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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

00 1 THE DAILY PICAYUNE NEW ORLEANS, MONDAY, JULY-22, 1889. SOje B1CHOLAOX etc cxx. rKorairroEs. tm. j.

xiczauax. 6X0. XICHDLSas f1- THE PICAYUNE Bm tU Urrat Circulation to th jr-. Boixili'wrewt TXUU OF MCBACJUJTiaX. DAXLY.

rwetrw Meats $33 00 eo aoo SO WUtlT. Stx Mi 7 IUBDAT flCATC Twttrm BT MAIL, trx 00 oo 14TT mm, b. w. 1 1 JSOWDAT KOKXrXO. JTX.T 33.


jaiy a-ix taeisBttens to- 'Tot Georgia. Florti aad ilt: Chew-on; ae uiM (tMK ta temperature; Tsxlable wlnda Po Mla1stnpt ft rrtnnT end Ixmtataaa: Bkan; wtlma4klcsteairar; Till- able wrads. rtrZMUra Taiaa: Fmlr; eenttnaed nigh. Iwipiriteti Motfirty wiada. rvr Immum aad Keetneky: Pair, let-tewod A th mwi portioa by Umn; variable wlads.

win be ae material enang in stage of Wtr river. OUE fIClYDfiES, i- AYoluBteer ljirUi hard-op nul-. km wits fool for clients. The wooden jwrtawtl keeps np won-deriBDy well whoa the wUr row under tae blocks. The gTaeaaoppers are having great timMtkiimm.

Hope are given at all the lUMr resorts. The ere wile lUck, bb -well ee the rolling stock some of tho oily itml rBjlrBBBB IS BDOUt WOm OB. FibbUB aewspepex to be atarted at Boughtoa, Mich. It should never COB tinned StTy. 'A.

wit xean bbb All (bbQ offioe Bnd lean nothing ef aiaeharaeter; balwhw BmIl BIBB attempt tO fill big oCQOB Louise. lie may drive them te death, bat the WmI End dtetsrber of harmeay can bvbtbt drive people to dnBk with the lo of need ergaaa. The Concord school of philosophy haa ocsood to exist, The saplla all waatd to ao prBfooBon aad tho porpoao got loot ia tho fib orar tho motaod. If bo railroBda aro oxpeatiroly trooblod la MiMlaaippl thoy "ill obarco it np to tbo froight aocoBBt aad mako Miaciasippi peoplo pay tbo difforonee. Ho twiaa aro borm la 8 alt Lako City BBlOBf tao Motbbob fanilioB.

Thooo yOOpiO hBTB BO BtBOy faoilitiOB for ia- czBaatag that thr no aecewity for wina. BTorythlag la at aixeo and aereaa -whoa lriah pbaoIUU of Vow Tork aeok Britiah protoetioa ia Caaada af ainat BXToat by Ualtod SUtea asaio rnia aa thaaitieB, Tho world hao boea adriod to koop BBoyo oo BoBlaacor; bat it hao aot boos decided whooo oyo ia to bo kopt. If il'ia to boo hiat boeome a great maa Blaaa otb will do. It. io otraago taat braos baod player aro sever aaa track.

They will march aad blow ob the hottoat days and sar- It. BmmUbm obo Blntost mnrman Bf the wayeof ProTldoaeo. OoBorai E. Bard' Grabb'ia adistio gaiahod militia maa of Philadelphia. AJtoeogh Bard Orabb ia a great parade soldier ho ia oo mild ia manner that ho 'wouldn't hart a eaaary bird.

Some iBtoUigoat people ia Weat Yir giaia report that they hare aoea a gaoot there that smokeo oigarettea. It ia probably yeoag cigarette amoker who baa anade ghoat of hiameelf throagb amok lax. JL prisoner in a Kentaeky jail attempted aajcide by aatiag two daze a pieeoaof blottiag paper. Ho tnado a groat mia- Bake. No man oaa blot himeelf oat of oxistenee in any aaoh atauooory man- XharBare no poutioiaaa in heavan.

If there had boon the atreets woald nerer Bbto boea poTod with gold. TBoy weald have ran ia braoa bloeka on the ontraeTand fixed it with the sarreyer at cold pneea. There is a natural reason why tho dadeeof eoeiety took aneh an intoreet in tho prue fight, and gare their atton tiom and eompiimento and Talaable ib- flaonoo nod eoeiety to tbo fighters. Prise fighting ia English, dontoher knowf Tho czar has eappreeoed the Lnthoran ohrireh in hia domaiaii. There wore throe yeara ago abeat 8,000,000 members of this body ia the Baaefaa.

mostly in the Baltio proTlnoee. Gormaay will wak ap after a time aad giro the czar diet of orma for hia eenatitatioa. la Bttzaetiog alraagars to an inland vateriac plaoe. the analyaia of tho apriaga water made by a dried xrp drag gist, no longer coos. Tbo stranger waste to know what he ean hare for breakfast aad dinner.

Ho wants peace. good eating, no mosquitoes and no brass ri'lB Johnson, elty attorney of Dal-las. Ih his addreae before tbo labor aaid that he had come op from the plow handles to his present position. Tho averace city attorney might declare trothfolly that plow handloa are abore hinv. Progrsaa goes backward whan an hoaeat farmer self -makee himself into a email lawyer.

KeT: Joseph TL Twiehell of Hartford won't be D. D. ed by Williams CoUsge. He declines to giro nis reasoas. saying, "it is eaengh the they are well known to myself; that they are deliberate, aad that they are compulsory." Mr.

Twitehell anjatelligant man and haa no nee for nseless titles, Divinity ia something that ahoald not bo trifled 'with, and no high aehool, academy or college ahoald assame to make divine doctors. The "man who occupies the highest ofttc 'thln the gift of the American poor' keeping the signal office at the smit of Pike's Peak, isg tis anmmer resort he says "Some times I stand at the window with ay Heleeoope. wind withoat is keen and cutting as a knife. I oaa see tho houses in! Colorado Springs, twenty miles away; the rial tors sitting in their ahirt sleeve, sipoiag iced drinks to1 kp cool, and ladies walking a boat in vr hue summer rosea, I lower the glass tbe aaoamer sceao is goae.v Green trees, animal life, men and women fade away like creature in a dream, and I am the only liviag thlag in the world of Sternal Us I uow asd ni csia is i sihid uwia An interesting OBestioa ia regard to negro labor la tho ability of the colored maa to bananas an expert or adept i evfm aad catlianreaniriag skill. Tho negro playa eo small a part in the labor ay a tern of tho Northers 8tatee that so information of velae can bo obtained there.

Ia fast aegroea woald not be permit ted to work at tao higher tradea ia the Northern Stat and they are exeladsd from meet avenue of una killed labor aa weD. It ia ia the Sonth. wners every ealiiag ia opea to the negro, that ia- fonaatioa oa this anbjeet moat be sought. Here, ia New Orleans, where anaay of tho building trade are largely carried on by oegre mechanic, wo ean gain many iatereatiag particulars. Wo find them namereaaly eagaged as briei- layera, plasterers' and paiatera and do ing good work.

Tho haad-akiU capacity olthe race ia fairly arood. and ia all work that ia based en a regular sys tem of routine the negro is able to make good attainment. When. however, ladzment. discretion, eal- caiatieB and tho management of BBoxpootod condition come ia for consideration, the negro displays his inferiority.

He ean larn to do well routine sarpentry, bat aa a skilled joiaer he is net a success. Ho oan work areoad and with machinery, bat he ahoald aot have tho ears of it for he is deSeieat in tbo capacity for regulating it. while his babitasi inc providence prompts him to neglect what require constant aad aytematie attention. Tho negroee do good work ia aaw mills and roliiag nulla nnser white foremen, bat they are toe eerelees to be left ia charge of oomplieated maebin. There are maajr good routine blacksmiths aad ahoemakers, bat they work aa they have learned, with no talent for origi- lity or disposition to make intelli gent improvement.

In thie connection we take the liberty of making largo drafts upon tho Chattanooga Trad maa, wnioh haa gone to the trouble aad paias to gainer testimony from a large number of Southern manufactarers, miners aad mill owners on the value of the negro as a skiilad laborer. Th Tradesman covers in its information which ia in tho form of replies to question propounded to Soath- ern employers of large aumDera oi wageworkers, abeat 7000. more or lees. skilled negro laborers. We quote from tho Trademaa'a correepondeat.

Here are repliee from iroa producers Alabama Iroa Mills and Mia lag We And tao bt ier. beta common aad eklUod, qoaily efBotoat la ruxaaee aad amlU lbr. xp la see Bicaer bfaaea of akillcd labo. wr prefer wait. Ira atlll ia i wanaa watte labor aad mc tMoi ua.

Coal atiaUtf Wo nad a aocre te bee god Bead if prprly trlad aad bandied, aad waid atei prefer ta agr ta waue laberef aoatb, or tao rougher lemoas at foreign labor often foand la tao aorieara tt. hlK ta negro 1 adapted to ta elimst of oata. Georgia Iroa BtUU pay taem th earn eax a white work sea. Had that for trilled war, an white maa sa pnr. Bat tut eomoioa labor, lae negro la.

aa a ral. ta hoal Imp Iran Mill Eatolor mosUv ao- gr labar. aboai taree-fouria skilled, soeh a paddiiaa. areatiag, twUiag, tu bi-anee ar eamsaoo. LtnaM labor reel II par dav: akiua naer labor will average tm sa pa day.

Oolwrad aaateracaa mas aa aa aad over per day, and paddiar I HU. uiaia la eoauaae eaaploy (a aajorUy of oolorad nsea la ear works. lahlBg votBig late eonaideratlen l( i alMcauter tao beat and mol rellaoia laser wa aava. Taaaeeaee Iroa Mnls employ many thousand el aegre laborers la the vaneo eapaciiiea. Th great majority of them have beaa oamnoo laborer.

jt mach area af tba worm baa raaaired a eanaia akllL Wav aplord aaa UU emply taam at ia blast Xarnaae, a bee aad bot tom fliter. eaeibooee ataa. ataclra maa aad us ta yard alaa for radlsg aad loadiac Iron; oa th railraad, io aa tloa baedK aad la aor coal aad Ireo mines, a nmlaara. tlpaora sod teaoaaiar. We aara aio employe taam la foaudrlee and bop aa cupel tender.

eaiaer aaa eirwie. We make ae dinero whatever la the was Pld la anv oecupauoa becaaa of eeior. If a alord aaa a 1 able ta ta worm which i required from him. he i paid ta aaa aa a wait maa woald oa for ta aasse labor. Th ooaation to relative decrae of efficiency 1 raiaar alffl alt to aawor.

bat we waaid feel ear I aeriBg taat any rejaaed dear ot aaatei dteiaaev oa (aa oortof the olred laborer ia more taaa aSaet by tne area tar degree phyueai miacy. Xher ar oaioecupa- tlooa, pnliy aba at the hlaat furnaee. wbua a wait maa ia tm not eunate eoaid aet dlaeharge aa emcieaur a ta colored maa. we aolatend to eoatlane tneeMptev meat olord men. aa we Aad I era to I a arenaral way ebedteat aad reliable for thefaltafol leharga dailee waih 11 within a limited aeopc The following aro from Virginia iron producer We flad negroee equally aa fneienl aa white Ml nail oluiae to eaipioy them.

Oar negro lauor may be eailod "com a a. but we advene them to poauioa payiag a macB aa tJ par day. 1 11 A a taem aa laborer aad prepv to eanUan nullaiag them. We flad taam la ovary way aa good whites aaaU cuatlaae toameior tbau. Wa sreatiy praier aagraoa fr aoaie work aad aaaU ooauaoe to aaa play taem.

Ta negro 1 abeat aa good aa ta white In nearly all ot the work. We prefer wait labor aa it la a little more reliable ia tale aeo- tioa. We will otlea to employ alacka la aeoai tao aamo rauo aa aow, Here is the testimony of the limber mill men: Alabama We find negro la overy way equally aeeffleteata waitea. ae talak taare la aa eoaapartaoa be tween wum aaa niaex laoor, while labor 1 ta beat, bat we will eoailaue io employ piaciaa tor ooamHaa unr. Wo nad eoaimoa aocr labor In every way oaai to Maati woite labor.

eaw Mill The sapsrlateadent ear taai taey Tt irom log to lis naaroaa empieyeo. aooat io axiuca warsmaa. In eompanaea with waite, tn aegro We employ fifty aearoaa. all aemnioa. aad pay tl 25 per day.

Wo flad Decree at leaat io per cent eetier hum waiteeaamea labor. A Florida mill which employs 200 ne groee reports: Skilled labor at mnoh to be daneadad Comaoa labor aiah batter by Bear than oy waitae: la I act. taare 1 a oeiaparUen. nm inwunu witaoat ooraea labor aa- dar aay eoealderatiea. ueorai inabtr nulla Wo eaipley from to 00 aecreeo; Tory fewsUUed: wacaa per day skilled, ai a to oecreoa cat aa nuk taw otaaa wot a aa wo waite.

bat ar aot a good, aad do al feet a responsible to do saair weraia aa good a manner a th white. Mean oaaear doe aot affect th naaraee te eeee axteat aa tba ekiu ait. lBveattve power ar derates a. and la seat a a vry ceoa imitator, hat aevar lnveator, aad rive BaiiUTunki, oaaaet reaeoa est wlta hia araa. Tn iBioa aaxro labar la tea aaat and would use no ether la thia eiitaate.

and wlta foreman wb aaderstaada them eaa beat eeutmea white labor to death, w. have triad both klads. aadr wait, which 1 worthies, and aorthara white, whlh had to have more wainag oa than we generally accord ladle, aad tha win it am to work oar hoara, sua to aa. they aU gt aiok aaa left la lae samnter. I.

r. aei ar atianad wlia Ulan aad Be with a. Oar work la aaw aad planing mill, rl vr work and railroad, leoiaiana Lumber MUla Sum reiiabie a watte, bat laok mteillgaao. ta-tiv wait laoor ta extreme acuta not xoed aa a ral. Oar experience ha baaa that whit.

labor la more eifieleni aad rite.hi eetorad. Lumher Iaduatnas-We have found Uat we cannot max sained men eat of tbo Mack a well aa ar lb. a ZV- 1 tear quieke, aad ar mere aiteBUTeT There are, at coarae. xepttoa. Ta black an od haada It yea eaa put them where th.

worker getooverod a a. a in ZT LZZ WkaUl employ darkle wl slain awaaai la wil. "man. WO "P' awaj enavaiicjBt. uDtT, XOT ham waite are better.

There tr. wh make axuiod saw aim or plaaTaaTd? mo aigcer aaan-t st Willy eaeagh tor tae better ai. Wa mm o. XVf52L PreieV srved la th Federal army aad tea Jtepubltean la poliuoav xa OTeip oaae the eaaiB wajsg were paid te blacks as to whites for the same elaae of work. Thia information we consider rery important, beeaaae It ia the testimony of employers actually engaged in the operatioB in which the labor was tested.

It folly confirms oar experience a previously stated. The negro mast have aa important place in tho development of the great reeoarees of the Soa there States, but he does not appear to bo capable of reaching the highest places. His capaoity ia limited, aad in a eertaia ran go hia aervioeeean bo made most tbX nable. uiiim 155 tun nsir. We have been earleaa to see what write re and thinkers wholly devoted to railway interests, and looking at mat ters from their particular point of view.

woald have to say apon the act of the Northeastern Railroad in aiding and abetting the reeeot nolawfal invasion of the State of Miaciasippi by a horde of prize fighters. The plea, as it was reported, which waa urged by the rail road, that being a common carrier it coaldnol properly rfue any business off red, and had' no right to question tho moral character of its customers, may eeem proper enough to those whose morality is purely a commercial oom modify. There are considerations. bowever. thai are not eo easily Batte ned.

There are railway mennwao are boa so blisded by pereoael or profes sional interest bnt thai they eaa seethe rights and wrongs of acts, and ae a rep resentative of thia elaae we find the New York Railroad Gazette. It ex presses itself very strongly against the plea of tho Northeastern in the prem ise, and print it at some length ae a timely expression upon an important subject. Saya the Gazette: partuveadant or general peanoacer aaent wbo haa a baraiojr uealr for business. and doet particularly object to pnss ngni. probably aa uttie uimeairy in any la adapting hi theory to ai practice.

Aa a oommoa earner be oinst traespert all parsons wh apply aad tender payment; to refuse taem no weaia lay aimsaii uaota to procecnu; to laqaire cloaeiy eenoernlna oarr' boalaeaa or mauve waid bo laiportlneat aad oa warraatod. On ta atber Bead, one wbeelearly aaw ta dlaaraoe la vetTod in deallag wlta plng-nili and caai aiare. a wo wa oeairoae ar irustrsr lac tbelr plea aa aaaoh aa peesibl. even at tso oxpeaaa of aamo reraaae (tbat woald be loat), aeald dnbila rarity nnd way to pat aia wuae mt eneat. 11 is said that the a IB oars cf tae law.

wkeo thay asked for a seeial train to par ta ertaaiaala. ware met with the statement that the rqalpueat waa a- acd. The railroad officer who mad Ihl pie eoaid a doabt bav arranged without meek rroabl maa the aame exna to tae law breakers. Ia decldlar oa the rlxat- faia oaa or ta other of th two courses abev atllad a ladre otten haa to be raided aaaataneaUy by tae standard of th ate juatiee. who aottiad th male Maler'a oaa by tenia aim (la th ab le of eoalelv vldaoe).

"I ddd thai roe are aalirr boeaus It 1 ao maea like yoo." Heevr meen we mar Laara at th crudity ef tne law in tula aaa. we ntti ail admit that th principle gBraly farther th ad of Justice. Aa for raureadt, the hiiiippi ease i only a pro-Bouaoed km pie ota very coaiaaoa att Of adalra. ure-raeig trees of th vilest aaracur are eaeeurarad (tadireetly. It may bet la mere taaa on or rauroed no laally law-abiding.

Saaday excursions ptraud caieflr by rouxhs wbo oeodaet baacbau aame of a ouarseter condemned by aildcnt people are morally ta aat ae prls fl ate ia alad thoaga aot la degree. wailaaa a eaa I or aa Impersonal eorporatto aae aa a rputaM eiusea a maa may claim to bo actuated by eoatrary taeorte. It I pretty contemptible hastens lor him aot to lot It be claariy known which of the tbeorv he would prefer to follow; and all ceert eclat oa of ta aigBr ias virtually aeaianfl tola ataad-ard of eeadaci. What I tae Untied la tee regaiatlon reqalrlag railroads aot te transport empty casks oo wo tea ere aneaaeeted roveaao ataaape. bnt a requirement that offloere and aaeata etfvly support tb bov erameat la represslnc trend upon the re Te ase wnydo jt aay roads laatruet coa- oe tors to auppreea gaaihUnc on tralual Simply beeaaae it ta necessary la order meet the sestimeal of the respectable paa- asnaer.

It would ae easy to tat the oppo site poaiua ana eey coat ridaoe con vist could not be obtaiaed. bat It is reeo- aized that that would not pay. inroad ahoald be oeaalaient. i no 16 C1T1X3. Sinee Chicago haa undertaken to annex enough of the State of Illinois to bring the oily 'a population np to a big figure to satisfy the inordinate and cruel disposition of its people to ho mill- ate St.

Louis, the aame aort of apiril haa seized on other ambition townleta. Siow oomee Ioniavtlle and propoeea to annex the surrounding eoantry until a populatioa of 250.000 oaa be taken in. li tnia aort oi ouaiaeaa ia to go on anreatrained nearly the whole of the Uatted State will be embraced ia the limits of a few overgrown eitiea. Unfortunately fr New OrUana thro is nothing to annex. Oar eity is built in the midst of a vast swamp which is carefully maintained in an uninhabitable eoaditioa, that ill not poaatbl to build a hamaa habitation within a soors of miles of the eity, save ia a nar row strip aloag the bank of the river.

When enterprise and capital shall combine to drain the swamp, this citv will become coextensive with the parish of Orlsaas and a large part of the par ish of Jefferson, and will be pre-emi nently like old Damasons, a eity of gardens and of delighta. Io the mean time it is a pretty nioe place in spite of the swamp. IS INDUSTRIAL sUliTII. The Maaufaoturers' Record of Balti more, a journal distinguished for its en terprise and activity ia bringing to no tice the natural wealth of the Southern States and in circulating reliable infor mation concerning its development, is now organizing aa expedition of ex perts to explore the country and report a pea its rssearees. Thsre will be min eralogists aad geologists, timbermea and foreatcra, with engineers to ex amine the waterways and water power.

and to report en the most favorable situations for development. The under- takiag is a worthy one and promises to give some important and Talaable. re- anita. The Sou there eoantry ia lnealealably rich in minerals and the utili zation of which Is demanded by the needs of mankind. With a fertile soil and a healthful and genial climate the development of all these resources will re son a degree far beyond the ewcoep-tions of the ordinary imagination, and realizing the wildest dreams of wealth and prosperity.

The Record ia doing faithful work ia nattering in this won derful era aad deserve th hi ghee praise, IITJID13G CAS1 CCLTCEf. We have heretelore published partic ulars oi the introduction aad progress of an gar cane culture in Florida. Ao-oording to a statement in the St. Augustine News, Captain Bose, tho origin ator aad foander of the St. Cloud Sugar I Mill, near hussimmee, la now receiving tho machinery for a bow mill, about to bo built, naviag a capacity for mann- faotaring 600Q pounds of dry sngar par day.

The Lake Apepka Sagar Com-. pany aaa jast had a let of mac hi aery shipped to irrigate aa immense tract of aad in the neighborhood of tho lake. which will be, planted la tof ar. JMilK will be erected aad large capital will bo employed ia developing the industry. Florida baa aa nBaecertaiaed bat very eoneiderahle area of aa gar land.

Texas eaa boast ia the lower ralley of the Braxo. and ia ether localities. Sngar lands of great extent and anrivaled fertility, while Louisiana will doubt-leas maiotain supremacy in sugar eul-tnre with a constantly inoreaemg product With the aid of the magie of chemistry we hope, despite all the worst political eaemiea of auger eaa do, ao to develop the preduotiveaeas of the una that our great ladaatry may be able to maintain itself against all comers. 15 HfLOif er iclictic jouuausi The diaenaaion oa the subject of re ligious education in the schools, aa brought out by Pnblie Opinion, the leading eclectic journal of public senti ment in the United Statee, ia a movement on an important 1ms. Subjects which involve great pnblie interests.

but which are entirely out of the scope of party politics, are peculiarly in tne province of a noo-partiaaa, political jearaal like Public Opinion. 1 1 usually convents itself with presenting expressions of other journals, but in the present ease it secured the personal viewa of leading men in various departments of life. We moat ax pre our in terest in the excellent ahowing of the variaaa sidss of the question. PEESOSIL AAD gknkral notes. The realoila ef the Georgia legislature aot to allow dsaelna when the new eapltol 1 form ally opened, tb first Itglalaslve record ag alad that mod of amusattl Th following named New Orleans people ar aasng reoent arrival at the Oeeaee White Balpbur Bpriaga Georgia atr.

H. C. PsrTls. htls JC. F.

HamUton. Mr. Jobn Wtt and maid, Mrs. W. H.

Heweatt, ktls Howeata. W. H. Hawcatt, Mrs. W.

M.Hhelt, child aad aura. Celoael D. MeKellar ef Dalle county. remembers the Picayune with some snnerb ssmplse of psachea raised on hia place They are larger and aort luscious than can be found la thia the favorite fruit marc! of the eoaatry. Colonel MeKellar la an eld aubserlber ef the Pjcayuae.

Washington Post. July IT: "Bov. Dr. hle- Klm. rector of Epiphany church, 1 expected to return from abroad early in Aajcuet.

Dr. MeXlin wa so at time sisc called to VI- eana by erlea 1Ubs of hta aaa, who la thne ssudylsg meglclae. He la now, how ever, proaouaced out of danger aad dally improving la health." Paris Amerloan Beglster: The duke of Portland waa greatly dismasted with the behavior of a eertaia Jockey which accident ally came te hia ears. His a race gave the person a ticket cf admission to 8u Peter church, waea creat wa hi ohagria te find that th fellow had sold hi Invite to a pushing aad laquialtlve female for 4s. Thia la ia a weadatf ul trait year.

Aa old darkey expressed It aboat right a few daya ago whaa he aaid "Boat, avea da leave 1 bcerlnc fruit die year." The crop la worth hundreds cf thousand of dollar a food, aad still more for health. What a pity ur pople eaanot sell their surplus to the hun gry masses norta and wast at prices that would aateBUh them and eaiioh tai acc- lloa 1 Moatgomery Advertiser. What a pity It Is that souther fruit cannot be sold in tha seats New Orleans, for taataaoe ee cheap aa it la old ia Chicago. Lonlsviil Post: 'George Aifred Townee ad haa discovered at Nsate. Pranoe, a genuine American negro named Sam Anderson, wa 1 tne chief of a wine ahp and cafe ehaat- aat, 6am la a native of South Carolina.

He went to Ear ope with Jarrett Palmer's Uacle Tom's Cabin' Combination, and hlie In Fraace married a French widow, tho proprietor of a drlahlng ahop ia Bsnnea. afterward removed to Man tea. Sam Is disgusted with the Gallic aatloa aad la aaxleu to get bsck to Nsw Tork, despite the lack of prejudice there which reoogniaes hia right to marry a whit womaa." Aecueta (Oa.) Chrontel Editor Jones ef the St. Leul Republic 1 nothing If not violent. Ho declare that Geveraor'e Hlli'a aoaiaatlon for president woald throw aUs-sodrl into th doubtfal oolama and even ia- fiuene Tenaaase te go ovr to the BcpabU-oana.

Editor Joaes 1 premature. Th election 1 a long way off. Govrar Hill may or may net be nominated. It 1 idl to talk nea ncusease. Tke JNcshvUl Amerloaa declaree thatdltorJeneaUmaklag aaerry exhibition ot hljiaslf; and thai so tar aa Taaneaaee la eonoernad.

"there la neither truth nor com mon ne In tbat extract." In response to an InrUatlon leaned there was a large and enthnslasue metlng ef the dtlzsna of Hammond, Lo, oa Saturday ntcht. July 30, te listen the remark of Colonel it. S- Hyatt in regard to forming an aeaeolattoa. fr the parpoeo and object ot presenting to all who may desire know the advantage and ladumata offared by Han mead: and to make known it prodncta. researoea and latere with the view of la- dadag immlgratloa te thai locality.

The metleg wa called to order by Mayer hfoonoy. At Ih eloee Oelenel Hyatta re-asarke It moved taat a omialttea af nv bo appointed by the obalr to draft aad form a plan of orgaalxatloa fr the purpoa of anew-lag forth tae ladaoeaieau offered by and the objects to be galaed by a Ihorougd orgaalxa- tlon of Ita dtlaena. The mayo appelated a aemaaittee rpraseating tae lumoer. xruit aad vgtabie, maaufactanng. educational and health latoreeta.

The committee to report at a future' meeting. After remarka by tha citizen It wa voted to adjourn te Mon day, a ly 32, at T30 p. when the committee will report. Wankeaha (Wia.) Freeman: Th Freeman I glad te act th return to town of Coleaei A. W.

Faulknr ef Iioultiaaa, wbo is regta-tered at tae Hyde Park Hotel. He la aocom- paaied by hi wit aad ton. Leal eaaoa was their first her and they were captivated by the comforte aud enjoyment the place afforded. On Sunday, the lath Mr. Loellgcr ot Nw Orleans entrtalaed at a pieaaia rrenon sapper i.

crvce in French oeurses aevcral frleada, among waom were Mlaaes Gaaaaard aad Jeabert aad Mme. Dacatal of Maw Orleans. Messrs. SC. Cook aad Jackson' of Bicnmotd, Ye and Mr.

George Btoltx, of Wankeaha. On Tuesday MIbs Angela LoeUger ealabrated "the nlath aaalverry. of, her birthday by iavltiag her young zrleBde from heme aad these she has met here. After soBg aad dances the Utile folks sat down to a slaty sapper. Xamereaa present were seal to the little lady, who will tax heme pieaeaat recollections of her birthday la Waakeaaa.

Twelve years Bare passed alnoe Mme V. Daeatel first vlaltad Waukesha, and every summer since aae baa been amoag ocr guaata. Huaareda ef aonth- arn people have been made acquaiated with tae town through hr devsttoa to it, aad aot a little of the benefit it ha received from tourist aitnbatabl to the many kind words ah haa apoketf. Everybody la pleased at her return. She Aaa rooms at o.

Tylers, Graad aveaac New York Star Dr. J. T. Hartlgan, who wa appelated eanaul to Trieste, Anatria, last week, la set oaly one ef the heat phyat- elaa la Washington, out a very popular maa in this city aa well. In 19S1 be became a member of Company I Klnety-Blnta Sew York aad served with It all through tae war.

Hia ability aa aa arithmetician caused alareteauea on tae construction corps of th aepartmeat ef military railroads of Sherman's army. He left the employ of the geveremeat ta 1870. and. hav ing studied for. the meaieai proieasioB, be came a He la bow a apeolaUal la ehlidrea'a dlaas at th Washington Asy lum, aad a member ef the argleai staff of Providence neapltaU During the yellow fever spldemle la Ftertda last fall.

Dr. Har Ugaa enrd the go vera meat his eervloe. aad waa seat te the laiected diatriet by th marl hoapttal ervlce. Waea Be returned borne. after remalalag ia Florida two Bneatha, hia health waa greatly undermined.

and his BPaetstanat ag oansul was asked by a a amber of district physteiaa. maay pvee- eat aad lormar jadxea ef the dlatrtet beach and aaveral caresmew-, HI kaewledge mt laf eeueae dteaaae will be of great aae. aa Trteate 1 a pert which seed careful watch ing. The aaaeeacemeat ef hia appelauaeat aaa gtvea ale frleada la thia euy mach aatle zaetiea." few York Star: "Horatio p. Howard, th etvUeerviee applicant from Sew Bedford.

who waa aeleeted this week by Havel Officer Bun for a liooo clerkship, walked rate the naval ell yeaterday te take the oath, of efflee. HI appearaaee proved a startling snrprlae to tae aaval enlear. Ha Bad I eaa ef the three highest ef aa eligible 111 ef 10. and having the highest mark ef the applleaataBe waa eleeted by Colonel Burt tor the aeaaey. Bethlng was hnwa ef the epplleaat except that hi xamtaatlea papers were medela of exceUenee.

What, therefore. waa Celoael Burt'a eurprlse When HeraUe P. Howard proved to be a rail-blooded negro. He la a handsome maa. with a shapely head.

regular Jeatares adorned with a grace! al mastaeae, and a tall, dark eye sparkling with lateUlgeace. Deputy Naval Iaapeeter Camatock wa Quite elated over the occurrence. He considered that It proved the demo ratio aatare of the civil eervloe ays-tern, which, be aaid. had kawa neither na tionality, rUlon nor politic, and no reeccaiaod no color line. thought the ooenrrenoe weald cnoonragc tho negro race te aspire to higher pocltlon la the government rvlce thaa msnaer or laborer, aad that Howard should receive the reapeet ef all men.

A eorreipondent. writing from the Mont gomery White Sulphur Springe, Ta, aaya Among the promlaent people here are the following: From Moatgomery, Ala, Gov ernor Watt and al two charming daughura. Dr Wharton aad family, with the bead tital Miss Aanle Bell. Dr Blue and family from Ann la eon, Dr Bsweeek aad wife; from Berne, Ge. Dr Wood, wife aad Miss Bail ey, who charms ar epealy aexnowladged.

Mr A Sullivan aad ohlldrea, Captala Clark, prealdeni Seooad JTatlonal Bank at Bema. Oa, aad Mr Ferd and wife; State Beaater Aagcate levert aad family. West Baton Bongo; Ml Schaaalaaydcr of Thlbe- daax aad Mr Che A Ivert Hew Orleans Mrs Clime and family, Bel ma, Ala; Mr aad Mrs Law ton. Mr lAWton. Jr, from Charles ton, Mrs Hnnt.

daughter and eons. Blehmoad. Va; Mra Pieaaanta aad family, Biohmond, Va; Bv Mr Oowder aad fam ily, Pittaylvaala, Va; Meaara Kindred, Hor- toa, Wallace. Hull, Tail, Geyer, Betzman, Tayler, Wharton. MsDowall.

etc, from Peaa-sylvsni to Alabama; McGInalsa. president ot Texas Agricultural aad Meek antes! College. Tex th charming Misses Holt of Yeahem. aad equally charming Mlaeee Waatcott and Owens. Montgomery, and many others.

Danetag every Bight by excellent ma tie. Full dress germ aaa each Friday night aad favergerman every other Friday evening. Thia. with near end whist pr- tlea, teapina and bllliarda, make all ae merry aa a marrlac hell, excellent tare ia given. the table belna under the maaagemeat ef Malar liOnglay, formerly et 61 Jamee Hotel, Sew Orleans.

The Picayune 1 a high ly appreciated daily visiter. Hotel Veaderbaak arrival White, Ctaelnnaai; David Bussell. Memphis; Gae- tave Frank, Sew York; Frank A Bernctt. Cincinnati; Bryan, Jr, St Louis; L. Hi ah tar.

Danville. Va; I. Broderick. Cln- elaaatl A Jaaoke. Sew York Babt Whet- ton, Detroit Fiahr.

Deavr, Colo. Th beat regulator of the digestive era ana. alaa beat appetizer known, is Angostura Blt-tera, tae senate oi Dr. J. G.

B. nlegert 4 Svna. At aa oruggiata. High Tariff and Low Wages. The outcome of the strike in the Carnegie ateei miU at Homestead, Pi affords a eonclusiTO reiutetion of the aaaertion ao freqaently made by Mr.

Carnegie and other high-tariil advocate in the last residential cam paign that the election of Mr. Harrison woald insure werkmgmen all over toe eoantry better pay for their labor. The aame persons assorted in the moat noaitive manaer that the re-election of air. Cleveland would tend to reduce wdgea, in anticipation of the revision ot the tariff, te whieh no aad bis party were pledged, and the eeneaqaent diminution in the pronto ex many ot tne "protected" maa of ectarere. High tariff.

in other words, according to atr tj er ne gie, meant high wages, Whethex any considerable number of working- man were caaght by suen enaa it is impossible to aay. but from tha election returna from the maaufaeturrne dis- trieu of many statea it would appear that intelligent werkiugmen everywhere realized that beeaaae the mano- factnrer reap large, pronta it dees not follow that tne men empioyea oy nun will be permitted to share his good fortune. It is a notorious faot that coloasal fortunes are being plied np on the proceeds of labor, whieh is paid almost at starvatioa rates. Ia Mr. Car- negie'a eetabliahment the triumph of "protection" at the polls eertaiaiy did not mean better wages or even aa good a when Mr.

Cleveland was lo omee. On the 1st ef Juiy he alternated to effect a reduction in the Homestead mill of 25 per cent, the employes of tho tfraddock mills liavias been zoroed to submit to a eat about a year ago. The Homtt te ad men refused to aeoept tho reduction and a strike ensued. Alter a brief hot angry struggle a so-called compromise was reached, the men eon-entiag to aa average red notion at 20 Cir eeat for a period of three yeara. r.

Carnegie ha practically carried his point, 'ana for ever dollar they have heretofore received his em ploy ss will now be paid but 80 coats. Wo are aet concerned with the question aa to whether this Pennsylvania beneficiary of the high tariff iniquity, who baa grown eaormoualy rick at the publio expense, eould or could not afford, from a easiness point of viw, to give his employes tha wages ho had been paying. The significant laot In tbo matter ia that his own action effectually die" provea hia assertion that -wages are kept np by a tariff and will eonviet him. in the opinion of every thinking workingman, of gross Inaineenty in hia effort to bolster np the oauae of the uojoetly privileged elaas of manufaetursrs, of whom be is. perhaps, the most conapieuous example, on the specious plea that it is the cause of Baltimore bun.

July 10, The akin la of that delicate aatare npon which the mt Improvement ean be made. aad by the use of Posxoni' Medicated Com plexion rewoer au rongnne, saiiowasa and irritation ean be overcome, leavlag the aklu delicately white, soft and smooth. This preparation naa a wrld-wld repatatton, ao ae fear aoed be entertained ot the result. Bold by au druggist. Ladl shoaldaet fall to call at 14 Baron ae street, aad see the Microbes, that make yon sick.

Brink a email bottle ot fermented matter from your body, no matter what disc aae it i caned Mr. Bedem will demoa-atratyou tne laws of nature. Mr. rneylaa. a wealthy farmer who Uvea about fifteen miiee from Detroit, ha becna prooding for divorce.

Two' year ago ae marnea netu rtocuora, wnoee eeauuiai bead af olden hair exeited hi profundct aumirauen. txm wa extremely toaa at al wife, very proud of her beautiful look, aad eemed happy. Saddealy Fhsylan left her ead became mate aa aa oyster a to the eaaae af taeir uddeu separation. Hia 11 pe ware nrat opened when hi wife tiled a bill for divorce Because ef at desertion, and he filed a eroa bill. Mr.

FheyUn allege that he discovered boob after hi marries a that It angered hi wit for aim to touch her hair, aud tat.aehe refused to let aim be present whoa aha made her totiew he grew aue-ptaioaa, watched hia peeped ever the traaaom and disco vet ed that hia wife waa aa oald aa bald eoaid he, aad that Bar golden lock were haaslacon a bracket aa he combed them eat. He fell to ta floor with a yell, aad whaa hia wife had mastered bp courage to opea tae door aad ace whaa was tha matter ha had geee, never te return. alias ea that she aa groly deceived hi ate aad that he, net sac, ahoald act the deeree. HaevvtUe Ballread XeatiavlUe aad limited expreaa, with Fnllmaa vestibule alaeplag-eara attached, the flaest la the world, ran dUy betwa New Orleab and Bew York wlthut change, Be ether Uae aflers the traveling publi each advantages. gtA Boston company 1 srjiag to Introduce wicker-work Tbey -elaim from aaaitary.polxi new- aa thing equal them.

Sanfbrd's Ginger ha. SAXFOKD'S GINGER Is tb Bast af all ts Olaewr. DIED. HEBBBT-At Whit CaaOe, Ul. eaodar.

Tni 7 luaa arthok n. bkkkbt. axea months. Infant child of Lawreaoe T. Hebert and Ida Both.

FITZMOKRIS In this city. Bndar.jriiy 31, 1B. at 8:55 p. nu. JOsISPII FITZMOK RIS.

acred a Tears and a meatus, rooms eat bob oc atarun num orris ana juuj The funeral will take place rrom the redden of his parent. 44S a South Franklin street, xma Monday, at IS o'clock noon. DE8FORGK8-At 15 minntee after 1 o'clock A. InlT 11. I HHil.

UUIiaOIM years, clixa BiisAVUai', wioow sue Aaoipne xieaicrge. The friends and acquaintances of tha family and those of her sons. O. sad Henri Dior- rea. ar reepecUaJly Invited to attend her ta- Bcral.

which will take place at o'clock Thia (Mo day) Morning from th residence of her son, Louis Octave Jesforgea.e. sis.uiaioom street, near Bsplaaade. LAVIILBBkUVltB Sunday, July 91,1889. at 11:30 o'etoexcaw JEXNiMJK aoiua VILLEBECVRX widow or r. iatuis- beavro aad dausnter of Cx-0overnr A.

B. Homaa aad Aunao Parent. The friend and acquaintance of th evil- lebenvrL Boman. Orau, lrorstaU aad vaieoar Alme famillee are respectfully Invited to attend tha fimrsL which will take place from hr residence, Sm. 74 Dumain street, oa Monda; July 23, at 6 o'clock p.

m. IRADY On Sunday. July 31. at 8: o'clock a. aAKi aumiufl.

wuo Uiku fimi, umi ax veers, a uuit Huusiilil fioiuiT KoecomrooQ. Iralaad. aad reaident OX una city lur uunju yoaia. Frienda aad acanaintapces oc the family are resDeeally laTitad to attend her fnaeral. from her late reeideoo.

No. 369 South Peter etroet, corner Calliope, on Monday, July 32, at :30 p. m. Castle Boa papers plea copy. MUB PHY la Sow OrJeaaa, at 11 'clock HnivdaT.

Jnlr 31. 18a0. EDMUKD aed 28 years, a native of this dry. Th friends aad acquaintance of the family are rMpecsfuUy in riled to attend tha funeral Thia iMonaay) Morning, at 9 o'clock, from hia lata residence, K. 15 aierth Oalvea.

between Canal and Caatoanhouae. PLATZ-On Sundar. July SL 1889. at o'clock, JDSTIhfX, only dauajhter of Charles L. F.

PUts aad alexia DeaiKHnmier. aged i.7 years aad 5 months. Frienda aad aeanalntaneea ar respectfully lavlted to attend the funeral, from the reatdeaee ot her parents. 359 South Rampart, Thia (Monday) Bvcblag. 33d inab, at fc0 o'clock.

BCBlfKHB-lt 11:30 o'clock Bander mora- ivg Mis.iOSaPtliaa S. WU at Una A. Bchmssr aad deux liter oX the late Joaepa WoriaaageadS yeara. Bar funeral will take place from her late ldno. coraer aire telle and DerUgny atreeta, To-Cay (Moadayi at IO o'clock a.

as. BeiaUvee and mvtted te attend, aa alaotheeClcer aad.nieaabera of th JUnerva BenoveleBt A ssorlattea. aad Prlamr rroteet- iv Fraternity Ke. i-': fiekBB A meewwaiaa Tw MtaMtl mlaaamwh KBIFFEB OB Sunday July 31, 1889. at o'clock CabBlk WOLF, wife of lAooold aleiffar.

aad daughter ot toamuel Wolf of Oeyka. slisa. ased care aaa 9 Th fnaeral will take piae This (Monday) Morulas at 10 o'clock from her late leeidenoa. Bo. bStf at.

Charle avaauc. Frleade and ao are reepecttully lavlud to attend, i Members of tho LADIES' AID ABB SW- IKO SOoIKTY are respectfaUy mvtted te a. tend the funeral ot our beloved Xriead -aad member. Mra. L.

XJEIFFXB, Thia ggoadaj) Morning at 10 o'clock, from 869 at, Charles avenu. Mrs. au u. savma, eecretary. DESHA On Snnday.

nly 81, 1889, at 3:10 p. nv, uscaa M. patHi, a aauve ef tola city, aared 47 years. Th relative and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend tb funeral from hi late residence, 1348 Magasiae street, mi BeUecasUe street, at 4 p. m.

Monday, July 33. HALL JAUKSOM BTBAM FIBK COM- PANT Bo. 18, New Orleana. July 23. 1889.

Tne offloere end member of this company are hereby notified to assemble at th engine-house, fully equipped, en Monday, th 2 2d. at 8 o'clock p. ul, to attend tho eaeral of our brothaaex- ipt member, OSCAR ef. DESHA. By order of F.

8. EXU8NI8, Foremaa. L. JOHNSOH, Becordlng Secretary. P.

8w Fire Bepartmeut la general are reapeet- tuuy lanted to attend. BCHSX LLXB Suadar. Jury 31. 1889. at 11 o'clock P.

PET KB. BOHf. BLLBB. ased 49 year and 8 month, a aativ et ewltaenand aad res alenl et thia city tor about thirty year. The faaeral Trill take plaoe from lite late real.

dene, na mai atacaamo atraet, oetweea Fett- ctty and St. Mary streets. This Bvning at o'clock. Belatlves and Wends, also the mem bers of the Turner eoeiety, members ef the Singing boclety ot tha Sixth District, ot Xx eelaior Lodge No. 3o38, K.

et aad et Swiss Bccisty, are rpctrnlly Invited te at. CO NIjON la Hw Orlsaas. at 5 o'clock eon et tho late Jam Conion, aged 86 yeara, a aattTex uuauuy. Th friend aad acquaintance of th family aad thoae al hi mother ar reepoeUoiiy mvtted to attend th funeral, Thia (Monday AJteraooa. at 3:30 o'clock, from his late residence, corner ex Fleasaat and Magazine street.

HALL OF HIBAM LODGB NO. 70. aad A- Becretary odlee. New Orleana. July 21, 1889.

The officers and members ef thia lodge ar hereby notified to assemble at ball at 3:30 o'clock This (Monday) Bvcning for the purpose of payiag the last aad tribute of respect to oar deceased brother, THOMAS coMLOhl By ordr ot the W. M. A. J. HJELMBB.

Scretry. I M. M. in god Blending are fraternally invited to attend. FUN JC RAL.

NOTIOl HALT. OF THB LAST BOFK BklVirir. OLBNT ABSOUIATIOA-The offloers and members are hereby Bouncd to assemble at No. Decatur street, between JEnghia Spain. 1 hia Header) Afternoon at 3 'slock te reader th last tribute ot respect to ear late alater member.

Widow xaxt O'Hilu By order Mra. J. McMaHODT. Prae't. Mrs.

Beeordmg HALL CLAXBOBSIJB LADIES' BKNBVO-ttSf ASSOCZ ATIOhT-Th offloers aad mam. Per of tnia asaoclatioa are hereby notihed to ssemtile at No. 307 Bt. Louis, between Mexal aad Ireme, This (Monday) Bveaing at 4 o'clock te attend the fnaeral of our deceased sister member, CSROiiINB SCHKBDIBO. By order of M-ra.

KATHARINE BBILLT, Preeldcat. ALIBABBrH OTHER, Roc Secretary. CARD. Xdltor Daily Picayune 81r-I aot SsiJamelf SSSVgS? teMoay-rwhan th. "JSoVrt Marhia smut TT "-Bwio ana union etreetat wish testate throusa roar retrard te tha V'" giving rr especially In ant a pablte that to Burewiuea' eiauoa aaowa aothlos of vy mi givea anywhere.

Laa lndmaai.aTV aa lnvitatteaolrM atihati aaereuoa to been rale. Yours reWLuiiT -f- bT Brltepr. WMa4ilM T. wWe -BeaoToioat otioan. July ZX.

lSfis. pmeut ded by AaeoeiatloB for Hot Weather Ilia Th farmer, aad xpoeed te th asater 'e as aaa aeWesf BjurvoBD-s Oisoxa. aad tha ptwm prvattT aad speedy car mt arbaaa xposar te xearv heat, driaklBg af water, eattae ef aartp tralv aad mt food, water aad eUntate. Thia aartvauee sums or atedleta aa tra-Hag com pea ion to ear to cheek qtt jsc ot the bewala. leataaUy valiar.

7" prra raoiraetlaa. 4eotref awll water drwah. preeaete pwaaaiS? ooida aad fvrs, aad ward at aa. aad eptdas at lSaaisa A hoatta eriak wita water. BrtTk.

toat-wata, 1 aad. gTVooat draackta, aadauaarJ water, tt at aapanoc te aU stews. Aak tar SANFORD'S GaKGEI: WltT Owl Traalo-Marlt ss tha Wrai I Summer Rates i.o JOB PRINTING! Societies, Associations, Cerpe. rations, etc will find it to their advantage to have their Chartera, Constitutions, By-Laws, ata, printed daring the dull ssmmer months, as Tory low rates eaa he scoured. Call at or addraas' PiCATtrxx Job Ornca, and get prieea.

MRS. APPTK T. 1. THOMAH n. PHYSICIAN UTD 8CEGE03, (Women nnd Chliarcn Orly.) NO.

381 jACKBOir BTAKXT. BetwB Onll am ad Prytaaiastreata. BKW OBXBAAalJL Hoar ip to 11 a. au 3 to 4 as. gpeotei atteattea tealnaasi atimia DUCRO'S MlIJTiYlIID, Tt niaelnal mcradteat.

Jtw xrasc. la tmoaLy lorm nla led with medical remo.a gtvug It waadorfally stimalatlns prepfrti mvigoratlng tbo vital torses withoat taugtii.r tho digeetlTO orraae la TrrHOiB. TBUOwaad Malxaut fsTers. tt ia Invaluable ftt Ties atreBglh toevereom mallawant diaxaaea. Hlaalv roeommeeded hr leading Phyateiaa Of fart a a teals fear Cra aieauenve ana weak parsons, aiao lor last awes.

K. Fearer etc Arente. K. Y. BOLD ALL DaUOlSTn.

Jy80a-lyK HUC3PHREVC? rprSorsei, Cattle, Qieep, Sep, AMD FOTJLTBT. BOB Fee Bookoa Troetaveotef Aalmc' i aad Chart beat I re. OUna Pevera, CoBSeatlon. InRamnmaf A. A.iHplanl Slenlnsrltla, Pllia iorer.

B. htralaa, Laaacnoew, Uhoaaaaui. C. C. Distemper, Aaaal Dischargee.

D. DBttr Oraks, VTsnas, B.E.-Carha, Hcstss, PwwaaiB F.FCeUor Or I pea, BcUyach. fi.C Mlacarrlaare, IleBaorrhaso. B.x.I7riaai7 svad Hidaey I.I-Eraptlve Dlaeaaee, Haage ef Dlgeatlea. Stable Caae, wtta XauaaL Witch Haanl Oil and tl.f Trlna llnirli TtntTls friTar nn rtussal Sold by Drutaists; or Bent Prepaid aaywhar mnC la any aautity on Baoaipt of Pvta.

Humphreys Med. 109 Futtea XL, I. 2XTJ1IP1II.I3C, spEcmc Mtm 0 TuByTieaafaiwedrfr prioa IRemington Standard Typevriter. TorPtttoea Tears Steadard-BABKT IX, HODGSON. DKALZB, 13 Carondelet DRY AND WET LAUD.

Dratntng Maehlaaa, all aU. te are! fws 100 up to 1000 acres, la atoak. Price t- tieO np to B5O0. Larger aUe ball! or rrisrauag Pump, aay alaa, ap te i buUt to orec J. MkNUX J38 la ICS Teboaartealee earoet If yea contemplate i purchaemg a arstoias ta tor cash or on time, te tronient.

wnauiar the old reliable firm, wh ar aarente far piano faTKiNWAV, K.SAJih SOUMaK, km PttVW, FISOHAB, MCXWX. BHOiOK8 and othara, aad re will weJ treated Address LOUIS GSUlffi 7ALD GO. HOUSE, Bar line Street' 5aw Orlsgxte 18 T. fl. SLfl TTBrlY BBO; ELECTR0T7PERS, 61 CAMP 8T.

fCALE of Prices sent on Application. 32. r. Dtbu. Preet B.

p. MACxm Tress. J. C. MORRIS LIMITgD.

4,0, .43 aad. 44 TcboawMoate StrooX, Mannfaotnrers and Dealer la Wooden and Willowware. Pser, Rope, Axl Oteesfl, Base baa Ooorte. Blacklag, Bird Caea, Cbeeee kefes, Cioeks. Corks.

Pot Uae, riaaka, 'v Fishing Tickle. Herd. ware. Lanteraa -aad Ulobo, ht" uyeter Toes. Table Olaae' 4 Vtt.WUnekt4,..,;,:' Jt Wblna.

eto. CATALoarjis ycBNiimo oar appll la a vear. mm siws vw HKHtuiji a iiui at i aad Proatratioa, from mk or other 1 pervlaL or yiala aad buwe vial powder, lur 4 SOUBX DnrooorsTS, ereentpaetoaid ee rsonptat FlAlIQSfl DORGANS CAIIOJ 110 II.

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