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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 5

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

It ikj, Of tat Eat. thu bay. 6 nt4 r.ot at. 200 t7. rh ad.

hu 5 2T0T THE RIN. vith ample reinsuring fa rrinw to take full lines 'tTON MESSES, SUGAR HOUSES. 'n'jjX COJIKKBCIAI. RISKS. E3 EQUITABLY ADJU8TED AND :wpTl.T PAID 1 ITHOUT DIScSuNT.

Insurance Co. OF NEW ORLEANS. C2cc, 51 Camp, street, auoA Grartor itmli. pltal $300,000 ST President gilXT Vice President JiT XCOKHKS NMCTOBS. O.

P. HmtIxw, d. Kayo, H. Shropshire, J. A.

Dufilho, J. H. Monjre, P. A. VUlacmlB, OmH Dnabac.

F. O. Ernst. I. Hernshelm, B.Beltraa.

a (. rm H. Gresa, echbecer. VfKora.Jr, Meyer, i.LForstaU. n.A.8.Vnrhl.

Too. J. Woodward. of Insurer la respectfully called jwStwW offend them by this Com 1 ntewrU against Fire, River Mid Marin i at tie current or tariff rate. The Capital buck bears only aix (8) per at interest imt annum, which cm easily iilMtitanuiUftlttltf th.

nmfltA ox me iorn. explained IX iDDITIOS to non tbo en it rt'. tbo Company distribute, ftt tie cb. ftcl Tr. FIFTY 't50 PKB COT.

iet praau "pro rate among ALI ln aauwit of premium actually paid. i. Tho CoipnT anorda ample aeoaritr to fc. irer. iU Vaoitaf beiB anaaeribod to in fall, ftaiifantirpTygnimaaZrod.

al WoASaflm LIVERPOOL JSD LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, i Caraor CuMatl QrmTlar ata. CI2ZCT0KS IN HYW OKUKANSf X. F. RC'H ROOM, Cbalrmaa jtnrroai bccknkel pkhjiy muoknt, rrrxii andkbson. Mm raa oatabllaBod tm 1836.

oa 1 CaiaM Statoa la aad la tie Frr Cascraaeo offloo ta tba varld. titiMwattfth TJaitod Htataa Branok. A iato, aa lauowa Barytae. 1.7TAie 7 XIBK9 OF AXJ KT7TD9 JUCSFXOT FCTLY bOLICITD. Eoarfl of Diraetora la tolly ataaao arad to taod pay ail I troaa tbia oUy, tboa miMeeaiBaayaai aa avea faoUa wltb kaaai aomaamlea chartered aader toa uiawa, HIKRT V.

OODfrS, Boakteat Ciurtry. JTLT F.EOOt, aaat Baa. BeeMr. CLARZNCB F. JUOW.

Day. Aaat Raa. Baer. 1CT0I18 a TRADERS' Insurance Company, CARONUELET STREET. a TUB VT CAFITAJU.


1 of nxw OXXXXNB. CASB W. I.TMAN. rraaiflaal GHAS. a.

SOIaXN. YXoa FraaldaBt. chab. x. utaatypi, a rfanaaa.

aiaoama aad Ooc lOaorla, a ly THE NEW T0EK UFE IHSUBAHCf COMPANY. 1,1883 S50300.S96 82 10.004.000 00 Iiiunat la force .........171.415.7 00 BUSINESS OF 1882. 1 TOd la premium $9,152,627 38 EecftTed la interwt, 2,798.018 41 Total 79 fW4 4atacl.iaja 1,953.293 0O 427.258 95 anaaiti. Aindenda, and anaaietedpUciea S.827,758 76 ToUlpald policy holders 71 poUcie Umcd 12.178 ew JMaraaoa written i.41.325.520 00 '''ifferaaco la premium tables between f.r' en tJ Bond for anaoal report and auttaoapolieieato S. COPES, PISEBAL AUKNT FOB LOUISIANA, 4 Caraadalet atreaU7 aali amSaTu CABPETS FOR COST.


NOTICE, "TUlaeataad bot pietaraa aad Ua trneet WASH. froa tii aetuai business matrial advantage aa one Li srefii to Uie insurer, Ytoe Praaldeat Baeratary AITJAEIIENTSo GRAND WRESTLING MATCH Betwoon WILLIA3I MULBOOX i And THE0. BAUER, For r. $1000 jin the Championship of Ihe WorU, WAHIIlNfjTON AKTIL.L.EKY HALL, (Iito2xpoaitioo, Tkla (MAinrday) Erratic. April 2S, At 7 o'clock.

ADMIS8IOX SO CENT8 ap2tf 1 REMEMBER! SUNDAY EXCURSION, APRIL Ocean Springs and Return, VIA MOBILE FAST LINE. Fare far Raaad Only SI Oft Train leare deiwt. foot of Canal street, at 7:15 A. M. Betnrnluf aamo erenln.

J. T. RARAHAN, Bapertnteailent. JOHN KILKEBY, AMt.Oenl PmssT jLgt. ap28 It A LIBERAL RESPONSE.

RELIEF FOR THE SUFFERER We have received the folio win a letter from Mr. ECGE Nt F. GORMAN, which, apeaka for lteeli: GORMAN'S STANDARD NOVKLTV.CO corner Titira ana coippewaaireei4. J. Pinrkney bmith, Boaineas Manager Dally KEW OKLEAK8, April 25, 1833.

SIR Under the suggestion of your valuable aper for relief to the famUr of the late John who lost bis life InTlefeiise of the peace of city aa a faitbf nl policeman, aa well as relief to the nnlut tunate sufferers of Beanre gaxd and Wesson from the lave disastrous cyclone, we befr leara to say that we are ever ready to contribute our show to such worthy and sac red pmposee, and tender, tinman you. the entire erOns nroceda of a Matinee Benefit. to be civen nnder our mammoth pavilion on WDK.sday sext. May at i ciock tr. the proceed to be eoually contributed to each of aaid lunds Respectfully.

ap27 2t gUOKMt If. uUKMAH. FAIR GROTJJTBS, NEW ORLEANS. Louisiana State National Guard ENCAMPMENT. By order of His Kxcellency.

S. D. McENKRV. Commanding First Military Diviaioo, LJT.O. Grand Interstate Competitire DKIIiL; Sute MUItAry Rifle Matches, May 15, 1C, 17, 18 and 19, 'S3, Under tbe Auspices and Control of the Louisiana State National Guard.

Tbm Kncainoment wUlcommenoaTCSDAY. May 15. wilh the first of the series of 11IFL.K MATCHES, Arranged aa Follows ivnivint'AL MATCHES and 100O yarda reapectively 200 yards match, uon Ave shots: 5UO vards match, acore tiro shots 1000 yarda match, score five shots. Wedaeedmy. 16th May, Secead Seriea.

POMPA5V TEAM MATCH Open to teams of fonr men distances 200 aud 500 yarda acore 11 vo shots at each distance. INTERSTATE TROPHY Open to teams of eisrhtmen; distance 200 ami 500 yards; tlvo shots to each man at each distance. All matches will be shot nnder tbe rules of tbe National Rirle Association of America. The PR1.EH offered are beaatlf al aad artistic a deerrtptioa of which will bo given In due timet with full particulars of tbe matches. THURSDAY, FRIDAY aad SATURDAY, 17th, lsth aad 19th May, Grand Interstate Competitire Drill.

The Judaea will bo ameers of the United Btatee Army. Due notice will be fives, of the different entries Prizes ta ha Dlstribated i Ylrwt prise. B1500 aaoond prize. 100; third priae, S5UO. piUe, $200; third priie, lOO.

Every effort will ba made to Insure the most complete Kncaropmont, Iuserstato Vmietittve I Drill and artistic Rifle Mate lies' aver pre seated in tbe boutb. AdaslssUa la Grand 8taad. SI OO Admlaaloa ta Field. 3 Foil details ami particulars of this great Tournament of the aoutu in future circulars and advertisements. ap25 lm FARANTA'S Payilien Summer Theatre, 11 OUR BON AND RLE INS STREETS.

A Troupe of Minstrels. TJB GREAT CLIFTON, CHAMPION OYilNA8T; A Whole Specialty tfompanys I irst appearance or FOSTELI the musical prodigy anil Dutch Clown, performing upon thltty.aia different Instruments. Tbe Russian' Funambulist, A. OOFRE, a scientific pbeuomenon. Uaphael's Lrtani, or tbe Sculptor's Studio.

Impersonated by MADAJI ALYA. SEE THE WHOLE SHOW. GEJER4L ADMISSION, TEN CENTS. Periormancea Every Evening at 8. Kattneea Wedneaday.

Satnrday and Sunday. ap2 tf Cassidy .4 Milter 93 CAMP STREET 93 COTTON IDTJOK! AGENTS. Manufacturers of Tenta, Awnines, Tarpatxlf va, Ktc Ktc Etc. AMERICAN, FOREIGN AND FAN CI FLAGS, A mm tm lluk mmj Mai. IWJ.

TELEPHONE. IN OFFICE. F16 8S lr XXa riOTICE. XX. AS BLUE FLANNEL GARMENTS Of Inferior Qaallty af Gaada are sold aa the "genntne BlldiHesex, which are not made by that mill, the Mlddieaex Company, In order to protect their customers aad the pub.

lie, aire notice mat nerearier an doming maaa from THE MIDDLESEX STANDARD IN TJIOO BLL'G FLANNELS AND YACHT CLOTHS', sold by all leadisr clothiers, must bear tbe "SILK HANGER, furnished by the Hailing Agents to ail partiee ordering the goods. EN DELL, FAY Cl CO. RFT.T.TTVf AOETCTfl. MIDDUCSKXOO SO and tS Worth'at New York 37 FraokU itoaton ii4 cneatntn st rouaaoipiua BRANDY SIXES, Ambers, GERMAN CLABJCT BOTTLES, and FLA SK.n, nnATtt. plat and mux plntt.


Daoatur atroaw mpmmttmw Peat OfflM. FINE CLARETS, ra oaska aad oasaa, a SPE CIALTY. Select WHI8KIKH, domestic aad Imported. CHAMPAGNES of ell popuiar brands. OLD BHERRls and PORTS of Peter Domooq, Iran Gordon A.

Omey, Sandeman, oto ato. COGNAU BRANUIEU a tail aaeora. meat of Wines. Lioaora. Cordials, to.

LEDGES PLEDGES PLEDGES I respectfully request all persons owing me bark interest oa article pldcod by them mo topsy for the same by MONDAY, April SOth. 1683. A forfeited piedgea will invariably be sola at auction. P. S.

The sale will commence on MONDAY, April 80, 1843, at the corner of Bourbon and ConU streets, thou fit Messrs. Spear Esroffler, auctioneers. J.aKOLADE. ap2 2 tf M. BUIXiKR, LinaaassAO a fialllwaa M.

DntH. a. m. uuiuavi iJIUU au ajs UAH 01 PLUMBER, STEAM AND GAS FITTER, vi ismp street, ew urieana. Dealer In Gaa Fizturea and Plumbing Material.

Agent for Baratow A Warren Cooking Rangea. attended to and tea ui boat work promptly Box 226. Mechanics' and Dealers' Exchange. apl5 lm JJXTBA MACHINE CLEANED MOSS Prepared tor European markets. Lowest poo aible prioes.

Apply to 31 Bienville street, or at DELTA FACTORY, corner Canal and Calves streets. mb28 WeSalm sjied rice, VERY CHOICE (FREE OF RED) For sale by ALLEN A SYME, apl3 2w 89, 91 and 93 Tchoupitoolaa at. BEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR CHOICE SEED RICE, at lav prioee, at ERNST Jal4 tf Cor. Magaalna and Julia sta. SEED RICE HONDURAS.

VEHY" CHOICE. ErarysMk warranted entirely free of RED. CHA8. A. LARENDON, F17 tf 22 Carondalet street.

COW PEAS. Factors and Planters In want of choice Clara and other varieties of Cow Poaa will eonsnit their Interest by calling on me before purchasing. A. A. uniiftii uuu mbSl WeFrSalm 47 Magaaine street.


REWXR'8 SCHOOL OF ELOCTJTIOIT DRAMATIC ART AT ORUNKWALD HAM. Pupils preparad for the Stage, Publio Reading, Dolaarte system Fencing MCsthetio Gymnastics Private Theatnoala. Latest methods from srreateet teachers in, the world. Dramatie claaaiueadara and rridaya. 6a P.

M. Elocution for Ladles, Mondays and Thursdays, P. M. Classes tor girls and bora. Tuesdays and Saturdays at 4a M.

$2 for lO lessons. Lessons at all hours. Call or apply at onoo. mhS 4m UNITED STATES BOITDS BOUGHT AND SOLS BY new orleans national bane; 54 CAMP STREET. Fll 3nx JODLEY BROS WAGON REPOSITORY, Office, No.

61 CARONDELET STREET. N. O. Factory at soling, w. Va.

Maaafactarers of every description of Farm and Plantation Wagons. Cane Carta for oxen or mulee, Cane Wagona, Bagasse Carts, Libt Carta, Log Wheels, all with black locust hubs. Wheelbarrow Felloes, Bpokoa.Cot toa Seed Meal Dtatrlbatora. Can deliver goods atone tha river, direct from factory, and In car load lota on taHroads F9 3m TODLXYS STEEL BEJEIN WAGON IS tha Beat Cotton Wagon made. These aketna are rapidly taking tha plaea of east skeins.

They win neither break nor wear out. Send tor a BOD LEY STEEL SKEIN WAGON. 8m TEAM THE BAB COCK A WILCOX COMPANY, Of New York and Gla.ow. WATER TUBE BOILERS. Contracts made for any part of tbe world at their Branch Offtoo.

60 Caroudelet street. New Orleans. FREXUCRIC COOK. General Southern Aaent and Manager. o25'82 TyTnThSa QACSTI0 BODAt 8AL.

SODA, BICARB. SODA, For sale by E. J. HART Jt ap4 73 to 79 Toboapltoolaa street. QALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDY S.

Tohmaa A Claxet, Burgundy, Cbaa. seiaa. Hook, aad 7ilnpandaj Wlaee aad Brandy Port and Shorry. In tor and to arrlTa. ForaaJaby X.

J. HART A OO, nj, 77 and Tw Tohonnltoulaa rtraat. EDUCATION. COLUMBIAN INSTITUTE 128 ESPLA. nade Boarding and Day School for young ladiea, kindergarten tor small girls and boys, berina 13th evasion MONDAY, September 4, 1882.


GREENWOOD DEPOT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. c39'82 ly GO TO BLAOaLMANS COLLEGE, xll Caroadalow day or a vaning, tor a thorough baHneea odnoattoa. 0aa gT. MARYS DOMINICAN ACADEMY Corner CaQiopo and Dryadeo treeta, NEW ORLEANS. Tbls spacious and beaaUTul IarUtuta Ik la.

eatod rn one of the healthiest parts of the city. It offers superior advantages to parents da. sirous of giving Uieir ohildren a solid aad refined ducatlon. The educational course affords every usefol and omamantaj branch, sal table for young adiea. Terms of tuition moderate.

Academy for Boardera conducted by Nana of tha aamo community, corner St. Charles and Broadway. n3'82 lyecd LOTTERY. OF THa aOUI3IJLNA STATE JOTTXSY. FRIDAY.

xAprU 27 Claa 109, tot 188J." 21 27 71 15 0 26 88 69 29 13 43 Tta above drawing are pnbllaned In an tlte principal papers, and are drawn in piUllo dally at tha Kooras af tbe Company. witnoaa our vid at New Ortoana. La fhl 27tbiayaj April. 1383. at eoioca.P.

M. LOUia H. pilia. J. A.

A. P.OU8SSA0, Fiaaa of oar Dairy Drawing ooa tuwaya to aaea aU 2 aaa at all branch oOaao. Jaa Ta BPEICTJfOWISi Poaaqnart raCoattaoatal Oaaraa Bery tnt moer or inia conunana. particularly uuw. who Intend to participate lathe Jforonern ana western tour, win a i ten a a special nwunjiuu drill to be held this.

SATURDAY EVENING. ApiU2dtu, at 7 o'clock. O. A. THI EL.

Captain. 'T. HAS AM, Jr Secretary. ap23 Ofaoa af Metalrfa Ceaaater Aaooola tn, 3S Union street. New Orleans.

A prU Si 7, 1883. In conformity with article 5 ofVie char ler of this association, an election will be held fornix directors, to serve tor the ensuing year, on MOOT DAY, Mar 7. 1SS3," between the hours of lO A.M. and 2 P.M.. lot UDB.

A. BEAUX. Secretary. Cammerclal Clnb. Nrr April 27.

A general meeting of this club will be hold in the club rooms, SATURDAY, 28th at 7 P. for tbe purpose of formally indorsing the proposition to bold a Cotton Expo aiflon in this city In November, 1884. ap27 2t THOS. U. MACON.

President. Offloo af the Planters Creaeent Oil Company, New Orleans, April 26. 1883 The am.uai 2 P. for tbe. election of Niue Directors, to servo daring the enauinar year.

ap2T td AS. M. WIXSHIP, Secretary. Notice aX Election Hlbentla Iasarmace Coiapany of New Orleans. Conformably to the charter, the election of Directors to servedur ing the ensuing toim will be held at the office of the Company, No.

37 Camp street, on MONDAY, the Tib of May, proximo, between tbe hours of 11 A. M. anu 2 P.M. THOS. F.

AUU, Beoretary. New Orleans, April 126, 1B83. ap26 iO 111 Tha aaaual neetlna af the Houthern Art Union and Woman's Industrial Association will bo held at the rooms of the association, 203 Canal street, on MONDAY, May 7, at 7a P. M. W.

S. MITCHELL, M. secretary. ap24 15 OfBoeai' the Near Loalsiaaa Jockey Clah, No. 104 Canal street Stir Orleans; April 25, 1883 of the New Louisiana Jockey Club are hereby notified that a Promenade Concert and Dance will be glveu on MON.

DAY. April 30, 1883. and they are further notified that earn invitation mitat bo DroDeal signed and contain the name of the Invited Suest. member is entitled to five invtta ons. O.

W. NOTT, Secretary. ap26 fit Special Notice. Mr. tha Laad scape Painter, has opened a studio In tbe Pavilion, at Spanish Fort, where, assisted by Mr.

Perelll, tbey will give instruction id pen cil, aipla or oils. Tbe fees will be six dollars a month for a course of two lessons a week. ap23 lm Office Lamm's Flrelcaa Eaalne Compaay, No. 46 Caroudelet streat The annual election for Directors of this company will be held on MONDAY. May 7, 18S8, between the hours of 10A.3C.

and 2 P. at tbe office of the com pany. The tranaier hooka wiu do cioseaxrom, April 28 to May 7 Inclusive. ap2l 28 my6 EDWARD L. BALL, Bec'y.

TNarlea ta StackhaMers of Hlbernla Inaa. ranee Company of New Orleans Pars uaiit to resolution adopted at a regular mooting of the Board, February 9, 1888, a general mooting of the stockholders will beheld on MONDAY, the 7th of May prox aa. the office of the company, o. 37 Camp street, between tha houxaof II A. M.

and 2 P. to vote on proposed amendments and alterations of tha Charter. By order of the Board apg td THOS. F. BRAGG.

Secretary. strntcahla Il(r AmruM Saelecv mt tha DnitrA Htatea. 120 Broadwav. New York. ASSETS 44,000,000.

SURPLUS M0.000,OOO. Polioiea in ooutes table after three years. Bar render value a oaranteed. Claims paid on la. eeint of proofs ef death, without disco oat.

A. A. WOODS. General Agent, 194Grevteratreet, Oppoaitra Gotten Exchange, anil yV ly If aw Orlaaaa. Special Notice ta SMppera by Saathern, Texas, and Wells, Fargo JCxpreae Companies.

Afternoon Express for Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Kail road and points ortb and West closes at 4:30 P. promptly, a Iter noon Express for Louisville and Nashville Railroad and points East closes at ft P. promptly. Express for Southern, Western and Northern Texaa closea at 11 A.

promptly, and 9 A. at. for points in Eastern and Northern Texaa. Express for poiata betwaea New Orleans and Baton Rouge claeee at 3:30 P. M.

To insure shipments by daily axpresa, shippers are requested to have their shipntenta at Express Office, 164 Gravler and 15 Union street, at or before 4:30 P. 6 P. 11 A. M. A.

M. and 3:30 P. otherwise shipments will bo delayed until the following day. Branch express races eatablished at each depot, where freight will be received np to departure of trains. Send your ordaxa by messengers or tnreogh the telephone, and wagona will call for freight, thus saving expanse of drayago to ahipper.

is pec ial rates given on application to T. M. wEscOAT, Agent; mh21 tf 164 Gravler and 1ft Union street. Special Natlea Saathern. Texaa anal Wella, Fargo a Express Companies, ex.

press forwarders. The Texaa Express Company has opened an exprsse line on the Texaa Paollio Railroad, reaching points In Northern. Eastern and Western Texas, via Shreveport. The Wells, Fartro A Cc's Express Company baa two routes In direct communication with Arizona, New Mexico and California, the Texaa Express leaving here at 10:30 A. via Texaa Pad So and SUreveport, the Weils, Fargo dc Co 's Bx pivss leaving bore at 8 A.

and 12 M. Tbe South rn Express Company has opened an expreaa line on the Nat oho Jackson and Columbus (Miss.) Railroad from New Orleans to Hatches, via Jackson, and la receiving freight and money for all points between New Orleans and Natchea at low ratoa. Special rate given on application to T. M. T.

M. WESCOAT. Agent. mhl '83 tf 164 Gravler and 15 Union st. Seatbera, Texaa and Wella, Ferae dc Express Companies.

Keduoed money tariff cheaper than poet office money orders. Special ratoa for small currency remittance be. taeen aUpointe within the territory of the Southern. Texaa and Walla. Fargo A Express Companies.

Snms of 20 and nnder, 15c sums over t20 to $40, inclusive, 200. sums over tO to $50. inclusive, 25c i sums over $50 to $75, Inclusive, 4Qo. Delivery made at prin clpal points. Wella, Fargo A Cc'a franked en' elopes deliverable per expreaa to all points in Texaa and on Pacific slope, for sale in quantities to suit.

T. M. WESTCOAT, Agent, 164 Gravler street and 19 Union ttraet. mb2l tf Notice Wondera Never Ceaae I Dr. Boe so'a Blessing to Mankind Extraordinary Discovery for tbe Prevention of Yellow Fever, Small Pox, and an disease of tbe blood.

In pursuance to the notice ot Moses A. Bonlel general agent for Louisiana, Mississippi and Texaa, published on tbe 20th instant, the consultation of Dr. Basso will be discontinued, from and after tbls data, at 235 Canal street, and the medicine can be procured at the office of M. A. BONIEL, at No.

8 St. Charle street, or at such places as be may designate hereafter. P. 8. If any complaints should be made aa to the quality of said medicine, parties will please call and consult aa heretofore, at 235 Canal street.

DR. K. BOSSO. apl lm Special Notion ta Plant AM. RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE.

PURE GROUND BONE. Highest Grade of Manufactured Fertilise a. Also, hare for sal MATERIALS tor Composting, KAINIT, ACID PHOSPHATE, GROUND B.C. PHOSPHATE ROOK. LAND PLASTER.

STERN'S FERT. aad CHEMICAL MFG OO 3Q '82 rly 14 Union street. Special Natlea ta Snooker Jnat received from Havana 60,000 Cigars, A. da Villar Vlllar and "La InUmldad.N Tha finest good in thla city. Also a toll lin of Meerschatun good and Smokers Article.

Sole AgenU in the United State for La Crolx Fila," Bin La Clgnretta. Paper, also lor "Seldenberg West Havana HERMANN ISAAC, 69 Canal street, and 32 Carondalet street, cdr er Common. 168 ly Fine Win J. Leieeaie San, son to Galpl Grocers aad Dealers In FRENCH, SPANISH and CALIFORNIA WINES, and tbA oaUbrated ST. VICENTE i rV WINE, reconunended iihysloian AL MONDS, CORES, MAYORKA, JELLIES, to.

'rr arjaoamsra. lP. Bary Year 8aaa Barrel Cooperage front flrat hand Wa repreaaca aareral of the largest Hoop and Stave Work ta the West, and ar prepared to sea 8U8AR BARREL MATERIAL tor immediate or torture delivery on Coast or in Now Orieaae at lowest prioee. Our Barrel Material la wall known to bo th best made KILN DRnu ELM STAVES and the Very best patent elm hoops and HEADS TO MATCH. 1 Hoop.

Liners, Naila, Staplea and Treaa Hoop alwaya an band; A flare or apply to JAMES H. LAWS A OO, Orta Clivfuanati. Ohio. L. KHSVBR, 9 North Peters rtreet, Jalll im Haw Orlaan.

La. CeatrtfBsrel Maahtaea Oar atteattea baa, bean called to a card "published la tha Time Democrat November 5, 1882, by Charles Johnson, ot tha New Orlaan Foundry and Machine Company, stating that th machine which exploded on tha Cyprsmort Plant, tion," St. Mary parish, waa a Hepworth Machine. Wo do not question he veracity ot sen, but would simply stao that tbe machine which we placed, oa tha Cypremort Plantation" HAVE NOT EXPLODED. The Hepworth machine have been In use for fourteen years, ta various parte of the world, and they ar numbered by thousands.

Wa guarantee them not a explode. THEY NEVER DO EXPLODE, aad aone have exploded. Our banging machine la the ONLY machine ever mad that win work any kind ot sugar, smeary or otherwise, without the least attention oa tha part ot the operator ths quantity of sugar it will work will surpaaa that ot any other machine! its sue. refer without permlsaloirbut with confidence to our numerous customers, among whom wo will nam Mr. radish Johnson, and Mr.

Stephen Whiting, New Orleans. Mr. JAMES D. EDWARDS, 22 to 38 Front street. Now Orleans, la the agent for th sale of our aaaohiaea.



Neither the captain, owners, nor th an. derslgned agents of the Spanish steamship LEONORA, Gartiez, maater, now in port, will be responsible for any debts contracted by any ot the crew. ap28 3t Agents, No. 45 Carondelet St. Ia 0.

G. Ta Iadaaaadant Order af Oesi Grand iodgeof Louisiana. The following oon atdtnta th lodraa In thla cttv. All Tamnlara visiting New Orlaan ar laritod to attend Uieo meeting Caucasian ioage no. meets every jmeeaay at 8 P.

at th Blbl Hon, 163 Camp street. First District. Excelsior Lodge No. 4 meet rry Friday at 8 P. at Franklin Temperanoe HalL oomax Lovo aad Spain streets.

Third Distriot. Progres Ledge No. 14 meet every Wednesday at 8 P. at th Odd Fedowa Hall, corner Magaaine and Philip streets, Foortb Distriot. Stonewall Lodge No.

10 meets erery Satorday at 8 P. at tha Bible House, IBS Camp street. First District. TTUMrmaM Lodr NO. 16 mOOt aTOTTThUT.

day, at 7:30 P. at Trinity Chapel School. nouse, eouin itampart atreet, nevwean juiaarpo aad Terpsichore streets.) CHARLES COFFIN, O. W. C.T., lty.

j. w. uuMHir.Ki.anii, w. boo oisy. my 14 '8a It SUMMER BERm rjlHE CONSUMPTIVES? ONLY HOPE Red Sulphur Sprlxgs, West Virginia.

UNDER Open tor thaSeaaoQ May 1st. The water cure sjl Pulmonary and Bronchial Affections. 1 ap22 2m E0AUDIN6. rflHE LEE. BjOUSK, ISO CAMP STREET Kooma inanito to rent, witn or witnoos board, at sunmer rates.

Families ot the city and those of the country desirous of securing a comfort all la home will do well to apply at this fine hous. A splendid table aad most desirable location, opposite Lafayette Square, convenient to ail places ot business. Remember the num. ber. 1 So Camp street.

n21'82 ly 17ft OAMP A FEW FRONT ROOM8, I O. with or without board. lm BOARD AT $16 PER MONTH PLK AS. ant location. For particulars address Mrs.

L. SVHULTHKIS, Oeyka, Miaa. apl lm BOARDING EUROPEAN FLAN, 189 ST. Chart street. mh8 3m NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, with or without board.

18 Dryadoa, tween Common and Canal. n23 '82 6m THE LEE HOUSE, 180 CAMP STREET Ia now opea for the reception gnaata. Families of the city and those of th oeantry desirous of securing a comfortable home, wlD do well to apply to this lino house. A splendid table and moat desirable location, opposite Lav fayetto Square, convenient to ail places of business. Bomambot th Number.

ISO Camp street. nil '82 ly BOARDING 193 CAMP BTREET Choice front rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with hoard. A flTSt olaaa table and th comfort ot homo lit guaranteed. Bel ereaoee required. oil tf THE ARLINGTON, 116 CAMP STREET now opea for th reception ot guest, and Is carried on a a nt ciaa hotel, with a tabl unsurpassed.

nTT tt PLEA 8 ANT BOOMS WITH BOARD, IN eluding two treat zoom, at S90 Maxaaln street, nlO tf 0SAJ SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR INCLOSING the Upper City Park with a barbed wire, fence will be received by the undersigned until EM DAY, 12 o'clock May 15, 1883. Parties bidding to submit with their estimates a full 8izod 10 foot section as a model. The specifications of the contract to be as follows: Posts 4x6 inches, 8 feet loos ereosoted VoJJew pine, to be placed 3 feet In the ground, so as to show a full 5 foot fence, to be 10 feet apart, with 6 strands of galvanized licensed barb wire, properly stretched apd pat on with galvanized staples. The fence to have eight comers, being in length about 10.000 running feet, with four lO feet gates, to be located hereafter under the direction of tha ExecutiveCom niittee.

The entiie work to bo finished In first class manner, subject to the approvat of the committee. accepted bidder to give bond satisfactory to the committee In the sum of completion of the work as per specificationa by uly 1, 1883.. Tbe model req ulred as above to be delivered at City HalL The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bios. By order of the committee B. T.

WALSHE, Chairman. New Orleans, April 37, 1883. ep27 lot EC IAL NOT ICENEW ORLEANS April 19, 1883 Sealed proposals will be received by the Building Committee of the New Orleans Produce. Exchange, until 12 M. May 1,1883, for tno erection and construction of AN EXCHANGE.

according to plans and furnished, by JameaFrereV architect, office No. 85 Commercial Place. The Committee reserve the right to reject any and ail bids. W. B.

SCHMIDT, p20 tf Chairman. A 9KJEYFOU FELIX DRE YFOUS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, itemoreo to p22 No. 21 Excbango Place. IRUMLBTS" SUNDRIES ror sals bv fu.

a i a as aa wanted; KJ ANTED LADIES OR YOUNG MEN INi town or country to know that we can furnish them with a nice pleasant work at their own heme where you can easily make from Sr2 to 94 a day the work eaa be done spare time without hindrance to present. ocaption canvaaaing or peddling: no stamp rtooired fnr reply. Address MILLARD A uanu. facttuers, Bostofl, Box 5234. ap23 2t ANTED A FIRST CLASS HABBUAT No.

JaetroAn tttwit lm naict. ap27 2t ANTED CANVASSERS FOR A NEW vua SBLtaaV a ltvIO usrj chanical idea and little ready easb. Situation permanent. Caa at 119 Baroaneetreet before ap27 3t WANTED INDIES IN CITYORCOUN try to do light, clean, fancy work at homo for our summer trade. Paya weU.

temple and farticulars mailed for 15c HUDSON MAN' U. ACTUBING CO, 265 Hixth Avenue, N. Y. apzo lm ANTED A GOOD SOBER BARBER. AODlv at 83 Villere atreet jLtoorx FURNITURE, COUNTER.

HOW CASES, and entire contents of residences, bought for caahjat 79 Chartrea. ap24 7t i ANTED PARTIES HAVING LARGE vacant lts adjoining, io boandaries of Canal, St. Joseph, Uaronne street and the River, may find a tenant or purchaser by ad dressing P. O. Box No.

2765 Now Orleans. ap22 25 28 lirAKTED MOVABLE: ON 8TOKAOEv story building. ap22 tf WANTED BY A PRACTICAL BOOK keeper, a small set olbooka to keep. Ad dress Lock Box 1834. ap2 lw ANTED AGENTS TO SELL ALEX.

ANDER H. STE BH EN 88 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. For terms and territory address or apply N. D. McDO NALD A CO 81 Carondelet Orleans, La.

aplT tt TfCKNITCBE, CAIVPKT8, BOOKS. PI A anos, etc, In amaUor largo lots, addreaa Box 2668. Ja30 3m ANTED PABTIWITHFURNIT.URK or other morablaa to dispose of, to know that a consultation with E. CURTIS, Auctioneer, No. 40 Royal street, will be greatly to their advantage.

Fnraitarea specialty. ANTED TO ALL HOOSX and hotel keepers that they can buy elegant Window Shades at 60 cents and Matting at 12 cents, at LEOPOLD LEV YS, 69L Maga aina street. F1S EUREKA SPOOL SILK. WANTED ALL THE LADIES IN NEW Orleans to ase the unsurpassed Eureka Spool Silk, Eureka Embroidery Silk aad Eareka Knitting Silk. Vbeae roods have ue superior, and are to be found in all the flrst'Olaa dry goods stores.

F18 3m LD GOLD. AND BROKEN Watches aad Jewelry, aad sold. PEIBCE. 1S Canal. Ta24 4m WANTED CANVASSERS FOR FAST selling, subscription booa Extra in.

dueementa to good workers. ORESCENT NEWS 146 Commoft street. Jal2 tf ANTED LOCAL AGENTS IN ALL towns in Louisiana for to beat line ot subscription book ever published. Send for circulars aad terms, CRKSCHKT NEWS 146 Commoa street. New Orlaaaa.

Jala tf WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW that T. B. HONOR, 2A Magazine street, make the CHEAPEST aad BEST MATTRESSES in th olty. Prices rodaoed. d308S ly WANTED HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, carpets, piano, book, ato tor easb.

BROKER, Box 8184, P. O. nl tf ASH FOR 10 PER OKNT mo than any dealor gl v. Adureer Box 8004. ns I tf TO BENT IK DECATUR STREET, OPPOSITE Post Office, second floor.

Inquire on, tha premises. ap27 tf TO RENT NO. SON. RAMPART STREET. Furnished rooms.

Second floor, argft 2w rpo BE RENTED OR LEASED THE VALUABLE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THS ST. JAMES HOTEL, Now Orlans, La. Said property ia situated on Magaaine street, in the heart, of the business pectins, of said city, and adjoins the NEW PRODUCE EXCHANGE. It Is four tot ies contains 60 rooms baaldra the storerooms on th ground flsor; Is handsomely finished and well Adapted for a hotel on the European plan, or lor central railroad offices. Proposals to lent or lea a said property, or application for further information, should be addressed to W.

M. 8MALLWOOD, ap2d lm 8c c'y N. O. Produce Exchange FOE RENT THE JBLKOANT TWO. story dwelling, 84a Lafayette street, near Ataaapart, witn gaa, nyerant, cistern, large yaro, 'Apply at 242 Lafayette st ap21 2w FOR RENT A NEWLY FINISHED TWO.

story House, containing six rooms; up. town aide of Canal street, near Carroll ton Avenue. Apply to J. J. F.

A LY, St. Patrick's Cemetery. apl7 3w 69 ROYAL STREET LARGS AIRY rooms, waU furnished. pl4t29 ICQ CANAL STREET DELIGHTFUL AO. Bummar Rooms privilegeof bath.

One of the most convenient locatiooa in the city. Entrance, a Burgundy. rftm WELLING TO RENT TO RENT, A large, comfortable brick residence, situated in a pleasant part ot the Fourth District, No. 640 Carondelet street, between Jackson and Philip streets, opposite tha residence of Judge rent low; convenient to several lines ot cars. Apply on aha promise, or at this office.

apA tf BOBBKL HOU8E.BILOXI, PARTLY FUR nished. Apply at WATERS'S Shoe Store, 117 Customhouse. AF10 tt FOR' RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS at 180 BV Charles street. Procession pass the door, and eard furnish ad if desired. Ja31 if OR RENT FROM' OCTOBER 1, 1883 Store is Magasin street, formerly ooom pied by C.

N. Edwards, Also, lot en Bienviu street, suitable tor a stable or ether purpose. Also, from 1st October, lower floor ot No. 18C Gravler street. Apply to P.

It. STRONG, ant tt 136 Gravter street, third floor. LOST AND FOUND. LOST FOUR COUPONS DUE 1ST SEP tember, 1875. tor $17 50 each also Four Coupons dne 1st March, 1875, for $17 60 each, coupons were ail out from bonds Nos.

139, 140, 141 and 142. Also Thro In seres Coupons duo 1st September, 187ft, for $3 50 each, which coupon were cut from bonds Nos. 350, S61 and 352. Also Three interest Con pons due March 1, 1875. for $3 50 each, which coupon were cut from bonds Nos.

350, 351 and 852. Allot which conpona were bait paid, and all the bonds numbered as aforesaid, from vhich aald coupons were detached, were issued by the city of New Orleans nnder act No. 49, approved February 27, 1869; were seven per rent, bonds, and lettered with the letter Y. Notice of the lose of said coupons has been duly served on the city of New Orleans, and payment has been stopped. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to ROBERT MO IT, 13 commercial Place.

ap28 my2 7 CAME TO MY PREMISES, A BULL, which the owner can have by PJl1BfBt0P erty and payina expenses. HYPOLITET E3 QUERRE, Madison near Lorena, Algiers. ap28 LOHT ONE PAIR GOLD SPECTACLES, Wednesday forenoon, on Canal or Carond le street. A liberal reward will be paid for the rot.rn nf name to 115 Canal street. ap27 St DTRAYED FROM CORNER HAG AN AV aj enueand Common streets, a MULE, about 16 hands hlh, white spoa on tail A reward of ten dollars will be paid for nermurnTS HUGH MtMANCS, 67 Palmyra street.

an27 2t PERSONAL; TT H. EMBERTON HAS REMOVED his office to No. 83 Carondelet street, where in addition to his general brokerage business, will be carried on an intelligence or labor furnishing office. Partiee desiring good servants, or planters in want ot steady labor, era, can be supplied at tbe above number. ap22 7t B.

WM. C. OFFICE. 148 Thalia street, near Magazine at. apii lm DR.

FRANK L. TANEY HAS OPENED an otHce at Room 18, Imperial Building, opposite the new Cotton Exchange, Carondelet street. Office boors from 2 to 4 P. M. Use elevator.

ap20 lm MIDYIFEBY. RS. WARDLE, 339 THALIA street, returninr thanks to her friends and th publio for their kind patronage for th past twenty five years aa MIDWIFE aad LADIES' PHYSICIAN, desires now to Inform tiiaia and strangers that ah ha mad arrangements to receive patients at her house, where all the comforts of a home will bo supplied on th most reasonable, term. When necessary, Uietoest atrana er, beat city retorenoe given a re Hours of cbnsnltetlon as 1 18 A. and 4 to 6 P.

M. i "ViV FOB SALE; 1 OOOiTrl 'COTTON SR WOOD, 47 MaaaVtne A. A. ORE EN ap2a it A Ll (T xi. roavfertable home inathtcklvaettAea aTirir boihood.

A good paying rticej. astall a fair pMctttioner For further particulars Wre Box apHLS wl tW P14. LaT. yOAB MILL FOR SAIJi MILL. 8 RuLu etsv4 feet br 25 inches ft stioko.

by 10 inches bore set of Sugar Ket tier east on. Machinery ell heavy and it, good raaaing order. Apply to K. A. 8CHBI DEtiKEK.

225 Chartrea street, i Ala a Saw Mill, fas good order ap2S Sv A GOOD TWO 8TORY BRIQR BE8I denca for sals The com modi ons family dwclliag. most eligibly actuated, within five minutes' walk of Canal street. No. 141 Clio streat, between St. Cbariaa 'Arena and Pry.

a uia street, convenient to three or four liana of srrt cars. For. particular, apply at offloo. ap2d tt CHEAP LARGS LOT. SECOND HAND Material, Assorted Jeb Type, t'nta.

Ornaments, Brass Rule, Borders, Script Typ, peunda Lone Primer, 3O0 Brevier. 70 Nonpareil, two largo Imposing Stones, Cabinets, Hacks, Stands. Cases. Sheridan Pa pes Cotter (33 inch), Gordon "a Medium Press. Csvd Press, tsteam Engine (8 horse power).

C. O. SCHULTZE'S, 22 Natchea atreet. New Or leaaa. ap27 lw FOR SALE THE DSIKA.BLE DOUBLE cottage property 676 and 673 Baronne atreet, iu complete repair and paint.

Each side contains parlor, dining room, thro bed weme, kitohea, gaa and fixtures, good yarda with separate closcie and cisterns. Will be sold at a bargain on term to suit. The white cars pass the door. Apply No. 274 Washington atreet, same square.

No. 678 ia offered for reat tram flrat of ay. ap27 lw FOR SALE ONE FARQUHAR THRK4 27 inch joinder, in rood order capacity 100 sacks per day. Also one new Sias. rnoas1 Baling.

PRESS for hay or cotton. Works with wer. Apply to LOO a. No. 43 Union ap23 lw ONTENT8 OF STORE, 194., POYDRAS, i consisting of, watches, clocks, jewelry, elo iron safe and store fixtures; alee good will ot business carried for many years by th late Charles For particulars inquire at store.

Meantime goods will be soid at extremely low price to pabuc at large. ap5 tf FOR SALE SPLENDID POSITION ON Canal atraot. THE LARGExFOUR STORT BBICK forming the southeast corner of Canal and Camp atrsats. The ground la about 44 tset by about 69 feet deep asepa rate hall entrance for three upper floor, aad amp apacfton th ground floor for three store. This aacur and attractive location 1 offered for sale on.

very favorabl3torma. Apply te HOEY A O'CONNOR, io.17 Carondelet atreet. mh30 tf FOB SALE AT TEXAS STABLES, 851 and 363 Canal atreet. corner Dorbigny. on hundred.HO RSE8, of all Shapes andooi.

era, from $30 np. Just raaaived, a car load of large KENTUCKY HORSES, including sam splendid match I teams, aai table for flr companies, undertakeca, doctoaa. grocery wafrociw cab, etc A lap, to arrive shortly, three car loads TEX A MULES, suitable for cotton and rioe planter. Bturr will find It touhelr interest to rive a acaj. TIBLIER BROTHERS.



xpress. TK a. M. 0:42 P.M. Coast Aooemmodation 8:27 P.

M. 9:02 A. M. Fast Mali 6:00 P. M.

A. M. 7:16 9:00 P. ONLY ONE CHANGE OF OARS TO NORTHS ERN AND EASTERN CITIES. Drawing Boom oars attacked to Ooaat Traiks.

Faro SSo. each way. Ticket office corner Bk Charle and Oommoa street sieepteg. Car aoooin raodaaoaj seoureo. O.

P. ATMOBHU eeneral paaa. Arsat. JOHN KILKE3TY, Asst. Gen.

Pass. Agf JOHN H. SMITH, Tiokot Agent, J. T. HA BAH AW Superlntoadent.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ROUTE. THE TEXAS AND PACIFIC RAILWAY. NOW 05RN. FOR BUSINESS, 1 the direct Its from NEW ORLEANS NORTHERN, EASTERN, WESTERN and CENTRAL TEXAS, and au points in Ariaona, Old and New Mexico and CALIFORNIA. California expreaa leaves New Ortoana areas Morgan's Depot, foot of Esplanade street, at 8 A.

M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara oa thla train rom Cheney villa to ban ran cl so. Baton Rouge accommodation leave Nw Or. lean at 8 P.m. Stop at au plantations.

Through xprea arrive at Nw Oceana, foot of Xsplanada street. Tin. Morgan line, at 6:40 PM. Bataa Roujre aooommodation arrlva at Nw Orlotos at 11.40 A. M.

For. ticket or mtormation apply at 4T St. Chajrlaa street, oornar Ot Gravler street, or depot toot of Thalia, street. A. b.

GRAHAM, Ticket Arena, bTw. mocullough, AMistTitOeneralPsaenrerArent.Marshail.Ta. F. CHANDLEB, General A'IIK liOola, ata 14 82 ly Third Vice'Loula, Mo. N1 EW OBLEANSxTEXAS AND CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN ROUTE.

SOUTHERN PAOIFIO AND STAR AND oxaaoiuiT, aid, aaib uaa, Oompo of Morgaa'S Louisiana and Tsxaa Railroad. H.and S. A.8yatem, Southern Paoiao Railway. Leavt Nw Orl for Alexandria I A.1L Nw Orleans for ...12 M. Northern for California IS M.

Alexandria tor New Or lean 4:52 A.M. Houston tor New Or .10:40 P. M. Arrlvot Now Orleans, from 6:40 P. M.

New Orleans from 4:25 P. M. Northern from P. Houston from New Orlaan A. Alexandria from New 8:12 P.

M. California from ew Orleans 3:49 P. M. Through sleeper betwaea Nsw Orlaan aad Houston, and silver palace sleeping oar through without okang to San Fraaoiaoo. Connections made at Honatoa with all rail lines from that point.

Time to Galroatea via this lin 83 HOURS. Tickets for eale aad leaping cu berths can secored daily at ffioa earner of Magaxme and Natohes street, A. O. HUTCHINSON, President. J.

G. SCHRIE VER. Tralac Miagar. mylO tt QTBMXT ACKSOII ROUTaV ILLINOI8 pENTRAL RAILROAD OO. Tb STANDARD GAUGE trunk lin bcrren the North and South.


On and after SUNDAY. April 8,1883. DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS leav and arrlv at Caiiiop Btreet Dopet as follows I.ltAVK. I ARRlVK. Exp.

No. 3. 7:30 A. M. I Frp.

No. 1. aip Kil A P. M. I Kid.

Ha S. Ifk4 A. M. No. 1, 2,8 and 4 run daily.

Tloket omoe, 22 Camp street, earner Common. A. D. J. W.


April 15. train a ill tear a iouow i From tha City. Fran Mllnehura. TSWJ., kL 8 00, 7:30.

10.20. 11:10. 8:00. 7:00 0:09 a train wlil laava PoBtehartrala Janottoa every Sunday for tbe lake at ft o'clock, A. tor in aooommodation ot flhrma.

Sunday train will run very hoar after 3 P. Last train win lray tbe Uke at 7:80 P. M. i JITDICIAL. succession; of mrs.

hannak fMYll DISTRICT COURT parish of Orieans Wvi AonTB Xa Mrs. Victoria Gnedrr. wio''. ci E. Guedry.

has petitioned Mr. Hannah Palmer, dcsjjo lice is hereby "aen ays Slsn a an imaisssmts 1.

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