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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 5

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pt' THE DAILY PICAYUNE. NEW. Olil jJAUO, oUfiDAY. APRIL 17, 1893. .2 1 1 CLP.

wnere at; exclusive agency; ata prepaid; advertia-. ir business assisted, Louis. Mo. and Ca-V ku oo equal. rt IT a ITS artmoe at.

mafactttrera of vlSMZXl' Ttat U1 supersede all tWlZTXi men as gentry igenuw Vt htiliberterms; AddnM W. w- vu-cies fft fTgXasr hed people ot either aex cSrtl-SFftU information address Mich. jii-TT-TnTgars to dealers; $100 itESSUN experience unnecessary; (. i or a government position, Particulars about 'arfeiT tot cos- poat office. rail- revenue, poat office, raU- a ther branches of the service "4.

write to-day. Xstlonal Institute, department asa- TTaad apward a oay made onr Manner ana peauui. tsTbusael an hoar; bo, can 1 SJmentt; write for catalogue 2. I fff "Cincinnati, Ohio. hThang Burgess wesrw call for seme with- d'ttaseeof kldneT anl liver.

Cas- B1DTBI -f too Baronne at. ndaeements for summer months to commercial students. Addreaa grocery clerk, not afraid ot rrR3. stales preferred. rung mo- Girod and.

Tchoupltoulaa. -Mn. well recommended, as land. florist, aaderstandtng the and raising vegetables. i SiyW J.

Steckler Seed 820 salesmen, capable of selling -la worth 20U worth 20U references re- i Tb Eastern Mfg. Man- F.adiJf. Chicago. -rZrrnlX and expenaes; staple Addreaa. -with stamp, rriXER- competent person.

Apply aitgaxtne st. i and etipenses paid men to sen eipeneoce nnueceaaary. The W. L. nl2 97 ly "TT'cltort from 25 to $100 per i Tour new series bonds.

Agents Try town to the state baring Ctermanla Loan and Inveat-L(d 15 Carondelet at. ,1 ireiser. Apply Mammoth Clothing ISO and legal and 1 Carillon's Iay and Sight, School, -ulna. puUTAXficbool Shorthand; legal aerdal U. ritman's adranced).

2ai8 t. i UPH operator and stenographer i fciwle. Addreas. i sUting salary ex-i lrtt a. Picayune.

-VUEXT Poaltlons Don't prepare for i Krrtee examination without seeing -ited catalogue ot information sent Correspondence College, Wash-" p. y. peraona to erery aection to dl-. --culin, aamples. and tack atgna; no tub paid.

Will A. iloltoa aplT at SCED men as shoe salesmen. Ap-i only, stating experience, etc. The Sum, Xo. 224 St.

Charles st, i dib who understands grocery bna-s. Cli aad Saratoga ata. St or good mixed etore wood, at WhoaoeTer Will ftescue Mla-- StarUle sW or drop card to P. O. ZD ycrang lady as companion for children, to country home, near good wages aod aplendid impMivement.

Befereoces. J. C. offlce. to sell cigars to dealers; we to 200 per month salary, and ti'wrteace BBcessary peimanent De Mora Cigar Springfield, O.

JntoU most ondentand the raising of and make himself (ktoI; moat be middle aged and 'jfrmia Dane Address-J. L. Danagb, Joatkl piaaUtioa Center. Perfect Vapor Bath" Greatest sell- i. Hglenie Bath Cabinet Nasb 13 and Firemen Send 10 cenU for ptmphlet, containing a list of gues 5j ib examining board of engineers.

A. ZeUer, Bookseller, 18 8. H. Lonla, Mo. (Mention this paper.) Little Giaat Urer pillar for all com rt UTar.

At drug atorea. pttaaa shorthand; telegraphy, day duaea; copying, all kinds neatly New Orleans Buslnrss College, Z19 W-TuTbSulX. for cigars; $125 a mo. and ex fina; experiencii onneceaaary; io-itacastomers. Bishop mh24 ly and agents to know that Pell-t Co.

eleanc vaults cheaper than coptay. Office 820 Oarondelet st. to sell toilet soap to dealers; Booth salary and. expenses; experl-aary. Loni rnst St.

fdouls. 4 IZO TO PURCHA3E. SQTJAEB lIAX. i Wet. Address Cheep, Picaynne.


pah for furniture la any this office. jSS in city ty clerk in country; t. Piesjone. tiTlng pony. Apply 4S27 St.

xfynd bar; parties wishing to vutienura. Address I this 1 Prtng wagon. Ckll Monday, bo-Jo. 1501 Carondelet -walk. mast have speed.

T1S Folton 'eatial two-storj dwelUng boose, fw bedrooms, goodized yard, or Sixth district, not to cash, Audress C. Pica- complete set Encyclo-' i 4. -Pletons; must bo la iti with full par- -totrice- Box No. 148. city.

J' 5r fous rooms, at once; 5 mdtot; Apply Box cLif-0 ed $6000. 0 Coftao Co, 828 Common st. 'ted alliga-- eommia-- i iKfbBt, at, Xork. mar. Address Broker, P.

mu26 lm' L014 tnroitnre, carv- "TJth tlre ou--ee x. Y. 2., o. Box aplO'SS tf 0U3. -1 tate.

securities Box 1034. to know they can -s at 60 eente. at t. myl3-tt WnTCD-FCr ALE HELP. J.

WOMAN to cook and do houaawork at 1416 Camp at. COOK A SETTLEI) colored -woman to with, iron and light house work. siOOl near "WHITE 'woman to cook, wash and Iron to small famOy. Apply, with references, to 120 Seventh at. W0MAX to cook, wash add Iron.

Apply 1913 Napoleon, "mcOOK For city and. over tb lake. Apply 190? Oenal, near Bomia St. 1ADIE3 can make per week doing plain needlework for us at home; experience on necessary; replj envelope tor sample' and. particulars.

International 27 Tnird York. i LADIES to embroider fancy work; good pay; work sent to 'your home; stamped envelope for beautiful sample and particulars. Eknpiro Em. broidery Works, 23 Ouane ew York. YOUG white girl to ourad and do boose work; aleep on premiaea.

lau7 JUMiisiana are. FIRST-CLASS, white cook; good 1C44 Amelia, cor. Carondelet. wages. GOOD white woman cook, to sleep on premises.

Apply to "o- 2302 Magazine st, cor. i'bilip. A GOOD cook; reference required. Apply 2308 St. Claude; near Spain St.

A SCRSB At 2220 Henry Clay ave. 'COMPETENT cook; reference required; aleep On premises. Apply 1524 Euterpe after tt o'clock. WHITE girl to cook and assist in housework st 241 H. ilampart at, COOK, wash and iron for small family; German preferred.

Apply 821 Bsronne, near Julia. COLORED woman to cook and do housework; must 'aleep on 80T Carondelet. tZvDIES to make bandages at home for large surgical house; earn $10 weekly; Inclose ad dressed stamped envelope for reply. Marshall 606 Fulton Brooklyn. X.

Y. COOK; iGtrman preferred. 3323 Camp oor. Antonine. LADIES earn $8 weekly doing needlework at home; no Inclose eelf -addressed atamped envelope tor reply.

Standard Novelty 101 Beekman New York. aplO 17 WANTED AGENTS. A new -fraternal order, paying sick, accident, total disability, old age and death benenta, wants experienced organisers In every state; extremely liberal contracts. Address Supremo Becorder, 08 Wall ew York. EVERYWHERE to tell oar big money-makers; Lean make $5 daily.

Wrlt Monterey Chemical St. Louis. Mo. 20 Wapal IX every county for "The Daylight' Acetylene Gas Machine; to light residences, stores, churches, etc. The Illuminating power of acetylene gaa is fifteen times that of coal gaa, and our machine tnetbeat on the market, exclusive -territory given to right parties.

Write tor particulars, giving references. Moody A Offntt, No. 140 Second Louisville. Ky. aplT 24 myl 'tRAVEUXQ salesmen to handle well.adver.

tlsed photographic article on side; every dealer and amateur needs It; sample carried In pocket good commission. Geo. B. Bergen, 73 Mc-Vlckers building, Chicago. RAXD-McXALLY war map, Cuba, West Indies and World.

21x2S Inches, 11 colors; postpaid 2pc; agents wanted In Louisiana. Carr Co-, 608 Carondelet New Orleans. TO sell Springs water; good Indnce-mentaw Apply at office, Barooue st. BIO outfit; two magnificent color type pictures of battle-ship Maine, 19x25 and 10x14, and souvenir, all maller25c; war map of Cuba, latest, mailed 25c; Maine and Lee buttons, 2 mailed lOc; McKinley color type, 16x20, equal to oil painting, mailed 25c; Maine medallions. Patriotic Art 07 8.

Clark BATTLE-SHIP Maine on glass. 122S Van Buren Chicago. Holabird, OUK bicycle tandem sells at sight; Diamond or Combination; frame full size; flush Joint, up-to-date 'OS model; guaranteed; $39 60. It'a a sure winner. Baker Cycle 49 Dearborn Chicago, dept.

S. OUR 20th century novelties are winners; prof-Its oOO per cent; send lOo for samples and terms. Egyptian Mfg. Detroit, Mich. TO handle our high-grade perfumes; new profits large, sales easy.

Leffler A St. Lonla. Mo. AGENTS make 100 per cent eommlaskm our now article; no bouse complete wit bout It; every family nya ojo; salary for the right people. Write K.

A L. fg. 1T1 8. Canal Chicago. AGENTS coin money with oor 6 fast-selling 10c -and 25c articles: patt-cnlara and territory free.

Address Manufacturer. Wabash ave-, Chicago. AGENTS Wanted Apply bet. Clara and Willow eta. No.

2S2 Second, AGENTS outfit free; no capital needed; experience not necessary; exclusive territory. Our own make of Safes, Desk and Bicycles sell at aigbt. City or country. agente actually getting rich, so can you. One agent, one day.

cleared $04. and first month $472. Baker Safe Chicago, 111., Dept. 8-6. mh27 Sn4t FRfTB aample bicycle to agents in each locality; exclusive territory; guaranteed grades.

$13 up. "Baker Safe Chicago. ML, dept. S. A7ENTS for (Maine memorial souveoir; quick seller; sample and terms 8c Baring Ic Geyer, SIS Broadway, Yprk.

"aGECJTS $33 giving free specialty soaps as sample, introducing and selling perfection gasllghtl tamers; no chimney, no smoke, no wick, kerosene lamps give brilliant, clear gaslight; sample free to work-era. K. Perfection Mfg. OnckinatL AGENTS 1 0O weekly and' expenses gusr anteed good men to sell Arctic Betrlgerating Machine for cooling refrigerators; guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper -than ice'; indestructible, everlasting; every owner of a refrigerator buys them, ss the saving of ice io one month more than pays for machine; have over 60OO in use; 100O -testimonials from leading merchants ot the United States; greatest monopoly ever offered- agents; no competition; exclusive territory assigned good salesmen: write to-day and secure your territory before it is taken. Arctic Refrigerating Ohio.

AGENTS 3B dally, selling nickel plated brilliant gaslight burners: fit all kerosene lamps, gives beautiful bright gaslight; no wick, no chimney, no amoke; cheapest light known free sample. O. 26, Enterprise Mfg. Cincinnati. Ohio.

ACCENTS $7 daily jwIUdk specialty aaps. givmg customers doable value to. handsome presents; exclusive territory; sample outfit free. Lease Soap Cincinnati. Ghlo.

SAT-iES Agents Wanted One In every town to, sell by. catalogue; office and atore fixtures, household goods, bicycles, musical Instruments, safes, novelties, from manufacturer direct to customer; an opportunity to enter a profitable business -without For particular address -tbe Universal Supply room SI 6, Austell Atlanta, Ga. AGENT'S outfit' free. New agent one day made $00 selling" our Baker Safe Chicago. 111..

Dept. S. mh2T Sn4t AGENTS! We have a new rlass; low intra-bers; early redemptions; liberal terms to good men. German -(American Debenture 837 Carondelet st. apS Sn4t 7 TO sell a low-priced, first-class germ-proof water filter: sella quick: large profit.

The Champion Filter. Cdevelsnd. Ohio aplo 2t WANTED Now Agents to sell saeb locks and' door holders sample sash lock free for 2c stamp; immense; better the a weights; boiglar proof; $10 a day; write quick. Address Brohard A Co dept. 21, Philadelphia.

Ta. F20 So27t NEW article? good commission. Before 9 m. and after 3 p. 717 Race.

apI3 lw "ANY-woman can earn $1-35 to $2.00 dally making artificial flowers; we teach you. in one day and give steady employment; we have hundreds of workers; distance from us makes no difference: don't delsy but send for particulars. Address' Fairfield Flower Falrfi14 jle. mh27 So4t MURAT HALSTEAD'S Great War Book. Our Country in War" and our relations with foreign nations.

All about our navy, coast defenses, the Main disaster, tepain, her army navy and defenses. All abon: Cuba her relations to the United States and her defenses. All about tbe armies and navies of all other nations; and bow they. wUl act in i outfight with Spain. Over 50O pages.

Magnificent niustratlona. photographa. etc. One agent sold SO to one day; others aro making $2tp $39 per day. Most liberal terms guaranteed.

20 days' credit; price low; freight paid. Hand-somemtflt free. Sepdl2 2-cent pay postage. National Educational TJnion. 824 Dearborn Chicago.

apio lw AGENTS We want yon to storesand sell machine for printing jlgns Ceaces. bridges, rocks, any rough snrfsee steady work all summer. Arc Baclne, Win. sp3Cu4t WANTEDnOOMS DOATID BY ycung man, with widow to Sixti dia-trict. Address thla office.

By "young man, in'sUUi district. Address? L. this office. PATENTC. PATENTS, trade marks, eopyri obUUed.

1. G. Eustla. actary and eoxBi- oner, 91 Hennea Building jcl'I JJ WAfiTEP ClTUATlOri. I Bt a well-known gentleman from tbe country parishes, situs tl on an sgent; specialty concerning agriculture; magnificent references.

Address Agriculture, Picaynne. BI young woman, npstairs and din-'Sng-ropm work; -Address E. this office. TcCFICB work -ot any kind, by a. young lady.

Address Si this office. "THOROUGHLY competent steno. aod typewriter: city or. country; Al referencea. Address A.

Br 0, this office- aplfi 8t BT experienced accountant and bookkeper. Address Accountant, care P. O. Box 130. aplO lw WANTED PUPILC -DANCING -and music lessons given by Mrs.

Do Coursey. No. 2003 Jackson ave. MESMER'S Studio of Music. 1614 Melpomene, near St.

Charles; all. Instruments taught; satisfaction guarsrteed: "MR3. MAE PRICE'S Dancing Academy, 711 Camp; class nights, Monday, Thursday; private lessons by appointment; class, genta only, Wednesday night. May ball Washington Artillery Hall May 10. Tickets can be obtained at Academy any time.

CHEAP to French, German and Spanish. Address "Teacher," Picaynne BIjACKiM AIR'S Music Studio, 2256 Carondelet Guitar (specialty), banjo, mandolin, violin, etc Bates greatly reduced. y' STHORTHA'XD, bookkeeping and tpye. Mian Oneal. 108 fet.

Charles, 1232 BANJO or mandolin lessons at your residence, 60c each. Address Pennsylvania, this office. ap3 Sn4t A. A. aicNALLY, shorthand snd typewriting office and school Pitmaa dictation classes.

215 Hennea building. and Common. Copying. Ja 93 ly DRAWING, PAINTING, y-: (Anatomy and Perspective.) TUESDAYS AND FEIDATS, Afternoon or to 10 p. ra.

EDITH PAUL SOUTH, mhS7 lm 4425- Constance Street. 8LOAN-DCPLOTAN Shorthand Simple, legible, apeedy particulars mailed free. M. L. Breedeu.

126 Carondelet. F4 3-m EVERY one to know' that the best place to obtain a 'fine musical education is atf Mies Del-phkie PolnU' iMuaical Institute, 030 Elyslan Fields ave. All rumen taught piano, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo, organ, auto-harp, slther, harmony, also elocution, typewriting, stenography and physical culture. JyS 97 ly -VyANTEP TO RENT. FLOOR- space.

2000 to 3000 feet; power to' S-horgQ. 607jCarondelet. TWO-STORY singlo-or belt double house, seven or eight large yard; in Fourth. Six til or 8 ventb. districts; rent not to exceed $25 per month.

Address Lewis, this office. BUSINESS CHANCES. CAPABLE man, with come cash, to carry lock of goods snd manage branch for Chicago house; eiiary $100 per month and all expenses; also extra permanent position; good future prospects. James Burton, 215 Madl-son Chicago. War! Boy wheat! $100 Invested now in wheat, corn or pork should pay tbe Investor enormous profits within thirty day send for our book on speculation (free).

C. D. Wool-worth Chicago Board Of Trade. Chicago. Highest banking references furnished.

$160cCSrECTJLATBwith your surplus dollars and increase jour capital and Income; g399 realised In ooe week; for rapidly amassing wealth and quick returns, no other speculative field equals the; last season we realised more than $1000 per mcntb; write tor particulars. Conden Boon Block, Covington, vo i iiTiDinc.M.ii last- A'veara by- placing Dlvldeuda paid weekly; withdraw any time. Chance of a lifetime, E. Cooper tt, Covington, Ky. PWITHE'S turf 'tovestmeote represent the.

only safe and most profitable method or a peculation, insuring handsome weekly profits without endangering capital: no customer a money ever lost; write to-day for particniarr ized quarterly statement, issued under oath; elienta'- Indorsements; bankers' references. A. Fi Withe A 8uit 804 Consolidated Ex-change Building, Chicago. AN 'ABSOLUTELY SAFE INVESTMENT. PAYING $250 WEEKLY.

$50,000 CLEARED IV1897. IX yon play the races 'yoo lose money. Who gets It? The bookmaker, of course. Then the only way' to make money st the races la to join our business men's syndicate, who are arranging for a $10,000 book on tbe Metropoli-tsn tracks. You can secure an interest in thia book by Investing from $10O to glOOO, and draw from $25 to $250 weekly profits.

No risk. Strictly a percentage book. References unlimited. Send or call for particulars. W.

J. KEATING It. 55 Broadway, New York. apl7 19 22 r- A SURE winner DiaereUonary investments, aa handled by L. Traverracing accountant.

Western Union -building. Chicago, pay the, largest profits. $10 to $1000 handled with equal success. Best 'selections, all tracks, by wire. Get particulars.

AVOID loss in speculation. If easy inquire bow. Tbe- Bank Depositors and Investors' Protective isiiM-latlon, Rial to Building, Chicago. $100 INVESTED by oor plans of turf speculation baa monthly: send for particulars. Morris A 110 Dearborn, CHl-cago.

ap3 8u4t $150 INVESTED actually earning 85 per cent weekly profits; rare chance; no stock or Klondike scheme; safe- enterprise; control capital yourself. D. Sloane, 110 St. Paul Balti-. more, Md.

mhlO ThSoTn24t NEW series now open; don't delay it longer; join now; 50c or more per' month. All -your money sack. UNION HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION, mh6 Sntf 836 Carondelet. "GET Invest $1.00 a month in certain stocks; send 4c for book. A.


R. Liverpool and London and Globe Building. Booma 508 and 60S. Aew Orleans, April 11. 1898.

A quarterly dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per share will be oald to the stockholders on and after APRIL 2o-h. All transfers of stock between the' 11th and 20th. should bo exdlvldend. spll td WALTER V. CROUCH.

Sec 8T. CHARLES STREET BAILROAD COMPANY. Marigny and Decatur Streets. New Or-leana. April 8.

1S9S. At a. regular meeting of the board of directors held this day a dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT was declared for the quarter ending March lsf payable to the atockbolders on and after-April 197 1888. Transfer book will be closed until Arffd X- RIVIERE. Secretary.

FBOPOSALS. CTPEESS PILES A.VU LONG-LEAF PINE Vir LUMBER WANTED. Bids will be received until noon on SATUR. DAY, April 16, 1898. at our office.

822 Hennen buildlnr; New Orleans. for furnishing about 2250 cypress piles, average length about 20 fet Also separate bids will be received 1M furnishing about feet B. -M. of long-leaf yellow pine trestle timber, consisting of stringers, ties, caps and plank. allto be delivered on ears at any point on the niinoia Central or Yaaoo and Mississippi Valley Railroads Full Information can be had upon application.

E. M. QUIGLBY apO 8t Boom 922. Hennen Building. NEITHER tho owners, captain nor undersigned will "be responsible for- debts coa-tracted by the crew of the German bark NANNY.

Captain Gewald. i FRANCIS XIQUES 4b aplT St -J. SI Baronna Street. METROPOLITAN BANK, 4IO Camp Street. 22i $305,000 FRANK A.

G. RICKS. A. TKE CEPA3TKEXT. This department reeeivea deposits from one dollar upward, upon which we pay per eeat interest per annum, payable semi-annually.

DrRECTORS Colonel Geo. Fred Ba-qnet, Lou la Leonhard. L. Neaf. Peter O.

Ko-senstream. A. G. Ricks, Frank Boder. F.

P. Hansen, A. WnerpeL 'Opes dally from a. m. to 4 p.

au and an. MSBisyjLifron to 8 nu r- JT. FURNISHED or unf with bath, -Hourrh i. from May 1 to Oct. 1, office.

i-d house, 8 rooma, first-class order Address Uab, this FURNISHED cottace, seven rooms, hath, gar and water, all 2851 Baronne au 1113 ARABELLA- reet. -4-rooms, alak in kitchen, large yard, alley; FOB cheap double -o tag apply to Staub, builder, 919 Lyons st 1 paling a 924-026 DUFOSSAT double 4rooms, papered, aUxk ia 1 ttchen, XEW double cottars. 98 1-034 Dufossat st, 8 rooms and kitchen, 2317 6 rooms, pantry, fine bathroom and 'jar abed; aide. Apply 20utf Annnnclatiop at. QUEEN ANNE- cottage, -seven rooms and bath.

2752 Canal st. FIVE-BOOM cotUge, 430 Johnson st. Op-ply next door. lOt (HALF oonble 2308 S. Clarboiae, near Philip; $8 per month; Immediate possession.

Union Homestead Association Carondelet t. 8uWetf intending -to butrd get lOe Book of 27 Oealgns. Cottage Plan Coi M-, COMFORTABLE two-story resWenee7627 iEs-planade; suitable for boarding. Louis Scholar, 533 Elyslan Fields. 5306-6310 CAMP, near Valnjoat; rooms, bath, pantry; $12, until OctJ.

-DOUBLE No. 1319 Valence bet. Baronne and WeSotf A NEW, large, raised cottage.r rooms, hall In the middle; garden and stabler cor. Prieur and Hospital; $25. Apply .241.

Bourbon st- HALF side cottage, 5 rooms, all nicely papered; front galleryr large aide--yard and wash shed: No. 2316 Milan st; gravel road. Apply to Edw. L. Zsosler, 429 S.

Liberty bet. MlUn and Berlin. mh20 Sutt COTTAGE, corner of Milan and Carondelet with stable; $20, Apply. No. 1716 Milan --f- THB fine modern two-story single bonae.

8617 Prytania newly painted and papered, large double- parlors, dining-room, kitchen and large hall up and down stairs, 4 fine bedrooms, snd dressing-room, bathroom: gas, fine neighborhood; ahady aide. Apply 821 St. Charles at. JACKSON sve containing 8 rooms, bath, servant's room; papered throughout. Apply ext door.

yv-' Attractive new- containing parlors, bedrooms upstairs, dining-room and kitchen, hall, i pantries and clothes closets; papered, gas throughout, and water in kitchen; opposite Morris park, on line of Peters ave. can. Cor. Fourth and Howard. UNFURNISHED flat; five -rooms.

Apply 1525 Prytania. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.

HOUSE on beach. at Apply to Selleck, Cromwell landing, SINGLE cottage; five rooms. Ne. 8947. Maga-ains st.

i $6324 WHITE, near Banks; 3 rooms. $9721 Sixth, near Annunciation; 4 rooms. $181038- Oryades, near. Calliope; 7. rooms, retired, large yard; no lease.

$251625 Erato, near 8t; Charles ave f22 501762 St. 8 rooms, bath, ee new rent list. Carre re, 808 Perdldo st. LEAVING the city May 1st to 1st, I will give -my complete boose; rent free, to a desirable family of adulta; bouse delightfully situated, uptown; large yard and every convenience. Simpson, thia office.

COTTAGE 8 2 1 Third 5 rooms, gaa throughout, pantry, bath- Inquire 808 Fourth. epl7 24 CHEAP Raised- cottage, 7 rooms, with gaa and bath. 4417 Dryades st.jnear Napoleon ave, ACCOUNT leaving city will subtense bouse on Julia, near St. Charles; baa been newly papered and painted throughout. Address Jf.

S-, Picayune. COTTAGE, lately painted: 7 rooms, gallery, front and side yard, gl2 OO monthly; 1027 Toledano. New cottagaa, monthly, Freret and Seventh SUMMER- residences, completely furnished, on Pewankea lake, Waukesha beach. Write for pamphlet and particulars, Louis Auer, Milwaukee, Wla. lm THE handsome property of the late Arthur Reynoir at Bilori (Back Bay), oompletely furnished, with stable, bathhouse- and artesian water throughout; also several small cottages, furnished.

Apply on premises, or write to V. O. Box apl 2t SfNC'LE six-room cottage, with- tall, gas. Stable, nice Uwn; on 8 lots grcucd; to lower Sixth district. Address House.

Picayune. apl4 15 xT BUY A HOME NEXT FALL. Start now to provide' so-all -cash payment. Good investment anyway, it yon change your mind. Simple plan, easy terms.

lonx established baslnesa. Costa nothUg to find-out about it. Call or address. UNION-HOMESTEAD ASS'N, 1 d26 Sntf' 886 Carondelet. COTTAGE No.

8117 Chestnut 7 rooma. cabinet and bathroom; gaa throughout. Apply next door. tf BARROOM and residence, eight rooms, cor. Julia and Frcnt sts.

Barroom and residence, cor. To-edano and Magaalne. Apply W. Q. Tebault, or H.

H. Knlckerbock-er. 217 Royal. F23-WeFr8utf 1128 FOURTH, bet. Camp and Magaaine: 2-story.

9 rooms, halls, large yard; $30. John J. Csstell ft 809 Common St. s9 ThSoTntf GROCERY Cleveland avs. and Galves.

Apply to A. ave. and Roman. pl3 lw A COMMANDING location -on Canal street; nlthie for any kind of business, or for a first-class club. Macon, Denis A Kernagban.

U8 'Carondelet st. aplO 17 ONE of the most desirable residences in. tbe city. No. 1124 Galennle opposite St.

Paul'a church, in thorough order, large double parlors, II rooms, bath, will be rented, famished or unfurnished. Apply to Upper City Wade building. No. 1107 Jackson ave. d5 SnAWtf FLATr-Upper floors of Nos.

732 and 734 Cus-tombouse. bet. Roysl ard Bourbon; 15 rooms, nicely etc- A. DENIS, spU-tf No. 622 Canal at.

BAY ST. LOUIS. large ahady grounds, brick boose and two cottages, furnished, altogether 17 rooms, halls, galleries, barns, artesian well. bath-bouses, fishing pierhead. Apply to -LOUIS LEONHARD SONS, Cor.

Louisa and Dauptine or at place, mh28 tf $16 COTTAGE, with six largo rooms, to desirable neighborhood. 929 Fourth at. Apply Joseph 739. Fourth at. Fl9-20 23 27ASn tf STORE on Decatur bet.

Customhouse and Bienville sts. i DW1V VW Dwellinz-bousc on Camp Howard Library. Apply to au28 tf 620 Gravler at. TWO choice offices over State National Bank, Common st. Apply at the Bank.

d2 tf SOS PELICAN near Seguln. Algiers, 8 rooms. $12. Apply People's Homestead Asso-cistion. cor.

St. Charles and Union sts. s30 tf GULF COAST PROPERTY. FOR SALE. FOB Sale Two neat-cottages.

1 and a pretty home villa; also town lota. Address E. E. Jordy. Long Beach, Ml, g27 la' FOR 8A- OR RENT.

BEAUTIFUL "home, also cottage adjoining. In Bay St, Louie, on beach: ground 100x300; a bargain. Louis Schnler, 1532 Terpsichore. AT Waveland Funlshed cottage, complete; wharf, bathhouse nd every convenience; 100 feet fronts re on beach, Address P. O.

Box 434.. aplO SuWetf FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE, furntehedv Ixcr Beach. artesian well; 250 front, jAjjply Kost, 628 Gravler. AT Bay St.

Louis," Miss. Furnished eottsge, fronting on beach, near Von Qjhren's Hotel, 4 large rooms, hall, kitchen, servants' rooms and table. Address Geo. Sick'a Son, tflODecatur New Orleans 16 Sntf LOST AN PFOWip. FOUNDBunch of five keys on triangle ring.

Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for advertising. Plain gold ring, with initial a H. W. G. to La.

O. 1874. Liberayward it returned to 1331 Lsuialana ave. H. W.

Cribble. LOST Mot day, small rat and tan dog. $10 reward will be paid for its return to 1328 Saratoga LOST An 1 gold. cufBwtton, diamond in center. Reward at No.

611 Common sf, LOST-On. Canal sL. pink allk shawL Re-ward for same. Carrere, 806 Perdldo. MEDICAL.


and Whiskey Habit cured at borne without pain. Book of particulars aeut Fill: IT. I B.M. VVtXJljLEY.lI.L). AtlAtttA, t.

Offlce FOs7 CALE. A FIVE-ROOM single cottage. Sixth district, cheap. Address 6am, this office, $49 SACRIFICE One lot of high ground in Sixth district, only two blocks from a paved street; this bargain ia open only until Tuesday evening, so apply at once at No. 2901 Henry Clay saddles, shop-worn, White's, 64 -Commercial place.

BICYCLE aaddles. shop-worn, 25o to 50c. at 1568 EOCHEBLAVE, good home, $630; also money loaned on real estate. Bachet, 207 RoyaL i 5 40 ACRES of ground. 8 acres fenced in, with nooso -10x20, sallery, stable, chicken-houae, well, 70 bearing trees, plums, peaches, pears, 1300 feet ot grapes, horse.

Jumper, and flowers; 4 miles from Abita Springs, 6 miles ftom Covington ne.ghborbood well populated. Address Peaches care Picayune. apl7 2Q A Upright Piano, on account of leaving City. Apply 302O Laurel sU 24myl 8 15 10O COLONIES pure Italian bees at less than one-fourth cost. Address Bees, Picaynne.

BUTCH ERsaop. Forparticulara, apply aUU Ko.28, Ninth a tree market. A VELAND Stockton villa; seven rooms, wide galleries, barn, poultry, carriage-houses, fruit, well, flowers, 10O feet froot Jeff. Davis 1550 feet deep; $100 cash, or on Apply at 4016' Custom-house au, any day, except Sunday. DEBErrUREsTo and 11 months old.

3436 Magaslno at. HATCDSOMB two-story residence on Henry Clay one square from -St. Charles a bargain if sold at one. For particulars sea R. H.

Pickens, No. 609 Commercial place. Rampart, near' three-story bouse. Money loaned on real estate. Bachet, 207 THB Orleans Is the best bicycle built for $25.

White's, 644 Commercial piece. CHEAP A Shetland pony. Apply 1128 Howard it. DRINK the celebrated Castellan Springs Mineral Water. Prompt delivery.

40j Baronne at, SHAVING parlors, elegant fixtures, 8 N. Rampart cheap Address E. L. St. Ceran, Port Chalmette, La.


O. BOX 1275. A CHANCE at 1322 Elyslan Fields ave. Eggs from prize Minorcas, light Brahmas, black Langshans; $1 60 setting. John Patpal.

'GROCERY and bar for sale. Belleeastle and Laurel. 2t SINGLE cottage of four rooms. Apply ,3053 Ma gaslne st, A SURREY for sale. Apply at 1500 Canal 800 STICKS mixed wood, delivered Inside, Send postal to the Eagle Wood Yard.

1930 Sixth. ONE share Young Men's Gymnaatlc stock; long and- easy monthly payments. Address "Club." Picaynne. M-UST SELL. -Three lots on Louisiana ave.

at great sacri- I flee. Jaa. A. Brennan. 337 Carondelet at.

ONE lot on Henry Clay the pavement la Included in above price; this chance- la open only to-day and to-morrow, so apply, without delay, at No. 2901 Henry Clay ave. THE Orleans is the best bicycle built for $25. White's. 644 Commercial place.

A FINE bicycle sacrifice; $20. Address this office. 1627 ST. MARY, near St. Charles, good home.

6 rooms, kitchen, hall, bathroom, lU-tiouary wash tub. Bachet, 207 RoyaL CHEAP One six-barrel top Apply 532 Soraparu st. COFFEE, tea and "butter route, good trade; will sell cheap. Address Batter, A FIRST-CLASS bakery, with modern in-provementa, to good locality. Address Baker, Picayune.

PARCEL carriers 5c to 33c at White's, 644 Commercial place. 1421 Montegut new double yle.dlng $12 monthly; price $900. Bachet, 207 RoyaL PEDIGREED Scotch colli pupa. Apply 411 Broadway. OLD-debenturea to tbe New Orleans.

People's, Louisiana, United Companies. Address P. O. Box 595. CHEAP Two large ranges.

Apply 355 Baronne st. BARROOM and oyster saloon, with pool license psld. O. W. this office.

BARGAIN Cooking range. In- good order. Apply, not later than Monday, 18th, 1532 Terpeleborei NEWSPAPER outfit at a bargain, suitable for country weekly. Address 20 Poydrasst. "iNEW douSle cottage, 8 rooms, rent $24, Sixth- district, $2100.

Address Rent, this office. THE "Orleans is tbe best bicycle built for $25. White's, 644 Commercial place. "DRINK Caatalian Springs Mineral Water. Prompt delivery.

405 Baronne at, $4000 $1500 CASH, balance $35 monthly, lntereat included, will buy that floe store and residence corner Gasquet and Claiborne, containing 12 rooma; good condition; could easily be rented $40 per month. Bachet, 207 Royal. CHEAP No. 2 Remingtor. typewriter; good condition.

H. 800 St, Charles city. 600 LARGE sticks oak, aah. pine, delivered Inside, saw mill blocks gl 25 load. Send postal.

W. A. Richardson, 2421 Gravler at. A MAGNIFICENT folding bed of real cherry! Can be seen at 1427 Euterpe st, GOOD covered delivery wagon and big horse, cheap. W.

D. care thia office. A WELL-BUILT cottage. 4 rooms; lot 50x 150; Solomon near St. Louis; one-third rash, balance 1 aod 2 years.

Inquire at 222 8. Rampart bet. Common and Gravler. FO Sntf A GENTLE, small norse, worker, at 222 S. Rampart near Gravler.

tf OUR new navy and naval battles of all ages; all about war with Spain, the "Maine, all other battle-ships, coast defenses, cruisers, gunboats, rams, torpedo boats: tremendous seller; blggeat moneymaker ever known; liberal terms; agents making $7 to $28 per day; credit given; Ireigbt paid; outfit free; send six 2c stamps tor postage. Monroe Book dept. 40. 324 Dearborn Chicago. FURNITURE sold on eaay terms: movlngs promptly attended to.

at Louis Plchet's, 429 Royal. 2565 ACRES fine timber land and cattle ranch situated one mile back of -Algiers, on Verret canal. For particulars apply to 231 Olivier Algiers. NEW kind; 5 slot machines; guaranteed In good working 421 St. Charles st.

ICE. wood and oyater saloon alao-a fine horse and wagon, very cheap. 429 Dryades. BALDWIN Dry Air Refrigerators have no equal; large assortment; reasonable prices. Chas.

Wlrth sole agents, Magaslne and Toledano. STEAM laundry, with first-class machinery. Address R. H. Pickens.

606 Commercial place. SURREY and new and stylish trotting p. Address care this office. BICYCLE locks 10c at White's, 644 Commer-clal place. I HAVE soldier's warrant for a 1-4 section of swamp land not yet located; make me an offer.

X. Y. 21, this So3t 5 EGGSfrora best breeds Cochins, black Lang-shans and Brahmas, $1 2222 Clevc land ave. upright piano: brand new; standard make; drummer's sample; will exi change for fine diamond. Address Drummer, care this office.

A MCDONALD hydraulic for six-foot mUL B. Lemann Jb Donsldsonvllle, La. HANDSOME modern 2-story boose. 4511 Canal, near Murat. Macon, Denis A Kernaghan.

Eh8Iw TWO-STORY RESIDENCE: HAS .14 ROOMS; CONVENIENT TO CARS, SCHOOL A SD MARKET; ON LAFAYETTE EASY TERMS P. O. BOX 1275. liOTS at Cong. Beach, on the beach Apply at 241 Boorbqn New Orleans.

TWO shares Y. M. G. Club stock, $35 each; long terms. Sol L.

Well, 208. Hennen ODDS and ends in bicycle bells 5c to 15o at White's, 644 Commercial place. "SEED RICE, Best quality, grown from choice Imported Honduras seed, on virgin land; is absolutely free from red and equal to the imported article itself also Imported seed rice at lowest -prices. For information address H. Colo nab.

227 N. Peters New Orleaas, La mh20 SuWeFrlm LARGE double cottage, SIS Dufossat OOx 150; plenty bearing fruit trees; also atore. with four -rooms, cor. (Vlagaxine and Dufossat; a private market adjoining; tnree cboiee bonding -lots, same square. Apply to 818 Dufossat.

mh27 SnThlin "SPLENDID tires $5 per pair at White's, 644 Commercial place. atock; will sell cheap on account of leaving city- Dias. cor. St, Roch and St. Claude.

lw y- STOVEWOOD Half cord.ssh-oak $3.25. half cord oak -S3, half cord pine $2.50. Usual prices for loads. Put inside. Dry.

sound wood. T. J. Murray, Rampart-St. Andrew.

my2 Suly STEEL steam yacht Nooya, schooner rigged, HO tons gross, 127 feet over all. 104 feet L. W. 18 feet beam. IO-feet draft.

Dsvid Birkenhead. Ensland. builders, tVm. K. Aston, 41 Wall New York, owner.

ap3 Su3t A LOVELY home. corner White and Palmyra garden, stables- and-latent improvements. Cottage 444 Canal Bt cor. Murat. 1509 Prytania near Melpomene- 131t Magazine, near Thalia.

Sol L. WeU, room 208, Hennen Building. OFFICE of the Collector of Customs, Port of New Orleans, April 16, 1898. Notice is hereby given that a sal of unclaimed goods, will take place at the Peters street eu-ance of the Cu8tom-houM -at 11 o'slock a. THURSDAY, May 12.

1898. Catalogue may be had at thia office prior to sale. THEO. 8. WILKIN-SON.

Collector. 24 myl A FINE set of saloon fixtures, up-to-date; a national cash register, acreen door. Iron safe, ice boxes. 730 Bienville. 1-2 CORD oak and ash sawed and spilt.

$3 25; 450 pieces mixed wood, $1. W. B. Clark, Race and Tchonpitoulaa. BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, road carts, heavy and light double and single, and lap robes.

Martin. Ac Son, 414 Caron- delet, OR exchange for city property, truck farm In Ocean Springs. Roth, 2307 Palmyra. BAKERY baking 2 bbls; everything complete; horse, wagon, etc will sell on monthly pay. meats.

Address J. this office. A FEW damaged handle bars, 15c to 50c, at White's. 644 Commercial place. DOUBLE Cottage, 927 Milan and also single cottage, 1108.

Apply 1100 Milan. A interest, will buy lots on Upperline, Robert, Freret and S. Rob- yarua iroxn new tree i railroad, and 200 vard. from Peters ave. no.

J. Castell Co- 145 Carondelet at. apiojt waautx NICKEL-IN-THE-SLOT machines of all kinds. Address P. O.

Box 679, and will call on you at once. aplO lw NICE bobhlnet bars, for Victoria beds, 108 lo. Ions, full alee. $2 50. at W.

G. Tebault' s. 39. 41 Royal n21 Suly A HORSE and buggy; first-class team for $100; a big bargain for tbe right party. Address E.

Ravain. Stable 302 N. Rampart, or telephone to 706. lw ftTFAPFn 'flnrhwlxM tnnlea. fcur cool carta.

1307 Catocdtlet Walk. ap34 lw JOB lot cyclometers. all new and guaranteed, 15c to 75c White's. 644 Commercial pi. SPRING plants for bedding -Geranium, heliotrope, petunias, cheap.

E. Valdejo, 6037 Hursi st. F20 SaTnTn3m HORSE, surrey and baroesa. at Bay St. Louis; horse gentle, good traveler and thoroughly acclimated.

Call or address Room 24) Crescent Insurance Building. aplO Sntf THE entire plant of Fossier's Pelican Shirt Factory, cor: Chartres Ursnlines comprising the sewing, buttonhole and button machines, cutting and sewing tables, etc, -For full particulars and price apply to D. DANZIGER. mb27 SnWelm 112 Carondelet St. ONE fine Jersey bull and some trotting stock colts.

M. below Algiers. ap3-SuWlni SEE the "Orleans" bicycle, $25. at White's, 6(4 Commercial place. A.

DRY GOODS, and notion store for sale; reasonable terms; good atock -and run of custom. Address iDry Goods, this office. 40,000 FEET oak lumber, slightly damaged. Nick Jena and Wa ter sts. F27 Sutf i CHOICE squares of ground near La.

Apply H. O'Connor 828 Common st, apl2 lm LOTS Petera aae.v "Oetavia -and Arabella bet. Magazine snd- Camp. ata. ED.

J. HEINTZ. 943 -or- 811 Camp au oa Satf ABITA SPRINGS RESIDENCE FOR SALE House plastered and thoroughly comfortable; two large bedrooms, i parlor, dining-room, kitchen, bath, front and back galleries; large grounds; flower garden; beautifully lociU-d on the. front and qply two blue from spring. For particulars spply to or address Counter Clerk of the Plcayuuu.

aplO tf THEATRICAL and masqueredt costumes, wigs and beards to hire, at F. Sneii's, 211 Bourbou su Country orders prompuy attended to. i Jalo 8utf TWO choice, building Iota on Sonlat, bet, Baronne and' Dryades (Robert) select beautiful trees, Schllllnger sidewalk; one block from Charles two lines of cars? $U0 per lot, worth $1200. Apply to J. H.

O'Connor- St 828 Common at. Jy27 tf RICE CHICKEN FEED; $1.00 per sack 100 pounds. Albert Matkie Grocer Company. mh8 tf FOR SALE BOILERS. 100-horse power 4-inch tube boiler and fittings 65-horse powea 6-inch fin boiler and fittings romp eu $380.

Second-hand battery of three by 20-foot boilers, twelve 6-inch flnea each, steam drum and complete flttlnps. $660. All o. b. New, Orleans.

Address DAN SHEA Memphis, Teas. my30 '97-gnlr GASOLINE, oils, lamps, torches, stoves and ranges. F. Peooul, 234 Chartres at, TeL 1007. so tf LOTS on Rendon and Lopes near Tu-lane $15 balance $5 monthly.

J. Q. GowlanL6th floor, Morria building. mh25 tf CMBUFLLA Hospital; new ribs, new covers, new sticks; repairing costly done. Fox the Hatter.

Je20 Sely SEWANEE, TENN, TEN-ROOM HOUSE; LARGE LOT; WELL SITUATED; UNFAILIN SUPPLY OF CLEAR SPRING WATER. W. S. SLACK, LA. 1)251 2503 DAUPHINE cor Washington Two story and attic frame residence, nicely subdivided, rear "buildings, etc.

on lot 29 feet 8 inches by 118 feet. Terms One-third cash, balance one and two years, or according to homestead plan. to People's Homestead, cor. St. Charles, and X'niou.

JV tf IN ALG1ER Elegant double cottage on Pelican Miuare bounded by Seanin. Alix und Bermuda. Will-be sod part task and In one, two and three years' time, or according to homestead Proposals writing, naming price and. terms offered, will be received at office People's Homestead Association, cor St. Charles snd Union sts.

Je20 tf ROOMS TO NT. 2323 ST. CHARLES First; furnished or udfurnished: room; private family; reasonable rent. LARGE, cool, nicely furniahed rooms for lummer. 727 Julia near St.

Charles. the TWO- large, well furnished, connecting front rooms, private -bath attached; private family. No, 1410 jCanal apl7 20 tTJRNISlTED. rooma. or part of bouse; housekeeping privileges; reasonable.

629 Carondelet Bt- ANT elegant room, with board, for two gentlemen, or man aad wife; in private family. Ad dress N. 89, FOR genUemen, two nicely, furnished. airyfeucCKSSiN or MttS. PAULINE STEPIT.

rooms; iU, b.thT'wJth 717 Howard st.V AIB L- 5fO. 911 CAMP Delirhtfnl furnished front and other or without board. TWO large parlors, suitable for doctor; elegant furnished ot unfurnished. 1416 Canal st. spl7-lw COMFORTABLE fprnlsfied rooms.

$5 per month. 1812 near" Felicity. sFO.NI?- ROOMS 137 MAGAZINE ST. FURNISHED room to rent. 5 minutes' walk from Canal fl 50 per week.

Address Good Room, this offlce. 'CONNECTING rooma for light housekeeping; also unfurnished flat, aeeond floor. 426 RoyaL FURNISHED or unfurnished- front rooma. privilege housekeeping, 80 and -87 nx-nttr. 214 Sw Claiborne.

nh27 4wi NICELY famished front room, second-storyj, with st.r- private. Address Room, Picayune. 17 DELIGHTFUL front other rooms. 2d floor: reasoaabiei board; re fa. exchanxed.


ALLY-A. PARODY. 84Q COMMON. ON pianos, furniture, and bicycles. Address Loan, this $175,000 TO LOAN on city property.

Octave -Gomes, 814 Carondelet. near Gravler. Hours, 9 to 10 and 2 to 4. F14 tf "MONEY to loan on city real estate. Wm, R.

Ker. Notary, Boom 912 Heonca Building. aul5tf I sums to suit, on city real estate. li. J.

Le Gardeur, notary -public, 614 Grarier st, Sntf THB Germanla Savings Bank, 311 Camp lends money on, satisfactory security, in sums to suit, on long and short time. Ja9 tf ON city real estate. Successions handled, titles examined, law and notorial business. K. Well.

2oS Hennen Building, Cocnmon and Carondelet ets. JylS 12m $150,000 ON mortgage on city real estate. CaU or al tresa lioom sixth floor. AU traosectitxia strictly coniJeatial. Loots llle ana KAa Ills).

No. 3. ft a m.No. 2, ft ss ft 4. a ta No.

6, ft lire.7:tJ a as No. 8, coast Urn. daily. except -fcosdar) No. 5, No.

7, coast Urn. daily. except Sunday) No. Sun. ex.9:25 miNo.

IO. 8an.ex.:oo a as Illlaols Central. No. 23, local. 10:00 No.

24. local. 70 a No. 8, Chicago No. 4.

Chicago limited 7:45 mr limited 8:0 a SB mT.8:80a n.lNo. 2. ft Louisvlllo and Cincinnati. -No. 1, rt a 2.

ft m1.7:29n Louisville aad Cincinnati Limited. No. 3 7:45 mi No. 4 9:00 a at No. S2, McComb No.

31. McComb City accom. 9:80 a ml City accom .0 as No. 35, Sunday I Excursion .9:05 ml No. 36.

Sunday Excursion .7:33 a Yaioo aad Mississippi Valley. Vickaburg ex. .5:30 m.Vicksburg ex. .8:19 a as Memphis ex. .11:30 a Memphia Baton R.

a mj taton R. ac. ..4:30 p.av Qneea aad Crescent Iionte. No. 1, 11 .8:30 a ml No.

2, 11m. .7:25 at No. 8. ft No. 4.

ft m1.8:10 am Texan aad Facifle. No. 54. CaLex.6:15 miNo. 53.

Cal.ex.8:15 a aa' No. 52. Hot Spgs. No. 51.

Hot Spgs. express 9:15 a express ...7:20 pat Sonthern Paclfle Compaay. -Texas and Mex. Kuifornla express 6:40 Texas and Mex. 4 California ex.

.7:55 a ml expreas a as East Loalilaaa From Queen and Crescent Depot, Press Streets Daily. Except Sunday. So. 1 ........8:35 a ml No. 8 4:00 SS Sunday Excursion.

5 .......6:35 a mfNo. 6 a IS. O- Fort Jackioa aad Graad Isle. Saturday and eunaay Algiers 9 a ml Algiers 5:30 Daily, Except Sunday and -Algiers ......9:55 a mi Algiers 4:30 Sunday Only. Algiers 7:35 Algiers 6:00 a Dally.

Except Sunday. Algiers 6:40 mlAlgiers at Louisiana Soathera Railway. Daily, Except ouuttay. From Belair and l. IFor Belalr and Shell Beach.8i35 a ml Shell Beach.

5:30 From Belalr and For Belalr aad Shell Beach.4:00pm tsheii sacli.9:40 a SB Sundays Only. From 7:00 a mfor 8. Beech. 5 :80 a at From R. Bch.

10:02 a For 8. Beach. 8:00 oi From S. For Belalr pu iFor S. Beach.


CHAS. MI'LLER, ladles' hairdresser, former ly at 122 Baronne, now at S. J. Shwarta a. hhampoo.

COc: halrdrctaicg at realdencai swiuhes, 1 op. BOOKS and Photos: send etamo for sealed circular. Wm. Henry, 605 3. 6th, Philadelphia, "OUT OP SIGHT" pboto pocket mirrors: a face bidden from all eye.

except your ownx sample free. Howe Terry. 20 aad S. 'I'aullna Chicago. A CARD.

MRS. M. H. LLOYD, formerly at Kaufmaa Isaacs', Is now established In flrst-clas. mil- linery and dressmaking at No.

BUS Magaaine where she will bo pleased to aee ber many friends. BOW-L'EQS, kxock'knee, pigeon-toe, round sboulders. corrected. Instructions fjy malL- Atbb, Vicaynne. MULLEN, manicuro and chiropodist, a S.

J. Shwwrts'e Malson Blanche. Hours 12 to 5. SCHAEFEB tas returned and will" hi pleased to meet ber many friends at 632 Caaa near Glrod. MEDIUM will tell poat, future and Next Barracks, St, Bernard parish.

Mrs. Al pbonse; IO to 4f Rampart and Dauphin, car. la HYGIENE, Formslld a general healing antiseptic; free sample bottle at Cap. dun's Drugstore, Rampart and Canal, optowa Ida. BUY rotir Domotd-rnr rats at Chas.

Muller's. laulet' hairdref ser, aecood floor, S. J. Bhwarta'a. HAIR store and ladles' bairdresslng saloon.

at Mme. Jacob's, 122 Baronne, opposite Gruna- wald. JULIAN HUNTER, X. Petersv nea 7 Angclo. 1 square below United Sbarea barracka.

Address letters Station New Orleana, La. BE a hypnotist; everyone can typnotlsat" learn the art; It is not a special gift; bavo fun by tbe hour; cures habits and dlMasee; lateat methods: price of lessons in hypnotism) re- duced; will positively cure liquor, cocaine, mor phine ana tobacco naoite; terms iu, ana up. wards; only a limited number will be -Philadelphia Psychological Institnte, temporary office 714 Toulouse hours 9-12, gun-day 9-10. FOR falling hair. Itching scalp, ase Chas.

Muller's Hair Grower and Dandruff Fra pared only by Chas. Muller, ladles', hairdresser, second floor, S. J. Sbwarts's. Trsatment of tbd hair a specialty.

Consultations free. MARRIAGE PAPER. Best published FREE. -i J. W.

GUNNELS, Ohio. mh27 So5t STAMPS of all kinds wanted tor cash; good prices psld. 139 Carondelet at, lw LADIES! Chichester' English PrtnyroyU Pills (Diamond Brand), are the best. Sate, reliable. TskenootLr.

Rend 4c Stan) pa for particular. "Relief for Ladies." lo letter by return mall. At druggists. Chichester Chemical Pa. Jyl '97ThgoTntanl 98 HOW to become lawful physicians, pharma-cists, dentjsts or lawyers.

Lock Box 196. Chicago. ap2 lm NO MORE GRAY HAIR by using Chas. Muller's Instantaneous Hair Ro gectrator; no JO ease; not. prlos.

I'repared only by Cbaa. Muller. laxsmT-ttklp' dresser, second floor, S. J. Shwsrts Co.

NEW series now open; don't delay It longer; Join now; SOc or mors per All your i monev back. 1 UNION HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION, mh6 Sntf 836 Carondelet, LIFE sized Baa Belief Photographa finlahsd lo Water Colors, Psstel end Crayos, -now exhibition at our studio. tbavonly plctaraa this style In existence. The publle is respocs. fully invited to call sad criticise them, i UOJA3 CONCsKB.

1907 Canal Street. spjg 'f7 ly J. B. PESEZ FEMALE KG LATINO PILLS. Tbe surest remedy for all female lm.

clarities. Sold by druggists. Office 714 NorUt Rampart, opposite Congo square. c2Q 97 ly HATS end fesrtficrs cleaned and -Whit. 1600 Dryades.

opp. Kaufmaa st Isasesv 27 97 ly JUplCIAU I EL HIPPOLYTE DO 6UAU DE LA CIVIL DISTRICT COURT for the rarita ot Orleans No. 65,030 Division Wbereaa Artbnr Dens has petitioaed the court for letters of dative testamentary executorship the estate of the late Mrs. Pauline Stephaalo de Livaodaia. -widow of Daniel Hippolyta-dit Scan de la Croix, deceased, testate, notice la hereby given to all whom it may.

concern 't rhow cause -within ten days, why the prayer of aald petitioner should not be granted. By oraer of the Court: 21 28 PAUL O. GUERBN. Clerk. DOAHDiriC.

EXCELLENT board, large rooma, wide, light rel.1 bath, hot and cold water. Miss Butler, 1729 Coliseum park, comer ot PolymnU. mail '-ly HANDSOME rooms, with board, opposite Lafayette square; private reasonab.a rates. 629 bt, Charles. aal tm2w 1416 CANAL Irge.

elegant rooma. vrlUt ar without board per month. LARGE, cool rooms, good table; 'rasoabl terms, Mrs, Geo. W. Byrne.

1137 Dela-chie- C31 ROYAL near Royal Hotel, elegant-rooms, hot and eo'i batha; European plan. mhl3 uWe rt ,,1316 THALIA, near St. Charles C. Ilghtful location: pleasant rooms; best t--- bath and home comforts. References req.reJ mh27 Solm 1216 FELICITY, near Camp; furniahed or furnished rooms, with board; private fair1 -Creole-American table.

ap7 ELEGANT furnished room and booH'r. St. Charlea terms reasonable. this office. p.

ij. ST. CriAELES- MANTTON, pew ttri hot-1. Cuisine 'unsurpaed: tU numerate rates, JU2 to fct. CUi.j tt.

F23 tf ALCADn iiotrsE. "'fi year; rcasouaL.t rates; 'v. it, airy r-it a. i 0.

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