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The Kingston Daily Freeman from Kingston, New York • Page 13

Kingston, New York
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DmftCt 4SMAMST, DWSTOHHT IB. Financial and Commercial! i May 2 --Tte apwtrii latad iy teary fecyisg ef ciils: saotors rUroatl sarea. altioagi oatj fiortiy ecoa ia patky wilt a wisie xcressea: ia tke oils. A Bttmber of ordiaarilyi obacare case into proaiaeete as professional traders sought oet" the lttccara ia the Aajemaa Telephone. Acwiraa Cae.

I Kesaecotl Copper. Soathero Pacific; asd Southern Radio scored' a gain of su points snd General Me- i THE KINGSTON DAILY FREEMAX. MAY raft Property For Van Kleeck POULTRY bat tot MILK IX RATION vf Siut-r asd i Norti Kroat a days take wfta'. ss Sinclair-Stewart Silent on Bonds ss Kra't yrupenv or wraps Y. WHY HWB lei-- io recoct i I SANK.

TRC3T and INSURANCE CONTINUE TO RECOM- I SEND aa Investment Trust Stock Jacbracing BANK Stocks'. TRUST is and INSURANCE Company shares only, par value present price $13.00. dividend yield, about 5 per cent. ooa-dividend Industrial present price $23.09 a the purchase of which I for substantial prott. December 2nd, 192T.

and up to 30th. 1927. I Called AttentioB I Is these columns to an lareat- Iraent Insurance stock, the price I of which during that time ad- mced from SSO to $85 a share, quoted at a share aad I 1 believe ready for a new and sub- (jtiatial advaace in price. I solicit your indulrifts which iH be answered by mall. You I will not be annoyed with personal solicitation.

I do make personal calls, but Itiese are made by appointment ICPOX REQUEST ONLY. MAXL.REBEN Crania PaJje. Electric Aatoj Lite aad the New York tractios had advances of 3 to 4 I priced shares. to i rapid movement of Chicago acd i Alton common, which sold aa hifh as.lS, just dquble its closing quotation oa Monday, were ia efearp de- maad. Compared with yesterday's aa possible ia the ratios of farm bet 'be balanced with or OCW72 fpteialist tie atrtcalinral service of tie UairersUy Ground feed called as aa frala.

Is necessary. The folio winf will give food urata--Crocked corn, two al fctavj- rtwais arocad lo KjMtor sales of North Front for tit- irar.Vr Bask. of the Oeorge Kreft He had April Tfee faaerai of of High who April JS, held Tuesday KOOS at 1:30 from tbe High izt Episcopal Church. in the Ar Falls Censetery. Waller aifA this ins al his SI Van street.

Funeral services from residence Friday afternoon at of the the build-' o'clock. Interment in adjoin the Van Kleeeic caragei Cenieiery. survived fcrao. aUatiegs. grccni cars.

oau. asa neat ot is aa extremely valuable food on thl? for poultry--more valuable erea for milk scrsp tbe birds all the time. It they of tu pros-, ou-aer as it can ior additional to the carafe and There are a one Rtiph E. DHI this city, a granddaughter. Vivian Beatty.

and a brother. Oeor W. of this city; two sistfrx. I'leugh of this city. he was a member of cloee of 4 54, Chicago aad Alton prc- nllic only to drink tbe neat scrap can be scrapped entirely, particularly 5 per cent more booeiacal Is added to the wash.

One pint of cod liver oil to each hundred pounds of mash, mixed first with charcoal aad then with tbe icsredienta, makes a valuable addition to the ration. The raa.ih should be before the hens in hoppers or feeders all the time. More grain than mash ferred touched a new peak at 26H. but met heavy realizing sales and slipped back to 20, dragging the common back from its high level. New York.

Ontario and Western was heavily accumulated in the early afternoon, rising 3 poir.ts to 3 8 4. The speculative buyi-g of the oils apparently had cese6 lot the moment at least and most of them fell back on extensive profit-taking and short sales. Losses ran as high as 2 la Pan-American Mexican Seaboard and Atlantic Refining. Quotations givast Marker Mo- Elroy ft members N. Y.

Stock Exchange, 120 Broadway. New Tort city, branch office. 2CO Fair street, F. si. Allied Chemical ft Dye.

AUla Chalmers American Cam American Car ft Foundry u'Sh: SchaeBer died at his resi- was teitinc boadsi hr or from H. as in she roamistee! been 3 a iv.rh a the I'oBii- com-1 a of i5 cents a a (W nii rel. This they at lu-fii Lack to to the Siiu-lair mi Purchasing Corn- Bother. The L. and O.

Club trill hold a Cheslt-r aged was one of four sons of the late Alexander and Jane Masten Schaeffer, and tr.eei a on Thuwda-. p. an! ni-e our lat- H. Bishop. in pauy.

owned i by the Sinclair SWghtsburith. where a Masonic uad Standard Indiana interests. "era! service win lie at Conveyaerts proviiJ- A Master Masons ara iarJted. today a his card party at the home- of Mrs. Gage, i in the upper section of the city.

otner 15 Hoxers street, tonlRht. The public! had been employed at the Fuller JItion is invited. shirt factor for the pas; thirteen acn Jcetlier on 1 Si iu PC a lipin in hipli converas and the Standard of Indiaoit f-nttred jiarsnership (or "bus- IneK.t "It was advantaseous he ilerlarvii. a both his I rompanies the Indiana Standard Funeral a h.d refineries in Chicago and Buren street to both." DF I I A. TONOl'E.

Secretary In Deputy Countv Clerk Walter re a 2S a ligh leenl Gill is aufferiair from an' Infection of! an 1iale frl tds by hls 11 15 position. ful Besides wife. Va lion Friday at 1 p. Relatives and friends are invited Interment in cemetery. and i hey went ia to- Pipe Line Company M) as 10 KOI oil to those reflu- i me tubers of Franklin Bailey Schacffcr.

he is sur- IWwwn Companlwi. No. 'it. Kal hts of r.uhias, win meet vlved by two nieces. Miss i "This ended the sharp home or the late Rrother.

1 the CU ln 1IIMler k's cfffceV IlgnUy of grain IB the moraine, i Tt. i -i Warm water, oyster shell "omen of Mooseheart Legion' this city, and two nephews, James Chairman Nye. BUEII, gr.i ana I was no competition in the Schaeffer and Grace Bartroff li between the companies?" asked freen or sucealwt or clover mnn fc 661 In vthl "all tonight at and Clarence Legg of York and oc ck in order a 8 may i Brooklyn. Funeral sen-Ices will be IDUiPsFlflK. farfrtta KA A A call rw.f a fA-- be conducted before the card party to hrtd at convenience of can potatoes, mtabacas or be held there at o'clock.

o- 1518 Bro.dw»y. 3144. "For Goodness Sake Buy Securities." PARKER, McELROY ud COMPANY of the New 126 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. BRANCH OFFICE FAIR STREET, KINGSTON; N. Y.

Uader tbe Masiaceaaeait qt MR. GEORGE G. BROOKS. Asatrtcaa Locomotive Co Asaericam ft Ret. Co.

American Sugar Refining Amerieaa TeL 'TM Asierfcaa Woolen Co Anaconda Copper Co. Atcbiaaon. Santa Fa Baldwin LoeomoUva Co. Baltimore ft Ohio By. Bethlehem Steel BrlCO Canadian Pacific Cerro Da Pasco Chandler Pfd.

Chesapeake ft Ohio R. Chlcaco ft Chicago, ft Chrysler Corp. spronted oats should be furnished. Changes shoqld be made gradually. card party will be held family.

Friends wishing to view the transportation of oil." Sinclair replied. "You and Colonel Stewart guarau- Woa. i a tonl in Pythian Hall Bridge Hollands From nd P'nochle will be played. The pu 7 remain's msy do so Friday after- leaU contract between the Conti- onlSt late real- I DI Co Hu.phr.ys?" Bri aence on 1 Chester tl 1 Fn um hrc Original Wild Turkey lie is invited. Wta Holland, thought to have ch.TS?«2'!£ ternally Mr.

Schaeffer was a member of Aretas Lodge, No. 172. I. O. O.

F. wild turkeys. Md perpetuated by lection tad breeding. In fact some in- fc ctuu 50-; Oscar C. McCuIlouRh.

formerlv a ontmated from sports of the original ciety of the Lutheran Church of kno an 1 respected Redeemer Thursday at p. m. It is (resident of the village of St. Remy. desired that be pres-jdled April 21.

at his home 205S East Kingston street. Philadelphia. after a short Illness. Besides his wife. Mabel, he Is survived by his mother.

Mrs. Jeanette McCullough of Amsterdam. leads to the belief that the eut White Hollands were perfected In Eu- Mrs. J.rry Martin, who conducts mtrlrt the Marinelio Beauty Shop in the habits mort desirable, and Clinton Hotel building has men later returned to America by taken personal charge of the N. sisters.

and several characteristic ho deslre "er personal sen-ices. Wnlte Hollands, which would iadf- the restricted areas of Europe of j' 7s Colorado Fuel I Columbia Gas Consolidated Gas Corn Products Crucible Steel Co DaTlson Chemical Dodge Bros. Class A Du Poit. Erie Railroad Fleischmanas Co Freeport Co. General Asphalt General Electric 1KSt General Motors Rubber.

(B. Great Northern Pfd Great Northern Ore. Houston.Oil Co. About the 1 well-known in England earlr In TM UUUl mC rOlfS I A I CLIJU a a 11 and will be at the shop vicc wa conducted by the Rev. B.

for customers stoll of the Frankford M. E. Church land the Rev. P. Hodson of the East Alleghany Avenue M.

E. Church of Philadelphia at the late residence and the body was then brought to the speak, that they. later to become I CathVr'ine well known In the land of their na- VI. Burhan hav than werTwS: tT' at standard varieties- perfect Aibanv. ed In America.

returned York Keep Poults Hungry, for First 48 Hours Anyhow Turkey poults should not be fed any- Jthing the first 48 hours after hatch- If they have free range, they Forme of Salutation That Seem Peculiar If some one should approach and do yoa perspire?" or ask you If you have eaten your rice. Houston. Qll WUI ick wm and lMe don't be ofTended, These are the words Comb w2 hfcn the amount and kind by wh thft Egyptians and Chinese rnternitloSal Harrester of feed that may be needed after 48 I How do vo wh tUey meet viki Vl 1 honiv. It an acoaaintance. irOLEOX IS SUSPENDED SENTENCE Napoleon 30, a negro this city, was arrested a war- at Tuesday afternoon by Sergeant pson.

The warrant was sworn it by Maud Ellegood of SS Ann treet. who claimed that Napoleon beaten her with his fists. Na- eon spent the night in the county 1 and-this morning in.police court 'as given a suspended sentence of days in jail by Judge Shu- Oar Growina; following births have" bftftn re- 3 to the board of health: and Mrs. Leonard-C. oca strett.

a son. John James. KMr. and Mrs. Edrward Cooper, town Nickel It is best always to keep them I "qaiintance, laternatioaal Paper tot hungry enough so they will be AU CM nave Kansas City Southern "'1? hnnttng feed and jetting the Kclly-Sprtngfield Tire I rtse that Is required for best growth and livablllry.

Hard-boiled 103 74 J2 57 Kenneeott Copper Co Thlgh Valley fxjews. Inc. Mack Trucks. Mariand Oil 'Mid Continent Missouri Pacific R. MontgomeiT Ward ft Co.

Sash Motors National Biscuit Co Ketr York Central R. R. K. H. ft Hartford R.

R. fj" Ontario ft Western R. R. Norfolk ft Western Ry. North American Co Northern Pacific R.

Packard Motors Pan American Pet ft Tran. Pan American Pet. ft Trati. B. Para.

Famous Players Lasky. Pennsylvania Railroad Philips Petroleum pierce Arrow M. Car Co. Pressed Steel Car Pottnm Cereal, lUfa egcs chopped fine and mixed frith corn-' bread crumbs have been found, generally satisfactory the first week, after which whole wheat and hulled oats are good. Keep them out of wet grass until they are well Three lit-, ters of eggs per year are generally about all that will be satisfactory to hatch, because late-hatched poult? are likely to be less thrifty.

1J3 Kill Harmful Mites 1 Mites do not live on the chickens fcy day, but come out and rock their fill of blood when tbe birds are roost-, i ing. First the poultry house must be cleaned thoroughly. Trash, nesting material, should be taken out and i burned. Then so over the whole house thoroughly with crude petroleum or Readies Railroad Republic Iron Royal ft Steal. 1 1 1 cr brush to supply the material.

Pe- their own peculiar forms of salutation. On islands near the Philippines natives grasp the foot of the person they wish to greet urnl gently rnh their faces with it. South Sea islanders rob noses and exchange gifts, while the Moors kiss each other's shoulders. "How Is your was the greeting in ancient Rome, where man was a warrior. The Greeks, with other things than war on their minds, said.

"What business are vou engaged In?" The Frenchman's "1 am charmed anil enchanted to meet monsieur" Is difficult to Improve upon. "Bow do you find yourself?" 1 is the German's greeting, and when a guest rises from table they express the hope that he has had hearty uieal and that he will find himself the better for the cheer of the repast. home of Mr. and Mrs. E.

A. Post, an aunt and uncle, at Rifton where the funeral services were conducted at 11 o'clock. Wednesday April the Rev. Frank B. Seeley, pastor ot the Fair Street Reformed Church, who officiated at tbe marriage of Mr.

and Mrs. McCullough. Tuesday evening. April 24'. on- arrival of the body at Rifton the Junion Order, United American Mechanic services were conducted at the home of Mr.

land Post. Interment was in i St. Mary's cemetery. St. Hem- was held In high by his friends in Philadelphia and also by bis former neighbors at St Remy.

Many beautiful floral tributes were evidence of the high regard in which friends and relatives held the deceased. News of the sudden death of Miss Mary H. Haldane on Tuesday forenoon at her old home in Cold Spring. Putnam county. N.

will bring sincere grief to the hearts of her many friends in every walk of life in this her adopted home. Apparently in better health than when she left Kingston, and. cheery as always. Miss Hftldane suffered a stroke of apoplexy Tuesday mornlnp. dying a short time afterward.

Intensely patriotic, as became a true American aristocrat, a woman of rare who sold the oil to the "continental.) "I did not guarantee.the contract personally. It was subject to the approval of the directors of ray company." Sinclair replied. He "added that the liability under the contract was not very large "as payment for the oil were not made until deliverv had been ler UeGraff. 51 Van Buren street. Thursday evening.

May 3. at o'clock to funeral service. All Brothers are requested to he prefeoj Signed: KELDEK. Chancellor Commander. KEYSER--In this city.

Mav I 13'j Emma, wife of the late' John keyser. Funeral at residence 37 Meadow street on Thursday at 2:30 are P- m. invited. city Monday. T.

of J. Lawrence Society Notes Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Frledrick of Explaining the Wind The blowing of the wind is owing troleam is cheaper but the carboliaeum to the presence of ir.c-re gets into the cracks better and lasts longer. Amgston; nosBKai. Southern Railroad Co ito Jlr. and Mrs. Don C.

Lewis, 124 standard Oil of Calif. 62 street, a son, Donald Walter, at standaid Oil of N. J. of Kingston Hospital. istudebaker Corp.

Mfci I-Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius V. Hauler. Henry street, -a daughter.

Lois nice, at Citj of Kingston Hospital. and Mrs. Carlton Deyo. 125 street, a son, Carlton. at I 0 66 and Mrs.

5 i avenue, a daughter, Marion: nice, at Benedictine Hospital. Texas Corp. oir1 in Geese for Breeding It is Inadvisable to dispose of an older goose and keep yoanjr for purposes, provided the older health. Toung seese Texas Gulf Sulphur win often iay during their first year, Texas Pacific Ry. Co bat tlie eggs are usually infertile and Timken Roller Bearing the number produced is seldom place than at others.

This causes a pnjh from the places of more air toward those of r.nd the greater this difference in qnantify of air the greater the posh, and the faster whole-hearted manner of winds. Novr, it Is Uifierence in tern- her appreciation thereof. She was that causes the difference In 1 a -woman of strong Christian char- Miss Haldane was a trustee of the New York State Historical Society, secretary of the Putnam County Historical Society, a Colonial Dame and member of the Daughters of the American Devolution. honorary member Constitution Island Association, a charter member and one of the founders of the Ulster Gar- i dens Club of which she was also the historian, a member of the Kingston Federation of Women's Clubs and also a devoted member of St. John's Episcopal Church.

However, it will not be for these positions of honor so wcrthilr held by her that Miss HaWsne will be longest and re- membered. but for her beautiful kindness to everyone w'ith whom she i came in contact and her gracious way of always finding something of good report in everyone and her the acCTimul.ition of air; in March the difference in temperature, bet ween the southern and northern portions of the thited States is greater than at any a other time of the year, hence the lif- May 4. Coolidge informed Representa- of Pennsylvania, today had definitely, decided to 6e- Day at Instead of ArttagtM as cusvwary is) -pact. D. S.

Can Iran Pipe V. S. IM. Akoboi Co. JU.

S. Rubber Co V. S. Steel Corp Wibash Railroad V.eatlacaouse Elec. ft Mfg.

Co. White Motors WHlys-Oreriand -ill Woolwortb F. W. Tallow Truck ft Coach Mar 2 Sorth- it is reported and ally bettered, hare teen North Shansl aad forced to raw. ThlrtHrr- ed bare antred Hen.

Females of the Canadian i hrwfls do no! lay. as a role, until they are three years old. but of any of the breeds nay be kept for breeding. Market QwKatioM. N'ew Tori.

May Department of Aanricnltnre and Eggs for Chicks EJSS that sre tested out of iBcuba- up to the 34tb day good for yosns chicks If properiy tkwAG be for lean SO minutes an as kill ail tween these regions is then greatest and- the resulting strongest. These winds are not north and sooth. as the pressure is. but from west to east. This is owing to the effect of the rotation of earth, in a way faliy bst not capable of brief explanation.

short supply of' thrt In Then palverize i aatotMMIe wRfc a Mr en io represent a steam toccaao- an aaaivenBry sale 4t attncui ecu soathcra and western asparagus rapidly at -advanced prices in a tsjutre stick thai will thoroughly market entirely in the seller's favor, jrclx the contests and ite asparagus from California, rctn as wen ifce laierfor portions. commanded from pet dozen The only 3a fewlJng eggs lies ia bunches according lo th- quaSity l9 ta9afk and thickaeas of the spears. Sooth Carolina arrivals brought aad Jersey arrivals $4f II. CMeaflo Chicago. Xay 2 til Ameriee More pbeasants raised by maa other kind of gaze oJrd.

of BBiober of pbeasanta raised acter. of warm sympathies, brozd- minded and very generous. Her i greatest happiness was to do triings for others and the loss of her wana and loyal friendship will greatly felt- Miss survived by one sister, lire. Francis J. Higgin- sort.

of city. The funeral will be held on Friday. May 4th, at 1:30 p. daylight saving tirae. from St.

Marv's Episcopal Church in The Highlands, with the burial at Cold Spring ia the family plot, Qaits for Y. M. Contend. N. Mpy 2 Rzlph E.

Ix)well. mayor Corl- i land, resigned his office last night i to accept a position assistant secretary of Tonnz Men's tian Association at. Jamaica. L. I.

automatically in the mayoraliy by RFred A. In tlie president of common coanciL Me ft tW city streets Market. ta aa actw onr is Cora May. "tet a forfcuiaf aad Oau-- May. Jaly.

has rattgbt aa eailre -VyMefaKlmiT Behy Be yew Utstvcila Tt this counaj are ringnecks. -Vonhwestern atatea. where staking operailons nave beeo very Amerfrati Bttmn Chinese ringaeck has Bj-jeaelds. May 2 ezclaalvely. American-owned gold re! las been distribtted la large Luz and Bonanza la northern "awptra also by tbe New York have been blown rp and stroyed by raiders, accordiag reports received today.

to 2ersjauy. Washinftos. May 2 James FiUmasrice of the firemen toM Wasniagton newspapermen that and companions may fly their ship back to Germany. WeU He tkai does good to aMtner don weJf. am (a The bvt la rery act; tbe comdJiuueja of well-AKnj to ft Itself asiplc Lake Katrine announce the engagement of their daughter.

Marguerite to Robert S. Forde of this city. Mttlr Club There will be a meeting of The Little Gardens Club held at the horn of Mrs. Myer. Cfifi Broadway on Fri day afternoon.

May 4. The topi for day will be "Color In th Garden." Announces Engagement Mrs. Minnie S. Wyckoff announces the engagement of her daughter. Miss -Mildred Wyckoff to the Rev.

Harvey Ira Todd. of Woodstock, X. Y. The wedding: will take place late this York Herald-Tribune. ESOPUS.

Esopus, May The regular business meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church Esopus was held at the home of Mrs. Aiex Smith. Election of officers vas held for the coming year.

The ociety reports a very unrcennfu! ear. A fine luncheon was served by he hostess and a collection of SO taken. Relatives and friends Interment In Wiltwyck cemetery. SALE PA---In this April 30. 192S.

Madajeuska. Wife Xalepa. Funeral from her late residence 42 Second avenue this city." Thursday. May 3. 1928.

at 9 a. from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9:30 a. where a high Mass of requiem will be offered for the repose of soul. Interment in ML Calvary Cemetery friends arc invited. The Holy Rosary Society of the Immaculate Conception.

Church wfll meet Wednesday evening May 2, "at 8 p. m. at the to recite Ute Rosary. RELYEA--Suddenly at Irvlngton N. ApU 30.

Robert JT Relyea. beloved husband of Alice A. Holt, in bis 58th year. Relatives aad friends are to attend the interment in Wlltwycfc cemetery on arrival of the 11:03 a m. West Shore train on Thursday May 3.

SCHAEFFER--In. this city, Mar 1928. William Scbaeffer. Funeral and Interment private Friends wishing to view the remain's may do so at the residence, 215 West Chester street on Friday afternoon and evening. D.

J. DIBBCTOA Hl si Acrirrw ntnut. St. K. T.

C. tTtk SUwMmcc. Announcement TAKE pleasure in announcing to the people of Ulster and surrounding counties that we have opened an office in Cordts Row. 276 Fair street, in the City of Kingston. N.

under the management of Matthew V. Cahill, of Kingston, for the general business of searching, examining and certifying titles to real estate and when desired will furnish title insurance thereon. The field is not new to this company as it has been doing constable business in Ulster and surrounding counties tor over four years and we believe better service can be given our old and new clients by having a permanent office in Kingston. This office will specialize in making searches for Savings Banks. Loan Associations.

Attorneys-at-Law. Real Estate Agencies and all those desiring, to purchase or loan money on real estate. We guarantee the correctness of our work backed by ample financial resources and propose to maintain a permanent office in Kingston so that our records will be available at all times in the future. W'e solicit tide business and assure quick deliveries consistent with careful, diligent and efficient examination of the records. Safety First "Allow To Asnme the Rbk." PHONE 3561.

United States Abstract and Surety Company, Inc..

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