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The Morning Herald from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 1

Hagerstown, Maryland
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HERALD Forecast Partly cloudy ind coo), ewtar Saturday night fmt Ifkaly. Sunday tunny Mxl cool, HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1957 Momlnn Newi Bioedeasti A.M.. P.M.. Midnight WJEJ SINGLE COPY, 5 CENTS UN Agrees To Debate Soviet.Syrian Brainpower Pooling In NATO Seen Ike Lists Plan For Wcsl To Beat Russia To Punch WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 Eisenhower plans to propose to British Prime Minister Macmillan next week pooling the scientific resources of the West Germany Will Break wiuumy wm Cr eak Relations With Yugoslavia BONN JLo Hosmfnl AUJJliUl man government will break diplomatic relations with Communist Yugoslavia diplomatic sources said tonight.

The Big Ttirce Western allies were reported backing West Gcr- in this fashion for President Tito's recognition Tuesday of Red-ruled F.ast Germany. Yugoslav Ambassador Dusan D. Kvcdcr lus been asked to present himself at the Bonn Foreign Of- i TT ce a a.m. tomorrow to hear Allies, He Will do government's decision, this in a determined effort Ti West German charge d'af- to win clear superiority over Kitssia in all phases of same time, the sources said, to weapons development and peaceful research. This was learned on excellent authority today after Eisenhower had publicly expressed confidence that the free world's assets are so much greater than those "our potential enemy" that com- Effective Today Elizabeth many, headed by Premier Otto Grolewohl, do not represent the IB-million ESsl Germans because tliey have never been subject to a tree vote.

The West holds they arc bold in power only by Soviet bay- utju in yuvvcr omy oy soviet oav. many the decision to retaliate onels and seeks ar, internal in this fashion for President ori announce severance. The sharp reaction stems from Yugoslavia's blow at the West's position on the German reunification issue. The Adenauer government and its Western partners contend the clection to reunify thc Adenauer, leader of the fiucuaufi, luauer OL me lion West Germans, threatened today long ago to treat as an unfriendly hpthpr in act any recognition of East Ger- wnclner In many by nations outside thc Soviet bloc. The Yugoslavs, who claim an tiffin little trips about town or at a star-spangled state dinner, Elizabeth and her dashing hus Aufcuaiava wijo Claim an rr IL in Belgrade will call at the independent brand of communism lzabelh and dashing hus- tav Foreign Office at the the first doT ba nd hilip darted and time, the sources said, to recent years thev have he wh House, in Pres recent years they have developed fr he Wh Hcusc in Pr heavy trade with the West cS Elsen1lo er mans.

auDarenllv 7,, ousln wch errands as this: mans, apparently profitable to "i sides. kAJUl biutS 11, na The. Adenauer government con- S' apnd thc TM suited thc tlnltrH rel Hospital, by Philip to lh suited the United States, Britain and France and'obtained their end the sympathetic support. the President in a toast to Queen Elizabeth at a slate dinner last night, that "We arc too much separated by things that concern us locally." "But we have the power," he "The only thing to do is to put it together." The Eisenhower-Macmillan conference will begin Wednesday and iuc tu continue through Friday. It seems living.

Raise Given To Workers For Stripes mimner increase in pay went Eight Ha to Fairchild Aircraft Division vestprrbv workers yesterday, because of i srniriaiion i the continued risein the cos, of certain that the conference will end with a declaration in favor Division officials announced that all hourly paid employes It also appears certain that thc conference will be followed by oth- VP fr er high-level talks with other esum)a members of the 15-nation North Atlantic Treaty Organization on how set up new machinery to accomplish the purpose. One speculation is that Eisenhower and may consider Ihc possibility of creating a NATO council of scientists. Secretary of Stale Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd met for about 90 minutes today to tvork out plans for the Continued on Paga 4, Column 13,000 Flu Cases In Md. (By Tht Atioclittd Maryland has had at least 13,000 cases of flu-like illness so far this fall, the State Health Department reported, with thc number steadily mounting since Oct. 1.

Schools have been hardest hit. As of Friday only 25 of thc cases had been confirmed as Asian flu. These were In Calvert. Frederick, Montgomery, Queen Annes, Prince Georges counties and Baltimore City. Dr.

Charlotte Silverman, chief of the department's communicable disease division, gave this break-down of cases this month: Week ending Oct. cases reported to the department; Oct. Oct. cases. The report covers 14 counties: Allegany; Anne AruriHel, Baiti- more, Calvert, Carroll, Cecil Dorchester; Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Queen Annes, St, Marys, and Wlcomico.

Absentees in schools have been running as high as 50 per cent At Annapolis, an outbreak ol fever and sore throat hit 1,700 midshipmen of the brigade. The illness, however, has been mild, lasting only two days the department said. "Pediatric dispensaries in Baltimore hospitals have had ber of cases. In Cumberland, 600 students out of an enrollment of nearly 1,800 at Fort Hill High were out today Five teachers also are ill. Twenty students were excused after classes started today.

At Allegany High, also in Cum borland, 485 students and seven teachers were out today. Twenty students went home after report ing for class. Take Exam Another increase in pay went a written ex in their bid for pro motion to detective sergeant distributed agreement wilh the union, lhe adjustments occur at specified changes in the consumers price index released by Ihe Bureau of Labor Statistics. This price index has risen to 121. During previous rises in the consumers price index Fairchild employes had received a total of ten cents in hourly pay increases.

This means that they have a total cost of living allowance of 13 cents. Car Hits Tree And Pole Here An auto failed to negotiate a curs-e and ran into a tree and a pole on Forrest Drive at 7:20 night. McAliley, Philadel was charged with reck Mcntzcr and Robert Bruchey. Burchell A. Murray, also of 'hiladclphia, a passenger, suf head cuts.

There was a two-car collision day. Charles C. Kaetzel, Chews ville, was charged by Patrolman Elton Hornbakcr with making a of Chewsville. Baby Receives New Type Bond Jill Marie Shcnebeck is probably the youngest owner of one of the new punch-card series government savings bonds. Jill Marie was just four On Inside Pages Amuiamanti 7 Brldga 10 Croitword 4 Editorials, Celumnliti Financial Nawi 10 Ed Kottrbi 15 Radio 11 Draw Ptarion 12 Prog rams 2 Security For You 7 Sporti ,16,17 Woman'i 10 WMkwd Blllbcard oss driving by Patrolmen Paul iwo-car collision Street at Ut Hagerstown policemen a uj i tu nit; V'ational Academy of Sciences and jy both together to a Capitol Hill uncheon, a brilliant garden party 'or the diplomatic corps at the British Embassy and an ultrafor- mal banquet as guests of Secre ary of State Dulfes.

The royal couple startled newsmen who have been trailing them on their North American visit when they both relaxed more than hey ever had, during the British Embassy affair. Elizabeth was observed at a tea with the wives of the Common wealth ambassadors. Apparenth she be seen tlt al laUiC written lest his been required prior to a promotion in the department. The test is required under the i personnel system, established slnee. me last promotion was made.

Taking the examination in thc City Council chamber on the second floor yesterday were Detectives flichard Hannon, Al- rt Lowry, and Grayson Wig- Id; Patrolmen Paul Wigfield A Lowry C. B. Bikle, William Prince, a William Blair Overton taking of the Giffin. Police Chief supervised the 6 ult wrilten exam, which contained 100 questions to be answered by multiple choice and true or false methods. The examination was arranged by Julia Oliver, city personnel director.

new in the system of selecting one of the eight men for ip- Turn to P.g. t. Column 5 Scouts Giving C5 Bags Today promise to fill them with used suctl roads. doming w-itnir, a week. residents in nearby vania areas, thanks to Scouts in that section.

aonds went into effect on October 1. Fairchild Aircraft Division employes who work with her mother, Mrs. Clarence Shene- beck, in Department 112 wanted to give Mrs. Shcnebeck a gilt. They decided to make it a savings bond, under the name ol her new daughter.

'When the bond was purchased, it was found to be the issued under the new punch card sys tern, Clergy Backs Drive Fin Epidemic In Russia? WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 United Slates officials are getting increasing evidence that Russia has been hit an influenza cpi demic. Soviet i apparently has made it difficult to re- ium. port the. full story from Moscow.

A dispatch from there Tuesday -estimated 7,000 ca the federal Ming oiner machine ebumatea 7,000 "use me icacrai Highway aid law a resuu nl1 George R. Fishack, also Hageritown Goodwill Industries provides that the federal Sovi icwsville. collection bags to residents who Pays 90 per cent of the cost tneir importance. nrnmiso In Till ti. nt rt TM today asked to i indi li Philip Confers With Scientists And Newsmen WASHINGTON, Oct.

18 Elizabeth II rel ned over A visit by Elizabeth to time bridge paity. Elizabeth was seen to clap her lands in girlish gesture, laugh until she shook. Then-she caught sight of a couple 'of 'newsmen through the window. Suddenly, she again became the austere Queen who had opened Canada's Parliament last Monday with the monarehial dignity of the Middle Ages. Philip's surprise for the reporters came when he held his first news conference.

In (he plush surroundings of the garden party, he braced newsmen and then happily fielded all their questions, ranging Continue) on PagTT, Column 5 Red Predicts Stable Burns Moon Station Near Mari Tji Plo-fl ersonnei director. pr ucr. soviei Oliver announced someihing WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 w-The scientist said today Russia will ew in the system of selecting government announced today the some up overnment announced today the addition of 2,012 miles of new routes to the national interstate highways system. The new routes will provide a more direct linkage of the north- central states to the southern Atlantic seaboard and provide major new routes in the West.

The announcement of the addi- lions was made by Secretary of Commerce tt'eeks. The designa- L.IHJI. uui i i nmKlllg vAjumjvicc nccKfi. me QCSlgha- lljnl llu ttlj u( i conn is ami: eft turn when not safe to do so. Scouts will today tion is important to the slates, be- tom St)viet rockc missile's and as OoerMine Stir nthnr rnar'hino flls bute an estimated 7 nnn cause the forinral a result U.S.

military bases rine- a gra an a correspon Anomer 5,000 bags will go to ot only a expansion of ing member of the Soviet Acade Jsident 'ivw-iiiiic 1-AJJlillMUn 01 I interstate system my of JUtnonzed by Congress last year, tion i but also 1,102 miles of savings in Izvestia. by adopting more of routes previ- designated. Many Meetings Pave Way For United Fund Appeal Preliminary work for thc forthcoming United Fund appeal is well under way here, with key volunteer workers hard at work support provided yerflerday from an important locsl organization Various meetings are being held between now and the start of the actual klckoff meeting for thc general canvass. On Thursday, division leaders and captains got together for 4 the first time at an evening utl I I I I I sion at Franklin Court Auditor- Vcsterday, the Hagerstown and Washington County United i uoMiiiisiuii voumy unlleo. night did, however, quote the So- Fund campaign received more viet press as saying BOO doctors support, following a wetting apd an unspecified number of the -Washington County Minis- medical students had been re- terlal which tlj Ui(i; I I and county churches will ob Church, bookmarks bearing United FurnJ symbol will be OT distrlbjited to: ihembers of the congregations on November 3 A-UIJU -an paign; which has asjts al i.

Column DOLL FOR PRINCESS ANNE-Queen Eliza accepts a doll for Princess Anne from 7-year-old Pamela. Springmann during a visit in Washington at Childrens Hospital. Pamela is suffering from a rare blood disease. LONDON, Oct. 18 tf, nenr'' Marlowe, was "badly dam- Russia's earth satellite passed man Whorlon, Quarry Road Hie nine million kilometer-- aged by fire last nishl miles-mark today- The Volunteer ff eXC(C the equivalent of 9,375 round Fire Company sent its fire il Jesierna I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I US 1 trips betwean Boston and New water truck to the scene.

York after two weeks of Firemen reported that part of whirling around the globe, the straw stored in the stable Moscow radio said the was saved. moon completed 205 circuits of the earth at 10 a.m. EST. Qwjlgj. A MOSCOW, Oct.

18 WV-A Soviet Hits (Innntv some day-- maybe soon --set up Hits Comity Prof. ndrov christened this lunar station Mir naya, the Russian feminine form of "Peaceful." Nevertheless. Ihe prediction carried an ominous note, implying lhat now no spot'on earth is safe off. D. Paul than any reading that occurred yesterday morning at his Brid ours a result U.S.

military bases ring- minimum Un wcr Bridgeport weather station The'! 1 TM 1 5 tce recommenda- one more week remaining in minimum or vot 5 0 8 strelc time was 56 Aleksandrov. rector ot Lenin- Weeks said the action includes grad University and a correspond- 7 iKh( arth satellite-Lw Discussing 'new horizon opened the launching'of the satellite Sputnik, Aleksandrov wrote: "Some soon, a Soviet lunar station' 'Mirnaya' will make ils appearance." Commenting, on the Russian plai), Dr. J. Allen Hynek, associate dirpctor of the Smithsonian Astro- physical Observatory, at Cam- 1M111U P'lysicm uoservaiory, at uam- in endorsing this initial united Bridge, the problem appeal, scheduled to get under of reaching th'e moon would not way November 7, local min- be much more difficult than that aters said they will urge mem- of launching a satellite. tare ftf IVlnTn uau mumca me It is very, definitely in the mountainside near Sabillasville realm of present possibility," he for Ihe lost hunter.

a satellite would Poole had been lost in the fog mem- of their congregations to pledge their support. they proclaimed lljul mui a sateime wouia rooie naci been lost in the fog November 3 as United Fund Ap- "we to be launched into space and rain from darkness Thurs- peal Sunday. As in previous a 611 iles -a second to reach day until early yesterday morn- years, during the Community the moon compared with five ing. Maryland'Slate Police Blue Lhest drives, many of the city milcs a sc 1 't to orbit around ihc Ridge Summit firemen ncich- and county churches win -v, world. rn i.i:....

vuuni, tnurcnes win on- Dors ajid mimhcrine serve in the ser- It was Dr. Ilynek who said he nearly 50 in hsd gone to look mons was "shocked" a comlacenc for hi ft ild upon returning to 'Cambridge at Columbus, VV a mucunK oi M1 over- ministers was Paul Horst, direc- 10 attl l( ie -of'the took him on thc side of the tor of the United, Fund cam- 1 a TM to that "We had mountain in the Friend's Creek Oaten'. Which has no ttc ol lost HID Dall On the 40-vnrd llnr. arrn Ilinnlr! Xn.I^n,,, Full-Scale Hearing On Charge Due U. S.

Welcomes Debate Starting Next Tuesday MOSCOW, Oct. 18 Wl Soviet Union warned again tonight that it would go to Syrla't aid in case of attack. The Kremlin also outlined what it called a lop secret U.S.. Turkish plan for invasion along 180 miles, of north border with U. S.

4th Fleet support. UNITED NATIONS, N. 18 The United Nations agreed tonight to a full-scale debate on Soviet-Syrian charges that a United State.s are plotting to touch off war in the Middle East. By a vote of 60-0 with a single abstention--Liberia--the 82-nation Assembly approved a recommendation of its Steering Committee that it take up the Syrian complaint that a threat exists to Syrian security and also to world peace. The Assembly convened within 20 minutes of the action by the Steering Committee and decided to open debate on a convenient date next week.

This will probably be on Tuesday. The Assembly completed Its procedural action and adjourned within less than lialf an hour. Both the United States and Turkey denied the Soviet-Syrian accusations, but said they had no ob. jections to putting the Middle East crisis before the Assembly. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge told Steering Committee the United Slates welcomes discussion in the United Nations, par- Santa Here On Nov.

24 me imieu iinajn par- The biggest news of the year licular (he opportunity for a full I u.s iictta ui me LJ1 Jul luu uHi Jul many lor a lull boys and girls came out ofj a i i a of Soviet allegations. Jan executive meeting of thel "I am confident that the United MHagcrstown Retailers 3 10 5 Discussion and investiga- on wm show n()l only the a illuming. snow noi only tne ab- Santa Claus has agreed to! lr di of tlle charges against the make an official arrival in Hag- 1 states and Turkey, but will erstown again this year The a SQ revea! ln lrue source of ten- Retailers'Bureau has received sion tlle entire arca he said, confirmation from the Ix i said lhe VI et accusa- ccusa- ered old gentleman that he will- lons that lhc United States is be here on Sunday, November pro TM ins Turl; to attack Syria "clumsy and flagrant fabrications," motivated by the desire Local merchants will made strenuous efforts to clear from William Cjowscr on the nff Snnln wplrnimincr of the Kremlin "to keep world stirred up. to keep the world ex- Continued on Page 6, Column 2 welcoming project, ailcrs Bureau directors heard a report from Austin Frick on- led November 20. Also submitted wore store Regular Time -Coming Soon Washington County has only moraine or a the next membership meet- more than a decade a a Yesterday's hid, A 'V1 th cfaUers Bureau.

Daylight saving time will a 6I Th membership meeting is licially end early Sunday morn- predic- stands at 1.65 inches, which' the organ ves October a chance of reaching normal precipitation levels His article also that lllc i its final day ar' i.would wit- "vcs. Tile normal rainfall for' October is 2.8 inches. rp es 13 cuu cany ounuay next Friday, Octobening, October this namtall for month at Hotel Alexander. county, after six months of the Baby Ate Ticket iV BRITAIN, Oct. 18 13 lff--PoljCC gflt 3 $1 Check ffOHJ Cjearing weather is expected'' 00 today in payment for i brine thn rpat nt Ihcr narkin? vinlnfinn hnf nnf county, after six months of the fast lime.

Not since the. days of World Two has the county had such a long period of fast time in any one year. It was known as war time back in those pat- IB neamiT is 1 ll1 iuuuy payment tor riolic days, and was observed (he peak of the autumn al TM2 violation but not the even in wintertime, in the be- display. in slomar accompanying pink lief that it would cut down on 'ticket. "I'm vnrv inrru ri, consumption of power and other needed essentials.

Metropolitan areas like New York had been observing the sixlh month of daylight saving time in October for the past couple of years. But this year the first lime that Washington County extended the daylight saving time period over the previous live-month schedule. No particular confusion is expected to result here from the change, except for persons who commute between here and an area which had changed back to standard time at the end of September. The usual reminder 1 1 41121111610 earch Party found early yesterday after dozens of searchers had scoured the Mrs. Poole called her brother- in-law, Dick Rice, Highfield, when her husband failed to arrive home by 0 p.m.

nice and Poole's oldest son, Charles 15, began the search. They ii OOIVI LIC jn IU AUUPi was "shocked" at complacency tn for him after his failure to re- MMiwut TI, 'icency, he turn home alarmed Mrs. Poole. Ppolc'explained (hat he haci to gn squirrel hunting a ece to gn squirrel hunting oh 10 was among laymen aria not after completing his day's work organized. cnifmlieto hn TV in Wnynesboro.

Darkness vu uv vl nv au iiiuuiuain me rnenas creek lost tno ball ort the 40-yard line area, near lhe old Andrew the ball icr place. Fog quickly closed in, ou.t njuy aciMemuer, me usual reminder were joined by 11 p.m. by Carl to check up on inter-city bus Kipe. a neighbor, Ihcn byland train schedules has sone searching parties organized by Maryland Stale Police.

Harry McClain of Ihc Blue Ridge Mountain Volunteer Fire Company sounded tlic fire siren at 12:45 a.m. yesterday morning, and another searching party was Poole, is deaf, and realized that Kc couldn't -hear, calls- of searchers. So he fired his -shotgun into thc air to indicate his whereabouts. His brother-in-law Continued on Pige Column 3 Senator Soyti--J WASHINGTON-For monthi, Fetter Dullai wit offering (hi Rusjlarrt an plan And whan (ha Rtdi launchtd tlitir' ha L.rrrtd ikies wera alrajdy optn..

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