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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 5

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'W ADVERTISEMENTS COTTON SEED MEAL ilivewd bT Bo nd Car" to PUnttlon- J6i J. H. DUGGAN, ISO Common street. ttEsI Estate, UnprofEl and UniiDroyeJ, crfiivn ivn cnrvini TIK frXXtdX, C3--' OISTItlCTH. to NEW ORLEANS BEAL KSTATJ5 mMPiOT.

LIMITED. 25 25 JC-A -ww ii Place, ground mbl lm -fXGDfES AM) BOIXJEES, STOCK FOB IMMEDIATE DEUVEBT. id. 13, W. at 28.

30, 35 and 40 Hon Power. -A- BALDWIN 4 limited. voTiir Corner Camp and Common iU. UNEXCELLED BOTTLED BEER, SCIICTTKN, i 101 Poydra Street, 2 SOLE AGENTS. mh20 lm 'SEED RICE.

wflelved, per steamer uouhmuot, one. tvoSriCBt. dcks eboi.ce daras SEED BICE. 'paters' Bice Mill, 62 Decatur Street Ths Bonanza of the Future, tve COMING IRON DISTRICT CF THE UNITED STATES. took' PMipWota, eto de-j tlT6 thejwonderful mineral and agrienlv fi rmroea of the State, apply to Aarenta of TxQBT0l.K AXD WESTERN soAB 29 Waahlnffton atreet, Boston 803 Wwar.

New York 133 Pennsylvania Ave- 1. aalnroa vi i otucum vun, DESIGNS and FLORAL WORK fer jtj aeeaaions. SocieUca. Clans, eta, cau lor pedal prices on. large orders.

My work Isao-iMirlrfS handsomest and cheapest in the ctr strong plants very A few Marie Henriettas, reel nign, mhll lm 279 Decatnr street. SEED RICE. CHOICK CAEOLXXA A3TD HONDURAS 8EXD 7ASJTED AND SCREENED. KRNsST CO Foralebr mh5-tl Cor. Julia and Magazine atreeta.

i.B.GKISW0LD -i CEstabnahed 1817). Crzra Glasses, Srectacles, Eye Glasses, 119 STREET. ou -w iyi raw SPATH'S CARRIAGE EMPORIUM, 93 KORTH RAMPART STREET. Warekoaie. 118.

120 123 KerthBaela Mreet. New Orieana. Bonriea. Baronehes, Wagon and Tehlcles of istTj deecnpuon Rr saie ana lor nire. iiepair.

morson are tie Sols Agents of Oar Mines in TionlsiaTia, TISGIIA AND ALABAMA COAL CXX EL0S3 IRON AND STEEL CO, Te eaa anpply planters and. consomers with, a aliaalte any erer breaght to this market MOSS MORSON, r-Im S8 TCIIOrPITOULA-S. Seed Rice. Seed Rice. Cludcs Honduras andCaroUns) SEED RICE.

Tot ale by JOSEPH TlSm Planters' Bioe Mill, 62 Decatur at. amm miimriwm taught. 1 TEACHERS WHEN DESIRED. "naana and Typewriting -Work Solicited. Rmti8horthandand Typewriting Institute, KA.dl.iNa DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNQ lAt'IFS.

rfVBO Iv nisu nu mmmcmM.K jsmea EHXEST YILLERE, -Importer of- rit iniNEs and fancy groceries, I 13 Carondelet Street. ewe Agent of th WINE CALIFORNIA, aaret. VThlte and Sweet wine s. Distillery Limited. -j? 'u wnisKie.

J. Bchweppe Co, tJauted, London: Ginger Ale and f-naT1 fa tookr toe finest Imported Sherries, and Bordeaux Clarets and riT 5 es and caska Pate de fole -vuae, ureen Peas, OUve Oils, eto, etc JVC. MILLER ani Awiiliia: Company, Limiteflt, -nJWJP STREET, TARPAULINS, FLAGS, OIL CLOTHING. -A vAjip FURNITURE. ETC: n1il'fl7tfT i TIMBER LANDS 83d Large and --2 Trct--pta, Oak and Cypres-tor sale.

ot timber land weald weU tolUt laar with W. H. HO WCOTTa AGENCY, atrMt. 613 tt GENUINE I niiii i in mm Dubious imBiuocs byDp.PaalGA.GE Fils pbemlatof the lstdass. wy proprietor of that Xcmedy.

I DK liKSELLE-SAINT-GERlIAIN PARIS. EHxIr is one of the most i. medicine8 DOtl1 118 Pcr-i a Depurative; it is remedy against all Bilious disorders; 9 thaa 8eventy-five years Dr. tuxir has been; employed, cess against diseases of the 516 Spleen, the Heart, lTJsw, diseases, etc. c-.

imitations and see that you Csnuine, GuilJie's Elixir, rr3 tne signature of Paul l.Diark.that e.ich bottle is by a Treatise on Glairs. a a Drngrgists and -Patent -3T0H STANDACD! COAL! COAL! VIWIaUfi.IL. vnu, SALE, puadtcd mr t'TPT? Grand Opera House. To-isnairr. Blatlaees Wedunday and Saturday.

THE PAmSTE! WITH ALL THE And the Mammoth Tank Holding 30,000 Gallons of Water 30,000 Snnrtav. Marcn V. n.DMnu. oirrv mhltf-tf 110! FOR THE CREVASSE. Steamer a Jtlartr 2S.Comeaux ana iMTotir cite will leave the neaa or Canat street, Sun-' aay JtKarcH 22, for Sharr Crevasse at the folloteinsr notirs lo and 11a.

l. and 4 j. m. FABE FOR ROUND TRIP, $0c isiicntfi ft JlilUtlLUM a 1. THEATRES.

Scientiflo lllnatration oftha o-rnlnalnn at Hall xiciiuou ma amue nnftrniflr- waT i'imrak "tiwrai vnwr ai yruoiogicai repreaei tiona and exhibits by Stoedell. In Theau ((otrb LMtrr Comedy Company and Uvryer CREW NOTICES. neither the awien, captain ner aader. signed BI te responsible tor any debts contracted tj the erew ot the British, steamship I2TDIAN PBTSTCE, Captain B. Cox.

HOWE A MERBOW. Acents, mh20 3t 198 Gravier street. Neither the waero, captain aer n- i dersigned win be responsible for any debt, eon- tractea uy the cre-w of the BrlUah steamship OSWAIJ), Captain Iwer. a. K.

muxes, uxlxtta co, 3t Room 5, Cotton Exchange. Mil MUTUAL Insnranco Company. PAIS UP CAPITAL $300,000 OO 4tSSET3a $1,063,200 10 $310,632 83 A. THIRTY-PIFTII AJWTJAIi STATE-, STENT. iTlUJC KUiAl.UXUAJLi CNBTJRAInCE CO- Jno.

oa camp street ITey Orleans, January 1. 1S91. 1 In eonformlty with the reauirenienta nf its charter, the eomnany oabliahea the, foHnmrln statement for the year ending December SiL Amonnt of premiums tor the year "Ming Ob A risks $830,738 73 On rlTes risks S3 On marine ZA.OO 39 $728,091 44 Tjn terminated risks ot 1689 183.431 00 t9U.U3 44 Pn terminated risks of 1890 OO Return 09,011 43 294.477 42 $610,989 03 24 66,995 11 Agency 10,505 60" 843.903 Ket earned Add interesw diaoounts and $373,055 07 61.000 13 $424.05 20 Leas Losses waW Pire. $209,908 08 hi ,3.59.1. 243.923 28 Reaerred for nnad.

jastedand a a a i losses 28,183 33 $271,105 68 Add Expense ana taxes sqs.149 vs Rent- 2.000 00 66,149 2S Interest; 10 per cent on capital stock paid durtna- 189U-. 49,840 0O DO 27 et profit carried to surplus fund $37,960 84 The com nan has the folio win assets eU. mated at their market value i Stocka and IfozJ.L'yi 69 Xjoansou 16,092 06 Loans on Bills receivable Real Preminmsin course of eoUection, $133,358 82, valued at Cash, in banks and en 14.4B3 57 6.298 86 64,000 0O I2S.OOO 00 19,514 48 Total 18 LIABILITIES. Interest, $500.000 00 Due for anadjuated and unpaid, 82,699 83 195,466 00 12.000 00 Birplla4.eweerwwstMww) 310,633 83 16 Th neetrotn a statement Is a fust, true and cor. xeet transcript xrom tne oooas ot vo company.

H. CARPENTER, Secretary. Sworn ts and aubaoribed before me this 21st day of January, ,1891. E. 7.

Hart. A. Baldwin. R. Finlar.

J.C. Airey, Blain Jamison, H. M. Prestos, i-, L. M.

Finley, W. A. Gordon. S.P. Walmaley, B.

G. Bush, A. U. Lobdell, W. R.

Stauffer, J. C. Chaffe, W. C. Flower.

xt X4. trais, 11. Newman. .3. A.

Blanc, D. A. Qhaffratx. A. Meyer, i Julius Weia, a.

nay. FXEIVGE PATENT FOR. DRAINAGE AND IRUICATIOS. Siii sold in three years. 66 PlasUtions rtrained with thera.

Simp'i rinrable, cheap, and. the I'entPHt rrtnning pum, mmio. j. Jir--uii, 105 'I crioiipitoulaa street. Haw Orleans, Ls.

XYOORSELFlX I Impoetors, but If troubled witH Gonorrboea or GleetAaJ iCj? Wbite or any unnatural I discharge, go to the druggist I aad asit for Bio O. It caress v- I ft I or pubUclty of a doctor. it txntoersol American eurm. Manufactured only 1 nisBviiiCh8ixuCfcr NT CINCINNATI, ft 1 THE DAILY PICAYUNE WETV. ORLEANS, SATURDAY.

MAT-fitT si. trot. Asaociation rdr the Relief ef Jewlah Widows and" Orphans-The annnal meeting of this aaaodatioa win be held STlltDAT. March 22, 4:30 p. m.

sharp, at the "Home." St, Charles and Peters avenues. Members are requested to mh20 3t SELIM JiARNETT. Secretary. ISew Orleana and Carralitea XlmWmmA company, new Orleans. March 20.

at a meeting of the "Board of Director, held on th xatn mat, a Quarterly dividend of ONE rOI.l and CEST8 per share was oeciarea payable on and after April 6, 189L WALTIB.V, CROUCH. mh20-td The Pahlle aad Stecltheldera ef the Rea- eue Sllrer Mining Company are invited to call at the effice of the Company, No. 69 GraTtor treetk and read the recent Very good reports from the superintendent and examine sped. men. of ore and asaays from the mine.

mh30 at P. P. MILES, President, New OrlnaiM. Ta M.mLI 1 yai xxr the undersigned, state that we have abandoned nuiKiua wilu in. proposed Bank.

Poydra Bandog Company. Limited, and South- era Banking Company, as promoters, as propped IMrectora, as proposed Stockholders or We Cancel OUT namaa anil 4ha of nw of us fronvany circular, proapaetus or other paper A J. iQRSTALL, A.M. SILBKKNAGEIa T. A.



Attorner. GEO. PRKOT, Notary. mhlg lw OSIce of the Nnr (rln. and Lake Railroaxl Company, No.

34 Hi. Charles Street, New Orleans, March 16, 1891. Notice la hereby given to ail stockholders ot this com. pany to attend a general meeting of the stock holders to be held at tha ofliM of tha WEDNESDAY. Anril 1.

1891. at 12lo'dnk noon, for the purpose of electing directors and, ui- uubiuoh Huwy uo necessary. muj.i oiji jn ss, secretary. Steckhelders ef the Geergianm Geld and Silver Mining Company are invited to can at the office of the company. No.

173 Common, and suDscnue to the bonds of the company to be is sued under resolution i adopted at a general meeting held March 13, 189L By order of the Board, G. E. COUBTIN, ml 5 lot Secretary. The public sire hereby notlfled net ne gotiate a certain Promissory Note, drawn by Mrs. Bettle Rochester to the order of and by nerseii indorsed, dated Nor.

8, 1887, payable two years after date, tor the sum of $480. with 7 per cent Interest per annum from date until paid; said note having indorsements ot credits or payments on account of $62 67. The said note having been lost or mislaid and belonging mhl4 lm STANDARD GUANO AND CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, SUCCESSOKS TO 8 tern's Fertilizer and Chemical Manfg. Cev, jaanuiacturers ol "HIGH GRADE. BONE FERTILIZERS," "Stern's Amman 1a ted Raw Bon Snnemhnal "siern-s" pure around Raw Bone.

"Stern's" Sncar SiinernhoMnhatM. DlSSOLVEli rotstr. ii'in pirnsPTTimr BONE BLACK. Office, 14 Union street. -Send for Aarlculrural iimmm TuThSaly i LAK.E BORGNE CANAL, PARISH OP ST.

BERNARD. The locks ot this canal win be opened until farther notice at 9 o'clock a m. and at 1 aadO o'clock p. m. In this connection attention la aTled to the fact that the capacity of the locks is such as to aomit ox passing tnrongh, at one lockaae, and in less than one hour's time, ten or twelve schoon ers, twentv or thlrtr lurreers.

or four bara-e win laming iuu.uuu iee oi turn ner eaon. This canal connect the MiHSiaainnl River. even miles below the united State Karracka. by means of locks, with Lake Borate, the Mls- iMiuDi Douno. lain rnc6uxixmin ana.

iw repa and uie unit or ex loo. tshlppera of and dealer in saw lotrs. nuvuB, cuannu, vjnwn, ua, ruj ot miasia- sippt River points, and of Western produce for pons on lae bouqu ana bin (joasc wiu oe rur-nihed with Information aa te rates of toll and other particulars at the otflce ef she canal. No. 6 Varieties alley, and can communicate with the canal at any time ny telephone or dv letter, ad.

uressea 10 vioiet sr. is, 810,000 TO INVEST In Furniture, pianos. Entire Contents of Best. denoes, AntKiaes, eta, Liberal prices nald. Address PACKER.

P. O. Box No. 849. J29 tf A.

CH AST ANT, M. D. WiS Cautal atreec Ilonrai lO au an. tele. m.

and frwtn 6 op. na. Experienced physician in the treatment of 1 Chronio Diseases, Impaired FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS of Dliresuon ana Assimilation. i Nervous Prostration. I potency and Spermi torrhea PERMANENTLY CURED.

No chara-es for Drelimlnarv consultations estab lishing inward nature and diagnosis of Disease. myao '9U xy WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. There are some unscrupulous Drummers In this city who are selling so-called "WESTERN VI NKl.AR" a la rare ciuantitv of which is adul terated with add. They also want to injure our reputation, we inereror eavise in puoxio to be careful in purchasing from them. We will forfeit $1009 if anv foreiireaolds or adultera tion is found in our Vlnearar We warn the Sabllo not to use any adulterated "VINE-ARS.

They are very dangerous, and we hope we xioara or xieeitn vm lnveaaaate toe same under the statute ox our state-law. WM. QOEKrA B'ipt Roger's Vinegar Factory, 31 Orange St. Je4'eO 12m LARGE DIVIDEND PAYING STOCK. FTTLL-PAID STOCX Of $100 Per Share, issued AT PAR, By the I NEW BOUTH BUILDING AND LOAN assoctation; Of New Orleana Louisiana.

Pava semiannual dividends up to 5 per eent ef the amount earned, payable January and July, an dividends earned over and above 10 per cent per annum accrue and are pay. able to the holders of this stock when the same is called in for redemption, which Is eU- tnateu to oe aoout e1 years rrom oate oi isaue. The fund of thi aaaooiatlon are invested in first mortgage bonds or vendor's liens upon rood real estate in Droa-reesive cltlea and Incor porated town on the basis of 50 per cent or lets of the most conservative valuations, thus renderlna- tha stock of this association as abso lutely secure as any bond can possibly be made. or i aruier particulars inquire a uie auma-Uoa'g omoe. No.

46 Camp street 1 XT a TilrU TJwaaManf AX. UAUC A icoun uai JULES A. BLANC, Treasurer. HENRY GINDER. Seoretary.

F8'91 ly PROPOSALS'. PROPOSALS for lease ot Union Cotton Press property 8aled proposals will be received unUlls m. WEDNESDAY, April 1, for the leasina of tha nroperty known as the Union Cotton Press for a term of one or more years from September L1891. This eligible property is suaaiea in tne first wis mot oi tui city ui the square bounded by Levee, Terpsichore. Peters and Henderson streets: Its sit is un-surpassed for its present use a a press, or for it.

advantage aa a factorv. DroxlmitV to th Mississippi river in it immediate front, its accessibility and central location, rendering it the most svailable property for either purpose In the dry. The owners in interest reserve the right to reject any and all Wds. Bids to be sealed ad atti-aari vnwiw marks. Secretary Conference Committee.

Charity Hospital. mhtt td 1 OFFICE of Lighthouse inspector, Eighth District, at New March 16,1891, Proposals will be received at this office until i o'clock m. on xxxa tne i ii March. a for furnishing and djliv- ing Provisions for Vessels and Light Stations in this district. Forms of pr-posals and printed instructions giving full particular, a to the articles reauired.

and the terms of delivery and payment, can be obtained at this office. The rig-fit is, reserved to reject the whole or part ef any or all bids, and to waive any defects. IX W. MULLEN, Comniander.U. 8.

Lighthouse Inspector. 3teod OFFICE of Lighthouse Inspector, Eighth Dls-trict, at New Orleans, La, March In, 1891. Pronosals will be received at this office until 1 3 o'clock m. on FRIDAY, the 27th day of March. 1891, for furnishing and delivering Fuel for Vessels and- Station in this district for th fiscal year -ending June 30.

1892. Forma ol proposals and printed specih cations giving full 'particulars as to the kinds of fuel required, the quantity and quality, and the terms of delivery and payment, can be obtained at thi offlc. The right is reserved to reject any and all bid and to wmiv anv defects, and to reauire the delivery- at any time during the fiscal year of a greater quantity 'not to exceed one-third' of any item or article mentioneu In the specifications, than tb quantity therein specified, and a clause to that effect will be inserted in th contract. Proposals for fuel will he subject to tne aoov condition. I), w.

M. DLL AN, Commander, TJ. 8. Lighthouse Inspector. 3teod VJAGHBUnn kl 111 UI a.

oluaaa ot Ion. rm th. beat la wrid. Warranted ta) ia ac ciuT it tag EeaBuuily tiiaftraul, C. 'Ti' tag e'AjOfis 1 iter- r-f 'i i i i i tii Ait -ws uattrtitemenU fnterua.

fa tait eoCuntn mltht following rate per tins nen vtordj 1 0 cents ocA insertion 60 cent farm week 90 cents HELP WANTED. All kinds of old relies and cariosities of everv kind and descrintinn ani insx Phbioa-raDha Furniture. Anna Clothes, Dresaes. Bonnets, Hats, and anything that would he interesting to tlia for the First Grand Priz Old Bello Show, whloh will commence at Koblnson's Mnseiun nn April 8, 1891. Call at once and enter your relics and uat or prizes, w.

mhzl tl STRONG, healthy young fwhite Man. Baronne street. Call 9 to 10 a. m. 48a BARBER.

No. 0 Carondelet, lfME8. GODIN A MARTINET. Dreasi ers and Milliners, want dreaamakera and renncea, xv jwmrwin. nihal zt A BOY.

from 16 to 18 years of aa-. to work la a retail mroeerv and la willlnv tn t.v. uone. Appur a eeoona street. mh21 2t A nurse for the af the Shak.

sneare Almsnouae. sue must iwt atrim. and capable, but not necessarily a trained nors. -PP'J, any morning, oeiweea ana lo o'clock, at SOU Sixth street mh20 8t AT ONCE, first-class Cracker Baker, a man thoronehlv tin in this line: extra juan. nnic a.

m. jsmiin, Dhreve- 1 maio lw FOREMAN for saw and planing mUl in the CitVi must a finished mediantn- w. rram Ke v. ti mnxo tf i rIRST-CLASS mllinerr salealadlea. To thm.

ou firhl eomMtent TMnnle tmt 7 Will be paid and permai Kreeger.149 Canal streetl t.u, uaiu kxiii utjniuuiMll poaiUOQ KlVen. mu vr fj AW FILER and a Saw MU1 Man. J. c. ounsoii.

ijvnress. Ijbl. mhlft lw TVERYBODY to know that all drinks are 5 cents: nrst class liquors. ai Poydra. mh 14 lm' Vy ANTED Every Piano Player to know they need not mv mora than 1 ik nunt, fn, mn.iA un cuuiwiKra, otw juuu oopira vo select climate, and least money, either cash or monthly payment.

John Schwab, 608 Magazine street, between Josephine aad St. Andrew. Jal6 3m TyiKTED-1000 Housekeepers to know that Leopold Levy, 133 Canal sells elegant Window Shades at 60o, put up free of charge. auu uukiuia xd -sch wu urn ui cuarge. IBtti tZ WANTED Salesmen at $76 a month salary and expenses to sell a line of silver mated ware, watches, eto by sample onlj; horse and iwoi lumiauea iree: vnu atunoazor Tim tur.

ticubm. Standard Silvewaier Co, Boston, Maes. oq'po ly A NUMBER of good canvassers. Apply Robert Hleaklnv at Tbvim 1s; 1 nauouat nana; building, 120 Common street, myxo SITUATION WANTED. AS Collector In wholesale or retail house; will make hiinHelf arenerallv asef nl; flrat rlui leieFcucea.

una oinoe. vanzl Vt BY young German Man to tend horse or drive oarriare. Address German. Plcavnn. WAJrTED TO PURCHASE.


New Orleans, La. mm i aw T7ILES of the Picayune from Sept. 1. 1872, to xee. 91.

18 VA and from Mav 1. 1873 to Nov. 30. 1873. Annly to Pioavune oountana--rooin.

88 manip afcreei. 7 A UTOGRAPHS ef Governors and Satesmen XX. of Louisiana -Colonial and State. Beat prices paid; Auuress Hamilton, Picayune office XV GOLD and Silver, Broaen Watche and Jew elry. Michest price paid.

Pelrce. 221 Canal TWO-STORY House, suitable for two persons, in Fourth or sixth district, from Ba ronne to cneatnut street, Apply crua, P. O. jwx xuo, city. mn.x ir BOARDER9 WANTED.

183 ST. CHARLES street, five minutes' walk of Canal atreet. Dellehtful Rooma newly fitted us, opening all around large yard. Wtae noitie eouiiana, gooutaoie. ttea.

sonabie i rices. References exchanged. Tran sient custom solicited. mL2 ti PARTNER- WANTED. A CALL to Speculators to oarry out a bold A but ure scheme.

Most capital- wanted $1000. No less than zoo, per cent profit an nuaiiy. Aaareas nextoa, Picayune omoe. mh21 7t MISCELLANEOUS. TTIGHEST Cash Price paid for furniture.

IT pianoa, desks, counters, showcases, con tents of residences, 4u xtoyai street. 1 tr I IP YOU WISH TO OB- lfloln tnfavtAVI 1 frarlAwtSrlr ar PnTtflTC loopy-right apply to NEW OR. i I LEANS PATENT AGENCY. 26 et. Charles st, n2Q go ly FURNITURE, Pianos and the entire contents ot houses bonarht for Highest market price paia.

auuxoss a. x. su jet. imx oou. apxu-eo a POT CASH paid for stocks of dry goods, cloth- kj tng, BBoes, groceries, etc communications Address Buyer, O.

BOX ioOS. mhS lm PASTURAGE. TjASTURAGE at Moot land pasture, corner A of Louisiana avenue ana xocust street. F17--2m TO EENT.,,taAa,fea,W,aaaM RENT Rear second floor, 68 Camp street.

Apply to T. O. Rapier, Picayune office. ONE-HALF of 1 neighborhood. mhl7-f comfortable cottage: Apply 66 Cbartres.

good muxv ti LOWER Floor No. 9 and 11! Royal street. Also for sale the entire stock, counters, fix tures as they stand. Everything necessary to conduct a first-class saloon, restaurant and oyster saloon. One of the oldest and most desirable stand la the city.

Apply there xrom a p. m. mnxo TESIRARLE corner; suitable location either xy for urns' store or grocery, or anv ouainesx: shelving, counters, etc, in complete order. Ap ply corner jcaguui uiuuu streets. ronto xw QUITE elegant Front Rooms, the Leland Flat; 113 eu tjnarie, near xtuwaro mansion.

mhl5 lw CHEAP Four-story brick store, corner Confl and Cltartres streets, formerly occupied by the J. F. tjarnuun 'xxoaoco jo ximitea. Apply to Curtis' Real Estate Bureau, 65 and 67 CaxoB- deiet mar ti gTOBJJ No. 23 Magazine street.

Store No 17 and 19 South Peter street. Apply to P. N. STRONG, Tuiane Hall. Jaf7 tf UPPER part of No.

202 Canat street, corner ot Rampart street, suitable tor a clubhouse, Apply to Hoey fc O'Connor, 17 Carunueiet at, n30 tf XT' LEG ANT Furnished Room at. 188 Canal street. oia a rcpftpw 17 ramn afreet. Apply to Hoey O'Connor, ii Carondelet et. oxx Cheapest VS peU, xnattin Window Shades In town, car- pet.

curtain pole, lace curtains. etc, equally low, Pilger's, 451 and 463 Dryad e. myltf tf STORE and dwelling combined, 265 Camp street, J. C. dt 8.

L. OOmore, 37 Camp ttreet. 14 tf OFFICE and Furnished Rooms to rent at No. 211 Canal street, corner North Rampart, -nihia lw TWO nice front and one small room, furnished; broad gallery use of parlor board if desired: convenient to business. 164 Carondelet.

nihl7 tf FURNISHED ROOMS, with or: board. 320 Annunciation ttreet, J27 7w without Oi DAUPHINB, half a um luar from Canal A atreet. Elecrantly fornishea room, moder- at prices, flrst-claaa la every. Beier-mh4 lm enoe excuangea. 01 A CAMP Streetr-Room for rent, nicely aul3 tf AX furnished.

ClTAr.I.rS LOTJQrE, Attorney and Conn, selor at I. aw, has removed hin ofTict" to No. i C'a- -i-iriK hours: 0 it. I i si L- numca IAt eItas at ttk4 rairt per tin oj seven word 1 0 eaats ac insertion, 50 cents for one afM DA a mw I t-ews, eacn with week old calf: geutle and s-nnd niUlrxra UMUIVS, iai txmlh iinrm rr i nnsitc ihh. 2i.p- No- 213 i'balla streeB bt.

Charles avenue. mhYi A MARK, HarneBs and Bmrrv. WiUow, J. laryT yT Apply 198 COMFORTABLE Family Dwelling to onoio aeighborhood. In the Fourth dlstnct.

at a very reasonable price. Apply to HOEY O'CONNOR, mh21-tf v- 17 Carondelet street. 1. stock TVTI IS 07. auiuhv jx.

yt jrioayune. muzu ii A nwnory ot underwear, etc-with vatcnt SrSr fair go? OB Pnn nd factory in prime Smh5Sn' mPloyeat work: but sal for a valuabls one for the whole wfi E'xrope. $20,000 auiuw, UL DOT i.i mniw 3t TVELOGNY Sugar Plantation, James, west bank. 27 arpents front by 1 App1' P. W.

Kirchhoff. on plSt or H. KaLIe, at II. Abraham fe Son. parish St at dv no in i nlflnntltn mi ia jwiuMj, uw urieans.

A CARLOAD ef fine family, saddle and gen oheP I Baronne. I 1IrVoanS'' Apply John mhl6 lw uoiaci. Amp biiu riJinilrklrnii I uu a unTTT' oorn 614. Orleans, in i.a jxx-ili4jjb ruratiure. a Urge collection, at VIOUEU liO KflTM TT1 Ti I 1 A THREE-STORY Residence on Canal street.

21 rooms, a-ood for a hntal Raised Cottage on Bayou Road, ground measuring 42x330 feet, two blocksfrom liarajmrt DweUingoaKsplanadeatreet.Residenee.with near x-npuuiaue. valu able Lota or. Baronne street. Two Double Cot. tares on Constanoe street, near Foucher; and jituiTTjrLioa.

sju 3 X. XJ UAZON. xteai rotate Agent, 3 Carondelet street mhl lm to i Ci trm, a neat Ralsed Oottaire, con. Inta groand. Corner Valmon tend Cam streets.

T. IRON FENCES cheaper than wood. Cresting. Bedstead Chaira. Kt.raA ov jmp.

oa3 tf cottage, retired; 7 rooms 29 front Mia xu aeen. adtiit nn imm iu. 1119 rengo, between Camp and Chestnut, 86 Bien. Uo I BON Fences cheap as wood. Settees, Chairs.

Pike's Iron Fence Works, Juliaand Magazine. KJ (7V 1J 1wn fences Cheap; office and gallery street, near Girod. no 'Wi ly LARGE New Cottage, containing 7 rooms and ball, on two lara-e lot. Mtnmn) nr, Abita Sorinirs irailroail donna. Term a n.

auio. a or paruouiar sppiy tf. A. orr. lax Com.

OX II r. INEN Window Shades on Spring Rollers, i iiKOf iyx. aiitx xjrvaoea street. UJiO u. lYtaiy is- suenon ulscharge pump.

Address Etna, Picayune. my2u tf FOR HALE OR RENT. TWO HUNDRED acres high rich land in lAfaveta near Rum. ftnnthArn Pa cific Road. Addraaa J.

B. O. 154 Laurel street. COTTAGE at MandeviUe, twelve rooms, par. tiaUr furuished.

There are four lot nf frroun.t. forminc corner Claiborne and Marigay avenues. Pecan trees, etc Address s. 1 Pica- yuneomce. ti rpHE "Do Pare" -De Sugar PlanW x' uiRtmiDBwrunai nl iiiuhl Mt lank with seed cane, stubble, mule.

lmnlmnHnts ami supply of corn. Land plowed ready for plant-lug. Apply to A. dt C. Denis, No.

104 Canal street. F26 tf F)RRENTor Sale Raised Cottar. 12 rooms, etc Three lota of rround in 4th dist Ad- ply corner Ninth and Camp. No. 817.

s28 tf PERSONAL. AILLIE DOIG SMITH Thomas, Mary iiiu cicuiieiut. vuuureo 01 xucnarti uiuiie. all at New Orleans, about 1825. George Doig went to Tennessee, America, about 1870; last ueara 01 nempou.

Also, Ann anuifl (widow of John i-mith). ot New Orleans. 18BU. wi'I hear of something to their advantage on applying to uuLrnacs 01 waies xtoau, iaaon, England. N.

B. A list of 20O0 names of persona entitled to property seat lor 10 cent. mum i SKIFF FERRY at Henry Clay avenue, right opposite the White House crevasse, only uiv wcoo, oagaziue ana xcnoupiiotuas lines nearest. J. a.

Arieans. manager, mhl9 4t NOTICE to the Public I am epplylngftor a pardon. Thomas Dufly. mhld 7t TJEACON LIGHT Positively eures all A- crouoies oi the womb, consult Mrs. H.

or send stamp for particulars to 194 Poydra st. WIIJL, any lady or gentleman kindly Inform vie ot tne oess location in the south to start a dry goods store in, and oblige 109 Fourth avenue, New York. nihl5 lw TAPEWORM Cure absolutely guaranteed; no starvine: no troubles consultation free.Dr. Davld. French Specialist.

57 Esplanade atreet. between Royal and Ciiartrea. mhll lm GEO. LANDRY, Undertaker, has removed te 175 Barou Road, between Rampart and St. Claude street.

Carriage and Wagonettes to hire. All orders promptly and carefully executed at moderate prices. Telephone 479. ma i xm. OLD, Silver, Watche.

Guns and Pistols, Second-hand Goods of every deserintion. Highest prioes paid at Hart's, 124 S. Rampait. jazaA ij TJT ATS Cleaned and Dyed. 248 South Rampart a a a treat, u.

At. wuitjc. nl8'90 ly CHILLING ER Cement. Bricks and Flg Paving attended to. MoCoy Tbiae, I4d Thalia street.

aul3'90 ly A GOODRICH, lawyer, 12 Dearborn street, Chloaeo: 25 years successful praetioe: ad- Vice free; no publicity; facilities in xnany state. Jel0'9O lydW BOARDING. rOOD Board with pleasant room Mrs. Sticknev's. 29 Coliseum PiTk.

Telephone 119. References exchanged. nl7 '89 2y A PLEASANT Home, with every comfort for strangers. 218 St. Charles street.

mhl lm f93 MAGAZINE, corner Orange, with or without board. lanre. eomfortable furnished Ja5 tf rooms with all convenience. ROOMS AND BOARD IN A PRIVATE family. Apply at 820 St.

Charles avenue. myiw BOARD TS TP you are going to New York you can find a nrat-ciaas rooms at the private boaxdinir- house 42 West Seventeenth street. Table eonal to any of the best hotel central location. between Fifth and Sixth avenues, near Kish-teenth street station of elevated road. Term from $3 to.

$3 per day. Addreea, Mrs. L. A. Bonifate.

mhl7 lw ISJlND OST A Butterfly Pin, In St, Charles avenue, a- neiirnDornooa or Xjouisiana avenue, xne finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving same at 28 Carondelet street. mhll-2t FOUND Keys, with tag marked F. or K. An. wvL Owner can secure same on vrovinir property and paying for this advertisement.


Whereas, Miss Madeline Burth has peti tioned the- court for letters ot administration on th estate of the late Mrs. Louise Bnrthe. widow D. F. Edmbnd Bunhe.

deceased, intestate, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner hmld not be granted. By order of the Court. 21 26 E. A. LUMTNAIS.

Clerk. Fertilizer IlEiactmri Cczjnj POST OFFICE BOA. 142, NEW ORLBAIT3, XA ttanufaetnrers ef Illyh Grade Fertilizer tpi feugar lane, often and C-orn, Ala epeelal Kornmal for P're, OaUav lnI Trfa. Lwd, i Dealers lal.i? ir i nr 1 Fbof. ttatcs.

Ct 1. "AST and oi in A. A. A. 1 1 J- K.

Bolaml A 146 to 15a South Peters street. mhlO lw OF- Tbe Caffrey Central Sugar Refinery and Railroad Company, Limited. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1 State of Louisiana. City of New Orleans.

I BE IT KNOWNThat on this sixteenth day of the month of March, in the year of oor "Wotie thousand elcht hundred and ninety. one (1801), and of the Independence of the utted States of America tlie one-hnndred and nneentn. before me. CMAHLES THEODORE SONIAT. a notarv nnhlirt dnlv eommLssioned and qualified for Uie parish of Orleans, state ot jLxtuiKuuia, ana in tne presence oi the witnesses V.

meu ana unaemgnea: Peraonslly came and anneared Albert Bald win, Frank T. Howard, John Barkley. Thomas Sully. Chapman H. Hyams, John A.

Morris; Henry O. beixas, herein representing the firm lunuue oeixas, composed or i'aui j. -send and Henrv (X Sei-vaa: luus ruirua and J. M. Burguleres, herein represented by Joseph P.

Horn or, by virtue of tlie hereto anneeed power of attorney, who declared that, availing themselves ot the provisions of the laws of this nsnuva to trie organisauoa or corpora- tney nave contracted and agreed, and do. by these presents, covenant and agree, and bind and obligate themselves, as well as all such Persona aa mav himfiM )wiim associ ated with them, or their successors, to form and constitute a corporation and bodv nolitio in law lor the object and purposes and the agreements aad stipulations following, to-wit ARTICLE FIRST. The name and title of said corporation BhaR be the CAFFREY CENTRAL SUGAR RE- i AND RAILROAD COMPANY, i-i aii i n.u. ay that nam said corporation shaU have power and anthorltv to exist and en- Joy suceesi-ion for the fall term and period of ninety-nine year from and after the day and date heraof to contract, sue and be sued to nus and use a corporal seal, and the same to vims. tr onauge at pleasure; to noiu, receive, lease, purchase, alienate and convey, as well as mortmf and hVDOthecate tironertv.

reaL ner. sonal and mixed, and to issue bonds therefor to unme ana appoint such managers, directors, officers or agents as the Interests of said cor-pd ration may require, and to make and establish such bylaws. rules and regulations for- the proper management and regulation of the affair ut sain, corporation as may be ana proper, and the same to change and alter at ARTICLE SECOND. The domicile of said corporation shall be In xne city of fx ew Orleana In th state of Louisi. ana.

sndaU citation or other lejral process shall oe Hum on me -resident or eawt corpora tion, and In cae of bis absence, upon one of the directors thereof at the office ot said corporation. ARTICLE THIRD. The nurnoses for which this nnronratinn 1 ea. tablished and the nature of tlie tiusiaess to earned on by It are declared and apeoihed to be to purchase, establish, conduct, ntaaageand control a central supar factory, to be located near the town of Franklin, parish ot St. Mary, state of Louisiana, in addition thereto to buy sugar, cane or syrup or molasses and to manufacture the same into sugar to buy and sell lauds and to oulti vat or work the same in eonneoiion with the factory.

Also to operate a saw mill and such uuier aumuonai sugar factories as said corpora tion may from time to time see fit to erect. Also put up any additional factories such as of ice, cotton seed, etc Also to acquire laud and lot of ground and construct buildings thereon, and to purchase, improve and sell lauds and real estate; to work and cultivate nlan rations or tracts of land either in sugar cane, cotton, rice or other products: to manufacture tue products raiseii on said lands owned or nnnt rolled hv tlie aald corwir. atlon, or such aa it may beoome oaesed of by uaue or otnarwiae. into sugar, moiasses. cotton, goods, yarns, thread, oil cakes, fertilisers and such other commodities of trade a a can or may be made or extracted therefrom: to aeil such products or commodities either in a raw or manufaetured state; to maintain and operate factories and other worka requisite for the purposes aforesaid to prosecute such enterprises as may tend to develop the agricultural resources of the state of Louisiana, and for the purpose of carrying on ny lawful busi- or enterprise not inconsistent wiut tne constitution and la of this state.

Also to acauire bv purchase, exchange or otherwise as much as possible of the capital stock of th Franklin and Abbeville Railroad Company, a corporation! created under the laws of Louisiana ana domiciled in the pur sh of St. Mary and incorporated by act, before Henry Mayer, notary public of said parish, on the 17th of May. 1890, and by that means to control, operate and carry on said railroad company, its franchises and buinees. ana tne rauroaa oeiongmg to it, ior general traffic and especially for tlie benefit of the Cenrral Snc-ar Factor and ether Industries hereinbefore provided for, this present company to have the rignt to nereaiter aiMpose oi saia capital siocit, or any part thereof, by sale or otherwise, or to sell or otherwise dispose ot said- railroad, or any part of the property ot aaid Franklin and Abbeville Hailruad Company that this present oom-pany may become the absolute owner of. Also to acquire other railroad or -jrailroads either by uruluine, leaae, construction or otherwise with he power to operate said railroad or railroads for general traihe and also for the traffic caused by the operation of said sugar factory and' other works, with tlie right and firivilege to extend such a railroad or railroads any direction that may be to the best interests ot this corporation.

And also to sell. excnanre or otherwise dis pose of all or any nart or nortlonof its property. movable or Immovable. ARTICLE FOURTH. The capital stock ot said corporation is hereby declared to be fixed- at the sum of One Million Doliars (Sl.uoo.uou).

to be respresented by tea thousand (10.000) shares ot the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) each, which said stock sliall lie paid for in cash, when subscribed for, or same may be issued, at not less than par, in payment for property actually received or purchased by said corporation, or for labor done therefor. This corporation mav commence business as soon as one hundred thousand dollars (ittO.OOO of th stock ls subscribed for. The capital stock may be increased to one million hv hundred thousand dollars by the board of directors, after such increase sliall have been voted tor by a majority of the shareholders at a special meeting to be called for the purpose after fifteen (lo) days' notice, published in two daily newspapers, one in New Orleans and the other in 1st. Mary pariah. AXlX'lCXjlb 1 1X1.

All the corporate sowers of said corporation shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors, to be eomooaed of seyea 7i stock holders, which shall be elected annually, on the second Tuesday of March of each year, beginning in the year 1892. -AUsuoU elections shall be ny oauoc ana neia at tne omce oi saia cor. poretion, under the superintendence of two commissioners to be appointed for that purpose by th Board of Directors, of which election ten days' prior notice shall be given by publication in a daily newspaper published in tlie oity of New Orleans. La oh share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, to be cast by Its owner, either in person or by proxy, and a majority of the votes cast shall elect. A failure to elect directors on the date above specified shaU not dissolve the corporation, but th incumbent directors shall then cause another to be held within thirty days thereof.

Ten days' firior notice shall be given in a newspaper puu-iahed in the city of New Orleans, and. thea to elect, the director then in office hau continue to act unui the aate nxea ior uie next regular annual election- The holder of the ma jority of the stock shall at ail times have in power, ana may ac any time cau a special election for a Board of Directors by publication mad by the said majority. as aoove prescniiea, ana may noiu sucu election at such time and place a they may designate within the city of New Or- leans, by two commissioners appointed by them, and the Board of Director than in office shall be removed by aaid the members of th board thus elected at said apeoial election shall take their nlaces instanter and elect their own officers, and be the only true and It gal Board of Directors and officers of aaid corporation un til th next election as narein neiore proviuea, Vacancies occurring in said oora snau do filled by the remaining directors, and hv (5) directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. At th first meeting following each election aaid Board of Director hall elect on of their number to be President, I and shall also elect a Secretary; and th President shall or mav appoint from time to time. and dismiss st pleasure, such officers, clerks, or agents and ouier employ.

an may ueeniea necessary tor th purpoa and business pi aald corporation. Said Xioaj-d of Directors may make and establish, a well as alter and amend, from tiras to time, any and ail bylaws, rule, and regulations that they may deem requisite for the government, support, and management of the business and aUairs of the said corporation, and shaU from time to time rerulate how the stock of this company in the Franklin and Abbe ville xtailroaul uompany anuu oe votea ana by whom: the said board shall have power and au thority to contract debts, borrow money, issue-notes, bills of exchange, acceptances, or bonds, execute mortgages and pledges upon the stock acquired of said Franklin and Abbeville Railroad Company, and upon th Central Sugar actory, or any oi aaumonai wrus or uui-roada that may be constructed or acquire I if the Board of Directors aee fit to do so and general. ly do all tilings incident to the objects aud pur poses ol the said corporation; arm. moreover, it shall have power and authority to iaaue and de liver full paid shares of stock or bonds or obligations of said corporation iu payment for labor uone, or money borrowed, or property or rights actually received or purchased by aaid corp jra-tiou. Any director leaving the city of New Orleans er tlie state of Louisiana temporarily, shall have the ritht to appoint anroxvtwho must oe a siocxuomerj to represent nun on the board during his absence, ana wiille mo doing suaii nave an tneriirnts.

pnvueees ana Drciox aUve oi said absent director. ARTICLE SIXTH. Whenever this corporation Is dissolved, either py limitation or iroui any otner cause, its anairs sliall be liquidated or settled by three commissioners to be appointed for that purpose by the stockholders ol said corporation at a general meeting to be convened for that purpose by the iioard oi uirectors, or the President, or by stockholders representing one-tenth of the stock after tliiny days' public notice shall bav been given in one of tlie newspapers published in the aaid city of Ne Orleans; said commissioners shall he stockholders of said corporation and shall remain in Othco until the aBalrs of said corporatMn mtia have been fully settled and iiquuuitiu: hu.i ciseof tbe death of one or more oi s. aioners tlie or survivors ana to actum a successor shaJ be t. 1 i-y tno stockholders at special purpose, after ten day' a- ven m-u toe newspapers of the said tiiy of onions.

ARTICLE 3VETIL may re mivii tied or altered, or lesolTert- -nn me iu innnr.of cf -i had at anr rliU 1.1 holders of M3 IU' (Vet." been published In one of the dally newspapers ot said city ot New Orieava, ARTICLE EIGHTH. No stockholder shall ever be held liable ot? responsible for the ooutraot or faults of the mho. corporation in anv further sum than the unpai I balance due to the corporation on the share of stork owned by him. nor shall any mr informality in organization liave the etlect of rendering this charter nulL or of exposing a stookiioid-c to any liability beyond the amount of his stock. ARTICLE NINTH.

Messrs. Albert Baldwin, John Berkley, Frank; T. Howard, Jnle M. Hurgaierea, Chapman It. Hyams, iaaac Delgndo and Thomas Suily, have been chosen and selected as the first Board of Directors of Mid corporation, to serve as such, nntil the second Tuesoay in March, 1892, or uu- til their successor shall hav been elected.

Thus done and passed my otiic in this City the day, mouth and year first above written, la the presence ot Messieurs Alfred 8. Duiossat and Msloncy Sonlat. competent witnesses, residing in this city, who have hereunto nigned their names with ppearers -and me, notary, after reading- the whole. -Original aigned -o A. BALDWIN, FRANK T.


BURGU1ERES. p. p. Joseph P. Horner.

ALP. R. DUFOSSAT, xi fj, SON I AT CHAS. T. SONIAT," Notary Public.

I the undersigned. Recorder of Mortgages, In and for th parish of Orleans, State of Loolal-ana, do hereby certify that the above and for, going act of incorporation of the "Caffrey Central Sugar Rennery and Railroad Company. Limited." was this 'day duly recorded la my offioe in book 444, folio Id New Orleans, Maroh sixteenth, 1891. GEO. Recorder of Mortgage.

the undersigned notary, do hereby certify that th foregoing is a true copy of the original act of record in my In faith whereof, I grant these pres. 1 8KAL. ent under my signature nd impres w-w' of my official seaL this 18th day of th month of March, A. D. 191.

CHAS. T. SONIAT. mh21 StSOd Notary Public CHARTERr i STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleana- BE IT KNOWN, that on this twenty-aixthj day ot February. In the year one thousamt eight hundred and ninety-one.

before me.JohUt Bendernagel. a notary public, in and for this pariMh of Orleans. State of Louisiana, dnly Commissioned and qualified, and In the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and under, si-ned, personally came snn eppeared the per-sons whose 'names are hereunto subscribed, who severally declared availing themselves of the provisions of an act of tne Legislature of this State, known as act No. BS, of the session of 1888, as well as those ot th general law of this 8 tat. relative to the organization of corporations, they, have formed, and organ, ised.

and bv these present do fornrthemselve. snd those whom they represent, into and con stitute a corporation for Uie object and pur. and under the stipulations and avree. iuent hereinafter set forth, which they hereby adopt a their charter, to-wit ARTICLE I. The same and t.tle of this eomoratlon la hereby to be the "EUGENE ROBIN.

SON MUSEUM COMPANY Or MfiW OR LEANS, LOUISIANA, LIMITED. Its nouncne snau in tne city or jew unoans, State of Louisiana, and It shall hav and enjoy succession by its corporate name fora period of ten year from and after the date hereof. All citations or other legal process shall be served. -noon the president and reneral nutria srer: in ca-- of hi absence, or inability to act from any cause, the sam shall be served upon tha eecr tary ana treasurer. ARTICLE II.

The object end purposes for which this cor. poratiou ls organized and toe nature of the business to be carried on by it are hereby declared to be to conduct and operate a dime museum in the city of New Orleana, and to do everything connected with and pertaining; thereto. ARTICLE IIL Th capital stock of this corporation Is hereby declared to be the sum of eight thousand dollars, divided into elsrht hundred shares of the-par value of ten dollars each, to be paid for aa follows, to wit: our hundred shares thereof to tne work. ing capital of the company, and to be paid for either in cash ot its equivalent, in snch amount and at such times aa the Board ot Diroctora may direct. A.

otner xour nunurea snare, uerwi io dot full paid) ah-il be transferred to Ena-eu Rubin- son, in consideration of his tranaferring to tin company all the fixtures, paraphernalia appurtsnances of the Dime Museum now" located at No. 126 Canal Street, in this city, the lease or the -said building a no his good will la the business of said Dime Museum; aa well the use of his name in eonnectio therewith. and th Board of Directors are hereby author. Ised to make the necessary transfer of aaid stoclc on said Robinson making the transfer of sail fixtures, etx. ot said Dim Museum, and in.

addition thereto be shall entitled to a cash consideration of two thousand dollars, to be paid to him when aaid ti ansfer ls made. Said eonipany shall couuixence business ea tha first day of March, 1SUL ARTICLE IV. This corporation, through its Board of pirec tors, shall hav power and authority to contract, sue and be sued In its corporate name, make and use a corporate seal, to hold, receive Slid purchase- real and personal property, ta sell, mortgage or pieuge tne same, to Borrow money, issue bonds; to name and appoint such man-irers. directors and officers as it lntere.1 and convenience may require, and to make and establish such Dyiaws, ruiea ana retaliations lot the oroner roanauetnent and expedition of lis aflira a may be necessary and proper. i ARTICLE -An the co mo rate powers of this corporation shall be vested in and exercised by a board oi t.hree riirMfttora to be eomuosiMl atockholdera.

a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business. They shall make all bylaws, rules and regulations for tha -government of th business and atialrs of the company, and alter amend and change the sam at plea. ire, male contracts, hire and diachrKe-aU oil) agent and employe and fix all sal-. ariea, i. to do all things necessary to be done' in the transaction of the business of the coin.

Tv ri rr The first Board of Directors shaU eonsist bf Eua-ene Robinson, Victor Iauberret snd Marks lioodnian, with the said Eugene Robinaou aa ppeolaeut ana general manager ana al. l. xxnne shall he aeuretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices until th last Mouday In September. 189L or until their sucoessors shau have been. duly elected and qualified.

On th last jn.ouaay in nepiemoex, xsx, anrt. annually thereafter an election for directors snail be neia at me omce ox iuo oompaoy, ana. the directors then elected shall immediately take their seat and shall hold offic until their a uo-cessora are duly elected and qualified, and each, board shall elect from among their number a president, wtio shall be a-enerul manager, and a secretary, who shall be treasurer. Ten days' notice of alLelectious shall be given to each stockholder by ladloes sent by the secretary, directed to hi domicile or place of bust- ness. 1 All elections than be by ballot, snd a malonty Of votes east, counting one vcte for each aharo ot stock voted upon either in person or by proxy, hall elect.

vxx. Whenever this corporation is dissolved, either by limitation of its charter or from any other cause, it affairs shall be liquidated by two coin. inissionera to be appointed from amonir the stockholders at a general meeting of the stockholder convened alter thirty days' notice shall have been Klveu in one daily newspaper published in the city of New Orleans by five publication thereof, and by the vote of a majority in amount ot the capital stock of aaid corporation: aaul commiasiont re shall remain in office unui ie affairs of aaid corporation shall hav been fully liquidated; in case of the death ot one of sai comnuaslvner uie survivor su aix couunue to act. AKllUliIi Vlll. Thisactof incorporation may be ehanired and modified or alterni, or this corporation atsy be dissolved, with the assent of three-four Uis of th stock represented and a majority la amount thereof, at any general meeting of the stockholders of said corporation convened for such purpose, after thirty days' previous notice of said meeting shall have been given in writing by mail sent by the secretary to -each stockholder, directed to hi residence or place of business.

ARTICLE IX. Na shareholder of this corporation shall ever be held liable or responsible tor the contract or fault thereof in any further sum than the -unpaid balance due to the company a the -shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in organization have lue eil'ect of rendering this charter null, or of ex- nosmtr a stockholder to any liability neyona the amount of his stock. Thus done and paasea xn my nowruu omce. at New Orleans, aioresaid, in the presence ol -Jeflera C. Wenck and William Kenaudin, comietent witnesses of lawful ae and residing iih tll.l.

in thi City, who uereuam names together with said parties nd me, notary, the day and date set forth in te cap. tion hereof. Original signeu- rgrxyct'EITB BOBTNSON. n. V.


V. WALL, M. A. liOANE, And ot isrs. jeff.

c. wenck; WM" bYnDRNAGE Notary Public. the tinders Reoorler of la and for the pin-hof Orleans, Htate of Lj.u.siana, SS hereby- ceri if tnat tlie atKive and forgoing of liconrWiion of tne Rugeus Kobiusou nra Orleans. I-Mtxsisna, -was duly renle4 in mj in book 444, W.w Orleans, ieb. 2i.

1 fbinedj OI IN Ari.T, liecoi der of SEAX- fita-v. fy 1 r- the fore.oiiiK i i E. Of of the or: Ru-ene liofi Orieuns. Xaini-i cerliuc.t or tn liuio apperx.e 1 1 1. .1 i H' in II.

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