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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 11

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PICAYUNE-NEW ORLEANS FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1895. 11 01. tp. if iTT- 3 33, No- 2 white 3T37Vi. 36ik track white 374U1; options vr8 white trac wltn closing i nV decline, January closed 83.

34. nay Pickled hams 8 I Be western steam closed at tierces at 7ri7 U8K. city 6 tierces. January closed $7 fc. S7 13 nominal, relineu sieaay, Juisal, WfJ- south America 7 SO.

butter steady, west- VoODi ioaio, do creamery 154i. do sia KlL'ins 23. imitation creamery te dairy lO-ftiu. do creamery fcjunttled. state large Ufell.

small skims siiims ij; W1 state and Pennsylvania 23, iee- -r sieau wexturu frosh southern 20 kou aMu packages; tallow weak rr'RVr offerings larger, city country n'leuui nominal, united closed '25' rWn steady; jurpeutiue lirm, awttjw. sound fancy $3 754, others CO, unsouuu i 'moderatvly active, Scotch $19g20, Acai 5iml; tin inactive and higher. ii 31 1 1 Mil; untie ffi- ied n'rm, brokers1 price S3 02Vi. S3 65: lead L. S3 lo: copper nrin, brokers P1 px.

hauae price SS S3. CSnJSlS tons April tin at 13. 20 tons April 05 j5 tons jreoruaiy nn i io is, Sft'on. Kebruury tin at 13 2U 23 tons April I. o.

to January tin at 13 4 tons January tin a Vara January lead at 3 10, 10 lead at S3 12Vi. oil weak, sales of ISO barrels nr nie crude at 23: prime crude 2324 13, prime summer yellow 21 ff yellow yellow butter grade, nrime white 3i'i32 nominal. Chicago, Jan. grain markets were io the end after a day spent in 5rmrcllne against the iurim-nce or depression lack of business. The raiding of the market of the day before was continued more successful to-day.

resulting, as Jr did. In a decline of 9sc. nheat with every Inducement to go higher. Ailined'kc. and corn, without anything bear-? outlook, also sold off e.

were lmlependent of the course of mln and made advances. l'heat opened quiet and steady at about ivriini? urice of the day before, and held ujri. iH-r bushel all the forenoon. was-of the dullest kind, l'rimary mar-kPt receipts were a little larger than on the Jrresnonding day of the week before, but were a little more than one-half of the quanti- received on the similar day last year, rhleaso inspected into store 60 car loads, us 'inolis reported receipts of 135 and Duluth cars or 160 cars together, compared with 2)7 a week ago and 2S4 on the same day "2. The clearances from the Atlantic Jwlrta in wheat and flour amounted to 623, OOO Ir11 nia.Lnla wra.

Ill Vi 11 basbels. ine ium8ii lain firm. The market finally turned weak during the last hour, and May broke to 67 feSiW split. The stubbornness with which the refused to advance discouraged holds' rir1 fl.iwtl erg. ana me Uay closing at The corn market was rather firm for a Bhort tim near the opening, but became heavy itter and quite weak about 45 minutes from it.

the session. The receipts were Iren smaller than the moderate number of I Itiiulnuna u-no Hull ears estimaieu iciu, l-tTSi The oats market was the only apparent L-oninir factor. May opened at 41, sold high as 47Q4S, droiied later to 47ft, gad at the close was at 47. Th. nnta market was the whole thing again to-day.

The activity and slump in prices was wi greater than yesteroay. aiay soia irom 30'4 to 30Vi. and closed at 30 bid. Updyke, Baldwin, Farnuin and Irwin Green headed tie selling. The provision market recovered somewhat from yesterday's great run of hogs.

Although to-day's hog receipts were still heavy, numbering 47.000. as against 45,000 estimated, the market opened firm at a little Improvement on yesterday's closing prices. It was supposed that much of the day's buying, which occasioned the firmer feeling which prevailed, 'was due to the covering of short lines for teconnt of western packers. May pork closed 17Vc higher, lard and ribs closed at the top of the day's range and each at 7MiC improvement on the day. New York, Jan.

17. Coffee Options opened dull at 10 to 15 points advance, ruled quiet oa foreign news, modified crop estimates and local buving, closed steady at 20 to 25 points net advance. Sales 9500 bags. Including: Janu-trr 14.25W14.30, February 14.10, March 14.15 614 25, May 14. 03C.1 14.13, July 14.10, August 14 25.

September 14. lOfri 14.20, October 14.20 614 30. December 14.40. Spot ttlo steady, 'o. 7 15: mil'l quiet, Cordova lSUfflllK Sales 000 bags Mnracaibo on private terms and 225 bags washed Carason on private term.

Snntos firm, uood average 14.40O, re- 1 ceiots 13.000 bags, stock 403,000 bags. 11am- DBrZ WeuKj prices miaui-c, 88,000 bass. Havre closed steady at SU'jf et advauce, sales 16,000 bags. Kio firm, No. 7 13,600, exchange 104d, receipts 7JOO bags, cleared for the United States 11.000 bags, cleared for Europe none, stock 218.000 bags.

Warehouse deliveries from New York yesterday, 6009 bags: New York stock to-day, 51.379 bags; stock, 285,746 bags; afloat for the United States, bags; total visible for the United States, 604,746 bags, against hags last year. Sugar Uaw steady, fair reflning 2, cen-' trifugal, 96 test, sales of 2200 tons Hollo, 89 test, at Breakwater, to come here, at 2 9-16c; refined quiet. Chicago, Jan. 17. Not so many cattle by 4500 head arrived yesterday as was estimated nd the run to-day was light, consequently there was a return of confidence.

There was freer buying from the start. Sales were prin-clpaly at 3 40g4 50 for steers and at $2 SO 3 for cows and bulls. Fw cattle were left over. Sales tf hogs were at $4frJ4 40 for common to prime lots averaging over 250 pounds, $3 90 64 40 for averages of 200 to 250 pouuds and $3 20 for lighter weights. With fresh receipts of 45.000 and stale hogs enough to well the supply to 67,000, it was scarcely to be supposed the market would develop much strength.

Trade was active, shippers and packers buying very freely, but there were too many hogs for the demand, the close of busi-esg finding several thousand still in the pens. The bulk of sales were at $4Q4 73 for com-f mon to best. Sheep To-day's receipts were about 12,000, 5fnd generally of fair quality. The market was itrong to a shade higher under a good export and local demand. Sheep were quoted from 1262 80.

and the bulk sold from 2 60.3 50. The top for lambs was $4 (iO, though not many sales were made at Wiat price. A good muny sold around $4 45, and the bulk brought i 40. Receipts Cattle 12,000, calves 400, hogs sheep 12,000. The leading futures ranged as follows: Open- High- Low- Closing, est.

est iiig. 64 64 f4 68 68 1 5754 fi 6841 G8Ja 6bs 4o-5s t5U 4S 4 471 47s 47 Js 47J2 47 47s 28 277a 30 JJ0J4 Kt)Ja 1120 $11321120 tl 11 45 11 60 11 45 11 lu C7Ji 6 70 67; 5 70 6 80 90 6 80 6 90 1 0 S3 77 5 87! 15 ITU 6 87 Us Articles. Wheat No. 2 July. Corn No.

2 July May Oats 'o. -2 May Moss Pork May Bhort Kibs Cafe quotations were as follows: Flour tteatfr; Xo. 2 spring wheat 57(i5U. No. 3 prli4 wheat No.

2 red 54j544: J. 2 corn No. 3 yellow 41Va41s; No oats 29, No. 2 white 31VyJ.32, No. 3 white m31; No.

2 rye No. 2 barley 65. No. 54, Xo. 4 noiainnl; No.

1 tlusseed fl 43; Pfime timothy s-ed 5 mess lork, Ier bbl. Jll 311 r0; lard, per lOO lbs. $0 72W6 'o: ribs sid-s (lmnse) $5 70(35 75; oonlders (boxed) 4 75fi4 7Vi: short clear (boxed) $5 00; whisky, distillers' "inhed goods, per gallon, $1 22. Articles Receipts. Shipments.

Flour, barrels 3.000 "nt, bushels buKhels HiO.OOO 14,000 Sau. bushels 102,000 bushels 2,000 5rley. bushels 07,000 16,000 On the Produce Kxchange to-day the butter was creameries dairies UtCS); gt.g Cltv. -'an. 17.

Wheat steady, o. i -Sfe. No. 2 red reje-ted 4Js samples and f. o.

b. Mispisxippl river No. 2 'v l51' Xo- rel fl. Corn active and firm, mixed x. 2 white WWl- ats No.

2 mixed iW.130. 2 iai Uje flrm- Nu- 2 Flax fced 60(a' City, Jan. 17. Cattle Receipts 3000 2T0. uurket steady.

Texas stetrs uZL3 eows 0O. Colorado 2 25, leef steers $3 25(i5 20. 11. ooo. shipnicnts 1200.

market "troug. bulk of sales 3 75(i4 10. trwij "e'Pts 4J00, shipmenU none, market Jan- 17. Wheat Cash and Jann-. WKher, 53: options lower.

May 55,6, July lower, cash 42. Jaunary 431. ft i Lpa'1 live and higher. 52 U2ti tal, i lull, $3 07J4. Flax eed nomi Lools.

Jan. 17 2000. ttiirtr VtWe. UZai "Ldllnes, Kood hfeavy butcher steers 'Rnt sieers f2 2 5ofi- :5 rei 6O02 85, fed 75fa2 23. Hogs Biiru iLw' sa'l'nients 3 market active 14 er.

best mwi bcavy wisfnta LflOO. shlPBienrs loou a'ur. rly, teady. Fir 40 St. Iioals, Jan.

17. Wool quiet and nn- chaneed. Cincinnati. Jan. 17.

Hoga lower, $3 60 4 33, receipts 2000, shipments 100O. came teady, 92 004 63, receipts 7500, shipments 200. Sheep in fair demand, $1 50j2 360 receipts coo, shipmenU 400. Lambs firm ana mguer. 23.

FOREIGN MARKETS, Liverpool, Jan. 17. Bacon quiet, demand noor. Cumberland cut 2S to 30 DOunds 33s 6d. short ribs 28 pounds 32s, long clear light 38 to 43 pounds 31s, long clear neavy 00 pouuaa .11 chnrl r1nr hneka llirht IS notinda 32s 6d.

short clear middles heavy 55 pounds 31s, clear bellies 14 to 16 pounds 3s 6d. Shoulders Square, 12 to IS pounds 20s. Hams Short cut 14 to 16 pounds 43s. Tallow ine xorth American nominal 23s. Beef Extra India mess 70s, prime mess 53s 9d.

Pork Prime mess fine; western 57s 6d, do medium 52s 6d. Lard quiet, prime western 84s Ud. refined la pails 30s. Cheese quiet, demand mpderaie, finest American wnite ous, nnest aiiv pu coioreu oiu ou, Butter Finest United tates 75s. good 60s, Turpentine spirits 20s Od.

Rosin Common 3s IX I. Cotton seed oil Liverpool refined lbs va Linseed oil 21s 6d. Petroleum Refined 4d, Refrigerator lieef -r- Forequarters hind' quarters 6d. Bleaching powder Hardwood f. b.

Liverpool 7 pounds 10s. Hops at London (Pacific coast; 2 pounds 15s. peas Canadian 4a 10V4d. Liverpool, Jan. 17, 4:15 P.

M. Wheat Spot quiet, demand moderate. No. 2 red winter 4s 9d, No. 2 rod spring 5s 5d, No.

1 hard Manitoba 5s 4'Asd. No. 1 California 5s ld. Futures opened steady with near and distant positions 1 farthing higher, closed steady with near positions 1 to 2 farthings higher and distant positions 1 farthing higher, business about equally divided, January 4s Od, February 4s wyu, -uaren 4b iK-fcd, April 4s lOVid. May 4s lovjd, June 4s Corn Spot steady, American mixed new fours 2V4d.

Futures orjened firm with near and distant positions 1 farthing uiiiL-r, i-iogea steady witn near positions un changed to 1 farihins higher and distant nni. tious 1 to 2 farthings higher, busines sheav-iest on early jx sit ions, January 4s 42yd, February 4s 2fed, March 4s 2d, April 4s 3d, May 4s 3d, June 4s 3d. Flour steady, demand mod erate, st. ixHiis i.incy winter 6a yd. CUSTOM-HOUSE KOTES.

Special DeMvery ly lllcycle. The Innovation of rostmaster- Daniels of putting special delivery boys on bicycles Las proven not only popular but gratifying and practical In every way. The postmaster conceived the idea that It would be a welcome liliig to do to Institute a method whereby the businessmen of the community and others could get special delivery letters quicker than they have been receiving them by foot of on the street cars, wherev-er practical. Ihe department refused to allow a requisition for the machines, so the postmaster set about to buy them at his own expense. He had some machines made to special order that are adapted for the service, and the result have pleased him and the patrons of the special delivery greatly.

There are now eight machines in use, and they do the work of more thau twice as many boys without them. There has ail along been employed in thus branch of the service fifteen bojB, the number of deliveries requiring that many. With machines the work can be done with half as -uiany, and still fewer if necessary, llut tiie postmaster says he hopes the public will appreciate the advantage gained for them in the experiment and do more business by special delivery than heretofore. During the past week or two the boys have been learning to ride In the basement of the building, and Secretary Straughn, ua soon as they attained a degree of proficiency, gave them details with letters. One boy on a bicycle now delivers thirty letters In one day on an average, whereas before he could not deliver at best more than ten.

Then. to, the time in which they are distributed is much quicker than formerly. The little fellows appreciate their machines very much, and when they strike a rough place on their journeys about the city ihPT niofc tll tlL-', mi oml riraf.Sr!.,' ir on 'their shoulder, carry it to a more de- i.i.- on. -line kjioi, iurrner removed, ana continue their trip. They go to Carrollton or Ollt tn thft niHnL'ur tViin Ihor can make the trip on the electric cars, V.

,,1 "csiurs stopping aiong tne route witn tne messages and letters. One of the boys stated that there was seuger boy now. Before, he would have uuira 10 mag uis wearieu Jimos. Now he goes spinuing, delivering a letter in 51 rninntoa uftnp Ir Hoo Kann dropped into the post ome. The novelty 1 uugub 11 111 tiny oilier city, but it is likely to prove proper and 1 Tl I 1 imri.i lymuiBMpr uaiueis is giatineu thflt h( OOIllrl ilMtitllto an Innnoitinn t)i-if Is of such value to the commercial world.

Duty on Imported Sngan, Acting Secretary Charles S. Hamlin, of the treasury department of the United States, has sent to the collector of the port a copy of a circular issued under date of Jan. 14, prescribing regulation for relief under the first proviso in paragraph 1821-12 of the act of Aug. 28, 184, from the additional duty of one-tenth of 1 per cent per pound Imposed by said paragraph on certain sugars. The proviso of the tariff bill Imposing the ad valorem duty on sugar brought Into this country, together with the dif ferentials, is cltetL and the following regu latlons are added by the department: In order to be relieved from the additional duty of one-tenth of 1 per cent per pound tne importer must produce a eertiucate from the government the country of wnicn sugar is tne prouuet in tne follow ing form: inis is to cerury mat sugar specified in the annexed.

Invoice Ia the product of icountry named that 110 indirect bounty has been rectlod thereon in excess of tax collected Uixm the beet or cane from which it wa produced, and that no direct bounty has bceti or will be paid thereon. (Signatures of authorized ollicer.7 Second If the importer is unable to produce such certificate a time of utry, a written stimulation to produce the requisite within six months from said date 01 entry, win ue suopenacu until tne production of the certificate, or the expiration of the six months, provided that. In case of prior withdrawal for cousuniD- the estimated and deposited duties shall include the said additional duties. Third Lnon tne production of the reauisite certiorate' within six months from entry, the Vmount deposited cn account of additional duty, fjhall be refuted as an excess of deposit. A Texun Mall Robber.

Chief Tost Office Inspector Geo. A. I Dice received a telegram from Inspector Hamilton, who is operating in Texas, announcing the conviction of Jim Morgan, charged with bank robbery at Elgin. Tex. Morgan, Is also under Indlctmen? for burning and robbing the post office at Bastrop.

He belongs to a notorious gang in that state, which of late has been wreaking much mischief to safes and post offices. Morgan got eleven years iu the penitentiary. Forty Cents Is the price asked for a tempting lunch at Hotel Grunewald. A SHOOTUG SEQUEL. The Victim of 11 l'lantutlon Platol In u.

Serious Condition. Mr. Frauk Baulllotte, the superintend ent of transportation the Barbrech sugar relineryt In St. Lanury, who was shot some weeks ago, is at present se riously 111 In Alexandria, La. Mr.

Baulllotte, on the 12th of became Involved in a quarrel with a man named Wm. and was shot through the breast. The wound was uot at first considered dangerous, and when the grand jury made their Investigation of the shooting they brought in a bill against Hancock charging him with carrying concealed weapons. Hancock was tried and lined JF2-5. and a short time ofter left the plantation for Texas, and nai been seen no more.

The wounded man was taken to Alexandria, where lung fever set in, and at present his condition is considered most critical. Mr. Charles Ranlett. one of the managers of the reiinery, which is the property of Mr. Ferris, was on the plantation when the shooting took place, and after a short search found axid placed the accused under arrest.

PARISH AM) COl'XTT CANVASSERS WASTED For the- Plcayone and Other Publications A Permanent Place, Worth 75 to ISO Per Month to Hastier. We want a canvasser for the Picayune and other publications In every county in the United States. Anybody can do the work. It is light, honorable and pleasant It will pay w.rk-i.-s from $75 to $15o per Xo rnnital or rev 1 011 a necessary. Our plans are uev, and very 1.,,.

Writ a tnr full tit 1 41 nv uiai 0 ij jrv care The iicayune, New Orleans. CLAIBORNE STREET RESIDENTS HOPEFUL That the Street Will Uot be Used by Eailroads, Bat Determine to Ask the Council for Legislation, Which Will Make it Impossible to Bun Trains There, And Also Suggest an Attack Upon Other Grants to Deter Corporation Encroachment. The park commissioners having charge of -the rare and improvement of Claiborne street held a meeting in St. Joseph's Hall last night to which those interested In the matter of the claim of the Louisville and Kashvlite Railroad Company to the right to lay tracks on Claiborne street were Invited. There was a majority of the commissioners present and a number of other persons were there to Lear what was to be done.

Hugh McMauus called the meeting to order and George W. Flynn was in the secretary's chair. John F. Markey moved that the privileges of the floor be granted to those present. This was adopted.

Mr. Flyuu explained that the main object of the meeting was regarding the mass meeting called for Saturday night. He said that the meeting would be ill-timed because of the decision of the supreme court and because the time for action had not come. He believed that the railroad company never intended to use Claiborne street and said that the only thing that could be done at present would be to pass some sort of resolutions and advise as to what should be done. Moderation was the thing.

Lr. W. It. Harnau said that the only thing that could be done was to go to the city council regarding the building of the road and the regulations about the crossings, that it would be too expensive for the road to build the Hue. Ex-Attorney General Walter H.

Rogers was called on and gave the meeting all the information he had about the litigation regarding the line. He said that he did uot intend to lay any particular blame on anyone in the matter. but In the past, things had been done which deserved criticism and the people had a right to complain. He believed that the acts were done, however, in good faith. He then proceeded to give the history of the granting of the franchise to the railroad company in liHiS and the litigation by which the right of the legislature was upheld.

I Then he spoke of the desire of the Louisville and Isashville Koad which had succeeded to the lights of the Mobile Koad, to secure batture rights on the river which it could not obtain by legislation and only by the action of the city. This was in liS2 and Mr. Bayne was the attorney for the road. He persuaded the council to take $40,000 and give the rights to the road, dismissing its appeal In regard to the Claiborne Btreet franchise. Mr.

Buck was at that time city attorney. It was understood that when the agreement was made the company relinquished its right to the Claiborne street line. "When Mr. Rogers came into office, Mr. Bayne applied for an extension of the right and Mr, Rogers refused to grant It.

The road brought suit and won it. Mr. Hayne claimed that there was no provision that the right to Claiborne street stiouul be given up. It was plain that the company got tne better of Mr. Buck by some fraud, as the latter understood that the rclinquishiucut was included in the agreement which was in tile handwriting of Mr.

Bayue. Mr. Rogers fought off the matter or Claiborne street by delays until be went out of office in lS8i. Mr. Carleton Hunt then came into office and placed tne matter in charge of his assistant, Mr.

F. B. Lee, and Mr. Rogers consented to assist in trying the case, but It resulted in defeat. Mr.

Rogers thought that if the com-pauy had been given recognition at that time It would not have brought the suit which It did. He did not think that the railroad company wanted the street, and that a dignilied action now would win the case. Regarding the mass meeting called to protest against the decision of the su- ireme court, of the United States, Mr. iogers said ft would not do at all. The court had all the power and could break the people right up.

He suggested a committee of three to present a protest. If the matter was managed In a dignified manner the people of that section of the city would have the people on their side. Mr. McMauus said that he did not think there was any need to be alarmed. The company could not build a road there to any advantage.

The Illinois Central would oppose It. owing to its crossing their yards. He thought the company was oulv looking for a better bargain. and he advised that everything be done wisely. Mr.

Rogers explained that the right of wav granted to the company was not a contract right aud could be set aside by legislation. The law of the state or city could not barter away its police powers, aud the city had the rigut to retrulate the manner in which the road should be constructed. Councilman W. J. Kane was called on and said that he did not come to take part but to hud out what was going on and "feel the pulse of my people." He was in sympathy with any movement to keep the tracks off Claiborne street, and had tried some time ao to effect that end.

He had had occasion to see Mr. Deuegre, the lawyer representing the Louisville ana vine Railroad, aud Superintendent Marshall with regard to the request of the road for permission to lay tracks on four squares of land on the river front. He tnought that the laud belonged to the city, and asked that two amendments be made to the ordinance, one relinquishing the right to Claiborne- street by the railroad company, which was defeated, and another providing that the company pay 5 per cent annually on the value of the land to the city. While this was pending he had occa'slon to see the sreutleinen named and they told him that the land belonged to the road, And they could not be required to pay any further; that they never nau any luea 01 running trains on Claiborne street; that they couldn't use i. .1.1 i 1 .1.

CLUlft UIU U.I L. 1. 1, user IL, XltJ LI 1 1 1 asked them why not renounce their claim to it. anu tney said tnat it was a part of their system, aud, as such, was mort gaged, and ir it was relinquished it would depreciate the value of their bonds and interfere with the r-ghis of their landholders. "He told me," said Mr.

Kane, "to assure my people in the back of the city that they had no Idea of using the street." In regard to the company's relinquishing the rights In consideration of some in another place, Mr. Kane said that he had no doubt that if such a plan was arranged the present city council would indorse it. He once had an interview with Mr. Spelraau, of the Illinois Central, about the belt railroad, and that gentleman said that the street (Claibornei was too close to the city and could not be used. The L.

and N. had no right to use the street for a belt road, anyway. Mr. Rogers said that he did not mean to bo understood to say that the road would relinquish Its -r'ght t- the street if it could get anything cut of It. Mr.

John A. Byrne offered the fallowing resolution, which 'ne to have referred to the committee which was to be appointed: Be it resolved. That It is the sense of this meeting that the mayor and cltv council and other municipal officers charged with the supervision of the streets and landings of New Orleans be instructed to immediately inquire into the usurpation of the rights of citizens by the unauthorized possession by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad by the closing of Notre Dame street, dedicated to the public use. and that the public officers here mentioned be required to officially state the facts of said illegal possession, in order that the public mav be nlly informed, and that the said officers bo required to make like examination and report of the condition of the Illinois Central crossing at the intersections at the head of St. Mary's market and near the river, and also of all like usurpations by other railroads, without authority of law and to the Injury of the citizens.

i Be it further resolved. That a rer. fled copy of this resolution be forwarded to the mayor and common council. The" chairman appointed W. Flynn, W.

H. Rogers, J. F. Markey as the committee, and they were instructed to act on Mr. Byrne's resolution and report it, together with a plan for an organization for the protection of Claiborne street, at a meeting to be held at the same place on Monday night.

The meeting then adjourned. Mr. J. R. G.

Selleck, an ex-councilman, explained that the Louisville and Nashville Intended to make the street a part of a belt road, and gave some of the history of the attempt to get the Claiborne market moved to land which It as to buv in that locality. If it didn't want the street, what did it try to buy land and move the market for? He said, in regard to Mr. Kane's statement, that Mr. Marshall and Mr. Denegre bad no right to do any act for the road, but that the directors were the people, and anything that the superintendent and the lawyer might assert amounted to nothing.

He wanted an association to protect the street, and moved that steps be taken to that end. Mr. Flynn offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Whereas, the United States supreme court has passed upon the rights of the L. and N. Railroad Company to use the Claiborne street neutrar ground adversely to the city, and we are informed through the published Interviews of the representatives of the railroad interests that It is their intention to assert their right to lay and construct tracks on Claiborne street; and considering the unanimous sentiment of property owners and residents along said street to be against the occupancy of said avenue for railroad purposes, and, further, considering that it is within the province of the cltv council, in the enforcement of its police powers, to place such re strictions and conditions upon tne railroad as to make its victory entirely too luxurious to enjoy: and whereas it is our firm belief that the L.

and N. Railroad Company will not attempt to avail itself of its franchise, so far as Claiborne street Is concerned, because such action would bring about a conflict of Interests between that corporation and tho people of this section of this city; and whereas this park commission has. at some expense, fixed upon a plan of improve ment lor the purpose of converting the Claiborne street neutral ground into a public park; therefore, be it Resolved. That we heartily nrotest against the use of Claiborne street neu tral ground for railroad our noses, and that, pending further action, we advise conservative course by the people to the end that law and order be maintained. Resolved further.

That 1 sub-committee of three be appointed by the chair for the purpose of making full Investiga tion and to take such steps as said committee may deem advisable. Resolved further. That it is the sense of this meeting that the mass meeting called for Saturday night next be post poned until sucn time as iurtner action may be reoulred. Resolved further. That we call upon the people to permanently organize or the special purpose of resisting the laying of trucKs on uiaioorne street.

Mr. Marshall Silent. "The recent agitation of the people living along Claiborne street of the Louisville and Nashville right of way along that street was called to the attention of Superintendent Marshall yesterday evening by a reporter of the Picayune. Regarding the agitation Mr. Marshall had nothing to say.

"It seems," said the reporter, "that there is an apnrehenslon on Mie part of the people living on Claiborne hat the Louisville and Nashville will egin the work of track laying this evening or some time to-night." "An unnecessary fear," replied Mr. Marshall. "Plans have not yet been formulated for the work. Any such idea is unfounded and without reason." Mr. Marshall was not inclined to discuss the matter, evidently being of the opinion that there was no room for discussion, as the question of a right of way had been decided by th'e highest power in the land, thus giving the company absolute right to build the tracks.

Mr. Marshall talked freely about the needs of a belt railroad, and upon the general growth and prosperity cf the city. He stands ready at any time to add his aslstance to anything which Is calculated to be of bent to the progress and growth -of the clty Upon the rgitatlon of the people along Claiborne street, however, he had little to say. BRICKLAYERS' UNION. The Fourth Day's Session of the National Body.

Yesterday the fourth day's session of tho convention of the Bricklayers and Masons' Union of America was called to order at 9 o'clock. In the Screwmen's Hall, with President Klein In the chair. The first business-to come before the convention was the report of the committee on reviews and appeals. Thev had but three or four cases brought btfoie their notice, and the action of the executive board was approved In all but one case. That was a arose between union No.

6, of Worcester, and union No. 11, of Fall River, Mass. The disagreement was over the application of a mason for taemjsrship. One claimed that their union was entitled to the member, while the union objected, saying the member came within their territory. The matter was submitted to the executive board several months ago, and th board decided that the member should be given to the Fall River union.

Then the Worcester union took an appeal to the convention, and after a thorough discussion of the case it was decided that the Worcester union was entitled to the member, and the decision of the executive board was reversed. Just as this matter had been disposed of ti tihieniri. committee, which was appointed to bring about a consolidation of the Chicago Independent Lnipn and the national body, was announced. This committee consisted of Messrs. 1.

J. Joseph Doutnit. jouu j. iun-raiu a 1-: Voi-kcllei L'non being ushered Into the convention the committee was formally Introduced by President IvlUi. Each member of the committee expressKl his pleasure at having been allowed the privilege to speak before the convention, and their only wish was to bring about a friendly and close relation between their body and the national.

It was then decided that the convention would appoint a conference committee which should wait upon the Chicago delegatton. and together decide upon some system by Which tnev COUIU tsiauiwu mc uc-hucu relations. The chair appointed Vice President Canty, Nicholas Dugan, J. R. Walsh and Oliver W.

Vaughn. The committee was instructed to meet the Chicago committee at as early a time as possible, and to submit its report to the convention before Saturday. The committees arranged a meeting for this forenoon. A recess was then taken until 2 o'clock In the afternoon, when the committee on constlttlon submitted its report, a long, and, to masons, a very interesting one. While the amendments asked for by the delegates from the various states were not of great importance nationally, they meirti a great deal to the tinionsresent-ing them.

Hours were passed in discussing these various amendments, and it was not until 5 o'clock in the afternoon that that convention decided to adjourn until this forenoon. The committee on credentials submitted the name of Mr. Edwin Davis, of Evansville, a recently arrived delegate, and the member was given a seat in the convention. To-day the committee on grievances, and general good will submit their reports, and on Saturday the committees on finance and ways and means will consume the forenoon, while the election of officers will be held at the afternoon session. As the day for the closing of the convention approaches and the election of officers.

It seems more certain that the' present officers will be re-elected. Business Is being hurried through as rapidly as possible, and It is more than likely that the convention will adjourn on' Saturday or Monday. CITIZENS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. The Citizens' Protective Association met last night at the office of the Bureau of Freight and Transportation. Some of the members confounded Tuesday and Thursday, hence the meeting was not as well attended as it would have been had the understanding reached all clearly.

However, reports were read and received, and the meeting adjourned to Monday next, when a full attendance Is expected, as important matters will come up. THE COURTS. United States Circuit Court. (Justice Parlange presiding.) The federal grand Jury yesterday returned an indictment against William Mcintosh for selling liqnor without license. The case of the government against Letter Carrier Hauck.

for embezzling mail matter, was, continued until February. The case of Tatum against the American Sugar Uerinlng Company was decided yesterday by the jury, the plaintiff being awarded a sum of $3000. He was scalded while In the employ of the company defendant, and brought suit for 5000. Civil District Court. EMANCIPATION.

Sumter Calvert, George H. Waters and Caroline F. Schmaltz have asked to be emancipated. SUCCESSION. The succession of Bernard Gourgues was opened yesterday.

NEW SUITS. W. W. Carre vs. Robert H.

Chaff Limited. Suit for $115 58 on account, L. Geismar Co. vs. Mrs.

C. C. Brown Son et al. Suit for $188 10 and sequestration. Catherine McCaffery vs.

Christopher Anthony. Suit for authorization to sell certain property. DAMAGES. In the case of Dwyer Bros. vs.

Tulane Educational Fund, for $13,079 88 damages for delay in completion and delivery of the premises No. 10 and 12 Magazine street, leased bv defendant for five years from Oct. 1, 1892, Judge Ellis yesterday gave a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs for $5543 30. RESPITE. The New Basin Manufacturing Company, composed of George N.

Templeman and James T. Harwell, has asked a respite of four, six and eight months of its creditors. Assets. $5261 01; liabilities, $1259 1 A meeting of creditors is called before Charles T. Sonlat, notary, on Feb.

5. AN ELECTRIC LIGHT CASE. The case of the Louisiana Electric Light Company against D. Lopez's Sons for $137 for incandescent lighting furnished in defendants confectionery, was on trial before Judge Rightor yesterday. The defense was that the quantity and quality of the light furnished was not in accordance with the contract and the bill rendered; that no fsuch amount ot electric light was consumed during thfe month sued for, and that the bill presented for the month In question wag out of proportion to the bills for other months, being more than double.

The company based Its claim on the amount registered by the meter placed on the premises. Criminal District Court. (Section A Judge J. H. Ferguson.) Convicted Joseph Marshall, assault with a dangerous weapon on Police Officer Fruthaler, Nov.

6. Nolle Prosequied John Henry, assault with a dangerous weapon. Indefinitely Continued Paul Recknagle, alias Parker, assault and battery; Albert Andrews, petty larceuy; Newell Jones, wounding Pleaded Not Guilty Nicholas Kramer, murder of Mrs. Mary Cooney. Sentenced Mrs.

Celine Jahrens. The defendant was adjudged guilty of assault, but was given the benefit of extenuating circumstances, it appeared from the evidence that she struck a woman who was employed as a nurse, and who, contrary to the advice and Instructions of the physician attending a child of Mns. Jahrens. gave the little one a glass of ice water, thereby hastening the child's death. The mother, frantic with grief, flew at the nurse and attempted to beat her.

Judge Ferguson could not do otherwise than inflict a penalty, and fined the defendant $20 or two months parish prison. Mrs. Jahrens paid the tine. (Section Judge J. C.

Molse.) SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GRAND JURY. The grand Jury yesterday held a special meeting to conclude the inquiry Into the murder of Deputy Sheriff George Boya. by J. J. Davis, ex-crier of section of the criminal court.

Mrs. Wetuiore, who figured so prominently In the unfortunate atfalr of the tampered jury list, that led to the killing of Boya; Alice Shaw, Minnie Moore and Deputy Sheriffs Cunningham and tiregson testified. No other matters were taken up, and the grand jury adjourned until to-day, when the subject of the workings of the criminal court, will probably be taken up. SYRIANS BEFORE THE COURT. TT Asvlis.

Geortre Nasi. F. ITaries. John Couri, Moses Jacobs, Abraham Rustan and George Atlas, Syrians, were aeienaants yesterday in a ease of assault and battery. The complainant, also a Syrian, with an "American name" George Seamanswore that he was attacked, knocked down and beaten by the accused aud was so seriously injured that helost consciousness and was ill for several days.

He said that trade rivalry was at the bottom of the matter. The defense, on the other hand, claimed that none but the kindliest feelings animated each of the six accused toward Seaman, aud thev each and severally proclaimed that the man was mistaken In laying the fact of the assault to them. The state failed to make out a case, as the prosecuting witness could not identify any of the defendants as nts A verdict of not guilty was entered. Mr. A.

D. Henriques represented the state in the absence of Assistant District Attorney Finney; Mr. Paul W. Roussel appeared as counsel for Asylls, and Mr. Chandler C.

Luzenberg for the other defendants. The trial was necessarily slow, as the evidence was Interpreted by a smiling son of the land Of figs, whose knowledge of English was very limited. At one time Mr. Henriques was completely unnerved, and he sighed: "Merciful Moses! the interpreter is worse than the witness." Pleaded Not Guilty George Perkins, murder. Pleaded Guilty William Cane, assault and battery.

Indefinitely Continued John Henry, Richard Mason. D. Pochelu. Wm. Patln, Wm.

Lacoste. assault and battery. Acquitted Wm. Schulze, petty larceny. Sentenced Peter Davis, assault, one hour in the parish prison.

Leave of Absence The "court granted thirty days leave of absence to L. N. Beauchemln. who is awaiting trial on a charge of perjury. First Recorder's Court.

(Recorder E. 8. Whits ker, presiding.) William Peterson, for being drunk and disturbing the peace in a street car, was fined $20 or 30 days. Triton Malatls, for fighting, was fined $15. John Conner, a suspicions character, was fined $25 or 30 days.

Isaac Harris, a suspicious character, and pilfering coal, was fined $20 or SO days. M. A. Bird, for disturbing the peace and Insult aud abuce. was fined S7." or IK) days.

He was also placed under $500 appearance nonds lor assault and battery on Solomon Baxter and Matt Williams. James Sanders, for entering in the night time with felonious intent, was placed under appearance bonds. Charles Frist, alias George Ellis, for petty larceny, was sent before the criminal court under $250 bonds. The case of Arthur Chapman, alias Morrell. the valet of Sandow, charged with grand larceny, was continued indefinitely.

William Ranken. for being drnnk, disturbing the peace and being a suspicion character, was fined $50 or 60 days. Conrad Nagle, for disturbing tho peace, rising obscene language and Insult and abuse, was fined $15 or 30 tlayi. H. M.

Llttell. president of the Traction Company, charged with placing obstructions over the gntter. stopping the flow of water, was discharged. Daniel Gilbert, nged 8 years, charged by his father, Abraham, with being a Juvenile vagrant, was paroled, and the recorder ordered an affidavit to be made against the father for being a suspicious character. By error, in-reporting the proceedings of the first recorder's court, the Picayune of Thursday made it appear that Jacob Sehober was charged with "breaking and entering and petty larceny," whereas.

In fact, Mr. Sehober, having, as a good citizen, caused the arrest of another man, was simply charged with false Imprisonment." and placed nnder appearance bonds. Second Recorder's Court. (Recorder A. M.

Aucoin presiding.) Frank Wendllng and Joseph Kohler. for selling adulterated milk, were fined $25 or 30 days each. J. V. Pendergast, for Insult and abuse, was fined $25 or 30 days.

A Frank Frellng, Dan Moore, Sam81rup-klns, Irwin McCarthy, Aaron Harvey William Coleman, John Mack, Sam John-e Xvlic Johnson. Henry Willlamsw Emmett renin, dangerous and suspicious; Pat Ryan, Alice Lessepps, disturbing the peace, $10 or 30 davs each. Mary Dorsey, petty larceny, $25 or 30 days. Furniture, diamonds. Jewelry, piano, by auction this day at residence corner of Bienville and Rc-nan.

tn the succession of Emma E. R. Haralson. Curtis Baumgarden conduct the Bale. SUGAR-HOUSE RISKS.

Recent Losses Create' Consternation Amonar the Insurance Companies. The sugar-house at La Frenlere was burned on Wednesday night, with a loss estimated at from $35,000 to $40,000. The origin of the fire is not known. La Frenlere is situated in Jefferson parish and Is the property of Mr. Charles Louque.

The property was insured for $30,000. Of that sum $20,000 was on the building and the machinery, and the balance on the crop. The burned structure was filled with sugar, all of which was consumed. This is the fifth or sixth fire of the kind which has occurred wlthinthe past thirty days. Among the sugar-houses that have been destroyed are those at Barton, Meeker and Nina plantations, of which Meeker was perhaps ts largest and most Most of these establishments were equipped with the best modern machinery and operated on the best and most scientific principles.

Of the sugar-houses thus burned, an equal number appear to have utilized the old open-pan, processes and an equal number to have used the improved process. Commenting on the number of fires of this character which have recently occurred, Mr. Abe F. Marks, the well-known insurance man, said last night that the fires which have occurred since Christmas have aggregated a loss to the insurance companies of over This loss exceeds in amount the Income from premiums derived in a year from sugar risks. Mr.

Marks stated that out of sixty insurance companies entered under the state laws twenty did not write sugar risks. The forty that did are becoming panic-stricken at the increase In fires, and fifteen of them yesterday instructed their representatives to cease writing policies and to cancel those now outstanding. Of the eight companies of which Mr. Marks is the representative all but two have taken this course, in addition to these sixty outside companies there are a large number of local companies doing business In the state. Oif the latter Mr.

Marks cited several whlc had instructed the discontinuance of th policies on sugar risks. The greatest alarm was felt In the north and east among Insurance companies. Of the fifteen companies which, have discontinued their policies none are likely, in Mr. Marks' opinion, to return to the issuance of sugar risks. About a year ago Mr.

Marks, in common with other insurance men, received queries from their companies as to the probable effect of the sugar bounty agitation on the business. Up to that time sugar risks were looked upon as highly desirable, and were written at a lower rate than the generality of property. The agents, however, thought that the moral risk was small, and acting on their advice, the companies continued the issuance of the policies. The development of the past month has caused a general reversion of sentiment. He anticipated that other companies would within a few days follow the example set by the fifteen companies which have ordered the cancellation of their policies.

Mr. Marks cited as an instance the case of a sugar-house in Iberville, which was Insured, house and crop, for $130,000. of which $62,500 has been canceled. This panic does not extend to anything but sugar-houses and their contents, and will not affect the risks on other property. Mr.

Marks believed that, should no more fires occur, the panic might in a measure be relieved, but the fifteen companies which have already acted would not. even in that event, be likely to resume the assumption of sugar risks under two years, or until such an interval has elapsed as would indicate what fate will attend the sugar Tempting- Lunches Served dally at Hotel Grunewald from 12 to 2 clock. orty cents. TULANE TOPICS. Other Collegrea Invited to an Athletic Contest.

The largest and strongest organization In Tulane is the Tulane Athletic Association. Whenever a meeting Is called by the president there always assembles a large number of the academic corps. Yesterday was not an exception to the rule, and the assembly ball from 1 to 2 o'clock was the scene of much discussion, such as students generally indulge in. The meeting was called to order by. President E.

Rightor, '95. Mr. H. G. Dufour.

96. manager of '94-'05 football team, revlewed In detail the ups nd downs of the past season's eleven. The association was not in a good financial condition at the opening of the season, but good management brought good results. After paying the expenses of the visiting teams and all the other debts the association is now in a good financial standing, Mr. J.

B. Guthrie, 96, then arose, and in a few complimentary words nominated Mr. H. G. Dufour, '06, manager for the football team of '95-'96.

His name was greeted with cheers and his election was unanimous. In response to "Speech! speech!" Mr. Dufour thanked the members for the honor they had conferred upon him, and said he hoped that in the future he would "manage a winning team." Mr. Dufour is a natnral born manager. Last season he managed the track team that Tulane sent to Auburn, to compete with the Alabama boys, when Tulane's boys won nine out of ten events.

His management on this occasion was excellent. For the past two seasons he has been manager of the football team. This year his management of the team was quite satisfactory, as was manifested when Mr. Guthrie nominated him. Besides these honors.

Mr. Dufour was secretary of the Tulane Association last year. In his freshman year he won a medal in the Glendy Burke for declamation. Now that football is over. Mr.

Dufour Is exerting himself to make a success of the concert that the Glee, Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Clubs will give on Jan. 25. Mr. Dufour Is a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Just before the past Christmas there met In Atlanta delegates from Johns Hopkins.

University of Virginia, Se-wanee. North Carolina, Vanderbllt aud University of Alabama. They drew up a constitution for the Southern Intercollegiate Association. The object is to purify athletics, football chiefly. Tulane was one of the foremost colleges in agitating the question, but somehow Tulane was not Invited in time to send, a delegate to the meeting in Discussions waxed hot yesterday when it was proposed to invite southern colleges of good standing to compete with the Tulana athletes next spring on Field day.

Some of the students seemed to think that Tulane had been slighted, and they were desirous of giving the other colleges the cold shoulder; but the motion was finally passed. By bringing the southern athletes together, track athletics will be greatly purified. Mr. R. E.

Bering, to whom much credit is due for having worked up the Southern Athletic Amateur Union, was unanimously elected corresponding secretary. Mr. Martin L. Matthews, '97, moved that a captain of the athletic team be elected, but before the motion could be dlsctfsscd the 2 o'clock bell summoned the students to their respective classes. The topic of conversation right r.ow among the students Is the concert that the Glee.

Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Clubs will give on Friday evening, Jn. 25, at the French Opera House. The members of the clubs are working hard to make the concert a success. They spend several houra every afternoou and evening in practicing. The Glee Club, under the direction of, Prof.

Richard, is making splendid progress. Mr. Cusach's voice is becoming stronger and sweeter every day. Another promising voice in this club Is that of Mr. George Westerfield.

The concert will be divided Into two parts, so the audience can in visiting. The Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin Club has been practicing diligently. Their Instructors are Profs. Wells and Hartreis Two prominent players in this club, from whom much i expected, are Messrs. J.

K. Bowling and H. G. Dufour. Try Gonanx's Asthma Remedies for asthma and MTer fail to five immediate MECHANICS, DEALERS AND LUM BERME.VS EXCHANGE.

The installation tha nsn hoard fit directors of this exchange took place In the boardroom of the exchange yesterday afternoon. There was a full attendance of the members of the old board. " installation the new board met ror tne purpose of electing a secretary for tne ensning year. There was no opposi-J. VL Mr- Carles Dirmeyer.

who ha held the responsible office for the past rew years, and he was accordingly re-elttMl a dissentient vote. J. he following gentlemen were appointed Dy tne board to serve as a finance committee: Messrs. A. S.

Bluffer, G. H. Leahy and A. G. Cusachs.

This concluded the business of the meeting, after which the members of the exchange and their friends partook of a nmst elaborate luncheon, hich had been provided according to custom. EXPECTANT 0 OTHERS. 8 i-ta Thatonr wonderful retried MOTHERS jimay be within the reach of all we have re-i Sjdueed the price to ONE DOLLAR per bottle, ji BEWARE of frauds, counterfeits and inb-lT stitutes. Take nothing- but VS it i Hers Friend. BOLD BY AT.t.

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