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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

t. cei J. PICAYUNE i ti 3 Lxrgttt CXrtxlitloa la tie Castiwest. TX2JC3 OT SUBSCRIPTION. (Postage Prepaid.) DAIXT.

TTrin MontftS 1. 1 SO Fix Months Tires HostTis i 00 WXKLT. T1t Months Fix MosrtllS 71 Tirae Xoath. SUNDAY PICATUNa BT SCAIX. TvcJt Kpatha S3 OO Blx UoiUtf.

1 09 TTXSDAT SX0X3OKO. 94, 18S4 jJCUSXJa2TTM XKIM MTMJfJJfO. Km KND OPXCKA "Ia 1 M'mt An jot" vim biu OtUn rd WnI Ind Oomlo Opra Cowny. SPANISH TOUT OPIKA HSO Aula Anjrt ALLae Catherine UtIi h4 tha Palter Comlo Opertt Ofpny. FAKAJSTA'H PAVLLION THXATBi flW aad OtImu straata.1 Variety Olio aad a Xas UdicAiUnt tdai sr.

As Wterm 0l EUle arss Fair mtaXXer, UgU Ta.ria.lU triad, no clange is tempw ture. OUS PiaJLYUXXS. Lot is Hind, butnaver colorblind. The substance of anew den, connected wiLi electrio light. La the shadow.

Then Im lorn "Persoosrioteliixenoo" in tie Hew York Herald formerly. There srs no birds In last yesr's nest; tit there are lota of other things, thoagn, 1 3 roake it disagreeable. Ciattanocga takes firs car loads of watermelons day. The population of tlt town will aoon double up. Ixran is not strong on hie grammar but whenha speake beesn be heard, and when be gwears he is understood.

The moment man begins to osatsss s' railroad trsin en the Presidential question, he should be chained op in the bag" He too mad to boat large. Ear. Hi. lUlbom'a picture and written words are being used as an advertise cent for a particular brand of tobaoco. He says bo has amoked it for twelve It is said that George Washington died owing the Government 173,000.

If the Wall street gamblers bear of this they will go in for aniafclag. the Washington xaonnment at ones. i loo cream bricks are now made that wIH retain their substance and flavor lor a If a young fellow oomee around with one of th.eee in bis bat the girls will net to back on bim. The Xlaine liquor law is in force in Zlaino, and all delegations who visit Elaine atay only Ions enough to shake Lands and ask for an ofUce. By that tine their pocket flasks are empty.

Ths finger bowls and wash rag eooom iniments ksrs. disappeared from gen? teel dining tables. Guests art expected to eome to tables with clean bands and to act like human belies while there. Gen. Sherman saya be never Toted bnt cnoe in bis life, and then he roted wrong so he will not try It again.

Unless bis brother John is a candidate the General thinks it a waste of time to vote. Is aeema to be a shame to make a New Orleans man go to Baton Range for an oS.ce. He ought to bare it seat down to him It would eome of its own accord if offloe were see king th nia. The running expenses of the New Jer sey Etate gorernment are more than eorered by the taxes on railroads and ether corporations. It was happy thought of the New Jersey statesman to make ths railroads pay running expenses.

ItiSTerykind in the Louisiana dele Cttion to giro Ifr. Tilden its sopport when he will under no elreomstanoes consent to become candidate. Courier JournaLl It is reported that ths delegation has instructed itself, and 2Ir. Watterson should not find fault with the to to of an instructed delegation. OTHER CURRENCY, Philadelphia Press "Lightning truck a ball out is.

Ilinneapolis where soma cf Wsmex's musio was being rendered, and the leader of the orchestra merely rationed to the man at ths big drum to hit more gently in the next inning." The New York Tribune says: "Six clergymen in Charleston, preach ci from the text 'Am I my brother's keeper t' last 8anday. In England where lithographed sermons are regularly would be understood that they bad all been serred by the same dealer but in this country the coincidence is rather strange." Cleveland Herald: 44 The subject of a funeral held at East Saginaw tha other day was man who in life bad been a saloon keeper, a constable and a justioe of the peace aucoeeslTely, and a ward, politician all the time. With rare discrimination the choir sang 'Asleep in It would appear that church hyrrss are unlike Jack bunsbyfs obaer Titiocs, in. that the bearing of them does not consist in ths York Bun Will you kindly tell 3 which way the wind blows 1" asked laxalidof the landlord of a LctsL Certainly, t.9 repUed 11 2 landlord, stepping to the door, the TTir 3 no blows due north, sir." "Thank T'i." A little later the landlord said to lis keeper: "Hm you made out T'r. Eaaith's bill yetr "No, sir." Tell, Just charge Si to his account for about the direction sf the Trareler: MA new game fashionables at ths summer rs ii 'Coaching and it Is 11 ths members of the party in czizh.

counting tha llring objects i czzh tils during tha trip. A v.v 'i a hog 10, a eat 50 and ao ci. to tL3 c' ths highest, whloh bo mistaken in czt ci til calibre, butws :1 czllil tot' ttst to a man atr rt: 3 tl3 thing to rire tie iidzn tla r' aos in i I t. i i i t3 tLa tcllfccis', t3 it ij Ciilei, "Dairy's till." Articl 23 of the consti tntion prorides that erery law enacted by ths General Assembly shall embraoe bnt one object, and that shall be ex pressed in its title." Under this pro vision these three little bills ought to be each called "An act for the relief of widows, orphans and interdicted per aoss: that is. an act to enable Civil Sheriff Duffy of Orleans to relieve said widows, orphans and interdicted persons of the trouble of taking care of part of their inherrtanoe or patrimony." They would also, doubtless have been strengthened by a proper preamble, for in such grabs as these it is always better to go in freebooter's style and salsa with a bold band.

If people are to be skinned under tha guise of law they prefer to aee it done with a dash and vim. A pre amble of the proper straightforwardness would have had soma charm about it, captured at first sight many of the bsys," snd perchance dazed toe coun try members and caught their votes be fore they bad time to look around; la fact it would have ssved an immense amount bullying and' threatening and cajoling that ths Sing are said to have resorted to for tha purpose of scaring up strength for the measure. Something like this for instance would nave been quite appropriate as a pre amble, Wsereaa. Ttoasas 2jrr ass been a ml seat of the State of lonlalasa for several vearsx Amu whereas, the said Tkomas rxiffy kw always beea pablie spirited eltlxea, and sever railed to serve the peopla when oalled pony navlag aaerlsoed hie penana! Xeei tafcm and erred the State as elerfc of one of tae utu fuunei usnnt ana bmoii or las parlss BBlnterraDtediy ror mors, tnan is jears. sad has been patrlotlo saoujta to offer his eemoes for aaother term of four ears i Waareas, thssgb 'these offlees" have teen me sneet laeranve la us ssate, ne TaoauDnirr aas sot vet aaoomaiated ufiloleat amoaat of seoaey to saUafr all him waats, It Is tSeref ore desirable taat bis fes and emolument Se enlarged, and to that end It Is eminently wlae and proper la an enUgXtened and progreeslTs Stale lias tals to iegUlate against ue elass knows ae aaetionors, who Sato bnlit np a bul aeu reputatton by honost methods and elooe spplleatloB, and are thereby enabled to, and do, command the eonndeaee and pa rronags of nearly srery sator, curator or radio who desires to dispose of property belongtnjr to als ward, and do realise for those nelplAAS people the beet prloee for their property, zar mors than said 6herUf could, ths said legislation belsg la order to pot the eommlMlou oa said sales into the poekets of the aald DnSy And whereas, as representatives sf the people of Louisiana, It is the aousdea duty ot the Legislature to aee that certain favorite offloe holders shall be well feed aad enriched by any aad all means available, even if tt Is aeeeasary to prey opoa the widow, ths orphan, the Idiot, tho dotard and the manias; therefore the following: bill Is deserving of the sopport of all honest men ra ths General Assembly.

Snob a preamble aa this, we say, would have more nearly comported with the spirit and is tent of the measure, and, perhaps, put it in better shape than it is at present. In the meantime we call the attention of ths General Assembly to the array of names attached to the memorial pub lished in our columns, which embraces many of our leading men in the various branches of business. Ths list could be prolonged indefinitely did time per mit. TBS HISTORY 07 THS REPUBLICAN PARTI. The career of the He publican party.

piiard from its inception under the eyes of ths present generation, presents a political study replete with interest and instruction. "When we consider that its first victory ushered in one of the most terrible wars of. modern times that two of its chiefs havs fallen at the band of the assassin, that third was arraigned before a court of impeach, menr, that yst another was oounted in by the novel contrivance of aa Elec toral Commission; last daring its as cendency the Union baa been rent asunder and re established and. finally, that millions of slaves have beenSemancipated and enfranchised, ws begin to realise that ws have had before us a bistorio movement mads brilliant snd memorable by every element of drsmatlo effect. "The whole story of this party is to bo told in four chapters I Its rise as an anti slavery party II.

Its four years of struggle, aa a war party, far ths Union; III. Its experience as a reconstruction party IV, Its deterioration Into a mechanical organization for the pursuit and re ten tion of offloe. No one will contend that the party of abolition was originally a Union party. It waa mads np of men who measured the indignity of slavery from the standpoint of their own manhood, lien of liberal culture, endowed with the social capacity engendered by a high ci tills tion, jumped to the conclusion that the right to liberty was universal, and their conviction was ao intense that it glowed with the white beat of fanaticism. Their ideal was not the material grandeur of ths nation, but the freedom of the human race.

if. tho permanence of the Union meant the perpetuation of slavery behind ths shield of tha Federal constitution, then, in their judgment, it followed that the Union should be do stroyed or if secession was treason against the nation, tho Union was itself a coalition against tho rights of It was not easy therefore, to indnce these sxtrsmists to content themselves with aa organisation that looked only to the reetrietion of slavery within certain prescribed limits. On the other hand, it was as dificult to convince tho Southern people that the Republican party as a whole would not ultimately fall" under the control of its more radical wing, and that all the muniments of their vested rights were not aoonex or later to be swept away. Bnt when tha debate led to war, and when the led to the emancipation of the slaves, tho Republican party was at peace within itself. At the end of the war.

however, men began to understand that the destruction of the Confederacy and the restoration sf the Union were two different things for the latter consummation meant aomething more than the integrity of ths national territory. Henoe arose the problem of reconstruction. Tha Republican party assumed that It was its duty not only to effect the original purpose cf the war, but also to rn petals certain incidental results' of the war. Host important among those incidental results was ths emancipation of ths slave population of the Bout, and it was contended that eiifranchiscment leiBZ el J. tcccxJIrz to tla American irecry, the ballot la both tha sword and shield cf Bnt la order that the newly mads citizens should enjoy their rights fully, and more especially In order that the Republican party might be reinforced by their voting strength, it was deemed necessary that ths Southern States should be admitted to actual and active membership in the 7 So far the Republican waa in earnest, and ita greatest men went with it.

It remained for time to. disclose the sad fact that enfranchisemet carries with It no helpfulness unless nature and education have anticipated the civil law giver. Political competency cannot be created by a scratch of the pen. The enfranchisement of the negroes in creased ths strength of the. South in Congress and in the electoral college.

The Republican party derived a temporary advantage from that increase, it is true but In a little while ths dominant race in this section reasserted itsancisnt snd natural supremacy, and the solid South became the backbone of the great rival of the Republican party. For a long time Republicans were un willing to concede this practical demon stration; but there are now probably very few, if any, of them who look to the re conquest of the South by means of the negro vote. At this point ths party reached the proper limit of its history as an aggressive power in poli tics. For some time 'prior to the late" Chicago Convention lis wisest advisers hoped that it would place Itself upon souxd conservative basis as the cham pion of the country's credit, and pro tector of Us industries. If ths issue be tween free trade and a protective tariff could be sharply defined and made paramount in the ooming contest, they thought that they might see their way to another victory.

Democratic dissen aiona open the subject rendered this a by no means unreasonable expectation. but the Chicago nominations have altered the whole face of ths situation. The main issne now is not ons cf indus tiial policy, but of personal fitness. Republican orators and organs will vehemently insist, no doubt, that their chief concern Is still ths credit and pros perity of ths country but they will not be able to explain why they have pre erred a discredited leader, after having Ignored tho claims of men of better re pute, and or men certainly equally devoted to the best interests ef ths country. We have said that the fourth snd, last chapter of ths history of the Republican party will deal with its deterioration into a mechanical organisation for the pursuit and retention of office.

At the present time it is Only in ths current that moves in that direction. It is not yst a lifeless mechanism for it is still capable of en thusiasm, air. Arthurs nomination would have been the work of the Re publican machine; Mr. Blaine's nomi nation was the expression of the will of the 'majority of the Republican party. But when a party has fallen into a con dition of blind favoritism, when it will risk a principle for ths sake of a person ality, it is moving fast towards tho last atage of its existence a stage of Implicit aubeerriencv to demagogues.

Mr. Blaine's weakness and his strength are both the result of bis personal qualities, and it is inevitable that bis indi. vidusl record, rather than ths general policy and purpose of bis party, shall now become the subject of dabats, The publio acts of public man are justly aiPtiTjpvMa to criticism, and Mr. Blaine has been himself too hard a bitter to ex pect quarters now. He is getting, the hardest blowa from his former allies.

Death, of Charles TronUy. On Monday morning Mr. Charles Trou Illy departed this life, after a long and painful illness. 1 He was a native of St. Michel, Department of Muerthe, Franco, and bad been a resident in this city for the psst twenty two years.

Daring this long period of time he was engaged in the hair gocds and fancy article busini as a direct importer from Europe, and bad acquired a great reputation in thia line of trade. The house Lad also become distinguished for its beautiful etyle of hair dressing, all impressed npon it by the good taste of Mr. Trouilly and his long practical knowledge of the art. He was, at the time be was taken sick, arranging for a trip to Paris, to make special selec tions for the Exposition. Ho bad been ailing for some years with an affection of the liver.

From this last attaok be expected to rally, as be bad often done before, but the hope proved vain. The disease set in with malarial fever and oonld not be controlled, despite every effort that professional skill could make or sood nursing render. He was attended in bis last illness by bis de voted wife and affectionate daughters. who are left to mourn bis untimely de mise. Mr.

Trouilly was still in the prime of life, being 49 years of age. He had been a great traveler in his dsy, and at one time was a resident merchant cf St Petersburg. Everybody liked him on account of his genial good nature, and his intelligent knowledge of men and things mads him a most agreeable com. panion. New Orleans loses an excellent citizen.

in the death of Charles Trouilly. The community that knew him so wall will deeply sympathize with his bereaved fsmily. Cbxat Taxm bt Kail. K. D.

Mann's Gen eral Ballroad Ticket Offloe. lsa Oommoi street, opposite Bt. Charles HoteL Is doing a larre bnaiaeM In tho sale of ent rata tickets to all points. Mr. Mann has long ax penenoe in him une, ana is a moss lateiu rent adrlser about the various routes in the United States and the Canadas.

He has traveled them ever until they have become to him a familiar as "Aouaehold From him the tourist may obtain tha most valuable data as to resorts and railways, eto and will bo certain to secure transportatloa at very reasonable figures. He Is able to effect trf at saying to travelers, and Is therefore ths right man to be Interviewed on the sub ject of cut rate tickets. Bead his adver tlsemest in railroad column, snd be aura to E. Curtis, auctioneer, sella a large lot of parlor and bedroom runuture, ana a giin front carriage at X0. 40 Royal soeet this morning Hat Hat Hat At Jackson SaiTrosl Depot at 11 o'clock A.

ILthis day. Bos i. 11 aiorphy's auction advertisement. Bedsteads, sofasu washstands, bet rails. wiihons any reeerre.

See D. tlor pby's aucUoaadrerUsement. It Th3 Crucial ii io vrLicIi tho State ii plunging is becomieg luore apparent with every day's progress of the The prospect undoabttsliy is "more gloomy than at any preoedinK period In the history of tfce State. If the present down grade is followed, even without the present scceleration of descent, ths force of gravity will draw the political autonomy which is sup posed to be a Government of the people. ioto such bankruptcy that ths people will secede from it.

Ths first remedy for the unfortunate Inadequacy of revenue is the readjust ment of assessments. If nothing better can be done than to continue the present system, most urgent seeking out of new objects of taxation la unavoidable. From the Auditors report it appears that ths cash vslne of railroads with! a this State or partly within this and anether State," for 1883, was ft4.933.8S3. We do not care to enter into an ex amination of the diesrepant valuation in different parishes ths general position is auits apparent without. Ths railroads are actually worth oa aoash valuation f4O.0O.0OO or more their stocks amount to S29.S01.CS5.

and their bonds to S23.557.107. as the reader will see below. On what principle these roads. which have been so largely assisted by Louisiana and her eubordinate political autonomies, should be let off with shamefully nominal aasessment of ted per centnm, on which to be taxed mora lightly than the needs of ths bugs auire. we cannot disoover.

The favor which they received nave been as large ly negative aa positive in other States they are not only required to pay heavy rates on true asseesments. but are also rigidly limited their charges. The complsinta of the people in Louisiana at high rates fare and freight have been met by the representation that we need more railroads nere ana must not dis oourage capital from coming in. But if thia argument ia to be carried to the extent of pretermitting 00 per. cent, of their tsxes which is the real and true effect of granting a 10 per cent, as sessment it becomes so manifestly un fair and burdensome to tha people that it will be rebelled against.

It would be better to excuse them altogether, rather than to excuse such false assessments. But ths right plan is to tax them on the same basis on which ths taxation of other property reata. me Btooxa ana oonca ox roaas or por tlona of roads within the State are aafollowa: bailxoads or tOUISIASa. Vo. of stock Bonds miles.

mils. mile. seton Kongo ana (iroMe Tete u.000 1,877 Illinois Central 6834 17.622 Clinton and Port Hud son six 27.907 80,000 2S.661 10,000 S8.S41 3M1S 30,000 sajar Louisiana 106 30,000 La. and Tex. 3i3 Natch Bed Biver 35,355 and Texas 19 10.000 N.

O. aad Mobile S3 N.O. and northeastern 40 Sfl.703 34J1S Texas and 8M 30,000 Vtckaburg and Bhreve port" Test IT 80.137 We civs the bones in the nrst 83 miles of road, as stated in oors Manual. Total stock. Total bonds.

Baton Bongs ana 8145.000 TJUnol Central L662J01 310,405 Clinton ana tron Hndsos. soonoo La. 3489,000 3,130,000 Morsaa's La. A Tex. s.99,e3 e.494,o;o 10,000 Natohea A Bed Blv.

120,000 S. O. A 1,077,33 N. O. A N.

Kaatern. 1,061,600 Texas A Paolflo TA3O.003 aivt7 1.051,600 7,130,000 Vlckaburg AchrsTo 700.000 msoLsss Itwill be aeon that the 1139 rdilea of road within the State are stocked for $23,557,105 and bonded for S29.S01.635. The total values of these properties as appraised by the owners is therefore nearly S53.000.000. Clavelanoe Beoordi Nkw C)itlJEAK8. June 23.

1884. Dear Sir In Sunday's Pic sour cor respondent C. Louisianian makes ths sastrtion that Gov.CleveJ and. would be a weak candidate on account of his veto of the 5 cent, fare bilL Is your ear respondent aware that this veto was sustained by the votes of members who originally voted for it The Governor's measase beinsr ao dear and lucid as to satisfy all but demagogues that thia waa tne only nonest action no oouia pursue. Ula darina? to do riant in lace ox pub lio clamor is in itself a guarantee of his aires gth of character.

Had he bean a schemer or politician aiming to gain votss and favor he would have signeithe bilL bnt in so doinc would havs shown his nnfftness to oocuov the ofiios of either Governor or President. Your cor resDondent asain ssvs that Uanoook re eei red 0.200 more rotes in '80 than Cleveland: did in 82 Admitting this, Hancock waa not elected thragh be received the full liemocrauo vote of New York, and how many more votes oould be poll in 84 than he did in '801 Mow, on the other band, Cleveland was elected in 82, though he did not re scire as many votes aa Uanoook it being an off year, ana his success was m.inly due to ms reiorm reoora as aiayar ox Buffalo, his immmiM ooDnlaritv am ngst ths Independent voters and the dis tffeo tion of the Liberal Kepublicana. In '84 be stands a far greater chance of auo cess, ss ns wiu receive tne vote wmon he received in '82, together with all the Independent and anu Blaine voters and nine tenths of those who will cast their maiden vots, and should he be nominated be will carry Kew York by 100,000 msioritv. the croakers to Xhe contrary nptwithstsnding. As he ia equally strong in Massachusetts and New Jersey, he would carrv those States without: a shadow of a doubt, thereby seourinc his election.

Yours truly, a. Slocum's Attack on HoIjzuuu A aneeial dlsnstob from Washington. June 19, says Bepreaentative Holmanr ia deeply grieved at tne expression ox urn. tecum una mora mar uoxtuk brief discussion of the Brooklyn Post Offiea aite tranble. when filocum hotly denounoed bim as the tool of lobby ists." The objector grew angry, nervous and verr red in tha face, as he demand ed on what grounds ths gentleman mad a aucn a aezamatory.

aaaeruon, ana was not all comforted when filocum asked bim if he had not oiiared a resolution for investigation which written by a man who lobbying for another site tba the one proposed, it is a tact that lioiman oia this. Ths investigation of tho manner in which a site was selected was brought sbout by a lobbyist for another site, who excited in air. Uolman's mind a be lief that there was a corrupt innaence at woik. Freouent instances are given ia which lir. liolman has been thus Lm oceed upon and aaada do the work of lobby late, while believing he was acting for tne best interests oz we puouo.

After tbe controversy he went over to Sioeum's seat and remonstrated with bim earnestly, and it is possible the latter ill make some explanation, if not a complete retraction. irz sr Or.i r.ANS. ZZ, 1SC1. (J HororsWe tie Senators ard ember ff tb IfoDe ol ieEt uiaUYta liie btale ollAiuihiaua: Thfe nndtreigned. owners cf property! members cf the bar cf Louisiana, and citizens of the Stats, beg to ctfcr this petition and memorial against ths bills bich propose to exclude auctioneers Irom making judicial slee and sales of minors' property, and to giro all such tsles to the Sheriff.

And in ins pert of this vetitfon'and 'memorial, your petitioners say they op pose said Dills, among otner reasons, be cause 1. Tbere fano demand or request for any change in the present law, except ly parties no will be oenentea by aucn chance. In no section of our common wealth has the community at large mown any oeeire tor the passage oz suon legislation as is contemplated. 2. The bills virtually propats a mo nopoly, which is in direst opposition to the eptiit and genius of our institutions.

3. The bills, if passed, will deoieass the license tsxes now paid to the par lsnes and Estate dv tne auctioneers. 4. Titles to property will be more dif ficult to trace, inasmuch as all deeds will be paseed by the Sheriff, and it is well known that the original deeds are frequently lost while authentio copies are seldom kept. 5.

Auctioneers get better prices fox property than Sheriffs, and their oom missions are smaller. Under 'the proposed Jaws there will not be as much to distribute in the settlement of estates st would be the case were the sales made bv the auctioneers. 6. Ths Sheriff now has an equal ehanoe witn tne auctioneer, it sales conducted by him brought better returns or were better in any way or gave greater satis faction, he would receive the largest snare oz tee Dusinsss. un tne oonjrarr, nine tenths of the business is siven to the shows the opinion of the community at large aa to their relative meritr.

7. Unable to cope with tha auctioneers in open competition, it doea not become tbe Sheriff' to ask that he be forced upon mo community oy law, anu any law which works such a result cannot bat be regarded aa oppressive and odious. In view of the foregoing, and of the many otner objections to tne pro posed change in our taws, your net! i loners humbly that you will de cline to aisturo tne present ay stem, wmon nss given satisiaotion ior more tnan thirty years, and for a change of which there is no request except from the nsrtv who alone will be benefited bv tms cnange. OrUrinaUv slaved W. R.

Lyman, Stauffer, If oCrsady as w. Aiecenxora. A. J. aioeomb, Oora A.

Blocomb, p. p. w. ii. ix ton p.

p. w. u. Atsn ford. ford.

Tbos. J. Ssmmes. J. H.

Holmes. T. L. Alrey A A. B.

Qrlswoid A liehiaan, Abraham A Jno. Chaffe A Bona, H. A B. Bier, 0. 8.

Kellogg, Julius Haas, gnnard, HOWS A W. J. Cattail, Prentiss, B. atarr, Francla T. ftlchotts, Bobert Mot James A Bens haw, m.

uuus, Horace I. Dufour. Ohaa. Chshlbaok, J. A.

Gauche, O. j.Brusle, H.Newgaes, jno. x. uaruie. N.

Burg, Ous B. Kelson, A. M. Lamblaa. W.

O. Mereadal, Bernard Fltche, tu. U. White, Krnest Morell, 0.A. Behneldau, i.

tjaioose. u. W.J Nelson. E. F.

Deneohaud, J. Q. A. Fellows. Vlllere A Hebrard, W.E.

Hnger, Ot L. Hall, Anguste Bsrnas, r. O. Beoseneau. Geo.

O. Preot, T. J. Manila, A. Kallnsky, PraneU w.

Baker, Frank D. Chretien, H. Harranr. Chas. E.

Banrer. H. LaTiHebeuvre, J. O. Nixon, Jr.

I am opposed to the legislation re ferred to in the foregoing for successions snd other sales to the Sheriff. Signed Henry C. MOler, J. O. Blchwdson, Alfred Orlma, P.

A. Behnelder, PereyBoberts, Attorneys at law, 'When a member of the lower bouse of the General Assembly in 1866 and 1877 I opposed a similar bill and have seen no reasons to change my oonvio tions and am therefore opposed to ths proposed law. John McExkbt. We. the nnderaisned.

odooss ths pro posed bill on the grounds and principles set xortn in tnw original petition A. J. Perrau. Beni. Ory.

Notary. Jno. J. Ward. Eugene D.

Saunders, W. JS. Murphy, A.B.PhUllDS. Joseph Hols, M. Voorhles.

Chas. B. Bloe. Bloe, Jno. Lamblas, Jno.

M. Bonner. Jos.Malhle, I concur with Mr. Ii. C.

Miller Blgned: AlircOBhsw. J. J. COonner, Massls Barton, Walter I. Oenegre, Jeff D.

Bryant, J. B. Walton, N. Whittemore, H. tanner, J.

CUTlgnraud, wm. AtUUKV H. P. Bequier. I am opposed to any change in the ex isting law regulating sales of minors' propel ty, aynoics ana psruuon saies: fi.

H. Marr. A. J. Lewis, Jerome steamier, j.H.Menge, Henry I K.

K. Barnett. Thos. J. Marker, J.L.IeMerrltt, CP VaUetteT Ward, HermaaBoeaL Baoul Tertroo, W.

B. Money, rr Chas. Garvey, Paul Halter, H.F.8ohaaier J. W. Adams.

James DemorelV L. B. Vlenne, K. Bleakley, 't J.P.Casey, 8. a.

Btoekmaa, 8. A. Beesklnd H. W. Conner, Chas.

A. anTler, B. P. Peters. Geo.

H. Kirk, Bdwars Mau dt ua, Fred. Ward. Paul Angram, VTana marcj, M. gchwarta.

H. A. Frederic I aalah Green, Ed. Murray. Peter HeUwlege, JohnO.Byrd, F.

H. West, Jobn Hughes, E. KirkDatriek. A. M.Bickham, W.

B. ievan, H. J.Leverloh, Fred. ooidsmitn, M. Goldsmith, xaiaore ewmas, B.

Biohardson, B.H.LSW. A.A.Brlnamald. Eng. ChalsBWlaT, Lewis Han. Kohn.

O. DlUinghaas, A. A. Woods, Leopold Christ, 1. 8hephsrd, P.

Gregory, i Mrs. Jaae Hall. W. W. Bumner, Bate H.CMeatlmakeT per F.H.Meatlmaker, M.

F. Dunn A Broa Fred. Adolph. A. lehwian A Co A.

A. Fairex. G. M. Bailey, Jr G.

B. Cnraabel, G.Miller, W. w. Crawford; Louis Barnet, J. A.

Chalaron, Bloe. Bora A Ce J.Bereegeay, Taos. Biokett, Antolne urart jr A. Mntenberger, Tbos. Greea, La Vlllebeuvre, Aur.Honmas.

B. L. Patterson, Stern Fertiliser Chem. T. FltswllUam A Co aiaau vopor ao.

ia mm. 8. Bainev. V. Jobn H.8alUvan.

Frank E. Perrv. Thos. G. Banter.

Andrew QJrederlcbs, K. Blane, M.D., Chas. N. Sinclair, B.N. Iewls, W.A.

Kemaghaa Geo. Fried ertcbs, 8. Kuhn. Chas. P.

Sonlas. P. Predertokson, A. Boeheresn A Co, A. J.

A Omar VlUere, K. Rhodes, J.C.Ienis, Cart Kohn, James De Buys, E. B. Musgrove, Henry G. Hester, Bamuat Frledlander, O.

Perrler, Marigny. J. P. Barsala, Bon A Ed Drouet, H. r.

Hopkins. O. Chalaron, 1 A. Butler. J.D.

Haywsrd, Adolph bohrelber. J. Beoseneea, Henry Hyman, jao. A'neips, Alexander Behlsnker, A. B.

Cam mack, Panl A. Pouts, Chas. K. Black, W. B.

McLean. R. T. Buokner P. Delcrolaeau, Chas.

Louqus, J.L W. Noltlag. Wm. L. Finney, J.

BeadernageL O. Liesef eldt, Wm. Dillon, C. P. Hoffman, Phil J.

Rellly, J. M. Vlllavaso, 8. W.Clark, B. W.

Bawllus, EUss Weeks, O.W.BentelL W. Harry Beymosr, oha Mliler, Bloom A Bon, A II. If Isaaeaou, IX. W. Palfrey, C.

inner, Eai. Ii.Ii. Harris. Leon Joubent. Cbaa D.

Lallands. PJchard B. Cenas. J.B Andrew Btewart, Charles Chaffa. i J.B.Whltaker..

W.8. IouKlaa. W.J.Atkliia. P. T.

Perret, K. M. Horaa A W. O. Cot la.

Air.UouIton, A. Lambert, Jao. P. Braun, S. A.

Greenwood, T. Prudhemme, E. W.C. MaTbln. Neleon liebcea.

onenrwitb. IT. Brown. I'c rtOr Honh Trtcrfrai8'Lriie Li'nio An fr.t." Tie peculiar dretsiog and sotimr ef Jtif Catherine Lewis as Clairette wan iec iv bs tbe audimce with bouju dialavor cn Sccttay nigbt, that Mr. Sai picpriclor ci tie tncalre, snoeld to tteJadj yrsterday to drea? Clairelte Mopt rJj.

aid tfrai her acting to tbe tables of tle repetallo public sliss Lewis utteily retnwd to anv to saions. She Bsid sbe dreed and scted liiO pTi to pjeafs cereeu, nss tne peo ple ct iew uneans. so sir. salter aars. and if it was net liked.

she was ready to leave, snd would break her contract imnjediately, which con nact. by. tbe way. will expire Mil eaturca nisnt. it D6ins tnen qnistion sif to who should run the thea tie the proprietor, who had the bills to pav axd wr would be held responsible ry tne public ana looxea to ior decent perfotmsnces, or one actress who had vpraeted her part the result was that little Miss Essie itat ton, properly dressed scd lookirg baodsome, went oa with be book in her hands in place of Miss Lewis tast nisbt.

and got through with tbe part oz viatrette quite creditably. Sbe leceived much applause for her. Sorts. To niabt she will be able to "ng and act the psrt without the book. be publiewill undoubted ty sustain Mr.

Baiter in tbe stand he has taken in thia matter, snd it can very well do with out Miss Lewis, wbo will eo West. At tbe West End Opera House rLa Filie de Madame Angot" is being aed. to large audiences. Kiss Seltna UoJaro arrd Miss Hattie Biohardson get on cbarmingly together and a good performance is given, Miss' Dolaro will aicg at tne matinee to morrow. Tbe new Press Bureau at Constantinople, which is under ths direction ot Medjtd since ita establishment, made tfce task of conducting a newspaper npon tbe banks of the Bosphorus exoeedlnrly difficult.

A long list of subjects, the dls enaaion ana even ins oare mention oi whloa is Interdicted, baa lately been issued to the newspapers. The journalists of Btam boul are forbidden to mention astern Boa niella sr the Soudan. They are not to dis ears Ismall'a chances of the Khedlvlal tbrose, and they are to be silent about the Illness and death of Mlahat. Tbe Salvation Armv has lust found an opponent In a new religious seet called the "Hallelujah Lassies." The title Is not dig. nlned.

but the aim is modest. The leading fplrlt la known as "BAddt Josenblne." Sha takes the chair at the meetings and explains what she and the other lassies mean to do. They are opponents of no creed or church, but poise aa humble preachers of the gospel to the poor, ths chief obj sot being to get these asms poor to attach themselves to some ehuroh. leavlnc them to ehoose whloh they prefer. PXBSON8 UEAVHCO TOWN FOB THS SXASON AND 8X7MKKB TKAVKXJEJIS CAN HATX THK DAXLT PICA.TUNK MATLxi TO THBM, POSTPAID, FOR.

$1 PXB MONTH. TffiSN ADDRKSS MAT SI CHANGKD AS OFTEN AS SFJBIBXD. Travelsra who experience any trouble or delay in securing ths Picayune on the trains, are requested to report the facts to this office promptly. The News Companies run no risks in taking ample sup plies of papers, as they are charged only for the copies sold, and their interests are identical in thia matter with ours, XICI. SANDFBB On" Monday.

June S3, 1884, at The mends and aeqaalntaxcea of the family. also those of tho families of Bloppenborg and Brinkmj ako the officers and members of Chauaetto Fire Com pan No. S3, are raspect fnlly iBTited to atUnd tbe fnseral, which win take slaee This (Tuesday) Afternoon, June 24, at o'clock, rromua late realoenee, corner of Fourth and Tehoupltonlas streets. FTJKERAL. NOTICE.

HALL PIUCAK XtmriL BSHXVO LXNT ASSOCIATION The officers and mem. bars are hereby notified to meet with badge)! This fTueedar) Xrening Jnaa 24, 1884. at o'clock, at the hall, SI BlenTUla street, to attend the funeral of their deceased brother, F. JAQUKT, a natire of Franc. By order of Hon.

TISSOT, Presldeut. H. MBSSONB 1KB, Secretary, FUNEKAIj. NOTICE. xrAia.

scnxwirJENa bsnkvolknt ASSOCIATION, Kaw Orlaaaa, Jul X4. 1884. The Bmlal Coaunitteo ot this association la hereby notified to pay tbe laat aad tribute ef respect to oar late brother member. CSX A. M1N ACKBBT.fromala late raeideaae.

He. 18 fit. jamee atreat. at 10 o'clock A. M.

Taia Day, without farther aottoo. By order ef tho Pi eatdeat THOS. AONJ5W. JOHN HXBVFATJ. Bae.

Saeratary. AMERICAU CHINA HOUSE, w. o. 4 CASIF STABS, ii Konaebold FarnlahiasT Oaoda. Plated Ware, wwmvj wwaieaia.

uuaa, uocaery aaa I mmitn ri ii lirl li Oil lykdn itaTiTjAhan, STOVES AHD TiriUARE Cams fttreet 84 Sai SaaThSaTa Beeiag ss maaymea looking for ths postttoa en taeponeeforee, aad knowing that thara la aotbias la tha aoatttaai whereby a aaaa eaa earn aUvelihood, and, with as rcSeeUon apoa his Honor, Mayor as I eaaaot lira with oat some money, the poslttoa of policemaa so lag Inaufficieat to sopport a man; aadas thara is such a large nambar of ladirtdoala looklax tor taepoaialan, I hops ths com inanity will agree withmo la taaderiag my realgaaUoa. the nnderaigned, tender my realgnaUoa aa poUoa officer of the present fores. Jeg4 It DAVID COBCOBAJT. LiriDLORCyMD TuIS. Tbe tlna being at band to benfy your aouaes and hasaea, aa von ax pact asaiutadea of people to Tlait tho XxposiUoa, yoa eaa aad ahoitld make aa impression by tha genaraoa nee of ttM paint broah, abowlaa; tbat yoa ara not entirely behind in UnproTeaoaat, aad by airing us an opportunity we eaa ahow that we baTo aTery adrantaa ia praetioal housework from tha followlJia; facta, Tias Wo mix and gnad our own colors (bt pure Calcutta Linseed Oil) by atoais, saris from lHo to Se.

par poena, which wo giro our caa toaaera tha beaaSt of. TO THill TliAJDE We hare fan ltae "of COLOBS to offer at prices that defy eon petition. Wa are also prepared to mix aor quantities to spaeui order ia oil or tarpaatme ready for aee. Giro as a trial aad be convinced. Very reap tally, M.

o. w. L. and o. woaici A.

S. CUILKB A CO, Propfa. Ja23 8uTuTb3m S4 and 68 Lafayette at. n. J.

REEDY, Frc: Iii cml I Pgc onG cur mrrtxt' ccrra i rrr tx nc srttaa 1 cf lbe large lire cf GOODS vlieh we ara irg at txceptional pii; the oljeSt cf Eiaiicg pieTious to tie taiicg c. Yectoiv of stcct. We liavo likewiss a c' of SUITS and TJL5TEI Wo for travfclir Tbo UBDEEWEAT. ment ia daily lepleslsh: by otferiBg a conatant of new articles htAil cbildrea. 00 silver mm A Ifow Involcs specially Bnitib'o for wear, just recsived.

beautiful filsgre3 wcrt, styles Hair Pins, Gcntd'Ecaif Pins, Yldzt I XTO. a. d. cmsroLD 11 Canal gtrect 11: aS '8 TtPsTulyl NOTICE TO THE lZl 17... SOUS TNDUSTST RXBDTLT BOSTON SHOK AND T.TATE I 106 CHABTBKS STRE2T.

Tho shoe trade of Verr amounts to nearly 4.C(O,0C0 a ths bulk: of this trade ibo. shoes mads here, dis tribute our own workinjrmen whatro workinrmon in other sections, i rngfor the city of New Orlea ts which now go to the mann: od which mske ths cities of Ths stock of this comoanv ii here at horns ita profits will our midst its operations will I Orleans workmen. Every par: our factory advances home ez. and hel pa to build up New Orl the South. Every patrlotlo citizen must see the Buooees of suck industries Every thinking man in thecon.

most favor buying home mada but yon are not asked to buy on mental or patriotic grounds only. We give as much for yor'r racr you can get elsewhere. Me can you freight, delay snd trouble. Ws havs tho best and rcvl proved machinery to be found es. ths Ohio liiver.

The we turn are as rood and serviceable as any i by hand. We use only the Lett Ws sell as low and on as re terms aa any re'ouHible ni and our work will equal tha prn the factories of Boston and 3 Thankful for past favors, advise our friends to hand in ders in time to insure early f. V. STUBaTHtAUCH, i DnATTTAGZI PU. ytreta ajiotsU'.

Basset nine; new. aad SaralM. escape Aimiunw tao asaraat. Wramaiad Oa naaA.aadior JOoiPli SJ TJauoa suoot. fraat aice, slmxs.

This Is to ceruly that bars Hoino y'lavtasasa a sfaara Patrt i wbiefe ts TKxtMmf aad diciuf rlcf a water ans at aa e.arailon c( i two tsMftwa. 1a ebTg ctitn? I HsAUa awaso nf4 tu wi. him hirS u. im. Xit aoglaa usel erJ1; GnCaapz a HO I mi' UT TUG ZZTTZZ, ii 3.

JalS Et IT C3. cr: C0TT0I1 DUCII m. rro rrr. AiTzra ra ttzvi tri Silver Jevjc! rTSTTXTXACTZZ a.

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