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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ivti--. THE DAILY PIOAXTOEr-UEW OBLEANS. STJNDAT, NOVEMBER 29, 1SS5. THE LATE VICE PEESHSIT Praidea Clerelani Urged to Eemaia Career. 4 Cor the (nml Tin Preside Hsw-attefc ere about completed.

The order of tb praecMia ft beaa Oetermised apm JteCows. J-'' J-'----'; Moasted ud anmosnted police; military band from tbe Oaiastai Brraefc; Gn. Fred. Kaenrr, Marshal of the XT. end Miff; Adjt Gen.

Xooott and raff; fltt'f eotapaalea; the barae and guard of honor; Mrs. Hrwdrlefca aa4 family ridBt of United 8'etee aad faawnbers of the Cabta as-Frratdaat Hye i Judgea of ttaa Uarted States Court Uaited States Senators members of tbe House of Sapra-aentatiTesi Goveraora of B'aies. witb Jbir errta ergse'senaa-a; aj" flnxLiMb-n ef dry councils aad Bualcfpal bodice catizena im MiMmi. nader Grand M-rans! and aid i -c I'M ansreb wW ba from tba ebareb tbroogh taa principal streets of taeeley tbeeemer-Xaa burial nllM iirlf this It la of tbe same partevaa- ta Grant ef aaa rtckly aa eieirarly eebd Hirer, with Bated white UP'-Oa ttaa bead a a silver shrine plate bear-lac la aid orua levers slmpiy the words -fiNxawa a. Hdrir-.

Ta body wudrawrd and pot la tbeeaa-fxet ebortjy after aooa. aad was th-a re-mcvrd dows etatra lata treat far1or, waeve ft win raatafa until to-morrow. a tt will ba take to tba eonrtbonaa ue la etate. Aroaad the room, an uUties and maa tois. BeaatUnl Tloral Darloea aatfBbyayaipatBthS frtmda.

aad aa tba eoffia Uraa ptlio of wlita fl.wec irlta ka fnipia tuiUai -iL" la bioa launartellea 1b tba eeo're. Taa eaaket recta ear tba wladov, aad fbrmurh tba drkaaed cartalaa bot lUtia fart talla apoa It. Tba faaof tba dea Ba rataina rery moeh of tta aataral ap-MaraaeM. and alda from tfea cloaan ayra andnrtd mnaalaa. to praaeneaaC daatala sot abova eoaaptaooaaly.

Only Ua tahaca tnanda of tna famOy vara ata.raed to tba room. and. ta-aixbt. ftbaboaaawaarUiaed aaDiely to ukl'ora. At 20 o'elack ta-anrrev atoralnc too laeal asflitary eogipaniaa will roart-h to tba ret-drsoe.

and, vita tba poll tan pnttea forer-, will caoort tna of tba Vica pra-ldMittotbaeaar'a mil Ji tn aau atil t(aody ete lnr Taa boa will raat tn tbjra-afaJqaotatbo taiaal" ia aan aomdor. vfeba will ba eorarad vna Urt aergw, aad rr tt ail will ban blark aUk aaaopy. rb- both tba tnwwtr aad a trior of taa biiiiag will ba feearttr draped la atoarBtnc Witkla taa lat naa. Baa. Wav H.

Eactaa and ataar piiioaai iru-mOM ax nr. n.adneb bara bana la tweeipt nana from roml9t nvaa at Wi lofrtott and alaaanrfw expreaawa; ootnloa that It Witold ba ai and tT)iodlHoa tor Mr. Claavlaad to leava Waablnum amaar ba pwaeat etream-aiaoera. to nnaad taa faaral of tba Vtca Prm-ilor. and orn-ttor i nat It would Baacraerfol taiag for Mra.

Haadrteka and bar frtoda ro aay to blat la aatapatek tone, wbUa tacy wald ba armtfied at bia aaana Pbca. bl allara ta eom. la tba pn aaat eon-OHioa of aifra. would not baeonaidacaa at mil dlaraapeetfdi. Taia taeuas ba fnoaaaad Tory Batteeably ta tba laat twra'p-foor noora, and aia area lac naca war awl, laad by botb alra.

i B-atr-k and Boa. 0ear B. ad, Mr. Baadrlekaa low partaar, and ehotrsaaa of tea eommiUae aa arraagaaaanta, to tba PraatdVnt. naklag taa atata.

tamt tndetrd atiwra. Taay ddiaad to cla tba-o oat for pabliaoUoa, aaylua: tbat taa daileaey of tbo aacar and tba faec tbat too dmdwoa reatod aloaa witb tba Preaidaat, ada tt proptir tba een-Umtm ot ba dipiebea to beeoma pablia tbroask bias alino, I tbo nde'atoafac nera, howevar. tbat Pt' BwmlmttA. tboa relioved of KM wniirrMniit af fa toe wwt. wlil pot eoa.

aiLboaKb no deonito dcelarattoa ta Oil rfToe Wen rawanred Aamo pbietana taara baa beea eondd-araoiaartrietamof TbolfadlcaS Trurwmt of tba Caoa, aad aerrral pp-r kra opaaly ekargwd tbat tt SfnarU-ka waa btad daata, taroaaa taa atapidicy af aia pbyatetan. aiav urnaA hmt a i wilf Mil. tn hia aiuMBoea. Tbaao MKmnU bar doobueoo ittm from nilaavP'ooioi at too faeta of tba traaarnt. lit.

UL Tnoatpaoa. tbo nttoadlna pay aid n. makaa taa following Itacmrat of mttr Mr. Hadr eka aa ao rer la nia Ufa bled try aa ba bb-d bim andar taa el'eom-aneoof hiaUat Ulnraa, wuid brx.lndt eataa (rmt rack leamtaa, bat I nrveir toaaxbt of btardtna blm. wer- in tba bAdtof patttxKdry aop-OBklm, aodtaobadMAia to bia reqarat, ao Wrdo-aday I aappod blot.

aoppalt to from tbia taattba lropteaalon tbat I ed bim gained aaeb band way. Bald fdr. Ucadrtcfco to ma: If toa don't ctre ana aa opiate yoa maat pat a dry nop on It tn inronre remaay or aia. -nia nioeaa lanardaa a eouatoraetioo. and lta afe la rrtleva tbo latart rraawla.

It eooaiete tn aspelUag tba al from a cop by barulac alcobol In it, at-d whiln tba araeania axlata to apply taoKtaaato too portion of the body wbera It la deird prodaoe an I Taa fan treatment la tba eaoa waa rrry Idnnia. fn tba tint vlaea wa wera not an- nraarnalTa of doirrr. I bad eo mora Idea tbat day tbat Mr. Hradrirta woold die, tbaa I baa tbat yoa or I would. I bora area bim twenty tiaiea a area dral woraatban ha waa tbat day Ha waa ebllly and wa a-aTa blm warm water wlto aoda In It to aveetMo bl atomach Aa 1 aald, tba trwtcmeat waa Tory almpla, for we tbooabt there waa bat little tbo mat- ar viib Dim.

in twwvu wrn wpioi.a almpla atimn-ating anma caator oil and Klaea Be aad emplatned ot a pal fal falin eaof tbe Mfoela, oh lob waa tbaa rv llered by two am tta operatlona. Ha aald ba felt better. atreiKbtentid np and remarked eiow I will tab" nice aleep." Tbeae wera bia laat word Mt me. I bad aalned before ttala to fiv blm ealomrl, for I told blm tbat ba waa pra-- paring to ao to Waablngtoa, and tbat calomel wttid Dro-trate and rrdace blm- Tbia aeamea to meet witb hie approval, nod ao ba wiliinKly accepted too traawneat aa I bare -dMCTtlMtd. I tbmk bia dearb moat bare ooenrrad aa early aa o'eioca on waaaexiay, for it waa onlr a lltue altar to at ooar mat Air, Hen'lrleka'a aerrant came to ma with the enBottn-emeiit taat taa Viae Frraldant waa dead.

Ha died of brain dlaeaae. Hla troabie waa alwaya nervoaa. Par-' nlyaiK took either 'be brain or tba beart It would require a poat mortem to determine wbli'b, and I aairgeted to the family tbat one be beid, oat ura. jienaricaa waa an- villlna- Senator Harrlaoa baa reorlTed a dlapateb from Coief Ja-'tce tbe 8 a pre me Court ot tbe Uulted 8ta'es, fating that that body would be repree ted at taa i unerai by JnLloea Matthew a and Bltcbford. Tbta morning, Mr.

H. Pack, toe acolptor. TOOK A Plaater Maafc of tbo Paoa neoreded In aeearinc a very fine tm preaalon. rm wblob ba will mode, a ba Joqd Keily baa sent to Mrs. Hendricks aa auraDceoot bia aympatbr and regreta tbat bad health will prevent bia nttendanee at the tunerai.

A diaoaieb from Hon. Edward 8. Pbelns. Minlaier to En aland, reaebjsd Mre.Hendxioka toronirh tne Braie isepertuieAt. Mr, w.

Woollen, In an Interview, waa naked If ibere waa any truth In the oft re- pea-ed afory tbat Mr. Hendricka eonaaited Mra. Hendricks upon matters of politloa aad frrquenUy deolded aeeoralng to bar Judg- i think I can aire teatimoDT on that nolnt." aaid Mr. Woollen. In the Presi dential campaign of 187 I waa a mem ier 'of tbo State Exe-ott re Oommltt a.

Indiana "was eonaldercd aplrotai State. There waa inaeh dis-afcufatioa at Tiioen'a nomination, and the MWon of i ticket waa looked upon aa doubtful Thloga took a gloomier aayajy ay uvM Kf awa'" wiwirvil ttvvt OtJ Into the eanyasa witb maeh of his old-iiuie force. aVtrsaw tbat the ooly hope to ooaa teraot the 8nator'a lnflueam. waa to get Heudricka to take rhf stump. The Committee held that It waa essential to success tbat he should do so and at a meeting called for the purpose we distinctly gave biui our views, fie received tbe suggestion with eonslder- abledisfvor.

He enid bad alwaya benn lmpresw-d with that it was not the rroier tatna tor jprenidemlal fnfer tmo hira 1 t'llt 111 i you itl'crnoo i.te for either toe identlal otiioe to aoh a way. We it for a few mo-tiex rlMoa aaio Mas. Uendriuke, ir-Dt to aa to mtike tili i for tiiia to ppean one in diHrrict. Weaid ao anrt i ifl 1 I am. iroin lma 1 i.

Uicixubd to believe Wat The iBMpwrt-Bwr K-svUjmw for tbo I- Cerema-alM-PanMal Tl nn IImii tba Govern-T Ua wtfe i rr sua awnmpwi T. Ta. i tat af nail baaifa aa seat tsfts 2rf-Laa Orar. aw-Owv. ASbert G.

rarer. Hon. W. H. Eaaifh.

waana. iaavaaweaT a1 vwuZuk Rand. Mr- DavioOIaey and Mayor John U. McMmsu vTjA-RA-M-A-. MOBILE.

Zxhait-Tbt Oaal Peart ot tbe Fwisua Marrtaga UomOJt, Hot. -JprtaaL CoL CL Wood. BieUlExpoa.ion Commissioner, ts revlsltisg Mobile to look after tba exblbtt arbicb ba was promiaed wbeabo waa bora anovt a tnonto and a bail ago. ua found tba exbibttora waiting for eosse to tako too lead, aad ba proposes to take tbo load hloaelf. -o TtoearderK B.

Owea baa flnined Orwa prtp to rnaealnoaa. Bimiegbava and aaa-vttia. Ha kada every bdv 'alklasTOf fdotoU aa ba eoal port af tbo fafar. tt aaya ae waa saupriftMi at tbo oxpraaatona of goodwill be board owerywb-vo onrtnar bia mp. peep a of tba ia'sror bava rvawrved a wira epoc la tbelr beartafor obi MooCa.aad rroe ee ber tadusalal procvaa Pr.

W. A. Keusboat enrtaiaed tba nvedical favralry of too eoilaga at dinner Tbaraday. waa aa oiocant affair. ywol.

A.Jsoaro Of ureeawiocw, Iliy Cox. of Cttvoneua. torn ooowiy. BiarnM Tsanaiy aranaa at O'roaMio. Ha waa aeted for bia aedvlty Young blea's Cauls' las Asatartanw wen.

BIRMINGHAM. A Colllaae aad a Bralrrmaw KIDed. BrxJaxcsAJU Aov. 23-8peelsXl jaat before dayHgbt tola BDorarna, was eight mQes above here, tbo train that ro between Elooat Sptlaga and here, bsaling lime roex for tbe farnarea, ran Into the rear and of Loa'svllleand ftTaabvlQo northboand throat fraigbt train, aad b-atda doing eoo-aadVrabio daauacn ta roiling atoek killed a mjIrmaB aamrd M. PaaWttec Tbe tbnwantratnbad polled ia twaand Paolding waa eoaDlma it again end bo waa crushed to death bAwrea tow to-nder aad fcat xao rniaalna wera nrwacat sera, www" ua aad eauo.

waa sua jus uj out Xxon bcae. LOUISIANA- FRANKLIN. Xogro Boanletda at Irish Head A Satis- factory vrop. PxAwxxnr.Kov. BperiaL A aertona earuing affray took place on the Irish Bead medaye ataea between two negroes on ma trifling quarrel.

In which one armed wlto a knife eat and slashed ao aerlowaty tbo other, who waa not armed, that ba baa atnee died from hla woasda. The one toot did the eatttng' aso gave himself a aerloaa wound ta tbe abdomen. Tbo weatber for tbo past two days baa beea wet and old. and pUntora are appre hensive of a Xreexa wnen anau peoosso etear. ewgar making la procreastng very favorably, and the yield la generally most excellent, with the promise of a crop some bat above toe average la qaanttty and quality.

VICKSBURO. Deatb. ot a XfBwiabI TCavdp oT MSaaia. alppa to waHupaa. VicxaBcno, ov.

A tele gram reorivea aero te-oay nmmnwu death ta Waabiagum eny, wnere ana nas resided for a anajber af yrara. of Mra. laeCarty. daaghter of ttaa lata CoL B. M.

Teager of tbta city aad jaexaoa. bub. aio-Cartr Had barn fa Xal iog balth for aome ttsaa. and tn tba hope of getting aome raUef pid a abort matt to aer sister ia sun eiiy. Mra A.

a Weave. Tba lady bad a larce etrcteof frtrada la tola ctty aad Jaeaaon, WbO wlU regret to teara or aer oaoj ssauaa. aasaBBwaj(kaaBawBsaa -v ELLISVILLE. a rn t. IKLtxsTiixa, as.

Coart for Jones ooanty adjourned today aftrr a eeselon of seven day a. JSn rases of Imoortaneo ware before tba eoart, btr. josn Lmdary waa foreman of taa Grand jory; On fooreen tree billa were foaud. wbien wau iar jooes wiu wxin railway towns. 6ALVESTON.

Tbo Slain Van Identified. GAtvxsroa, Hot. 38 Special.) The man fonnd dead yesterday morning on Cbxtreh street soar tba cad of too barned dtatnet now toraa oat to be George a barber of pblladelpala from which etty ba Bed, It la abated, on account of aome trouble of a dnesle stare. He had been to baalD-ea la Fort Wor recently as a um-eortal srtta. where be waa doing well.

He waa reeot-ntd by hating a glass eye. The Coroner la still lnvesdgsUng the mystery. HOUSTON. A Colored Clergyman's Crime. HoctTO, Tex Kov.

28. 8peclaL Eev. W. H. Wilson, who la here In attendance on tte Colored Methodist Con foresee, waa arreted today while tbe session wa in pro-greaa, by Sheriff Lanrham.

of Jefferson onnty. Wlison Is -b g-d wl'h tbe ardao-tton of a colored damael tn Beaamoat where be Is pastor, of a church. Sheriff Laagbam left wlto hla prisoner for Bean moot to-night, NEWS IN BRIEF. Tt la annonneed that the WaUaad Canal Will ba closed Doe. p.

The imports of general merchandise at the port of New York daring toe past week were valued at exclusive of dry goods. -a a dividend of per cent baa been declared on the preferred acock of tba Cbtoasro, 8t inaeapolSa and Onsaba Ball war. D. L. ktoody.

tbo evangelist, win begin a series of pest si meeting In Brobklya oa Toeeday avenio. Bav. Dr. Smith. President of Trinity College, baa declined the position of Bishop' of Easfon, Mdu, to which be waa recently elected.

A aberilTa tnry in ITew York baa adtndged aa an babltnai drunkard Char'es B. Serlbner. a relative of the book pallrhers of tbat seme He hs property valued at 915,000, Meteorte displat In eonoectlun with Biela'a comet have been observed elightiy la London and at Windsor. A brilliant display Is reported from Athens ami Naples, and at Tne'n tbere-wer abowera of aboottnc stars. Fraoh K.

Stark, who, two ears ao. shot ana Biua u. tt manager, in Vieksmrg, dis In Detroit. Mich on Thur-day. He had never eeaaed to worry over the fatal result of his dlspata witb Allen, and tola is tQ-msht to ve af era- ysted the pulmonary cop la tut of which he Cho town of fiaybrook.

yesterday, celebrated lta ssoth anniversary. Taa exer- eses included aa addresa by President Porter, of Yale tjouere, and a poem by eo. W. Boneav. of New York.

Tbe National Cattle and Horse Growers' Associataoa at ira ooneinding seanon elected the folio wine principal ofuoers T. Do Witt Smith, President; Hidney B. Cum- nihgbsm, xexaa, oecretary; a. x.Atwater, sraaaiuoc. MARINE.

Haw You. Not. J8. Arrived Germany from Liverpool. Steamer QOBKHBTuwjt.

nor. 28. Arrived Bteamer Ei i U' is froaifiew York. Boston, Nov. 18 -Arrived: Steamer Pa- yonta from UrerpooL, LivxBPooia Nov.

as passed Kin sale Steadier Alicia from New Orleans. SditDEKLAND, No v. 27. Sailed Steamer Resins for New Orleans.1 Hatbk, Nov 87 Arrived Steamer Castle Bunt from ew oneane Portland, Nov. 37.

Arrived Steamer Yt-diuandale from New Orleans for Hamburg. VC- Horn Heath, 75 Campatreet, sivesSM-etal noilea about bia wall paper, window shades, mattings, rags, ptomre wooluintfS and upboirter goods, large supplies of wblob be has on' band and ts eonstautly receiving. All orders Intruded to twia bouse will receive prompt at' tentlon. 1 prices are nnttortuiy low and tho v. -'c tuijy (rnaranUted.

City and eour- i i.v is luvl ed to call and see ta to a aiil Lit styles. Bev. Dr. Ox, acaer of tbe arise, affieiaoafc Andraw M. Yoonjc dld reeaotiy a Fart Ha taa.

ioa awpiayna to tbia c-itji, Zrb hratkrr Boon Bta 10n F0BIG1I SEOM The Veeily CaHe Letter. Irbh OaesUn is a Sfsrar Ug FrofsaMHtiea oa" aa Amaaarw Betweea Gladstoaa aad Saiisbwry-Paraell aad tbw v-to Tolfttotfoa twrea Tbat 3Sw Tgjrpedittow ta gsvidsw-Growth of Stoeb Gambling la Enr- jomwnt. wow.jflfcTbo potttteal sAtaattoa to-algbt ladle stea that toe Cooaervauvaa wffi remain fa power. It now aeme taipoa-slble for Mr. Gladatonea pargr to aeoaro that majority of moaabera la too aoxt Par- liament which Lord SaUsbnry doeiarea to prove tbat too EriOah people aebaagaiatao government.

Hoaeo. both tbe Canaerracf vee aad Liberals bow ac cept the Tory retention of office aa aaer- tataty, aad both partiee have already oogaa ahapiag their affalra to eonforai to tbat proe- sajea. In fast tba areatr of tbe Liberal leaders are at press at apaeaiatiag apoa Lord oalia-barya preoable poiksy. It la thought that the Tory PresBier will rearraaae bia Cabinet nefota too opening mt raruasoeas, vsnaw bia party boada power by vtrtne of a email majortry of tts own. or by virtue ot etrengta den red Iron aa alliance wlto the Par aetlttea.

It Is averywhero eeweedod that be win be feoend aaaka tba Irisa qaeattaa the sob eetof blnr totaortant saeavnge of teata-Uoa as tbe Horaa staJera wUlcartaJalv bare too balanee of power. Any proposed by tbe Conservatives for toe benefit of Ireland wliihare to eon tain very genorooe aad radteal eoneeastona to order to bo ae- erpraHla to tba leasnsa aaembera. Their de- SBaaasta tois respect -may aa reearoea ny too new aowernmrnt aa exttuoaato. and may oa tbia aeo-Hint be refoaed. Tna Pamatit os at ptoatnt threatea to naa their balance of power to block all ieelela-tum BBtil ibelr demands are aatiefied.

They will, however, la ail probamllry bo baffled In their attempts to carry oat each a determination. Mr Gladstone eaa ba err vindictive. The Paroeli vote threw the Liberal from power and the same vote prevented their retain. Gladarone knows that too Tories do not love toe Irih and woatd be glad to bo independent of tbe Home Balers; Tba Parnellite Balance of Power won Id disappear and tbo Irish party adgbt go to pieeea tbat la to aay, bo dismembered heeaose of rha loss of toe cohesive power of aeeompUabnaent. uiaos'oee is aooto ail TBtngs, He baa 1 ta his power to aronve Part) ell of all the expected beaefita ho roants oa la too eoetrl of a aUt I rub party.

aeed oolv aUv himself wta too Coneervtivra oa all lnh Btosaarea to do tola, aaeb aa aldanee woald bo la accord wita tbo past history of the Liberal party, aad woald be exeeedlngly arraternl to tba Tories It would leave tbe Faroe and tbe Ksdieala aompietely ant In 'he cod. for eomblaed, tbey woold ba an lnslrnineaat minority la eonpailoa to their allied oj ptBMite. The pwrtiea and poUticsl jruUee of tbia form of reta latloa la appareat, aad th-r are already Indication that too Geaad Old Maa baa made np bia mind to adopt it. story la current in the darts to Blent tost Gladstone baa tnttmated to nt Salis-bnry williDcoess, in tbo event of a attve success, to rive tbe whole Lbral auength to tba support of tba covers meet oa all reason able measor, la order to prevent tbe nreeeslty of lelding to too ruin ous eoore of placing England aadr Irish fbo Tory phraseology of the ex- Premier's ovsrtnre la captivating ta a Tory No doubt ts aatertaUaed tbat tba Liberal leador'a proposal. If it really has been offered, baa beea are pted.

This woald clearly ex-plate the inward mean lag of taa sodden change of front adopted bat yesterday by the Cons eta afves Af'er tbo Parnelllte manifesto waa lssned last 8anrfls. forbtddiag too east lnr of tbo Homo Kale vote fur tbe Liberal eandida'ea. and aarorlng too lesrae vets for taa Coa-aervatlvea, toe Tory Isaders snddenry loc mock of taa ardor taay aad displayed while eJortitg theaUlaoea. Tbo Gladstoae SaUibory Compact makes all tbia plain. It also engceeta many bar serious r.

fleetlona. Uppermost among theas It taa tbNurb that taia latest GLad-atooian totrigae may tesalt to too ultimate disruption of too whole Irish party, at a separate Parliamentary wleg. If, with i their steady afforta. many aaertfleas aad long ooailaned rood management, the Irish party should gad that eosn-plcte antty, tost-ad of being of aay avail, should result In aothtng bat a solid aocnblo a ion of tbe creat eagilab partiee against tbem, notbing would bo more natural tbaa for them to become dlarou raged over the ioutility and even danger of their orran-saOoo and fall to pi'cea. This ease woald exantly resemble that to which a celebrated eardleal baa likened It.

and which ba advised thocathoilos of too United States to avoid- So long," aald be. "aa yoa rem aia la one political party too other eon sffotd to assail yoa, aad when tba unfriendly party la la power yoor loss will be great. If tba party yoa are allied to should obtaia power it would not dare to make yoor oaoso lta own. If yoa remain a parts by yooranlvee yoa canst barter yoor ioflueace without any eerralnty of obtaining yoor price, aad yoa eannjt act alone without arraying the balance of tbo country aralnet yoa. Tbe only way la to divide yourselves between tbe parties as tba other churches do, aad then yoa will be equally unassailable, TbeSoeetator declar-s that tt has authority for ataiiaa- tbat a LiOoral-Cooarrvatlrs no nerstandiaa on the lines above deaezlbed has ba arrived at, In the diflVrent LIberalotaba great concern la already manifested as to taa future leadership of the party.

Mr. Glads time, la pri-vaecoevereeuoa, admits bia willingness to enter the ao.s Parliament aa the leader of bis bat be Intimates that bo will do ibis mer-ly for the purpose of belptng to place It oa lta feet aa the party of opposition and declares at It la bia desire to retire from public Ufa daring toe session, after oompfoung tbia task. So far as hla expressed preference goes. It would appear that the ex-Premier wishes Lord HarUngton, ex-War Minuter, to aoo-oeed to Tbo Liberal Leadership. Mr.

George Goschen will Join the front beech of the opposition and be loyally attached to lr. Gladstone. Mr. Joseph Caana-berlaln la at preaont under a heavy aloud. Hla nuMadroit management in pushing the olsestabllabmoat queatlocis to the front aariag this campaign and ba denlog toe Liberal party with the weight of tba issue haa brougat apos him the intense ill-will of alt bat the' extremely radical mem bars of the Liberal pert la England.

Both tna Lloeral and Radical aesepapers combine la upbraiding him for tbo result. The sa that if the Liberals are defeated at tbe polls it will be the re-suit of Mr. ChamberLain's work. Tbo Spectator declares that when- Mr. Chamberlain aappoeed taat by dangling the spoils of A freeehutcb," free eduoauon and the prospect of land on easy terms before tbe poorer Classes ef Great Britain he should win their eupport easily in bis po-Uiicai game, bo little understood how profoundly too raaeaee of England were attached to their great traditions.

Condiiaing tno Spec is tor says: The deep-rooted disgust entertained by Engllsh-nieu against revolutionary policies will not aave been expressed la v.iu if tt tamea tba rashness of air. Chamberlain aad Sir Caarlee Diike." So far aa the elections bare already gone tn fcogland, too moderate Liberaia bare preval ea over tbe Kadloaia. In Soot lead, however, tbe Radios! candidates woo wera eomndtced to disestabllshtaent have every-whet a succeeded la getting elected. The majority of the Scotch members of tbe next Parliament will go to London pledged to aobordiuata all other eaa or as of legislation for Scotland daring the session to uie Camroa bill for fllsnstahlisriing the ebmch tn Scotlaud. rha free trade agitation la reviving throughout JButfland.

British traders la nearly ail brenonee of manuf aotura are renewing their com plaints of suffering from tbe effects of the eompeudoa carried on by foreigners under tariff protection. The complainants rdy on Sir Michael Hiose-Beaoh. Chancellor of tna Exchequer, to la trod oca lata Parllameat for their beueftt aome eonipreaeosive bad effioaeloua schema of letaliatory duties. The German sugar refiners have already become alarmed at tne prospect of tne establishment of a system of countervailing nuttes wnioh may bar oat their products from tbo English markets. With the improvement of tba prospects for the continuance uf the Ooueervaavealn power, the chances Increase for a enewal of Biioan aciirity in Egypt, Preparations are already being made on an extensive scale lo both Alexandria and Cairo, under lnetraotlona from the London War Office, tor a new expedition to Dougola to check the advance of the Si shot's saocaaaora.

Tba Indication are that taa proponed expedition will be made sum -lently formidable to effectively protect- tbe Dongola and Nubian frontier from the threatened incur. r-ioo of the hostile armies. At present the ten Hon of the War Ofhea wauid seem to no send oat a force of 6500 men, half Kusliab nd h-lf Egs puan, and to reibforro this my by a Niie ntili com pricing abou 1700 Briilsh and IMM native troape. Tba. river transiortauon service la now- being overhauled, it Is thought, tor the purpose Indica ted.

The expedition. It la battered, will sooa start. Tbo ret-nOoa of aim British Inolaa troops as Saaxlm ts taken as aa taaica't of Lard Sailaburya lateaooa. It be remains la OevrioDment af Its. ebaage tranatarOoea baa taken place ia Loa don within taa ps-t moato.

Tbe nioavhiy aert1maar oaacaaded yesterday waa taa iara-est aoocladed to aba history at London. Tba dealers to Anserhraa aaxmri las ware eumpnllrd to keep toetr rierke at work oanac too waoio of Tharadsy algbt pro-pat io a for tbosettleaieat to-day. aad ao vast wsa taa ansosuat ot boat area ta be dona, taa etearrng-aonaa waa alaaost uaabto to eopa wito It, aad paM gum-aa p-r. day for toe serv-teee of aesiataat eicrks capable HI help-Lnsroat wish the work. Tbe British pabna are now becoming more Interested ta a-or; sprm atioa usa th-v havw at aay trme to ba past flva years.

All too banana of trade also report taweaved boataeaa. Tbo proapeeta la too ablpptag trade are beeoauing mock brighter aad freight rarea are advaaetng. Tae Bruisb is eontempla'ina aa ajaboraco aeaasne for piaems toe mother soon try la etoae aad eonaxaat cavhlecoauna-ateeuoa witb all bar eokan as aad oop.nd-eaeies. Taa eyetaas aader eonstderaaoa tavoJves the em ploy rnent of cables entirely under BritUh eoatrd, except la those easts la which the present Trans-AtlaaUe baes are Bertta baa a sensation of too first order. tbe trtai and eoaietioa of too itoreaeaa Bia Caadace, tea daughter of Maria, too enor.

aad Gnat. Taw warebosa bsa barn preauduBdrfnrteenehrtfasof having swindled Jewaiers, betel koepera and too distes, of large an tna of money noder variona fslsw prateaaea. aba haa Been eonWeted of all the ebargee aad has been seit'rnred etch teen months' taiprtaonxneatt. wiith aa aUawaaea of six saootoa Ur too detention baa already aabitmia ader a previoua senteseM lasa toatiy lafiirted. Mr.

Wilson Bartwt ts eotiaboratoa. wrtb Vr. Sydney Gronday, a fiv aes rrady. The material is tkea from Gre-k authors Athens ia too seeae, and too ttate tbat of Pericles- RtttomX Buehanaa and Hall Csloe are en-ga-d npoo airaaaatlatla of CmtmeTm novel, Ibe Son af Hagar," wetrb ta about to appear tn Harp-rs EUzabaib Pbilp, too popular aoag writer, la dead. The powerful tenor HaUam, of too Alfa Norman Opera Troupe, Is a passenger on too steam -r Auraola, which aalied from Liverpool to-day.

GREAT BRITAIN. "Tbe Election, Lovrxy, Nor. 29 Yesterday closed leaving tbo relative posit tuna ot too parries aa-ehaaswd. Tea counties that have voted do net exhibit each a positive bias aa would justify either side on relying on tbo capture siHaiwioiHwaauuaa. Tbe Goaaerratirea have obtained a eUa-ht lead la tba eousty vote but their ta.Joti'y ta aot sufficient to oaaolo a forecast bo made of next week's vex too when most of tbe ooonues -Id tbetr elections.

Tbe Pall Hall G4Zons analysts of tbo return shows a Conservative a aia of 80 sea's again a Liberal rata ef Ca. but tbetr gala is still lnafnent to give the Con-serratlves a dear majotlry. Tbe Llbersls now elalm to hold 161 seats, seal est ism tor tbo Conservative's as for too Na'iooaiiate and a for the fbdependenta. The Independents awe rtrtanUy Conserva tlvea, Tbo re porta of provtacial ageata to tbo Liberal eoedqaartere eoa'aln a- au tuber of ensn plain's against tow Knight aad moot tne Primrose League for Infractions of the corrupt prentices act. Tbe agents urge tbat the alleged offenders be proaeented without delay.

Prwmtaeat Liberals, bowever. deprecate tvking tesral aettoo, ea tbe ground that suoal a course woald result ia torowlag tbe sympathy of too public oa the aide of toe ladies. Sir Caariee DUxsa accusation aralnst tba laaiee ta Chelsea, af snaking vulgar, ladelt-eata, enladyllka aad lying -tatrateDts aboat him baa raised a storm of Indignation. The i rabinet will mt oa Deo 1 Louis GUI, Pamela se, baa been elected wttboot oppoairioa In the 8 uto nlsion of Louth. Mr.

Bytobda, too watt-hsowa wrttor oa political oooaomy, fa elected in Gates-b-ad. Ia tbe West Division of IsUngbead, Mr. B. E. Cham beti sin.

Liberal, bnrtJharof Joseph barnoerlain. i elected. In 8a tberlaad-h tre the Marqula of Stafford. Liberal, tbo heir of toe Duke of received 1701 votes, and Angora SuthnrlAod, bis opponent, who Is a working erafter, n-eerved loss, Tbe emeeneee of the vote between tbaa a candidates eansxl aaenaation. A.

tUinawerth (Laberal) la retnraMl rha West DIvtatxn of Bradford, aad A. Holaee (Unersl) from the East Division. Bradford returns a solid delegation despite the manifesto leaned by Farneli, and much enrbos'ssm la manifested by Llaerals over toU result. Six thouaaod. flva hundred electors ab-atalned from voting In Cork.

The Liberals were maddened by Vlaoeuat Curaus's, re, victory to the Wyeombe division of Becklabaeoahlre. aad paitrd blm and his wife with mad and otherwiM real mated tbem. Tbe latter escaped by cilmblng a wall lo? to aa rjoiateg yard, bhe lost btr back hair la b-r fllabt. A grand banquet was given to Count Von Monster, late German Ambassador to London; last aight, Tne Marquis of Salisbury and a large number of Danes and Lords eo present, Mr Gladstone left Edinburgh oa tbe evening mall train. A tore alight pro -esslon es-oottedaim to toe dep t.

When tne train raaebed Lackerby moo gathered ar ootid tbe station and lsalsted that tae ex-Premier oodvar a speech. Ha responded to tbe demand fa a plaintive voice, saying That Scot land was doing her duty aonly, and that the English counties were certain to do the same. Aa Objection to PaneU. 1 CORK. Not.

38. An agent of the Conserva-' trves baa lodged ea objection to Mr. Parnei's election because Mr. ParneU is "wrongly described on tbe voting papers as the leader of the Irish people." MEXICO. A Revolution Imminent in Monterey.

Movtebst, Nov. 28. via Galves'on. The State Legislature adjourned on Wedneaday One of lta laat ace waa to give too Governor extraordinary powers and direct aim to maintain the State Government at all aaaards. Gov.

Garcia want to the etty of Mexico two weeks ago to confer with tbe Federal author! tl co. Acting Got. Sepolveda left the city oa Thursday, aad is bow at Villa Garcia, a town oa toe Mexican National Kail way, miles south of tbta city. Ia tba meantime tba etty la being filled with revolutionists aad several large bands of armed maa will arrive wlthla the next forty-eight boors from interior towns. Unices the State Government assert Itself speedily aad enerretieally.

It will be lost. The reroluuoniete are well erojed and ready to light. It la generally believed that they will auoeeed la overtarowing the State authorities anlrss the Federal Government oomes to their aeslstsnoe Tha Anisaea of tha BevoIotioiiLlsts BtTSTAsmrrx, Mexico, Nor. 28, via Galvea-ton. A large band of revolutionists pass-d through this city on rhuraday, going toward Moaterey.

They were Joined here by tne Indiana who attacked tola place aome. two, weeks ago. Jast night. Bells werirlngiug and tne people were sheering over tha good news received from the city of Mexico. Tbo mayor haa received dispatches afr-tntf that tbe Federal Government will place a aum.dent number of troops at the uispoaition of too Governor to enable aim to put down toe rebellion.

NECROLOGY. Bot. Charles Hawley, D. D. ArBCRg, ft Nov.

Bev. Charles Hawley, D. died on Thursday, agid So. He waa one ot tbe most prominent maa to the Presby terian church. Bot.

John H. Honour. ChasxebTub, Not. 98. Bev.

John H. Honour died oa Tharadsy in his 83d year. He waa a member of too Ooeasioo Convention, in I860, an one of the most eminent Masons In too State. Prince Friedrleb rffieuatrk, Copxkhag kts, Not 24. PxiBoe brother of King Chris Uan, of Denmark, is MARITIME.

Tbo Bdaaoasley Ashore Near Hampton New Yobk, Not-38 A report comes by way of Gaivestoa that the steamer fcd mo as-lay, ea route from walveston for Liverpool, la sue Bear Hampton Kiads. She Is an Iron veaext of -980 tone and baa a cargo of oot ton. oil oake and flour. It is impossible to lnara farther particulars, as tba telegraph office at Hanptoa Beads Is closed. Piatos Cheap.

Philip Wertetn, 135 Canal street, is aeiling first-class pianos as extraordinarily law prior and on terms of long credit and easy montniy payment, BTetter Inducements than tnese no maa eaa offer, rhe stuck at Werieln'a i positively immense, and represents the i maters known to the musical world. Ca 1 eariy 1 James Ql Kandall, wno wrdte My-Maryland" when ae waa twenty wo, is about to publish bis first eolleoUon of poems. -r AX AEiLISnCE. Hostilities Suspended ia the Balkans. Austria Calls a Halt Prince Aktasdrri Eoaor Saved aad bis Unitary Bepa-tatioa Asaored Firoc Captared by the HaigariajBS After a Desperate Engage- Tba "freaiy of Peace to bo Signed at Vienna.

Loxixht. Nov. 28. A dispateb from Peatb aaya that the Emperor Fraaeta Joseph will re torn to Yienca from adagio on Wednesday. The Emperor baa expressed his belief that a treaty of peace betweea Balaarla and Berrta will be signed before next Tueaday at Vienna, Tha dispateh aaya that Prince Alexander wlU elazaa a portioa of Srviaa territory, extend lag from too boundary lino to Xtsesv nolea too powers reeosniae the nnloa of Bo Is aria and BoasacJia.

Tha tloVs Gosstaattnepla dispareb aaya Semaand Bolaartahava agreed to aa ar-antsaee oa toe mediation of Turkey, Aostrta Comptilsory Sctiito in tbe Serviaa Army. Locoox, Nov. is The Serriaa Oovera-raenf ass eaiiea upon every ansa la Nia-andr pant of bring snot, pr-rrido bim self wua threo daye raUona aad prepara tw defend Pirot axo osa- ISOS Serviaa troopa are disabled ana tne army ta suilea. Aa a Ut resource, ool- Hervatorttch. the BVrvtsa MiataceTatos.

Prtersoura, wbo 1 aa alu aaa hft tbat etty a take esnawso ef tbe srtn loreea. la te-baottaata ot navd atata clleetlve telearam to frxu.e Alxed-r, nrgug aim to troiitieue the a ar wita eVrrls. Tbe Battle of Ptrot. Sofia, Not. SA iietrta from Prince AW-xaajdera aeaoqoarteis at tbe front ata taat thtt BoJganaJts eoatiaee tne forward movement, a aevere basila wsa fousht at which tae Bulgaria aa forced tha Serviaaato retire at taw pouts of thobay-oeet, abd captured that town.

The town occupied by toe force of Bul-gatiaaa stod a portion of Prince Aiexan-Wa army baa aavaaced several kilometers beyond too town. Prince Alexandera Term. VfjEsvA. Not. 33.

It ts atated that Prlaeo AJxaader is wluiax to great aa armistice If ServLa wttadraws her ro ps from Widdln aaa paya aa iadmutty of aooo.OM The Tsrluth Force at Satonlca. 8 a Los lea, Mot. 28- Tae Turkish war prep-srsuoks oonaaao oa a larco acae- Seventy thousand troopa, MUO b-rsr Sfad 180 oannoa aave been landed at this poit during the past fe daa. fbo Turks are confident of bm able to repel a ataxia attack by either Greece or aervla, era combined attack oy both. Turkish troops are being massed tn.

the Tlotal'y of Noi Bazar. Tbe Porte bsa teicgraphed to Prince Alexander aaaing bim to top too advance of the Bulgarian army in Servia. A Sortie from Wlddin. ViEirjcx. Nov.

23. Diapatchea received bee atata that the Bulgarian garrt-oa at Widdiu made a sot tie but waa lepul-ed after desperate lighting, tn which many bayeaeta were croaaea aad baud to band siruggiea oe-eutred. The alanghtor waa heavy on both An ArmUtice Agreed LojfDOH, Nov. as. a dispatch from Bel-graae Bays that aa armintiee between brrvia and Bulgaria was concluded at 330 o'eioea this afternoon.

Tha eeasatota of hostilities was brooxbt about by too efforts of toe Aostro Hungarian Knvoy Exteaordtnary and Minister Flanlpo-ten'tary at Brlgrade. Ad vtoee roiu wtta state that too armistioe between Bulgaria and Serna waa only aw-eladed atier the A us ten Hangarisa Mialater to derna bad com tied Piinoe Atrxaader that it too Bula-arlana advanced aautber kilometer, Austrian roops would cross toe froa-tb-raod Oaht the Bulgarians. rha Miai.ter added that toe eapbnro of Pirot had saved Prtnoe Alex nder military honor and assured hla reputation. THE SPAXISfl CKISIS. The Pope's Power The Success of toe Garlifft Dependent on tha Will of the Vatican.

Tbo Queen Mother's Counsel -Tbo Now Premier Urged to Adopt a Policy of Moderation. Tba Puneral Cortege. Mad kid, Nov. 23. The street were toronjeed at daybreak yesterday, although toe funeral procession did net leave El Pardo until 11 A.

M. Nobles carrying toiehea encircled too bearse. The people knelt, sobbing while toe hearse passed. celebrated, eboay mourniag coach of tbe time of uan a Le Concha waa at tbe end of the procession. The palace waa thrown open and waa thronged with visitors all day.

Tbe sad procession from 1 Panda to Madrid waa made under a flood of gionoua sunlight, and the weather was delightful Ills estimated that toe multitude numbered at least 80,000. Tire royal family have settled themselves at tne paiaoe. Tba Qoeen-MotHer Counsels Moderation. Madrid, Not. 27.

The govern mnt denies the reported nprisioga la the north. Quern Christina, in an Interview with her desire that his policy be one of moderation, rataer taaa of repre-sioa. aad aaid sne wished to appeal to too chivalry of tbe people In defense of the crown of ht-r daughter. As so in aa tbe new Ministry Is sworn, tne Cortes will bo convoked to proclaim Mercedes Queen and to ratify tha regency of hrUttna Anxiety Regarding the Action of tba Vatican. Madrid, Nov 2s.

Great anxiety fa" expressed with re art to the attitude of the Vattcao in the present enst. The Fope will undoubtedly have great influence over the political aituation, and If too Vatleaa favors a regency and tha Crowning of Met codas, the Carlist movement will eoma to naught Don Carlos Interviewed. LoirDoa, Nor. 28 An interview with Don Carloa la published, to day. In which the Spautah Pretender aaya he will remain quiet au long aa Spain ts trasqatl.

oat will luter-vene to defend tbe Monarchy, If Anarchists or pablicaus thrraten It. Don Carlos expressed the conviction tbat the regency would bo unable long to preserve oroer In Spain. He reserved tw himself the right to intervene at too proper moment and restore order. He said that be would not hesitate to resort to a civil war if each action were noerasary to Spain's welfare. The Times, apeaklug of Spanish affalra, sa If Spanish statesmen neglect the chance to improve Spain' foreign policy, dart days are coming for Spain.

A State of Siege la CastUle. Madrid, Nov. 28. a state of siege baa been- declared in Old Caatlle, forming tbe present Provinces ot Burgos. Valiadolid, Valencia, A villa, Segovia, aorta, Logrono and dantauder.

Ic Is reported tbat agents with Important papers have arrived la Northwee era a a Messagea of Condolence. Madrid, Nov. 03. The King of Portagal 'aaya to a telegram of condolence, to the Queen -1 have lost the best orotaer I had-M Prlneo Bi-marofc visited tbe Spanisb Env bassy in Berlin and presented hla condolence. It ia feared that the Bagasta Cabinet will npaet th aroliaes Tba Archdukes Euseoa and Frederick, of Austria, have stafted from Vienna fur Madi id to attend toe mural oa behalf of the Emperor.

King Alfonso's life was In sored lor Klog Hautiert, of Italy, has sent two Atda-ue-eauip to represent him at tha funeral of tha lata Kin Alfooso. a Baa-aaaaaaaBaaaaaaMBBaaaaaBBaBBH A lady and a geotleruan recently ought duel with In too vicinity of Warsaw. Shots wete exchanged, bat ooth missed their aim. Tbe gentleman then offered an apology, which was accepted. Ireland is making an effort to' regain her old fame aa an eg producing country, a poultry farm.

haa been established in county Meatb and stocked with tbe' oudau fowl and Uou-n dock, and the eottas-era In the nelghbitrhood have keen encouraged to raise poultry by the gift of setting egs, to waich is attached the condition tuatone half tae bro.Nt la to be return i to tbe farm. Tna experiment haa ao far worV-rd well. Tbe painted rock ot bau Is ifio f.ct high, and color paloUngs In a good tloa that are tuootrn. to I dians. There are two rook, one at Its bae and i ei.

up. and In each of tl aiilmalA county, many vs. KtT Of WASIUNGTON. Presrare Upon the" President Tha Jonrnay to Indianapolis Almost Abandoned. Tho Presidency Pro Tempore Pears that the Selection may ta ilada in Oaticui, Attltade af Prominent Carreasmea TJp- aa tbo Division of tbo Appropriation Bills.

Washikgtox, tSpeclal.J Tbo prceure apoa toe Presklent from all quart era to Induce htm to forego bis purpose of going oat to IadlaaanoUa. la so treat that it is now reported that be la hesitating abont making ton journey. Hla Ufa ts tba only one that stands betweea law and order on tbe one haiid. aad anarchy on tba other. Got.

Coxtta said today, tbat toe PresJ-dert'a Ufa belonged to toe people, aad tbat he had bo right axpoan it. Ia addition to too consideration already dineed, tt la suggested that at tois time, Coaavoa being about to meet, it is very de-atrabia or toe teadiag members to have rul opportunity ta intercbanaa views wito tha Prestdeot before the meeung. The general impression t4ayls tbat the Republican senatora will aot be capable ot rialac to any pttea of msansnioalty or patn-o loss, tn srieeuag the Preeideot pro em-. Imu will etrrre to take all tbo party advan-taaa they eaa not of 1 1 Luaan aeema to be toomfng np for tbe post- loa. The New York Tribune stronaiy supporta htm, and It 1- quite Indignant taat toe New.

York Timee should aay a word ia favor af eieoiag a Tba danger ta taat tue eCe publican Benatora may au ro into caucus. Ia aneb a case too perry la-h would ba laid on, and tbe election of a Republican aa President pro tern mads a party ablbooie-h. The Idea ot turning over the majority of the appropriation bula to different committees is not new It baa beea discussed at lencih in ton House ot Representatives, a similar oroooalUiaa waa made in the Senate In last. It wan opposed by Senator Beck' I wno quoted Garfield's apeecn in tna nwua ot Beprvaentauves), Ivdmunda, Bayard and Morriil. It waa wieely iJwted.

Mr. -Beck, to tha deoate, covered tbo ground. He aald It Is the duty of theae oomnuttees to frame such laws aa ia taelr Judgment will best promote too Interests of their respective departments, and when they do attend to that well, tbey find a good deal uf work to do. But If they are to make toe pproiriailoaa also to carry oat tae lawa toe frame, then there is no supervision over their acts by any other body of men la toe Senate. I lasist tbat it ta bm wise legislation to vest any committee witb absolute powers as to ton lawa aenoassry and at the same tiute aa to tha amount of money aeoea-aary to carry those lawa Into effect." Ha adued wnat Uaccuratrly true: "To distriba-e tne appropriation bills among too eumaiUteea la a govt way to get money oat of toe treasury; there la no doaot aboat sir.

Beck quoted from Gen. Garfield's apeeeh on aa wocaaioa waen it, aa bow, waa proposed to dtstribate the oiiia in tha boost. Gen. Garfield said then Now, fdr. Chavr-man.

it in a fact wikbin the experience ot every member who baa beea aero long, tbat the Committee oa A propria ious alwaya rinds itself ooafroated wito a demand from each of the oomautteea having a special anaject In ebarga for iargar appropriations than toe Uummittee on Appropria uoua to inks anould be tnaoe. Ihra never was a time within my Traowl, odaa. alnco 1 have been here, waen taa Committee oa Military Affairs did not resist the tendency of too Committee on Appropriatioua to cat down too appropriations for tne army. Tae Cow-mtttew sa A aval Affalra Baa alwaya bea found resisting tha redoeiioa of too naval appropriation OliL For tbia ressoa. I say taat if each of tseae several committees bad charge of getrag ap the appropriation Bills on these seveiai auoiecta, taa aatoaat ot the btila would oa Tory heavy.

Tbey woajd outgrow tae graep or tba House aud there womd aa au unity in too appropriation of jpobUo money. He also quoted frum Mr. rfsatlaTl, who Sam Mr. Chajrman, what I wisa to Bay ia tbia: TBat ywa nadertaae to divide all tanas approfriaUona asat Bava many on mttteee waera taera ought to bo oue, you will eater npoa a patb of extravaganre ot which sou cannot foresee the iangtoorto depta until we wui nnd toe treasury of too country Tbo aew York Herald is strongly against tbe plan of distrioating toe appropiiation billa and tajs it is a pat job of too Joboera. iheeiiy is quiet ana oompamuvely few nu-mbera of Coagraao Bava ai rived.

Amoag too visitors bera la ox-Senator Stevenawa, of Kentucky, who ia in excellent bOaita. The Balvatloa Army hsve made a rather fecbie raid -a Waaaiugtua. Their military operations are about as suooeaaXui aaPziaoo Milan's in salon of Boigaria, Gwn-N. H. Uarna.

of Vicksbnrr. waa appointed to day Register of ta Ofhee at Anerdoen, Hanoi Territory, Kotos from the National Capital. WASHUiOToa, Not. 28. The t3eoretary of tha Interior has Oecidea that a patent ia not formally Issued beyond recall natli It baa been ae'ivrred to the patentee.

Tna Untied Slaves Supreme Court will meet oa Monday and adjourn over an til rhorsday witooat trwaacttng aay bustaaaa. Jnsucea Matthews and Biaccnfd will n-preoent the ouurt at the funorai of tbo Vice Preatdeat, Special Indian Inspector Armstrong re-por a to the Interior Depot uneot taat everything ts at tbe Cheyenne Ageaoy oa too Rosebud River. Thia is taa point where trouble was threatened tbrougb the insubordination of a ma ber of Indiana, wno baa quitted taa agency without permission of the aet. THE RIVER. Batotj Saba, Not.

i iSpeciaL Weather CM'Uo aau coo. No deiX u.e- lr ft Orleana to-day. Up Paoa U. Brown, tcao A M. Natcbkz.

28. SpedsiJ River 21 feet 5 Inches and falling. Up: Helena last night. Down: White, midnight, with 2000 bales and 2800 sacks. Vickbbokq, Nov.

28 (Special.) The river fell Is inches, with 19 feet on tbe erasure. Light rata last algbt and to-day. Richardson np at hfu, Annie P. Silver np at bob. Belle Memphis for St.

Louis at 11 A. M. Tbo Helena passed ap at P. M. Tba Paris Brown is ovr dan tram New Orleaas; she a-0ts fiOO bbls.

of oil and 30 tons or junk b-ra. Mavlgatina la almost suspended tn tha Upper and Tallahatchie, owing to tow water. HasUUstum, MlasNov. 27 To J. B.

Woods, Agent, 1M Common street: Anchor Line steamer city of St. Louis will arrive Saturday nia-ht aad leave tor St. Louie, Wedneaday, Dee. at 6 P. M.

Dah able. Master. VicnaBCBO, Nov. 28. River 19 feet a fall of foot 1 lncbee.

Up Siivtr, Belle Mempnle and Richard -ton. at CMP Hla, Aov 27 To Wui. R. Friable. 62 Carondelet street: Hayea learra anout midnight.

Added 1100 bales on 99. C.M.E8FT. Mekthis, Not. 37. At P.

tne riTer la is fees lncbee and felling. Weataar cloudy and cool. Caibo. Not. 28.

Arrived: D. K. Poweu troui ot. Louia at 10 P. Onlo from On-clanatl at 3 P.

W. C. Simmons at P. M. Departed D.

K. Powell to Vtokaourg at 1 P. M-, City ot New Orleana to dew Orleana at 2 A. M. EVAJtsvrxxK, Not.

as. Bfver rtsinar. 9 leet tohcs on toe gauge. I nenno meter to 4S. Barometer 29.

The Tom daer-loek passed np at The Cherry left for Na-hvilte at P. M. CiacissATi. 28. RiTer IS feat 4 Inches aod its lug slowly.

Weather fair and Deuarud: Granite Slate, to Memphis: P. Schanek, to New Orleans. WHKBUKO. Not.

28 River 8 feet inches and falling. Departed: Louis A. Bhertey, to ttnclnnaU. at 3 P. ML Locala on time.

Weather clear and eold. THE PASSES. "pobt Bads. "Not. 28, p.

M. Wind north. ligtlt Tne French steamship Dopny de Lome Capt Coup, from Antwerp -via Havre an( Bordeaux, p'cviouaiy rer.rrd ashore to the wetwaid ot aoutb Pass, floated last nlebt and passed up at SttO this tnomlug for tha British steamship Cannona, bennd for Liverpool, which haa beea agroupd on a mud tomp during tha past week, got erf 8 o'clock last night, and Is -now reloadina coal roz the liotera that were sent to her by agents, De Wolff Hammond. Arrived At ao P. xieaa steamship Fatebaa de Antuuano, Car ui.

tna, master, from Vara Cms via Toxpaa and Tamplco, to A. York. Spanish steamer Ponce de Leon from Barcelona via Haraua to Avendano Brna Sailed etearoshipa Glen Marvis. for Sebas. toool Ctty of Dailaa and 8.

O'ert, tor Belize; New Orleana and Excelsior tor New YOtkO. Portiere Curtains just received a new aad beautiful line at low prices at A. Broaa-tuaa'a bun's, 23 and 23 street. -rrr, I 1 K9TAL Ji Absol utely Pure. This nowder nea ar varies Aaaarvelef sstHt ii.ii.ti, tMl )i ill, wiiiii, tf aia hi.

i.i 1 than tiMordiaay kiad-s aad eaa set ba aotd la eompetttma aniu ae mui'aw aaar aewol alam ar pkaanliH pavsni Soid ft wm- KOTAL HAXDK POWBCt 4X1, la Wall atreet, K. V. nia 1 asaawTaVf-ly CARRIAGES. Brewster OF- BROOUE Broaiay, 47th lo 48th sk, ML Tie Lsain -Acna, TTi would rail the Attention of pnjers to the repntntion itiaJntailnedfortheprodoctlona of our house for orer a fjnar- terof century. Tf build eTery Tnrlety of nleftsnre rehlcle for town and country nse9 and keep ajwajs oa hand a complete assort-- menta Correspondence Solicited zr.i awa i i aaa aa aTaVt aV5 asaa as.

spavjaaa CT I wa urctrviiiuo tuiu uuuiaics al- nished when Desired. AZOTE IS Cra CWiLACI CIIUSHEL m2S3weed EPITHELIODA! OB SKIN fANCTgg. Tor seven years I sndared wttn aeaaeer en my fees. A II tbe simple eeaedies were sppliel auanaae Me pain, wt on aiata ooa'iauea row. naauy exonnios; wa sav o-w irasm bich oama aylswsh dlscharae very oaensts uehsrsetsr.

it was aJo Is darned, aanored bm a groat eaaL. Abowtaigbt ssar tbsags 1 was in Atiaata, at tba son- a frieavl, wbo to strongiv rseenuDentted tbsnaeof wilt's Spo. etna taat 1 aetermiae-1 ta make aa effort to procure it. la tbi I wa- aad brsrsn its nas. Tbe laflneaee of the me icins at brat was toaoasewbat aasrs vaa tba asrs; but sooa tits laflamaiauoa was aliaf ed, an 1 becaa ts im prove alter tne nt row ootuea aiy geasrai health baa greatly lnrpravcd I am "troairer, aad aaa able do an kind at work.

Tbeeaaeer oa say faeo beapaa ta deerssst aad tbe moar ts beat, natll tbsre is aot a vwstig of it let t-saly a little sear csarfca taeplaos aberai' bad beea. I am ready ta answer all quesus re'anra ta this cure. Mia JOICifc A. McDONAXiD. Atlanta.

UA, Aug. il, lnSa. I aave bad aesneer aa wjyfaoefoi sow vaars. exteadina rom om cheek boaa across tba noes to tne other It bas glvB aae a great deal wf pain, at tunes naming aad Itching ta aarA aa extent tbat it was at seat nabearable. I eom.

aenced nlBr tt's erwcifjo in afar. '5- aad have need eirht b-tiles. It baa tha greatest reUef by reaaoviBg tha tnAsauaatioa aaa reatiwina my gsnarsa neaita- KnoxvUle. Iowa, aept. 188ft.

Foraaanv vesrs I was a sufferer wlti cancer af the aose. ad havina been eared by the ns of I feel eoas-raia. bv a aeaasof dntv to anlferiag hnasaaity to stake thia sa' sweat of my ease nil tae 'oarteentn btt tbecsncer began to heal iaaaiy aad a an disappear d. al lor several sMmtha there has bsn as ac pear a ace of asora of any kind on say aoasor face, aeitfcer Is my nose ait tender te tae tones- have tk en abaat two doto bottler a. a.

an 4 ata soundly cured, and I know tbat 8. bv. K. effeiteditteenr. axtej orexy known remedy wis tried and had failed KOBFKT BMiDTiHY.

tVwtOalaea. rta Vav 1 laRS. had beard af tha veanderfal cares ef Swtfrs SpeuUle and resolved to try it. I eommeneM taking It in My general heaiA was mnch Improved, yvt the cancer which was inm breaat-reatia ted to grow alaob bntsure-lr. The bone grew aou beeasts quits bearr.

I tbat I maat rithet bave is eat cia. But it eommeaOKd discharfina; quanuuea of absoal oiaica. vaica oioua conunnea nesiing srou: the edges until February, wh-n wasbtini.y heskd spend well. BaT8 WoOD. Oochesett, Plymonth Co a) aaa, sly 13, lor 5.

wtft'a -pacifi la eetnr-ljr aeirstable sod seeiaa to euracaseei say foreing out tba iapo-irva from the b'ood. Pmarinn RImI sad' ftkia TMaaaaaa mailed free thb swnrr specific Co Prawer 2, AtlADta, N. 2xd street. S5 YEARS-'IN' USE. Tha Greatest Medieftl Trinmpa of fhB Ajsl SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER.

Laseaf appetite Eewela costive, Pala is tha bead, with at dull Boaaatloa la thS back part, Pain wader tha sbenlaer blade Pallaaaa after earing-, witb adis taoliaatisn ta exertion sf bodrorralBd. Irritability ef temper, Low spirits, wita a feeling af baTiag neglected eoma darr Weaxineaa lxzincaa. Fluttering at tha lieaxt. Jiata before tbo eyes. Headache aver taw rlcbc eye.

Ziteatlessness with atXal dreams, Hivhly colored Lriae, aad COM STIPATIO M. IlilTS PIXXS are especially adapted to such cases one dose effects such a cbnn tre of feelin as to aatonis tbe sunerer. Tbey Inerease tbe esuaeths body to Take om KleaU, tbna tbo ayatem is nawrisb.eH.and by their Toio AcUoaoa tbe lieati re Orana, It earular too 1 progtij-J. Prife 4 4 Mcrray jvV TUTT'S EXTRI8T SiinSJLPiir.ILLA Benovatas tbe body, makes bealtby neso, -Btrensthens the vreak, repairs the wastes of the system with pure blood and hard muscle; tones the nervous system, invigorates the brain, and imnarte tha vigor of manhood. 81.

KoM by dntssrfsts. -OfFICE 44 Murray New Torlta DP A CPJFCQ ta aad Cl'KJ. tHr 1 COOb oee who wssdeat tweatv. igbtyeara. freate.i bv moat of tbe noted pecuiliata of ths day witb no beaeflt Cwe id 'hi man tli and sinoe he a husdreiia of el hero bv aa we proceaS A p'aia.

stiupie and anocesf ul home troaUnst. Adareas T. B. PAGK, lab East Sth et. hv Yst City.

n21-aXoWe8t8at av a. a a ww -wT CLT XT A 't pn 0 1 La.r 11.

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