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The Park Record du lieu suivant : Park City, Utah • 14

The Park Recordi
Park City, Utah
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Page A14 Thursday, September 5, 1991 Park Record SDneirinniaim by J.P Jlax The future of the Library As I Sec It by Roger Harlan Past President, PC Library Board of Trustees maybe a Wal-Mart! And, if we don't watch out, maybe someone out there will propose a Pik 'n Save. Then what would we do? The Town Lift project, housing that impacts the ridge lines, Smith's food market, and someone (probably a group, or several groups) is proposing that some of that scenic grazing land in Snyderville Basin be developed for housing. We didn't have any of this discussion and controversy in the town I moved from in 1987. Beaver Falls, PA was not only tired, it was homely! The steel industry had collapsed, people were out of work, retail businesses were vanishing, and the average Joe-on-the-street had to consider, "What's it gonna be like to live in an area that has no future?" Beaver Falls, and places like it, have given a new definition to community discouragement and apathy. It's different here! Everybody, or just about everybody would love to live in Park CitySnyderville Basin.

Let me introduce yet another community issue that is sure to receive debate and discussion, but in this case we anticipate broad consensus, support, and enthusiasm. The issue is the Miner's Hospital Library. The library is a microcosm of the entire area, in that the library's success has created serious problems. The library has outgrown the Miner's Hospital building. The library staff and the library board of trustees wants the community's input on plans we have developed for the library's future.

On Monday, September 9, at 7 p.m. in the council Chambers of the Marsac building, a public hearing is scheduled to outline the history of our Miner's Hospital library and discuss an option we are considering-relocating the library to the Carl Winters School. Th public's input is needed at this time. What no one wants is a representative of Pik 'n Save creeping out from behind the children's books, asking if we have visited the display of new fall, plastic shoes! That, folks, would be a genuine crisis in our community! AEVeR THOUGHT I BE PLAYlNb BLUe ASS FOR A BUNCH OF AtM veERVAutyl -BLVE LOOPS, feTEg I 'dMk I I I Integrity of Principles As I Sec It Public forum (As I see it) letters must be submitted exclusively to the Parfe and bear writer's full name, signature, address and telephone number. Names must be printed on political letters but may be withheld for good reason oa others.

Writers are limited to one letter of 350 words or less every 28 days. All letters are subject to condensation. Mail letters to: As I ee it. Park Rtcord, Box 3688, Park City, UT 84060, Defining the real problem by Pamela Magee-Svensson Vice Chairman, American Party of the State of Utah On the 6th of August, the State Officers of the American Party of Utah held a meeting to discuss the move by Howard Phillips, Chairman of the U.S. Taxpayer's party, to present his platform to the American Party in hopes of forming a coalition.

After due consideration and discussion, it was the unamimous concensus of the State Officers of the American Party that, "The American Party of the State of Utah will have no part in sponsoring or supporting Howard Phillips or his new party in this state, nor will we allow the name American Party to be mentioned in connection with any event sponsored by Phillips or his supporters." The American Party does not form coalitions. The "Permanent Principles and Platform" which make the American Party unique in the political arena will not be subject to negotiation in the merger of two divergent parties, regardless of the political clout, or membership growth which would result. Simply stated, our values will not be compromised. It must be understood that the American Party is not being vindictive or hitting below the belt. We simply have a legitimate disagreement with the following: 1.

The platform of his new political party calls for drastic changes to the constitution of the United States, and is open to the possibility of using the method of Constitutional convention to push through those proposed changes. 2. The measures which are proposed under the guise of As I See It groomed for office, backed with large amounts of money 1 i mi i increasing conservative influence will only serve to strengthen and increase the Executive power of the Federal government rather than limiting it to constitutionally specified duties. The American Party is dedicated to the preservation of the constitution of the United States, and is adamantly opposed to the use of the Constitutional convention as a means whereby to amend it. The danger inherent in the Convention is that the Constitution as a document may be scrapped, and a new constitution adopted in its place.

We support only those measures which limit the Federal Government to its constitutionally specified duties, strengthen the sovereignty of the states, and restore usurped liberty to the people. ana iavoraDie puDiicuy. meir opponents were Diasiea with negative press coverage, and those who might have backed them financially were pressured to cease and desist. Changing the constitution to limit terms would simply guarantee that we would have short term poor or bad legislators rather than the long term ones presently in office. There is only one way by which the real problem can be corrected.

The stranglehold, maintained by the insiders, over the information available tothe" electorate, must be broken or circumvented by alternate means of communication. Thumbs Up, Thumbs Bown lhe Jonn birch bociety believes that, given sufficient accurate and comDlete information. American voters will "vote the rascals out!" Our TRIM (Tax Reform IM- by Albert V. Burns Spanish Fork, Utah Any attempt to rectify a problem must begin with having first defined precisely what the problem is! Any other course will almost certainly lead to erroneous actions which will, most certainly, make matters worse rather than better. A case in point is the present effort to make constitutional changes at the State andor Federal level in an effort to end "careerism" in Congress or the various state legislatures.

The proponents of the constitutional changes have failed to properly define the problem I will grant that many, if not most, of the legislators in congress (to narrow the question somewhat) do not work for the best interest of the people or the country, but rather are venal politicians who vote for whatever legislation they feel will best enhance their chances of being re-elected to office. They know, far better than the general public, that those chances of re-election are determined, under existing conditions, by the powerful "insiders" of the Council on Foreign Relations. It is these "insiders" who control both the "purse strings" of re-election campaign funds and the overwhelming majority of the mass media which is used to inform (read 'control') the thinking of the general public. I will further grant that many, if not most, of the legislators in Congress have been elected too many times. For some of them, once would have been too often! The effort to change the constitution to rectify this very real problem, no matter how well-intentioned, cannot help but make matters worse First, a limitation on the number of terms a Representative or Senator might serve would, absolutely, have the undesirable effect of removing from office the few good legislators we presently have.

Second, it is absurd to believe that such a constitutional change would, in any manner, improve the chances of good men or women being elected. The real problem facing this nation is not a deficiency in the Constitution. The actual problem is with the ill-informed andor misinformed electorate who first put the bad legislators into office, and then keep returning them time after time. These "bad" legislators were hand-picked by those in the "smoke-filled back mediately) Committees have proven the point in a number of congressional districts over the past decade. This has been done by publishing and distributing, several times a vear.

a TRIM Bulletin for various 6, districts. Each Bulletin helps us inform Americans on two critical issues; how Congress is circumventing the proper role of government and how the local U.S. THUMBS UP to the field of candidates throwing their hats in the ring to run for city council. representative is voting. Although most Americans have increasingly lost con-.

fidence in Congress, they repeatedly return their own representative to Congress. With the help of the TRIM 6, THUMBS UP to Jim Santy and Lloyd Evans for carrying on the tradition of Miners' Day by demonstrating mining techniques. Bulletin, voters will be able to judge their representative's voting record on critical issues. Up to now, TRIM has not been available to all 435 congressional districts. Beginning next month, the TRIM Bulletin will be published for every district.

Every Congressman andor woman will be rated on how each of them voted on the same group of critical issues and then that information will be made available in his or her home district! Bad Congressmen hate TRIM! Good Congressmen appreciate us. This is the way to get rid of bad representatives. Leave the Constitution alone If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it What did you like most about your first day of school? v7 4 ft if -Xf-'jT 1111 a' Sloane Reed 6th grader Jenna Hardman 6th grader Genive Nickerson 6th grader Kim Peterson TMMS student Meeting all the new teachers. It was a fun day. Jacob Wartena 7th grader Eating out of my new lunch box.

Aaron Wartena I 5th grader i I liked no homework on the first day and all the new-teachers. 1 Teachers this year are very Uked it because the teachers All the new teachers and being nice. It a lot more fun to switch are really nice didn-t Hke able to see friends in classes all the time and Im chnrtiimpfw vor classes UIV1IVW VBh VM1 more organized this year. Oh, yeah and seeing all my friends again..

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