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Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico • Page 2

East Las Vegas, New Mexico
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY OPTIC. BY R. A. KISTIiKB. at the Cast Tefas, H.i tranjmmion toroych tee Balls ae secona-claee matter.

i Mo Lie Taaxs DeUverea jvmall, for six nioQtb ners, LAS Vt or sx for oioaths. cents per week. i WUXI.T orno-U colnnms; de- uvered by mall, postpaid, peranaum; ai .00 fur six months; montlis. single copies In wrappers, rekAy for mall. cents, aample copies at both dally and weekly mailed free desired, tilre In foil.

Including county and state. teilTrnui all of the country. Communications addressed totbeeditor of TUB OITIC, to insure attention, should acconipanleo: by writer's full name and address, not for publication, but a euarantr or good faith. SMITHS' Maybe made by dran, mondy order, postal note, express or registered latter at our risk. Address all letters and telegraxu so THB Teems, New Mexico.

At tin election. April Itb. there will be to vote of tbe property holders; a proposition to issue lull bonds, prorlouily voted notlwlnc sufficient to erect sucb a building as trustees have coacluded to put up. boiiirt are to run thirty years, from Jan- uarr. 1st, 1S9B, i m.

per cont. per annum, aWo semi -uinually and not to be sold ttan ner cant, or face value. THE TWO TICKETS. REPUBLICAN. For Major, J.

M. CCSSISOIIAM. For Town Trustees, SEXKCA KLIXK. TllERON For Marshal, T. F.

CLAY. For Kecorder, W. H. KELLT. PEUOCKAT1C.

ForUsyor, S. DCXCAS. For Town Trustees, JOBS PACE. S. HAKT.

For Marsbut, M. J. CBOWIjEr. i'or Uecorder, 1'KUItY IIW.SKTT. jltEPtJBUCAN CONVENTION.

A conreutlen of tbe republican party bl New ellco Is uereb; called to meet II verClty. N. on tbe Kth day of April 190S.iat 10 o'clock a. select delegate! to reprotent tbo republican party of: Sou ttexlco at the national republican convtm tlonitobe beld at illnnoapollK, on severe) counties the Territory are entitled to thu following representation: llernallllo county delegates Chavos county 1 delegate couuty IH)na Ana county Ctldy county I deleg-ate fi doleffutos :..7 delegates Crant county Lincoln county 2 delegates county sdeleieaUs tJo Arrlba lu delegates ftan Juaa county 1 dalezate Miguel county IS delegates turn ta Ku i-ouuiy county county 6 delegates Taos county delegates Valencia coun ty 10 delegates County cuiuaiiueon oro requested to all proper arrangements for the holdings of county conventions, whlrh shall not be culled than April 1392. County shall bu composed of cuoien at republican mass meet lags- will arronBe forjcall Inv precfnct tunss meetings, which meot, Incs shall be held not later than March Slfh.

txa. la failure ot tbe couaty committee to Iseue the call forsuch nrecinct mass meetings and county codven- ilons and In counties where tnere be ne county committee, then such call jsball be Usueu L.v tbe membvr of tue Territorial call jib centntl columlttee for that county ssnie stands Srst on tbe roll. hoso The chairman and socrutary of precinct raeeUncs will certify to the chfilruia'n of the county committee list of delegates elected to the countv convention, Tae CUjdrman ana secretary of leech county, convention will certify a list of del- cgates elected to the Territorial convention and mail the same to the secretary of (-this eoiuintttfr. nt Santa, Fe, X. not llater than April tOtn.

1 Crider extatlcff rnles no alternate jdele gate to the Territorial convention can be elected, and no proxies will bo recognised unless properly executed and given to resident ol Ihe county from wblcb ina iletogate Klvlnjc the proxy was cnbstm. H. E. TWITCIII.LL, chalrnian. Av UCOUES.

Secretary. ILKCTION PROCLAMATION Kclllco Is hereby- glren, tbat In accordance vrlltt Ibe provisions and requirements or the laws of the Territory or New Mexico, aunaal election of municipal oncers for the town of East Las Vegas for tbe e.nSulng year, will be held on tbe Tuesday or April. A. 1S93, (being tbe tth Jay ot April), at which election 'the following nAjiied officers will be voted for: Orifc kayor. for said town, to hold hIB or- See for tbe period ot one year.

Two members of the Board or Trusl bold office each for two years. alarsbal. to hold once for one year. One i'own Recorder, to bold office for! cne 1 Tlte place of holding said electloiOrill office ot H. Woojtar.

Justlbe ft psaco, on DougUs avorua tu tue! sata taivn or BaslLas Vegas. i tne polls will ne open In the-mornlng and continue In tbe evening of! said At which election all tjuallfied electors of iuta Territory, sbajl have actually within tbe limits of said perhxl ot not less than thirty days prlpr to tte Cnv of said election, and who shall not bele tlefault of bit poll tax for the current year will be entitled to vote. Tnllowlng named persons bave ibeen by tho lloard of Trustees of said towr. Judges of said election, 11,5. Tamme and John A.

Itoss And the following named persons have in like manner beeu appointed act as fit Sttld election: B. Thomas It. Uosuborry. i J. U.

Ccsifijrouiii, Hator. I.AS VKOAS. N. atarcb Slh. irii.

Arbor rroelaniat iOrrlCR Sninot. "fS-E 1 SAS MHU'BL Vzcus. .1. M. March 25.

WMuitEAS, fhaptiT 30 ot laws constate of nu net cntltUxl. act to Arbor Day:" approved Februar ixil In which the Is imposed, upoh as school suiwrlntpntlent for this county of SaniMiRuel. to opt the date of tuch lu-rebv pmclnlra tlie hill of April. A. 1HP3.

ns the day to srl lor tlic purpose of plantlnjt Jor- e5t trves. the' benefit and aTlnni- ment of puhllc or nrivntp places or ways, and In such other eTTorts nnil un rterlaklnKs as shall be In harmony with the ot the day 50 Tho daymbovedeslKnateu Jlmli be a hollcny In alt puhllc schools of this countv aiia all officers ant! teachers are heretiy rp. to have the schools under their sileotlvecharges.observethe day by plant- eAutlfyln Ing trw5. In contemplation ot boAuufyine tbcBr school house grounds, or or other appropriate Ti nll the ot tho county. 1 most wrtu-stly 'recommend and enjoin ttii.

due observance of Arbor dnyj either by Joining the i children of their respective public schools, or by individual efforts of their th nectinl planting of trwos on this day. either for their own-or public benc-nt. AS I ttm rwQulred to report to fcovwmor of Territory action nosi taken In this behalf. In the different locajt- I shall gratefnlly receive-all couimunl- relative to this matter vrbleh will me tn eomplllux said reixtrt. I i ('HAS.

r. Krnriim, San Cejamy i THE LAS VEGAS GRA3TT. Of all in the world fellow who off his own nose to spite hi face, deserves to rank In feremes place; IAS Vegas not without som of genus homo, ev denced bj the character of argumen indulged in by a as reason for no seeking to hare the whole of La Vegas grant patented to the Uwn Vegas, to which grant vrae made and to which it was confirmed. Tue sum and substance of this args mentis: "Don't secure yeu right), MillhUer has himself as farorable to such action. If there 13 soy force to anoh an meat, OPTIC if unab! to see it.

It is simplj- and solely, un mitigated and unrsralshed, ad cap- tandem, and that of tbe baldest an most barren kind. No to shew that th whole grant 'does not belong to th town; that by asking for it, th town cannot gat it; thai by getting i any interest jeopardized; that throwing it away, any benefit is de rired that it will settled more quick ly under government owaerihip tha under the ownership ot the town lhat Laa Vegas will derive benefit by tie government drawing tb revenue, from tha sale of lands tba she will if the town th revenue; that it IB better, In the wa of advancement of the town, for th government to have tha lands and re fojete do anything to develep wate on them, than It is for town have them and that able to devalo the of these poini does the opposition are noticin apply itsslf. On these poinU it ha nothing to About (hem it is a dumb as an oyster. It does, hcwerer make itself hoarse, shouting tbat Mi! hiier favors inuing of the patent tho towu, lor the entire grant, and therefore, the people should oppose it THE OPTIC no- more in Mr. Jdillhiier than it bu any other man it has casually met i the course of It is not ad visor, his apologist, nor his maligner" Neither have that 'crazy anmily him which would Jt'ad us ruin our selves and community in, order le ruin him.

Nor yet are we 10 afraid Uillhiser that tho mere Uct of ap proving plan will, frighten tu into opposing it, of its The only possible sensa there can be in this MiUhijer argument must be th that in illllhiaer'i claim good nnd that ol town is If the patent Issues to the town, then the government withdraws from tho case, the town is the owner de facto and if Mr. Millhiser wishes- can prosecute his claim before tke courts if his claim Is goad, he will jfain it In the same way ho can prosecute bis claim in the courts against the.gpvern- ment, and if his claim it good wil it. But, if his claim is good id trill lose it; and just here comes in ho difference. case, the government ho benefit if he loses, other, tha -town geu the If he loses, in reaps in benefit MOSUAV APRIL PKLEGATC U'OSCPB tolcoo- grets a memorial by 'the citinris of Sooorro, praying for- an additional amrndment to oi the i'nued States. Buried in judiciary the amendment waj.

Itnce, the only reason to foar Mill- liser is that his claim is better than Irat of the town. This' THE OPTIC loej not believe snU so daes not fear lira at nil. On the contrary, claim, wo'beliavo, is better than that of the grivernmont, and the surest way him succeed, in courts, is or the government to assume the ownership of tbVland. Dually; after stale, and even own Territory, is asking Ihu general government for arid lauds, in the ground that they cannot be re- ilaimed under the United States land aws, distributing them in 160iacro racts, here came along these wi: and ask' the government, to ate back thesu.arid lands, around Las Vgis, iusteadj.of patenting to he to they had been and confirmed. Truly, the wisdom few onoruaniscs cannot be than hit of the asaruibled sagacity of the entire west.

POLITICS GO5K TO SSE1J. Ilefure Tug OITIC shall again address its, tbe city election will have been held, and one ticket or Hhcr, or a part of each, will have re- eived a majority of voles cast. Wo confusj eandidly and without be least equivocation, mental reserva- ion, or secret evasion mind what- ver, that on Wednesday doubt not hat tke courses ol nature will pursue heir accustomed rounds, regardless who has been elected or defeated, houlj the triumph or the upublicaus fail to elect their entire do not expect the sun to stand till on Komeroville or the raoen to reuse tj go down behind ths Creston. 1'cithsr do we anticipate that it will lake any difference, an hundred years from now, c'ither in destinies the huaian race, the progress of ra- tioual liberty, or to particular sohs theinsolves, who was elected and who defeated on Tuesday, April ith, 1SUJ, in toe municipal election of the town of East Las Vegas. Furthermore, we are not fully persuaded that the distinctive questions of free coinage of tariff on raw material, tariff for ravenne pratee- tien, states or paternsJisH, and tha other leading political of are not altogether persuaded 1 ureauV'Vbluritary Obsarveis' Meteorolog ical Record, for Month af (Vtarch, 1892.

VEGAS, SAJt COCATY, SEW MEXICO. i Clea fart Cloudy Part cloudy i fort fort cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear WHY is THB: W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN BEST SHOE IN THE VEHILO TUf MUCH il'rtrt cloudy rjoar Clear I'nrt cloudy Clmir Oloar Clear Part cloudy IClear LOUIS, Iff -M Maximum temperature, ntQ. 71 degrees.

Minimum tamperatura, 9.3 decrees, i the month, degrees. Meun Gmxlniuni degrees. Moan minimum K5.47 degrees, i Total i Number or days upon vvulcn SHOW audrala fell, 10. Total snowrall, It inches. Cleur days, ly; part cloudy, 2.

I QEO. CJOULD, Voluntary Obserrer. GALLI.VA* Ul'ftlXO: HiRuojt temperature, and soth, 10 degrees. l.ow«,it 17th. 14 degrees.

Muan and minimum)! 40 1 degrees Tuialprvclpltatjon.a.M Inches. Prevailing wind, west and Southwell. Duto of ttiuDUur storms, 3aJ and 14tlj; Unto of frost, Htli. Nncubur of clear days, 14. Number or rluudy Oajs, 19.

Numbar of falrdayi. 7. Nuuiltor or or .01 Inch or more of rain'or aieltoil snow, 9. JAKES Kj WHITMuttK, Voluntarrobserrer. that thcjo will be fully and Tade ot Mormon colonist nuallr sailed by to-morrow's selection and busines I.

men has become no inoom inayur, town trustees, recorder, I aart ie business of marshal and school board. increase arid prosperity of Hence, we but congratulate the menu becomes a matter oi citizens of East Las Vegas that they assin to people. hnve escaped -the excitement ardj partisan fury by which our sister town of Albuquerque is torn asunder; and where, cvitUntly, each party expects heaven nnd earth to come together in ono mad wreck and ruin, and the country to be eternally damned, should the other party secure tho loavus and tishes of municipal ofHce. Tiie fact is thai wa have not ueen anything carried to a more disgusting absurdity, 'fur many a day, than of jthe Albuquerque press and people. Tha.CY<ucii, the republican paper down there, has an employe, a is running an office which will not militate, in the estimation of his employer, against the discharge of "the duties which the paper psjs hjui.

This is made a TOUUI! of complaint by some of the paper's rcpublicau patrons, and the Citian lisos to-explain that the candidate is in every way eminently qualified for the but that the fifteen i entirely and elernnlly opposed to his teeping mimuos of the city coua oil, simply and solely became he a democrat. Again we congratulate the of East Los Vegas ou having leas politics more sober ON the eve of city election, JCmiMai! Adrrrtiwr says: Wbat the people want is a bsttsradmio pelidca! fc-jbtmers want is subservience of iheir personal and political ends. ThougM- will nut iuSimittotba paityloib. tbs caudidatri ef theic party are in every respect -tbe equals of their eppo- uents, they trill decide between them en political grounds. If the eppesite iarty hai a better candidate, desire for he public good will decide them in favor if the fitter, man.

Albnaucrciue Notes. Iptcinl to tfie ttjitic.<ji.-Ki!(ji-Ei April 3rd, 18SJ The Club coffee bouse, after many rilul.itiuus, will be sold under the lanimer. The XlcCoy-Cotton mill, April 10th. The big banquet at the commercial lub, April -Jlst Mrs.

Solon E. llose will 1 "lorida shortly on a health mission. Eil Torlina is doing his sixth month home, on account of a fractured nkle. A.liro alarm system and' big bell a a lofty au'd leentral position are eeded. Mrs.

IbrUett is expected to attend ie World's mcetiujf here on i J. M. Leary, of Tacson, is looking or an opening iu the boot and shoe usiness here. Weather, April 2nd and 3rd. Staxi- uni, o7-, ill ''uiiminum, moan, -IS 'OiT.

Work oii the A. M. church will continued, this mouth, if certain atlers csu be s'iittled. Soap wK-d. so luxuriant i Mexico Arizana, will be utilind argsly by parties who are expected H.

L. Ross, editor of the Old Abt will remain till Tuesday when be goes id. Socorro, thence to "Yiile Osks. cousulerubio money will bf by both parties is a fact; no such as wiU be raised by the wo panics for the lucal campaign und i A building is lo on Sec- nd Coal fur the accommodation of ho Albuquerque The present for Thursday, April Tib, by. Sherman Post, o.

A. S. in X.aa Tagaa. BY order of the officer ot tbe day, fellowlo will tbe projTam tbe eighth aaaoal en canpaeat of Graa Army of be held en the 7th da? April Las Vegas Hew Meilce: J. The receptlen frees Com Club ani 8ber i man post, will meet th department and dalefaUs, at tb depot, oa the arrival tram No.

3, al 7:10 a. si and escort them tb Plaia hotel, where tbe department head quarters will be established, daring tb eacajmpment, I 2. I At 1 p. the paratle will form the (old town) to escort tbe depart ment couimshder, delegates and rlsltlnf comrades, to tue O. A.

R. hall, wl foroi as follows: Cornet Band, Klre Uopartment In uniform Uniform Hanfc K. of Prlnco Klfies U. A. It.

Drum Corps, Department staff moun Doleyates.ln line-, Governor and staff, Mayor'a'nd Council, in c-ltiiviis In carriages: 8. I.fne of march plasa, east. Erldee aod Blaacbacd streets to Fifth south on Fifth to Grand avenue, seath 01 Brand avenoe. to Center north on Sixth to Douglas ois Deng las avenue to a. past hall, wheri command wIU disperse.

4. Bhermao i-ott Ho, aiieabl. a Plata p. and all old sol dlers are re.pectfnlly solicited to fall In lino wile tbe pent, TBl! CiHr wmg AT Tn OKIBi. fi' Bar wood, Uspsrtment Cbaplaia, i Boat by quartette.

i Master of cerenaonfes, Capfc. L. C. Port Address of w.lejme by the Ucyer. i for th grow- uartets arc business.

There is a colored -man iu town who as an income of about J200 per ionth. Few would guess this, but the act remains. This is truo of others ho follow day and night work, are plenty of spare and none'o! lem are newspaper the rcrso. A. I).

of Raton, ojune down, esterday, to see McCoy-Cotton It is not to a 1 or o( royal favor tnat Use of. (01 DRS. BETTS BETTS Owa their personal and professional popularity won their horr cra by tlaolr mcrlta. Theretoro, tier ars to weartbeemfclema el ftst honors. Mr ibeyllaVa ricniy won bl- their edortj Sand -Ic "their nfx book of laopapes.

14 si-o Cidl cr nrf.h Bfamp. DRS. ill. G. W.

DEBTOR, I7ltj, Cor. Cnrtia, ilylVee.liiptulnfrcMcdr,!! FJIEDICAL BUFFALO, V. CRAAF KLINE, AfuU lino Jt Las Vegas, GROCERS AND BAKERS, ColTeea. Astl for a lulea'' canl. 3VC.

GJac and Steam Fitting. DEALER IN i j' ilfiotric Liflit, Coil Oil liitro, Engine Trim: and Fittings, Brass (iootlrt, Lea i and Ir Pipes, Sheal Lead, etc. TELEPHONE No. S3. I i Address of welcome by Cap).

VT. behalf of Sherman Opening address by GOT. L. Bradford Prince. Blue and Grey by Dr.

T. O. uld. Poem, Hood's cblldreu, 'by ipt. J.a«k Crawford, poet Bong by Address Uoilcc A L.

J. Fountain, of Lai CriMti, commander. 1 Addrsst on National O. A. t.

Sampson, U. B. conaol, Jytre by Gen. CJ. taeat "Ch O'Brivo, ff, of Lai x-Cbiit Juit I ey, of Raton S.

Llbuquermie; U. B. Attorne L. Fiske, Judge Francis Downs' and other premfnent tpeakt persed with poems and eisaya act Crawford and by with by lUr public In gtaerat cortdlally la vlted to attend tbe Camp Fire a' free. H.

J. Edward Henry, lusuronce Agent Dealer In Paper. losietraoci If rou want firo Insatanee dward Ileorj at hid office treet, two doors north of Col. parCoient A Juttica W. Dor- sover, of Eugene of Sauta rs, inter- by Gapt.

ticks ef 3r the Liquor Habit, fPoiiiFveiV Cum If UHIIIITHIIIO CD. HADES' CO.CtH In ocap ot ocRiie'cr t. luicint ilio tenoivlefijrebf ei son ubiolutiilr hsruilclio and wli effeot a permanent and. nrferdj- cure; whctlid tbepatlentlna moderato wreck. IT NEVER FAILS.

IVcGUARANTEB etecureln -ulSS SPECIFIC 1 go Snct St. 7 A. Hoff- and call on Sixth the San iliguel National Bank. lie repre- eqts Fifteen First Class Firs Insar- nce Compaaies, sad has ti oldest joy in tho City. Icisara Jlie also repreainu the jfe and Accident Insurance Co.

of artford, the Best and Most Reliable accident Insurance Co. in the country. Iniuranc i. To those who contemplate effecting' afe Insurance, he desires to i tate that represents Ibe Best, the Largest and he Most Liberal Life Insurance Com- any in the World, MUTUAL LIFE INS COMPANY OF SBAV i'hich has, at! the present time, of Cash AJsseu for le protection of ita Policy and Payment of Losses: TheAlutual Life not onh ul it also gusrantees, a Bettt Liberal Form of Policv ields Better Re-tilts, folr lan can he obtained from a ompanj in the world. Paper A glance through his VV: will convince anir person of the, ict that he carries a Larger and Bet- Selected Stock! of Wall Pi par thra ha combined of ihe other ID the eity.

yjon want rowna, ingrains, with tb match, you can 1 find 1 raiittiei, at. te. He pncts. FOB WORliMiiNEHIP. SAFETY Sard In LOADING.

tinvan iiattftu. for MSii.tri'-d and Price L'ut ij. EASY TO KAXCE BK, 9 lders, writes, and a which Money, PATTY it vtih Dotarluor wax llmift to hurt tiw of tbe btM calf, end and tnata wurm ffrotS4 than ang other manvfaetvrtr, for it cott tram Welt nt price tame i-maUa frum to Mod 30 Tsiltewd KM -obd Lt-tU'T All weartlmai; ttnacalf. hea-ry tbree One pair -n-JH trc-ar a year. A91 SO fineenlfi no bctiertboe ever offered at this prtcei ODA trial will Gogvloco wno wmnt far comfort (HJt.WO tbom dunvble.

wbo hare (jlTca them a irtal will wmrDootharmaka. C1.73 wuro by tbe boyi teMTli Uwlr racriu, ns coali Cant ton. that Metnapod on KV--TAKE KO 8VB local aovrrttitfsl mp- jPejH, CESTEK EAST LAS Dealer in Manufacturer of- Copper and Tares, Eare- Troughs, leelsf tas Teric. HEWiMEXlCO 4 PARK HOUSE Bates, U.W ana JiiO. Speeial rates by the week.

CoavHlenl to depot and bath koases. eonaeetien. BEN BBUHN, Proprietor. Job Printing Of every description witia fcod despatch AitSeOpliff Job Been ELECTRIC BELT piaHi BOARD CHRIS SELtLMAN. Proprietor.

Gorier of Sixth Street IEVERYXMING RIRST-CLASS. i i Popular reiort their treatment Ef ADQU ART KRS Comer Center Street and Railroad Avenue. Your Patronage Solicited. And Counter, In Connection with Saloon. MYER FRIEDMAN i WOOL bEALERS ijid Wholesale Grocers, Las Vegas, HOT SJJJW icjeocico.

AiGolfioii WWer fjaas.oa T. AS. F. K. IV, a cozy cook in winter may call "wimfiry 1 cacti wArm, iocstiiiiy dnys with are to be ot ip Ajpril.

iiwra the choicest antl nunvlilaa, aiid a i tbk that laree, btntT BOliard Hall 1 i Day, and THE SIXTH STREET. Laa Vegae. to, O. FINEST WINES alweys on city where jou can obialp the Aa a map sbowf; you Ibe largest city IB, or jibe iongrsi rSverl cr lha liiKt or the lowest valler, sq-this lead you to owest 1 LARGEST tiy meo of tberl whoso woijk is A Noi oiher pricea are wbo DO lidfl wbo arw stnctlr ii) it. not tor nod Bor- bat Eor moneT, and i COMPLETE atOC Wall 10 jcarry "i Room acjd Picture and Artists'! I A JNo.

Donglias FURNISHED ROOlVIS BY THK MONTH, WEEK, OR DAY. PLEASANT ROOMS, Open All NJehi. car tba door. BIueSL From FoitoUe OPTIC BLOCK, Cor. Douglas and Grand AYeimes MBS.

S. A. STUDEBAKKB, Propr SPECIAL, RATK9 TO MONTlifcY BSSINQBR Sorith Side Center Street, between Railroad and Grand olesale i Beiail Lirs all kinds pj- Cordials, such Curacoa, Chutnnw etc. urnrn and Pommery Sec And others. All kin da of Imporud aj2d California Ale and Dublin Stout ana AT WHOESALE.

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