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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
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J. GEO. NICHOLSON THE IIOAYUNH lias the Largest Circulation In the Southwest. TERMS) Or BTRSCRIPTIOJr. ffortHirrmWJ DAELT.

Twdri Months XX Fix Months. Three TwSt S1 g2 Ptx roa JdCojntilS. ww SUNDAY PICAYUNE BY MAIL. Twelve Months. S3 00 Six Months 1 00 JFBI0AY MOBKIirG, JAH.

IS. 1885. 1 jMVSJuanfTB TSia xrxsnsa. AOACX1CT OT XU8IO Love and Iw." Milton Nobles. ST.

CHABLKS THEATRE. "Sleba and the Beven Ravens." Kiralfy Brothers CombLna tlon. 8KAKD OPERA HOUSE Jacquine." MattleVlckars. 1 JTARANTA'8 NEW THEATRE CJrcua and Coneert. ROBIN SO ITS DIMS MUSEUM Variety Performance and Museum.

1 OAKLAND PARK (2:30 O'clock P. MO Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. BATTLE OP BED AN International Pane rama Company.) Opposite Magaaiao street entrance to Exposition. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY HALL The German Imperial Band. OEBNEWALD OPERA HOUSE" Solomon Isaacs." The J.

A. Bimons Dramatic Com paay. The indications to day for the West Gulf State are: Fair weather, preceded by local rain; northerly winds; colder weather. OUR PICAYUNES. The Philadelphia Press says the opium 1 joints should be dislocated.

Elections cost a great deal of money, but the people must have them. The "most beautiful thing on a throne is said to be Queen Olga of Greece. Fred Douglass is now worth 150:000. When some one else own'ed him he jwas not worth his keeping. i Barnum will give $100,000 for the privilege of 'exhibiting the things that have been given to Gen.

Grant. Ireland has but ten theatres. They are however, for 11 the Irish dramas are made in this Country, Strangers can see a bad city government as soon as they strike the dirt of 'the streets and see the loafers on the corners. ODonovari Bossa's" war against the British Government has not been without results though it has been un Phelan at the close. Bret Harte'slife has been a struggle to convince the literary world that he could produce something more taking than the "Heathen Doctors may disagree as to which medicine causes death quickest, but they all have uniform rates of charging for their services after the funeral is over.

i It is the business of. the Boston Water Commissioners to see that no water is wasted, They make daily visits to Jthe saloons to show their earnestness in the WOrk. Chief Gall, of Dakota Territory, is a feature at the Exposition; but as a matter of fact, this untutoredbrave has less gall than others who are more talked about. They have' a "Burmese Band' in Philadelphia. Send it to New Orleans by all means.

There are lots of places, vacant lots, where brass bauds can go and still be happy. The' water of a stream will not run above1 its source, and officials selected from hoodlum surroundings cannot be expected to do much for the benefit of law and order and good government. Harry Chanfrau, the elder son of the late comedian, has been given the rights of the other heirs to the jlay of ''Kit, the Arkansas Traveler." It seenisjthe public have no rights. Kit" should have ended with the death of Frank Chanfrau. When Joaquim Miller "In orange lands.

I lean to day against thy warm, tremendous mouth," he was not thinking about Mr. Talmage, although 'that gentleman 'was in orange lands when the lines were written. He was thinking about the Mississippi River. The Black Maria having been disabled, simple drunkards and small offenders are now marched 'from prison to court handcuffed in pairs. When the grand murderers are tried, before acquittal, they will be driven in car liages, that their feelings may not be OTHER CURRENCY.

Marriages should take place on a "Wedensday. New Orleans Picayune. And divorces on Two's day, eh Bost ton Commercial Bulletin. New York Graphic How did you manage to raise money to go to the opera last week asked Brown of who is very deaf. Pawned my ear trumpet." "I don't Bee how you enjoyed the opera without your ear trum ret." "I took my opera glass." Boston Courier The Episcopalians of "Charleston have started a church burial association, in which the membership costs a dollar a and insures hearse, coffin, carriage andvgrave in case of deaths1 This is a sensible and much needed reform.

People can now afford to die. i i On. board a transatlantic liner, first day out Captain at dinner (looking round for a parson, and at last seeing man next him with a white tie on) Will you say grace (No answer.) Will you say grace (No answer.) Very loudly Will you say grace? Passenger (at last; turning round) Would you nind repeating the question? Tm so" vl deal! rhiladelphia Call: Jones "Well, r.a sensational stones, Una one is th vreaKest. ine' paper says that ten oundtrout stopped a mill wheel a roton, Ga. the other day." Smith 'irothing hard to believe in that.

are eeen'r trout of that' size. I'v lasht Jones Of course but yo: the point. The idea, of a' trout 1 great big heavy mill 'Tclvinaf with the full force of a swift im. It is impossible. Don't you' so?" Smith "Oh, no.

It takea little to stop a mill these THE MONEjOE DOCTRINE. President Arthur's recent ventures in diplomacy and the consequent general discussion now pending as to the relations of the United States to other American countries suggest a review of the origin and purpose of the Monroe doctrine, which embodies the fundamental principle of the traditional foreign policy of the Federal Government. It was first promulgated by Mr. Monroe in his seventh annual message to Congress, Dec. 2, 1823, and was intended to oppose in the New World the absolutis tic tendencies fostered by the Holy Alliance in It will be remembered that the Holy Alliance was a compact entered into, shortly after the second abdication of the First Napoleon, by the Emperors of Russia and Austria and 'the King of Prussia, and afterward acceded to by most of the other European powers, with the notable exception of England and the Holy See.

Its ostensible object was the regulation of the States of Christendom on Christian principle but its real purpose was the maintenance of the doctrine of legitism or the divine right of in the interest of existing dynasties. Acoord ingly it provided that the Bonapartists should be forever excluded from the thrones of Europe. In attempting to give: it practical effect Austria suppressed the revolutions in Naples and Piedmont in 1821 and France restored absolutism in 1823. In 1818, Lord Castlereagh informed the American Ambassador, Mr. Bush, that England had been requested by Spain to mediate, with the co operation of the' Holy Alliance, between her and her rebellious colonies in America.

Mr. Bush replied that the United States would take no part in the proposed intervention if its basis were not the independence of the colonies. Five years later Mr. Bush had an interview with Mr. Canning on the same subject, and discovered that in the meantime the policy of the English Government had undergone a substantial change.

Castlereagh had been willing to interfere in colonial affairs in behalf of Spain but Wellington had taken opposite ground at the Congress of Verona, and Canning, was now prepared to antagonize theplans of the Holy Alliance provided he could secure the co operation of the United States. Bush, of course, communicated this fact to his own Government, and it was received with great satisfaction. Mr. Calhoun, then Secretary of War, declared that'the power of the Holy Alliance had become so formidable that even the United States had not felt safe from its intermeddling. Mr.

Monroe consulted Mr. Jefferson in regard to the expediency of accepting tke proffered help of England, and that eminent statesman expressed an unqualified approval of the projeet. He held that America, North and South, having peculiar interests, should have a political system framed in accordance with those interests, and founded on freedom. Qur first and fundamental maxim should be," he declared, never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe. Our second, never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with cis Atlantic affairs.

America, North and South, has certain interests distinct from those of Europe, and peculiarly her own. She should, therefore, have a system of her own, separate and apart from that of Europe. While the last is laboring to become the domicile of despotism, our endeavors should surely be to make our hemisphere that of freedom." Mr. Monroe prepared his; message in consonance with this view. declare," he wrote, "that we should consider any attempt (of the allied powers) to extend their system to any portion bf this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.

With the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them or controlling, in any other manner, their destiny by any European power, in 1 any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States." The influence of 'the Holy Alliance was seriously, weakened bythe death of the Emperor Alexander, and was virtually terminated by the French revolution of 1830. Constitutionalism and liberalism have steadily advanced in Europe, and there seems to be no longer any reason to fear the forcible importation of absolutism into any American country. The political system of the New World is strong and safe under the protection of the United States. But, while the Monroe doctrine is not so immediately urgent as formerly it was, there are still strong bonds of natural 1 alliance between them. Increasing facilities of intercourse must bring them into closer and ever closer commercial relations, and this fact will become of more and more importance as the material development of Mexico, Central America and South America respond to that of the United States.

It is a grand idea, that of a whole hemisphere held together in one great confederacy of independent ationalit ies by a common love of freedom and mutual Commercial and industrial interests. Mr. Arthur realizes the sublimity of tho conception; but he would push its application too fast and too far. Worldwide consummations of peace, prosperity and progress are the worthiest inspirations of statesmanship, but they should not be purchased at too great expense to important local interests. Let us hasten the completion of every means of intercourse, and leave the adjustment of special trade regulations to the gradual indication of circumstances.

We have just received the sad intelligence of the death of Albert Sidney. Johnston, only son of CoL Wm. Preston' Johnston and Duncan, and grandson of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and of Judge Duncan, of this city. He died on the 9th insti, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, from an attack of typhoid fever.

Only twenty four years of age, at the dawn of his young manhood, just when hope is most alluring and life is glorified with seeming promise, he was called, the duties of time to the awards of. eternity; To his bereaved parents, and to his many relatives and friends here and elsewhere, we tender a heartfelt sympathy. THE SENATORIAL ELECTIONS. The terms of twenty five "United States Senators expire March 4, 1885. Eleven of them are Republicans and fourteen Democrats.

Successors have already been elected to four Gen. John S. Williams of Kentucky is succeeded by Bepresentative Joseph C. S. Blackburn, a brilliant man, but decidedly unequal to Senator Beck in intellectual weight Benjamin F.

Jonas of Louisiana is succeeded by the representative of the Ring, James B. Eustis; ex Go v. James B. Groome of Maryland is succeeded by Judge Ephraim K. Wilson, who is in his sixty fifth year, has had ample experience both judicial and legislative, and will make a strong Senator and George H.

Pendleton of Ohio is succeeded by the venerable Judge Henry B. Payne, who would be a large improvement on Pendleton if the latter were not cast in so splendid a mold. Five have been re elected: James L. Pugh of Alabama, an able veteran of lifelong experience, in his sixty fifth year; Joseph E. Brown of Georgia, a few months younger, whose sturdy sound sense makes his services invaluable William B.

Allison of Iowa, who has served well eight years in the House and twelve in the Senate, and is nearly fifty six years old; the gallant Wade Hampton of South Carolina, who is nearly sixty seven and Justin S. Mor rill of Vermont, who has sat in Congress thirty consecutive years and could hardly be spared he is nearly seventy five years of age. Thus far the Senate has not received much deterioration, while this is more than compensated by the gain in weight. We are glad to observe that the same general fact of a Senate ally equal in force and character to the present body is to be confirmed by the sixteen elections which with a single exception will occur this month. The following are about sure of re election Orville H.

Piatt of Connecticut, in his fifty eighth year, a good man; Wilkinson Call of Florida, '51; John J. Ingalls of Kansas, one of the smartest rising men of the Senate, 51 he has served twelve years already George G. Vest of Missouri, 54, a careful, practical legislator John P. Jones of Nevada, 54, his third term; and probably we may add Zebulon B. Vance of North Carolina, 54, and Daniel W.

Voochees of Indiana, 57, one of the best Senators. Of the remaining nine seats, that from New York is contested by Levi P. Morton, Minister to France, and William M. Evarts, ex Secretary of State. the former has money, the latter brains, and it is not impossible for a dark horse to slip in between them.

They are both strong Republicans. The seat from Arkansas is sharply contested for by Gov. Berry, Congressman Dunn, and others. J. Donald Cameron is stoutly opposed' in Pennsylvania by friends of Judge Kelley, Gen.

Beaver, and others, It is intimated that Secretary Teller has things fixed for his election from Colorado, to succeed Prof. Hill. Secretary Chandler is making a bold fight for Senator Blair's seat from New Hampshire, and it is to be hoped that he wilt not get it Blair is as good a man as we can hope to have from that State. Col. John C.

Spooner, a strong Republican and an eloquent speaker, long known as one of the best lawyers in Wisconsin, has the inside track for Judge Cameron's seat. Nobody knows who will win. Gen. Logan's seat from Illinois the Legislature is a tie, if we count Haynes as a Democrat, and there is not much chance of his voting for Logan. The seats from California and Oregon will be given to strong Republicans, who are likely to be railroad men.

There are ten candidates in Oregon and several in California, including Gov. Stanford, the President of the Central Pacific Railroad, It is probable that he will oly run if necessary to prevent the election of an anti railroadman. The political complection of the Senate remains uuchanged; the Republicans gain one. each in California and Oregon, and may lose one in Illi nois. The Woman's Department of the Exposition.

There is to be another meeting of ladies at the St. Charles Hotel Batuiday afternoon. At this meeting farther efforts will Toe made to raise the money necessary to install the exhibits of the Woman's Department at the Exposition. 1 The entertainment glren for this purpose Tuesday night by Joaquin Miller and Mrs. Howe is said to have netted (600.

The sum of $3000 is needed immediately to pay the expenses of unpacking, arranging, making showcases, and putting the exhibits up In an attractive shape. The ladies of New Orleans ate appealed to to raise this sum. Evei dollar contributed or raised for this putpose by the ladies of New Orleans will be placed in the hands of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, and doubtless will be Judiciously expended. Thlsjmoney is necessary and must be raised, and it seems to be conceded by the male management of the Exposition that it must be raided by the ladies.

More Is the pity, for it does seem as if the male management, in expending a couple of million dollars, or more, solicited from the National Government, State and city, and private subscriptions of the rich and poor, for the display of the works of man, ought to have been able to have squeezed out a poor little 93000 a less sum than has been paid in at the Exposition gates by ladies in one day for the proper arrangement and exhibit of woman's work, which should be as Important and interesting as anything at the Exposition. But the ladies of New Orleans, we feel will not let the department languish, and will accomplish what they are asked to do. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN RULE. Loaleiana Castle. No.

11T. Wednesday evening, the 14th in Louisiana Castle No. 117 the following comrades were duly installed in office for the ensuing term by Hon. Michael Brooks, Grand Commander of this State: Past Commander, Fred'k A. Johnson; Commander, Dr.

Dreif us; Vice Commander, Jacob Kohl man; Recording Secretary, V. H. Briede; Financial Secretary, J. Pennington; Treasurer, M. J.

Feehan; Prelate, H. May nard; Master at Arms, Louis Gimbel; Herald, Geo. L. Heno; Warden, Chaa. Kaiser; Sentinel, Chris.

Madden. Dr. Dreifus on assuming the chair made a brief but earnest address, when the Past Commander, Fred'k A. Johnson, handed him a congratulatory letter and statement of the benevolent fund (of which the Commander of the Castle is constituted the custodian), with his account balanced to anoint, by the Inelosnre of the sum of $83 85. The prospects ot this castle are very nattering, it being in good financial condition, well officered and with an ever increasing roll of The greatest hit of the last few yean Is a blacking for ladles' and children's use, called Bixbt'b Botal Polish," put np in patent bottles, which prevent, an overflowing and soiling of the hands, carpets Or fur Bicore, audit keeps the leather in a soft and presentable condition until the stiecM are fully worn out.

44 Sieba.n at the St. Charles Theatre, will positively he brought to a close next Saturday night, and that performance will also end the performances frlven here this season by the Klralf Brothers. There was some talk of producing Excelsior" here for a run: but previous engagements prevented securing the theatre, and the project has been abandoned. Another season the Klral fya will bring something big here but after next Saturday the company and ballet goes on the road with "Black and "Around the World," and will be seen here no more this season. Buffalo Bill will appear at the St.

Charles Theatre Sunday mght In one of his old time dramas, The Prairie Waif," supported by a competent dramatic company. Mr. Milton Nobles, in "Love and Law," continues at the Academy of Music. Mr. Roland Reed, always a popular comedian here, appears at the Academy Sunday night in his drama called Cheek.

Miss Mattle Vickars, wbo came here a stranger, has no cause to complain of her reception at the Grand Opera House. Mr. J. A. Simon and his dramatic company appeared in "Solomon Isaacs" at the Grune wald Opera House last night to a large audience.

The performance was tor the benefit of the Joseph A. Mower Post No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic, and the venture was a success. On Sunday night Miss Grace Hawthorne, an American girl, under the management of Mr. W.

W. Kelley, will appear at the Grune wald Opera House in a new version of Ca mille," supported by Wm. Harris and other performers of merit. Robinson's Dime Museum has new attractions, both in the curiosity hall and in the theatre below, and is doing well. The ten cent circus is doing well at Farau ta's Theatre.

Great preparations are being made for the illustrations of national Mexican sports, including a mimic bull fight. The first entertainment will be given Sunday afternoon at the amphitheatre near the Exposition Grounds. The sale of subscription tickets for the season for Her Majesty's Opera Company, at tbe Bt. Charles Tueatre, opened at Grune wald's music store, on Canal street, yesterday, and was quite active. The indications are that Madame PattJ and other great singers that Mapleson will bring here, will have no cause of complaint on account of their reception here.

Tbe German Imperial Band, playing for the benefit of the Touro Infirmary, had a fair audience at the Washington Artillery Hall last night. There will be another concert to night, with a change of programme. The Buffalo Bill Wild West Show at Oakland Park is good when the weather is good. The weather also decides whether or not fireworks will be given at the same place tonight. THE BETHEL.

uu The Serenth Anniversary The Good Work Gee Bravely on. The seventh anniversary of the Upper Bethel was celebrated last night, the chapel being well filled with a number of ladles and gentlemen, and also some sailors. Rev. Drs. Palmer, Markham, Flinn and D.T.

J. Wither spoon, of Louisville, and other ministers were present. Rev. Dr. Flinn opened the services with raver, Rev.

Dr. Markham read the 107th 'salm and the hymn, Come tbou fount of every blessing," was sung by the assembly. Mr. Alfred Goldthwaite, Treasurer of the New Orleans Seamen's Friend Association, read his report ehowiug receipts during the year N330 90 expenditures, $4309 99 balance on hand, $30 91. The report showed that $1759 67 had been expended for building, repairing, etc, on the Bethel and appurtenant buildings S577 had been collected from the New Orleans Insurance Company for damages to Bethel by fire.

The report of the Ladies' Bethel Association showed receipts, $1061 05; expenditures, tioia 18. Reports of Bethel Church: Receipts from various sources, $139 35, and expenditures, showing a balance of $3 75. Dr. A. J.

Witherspoon, on be naif of the Ladies' Bethel Association, presented Mr. Offenbach with a handsome gold headed cane in appreciation of his services to the Bethel. Mr. Terrebonne sang Where is My Wandering Boy To night." The report of the Secretary showed 14 destitute seamen relieved during tbe year, passage home obtained for 31, employment on sb ore obtained for 17, 13 sent home by their Consuls and 137 paid off and shipped. Total entered at Bethel during year, 183 Just 137 less than in 1883.

Dr. Witherspoon's report showed that forty three eeamen had connected themselves with the church. The Temperance Society was increasing and doing much good. Interesting Instances of the work of tbe Bethel among seamen were cited, and letters from distant seamen incorporated in the chaplain's report; also various communications from various foreign Governments In relation to tbe Bethel. Dr.

Witherspoon. of Louisville, was introduced and delivered an eloquent address, his theme being The Knighthood of the seas its antiquity, progress, peace, courage, etc." The remarks of the Doctor elicited much applause from the audience. A committee of gentlemen then proceeded to make a collection, after which the meeting dispersed. VETEEAJf SOLDIERS' HOME. Reorganization of the Board of Director.

Under ast of the Legislature the President, first thrMVira Tnaif1anta art A PuAn1. HMU AWVWAtJl Tng Secretary of the Associations respective ly 01 iue Army 01 onaern Virginia ana Army of Tennessee, are ex orHcio members of tbe Board of Directors of the Soldiers' Home of Louisiana, now styled Camp Nicholls." Elections having occurred a few days past in both of said associations, the board of directors met last evening, at the office of Judge Walter H. Rogers, No. 13 Commercial Alley, for the purpose of reorganization Walter H. Rogers, President, and A.

J. Lewis, Secretary of the late board, so acting. Mr. Fred. A.

Ober, Reoording Secretary of the Army of Northern Virginia, and Mr. Wm. E. Todd. Secretary of the Army of Tennessee, presented the credentials of the members of the board from their respective as ssociations, as follows Army of Northern Virginia.

Nicholas J. Hoey, President; John 1L Murray, John MIoton and Pat Hayes. Vice Presidents; Fred A. Ober, Recording Secretary. 1 Army of Tennessee.

Walter Rogers, President A. J. Lewis, Fendel Horn and R. H. Brunet, Vice Presidents; William E.

Todd, Recording Secretary. All of whom were found to be present; Tbe board proceeded to reorganize aud the following ouicers were unanimously elected, viz: Walter H. Rogers, President; Nicholas J. Hoey. President pro tern Fendel Horn, Treasurer; Wm.

E. Todd, Secretary Dr. Y. R. LeMonnier, Surgeon.

After some discussion, the election for Superintendent of the Home was postponed until the next meeting of the board. The New Orleans National Bank was selected as the depository. Tbe following resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1 As to Comrade John J. Fltzpatrick if evolved. That this board desires to express their regret at the retirement of Comrade John J.

Fltzpatrick from tbe Board of Directors of the Soldiers' Home, who since its organization has been a zealous and faithful officer; that his untiring efforts in effecting tbe establishment ot the Home and securing appropriations for its maintenance entitle him to our warmest regard and the thanks of his comrades with whom he shared the hardships and struggles of the lato war. linmlred, That a copy of these resolutions, be delivered to Comrade John J. 3. As to Comrade Louis Prados: That we regret that our comrade Louis Prados has found it necessary by reason of his health' and the demands of his business Interests to retire from this board. ltesolrrd.

That we extend to htm our best wishes for his success and a speedy and permanent restoration to health, John H. Murray, late Treasurer, and A. J. Lewis, late Secretary, having declined reelection to their respective offices unanimously tendered to them, and being present, tae board by a unanimous vote expressed their regrets and thanked them for the efficient and satisfactory manner in which they had performed their duties in their respective offices on the board. Pat Hayes and R.

H. Brunet, were appointed as the Visiting Committee for the unex pired term of the present month. The board then adjourned. Tine fibkmen. At the annual meeting of the Exempt Society Orleans Steam Fire Engine Company No.

21. held Wednesday. Jan 14. the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: 1 nomas iiiggins vieo President, August Kern; Secretary, Paul A. Chartier; Treasurer, Charles Sturges.

No gentleman should be without BrxBTa Bkst Blacking, for DOliAMng and preserv ing hla shoes. COaiMJlTTXD FOR CONTEMPT. Recorder Keller Beads Down the Chief of Felice for Faro Iliac PrUoaera Arrested oa His Warrant A Release oa a Ha Testerday the case of the State against Charles Sturges for keeping a gambling house, and Michael Barrett and Baptlste Despeaux for keeping banking games an Boulevard, near Magazine street, in violation of a State law, had a hearing before Recorder Keller. The examination resulted in all parties being sent before the Criminal Court Sturges under $1000 bonds, and the other two under $500 bones each. On last Sunday evening, Immediately after the arrest ot the parties.

Chief of Polioe Bachemin issued an order for their release on parole. This incensed Judge Keller, who considered the Chief of Police in contempt of his court, and he issued an order for his appearance before his tribunal. Yesterday he was brought before the court and sentenced to the Parish Prison for twenty four hours for contempt. The Chief, however, did not remain in prison very long, but was released on a writ of habeas coraua by Judge Baker, of Section of the Criminal Court. Things Worth Knowing.

There are a great many such things. One is, that there is no use having dyspepsia unless you really like it and want to have it. It is an established fact that Brown's Iron Bitters will conquer this disease in short order and completely. Mr. Daniel L.

Nickain, Springfield, Ohio, says Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of dyspepsia, nervousness aud wakefulness." DIED. PROBST In this city, at 12:30 o'clock on Friday morning, Jan. 16, 1885, FRANZ PROBST, aged 52 years, a native of Germany, and for many years a resident of this city. The friends of tbe family and members of the Fire Department are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, which will take place from his late residence, on Chartres street, near St. Louis, at 10 o'clock Saturday Morning, Jan.

17. HALL OF VIGILANT STEAM FIRE COM. PAN No. 3, New Orleans, Jan. 16.

1885. Officers and members are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother exempt member, FRANZ PROBST, which will take place Saturday Morning, Jan. 17. By order of the President JOHN JACOBS. JOHN L.

DTJBTJC, Secretary. JOHNSTON At Harrisbnrg. Jan. 9. caa Johnston, of New Orleans, and grandson of Gen.

Albert Sidney Johnston, and of Judge John N. Duncan, of New Orleans. EUSTIS In Cambridge. Jan. 11, 1885, HENRY LAWREflCE KU8TI8, in his 66th year.

FUNERAL, NOTICE. HALL PELICAN MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The officers and members are hereby notified to meet, with badge, This (Friday) Evening, Jan. 16, 1885, at 3 o'clock, at their Hall. SI Bienville street, to attend the funeral of their deceased brother, NICOLAS BRUNNO, aged 38 years, a native of Italy. By order: A.


49 Cans scree. ......49 Household Furnishing Goods, Plated Ware, Fancy Ornaments, China, Crockery and Glass at greatly redooed prices. apa '8 ly2dp C0XSULAD0 DE ESPANA. EI viernes 16 del actual, a las 7 de la noche. tendra lug ar una reunion en el cientro Xspahol Hispano Americano, calle de Toulouse 49, oon el objeto de acordar lo mas convenlente para dar impulso a la suscricion abierta por este Consulado, en far or de las desgraciadas vlc tlmas de los terremotos des Malaga Granada proponer otros medlos para el socorro do las mismas.

Se ruega a todos los Espafioles resldentes en esta ciudad que quleran oooperar obratan generosa se slrvan concurrlr a dletro local que ha sido galantemente ofrecldo eon dletro objeto por el SeDor Presidents del espresado Centra. Nueva Orleans, 14 de Enero, de 1885. El Consul de Xspafia, ARTUBQ BALDASANO TO PETE. Jal5 2t2dp olrned SILKS! SILKS! We are now offering one of the most important and magnificent lines of Lyons best goods of the very latest productions: Purchasers will find it to their advantage by calling and examining this rare choice of Silks, composed of Brocade and Plain 0tt6 mans, Velvets, Flushes, Satins, Failles, Gros Grain, Surahs, Bha dames, and a variety of other makes. Also a full line of Damasse and Plain Black Silks, all which will be found marked at most reasonable prices, ABSOLUTELY AMERICAN CONDENSED SILK CO.

99 Camp street. Delivered at any hoar. Jal5 lm2dp H. P. BUCKLEY, Camp street 8 8 AYatchmakeiv DZALKB IB WATCHES, DLUMDS, JEWELRY SZL' Repairing of Every Peeertpden.

421 ImMp Hetel Rayal tVUEi St. Cfcarlea Ilatel. 139 Canal etree. Near Boarbea, F. FREDERICKSOX, Pfcarsmaclst, Drugs, Prescriptions, Toilet Articles, Premium Soda, Vichy and Ginger Ale (not fermented).

o4'84 SuWeFrlySdp Without Pain or detention from business. DRS. THOMPSON Ac WORTHS', jal lnrtdp 5811 Canal atrceC Pure Milk PILES PILES TWKNTy SaiKMTAi ANWTJA1V STATEMENT or THE HOPE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW Office Ha. 1SS Gravier street. In conformity with the requirements ot its charter, the company publishes the following statement Premiums during the year ending December SI 1884: On fire risks.

$236,744 9t On marine risks 64,418 23 Onrlverrlaks 24,271 18 $315,434 40 Add unearned premiums of 1883. 28.561 87" m'il $343,996 27 Add Interest and profit and loss ac't. 19,585 86 Total receipts 13 Less unearned premiums of 1884.... 83.989 25 $279,592 88 Less Losses: On fire 01 marine 18,900 18 river 7.657 79 $132,237 83 Taxes $5,431 29 6,250 00 20,888 60 Return premiums and 66,771 56 Bent 2,100 00 Expenses Advertising, N.

O. B. TJn derwriters, salaries, subscriptions, 22,998 95 $123,440 30 $255,678 23 $23,914 C5 5 per cent, dividend paid July. 1884 $10,932 00 5 per cent.dividend to he paid from Jan. 16, 1885...

10,952 00 1 $21,884 00 $2,030 65 THE COMPANY'S ASSETS. Stock notes $30,960 00 Bills receivable on mortgage 27,316 67 Bills receivable on pledge, with collateral 71,714 50 Bills receivable for premium 2,447 88( State and city bonds 116,550 OO Union National Bank stock 9,630 00 Other stocks and bonds 3,000 04 Office furniture, safe, etc 3,048 07 Real estate 4,570 67 Premiums in course of collection. 63.386 23 40,465 59 assets 65 LIABILITIES. Capital stock 00 Risks not terminated Dec. 31, 1884.

83,989 25 Contested claim for loss by fire 6,000 00 Unsettled 18,155 23 In 1,962 62 Reserved for dividend to be paid from Jan. 16, 1885..... 10,952 00 Surplus as above 2,030 65 $372,089 65 The above statement is a true and correct transcript from the booksfiI the company. J. A.

CHALAKON, President. LOUIS BARNKTT, Secretary. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 15th day of January, 1885. M. T.

DCCROS, Notary Public. No. 138 Gravier street. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 14th day of January, 1885, it was resolved unanimously that a second semi annual dividend of FIVE PK CENT, be declared out of the profits of the company, on the 31st of December, 1884, payable on demand to the stockholders or their repreaentatives. Jal6 LOUIS BARNKTT, Secretary.

Crescent City 'Roller SKATING RINK, Corner Prytania Prof IRA W. MM8, of Se fork MANAGER. The Largest and Host Complete BInk IN THE UNITED STATES. Dimensions of Building 105 feet front on Prytania street, by 141 feet front on Washington. Skating Surface TS Feet by 136 Feet, with Raaai for SOU Skaters.

Seating Capacity for 1000 Persons. WILL OPEN IN A FEW DATS WITS A GEA5D EXHIBITION BY EXPERTS Due notice will be given of the opening. d31 lm2dp DRESSMAKING; fiffiS. K. C.

LOGAN. 14 Baronne street 14 MILLINERY; A. 14 Bardnne street 14 FBANTZ i GPTTZ, "Practical Witdunalen xnl Jeweler, DEALERS Ilf Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, KtevRtc Career Rayal and BleavUle streets. a 3m2dp BBaaBsaBsaaiaMaasBaaBMaaaaiaaBaBi K0TICE TO THE SHOE TRADE. A' BOHX DTDtrSTBT BXBTJTLT BOSTON SHOE AND LEATHER CO 106 CHARTRES STREET.

Theahoe trade ofNew Orleans amount to nearly $4,000,000 a year, and the bulk of this trade should be in shoes mads, here, distributing among our own work ingmen what now goes to workingmen in other sections, and keeping for the city of New Orleans the profits which row go to the manufacturers and which make the cities of the East. The stock of this company is owned here at home its profits will remain in our midst its operations will help New Orleans workmen. Every purchase at our factory advances home enterprise and helps to build up New Orleans and the Bonth. Every patriotic citizen must desire to see the success of such industries as ours. Every thinking man in the community must faver buying home made goods 2 but you are not asked to buy on sentimental or patriotio grounds only.

We give as much for your money as you can get elsewhere. We can savs you freight, delay and trouble. We have the best and most improved machinery to be found south of the Ohio Eiver. The Shoes we turn out arc as good and serviceable as any made by hand. We use only the best stock.

We sell as low and on as reasonable terms as any responsible inanufaeturer. and our work will equal the products of the fao tories of Boston and the East. Thankful for past favors, wo would advise our friends to hand in their orders in time to insure early attention a Dvwwt. Prceidtfln'k. V.

Sturxszaucs. 8eor MS Dr. Prentica, Late of LoniJoii, England, 18 DRYADE0 0T.f tWILX. STAT UNTIL MABCH 1, 1885. Cross Byes Straightened Pain.

Without I have been troubled with a very bad case of cross eyes since childhood, and dreading the probable results of an ou. eratiou, feared to place myself under the treatment of any oculist until I heard of the great skill of Dr. Prentice. No. 18 Dryades, The Doctor operated on both of them, and, in the short space of one minute, and with but slight pain, they were both perfectly straight, and I Bee much better.

It is now eight months since the operation, and my eyes still remain perfect. J. O. West, Clerk and Operator City Police. Besidence 75 St.

Andrew. The following eases have been operat ed on and still remain perfect J. H. Murphy, 16 South Peters street. New Orleans.

Louis Martin, St. 'James parish. La. Miss Moran, 171 Gasquet street. H.

W. Siever, 69 Eighth street, New Orleans. Geo. Champlin's 8 year old daughter, Postmaster, DeLisle, Miss. Also over three hundred other, eases that have remained perfectly straight since the operation.

v'; Being totally blind with cataract, four years ago I had an operation performed on my eye by an eminent surgeon. The result was not good, and I became very much discouraged; but, hearing such good reports of Dr. Prentice, I had him operate on my eye the last of April, 1884, aud with the eye Dr. Prentice operated on I can see to read and write, also read small Bigns across the street. Any afflicted person who may want information from me can either call or writte.

Chas. Bodies, Corner of Peter and Chestnut stSj, 1 Algiers, New Orleans, La. Over one hundred that have been totally blind and restored to sight, can be referred to, such as Chas. Koedick, corner Peter and Chestnut streets, Algiers, La. L.

J. H. Foster, Crawford, Miss. Mrs. Adella Lyons, Orange Tex.

Benjamin Harbaugh and others. MrsT Mary; McCoy, Diyades street, near Erato. Homely Face Made Beautifnl My face has been covered for years with, black heads, pimples and blotches. I have tried everything I heard of without relief. Dr.

Prentice cured me ia two months: and now my face is as smooth as a baby's. A Lady of New Orleans. CATARRH. The Gateway of Consumption and Death. Years of untiring research in the pa thology of Catarrh have brought forth volumes on the subject.

A theory of treatment has prevailed for a time, been thoroughly tried, found useless, and finally abandoned, to give way to some new theory, that goes through the same course of trial and failure, and so on almost ad finitum, until not only the patients, but the physicians, have become discouraged of ever finding a cure. Well do I remember the faith of the profession in the "nasal douch" fifteen years ago. All kinds of medication in their turn were used in this apparatus. Then we tried the steam and various mechanical atomizers for throwing medicated spray into the various sinuses, terior nasal syringes, bottles and jars, with breathing tubes for inhaling air that passes through medicated liquids. All these modes have had advocates, and still have a few zealous supporters: but my experience tells me that even the most zealous practitioners of thARe treatments will in time follow in the footsteps of those who have been over the field, and abandon them as useless.

Why Because the principle is wrong. Any medicine sufficiently powerful to repair the lesion or cure the disease, in being inhaled into the lungs would injure the delicate structure of the bronchial tubes, and only hasten that dreaded disease in which Catarrh so often ends Consumption. Of the varied forms of Catarrh Acute, Hay Fever, Passive, Hypertrophic, Supura tive and we can truly say that we do not know of one case that has not been cored by properly using The English Catarrh Cure, which has made permanent cures ia from one to' three months, in cases that have tried all other remedies for years without help. Prentice has the sola, right to use the English Catarrh Cure in this country. Over a thousand bad cases of Catarrh have been permanently cured by this ucatiucuu, una luuuwuig ucuig ample of many 'A New Orleans Zietter.

My son had a troublesome catarrh of the head and the throat for nearly three years. I have watched the gradual Srogress of the disease with a great eal of anxiety, for when I placed him' under the care of "the leading physicians and while strictly following their ad vice and medical treatment, I saw nvy son from day to day grow worse. His hearing became so badly affected that he could not hear the ticking of a watch held close to the ear. After trying tae. xeacLLUK speciaiisi i ox iuis ciiy.

uimq I took him to Dr. Prentice, 18 Dryades Rtreftt. and from that dar he be can to improve, and he continued to grow bet ter until he could hear the same watch six feet distant. His general health has imnroved and all bad svmutoms have naaA nrn rr Tn alini4 Til. VTT ATI P.ft cured my son whan his case seemed almost hopeless.

1 sincerely ieei lean recommend Dr. Prentice aspos sessedox the iugnest slcUl ana aoiuiy, and I take the greatest pleasure in add ing my testimony to his long list 01 tn umphs. F. P. Aiannzacturer ana wnoiesaie aea boots and shoes, Nos.

7 and 9 Maga cine street, New Orleans. Stammering or Btutteriug. No human defect is so detrimental to success in business or society, in city or country, as stuttering or stammering. Trr. Prentice rwrnrnizi.

five different forms of stammennir. and for years has made it his personal research as well as time beaten methods as only temporary ..1 I mueaw can oe seen uitixy buk a hl ft rvoii a.t mil a.r1 in frnm 15 to SO nUU roes mey go away auie uwiu u. conversation, and every one oi tt ui io yni iiiaiiou ix ment and directions are strictly follow eaoux. dm cases inai nsyoukuou other methods are easily cured by Dr. 4 Prentioe.

Don't be a nuisance to yourself and others when you can so easily be cured..

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