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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 11

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PTnAViTNR IJRW ORLEANS, GATURDAY, AUGUGT 5, 180a ge lbDried jj3itar .4 AXl NUT. and the mar- atjues. Cocoeauta raage ere tTk'incr wa. erdinary. -iI 7., at (in.

ptVbox. 50; TirHTti: cuii. at 817 per 1000. baskets, Pr basket. 13c Hid -V'-uueV 25-1 boxes.

SHc per m. layer, si oo ol. SI 00: quarter ouir-s, tj UO-lb Doze. MVc TvlX.vlM watoats. 12e; ChU Louisiana pecan, choice, 1 Wtt-TeJJMwe red.

4W; Vie. iTrJW P' brrel; col tr, miV EmIi per barrel of 2S0 Ji ll 40. 2 SO. uiiiUoo- reo-Uem' priet-e. uiM er wo tur itB0-Bw 40c.

boUed OflrtfSSi' 1 per in AZ VJPrlt turpentine firm, 2 HIM VeporteA receipt 4 ABA. 4- Torpentlne market ttra mr- iTweeiptt tedy. oc; Crwle tarpeoUne Ann, $133, 'a WTirI.T,A'SEOnB. king trom H2fild6, accoiilng to luft. 4Jlrred to Teaaels, prices are 2iZn: Kitra hemT PPe.

llue6; rxtre SaMat eitra fhm, ealla. ia5136: iZt4, axtxa claret, JlKJ r-WVJ ale' pet aaek Urerpoot ne, UTenooi eoarea. 7tt; LonlsUea ijt- 'joUlaaa ftoe, 60c; UTerpool la pork? tv afettfc; loalalaaa table la -ittrl Tbe market la quoted ae Mrrela. 18 0a21 half bar. "Uate boxea.

62; i II iAil T. rita-faaalfM His, 100-Ib bossa riuit kaxee 1 1. e-fatra arale 1TH. -P la Oty ateer bidea, 70 Ibe and 'i mm as4 eow hldee. 20 to 70 lbs.

i to ids, ic; nil sains, eacn. ktaa, CHc; country areea aaited, 4rr mat, lVc. j.OW Pi aaaderad 4c, cooatrj i lu.U Ka. L-fw lb lake, 17c LenlaUna elaar, bwry, J0. -lv apiece, i VAV-Per lb Uc.

i-Frf Ib-Otax mlaed lfM rvTIXB AKD TUES In round AiDr)aa Minnf acttrrlDs Companx ra, im, a p. 14c mi yard; America, 1 lc; Btaadard, 3 lbs, l-le; Boa. Ibi. I M-laei Ladl4w Heb, XH I Ibe, yf yarir xork, 2 IBB. 6Mittc; 11 UN.

-6c; Twine, Jnte. per lb, k' lue; cottoo ties, per handle, sieeL lU, I3cel; baiDg, Jobbing at f. -HJ FH0DCCT9 Cotton reed $3 i 4 lbs) an to river back from New oiabis. Cetbaa) seed meal J-bjlng 4 I I per short toa aad $1 SO per for expert, f. a.

b.i cotton seed oil raUen fat eft erode looae f. O. b. kra, i barrels 12tjl 7Hc. prima a 14Jlc.

and nominal for refined and for shipment, o3 renael cake $1 80 per ton. t. b. LJa-' JV prepoand. 2c Hull 3S630 per 100 poaada, accord- bettlon the mill.

fcoaUoad. 292a2H: to a (on the bank). S2VrQ3c per bbl; ta UU4UO 9g btol: to steaawbtps. torn: car loads. S3 64W 3 i tannics.

60e par bbl. and ft 6V) per t-uatita, (ft per ton; eoke. 33c pet -4-Corcna. 90c per bbl; c--oua bl; splint coal. fV prr Caheba.

OOe per 'Wtnrtada, 93 7aaa. IHK CAJTL ILaKKET. 4 nnt bM; bbl; ack Salea. 334 aa aa Ic 344 UM 115 127 10 .1 4 4 10 KV-8elptn of grown cattle lib. 3 latLCi nd Prteea well soatained trade.

i 4 IrarUOCB Dvmsnd and nrnnl iradea. 1 7" nwrket cloalnc bare of all the awl tew fajf reqoest. 0C0TATIOSS. TOAM iJSD WKSTEON CATTXJL 441 IV lb. tress 5 gross.

2a 8WW 3U SSI- 312 4 j'Si' OOll 00 7 onat a Tf'iOtBUKA AXO ALABA1U V. af at TW a- a Mras, ftlXafil at np an a i Kl iiiji7i -'f ''rwi. oo43 oo ,,1 a. elt ruwtA A.1 vvoV 13 LV4C.O 00 "I TKIBGRAPU a tAcl. complete r- iLT'VrJi marksc closing weil roTjloB 2- Wheat 1 reoirercu with i LMlin cram.

jj, JIT bosbel hot. SI-ft" JVA EvlCr box-Plums t- -n-Per jillon JflnUoed foods oo Vim HiK Fteot wbUkjr, ccord. 1VT4 "7. 1 Strklgbt u4 rye, eeerIu to end quall- bo: biewied. i rse so.

7- nil and llatbeet pipe 4 ii at 21? aWWIng nr 'b usual liu, wJ lecHne hare "atary ai, adeaace '4al local, re- rlwrtei from h-rlai Vol hat an- i''c and hung w- Tha propor. ''iUor tW at thlatla i a year ago. Total primary racalpts were 872,000 bushel. Atlantic port clear, aoeca ot wheat and flirar agfrrgated bnahela. A TlalbW dacreasa af a boat boabela la norther est atocaa far th week wa looked for.

ateptember adrsoced to 0S ottC and closed at oW aa advaaca of J4. Cora was fairly active. At taw opening- the market wan Arm aad higher on contained hot weather, damage reports. Weakness noon developed on reports af rain la Iowa and Nebraska and prediction of cooler weather, with liberal recelpta af 437 cars. The eaah demand was excellent boanels bslnc reported disposed of here, aad the seaboard reported forty loads taken for export and toward tba cloee aborts went to cover, bidding tha market up rapidly.

Country aceeptaacea were light. September ranged from lJe ta HO'fcc. add closed higher at tSOXtooc. Oats wars qoiet and fairly steady with other grains. Trading waa entirely local and ItoctuaUwaa small.

Xbera va somw baying on the wet weather, which la not desiraMo at this period. Receipts were 474 cars. The seaboard reported a good enport demand. September ranged from lOVic to lPc, and ciuoed a shade higher at lVc. rrovlalona ware strong and active.

The yellow fever situation waa more favorablo, tnt the strength raids aaoatly from a sharp advance la hog prlecav Baying of all prodaets waa general aad prieea advanced ataadily, tba close being at about tba top. At tha cloae September pork waa SOe higher at IS September lard IZHe higher at fS 4:3 47V Jnd September riba lie higher at $5 17MI4 20. lUtlmated rpvelpts for Saturday TTheat 119 cars, rnra 800 cars, oata 423 car, hog 17,. 0O0 brad. I The leading fotnrea ranged aa follows: Open- High- Law- Cua- Articlea.

lug. cat. eat. lug. Wheat Xo.

2. Sept en, esa 69 fi Deo Ti 713 717g Mar 74 7478 Corn No. i. Sept 30 30TB 20- Drv 20 'a 28 239 20 May 30 UTPs 29 SO OaU No. Sept 19! 198b W4 lftl lec 19-14 SO 19-Tb 19 May 211 213 21 21 Moms pork.

Sept as 47V9 9 3s $8 43 $8 82 Oct 8 33 8 70 30 8 70 Sept 374 5 50 $3 74 $3 47 Uct i iUt 3 33 3 42i 5 51, Short HiU Sept 85 10 $3 30 83 074 5 20 Uvl 13 5 23 3 124 ft 224 Cash uuotatioDa were aa follow: Flour qolec and ateady. No. 2 spring wbcat o7U f. o. No.

8 spring wheat oifeeay. No. 2 red 70Jt71c: No. 2 corn OlVfc, No. yellow corn bt433; No.

2 oats txicuH, No. 2 white 21t, No. 3 white No. 2 rye 6SVa; No. 3 barley 37, No.

in; No. 1 flax eed 31 01; priiao timothy seed 32 403 mesa pork, per bbl 88 K4nH i.O; lard, per It) lbs 83 42403 43; short rib sides (looae) .9545 30; dry salted ebouldera (boxed) 5uz5 02 Vi; short clear sides (boxed) 83 Mi'H tjfl; vThisky, dlstUlers flnivned goods per gal. Ion, 81 26; clover, contract graac, at ou. Article. Kcjlpt.

gnlpirents. 10,000 700 3O3.0O0 079.0O0 3,000 Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 65.00O 810.000 bwi.OOO 11.000 Barley, bii' 13,000 4,000 On the Prod oca Exchange to-day tba butter market waa arm. Creamery 13vai7Hc. dairy 121344c. Cbeesa firm.

Egga ftrm, fresh 12Hc. Chicago, Aug. 4. Cattle Receipt to-day were toa light to make saach of a market. 11 lab-grade cattla were strong and about 10c blgbor, but comaioa gradea sold slowly.

Good to fancy cattle sold at 83 83li 05. commoner gradea bringing 84 405 80, stoekers and coders sold st 83 234 80, bulls, cows and heifers $2 2o33 23, Texas steera $2 9063 83, and calvea 84 7 10. The hog market waa again on a boons and the scramble for offer-logs resulted la aa advaaca of loaj20c. Heavy bobs sold at 84 Oo34 76, mixed lota at 84 S3i 6e4 SO aad light at 34 6tx4 uo. pig brought ii 754 80, and cnlla 32tj3 90.

Heavy receipts of abeep and lamba again cut prices, moat sales being made at price lower for sheep and about 23 cents lower for lambs. Sheep were salaMe at 323 25 for Inferior' up ta 84 for good to choice natives Lamba sold at i34J4 23 for cull up ta for choice lota. New Xork. Aug. 4.

Flour Becclpta 12.000 barrels, exports a OOO barrels. Aboat steady, aomewhat easier on lower gradea; genetal market closed auiet and uoohauced. Minnesota bakers 82 10. winter patent 83 bota 3 75, winter straights S3 203 40, winter ex. tras ox ou.

VY neat ueceipta iuv.wu Dosneis, cxporra 114.000 bushel. Spot flna. No. 2 78 f. o.

b. afloat spot. No. 1 northern Owlets 7oTc o. o.

anoat spot, ro. a tea tc elevator, uv-tlona cloaed atcadr. September closed 73c, December cloaed 77 Uc. corn Kecerpts puanets, experts 000 bus be la. Spot Arm.

No. 2 371jc f. o. b. a Beat, 84H4e elevator.

Option cloaed steady at Visfv44o set advanea fcrpteiuuer closed Decemoer Wfce. cloawd UVfrc VMia Kxports DWneis. -spox ami. No. 2 27c.

No. 3 2oc, No. 8 wbita 27c, No. 2 white 28C track mixed weatern 26S28c. track white 26l35c.

Options nelctru. Uopa ateady. Hide firm. Leather rm. Wool firm.

Tallow firm, city 4c, country' 44e. Cotton seed oil em. Petroleum firm. Hoaia steady. Tarpeatlae firm at 48H4149C.

Btiee arm. kiolaasea firm. atatala Farther weakness in tin waa tha aly feature of Interest In the raotaj market to-day. The decline waa brought about large. ly by withdrawal of buyers and freer offer ins.

Regulation reporta from primary mar ks! did aot reveal any striking new phases. and toe same waa equally tra af tha aitaa tloa abroad. At tha close tha Metal change called pic iron warrant anehaaged at 814 73 bid and $13 72 asked. Lake copper uncLrnaed at 818 60. Tin weak, nnaettled and nominal at 830 to.

Lead ateady at 84 35 bid and 34 60 asked. Spelter auiet at $0. The brokers' rrricca for lead la 84 S3 and for COO- per $la) 73. riw Xork. Aug.

4. Mutter ana, recelpta 8857 packages, western, ei earner? lSlSc. fresh factory 114J14C, factory 144j14VsC. Cheese Uecwtpt bo4 packagea. Eggs steady, receipts 807 packages, wasura regular pack lng 10pl3c.

St. Louis. Aug. 4. Floor dull and un changed.

Timothy seed steadv at 81 7332 25 for old and 32 43 for new. Cora meal ateady at 81 7 U1 190. Bran ateady, aacked lot east track $5 60. Hay steady, timothy S44J 13, prairie go Whiaky ateady, 31 2o. Cotton tlea quiet at SI.

Uareinc ateady at $Uttt 73. Dry aalt meats firmertboxed) abcul-dora S3 23, extra aborts 83 23, clear rib so a7V, clear aide 85 50. Bacon firmer. 6, cl-or riba S3 8THJt5. eiemr sidea $9 liv, lleceipts Flour 700o.

87.000. eora 000, oats 6000. Hblpmonts Flo'ir il.OOO. wheat 14.000, corn 72,000, oata 73,000. St.

Lou la. Aux. 4. Cattle BecelDta 800. The market la steadv.

Fair to beat native ahlpping and export ateer 84 50i5 60, dressed bfef ateera 4 Xo4jfd 40, steera under 1000 poonds 83 5044 90, stock er and feeders Wii 4 83, cows aad heifers 82 2335. bulls 82 30 T-3 73, canners 31 75, Texana and Indian steers 83 25v4 9o. cows and heifers 83 50 433 75. Hogs Receipts 4000. The market ia IOC higher.

fig and lights 84 83, packers 84 W3-i 70, butcaers g4 704J4 SO. Mbcep Rcceipga 800. Tha market is steady to strong. NaTlve mnttoua S3 6o(4 50. lamb buck 31 003.1.

Texana strong. 84. St. Louis, Aug. 4." Wool ateady, with good demand at previous quotation.

St. Louis, Aug. 4. Wheat, No. 2 red cash 6Vsc, September 6SH4lfcc, December 72c.

May toe. ra. nara oss. Lora. o.

casii SOHC. September 30Ve. December 2744c. Mar 2M4C. uata.

cash No. 2 21 Vie. September l'Jc. May 21c. No.

2 white 2SVc. Pork flrai, $9 23. Lard higher, prime steam S3 30. choice S3 33. Lead higher.

$4 074. Spelter hlrher. 85 73. Kggs dull, oc. City.

Auk. 4. Cattle Recelpta 8101 natives. 2iO Texan. Very llsjht supply of good killers, quick sales.

The market 1 steady at 10c higher; other rradeo activo and ateady. Heavy S3 30)g5 83. light S3 4At atockera aad feeder S4SJ1 90, butcher cows and heifer S3 2033. canners 32 5oi3 23, western ateera $4414 80, Texana 83 254 So. Hoars Recelpta 4 7 IX).

Good, strong market, 104J.15C higher. Heavy 84 45434 C5, mlxeft 84 40H 30, light 84 4024 32. pigs 84 lOtf 4 30. Sheep Recelpta 8800. Good, active demand for stoekers and feeding gradea.

ateady prices. Lamba 85A 75, yearling 84 50SJ5, muttons 8444 33, atockera and feedera 3 25. culls Kansas Otr, Aug. 4. Receipts Wheat 87,.

000. corn 23,400. oats 0000. Shipments-Wheat 18,600, corn 22,800, oata 2000. Kaoaaa City, Aug.

4. Egga ateady, freah Missouri snd Kansas stock, firsts per dosen. cases returned. Kansas City, Ang. 4.

Wkeat. spat 62c, September 6414c. No. 2 bard 62Hc. No.

2 red 071 54c Corn. September 27c. December 24c. cash No. 2 mixed 28He, No.

a wbita Clnciuuatl, Aug. 4. Flour dull. Wheat steady. No.

2 red Com assy. No, 2 mixed Oata atead. No. 2 mixed Uya steady. No.

2 5fle. Lard Una, higher I 25tr3 2714- Bulk mata firm, hfaher. 85 35. Bacaa struag. higher, vfo 25.

Whiaky dali, $1 2d. FOREIGN MARKETS. Llvtrpool, Aag. 2. Wheat Spot nortn.

oru spring firm. 5a lid; future closed ateady, September 3 Ad. December 8s 1044. Carat Spot A met tea a mixed new ateady. 9a SXd.

Americaa mixed aid steady, 8s 44.8 futures quiet, September 3a 3d, Octooer Sa 4d Nov em her nominal. Mancbeater, Aug. 4- CXothi aad yarns firm, bat demand light. thW RATAL BOTS Will Reaauate Scaafaa Series ofj Iloitav After the weekly drill DlvUlna A-Flret Navai Battalloiw ta Tneaday, Jaty 23, a meeting waa held aad a revival of their popolar montnly Iropa -waa decldwl upon. CU)ef yeomaa LoulgA.

Boffman aorsut -a ehilrmaB of the meeting. -Di vision A haa ax Urge membersalp, and It rapidly larreAi-inaU It vii to hare the' flrat dance In the latter part of 8eptetnt)er. The ef the cUrllon are: Chas. I. KeihU lifatenant; Nile Harlltf, Junior UctHenant: Kas.

cnaisa. -Vv- THE I RIVER. i 1 V- I. r- asjewaaw -r-; 2 tJttftad' States I Weather i Bureau. Friday 'cxvmoiagea or water to toe rtre witn change In the past tweutyour hour, la 15th xuerldla tupe.) Bank j-r full Danger atage.

line. St. Paul 14 Davenport 10 15 AT 8.0 13.8 10.2 ll-O 17.1 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.2 0.0 0-3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 O.O O.O O.O 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 O.O 0,4 0.1 0.0 0.5 0J O.O 0.4 0.0 0.3 00 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 O.O 1.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 will fall 8t. Loula 32 SO SJairo 44 45 klemphin 82 Helena 4 Vlckaburg 44 New Oricane 9 Aieivuia Omaha Kansas City 8 II 20. Id I0.8 21 13.0 wa-ivasHiaiu a a WW kV T.

a Loolanil 23 Nashville 0 8.8- Chattanooga 83 33 2.8 Fort Smith 22 B.3 LHtlo Rock 23 0.9 Arthur City 27 8.5 Fulton 20 24 tl.o Shreveport 2i -J 10.0 Alexandria 82 83 9.2 Camden 2d 39 3.7 Monroe 40 2.3 RIVER FORECAST. alowly; the Atchafalaya aud the Ouachita, below Monroe, will remain practically stationary, with a falling tendency, oua the Bed, below Shreveport, will fall. SATURDAY. Aag. 5, lt9.

DEPARTURES YESTERDAY. Graver Cleveland, St. James, New Camella. DEPARTURES THIS DAY. (Sea Advertisement.) Madlsonvllle New Camella.

Hanover, 4 p. m. Red River Electra. While, 5 p. m.

Grand Lake and Bends Wxrreu, Boardman, 5 p. m. DEPARTURES TO-MORROW. Old Landing New CameBa, Hanover, 8 a. m.

JACKSTAFKS. Tha rover Cleveland, for the lower coaat, and St. Jamas, for thu upper coast, had ex eellent freights going out yesterday. Next wsek the Mississippi Packet Company will have the St. James reoume her tri weekly trips to New Hope, sending her out on llou-day, Wednesday and Friday at 12 m.

Tba Red River Line's handsome new Electra, George L. White, master, H. C. Boxeman, clerk, will kave at 5 o'clock this evening for Shreveport and all way landings. The due steamer Warren, i-eikln Boardman.

anaerer, J. C. Sacbae, clerk, representing the Crescent City Packet Company a steamer '1'. P. Leathers, will leave at 8 o'clock thia evening for Grand Lake and all way landing, connecting at the mouth ot Bed river with the New Orleana and Washington Packet Company's steamer J.

K. Trutleau for Old and Atchafalaya rlvcra and bayou Des Ulalaes, and at Vlckaburg with the regular packet for the Yaaoo and Tallahatchie rivers. The War-rea arrived yesterday morn log with 35 bales of cotton, 1070 sack of cotton seed, 19 1' sacks of rice and 19,875 pieces of staves, and landed at the head of Washington avenue to put oft the eta Tea. The magnificent ddewheel steamer City of St. Loala will arrive to leave 011 Monday next for St.

Louis, Cairo, Memphis and all way landings. Agent Frank W. Breedlove. of the 8t. Loula and Mississippi Talloy Transportation Cotn- Sany, received a telegram yesterday froni alro, stating that the H.

M. Hoxle panned there at 8 a. m. with six loaded barges, and ha expects her here next Wednesday. The light draft steamer J.

W. Swayxo, representing tha Ouachita and Black rivers packet America, will arrive to leave next Tuesday, as usual. The Crescent City Packet Company'a tra trier T. P. Leather has been placed In Uc-Lellan'a marine dry dock for au extenalvo repair to her hull, and when abe nesoiucs h-r place la the bend trade she will be like a new boat.

The Mississippi Packet Company's great atearoer Imperial, which has been nlicnl in tiptop saditloB during her summer retire. will resatae her plaee in the Bayou Sara trade aa a Monday and Tbareday packet next week. The' steamer Mabel Cornea nx. which has been repreaentlna- th Imperial for several month, will be laid up on her return from her preseut trip for a general overhauling, aavi the Mississippi Packet Company expect to have ber ready to start out in her own place la the upper coast trade In about two week. Charles W.

Wood and Diver Schnell have taken the little tow boat Linn and a barge to tha wreck of the ateamer John Hnnnl th. Ouachita river, to recover the nraebinrry of the ill-fated boat and what cotton remain la the halL after which the wreck, which haa been declared aa obstruct loa to navigation. icauvrru oj law government. CaDtaln. W.

8. Rowe. of k. reported to fbc local inspectors of steam vessels hia little tog Irene G. truck a anag In Groove Teto bayou several daya ago and auuk in about twelve feet of water, her hull proving a total losa.

Captain Rowo states that he will recover tha boiler and machinery, for which ha haa commenced building a new hull at Melville, to be completed in about two monies. The local Inanectora have miimM tfc. the teamboataea'a attention be called to a United States law which requires that when a steam vessel is placed in dock for repair the fact must be reported by tha master or owner to the inspectors' office, in order that a gvTeroaaeut inspection De made of said vessel. John Anbie. of Baron Sara.

hnilin his second Issue of license aa aecondwlant 8Uot ee the Mississippi river, between New Tieans, and Vicksbora, aad on the Taxoo and tributaries, haa been Issued a flrat-elasa pilot's papers. Cornelias Ehrincer. of JeffersonTill liut a first engineer of condeaaing steamers, applied yesterday for a license aa chief engineer. Cantata C. S.

Kouna. of tha steamer fim-wmr Cleveland, which came up from the forts Thursday night, reporta that be heard of no damaga having been done to the rice crop on 10 lower cvaai oy 1 ae atorm on ednesdsy. Tha Chattanooga Time iy: The rise lo the Tennessee river Is aot sufficient for lo. glng operations, although all of the mill men are in aopea tnat it will continue until a good rafting atage la reached. The aupply of logs I about exhausted, the mills have about ceased sawing, and unless there is a sharp rise, a scarcity of logs will be the result.

The Cincinnati Enquirer of Thursday says: Captain J. H. Wright, of New Orleans, ia in ine city. captain Ham J. Hale, of the famous old marina Arm of Dean A Hale.

haa returned from an outing In the east, aad reporta Mrs. Commodore Thompson Dean snd family touring Europe. The veteran Brooks Johnson celebrated the 84th anniversary ot hla birth yesterday. He is the oldest retired pork merchant in Cincinnati, and one of the oldest member of the Cincinnati Cham ber of Commerce, and waa a heavy pork ahln- per south by river la ante-hellnm daya. in t.

loui uiooe-LMsaocTat of Thursday aaya: Th concerted blowing- of whistles along the river front yesterday about 2 o'clock, announced rse arrival of the new steamer War Eaglo In the narbor. Tbe boat aalled up to the wnarx, wnere sne remained a lew minutea, when she left for tha Eagle Packet Comnanr'a boat yards st tba foot of Barton street, where he will remain till her furniture and tacklo arc placed ia position and other unfinished work oa tbe boat ia complete. The new boat la SAO feet long, 80 feet beam and 7 feet hold. She la a sidewheel boat her engines being 22 Inches In diameter and 7-foot stroke. The boilers, four la number, are 42 Inches In diameter.

22 feet long, with 0-lneh floes, and sue ia allowed to carry 10O ponmla of steam. Tbe boat haa a full cabin, with thirty-four staterooms oa each aide, and a texaa 90 feet Id length. Commodore Hemr Lejrbe. who supervised the building of the craft aad brought her around from Madison. ia very proud of the- boat, aad thinks that she will prove to ne xasr vara mer macninery la ia good working order.

Wbea the boat 1 completed as ovation ia ta be given ia tbe harbor, to which a number of prominent peo ple will be Invited- Tbe boat will make several tripe to Peoria. If the water will ad mit, arter wntcn ana will engage in tne nr. Louts. Cane Olardean and Commerce trade. in place of the Grey Eagle.

RIVER TELEGRAMS. Special te th Picayune. 1 Alexandria. Aug. 4.

The river gauge read at 4 o'clock thie aftenonn 9.1 fiet above sera, having fallen .3 ia the paat twenty-four hr ura. Weather cloudy and warm. Bayou Sara. Aug. 4.

River 12.6 feet and falling, a tall of .1 la the paat twenty-four hours. Departed dewn: Venture and raft at 8 a. in. Up: A. S.

Joseph Henry at 11:13 a. no. Natctea. Aug. 4.

Gauge 21.05. a fan ot .25 ia tbe paat twenty-four hoars. De- Krted Valley Queen. 0cm city of St. ols.

it is said tbe owners of tbe Stella Wild will repair her. but with what purpose In view ia not kaowa. She baa here tied up a long time. Tlcksburg. Aug.

4. River fell .2. with 19.7 oa the gauge. Weather hot and cloudy. The St.

Joseph passed up from Natcbea at a. aad tWwa agale at 1 Jr. aa. The Valley Queea was due ap at a tbe morning. The Jalla la duo raei Memphis at pjidaight.

t- 'y--y- GrMBViHe. Auaj. 4. Tba gang r.tde 14.7 and the river ta -falling. Th Annie Laurie la due up.

Weather partly cloudy aad ot no ware. 5 Memphis, Tcnni. Aag. river bow staada 11 feet oa the gauge, a fall-ef .2 in the paat twenty-four Tbe City of Mem pa la arrived at 11 a. m.

from St. Louis with 8418 packagea merchandise, and re-turned at jt. m. wit ber cablua full of paaaeugera. The Lee arrived; at t.

lu. from St. Louis with a big trio et freigwtr aad and for Mt. kioaht as soon as ualoadedi with her eabta fall eaT pisosni srs. Tba Jaaoea Lee departed at 5 p.

tn. for Friar' a polut. The awi, is. jee uepartoa at a u. lor aia-prt.

Tbe City 04 Idabe departed at 3 p. tn. for Fultoa. The rovernmeat eteamers Mis- eiaaiprn and T. 11.

iavla were la port to-day. The drerebnat Beta haa eeusmenced work at. 15 miles below. Be packeta are running the upper way, at that place. Tha Beta ia trvica ta cat a channel out tba Vay.

"Receipts by river to-day were 27 bale -cotton aaa 4 eacxe cot toa aeeo. Catre. Auj. lfi.1 fet. a full cf JZ.

Weather iniU and ctouU. 'llie II. ii. Hexle pmBed eet tat Wew Orieaae At II wlthSrea Bargee ot fraight front 8w LoBlaV -i i Rt Loeta, Mav, Ang. 4- ArrlTed: Ferd tteroldrwm Mernphla and the Russell Lord wftT two tareVs from.

White river. Departed TW Clyde aod Ferd Heroid for Memphis. The of water oa the gauge bare ia 18.6 lilt A la-the Tint twenty-four Bualneea yesterday waa better thaa Igday ae far thl TMiavllle, d. Hirer rising, with 4 7 nche. In the eanL feet 5 lnchea Mm Xnm laaVAlV wtgaal aw sart-asvw sai taw ag.

tmlP- b9 AeWU-v aaaswB7VB. VWVIU- Mtl the Big Kaaawba- te CarroUtoa, Falls Cltr to Kentucky river and Bagaa te Evans-rtlie. The Vldalla passed up. The Harry brow a. Alice Brown, Rmoky City and Debus are dua froaa CAeeyvtlle.

Cincinnati, Ohio. feet ft inches and ststionary all day. a rise of I lick alnce Uf Weather threateaing. oaercury 90. Four arrivala and foar Business good.

Flttsburg. Aug. 4. According to the reporta from tba heitdwatera of the Moooo-gabeU and Allegheny the atreaaaa are rlsieg, and if tba heavy raina of the paat twenty, four boors continue the coal opera tare kave strong nope of a barge ataga. stiver business Is still at a standstill, there being no other craft than tba upp-rlver packets and pool-beata operating.

Tne atage at Davl Island in te-nignt 4.4, and slowly rialng. At the Mooongsbela wharf the gauge Is feet snd also rising. Cairo, Aug. 4. To Frank W.

Breedlove, Agent, 6S0 CommeTclal Place: The H. M. Uoxle and alx barges left at 8 a. m. JOHN W.

KING. NAUTICAL NOTE5. The Pilot Chart for A warn at. The advance sheets of the Pilot Chart for August, issued by tbe United State hydro-graphic bureau at Washington, D. have been received.

A feature la the backlog ot tba chart, upon which Is an article on th recent accession to the knowledge of oceaa current obtained through floating bottle. Tbe name of vesaela are given from which bottUs thrown over twer recovered. The date and position of throwing them into the ea and also of the date and position of recovery are given. Tbe ton-east for August at sea la given aa follows: Fine weather' generally over the north Atlantic. To tbe north ot tbx trans, atlantlc route occaatoaal gale from the western quadrant, moac fiequent between parallels 45 dt-grcx and 60 degreca north.

Tropical cyclone probable. Weak, trades, inclining to the southwest, in the neighborhood of the Bahama. Frequent fogs In the region of th transatlantic routes, woat of the 41t meridian to the American coaat; bands of maximum frequency occurring between 47 degrees wsat ami 5o degreea west, and again In tbe neigh-bornood of the coast of Nova Scotia. Iceberg tn tbe vicinity of Belle i)e and a fw east of Newfoundland, south of tbe fiftletn parallel. Travelera from Xew York.

The Ciomwell Line steamship Louisiana, Cap. tain Frank Kemble, from New York, with a general cargo, consigned to Alex Harris, baa arrived at post 8. Second bringing the following cabin passengers: H. C. Elder and wife, Mrs.

Edith Daniel aad child. J. Landau and wife. Mrs. J.

H. MarenMl and rhltd, airs. 8. Kock, Miss Bessie Orr, John Orr, E. C.

Wooaward, L. Dickson, Brook Dickson. Chester Dickson, Fred Kerr, A. ohsgel. Richsrd Prince, K.

Caldera. W. F. Dunning, F. Rauer, Cues.

Bareter. L. H. LeRoy, aud six In tbe steerage. Khe reporta having aalled on the evening of July 20; had variable weather throughout, crossing the bar at 11:20 p.

Ang. 3, and arrived at her wharf at an early hoar yesterday morning. Fralt front Boeaa del Toro. The Norwegian steamship Iberia, Captain 8. Jakobeen, from Bocas del Toro, with fruit, consigned to tbe United FruK Company, has arrived at post 14.

First district, bringing as cabin paasengers J. Rene Sara sin and wife. Sbe reports having sailed July 28. at 6 p. bad fine weather, with light weat winds and a moderate north sea, throughout.

Crossing th bar at a. Aug. 3. and arrived at ber wbarf at midnight oa tbe same date. Left at Boras del Toro tbe Norwegian steamers Espana and Dudley, loading for Mobil.

A Catrsro of Creoaoto Oil. The Portuguese bark Clara, 660 tons net. Captain Antonio G. Camixa, from Hull. Eng.

land, with 3500 barrels creosote oil, consigned to tha Southern Pacific Company, vessel to Francis Xlqnea A has arrived and an chored at tbe point. She reporta having sslled Mr 31: bad fine weather to tba suit of Mexico, when frequent raia squalls, with heavy thunder and lightning, were experienced. Tbe Clara, after diftrharglug.ber cargo at Algiers, will load with etavea for Portugal. From Nlearstsrasu Tbe Norwegian steamship JarL, Captain Aa. Pederaea, from luetic Ida, Nicaragua, with fruit, rubber aad gold dust, eeaalgaed to the Blueflelda Steamship Company, haa arrived at poet 14, First district, bringing tha following cabin passengers: William Weils, C.

C. Gotr, John Page, znoe. u. Newnam ana jobs W. Mejar.

She reporta having aalled July 20; had flae weather throughout, crossing tbe bar at 11 a. Aug. a. aad amvea at ner wharf at 11 p. au.

oa the same date, Saarai from Cmbau The Spaolsh steamship Gran Antilla, 2113 tons net. Captain Joae Bayou, from 8a ana la Grande, via Matansas, with sugar, consigned to Strauss te has arrived at post 7. Second district, after live days' detention at Quarantine, and, after discharging, will knd for Barcelona. 8he reports having sailed from Matanzaa July 20, and had good weather during the entire paaaage. Arrival of the Olymplau The British at cam ship Olympla, Captain George Lesslle, from Port Limon.

with fralt. consigned to tbe United Fruit Company, has arrived at post 15, First district, bringing aa paesengera J. C. Walecbe and wife, Q. A.

Cemora, it. B-eito, aiiaa at. a lane, uao. J. Cortes.

E. 8. Hyde and U. Plxacb, She reports having aalled July 29; had heavy ralna on tbe coaat of Costa Rica, followed by light east-southeast winds and fine weather, cross-tag the bar et 1 p. Aug.

and arrived at ber wharf at 3 a. m. yesterday. En countered ftrensr Win da. Tha British steaauahlp Derwen, 2284 tons net.

Captain T. Thomas, from Rotterdam, via Cardiff, la ballast, consigned to Wa. J. Ham. mond A has arrived at Westwego, and will load fr Hambarg.

Sbe reporta having sailed for on July 10; had fine weatber to tbe straits of Florida wbea strong winds were experienced, followed by good weather la the gulf of Mexico, arriving la port on the evening of Aug. 3. Loads for Spanish Parts. The Spanish steamship Plo IX, 2653 tons net. Captain Joae Sabine, from Tamplco, la ballast, conelsned to Corral A Seville, baa arrived at post 31.

First district, after five days' detention at Quarantine, aad will lead far Barcelona. Oadis and Alicante. Rh re ports having aalled July 28, and had fine weatner to tne oar. Left for Sea. The steamships Whitney, for Havana, via Key West, and Cuban, for Liverpool, left for sea yesterday.


American steamship 'El Dorado. Baker, for New York Southern raeane Company. German bark Brema. Dree, for Germany Melotta at atodaaart, ARRIVED. Nerweglaa ateantablp Fulton.

Jacebaen. from Bluefielus, Nicaragua, to United Fruit CompanyFirst district, post 16. Norwegian steamship Alliance, Nielsen, from Celba. to Blueflcids gteaaaablp Corn ll.l .1 American steamship Louisiana, Kcmhle, froaf Now York July- 2m, te Alox, Harris tteceaad dlstrlet. poet A American baft Auburndale, Dow, from PML.

adelptila July 1, to FY Nufla Ftrat diauict, post a- -1 Aaatriaav bark Padoaa. Maiinovlcb. from Lis boo June 2o, In ballast, to Bobet Broa. aiv quarantine. America steamshrp Araaaaa, Ilopaer, from Havkaa, Baathera Paeifie Coarpaay.

STEAMERS. '1 Warren. Boardman. from Carrlola. .7: Chickasaw, Doud, from DoaaldaoavUle.

Graver Cleveland, Keaaa, from lower coast. '-cl'Sf-Ka Bluefields Steamship Borer Cleared Aug. 2 Snppl -mental Caigo 28 boiler iue.a, 1ft pack. Irerpool teo mehlp Bkrbadlaa Cleared Aug. 7sappjemeauu i-arjo 111 naoa tooac.

co. -New Yerk Steamahlp FJ Dorado 1370 balea wool 27 balea fettle. 4 bales waste, 25 bales 004 sacks 1106 caeka -bean. rare rum ber, 3- bi asphalt a4 bbla wine. 8441 boxes canned aoaavl750 boxes dried fruit.

4117 bars bullion. paciaea sua-driea. f-' Bremen--Bark rem 1302 bhda tobacco, 15J tons pig ire a. 24.002 p.ace oak staves. New York Steamxhlp Loulslans Aaserted merchandise.

fe-Arn la Grande Steamship Graa Antlila 15.1-17 auar; From iiacanxas 50. bags tr. Pislfic I lad 'r TEXAS FORTS, HAVANA. KEY WaUX AND NEW -OBK. AS BELOW.

FOR BHAZOS SAITTIAGO, IVIa Galvesoa. STBAMaHIP- MORGAN. Captain Robert Staples. eaiU from Morgue City TUUBSDAY. Ang.

10. Pasmengera take Morgan'a ferry boat, foot of Ely si an a'ields Street, at 8:60 a. m. Lighterage at Braaea, If any, at risk aad expanse er ceaadgaeea. For Wew York, STEAMSHIP EL BUD, saiU from Algiers IL'KSDAY.

Aug. .8, p. ra. rreisht laaared aadex agken. poller of Souther racifte Coaapaay at Xfi-lOO par eeat to How forlc For key West and Havana, UTKAMEU1P A BANS AS, CapUia Wm.

Hop ner, axils from Algiers FRIDAY, Ang. 11. Passengers take Morgaa'a terry boat, foot et Klaian aielda street, at 8 a. m. No freight for above lia-e received without orders.

For Information regarding freight or passage aa above lines apply at 01 ace Southern 1'aelnc Company, Morgan Xiao, cursor Ataasiae aad Natch street. a. C. HUTCHINSON, President M. aad T.

R. it. and S. 8. Co.

A C. W. BE1N, Traffic Manager. W. H.

MASTERS. Assistant Traffic Manager. K. HERNANDEZ. Steamship Freight Ageau a.

F. B. G. P. and T.


KNICKERBOCKER Aug. 16 HUDSON WKDNltaUAf, Aug. 24 At a a. from wharf, tout ot TouJouaa St. Freight Issued under open policy ot Cromwell aieamahlp Company at 15-iOO per cent te New York.

Through rates aad bills of lading given to all New England aad foreign porta. UNSUkfASsED ACCOMODATIONS. For traugbt or paaag apply te ALKX HARRIS. Ageat. a 15 '88 ly 813 Oarcbdelet street.

Blueflelds Steamship Alllanc 15,000 bunches uanaaaa, 20, OOO orange. Blueflelda Steamship Fulton 12,000 bunches bauanaa. Hull. England Bark Clara 3300 bbla creo-soted oil. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.

Carrlola Steamer Warren Total 33 bales cotton, 1070 sacks cot ion seed, 197 sacks rough rice, 00 bbla Biotas. 19,875 pieces oak staves, 26 bales moss, and suadries. Lower Coast Steamer drover Cleveland Total 79 bbl augar, iOO sacks rough rice, 06 sacks oysters, aad aaadrioa. Doaaluaonvlile ateamer Chlckaaaw Total 50 bbla molasses. 149 sacks rough rice, and sundries.

NEW BASIX A RIVALS. Pearl River Schooner R. O. Billot t. 42,000 feet lumber.

Tlckf aw Schooner Old Flokory, 7300 states, 2 cords wood. MadisooTille Schooner Flower. 43,000 feet lumber. Springfield Schooner 22,000 feet It mber. Wolf River Schooner Depre 1400 bbls chare oaL Slidell Schooner Rotrgh Rider.

43,000 feet lumber. OLD BASIN ARRIVALS. Pearl River Schooner Calla, 85,000 feet lain ber. Paseagoula 8chooner Clotilda 2000 bbls chaxcoaL RAILROADS. Aug.

4 New Oilrtaa and Northeastern Railroad Total 16 car eoal, 8 ear staves, 1 ear stone, 1 car lignite, 4 cars pig Iron, 1 ear tar, 6 cars lumber, 1 car timber, 4 care bricka 4 cara cattle, 1 car floor, 2 cars pipe, and sundries. Aug. 4 Southern Pacific Company Total 90 balea cotton, 838 bbls sugar, 78 bbl molasses. 5 tanks melasaea, 115 bbla wine. 23 half bbla wine, 226 boxes peaches.

276 boxes pears, 170 boxes plums, 164 boxes grapes. 129n cross tlea. 109 hales moaa. 10 cord wood, lo'eara wheat, 4 cara lumber, 1 car scrap Iron, and Aug. 4 Lotrtavnie and Nashville Railroad Total 8 cara pig iron, 6 cara melcaa, 0 cars potatoes.

3 cars coal, 1 ear cattle, 3 ears charccal, 3 cara hay, 1 car woodeaware, 1 car empty kegs. 1 ear Ivmber, 1 car eggs, 2 errs beer, 1 car onions; and. sundries. Aug. 4 Texaa and Pacific Railroad Total 19 balea cotton.

226 bbls sugar 1 tank molasses. CO cord wood, 22 log. 275 aacka bran. 340 sacks era chops. 1225 aacka Dour, 800 bbla flour.

2333 pieces dry aalt ahooldera, 2O0 baaheaa wheat. 6 cara staves, cars him iter, 1 car lard, and sundries. 1 Aag. 4 Illinois Central ard Yazoo and Mla-ilsslppl Valley Railroads Total 96 bbla sugar. 334 sacks reach rice.

850 bbls flour, 300 half bbl flour. 14oo sacks floor, 15 bbls beef. 130 half bbls beef. 10O bbls pork. 13 bbls meat, 48 boxes meat.

30 boxea sausage, 43 eases canned pork, S2S packagea batter, 1ft packages olee. 25 hexes cbeesa. 37 boxea celery, 12 bbls carrot 3 bbla beeta. 267 sacks onlcns, 42 packass melons, 18 bbls apples, 41 cars corn. 1 car wheat, ears hay, 5 cars packing-house products, 4 ears fresh meat, car lard.

1 ear cabbage, 3 cara met one. 1 ear torn a toss, csrs bricks, 1 car vegetables, 17 cars coal. ears lumber. 1 csr 1 car glucose, 1 car molasses, 8 ears logs, 5 cars wood.

1 car hoops, 1 car staves. 1 car ol. 1 car cement. 1 ear cattle, 1 eat milk, 1 ear malt, and sundries. (BY TELEGRAPH.) New York.

Aug. 4. To W. H. Masters, Assistant Traffic Manager, New Orleana: The steamship Winifred, Captain Lanrarne.

arrived at 6 p. and the steamship El Monte, Captain K. F. Parker, arrived at p. m.

yesterday. 3 T. VAN SICKLE, Agent. LIST OF VESSELS IN PORT. AC0.

5, 1899. Alliance 1st district 15 Africa Antwerp dlstrlet 47 Havana Derwen. estwego Kl Mar York Algiers Blueflelds. dlstrlet 1ft Hulsteln Limon 1st dlstrlet Ift Iberia del Toro. 1st district.

14 Jarl Blueflelds 1st district 15 Lady Armstrong. Rotterdam Louisiana New York district 8 Olympla. Port 1st district IS Plo IX Barcelona. district 31 Portuguese Prince. Uenea Third at.

Graa AatUla Barcelona 2d district Texaa. Gretna Traveller Chalasette Wlstow lOevatur Wllhcimlna. London Stayvesant COck Anburadale. 1st district 27 Clara Point Kliaa 1st district SO Leoeor. Portugal at.

Padaso it. James st. Pedro Spate Ninth st. SCHOONERS. Flora Woodheuae diatrlct Rebecca F.

Lanadln. Mexico. -3d district XZ LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared aad lallad far How Orleans. AUU. ft.

1899. NEW. YORK, -Steamship Excelsior, atoyd aid Aag. Bora aswuoey xmmnssv 4u Staamaaia hd Sod. Quick Jaiy steamship New Orleans, Gager Ana.

LIVERPOOL. Steamship Montaeegre, Glass aid Aug. bteaussulp Navigator, Edgar aad JUlr ttteajuaaip Wanuerer, -Bead a.r btoaUMiup Mrau. lUifiV to unlock Jmtf Mtaauu, Jtawkta, Dauiol uij cxoaitiaui.p Coot Rieaa, KeUey- rfutea Staaaasnap Moxieaa, CarUotg Joly aHaaasship hiira. Ball Jaiy htsarxiv aiiwuwft tur UCSOa.

2 Xi SI 4 2 Si Ui 44 IV Steamship Wejbrldg. Md Aag. bicaW-'f fcauroa. usuwaisj rfbr aiu ac aauHA Uhla Amorlea. Marques Jujes MoamaLlp fSy Btaentshlp Secrataav Hbgkea iiiVgiajr a.

a. lmpepal Frwca, Jsjauaoa Jaw Meamabie itadlMlAaaieaea jue Steatnsblp Paddlsgtoa, Davis. Auk, Uraauaauw aanwM. HlUsou 4uf LdSBOjl Baxlt Vadoaa, Urtevich Jne 10 17 14 lo 20 eteamahlp aaiy UlBAALTAtt. Steamahip Kalro.

Duaeonabe. ii.Ud inlr 23 23 19 Steamship Sardinian friuc BAEMERHAVCa. JSldJul Kteanaablp AquBeJa, Picae July Ateejaahip Miguel JoTerAaUeaxa.aluT iwij Steaaablp Pitderlek Kmrbt. EranAald loir ANC0NA. Steamship Shaadon.

aid Jniy BREMEN. -Steamship LI viand. Hetn July Gfc0OA. Steamship ITtnash M. Bell.

J-'7 T. FINCfcNT. CAP.S DS VEI. Steamship loik. nlti 13 20 18 22 1'3 "7 SteametJp Cxyo ta STEAaVaCl.IPa.

UNITED FRUIT UriEO, COliPBUINO THE roXXOWINO UNESt Banana Trcpicsl Ikilig 2nd Transport Co. 1 II. af Cslizs, Roya) r.l2i! mn s. s. um PlantersFrilt sn S.S.

Una. ReiTular Callings Fcr PUERTO BARRIOS, UV-INGSTOH izi FUERTO CORTEZ Kvry Tharsday at 8 A. M. Fw PORT UHOM. C.

Wedaeaday aadt FrlaAy at 8 A. IX. For BOCAS Da TORO, R. 8eanlManth.Iy. hu CEIBA mi NORTH COAST OF HONDURAS- Seaal-Weelily.

FcrTRUXILLO Uoathlr. For BLUEFIELDS inj RAMA-r- Weeltlr. ALao Additional, talllags for Abo-re Folate. Froa MOBILE, to BOCAS DEL TORO tal COLON Every Wedaeaday and Satarday. Frca MOBILE TO PUERTO CORTEZ Trl-Moathly.

NO FREIGHT RECEIVED WITHOUT OBDEKS. For further Information aa te rates of freight ar passage apply to M. J. DEMPSEY, Traffic MaAagsr, LiTsrpoDl, LoBdoii an Mihi Reont 4 Oft. ap27 ly NICARAGUA, CENTRAL AMERICA.



BELIZE. PUERTO BARRIOS AND PUERTO COHTEZ. Steamship ALLIANCE satis for Celba and Truxlllo ou or abont SAXUBDAY, Aug. 6, receiving freight Thursday, Aug. 3, and Friday, Aug.

4, aatll 8 p. ui. Steamship JARL eat la for Blaeflelda oa or about SATURDAY, Aag. 5. receiving freight Thursday, Aug.

8. aau Friday, Aag. 4, an-tii 5 p. m. For farther Information aa to rate and passage apply THE BLUfcFiELDS STEAMSHIP Telephone 1714.

141 Decatur Street. my 17 COSTA RICA AND COLOMBIA. FOB PORT LIMON AND BOCAS The Faat aad Commodious Steamship Franklin Salle for LI mo a. Costa Blcs, ou WEDNESDAY, Aug. 2, 1899.



'HEAD LINE. NEW ORLEANS TO BELFAST AND DUBLIN. tpti. CARGO TAKEN AT THROUGH ri ia prlrH ipai poiata la Ireland aaa bcoiiaad aad te tha Bailie. NEW ORLEANS TO BELFAST.

8. 8. BENGOBE HEAD Angnst loading ii. HEYN BONA Belfast. IrelAnd, Ageat.


S. TEXAS loading 8. 8. LOUISIANA loading 8. 8.

ALE AN DUA September loading S. ft-LoitlDA September loading Through btila of lading siguvu to ail point In Denmark, Norway, bwedvu, Germany. Fln land and Koasiaa Baltic CREOLE LINE. NEW OBLEAN8 TO GENOA. S.

g. SICILIA August loading Through billa ot lading te all point la the Mediictranea aad Adriatic. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LIKE ly HAMULI eUs kstvja Aatv OftiAAAA 8. A SYRIA August loading Through bills of lading to all pom la la Ua many, laaaata aad Scaaaiaarla- Ijgl. TRANS.


CAYO BUANCO Jnly loading s-kiiw io-itAMVifrj. A S. STRAITS OP MENAI loading mZ al SkaANDON hading 8. gt WILLOW BRANCH loading aa2l tf AMERICAN LIKE. PAST EXPKEid SERVICE.

Kgw YORK aJOUTBAltFTOS LONDON. Oalliag Westbound at Cherbourg. Hailiag Wsdo daya at 10 a. m- 9 I New 28 BED IT AR JCXW Y0BK 4.NT EBP PABlS. I-Every Wadaeaday at 11 Keen, Weaternlaad Aug.

9 1 fjoprdlaad 23 Keaslngto Aug FrlesUad Aug. 0 4 These atoamers carry eabla aad third-class aaaaeagera, at lew. iBtarnatteaal. Navigation Compxay. Piee 14 and 16, North river.

Offtoe Nv T.t Oflla. 1 J1S Caieadelet MUler A 803 Caroadaiat New. Oaeana. wi Jal OO ly LAMPOOT Ct HOLT LINE. $6ni uio i cct.1 tcte theSggfS A DESPERATE' The oOcera of Jofi Onggaa'g court tnreed orer John Harris, knowa aa Heary a nrjrro.

to Deputy Sheriff of St. hlarr parish, yesterday raiarrla" robbed two barber bIiotis In Jl'itt-tpraon. tsl after his arrest te cut Lis -t ot JiK ani eHfapei. i crrestci Lrro. ex, e- LIED iniVEH cuas.

TnrsLow, V. CUAS. W. DROWN a. FOB SHKETEPOST i way landings, laeladlx-r Old nv 1 am a aaiay aaa twu I-'- ELECTRA.

7 Oee. L. White, mastr, H. Boaxman, 4 Leave SATURDAY, 8, at p. atEMHIT BATatS-OKX noma 4 xcpbakb.

Sl tt Telephops VPPER COAST, BATON UOUCi: BAYOU SARA. PcCkct Ccz; WOpDSPreat: and General Ma: vura ayi jcwuyuwiuHV "xsiepooua rVK BATUTJ SARA AU Way LanCinga sicaasrr- IMPFDIAI I Leavea MONDAY and THURSDAY at 8 fcacuralaa ttvnitd tr.p NEW i HOPE, VILLK audi Way Lanaungg on lue Cu bicajuer ST. JAMES, Leave UCNDAY. WEDNESDAY and I DAY at 12 Excursion (round trip) The right reserved te ehaLga the tl of departure without further uwuce, aud paaa il landings deemed euaate. 1-J.

x. V'OtDS, feieftoo bew. -t-H MAA0X, viue xiaad Blecvin Telephone 1050. wti 8UNKY SLDK. AR.KAXSAS.

CHAI.HETTB PACJCKTt1 CO MP BTEAAliCR VALLEY tftVEKA. Ben C. SraV aaaateaV i- The. 'jetla, tla place uf w. CJiaLMLXi tc.

i Leaves Site bunujslda. e-ry VV t. fAX. a p. aireet euuaecUua wiuj kaswe aa flvor buata.

i reserved te pea ail landing see mod CliA. W. iUHbtxTAieal Agia Bxcbaage siidg. LoaU Ac ay Uravarr iw urasaua. Aew CiltAMD LAMLE AK VlCifcgBUi: Cresceat City Packet ConiDki NOKMAft I KuaxuC President.

hIAloN naUas, aaenrtary 2nd Traaac Jlr.V WAaAatadA, ar 8 Un pUca of T. P. Leattr Wm. J. c.

Bscbxe, i Leaves EAUf BATt'KDAX at 6 p. Grand Lake, Vlckaburg aad all way lau cenaectibg at meats vi autd rivrr wlta er J. a). Uruueaa for oni ami aicun rivere aad bayoa Das eialseav and at httig with Us sexov xaUanatciiie i packet. FBAAaB AlaO.V, After metier St.

Taiephane 14 j. sia BAYOU LAJTOCRCaXE. BEAU-WEEKLY BAYOU LAJTOL KC PACKET. ffT? VOU ALL LANDINGS Let? Bayon Lafourcna, rosaippuig 111 Uaibdata at Uouaidauiivuie SiaUaKB CU1CICASAW, J. J.

DodaY master, Leonard Noyea, el-lnva ovm-v mA ri. at 5 p. n. u)ko aicflAaS, ceg tar straet; B. aTikakaa, tut 1 caoupitouia s.

aw wiai, uas wraviec aueet, tateysoe a Agaata. ale Ob AC4 A x.iValt BEUULAB OUACHITA RiVEU FACKi FOB, wUXROK AND ALL 1 If" "-t-l UaaUaga oa the C-aehlta aa4 saawaosBa rlvera The steamer rivers The steamer J. W. WAVZB, -7 1 tla place America.) Jos. H.

Tramder, amater, W. B. Voalka, Leaves Avavltx xOkUiDAX. at ft p. i JWm4I et 413 tr 02 Grarier atrs- LOWER COAST.

Steamer GliOVKR. CLEYELA7C CL- bL Konaa, in. Jaa. AC Salvant, dark. Leaves MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ani I DAI' at 11 m.

toe the Sort, Oakru. all wag lafimags PAUL BSNlUD, Agent. mh2S tf Head Ceatt btr ST. ST. LOUIS.

CAIRO, MEM I aad Way Poiata, Al Freight ft'aaeeagcr barvlea Steamer i CITY OF ST. LOUUr i J. MV Grasty, master, Bug. Eoblnaon, Leave MuNDAY, Aag. 7, at 5 p.

Tbe right ia roserrod go pass ail lac deemed uaaafo. J. B. WOODS. Agei.

Teiepboae 207 Tcbouultetua Bteeiner H)LL CITY wlU follow, mb4 tf 'i'V MAIIDEVILLE, LEWISBURG steam En newcamcl: 1 'tAaAvawMVaU aAaaL wlU lear HlLSMLiUti oa i arrival of cara xroa pomXo XUA1A U'Or, head ALx41A-A DAILY, except Saaday at. trala. 1 iir. iaiUNa.N0, ftsatea MADtSONVILLE da' ft a. sa.

Water and weather peratttla, AbJk.CLX4AiOA. MANDEVlLLav, Ajatvieattaws. MAD I-? VILLkV AND OLD LAN DIN 44, 'AuXDAK A WEDNLsiAxa, 4 a. aa. trala.


CO ILK A AgsatK 823 Careaeaiat Street. Curort Haw aul '-ly REAL CSTA1 E. Transfera Rterde4 Yastardc 8. J. Tenaant et nls.

to B. Stanlev, MaraU, Marigny, St. Claada and i--. Fields. 96O0.

CI'. J. 8. Crawford et al. te t.

Badeau. aeum. Melpomene, Prytania and Tarpaic 'Baaae to S. D. Crawtotd, same squ $1820.

Sam to P. J. Holmes et three I Camp, Melpomene, Terpaichor aad K- Lambert et ala.t lot, -Magaalne. Metponsene and ThaUa, eame te Mr. R.

C. Davey, lot, rioiiae Prytanla, Erato aad Thalia also- lot, aeum, Melpomene, Prytanla and TerpslCi. ld'ow 8. Tboarer stste) te K. Ber lot.

Barracks. Rampart, Burgundy snd plaaade, 831 65. m-- L. StI Herman fatate) to aaaae, Dumalee, Bt. l'hillp and Burgundy, il Estate of T.

L. Sngg (at ate) He sar-" Petef. VUIere. Robert soa and Orlrans, 4 D. W.

Willlame (tU) te ssmo, Tt Bienville, Cuatombouae and Liberty, osageaM1 VlTAIt STATIST ICS. Recorded yeoterday at tha office of board of health. B1BTRS. ftfrs. yamea A a bey, -Mra.

Edward Badeau a boy. Mra. Walter A. Pond, a boy. I MABBIAGEa, Andrew Maker' aad" Battle TAf h.h Edward Freemaa anil iliiy Theama.

Josepn Biegeninaier aau aaaae wm DBATR8. Heary Men trap, 4ft year. Market Tcbeepltoalaa. -1' Widow Mary VLi Vurtaer. 9 year, A i Anlliaroww.

208S St C3a Widow Catherine J. Blmmoas, 7 7. 1309 South BebtrtKcn. -Mr, eeaa M. 49 eaxs, 1 Mary "rndllfir.

IS Wars. 891T Jr Widow Damlaa Poyrada. years, aad Labarpe. Illcbard Bnlger. 21 years, i41 Chartre-' Clareace.

Richardson, 13 moeth. 413 Btaise. 'a JoVa DtuTleni lT dtrsv 817 North Pol t.HMter. years. 2003 Clio.

gtltW Wa 8 (T7 aw gVvrexas a-arwiai Mlaa Marie Angela Glraod, 45 years. BUiow aiarrre. xeara. fcu Mr. ary years, iw lira, Paul 6 her re.

years, Mr' Philip 64 years. vnov Wm Jarko i. -J Job StrcttniiUar, 29 yoars, 44iJ arnica. Jeswabla Boblae, 4 menths. Lyon Magsslae.

7 trTcnstoTts ooino orr CT city ron Tim tVT.z CAW HAVI3 TH13 1111LY HAILED TO THEJI AT IN THR I'XITCl) aT" ADA FOTt fl A T' INCLVDr'J. AliH CIAXfi' A3 i a Mississippi.

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