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Louisiana State Gazette from New Orleans, Louisiana • 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
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Clerks tu toe Senti because Li a rcfmb- fce pr pjularor ur popular right wrong an d' t0 prevail but It will be ever satisfied vote ft pleased. Next AhtiiH ed wiih himself, for be has within a liv-tf who most untxrc)twnlie in spring, spring that cheers him in w- nBice and Major Geuciai of the all hit. toil by day a pleaaant compan- FOR SALE A targe quantity of etedleft New-Tork SLATE. Enquire of the aubacriber. John Toot.

October 1L Cotton Bagging. ASiyply jut received, of superior qnallhy, ana for ante on accommodating trims by Smiths Morrison. AUo, BALE KUPi at a reduced price. DecmlxT 16 it liua. received the highest confidence ion 111 hit waking houra by night his' i n-oola a ni-0 who wouia have nau IIUIIV III 9teIICSS, ailti tic his hope in death.

Just Keceived, ty of WHllL LEAD of WHllL LEAD Ai'EKSON of expertrnce and knowledge iu bumix as would in a mrrciiAni'a counting. for terms and further int'orma tioii, apply at tlua orhee. 1 hii I oininon wtulili since the forma A quanti'r and othrt a pain i s. Jacob Trimble Jx Co. Nov 1 tion of our state Constitution has been f.ivcun with many excellent Governors, hevcral ate yet living; but they have mostly gone to their everlasting abodes; and I c.nnot foilcar to mention the idle Governor Sullivan.

Had that gentleman the votes of te u.ndsoi ihc tbumiy in favour ofhii cunmiuance in vflkc, if they have been and who did r-j ocive the ai.aiu' oi fcundreda of Ins ocUtk-l adveia-najH attestation oi his eti: hat! a tufltrtedcu unuer the great Kal of il llr- 10 Al1 P'e' Kat weie "oi l'-'-e m'rresied or afltcted the parting tddit "I Judgr ul the Comrudrl Plea under the olu system, anu ike eUiipv of 1 noma WiliUma. Jl- member oi tne Vc hae proem ed a copy ana ketch cf the and ausweri and transmit il tm for publication. We an hope the invetera system ol iniistrimi nate proscription oi our ei ileal ana best Strict, which is now in execution, will txcite in eveiy country, as, it ha done in this sentiments of 11, donation ud mat the I'eeplc will undcrst nd, by the ccuon ef mcn -It a Uvtinr ijeny, tctlcrrt Ai'i'iay a-i if wi.o rcluCo fo rote for the Consult. in Gtncr.11 and Ssutc rt cMttcn, 01 were avowed fjr i (Jumim; the wm, who are iheii tvorst unroll il was commissioned by Hancock nineteen umo, upon the tint aii 1 ol county Ueceintier 11. Mr.

Hobertson, (Fbom VnolOi) WlNGjiiBt arrived lit tuia city, take thia mtlliD'i cf informing the uihahiianta thereof, and the public generally, that should aiitRcwnl ptrwuage be oriered, he wili, on the 1 Ly of inuary next, open a Seminary in this plane, for the iiiktmi Utm of voutlt, in die fciltuwing braitch-ea of actence and literature, vn Putiucal CAconnuiY aiwi Morl Pmlosophy, Belle I.ettrea und Criticiara, Rhetoric, Logic, and Practical Oratory, Geography, wnh the uaeof the Clotx-a and the Newtonian exposition of the Solar Srsttm, The Enghah laiiguge gramniaUcally and critically taught, 1 he Laun language. Arithmetic including the whole converging series, Bookkeeping on Uie luuat approved plan, I.e. Stc Hi aaaurcs tlie public, that the utTosl att' ion will be paid to the muiiii stiideiMs placed under his tuiuon Should the nuruleren-t- led exceed thirty, a gentleman ol high literary and Moral Charac ter lias engaged tu amt. The terms will be for each scholar, One i h-raio UoLltil fxr annum, pud quarterly in advance and lor timse who are laiufdl Lnghah ami A ruhmettc mi, Eiob i 1 1 a iiiUiar; paid as above i to vilm will he abided a small sum White bugars, 40 Cast-s very Uenor quality, just recaived bf the hng Prompt caputa atiu-y, from Hava na, for aahe WILLIAMSON It DSBLOIS Oct 18 Removal. THE subscribers have nniovtd to No 23 St Lotus bCrt-et, nearly oppoa.te tiie house they iuroieily wccupied.

Chew 8 Keif. Navember 9. 10 Dollars Regard. RUNAWAY from the plantation of Wilitam A C' S. Uenatffn, on the night of Uie lyih olt a Ntgro Mati uanitd Leurenct ar Lorm, aoout ftve feel one or two indies high foi i live eais tt age, biown cooipWxion.

Had un when he went away, a Mankil cappot, a cheek shirt, aiid an old pair of hoen palitaiuons. 1 be aUv re ward will be paid for apprehending the sid stave, with all rsMiaonahk' tl aiges. New Orleaas, Nov. 1. 4 have lived umil this day, our State would have been much better united than at pi -His prudence and hi tuners en-deaied him to them who at first were his opponents, and 1 saw him ut I is own house tne week beiore lii last sicknets Heobst tved to me, that all the qualilua lions he considered necessai lor office, were integiity and capacity If his con dilatory plan had been pursued our Slate iiiilit have been happy, liut where the new com se of proceeding will end is unknown to all, save linn who reads the volumes ol (utuiity, and to whom all things aie present the men who were the fn si oppose rs of tyranny are mostly bont They dared to think they dared tu s.pctik they dared to unite, no1, fe.aring ihe w'aih kins.

These men were as the chaiiots ol our American Ivrael. and the horsemen thcreol. I he Khjahs have p. 'sed the spheres, and they call on our l.lisii to tke up their mantles. Gentlemen When our public career is rnd heu our political connection is diOted, we are ii icaistably reiv-d of our natural dissoluiion.

I must acknowledge that this lat interview to ine is truly fH.ciia I must bid a final adieu to this ai to you, gentlemen, I bid an aftci tiunate tare wel. Ir, nl ritiii.ei.t of tne oiO lor house rent Application by I. tier (postage i i- t- ouxagcl, wdi i or raic, pa.d) or personally, at MatUn meet atu-ntton. 'v attentive and vaiuMe Negro Boy, apeaav Dee 7, 1311 Coutt cf hc inembera ol tiie Court. II'' 1 n.cinlMjr rt the Con-temiona which tm tncl and rrttifi.d our National ions, and ot- i ng English ami rrench, about lo yrsrw Me in rt rxrellrnt L.iuu- emni mAA tld waiter andean he Btied tor buw sty 1 an 1 sobriety.

Sold only on account of his ma ters absence from the country. Price 7lXh rd fir, si enr since suppoited, For Sale, The following Nrgroes, viz. hem. 1 1 3 and 1 is brother, lien. War jen.

ere- 3 in ie mmence H. Monro Pi o. Tnukiuac Su-cet. Dec. 5.

mcnt ol tl war, and tr.c 'jstile, as he Mi IN WAY, a boy 14 years ol aae, an Afri-; rati, ut the Congo naOori a tinait, active inU ilmrnt waiter- Speaks Fri nch Eohah. I GEORGE, a by 14 vears ot atre, born in actved, iua ird a 'in in at of-tenai lie f't ind Hi. nam mat broth I er died in the glery 1 battle, and did not lie, lumpen to pro id 1 by his Msryiand, has been in tii.i city three year a smart active servant. a man abfiut 35 years of age, Amencau born, has been 18 nwHitha here, a goud carter or hJxHurr a wench about 35 years of age, American torn, plain co and uaaher. Terms, three and six months, in good en-dorseal uoits.

Tlie aUive describeil neirroes are ofTi rt A Aw own country men, or the un-jraleful proicripli cl bfotiier and companion in arm ihc ing i Judge'a addrtsi Port of iSCW-Orlcans. CLliARKB. Schr. Be'sey, Anthony, Havana l.ieom, Allisa, Fort i'toddert liills of Exchange On Philadelphia and Bai imore, for saie by Lewis Lee. Dec IOR SALE Either At any kiiulaof country produce or on a very long c.euit, '4- -i i a 'at iff Two -Jo.

in Mangny'a street, fauxb-mrg Marigny. For terms apppW to ochclle Nov. 90. At the Ltiv. i ship Three -SlslCI from sale on account of the owner heinp about to leave tiiia Territory App'y at this olTice Uer.tlemcn (( the 1 The time i jw come, that connexion which ha so long ui.d 1 happi.y between us, tnjst be dsulvtd.

Anions tnc uatonihin ittfotuiions Noveniber xl 1 tt Pniladel i Li the river brig Mary Ann. days fioiu New Lou, on. passengers Mr and Mrs Ueauicau. Mrs. Clark, and Mr Al-h- i At the I i Turn, ahip Oilcans, i'l'aitklin, fioin York.

I7HESH FLOUK Just received and At sale bv TRIMBLE It Co. huh have U.en pLr this iiUin btc lew 111 hi1 hi, oui cud fathers l.jve decreed that tlic-e scan. uaii Lv oti tic. tJ uit to Sov. 21 Notice.

ALL peraona indebted to the estate of the late illiani Brow are hereby tiulirttd to make their pavmenta to the subacnU ra, who are dulv appointed curators ot 4h- aaid estate and thoae havirg demands tht-reupoii to pre sent the saiue hr John M. Lee OlTthe bar, on the 5th inst two ships, n. me unkiiow suppoed to be the ships Ohio uhd Hunter, fiom I'hiladelphia. Just htceivrd, know no more tore vu i he cieel kat 1 1 iutth they nave whet tnc at tcring iwod of poiver, unci tl.eii hand, kas taken hi dd cn vengeance. .1 A HANDSOME anment wt Lare, Lcft Veils, Veiling iu piece Cambric ind tP, K.

Clague. Shares tnth WATER. WOK K.S A Oelober J. ol i his city, iiia. he hail by applying to Talcott iJ liowers Musi rwbs, Scarfs, lie.

L-ee bandkerckitia Jj Shawls, etc. wtuch will be aoU low, Liulc sains" J. also, i Spaniah Segars of a superior quality, iu boxes of one thousand eifh, and barrels of cic hi to Cy kven thousand, very a su Cable far the cotjitry trade. j-ti Huy Monroe Co. 17.

i) White Morris I for sale, on liberal icrms the fob UUI, eiUiCillCli, muuirt iuc a mu- Baent indulge a hejtt lepktc ui.h tude at the recnlleclica ot the kindncsi ekich you have always sluun to inc by waking proper allowai.L loi in nt a regular Ical educ a'l i tl.a; i.u this rnai of love. In our btate Conven' 1 lie ef the redcial 11.1, aaid if cno from each cl the p. tie ihould he tent tiien tonic in- November 23. 1 ha James Armitage, MERCHANT TAYLOR, RESPECTFULLY informs his fritndskthe public in general, tliat he hits commenced ttie above business, in all ns various branches, a) id hoK-s tmin his experience ami attention to bnsi ness, to ment a of the pubWe His store ia in St Louis street, next door to Heap's Apothecary shop Strangers will find it their interest by calling on the subscriber, their work shall be done at the notice, and moat fashionable style for CASH.

Oct S3 JUST RECEIVED by the Neptune and out gomery, and tor sale by the solist ritn-r, 15 pax kages assorted Ironmongery 4 casks Glue 3 do Sweeping and Paint rtru-dies 6 caes fine Mens Ha" lo. Saddles and Bridles 1 do. Foolscap Paper 300 French Iron Pots MS oil's i.l be jy Planters' Hank. THE ttorkholders of the Planters' Bank.sVo he tby notitkd, that the election of eWfeu Directors for tlte ensuing year will held at thei Bo k. on Monday tlie tid of December nett, between the hours of 9 o'elwtk, A.

14. ant 2 O'thnk, M. None but written proxies can be received. By order uf the Hoard of Director, i L. hailly Hlanchard, Caahief N.

mf tE plated Congress, mai gacious as tt.emseives. ready tc u. 1 should i.c'. fully sdmmiteied ai when my tneiii, in less th.ui tbc men ho should 1 1 i i i i.i a i.ib artichs riceivcil on consiguiuettt Ii in puibuit Iploa, per Uie ship Ntpiiuie and Three S.akers I 10 Holland Gm 3 country do 7 lllido.

40 Uai ieU an. 1 half barrels best i Potter I ai liarub Pylatits Ba.rtla Vinegar It Boxes 11 Caaea Hats 4 Trunk-, lkli I Od pair Shpl'" JjoJ yards ul Tow Cloth 5 gi ime ecea 16 LU (fija new Cig od Bands fiesh Flour just received from the, Western country- They have also in Store, hall Boxes Window Glasa, 7 a a 1U "J-Ui Jj Huudks U.i!.u-red sccel ,1 5 ii" IU i all 1 iio.iihi hJ 1 v. tnc ii-u il.i. 'i I III. "uuiu ue treated a tne ly the very pervins who l-bou cd m.

their strtbirth to prevtiit IT 03 BLANK CHECKS For the different Hanks cf this city ft sale at th's-Office. Gentlemen wishii'jr; to have their Check-Hooks hoiyid. or Plongh share moulds and Wunlsor Chairs. John Poultney, Jun. November 29.

Just Received, ur atf Talcoti c3" frrr. or pux)r oi ai.i: sc; u.c n. u.i llonitttuui as a i i Irotn I'hiladelphia, the debate, taie and the Vcaa N.i; i the ultimate tjuestion. Little did I think. 1 vciururrrv.

i ny services at the b.ttibi of'.,!' il dials. GUas Ware Caac Nutmeg. 1 Hale eoijierfnv- Cl-Jtha 1 CakiUw.rcs '1 liinkt Call.e(M.S 30 Bales coil Rona An Assortment Ticken. and cotiuu any alteration in. the form, can Phud, Su-ipcs, Checks, Chujnbravs, 8tc.

from the Providence MaiH.factvry; superior in have It UOnC ImtneUiately. (p.ahtv to cetchce cf the libertits my te.lo v-iitueii that tins w.s the h'-i iiy I aghtin for, or when wecitu.tdthe i.ivj vs of our to il from war c. 00 ilo' hot Orc-il Ceticc Deceiiiber 17 J. A. UOIU: RTSONJk ATTORNEY AT LAW.

i )' the igoor ot the su -c Wl." evi- Ijs 'R SALE LO? i the corner at iiieiiViUe and kaiupart r.trsri, mU aUitil (JU feet on the UO on the Watt atraet For terms apply So atbaceiber. G. V- Morgan. Mitiitnvnd, Ytrgu.M cn jind ever since have given lfrice cf their tttachmcnt to the ou'd io hoon have bttn tUorivt WING obumed hceiwe topfa' Uxu Law II ill Uif social Courts tin territory, 50 novs SpennateU Crules. In Start, 1 ickJcnburgs, OtiuHut ga, B'Vjitrns Scotch Cotuav Bagi'g, Men's Saddles, AweJaor Cm, Madeira Wiw, Via Grave, a A eet scented Tob-cra C't-UuiaU, Nail.Sv Sjnk' rainy Chairs," 11' Ii lirown Eard.ti, Ware, Glas Wae, Dmgs it Mediriaes, Ike ALSO, Several fashionable GIGS, and a CHARIOT, with harness complete.

November 26 MayS-lawtf I i j. Wanted. "ononis hy the rutlilc, Pvvei But, my brethren, let well doin-. t)ur i. oar oi ti.rtitU's th.r a.luhitaius of the city ut Orl an the publ.c gmrally thai In, i no pr-n, he is waly to receive any wttli which he may br honoured in Ins i.

prompt ai.d diligent at. ri uie on his pail, and he truata I.hi,7 ixni'iriKe al the har, thavuig i 'n I hi i- Courts ot Virginia for dl iuil.1. i tj lu-i II noli la, at Mad.uu -i's i i he i ai.V i i 1-tl Mr, Lsstwftaim, a Swedish SaU, may P'V f3 that ul Vssaa" will h1 a reniattk rahl inherwwe devolrtd kt in Swedan, by ap- HElR Alt tt.p.t i th. the c-C the SJ! I to Li 'ii iivii oi Hills of Fxcbange ON NEW YORK, For sale by Williamson lkblois. No.

Jt Ncv Ihuk, Mov. 1 1.

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