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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 1

New Orleans, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

''7'i XLVir. NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1885. NUMBER .332. If si MOATS, le ia order to ptucliase nd whre prepared lili ia colored Diagonal and EHk Lined and' Tftry lltj are not cut quite in the tat are right. Abo hare of Elacki Blue and Fancy 7 TTcrited, lour Button Out til D.

B. Prince Albert Suits. cf Scotch" and Fancy Oass. Id Press Pant, Bo ja' Dreai Eaita, four yeari to sixteen ti ill prices, $3 50 up. Jean.

0c Merino Undenhirts, up. 'I see at 13 trl 15 Camp street. HONTGOMtY acid domestic ZUOH AND GERMAN TE I iiOLSTERY GOODS "TET HAEDWABE, iSQUE BUILDINGS. with aur la tit i tad bTYLKiJ. The loUowluX i i totonritock: i a i yBJLNCH Bedroom, rartor, a aad.

LibiMT SUITS, la an If rUBOBS, VMtl ml Pu ud Inlfcid TABLES, VDB Ud OTTOMANS, EAN r3. MU8IO BTAWD8L lAdlM crnou furniture, ft XOOKB OOMBIWATIOIT 1 Iinraei't BEVOLVINO BOOK ray goods shxlves. Ibtui rviiHS. iATTAU GOODS ftad WOOD WORK. lfAlBM U4 LSTZRY DEP1RT3IEST rnvrn rwna and Spun Silks, i 3 AaDBATTa BA1M.8KS, iuz'akd kokaxb plushks.

Tor Iaom eorers. biixiabd cloths, TZISQXO GIMPS, COKDS, TJLS8XXS, TICXXSO, HAIB, niTHZKS, and Cabinet Hardware. crses and Spring Beds Of an kind. xelualT control la toU awrket il lx foods Baaatscfarsd 7 ta t. Ilitchell Furniture HA5TKL8, prnr4 to rood to prtTto prtl or too trad Ue ua WvanhuM fro a their 3 cineinajku.

wo lait our rlosd labile to cli ud QTomlno our atocx. old euToBo4mlt nch Plate mirror EMPORIUM. Frames, ::.7 AND CORNICES, rXlCKXTS AYD ALBUMS. L. UTEB, iVtlihl DCCTAIIDAftT iiuw i nuiinn i vrcaaeiet street 8 i 7 moado mad tno pvbUo HaTta flrotiooo chot my attoaaoa to "r.rTL,u,nM,r I ma oadooTor to Pio mo.

Tho prlmouro ft market will bo fmraUhod to i dMirlii to rlTO i I l4ro thoir ordor at air Bo. DDNECII AUD. 17S3Wea3m6aUj. irniture nn PIPER HEIDSIECK AND PIPER Sec." 1 1 THE FINEST BBANOB THE 21ABEET, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. dl3 TaSaTnSmlstp UnDERlVEAR.

Itew Is the time to boy good warm Undershirts and Drawers. TYe hare the Ee4 and White Flannel Drawers and Shirts atfl 0, $2 and $2 50 each; heary California Flannels at $3 each; Canton Flannel Drawers at 50 75 $1 and $1 50 each; Canton Flannel Shirts at 75c. and $1 heary Merino Shirts and Drawers at 50 75 $1 and $1 50 eachj heary Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers at $1 50j $2, $2 50 and $3 each Cartwrlght and Warner Underwear at $2 50 to $5 each; Bed Knit Shirts and Drawers at $1 50 to $1 each; Silk Undershirts and Colored Merino Shirts and Drawers; also a good line of Boys' Underwear, Men's Merino and LeaTy Cotton Half Hose, Bed Merino and Cashmere Half Uose, Do? Shin Glores, Fur Top and lined eiOTes; also a full line of Orercoats, heary Suits, etc. H. D.

MeCOWN, Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, Cor. St. Charles and Common sts. a 20 83 TaSaSalatplr ISO AJCT AJL. STEEET.

We have just receired from Euiope the handsomest lot of Bronze and Hammered Silver Goods eyei shown in this city many of them having never beenrj duplicated thus making an unique and elegant assortment. To those intending to make presents we would say come to inspect our stock. da lmltp EL(IN 100 Canal street 100 Iartto attoatloa of bayera to Utoir bow atrloa CARPETS MOQUITXE and BOOT BBUSSXLS, wlta pordora to match. TAPESTRY BBTJSSXrs la an rradoa. THREE PLY and I NOBAIN8 fa ail gTadea.



T83 SaSaWo lylatp lliCaatpanroot. FINE FURNITURE MODERN STYLES. oaaanaaaa liOxns baiter; 03 aad 07 Hoyml at oot. a oar St. lala, Haa roeerred ITKW eornprtslnr eleirant PARLOR SUITS, and FINK BEDROOM and Dm IU ROOM bTS, Kto.

PRICES THE VERY LOWEST. CaU and aoo tho aaaortaioat. Coofltry ordor promptl attoadod to. a mSaWooalatp Eynch MANTELS. JfEW PUBLICATIONS.

Have You Seen a Copy IF WOT WHY NOT? the Use of Medicine1 wilxh a srKGLX con oi 1 1 WILL. DftlYX AWAT THX BJLUX9, BY FROBIOTlirO ATrXTXTK AMD DIGBSTlOKr. Thar 1 no paper so good for Indigestion, Heartburn, ITauae, Neuralgia, Malaria Headaene, Heartache, Backaone, and everr other acne, aa "THE WEEKLY CALL." It ia full of pore, lnnooent fan, that wOold animate the dam heat wax ggure. Be happy while you may sorrow cornea soon enough. Laughter is the cheapest medicine.

A Jest does more good than a pill any day. Fan makes fat. A smile Is better than a sigh. Yon can trust every man who laughs 4s far as yon see him bat for a small amount. Buy THE WEEKLY CALL" if you want to read the best Family Paper in the world.

It will pay yon 52 per cent, dividends every year. It has not only lots of fan, bat is fall of every thin that can entertain and instruct an Intelligent household, it is the genius of Journalism. If you boy No. 3 of THE WEEKLY CALL," ready for by all newsdealers, Saturday December 32, to? will get with it, 1'BBK, a handsome picture worth is cexts in any art store. But the picture and the paper will together coat yon oh ly 8 cents.

Your newsdealer has this picture new on exhibition Ask him to show it to yon, and also aak him to GIVE yon a copy, of THE WEEKLY CALL." No. 1. He had a lot ot them sent to him to gits away fo his customers. If he is oat of No. 1, send as a postal card," and we will mall ypu free a copy of THE WEEKLY CALL No.

1. Bat dont fall to order from him a copy of "THE WEEKLY CALL" No: 3, with it gift picture My Big Brother." This picture, nicely framed, would make the pret tleat Christmas Present yon could bny for five times the money. It's a gem for five We know It and you'll say so when yon see it. BOBERT 8. AVIS, Proprietor of "The Vuut Caxl," Philadelphia, Pa, Christmas Stockings will be incomplete this year, unless the Doable, Holiday Number of St.

Nicholas find a place in them. No such children's book has ever seen sold for the money. It is a wonder. The Christmas cover, printed in eleven colors, ia worth the price. of the whole 184 page book.

Piioe, 50 cents. If your dealer ia oa.t copies, send the amount to Tub CENTUKY CO. New York. nflnale Kaddera. The talented young New Orleans actress, alias Minnie Maodern, who was so warmly received br the New Orleans public last season on her first appearance as a star, returns to as during Christmas week, when she will produce two entirely new plays written expressly for her, entitled "Jaanl ta." and "The Forltan Maid." We copy the following from the Chleago Inter Ocean Little mora than a child she enters the field with a fresh, graceful movement, and begins a contest for the place the older actresses are not long, to hold.

There ia about this impulalve, warmhearted little maiden that 1 above and be yond all merely arttstlo skill, and he who would subject her to the cut and dried rale of entacism. would crltlolae the song ot the nightingale. Her fun babble up like a fountain, and her pathoa melt into lnvolon tary tears like an April shower. She lets ker low, sweet voice rise and fall just aa the fancy strike her." Hnay Proeeats. Watches, fancy clocks, Jewelry, at auction.

We direct attention to the auction advertisement of Albert Paul, No. 38 Boyal a tree near Caatomhonee, who la lnatructed to sell the remainder of the atoek of C. E. Collins, formerly on the corner of Camp and Common, who has retired from business. The ssle eommenoe Satarday morning and will continue till the whole itock of goods Is disposed of, including large burglar and fire proof safe, glass case, etc This stock comprise many articles salted for holiday present.

Rxal Estate at Auction ibt tub Tnino ayd Focrth Districts. This day, at ia oeloek Messrs Hoeyde O'Connor will sell at publio auction, for account of the succession of John Cragg and other interest, the followln valuable property 1. Three lota of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon, on Claiborne street, Between Keriereo and Oolnmbua street. Improvements comprise three frame dwellings, known a No. MO, 812 and SM Claiborne street.

.3. The two story family dwelling. No. 398 Felicity Boad, between Carondelet and Ba ronne afreet. Location ia admirable for city residence, being adjacent to four lines of car.

For terms and particulars see our auction columns and plans on exhibition at the St. Charles Auction Two Squares, Sixth District, at Acc ttok For sccount of a former purcflaser By W. I. Hodgson, auctioneer, at 12 o'clock, this day, at the Arcade Auction Exchange, on Magazine street. See the adver tiaement.

Pbizb Bale at Acctio To D.vr. The tlooo prise bale of extra staple cotton from the Louisville Exposition, raised by J. B. Allen, of Port Gibson, hi famous seed, wlU be aold at 1 O'clock this day, in front at the Cotton Exchange, by W. I.

Hodgson, auctioneer. See advertisement. OOTTOH AT ACCTIOK THIS DAT W. I. Hodgson, auctioneer, sell at 10V o'clock this morning 160 bales cotton, from wreck steamer Alexandria.

Bee advertisement. CoTTojr at Arcrroir At 10H o'clock this morning, by W. Hodgson. See his advertisement Hat Hat Hat. At 10 o'clock A.

JackaonBailroad Depot. 8eeD.E.Morpay' action advertisement. 1 Ladles and gentlemen are Invited to call and examine the atock of holiday goods at Blessing's. 87 Canal street. Photo aikis aro.

a specialty. CnRiSTMAt utters. 100 eases have Just been opened at the Bed Star Shoe Store. CaU and examine the elegant patterns. a a inoWbbiuyuan LATESTTELEGRAPH F0BEI6N NEWS.

ITALY. Breed tho PaMtaa Oat. Roue. Des. 31.

The Prince and suite driven to the depot In Bute carriages, accompanied by members of the royal family. The route to the depot was lined with troop. A large crowd gathered at the depot, Including foreign ambassadors and deputies. The Crown Prince, after saluting the assembly, conversed briefly with Premier Depreti and Slgnor Manttn, the Minister of Foreign A flairs, and thanked the Mayor for his hospitable reception in Borne Then he took farewell ot King Humbert whom he kissed several time, assuring him of his appreciation of hie kind welcome by the ilalian people. After embracing Doke Aosta, the Crown Prince walked to the carriage with King Humbert, where they final! embraced.

The crowd at the composed of Germans and Italians, heartily cheered the royal cortege aa the train moved oft. The Crown Prince aad the Pone Eojik, Dec. 21. According to Rassegna (newspaper) the German Crown Prince and the Pope talked three quarters of an hoar upon general subjects. When the Prince waa leaving the Pope asked him If he had any mission to perform.

The Prince replied I have one only namely, to express the warm deeire, of tne Emperor and Bismarck for restoration of religious peace of Germany, compatible with oar law and Institutions." Protection of Christiana la the East. Paris, Deo. 21. Ganlois (aewffpaper) states that Cardinal Jacobin, Papal Secretary of State, has Instructed the Papal Nuneios to request the powers to take measures for the protection of Christiana In the far East. Ia Mesaory of Over dank Bomb, Dee.

21. There have been demonstrations in many towns in Italy in honor of Overdank, hanged at Trieste a year ago for an attempt on the life of the Emperor of Austria. In Florence several persons were arrested. Ia Bleara! for Ovcrdaak. bomb, Deo.

21. Republican Journals here appeared yesterday with black borders In mtmory of Overdank, the bomb ntaker, has ged a yea ago In Trieste. The Aaaerleaa Bishops aad the Fealaaa, Bomb, Dec 21. The American Bishops have agreed upon the attitude to be adopted by the Catholic "clergy of the United States toward the. Fenians.

Aa Aatograah Letter. Home, Dee. si. The an autograph letter to the Emperor of Germany. GREAT BRITAIN.

Th Glaacew Draaamlters. Edis burgh, Deo. 21 Five of the Glasgow: dynamiter wer found guilty on all the charges' and entenoed to life The other five were found guilty of the first charge only and sentenced to seven years of penal servitude. The Judga in charge said It had never, fallen to hi lot in an hi legal experience' to investigate mora abominable and despicable outrages. After tracing the history of Featherstone, convicted of treason and felony in Liverpool, In September last, the Judge said to the Jury that It was their.dnty to take Into consideration whether the prisoner was associated with him.

The Judge referred to the evidence of the witnesses who identified Devaney. MoCann and Donnelly a being In the vicinity of the Tradeston Gasometer, Glasgow, before the explosion, but remarked that evidence to Identify the others was no) so distinct, and he recommended Kelly, MeCabe, Donnelly and Casey to the leniency of the court, aa In tho opinion of the Jury they were not aware of the extent ef the operations of the Fenian Society to which the belonged. The following person were sentenced for life Terrence McDermott, Thos. Devanny, Peter Callaghan, Henry McAnn and Patrick McCullogh. For seven years Jaa.

O'Don nelly, Jaa. Kelly, Patrick McCale, Patrick Dram and Dennis Casey. Wateal the Doctors. Dcblut, Dec. 21.

A London dispatch statee that the detectives are closely wateh lng the surgeries. There are three Irish doctors between Holborn and the Strand. Every patient Is scanned and followed by detectives if suspected. A Decline la Receipt aad Price of Wheat. Liter tool, Deo.

21. A leading weekly grain circular says only a few cargoes of wheat have lately arrived off the coast. Two, Callfornlan, aold for the United Kingdom at a alight decline. Cotton Loois Loartojf, Dec. 21.

Fourteen thousand cotton operatives ot Lancashire are idle In consequence of a strike. Half the looms of Blackburn haTe stopped. FRANCS. A Dlseasftlsn Over the Aaaerleaa Hog. Paris Dec 21.

Paul Best asked in the Chamber of Deputies whether the postpone? mcnt of M. Gsndon's Interpellation regarding the decree permitting the Importation of salt pork Into France would Involve the postponement of the application of that decree I He said if trtohlnoeis broke out in France It would remain always. The decree should therefore be suspended until the Chamber expressed its'views on the subject. ,0 M. Herrisson, of Commerce, replied that the decree was not suspended The salt pork formerly imported Into France Is still Imported Into England, Belgium and 8 witter land without the ooeurranoe of trichinosis.

The Government, therefore, abrogated the prohibition whioh weighed specially heavy upon the working classes. Best gave notice that he had not changed bis question for interpellation. The debate is fixed for How ffjoatay was Taken. J'r Paris, Deo. 21.

Admiral Peyroiu Minister of Marine, received the folio wing from Bon tay, dated the 17th Sontay I oars. The outer enceinte was carried by an assault at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. The attack began at 11 o'clock in the morning. The assault was made at 8 In the evening, with bravery above all praise, by the. foreign together with ra arlne Infantry and sailors.

The flotUI assisted In the bombardment. The citadel was evacuated during the night and occupied on the morning of taenia, II without fighting. We do not yet know wnitner tno Black Flags, rebel A nam 1 tea and Chinese fled. It la impossible to learn their losses. Wo lost about fifteen killed, including one officer, and sixty wounded, indodlng five officers.

aria Caloaabler Apalojrlae for Writlas the "Meaaolrs of Sarah Btnrn." Pari, Dec 21. Marie Colombler haa "written' a letter to Figaro, saying the re are to writing the "Memoir of Barah Rar nnm," because the book caused much discussion. Bhe declare Bernhardt 1 wrong in supposing herself to be the Imaginary heroine alluded to in tho book. Colombler continues, that neither her dagger nor horsewhip or cutlass of Rlehe pln touched Concealed behind the window curtain, I witnessed all that pvssed. Bichepln wounded one of nsy friends, who was endeavoring to prevent him from entering my apartment.

Bernhardt never complained about my book until Is judicious friends prompted her to do so. 'A Serioaa BaTiar Strike. Marseilles, Dec' The strike of sailor and steamship becoming serious. Several steamer, Including the transatlantle mall boat, were obliged to engage day laborer at five franc per day before being able to aall. A eommltte of bailors and stokers addressed to the Commissary General of the Marine a protest against tho employment of foreign day laborers by mail vessels.

Abjsslnlaa Massacre 500 Egyptians, Paris, Dec 21. The paper publish the following from Cairo: The King ot Abyssinia Is massing troops at Adaa, and threatening Massbwab. It is stated that about the 1st of December the Abyssinian chiefs attacked an entrenched Egyptian position near Massowah and mas sacred BOO Egyptians. the Poisoning of the King of Anaas Co. flmod.

A telegram from Hannann via Saigon eon. firms the previous accounts of the poisoning of King Hlephema, and says under the Influence of the anti French mandarins. Hlephema was succeeded by Kenphua, a youth of 15. Barak Bernhardt' Maw Sale. Paris, Dee.

Ul. The new play, "Nana was prodaced at the Theatre Port St. Martin to night, with Barah Bernhardt In the principal role. The house was crowded. A long run Is predicted for the piece Berahardt's performance was greatly applauded.

The Freaea Badset Adopted. Paris, Dec SI. The Chamber of Deputies adopted the entire budget by a vote of 213 to 45. Pro bib Reeogaltlea. Paris, Deo.

21. Admiral Conrbet Is gazetted Grand Officer of tho Legion of Honor. TOXQtmr. Flahtiag at Sontay Hokg Kane, Dec.21 The principal fighting at Bontay occurred on the river bank. Several villages were captured at the point of the bayonet.

The French advanced within a mile of tho citadel, bat there win probably bo some heavy fighting before they reach the place. The Chinese lost heavily from shells from the fleet. I The Woaaded Befora Soatay. Paris. Dee.

2L rAdmlral Conrbet. in his official states that three offieer and 87 men were killed, and 10 offieer and 170 men wounded befoie Sontay on the nth. Thrah Chinese Beareee. Lokdok, Dec 2L A Hong Kong dispatch, dated to day, reported tho French had captured Bontay. RUSSIA.

Reaaala of tho DeLoag Party Reach Irkatak. Irkutsk, Dec. 21. The remains of DeLong and others of the Jeannette, of tho Arctio expedition have arrived here. The remain were borne In a procession through the streets to day, escorted by a detachment of troop.

A multitude ot people Joined the cortege Many wreaths were placed upon the coffins, and printed copies of poemsk describing the exploit and unhappy end of the party, wer distributed among the crowd. The remains will be taken to America. The Cxar Net la Daager. St. Petersburg, Dec 21.

The injury to the Czar, by being thrown from a sleigh, Is not considered as endangering his life EGYPT. Sapolle for the Soldiers. Cairo, Dec. 21. It Is reported that CoL Sartorius has revlctualed the garrison at Blnkat for two month through friendly native.

It 1 hoped the garrison at Toka will be similarly relieved. Aaaong "the Rebels. Cairo. Dec 21. The Governor of Toka telegraphs the Khedive that there are dissensions among the rebel Egyptian tribes along the Bouakim and Berber route.

The Hadendua tribe are fighting among themselves. Two prlnoipul rebel chiefs Intend to go to Khartoum to have an interview with the Governor. OARJttANY. Opposltloa to the Secret Bailor. Berliw, Dec 21.

The North German Gazette state that Bismarck entirely concurs wlthPuttkamer, Minister of the Interior, In opposing secret voting for members cf the lower house of the Prussian Diet. Bismarck; the paper says, even expressed himself favorable to universal suffrage, provided publio. voting 1 adhered to by tho existing Diet. Secret voting at elections for the Reichstag Is detrimental to imperial, institutions and must eventually be modi Cd Aa Attempt to Abdact Qaooa. Zahzibar, Dee.

21. Aletter from Admiral Gabbera, French commander in Madagascar, state that on the night of Nov. is, the Hova attempted to abdact the Queen of Takalava from were frustrated by a fire from the awnboat and a landing party of riflemen from another gunboat. The condition of the French troop In Madagascar 1 good. with the Hova have net been resumed.

MEXICO, Nickel Money Caases a Serioa Riot A DacIIitkad Secoad AeqaUte. i Cttt oy Mexico, Dec. 21. The refusal to accept nickel money in the city market this morning caused quarrels, resulting in firing and cries of down with the nlckeL'. The panic spread and all business houses were closed." The mob passed through the street creating lamps and windows.

The troops fired blank cartridges at the mob and the cavalry charged crowd, and order waa flnallv Motored wttnana Mood. shed. The troop are patrolling the streets. Deghestand seconds, on trial for killing Olllvler, a French merchant, in a duel, were acquitted. INDIA.

Native Jaatlee at a SUeoaaU Calcutta, Dee. 3L The Englishman newspaper state that a concordat ha been arranged between the Indian Government and the Anglo Indian Association Vhereby no native, except district judges, shall exercise criminal Jurisdiction over European and British subjects who shall be entitled to trial by a majority ot European. Jurors. servia. A Wholosal Pardoaloc.

Belgrade, Dae. 21. At the feast of St. Nlohola King Milan pardoned 400 peasants, convicted of connection with the reeent revolt. The Boyal Commission passed severe sentences upon clergymen and teachers guilty of complicity In tho rebellon.

BWmZXRULHD. A YUIaaa Baraad. Berhe, Dec 31. The village of Yenlo Switzerland, Is burned. GaLYESTON.

Palafal Accident to aa Old Pilot. IBrXCIAL TO THB PlOATUKB.r GalVebtok, Dec 2L Capt. Jack Moore, one of the oldest pilots lnGalvefton, now master of the lighter Maddox, fell into the bold of the ateamehlp Wesser this even lb breaking both legs. The Maddox was lying alongside ot the steamship outside, lightering cotton to her at the time the accident occurred. He was attended by the surgeon of the Wesser, after which; he was brought ashore Capt.

Bade Ready to Give Galrostoa Harbor Thirty Feet Water If the I Geverament Will Pay Him His Priea. i The News to morrow wlU contain the fol lowing special from New York, whioh is highly gratifying to the people of Texas New York. Dec 2L The reply of Capt. Jaa. B.

Eads to letters from citizens of Galveston recently addressed him on the question of obtaining deep water on Galveston bar, was received in this elty from Liverpool yesterday, and waf mailed last night for Galveston. The substance of Capt. Eada'a response has been learned by a representative of the News, and. is herewith briefly narrated "Capt. Eads.

In substance says that If Congress will let out the contract similar to that at South Pass, Mississippi River, he will agree to give thirty feet of water on Galveston bar at high tide for the turn of $7,600,000, payable as water la obtained on the bar, and maintained for a period of twenty years for per annum. Capt. Eads thinks that Galveston ought not to be content with less than thirty feec of water, to be the condition of cheap transportation. He proposes to give twenty feet inside of two years. "The letter of Capt.

Eads, with memoranda of conditions, may be expected in Galveston In a few days, when your people will know the fall details. The above gives the substance of the more important feature of Capt. Eads's letter." YICKBJBURG. The Steamboat Flxht la the Mississippi A Black Kavleaer la Mississippi R. prieveeV DBraCIAX, TO THB FlOATVm.J VrcKSBURG, Dec 21.

The steamer Hope, that has been run as a Saturday paeket between this city and points on the Sunflower River, in connection with tne pool line, has been withdrawn from, that trade The steamer Ed. Richardson refused, to take the cotton from the sunken barge brought here by the steamer Harry aad eonaigned to the Natchez for account of the Hard Cash. The steamboat fight between the Will 8.. Hsys and the E. W.

Cole is very bitter and both boat leave here and Memphis on the same day and hoar. In the lower bends the light is between the Issaquena and W.P. Thompson. A telegram from Oxford, of to day, states that the Mississippi Valley Bank matter waa settled by mutual The petition to remove Gen. Butts aaReoelver wss withdrawn.

Gen. Butts will resign, the resignation to take effect at an early day. Atemegram from Rolling Fork. Sharkey county, states that Silas Lane, a colored man who was to be hung at that place today, was reprieved to day by Gov. Lowry for thirty days at the request of many citizens who thought that there were some extenuating circumstance in the case, based upon the opinion of the medical men who had charge ot the ease of injury from rape Upon being told that ho was reprieved a broad, glad smile broke over hi face, and after a few moments he wanted something to eat, although indifferent to breakfast.

There was only a short time to the hour for the hanging when the telegram was received. The meeting of the prisoner and his friends who came to bid him good bye when the message was read to him, waa affecting. MANSFIELD The Jadeen Scott Marder Case Fialshed Two of the Accused Hold aa the Charge al Marder. 1 Special to tub Pioatcvb. I Majtbfield, Deo.

21. The testimony of the witness next Introduced in the Judson Scott murder case la unnecessary to detail here, being little else than a recapitulation. After It the ease was closed and submitted to the court without argument of counsel on both aide. Jndge Logan then rendered his decision which resulted In the release of three ot the accused Jules Baker, Napolen Franklin and Robert Jones. The other.

two, Ben Hogan and Bob Soott, were remanded to Jail to await the action of the next grand jury, without benefit of bail, and are charged with the marder of Jadaon Scott. BATON ROUGE. Tho Departing Delegate McEaery 'Gone fltot to Oaachlta, ate. (BrECIAL TO THS PZOATDirn.1 Baton Botjge, Dec 21. The delegates to the State Nominating Convention nave or win have nearly all departed for their homes probably In the next twenty four hours.

Gov. McEnery left this morning at an early hour for hi home in Ouachita. The quarterly meeting of the Board of Supervisor ot the Louisiana State Ualver aity haa been postponed from the 3d to the ipth of next month. JACKSON. Exelttaaeat Over the Manlcipal Coatesu Special to thb PicATuna.1 JACKBOV, Mis Dec 31.

There waa an Immense Unngan meeting in the City Hall last night. Speeches were made by J. R. Yerger and others, who arraigned tnel city administration with telling effect. Tomorrow night another Cllngan meeting will be held in West Jackson.

The supporters of Mayor McGill will also hold a meeting for the purpose of indorsing his administration. The canvass I waxing hotter and bets are being freely indulged In. No trouble to show goods at Henry Hal WASHINGTON. Wabhtkotobt, Dee. 21.

The following proe lamatlon in regard to tbe celebration ai tho 100th anniversary of Washington' anr render of hi commission was made by the President to day BT THB FRKSIDKHT Or THB TJinTED STATES. Whereas, as both house of Congress did. on the 20th Inst, request the oommemora tlen of the 23d the one hundredth an niyersary of the surrender by Georg Wash iBgton, at Annapolio, of Ma eommlulan eommander in eblAf nf tk ntrii of Amerleo; and, Whereas, it is fitting that this memora ble act. which not onlv alffnsJizf IM termination of the heroic struggle of ootci. ivriuuepeaueDoa, tested Washington' devotion to the great principle that ours Is a civio government of and by the people, and should be generally observed throughout the United State.

PrAaidoiit of thTn1tjwl fttms. ia h.Mhv recommend that either by appropriate exercise in connection with religious services the 23d or by such publio observanca a may. be deemed proper on Mondr' the 24th this slxnal event in the historw aTt A maplaon 14 Kawrv Ka aAtn sm asm amo nAk am narsiyom timutj WTJ WU1U1T7U1V4 0VUVU 9 and thereby direct that at 12 o'clock noon on Monday next, a national 1 v. i i oountrv. In witness whereof I have kereanto at nv hnnil ...1 a.

Slst day of December, In the year of our Lora, one tnousaoa eigne aunerea ana eighty three and of the independence the United States tbe one hundred and) eiirhtb. Cukstmh a. ahthtth. Yw Tn FKAKK T. FRELIKGirCTSEW, Secretary of Btate.

The Colored Coaveatloa Deaoaaeeo tfca innaen i dub saiiiis aaa Jewrast Meas; to Washikotoh, Dec 31. The Colored Monal Committee met this morning and appointed delegates to the Convention at Richmond, In July next. Each congressional district Is allowed two delegates uiu vmvji a. i i vjx uuo ivyivaouiiabivt). Fred Douglass and Register of the Trees nry Bruce, of the District of Colombia, and Col.

William Murrell, of Maryland, wero elected members of the National The Freedmen's Bank Committee made a final report memoriallzlnr Oonirresa to ra lmburse depositon, and denouncing the former act of Congress creating a commit niun a iww year cacu seiue tne anaora of the institution. In support of the adoption of the report. Murrell said the Freedmen's Bank was tb most disgraceful and siniui swindle that ever stained the earth or shocked tbe bigot heaven. The commission appointed, with a salary of 15000 a year each, were like hyena) In devouring tbe carcass, then like the Hon wero mashing it bones and sucking tho marrow tnererrom. Furtnerniore, it waa a Republican Congress that made this commission, as nail bearer to thla same ear caes.

The committee adjourned to meet in Chicago June next. The Proteas laaalry. i Washisgtoh, Dee. 31. The ezamlnatioa oi vapt.

liapp wh ouBunaea oy tne rro quest of Gen. Uaxen the witness described la detail the meaaa taken to inanre aha safety of tbe Garllngton expedition aad tho care taken to have the arrrngementa com I pleteandthe material and supplies of the; oest ana most aerrioeaDio onaracter. A letter submitted was put in evidence from Capt. Clapp to Major Goodfellow, of the court, in which he say he In substance) made two recommendation to Gen. Hazen: One, that tbe depot for supplies and winter station would be made at Cape Sabine or higher on the west coast, this) should be don as the relief vessel went u.

Gen. Hazen informed him he would noc unci O' uawuvuuiu, svs cvDwnnn in his letter. This, Hazen repeated Witts emphatps. Garllngton tnencbt tbe suppllea should be landed on the west coast, and so stated to Clapp Adjourned. Ia Respect to tbe Memory of Jadgo Blacks WASHDtcTOJC, Dec 31.

A meeting of tho bar waa held In the Supreme Court room to day to take appropriate action in respect to the death of Judge Jere Black. Senator Edmunas was called to the chair, and Mr. gstlo addresses were delivered by Messrs. errlck, Emery. Aahton and W.

H. Smith. and Senators Bayard. Vanoe and Garland and Representative Hopkins. Resolution Avrmuaiv nf tha hiffh nh.Piufj.v flwit ntf o.

mentsof the deceased, and the great loss his country sustained by his death, wero adopted. Atteraey General Brewster Leave for if New WAsniKOTOH, iiec. 2i. Attorney oenerai Brewster left Washington this morning for New Orleans. where will, appear In tho.

prosecution of the lottery cases. TP1T1R AWT! TP1VPT. i r'' AvnkvM mm nr Coadliloa of the Maaafaetarlag Interests'. Clevelaiii, Dee. 21.

The Trade Re Snbllsh special reports from the leading ldustrial centres of Ohio concerning the condition ot the manufacturing Interests during 1883. The cities reporting represent cu iu uiu vciibui oar owu ceuai.LinuuiciiLf., with an aggregate capital of employing 120,000 hands, and turning. out nrodncta valued at 238.OOO.OO0. A summary of the report shows the man wacntnng inaufitne oz tne ecaie mncn better condition than Is generally supposed. A majority waa run steadily during tha year, ana tne toiuujo oi viuukh wm auuun np to 1882, though the profits were less.

Though there is discouragement in soma quarters, the great majority of the manu laexurers are very nopciai. ma numoer ot oew inaumrei citauuiacu uuiui( wio car A ar la raaaeagsr Kate. Vwtir VAnir Taa A "Tlamt ataam rf a Makal have reduced third elasa farea from Europe to 120. A war of rates is in progress. i MONETARY Toaaeoooo Fallarea.

Nashville, Dee. 21. S. Jacobus, dry goods, failed for asset Woou Treabe, assigned, $11,000, as sees tiooo; Jamison A Miller, at Bell Buckle, have failed, assets seooo A. Jordan, at Milen, failed, assets 100.

Balaea Fallare. New York, Dec' 21 Business failure the last seven days, as reported by telegraph to G. Dun dc Mercantile Agency, number for the United States 281,. Canada and the Provinces 42. Fallaro of Gordoe Barker Ce, ef St.

Laala. 8t.vLocis, Dec 21. Gordon, Barker ta miliera, have assigned. LiabUiti' $110,000 of the liabilities are chiefly in New Orleans and Sparta.

RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. Rallf oad ColUsloa, Carat Cars, i of Ufe. Bcrlixgtoh, Dec. 21. I train No.

1, of the Chica Qulncy Road. rani71 to a 1 ger train No. 8 at Gia 1.... i log, teleecoplnjt tta 1 ar, ienited and was cr ltiebard fcomcrs, ci.t;ndcnt.

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