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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 2

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PICAYUNE NEW ORLEANS, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1896. ill i icirnrs man norm. Washington, March. 11. Forecast: For Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkan-aas: Fair -weather; slowly rising temperature; rariable winds.

For Georgia: Fair weather; colder In the sooth and east portions; northwesterly winds. For Eastern Florida: Fair weather in northern portion; clearing in south' ern portion; colder; westerly winds. For -Western Florida and Alabama Fair weather; westerly winds, becom ing rariable. AIbum for New Orleans Te-Day. 8ua rises.

0:12 a.m. I Moon rises. 5:21 a.m. Bon sets. p.m.



DIELMANN 44 Canto Street Ken Poydraa. elB OSTnTBSalj red by Ex-Con greaaman Hatch, Missouri, and known as -toe Hatch pill. It has been under considers tloa lor several weeks and the meeting which decided Its rate to-day wee a decidedly spicy en a. Although tbe declaioa was readied prac tlcally by a party vote, the Republicans opposing tne om ana-me yriwii porting it. Mr.

Willis, of Delaware, did aot vote wiUi his party op tne measure aad maae a warm speecu i wuicu censed his colleague of being In league with "the speculators snd gamblers of Wall as he termed theni. The voce to lay the bill on the table Ayes Republican. Wadsworth of New York (chairman), Stahle of Pennsylvania, Warner of Illinois. Henry of Connecticut, 8anerhering of Wisconsin, Leigniey or Indiana, Buker of Maryland. Wliber of Near York, Murphy of Illinois.

'ays Republican, mine 01 veiaware; Democrats, Moaea of Georgia. imams of Mississippi, MeCreary of Kentucky, 8'ockes of South Carolina; populist, iwein of Nebraska. Moat of tha calkins- was done by Dem ocrat, and Mr. Moaea led in the dlacna- alon. The Kepublicans nuving aireaay an understanding apon their policy, did not car to do anything but rote.

Their opponent pressed tbeni to report the Dill to the house, even If an unfavorable report was to be made, so that a vote would be naa upon it-Ur. MnrohT averred that the Repebli- eans were opposed to employing the taxing power aa a penalty to prevent any line of business, whereupon Mr. Moaes Inquired If they would unite with the Democrata to reoeal the 10 per cent tax on the circulation of atate banks. Another rery warm speech was made by Mr. Kem, the populist member.

Representative Prlee III. (Special te the Plcayrae.) Washington, March 11. HepreaentatlTe Price baa been confined to his hotel for several days by a bad cold, but expects soon to be out again. Tno President Oat Shoottngr. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 11.

President Cleveland left the city to-night at 10:30 on the lighthouse tender Maple for day's shooting at WIdewster, five miles below Quantlco, on the Potomac river. Ma waa accomDSnled br Lighthouse In spector Lamberton, who has been his companion on former sbootlnr trips. After storming- all dav tha weather cleared up to-night, snd the probabilities are ror a nne aay to-morrow, wua guuu snort. The president la expected to return to the city at iu cioca to-morrow mgou GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Continued irons First pasjra.

Nice should Indicate to Italy tha policy to Dervish Forces Advnnelufr (By Frees.) London. March 12. A Times dispatch from, Cairo aaye: "New baa been received that1 the raiding parties tram Dongola are preparing for a descant upon Kgypt. "Ureal Interest la felt here In the fats of Caaaala. Two large; dervlah farces, one under Oneun Dlgna, ere advancing.

A disaster to the Italian -fcurrisou would produce a revival of tbe-Mahdbst activity all along the Soudan frontier, especially about. Suaklm and Tokar. The native tribes there who are now frleudly would be compelled, from self-protection, to Join the victorious? KAallf." INDIA Nnvml nnd Military Stores Biraed. "'(By Assoclatad. Press.) Bombay.

March 11. The navy and military co-operative stores here have beeu burued. resulting in a loaa of about suuu.sto. FBASCE. Rosenthal on Trial.

(By Aaaortateo Press.) Paris, March XI. The trial of the sever-, al persons charged with blackmailing the young conscript millionaire, Max Le-bandy, otherwise known aa the "Little Sugar Bowl." wa continued to-day, and the cise against Artuand Rosenthal (Jacques St. Cere), formerly of the Figaro of this city, and at one time Paris correspondent for a New York newspaper, waa taken up. The evidence showed that Rosenthal's income waa about S10.OUC a year and that his debts amounted to about $00,000. He denies having blackmailed Lebaudy snd contended that the articles he had written on the partiality hown the unfortunate young man merely retlected tbe Indignation of the public, aroused by the fact, be asserted, that as a conscript Lebaudy was favored because he was a rich in ai.

to oppoae be was at Nuera Pass, fairly across the Matanaaa border, and in Havana province again. Mere he met the battalion Almansa, with whom he had a brush, leaving seven killed, and proceeded on bis way. Maxlmo Gomes has not accomplished tho present countermarch, according to the report received here, but is hovering arounu tne ooraere or tne uienaga swamp FIREMOBILE DURING A GALE. practically Inaccessible to Mpanlab troops, JJearlj 4000 Bales of Cotton Burned. It le announced that grlndlug will coin- I UDJl Bfgides a Knmber or Buildings and Their Tain-able Contents One, Bat Prompt mence to-morrow in tne valley of Ban iriuxiau.

The fire In the sugar refinery across the harbor was atill burning at a late hour. The Inaurgeuts have burned the plantations of Santa Sotia. Favorita, I'erelra and aan ulcardd, near Cardenas. Says Gomes Is an Adventurer. (By Assoclatad Press.) New York.

March 11. A dispatch to the Jn an interview 8enor Francisco Romero I A Ha JtlTB IJareataned to 08 A Sexious Kobleuo, minister of mercy and Justice, said: "Oomn was born la 8a Domingo, and Is nu'bing mora than an adventurer. "American Intervention- in Cuban affairs would be resisted to the death by Spain as contrary to all rights of inter-, national law. "Spain has carried on the warfare by humane means. The statements about General Weyier'e cruelty are calumnies of the most odious description.

To say he is inhumane is totally false. Fighting energetically for hia be la called inhuman ouly because his energy Is in conspicuous contrast to the supine attitude of Marlines Campos. "Premier Cauovas did a wise thing In dlsKoIvlug the cortea. If it had been In sesviou matters might hare been precipitated, but all my go well. "The new cortes will be thoroughly representative and unanimous upon the Cuban question.

Tho Commodore- Still in Port. Action Sated Much Propertj Nar-row Escape of Several Teasels La Jin? at the Wharf. was Copyrln-at Bill. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 11. The house committee on patents to-day decided to rrDort to the house the Cummlngs dra matic eopyrignt oiu ana in diii amena-ing the patent laws recommended by the national association.

resolution br Mr. Brosalus. of Pennsyl- vsnla. that the committee finish Its work on April and vote on all billa before It that day to relieve business circles of all uncertainty, but the resolution failed. The Bajajo of God In the Constltn- tlesu (By assarts tea" Press.) Washington.

March 11. Bpaeches were stoned to to-day tfy tho house Judldary committee from delegations of clergymen ana others who advocate and antagonize tae but recently introduced by Repreeen Morse, of Mssaacbusetts, to place ue name of Uod in the constitution of the Ututed States. Aa American fia CeasraMtleaa, (By Associated Prase.) Washington. March IL The senate to day confirmed V. E.

Bpires aa postmastsr at Henrietta. and EL Gwalthey aa postmaster at nowia, The. Gold Reserve. (By Associated Prs.) Washington. March 11.

The treasury to-day lost S473.S0O la gold coin and In bare. leaving the true amount of tne reserve au5.8W.ou. Forestry Ia-vea tiara tlom. (By Assoclatad Presa.) Washington. March 1L Secretary Smith GERMANY.

An Important Conference. (By Associated Presa.) Berlin. March 11 A neat deal of in terest is manifested throughout Europe In the visit to ibis capital ot tne Austnaa minister for foreign aQTairs, count uoiu chowski. who waa entertained by the em peror yesterday evening. The statements made aa to the significance of-the Interviews which the Austrian atateamen will have with his majesty and Prince Hohea-lohe previous to leaving Berlin are wholly speculative, and It la uow claimed lu the best informed circles that tne count a Visit was prior to the Italian reverse in Abvglnia, which it has been claimed was likely to lead to a rearrangement of the dreibuad.

Therefore- distinct new departures are not expected at present, although there is no doubt that the count snd Prince Hohenlofae will discuss the Italian situation aa well aa Buala'e relations to Germany and Austria. There, for Borne people Incline to the belief that eveota are shaping themselves in tne direction of sn eventual three emperors liiiuvi iiiuuir iv lull vi awii See kin a- aua Alltanee With Eaarland (By Associated Press.) London, March 02. A dispatch to the Dtanaara irom Vienna aays: "it, is ststed here that Count Goluchow. ski's mission is of the utmost Importance. It is believed that he aim at securing Kngland'e adhesion to tne drKibiiod.

Emperor Francis Joseph's extendsd stay at c-aDe Msrtin is puriMisely to meet tb- queen and endeavor to restore harmony Between isngiana ana uermany. une uaiiy ntvi naa a uispatca zrom brouiht tuto tts comminc rm rfr forwarded to Becretary CarUsle to-day Berlin which says: Lrol" uof the bUL on which ra tied tar transmission to congress aa estimate "It Is slmost certain that Prince I 1 great bSndl. of wteaT. aUmon- for an anoroDriaUon of 125.000 for the and Count Goluchow.kl atrmacea forwarded by varioaa oraanisa- ucna. acb faction was given an boor to present iu side of the question.

COLSlderable feel lor was nnnirMtil tha partisans on both sides of the question and hisses snd cheers frequently la- "fTorlr Pal 4 Employea. (By Assaobtsd Pna Washington. Msrch 1L Strong efforts wui oe maue oy tae Itouse committee on post offices and post roads to secure the passage by the house of a bill to Increase tne compensation of railway mall clerks. The first bill Introduced la this congress waa one by Mr. Uoton.

of Michigan, to reorganise this hraach of the service and the committee has directed Mr. Ustoa to report the. bil) favorably. By its provt-aiotaa the number ef elssses In the service mmtmxy duu increasea rrom are ce ten and salaries of clerks raare from mA to -lUaJU. The proposition to have per cent of the salaries withheld to establish -a pension fund was withdrawn.

was feared that the opposition to civil pensions la the house might endanger the whole bill. Reliable statistics showed that the mor- cauiy among railway mail clerks through railroad accidents is greater than that sswii we troops in tae civil war. These clerks are required to paae an examination at a ratine of more than uO imp -n aad are aot given vacatione, Although the for an appropriation of 25,000 for the expenses of the commission selected by the National Academy, of Sciences to Investigate the -forestries question In all Its phases. Hamaae lerrleea Reeogmlsed. (By Associated Press.) Washington, March 1L By direction ef the president a pair of binocular glasses have been presented to Captain Norton Alexander, of the Brltlah etesmshlp Mexican, In recognition of his humane services In rescuing the captain and crew or tne American scnooner unexo.

oct, e. ISM. VOX POPULI. Correspondence Which Bpeaki for Itseft Political NEW OBLEANS, March 1L 1896. New Orleana Picayune: Our city fath ers seem to be taking unusual interest la the comfort 11) of the people of the Sixth district, going so far as to provide 1.

1 1 deoartmaetaT annkwaa in wVTiin. I rcmuuf piac. a have thirty days. 1 ahape of barrooms and barrel-house a. I nnnarea raras.

ror instance, oa tsjo uepartmeat mt Commeree. I Lyon street there are quiet and unob- WaahJngton, March 11. Senator Frve'a I Jectlonable bars on the corners of Camp. ew providing for the creaUon of the department of commerce and manufactures contemplates the transfer to this depart ment from tne treasury of the llfe-savlar service, too ngnuouse board, the marine ftospstal service, the bureau of steamboat inspection, the bureau of navigation, the coast and geodetic enrvey and the bureau of statistics; also the bureau of statistics of tae state department, the two bureaua of statistics) to be consolidated Into one. The eonsulsr service le also transferred: from the Jurisdiction of the state depart-meat to the proposed new department.

It Magaalne and Laurel streets. Yen will observe that Constance street had. in some wsy been overlooked, but now, to svold the necessity of the realdents la that locality walking one hundred feet or so to set tuail moraine and renin and other nips, permits have been gran ted to two new oars on opposite corners or uon-stance and Lyon streets, one A. them a resaiar Darret-aouse, ana tnsse permits have been Issued in tha face of a Droteat aignaa oy every resident and property uuia.r la ins immtaiiii naitBDarnaaa. Is It Dosaibls that tha near innrairk at an election has aytblng to do with the overriding of the wishes of the respects- IT If I K1a nAAnl 1 ii.

i a I. provlded'that the department ahaU 5. V't' Ksea laeleilleMA. aa" I a vsia viuuicu (e eaiai sunini ua teuit. UVU UVVJl' aaae IDaTWIatrn and internal rontmerce of the United Utatee, except.

Insofar as relstes to the collection of the. revenue sad the ad-olnla. tration of the curtome and Internal rev- laws, it i also te nave Jurisdletlm -over all matters relating to the rnanu-' facturlnr Interest ef the United States. including the extenaloa ef foreign markets for the seme, snd the le crease of trade ana trade radiitiee wrta foreign eounrrlea. The new secretary la also to perform all the atlas now in ram be- In the very hesrt of a resident section, where ladies and children are naaalnc- constantty? Some sort of explsnation for disregarding both tha law and the wishes ox me people in the matter seems due.

Free Wharves aad Svelte Trades. Editor Daily Plcayane: Dear Sir The undersign sd has observed with absorbing Interest the agitation for "free wharves iFB the secretary of the treasury "in "rZ an f.wltcl1 trmck' Port. 1st loo to the trade and commerce of the I WHJ 7ar PPP explain to the publle UnHed SUtea, whether upon Und or I Ia est respect free wharraa will beasflt wster. Tbe uu is in tne line of the recommendstloa ot the nstloosl board of trade, ana it is supposed that It will re-! eeire the general support of the trade and goanaracturing interests. Antl-Ontlon BlIljTabled.

(By Aasoelatsd Press.) Washington. Msrch 1L The house com mittee oo sericulture by a vote of to decided to-dsy to lay upon the table the anti-option (Match) bill. This practically auus vus uwuiv ivr imm cvu(rcia The bill was practically ths one fath- Ws mean ths "local markaf fit at this Dolst. Will not the direct ex- uvnvr oi cvnon irom interior towns share equally In the benefits derived from free W1U net the railroads In that eft adjustments, minimise the benefits de- nvea irom tree wnarves at New Orleans iso tar aa regarua our local market) by their method of canalisation In nt. cu nun irum iniuai poiutaT Itepe-ti ally, J.

O. CAXUKHWOOD. I VOU WILL REGRET IT If yea do ask sradt by ear FEES esnsaltaUas eitSer la eaVse by null. Oar amaeda are sdsatlAe; ear drags are tbe seat sad ear secftss ia Basque led. We aayeeiaJly soUcit eases that have been neglected er improeerly snaiAirrEai Bpselile blosd pola-oa, aerveos debility, strtctnre.

hy- race la, varicocele. IrapotsacT, rbaam- baaaesr tnsklM, piaipiae. leers, pilse, estarrk aad all diseases of Prisoner in Street Cars. NEW ORLEANS, March 10. 1808.

Editor Picayune: A few days ago one of the cemetery cars brought about fifteen negroes a street gang of prisoners who had worked at the ridge In an ordinary passenger ear to the city, to the Immense disgust ef the passsngers, as well as tbs conductor. I consider It my durr to society and public health and decency to call yours and the city authorities' at tention to cma way oz transporting- nssty. uimy pnaonsrs in a car wo era accent people are compelled to do their traveling. Under prevailing circumstances of im pending danger from amallDox. ate I trait my warnlns; will meet with vonr i pyrafai una secure a pure IB your valued uuuuuu.

very rvspecumiX. A. tt. iv aa promptly; business strictly a-a Mrs treatises seat tree from Aoarass er cau ea 4 DR. HATH A WAT OO MASONI0 TXXPLB BCILDIJJa, OLD BO.

89 ST, CHARLES STREET, HEW OEI4USS, ti, "tnieot glvee ty seodlag for symp- 1 1 lor men;" Jo, for t-wmeo; Green Hartley's Find. (Special to tbe Plcayaae.) Fort Valley, March 11 TTonatm. ks greatly stirred up over the dis-eoverv made by Oreea Hartley of 118,000 in gold WBica um ivuaa Ul an Old Jar Ott the farm of Captain Houser. ah martm of theories are advanced as to bow the money came there. One Is tka in ikt the old Planters' Bank of this cite wax roDoea sou iwvi iimwu waa taxen.

use dispoaitlon of the money haa been a mystery. Another story told ie that there was an ota gentleman living on tae place rimed Head, who waa robbed of ahone S1S.0O0 in 1878. The mosey was never recovered, and many people believe that tbe money now found is tbe fruit of thst robbery. Captain Monser Is going to try 1 ret po-ion of ths money -on the Hoh en- have decid ed not to rive notice of tbe termination of tbe dreibund. Aa It Is highly Improbable that Italy will withdraw, the con tinuity of the alliance ia secured.

"Emperor William seema fond of Count Golochowaki and haa bestowed upon him ue Order of lae lied Jtagie." TrRA3aVAAL. Trlml the Coaaamlttee. (By Assoclatad Press.) Pretoria. Transvaal. March 11.

r-The 'trial of the members of the reform com mittee of the Johannesburg, Charged witn conspiring against tae government ia 'South African republic, waa resumea to- dsy. Msnsrer Btandard. of the Dlrgers News. testified that Jobo Bays Hammond John Barr, two of the prisoners, came to tne omce or mat paper auu urgeu mat the editor be discnamd on toe crouna that he had written articles tending to Incite the populace to rebellion. William Carlia deposed that be wss the officer In charge of tbe Washing' oa corps, and tnat nis caier onty naa dpsu to swsit develoDtneets.

The men In this corps were paid 1 per day. When the corps bad been formed Be went to the reform committee at tbe gold fields offlc snd there made arrangements to conduct the corns. He could not rrornlxe the committee, owlnc to 'the dark ne a Tbe men were paid checka, which were left at Tartersalla. He could not remember whi bad tbe checka. which emonnted to 132.

The coeps had ben d'abMided on receipt of ord-a which had been ad- oreaaea te tne wssr-mnon thorns" ny Fstrar. He hsd been Instructed t-ooch- ont by Farrar and by Colotel Rhlea, who he tbonrbt bad arranged matters with the police of the town. Powder Maaraslne Exploded. (By Asserts tad Press.) St. Paul De Portuguese West Africa, March 11.

The powder magislne In the Penedo fortress baa exploded, resulting tai nine soldiers being killed and ten wounded. Tne exnlodon was due to the willful act of one of the victims. BELGIUM. Dlaaatroas Boiler Explesleau (By AsaocUted Press.) London. March 'IX A Bruseels dispatch to the Dally News reports a bollsr explosion In a steel foundry near Athus, In southern Belgium, by which twelve persons were killed and many injured.

CITBA. Tlie laawrafoats Pass Thrcmarat tne Saanlaai Usee With Ease. -r- (By Aaseclated Press.) Havana, March IL Tbe lnsugenta fired apon a train escorted by troops in ths vicinity ef Uuansjay, Plaar del Bio, but were repulsed with' loss. The-cane fields of Jesus Maria, Santa Maria, and the bouses of the vlilsae of Vsreyal, aa well as the villages of Hoi- Juln and Vereda Nuero, province of Pinar el Bio, haya beea burned by the lneur-spt- v. roe 4igntaeuse or nan Antonio has re cently been extinguished several times sad In future it will, be garrisoned by troops.

A disoatcn from Matanxas savs that a mixed train near Manauito haa been can. tured by insurgents who plundered it and afterward buried the lbs wsdrae Battalion, between Man tua Snd Uusne. orovlnce of Pinar del lilrx. baa had a skirmish, with the insurgents under Pablo Olrva. The lnsurgeuta lost Id killed, left 6 wounded behind them and retiisd with the rest of their wobnded.

-Tbe insurgents have also attacked the village ot Pilous, province of Pinar del Kio, and wsre with considerable in tha rceent attack made be tha Insur gents at bagua Tanamo, ths president of the Cuban government, tbe marquis of Santa Xucia. fell from hla horse and was seriously hurt. He 1 70 years- of sge. oeverai skirmishes have -taken place In tha province of Matanaaa recently, during which tbe laauraenta lost slrht kliixT It Is reported the in an engagement during the past week. Angel Guerra, tha insurgent geaeral, was wounded.

The Knglieb steamer Caloric, with eoa) from Barry. JTeb. 3. for Havana ana Now Orleana, haa run eshere at Colimar, near Havana, and is in a bad position. The Insurgents made an attack en Ua-sorre with the intention of setting free the lunatics who are kept there, but they were driven off with 'a lose of hre killed A great fire Is now buruing In the sugar refinery at Kegla, on the other aide of Havana naroor.

PiotDing la reported to Indicate that the fire Is the work of In surgents. Antonio uaceo is once more in Havana province. Yesterday It wss announced that Can- tain General Weyler would shortly remove his headquarters to Matanaaa In order to more conveniently direct the operations against the Insurgents, who naa retreatea id name tiara. Meantime Maceo and his followers, including Ban dera seem to have turned upon their road, gone through tbe line of. troopa like small jflxti tur" -i the (By Associated Presa.) I Charleston, S.

March 11. The al-; leged ulibusterer, the Commodore, did not i leave here last night, aa waa expected. reason why sue did not sail cannot be learned. It waa reported that abe would aall this morning, but high winda and a rough sea prevented it. it Is believed by mauy tuat tbe ship will lie In tbe stream here for some time and that abe only pul.ed out of the Inner harbor to prevent the crew from making pubic anything about the veasel and to avoid scrutiny.

Easland Will Not Meddle. (By Associated Press.) London, March 11. it has been ascertained by itcuter's Telgram Company that there Is no truth In tue report circulated by the correspondent at Madrid, that CJreat Britain la trying to mediate between Spain and the United Suites in the Cuban question on the basis of the recognition of the sovereign rights of Spain over Cuba, which, is wss added, would be granted an autonpmous administration, tbe customs receipts being devoted to the repayment ot the Cuban debt. It ia added that matters are not sufiiciently advanced to render such action poaaibie upon the part of Great Britain, Filibusters Indicted. (By Associated Press.) New York, March 1L General Callxto Garcia, Captain Samuel Hughes, John i.

Hart. Captain John Brapason, Bernando J. Bueno and Benjamin J. Guerrera, of the Bermuda expedition, were to-day indicted by the federal grand Jury for taking art in an armed expedition, contrary to ke neutrality laws. All were in the federal building except Guerrera, who Is sick, when the indictments wsre reported.

Caaslag Flllbaaters, (Special to tbe Picayune.) Key West, March 11. The revenue cutter McLane, Captain Hand, received orders from the department to-Intercept the filibustering expedition which sailed from Philadelphia en the 7th lust. The cutter sailed this morning to the eastward. it has been reported to the Spanish con sui men Key West. It Is thought the expedition from Philadelphia will take no that party of armed men while ea route to Cuba.

Spain Baying; Rlnea. (By Aasoelatsd Press.) -London. March 12. A Berlin dispatch to the btandard says that agents of the Spanish government have arrived at Ooendorf to- receive SO.00O Mauser rifles which have been ordered there. SeaUn Prenarlna; for War With the United States.

(By Associated Press.) Madrid, March IL There are manifest signs thst the government continues its preparations In the event ot a sexious development of its difficulty with the cm tea states. A disDatch from Havana ears that the Spanish itoods hsve detested the rebels in Matanaaa, killing seventy. The Spanish josses wsre smau. Spain Refnsea, (By Associated Presa) London. March 12.

A di id itch to the Dally News from Berlin reporte that ths Frankfurter Zeltuna'a Waahlnerton ad- Vices are that Premier Canovaa del Cas tillo, of Spain, haa- refused to entertain United 8tates Minister Taylor's proposal that Soaln should arrant, autonomy to Cuba. (Special to the Picayune.) Mobile, March 11. Mobile visited this afternoon by another disastrous fire, which almost completely destroyed 3GS0 bales of cotton, 3O0 tons of guano and 20 barrels of rosin, besides the cotton abed and fertiliser elevator end warehouse of the Mobile and Ohio Ball-road, located on the wharf, known as the upper Mobile and Ohio wharf. The cob-ton was compressed and was at the ship's side awaiting the arrival of the British ateamshlp Venus, which was to take it to Liverpool and which la due here today. The fire la supposed to have orig inated from a spark from a passing engine or from a mill near by.

The Mobile lire department and the Whistler fire department did good work, in which they were ably assisted by the tugboats and the revenue cutter Walter Forward. At the time the fire began there were several vessels in the slips adjacent to tbe fire. These were the. British steam ship Corso, who waa Just ready to start down the channel for Progreso, Mexico, and oa which there was loaded 24,000 pounds of dynamite. The British ship Vanloo, the Norwegian bark Kllly, and the American schooner Charles D.

Hall, which waa discharging a cargo of phos phate, and which had her rigging partly burned. Owing to tbe prompt action of the towboate in the harbor all tbeae ves sels were towed to places ot safety with but small damage. The losa will probably reach 160,000, and Is fully covered by Insurance. Tbe cotton la insured by marine underwriters. and the losa of the Mobile and Ohio Rail road la covered by a blanket policy.

It was found impossible, therefore, to get any details of the Insurance to-night. At first It waa thought that there was to be a repetition of the great cotton, fire of four years ago, when the cotton district wss swept, for there was a howling norther blowing at the time, but, fortunately. It was in a direction to blow the flames out over the river inatead of towards tbe property to the south. The Are Is under control at this hour. Sam Wllkine, who was convicted at St.

ALGIERS AFFAIRS. Captain Pickles Maj Push UU Electric lias Project. Tho Talne of Pavlagr Prove Utical PointsOther Goaslp. FIRE Set fire to And the Timi Caci Their UTta At about 1 aVIkob alarm was sooadei f--n Are that broke out la t-. cottage on Moha Owing to the protracted illness of Captain Thomas Pickles, the contemplated eicvuic kot una to connect tire in a with Algiers has not made much bead wa v.

Now that Captain Pickles la steadily re cuperating, is thought that the matter vi in soon be revived. The ranch! through the parish of Jefferson haa a- I by Louie Tiernan ready been granted, and it only remains I iTnefln the work et fnr i k-iu. n.i.i. 3" I Who eaturatxt nT. cession, which doubtless can be readilr I i tiZi I -WB BUUUMI nCk VUlere sjid Bhiaai V- tutu ocer-', i Mrs.

P. Bmiirv by Obtained, aa tha nrirllon 1- nnn I nnlibl. I vw wwM s'uuwi ug i uwjw ae a none car una. It is thought I 411(1 It was i that the road, when built, will bex- 2 wty'il tenaeo several miles down the coast I lira. Captain Pickles ia la communicaaon by the crackln of the nna uiiua regarding ue I JTi 'cwvereo tint a I equipment of the road.

AJziens ia reeoenlicod aa holnv rf err a a aa- jve town, but the moat ardent believer in its future never thought for a moment that within its limits there was sumclent Kcruuauc or equestrian talent to form a real circus. Kecentlv a nnmiwr nt iv. clubbed together and inaugurated a fuu- ucugeu circus, ana on last saturaaj had a grand parade, after which tt cue waa opened. The menagerie attach ment waa somewhat Umited, but the I wae insured for inH WM for. the performera.

250, both In toe Wmanla The boys have styled themselves the I Mr M. "Copper Plated Circus," and propose to Northeastern ewitch Vu7 give another performance next Satur- I Immediate! aft.e hi. aav. Wtrh ha renal nnnnart I Fatha rendered aneh efflcleaTt -eVvlV- Kr "lis recent mlaatnn at ths hnh tti I tin. i aCIK I i airs, xtruutv L.

a meantime, had been eer la i Gehardt, of BoyitA'e Vo arrival of the 'fire dr 1 Kecenuy a number of boys they tuned lUielr. VuTlW 1 a tun- I adjoining properUea' Tl lay they valued at about xiuruiiore, waica 300, aad a risuie vi Aiary, ieit tor Bt LiOUis yeater- sne xnew ebe had Incurred 1 day, where they will open up a mission of some people for mxmim-1 society. Father Guido is now at Jeffer- to the Northeastern DeoDkLff son College, where he is to conduct a stole some coal frwa tie riv 1 three days' retreat for tha etndente of none of them DISPOSING OF GABBAG2. Dr. Kells Finds that college.

me public was much surprised at the sudden collapse of tbe dry goods firm of xarrosse wmcn occurrea 1'uesaay st noon. Mr. P. A. Barrosse, the senior member of the firm, has- been in business here for several years, and was esteemed as an narDVtll Anil iiAne.inr.Hv.

final- net mta. The caas ot the failure ie Ingenuity an4 tWArch in noprlallv atfalKnta1 4- K. lnnUa. I A I saaflAa a 4V. slon, poor coUecUons and an inoppor- ouestion.

and thia tima h. tw.t. tune demand sympathy is Captain Hubert Murray, an ex-reeldent of Algiers, has recently purchased the F. N. Volckman residence, corner of a Staple Avoid All Troakle, Dr.

a Edmond Kails has beei ti; that while journeying through th list year the doctor nude ths analntance ot an ingenious Ttnie, "1 w-c wae perfecting a system of rb as the necessary repairs are completed. I f. kitchen refuse and subsequtmiT t-Captain Murray'e Algiers residence wss I Jj1 therefrom as i. wamiiuw was so aiirp.d Udt Ij aocior. wun nis usual ou pknoi chanical perception, thought that a aood thine for the anSVrinr of hie feilow-townemen la lu Xa here that a Urre humbef of wmed Stephens.

Washington county, on Mon-are on of the SlaVda eiS "of day last of lynching Wiley Cham- we.cttitoni: ttouiht'toJ rixSRaSi 1HUZ, and sentenced to the penitentiary tor ma, was nrougnt to uui city st a late hour iaat night by bnerlff Woods, ot WMhlagtoa county, and lodged in tbe Mobile county Jail for safekeeping, lie was seen to-night and pro tests lils innocence, stating tnat ae waa oonvictea oa circumstantial eviaenee, while Blehoo and Miks Cupd. brothers. who were tried for the earns crime with him, were soquitted. It is stated by thoas in a position to knew thst Wllklns is tae victim oz a compromise veruict. The bav steamer Jamea A.

Garner failed to put In an appearance this morn ing, ana it is ststea tnst sne was mown aanore near Battle's wharf Iaat night In the norther which prevailed. The norther a as in ere seed la force all day. so It ia not known whether she will be gotten off eaey or not. There la no direct newa from the eastern shore, so ue teiegrapn list is down. A.

llvde. a carpenter, whose horns is in Montgomery, AuL. fell from a ladder at tae new reoiaence oi d. mocaer destroyed by last October, since which time ne aas mane tne uotei uenecnaua hla home. Cooper Circus will come to Algiers In a short while snd remain several daye.

Tbe Citizens' Leasrue will hold a oub- uc meeting at juurexa -iaii tnas svsn lnr at 7 o'clock, at which Messrs. unanes Janvier, John M. x'axker and Dennis Mahoney wlii speak. -The regulars will organise a clnb to- UlKUi mb U1V Ul DUUBU BUU U1UUV I a lyn avenues. This) also to be an open mantlna I saaau an ay Hja) vaaxe uuiau.

Bswa trVUn a Next Satnrdav evenlne the Deincraee I cblcken heads are set la It waeaastj. of the Fifteenth ward will congregate I PoJa0.t'. and march in a solid phalanx to Wash ington Artillery Hail to listen and participate in the Democratic rally and maae meeungior tne a tinea ion oi tne uta rirtpr. A nrau nana -naa nwn sn- raxed, tranaparendes ordered and every other accoutrement usually needed on such occaeiona. The drainage of Algiers Is In a most imperfect state.

An ordinary rain of even short duration Inundates most of the street, and renders traffic almost im possible, and greatly tmpedee the prog reso oi peoestriana. umeaaay nignt tne rainfall was terriflc, and in the back portion of the Iowa it culminated la an oversow. The principal outlet for surplus water la. AJgfere Is via Verret's canal, aa the land baa a natural -slope in that direction. -This canal for the past few years, on account of the choked condition of its forated metal basket which a cross section of pipe about above the range.

The actloa ot ths I air converts the refuse Into earboa, may be easily be disposed of as raeL sor some uiue tune we i He proposes In the near otare to t-t hie frlende the benent of kis lav. snd expects soon to garbage compiny task dwindle, tYt body take to the carboniiLns procnm, Incidentally, charcoal securities siirltt In Gothaaa. Opedal to the Plcsynoaj New York. March fo3ot from Louisiana are jeglstered at hotels: W. W.

Bleree. Imperlah fl. -J. Appleton. Metropole; A.

E. I ti ciooo; o. 'ucner aiarioor. i Steward Ooieman. late paseage, occasioned by the rank growth of water llllea.

etc. haa not proved of mucn oenent as a arainage meaium. xne resolution introduced in the council re cently oy Mess re. osier ana jusrras. relative to the putttng In repair the drain age machine in Verret's canal, waa re- portea on zavoraoiy oy tne committee, and the eommieaioner of publle works will be Instructed to attend to tha matter.

This machine was -put in at the canal some years since, and from exposure and non-use is now very much out of order, but can be made to do good service If fixed op. With Verret's canal opened. Movement of Oeean Teasels atl from Atlantio and Gaif Fori. DOMESTIC rORT9-sVRRIVAL8 ASO t-i (Spselal ts ths PleaysMj Baltimore. March 11, ClsuwJ: Stnaa? field Cassap, tor fcaw Orita, Galveston, starch 11-Arrivedj tr- A limn.

Hlr Tora. ClUWll 1 Marlaa Martla Deansrtt; juiis, avoiisrsaat mua Steamship Neoces. Biak. sow Is Thornton, on Government street and Be- land the gutters of the AJgiens etreets vmi. nSSS rmsTKia A-ir; i avenue, taia arternoea And oroae properly looked alter, tne drainage can I brt OsV-Krefw; fron frtfc bonea of the right leg.

He received I be areatlv improved. The new brick I rW medical attention and wae taken to the I paving on the two front streets withstood I bil ClsarMl- Brltiab atetrntuB Co- Providence Ianrmary. Thia le tbe second I the beavv ralna of Tnesdav xiia-ht ad- I ST-L i aritiia rkmf acciaent taat naa eccorrea so woramea I nuraoiy; tact, tney was tne oniy tnor- I Maraaret 8. Smith, aiarcfeiai. cor engaged on this building.

The Vandyke Manufacturing Company. Of Sunny Bide, manufacturers of NICARAGUA. The Rebels gaffer Another Defeat. The ResTnlnrn. (Copyrighted, 1SO0.

by the AesooJated Preae.) Managua. Nicaragua. March IL via Gal- veston. News has been, received here of snother signal auccesa for the arms of the government against the Leon rebels at Metapa, a village near Matagnlpa, which contains a large American settle- meat snd Is only about twenty miles from the frontier of Honduras and in the do partment of betentrieaei. Tbe government forces have been work' lng northward towards the Honduras the troops which ths republic of Honduras I Rabins; ThreOffhent Ue State 01 Sew nas onerea to I'resiaent xeuya to aaaiat Korwagiaa.

wrx Aevne, iww e- York. Msrch 1: leoaa aad OobsI, tn MrtoJ ton. Clcarsdt Bfceanjars Qt.i, Fonta Oordaj Comal, tat Ptoreace aad Ulllss Cabb -fres Cleared: Bssslaa achooasr Joka for Qoeeastowa for orders." j. Peacol. Marc charge of having held up a small white I Segula and Patterson streets, where ad- I "ii- fcM." Sr.SS (Sr saraa, boy a few miles from the city several I vertlsements and eubecripUons for the I "ri inmber There wata ss met vea-etable mad fruit cratee.

Is contemplat ing moving their factory to Mobile in tbe spring. John Gamble, a young negro, recently released from the penitentiary, where he hae beea serving 2 yeans' sentence for grand larceny, was sr res ted this sf-ternoon by Constable John Stout on the oughfarea in the town that were open to travel. Tbe gradual slope from the center of the oavinc to the curbing, and the well arranged, new gutters, served ae a vehicle to convey tbe water off ae it fell. It served as a stanch argument in favor of the paving of other streets of Aigiem The Picayune's Aiders bureau. M.

Jenninxs. manarer. Ia located in the of fice of the Algiere Democrat, corner of dare ago and robbed him of a small sum of money. Tbe negro was taken to jsU. Dsliy and Weekly Picayune will be re ceiver.

A F1EECE BJ AMERICAN BANKERS timDer ana inmoer. owing to the tough waatber oa by the terriflc wbid aad fala stem at 1 a erm raats win, tit achooaer tewed la here Feb. Dewey prevea to be tbt 'J! BataT Ms. Phe sailed from rr 81 foe Mew Tork with earga lumber. mi Vmbst rm New jorkT Balled 6c- In putting down the revolt.

Ths rebel forces made aa Ineffectual attempt to hinder this Junction aad a battle resulted. in which tne rebel forces were completely routed, losing fifty killed. A skirmish Is also reported to have taken filace at Nags rote, near tbe western shore of lake Managua, and tbe scene of the recent terrible slaughter of the in surgent forces. In the skirmish small losses are aald to have occurred to either aide, but the rebels were driven bsck towards Leon. News has been received here that re ports hsve been sent out to the effect that uoaitisiia nss di uwpi on a uerman veasel to aid the Leon rebels.

The report is wholly BRAZIL. I Yellow Feve? Tletljne Nonaber 104. (Special tbe Picayune.) Buenoa Avres. Msrch 11. (By Mexican Cable to the Herald.) The total number of deaths on oosra tne Italian cruiser Lombard la from yellow fever, according to tbe Herald's correspondent in Rio de Janeiro, Bratil, 4s IOC Seventy-six of the crew are still ill.

Terk, as.4 It Blda Fair to Rival the Terrible Stoma of Elarht Tears age-- Train Impeded. rfttAA nr RaltlnMirs. a. VJ1IU.CM, VbMysrd BavsB. Mar Schooner Almeda froi tor Boa too.

ltJAidn aialacUajU. (By Associated Presa.) New. Tork, March IL Within one day of the eighth anniversary- of the great bJ lizard, a etorm ie prevailing here and along Ue Atlantic coast, from New Bag- I parties woo win aeciare unequivocajiy land southward which a powerful re-" I of minder ef that terrible incident in the history of Mew York. Tbe hurricane Declare for- the Halateaaaee the Geld (By Associated Press.) New York. March 11.

Tho executive council of tne American bankers' Associa tion held a meeting at the Cna.nber of uommcroe aua mernoere from an parts of tha TiiftMi riratea n-em nnnL After the transaction of routine business I ig tiSr lowtug resolution: "iceeoivod. mar tne executive council of the American Bankers' Association de clare unequivocally in favor of the mala- images oi tae eximui koiu smauaru ui i uiriuMu. acaroa b. lmtM value and recommend to ait bankers snd I Bhuunaedaa (h'och Amsadses ro cusionien si ail diius ue em of sll their influence aa citizens in their various states to select dolecatee to tbe political conventions of both tbe great J.VC83. Coinavse.

Han FOREIGN NOTES. By Associated Presa.) Nice, March 11. Queen Victoria wae received with military honors upon her arrival at Chluile to-day. Vancouver, March 11. The defenses st Eaqulmalt are.

again being strenatbened. Seven new "heavy breech- loading guns have just arrived from England. London, Msrch 12. A Vienna dispatch to the (standard says that two of the three missing Vienna tourists who wsre climbing lu the Alps ungulded. were found dead at the foot of Martin's wand, on Baz mountain, beneatn an avalanche.

Gowernor Tnrney-IIl. 1 (By Associated Presa) Nashville. March IL Governor Turney wss forced to ro to his home at Wlncheater yesterday because ot aerlous Illness, resulting from rheumatism. Advices from Winchester to-night report him -no better. He is a great sufferer from thia disease, and this severe attaek has greatly alarmed those acquainted with hla condition.

signal is displayed for the second time this season. Snow le failing In. great quantities, but melting almost as fast as it falls. -Lower temperature and in creasing wind are predicted for to night. Th annar.

atorm to-dav waa reneral throughout this state. New Jersey and a portion or xsew ngiana. At Newburgh, N. the most severe etorm elnce the Hazard of March 12. liwsa.

Is raging to-night. The gale is from the northeast and enow has been falling aince noon. All trains are late, -ins in it atandard of St. Louis wae selected as the place for holdinz the next annual conversion of the association on sept, zi to zd next. The convention tnen adjourned.

RAILROADS AND POLITICS. (pedal ts tbs Ajnaterdam, Mares e-eaa. or -rfiad: Ata JraAaVTlSlaUl SaXaVs LMS UTsvt lO, recainp, jaara 7 (iSSr s. Kirb.isi rr News, tot Veates. 9aAnlnltr, Klsgaua, TLJJ7LMM, aai Tee LUartU Kanaaba ().

Csivaeiaa or firemen. trAwmb Wast HartmpeelJtaTO Jadge Bnll'a Appointment U3t 7 Mack Gossip. fSpasUi to tha Picayune.) Macon. March 11. Tbe announce ment comes from.

Washington that John J. Hall, of thia state, -who Is assistant attorney general for the Interior depart ment, bas been appointed general counsel for the Georgia, Southern and Florida, In Kisasle. Marcs u-r' -b. tar picas fw Turlcish Bath. aa.

te p. m. I flendaya. MISS SIMPSON. Chiropodist LADIES.

a a. as. to ia m. sag Maalcers. -GENTLEMEVB BATH, night and day: ae closing time.

Separata oslrta tor uairopoaiata aad Maalcerista. always sva. Tarklsh bath. 75e: tleaets zer a aatas, as. v.mnw.l nf eorna.

whan aot aasre tbaa two. BOs. CerreetloB of Inerswlag tos sails, freai gl. MAN1CDEINO. OOC.

ArrtUiRI nrPiBTJiOls mainour no euive uotu. ti I tor tne Georgia, Southern and Florida, in I v-fbvort. fB, Assedated rjtsa) jtm acar-' from. Sft ths drift. At iM lit diet awn the wind le blowing a hurricane to-night, and ths enow is drift-in badly.

-Street -cars have-not been rtmfiinr since noon and trains are ail dels fed. Indications are favorable for a biuaard similar to that or isao. Saratoga reports- a heavy snow storm, accompanied by heavy wind, this afternoon. The etorm to-night Increased trt hltcvarri. Kingaton, N.

the bllaxaxd be-ran early- thie morning, with a strong norcheaet. wind, which developed into a violent gale tola Snow horan sbont noon. Increasing toward it ia Imnoaslble now to see or stand In the etreets, and buslnese le suspended. The mercury la at zo. and la Xaliinx raoldly.

The anow is drifting badly, train are delayed ana lerriee are blocked. BUDDY GREEN'S CHRISTENING. Me? ri.UHlT atj lerx. fss -----to-n. w- here In Macon especially, because there ia he sfcars.

Is believed to be some politics in the I drewaed ia aryisg" ehanire. Secretary Hoke Smith was chief I ar wlU be a chanae. Secretary Hoke Smith wae chief I er wlU .1 attorney in tne litigation over tne property and it ia believed he has dictated "Yesterday the George, alias Buddy. Green, who raised a disturbance at Mr. Nodaya residence, on Thalia, near been living a quiet life in Arlaona.

There the appointment. It ia believed that thia waa the offer made to the covernor. but he declined. Tbe talk here Is that ons reason for the change is thst Dupont Guerry, who goes out, is a strong Crisp man, while Hall le not, Captain W. A.

Little, ex-speaker of ths bouse, has been offered tbe place Judge Hall has had ia Washington. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Santa Teresa Aarain. (By AsaocUted Praaa.) March IL The reported rohriinn sealnst Mexico, organuea at ia unfouaded. and no doubt origirstea in tbe brain of an ver-sealoua cor: espon dent, saata -xeresa.

or me eaini of Ga bora Senora was banianed xrom Yu jJco. in 18U3, since which time she has Associate' Press.) a ia --r. Mass- CWA frTrnToaala. Clara street, on the 29th of last month. waa tried before Becorder Whltaker axd severely punished.

Tbe evidence given went to show that hoodlum forced hia wsy into ths house while a christening party waa. In progress, washed his hands la a bowl ot lemonaae ana at- rm man nf her neonle who follow her from place to piece, anu mis no uouul what she in now doing, moving to another locality. 7 The 'lew' York Trigone says that a hatchet inj Amt dura in completely aea- t. (rank 1 frM ME dlMB la tcmDted to force some of the ladles to I cheoovraa eoooty, Tke wood had drink it. He.

was Insulting in nis re 1 wer so that It was laviJOM rroni te marks, snd after demollahing sme orna- Mrs1d. It bore tha name ot Robert Lssaue. mDH threw a burninf lamp at a man 1 the rreocb srplorer, to a eats im, Company saiisu HadaoS, JT TIB BtaseMbips I, t. Csraveuf -city tiw- fnua ew it V-" fromBnll- No. 4 Tnr r.

firrh i y. es ci a Br.

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