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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 wwm ii i iw im mi RiaMft. Mii mi Mil iri I A. Pnli 4 Cc. Red StnTH. ret!) vnhwi 1 Friday Ertsisa, April 27 During th ft wit the mtrlit tM Pke macn activity, and tb U.ctJ A erf bee.

the rally of that description known which continue. 1. be reed 10 ut thing on better term n. ZTJSL bv. had edreeloSeriBH of late, oy thtr, beyond their erdlaary Income, rotton Im.

com farwnrd fretlT, and there to Km ensnce now that wa.bnU central Beer all the frowtn, ae bt tBt and VBBlttoe.etbeniroijnhle that we iball have a visa ia Bed RlTer. nimclr ot to floot off Ihe fpeoter portioo Hbe croptber I. for eroe It hoppened tb.f rM er ba'k oT tb. Bed irer prod.ctfon bu not com down amtU Joae ond Jly. the me i Ling m.j boppea thto oroooo.

There to.otUl Urge quantity ot Bgr behind bond, end motket continue to feel the eftect of tbo light ooppUm. We qoote the rote of poper follow Morton poeer blgbt grade 99 ongoerc A I "gutrSU Six niontnt da La pepr fc'r 8borteW endorowl. prime 6)irJ Bnmrt pp 1nt me, irtmr BtMTt po No. ISSr IP atnloaaaoe tint clao roliateral 6i7 Lang ftrat cuho eollab The Stock market bat continue iaortive, and bat fe tranoa'tiona of Bote bc bautplred. Ail od lecnriilr ladard hare bea aa ap to ill a pMnt, that tnrrr malca bat bttle margiu for profit.

Wlatever dipoit oa there we to ioTest, baa been beatia ix la part by ehaaed roteoof mor e), and tbe apportaniiiar tb'. pwiuf beoaarleea of taking good prr at 10 4ct tTi aicaof S00b Ca al Bai at 1104 Cilizro coatmo'oM advance, an mmy om be quoted at 'IT. ai tbooab we do out hear of bolder being willing to at 11 at tbia rate anaez qootattona Carat Bona, Oluu Loatalaoa. loo kialalknK Htmlr 1 kl nald iJ JriM 10SWWKO Meehanira and Tyader', 100 Cttrrea' Bank, par vaine ion '1 Nit TJis(0 IS Bank Of Mew Or it ana. loo nafheni Hank.

paM Cntna Hank (al) Oaiaa Bank (new) Coanaaerctai a(er rark. luopaid 63J St. Charlea Hotel, paid noiet, miwa lMtrKvviM fLmitrnmA. toft nald 3ft 40 N. O.

ixea. airan Koada tvl O. Ratlraad Honda 80 3 arkaaa Itailmad A Ofjeloo alimaa 6 artj, Merebaota' laaaraoee, tS paid a Orteaaa laaaraaee jan lfcoh2A e)a Light Compjcy, loo 1 18 Jfe? FI O. aad W. Telegraph AO paid nominal Pelirao Ore Dork paid loo I Carmtltoa (Lai I road TSJtaf Tbe arrieal apacle aince oar laat have been aafoM: Steamer Oregon, from Bria Raatan aad Scnar Mar, om BraJtoa tramer Meltco fnm alTeton Steamer Uregaa.from Illaam i Loaualaoa, trim Steamer Orixaba, from Vera I.

3.4)4 iro.w 8. MO l. 7.a ToS Received preriouai Total ainee Jaaaary 1... Sanaa tm teat i.74i.l The market daring tbe whole of the week baa ag a kea (Daringly anpplird with Exchange, aad tbe rain therefore, af bill aa all point are steadily analntaii.ed, aa in Bvwt inatance a fraction higher. Pint cUa Sler ling baa been jld at and in an occaiional lo raare at a abode above whiUt Bank bill bave brougt 1101(9110), in nnall amoonta Bii of Lading draft kS mall extent were placed at 10H ot :09, and other fair aif natare at 1091 Slt la Pranc MmebojineM tabe.i dona at a rang of ft.

171!. moatly at ftf. 1.151 lf Banker bill hv broogbt a high a 6f.llJ, and draarer now ak af.10. Bill on New York have be, a acarceat aa extreme range of 4cx diacouLt Check dcr. premlam, bat tbe demand limited.

Some arrival Biexlcaa rilver tbl week bave beeo diapeoedof at 6ittit dct. premium, 1 here i no change in ancairent notea. Annexad ar qa tauon Spec1. American Gold California (rold, per oanc 17 00017 Boverelgna. 4 83 a 4 Napoleon.

83a Spaniah Doobloon 16 00016 Ss Patriot 1ft 60am 6S American Specie, 38t it fr cent prcm Mexican Bank Note. Cltv Bank parlCinclnnatl lt dl Bank of Mobile, para), dial Virginia. 1011, Alabama I Ohio Country North Carolinll, I Indiana 13V. Soatb Carolina. a I 1 a ill Oeoreta lUlii IrverUrky 10s Korth.

Bk. Miaaip'ble iMiaaoun H0I at McDowell A Co. PT ICom.AAg.Texa.. Land Warrant, a it inn 1 40 vm eov l)r. jYlorae'a larlgoniilng I rd Itu.

A PHENOMCNOM IN MEDICINE. HEALTH Restored and Life Lenttbened, by Dr MOaar'S INVieORATINO CORlUAL. At dm tbe propertiea attribated to Prof. Invigorating Elixir or Cordial, were deemed faboloua Tbe pnblii eftea deceived, could not believe the simple and aubhm trotb annoonce'f by tbe diacoverer. But fact, andeni ble facts, atteated by witneaae of the highest claaa and character, are aow tnumpbant over all doubt Incredu Hty la evertbraain, by a mam of teaUmooy which ia prr fcctly irreaiatfble.

TBE CORDIAL deal with dlaeae a It exleta, without reference to can, and will not only rem ve the disorder itaelf, bot REBUILD THE BROREM COS8TITDTION. To person of feeble mnarular frame, or deficient ii vital is recommended aa tbe only meant of com maaicaUog that energy wbicb ia necessary ta tbe propei enj ivnent of all the natural appetite, aa well a tbe nleber mental attrtbatae. It beneficial effects are not coo finite eltber aexorta any age. Tbe feeble girl, tbe ailln wile, tbo listless enervated yautb, tbe overworn ma bosinesa, the victim of nervous depression, tbe Indlviiioe oAewng from general debility, or from tbe sreakaem af ingia 'irgan, srill find Immediate and permanent relirt from the nee of tbia incomparable renovator. Whenever tbe organ to be acted opa are free from malformation or atirtural diaeaaea, it ia averred that MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR will replace weakness with strength, incapacity with el Adency, irregalanty with nniorm and natural activity and this not euly wttbont bazard of re actinn.

bat wit', happy eff et tbe general orgaoirMioa. bear In rrdnr) tbaoll maladies, wtierever they begin, Snisi witn tbe Be 1 von syatem. and 'bat the paralysatioa of tbe nerve of motion and sensation is physical deatn Bear in mitd aao, tbat for every kind 01 nervous diaeaaa the Eiixi Cordial is tbe orly reliable preparati known CDaS OP NEKVOOS DISEASES. No lanffuage can convey aa adequate iea of tbe Imme dlate aad alm wt mlraculoo cfaaixe wbicb it occasion in tbediseaaed. debilitated and abattered nervous system wb ether Broken down by excem, weak by natare.or Impaired by sickness the nnstrai and relaxed orgoniiati' is at aace beaccd.

revivified and nnllt an. Tbe mental and pbyafcaJ symptoms of nervous eeaete vanish togetbt aaoVr rt Infloence. ftor ia tbe effect temporary on be cawti my tbe relief I peroianeDt, for toe Cordial proper tie of tbe medicine teacb the constitatioa itaelf, aad rt atoreht to normal eorHition. LOSS Of MEMORY Coafaaioa, aiddlneaa, roab of blnod to tbe bead, melan cboly debility, bysteria, wretcbedrjeas, thnogbta of aelf deau action. fear of Insanity, rtyerw paia, general prowrs tloa, irr taMlity, awrvaoaneaa, inability to sleep, disr aie inctdeotto wmalea, decay of tn propagating function hysteria, mnuooianla.

vague teiTors, paipitatioa of the heart, imp itency, constipation. Ac, from bat ever casar arising, rt la. if tnere to any reliance to be placed on bo maa teatimsay. absolutely lnlal ible A bstiT nruitlME FUR FEMALES Tbe anpaeaiteled effects of tn's great restorative. In ai cs mplalnt iarldcwt 'a frmaiea.

asar a new era la the a Bala of meiicine Thouaaads of attmolant bsve been in veaieOj boo van da of invigoreat concocted all parport log aa be sa tini in tbe varum diseases and derance meats to which tbe delicate formation of woman ranart ker UaMc. ETCE1 WOX1H OF SRMSE. who aaffera from weaknesa. derangeooent, nervousness, tremors, pa a la tbe bark. Buy wberounrder.

wbetQ i pec a tar ta S.r si, common to both asxas give 'be javtawatlag Cardial a trial. MaRKIED PERSONS, or ncbers. will Snd ns coniial after tbey baveaaed a bat or two. a too oogb rrgenerarnr of tbe astem In al dlrecnocai are bs oe ftao i be bappa parents nf healtb. tfapeings, who would nor bave ben aobut tor tbia extra ordinary uiip ration.

And it to equally potent Ibr tl maayawe aes to wbicb ltl com men ted. ooaaiMU af yooag mea nave Been 1 on.d by oamg it, aad not ia sing is iiittigre bar ft failed to bene tbm PEHSONS OP PALE or baoit.are stored toe use of a aottte as tw ta btttom a a vigor, cbo'ug skin tram a pa' aeiiaw. Bacaiy a'oe ro a aoniui nono compwxioa. TO THE MIS SOIOED. Theaa are ssaaa tbe sad and me aocboiv effects pea S4 bv ewnv aid ta af tas B.

viss ar aarn. viss weaanesa 01 tne ana Umaa. oaiaa ta the bead, dimness of gbt, lose of saaacnlar power, paipitatioo of the heart pepsia. nervoo i ri'ahiilty, mi oma ption. A'.

Mentally tbe 'earful erlrrta an tbe mind are moch to be dreaded Lass of memory, confusion of ideas, of so nts, sett faeeao mga, aversion ta aocirty, self d.a trasar, lave af aoUtadV. timidity, ate, are some of the evils aradaeed. all tbassfHced KEPORE CuNTEMPLATIItO MARRIAtSE, Should tefieet that a aoo' mind and body are 1Mb accessary ra qaiaites to pramate connobia' i.applnea la deed, wit bawl tbeee, the Journey through life become area plar iroae tbe prospect abroad sickens 'be view tbe mi ad becotnes sbadowed with despair, and SI ed with meiaacboly refVe tloa tnat tbe banptnssa of aaotber be menu blighted with your aw. CAUTION. Dr.

Morsel Invigorating Cot dial ha been counterfeited by some anprinclpled persona In furore all tbe aenuine Cordial srill bave tbe propria tors fac elmii pasted over tbe cork of each bottle, and tbe following words blown In he elass Dr. MoRSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. H. RING. Propretor, N.

V. The Corllal to put cp, blgbly oeeentrate. In pint bot tie price tbree dollar per bottle two for Ave detiara, sis lor twelve dollars. H. RINO.

Proonetor. I'M Broaoway. New Vork. Bold by Druggist throughout tbe. United Btatea Agenta in New Orleans 1 WRIGHT A il Cbartres at eet JAB VIS A WOODMAN, corner of Magaxlne and Common 1 JAMES BY ME, 81 and ta CaAsl sueet.

HI em A Wstam6m BwaUa, Hboee vl Uato. TTl 739 rases, just arrived, consisting la II Part af tbe tbliosrtng Man' French Straw Hatsj Pedal SalmCutoaStraarHar) Leghorn bound W. R. Ham Florence Jockey Straw Boys' Legbara boaad Rossotb Fancy Ulmmed Hatai W. B.

i X. N. B. Ferial Straw Blue are Pearl Klmatd Eat Alboal Jockey Hats Patent Tout as' Leehora bound Bai Canton Straw Leghorn Roassrth Hstst Colored trimmed Leghorn Batti VVMa brim Pedal Children's Pearl JockeV 1 Faacy trimmed Om Tripoli Carrtoa fiukcy trlmmad Httai aabTldmrt SZZJZZl Ladle'. Muses' aad raaii, I'.

Mlaaes' aad Chtlorea IticZZZtZZ. eale lew, aw llbuai tarmab rpoi A "rj aucnp i apl5 A f. J. A E. H.

N. E. P. J. A.

L. T. J. 8. J.

N. V. X. R. 8 J.

A. John C. Boye ir an, aM OFFICIAL: TREASURER'S OrriCB, Hew Or lean, April ti, las. Th following peraon rmMiag la to rowtb Repraaent attva Dlatiiet, baring bean reparUd to tbto oAce a doing budnem without a Ucenae, they are hereby notified that ailem they tab oat their Uceacaa la ana week from thl lre, I am directed ta lnatttata anU for tbe recorery Of toe llceoa and 6ne. COMknSSIOI MBBCHANTl AWD BR0R.EM.

I Oi ordain. 16 Contl atreet, cammiaaioa mercbant. W. rarblaeer. Bieneille, coaamlaaioa marcbant.

ReMnann. BieneH'e, broker, a. Miiliken. Old Levee, broker Olivier, Bleavlile, commimtoa merchant. Boat, Coati, broker J.

B. A Cnatombooee, commlarlon merchant. Oiraud A Co Bienville, eommlaafon merchant Second. Bienville, eommlmton mercbant, 1 afureat, Bienville, cemmteaion merchant. Belcter, Old Levee, commiaalon mercban'.

v'. Hanalngton.Old Levre.commimion merchant Piitbary, Bienville, commUaion merchant. Majeate. Cbartres, commiratnn merchant. Varho'g Foater, Cnartre and Bienville, commiMlOB mercbanta.

V. Rnptcbt, Exchange Alley, commlmion merchant Goude laud. Exroauge Alley broker, lame Hamaoa Caatomboaae, commlmion mer cnaata Caoeta A Laroche. Exchange Alley, broker. E.

WilU. Exchange Alley, broker. C. Faare. Rytl.commlMlnn mrrcbant Cro.

ker, Excuaiige Alley, orakrr. 1 air, fir A Co Cue'oaihoaae, com motion mercbanta. B. Derrey. Coatnmbooae and Boa' boo, broker.

V. bioaauge. Royal, coaamiaaton bant. GROCERIES 8ELLIQ LIQUOR. T.

O. Maver, rnmbooc and Q'boo, grocery, liquor Bourbon, grocerr liqaor j.traUMttaod Borgandy, grorery, Uqoor by i. and IVaophlii, frocery, liquor by and Contl, grocery, liquor by aodrTw and Trrme, grocery, grocery.Hqnor by bottle l' 1,11 i vuu. eraeerv. Manor bv bottle wnonttB, Coati aad Marala, grocery, liquor by CharlrV 'oohe'rtyBwnvilU and Marala, grocery, liquor by bottle and qoart.

al. Leicbt. iiiere and Bienville, grocery, llquar by boti le and quart. i out Math, and Robertaon. grocery, liqaor by tott'e and qoart.

P. 8 bnelde birnnll and Claiborne, grocery, Uqoor by W. a I anart C. Luque, St. Loai and Derbigny.

grocery. Uqnor by bot tr an qna t. 4. lorr. Cona and Derbigny, grocery, liquor by bottle aud quart.

coPFf I. Henry, Old Lavee. A Stvi Coati and Cbartrea. J. hsgatatt.

Levee F. Procio Cuatomhonee and Drrslere. Eighbol. Bienville and New Levee. J.

Smith, Bienville and New Levee. J. rernendrx, Nw Levee. Garcia, Coati aad New Levee. Jean a on.

Corn i and Eacnange Alley., Sr. Looia and Exchange Alley. J. AnVraoa, St Loci ttatliowt, Cbartr, and St Louis.

bogate. Bienville and Exchange Alley. Anderson. St Louts. Nissler Con' land Exchanie Alley.

W. Hodgtina, Customhouse and Exchange Alley. A. A. Pray.

RoyaL R. Peres, RoyaL A. Lena. Bouroon and Contl. Rae Bienville od Dauphin.

P. Cteiionl. rti aad Daopbin. J. Boucne, St Louis and Burgundy.

Herrevs, Bienville aud Dauphin. P. Turn, Bienville and Burgundy. Arqoelles, Burgundy Y. veira, Cotj'i aud Rampart.

Aime BWaubls, Burgundy aad Contl J. Maroiette, Custom bouse and Ram part Widow L. F. Dabm, ual and Treme. ManSel Oriebe, Custom boue and Treme.

Jobn Davis. Cu tomhuuse and Marala. Garcia Ge'pet, Bienville aud Treme. H. Stnrarn, St.

Loaw sod Marala. An onio Con'i and Treme. Antonio Paitegas Front. A Martin, Crossmau and Front Levee. ft' Martin, Crowman and New Levee.

Jobn Dooob Canal and New Lavee. Rabassa, Canal and Front Levee. Beckmann, Front Levee. P. lalfn.

Front Levee. P. Blanco, Cro reman and Front Levee. u. ni A Pnawinan Oauiga.CusUmbouseand Pront Levee.

Caulga, Front Levee. URt GROCERIES ADD RETAIL ERR Bertrand Door. Contl retailer riotere. 100 Cbartre. rrtailer.

Pieyd. Cbarues, retailer. B. Eiciielbetger, Old Levee, retailer. E.

Ricu. Cbsrtres, retailer. Ponrelet A Benedict, bartre. retallera. J.

Derbe A Cbartres, retailer. Wamer, Bienville, teteiler. P. Jutes Rennart, Contl, dry grocery. P.

Jau'ord. Cbartrea, retail r. a ryer Co Cbartres, retailer. Clltotiamel. hartres, retailer.

JomtckiUl Brotbera Cbartrea, retailer. B. Pile. Cberttt. retailer, L.

DoMst, Bienville and Olc Levee, retailer. H. Pear, retailer. J. FeyttI, Cbartrr.

retiler. Sturgea at ir ey, Cbartre. retailer. James Martin. Cnan res, retailer.

Peck. Canal aud Clinton, retailer, icott A Sear ngs Canal and Old Levee, retailer. W. H. Wall, Cuetombonse, retailer, f.

Barner, New lvee, retailer. ppenbelm A, New Levee, retailers. L. Cobn, New Levee, tttailer. A.

Rlchatd Couti. retailer. Bootmu, F.xcbaoge Alley, retailer. V. Bitey.

Exchange Alley, retailer. ts. Alley, retailea. Uter, Cbarcres, retailer. Mr Si Ton in A Tourney, retailer.

Ksscb, Cbartrea. retailee. Urer A Co Cbartrea, retailer. 8. Frederi.

k. Bieuviile retailer. Loa Pierre A jl. Cbartres, retailer. 11 .1 h.mi Klnville.

taller. Aoger, Cbartres and B.enville, retailer. A. Barrand, Chai w. taller.

Loewe. Chartre. retatler. Gneringrr A Cbartrea, retailer. J.

J. Albert, Cnttomuoaae aad Cbartrea, retailer, irfni Schsray, Cuxtomboaae and Exchange Alley, retailer P. Runhel, Cbartres, retailer. J. A Tornell at Co Canai, retailer.

W. Henry, Canal, retailer. 3. N. ody.Caual and Exchange Alley, retailer.

Siuclair. Exchange Ai.ey. rvtarer. Aidow Cbappaea. Roal, retailer.

Koch. Royal, retailer. vVidow F. Duval. Royal and Conti, retailer vion ague Exi.bane Alley, retailer.

H. Mn a n. Excnange AlUy, reuaier. C. Darel.

Royal, nttalle'. 4 Bankel. R' yal. retailer. a.

Foamier. Bnyal, retailer. A. Favre. Excb uge Alley, retailer.

boats Lafargue, Exchange Alley, retailer. C. Krdon. Koial, retailer. Told a Canal, rrtai er.

Banmater. Canal taller. L. 8. stillmao.

Canal, retailer. retourneor. Cnsromhi ae, retailer. A. Noel.

Royal, taller. r. btabenvaub. Royal, retailer. D.

Uest, Rovai, retailer S. Boisae, Bienville snd Royal, retailer. Mrs Albert, Bienville and Royal, retailer. A. tmcor, avoyai, rriaiier.

i eviiinra, ryal, retailer Tbeodore Meilieur, Rojal, retailer. P. re. lone. Con' land Daophine, grocery.

K. Dudoa, Bouruoo, Mead. Canal, retailer. Taylor, Canal, retailer. Mrs.

Marcband Canal, retailer. Wrs. Fanea, Canal, retailer. it Reegaa, Canal, retailer. Vlra.

Kincn, anal, retailer Era Jeati Copper, Customnonae, retatler. Herrera. Bienville and Dauphin, grocery. P. Turro, Bienville and Borgunda, ocery.

it. lijnM i CustHnboa and Burgundy, retailer. David Smith. Contl. ret a kr.

ieanra Buisaart, Rampart and Canal, retailer. W.dow Lacomne, Cortf houar, retailer. Louis nd Maraa. retailer. Garcia 6j p.t, Bienville ar.d Treme dry grocery.

baric Voou. nttaod VI Her, retailer. N. nmiit Mara a retoller. it.

achneiaer, Cosromhouae, rrtailer. Via. Donnelly, Islborne aad Conti, dry grocery, a Ha Cnstnmbouse and ni dry grorery. Ai a rsa mer. Canal aod Roauao.

dry ot: ry. Gasp st Ratprl, Cuetom ouae and pnear, dry grocery. Custombou aua Roman, tetalier. land, Cosronibouae, retailer, loslinke. Front Levee.

retailer. P. Miner. Front retailer, sl tttrg Cr mmao re al'er. lry twi croasmso, dry ocery.

Jacon Ha, to Canal, retailer. Barlow Jr. Co Canal, retailers P. Bianco. Croismaa aai Front Levee, retailer.

MISCELLANEOUS Davta. Coott. buuar Frsocia Cbartres at 8L Louis, auctioneer aachin A Cbaudet, Old Levee, wholesale and retail mercbanta Old Levee, holesale merr bant A. Levis, cbartrea Hoarding use. O.

Vigil. Cbartrea cigar shop. Aiecr A Co Cbsr res. wbil aaie and retail mercbanta. LaSere at Co Castomboo ottitt Dclvra A Ripland, fid Levee, wbolesa's and retail mer cbant Danoe.

Bienville, wholesale and retail merchant. Levro', Bienvilie, testaurant arqner A Co Canal, wolras'e merchant. Taylor, Had tea A Co wbolrsaie tdhrcbant ViDiwot Casino house, auueriotaearm, r.igbpola. Bienville and New Levee, boarding u.url A Roger, Old Levee, anctlonerr. Augnt 8 broeder, Bienvii and New Le ee.

e'gsx (hop, Smael Lrrb, New Levee, who eule mercLanC Lagos. New Levee, oyster shop by shell. Mania No. Cbartres cigar siop, retaiL Jole Gu chard, Cbartrea. wbolesa mrchant Cbaassguol.

Conti and Cbartre aboessia merchint, Toy, Exchange At ey printing trice. An eraoo. St rmla, boardii'g bouae, Trimai. b', Exrbarge AU y. contractor.

Newman. Chart a. wholesale merchant. lew Orleans Bee, Cbartrea. printing ce.

Blacbe A Leanmont Cbatre. aocuonecia Oraptn. Cbartre. rrstsueant, Monifiolre. Exchange Alley, oonrrsctoe.

Loolsla ia State Gsz tte Exchange Alley, printing office. Lamare, Exchange Alley, printing office. Alley, anctionesr. Ftis Hnppenbauer A Co Crrstombouse. rests or ant.

A. Boonevsl. Excbaoge Alley, auctioneer 8mpon, Excbaoge Alley, architect, master builder. Duroarneaa, Cbartre. wfaolesa mercbanC Bach A Cbartre, wbolcasle mercbant Lvois, Cnartre, wbo'eaale merchant W.

A P. Beldea, Cbartrea, wholesale anerchanta. T. Welman, Cnst on, house, wbo esale merchant. Uelhert.

Rovai and St. Louts, 4 billiard table. Gaudin, Royal, piani forte keeper and vendor. Vienie. Conti and Excbanre A lev.

anctioneer. Deiousa A J. Msiilaad, Excbaoge Alley, auctioneer and Maaav. Exchange Alley, nrintlne office. Weimann, Exchange Al ey, printing office.

Gbinault, Exchange Alley auctioneer. nan Pan St. Louis and Exchange Alley, tigar loop, retail. Andetsan, St. Louia, too pin alley.

Berwt, 8 Idrato and Exchange Alley. 4 blUlard ttbir Bausiek. 8 IoqIi nyrter, rooked. erorjeaa A a arte a Bienville and Exchange Alley, ru'nikurs store. miaa al h'trtey, Royal fntn'turv store.

M. McDulrVe, Ryl, fursif are i.ore, Flint A Jonea, Rayal oraitur re. A 8n may, kVy 1, furniture store. turn, ansa', ariva cam, a ai', vawul ausc asm svwsh, aairao awaxaustg 1 .1 lJ A p. J.

P. A. TJ Jobn a Ben P. J. J.

P. J. L. E. Jacob Lyod T.J T.

Cook Harbt J. Cbarle T. L. A. M.

M. X. A. P. Herald r.itiv i Anthony Fernsnder, Alley, auctioneer.

Daracber at Bcblndler. sxenaage Aiier, conuaae D. Block. Exchange Alley, dealer ia eaaL Am boa Artreda, Royal, eystera, cooked. Antboay Axtredo, Hsysl.

fruit stand. eronalon. Royal, cigar shop rei ail. H. illard, Cuatombooae, dealer In coat.

P. Conniff Custom nam. contractor. Dr. Cenaa, Castombnase, private carriage and B'umhe ger Ca'touakoaas, dsr shop retal W.

N. Slcwrecht. Royal, fornirare wore, W. McCrakea, Royal, fnrnitara stare. Schneider, Royal, ptaao forte keeper ana Ten T.

GL Wither. Royal, foinitarenore. Wiederecht A Jon. Bienville, furniture store. 14'me Albert.

Contl, msnufactarer cf beer. Sutb, Conti, muofacrarer of beer. Oatb, Couti, beer boa sr. Csnslee, Royal trait atand. Pfeiper.

Conti, contract or. P. Van Rooten. Bob bwi, lWery stable. A Labnrde, Boarbon and St.

Louis, livery stable. A Borvai, Canti. sei ia ice cream. M. Sboenerk.

St. Looia, private boarding boose. J. C. S'ahel, 8t Louis, beer bouse.

A. Rerra, Boatbon and Con'i, rne billiard table. Jsmr Cayclna. Conti, fruit stand. P.

Creaaool, Contl and Dauphin, one billiard table. P. Barry. Conti, contractor Raeel. Bienville and Dauphin oyster cooked.

Vincent Vrrda, Cua omboute and Boarbon, fruit stand. Petit, Bienville, contractor Dr. Ranee, Coetombouee prlva'e carriage and one bone, p. Casenava. Customhouse, undertaker.

1 naaaaira in ahalL Nicolas Dimirry, Dsupbin and St. Louis, oyster cooked. A. Hey.iock. St i ill, aeaier in coau ntoolo Pe emonde, Dsnpbin.

ojiteri conked. P. Bertrand, Contl and Burgundy, apothecary. K. Jocquet A Co Bienville and Burgundy, restaurant J.

Beaud. Bienville, fruit a hop wanael Septien, Bienville, fmtf bop. Manuel Cawen. Hurgnndy, contractor. Ternnir, Daujbtn, wood dealer.

Argorlles, Burgundy, oyster in shell. Petrnwith. Burgundy, frai. (bop. C.

Delery. Burgcnny, private carriage and one hone. Aime Braniel. Burgundy and Coati, one billiard table. Florv lie Foy.

Basin, contractor. J. Mi rquette, Customhouse and Basin, oyster conked, Francis Canlova, Canal and Basin, oyster cooked. J. keboapfleu.

Customhouse and Franklin, o) iters and restaurant. John Planellae, Bienville, oyster In ahtU. ob, Custorjinnse, oster cooked. Widow L. P.

Dabrn. Canal and Treme, one billiard table. Cbarle om ouse, fruit a riot Jobo Oalrghrr, Customhouse and Marai. ten pin alley. J.

Aatbman Blenvi'le and arsis, one Millard table. Dr. Bertram, Bienville and Marala. apothecary. J.

Foinset Bi nville, wood dealer. Antonio bbisa. Conti and Treme, one billiard table. fiobert, Marai aod Con'i, apothecary. P.

Caxenave, Marai. undertaker. A. Gourg, Cooti aud ill re, oysters cooked. George atone, Contl and St.

Looia, private carriage and one horse. Mr Wood, Canal, Claiborne, Customhouse and Robertaon. cotton nress. Collin. Caiborne, Derbigny, Customhouse and Canal, plcsery Rohn.

Bienville and Roman, beer noose. Sim moods A Cuatombooae and New Levee, coo tractor. Mia. H. Customhouse, boarding bouse.

Pedro. Customhouse, oysters in a bell. J. P. Turner, Front Levee, wbolesa merchant.

Martin Graham A Co. Front Levee, contractor. Mielrses, Frout Levee, oystei in shell J. Maillot, CroBsman, wb lraale mercbant. apt OAKLAND.

Treasurer. TREASURER'S OFFICE, New Orleans, April S3, 1866. I The following persons, residing in tne Sixth Represent vl ative Di rict, having been reported to tbto office a aolng btulneii without a license, are hereby notified that unless they take out their license in one week from this data, 1 am directed to inttitute salt for the recovery of te license an 1 fine. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. J.

Theorer, I Front Levee. Schmidt A Zigler, I7n Old Levee. C. lie Moo as rae, i3Old Levee. Fernando Bartie, Ml Old Levee.

M. Mailer, So St Philip. M. Lamaoe. Chartre and Hospital.

Louis stier. 34 Barrack. Horimau. 17 Ol I Levee. L.

Per, nyal and U'sultues. 8. D.notilln. vl St. Hip.

Cbarle Rosette, uo gt. fbilip. A. Lsgo, Barrack and Royal. P.

Newmao, Ursulinrs aud Dauphin, J. Foster, Hospital and Burgundy. L. Ravler. St.

Pbilip and Burgundy. Emile Blocb, Eplande and St. Claude. Aeble. Bay Rosd aud Rsmpart P.

A. CI aroounet. Hi Bayou Road. I.nctn Mollo. Uisniines and Ms Widow Lafargue, St.

Pbil'P and Villere. G01I ame Gerard. Bayou Road and Villere, J. Hodman, Bayou Road and Robertson. P.

tursergrie, ureulifcesand Robertson. A. fiodier, Claibo ne and St. Pbilip J. Montardori.

Derbigny aod Bsyju Road. Pierre Cobing, Roman and St. Pbilip. Pierre George. St. and Tonti. Adtuis Conii, Bayou Sr. Jobn. J. P.

De wt, Bayou St. John. Lewi. Bayou Sc. John at tbe Lake.

Marie Laveau, Bayou St. jonn, at tbe DRY GROCERIES. D. Pemandei. Conde and Esplanade.

Jean Minvielle. Barrack and Dauphin. Jean Labau, Bayou John, at tbe Lake. COFFEE etOUSF.R I atour Bilou. Esplanade and Treme Guil'surue Gerard, Bayon Road and Villero.

Cams, Pneur and Barraca. Louis Conii, Bajou St John. Leu is, Bavuu St. John, at tbe Lake. J.

Front Levee. Barnes, Ursuline and Front Levee. T. J. Hawthorn.

Front Levee aad Hospital. Theodore Gayrgia, Gallatin and Oraollne J. Reroite, Front Leeee and Hospital. Cbsries Allen, to Front Levee. J.

Davis. II Front Levee. P. Bsumer, a Front Levee. Rowan Hsu.iitoo.27 Front Levee.

Joaeph baSel, Front Levee and Barrack. Prancia Kathmeo.tfallatiu and Barrack. T. J. grrartb, S8 Oallatia.

Oliver Caniou. toa latin and Hospital. Cbristian E.alew, Barrack and Gallatin. H. Baik.

Gallatin and Hospital. Charles Temple, 171 Ol.wLevee. Wm. "pnggiiis, 4 Gshatla. J.

C. Riedman, Old Levee. John bbawa, Drauilnes and Old Levee. J. Fernanda.

137 Old Levee. A. P. Valencia, 13 Levee. Gelpl.

St Philip. Or rge Shark, Barrack aad Old Levee. C. Helei.k ISO Old Levee. Sherman, Old Levee and Hospital.

David I'u A Co 31 Hospital. T. J. Tedger, Barrack and Old Levee. Lynd A dewman, SIM Old Levrc.

A Semel, Cbartre and St Pb'lip. L. Prrex, Ro.el and Orsulinta A. Sag's a. St.

Pbilip and RoyaL A. Sago, Barrack and anyaL J. aiutrtva. tirulines aud Burgundy. L.

Xavier, St. FbHlp and Burgundy. RETAILERR Pierre Puvielle. 4 Front Levee. Ambmlae Dartigues, 6 Front Levee.

H. Sarkman. 17 Front Levee. L. D.

Whipple, 34 Front Levee, hlarteua A Muller, 10 Jobn Healy.Old Lev eand Hospital. H. Reek man. itu O.d Levee. J.

Menard, li old Levee. Benjamin Lvy. IK3 O'd Levee. rtiua. Old Levee.

mrdM. Strrdaua, O.d Levee, between Barrack and Hapital. A. Ehlleit, Old Levee and Cnullne. 8.

Shonfeid. 147 Levee. Sta fiord at IM Old Levee. Cnred Bpindier, lot O'd Levee. Beer Jacuo, IHft jld Levee.

CoeruHe A Le anc, 140 Old Levee. Corrube A Le anc, 1 33 Old Levee. Leon Mellleor, II St Phl.lp. Antonio Proraoer, IB St Pbilip. B.

Realer, Cb.r rra. Octave Laron' ore, L'rsnlinea. Jean Paro, i Ursuiines. Cord Spindler, 134 Cbartrea, Hut Antony, 43 Hospital. Schoo'er, IMOId levee.

tevaia Howry, IMJ Old Levee. J. Valienue. 14 Old Levee. G.

Bnileax, Uiaulinra, between Old Levee and Cbartrea. P. Mercbadie. Drsullnea E. Splrruw.

Old Levee. Levy. 10 Old I vee. lisvoine, ItVi Coade or Cbartrsa. Binabiu, 7 Hospital.

Sir. Fabio, Cbartre and Hospital Mr Bianrnet, 16' Chartre. William, Hooiral and Royal. Mrs. 8c hi oner, fjrsu'ines and Cbartrej.

Bp ndler Co rad. S6 Chartre. Widow Bourrl, St Philip P. Pavagraux. 6 8u Phil p.

ft. oiiin. Kuyar and St. Foilip. Beaeieree.

3ooR aL Manuel Camps, 3A1 Bourbon. Nsnae, Daophine and HupltaL Widow Potior, 3i7 Boarbon J. B. isenboarg. 114 St Philip.

Loots Canat Uaoptine and Onnllnea, V. Caret, Itio S. fhl'lp An'olne Con ta s. a Bayou Road. Mr.

Leclere 417 Bayoa Road. Widow Bodeve. TJrsolioea aad Rampart. Mrs. Aroo 3 4 St Claude.

Napole Ramnart. Pierre arge, T'eme aod Bay Road. C. Bodean 8 Claud and Basou Road. Pranck Moiae, l)naliae and Marai.

Lu ent favre. Bayoa Road and Kobertson. J. Thierry, Byoa Road and Derbigny. MISCELLANEODR Morenari.

Otanllne and Front Levee, cigar shop, P. aasie, ft Hospital, shipping ottVe. Canary, 4 Sallauu. oyter. cookrqVand In abcIL Dsns, tl Print Levee, boarding bouse.

Baoo er.SS oot Levee, boarding bouse. Beohatt, ti Front Levee, sr. hop Henry Bilry, A Gallstin, boarding boose. asrdiog nonse. Mrs MrCoiium.

usiiarin, osaming nonse. Wm. Clark, Gallatin, between Barrack and Hoapital. beer boose 1 Cbarle Temple, 171 Old Levee, boarding bouse. Oeorge Waldiug.

191 Old Levee, oyster shop. Martin a eu, .0 B.rrack, shipping master. Henry Miller. 17 Barrack, cigar sh Washington II Hospital, shipping office Wm. Spncgins 4 rllattn, boarding bouse.

ledmsn. 137 Old Levee, boarding bouae. 8 bias Orsullnes aod Old Levee, I billljrd table. ri.ln i 8r. Pbilm 3 lllard tablra to aaiacbe, II St.

Pmlip. re an rant Axig, 20 St. pbi'lp. restanrant, itb liquor. aisestre, t4 St.

Ph ip, oyster ibop, with Uquor. Denis Csxe, 3X St Pbilip. beer house. Bonnet, St, Pbi'lp. restaurant, wi Uqoor.

A. Sridrnxall, 9 St Pbilip. beer 'ouie. Deamothenes Laxsr tte, 14M Old Levee, cigar shop. svel Dnaline and Old Levee, apothecary.

OanieiRoaaegoet.37 Barrack, boarding bouse. Groree Shark. Barraca and old Levee, boarding boose. Diss, Itu Old Ldvee, cigar hop Helinke, isO Old Levee, baaiding house and ten pin aney. Sherman.

Old Levee and Hopitl. boarding house. Rankin, Sri Hospital, board ng boue. Emile Calonne, 3d Hospital, cigar sbop. Rosalie cuneH.

Kspianarle and Cbartre, tannery. Sueber.Sie Old levee, cigar shop, retail. A Newmsa, 04 il Levee, ooaraing ccuse. Tedger, Barrack aad Old Levee, boarding boose. Schnaofer, Royal and Esplanade, beer bouse.

enneasy, 70 Hospital, livery stable. Hinel, 83 Cnartre, confectioner. Christian, 4t St. Philip, beer bouse and brewery. Heyoo, svs oyai, tgrnimni auiru.

Phone, 314 Koyal, beerbooae. Peres Royal and Undines, I billiard table. Perier. 3i0 Royal, piano forte vendor. Reppler, Tl Dnaline furniture store.

Repp er. Royal and Drauliuea, furniture iter. Feibra h. Hospital, brewery. Spencer Field.

I'M Lraulin.s cil yrd. Wagner, 341 Bourbon, furniiure store. Riviere. 341 Bourbon, oysters cooked. Dtane, Crsul'nes and Boarbon furniture (tore.

Sabalei, 111 Cm line, wood and coal dealer. Lherlm, Boorb cigar tbop, retail at INrmatbny, BM Daophine, foiaitare store roster. Hospital ana Burgundy, oyster cooara. ssarnog. i ar'a ciar trH, raati.

stawyw a wwiaiiMfVfve araaiajai vairv aaafja A. L. J. P. L.

M. Wid. L. A. J.

A. Joe P. Wid Joa Denis F. J. A.

J. C. v. O. G.

J. J. P. Dard, F. Peppe O.

F. Ant E. F. A. Th A.

A. J. B. A. Fco.

E. I M. Caorer. lM Hospital, ciaar aior. retaiL T.

Carre, dampen, cigar avora, reiau. laAaiaaTst. Pbilip. between Rampart and Boyfravly mpar ui. I Tardif, Esplanade and Rampart, lamber yard.

Francois Misses, xuo ssyon Koaa, ra'Bitnre Brora. Etienne Boyara, 16 Bayoa Road, cigar shop, retaiL Jerome Berico, til Bayoa Road, oysters cooked. Mr Toarnent. 198 Ursuiines, beer booxe. Mwr 3t Baeon Rravd.

nndartiker. Franco ta Olivee, Treme and Bayon Road, wool and coal yard La to or Billon, Eerlanade and Treme, beer bouae, 1 billiard table, oysters coo sea. Joseoh Benito. St. Fbllio and Treme.

ovate rs cooked. J. Henry Hermann, Bayoa Road and Villere, clear store. reran. J.

Albretch. Claiborne and Bason Road, anotbecarr. Manuel at Pedro, Claiborne and St. Philip, cigar store, retail. Jaciues Gelbisao, Bayoa Road and Derbigny, oy iters cooked.

Frederick Weugfeldt, Bayon Road and Prienr, beer boos a. Enefer. Ravon Road and Johnson, anotheearr. Henry Slebecken. Baron Road and Johnson, beer notiae.

Peter Welch, Bk Philip, between Tonti and Rocbeblave, dairr. George Cohen, Hospital, between Rocbeblave and Tonti, aairv. Pierre Rosalgnol. Rocheblave, between Drsullnea and St. Philin.

dalrv. MAllle, Rocbeblave, between Dnulinei Add 8t FblUp, aairy. Simon Oetord, Drsnline. dlnry. Fraacola Cambe, St.

Pbilip, dairy. Pierre Dolgbte. St Pbilip. dairy. Lorce Coote.

Emrn Road. 1 II Hard table. Arthur BUnc, Bayon Sr. John, I private carriage. Widow Evanete Blanc, Bayon Sr.

John. 1 private CaT nage. Dncayet, Bayoa St. Jobn, prlva'e carriage Rarao, bay. St.

Jobn. a private carriage. U'Hemecnort, Bayou 8t John, 1 private carriage. C. Morel, Bayoa St.

John, private carriage! Carrere. Bavus Sr. John. 1 nrivata earriase. Lewi, Bay St.

toe lake, ten pin alley snd (boot ing gallery apex W. H. GARLAND, Treasure i TREASURER'S OFFICE. I New Oi leans. April S3, Tbe following persons residing In th Fifth Represent ative Dia rict, having been reported totbiaeffce a dotng business without a license, an hereby notified that unless they take "ut a license in one week from this date, I am directed to institute ault for license and tine.

Firth Ward. COFFEE HOUSES. A. Roylra, corner of Levea and St. Loai.

M. Verdeler, corner of Levee and Toulooie. B. Caatagouile, Cbartrea Berdoo, corner of St. Lout and Cbartrea.

Cbaa Seeliger, RoyaL G. Rouse sold, Toulouse, V. Pinoella, ro'nei of Daapnln and St. Loulx. Boaaett.

cwn of Levee aid Jefferson. M. Nolan, earner of Cuarrrea aod Jederaon. Caroonnet, corner of Cbartrea Jacob! Lout. Chartre and Peter.

John Coulousae. corner of Ramnart and Tonlonae. L. Bournne. corner of St Peter and Exchange Place.

j. Bebweetser, corner or Ann ana stoyai. P. Merradai. corn, of Haalaon aad Levee.

P.Ssncnes, Levee. Pelr. Beryea, corner of Madison and Levec J. Patta, corner of Main and Levee. I.anrvnt Charles, corner of bartre and Madison.

P. O. Baybi, corner nf Cbsrtres and St. Ann. F.

I'ebei, corner of Chartre and Main. Rocb, St. Ann. A. Biia, Red Stores.

fparrlrio, corner or Main and Levee. Jh. ba nes. Levee. E.

Cadiche, coroer of Royal and Main. F. Bilges, corner of Rampart and Tonlonae. Jean Toregioo, corner oi Rampart and basin. Terail, cornerof Peter and Basin.

G. Gorsine, corner of Carr ndelet and Brain. A. Margues, corner of Carondelet and Tic me. C.

Artie as, corner ot St. Lou's and Treme. P. Calanvtta, cornerof Carodelrt and Marala. Rolling, corner af Orleans aod arsis Dueian, cornerof Orleans and Marala.

Cbs Thomas, corner of Orleans and Villere. AL diet, corner of Orleans and Claiborne. A Gooza'e. cornerof Orlean and Claiborne, J. B.

Albert, cornerof St Ann and Pneur. F. Gelpit, corner of Rsmpart and Marai. W. H.

Rolling, Carondelet. OROCEBT AND LIQUOR BT BOTTLE. P. Ma'ka. Cbartre.

Macovgi. corner of Bonrbon and St. J. J. Mont fort, corner of Toulouse and Daophine.

Joaeph Bat I Her, St. Looia Henry Shielden, corner of Burgundy and St, Lonil J. B. Pie, corner of Burgundy and 8L Louia A Gand.illo A cornerof Toulouse and Levee. Pinsnd, cornerof Toulouse and Cbartrea J.

B. Lnnara, coraer of Jctteraon and Levee. B. Brettmeser, Cbartre. Jean Fiase.

corner of 8t. Pierre and RoyaL 8 Weber, corner of yal and Toulouse. Tbo Daguia, coroer of Toulouse and Bnrguraty. M. Hote, corner of llsupbine and Orleans.

J. Fltatuia, corner of Daophine and Orlean. J. Armshutter, rorner of St. Ann and Rampart.

P. Bedrnk, corner of Madison and Levee. C. Lesrange, correr of 8 Ann aod Daophine. J.J Mon'foet corner ol Daophine and Spain.

L. Verde, corner of Bam part and Main. L. 8. Welhey, Corner of Rampart and Toulooaa.

F. Rtcsn, corner of Basla and Toulouse P. Potta. Levee. P.

Adtmeyer. Main. L. Brsiaso, MsdlJon. P.

Peti Jean. St Peter. C. Abiiuas, corner of St Lou I and Treme. J.

Ternot, corner of St. Louis and Marai. O. H. Ott, coroer of Toulouse and Marala A.

Margu corner of Carondelet and Treme. Mr. R. Wbite, corner of Treme and Orlean. C.

Prbe, corner of Marai aad St. Pierre. A. Weber, cornerof Kob rts.n and Or I an. F.

Black, corner of Roman, and St Pierre. at on anion, corner of Villere and Oiieana. Orismar, corner of jain and Villere. J. B.

Albert, corner of St. Ann and Prienr. Lariabeu, St. Ann M. Webrle, corner of St Ann and Miro.

F. Dumas, corner of St. Pbilip and St Claude. Wd. Hilldrrbrau, corner of Main and Claibo re.

Jean Fiase, Main. M. Canioni, corner of Main and Roman. Jean Bares, Burgundy and Main. Eng.

Peire. SC. Ann and Burgundy. RETAIL MERCHANTS. Costa A Rovina.

Levee. Oerbmicben A Loeffiler, Levee, p. Clavrt, St Louia P. Gaune, St. Louia Mrs PoyarJ.

corner Toaloose and Cbartrea. Mr Robert corner Tonlonae and RoyaL Mr. Mare. yaL Julllla'd, Jr Royal. A.

Fsirier, 8r. Louia T. Danflous, Royal. Revs, coraer Burgundy and Toa'ona. E.

a. Knapp, corner of Tonlonae and Levee. J. Gaudolfo. Levee.

J. Vessernn, Levee. P. Csporal, Levee. Ba nett, rorner of Levee and St.

Feter. A. P. MrGuire, Levee treet P. Lantin, Chartre.

A. Conlon. Cbartrea. Mra Neyden, Toalorue. P.

Veyer. RoyaL P. Polret, RoyaL Mr. Duranrf, RoyaL Iuraml, Royal and St Peter. P.

Bonnet, St. Peter. Wid. Mernea. corner of St.

Feter and Boarbon. Motie. Bourbon Weiabanr, Toulouse. Ouvitre, cornerof Burgundy and St. Feter.

N. Rivera, rorner nf Royal aud 8L Feter. P. Bambeill. Royal.

B. king'e. RoyaL Bernlard, Bourbon. J., RoyaL P.

Casensve. corner of St Ann and RoyaL Bsttet, Madison. It. Conlon. cbartrea C.

Arnoux, corner of Chartres and Bt! Ann. P. Lacaze. Levee. Peliero Meatri Main.

A. Peligrial, Main Wid Messocnier, Chartre. P. Weioer, Roal. J.

B. Gerard. St Ann. A. Ravard, St Ann J.

Pe iatan. Sr. Ann. J. Collon.

St. Ann and Boyal. Wm. D. Bue.

RoyaL Angelo, HoyaL Wow Vincent, St. Ann and Bourbon. Barriers A Co 8t Ann and Burgundy. Mra Debler Red Store. Lvee P.

Conder. Red store, Levee. M. Piat.Ltvee. C.

Lacloit A Levee. Aagur, Pedro, Levae. Cao'an. Levee. J.

Deapaea. Leve. Rapp A Co Royal and Main. w. Saillerd.

Main. A. Aoglad St Peter and Basin. C. ciker.

Villere and bt. Louia. Jean Ca'ard, Orleans and Marai. C. rey.

Marais Hacser Orleana lvy, Villere and St Feter. J. Nawbeaer, Viliere and Orleana. Angel Hreroat, Orleana Wow. Gerard, St.

Ann an i Robertson. OVSTER SALOON Joseph rarsH's, Cbartrea, P. Vcrboelf, Cbartrea, B. Arone, Burgundy. P.

I poll to. Burgundy. 8. re pane, Orieaas. Wm.

oe. St Abb and Dauphin. J. f.rckel, Mara' a J. Pon.

Marai and St. Feter. A. Julian) i Hero and Carondelet Walk. MISCELLANEOUS.

Leblaoc, Levee, commission merr bant Hiccl. Levee, wholes and retail mc chant. Brnnean, Toulouse, warebouse. Lacroix. Toulouse, commission merchant.

runlh Cbrtr apntbecaiy. Mlkiejobn A St Looia and druggist. Barnett Brow, St Idiuia and Cbartrea, aucrloneerxv Lollee. Roux Agt: St Louie, printing office. Dutour.

St Louts, Orleans HoUL Hernandez. Royal, cigar store Domingo, at Louis, retail cigar store. Lecanu, Roal, builder master. Jonet, Toulouse and Royal, builder master. St Loui.

Harinn. corner Bonrbon and St. retail merchant" Muillard, corner Bdoroon and Toutouae, coal and wood yard. Bruoesu. Toulouse, wsrehoose.

Jarq iot. St Louis, furniture store. Riilieux. Rampart, liverv stable. Lsnsta Jetferaon, commlmion merchant.

Conner, lou louse, ooar iiug bouae. PrrrlHiat A Toa oue, commiaalon merchant. Weber. Jen'eison. ardi boose.

Blanc A Ca, Jeff npn, diMillcv of ipiritaoai HqaoA Gabicci, Royal, retail merchant Ferraod, Toulouse, broker. P. Kuntz, St. Petr, furnitn store. Pere.

corner Toulonae and Bourbon, apothecary. A bad ie. Ton louse and Daupbiu. famiture store. Roffmann, Dauphin, retail merchant, Rampart, veterinary doctor.

Fefevre ai corner St Peter A Pnv.l Pilote, corner St, Peter and Burgundy, oyitarrl Miller, corner St Feter and Burgundy, furniture store. Bjssso, It Aon, printing office. Bellanger A Co Royal aud Orleana, confectionary aad four billiard. Wbite, St Ann, undertaker. Rock, St.

Ann and Boarbon, cofl'ee bonae. Maximo. Orleana and Boarbon, fruit (tore. Milti. Orleana and Bonrbon, wood yard Felt, Borgandy and Orleana, grocery and liqaor by bottle.

BggBsrgrindy and St Ann, grocery and liquor by Narbonne A Levee, retail anrhint da Bernadl, Madiaoa, boarding boose. Laoauze, St Ann, retail mercbant. Girardin Enoul, St Ann, retail merchant Schwab. Cbartrea. apenhecarv.

Marchim Chartre, fruit store. Cablrac Royal, foraitare store. Dabac, St Asn, undertaker. Tio, Bt Ann. cmmlasioo mercbAnt Joffi.

Rovsl. baUder master. ThaDaqulo, Main and Bouiboo, gfocery and liqaor by Dufenback, coraer J5t Ann aad Bonrboiz, ss altur to 1 to to w. I I. to be a aiU ytraandet, crjrsei It Ana a4 IwbQn, I M.

RioroAn, Levee and St. Philip, tetau mercnAnr, VI. la BTOrW. I i' "ZViniii .1 1. Schoub.

Levee and St Philip, one billiard table. i gt Pbilip, inUlligence eflftCtV H. Merldier. Cbartre. printing office.

0. E. Charboonet, Spain, grocoy J. Galioardia, Spain, boarding bonae. A.

M. Onyon, Spain, commission merchant. B. Sanaonet, Spain, ruttanint Boncal. Spain, boarding bouse.

BL Kenard, St Fhllir. oystershelL G. Potier, Main, intelligence office. C. Roltrigant.

Boyal, fumitore store. Fe Potxer. Main, intelligence office. A. randan, St.

Pbilip, wood dealer. Montegut, St Pbilip. wood dealer. BL Bernard, Dauphin and Main, grocery andRlqnor tbe bottle. Widow Laboordette.

St. Fblllp and Rampart, apothecary. Mra H. Tricon, Toulouse, coal dealer. Jean Lapasevt, Basin, al dealer.

L. Debrien Rampart, veterinary doctor. Jaa Foiol, St. Peter, coal dealer. 8.

Terail, Basin, one billiard table. A. Haacero, Baain and Too. Urate, factory of eordial and pi'itour liquors. S.

Lott, Frank'in, master builder. Jean Petit, Fiaoklin aod Toulouse, wood dealer. A. H. Sampson, St.

Louis and Marais, master builder. J. McVestie. Toulouse, master builder. Mra.

O'Brien, St Louis and Roman, grocery dry. J. H. Grady, St Lou and Roman, grocery dry. f.

Compero, St Louis and Roman, dairy. S. Gousnne, Carondelet and Baton, one billiard table. J. Heyaen, Ceroadelet, wood dealer.

Pedro Calafatte, Carondelet and Marais, one billiard table. 8. Cotnil, Carondelet, wood dealer. Poo'ey, Nlcol A Co Carondelet and Robertaon, lumber yard. a.

Hie ey, Carondelet, grocery dry. J. Dural. Carondelet, between Second and Third, bone black factory. Dents Cro nan, St Feter and St Claude, contractor.

Rolling, Mara and Orleana, one billiard table. fC Durian. Marai and Orleans, one billiard table. F. Firtut, Orlean.

restanrant. C. Thomas. Villerf, and Orleans, one billiard table. J.

Fstlzl, Villere and Orleans, veterinary doctor. M. Collet, O' leant and Claiborne, one billiard table. Jean Baron, Orleans and Derbigny, grocery dry. Cba Roitriaant.

RovaL furniture store. I J. uuiiianmr, ft. Ann and Treme, grocery dry Thomaa, Orleana and Vlllerf, billiard table. i.

poorer, marai ana Orleans, one billiard table. C. Fi it er, Vil'tre and Orleaos, apothecary. r. not gay, ob livery sraoie.

O. Valiier. Main, between Villere at and hawker. and Robertaon, pedler ft More Main, Dairy. Mrs.

T. Beamain. Main rnnrlh and fi, dalrrr. F. Gelpl.

Rampart and Main, one billiard table. J. Communyt Claude and St Philip, mineral Sererev. Main, anntbecarv. P.

Mainville. St Pbilip. wood dealer. Widow Micoa. St Pbilin and llerbisnv.

rnnfertinnarv. F. Carbonnet. Cbartrea. three billiard tahlea A.

Ban, hart rea. fruit store. O. Pomea, corner St Feter and Daophine, retail mer cheat. B.

Ceitagnot, Chartres. one billiard table. BEER HOUSES. L. Huckmaa.Toolouia.

Wm. Scboeyder. 8L Peter. A. Bourdin, Orleana.

A Relle Orlean. M. Fusb. RoyaL Zir gel Muller. Rampart J.

Giehert, ldlon Widow Allrmand Main. Cba. Bilger. RoyaL J. Hanbart.

St Ann and Rampart. Louis Dieimer, 8t Philip. J. Laos. St.

Pbilip. M. i'etrie, St. Philip. H.

Hocbe.St Philip. P. fapilean. Main. A Kleinert Cbartres.

Bertan. St. Pb'lip. C. Tbegman, Bt Philip.

I. Gamier. St Philip: P. Brengle. Sbarte tr, corner of Main and Bonrbon.

P. Wllmaun. coiner of Trrro and Too louse. InrsRiche, corner of VillenS od St Peter. C.

Conret, cornerof Main and Orllana. Louis Launoy. Orleaos J. B. D'oni.

co'ner of St. Ann and Rampart. J. Scares, cornerof Philip and Cl.ibjrne. J.

Paoeky Tuulouse. apig W. H. GARLAND, Treasurer. Vltl Klver.

FOR MOUTH OF COLD WATER, T1L latoba. Leflre. Greenwood. Sidan. Tasoo Citv.

and Satartia The so Deri or. llsut draught, and swift running steamer PLANTER, J. D. Phelja, master, will leave for the above on SAT OR DAY. 8tu at 6 o'clock P.

M. For freliht or oassagt apply en board, or to f7 n. ovil 1 rl. in t.snai street. To Htenmboatt Owners.

Iimjai The undersigned viahe to IJriswSiy aJll.ct drsoght. STEAMBOAT. gBaaaBsBBBBawaS would make a good towboat foi purchase a one tbat or tbe coal trade on Aiaoama river, and free of Incumbrances. A pa EAM Room 41, ffmjsr bteamboa: fjri'wVf STEAMBOAT. aSaaaaaaaawaaallnOW two year trade on tne Alabama river.

She must be in rood order. and free of Incumbrance. Apply or add res GEO. BARER. ip EAM Room 41, City Hotel, for tbree day.

BOAT FOR SALE Forsale, bnilt for the cotton trad years old and In nerfrct order measure ton, 150 feet long, 33 feet beam, at feet hoot and 6 feet bold a ensines. 18 Inches diameter. fee stroke, with doctor: 3 boilers, 40 Inches diameter; mediant site cabin, and well fonnd, and a remarkably fast boaf For further particular and term apply to F4 tf JOHN B. HVUE 4 royd FOR SALE Steambmt W. F.

SWl suitable for an bavoa or shoal rive rarrv about 13nu bales cotton, draara inches light For foil particular inquire of mnarj rr ntmrittwAr, rKiKUbiri ukk sr. r. ir. Ul Klver aunt Teiai UaUtosl HUttea jUaUI Line of Stage. B.

FARMALEE A Proprietor. Stage leave Alexandria trl wee kit ur Nacoedocbea. via Sallretown. Ml ririUL. ham and San Anrnstln througb forty hours, and connecting at Nacogdoches with tnt a runnins ti Huotavillei om ahirh IIbmu in Una running to noue on.

veaaningbBn, Austin ana Ban Ante nlo. It also conn. cts with tbe line from Naeoedacheat, Shreveportand Jetieroon, via Henderson and Marshall Tbia line, connective with tbe regular packet at Alexaa I Sri a. to wbicb point boats can run at all season of tbe year, offers tbe grea eat Inducement to tbe traveling puniic, rrom in ceixam apeea ana comioix, tne propne tor having spared no tri able or expense in procuring tb, best coaches, Ibe finest tee ms and moat experienced driven in tbe Southwestern coun.ry. Also from tbs fact that aSorda tbe greatest fac ill tie for reaching every point note in xexaa, wirnoua enconjtering to in convenience and danaera af a vavaara ae.enaa nhe all dm 8elllDT Off at Coat.

Larse stock of BOOTS. iHnra TRL AS, CARPET BAGS, VA uibxb. ate Tbe ubcribr. desirous of cloaln hi ores1 nt uainess.cirers4 bis ENTIRE STOCK. AT FiRST COST, at wtoleaaleor retail WALTER A.

PECR. spw fit AO Canal street. atctaew Wattehes. Beealey A Toblaal ate he, in heavy bunt ing If) carat casee; fine Hunting SilverW atcbes; Gold Leptne nd Anchor' Watehea Jewelrv. of everv de scription One rocket t.utlery.

Gun, la to la and rsnc woods Tor aaie. wnoicaaie ana reran, oy apea vara. n. ahh a rv. aa canal arrest.

Texas Flaatattlon for Sale. MY Plantation in Matagorda end Braznriacountie. on Cedar Lake, containing abont 1300 acre of tbe rich e' land in Texas, of wbicb tbe are 300 acres thoioughlj, drained, and in tbe highest state of rulrivxtion. All tbe fences, cabins, and other boildinea sre of red cedsr There is a good Gin House with a ane Carver Oln, and a superior mill lor griuaing. Thu woold mske a splendid Sugar Plantation, as the tract la hevilv timbered and ha more cedar crowing on it than on an 7 plantation in Texaa Cedar Lake contain an inexhaostihle npply of freab water, and tbe land is never to overnow.

Tbe orodore of the farm ha onlv to be hauled tofanev. a distance nf m'les, wbere there is uninterrupted navigation to Matagorda The New Orleans steamers arrive there twee a weak, tbe jear round There 1 also a good Dwelling Monse. and one Irarnen. pprs im sbtAariiiMi cwiratr. Uroiad Bun.

THIS powerful and durable fertilizer, the valuable effect of wbicb are discernible in the increased auan titr of yield for two veer or more after it application to tb aoll. to Bow ground at tbe factory of tbe New Orlrar Bone Biac comrany. ror fruit tree and grape vine it particularly beneficiaL Five hundred pound applied to an acre of ordinary pine wood land, aided by goo I deep pioogmng, win procure a crop oi cotton aa urge as any oi tbe beat river bottom land. For aaie in barrel at one and a aeartet cent ner nonnd. Orders by mail, or otherwise, directed to sr.

lu ne it. Agent, 37 Povdra street. New Orlean. will receive prompt attention PERUVIAN GUANO, PHOSPHATE GUANO, which a mixture of equal quant'ties of ihe beet Peruvian Guano aod ne Dust, POUDRETTE, SOrER PHOS PHATE or LIME and LAND PLASTER. can alio be oocainea at id aoove uirecrioa.

ps ox CA0T1ON. ArmltaRe'a AJoaaehele Anvila. baaing coma to tbe knowledge of M. A H. ARMI TAGE a CO.

tbat many spurious imitation of tbe Moose hole Anvil are sold throughoot tbe count ry. and represented aa genuine, tbto M. A H. to notify purchaser tbat tbe real Moose ARMITaGE bole Anvil bear th stamp, to Imitate Mouse wnieb to felony. hole.

Mooachol Forge, near Sheffield. mM am Daniel Edward. (Successor to Twioill A Edwardi,) No. 30 and 3a New Levee, and 87,39 and XI Fulton at, MANUFACTURER of eveiy description of Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron and Brass Work. He Is now rly contract for the masing of Steam Train.

Clarifying and Evaporating Fan. Filterer. Juice Boxes, aod everything appertaining to th Sugar House. A general assortment of Steam Ganges, Steam Whi ties. Bras Cocks, Coupling Valves, Ac, constantly on band.

He wonld call the attention of planter to the Steam Trains, which bave been in ancceaafol operation on the plantation of CoL R. C. Camp, Meet. 8. T.

Harrison, E.J. Foretell. Neuron A lloorlson. Oaeood a Lawrence. 1 I n.

i as rx. oHtiuuwc, a Auompson ai ana x. ror ail, of tbia city to whom he respectfully refers for full particulars. rohaa im Bounty ILiaitHly Fenalona, cVc. NOTICE to all peroas titled to Bounty Land, under tbe art of Congress of 3d of March.

IBM, also, Pensioner and Widows af Pensioners of the Revolutionary and all other war at nee. Vs undersigned, having nnw received tbe proper form from tbe Pension Office at Washington, to prepared to at tend the same i and also being in possession of the Record aoo uousoi ine service rendered during tbe Rev olntionaT War, and of all tba wars ia wbicb tbe United States Las been engaged since 1790, both of Army and Navy, also the service of tbe Texan Revolution of 13A, he preparea to aaaiat uic ouicerv, sotoieis, or aoeir wiaow nd heir to obtain tbeir claim for Bounty Land or Pen ion for services rendered io tbe different wars. All peraon requiring Information, giving foil parti cu K1.4 avill nvylv, nmmnt slaving an eiuucm aaeua in nauniiruHi a.ivy, seei i rnnAdent that all claims entmcted to me will be attended at once. In case the claim is rejected, no charge will made. V.

i. n.iCAJrxio, riotary roblic, a pan im 8V Camp street Manna tfc Clark flaao. For aaie, on account of departure from tbe city, one ofNann A Clark npe nor toued seven octave, rosewood cased riAinuB, nearly new, at a reaaced pnee. Also for rent, a moda built twoator frame Dwelling Hoose, with outworks suitable for a genteel family, at a reduced rent, and a man servant for hire. Apply at No.

4M Magazine itreet, between Edward and Baain atrvefs LE AND PORTER Now landing en Califrnai, tram tjlauov aoo cask, pint, Tennent'i Scotch Ala. ho quarta im pint London Porter. BA QBArt mhrr l. M. TANEY, 80 erarler atreet.

OFOR SALt! OR RENT, aa tba Lake shore, at bwwawuw TwoCataauo House with ga denaad abrabbery attacLad. To a toed lurebaaer termi twaaaoe vary assy. 'ejaAHAM. BUCRINGHAMS. sa AT JawaaawyaaaasfJa Ji at i P.

i app for drl aplS 4U svTsi agaaiBB vwTva TUilliliJOATsJ. 'su mm Pfe'sig, TVti al, araoa, w. MAXL Linae winear avrraassasaai The anlanoid low araaarr aacke staam eta COBA. K. A.

Hiera, aaasssr. aad OREGON, Cap. Besoasran, auaaccr, ana having been balit axprsaaly for tb Ink trade, wita paner accom si iiaaa uaa or IN bsotw awsnaaaia will leave the Foatehartrala Rallraad DAXLT, aw arrt val af tb 4 o'clock P. M. ears.

Returning, will atop at Paecaaato, Pam Chrtetiaa and Bay St, Loait aa Mandaf aad Tbaraday algbta. Cabin paaajge. $9 (Vl Passage of Bailor. or Deck uo Negroes In lota of Ave and aroeda 1 go Negroea in Iota of four or naW or Cabin Paaaag from goo Bar FreV list entirely rispendeaC Bar The mall bag, will leave th efflce af the ageat dally o'clock prompT.v. jjjjpajj Agent, 10 Bank Flaea II I FOR MAUDE VILLA? AND MADi Thr low prewar iron stesm kawaallwaaaaawawahlp UNITED STATES, Geo.

W. Ardlil, master, leave the Jefferson and Lake Fontchartraln Railroad for the above every TUESDAY aad THURSDAY, on the arrival of the express train, which leaves Tivoll Circle at 90 minutes part I o'clock A. M. and on 8ATDRDAV8, on th arrival of the express train, which leavei tbe Circle, at SO mfnntei past o'clock M. I returning, will leave Maiiaonvtlle every Monday.

Wednesday and Friday, at o'clock A. VL. Far oa dollar chiHren, half price. aaf Tbe O. 8.

na a neat and airy cabin, and being a stramibip can make her trip in all kind! of weather witS perfect safety ana regularity, one win positively icuuaiu in this trade tnrougnont tne year. apxo V. tl laalaxl ani. FOR TISERVILLE AND ALL INTER 'mediate landings i be ateamer Tkcn i TON. Wm.

CoIIid. matter, will leave for the above on 0A1 UMisi, toe a io inac, at cioca, M. For fr. igbt or passase, apply on board. ap2T 1 REfl CLAR MEMPHIS WEDNE8DAI Pi ket Far Memohl.

Helena. Naoolcoa fireenville. end alliacdlnc In tb ben regular splendid pasienger steamer GEORGE COL L1ER.J. w. Goslee, master, win be ready to receive rM nn nfondav maminr.

and will leave a above on WEDNESDAY, May at o'clock P.M. For frelgut or Dtawic apply on or to urpaasag mvy Foydrai itreet PaT The Geo. Collier will take freight and passenger for Nashville, to be re shipped on the memptui ana nasn fine packet at mempnis. I jCgVP A P.d atdid jjtjt V.

ffl' l'i1. REGULAR MEMPHIS PACRET Tl steamer tin gum am master, will coounoe reeular oacket In the New Orlein and Meoapbl trade the oaavuee oi rne season, boo wiu iw u.i.m rn.r'i Point. Delta. Nanoleon. Gree nville.

Vlcl burg. an the Bend, oa SATURDAY. tie tstb to at, at 5 o'clock F. M. For freight or passage, sp on hoard, or to irw.1 tr LEWIS SNAFP.

3T Front street aaV" Tb Ingomar, having permanent arrangement at Memphis to resbip Nashville freight and passengers, will take tbe same at regular rates, ard forward without delay, jr w. V. 8. MAIL BALIZE FAC RET Tbe 3 rTCur JIne and ubtanti aBsirifii Dlmitrv. msst ran In the Danah of Plaoueminea once a week, leaving New 6 leans every 8ATURDAV.

10 o'clock A. M. and returning, leave the Balize ever Mtndsy morning, arriving In tbe city on Tuesday eren log. yor ireignc or paarage appiy on ooara, or to BL.ANC, 14 Customhouse it. taY Person wiblng to visit the Balne on an excursion will bave tbe privilege of remaining on board during bei stay there wuneui extra cnarge rs tr FOR BAYOU LAFOURCHE.

LOCR rport, Dona'daonvlile, and all landing on Inavou Lafou che be regular nacxe tK. J. J. Labartbe. master, will leave as above every sa luuii i at o'cioca a n.

or ircignt or passage ap piv oa ooara, or ro r4 tr l.HAl. ue. uoKoniBnnic ir. THE LAfOORCHE AC RET CAR RI R. J.

J. Brown, master. H. Street clerk, will commence ber trip on 8AT0R DAI. the 7 tb Inst, and will leave New Orlean ever fao'cock arriving at Lock port on Sundav nlxbt.

Returntnx. will leave Lockoort Moo. orolnss. at 6 o'clock, and Tbibodaux Tuesday more dgt at arriving in lies vriuuu mnu A. iidrustsi.iiev vrieira.

V. RICHARD. lbibo4ux. "The Carrier bavins been purchased bv Brown and atrvek. exoreaslv for tbe Lafourche trade, mercbaut planters caa rely on ber remaining in tbe trade tbe year round.

apo i FOR MILLIREN8 BEND, V1CRS 'bars. Warrenton. New Carthage, Gran i Go If Kodnev. Nafchei. Fort Adam.

Bavo Sara and Baton Rouse Reeular Saturday Weekly Virk burg packet ateamer SOUTHERN BELLE Tbe new nisgntfirent, swift running, passenger packet ateame: SOUTHERN BELI.E.J. M. White, muter, will leave a above every SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock jr. m. jrortreif or passage apply on board, or to nroyfi l.

B. nnilirs. io ianai srreer. saY'Jbe Belle will take Yazoo freight and resbip a Vicksburg. giving turougn otus iaing at regular witn aeaeeai flHMiastiai lcsauurg.

THE CAP1TCL Twice a Week Bavou Sara For Bavoa Sara. Waterloo aaaaaJh Port Hudson, LobdelC Store, Baton Rouge. 'uuiur riling. Doaali sonville and all Intermedlata land ing The new an i aplendid steamer CAPITOL, M. Ore.

master, will lletve for the above porta on SUN DAY at 9 o'clock A. and on WEDNE8DAY. at o'clock i. M. Returning, will leave Bayou Sara after 'be arrival tne cars, for ireignt or paaaage appiy on ooara, or to JOHN J.

PEARCB 1 3 Contl street. HOLMES A CLAOSS, 14 New Levee, JalriKC lv or MENARD A V1GN ADD. Id Bienville rt BaY A cierk will be on the Levee, near tbe foot of Cont street, to receive freight annus; tne aoaence oi tne boat. ra Tbe owner of tbe BELLA DOaNA I afl.vs a.iThare purchased the ateamer MUSIC. awaaaaaaawaaatake ber place In the Bayoa Sara trade.

She will coutloue to run regularly during tbe summer, leer ins New Orleans as usual everv SATURDAY, at o'clo 1 P. BL, and Rayna Sara on Wednesday, after tbe arrival of the cars from Woodvilie. For freisht or paaaage, apptt on Doaro. or to m. V.LA(yOO, ro 17 3m 14 Tchonpltonlas treet ON1TED STATES MAIL PACRET D.

Jr. For Vtrksburg, Warrenton, Nev I Carthage. Ashwood, Grand Golf. St Joseph ron uriuod. dbiob stooge, rtaqaemine, oonsidaonvule Tbe magnificent fast running passenger packet C.

D. r. Holmes, master, will leave aa above everv TCES DAY, at o'clock For fretsiit or passage apply aa warn, or lo LAnauLU run i.i.Attn at t.o., Jalw tf Dnion Row, (13 Carondelet street, aV Tbe C. D. will go tbroucb to Vtcksnurg without tentlon.

and will connect there with tbe action car. fYa 0N1TED STATES MAIL PAC'REJ lwyriATCHEZ For Vicksburg, Warrentsn ttaawaaaawsawaNew Cart have, Ashwood, Grand Gulf, St oa po, sUMiniy, waterproof, natcnes, rort Adams, Bayoa 4ara. Port Hudson. Baton Hoove. Pliqaemine.

Donaldsos rille The magnificent new reguiar paaaenger paxkei 1ATCHEZ, T. P. Leatters, master, will leave aa above 'very taiusiiAi, at ciocx r. m. ror ireignc or paaaage apply on boaeri.

ro CARROLL, FRITCHARD A Jaig tf Union Row fa Carondelet treet BaY Tbe Natchez will go tbrougb to Vicksburg letention, and will connect there with be Jackson earn Monday. 0. MAIL PACRET New Orleans Port Hudson. Bayou Sara and Pa ket iTbe caaaenser steamer NEW LATUM A. cmileuross, msster, will leave as follow for Bayou Sara very FRIDAY, at In oVUx A.

for Port orison very MONDAY, at 6 o'clock P. M. Retaining, leave, oayno nara every air tne ranrcai carst ron Hudson every Tuesday, ar a clock r. M. nIT 64 ly ULitirma tfACttrJ 1 i Mng.

EVERY ALTERNATE WEDNE I DAY For Memphis, Helena, Nnpole irecnviiie. Lake Providence. Vicksoure.and all lntimi Hate landinea The aplendid reeular passenger ateame sEORGE COLLIER, master, will leave oov every alternate throughoot te or crciguc or pasaage, oaring aupanor ac cum oar tatinns, appiy on board, or to oa tf GEO. W. HAW A 14 Poydrae street.

NEW ORLEANS AND LA POCRCHI rtet ateamer FAN ft I BFARHAWR. Terrebonne, msster. havins been thai lugoiy repajrea. wtu resnme her regular trip in tbetov "cbvai, itovemDer Tin, leaving new orfea EVERY TO ESDAYjf 9 o'clock A. BL, and FRJI AI A o'clock p.

M. urnlng, will leave Lockport even Wednesday at o'clot A. and every Satarday, at 'clock M. i Tblbodanx every Wednesday, at la o'clock i and every Saturday, at o'clock P. M.

For freight ir sasaagr, having aoperior accommodations, am ty rr Messrs CONERY Front Levee IV leans, or to the captain on board. BaY Tb F. Bparhawz will ran to Donaldson vl lie nnf be river rises, leaving New Orlean aa above, and Do aid onville every Thursday, a a o'clock ever) aunday, at o'clock A. M. Agent in Thibodanx, Messrs.

VAN LEW A BEL tint Agent In Donaldaonvllle. V. MAORJN. on REGULAR O. ALL PACRET For 'Aahton, Ptlchera Point, Skipwitb Land In, l.ak PMdila X7I k.C tcv orsiw wan, saoaney, piatcnex, rat kdama, Bayoa Sara.

Baton Rouge, and tbe intermediate endings Regular Weekly Packet The magnificent last running paaaenger packet steamer FRANR LY ON. J. H. "tea, master, will leave a above every THURSDAY, at o'clock p. punctually, carrying the mall on thai day.

For freight or passage apply on br ard or to sl8 T. B. SMITH IS Canal tk, aaY Freight taken for all points on th Yazoo, If con tigned to a bouse In Vickeborg. A clerk will be on the Levee enery Tassday mom ins to receive freight. Keel Klver FOR JEPPERBON.

PORT rii.nn "Smitbland, Albany, Moorning Landing, l8wanon'a Landins. ShrevrL nrt. CO e. lirand Bavon. Camme Alexandria liArtnna l.anrf 'ng, aad a 1 intermediate landings Tbe nrwand splendid aaaencer steamer R.

W. POWELL. H. Martin, ma terl WLU JeTe above on SATURDAY, 18th Inst, at I o'clock P. M.

For height or pasaage, having superior Accommodation, apply on board or to LEWIS SWAPP.3T front atreet, liriv F0R SHREVEPORT The cew and Llrrfy ngot diaugbt sUsm HOPE will brave for aaBaaaDaaaaaaa 8reveport, Grand Ecore Alexandria, aiid ie lanoingv, on OA I UK 17 AX tne stub insr P. M. Fir tretzbt or paaaage, apply on board, rto SHAW A ZUNl'2, gents. sna hi rout street. aY Clt ar bills ledint given through to Sbreveport, without eesDippiog.

taY No bil'a contracted for the Hcpe will be paid witb inm i mm roc captain 2T rOK. JEPfKUHON KlkT c.alllkri I steamer OPHELIA, sfer, will rs during the somnw OTKAlMBOA'l 0 jj'r its Dr Maaiaa 018, CAXtmJ, i eVTNew Mao a uriaznieuire rantng ereamer L. M.RENEIT, Jobn master, al II be in port on Friday, tbe arth. ai above cn TUESDAY, tbe lit May at I o'clock i freigbtar pases ee apply mj boatd.orlo 1. CDD, li Foydrsa it, apt ALLEN at SHANNON, er TcbotrH' State rooms can be secured oa appUcai, agent REGCLAR ST.

LOfiia Sna regular passe jr ataaamr, NLA. Wells, master, will ud intermediate iandlnss on MORUAV. aaa i. at o'clock P. M.

For freight er paw iga apply "apaT BEU. BTJCHAWArf A COMMasa, I REGULAR Si'. LOUIS ac1 iw Luiuiwi ioua pastraM. Lviumrsi u. mwmrmWr for toe above cihj, aaasver at i and all in tar reed late taadiBra' )M o'clock P.

M. tStht aaaexer. DAT. the 30 paaaage, Having superior accoTnmaeaUon, grairv apM or to JOHN E. HYDE A Co7.4?2l! aYAplaaef the cabins ca beaten aad auL secured on application te the agenta 7 JTTb.

REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACH lJ T8n paamnger ateam, AOLAS. Parser, master aoove aud idtermediata landings aa TZH i ilr I o'clock P. AL. J'or daightar board, arte apaa M.

WHTlI.wyyn iry FOR 'I cot bJwcvTrbl Tlii fine i atV A ViLLEsBelbuye on SATURDAY, Btb at I aag TH J. Ha MILTON tdJula. A Au Ai fine MXtanaee mtm. SATURDAY, BatbTn.i.. a o'ctoik apM TH J.

HlMlLTON.Jr..aCiaTwdlV't.. FOR hi. nM steamer EDWARD WALSH. Cab la a above oa SATURDAY, Mth tnt a e'clor. For freight oniv.

aprdv on Vsard, art WA.y?rei",btugrraOB'WIC fTS Ba REeOLAR BT. LOOIS PACftr i tfln. rdawegv7Jtnil, ALAH Bareer. anaae i. aoov aad intermediate landing aa TOUosv 1st, at o'clock F.

M. For fraigbt nZ apas Br.LLw BUCHANAN A Jfr, aaoaaii A 1 FOR ST. LO01I, CA1K0, At 'new light draught and ft rannlnsate, lEUWiRD WALSH to now res. IT to receive frclaht and win I above and all intermediate bsodioiioa BAT a8th ln.t, at o'clock F. M.

For Vaiaac, apply on board, er apas U. JT. WHITE, a Prr FOR ST. LOUIS. 'pM Fanag throuth to New I the other Eastern citiea via rv faio.

atc ia from elsht ti li rlava Tn Jld fast renning passenger packet steamer ki. I template IxndiDr aa MONDAY, the nk I I o'clock P.M. For freight or passage, hiving I modation. ipply en boar f. or to uao, Dwirr.

niauer, will leave tor the above a T. BUDDF.CBE AC apfi lOOTebon fT rott bt. Louis, caiad, faJ' fNcw Madrid, Raadoipb, Memr i A and ail intermediate lanuw tlrely new an 1 Light draag ht freight eteamn WALSH. George W. Cable, master, to Boa ceivlasT freight, at tbe foot nf Povdra tx CalE leave a above on SATURDAY, tb Sftth Inst.

F. AL For freight only apply on board, or tn C. T. BODDECRE A i apas 100 TcnoopW fV 3e FOR ST. LOUIS, CAJBO.

tywew Madrid. Randolph, lurr tSaKaaWavaastbe Intermediate lamilnr 'x scnger steamer ttxaou ivaa, oan burk, he In port oa Monday, the 83d iasti and leave a MONDAY, tbe etb May. at o'clock P. ai or paaaage apply on board, or to apio AL.ur.ri naAPimiw.nTxcDn" I fCSLA A' IP' rv new manna, naoaoipa, sic" aaaaaaaaaassiaaal LOO lnier intermediate landinea passenger steamer PLYING CLOOD. rtirhvd i muter, will leave aa above oa TVLtbAJ, at a o'clock F.

M. For frejgat ar fatiaxe a board. or to apa.1 ALLEN SHANBOir.ayTekaurouralM MT The Flying Cloud hs bsa ooih tbe naat expreasly a a passenger packet, without resr4 t. pense, and will run regularly ia the trads tbiouauoi esson. FOR ST.

LOOIS Tbe Cne re.ilt aTaenger steamer MAY flOWM, diuwu, aiwn, wut mm aa ner 1 lor tnea'ioveand intermediate karsdiBrian TL al ay let, at 6 o'clock P. M. Far eight er on board, or ta aoia O. M. WHITE, Sjrrsrtr aY The M.

F. 1 furnished In tb most asnro'. 'n everv particular for comfort a a i peed, aad ran depend on ber leaving punctually at th bint tised. State room can be atcorad byipslyiag i agent. REGULAR BT.

LOUIS PaCin. 'line rerular ptnarngey steaaiw i aMnaSBBSrbvnfiia, iania uwr. leave lor tbe above and all Intermediate lar TUESDAY, the 1st 5 o'clock P. 1., 1 furnMbeq in tne maax appiwea sryie is every Isr. for com (net mfetv and speed, and Bsssfsim pend on her leaving pnnctually at tb tire aim A plan oi tne cabin can oe aecu ana i oy applying to apis ELL, BUCHANAN A CO Ml Ohl Hirer ft.

FOR ClNCINNATI tBl ta a bJua I will leave for tb above and all i mate landing oa MONDAY, tbe 30th lt, I P. or frelrnt or passage appiy on ooara, sew ap37 JOHN E. HYDE a rsydrr FOR CINCINNATI, LODIBVL BtadiaoB Ibe ateamer IWIi A J. Srbenrk. be aoove and all intermediate Undine an DAY.

Ctrth Inst. at 10 o'clock A. M. For trek sage apply on board, or to ap7 rtUU fn.O, vcvuias aa FOR LO018V1LLB Tbe ateamer niAtts aster, will leave aod intermediate landing on or about BATL. i lust at 6 o'clock F.

AL Far freight ar sard or to BELL, BUCHAJi A a 81461 Maw plan of the cabin can be Men aa cured by applying to tbe agent. fT Tie FOR LOUISVILLE The a fWX T' pease ii ger texmer ECLD7IE, i VT ir As rrrr mtrr 1H interruedia'e landing on FRIDAY, th lltk o'clock P. M. For freight or pas tare 7ply apiri BELL. BUCttANAN 86 sr mm A Plan of the cabin can oe aaea aa Maia i.

core 1 1 by appljrlng to the agenta tOR LOOlSkiLLE Tb fi 'paasenger steamer BELLA In iDevol, master, vrill lesvs tor Larv all landings en TOEaDAI, tn o'clock F. M. for freight or peerage srply to BELL, BOCHANAN A to bp24 a A plan of faercabini can be see aaa secured by applying to tbe agent. FOR LOUISVILLE Th in isenger packet fSIt.n nut Dunham, master, will Jesve viiie aud intermediate landing aa baxvb.l Inrt. at 13 o'clock positively.

For freig" sage apply on board, or to BP 2TY MJU fcar a nian of tbe camn can oa aeea aaa secured by applying to tbe FOR LOUISVILLE Tb 8o ht rt psaar eer racket EMPRES8. i i ft aaaawaaaBBaaaater. wl It leave ror sjvaisevr mediate landings OB FRIDAY, tb 4tB Wsy, r. M. ror rreignt or passage apply on ooara.

a. apas 1 BELL. BUCHANAN A CaY A plan of the cabin can be aeea and su. secured by applying to tbe agent. FOR LOUISVILLE The Iiaaur DAVID USPS pi rtacaBBawaai McOill, master, win iwi ami ml intermediate landing oa SATCKDAi.

McG 1 11, master, will leave May, ar o'clock F. M. For freight or psaw ooara. or to er.LL, sut.ixsuisu epi vw' tmT A plan of the cabin can be seen gad aecurea by applying to me agent. 8TE WAi I gJJUfcV.

maa ar Ratnmar JITS' aCLJrJaThla anUndid steaaaer will lesrr I lie aud a I lotermediat larjdllisa tbtsaslioia lolloas, to wit: Leave new urleani SATUeioAs. aw" SaTURDAi, nsya. SATURDAI.WST nr. MONDAY.Jsn.' WEDNESDAY.Jas 1 THURSDAY. 'T 55 I ft, i iu I It Tbia boat is furnished in tbe most approves every particular for comfort aad spsea.

raa depend on ber leaving punctually at the tised. A plan of th cbia can be reta aaa era red applying lo tbe agent BABlUCLl WlWCr, Onarnita Klrer. PORODACHlTAfaiVell 'fast running passenger seetet IR STACY. L. Moor msrr, Camden.

French port, Beech Hilat, Miileraf'' pagnone, wrmington, Bay nor, nr" ville. Marie aline, Bowiand' Rst, Ouachita Cliy, Locbloman. Port Onion. must, i renfon. monroe, a ine zuub, ww i

Trinilv mmA ll tnt.m.Wiale IsadiPCI 01 ai.dBl.: Rivera, an MONDAY, ib For freisht or nuiir spp oabrarj. ep LEW ISNAPP, i ear The vrv Msht riransht strambsat Lit run in connection with tbe Btscy River, during tbe seaaon. 1 rOM. CAMDtPI, OtA Trinity. Bamaorbarg, Coir" KlntTa.

Monro. Treston. Ouach.ta Ciiv. Alabama Landing. Wsri' i niti.

a.arv vine, ajnamrjaenoiic. swv Dili Tl A Caryville, CbampagnoUe. Beeck i' Bluft, and all tntermodla toa ner LOO ISA. Heeling, nm ter. lONDAY, the 30th inct, a o'clock OAiiicrs steamer 1 an MO.N ,.2 reigns ac paaaage appiy to frr.

aj 5 aae Kill iaiM la Tventsa strove Ar aj laihinMn. andtsgotb'1 'Shrrveooit. Grand Ecora and Aleiuiilna. I I The new. lisht drausbtand aw: ft rnnnin, I Daaeiitf mu l.t iImiiim RT A UT.B 1 i I 1 'IT permuaog.

auv.v aula on imerms diste landings on FaUDAY. tbe arth at o'clo Fur eight or pawage apply en board, or to P87 T. B. SMITH. 16 Canal itreet fCnSe a.

REGULAR RED RIVER FAC lietirjat jaJFor Sbreveport, Grind Ecore. Alex BawssAasBBSBWalGorlon' Landing, tfnd all lnterr PACKET xandria. iermerl 1 mtm miillllil 'ltie llsht dranslifc atamav atX7 A a BaABwaaf wiu va; WW 9 On fa. LfAMm he a7tb li at 6 o'clock P. BL For freisht ar naasase On OOAI d.

or to CARROLL. FRITCHARD A Union Row, Carondelet street, pan FOR BHRE PORT RAN ECORE, iThc reeular naai mn ai slrvi a tar "ji maater, will leava aa above on SATCR tne tn lnst, at o'clock F. AL For freight or pa. H. M.

ROBINSON, at Commercial Plac ay Freight taken for above the fall, with privilege 'eanloTHli. Jlr? KEG CLAR BED RIVER PACRET jht.ZX Smnd Ecore, Natchitoches, St Mau WaWia Mltf rice, Alexandria, Gorton's, and all inter eji.t. 'snrlngs Tb new aad aplendid passenger at, mi xrowxy, master, wiu aeav tbe above every TUE8DAY, at o'clock F. BL, aad ansa sveore every rrlday, ana Alexan Saiu dav. For freight or passage, having superior apply oa board, or to EATON A HENDERSON, a i Tcbonpitoalaa and lg Mew Leva.

aLeMta LOST, betwe the Comer of Tcboupitoala and Ptry. aa treew. tlo la BILLS, ranging from Ave ta twrntier, ihe finder can find owner at apl VANaR )u poR O0ACH1TA ljJJJ Bartholomew and 1' atr fcdraugbtweimei W. master, wnl leave for Bavoa Trenton, Monroe, Co auabia, Hsrrtossf i ii luidinrssa nd Black Rivers, ba 8AT0RDAY. listkl" it P.

M. For freight or pawage apply wi i losr a fM Tewis SMaPF.LL AIGERATOR8, with Pateat At ice ritcbera, ater iooteia. ice ritcners, nitaruwaa Fihiog Seine and Pet. aHslz wleby J. vVATERMAi' A 3m corner SI sgezlne no Fori aa A Lfow landing and la ators, J.

a. irrm ro quaVc.mpeir. tk ptnis Termeoi's luo apt i TrnnsAA nmni. ivy A aaa SAWOeiaBaM, I y. It a rrame aois uCi n7oJ rnita nil Parklax 1rsu.

1 allce. at th Root and IMJJ'jj ante Aid gt ffcarles at nezt 1. BalAier r.u HIGHEST cash pnre (aid for oK the nw lloamy Lmd Lawofi 4 laimi lor Land. Extra Pay nd do fbtm of aw, and promptly tbtal. wbhoatary fcmiaadsn e.


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