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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 CTl vJ OP TBI rilIvPB 1 Monday April 1865. CC ION The week opened with a good inquiry nd ed the Ml of 6500 bale The advices by tha Eii ic avs additional traumas to oar market, without advance for mixed )UU. Urea runn of IHt when occasionally met command outside srice. which has been the cm for some time vt. alesaala yair kiuidiiag.

tTATEMENT OP COTTO. Stoc on bud Ui September, 1 bale. 9i.aa ArTlIM Arrlytd ta 1.023.B9C 910.674 8.7CC 913.37J aaa4atd to 4 to day. teefe sad ob satphsard Bat tlftnl 110.819 TOBACCO Demand active. Salee 668 hhda.

Including IShhdaof 8at7se Bt st k.e, rs at Hc and at ioc lai mostly Re fund at Te.j high la case at rc, 97 oa priTM terma and 116 hbda of which 46 Clarkarllle at T.c, S3 Qrwu River at sc. and 33 llllnola at 7k.c round. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. etnek aa hand 1st lentember. 84.031 Arrived since.

17.643 i 6.1 41.76 Expsrrtd teeatc. Ezporte today 31.967 6 S3.ftJ Mock an hand aad oa shipboard a at cleared SUGAR Largo receipts brought oat buyers and UOO Jihdx, toood anrclim at steady pi ires, fair to fully 4 MOLASSES Demand actire. Sale 2300 bbls. at 830 Sric. fur fermenting to prime Red River a bbls.

choice rebelled bronght MHc. FLOCK Sale confined to VM bbls. St. Lonis at S10 ST. 16(7 in lota at (10 and too extra Illinois at tit.

COR Seles 7600 sacks. Including 8063 la many lots at 181 at ai 18T8 at tl 03; IK at tl 07; 700 whit at 1B 40 at 11 and 16C0 at 0691 10 bat bet OATS frei aacks 8V Lonis were sold la lot at 70c Basnet WHISiEY 10 bbla Rectified sold In 3 lota at 30c FORK. Sales 100 bbla Heaa prirate inspection at (16 6 soqbb'a prim MsaiS14 85; 41 bbls. Rumps at 118 aad ao at aix. DRY SALTED MEAT Sales lis casks Hams and boulders.

In air tight packages, at 7c for Hams and "ai. toe Bhoaldarrs, aad 3 caaka at 8c. for Hams, 7c tor Sides aad Be. for Shoulders, BACOIt Sales 809 caaka prim Sides in 6 lo's at ijje 13 casks poor Sbooldrra at Sc and 17 atec LARD Sales ISO bbls at 9 1 IOC) 13d at Sc; at 9e and 138 choice at lite. COFFAUS Salsa ISO bags Rio at lk.e( 436 at loije.

aad 60 of lie. i FREJOBTS aula taken oa Sal onlay evening for llsvraatll 16e Demand moderate LKoa and9it per cent, premlam. fsne itew lark. 60 lSsk per cenC dlscoant glew srk Sight to It per cent, discount. CA TTLB MARKE T.

Jegeiaoa Ctry, Monday Erenlng, April 9 BXEF CATTLE Receipts yesterday 86 head. Only a limited aasply effere! aad bat few good Beeres remain in market. FrUcs 91a910)tc TA act for rongh to fine cattle. OSS Prices an arm at Sc 47 IB net. Only retail aslea, with a small stock.

SHEEr We qaota at S3 M9o 60 bead, with a aoJe'Sts demand. MILCH COWS A fair aaply. Fricea hsod Tor ordltkary. and Mrtatvo tar fine cattle. VEAL CATTLE la demand.

Mces BOtll 60 3f bead. M05DAT Evehiitg, April 9. There was a perceptible change la the market to day, aitboagh some parties aeemed to beliova 'tbat money was aot qnitm so easy of access. If aoch waa the case It coo Id only a a aaasusiasi whine an tbe part capitalists, wbo vary apt to kick la the traces at she low ratee now current. Some operator make it a role aerer to toarh paper aaleaa at the round figure, whilst others are willing to lacnr a risk for the privilege of pocketing 18916.

The agsJB who deal only la first class stgnatorea do not like la come dowa to SJ. aad as tbe money wants axe lew, there a general complaint of dollar as. We heard of bat few negotiations of any sort today, and hare "mcfery to repeat that there la an abundance of nn both la Boat aad antside, to meet all legitimate demands Tha Baak statement for tbe week looks weil, sbowicg a tt does aa iacreaas In every deaailwient, viz Loane. ails.061 1 Specie, (X8.K41 i Ctrratation, Depe aita, $364.133 1 Exchange, g37.S3. Wsanr SfiTMiSff a vwa Btmw uuum CASH ASSETS. sraqia. Apr It. April t. April 9.

Spril i. Cuuens' Bank. SAM 041 i Mi Canal 87708 1 107 1 li tQUiaoa ,43185 8 68867 JiO.86 i IS8.fJl Louisiana State 3," 8,136 361 4a 1 Wech A Tradera' 1,1 88.61 lfl.Ii 6U 097 6I3.1 Bk Of liewOrleans 931 64 101.760 447, 97 313,241 aoathera Bank 93 36t 3 844.6S8 Wnioa 914 881 B38.6U3 3IS.I7M mi.ui Total. 1698.) 4 8.766.rB7 66.v lacreair 18,061 Increase tw.MI CASH LIABILITIES 1 a innuiwa ssfoarrs. Agril 9.

opril 8. April 9 ApriTT Ctiiietts'BaBk. xtwjih Canal Bank IO. 800 137. 77 Xooisiaaa 1116,884 1,013,364 040 867J Lsuiaiaoa Btato 1.8i905 3.1M.7M 3.17,f Mecb.

844,186 WJM BkpfMrwOrleans.s34.v40 644.766 8M.46I Southern 2t6.14s 84T.3u 8W 647 87,117 tjiuoa Pans eo4.rv 6M4 2V ,667.4 itt Total "ii7ip Increase, locrrase 3V.lnJ la addition to the foregoing Cash aar ts the Bsaksbold foreign aad domestic Eacbaage to the extent of tbe respective fignraa apposite, aa compered with last week april 9. 1 April 8 Baak of Louiaiana MJn6 Canal Bank 908,. tM. Boa tli era Baak 64H.807 tolfni loaiiiana 8tate Bank 846679 866141 NtJM 85,466 Citluns' Bank s3.h 3ii Bank of New Orleans. sou.147 SKi.eis Cnion Bank 36' 448.f.s 4.1 aw;i0 were no Stock traaaactioiia to day.

Exchange waa in good demand to day, and the varket haa a decided teadeacy to stiffen. Sterling is scarce, and some bnslaem waa done in first clam same at 109 i tiaod Franca arc selling at, and some of the leading "drawers ask Sf.istfif.ll Sixty day bills on Hen York were pretty brisk at fct. diaconat. Check par. At the close aomoaaf the Bank asked a premium.

Short Sight 4ct diaronnt. From New Tork date are to last Tuesdsy. Tbe weekly Baak average show a further Increase in Leans, and a falling offin Specie, the former having now attalr.ed a figure at which tbey should be cut short. The following lathe comparative recapitulation 1 MortK 51. Mmrr 24 Loans 021 a a.oro.7M Epede 16.flus.710 7.3.TT.661 T.4 lpoa 75.6"J.6 7 i.ias.lu6 The Collins steamer of Wednesday last would probab'y take 81 000.000 ta l.SOO.OOO ia gold.

Brown Brothers Jt Co. wond despatch about half a million, and Belmont ISO. 000. Our Mobile neighbors are determined ta future net to be depeaoeat for trade oa the precarious navigation of rivers. They have made a bold push to extend the Ohio Railroad, and have already met with encourage ai nt enough ta absorb nearly the whole issue of half a million of tneeaae Bonds.

Tbe Bank and Insurance Companies have made the following subscription Hank of Boatbera Bank of Alaoama oo.ieo i miw usaranc ana srust Lo 2S.I uu aapcnana' inaotance Co imwvm imihk vJ. t.ity JanrsKC S0.U lit men's Insurance Co 10.000 mmr itwifwHa nm jumasi loianacc 10. um raiioi 10.0 martao jjocs aaa mutaai insurance Co 00 T0MJ X.IMU The Tribune aHdi that prirate subscriptions have been a.alt liberal, which, with tbe amount taken by public it acjaatlotis, leaves about iao.000 to be made up. This win be takea in a few days, and will enable tae company to iik ruau Mwuiinnn nut, oy tne la. Juiuai) Air.

J. Klllatt, Veterinary Margeea. No. a Ftrtlijo street, hca Orleans, dp WiU give his personal suenrtoa to the core ot cuarAses 01 buhui, COWS and other Aal mala. Hia lane ciiminr.

i tu, u. eampteceaeasof his establiaument, and the cbaractor 01 uia awuoia, guarantee mat proper atteatioa will gvea to ail animal entrusted to bis charge. tea with this establishment, tbere hi a large Le rmw wuw uuna caa oe taraea tense lo la ail cases care la warranted or no charge made. ie. if.

ri.i.iu rTlwtaAc) Vmi S. M. BXA0 odera m. at. REA0 odera for sale at his farm, a 1 1 am new ouru nosa.

Bear toe Hall Way .1 wuuv. itu, oiaca, ou ana dtowl 1 sDangoaii cocnin cnlnaa; Jiramah roouaa a Middleaex. Buflolk and Ozord.hir. fin The above Fowls and Figs are raised oa hia farm, froi the heat Imported stock, and are qaltc superior. Also, first rate doctor'a Horse and Buggy.

nJ tf Chaaae Isar Ksale, 1 1 i.iu in 1 new cat Railroad Arrangement, Iron, I Louisville n.y.,by the Jedcreoaville Rail read, via Cincinnati, by tbe Ooio ana Hi larpi Railroad, or via Indianapolis, by toe Beliefbntaia kteveiana Baiiroaa. to aaadasKy, Cleveland, BoSalo laeara, Plttstnue, Baltimore, Waahlngtoa City. Folia Wlctu. Ink. Btroutea are expeditious, and through Suva to any at ClaM raaaenger Trains leave the JeJersonvilk Sundays excepted,) to make san with Jada beyond.

ta carrying mil 11 1 SZXrJZZ;" LmtisvSJaafrom'S by lotrufrrag at the aii tae yie, ni' bckt 1. OFFICIAL, Usjch si, 180. THE follttwine person, ia tbe Third Repre aentative Itiatrict, having' been reported ts this office, as doing bosineas witbouta license, they are hereby ouned.thst unless tbey take out their license la oaa fram tnU date. I am directed ts Institute (alt lor th recovery of the license and fine COFFEE HOUSES THIRD WAR I. Manuel Fraacia, Front and Orsvier Francis Carocaa, Front and Oravier.

Samuel Bcbllger, Front and Poydrsa Jacob Boacl. Front and Foydraa. Adam Frank, Front, 09 Anthony Booif lea. Front and Larayett. Joba Abies, Front aad Sired.

Jamee Foley, Front, between Birod aad netre Dama raul Warner, alma ana ruiion. Anthony Gonsalee, Lafayette aad Faltoa. Feterealon. Potdraaand Fulton. era.

Voeelsinger, New Levee, Canal and Tehouplteole. Edward McCHrey, Itew LveeBna uoaiBBoa. Win Btoppenbagen, Nstcbta sad Tchoapitoolsa J. Robtitsch, a Poydrsa Peter J. Hontero, Poi dra and New Levee.

Peter Green. Lafayet'e and New Levee. Mrs. Mary Manning. 46 New Levee.

Patrick Levee. Timothy Dnrtev. 6 New Levee. Mich. Boy Ian.

Qirod and New Levee. John P. Betz, it Levee and Notre Dame. John Bolte, New Levee and Notre Dame. (rich.

Schurk, New Levee and i alia MrsC. Murrey or Jamea Brannon, Julll and Commerre. James Wall, Julia ant TchoopitouUs. John W. rVnobie.

87 Birod. Wm. West, 86 Oirod. Tbomaa Flioa. 83 6irod.

Patrick Carroll, Commerce and Qirod. Patrick Oirml. P. B. Buckner.

3 Commerce. fl. F. Mearn, Gravier and Tchonpiroulaa Jsmes Mar, Fovdrss and Tchonoltoulaae B. Fem.ndn, Glrod and Magazine.

Mich. Sullivan, 61 rod and Magazine. Getonimo Bebat, Jollssod Magazine. Btaftord, Batell A Common and Camp. Cbarlea Uflena, 8 Bank Place.

A. Wlnrkelman, ydraa and Magazine. Daniel Martinez, 61 rod and Camp. A. Doyl front street, betweea Foydraa and Lafayette.

F. Binet. St. H.

Strong. St. Charles. Iraute's A Bldwel'. St.

Charles. Frederick Roca, Pordras and Camp. John Raeeoburgb. PoyJrs. fedro OasTo.

or Salvador Pratts, Poydrsa and St Charles. Charles Bane 6 'rod and Sr. Mary. J. A.

Staiger. twocodre iara. Hevia Street. Joseph uslrr, eirod sod Carondtlet. Charles El ward, Carondelet.

Daniel Hickock. St. Charles. Hirbard (iaah, 8t. Charier.

Theophlle Fhacuer, comr Ferdido anJ St Charles. 8. las Chlrkering, PrrdiJo. Seo. Cullum A Gravier and Carondelet.

Rodrigues. Oravirr and Carondelet. Alexaader Perrelra, Canal aad Bananas. James Nelligan. eravler.

Manuel Csmos, Poydras and Baronae. John Sheensn, Girod and Baronne. J. Repellrr. Foydraa, near Baron ne.

William 1 1 land, Poydras BJd Baroane. Joeepu Fernaades, Baronne, near Poydrsa Victor SoodI, Foydraa, near Pena. J. Brasat. Poydraa, near Penn.

Antonio J. Domingo, Baronne and Perdido. Victor Gourrfl, Philippe and Per dido. Madam Harriet, Phtdppa and Oravier. Tbomas Joed Phlllppa and Srarier.

John Turboni, Phi'lpcaand Gravier. Etleane Masters, Poydraa and Circus. Jean Pradera, Poydras and Ctrcua M. Man in, Xoydrzsaud Pbllipps. Mauorl Floiino, Girod and Philippe.

E. A. Zunn, Girod ant Circus. M. Carao.

Julia and Circus. osto Ey barra, Julia, near Circus. Nicholas Gobrich, Julia, near Circus. John Schrader, Hevia sad Cfrcur. M.

O'Ooonell, Foydraa acd Clrcua Patrick Dowler, Pereido and CI ens. Antalae Ueapoato, 8t. John and Common. r. Lapeiio.

Julia and Sr. reter. 8. Gomea, Sr. John end Girod.

Miguel Conversln, St. John end Fcrdiilo. A. Corrie. 8'.

John and Gravier. M. Francisco, Sr. Peter and Common. H.

Haner. sr. Paul and Gravier. John Craven, Sr. Paul and Poydraa.

Malaeht Reile. St. Paul end Poydraa Jobu Pe ea, Julia and Sr. Peter. J.

A Julia and Sr. Peter. Poos, Julia and 8'. PauL Joseph Foo Joliaand Magnolia. Mrs.

Kelly, Hevia and Gtroode. Adam Harga ton. Poydras and Gironde. 8. raloiae, Perdido and St.

Paul. at. Barret, Common and Claiborne. Piilan iarvux, Claiborne, near Common. WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS.

J. Delra'lJe. 39 Front. Miller, 43 Pront. C.

M. Haivrv A Co. Poydrsa J. C. McNeil, 4 Poydraa.

L. M. Ualoo, 9 niton. John L. Veven, 4 Tbnwaf'artlen Wro.

N. Ghuolin. Common and (ew Levee. J. W.

D.xtd A I i Gravier. adwio Pergaaon. 14 Gravier. he. R.Djedy, Tcnaopltoular.

Juaepb bulukie. 14 Poydraa. w. a. uogan, 14 roydraa.

A. hitmg. 18 Povdrar. Kogera, MrGuire a 92 Povdraa. tAlrX.

Fiaal, Jc A 11Mh Jr TrhMinllMlMl Ce'oerwood, Girod and Commerce. A. KSi. a.T. bnutaiwaiaa.

N. A. bcburbel, Laiayetta sndTcboopltoalsa Pred. lbondlo, 7 Lafayette. C.

Nrahit. 61 Cummerce. Hainea A Ca, as Tebouptteulaa J. Riviere. 76 Tchoupitouias.

G. j. Batly 8i Common. E.aMuer A 9 Commas. J.

ftell a 19 Common. J. N. Ricn fi, CommoB. L.

Bertonnesu, 7 Tcbnupttoulsa John Turner, npltoolsa Harris. r.ortoq A Ca, 17 Tcboupitoniaa J. B. 40 Gravier. Vails A Ssrnboia, 83 Tcbonpftoalas F.

Rof ford, 27 Tchonpitoolas. T. M. Thayer, 46 Masannr. Chs Gir.l.lln A Tchonpitouiaa.

it. Boosano, 8814 Povdrs. M. Van Fleet A sou Poydras C. H.

Poumarat.S Pofdree. J. Satton A 34 Poydrsa. N. Hamlen, 36 Poydras.

W. H. Harrison A Magazine. J. M.

Savage A 4 Poydraa J. V. Ltndssy, 41 Poydras. A. F.

Poydras. Sbuln, Hadden A Letting, log Magatbae. T. S. Morgan.

4 Magazine. 'i lira W. 111 Tchoaplloulss. Tetlow Jacksvn.llg Tchnupitoulsa Taom. Fitzsimmon, 141 Tchoupiioalsa E.

L. E. nnet, 6M CnaL Taithy A Smith, 68 Gr.vier. Baron A Williams, 6Gravirr. W.

A C. Blanchard, 60 Gravier. L. Goldsmitb, Gravier and Bank Flars. J.

E. Caldwell A as Bank Place W. H. Hathaway. 19 Bank Flare.

J. H. Mo.fird A 83 Bans Place. J. J.

McMaben, 74 Camp. U. Horart A ea Camp. Benl. T.

Sael4 a Aatcbez. B. Vails, 73 Magazine. Jamea Turner. 76 Masazinr.

F. Adelmann. 79 Magazine. Stephen c. Mit hell, Poydrsa Levv a Son.

mera oaCamp. H. Dunba', 8 Camp. Comaen. Brothers, Si Csmp.

John A. Mite bill, 34 Poydraa, Martin Gordon. Camp. Avdlett A Gravier J. Ralney, Gravier.

Seulley a Gravier. Kraly, Gorman A Gravier. Geo. wlngfleld, Gravier. E.

A. Brldse. Gravier. Jsmes W. Barrett, Csmp.

B. S. Laogblln. Carondelet. B.

Totedano A Taylor, L'nlon. R. H. Chilton, St. Cnarles.

McLeroy A Bradford, Union J. A. To' lev. Union Sim th A Gale, Common Wright, Davenport A Gravier. R.

H. Frazer, Carondelet F. Fisher, Carondelet. Kd ward Jdnee, Carnndeltt. P.

8. Shaw, Caroadelet. Moses Greenwood A Carondelet. Stark A Ellison, Carondelet. r.

C. P. Car others, Carondtlet H. T. Greenwood, Carondelet.

Boring A Hsrvey, Union. Punt A Knspp. Carondelet McKay A Co Carondelet R. Robieu, Carondel.t. MISCELLANEOUS.

William Cooper. 3 Front sheet Iran J. A Thorn. Reed, Front sad Foidras, peddlers and retail O.

M. White, 63 Front steamboat sgenr. Jo a. K. Kellrgen.

66 Front potato dea'er. Horace Stack bouse, 65 Front, potato dealer. A. B. Bcbeferstiae, 66 FroBt, potato dealer.

Jao. Front potato dealer. Cbas. Front, potato dealer. Sam I.

Barnes. Fulton and Lafayette, potato dealers. C. Front Delta wsrehouse. Geo.

R. Beard, Front St Louis warehouse. Mrs, R. HaDS'n, Girod, near Fulton, dry grocer. no.

Abies, Girod, near Fulton, retail merchant. F. C. Brown. Girod and Front, eisar stand.

Wm. Constable, Fulton and Not re dame, dry grocer snd H. T. BBerman. Front, near Julia, lumber yard.

Thorn. Brady, Front and Julia, lumber lard. W. Lytle, Fulton, warebouse. Jca Corbett Fulton and Lafayette, boarding house.

C. 4V, Lytle, Fulton, wsrehouse. Rmerson, Edgar A 37, 39. Faltoa, warehouse. Tracv.

6 Povdraa. orodnee hmb. Psyten A Maiene, New Levee and Poydras, weigher and 11 C2, steamboat agenta. A J. T'ncbant, 9 New Levee, cigar store.

B. Lane, Gravier and New Levee, retail merchant Jonaa, 16 New Levee, wines snd Uouora. Wns SchmWt. 8 Tchoupltoulaa. prodace Broker.

Mrs Fogle, 30 Tchoopitoulaa, board log hooae. Johnson Rodd, 18 Poydraa, I team boat agent Wm. Crawford. 80 Pot dras. nuliir.

Cbas Brme.Tcboopitoulas and Natchez, tin, copper man nfactm v. Jamea Fit her, Commerce and Poydras, retail grocery and scab Cohen, 9 Poydras, retail merchant. James Fisher New Levee snd Poydras, boarding hoi Muoford Perks, 34 New Lcree, retail merchant Twin. Reed. 36 New Levee, retail men h.e Mrs Marv Manning, 49 New Levee, grocery snd boarding Tbomas Blms, 47 New Levee, retail merchant Riehsrl Reed, New Levee and Lafayetteetail merchant house vee ana ialeyette, boarding Emerson A Eigar, 44 and 49 New Levee, ware boose.

Patrick Hamiin, 66 New Levee, boarding house. Jna Core lea. 67 New Levee, oyster saloon. Timothy Dufl'y, 68 New Levee, boarding. I.

L. Brageon, Girod, retail merchant Jno. McRenaa, eo New Levee, oyster saloon, Ac Joo. Uuinlau, 68 New Levee, retail merchant ic hi. Boy Ian.

New Levee and Girod, boarding. Williams, 68 Common, manufactory. owen Rooer. Girod and New Levee, retail merchant I no. Corll'.

Girod and M.w I panL Heiibronner. 17 New Levee, retail merchant Jl rit.w LtTt' oyster sal 00a re, oyster bop Mrs Freo 8 lver.74 New k.i...i Jopa Botlmaa, 74 New Levee, corjee bouss s'ad board Le Notredame. boarding hooae. A. Dovle.

New Levee aiwi ninU IZT Jbo1, New Levee sad Notredsme, boarding house. KrV and. Notredaras, retail cigar F. M. Tnarae, Commerce sad alia, Eaete warehouse.

James Wsli, Julia aad Tchoupltoalas, VVeetera Verandah. a. vsra, iau zcapupicouiae, reiau apotnecar. 1 1 i nwian. AunMf iwuiw, rvtau cigar i mere Bant, W.

Rnotvecn. 176 Tchauoltoalaa. retail mercliknt Jao Mac her, 170 Tcboopitoulss, beardiBg hoose. Thomas Steeo, 11 Nvtrcoamo, wine and Ufaor. G.

ClaaW VrSt New Levee, retail merchant J. A. GolKrlBa. as New Levee, retail mere baa tr 1 Dora, araav. ia jbiib.

MBMrinL M. TournNotredam and wsra bouse. Jeo. Birod, boerdiue houssi Willldm et 86 Girod, boarding bouse. Patritk CarroU, Girod and Commerce, UBpinl and board.

Parricl Lee. 9 61roi. boa'dlng bouss. J. Cosgrove A Boylo, lad Tcaoooitoulaa, saddle stars.

P. Walib. 16 Tchaupitoulaa, aaiidl. atore. W.

F. Walsh. 184Tchoupiloulas, boarding bouss. Mrs, Mary Houston, 183 Tchoupitooisa, boarding house. Mrs.

Msry Burke. Ill Tchoupitouias, boarding bouse, Mr. R. Nelson, 114 Tcnoupitoalaa, bosrdlBg bouse. MicnL Murray, 104 Tcboupitouiaa.

retail merchant Was. B'ooka, Lafayette aad TchoapUoulaa, prodace Donnelly, Kg Tchoupitouia, boarding hoose. J. W. Thompson, 81 Poydrsa, retail merchant Hugh McClelend, 19 Poydras, dealer la salt' M.

Downey, 9 Commerce, tee house. J. Bocklus, 45 Canal, retail merchant Jarvis A Woodman, Magazine aad Common, spotbe rariea. R. H.

Randolph, 3ft Common, apothecary. J. M. Angura, 17 Common, broker. Jno r.

BlcEniry, Tchoupltoalas and Common, retail mer chant Isaac Bridge, 83 Magazine, com on re ban Isaac G. Seymour. 39 Gravier, Bulle Putlog A. Weber, Natchez and Magazine retail merchant! Mills, 64 Magazine, retail merchant Jose Domingo, Arcade Hotel, retail clfr tore W. J.

Preemaa A 46 Magazine, retallmerchaat Beard A May, Arcade buildiog, eortlers. W. Baynham, 43 Marizlne, retail merchant Jno. Bees A 80 flsgszlns, retail tae reliant. D.

C. Lowber, 87 Poydras. produce Benedict. 36 Poydraa. produce broker.

James Mm? TeBoupltoulas aad Poydraa. cigar atSBd. 67 Tchoupitouias, ateamboat agenU Wrigh? A C. 4 Foydrateamboat agent Childa. 46 Poydrse, stesmbost sgeot 6 Gorman.

40 wlrod, boarding house. Girod near Tcboupitoulag, retail mer IsaaehBUMorris. Girod and Tchoupitouias, retail merchant Fernandez, Girod and Magazine, retail sTOcer. Cbsa Gsllegbar, Girod near Ma( azine, boarding bouse. Jna Kevensgn, Notre Dame and Tchoupitouias, retail merchant Anthony Vlzzard.

188 Magazine, retail merchant. Terrell Bidley, Magszine near Glrod.retail merchant Geo'ge Mack. 173 Magazine, retail cirar store. P. M.

Toonrf, Tchoupitooisa snd Notre Dsme, Rio ware oouae. Jna Goodln A Co ,63 and 64 Julia, molsase refioery. UtMBimo Bebaa. Magszine and Julia, one billiard table a family grocery. Stattord, Kartell A Commoa snd Csmp, City Hotel.

Albert Dodge, 10 Camp etreer, retail merchant C. Daggan, Commou and Camp, tetail merchant H. Hoard, rvw Common, retail merchsnt P. Barrett, bi Common, retail merchant. R.

B. Bytes. 44 auctioneer. Bern aid Tarpin, 47 magazine, auctioneer. H.

llanvln. ino Camp, retail cigar store. Mrs Margt Gamann, ley) Camp, undertaker. I. Ceroux, 168 Csmp.

retail merchant E. Murnhy, sgent.Utrod and Csmp, wsrehouse. Joseph Lpef, G'rod sear Camp, oyster shop. Thorn. W.

VanBuren. 166 Magazine, boarding bouss. A. Delagrave, 173 ftlagziue. warebonae.

V.WagoiC, 116 Julia, retail cigar store. Amsr A Bro Camp and Julia, retail merchant Mrs L. Welsh, til Camp, boarding house. Mortimer Turner A Camp near Julia, coal Be J. M.

Murphy, 814 Camp. Intelligence ofhee. Wm Hlaey, lr Camp, piano fiitte store. Isaac Bogsrt 32 Bank Place, produce broker. Gen Edmonds, 30 Bans riace, amp oroaer.

A. B.; Bank Place, tugix broker. E. Halt id JJank Place.

Texas land agent H. J. BudiugtJn, 86 Bank Place, broker. William Brown, 6 Gravier. ship broker.

W. R. Morcom, II Bank Place, broker. W. Lonswortb, 86 Bank Place, rrtail merchsnt Pelts Office 76 Camp, protiogoai e.

Cresceal OHi 70 Camp, printing office. Flcayuue Ortice, 66 Camp, printing tfacc J. B. Steel, no Camp, retail merchant ProTinaial Insurance 4Camp, insurance agency United Stares Ibsursnce 48 Camp, Insurance agency. 8 H.

Oilman, 31 Natchez, Boston steam engine sgent Jna B. Borgen, 75 Magazine, retail furniture. Jaa Warner A Ca, 77 alszer'ue, retail merchants, a f. l.v ui at. zinc, retail merchant Mrs C.

F. Bieeel, Poydraa and Magazine, boarding bouse, fetcr Jackaon. roaraa. retail mrnuuh Jno. Btieuc, 76 Poydraa, boarding houSi.

Jaa Coates, 80 Poydras, restaurant Adam Ca. 98 Camp, Adam '1 express O. P. Milltr. sgent, Csmp, Granite insurance ca C.

C. Letbrop, agent, fi Camp. New York inaurancs ca I v. iRtnl lniarauci ca Harmon. Latham A Camp Creole printing office.

B. Kow lssi, yd ana uap, rwiau ncruiaii. J. Gieecke, 66 Povdrss, retail mercbaut W. H.

Waters 63 Poydraa, retail mere Bant t. aa Pnailraa. eaaaic orrss printing Office. Roaa Voong. f.

w. Lafayette near Camp, eating bsuse. Jno. MrCatley. 134 uamp.

ra'aii nen.wu.w Ctii Ccrbio. 13 Camp, retail mercnenr. Jno. l. Bacb, Lataya'te near camp reiau mrrcoanr.

W. Long, Meg'" near ui. Dat.iel Maninez. Csmp snd Girod. grocery snd clgsra.

8 Gerbmiller. 170 Camp, jeweler and watchmaker Mr a Mra Wm. Cleiand, 170 Camp, intelligence oihe. Anthony Oiablie. lo4 Camp, fruit aud cigar J.

Rvbfrltcb, Poydraa, boarding bouae. Rofan. iMc6oie a 88 Fnyoraa, steamboat a eata tt lAMcGinnise. 36 Camp, tetailer. JaooeLSeggt, 36 Camp, priottng office.

Mr. hJKina. Canto, cisars'ore. Edgifon Hart, 7 Camp, retailer. M.

rlabn. 9 retailer Huguee A Riley. II Camp, retailers. Ben net A Boatwick, Camp, retailers. E.

Dix, Common, Broker. E. Simon A Co Common, retailers. Mr. Orlicb.

Common. 8 billiard tablea. A. Hernaad tit. Cbarl.s, retail cigar atore M.Elmore, Bt Ci.ailea, retailer.

Robert Bowles, St Charles, retailrr. E. aavanaugu. bt Cbarles. retaircigsr atore.

pLl'ipa A Morse, 8t Cbarlea, rrtail clothing. Mrrcbanta Iuau ance Company, 103 Canal. Widow Taylor, Canal, boarding house. 6. B'uce, Canal, retailer.

H. Palhey, Camp, broker. Gen. B. Bowditcb, Camp, oroker.

T. D. Hailea, Camp, broker. E. A.

Tyler, Camp, retail piano tone u.ait Cima. re'ailer. Strrman A narton. Camp, printing olhre. Dean.

Gravier. orotrr. H. Loudis. Gravier, retailer.

J. Nann, Gravier, retailer J. A. Sherman, corner 8t. Charles snd Brevier.

William Syer. St CD sr. oeox aucuoueer. Riaar Sr Charge, restaarant. Tbomaa R.

Nichols. St. Cbarlea, billiard tablea Mra Jaaepb ruernj, corner timp ana utroa, reiaiirv. Ramon Deaclooe, Bt Cbarlea, retail cigar store. Thomas Rafael.

St Charles, pawn broker. J. Durourneau, corner St Charles and Gravier, retailer. Kndrrlln ructis, uravier, reraiier. J.

E. Toarnie, Gravier, auctioneer. Theodore Bleder, Gravier, retailer. Joseph Etter, Gravier, printing otiice. J.

Aabbrldge. Gravier, ship broker. J. Peliowea, Gravier. retailer.

John McNeil. Gravier, retailer. Ceok.yoong a. Co lamp, rnuting onice. 8t Amant A Ca.Csmp, retsilers Tbomas Dikers, Commercial Alley, broker.

F. R. iulhinajd, Commercial Alley, broker. H. M.

Robioson, Comm rciai Alley, brcker. Henry Sewell, Commercial Alley, coal sg'bt M. fister, St. Charles, reta ler. I.

Knapp. St, retailer. M. H. Bayden, St Charles, retailer.

M. Psrdeils, St Charles, mailer, H. Clariare. Grav'er, retailer. A.

Bonuerall. Gravier, broker. McLuaker, Gravier, coal agent. John Bebrecs, Camp, ret a. I cigar store.

8. A. Duncan, Camp, printing office E. T. More bead.

Camp, printlog office. Joseph Meyers, Poydraa retailer. J. N. K11U, Poydraa, retailer.

61. McRenzie, Poydraa, oysters In shells. W. McLuakey, P.ydras, retailer. Jacobs, Poydras and 8t Charles, retstler.

B. luisnd, 8t Charles, retailer. limn, Br Chariea. board bouse. Rtcr ard Mu.pby, Bt Cnarles, restaarsat and ten pin alley.

Antonio Castro, Bt Chsrles, retail cigar (tore. J. Calxer, Sr. Cbarles, theatre and bar room. r.

Ronzette, 8t Cbarles. retsiler. Olive Martial A St. Charles, retail cigar store, I T. Hinton, Commercial Alley, printing office.

P. Colas, Commercial Alley, retailer. J. B. Leefe, Commercial Ailry, broker.

Frederick Roca, Poydras, restaurant, John Diedricb, Poydraa, theatre snd bar room. J. Potter, Poydraa, retailer. J. T.

Sullivan Poydras, retailer. Dr. Vaodzant, Sr. Charles, apothecary. Dr.

Angel, St Chsrles, apothecary. Dr. West, St. Charles, 1 privste carriage. W.

Bragg, Camp, contractor. T. B. Winston, Northjrreet, private carriage. Mrs.

Hoard, North street, boarding bouse. Mrs. Marshall, Camp, retailer. Horace Hatby, Camp, retailer. W.

H. Bein, Camp, contractor. Salvador 8 kern I a Camp, oysters in shell. Mra Mcllhenny Csmp and Julia, retailer. BU.

DI.LW.,,u.i A. Givens, St. Chariea, contractor. John Cavanaugb A 8t Cbarles, contractors Ssmoel L. PorgaV, Julia, contractor.

Jsmes Condon, Julia, l.very stable. Hall A Heileritb, Julia retailers. John C. Weber, Julia and Carondelet. retsiler.

Marth Marsin, Carondelet, wood yard. H. Horton, Carondelet, retailrr. Joseph Poa'er, Girod and Carondelet, grocery. Mrs.

C. Sioromb, 146 St Charles, private carriage M. Barret, St. Cbarles, contractor C. Duprest, St.

Cbarlea and Poydraa, retailer. H. Morrison, Poydras, fruit stand. B. Beidon, Poydras.

coal and wood yard. J. A J. Davidson, Carondelet, contractors Alfred Sherman, Caroadelet, retail merchant A. Wagner, St.

Chariea. retailrr John Masiuuia, St. Cbarlea, printing office. Daniel Hlckok, St. Charles, restsutsnt Richard Nash.

St. Charles, restaurant ar. El lot, Perdido, veterinary doctor 1 Ferdido, warehouse. Herman Traub, Poydras, retail cigar store. Tbomaa Markee, Poydraa, liquor by bottle, grocery M.

Monteitn Poydraa, retailer. W. 1. P.rcella, Poydraa, retailer. M.

Bremmiag. Poydras, beer hooBe. W.lScbuten, Poydras, retailer J. Aedrew, Poydras, intelligence office. W.

B. Phillips, St Chsrles steamship sgent Larry A Phtll'pa, St Chariea, retailers. J. C. Hewev, Do.

00, broker. Duboia A Micb, Unioo, livery stable. F. Ashleman, Pe'dido, retailer. Wnr.

Allen, bt Cbarlte. inruranre agent Samuel Mrore, 8. Chsrles, broker. Blair Wilts, St Charles, brokers. Ben Kittridge, br.

Chariea, retailer. M. M. Miller, Gravier, 14 billiard tables. J.

C. Martin, Gravier. retailer. 49 Legandre A Woodruff, St varies, brokers. C.

ttlcholls, Bt Charles, steamboat agest Vraucisco A. Rueile, 8t. Chariea, retailer. J. B.

Brumlrss. St. Charles, retailer. Wm. Uarbridge.

8t Charles, retai er. H. A. Aldricti, Common, cottnn broker. lobo Oxnard, Commoa, broker Mlllenre A Pa'mparre.

Common, broker. H. Laorence.Caroodelet, cotton broker. A. Bradley, Carondelet, cotton broker.

John Hlddleston, Carondelet cotton brokta, Prevuat A Carondelet, cotton broker. M. House, Carondeletrretailer. H. Gilliugham, Gravier, retailer.

M. Mernam, Gravier, 8 bllliartt table. F. Lacroix, St Charles, retailer. S.

Ham met, St. Charles, retsiler. L. Herts, St Chsrles, rrU laf. Peter Cunrev.

Br. Chariea. nmbee 111 J. Abrainaon, Sr. Cbarlea, broker.

8aa.aelH. Peck. St Cbarles, retsiler." Boutbern Bank.Sr. Cnarles. free bsnk.

E. i. Muygridge, 8t Chariea, book agent M. Fehreabacb. Canal, niano fat ta atnrr J.

A. Keliar, Canal, retailer. Union Bank, Canal, free bank. F. A.

B.elman.Cmel. retailer. dt Vincent. Canal, conectionarv. B.

F. Conner, Carondelet cottoo Broker. L. F. Kermsn Carondelet cotton hmk.

J. W. TutbUt Carondelet cotton broker. Jules 8c bermee. Carondelet.

cotton Broker I Gueria ASaricbez.CadeUtcottoabrakaSB, eMfner A Lovell. Com man ahln bmkar. Dr. Msax, Cararadeiet, private carriage. Dr Compcaa.

Carondelet yrivate carriage. Dr. Feaner, Carondelet, private carriage. Loais Paroole', Carondelet retailer. Lsrirrn A McCall, Caroadeler, cartaa broker.

P. Wleaa. I'MnrAla P. M. Tauraa ltae Jahs Lau la.

rrtl lit. Mercer, Canal, prirste carrisg. Alfred Jops, Caronrfe'et, cot hl.Rocu,Grav.eraiid aaronu, 1 P. Coflev. Common and Btronns.rocery,U nor bybetUe.

Thomas'Foster, Common, slave yard C. Lauarke, Common, sieve ysrd. J. Riuk, Baronne and Union, livery stAoie. retailer.

Benanel, Grsviar and Baronae, retell fc 0 Eichorue, Gravier, retailer. 1 N. E. Sharp, Gravier, stsve yard. Scott tn.

Gravier, cake store. James Ssnford, Gravier, cock pit, Prisbeen. trravier, slave ya i H. B. Beech, Carondelet and Union, retails A SchellmaB, Perdido, retailer.

D. Felger, Perdido, retailer. Chsrles Smith, Perdido, retsiler. M. Gabbe, Perdido, retstl cigar stone.

Miss Batb, Foydraa. retailer. D'Nieza, Poydras, retailer. D. Nomaker.

Poydraa retailer. Brewster A Phillip. Carroll, warehouse. Morell A Poydrsa, retailer. Mra Clark, Poydras, retailer.

Dr. Vial, Carondelet, private carriage. Dr. Plrtan. Carondelea, private carriagw.

Dr. N. Hunt Carondelet, private carriage. D. C.

Beard, Carondelet, private carriage. M. Pero. Baronne, Joseph Gonzales, Baronne, cigar store. D.

Trsvers, Poydras, retsiler. G. Alexsnder, Poydraa. retsiler. Clement Dupre, Poydras, Mrs.

Morton. Poydras, retailer. W. Derhridge, Foydraa, Giant, Girod, apothecary. G.

Gentillnn.Oirod snd Baronne, retailer. Mi CIHalH Jnll. anrf T.Mrul.l. vatallae Mra Scohy, Phlllppa and Girod, grocery, liquor by the oertie. Arroitrong A Ca, Baronne.

contractors, F. Macbiner, Poydras, cocfectionsry. 1 Joseph Ward, Foydraa, grocery, liquor by bottle. Pierre Ladoux, Poydraa, re'ailer. B.

Rooalskl. Poydrsa. retailrr. Plane f.adonv. fovdraa.

neater honae. Patrick Ryan, Philippa and Hevia, gocery and liquor by sortie. J. Fields, Baron ns, coal yard. J.

T. Johnson, Baronne, contractor. G. Dopre A Boaville, Poydraa, retailers. Victor Gordnri, Poydras, 1 billiard table.

Pater Haas, Poydraa. retailer. Cbristisn Dese, foydraa, retailer Hunt Rennet Perdido, livery stable. Madame Hamlet, Phlllppa A Gravier, restaurant C. F.

Hatcher, Gravier, (lave yard. James Mebaa, Baronne, retailer. D. Wise, Baronne, alave yard. H.

Wilioz. baronne, coo fectionary. Madame Fournier, Baronne, retailer. W. T.

Dsvis. Canal, retailer. M. Bsston. Gravier, livery stable.

T. Roto, Pbiltppa snd Gravier, dry grocery. S. Rice. Philippe, livery stable.

O. Fernoir. Philippa coal agent M. Steva. Circus, wines and liquors.

M. Steva Circos, retailer. 1 rs. MrCluskry, Circus, retailer. J.seph Roes, Circos, retailer.

A utonio Astredo, Circus, restaurant W. Hart Circus, grocery, liqnor by bottle. Etienne Mast ere, Fovdrss end Circus, 1 billisrd table. oseph Hamburger, Poydrsa, retsiler. Pierre Garro.

Poydras, retailer. Loais Prttsche, Poydras, retailer. H. Gesler, Poydras, grocery, liquor by bottle. A.

Francois A Poydraa, grocery, liquor by bottle. IMniel Cosnn, Poydraa, retailer. Alley, ydres. retailer. Mrs.

Mary Fitzgerald, Phlllppa, grocery, liqior by bottle G. F. Abadie, Circus, retailer. It E. Maveman, Circus, grocery, liquor by bottle.

L. Bordeubel mer. Circus, retailer. M. Myer, Circus, retsiler.

M. Wbowe, Circus, retailer. Mr. McMabnn, ritcos, grocery, liquor by bottle. Berraud A Guchrron (8 stons).

Circus, retalers Michel Rose, Cirma, oysters, shell. ereorge Reiuhsrt, Circus, coufectlousry. George Ciine, Circus, retailer. Auguate Nutter, Circut, grocery, liquor by bottle. A.

Willbeit. Circus, retailer. R. D. Zayes, Circus, retailer.

Mr Wright, reus, confectionary. Mra Owene. Circus, grocery, liquor by bottle. Tbomaa Wililanaa. Clrcua, retailer.

Ramon Robert, Clrcua. cigar atore. P. Jenron. Circus, oysttr house.

Zobn, CUcua retsiler. Justo Eybarra. Julia, near Circus, grocery rter rerner, Julia, near Clrcua, retailer. Hare. A Julia, aawmllL E.

Blanc, ulia, brick dealer. Geo. Sand ford. St, John, lumber yard. T.

Morrla, St John, con' rsctor. Mr. Bradbury, Ginid, oil merchsnt Mitchell Clohsrt, St John snd Cirrti. dry grocery. Francis Clark, St confectionery.

Mra. Atkinaoo. St John, grocery and liquor by bottle. J. Tt'omaa, St Jobn, retailer 1 bomaa KilbrielitCiicue, grocery snd liqnor by bottle, A.

Conaut Girod, sods water factory. F. A. Cnsnt, Girod, privau carriage Dr. Cowlra, Circos and Hevia.

aoothecarv. J. ft. Klcbelberger, Clrcua, rootractor. M.

HnHniaeter, a'lrcua, confectionery. Jobn 8cbradcr, Circos. grocery. Mra Uonapban. nydrsa, near circus, low groggery.

M. O'Doonell. Poydrsa. Bear Circu. arocare.

John flnnegan; Circns. retailer. J. C. Welder'eydraa and Circus, grocery and by John Mara, Poydraa and Clrcua, retailer.

Komin Lo 'irmr, ui cus, cigar store. 11 Lee, Circus, retsiler. Mrs Fitzgerald, Circus, retsiler. Dr. 8.

bail i. Circus, private bospitaL Dr. 8 Cballl I. Clrcua. private carriage; N.

R. Schneider, Circus, beer M'me Fersnd, Bt John And Gravier, grocery and liquor Jry bottle. Mr. Benton, Common, retailer. John Caaaier, Common, cigar atore.

Aususte Cbeval, Common, confectionery. A. Garnett, Rampart and Common, livery stable. Spear. Rampart, auctioneer.

Josepb Font, Julia and Bt John, grocery and Honor br bittle. O. A. Sandford, Julia, lumber yard. P.

Capeilo, Julia and St Peter, grocery. 0. Gomez. St John and Girod, grocery. arocery and Uquor by bottle.

M. Msrrelias. Poydrsa snd St. Peter, grocery and liquor, by bittle. W.

Ryan, Perdido and St Peter, grocery and liquor by bottle Jobn Casey, Gravier and St Peter, grocery and" liqnor by O. Falmparre, Common, lumber yard. M. Franciaco, St. Peter and Common, grocery.

8. 8 Audrewa, Bt Peter and Gravier, oysters S. A. Tinnermsn. 8 Paul and Gravier, grocetT Sod qaor by bott'e T.

Wstrnnao, St Paul, sods wster P. Wells, St Paul and Common, grocery and liquor by bottle. Dr. Hymef. St Paul and Gravier.

aoothecarv. Joseph Nixon, St Paul and Gravier. cootractoa r. Binurr. anta anner, rerailcr.

M. Marks. Perdido and St Paul, oyatera M'me Ltn, Perdidn and St. Paul, grocery. George Williams St Peter and Poydras, retaila r.

P. P. Welsh, Paul and Poydras, grocery and Uquor by Cstbsrrue O'SsUivsn, St Peter, nest Foywrss, grocery snd liquors. G. Johnson, Girod and St Psul, Brocery and liquor by bottle.

H. Blakesley. Girod and Sr. PaaL, coo'ractcrr. U.

lakt.l. 1 I tit 1 J. B. Vallette, Julia and St. eter, grocery and liquor by J.

C. Jones, Jul! and S. Peter, wood vard. J. A.

Sandford, Julia and Cedar, lumber yard. Marter, Julia and Pine grocery and liquor by bottle. Patrick Noon, Jolia, near Meaooha, coal and wood yard. P. Voonabaoa.

Julia. Zaear Marnalia hrirfcr AmXmw Joaeoh Font Julia near Maenolia amearw mi. w. may auu nnis, grocery ana liquor John Mar tenon, Freret and Hevia, grocery and Uquar by N. Restant, Hevia and Gfronde, grocery and liquor by bottle.

Mrs Golden, Perdido and Oironde, grocery and liquor by bottle. Conrad Bteln, Gravier, near Bt Paul, beer fasmse. M. J. Gsllscber.

Gravier. near Sr. Pani Jobn O.Brien, Freret snd Perdido, cotton, piokery. Jobn Sullivan, Gironde and Perdido, grocery and liquors. ratnea patina, roynraa ana bc siary, girocery ana uquom.

P. Boyle. St Mark and Gravier. ameerw and liouora James Nelson, Common, near bt. Mark, arocerr and liauora M.

8 Conley, Common, near 8t Ffark. xrocerv and H. Hulrs. Common, near St Mark, ret slier. H.

W. Sbetrlneton. Gravier and Msd dine, drv aimam Mra 8 bean. St Madeline, near zavier. erocerv and llanora John Hacket, Magdaline and Con mm.

erocerv and 1 auors. Tbomas Cullom, 8t Adeline end Ci immon, grooery and Riesluod. Julia near Roman, dalrvz. a Nicholas hum mer. Jn ia near Jab aann J.

B. Gamind, Canal and Franklin, grocery and liquors Mrs Biglchar, Treme and Canal, re xailer. John K. Dohan. Treme and Canal, grocery and liquor.

aia. nwuu, avuuiavg aaa baoai, larivate carnsre. Maison de Santf, Claiborne and Caoal, private hoapitaL Mra. Straoaa, Claiborne, near Canal, private carnage Henry Bee be. Claiborne, near Canal, private carnage.

D. Senglair, Roman, near Canal, privata carriage. D. Senglair, Roman, near Canal, contractor. Meraeill.

Common and 51 arai mrn Hnnn, Mra. McCormlrk, Jackson and VUlere, grocery and liquor. v. mera, palmer. 4.

Wm. Nolan. Common and Gtobertson, grocery and liquor. T. w.

Fsulckner, Claiborne, near Common, apothecary. O. Vaoehel, Claiborne and Jackson, grocery snl liquor by bottle. Jobn Rice, Claiborne, near Jackson, retailer. Jobn W.

Maguire, Claiborne, near Jsckson, privste car Mrs, a Hrrauaa Claiborne, near Jaekton, dry grocery. Joseph Schanchel, Claiborne snd Palmyra, oystera nsnoei oiausten, Utrbigoysnd Palmyra, grocery snl liquors. Mrs. Kinney, and Jackson, grocery nd liauora Jacooea Laurent, Palmyra and Roman, grccery and John Hyle, Claiborne and Common, b.ick dealer. "tmai otranr, aomag ana common, wood yard Mitchell Roes, Roman and Paimyra, giocery and liquors.

Widow Sullivan. Jobnaon. and rnmmAn Mra. McDonnell. Galvez.

near Palmyra, wood yard. John Wbite, Gravier and ilolivnr, grocery and fiqnors. Tbomas White, Bolivar, near Grarler, grocery and iiquora Louis EataulL Poydras. near Bertraad, da'ry. 13 cows.

Robert Crawford, Poydras, ntar Bertraad, groceries and ilauora. 1 avler Simeon, Poydras, neat Be brand, groceries an BP4 W. H. GARLAND. Treaanrer.

liwst or ffllslald. aa by J. Aw Benjamin, DRAFT, drawn March 88 11184, l. at twelve months, on sad accepted by Messrs. Cle land Broa A Ca.

in favor of A. L. Sloan, tne an, aa i ve Itie public la cautioned against nurchaaing a. id draft, aa rs ay meat has beea stopped. The finder will plesaerdelit ei ap6 tf 60 Carondelet tree Daniel Edvrartta, 1 Successor to Twihlll A Edaaarrla.l Nna 88.

30 snd 38 New Levee. and 87. 99 and si Pnia. a Ma" a wncn va tlD LlOn Of 'fJOOOe r. Tin.

Sheet Iron and Brass Work. H. i. a riMiia.nrnarD to contract for the mazing of Steam Trains, Clarifyinit au. Biflrn(Hiw xfroxes, Botx everv thing appertaining to tbe Sugar House.

A seneral assortment of Steam Gaueea. Btaam VFhta tlea, Braaa Cocks, Coupling Valves, Ac, constantly oat He would call the attention of n'aaier. tk. Trains, which have been in successful operation en tha pienrations ai ou n. ajamp, mears.

8. T. Harriaoa. E. J.

Fnratall. Nelson Donelann. Osgood A Lawrence. W. A Stackhouse.

A. Tbomoaaa A Co. aad I. va stall, of this city a ta whom be reapectully refers for full particolsra mbas Im EXCHANGE ISaw York, Cinclntatl. ssbingtozt, Loauville, Baltimore, a.

Louis. Richmond, Chicago, Cbariestoa, AaaUu, Texas, a For tale by UDSON A Bankers, F4 So ly corner Canal aad Camp New Orieaaev Dr. J. 8. Clark.

HAS retained and may be found at baa rooms, over th Union Rank, of lasaiilsna, No. 1IU Canal ttrast a. 1 0S nAVVrTiuJ AND MATAGORBA j7, O. 8. Mail Line The steamship a.MXICO.

John V. Lawless, commander, osil as above nn THDRSOAT. the lath at o'clock at psaaia MORGAN, foot of Julia street, opposite tbe Stesm.blo Landing, sa Shipper will please provide themselves with tbe I tesmer's bil of lading. other form will be signed. taw v.

atria. NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS glASnorur i ror i. ava a. via Havana ine new apieaaia naevnen steamship LAC a Witzius, jaa. acasubip nnai.B wrmjv, mander.

will leave her wliart First District, on Wr.DNES DAT. the 86th Inst, st o'clock A. M. For freight or D. Bulloch, com oassage apply to JAB.

tonBULi at agenta. aa t.u., agenta, 44 Poydras street. ap9 Fieri dri. iVfifiaa MAIL. FOB.

The new atr (T7and elegant steamship ST. LAWRESCE, aWaaaBBkaraaacarTying the U. 8 Mali, will leave for Pensa cola, Apalachlcoia, St. Cedar Tampa and B.rj Weat, on WEDNESDAY, April 11th, at 9 o'clock A. BT ror rreigutor paaaaarc app.j W.

TEMP LETON. 76 Camp street. tnnsr California. srw nm.iiNS AND CALIFORNIA Bteamsbip Line, via Mlcaragua Only twelve i.nrt er.v.i rar nan ah. uaniiKi, r.aai e.rv.

umaa. eommsnding, will lesve fjr Point Arenas on SATURDAY. April 14tb, st o'clock A. connecting st 8sn Josn del Bur wltn the solendia stesmsnip uncie oam. apply to ape, ii er.

ar Passe tigers by this line go through ts San Francises regularly in twe.nty aaya i Vera rmttrui crdz n. fl. Mall Line The m.w m.oniricant ateamahiD ORIZABA, TWnu Fnrh. a. enmmander.

Will leave for Cruz oa SATURDAY, April 14lh, at 8 o'clock A. paBCtually, carrying tbe O. 8. Mai la For freight or passage, having elegant accommodation for cab La and steerage paasengers, apply to HARRIS A MORGAN foot of Julia street opposite the Steamship Landing, asr Passengers must provide themselves with pamporti from the Mexican Consul. gar No freight will be received without an order fron the erev ta aP Fare Kertared.

Cabin Psassse to New York, Twenty Dollara VHnU I111L9 BLAlLi ZjlLa. Hem. au.blw Kaw Vnrb and Savannah steam In new ana spienuia Karc FLOrTlDA, 1800 tnns Cspt M. 8. WoodhuU, ALABAMA, 1300 toss.Capt.

G. R. Bchenck, AUGDSTA, 1600 tons Copt Lyon, B.NOXVILLE, 1600 tons Copt C. D. Ludlow, will leave Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATUB Tbese ship are among the largest on the coast, nnsur passed In speed, aafoy or comfort, making their passage.

In 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skillful, carefu. snd polite officers. Having elegant state room accommo datlons, they otter a mo', deal rsola conveyance to New Sort Cabin PaasairL S3 Itaerag. rey Agents in Savanna SAMUEL L. MITCHELL.

is Broadway, New York. Savannah, November 17, 1 km. Fur Uedttced. ffffc CHARLESTON STEAM AEB.ETS SEM NASHVILLE, 1600 tonal J5" Berry, commander. MARION, 1 sou tons W.

Foster, commander. JAMES C. Turner, commander. SOUTHERNER, 1000 tons Thos. D.

Ewati rommaadez Leave Adger a Wharves every WEDNE8DAY and SArURDAY sfternooa, alter the arrival of the cars front XntVetraMfwere built expreasly for thla line, and for safety, comfort and apeed are unrivaled on the Coast Tablea supplied with every Icanry. Attentive aud coor teoos commanders will ensure travelers by thla Hue ever; poatble comfort snd accommodations. gor treignt or aat.ugjKiiw. i a. modations, apply to rj a.

niaonvv jeia Charleston, 8. 8 Cabin raeaage LhstrlestoB Jfhliadeiptala. Through la 46 to 60 Fare SiO, meals Included AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINK. Steamship (gUAJLCR CITY, H. Hodgson, commander lAn faina hnrthen.

Tha aharenevaod tnaanlflcentsteamsblp boilt expresaly for thla route, la one of tbe lareeat on the American coast, an truasuj psased if equsled for speed, strength, comfort or sccom modation. Sailing Day From Charleston loth, sot Ivand 30th day of each month From Philadelphia 6th, isjlan 8Mb day of each month Axeata la Philadelphia, zlEROA a MAKT1A, 3714 North Wharves. Agents In Charleston. flrq HOLMES A 8TONEY, Boyre A Wharf. FOR BALE, toiether or tn port The boll of the ateamahlp ClNCl A VL Would a firar rata tbree maatrd schooner of bark, and coold be fitted out at a very small coat Also, a large low prereore BOILER, nearly new, made bv Armstrong, oi Etav vririna.

Also, a good low pressure ENGINE.foscillating.) which can be seen on Board the vessel, lying at Algiers, above Canal street Ferry nftTI J. E. V0BE. 77 Poydras street FOR SALE A light draugrt steamer, built for cotton, of the capacity of 100" bales, 130 leet long, two years out. rot terms apply to apt tl Ti L.

BNAPP, 37 Front street. bTEAMBOAT MaRIT FOLEY FOR SALE Toe well known stsuorb built stesmbost MARY FOLEY is offered for saie oa liberal terms, ror lurtner lniormauon aas con ditions of sale, apply to LOW! A CHABPENT1ER, 83 Customhouse st OP All persons having claim against (Bid boat w' please make known the amount to Mrv mhiO Im LOB IT A CHARPETfr Towboau for Bale." The trrwhoata DE SOTO. LOUIS VI and PKRBIAN for sale low. These bos are well found, and readv for bosineas. Fo terma.

Ac. apply at tne xowooat umce, si zioyai aLiecu rohl8 1m HTF.AMBOAT FOR SALE or sale. STEAMBOAT, built for the cotton trail now two rears old and in perfect order dj, aaurea 864 tons, 160 feet long, 33 feet beam, 86 feet floor and a feet nolai engines, is lncues oiamner, ace. rmke. with do.

tor: 3 boilers. 40 inches diameter: meuianr size cabin, and well found, and a remarkably fast bos' For further particular and term apply to K4 tf JOHN E. HYDE A 4 Povdraa street k.r ai. raw. The new and substantial steamboat OR LEANS, as she now lsvs at Mobtle in com Dlete order Tbe Orleans waa at New

Indiana, in tne most sriMtantiai manner. Iiim'anainna Extreme lenstb. 334 feet: bread; of beam Vfeeti 33 feet floorCdepth of tt Two engines, 8 reet sroke, 84 Inch cylinder; 4 notlrrs, 3n leet mug, 4 inch diameter wheeia 34 feet diameter, 11 feet buckets tounage, 4'J6. I ottered for sale nn liberal terma Appiy to GEDDES, Agent. mbSI lOt in Bank Place Iar9w gwSwawawaaawill can FOR SALE Steamboat W.

P. SWi suitable for any bayou or snoal rive arrv about I3ru balea cotton, draw inchea light For full inquire of mbso tf HEMINGWAY, FRIEOLAN PER A CO. FOR SALE A STEAMBOAT, sultab attJfor the cott or any other trade. For pa aEaawawaavawaAticalara inquire of MARTIN, OWEN A COBB, mbss 1st 33 Watches street. lioiire to Kent and Furniture far Sale.

II eMT 1 n. i.ii. UCL. 4 IC. B.U.

nuuB Wfr.7S street, one door from Baronne. There will be a reat reduction In the rent until 1st October, and the Furniture will be sold a great bargain, as the present occupant is compelled to leave, in consequence oi 111 health. The bouse bas ben thoroughly painted and cleaned recently, and tbe furniture is nearly new. Apol on tbe premises. apa et New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern AaiiruaKi.

13? Fsasenger Trains lesve the city depot, cor ner of Soils snd Clin streets, one square above the New Canal, dally. Sondaye included, a1 8 o'clock in the morales for Osvka. which thev reach at o'clock and return the same day.learing Osyka at 8 o'clock and reaching tbe city at 7 in tee evening. On tue trips up ana aown, tne train stop at an tne intermediate receivine and tandine oaaaeneera. The accommodations at the Amite Hotel, an at tbe Osyka Hotel are excellent.

On Suuday. Excursion Ticket wiil be i.sucd from New Orleans lor roncnatouta and usyra, or intermediate sta tiout, gz. which Includes the fare up and down, an Excursion Ticket will only be good for the day on which it is oatea. Freight Trains leave the city depot every Tjrsday Thursday and Saturday at 9 o'clock, A. and Osyka every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock.

A. M. ap6 tf General Superintendent and Chief Engineer. Lecomte' Time Beaten. TTTEybave joat received a small consignment of the iexingron aranci oi rooacro, manufactured oy W.

T. Booker, of Lynchburg, Va for whom we are BoicAgeuie. niLia a XAnLina, a pi st corner icnoupttouiaa and Gravier street I Peninanahin and KookK.eerlnc Children, sre now beginning at DOL EAR'S Writing snd Book Keeping Eatab lishment, 106 Canal street All are desired to her in TH18 WEEK Leasons not hm. 1 ted. All have the tight to attend till perfect, on raying lair, rwguiar ap7 6t RUFUS DOLBEAR, ir6 Canal street OrnanieutnJ Iran Works.

The undersigned beg leave to Inform iIi.i.MmuI. Ka nnl.ll hany the Batrons of the late firm ot Homes st Bennett, toat tbey nave re aw. asmed business at Noa. as and 67 Circus In the msnufacture of every deacrlp non or Arcnttecturai iron vaorx, trrnamentai ve randaha. Railinsa Doors.

hutters. Vaul ta. Bridaes Straight and Circular Stairs, sad all other kinds of wort aaed tor rjulldinx purposes. The practical experience of the undersigned ensbler them to oler unusual facilities to the public, which, with Knctuaiity and promptness in tne execution of orders rv trust will secare them a liberal share nf patronare. rris 'BENNETT A CO.

Htoves a. lin aaaaaa aatrcaaiairjaa rtuxva wwm am. AUSTIN dc iUSTLN dc UOODWYN, Wr. i Fmnt Levee, arner of Customhouse street slave conatsnt.y on nana ana are aaiiy mans factoring every description of TIN WARE which, together with their stock of STOVES. iff comprise the most complete assortment of any aatahiiafament in this citv.

fhir atock of Siovra are of every variety of pattern of both Eastern snd Western manufacture, consisting of Cooking, rarior ana umce oturra. mcj luriiewuDir merchants and ether to csll snd examine their stock anc rices before purchasing elsewhere. Their prices sre low snd term easy. Jam Ml ly 1 4x7 ttr ITnre Water Cure. Tbe undersigned invite tue attention of Invalid! to the LAWRENCE WATER CURE, Brat tie boro', aa nna r.f tbe moat favorable Lrcaiitiea Lr this nurnose in tbe United States They are confident that tneir experience of many years ia coo ducting aucb sa eatabliahmenttogetber at itbaome recent Improvements made in both tbe bathing as well as lodging departments, will satisfy tbe expectation sad wants of all that favor tbera with their confidence.

The medical oe partmeat. In particular, will be kept in equal step with the pro 'oTw. H. E. LOL wENTHAi, M.

W. RXJJiGE, mhis SmY aryawiafnra. BalSaUuiarr eairs, Rich Improvement oaW lder' Pstent THH Aren'y of these Safe bas beea given ta SOUTH MAID where a fail aa.rtj...j will be fOUC i. sassnOAejat wiuu jjlEARjrS tt MARTJS, julit WWf UtetaPewXstk, fti 1 Di'lt ft t. ijilL iiuer Arrnaiee a 1 1 1 apiea.tid liw pressure.

nacket teaa er RUT) R. A. Hlern, maitar. asd OREGON, Capt Seo ben foat. mnater, and FLORIDA.

Bsta. maatei having been Ball expressly for the lake trade, ante st prrior accbnr.modatioaa On of the above steamer will leve tbe Pontchietrala Railroad DAILY, oa ani al of the 4 o'clock P. M. cars. Re to riling, will atop at Paecsgauls, Pass Cbristisn and Bay St Loais oa Moada and Thursday Bights, Cabin Passage of sailors.

Deck taasage 0 Megroes la lots of five and a wards. 1 ot Negroes la lots of four er naidur rs Cabin Passage from 4 Of Deck a 1 st Bar Free Hat entirely suspended. gar The mall bag will leave the. sffice of the agent dally at o'clock promptly. o31 tt GEDPES.

Agent. 10 Baak Place Alabama Klwor. liasaa roR MONTGOMERY AND WETUMF LsalZ wVks, via tbe New Baa la Tbe entirely i.ew a an draught psasenser atesmer MONT 60MEKY Jackson, master, will leave tbe New Ba sin for Montgomery, Wetsmpka and all intermediate landings on Alabama River, on TUESDAY, loth Inst, at o'c ock P. M. For freisht nr passase.

apply oa board, ar ape to JOHN E. HYDE A 4 Poydraa st Aa Tbe Montgomery is now receirlrf freight at th Magnolia Wsrehouse. lower side of the New Canal. The flnnasw Tl laalaal nrrl. REGULAR BT.

LOUIS PACaX Xne fine rrgnlsr paisenger steamer MAY FLOWER. Brown, master, will leave for the above ana ail mtrrmeaiate lanainrs on wcvubo DAY.Iltb Inst, at 6 o'clock P.M. For freight ar passage tpply on board, nr to apio BELL. BUCHANAN A CO 96 Magarine at Tbe M. F.

is furnished in tbe most snor red style in every particular for comfort snd speed, and passengers can depend on ner leaving punctually at toe nouraover Used A plan of tbe c.bin can be seen and state rooms se cured by srp'ying to tbe stents REGULAR ST. LOUiS Tht flneresular paasenrer steamer KEN raETTT.JohnN Bofincer. master. will leave for the aoove snd Intermediate landings oa TUESDAY, thf 10th Inst, st o'clock P. positively.

freight or psage appiy on ooara, or to apio O. M. WHITE, 61 Front street. aa 'OB. BT.

UfjvJNew Madrid, interme. Raodolpb. Btemphia, ana an dlate landinaa The solendid i. arNNRTT inhn Bcrfineer. master, will leave a shove on TU' SDAY, 'oth 6 o'clock P.

M. ror Ireishtor passage appiy on Doaro. ioot oi xoy dras street, or to ALLEN A SHANNON, mi it or Tchouoitoulot (treet awT State roam can be lecured on applicatijn to tbe agents FOR ST. LOUIS The fin regujBr pa earner Mil rLOn CK. jovepo maa'er.

will leaf forthe above aad I.nninamn WEUan SDAT. lir.U at 5 o'rl ck P.M. For e'ght or paxace aoplv nn board, or to ir O. M. WHITE, 63 Front street aiaTTbe M.

F. is furnished in the nut approved style In every particular for com'ort aod i peed, and passengers ran depend on her leaving punctually at tbe time adver lie.i. rOR ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND MEM nliiaThe enlrndidi 1'sht drausbt Docket raiiitriimer ALLCK SCOTT. Fairchild.

mas Li. is uuw raadv to receive freight for the above and ail the Intermediate landings, and will leave on 8AT0R DAY, the slat inst 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or pas 'Sore, having superior accommodations. spply on sort tl to KO.

W. 8HAW ft Poydrasst Ohio Atlvrtr. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLF. The steamer MADISON, Hurd. master ia now receivine freishr.

snd will leave for the aoove all Intermediate landings on TUESDAY, the 5 o'clock P. M. For freight or passge apply on board, or to spirj R. B. BELL A 18 Poydras street POR CINCINNATI.

LOOISV1LLE AMD Msdisen The steamer MADISON, Hurd master, will leeee fir tbe shove and all Intermediate iaodtcgaon TUESDAY, tbe 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage spply on board, or to apio ROGERS. McGClRE a 81 Poydraa st tyaa a. FOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AtD faaUvUafMadisoo The steamer DICR KEYS, John sCaaaaaaanwasasC.

Riley, master, will reave for the above and a 1 luwrmediste landings on TUESDAY, the lOtu inst at o'clock P. M. For freightor passage apply on board, or to 1 apd ROGERS. McGUlRE A Povdrss at FUR C1NC1NKAT1. LOUISVILLE AND aillanii The ateamer BUCKEYE.

R. M. aaCox, master, will leave foe tbe above and all liitermt.italelardincson WEDNESDAY lltbintt, st 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ROGERS.

McGUlRE a CO apio 88 Poydras st POR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. The steamer DICB. REY, Bieley. matter, now receiving freight, ana will leave ror tire aoove aud 11 intermediate landing on luasvaz. tue lnb lost at 6 o'clock ror ireigut or passage apply on boaid, orto ap t.

It. r. 1j L. SE lia reynraa FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE be steamer BUCKEYE, Cox, roaster, is nw reveivine freieht and Will leave for tr.e aoove and all Intermediate rand in gs on r.u:ir.o n.n.r.KTWA DA Y. 1 ith Inat at 6 o'clock P.

M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apio a. P. pect, t.o., ii roynnwwrcri. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular naaaenaer ateamer NIAGARA.

Harry drxrtta. master, will leave for the aoove aud snd intermediate ai anaines on 1 uuuai toe inaa. at 6 o'clock M. For freiehg or oaage apply on board tr to Sauu, suloaii ai and IT wo magasme aa. sat A plan of the cabin can be seen and state room seen red oy applying to tne agenta.

rfTS FOR CINCINNATI The fine regular I jJtiSV Tl" U1 ateamrr bULAllti. oeo. Lion, naraamiiirr, will Ica'ae for Cincinnati and all mediate landinas on TUzSDAY.tbe 10th inst, at P. M. For freight nr passsge apply on board, qg to JIU I ur.

a i royar tOK LOUISVILLK Tiie fine rrsnlar rmeaeneer steamer GLENDY BURKE, Hentlev. master, will leave for the above intermediate landlnga on Tuesday, id inn. atajo'clock M. For freight or passage apply on board orto DABlutL bniptr. vturariEraum, orto BELL, BUCHANAN A an? 96 Magazine street aw" A plan of the cabin can be teen and state rooms st cured oy applying to tne agents.

FOR PITTSBURG Tne steamer ST. CLAIR, Dunlap, master, is now receiving an luiermeuiate lanaiogson iur iuiu iu.v. at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board orto p.

p. xsrjL.1, a ia royoraa street. FOR CINCINNATI. LOUlSVII.I.E AND Madl.on The ateamer MONABCH. F.

r. Lotan. maater. will leave for the shove snd sll intermediate Isndings on TUESDAY, the 1Mb inst, at 6 o'clock P. M.

For freight or passage spply on board, or to ap7 ROGERS. VrGUIRE A 88 Poydraa at. FOR CINCINNATI AND i OUlS V.ILLE The atesmer MONARCH. Lngao. master.

is now receiving freiibt si.d will leave on TUKeDAi iota April, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage spply ob board, or to apv R. B. BELL 19 PnydrsaatTeet.

STEAMER ROBERT J. WARD Season Arrangemrnt sThia spirndid steamer will leave for Lonlsvlile and ail intermediate landings throughout the season, ae follows, to wit: Lesve New Orleans FRIDAY. April 80, at 6 P. M. Mays.

SATURDAY. May 19. MONDAY, June 4. WEDNESDAY, June 26. July 4.

This boat ufurnitled in the moat approved style In every particular for comfort snd speed, snd passengers can depend on her leaving ponctosliy at the time advertised. A plan of the cabin can be seen end state rooms sec area dj sppiyin to tne sgenr. 4 8AMU EL EWING, 86 Gravier street FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe tine, regular Mssenger atesmer A. L. shut well, js: iott.

msster. will leave for tbe above and amaaanaaa srana Intermediate landings on or aoout 8ATURDAY, the 14th April, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, orto BELL, BUCHANAN A rr.h:8 96 Maaazinest MT A plsnof the csbln can be seen aud a Late rooms secured by applying to tbe sgeuta Attakatma. FOR ATTaKAPAS The substantial steamer P1TSER MILLER.

Gaspsrd Rs tier, master, wil, leave aa above on WED NESUA. l'th at It o'clock takins frelcht for St. Msrtinaville, New Iberia, Jeannrrett's, Cbsrenf riausiin. centrevi'ie and rattersonviiie, and lor rjimros port, Atrhafalsya River. For further I nforuiation apply on board.

apv 1 Vermilion. FOR VERMILION. VIA ATCHAFA lays Tbe light dranght steamer FRANK KEELING. Edmond Caatillo maata will Lave lor the above on TUESDAY, tbe 10th lrst, at 10 cioca a. ra.

to caae oi low water tne freight lor any ette and above will be landed at Mr. Frederick Hubert's Landing, nin mile below. Rate of Freight For wet barrels fl an For dry 1 00 Per cubic 16 Boxes candles. soso and wine ko Fteitbtto be paid by abippera an the producing receipts of goo la delivered in good order. For freight or passage nywj uu uwiu.

apt, ivos IMver. FOR GaEEM WOOD. LEFLORE. SI don. Yazoo Citv.

Satartia and ail later mediate landlnea Reanlar Vkw nacket steamer Isabella, Edward Phelps, master, will leave uaooveon WEDNESDAY, 11th inst at 6 o'clock P. For freight or psssage spply on bosrd. or to sp9 T. B. SMITH, 16 Csnsl street FOR MODTH OF COLDWATER Mooth of Tillatobs, Leflore, Greenwood, aiaon.

Tcnnia. Haiaitia vices burg, and all intermediate Jandinea The aaoeriorSind wft running passenger steamer ISABELLA, Edward Pbelps, mster, is now in nort receiving freight snd will leaveas above on WEDNESDAY, llth inat, at 6 o'clock r. m. ror rreight or passage, usving nne sccommoas tiocs. apply on board, or to ap 1 JOHN E.

HYDE A 4 Poydras treet T'n neaae. It i rer. a ruaiLn.iLe8C.&lUTaai.aeirvAi t. a. W3 7 A An.

reanlar ii.ana I isaateamer J. MORBJSETj orandenourr, maaiar. Ul for tbe Intermediate land. ings on WEDNESDAY, llth Inst, at 6 o'clock r. at or ireignt or passage appiy on ooara, or to apio o.

ai. WHITE, 63 Frontstrtet Opelaaaaa. w. FOR OPELOUSAS AND WASHING master, wi I leave lor tne above and a I luteiojediaiK landings ou TUESDAY, tbe loth at 6 o'clock P. positively.

For freight or passsge, apply on bosrd. apio tr RLbtiLAR OrtlALbA VAvKEr lJ1HvWfor Opelonaaa, Washlngtoo, Port BarrC, BMaMaaasaim AunaiaiaTBiDC nne ana uartream er RED R1VR, R. Doraey, master, will poaitiv. ly leave for tbe asove and sll intermediate lscdiBga ou TUESDAY, tbe 10th 18 o'clock For frelcht er passsge pply on foot of Bienvihe street, apio Sayan ItJaean and Tens as. tt ztLaca RIVER, TRINITY, TEN aa and Bavoo Mac nat Tha U.K.

acldraflcbt Swift run nine nsaar na ta. tOONG. Curd, vruarav. will la.aa AS. tk.

and all intermediate landings sa WEDNESDAY, llth inr ojclock P. M. For freight or sssngc apply so P' LEWIS Front street. Bajs fe (alaJze. FOR Ba YOU DE GLAlZE The dear.

er ANNA, Hoffman, msstei, Braveedor Nor Wood 'a and HaaanM lnrftnaa an Da Giaise. and for 61mmport and all intermediate landings, sa TUESDAY, Us lota iast, at A o'clock P. M. Appiy onboatd. i.A a 16 bsaes heavy, for sale by FU 4 tU.tTJl vj, 10 JdPsp ll Ull Taaa I iwer iwt.

aa. REuCLAd. k.j.sltiJl FA' 'new snd splendid steamer JN. i SO. Greenlaw, master, will Con regular p.caet in tbe New Orleans and Mea the ba anceof tbs sesson.

and will Weave for Helena, riar'a Point Delta, Napoleon. Groan' burg, Natchez, aad all the WEDNEi nth inat. at 6 o'clocA M. For freight or pt piyon board, orto sort; L. Front wTThe Iogomar, hsving permanent arraugei Memphis to ieahip NashvilTa fceight and stan hi take the same at regular rates, sad fsrwsra wit ho RuCLAR MCMt HlS PACK.

Memphis, Helens, flspoleos, arr A. t.aAe Providence. Vlrkauur, sad a. mediate landinas The fine reeular ana tu. paasruger steamer R.

W. McRAE, (la place of th tin No. 8,1 C. Church, master, will bo ready to i freirbt nn Mnndsy morning, snd will leave for the oa M. Fori or passage, having very auperiar accemnuoatioat, oei Board, or to sp7 JOHTf E.

HYDE A 4 Poydra asr The VcEas will attend to sU bsaCnessaf the i tin Hat TrJS LAfOURCUB FACKEZ aster. RL i J. J. Browa, kolerk, will commence her tstp aw is iAi.Tue lu i nau, auu win mra xaswtrriesn SATURDAY at ISO's ock, arrivius at Lscknon lunday night Returning, will leave Locktaart Sam atornings, st 6 o'clock, sad Tkibodsux Tuesasy sasra, ate, arrltisg la New Orleans Tuesday night A. LAFORFbT.

NewOrleanB. v. RICHARD, iblboHisn UP" The Carrier hsving bees purcbssed by Brow Streck, expremly for tbe Lsfnurrbe trad, merrnai. olanter can rely oa her la tha trad tt.e round. ara i FOR MiLLln.L a'8 BEN Tbnrg, Warren ton.

New tiarthafe, ztadney, natchez, roit ad ma, 1 Sara and Bauia Rouge R'rmr Week burg packet steamer SOU lniii. BLLLE lot i msgntficent, awin running, rasaenger packet sk bOUTHERN BELLE, J. M. bite, master, will above every SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock P.M. Forfic or passage apply on board orto zrm86 T.

B. SMITH. 16 Canal trv BaT The Belle will take Yszno ire rht and reai. Vicksburg, giving throuth bills Wn "rniarrsu, connecting witb several Yatoa b1. at THE CAriTGL Ta re a rFBaaon Para for Bnvou Port Hudson.

a nr. n. taquemiue. DonalcJsonviiie snd a.l tnga The new snd splendid steamer Ore, master, will 'leave for the ahne at 9 o'clock A. sod ou 0i i M.

Returning, will leave Bayou thecara. For freight or ap, ia JOHN i rSAbCfi iU'" HOLMES A CLAC Sd, 14 i JSl6f lyov MENARD A Saw A cierk will be on the Levee, rear street, to receive freight during the The owner of tbe have purchased the "iiii i Jttak her place ia the i wilt continue to run reaularlv dur ing New Orleans sa usual every 8A1 A P. AL, and Baya Sara on Wednep ny. hi 1 tr the car bn WoodvlUe. For frr 1 or on board, er to HOL mhlT 3m ul.

UNITED STATti MA D. Jr. For Vicksbore, rr. Port Hudson. Baton konge, Plaqeemiue, l.

The msgDtncent fast running passenger pscs C. 1. Holmes, suxer, will lesve sa shove ere DAY, st 6 o'clock at. For treiebt or rwne board, or ta CARROLL, FRlTCCAKii a I Jal9 tf CbIoo Row, 63 Carondelet aOTThe C. D.

will an throoah to Vicksnu teution. and will connect therewith the Jac UNITED STATES MAlu 'NATCHEZ For Vicksbure, kKew CTarriiaaa. Aahwood. Gran na.nn. ita.inev.

Wataroroof. Natches, Fort Aa Sara, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, Plsquemine, I ville Tbe magn.fiosnt new regular psasanr NATCHEZ, T. P. Leatters, mateT, will lesre every SATURDAY, at o'clock P. M.

Fat paaaagc aFP CAaJMLrj PRITCHARD A Ja8 tf Union Row, S3 Caroode let BwT The Natchez will go through to Vickaburg detention, and will connect there with the Jet a. on Monday. 0. 8 MAIL PACKET New Port udeoa. Bayou Sara son coast ST be paarenger steamer NEW lima maater.

will leave as follows every 10 o'clock A. M.i every MONDAY, at.6o'clock P. Bayou Sara every Saturday, biit ir HUdton every meiqay, a I JWSi4 and aubatantlal ateaa. gft sail Tllmitr. znaater will tbe parirh of PlaqueTnioea twice a week, fc ice New Orleans every SATURDAY nv o'clock, for the Bsltse, aad every WEDNLeiAiT Ins for Grand frame otiij.

raeiuraiog, wiu leave every Sunday, and Polcte a la Hache every asonda Thunday morning. Tb Ophelia will stop st ail lau. diate laiidings on tbs Cs s. For freight and assaaft pi on board, orto pg tf CHA8. DB BLAJC.14 Cstrinlirrsae a REoCLAR MEMPHIS FACS' 1 lngN EVERY ALTERNATfi CD.

DAY For Memphis. Helena fianow r. iu.e. Lake Providence. Vlcksbarc.aod sU loun dlate landlnga The splendid regular pasaeBrer ta GEORGE COLLIER, jSoalee, ntsater, win lea' above every alternate WEDNESDAY, througlioai season.

For freight or passage, baring mpcrlor accoa datlons, apply on ooara, or to o8 tr 6 EO. HAW NEW ORLEANS AND LAPOI packet steamer PAR I irLuAiia ouguiy repaired, will resume oerregmiar mpa ia a trade on TOEBDAY, NevrabarTtn, leavlagriew Ontt EVERY TUESDAY; Bt 9 o'clock A. i al, at 6 o'clock P.M. Ra' arutsg, will lear rr. Wednesday, at 6 o'clock A.

AL, sad every Isnrri at o'clock M.i TblbodauA every Wednesday, liscinr. i aa a Ul. auu oawuar, a a a. or psasage, having perl or accommodations, a i Messrs. CONERY A WILSON, Na ft Freat Orlean, or to the captalB on board.

Batr The F. Sparbawk will rua ta Donaldsor the river rises, leaving New Orleans aa above, an sonville every Thursasy, st o'clock A. Sunday, at a o'clock A. M. AgenU In Tblbodaux.

Messrs. VAN LEW Agent In Donaldsonville. V. MAURIN. REGULAR U.

A MAIL PAL Aahton. Pllcbera Point Skipwtu ina. Lake Providence. Vicksoara. raaw ajarchaea.

Grand Gulf. Rodney. Nstxu Adams, Bayos Sara Be too Rouge, snd the in islanding Keguler Weekly Packet Tbe tnarni" running passenger packet (tesmer FRANK Estes, msater, will leave aa above every Tn at 6 o'eloc P. punctually, carrymf th u. day.

For freight or passage apply oa boarA or Jal8 T. B. SMITH. 16 C. laT Freight taken for all points on the Iuw, signed to bouae in Vicksburg.

Sage A clerk will be oa tbe Levee saery TSetds; i In tn receive freight ttutriolta River. FOR OUACHITA AMD TE581J I ers The light draught ttater J. im a h.rlea Hall, master, wui reiaui. lor Monroe. Trenton.

and all lanoinga oeurw Onarhlia and lor all landlna OS theTVnras and will leave on TUE8DAT, the 10U at 4 M. inquire on board, or of an J. M. BKLF A rOR CAMDA.N. OUAt HlIA Trinity, Harriaonbarg, Calomoia ui.a Port.

1 Ouachita City, Alabama Landing, Marie Ssiiiie.l HilL Caryville, Cbampagnolle, Beech U.II..I. Dlnff .11 tannine. ll'f stesmer LOUiSA. F. Keeling, ma ter.

will kjve on WEDNESDAY, tbs llth inst. at I o'clock X. su. freight or passags apply on board, or to ap3 ti iifcwia aaairt. Uad Klver.

FOR JEFFERSON, FORT Smitfaland, Albany, Moomlng Swanann'a Tandine. Bhrevetort, i.r brand Kavan. I afllDle. aiexanaria. lug, and all IntermedUte landings Tbe Bewane a passenger steamer R.

W. POWF.LL.R H. Utter, will leave aa above aa THUB8DAY, the 6 o'clock M. For freight ar passsge, nsvu sccommodstioDS, spply ou board orto t. pill jjLwia riiai FOR 8UREVEPORT, 6BASi Grand Ecore, Alexsadria aaA landing Tbe light draaght sod stesmer COMPROMJSE, H.

uranaas, leave for the above and all Intermediate Bv WEDNESDAY, llth lost, st 6 sex r. za. or passage apply on board, or to 1VK BblRaVai ORT. GRAM" Al.aandrla Tbefioa oaaaef Jer H. M.

WRIGHT. J. D. Saaari tnjansnaer ra. su.

r.u.i iil isve ss above on TUESOAz, tne iwa o'cl. ck P. M. For freight or passage apply oo ar0 X. a Tha H.

M. Wrisbtwill connect Bt Alria k. il.i.t A ateamer Runaway. Frelf ar ger will go through to 8hreveport withsul. tf3 a.

FOR jErrtbbun, run I Jlf5r bra report. Grand Eeorsand A dranght and paaaenger packet steamer ST. CHARLES, Um PDttl MHIRU Sate, master, win ieev. tor tue auova ainx iate Isndings on SATURDAY, the 14th P.M. ror treignt or psssage appiy on ooaru, sp9 ir T.

R. SMrrH.16CMa;' FOR SHREVEFORT.GBASf Alexandria, and all intermedial' Th regular passencer taaer i S. D. Megowan, masYer, will leave aa above DAY. tbe I4th Inst.

at o'clock P. At For passage apply on board, or to Zt. BS. ttOBlNSOrT.lSt atr Freight taken for above the folia, with yon urn river The stea' rr KIMBALL. W.

Broadwell. leave for 8bre report and tsternrr'1 ings on WEDNESDAY, llth lnsrn st seioca ror iretgnt or aaa age applv on Board, or apr Ltwit Pralaht. r.lran ae ki.k aaarratattO alto above tbe Rait, with privilege of Bhreveport REGULAR RED RIVER For Grand Ecore, Ntchlutiea, rice. Alexandria, Gorton 'a meal ate lao.llnn Tba.Dtw and taeaaia i temer RAPIDES, Jobn C. Dowry, toaater forthe above every TUESDAY, at Jr returning leaves Grand Ecore svery Friday.

drla Saturday. For freight or rsssage, havM i 1 I a api ID ItoqapiKraiM a. REGULAR RED fsaJe'5iHJS Smlthlsnd, Bentaa, Port Carl sfffn Landlufc Swanson's LaM''; bnxeveport Grand Bsyon, Campt. Brans exandria packet GRENADA, R. H.

Liornp. recularlt Red Rive mhtl ff For Sale, AeeawnC Depar A One aicompliahed Csk, Waero One auperlor Dinlag Boors Servant excellent sod will felly wJ in every reapecr. OeaJwBdld pair of HoraM, shout hi mated, peraectiy genua, aaxa aanlna On elegant Ceupd Carriage. or aarticauaara appiy as no. iw tnb4 la tfm AA.

saaapgt cac v. DINIAli lOBtrf 104 Csimoa street, oppnettc toe rn sc. cuariea saoii. FJL FTfAPr, havit. bad ac elotpro i Dr.

ia La a oaftaatBt vcaa I aJTi i.a. ara rai".

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