregor, and ane from Mount Gilead; the one full of love and peace, and the other full of hate and war against one-half of the people. The one on Mount MacGretror the other at Mount Gilead.

I am fox Grant and against Sherman. Referring to Lieut. Mullen, he said that what the Republicans wanted waste All the negro barracks and crap houses on the public landing with repeaters from Kentucky. As to State affair, he said that the expenses of the ordinary administration of the State In the last two years were less than Gov. Foster's last two years.

As to legislative fraud in the election of Senator Payne, he said the only testimony of fraud In that election pointed to those who were the friends of other candidates. As to the last Legislature, they gave civil rights to the colored man. The Democrats gave the colored men the right to testify in court; Democrats gave them the repeal of the black laws. I may not get their votes, but I know enough to Da the Colored Kan Jaalice. The last Legislature did away with the scrip business that was 'burdening the miners.

They provided for fire escapes in factories; tbat no children should be employed in factories for seats for women in stores for the settlement of all labor disputes by arbl-bitratlon for more assistant mine inspectors and inspectors of factories. They extended the work of the geological survey and I appointed Judge Taft's brother-in-law, Edward Orton, a good Republican, to take charge of the work- I did this probably because a Republican knows more about burrowing in the ground than Democrats do. Ton never heard of any steal In the last Legislature. It was said that they would steal the canals, but they still are ours. It was said that they would steal the Cincinnati water works, but we still have them.

The refunding scheme was killed by him after the advice was given by the best financiers of Cincinnati to that effect. As to giving positions to soldiers, he said that there were more soldiers holding offloe under this, twice over, than under any Republican Administration. xne state's prison unaer tne uemoeraao management had not made any money, bnt convict contract labor had been abolished. It was impossible to ehange from the eon- tract eystem to tne system or state account and make money during the changes. The Piece Price Plan is better than the emtraot system for two reasons.

It furnishes more accurate information on which to base State aooounts, and. secondly. It elves the State more con trol over the men and better chances for hu mane treatment We have pus Ohio In the front of prison reform States. Now my time is about op, and I only wish to say' one thing more, and that is I want Judge Foraker to tell us whether or not he Is for or against prohibition. Judge Hoadly devoted a good deal of his time to answering questions xrom tne anal ence.

There was no chance given either Gov. Hoadlypr Judge Foraker for continued argument. The confusion and Interruptions oy me auaienoe were connnaea. Tumultuous cheering followed Gov. Hoad lj'a closing and Jadge Farakera Reappearance.

When quiet was restored Judge Foraker saiu: Gov. Hoadly began by admitting that he made a mistake at Toledo by saying that Lincoln Qlea a Democrat. He wlahed to say that it waa lust as much a mistake that Hewara aiea a Democrat. The mistake In tnis regard arose, perhaps, from the same cause, that while Llnooin was killed by a vemoerat eewara was almost saued Dy an other Democrat at the same time. Referring to Auglaize county, te which Gov.

Hoaoiy naa referred to as containing- a model township. Judge Foraker said that he was in Auglaize county two years ago, and had been told of that township; that while It had the saloons and the Democrats of which the Governor sneaks. It also had not a single, solitary sohoolhouse. Cheering and laughter. He read a note sent him by a nan in me a-ocuenoe.

woo uvea in Auglaize county, saying that the township had more arunxenness ana violations ox law than any township In the county. Referring to Gov. Hoadly'a championship of the colorea race, he asked now he could reconcile with that friendship what he had done for this man Mullen who perpetrated an outrage apon the colored people at the last election. How could Gov. Hoadly be siient ii ne was tne mena oi tne colore race, when he knows that the colored men South of the Ohio River are prohibited from voting.

The question was frequently asked by persons in the audience, How about prohlbl-tlsn 1" Judge Hoadly said: I told you at tne outset tna tne xtepuDiioan party is in favor of taxation and regulation and opposed to the nonsense of being In favor of Vkat cannot be accomplished. It Is in favor of the practical. I have not felt called on to reply to the argument Gev. Hoadly has made by appealing to the appetite, and the lowest appetite. Gov.

Hoadly does not understand the men of the German wards If ne hopes to win tneir xavor by catering to an anoetlte or a passion. In conclusion, let me say that 30 years ago I went soldiering with the Germans of these wards, and 1 know they appreciate the ele ments ox -uus country's greatness, xney save iwroea ue aemaguguery ana nypoo-risy of the so-called old sumptuary cry." The meeting closed with mingling cheers for Foraker and Hoadly. TRADE AMD TRAVEL. Tb War af the Telegraph CoaapaaJes. Clxvelaud, Oct.

10. The trouble which has been brewing between the Western Union and the Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph Companies came to an open rupture last night at the Oonnotton Valley Railway Depot. It is claimed that the Western Union men cut the wires of the Bankers' and Merchants' just below the Oonnotton Valley Depot. J. H.

Simmons, manager of the Bankers' and Merchants', with a fores of men, repaired the Western Union wires. Later this company, it is alleged, again cut the wires, whereupon Mr. Simmons obtained a temporary In) unction in the Common Pleas Court restraining the Western Union from further acts of lawlessness. This morning Simmons was early on the scene, where he found the wires out as before and the Western Union in possession at the time. He at once severed the connections of the Western Union with the Bankers' and Merchants' line and fastened the free ends of the former wires te a dismantled portable engine standing near, while he connected his line as before.

A fiUasaurl Sheriff Serves a Writ an Jay Geald. St. Loots, Oct. la Jay Gonld and party, consisting of his son George, Russell Sage, A. L.

Hopkins, Capt. Schaokford and Dr. Munn, arriTeo. at the Union Depot at noon today. After Inspecting the East St.

Louis stock yards and bridge terminal, thev ift wiinwt uwyguuHsir xor ijarottaeiet an suburban points to inspect interests there. xney wiu stay in tne city to-night to see tb illumination andthen go west. Upon Mr. Gould's arrival at the Union Depot a deputy sheriff served papers in the damage suit for $160,000, brought against Gould by John M. Woodward, for brnaoh at contract, Gould having, as alieg-ed.

failed to keep hia promise to Woodward to furnish tnat gentleman with monev foe tha kMttinn and building of a line of road from Pacific, a suburb, to St. Louhk. aa Sc. Paul Bridge. St.

Pact Oct. 10. The srinaunt and Northwestern Road has completed its bridge across the MiSSlSSlDDl River atthta point. The work was commenoed on the 1st of last December, the piers being sunk through lee. and it has been nnlahMi tn th remarkably short time of ten months.

ine Dnajre is oz iron, iras leet ion, th draw span, 413 feet long, is the largest and heaviest In the world. The cost of the bridge was 1360,000. Shlssneats of Specie. KiwToki, Oct. 10.

The total exports of specie from this port daring the past week were $208,616. Of this amount the exporra to Europe were $128,425 in silver ana isioo In gold. --v The exports to Havens were I37SO silver. Thelmnnrta of anitela at this sort rirninr the week were 9190,749. 'All wool, two nlv extra super carpet.

600- at firaeelsisn's. WASHINGTON. The Ocrrerpondenoe Begirding tae Telephone Suit, Mr. Parlance's Appointment A Host of Prominent Louisianlans Recommend Him. Palate ea the Bltaatlea la Ohio.

Wabiukgtok, Oct. 10. Special. The papers to-day give Judge Ford's letter, the President's and Mr. Goode's In the matter of the Bell Telephone suit.

It Is apparent to all candid men that there Is not the slightest foundation for the censure of any of those gentlemen. Mr. Garland has aoted in the most honorable manner and stands clean and impregnable. So one except the New York Tribune, which has no character to loose, would assail him. The course taken by Mr.

Goode of dismissing the suit seems to many to be over-scrupulous, but it is thought that after a reference or the subject to the Patent Offloe In the usual course of official routine for their report, there may be a trial at law which wnl open up all the Issues of fact and test, Judicially whether the Bell patent ought to have been issued or not. Mr. Goode's course has been candid and upright acd he enjoys fully the President's confidence. The only effect of these developments will be to strengthen the administration. There la no flavor abont it of post-traderahtp sales or gold speculation, or whisky frauds, or star route frauds, or of being a chattel of the land grant, railroads and foreign land stealing syndicates.

The appointment of Mr. Chas. Parian ge to be United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, which was foreshadowed in the Picayune specials, was made upon an unusual weight of recommendation. Besides having the earnest support of Messrs. Gibson, Gay, Irion, Kiog and lan chard, members of the Lonisiana delegation, Mr.

Parlange was recommended by lour Justuses of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, by the Judges of the Court of Appeals and the District Attorneys in Hew Orleans and many country parishes, by six of the eight Presidential electors and by many members of the State Legislature, by numerous prominent members of the bar and by many gentlemen eonsplcuous in business and the commercial bodies of New Orleans. Among those signing bis recommendations were Gov. Uleholls, Judge John A. Campbell, Hon. Thos.

J. Betnmes, Xhos. L. Bajne, Gus. A.

Breaux. E. T. Merrick, M. J.

Cunning-tsm, John D. Kennard, Chas. Palfrey, Sam'l Kennedy, Chas. E. Black, Ernest Mllteu-berper, D.

Caffrey. Win. a. Seay, James Jeff rey s. J.

C. Moncure and many others. Intense Interest is felt In the Ohio election. The letters from partisans of each side are somewhat hopeful, but the Democrats seem to be most confident. In regard to tbe Btate ticket Hoadly Is stronger than the Democratic party and John Sherman is stronger than the Republicans.

A prominent Democrat says that if Sherman secures a re-election his chance for the ne Republican nomination will be seven out of ten. Tbe result as to the Legislature is really in doubt and no one can predict the isMie. The Republicans are in great fear of John McLean. Apaautmeata, WxeHnrGTOK, Oct 10. The President, today, made the following appointments United States Marshals David R.

Walters, ef Michigan, for the Western District of Michigan; Edward Hawkins, of Indiana, for the District of Indiana, vice Robert T. Foster. Navy Commodore Stephen B. Luoe, to be Bear Admiral Capt. David B.

Harmony, to be Commodore; Lieut. Commander Francis W. Dickens, to be Commander; Lieut. W. T.

BurwelL to be Lieutenant Commander; Passed Assistant Engineer John A. Scott, to be Chief Engineer, with the relative rank of Lieutenant Commander. Minister Denny at His Pi Washtkgios, 10. The following offl-elal advices have been received at the Navy Department Mr. Denby, United States Minister to China, arrived at Yokohama on the evening of Sept.

7. On the 10th he went to Tokio, and the next day in company with Mr. Hubbard, United Statea Minister to Japan, called upon Count Inaye Kaorn HJjm, Minister of State and oreign ana ire, ana vice Aamirai xawam ma, Minister of Marine. Sketches ef the Apnalateee, Washixgtoh. Oct.

10. David R. Waters, appointed to-day to be Marshal of the Western DiBtrict of Michigan, has been prominent for several years as a leader of the Greenback party of his State, and was in strumental in bringing about the fusion, two or three years ago, between his party and toe jsemocrats, wmon resuicea in tne eieo tlon of a Democratic Governor. He Is editor of tbe Grand Rapids Evening Leader, a ureenDacx paper. AT.ABAMA., MOBILE.

Damage Salts A Bay ef Thirteen Saab a Bey ef Elevea. Mobilk, Oct. 10. Special. Two new and fatal eases of glanders have oeen discovered in this city, and the stock owners are se riously alarmed.

Suits each for damages have been entered against Mountain dc Bon by the ad ministrators of the estate of Joseph Richard son ana eauy Rienarason, wno were victims of the recent boiler explosion at Mountain's gristmill. In a childish quarrel yesterday evening Henry sgeu uurteeu, Btaooea Aitnnr jacsson, agea eleven. Armstrong put up a plea ef self-defense, saying the eleven year old was advancing upon him wllh a hatchet. Armstrong waa discharged. HELENA.

The Fair Assaclatlaa ea Meet Twentieth. taw HELENA, Oct. 10. Special The Helena Fair Association, composed of Eastern Arkansas and Western Mississippi men, will hold Its second annnal meeting at Helena, commencing Oct. 30, and will con tinue nve a ays.

jive tnousana dollars In premiums will be awarded. Tho half-mile race track la In first-class condition, and Is one ef the best in the South. Quarters for horses from Kentucky and Tennessee stables have been engaged. Some of the best race stock in the country will be In a Renounce. ARCADIA.

The Balliexers at Work A Heare Slain by Masked Mea la lea villa Parish. Akcadia, Oct. 10. Special. About thirty-two miles south of this place, near the line of Winn parish, on the aoth of September four massed unknown men entered the house of Sampson Harris, pretending to be looking for another man, until gaining admittance into the house.

On entering the house it Is reported that one of the men caught the colored man, saying, You are the man we want," and shot him (Sampson Harris) twice, from which he died. Report says the cause of the killing of arils waa that he had threatened to report some parties for whipping some colored in en in the neighborhood. Thia killing and whipping of someeolored men near the same neighborhood has caused great lnaignatien on tne part of many of the white people in the locality. Tae trou ble has been reported to the Governor, and ha haa Instructed Judge Drew to eanaatb parties suspicion ed to be arrested. warrants were isaueu acre tuis weex, ana H.

R. Ferguson. Deputy Sheriff. In eomosnv of three other men, arrested the supposed party of four and brought them In for trial to-day. Trial la set to take place Monday at thia nlaee before Judge Drew.

The aeeoaed were put In the lockup here until this evening, and for safety they were taken to Min- Ihe white ettisens seem to take crest In terest In bringing the guilty parties to Jus tice, and are using every precaution to that end. It appears from reports that about ten men are concerned In the whipping and killing altogether. iae matter wiu thoroughly investigated. 5 The citizens In tbe vfcmlty had a toasting lAfe A mwA lh ad A other meeting this week, eosnroi of about forty citizens of the; they oeing aeterminea to inrrts toe rrauoie in some wav. In the meantime four of tha tupposed parties were arretted, Tiia names ef the fow arrested are: W.

E. Pratt, B.F. Ratcliff, A. Stringer and J. W.

Lucky. BATON B0TJGB. The Deaf and Dams lastttvUea The Hew Teacher ef Articalatiea Appalntaaeuta Tha Nersnal Schawl, etc. Batoh Rotjob, Oct. 10.

Special. 1 After to-morrow and until the 14 th Mr. John Jastremski, Acting Superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Institution, at Baton Rouge, will be at No. fit Esplanade street. He goes there for the purpose of canvassing the city ot New Orleans, and wishes to asoertaln all of the beneficiaries who may come miiw the charge he has at interest.

Mr. Jastremski has been in charge of the Institution for the last several months. During his Superin tendency be has devoted all available revenue to the reclamation of the building? dormitories have been extended, halls have been amplified, paint has been freely used and the neighborhood of the building enhanced. Miss Edith 8. Rambo, the teacher of artlo-ulation, lately elected by the Board of Trustees, Is expected at the lnstitutien next Saturday, having this day left New York for Baton Konge.

J. O. Berhtsl as editor starts a new paper in Baton Rouge to-day. In his salutatory he says "To the public we desire to say a few words in the way of salutatory The Hornet Is a Xtgro Journal, published by Negroes, in tbe Interest of Negroes." Executive appointments: Lee D. Craig, Commissioner of Deeds for Louisiana, with residence at San Francisco.

CaL; Augustus L. Abbott, Commissioner of Deeds fur the State, living the city of St. Louis; J.J. Meredith. Sheriff of the parish ot Caldwell, vice Emile Olrod, resigned; Win.

P. Cochran, Notary Public for the parish of St. Landry; James A. Hsrgis. Constable for the Firth Ward of the parish of Lafourche, vloe J.

D. Barries, resigned. Mr. Robert 8. Landry, one of the assistant clerks ot the House of RepreaentaUvea.

naa bt-en at the capital attendidg to piiva.e business. ALEXANDRIA. A Clerk Killed by a Constable la PlaevIIIe. Alexakdxia, Oct. 10.

Special. Unfortunately for the community and the parties concerned there was a homicide in Plne-villelsst night, at about 11 o'clock. The constable of said town, Charles H. Doxler, killed Robt. Gaffney, who has been elerking for about three years for E.

J. Barrett, one of Plneville's leading merchants. There has been a feud between the two parties for some time past, and the deoeased was very much under the Influence ot liquor at the time, aid probably if that had not' been tbe case tbe results might have been different. Mr. Dozler is a native of the above town and left here in the first company in the late war, and has never borne tbe reputation of a disorderly citizen, but to the eontrary.

E. G. Hunter has been employed to defend htm. The preliminary ttlal will, come off on anesaay next. Ihe deceased was finely educated, coming here irom Ireland, having beeu educated Xor a priest at the Maynooth College la bis native land, and being about 23 years old.

Your reporter eaUea on the Coroner and be courteously gave the following finding of the Jury impaneled in the case Death was caused instantly by tbe shot in the back of the bead, being the fourth shot the first passing through the bat and powder-burning bis right cheek The testimony of Peter David, the only witness to the shooting, showed tnat be and DoEier, on returning from Alexandria ou the aloresaid right, found a person lying on the sidewalk In Plneville. Thia peraou proved to be Robt. Gaffney. Thev endeavored to in duce him to go home, and he violently resisted their efforts. Mr.

David thought the deceased made a backward motion with bis har.d, whereupon Dozler fired on Gaffney, li. flic ting three wounds, one on each arm and one at the base of the skull at the back of the bead. Mr. David thought the united efforts of himself and the constable might have sufficed to have managed the deceased uuu resort to ine pistol. VICKSBURG.

The Iseliaea and the Xarrew Gauge Fanny Rivalry ef Cat tea Seed Bayers. Vicxsbtjbo, Oct. 10. 8peolaL General Superintendent Carroll, ot the Queen and Creceent Line, who has been In toe city for the last two days, left for Cincinnati to n-gnu he stated this evening tbat he thought the inclines at Delta and on thia side if the river for the transfer would be completed ny the 32a ox this month the date fixed for the changing of the gauge of the VU-kshurg and Meridian Railroad te standard. The Viuksburg, Shreveport and Pacific fioaa is dow stanaara.

Thia will divert the cotton from belna- han dled, an average of 1900 bales per week, by wiuuieru rwoi uon Boats, over tne ixa-levilie, New Orleans and Texas Railroad to ew orieans. The Vlcksburg and Meridian Railroad, It Is said, will receive 25 cents per bale for transferring the cars over their track from tbe landing on tne Vlcksburg side to the main line of the N. O. and T. Railroad.

The citizens are much elated with the prospect ot work being resumed at the ma- emne snops oi tne vlcksburg and Meridian liallroad at this place. The ahoDS have ample room for 100 mechanics and were virtually closed by John Soott. It la said thtvb Bupta, carrou and Belknap both favor the proposition. Mr. John MoGlnty was In the city to-day and left for Lake Providence to commence work on the Desonia Levee.

Mr. MoGlnty says that he will have 100 men at work during the coming week. M. P. Ragan was appointed Road master of me d.

ana r. tsMixoaa vice M. Ryan, resigned. The local cotton seed agents are offering ouaiae prices, xae eompentiem aas reaenea sa unwonted pitch among the buyers, who snap up the rural wagoner with his load of tne aesirea commodity. To-day the scenes presented to the eye of the looker-on were sufficiently ludicrous to provoaa a smue xrom tna setose serious, in ne ot these Instances ene would-be purchaser was bargaining with the driver of a loaairom tne groana, another naa seized the reins and was endeavoring to drive the train out of hearing ef his rival's blaadlah- nientB, and a third bad caught the bits of me animals ana brongnt tnem to a standstill.

The servloes of the police were required to open the blockade caused by the cotton aeea agents stopping tne wagons. JACKSON. The PragramniB for the Colored State Fair. Jackson, Oct. is.

Special, The Colored Dime air -association, wnion opens nere on the 38th, to-day Issued an attractive and Interesting programme which consists of trot ting ana running reeee, tilting tournaments, firemen contests, i brass band jubilee, fox hunt, ox races under the saddle, potato race, fireworks, glass ball shooting, base ball games, military drill and concerts by scuaents in tae several eoueges in tne state. Gov. Lowrv will onen the Fair and Sena tors Walthall and George, Rev. B. Gallo way.

eocHenamr Rrnm. ex-fjonsrreaaman Lynch and Gen. 8. D. Lee, ot the A.

and M. College, will deliver addresses during the weea. All cis Bscs of our citizens and the ureas of the State are evincing great interest la this enterprise and its saooess is predicted by ail. it is proposed that everytntag etnioitea which is of merit enough shall afterwards be sent to your Exposition. The enterprise Is being managed by as.

Hill, for six years Internal Revenue Collector, and J. J. Bnellman. who was tae colored Commissioner to the Exposition from this state last year. MOBS POINT.

Seaatar George Oat aa the Galf. Moss Ponrr. Get. larSneclaLI Senator J. Z.

George arrived yesterday. He, together witn a number of ettisens xrom eoranton and this place, were carried out upon Pas- eacoula Bit tntav bv tha steamer Fox. They returned this evening Senator George wiu speax at Hcranton on aionaay next. SAGIjB pass. Aaaericans te be Protected la Their Bleats taMsxtee.

Eagljs Pass. Tss-aa. Oct. 10. (SpedaLl -rresiaens inss has ordered tne looat magnates as the Las Or noes silver mines to Immediately give possession to the American miners who were turned off their mines some days Seme of -the mines are valued at $200,000.

Tbe miners were robbed of tneir aara learned property witn no suaaow of right. i This action of the ITexleaa President is due to the energetic course of Secretary of State Bayard In demanding that the Americans be given their -own. connoence in the security ox American poesesslons In Northern Mexico Is restored, and emigration will be largely increased In oonseqoenee. zlj paso. Cengresasaaa Lasha 's New Bill.

Ex. Paso, Oct 10. Special. Congressman Lanham, of the West Texas District, la here. He came to obtain statistics showing the Importance of El Paso.

He will Introduce, at the next session ot Congress, a bill asking for an appropriation for the erection of an Immense government building at tl-is point, oa the ground that a vast customs dlstxlcrxtendlng from) Presidio Del Norte to Fort Yuma, on the boundary line of California and Arizona, centres here. The Federal Court also meets here, and the Post Office, on account of the Mexican mails, is very important. These latter facts, will also be relied on. AUSTIN. A New Kalnrsad Prajeet Death sfas Old Citizen.

Acsttw, Oct. 10. SpeclaL The El Paeo, St. Louis and Chicago Railway and Telegraph Company, filed its charter thia morning; capital $400,000. The road is to run north from El Paso from Southern New Mexico.

E. g. Eggleston, an old citizen of Austin, died here this morning after a protracted Illness. At the time of his death he was cashier ef the State National Bank, and one ot Austin's representative men. Deoeased was a native of Virginia, and served with distinction as Lieutenant ot marines in the Confederate Navy.

LYNCHBURO. Taw Earthquake. LTVCHBtmo, Oct. 10. Three distinct shocks ot earthquake were felt in this city last night, between 11 and 12 o'clock.

A loud rambling sound preceded each shock. The direction of the disturbance waa due north and south. Many people, soared by the noise and the shaking of windows and furniture, rushed for the street, each inquiring of bis neighbor the cause of the disturbance. This Is the first shock felt in this vicinity for ten years. RICHMOND.

Slight Shacks. Richxokd, Oct. 10. The earthquake shock waa also felt in certain parts ox this city, last night, but the vibrations were very slight. Advices from other points, west and south of Richmond, report slight shocks between the hours of 11:30 and 12.

MISCELLANEOUS. The Bemeval af Flood Rack. New Yobk, Oct. 10. In order to protect lite and propeity during the Flood Rook explosion today, the most careful and adequate police arrangements were devised.

A lorce cf 450 policemen, in addition to the harbor police, was detailed near the scene of action 300 were located on the East River front, Elackweil'a Island contained a detachment of loo men, while SO were on duty at Ward's Island. All buildings on the north end ef Black-well's Island aere cleared of their Inmates, it eluding the almshouse, workhouse and lunatic asylum, who were massed at a safe distance from the expected explosion and carefully guarded. In the Penitentiary the ct 11 doors were thrown open and the prisoners conducted to the halls. The prisoners a ere surrounded by tbe police while a large furce was stationed among the convicts to prevent escape or riot, and to give aid In case it was neccessary to reach the building. All points on tbe shore from which Flood Bock could be seen were densely packed with people.

The police were busy keeping the crowd out id of the danger line. Ropes hsd been stretched serosa the river above and below tbe place of the explosion and launches from tbe Navy Yard patrolled the river to see that no vessels attempted to pass through. The bell in the tower ot St. Ann's School handing struck the hour ot 11 and 50,000 people waited. expectantly for the explosion, -which was sdrtised to be on hand aCthat hour, but at that moment there was still number of people on Flood Rock.

A few moments later, however, a tax took tbem off. and the spectators braced themselves for the expected shook. Ladles and gentlemen in carnages stood no on theenah- Ions and leveled their opera-glasses toward the Island. A hush of expectancy fell noon the vast crowd, who seemed almost afraid to breathe, Xor fear tne act would disturb their view of the explosion, should It occur At a respectable distance seores ot excur sion steamers, their decks black with peo ple, yacms, lugs ana evan a Boasa eseamer. waiiea xor tne pressing ox tne electric bat- ton.

At precisely 11:30 o'clock the earth trembled ana the bosom oi the river was pierced with a mighty upheaval ot roeks and timbers. Up, up went glittering masses of water until It seemed as if they would never stop. At a height oi 200 xees tne uplifted waters paused ana ieu back to the river. a thia moment, when the air forhiindreds of feet in each direction waa filled with waits msBses ox spar sun water, the speo- taciee waa grana oevona expression. Mary Newton, the 11-year old daughter of Gen.

Newton, who as chief engineer has conducted the operations at Hell Gate since the etart. touched tne button that set free tbe electric current that exploded the aub-nj arise mines and shattered the mountain of ruex, mang it oat ox the bosom of the sea and crushing it into a million fragments. Is was little Mary Newton who. when a mere nany, toucnea err the first Hell Gate ex plosion a few feet from the point were she etoea to-asy. The shock of the collapse was felt onlv slightly on the Astoria ahore and the nolee resemoiea xar aistant auDterranean thunder.

Where Flood Rock had lifted Its strong back a warm oi oroaen wreoxage waa see it. on tne top ox it all the big derrick that had been left to Its fate turned over on its aide, broken. A huge tank that had been left at ine norm ena or tne island still stood la its Ileon, tilted over as It had settled when let flown wrth the angry waters from Its aerial IUKBS." immediately after the explosion a fir broke out in the wreck and burned lustily amid the seething waters. Four instantaneous photographs were taken by officers of the corps of Engineers from the firing point at Astoria. As far as it was possible td ludge from tha position and appearance of tha wrssk.

th expioBion naa oeen an entire success, though for the present the vicinity of the blasted roca wiu do even more dangerous than heretofore until the wreck has been re moved. The shock was felt to a slight extant in tho city. It was distinctly felt in the City Hall building, the structure trembling for a mm vi u'vnminu. lie UOUJLlfcy VJOUTbUOUSe me Buooa waa aiso oistinctiy tele in the upper part of the bulldisr: the floors ahnn and the windows trembled when the srnin. The onlv aoeldenz reported in mnnMHM with the explosion waa tha hnralnv Ae cin Newton slightly on the neck bv a nlism the fuse attached '-to the nhotoeranhfa The engineers, of whom Gen.

Vntnn v. chief, did not, as was expected, make a thorough examination of the work done by the explosion this afternoon. A tnarbAat wiht few persons on board cruised about in the vicinity of the place, but no soundings were taken. The work of aorvevlnff ta ttmi the river win be commenced next week, and it will not be known until after this survey is made just what she effect of the explosion has been. One of the engineers to-niffhfc.

in inuvtni. Mt. A Jt 1 m. wra vn uuuo ii tus dynamite ana rena-a-rock. said that sa far aa hia nhumHnn.

had extended, the explosion was eminently a success. Flood Rock was buried out of sight. It sank perhaps three or four feet, and that was all. Some had affirmed that the bed ef the river wanid ha an hmv jagged with rocks that the middle channel wwuw oecoma impaasaoie until the debris yaa removed. Such did not prove to be, the The Sound steamers experienced no fllrnculty whatever In making their trloa through the ehaxrneL 8 If the work of the elentrtA mimnt folia at any point to discharge the cartridges It waa probably under the rock known as "Bigger Rock." orranaita tha bwtFU lin-k.

stand on HaUett's Point. The keener ef tha ltht WHn w.v upheaval of the waters, said that the water at that point waa not dlaturbed. is might be, however, that he was mistaken. The rfl-L1 ndent that an examination of the bottom of the river would show that the rocks were shattered into fragments. Capt.

John Bomm. nf th. John Rogers, after the explosion, said We eoene oi the explosion af ter it occurred, if necessary. We found at the south end ef island mt-r fthnm. and the west end three or four fathoms.

3 feet of water there be- And it necessary to buoy the place while the main channel la Robinson a uomnn nirtiQ ace Menagerm aawaaamaamaa irT-8 C3r. THE MENAQERIB One Thousand Objects of Interest I EVERYTHIKG MORAL AND Admission to See All. -10 Cents! Oil It 1 entirely clear, so that the explosion is a sue cess and vessels can pass without any fear. Pbxhcbton, N. Oct 10.

Successful ob-servatlona of the effect of the shook caused by the Flood Rock explosion here, made at the Princeton College observatory to-day by Prof a Roockwood andiMoNeuJL Strong disturbs nces were noted on the instruments at 11:1:01, lasting about so seo-ords. The shock caused the windows here to rattle. The Pamell Fan. Detroit, Oct. la An Interview with the Bev.

lr. O'Reilly, the treasurer of the National League, discloses tbe fact that about louo sterling per week la being forwarded to Charles Pamell for the parliamentary fund. The Chicago contribution is not included In this. Dr. O'Reilly was one of the fifty selected to at mop Ireland, but he advises the furnishing of money rather than speakers and will probably not go.

CAPITAL AND LABOR. The 6U Leels (Street Car Strike. St. Louis, Oct. 10.

This mornlnga developments in the street oar atlike were much more quiet than had been expected after the tumultuous proceedings of yesterday. There hsd been no rioting nor trouble during the night, although there had been a doable platoon ot police in waiting all night at the at at ion. This morning the business men's committee, appointed to arbitrate between the strikers and the street ear presidents, met at the Mercantile Club, at 9 o'clock. The committee consisted of Joseph Franklin, W. b.

xnomaoB. ti. at. Koruggs, josepn Bpeont, 8. C.

Barnard and K. O. -Nelson, all prominent merchants. at 9:30 A. hL, they were met' by a committee of five men from the Knights of Lbor.

The committee was headed by Caspar Heep, Secretary ot the Executive Board of tha Knlghtaof Labor, who has baen practically managing the street ear strike since Its inception. The Knights of Labor committee stated that no street car strike had been ordered until the men had tried in every way to meet the street car presidents and failed. If the street car ofiioials had met the men thrre would have been no strike this week. The committee then went on to state that the nien would adhere to the demands they have made, especially demanding the twelve-hour rule and the payment of twenty cents an hour for extra work. They further stated that the Knights of Labor took no account of the earnings of any road, street railway or otherwise; but they demanded living wages for ail employees under all circumstances.

air. Heep finally submitted a table showing tbe wages paid on all street car lines In town. He showed that the mea worked on an average 16 hours per day, and that drivers were paid on an average $1 SO per and conductors $178, and they now demand twelve hours tor a day's work, and that conductors be paid sa and drivers $1 75. The committee then took a recess. The lines were all running at noon, most of the striking lines having about two-thirds of the usual number of cars In opera tion, eaen being manned by two poUoemen.

The Mayor and Police Board held a called meeting at noon to swear In the 600 racial policemen who were ordered to report this morning. wane tae mayor was talking, Charles dreen. President of the People's Rail wav, came tn and reported that a mob Abu. gaiaerea a bus oaro. on tr arx avenue, and tbat the drivers were being Intimidated.

Chief of Police Harrigan lutmedlatalv telephoned to ran cars through, no matter now many policemen it required. A num ber ox special policemen were sworn in and Bens out on uuty. Tha inquest on the body ef John the striker who was shot and killed by Fo- ilceman Hannon yesterday, will begin at 10 -a. n. to-morrow, witnesses ox tne sailing wnucame wua uoroners omoe to-day say that the shooting was unjustifiable; that Policeman Hannon shot the man in the back of tha -head while Pelioemaa Griffiths was noioing mm oown on tne ground.

Miles Stanton, James St. John, Robert Graghen and others who were arrested for mixing in yeeteroaya riots, were fined la sums aggregating $20 and coats each la the r-ojice vwrttnis morning. Between 9 and 10 o'clock to-night a crowd 01 jlai Binsers ana tneir Xrtends derailed and upset two cars -of the Missouri Railroad company near the corner of Market and High streets. The police were soon on the rpoBoa mayor rraneia was also present. The mob wss speedily dispersed.

i ears were felt early tn the evening that uuuid wihuu ooour on uus road to-night, and the line was well covered by the poUoe, u. uu mv wngw tuem ana aia tutur work before the police could prevent it All ears were withdrawn from this road, and also from the Olive street line, and the only road running to night is the Franklin Avenue line. An-emergeney force ot police at every station, and two or three companies of military at the armorv. to be ealled one abonld wmum require iw (utaer trouble is apprehended to-night, but fears are expressed, for t-narmv. uui preparations nave oeen made xor any emer gency.

1 FIBB 1 BBOORD. Prairie Ftrea la Nebraska. rlMCK. Oct. 10.

A tArrfM anif wmeapreaa Drains nr is nr in t.K. nonoeaetern part or this (fierce, countv mkmmM Smm a 1 I bujwuiuik; uoaBoei at ueaar, Wayne and Knox, a his-h winA naa uu lowing xor tne isst 34 hours and the great utv uaa ueoa a veil ng witn remarkable xaniditv. -the hay on every farm In the course of jua use aas peen swept oil. Many settlers have lost their barns, sheds and outhouses, and one man hia dwelling plaoe. All hay on the Logan bottoms, which had been put up for Cattle on GoL Off 'a nadar mnntr Mnh afarm containing 6000 acres, has beCh dd Btroyed.

There are many large herds of cattle ln that region, and as the hay has been destroyed the loss will be very severe on the stock men. i-- ThS fire, which aamna to hava atai-taA about the centre of Knox county. Just below the San tee and Sioux Indian Reservation, haa been rtrattnir annta anlnit amn wind, which has materially stayed Its progress. Shnukl thia wind anrfrianlw lt nn th. fire may penetrate, the southern border of this county and woik, Incalculable damage.

The Dakota PrmtHa Vara. BrSMABCK. Oct. 10. Three nrairto fima were started near this eity yesterday.

It Is thOUffhfc. tiv anarlra frnm an chm An. Korthern Pacifle Road. One fire was started within the city limits and passing north destroyed a larsra amount of wrniMtrtv. Thia fire Is stOl ragtag.

and like all previous blazes, It is beyond control of the farmers. Tape try Brass els in parlor, hall and hat room pattern, at prices lower tuan or A. Biocsteau's Sod, 93 and 35 Ohartres. Lace eur: alas fi as pair at Braselmau's. PHllOQIIiri 1 jUOGUMI.

and Theatr mm -J THURSDAY Asses tTATUBE'S Greatest W0H DEB, iiariU fill if Carioni iiJ iiJerfd kmsh ib TH2B CBOPS. The Govaraaseat Re part. Wabhihgtox, Oct. 10, The crop report of tbe Department of Agriculture says: The high condition of cotton la Juneani July was not maintained In August sod September. Severe storms and exoeseirs rains have prevailed.

Rust has destroyed Alt.M mt rvA WAMna hlTA IfllnMil Another fall In the average of condition has eocurred, from 87 on the first dsy of Sep. tember to 78. The average la October of the census year was 81 and the ulUtr. 3 laid 4-10 of a bale. This year the gre decline Is in the region of the highest -ofyield, reducing the relative prodoetic The department estimate of the Idok 3 ef area einre 1879 is 20 per The re tar 1 relate both to the condition' and to 1 prospective yield per acre tn hundredth! of a bate.

Tha figures mast DOE be considered I final, as tbe date of a killing Irost and so-1 tnmn weatner may eaauy causa a vanaaoa of a quarter of a million The condition by States is ss follows Vlr- Korth Carolina, TT South Georgia, 87 Florida; 88 Alabama, Si; Mississippi, 80; Louisiana, 17 Texas, 7s: Arkansas, 7u, Tennessee, 74. --v f-" The expected yields, with the average latere conditions, are Virginia 83190 of a bale Kerth Carolina, .88 South Carolioa. mSS; Georgia, Florida, .88 AUbsma, Mississippi, InlsUna, Texas, Arkansas. .43 Tennessee, 33. Averx fs, 86-f4ieo of a bele.

It xndiestes atnliUua bales more than the present crop, subject to further meteorological conditions. The Department of Agriculture reports that the yield of wheat per acre for ths area harvested is 10J bushels, and only 9 on the area sown, which was nearly 40,000,009 acres. The area harvested will not exceed S4.onn.floo anrea. Corn Indications point to a yield of KH bushels per which would give a yield of 1.960,000,000 bushels. The oats crop exceeds Dasaeis.

-1 NSCBOLoaT. The Deeeased Cardinal. New Yobk, Oct. 10. Drs.

Rngo and Town send are now embalming the body of Cardinal McCloskey, preparatory to its removal to the Cathedral, where It will lay in state until Thursday morninr, the obseauies will take place at iot. A. M. Archbishop Corrigan will star ta mass, and Archbishop Gibbous, of Bala-more, win deliver tbe lnneral address. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and on Thursday morning o'ooek, the clergy will chant the office fir the dead.

The Cathedral will be heavily draped in mourning. It la expected that large throngs of ft faithful will visit the Cathedral on Tuesday and Wednesday to bid as final farewell their deceased Prince. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. The clergy are la a tiimmeo, certain rules In that regard be laid down for the burial of a Cardinal, a cablegram haa been sent to Rome askwr for Instructions. In the meantime the ea--iet has been ordered and Is to be made of aa Domingo mahogany.

There were numerous callers et the Falacs to-day, and telegrams of condolence wea received by Archbishop Com van from t- Archbishops of TTiifmr ajod St, Louis ani the Bishops of St. Joseph, Uo, N. and Vlncennes. Ind. A cablegram cf fmuilftflAfi mmIw fmm f' mA ntil Blmonl, Prefect of the Propaganda at Him.

The dead prelate will be burled In 1 1 Cudmal robes, and while lying in stats wii be guarded, day and night, by delegss from the St. Vincent de Paul Society, ins Cathedral will ba draped In mourning and tbe sanctuary In purple velvet, emblexnauo of his position. He will be burled In the vault underneath tbe church. In the crypt adjoining the one which now contains the remains ot his predecessor. Archbishop Hughes.

Moqtjettes. The parlor carpet la eU tie latest styles at A. Bxoneseaa Bon, 29 and Chartres. Skin Diseases I nstantly Relieved bv Cuxicura. rp EKATMINT A warm hath with Ctrn-Xcuka soar, and a smgle applies rion at CuTKyax, the great Skin Cure.

This repeated daily, with two or threa doses cC Cuticotu ItEaOLVKXT, the New Blood Purifler. to keep he blood cool, the persnlrat iun pare sod nnlrriiatlng, the bowels open, the liver and kid-neya actlvs, -will speedily cure Bcaema, Tetter, Ringworm. Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, Scaw Bcaly and Pimply humor of Via Real snd Sklu. whea the beat physicians aad remedltss i alL OTX A CHILD, Tour most valuable Cuticpsa RmrxDisshavs done my ehild so much good that I fael Uks say- this for the bene lit of those who are troubled My little girl waa troubled wb czem, and tried several doctors snd medicines, but nid not do her any good until I need the Outicura Hkhkxs. which speedily cured ber, lor which I awe you many thanks and many nights of rest.

aatoh bobsmixr, ewkbubqh, isn. TETTER OF THE SCALP. of the scalp. I used your coticuka nxpiKa about six weeks, and they cured my scaty perfectly, aad now my hair is coming back waa. J.

P. CHOICE. ft WITH xuxrrrjiLKs. I want to ten nn nm.M ,1 I. IVU mlJ mmJmlmm BMW- vxxT to magnlfloen t.

About three months ago SfSSiJ bottles ot BEsoLVKifTl waa perfect BT. CBABLKS BTXKXT, MXW ORLXAK8, La, BEST FOB ITCHING DISEASES. One wf mv HAITfiJIi. KKMKbtKa ana tha kut uer untu he used youra. mxoti ni obaara ana loana na rv- jr.

j. A t.I) RICH, nnufffw Tnnn arra. O. Bold erarvfiMM ta wn Iw xr.OTIEil EUO AHD CHMnCAh CO, BOS" ton, Mass. Send for How to r.m Skin Ui-.

Bleraishes and -a-ATA Baby Hmnora. use CmicrjAiA boat. lintv i.iKt mi. avk wire to ttie famished of old is a CtmcuRA ahh-Paix plateb to the aching sides and back, the weak and pain 1 ul muscles, xlut uni r.iitul-and hack-' lag- cough, aad every pain andaeha- ITfUTMP 11 UH11XIJ i ll.llj IW1V 4V. mU u.

w. I 5 -V -1.

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