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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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John Gray's "CORNER" ON NEW GOODS. While everyone is blowing, striking and trying- to push off old unsalable goods on their customers; John Gray hte. gone and filled up his store chuck full'of new goods is. selling them lower than some of the old chesnuts that are being- offered elsewhere as great bargains, reason why, he has no old goods to lose on. Good Goods, good selections careful bujing and close prices is what has gu en 'him the cleanest in Restate.

FINE PERFUMES A Parvin's 12tir-st Drug Store. Daily Journal. Pobllglied every daj In tbe week (except Monday) by W. D. PRATT.

Price per Annum, Price per Month. 5O WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 11. RECIPROCITY is! We have always thought it should be, and we hail its advent with joy. Now let it appear in domestic relations as well as in foreign.

Introduce reciprocity into the home. Do, you, madam, when that husband of yours conies home with a headache, and temper, and a mouth full of complaints, reciprocate with a smile and a caress- Do you, sir, when madam is worn out with the cares of the household, and inclined to with a theater ticket, or an increased appropriation for making the house habitable Reciprocity never the medium for swapping goods in kind. Tor wheat you get coffee; -'for rubber you give establishes precedent, if one were needed, for home reciprocity to follow. The day when "an eye for an eye, and a tooth a tooth," was the order of things has gone by. Let the day of that which means the return of good for evil York Continent.

'SAMUEL GOMPERS, President of the American Federation of Labor, will address the Trades Union and citizens of Logansport at the rink this evening. The distinguished position he occupies gives weight to his utterances those having a vague'-knowledge 1 of-the objects and ptorposee of organ'izHrtio'n will have an opportunity to learn. "In. Union there is strength," but and justice are necessary'for the perpetuation of The. Faeder- tion'aims'at all of these and it is the 'hope of every that there no of the cloture rule in the Speaker Reed-wittily say -To use'language applied'to other industries' the out-put of the House in 1861-2 was four millipa.

woriis, and -has riseu in 1889-90 to hearty-thirteen millions, which must be'gi-atifying to the friends of debate." correctness of this statement is shown in the increased size of the Congressional Record, and facts furnian an "unanswerable argument in favor of limiting debate. THE followingrStates have no State Indiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North phio, As long as Indiana and Ohio have the men they can without the motto. Indiana may, have no motto hut she Jaas a.coat of 3.rcis which, teaches that you can't catch a buffalo after sun up by chopping a tree down on him. THEKE to' be no doubt but that the Indiana Legislature takes front-rank among the circuses of the Nation. The'press from Maine to California, Democratic, Republican Mugwump and Pharisee, laughs at it, yet, strange to say, it hasn't done a thing.

IT is a matter of note at this time that-the political the De: getting out of.tin cans is not what it was expecting. Xot Ready to Opiuc. Dernokrates," asked Mrs. Daily as her husband seated himself in an easy chair before the fire and gazed admiringly at the editorials in his own paper, -'how does the Democratic press stand upon the silver question?" "That is a profound subject, my dear. We are studying the question earnestly and hope to arrive at a conclusion in time for the National convention in 1,892," replied the partner of her joys with a knowing smile.

"I will let you Jtnow when an opinion. high tmlfl may help home manufactures, but ffie trouble Is that under protection we can not make goods cheap enough to export them." How about carriages, railroad cars, etc? The exports, of domestic manufactured' carriages, ra'lroad CUTS and street railroad cars have Increased Irora the average el five years Irom 1885 to 1839. to 84,743,678 In 1830. or 111 per cent. NPW York Press.

A Slllf.Ji Needetl Ofllclnl. What the svorld really needs to-day is an acting Fool-Killer with a large corps of assistants. There is plenty of work for him to do, und among other thing's we would suggest that he begin on the following II. The Indiana State Legislature, which is trying to buck against that interstate reciprocity which is the essence of our National New York Continent. The Kind of Cork it If Senator Magee's bill providing for non-partisan management of the benevolent institutions should become a lawdt will cork the mutter-ings of the Indianapolis IVindoin'K Wisdom.

The folly and danger of depending on our competitors for the means of reaching competitive markets cannot be the last words of Secretary William Windom. LIFE'S PAGE CLOSED Death of James Eedpath, the Noted Journalist and Author. He Succumbs to Injuries Recently Was a Warm Friend to the Irish Cause. SOMETHING ABOUT HIS OiHEEB. NEW YOEK, Feb.

Eedpath, the famous Irish Nationalist, journalist and lecturer, and vice-president, of the Anti-Poverty Society, who was run down by a Fourth avenue horse-car opposite the post-office one day last week, died at 9:05 a. m. at St. Luke's Hospital from the effects of his injuries. Ever since Mr.

Eedpath was removed to St. Lnke's from the Chambers Street Hospital last Saturday his condition has been regarded as extremely critical. The wheel of the car passed over the left arm as it was bent inward, bruising and lacerating all the smaller bones and crushing the mnscles, which resulted in paralysis of the arm and almost the entire left side of the body. IJames Eedpath was Dora Berwich-on- Tweed, England, in 1833, and emigrated with his parents to Michigan in 1848, He became a printer, newspaper correspondent and editor and was long connected the New York Tribune. He became emigration agont of the Haytien Government in tho United States and afterward consul at Philadelphia.

He was a war correspondent during tho civil war, and established at Boston In 1858 the Bed- path Lyceum Bureau. Ho was an ardent advocate ol Ireland 11 and a pronounced abolitionist'." He was the author of "The Roving Edl.tor," "A Hand-Book to Public Life of Captain. John Brown," of Harper's Ferry" and "A Guido to-HaytL" One of his latest ventufes was Jledpath's Weekly, whioh suspended recently. James Kedpath was better known In recent years through his connection with the Irish movement. He first got interested in it through making a triple Ireland as a correspondent of the Now Yp-lt: Tribune.

Hla trip through Ireland during the partial famine of '1879 and 1880 made-'him' a complete con- vart to the doctrines''of the- land league, and- his letters, which. widely copied, had more to do with American sympathy than any oilier agency at that Coming back t'd tbfs -country he gave series of lectures to. crowded houses, had a. further effect in direction.' Ireland himself heart'and soullnto the agitation; and delivered a cumber of speeches ai nationalist, meetings which exceeded those of almpst.any of the Irish agitators in He denounced Chief and the Irish landlords In unmeasured terms.

TVlen some of. the local leaders were thrown into Eedpath filled their engagements and the. Government did not arrest him. So absorbed in the new movement did Redpath become that on his return to New York ho started an Irish weekly paper, attended all the Irish conventions and for some years did not touch any other Enticed from Her Homo. JEFFEKSOS-VTLLE, Geneva, the 14-year-old 'daughter of William Nash, is missing.

She went to church Sunday and was seen to go to Louisville with a stranger, since when trace has been lost of her. Mrs. Nash thinks oneDen.ton Perkins, of Simpson County, has enticed the girl away. Bicli'lDcpmilt of Conl Discovered. SEYMOUR, Feb.

very large and valuable deposit of anthracite coal has been discovered in the hills near Seymour and- just south of the Ohio Mississippi railroad. A company will be organized to.develop it Experimenting with Koi-li's Lymph. INDIANAPOMS, Feb. public trial of the Koch lymph was made at.the afternoon upon Ida Young, mulattOip'irl afflicted with consumption. There wns strong reaction.

General Alger's Bereavement. DETROIT, Sheldon Alger, the S-year-old son of General Alger, died here Monday. NO. ANNEXATION. Sir John McDonald's the Canadians, He Urges Them to Be Loyal to Their Calls Unrestricted Reciprocity "Vailed Treason." APPEAL.

Touo.vro, Feb. John Macflonald has published an address to the electors of Canada on the question of reciprocity with the United States, the great question before the country at the approaching- elections. He begins his appeal as follows: "As 1n 1883 and'again In 1887, so in 1891 do questions relating to the trade ana commerce of the country occupy tao foremost place in the public miiul. Our policy in respect thereto is to-day' what it has been for the lust thirteen years, It is directed by a llrm determination to foster and develop the resources of the Dominion by every means -in our power consistent with Canada's portion as an integral portion of the British Empire. To that end wo have labored in the past, and we propose to continue in the work to which we have applied ourselves at building up on this continent under the flag of England a great and powerful nation." Sir John then refers to the growth, and prosperity of Canada under the National polity and takes credit to his Government for "building the Canadian Pacific railway.

Dealing- with the policy of the. opposition, he says: "Disappointed by the failure of all their predictions and convinced that nothing is to be gained hy further opposition on the old lines, the reform party has taken a new departure and has announced its policy to be unrestricted reciprocity, that is (as defined by its author, Mr., in the North American Review, a few days ago), free trade with the United States and a common tariff with the United States against the rest of tne world. The adoption of this policy would involve, among other grave evils, discrimination against the mother country. This fact is admitted by no leiS a personage than Sir Richard Cartwright, who in his speech at Pembroke, October 21, 1S90, is to have said: 'Some men whose opinions I respeg.

entertain objections lo this reel- proposition. They argue, and argue with force, that it will be necessary for us, if we enter into such an agreement, to admit goods of the United States on more favorable terms than those of the mother country. Nor do I deny that this is an "It would, in my opinion, inevitably result in annexation of this Dominion to the United States. The advocates of unrestricted reciprocity on this side of the line deny that it would have any such effect, though its friends in the United States urge as the ehief reason for its adoption that unrestricted reciprocity would be the first step in the direction df political union." Sir. John continues: "Ihave" pointed out to you a few of the material objections to this scheme of unrestricted reciprocity to whice Mr.

Laurier and Sir Itich- ard Cartwright have committed the Liberal party, but they are not the only objections, nor, in my opinion, arc they the most vital. For a century and a half this country has grown and flourished under the protecting tegls of the British crown. The gallant race who first brought here to our shores the blessings of civilization passed by an easy transition from French to English rule and now forms one of the most law-abiding portions of the community. These pioneers were speedily recruited by the advent of a loyal band o( British- subjects, who gave up every thins'that-TOPHI; roost prize and were to begin life anew in the wilderness ratherthan'forego allegiance, to their sovereign. "To the descendants of these men and of the multitudeof Englishmen.

Irishmen and Scotch- men who emigrated to Canada that they might build up new homes without ceasing to be British you, appeal, and I ask you, -what have you to gain by 8urrender- ing that which your fathers 'held most Under the broad folds of the union jack we enjoy the most ample liberty to govern ourselves as we please and at the same time wo participate in the advantages whtch flow from association with the mightjest empire the world has ever seen. Not only are we free to manage our domestic concerns, but practically we possess the privilege of malting our own treaties with foreign countries. And in. our relations with the outside worldwe enjoy the prestige inspired -by a con- Bciou'sness of the fact that behind us 'towers the majesty of England. The great question which you will shortly be called upon to determine resolves itselt into this: Shall we endanger our possession of the great heritage bequeathed to us by our fathers and submit ourselves to direct taxation for the privilege of having our tariff fixed "at Washington, with the prospect of.

ultimately becoming a portion of the American Union! I commend these issues'to yonr determine tion and.tothe judgment of the whole people of Canada with an that you will proclaim to the 'world your resolve to, show yourselves, not unwojthy of the proud' distinction; enjoy of being numbered among the most dutiful loyal subjects of our beloved Queen. As for myself my is-: clear. A British' subject I was born, a British subject I will With my. utmost strength, with my latest breath will I oppose the. vailed treason which attempts by sordid means and mercenary proffers to lure our people from their allegiance.

During my long public service of. nearly a century I have, been true to my country and Its best inter, eets, and I appeal, with equal confidence, to the men who have intrusted me in the past and to hope of,'with whom rest its destinies the future, to give me 'their united and strenuous aid in this my last effort for the unity of the empire and the preservation of our commercial and political freedom." Feb. Ottawa dispatch says that within the next few days the country be startled by arrests on the charge of treason of men now prominent in political affairs. The 'Government, it is said, is only awaiting minor moves before putting the law in motion. A story has been in circulation that American greenbacks will be freely distributed in the interests of the reform in Quebec.

Sir John's friends have been warned to be on the lookout for such an attack. Mexican Smugglers Show Fight. ST. Loiris, Feb. special from Matamoros, Mexico, says: A few days ago there were two desperate 'combats near Mier between customs guards and smugglers in which four of the guards were killed and one of the smugglers wounded.

One 'of the latter was "betrayed and captured at a ranch near the scene of the first fight. The smugglers succeeded in getting away with all their goods. Ten Years for Stealing Memphis' Money. MEMPHIS, Feb. K.

Pullen, who the embezzlement of about 1 city funds, has been sentenced, by Judge Duboise t'o serve ten years ia.tihe penitentiary and to pay a fine of INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. The mvu'der case at St. Louis has been continued until Monday. John Wilier, a well-known lake captain, died tit Somers, near Racine, Wis. Prutf.

committed suicide in London. "J-Jo inherited the sum of a man, fell under Illinois Central freight. train at Rutland, 111., and was cut to pieces. Fisher Coulter's saloon in the no- license town of Fredcricksburg-, 0., was blown up with dynamite Monday.

Ex-City 'Register lien P. Allen, of Memphis, pleaded guilty to robbing the city and was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Monday the Supreme Court of Iowa rendered decision sustaining the validity of the joint rate schedule of the railroad commissioners. Eddie Rowe, 13 years old, of Coldwater, 0.. died while having a surgical operation performed and while under the influence of chloroform.

Property of John E. the ex- mining king, was sold at Lake Geneva, on Monday, under foreclosure, and brought in cash. At Jjeopolis. Charles Knock killed his wife and committed suicide. The bodies were not found until last Saturday night.

A cat' had feasted on the face of 'the woman. A petition for assistance in the way of grain and provisions has been received at St. Louis from farmers of Kansas and Nebraska, living in the region of Republican City, Neb. The twenty-seventh anniversary of the tunnel' escape from Libby Prison during the war by 109 Union, officers celebrated in Chicago, Monday, by seven of the survivors of that event. Explorer Stanley denied at Akron, 0., Monday night, the story that he intended to present to the Salvation Army all the valuable presents, diamonds, which he had received from.mou- archs and others.

Mrs. Minor Stivers hid iinder her house at Blucmound, 111., for thirty- six hours, going without food and nearly freezing to death. She alleges her husband was drunk and remained out in the cold rather than meet him. Mrs. Eliza Holden and her son, Edward Holdcn, arrested for complicityin -the -Harry Russell murder at Monticello, were taken to Detroit Monday night by Sheriff Woolirigtou, who feared to hold them at Monticello.

Coke Workers on Strike. PrrrsBUBGH, 1 Feb. 10. Dispatches from the Connellsvile coke region report the strike of coke workers and miners as general. The plants have closed down, and the only employes still on duty are the pumpers and watchmen.

Order pre vails. at all points, and no trouble, for the present at least, is apprehended. Over 16,000 men are idle. Killed While Stealing a Neigrhbor's Corn. LutA, 0., Feb.

10. Jacob: Weber, living near Sidney, was shot by -William Cisco, a neighbor, while stealing corn from the latters barn Monday night. A load of buckshot entered, his abdomen and death resulted in a few- hours. Weber leaves a widow and ten children. Persons.

Murt. MAYXAED, Feb. 10. There was a serious accident on the Burlington, Cedar Kapids Northern railroad, near here, Monday night, the train being thrown down, an embankment by a broken rail. Sixteen persons were injured.

THE" MARKETS. Grain, Provisions, Etc. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Quiet and lower.

Spring Wheat patents, Bakers', Winter Wheat Flour, for Patents, for Ruled weak early and then firm. No. -2-casb, BSiiOMVic: May, DTK. Quiet and easier. No.

2 und No. 2 Yellow, May, July, Eower. No. 2 oash, June, Samples steady, with liberal offerings. No.

3, No. White, No. 2, White, Firm and scarce. No. 2 cesh, February, and May, 76..

No. 2, 3.... Steady and quiet. Poor, fair to- good, and choice, MESS PonK-Tradlng rather active and prices higher. Prices ranged at for for February; J9.Drx£9.60 for March, for May.

Market moderately active and prices higher. Quotations ranged for cash: for $5. 'for March, and K.SrS4@5.DO'/or May. Creamery, Packing stoek, Live Chickens, per Live Turkeys, per Ib. Live Ducks, tivu'Geesa, per doz.

Wisconsin White, So; Water White, Michigan Prime White, -9Wc; Water lOJic; Indiana Prime White, 9J4c; Water White, lOc; Headlight, ITGtest, Gasoline, 87 deg's, 14c; 74 deg's, Naphtha, 63 deg's, Sc. distilled Spirits ruled firm at $1.14 per gal. for finished goods. NEW YOBK, Feb. 10.

Dull, steady, £0 decline. March May, June, July, August, September, C5 15-10c; December, CORN Dull, steady. No. 2, Steamer-mixed, Dull, easier. Western, PROVISIONS steady.

Extra, mess, S6.7u©7.50; family, Jii.50@10.50. Pork "quiet, easy. New mess, 810.50®! 1.25 old mess, $9.25 (310.25; extra prime; S8.UO@9. 75. Lard steady, dulL Steam rendered, CLEVELAND.

Feb. 10. Easy. Standard white, llOdeg. test, 74 gasoline, 86 gasoline, 12o; 63 naphtha, dy.c.

Live Stock. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Market moderately active, and prices well maintained. Quotations ranged at K.00@5.50 for choice to fancy shipping.

Steers S4.3034.90 for good to choice do. S3.16@4.20 for common to fair 83, 60 for. butchers' Steors; for Stookers; for Texans; $2.7053.25 for Feeders; S1.25®2. 75 for Cows; for Bulls, and Veal Calves. Hoes Market active 'and firm.

Prices lOo higuer. Salesranged at for Pigs; Tor light; $3.35 for. rough packing; s3.4CKg.300 for mixed, and 83.50^3.70 lor heavy packing and shipping lots. Highest of all in Leavening S. Gov't Report, Aug.

17, 1889, ABSOLUTELY NO EXTRA SESSION. Sov. Hovey's Notice to the Indiana News. Proceedings. IXHJA.XAPOUS, Feb.

Hovey on Monday gave notice to the General Assembly that h.e would tail no extra session. He thinks that sun time is allowed for all necessary legislation, and he will give them no further time, oven if. they fail to pass the appropriation bills. Only' twelve bills have passed both houses and been signed by the Governor, and none of these is of great importance. Tn the House there have been presented, of which only forty-seven fifty-six others have been recommended for passage by the committees.

In the Senate 231 have been introduced. The two most important measures of the session and salaries and State will be wmsiu'ered by the House this wo.i?.U, and it is hoped to get both bills passed and sent to the Senate before next Monday. There will probably be little difficulty in fretting the revenue bill through, but there will be in.the.fee and salary measure. The. bilJ as- reported by the.

committee, it is'claimed, is full of inequalities, which -wiU'-have to be The fight will be on the date of its taking effect, and, the feeling is growing stronger that it should aiVect' present officers or clop.te.f3 to office. The Senate on Monday passed'the bill extending the metropolitan police Taw to of 15,000, and over. The House passed the bill which makes corporations liable to employes lor injuries sustained and presumes negligence upon the part of the corporation in all cases where 'the injury results from defective machinery. IXDiAXAi'OUS, i Eeb. Legislature has passed alaw making it a felony to conduct a bucket-shop deal in margins or rent a bnilding for this purpose in the State of Indiana.

A County Sent Fight.' every unnn in Lake County who has any influence came to Indianapolis Monday to lobby for or, against the bill before the Legislature changing the county sent from Crown Point to Hammond. The attempted change has stirred up a bitter fight among the Lake County, The bill has passed the Senate and will probably pass the House this week or next. The Crown Point people, say that new public buildings erected al Point within six years at an expenditure of more than and that new buildings at Hammond cost Lake 000, the largor share of which have to be borne by Lake County fanners.

point is still further urged that the northern part of the county recently become prominent by reason 6f the overflow from Chicago, but. that 1 the great mass of new-comers have no permanent terest in the countv. Atom-it ivifh Her JJfo. VIVC-KXXKS, Feb. Lilly Hampton.

Hie unfortunate -womnn whc ij) the -In-cast )ast week, died Monday morning. Her paramour -liberated from jail- Ivfi the Sontli. Mrs. Hamilton lier- Ken- tuclry home and throe 1 children and came here witli "Robert Wheeler, hei lover, where they liav-fi been living- incognito for months, until discovered last week by tin; woman'sjirother. able to and tor- rnent of COIKC onto, the -vvomaii herself' :1 round an Ancjeiit IJ.uiial rittce.

BAD ECZEMA ON BAB1 Head one.Splid Awful. Had to Tie Hid Hands to Cradle. by Cuticura, Our little boy broke out on.hls head a bad form of eczema he was four momhs old. We tried three doctors', bat tbfSy did not help him. ihen csed your- three Remedies, and afwr using tnern eleven-weeks exactly according to directions, he eteadljj tmpiove, aftf the use for seven mouths his head was entirely 'vwlHi his bead was a solid sore from the crown to his eyebrows.

Itwas'alsoalloverhts ears; most of tils face, and small-places on parts of his body. Tbere were sixteen weeks tnat we had to keep his hands', tied: to the hold them when lie was taken up: and bad to kesp mittens tied on his hands to keep bis unger-natU out of the sores, as he wou'd ratcb. If lie could la any way get tils hands loose. We know.your Cntl- Remedies cured him, -We feel sal'e In recommending thenvto. others, JANETTA HiRBIS, Webster, Ind.

Scrofula Cured. I have a sl'ter younger than- myself whose wbole body was covered wiili scrofula sores, from bead to loot. She could not lie down at niehr, and-hanno peace by A friend advised her to try tlie Cuticura Remedies. aid so, they cured her. WOEAB.

ERTING, Bushsylvania, Oblo. Cutieura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin erentest of -Uumor Remedies, cleanses the blood of all im- punt-es and elements, and tiias removes the cause, while Cutieura. the great skin- cure; and Cutieura Soap, an exquisite skin ueau- tlfler, clear the nkm and an i rest.ire the hair. TJius the Cutlcurit Remedies 'i-ure every species of Itching, burning, sfJaly. pimply, and blutcby skla, scalp, 'and blood diseases, from Infancj Wage, when the best.physicians fall.

Sold everywhere. Price, Cutieura, Soap, Prepared by.the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. I' EB'-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," G4 pages, I) Skin and scalp purified and beau- 1) A t) I tilled by CDTICCKA SOAP. Absolutely pure. PAINS and 1 WEAKNESSES Of females instanilyrelii'ved by tbRt new, elegant, and Infallible Antidote to Pain, Inflammation, and Weakness, the Cuticura Plaster.

j.K. Feb. AVilliain Ilendricks. olMlarrison found an old Indian 'burial piace on his farm. A putoh of earth<3 in and he descended into th.e hole, finding 1 large cavern, the floor of xvhich was covered with human bones and flint tools.

A lavjre petrified timber, notched like a ladder, was found also. The indications re that the cavern has beeo sealed for several: hundred years, as large trees grew over the place. COSES FBOHPTLT AimPKBicunENTLT RHEUM ATI SM, A Sore Throat, eCIATXCA, Spralnn, Brnines, Bnnu, SoaldB. THE CHARLES A. VOQELER For a Disordered Uver Try BEECHAM'S PILLS.

25cts. a OF 1 ATT, DH.XJGK3-ISTS. CondeiLsed R. R. Pittsburj5, Cincinnati, Chicap) A St.

Louis (CRjflBAJ, Tni.) IBBITX Bradford 156 430pmt Accommodation SKXJamt 9:46 a mt.Marlon Accommodation. pint Biclunoud Division. 8:00 11 JO a nit Accommodation. 5.5'a mt lay UsWpmt Accommodation. Indian apollg DIvtMlc 2-20 a 130 ChicaKO IMrlMlADu UrW a Klght ftlO a FastLlne Irl7 Fast 430pmt 7aB 6-Ofi 8 mt State liine 1:80 and 830 a mt 738pmf Freight UJOami Trains marked run dally.

Train marked run dally except -Vondalia Line. 80CTH BOTWD. Local Freight Tarre Haute Express Mall NORTH BOUND. Local Hall Train South Bend-Express Through Freight. SOU a 6-00 am, lo-tfam 8-tfpm BMP Or Cloee connections for Indianapolis Tla now, made by all our paspenger Edgwortlr, agent.

SJLST.BOCSD...J New York ExpfesVdiuij 8.18am. Kan Toledo Ex. except 16 am Atlantic Express, daily Accommodation Frt, m. WEST-BOUNlX Pacific Express, 7.62 a Accommodation Frt exceptSunday 15 Kan City Ex. except Suhoay.

-46 Liifayene(Pas)Accm Sunday 6-03 St. Louis dally 10S2 Eel Illver Side Between LosrahiiporC and dilll. EAST Accommodation, ex. Sunday Leave 10-00 am Accommodation, ex. in WBSI oorosii.

Accommodation, ex. Sunday, 8:10 a Accommodation, ex, Sunday, 410 TTTANTED a few persons In each placa to do VY wrlt'ng at home. Enclose 1 IOC. tor; 4uO pagfr book with particulars to J. H.

Woodbury, Station- New York Ci'y. oet21dlj opportunity. N. V. acthe man-salary- 87O to.880 monthly, with Increafce, to represent ID Ws own' secilori a responslWe New York House.

References, ifanuracmrejr, Lock Box 1685, New york. A Chartered Countctlcut a Gentleman MiinrigHj rot A good man can make personally per year and.clear$1.00'.fromiIs-xubs. Address. Mona ger, Box 67, Waterbury, Conn. 7C fn A MOSTH'can be made IU working for Pewont preferred who can furnish 8'horse and give their whole time to the Spare moments may be profitably employed also.

A'few vacancies In towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON 2000 Main Pr "rithmond. Va marldly ictlTe Man for each section Salary- to sucoesslul N.

Companj. InooraWd-to supply Dry Goods. Clotting, to con. gumers at cost. also a Catty tact Salary to enroll members WO.OOO n.ow'enroJled paid Ih).

I ged: Empire Co-operatUe Assortatlou. (credit WBJ 5..

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