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Springville Journal from Springville, New York • 1

Springville, New York
Issue Date:
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1892, Sot? Rhodes Co. 's store, Atwelt fcSneedi and Weakly 1 Warrea'is vSTen-tory building. Four negro flremeq lost their Uvea. The loss is placed at 1600,000 The main building of Conerse college, at Spartanburg, one of the largest and best equipped institutions In the South for the; higher education of women, has been The faculty and students all-escaped, some with nothing but their clothing they had on. About half the students had not returned from the holiday vacation.

Tne loss will reach and insurance, $50,000. At Columbus, a fire occurred in the varnish room of the four-story brick building, occupied by the Joyce Carriage Repair company, the Payne Manufacturing company, and a paint shop. By the falling of walls four firemen and a Citizen were buried under the ruins, one being killed and another fatally injured. The rest escaped with slight injuries. Su.

Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr, Sa.

JL 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 JZJi19 0 5V 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 In these times when federal and local taxa ticn bears heavily npon the people, the legislature should avoid unnecessary or excessive appropriations of public money 'and demand the strictest economy consistent with; good administration In the various departments and bureaus of the publifl service. The growth of the state necessarily the cost of Its but question whether the cost has not been of late years at a much more rapid rate than the growth of the state would justify. The closest scrutiny ihould be applied to every demand tor the creation of any additional office, and it should not receive legislative sanction until its need is established beyond question. Useless offices should be abolished and in all close economy should be xduoatiojt and ths state Reports received by the superintendent of public instruction indicate that the number of children in the state of school age (L between 6 and 21 years) in 1891 was 1,821,773. The number: of children attending the common schools in the same year was 1,054,044.

than 787,000 children of school age, therefore, were not In sohool at all or received instruction elsewhere than at the pnblic sohoo's. The proportion of public sohool children In 1891 consequently was about 67 per cent, of the total number between the ages of 5 and ZL The total cost of supplying this education to somewhat more thaihalf the children of sohool age In the state was $20,269,118.20. The greater part of Jthls amount was raised by state and local taxation. EXECUTIONS BY ELECTRICITY. During the past year and a half there have been executions of convicts sentenced to death' in the state prisons under the provis-tens of what is popularly known as the "elee- ilinitt hi mmmA aaa VUVI AAVAW -ai -iff llOl'i Sjnip of Figs is takenf if iffpleasant and refreshing to tiie taste, and acts fently yet promptly on KidneyisV i I -iiver and Bowels, cleanse the sys--' tem effectually, dispels head-s aclies and fevers and cures habitual constipation.

Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever prt duced, pleasing to thvtasto and eeptable to. the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its" effects, prepared only from the. jnost -v' -healtbv and aoroealue many excellent Qualities' rmmend it itx ali 1- mnAn 'flifi 'mr-t' fevrur Fira fa fh anla 4-n 43 mitrtm j4s VV'J art A SI Kntflaa Kv all 1 gists. Any reliable druggist lehV i may not have it on 'hxnA 'if cure it promptly for. any, one trho" TTU3iiC3 11 j.u ajo nub ttccepi any CALIFORNIA FIG SWUP 8AM FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, Kf.

NEWWK.Ht. 7 A IIMSUR AlICK- I IIUIffB- X. lfllll I III rIZ Wit? -wees- va, wi rKtirvoamn ts Tl m. wvuviui UiU Ul UUVV X1H I ISSUING rtRL UL ACCQ2EIT Ul IfiUlBO fflUCXS A Representlngr 11 Popular Companies, including the affiTNA. the largest American V'-company.

and the LrYSEPOOI tt LOfiLDOS a GLOBS, the largest Bngllsh Company; also, the p' time-tried AGRICULTURAL, the larsest farm company the United states. Life and Accident Insurance written in the old reliable TBAVSUUUP fnsur ance company. -r V-" None but nrst-class companies Losses eqaitably adjuetea and promDtly paid. trulls, to your interest ana give us a call eetore placing your Insurance elsewhere. Or- LOWE SPAULDIKO," Ofii ICS Mm Stibt, JFBIllTlUn mi THE WELL KNOWN Merchltnt Tallb; HAVINtf JUST RSTVBNE0 ftlOM NIWi YOKK.

HAS FOR INSPSCTIOM Spring Suitings, OVERCOATINGS, PANTALOONINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP 7 IN THE LATEST STYLE AT BOTTOM re 9 A Vail Attendance- In Senate I -Uj ilMTlBLuwHu Washington, Jan. a. Congress reassembled after Christmas recess with a full attendance, Mr. Sherman being almost the only prominent absentee. Senator Plumb's late chair remained vacant during tho session, but the draperies had been removed and Mr.

Perkins was sworn In and took a seat in the back ground. Senator Vance of North Carolina returned to his place, apparently greatly benefited In health. A Joint resolution passed the senate appropriating $100,000 to charter vessels, to carry flour! to the Russian famine sufferers. 1 During an executive session of ten minutes the nominations' of interstate commerce commissioners, United States circuit judges of; the fifth circuit and other officers sent in by the president were referred to the appropriation committees, after which the senate adjourned until today, when Mr. Morrill is to take the floor on the silver question.

The house got down to business after a discussion of the' order proposed by, the committee' oh rules providing for the introduction of bills, which the committee -was somewhat worsted. It pro vlded that all bills, public and private, pattinwa memorials, should be presented in openjiouse andthat no private bills should be prihtedTTTpdn bOtn tnese propositions it was defeated the qpposl-t .15 ivd jy jar. juccreery or Kentucky and Mr. Enloe of Tennessee. In one case Mr.

Catchings accepted the amendment proposed to print 100 copies of private bills. In the other the house voted in favor of relegating private bills, petitions, to the private box, as was the custom in the last congress. The bills introduced numbered 873 only, but this number, of course, will be vastly increased by the private bills which did not see the light. Among them were a number providing for free coinage of silver, and proposing amendments to the constitution, so as to elect president and vice president and "senators by direct votes of the people. The tariff pill was attacked in sections all along the line, and if the bills introduced should chance to pass there will be but little left of the McKinley bill.

Mr. Andrew of Massachusetts even proposed to repeal the reciprocity clause of the law which was supposed to be universally popular. There will be another rush of bills today, as the call of states was suspended when Ohio had been reached. Mr. McMiilin was elected speaker pro tern, and Messrs.

Buchanan of Virginia and Wilson of Illinois were sworn in. Indefinite leave of absence was granted to Mr. Mills of Texas. THE MARKETS. New York Money Market.

New Yobk, Jan. 5. Money at 3 per- cent. The highest rate was 4 and the lowest 8. Exchange steady.

Posted rates f4.83H& AJBQ41 actual rates, tueOMfoLSSH for 60 days, and for demand. Governments steady; currency 6s $1.09 bid; 4s coupon, bid; extended 2s registered, $1.00 bid. Pacific railroad bonds: Union firsts, $L076 bid; do funds, $L074 bid; Centrals. $L06)4 bid. New York Produce Exchange.

New York, Jan. 6. FLOUR Quiet. Fine grades spring, $2,803 3.40; do winter, $3. 153.60; superfine spring, do winter S3.6&&3.8J; extra No.

3 sprins. $3.60 4.00: do winter. extra No. 1 spring, do. winter.

80)0 4.0); city mill extras, for West Indies. Southern flour steady; trade and family extras, WHEAT Firm. Spot lots steady. Spot sales of No. 8 red winter.

SL05; do $L06? do do March. J1.06; do April, $1-06)4. CORN Higher. Spot lots steady. Spot sales of No.

2 mixed, 63c; No. 2 mixed 62c; do 61c; do March, 50. OATS-Steady. Spot lots lower. Spot sales No.

1 white, 40c: No. 2 do. 38M38J4c; No. 1 mixed, 37Hc; No. 2 do.

36937o; No. 2 mixed Dec, 37c; do May, 88o. RYE Dull and weak. Quoted at 98cSl.00. BARLEY Steady.

No. 2 Milwaukee, 72 74c. PORK DuU. New mess, $10.00. LARD Steady.

May, $8.54. BUTTER Quiet? State extras, do western, 29c. CHEESE DnlL State factoJy, full cream, choice, ll)4lltto. EGGS Weak. Eastern firsts, western do, 25c.

Buffalo Provision BXarket. BirrrAiX). Jan. 6. WHEAT No.

1 hard, No. 1 northern, No. 2 do, 9CJ4c; No. 2 red, No. 1 white, 984c CORN Firmer.

No. 2 yellow, 45c; No. 4 yellow, 44c: No. 3 corn. 44Hi45c OATS Quiet.

No. white. 38c; No. 3 white, 36c; No. 2 mixed, BARLEY Firmer.

No. 2 western offered at 66c; Michigan, ea07c; state, 6572c; Iowa, 63 55o. FLOUR Quiet. Spring wheat, best patent, per bbL, S5.4O3S.60; low grade. Winter wheat, best graham, $4.7506.00.

BUTTER Creamery fancy, 278x do choice, 2S26o; do western, 272Sc. CHEESE Firm. State factory full cream 12c; choice, UQUttc. EGOS State and family, strictly fresh, 3 27c; western, 2425c. Buffalo Hay Market.

Buffalo, Jan. 5. No. 1 timothy, new, per ton, No. 2 do, common mixed.

blue grass, baled hay, $18.00 14.00; clover, loose straw, 1000; baled do, bundled rye do, H14.00, ACME BLACKING is cheaper, at 20 cents' a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents A UTTLE GOES A LONG WAYO because aboes one blackened with it can be kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20c bottle, because what ther spend for Blacking they gave in It is the cheapest Hacking considering its qnalitn rand yet we want to sell it cheaper if it can be done. "We will pay $10,068 Revjard for recipe that inBL enable cs to make Woxys Acats BxiACKnro at such a price that aretailer can prontablysell it at 10c. a bottle. Thisofier is open until JahTlsV 1893 WOL1T BA3nOUg.rhnafleTph1a, Oldfurniivn painted (this ii the name of th paint); look like Btained and varnished) new jftonsiter One coat will do it, A cbiM can apply it Yon can change pine to walnut, or a cherry to mahogany there is no limit to your landes, Au retailers sell it.

EastTennessee Land Co. stock and bondaand'Harriman Co stock for sale toy who unhesitatingly Commends them 6 gOOdlnyestment9 Telekatharos -eHoan ouri- tnt ready Jr use at 4 1 Hj, Residence for, ale.f My on Prospect: street, large i. l.Ij TWO TWAINS COLLIDE ON THE CWABASH ROAD. Six MeaJKiUed Outright; -Two Probably Fatally Injured, and Others Badly Burt To Add to th Horror of -the Seen Both Trains', Take Tire, Cremating Voor Italian Emigrant la Wreck ACKSOirVTlJLE, Jan.

6. A terrible collision occurred yesterday on the Wabash road at Aladdin, a small station east of Hannibal. Six men were killed outright, two probably fatally injured, and many others badly nnrt. The victims are: A S. Boucttard, engineer, killed outright.

Charles Wilson, engineer, killed. Four Italian emigrant passengers, names unknown, killed and cremated. Henry Warboys, fireman, of Springfield, fatally injured. E. D.

Conwell, fireman, not expected to live. The trains were the eastbound and westbound cannon ball trains. The eastbound had tho right of way and was waiting at Aladdin for the other- train. No. 4L to take the siding.

MIXED AND CREMATED. The night was foggy and Engineer Bouchard was not very well acquainted with the ran and failed to stop at the wiili bud niui luslUug UlbU lUO tSUtr tion at a high rate of speed. He was unable to see anything ahead of him; at least this is the supposition. The engines came together, with a terrific crash and in instant all was confusion. To add to the horror of the scene both trains took fire, consuming the baggage and smoking car and one chair car.

The remainder of the cars were detached and saved. The body of Bouchard was found pinned to the ground under his engine, and his fireman was fatally injured. Charles Wilson, the engineer of the eastbound train, was burled in the wreck. His fireman was very severely injured, but may recover. Besides tho four Italian emigrants killed and cremated several more were wounded.

The injured are: Miss Eliza King, en route to Dorchester, head injured and right leg broken. Moses Bryant, Decatur, Hi, bad scalp wound. George Webb, chair car porter, shoulder broken. Mrs. William Grover, Hannibal, wrist sprained.

The destruction of railroad property is estimated to be over $100,000 Sentenced and Fined. Fleming ton, N. Jan. 6. For tarring and feathering Julia Kane, an 18-year-old married woman who was suspected of having loose habits, John Banger and Louis Lisk have been sentenced to ninety days each in the county jail and to pay a fine of $100.

Henry Thatcher and Clark Lisk were also fined $50 each for being implicated in the offense. The ease attracted great attention. The woman was a resident of Glen Garden, and because of her alleged immoral habits a composed of the best citizens of the place, administered a coat of tar and feathers in the hope of ridding the community of her. Investigation Resumed. ALB AST, Jan.

0. The investigation pf the Hudson River railroad accident on Christmas eve near Hastings has been resumed. The remainder of the coroner's testimony was reviewed. General Superintendent Yoorhees of the New York Centra taatiflad as to the efficiency of the signal system. Engineer Murphy or the train was also examined, as was also Conductor Lyons.

Both witnesses' testimony was ordered printed. The board adjourned and the opinion will probably be handed down during the latter part of the week. An Actress fatally Burned. Cincinnati, Jan. 6.

Miss Mary Bird, an actress, playing at the Grand Opera house, was fatally burned. She boarded at Hexter's hotel and was about to retire for the night when her clothes caught fire by the explosion of a bottle of face lotion which she held in her hand uncorked. Her neck, face and arms 'were frightfully burned. She died here yesterday. Miss Bird was a native of New York, where she has a brother in the theatrical business.

She was 22 years old. Detained on Ellis Island. New York, Jan. 6. The first two persons to occupy the new detention house on Ellis island, in the bay, where the landing place for immigrants was opened on the first of the year, are Joel Abraham and David IsmaeieL They arrived on the Sparndam from Rotterdam.

They are detained under the contract labor clause, having been brought here by Rev. Dr. Larabee of this city, for the purpose of having them translate the Bible into the Asyrian language. Bishop Spaulding Denies the Humor. Chicago, Jan.

6. Bishop J. L. Spaulding of Peoria passed through this city on his way home from a visit to bis mother in Kentucky. While in Kentucky the prelate was attacked by the grip, from which he is but now recovering.

Regarding the report that he would probably be appointed bishop of Brooklyn to succeed Bishop Loughlin, the bishop said: "There is absolutely no foundation for the rumor. Episcopal appointments are not made, in that way. Lady Hesklth Has a Narrow Escape. London, Jan. 6.

Lady Hesklth (formerly Miss Florence Emily Sharon), daughter of the late William Sharon of Nevada, has had a narrow escape from serious injury. Lady: Hesklth was following Ihe Grafton hounds at Sulgrave lniumpingr a brook her horse became entangled in a barbed wire ferae and nearly threw her ladyship from tie saddle. She, however, escaped wAh a few scratches. An Injunction Denied. Nsw Yobs, Jan.

6." Judge Bischoff of the court of common pleas has dissolved the temporary injunction which the Gold and Stock Telegraph company obtained against the. Stock exchange And denied the motion of, the company for a permanent in junction against the', removal of the tickers from the exchange. Colonel' Ballon -Arrives Home. Providence, Colonel Ballon, counsel for Dr. Graves, arrived here last night: He is looking pale and haggard.

He refused to talk about the Graver matter. Warden Durston JOU 1 Albany, Jan.B. Warden Durston ol Auburn is ill at the Delavan House with an abscess lu the ear. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so Well known and so uoDuIar as to need no srecial men- 1 tion.

Ail who have used- Electric BUterS I sing the sameong of praise A purer med. icine does wot exist and it, is guaranteed to will cue all diseases of the TJver and Kid-1 wm remove lioils, wy-iuv i pure blood- Will drive Malaria fn'ni System and prevent a.welt a cure, all" mav'l-r larial fevers. For cure-of eadache, -Con? and ind.gesuonjtry Jticctnc ters. -Entire satisfaction guaranteed raoney refunded Fnce 30c. and per SENATOR EDWARDS VOTE8 WITH THE DEM0CRAT8.

All the Republican Senators. Present But Two -Mr. Walker Seated Several Contests Banded in, Which Were Be-arred to the Committee on -Contested Elections When Appointed In the Assembly. Albany, Jan. 6.

At 11:20 yesterday Lieutenant Governor Sheehan called the senate to order and at that time there were only two vacant seats, those of Senator Saxton and the vacant seat of Sherwood. After the senate was organized Senator Cantor offered the resolution naming Charles T. Dunning of Orange for clerk of the senate, the Republicans substituting John E. Kenyon. Mr.

Dunning was elected, the vote standing 17 Democrats and IS Republicans, Senator Edwards voting with the Democrats. Senator Brown offered the resolution nominating Senator Cantor for president pro tern, and Senator Coggeshall moved to substitute the name of George Z. The substitute' was lost by, a vote of 17 to is, ana senator Uantor elected by a 1 Mnf bo to e. xne menu Oilcans voting with him except Senators Erwin, waras ana Hunter. MB.

WALKER SEATED. Senator Cantor then -offered the resolution calliMor the seating of the Democratic member from the Twenty-seventh district, Mr. Walker, and asked for the previous question. Mr. Erwin asked leave to present Mr.

Sherwood's case. The president ruled him out of order and refused to hear him. Senator O'Connor asked for a moment to speak and was rapped out of order. Senator Edwards voted a.fiinst the seating of Mr. Walker, WSSihe resolution was adopted and Mr.

Walker declared seated. He was then sworn in and took his seat, thus giving the Democrats 17 votes. Contests were handed in for the seats of John H. Derby in the Sixteenth district, Van Gorder in the Thirtieth, Donaldson in the Eighteenth, and all were referred to the committee on contested elections when appointed. A large number of bills were then introduced, after which the usual committees were appointed to wait upon the governor and the assembly and then the message of the governor was read.

Senator Parker offered a resolution that the commission that had formed the electrical execution act be reconvened and asked to give their reasons for the clause making it secret and excluding the press. The nomination of Edward Hannan to be superintendent of public works was confirmed, after which the senate adjourned till Tuesday evening next TN THE ASSEMBLY. Albany, Jan. 6. After prayer being offered by Rev.

T. O. Marvin, Mr. De Freest announced that the house was ready to organize. By resolution offered by George the house then proceeded to name a speaker.

Robert P. Bush of Chemung received the viva voce vote of 65 member and James W. Husted of 55 members. Robert P. Bush was declared speaker and Messrs.

Bosh and Husted were appointed a committee to escort him to the chair. On taking the chair Mr. Bush made a short address to the assembly, on the conclusion of which the committee from the senate announced the organization of that hodr. Mr. Vandewater presented the petition of James H.

Russell for the seat of Obed If. Wheeler for Dutchess; Mr. Sullivan the. petition of John A. Bernard for the seat of Richard Curran, second Monroe; and Mr.

Townsend the petition of James A McKenna for the seat of Mr. Weeks in the second Queens. These were referred to the committee on contested seats when appointed. The governor's message was read. Several bills were then introduced, and after the drawing of seats the assembly adjourned until next Tuesday evening.

The Governor' Message. The following are some of the important points touched upon by Governor Flower in his first message to the legislature: To the Legislature: A sense of diffidence canst always animate the official communicatibns of the executive to the lawmaking body. His office is indeed a co-ordinate branch of the government, and is Invested by the constitution with powers equal or superior in scope to those of the legislature, yet his recommendations and suggestions, however closeb7 they -may be made to reflect the sentimentsvand wishes of a majority of the people, are but the utterances of' a single officer addressed to a vastly greater number of the people's representatives. Doubly sensitive must the executive be, therefore, when for the first time In his official capacity, and almotas the first of his official acts, he compiles With the constitutional obligation to communicate to the legislature "the condition of the state and recommend such matters to them as he shall judge expedient." It Is a reason for great satisfaction and encouragement, however, that In my discbarge of this first important duty I am able to ad. dress my suggestions to a legislature in political accord with the executive.

For the first time in eight years both branches of the legislature and the executive represent the same political ideas and a majority of the popular vote. This fact gives assurance that desired legislation, long delayed by reason of conflict between legislature and executive, may be speedily and wisely enacted, and that legislature and executive may work in harmony for the best interests of the people. NUMERATION AND APPORTIONMENT. The paramount duty before the legislature is to provide for an enumeration of the inhabitants of the state preparatory to a reapportionment of senate and assembly districts. If there was needed heretofore any direct proof of the injustice of the present legislative apportionment, it is now furnished by thre- tuiiii oi the fetUra oonmu of lSOOv DeieetiTe as that enumeration was, especially in the city of New York, it shows an increase of population in the state since 1876 of nearly 1.8UVOJ inhabitants, or 27 percent.

Tet the same apportionment now exists for the 6,997,853 inhabitants of the state as was established in 1879 for the 4,698,958 persons enumerated in the census of 1873. If the apportionment based upon that census was a fair one, it is certainly a very antiquated and unfair ratio of representation now when applied to the present population. A popular majority of nearly 60,000 this year Is barely able to control the legislature by reason of the unequitable apportionment. CONGRESSIONAL REAPPORTIONMENT. Equally incumbent upon the legislature it the duty to "reapportion the congressional districts of the state.

Congress having appor tioned representatives among the states in i proportion to the number of their inhabitant! as shown by the federal census of 1890, lc devolves upon ths legislature of 'each state to so arrange the districts within its borders that each shall contain "as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants." There is no increase in the number of representatives al-loted to the state of New York. Notwithstanding an increase ot nearly a million in the pop-, ulatlon since 1880, our state has only the same representation in congress and in the electoral college that she was given ten years ago. STATS J-INANCBS. V. The state debt has been reduced during the past fiscal year: by the payment of Niagara reservation bonds and $1,930,659 canal debt.

-v The larger part of the state's revenue still comes from direct taxation of personal and real property, yet the rate of tax for the cur-' 'rent fiscal year is tho- lowest alnce 1865, being and three-eighths mills, of which one mill Is for schools and three-eighths of mul for canal debt and maintenance. Upon pres-nt assessed valuation' this Cyield There is no direct tax this year for the gen eral expenses of government suJSoient in-1 purpose belr expected txrx tig ces of revenue. is t. Copyright ibsi an insult some un-For in to your intelligence; 3, DUt scrupulous dealers try it. 'stance you're suffering from some Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection, or are feeling "run-down" and used-up." There's a torpid liver, impure blood, and all that may come from it.

You've decided, wisely, that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disoovery is the medicine to help you. You know that it's guaranteed to do so, as no other blood-purifier, is. If -it doesn't benefit or cure, you get your money back. But what is best for you to take isn't always best for the dealer to sell.

He offers something else that's just as good." Is it likely If the makers of a medioina otui't trust it, can you? One of two things has to happen. You're cured of Catarrh, or you're paid $500 cash. That's what is promised by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties, it cures the worst cases.

PROFESSIONAL. J. WILCOX, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Ofilce over timltn Brothers Store. 1 SCOTT, Attorney ana Counselor Luw, Ofilce over Pnoenlx Block, Main itreet.

PI EKC'fi, Lawyers. Offices 8. B. Jor. Main and Seneca Streets, Buffalo, ov -r Ho.

Si Main Street, Sprlngvllle, Ji. A. KoFAKLANE. F. II.

STANBRO, ruyicians and Surgeons. Offices, 114 HQ streat. office hours, s-io, a. 1-3 p. Sundays.

2-4 p. u. SV. PiCK, U. S.

Pension and Claim Attorney, can be found at his home office In vest Valley, N. upon every weekday. Let- ors Addressed to lilui at that place will receive oro apt attention. Owing to the amount ot j'uluess In home office, he will not be In Sprlng-vllle hereafter. BUSINESS.

1 li Soaps, Brushes, sponges, Perfum ry, confectionery and Fancy Toilet Articles. alQM, Oils. Dye stuffs. Artist's Materials, and Jen. onice liell Telephone Co.


SPAULriNO. SMITH SPA ULDING, Attorneys and Counselors, lot Main Street. Room 24, BITFALO, X. Y. STONE UTTEB, IrVRBLE GRAR1TE WORK ranklln Street, opposite Opera House, Springville, Erie N.

Y. JHEAPER THAU EVER? i3Qggies, Wagons, Carts for sali' by C- A. Thurber, SPUINGV1LLE, N. FIRST CLASS WORK. J.

F. SOGERS, (las built and opened a shop on Franklin andlsprt pared to do all Klndsot 'U ACKSMIT1HNC. Borse-Shoeing a Specialty. Locgixperlenct andtamlllarlt wlthallklnda ol work lves tic the assurance that. I can give ifl-sfactlor.

1" HENRY EJLTON, Real Ksfafe. Rooms 77-78 Agency Bl'd'g, 44 Niagara Street, 3UFFJLLO, EX. i or Sale or Exchange. Changes effected for City property. -cred.

solicited and promptly an- ERCHANT TAILOR. P'lrj'iclaiS wo; guiranteed. A full line of Sa Ore: Store, N. Y. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Free from Slat and Clinkers.

Screened and delivered inbesfr possible condition )rders eft atFarmers' Bank. SMITH CONGER. Makes an i it New Blacksmith Shop. mm: t-5 -T 13 THE NEWS CONDENSED. BRIEF NOTES CHRONICLING ALL EVENTS OF INTEREST.

Happenings of the Laat Seven Days, Put in Small Space and Arranged with Special Regard for the Convenience ol the Reader Who Haa Little Time to Spare. Without any ceremony or formal opening the immigration officials of New York city have settled down on Ellis Island in the harbor, and the Barge office is known to them no more. The steamship Hevndn aim Boat to arrive aEthe new landing place. Charles M. Hanley, private secretary to the late Secretary Windom, registered the first immigrant, who was Annie Moore, 15 years old.

Colonel Weber greeted Annie and presented her with a ten-dollar bill. Ralph H. Warren, the Princeton college athlete, who mysteriously disappeared from Washington on Wednesday last, has arrived at his home in New York city. He apparently was little disturbed by the sensation his ance had caused. Warren was tired and no one was allowed to see him.

After a very Btormy voyage the steamship City of Paris arrived safely at New York harbor. She was two days overdue owing' to heavy fogs and to encountering on Dec. 27 the Bristol City liner, Landoff City, in a disabled condition. Assistance was proffered the Landoff City, but refused, and after a five hours' delay the City of Paris continued in her course. One hundred and thirty seven saloon passengers, 187 cabin and 237 steerage passengers were landed.

The following being among the saloon passengers-Patti and Signor Nicolini, Signor Arditi, Signora and Signor Novara and Lord Romilly. It was a happy New Year, indeed, for two convicts confined in the prison at Sing Sing, N. Y. When they arose on New Year's day they were presented with a pardon from Governor Hill. The men are George Weidler, age 59, serving a twenty years' sentence for manslaughter, convicted in 1885 and sentenced by Judge Moore of Brooklyn, and William Conroy, 25 years olS, serving a life sentence for murder in the second degree.

He was sentenced by Judge Van Brunt of New York in 1885. The explosion which occurred at Dublin castle continues to occupy the attention of the Irish authorities and it is said that aid has been asked for in London for ferreting it out. Major Cundill, the inspector of explosives, spent five hours in examining the rubbish in the vaults, where the explosion took place. While he has not finished his examination he admits having the same impression as the police in the first instance, that nitroglycerine was used, and the person who handled it was well acquainted with the explosive. It is stated that Senator Manderson will make an effort during the coming week in the senate committee on military affairs to call up the late Senator Plumb's resolution for the removal of General Grant's remains from New York to Arlington cemetery.

Mr. Manderson believes that Arlington is the proper place for the great soldier to rest and that there will be little opposition to the projected removal. Captain Pratt, superintendent of the Indian school at Carlisle, reports to the commissioner of Indian affairs that the health condition of the school during the last half year has been good and but one death has occurred. There has been no serious illness during the year. Christian an old and prominent resident of Wayland, N.

has become an inmate of the Steuben county poorkouse. A few years ago he had a competency, and he entrusted it all to the keeping of the late Hon. Lester B. Faulkner of Dansville. When the Faulkner bank in that place was wrecked Christian Young's fortune was swept away with it.

He has struggled to make a living since, but has been obliged by age and infirmity to become a public pauper. He is one of the last of the old stage coach drivers of Western New York. The jury in the case of The Republican Printing company of Omaha, against the Northwestern As--ocia! ed Press, after being out fci -iy -ciLi hours, returned a verdict for 1802 due the plaintiff. The suit was for damages, the Associated Press having declared The Republican's franchise forfeited because of neglect to keep dues paid up when the paper temporarily suspended. Ex-Superintendent of Police George Washington Walling of Asbury Park was buried at Keyport, N.

J. The funeral was the largest ever held there and was attended by the full force of the fire department of the town of which Mr. Walling was chief. All business in the town was suspended and business houses draped in mourning. Ausin Gibbons, the lightweight pugilist of Paterson, N.

has issued a challenge to fight Jack McAuliffe or Billy Myer of Streator, Ills. The Chapter of Accident. At Plymouth, westbound limited vestibule train No. 5 crashed into the rear of westbound freight train No. 29 while it was nearing the Baltimore, and Ohio yards.

The conductor of the freight who was in the caboose at the time of the collision was almost Instantly killed. Edward Spohn and Miss Alary Seiorir were killed at South Bend, by the falling of a walk The young couple were shortly to be married and while "taking a stroll were passing through the grounds of the Birdsell Manufacturing company, which are surrounded by a brick wall twenty-two feet high, when without warning tons of brick and mortar fell upon the lovers completely burying them. A special from Silverton, says: An accident with fatal results has occurred here. Miss Sadie Blickerson, one oi the most beautiful and popular young ladies of this city, was snowshoeing on the mountain near here with some friends when she was strujek by a snow-elide and carried a distance of 600 feet. Her friends rushed to the rescue, but when they reached her they found nothing but her snow shoes above the snow.

She was dead when taken out. AThe steamer Noordland of the Bed Star line, which left Antwerp Saturday for New York, collided with 'the ship Child-well, which arriving from Chile, loaded with saltpetre. The collision took place off (the, Belgian coast, i Fifteen of the responsibility for, the wreck and the repoted Jnhtunanitfof th Noordland 1 li'BliiiW. JXh TEtt IUeord. The Record of Crime.

Judge Prentice has discharged the jury that has been trying Mrs. Mary Daly at Willimantic, charged with the murder of James Corcoran, owing to the illness of several members with the grip. The case has been postponed twice owing to the malady, and Judge Prentice decided that there was no immediate prospeot of the jury getting together again. The state has submitted all its evidence In the case. A sensational shooting affray occurred at Rockland.

the tkrfyt of whlrh hro uuiy list leaded out. Kx -Senator J. Gushee, a politician widely known in the state, was the victim, while the shot was fired with murderous intent by a young man named Weed. Gushee is badly wounded and may die, and Weed is held to await the result of his injuries. A Society Lady Married.

New York, Jan. 6. Miss Marie Louise Foster, daughter of the late Judge Advocate General John A. Foster, was married at Calvary church to Francis Leon Colt, descendant of one of the old New York families. There was a distinguished assemblage of friends to witness the ceremony.

Miss Foster's father was married in the same church twenty-six years ago, President Lincoln and his cabinet, of which Judge Foster was a member, being present on that occasion. Sherman Gaining Gronnd. Columbus, Jan. 6. The senate has seated Iden, the contesting Republican in place of Gaumer, Democrat, and there will therefore be 93 votes in the Republican senatorial caucus tonight.

The number of votes necessary to nominate, however, still remains 47. Senator Sherman Beems to be gaining strength every hour, but the Foraker men show no less confidence in the result that they have shown from the first. Will Meet With Opposition. Washington; Jan. 6.

It is understood that an effort will be made during this congress to repeal the disability pension law which the Republicans passed at the last session and adopt in its place a per diem service pension bill. It is likely that this attempt will meet with a great deal of opposition from the Democrats. Victim of the Cigarette Habit. ftONDOUT, N. Jan.

6. Daniel Des mond, a 16-year-old boy, died, as the result, it is said, of excessive cigarette smoking. For two years he was a slave to the habit. Ill with Influenza. Paris, Jan.

6. Sardou, the distinguished dramatist, is suffering from influenza. The Death Record. General M. C.

Meigs, U. S. at vrasmngton. Roswell B. Mason, mayor of Chicago during the great fire, at Chicago.

Louis R. Meter, the banker, at Fort Wadsworth, S. I. He was once a partner of the late Samuel J. Tilden.

W. Vandebbilt, cousin of the late Commodore Vanderbilt, at Yalejo, Cal. Colonel John C. Haines, a prominent politician, at Seattle, Wash. Judge W.

C. Hazeltine. solicitor general of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, at Albuquerque, N. M. General Spbague, a prominent Mason, at Grand Rapids, Mich.

Emil L. V. Lavelleyo, political writer and economist, at Brussels. Colonel C. T.

Gillmor, lieutenant governor of Ontario, at Toronto. D. J. Lawlor, famous naval architect, at Chelsea, Mass. Ex-Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Indian nation.

Jacob Dyckman Vermilye, of the Merchants' National bank, at New York city. Carlo A. Chizzola, famous operatic impressario, at Paris. Signor Elvardo Majeroni, an actor once well known in America, at Paris. County Judge John McCarlin, at Watertown, N.

Y. Sir James Redhouse, a noted Oriental scholar, at London. Philo Fancher, a veteran of the war of 1812, at Cornwall, N. Y. Colonel Frederick XI ears, U.

S. at Fort Sherman, Idaho. Robert W. Donnell, banker, at New York. William A.

Hargadine, head of the dry goods house of Hargadine, McKitt-rlck at St. Louis. William B. Ruggles, well-known lawyer, at Albany. Sir George Bid well Airy, F.

R. astronomer, at London. Rev. Thomas D. Skinner, D.

at Chicago. Andrew J. Nicholson, prominent citi-cen and banker, at Baltimore. Surgeon W. H.

Long, U. S. M. corps, it Cincinnati. John Newton Sears Burled.

London, Jan. 6. The remains of the" late John Newton Sears, formerly a well-known merchant of New York city, who has recently been in distressing circumstances in this city, were buried in the cemetery at Highgate. Only 50 was raised by subscription for the relief of the family and for other purposes, though a warm appeal was made to the American colony by an American newspaper published here. The officials of the United States legation and the United States consulate did all in their power for the sick man when his condition became known to them, Mr.

Tabor Returns to Buffalo. Albany, Jan. 6. Ex-Attorney General Tabor returned to Buffalo today. He has' been busy daring the past few days collecting his personal papers from his old office.

Gold coin is shipped abroad in five-gallon, ironbound oaken kegs. Each keg holds ten bags, and each bag contains $5,000, so that the vain of a keg is Gold from the other side usually comes in boxes. The black nuts of Pntranjlva Rox-bnrgbii are made into Decklaces and rosaries, and are worn by the' Brahmins and also put around the necks of children to keep them in health and to ward pfl disease caused by evi spirits. To bathe andLretnrn at onee to duty Is loes of poer which the Effects can never, Is to suits of tKseexecuTKbuive by expert witnesses as a satisfactory vindication of the new method of inflicting the death penalty, furnishing, it 1 eaid, a speedy and patnloee death, and being lee rc-roltiov operation than was the old method of hanging. There is one feature of the law, however, which is of doubtful constitutionality and of Questionable propriety.

I refer to that provision which prohibits the newspaper publication of an account of the details of tho execution. In my opinion it was unwisely made a part of the statute. The adoption of so novel a method for inflicting the death penalty as electricity, naturally excited world-wide attention and aroused both popular and scientific Interest. There was in the beginning some question of its success. The public curiosity to know the actual results of the experiment was intense.

It did not spring from morbidily, but from wholesome interest. The feeling was general that so radical and important a departure from existing methods should be carefully studied and the facts relating thereto truthfully stated. There is a popular aversion to secret methods of performing public duties. I therefore recommend its repeal. I have no sympathy with that morbid taste which yearns for revolting details of human suffering and misfortune, and would make heroes out of criminals, but I recognize a legitimate public interest In the adoption and trial of this new method of execution, and I would not shut out from the people the opportunity, under proper restrictions, of securing the most unbiased information regarding its operation.

THE WORLD'S FAIR. The legislature has yet made no provision for the proper representation of the state at the World's fair in Chicago next year. This should be one of the first acts of your honorable body. The time is growing short for the erection of a suitable building for the exhibition of the state's interests, and if New York to be represented cnroen(jjtately with its commanding posltloniasifdciseneral resources speedy legislative action is necessary. This duty the state owes to its commercial and industrial interests.

The provision for state representation and participation should be liberal, but not extravagant. THE CANALS. Dnrlng the past year the work of lengthening the looks upon the canals, which began in 1881 and has been continued each year since, was suspended owing to the failure of the legislature to grant the annual appropriation for that purpose. This subject will again engage the attention of the legislature and should be treated with the consideration which its importance demands. The tonnage of the canals during tho past year shows a slight decrease when compared with that for the several years since the canals were made free.

The cost of maintaining and operating the canals nas tnu iu tue aggregate auout tne tame as for each of the several previous years. ILXCTORAt REFORM. The decisions of the court of appeals in the legislative election cases have sustained the integrity of the recent ballot reform act and greatly strengthened its effectiveness as a statute tolenforce the secrecy of the ballot. They have given a needful emphasis to the serious responsibility which that law imposes upon county clerks and other officers, and have placed the force of judicial condemnation upon all attempts to evade the law and afford means of corruption by the identification of ballots and voters. The importance of these decisions in this respect cannot be overrated! for had they been less forceful the whole efficiency of the new law as a means to prevent corruption and fraud would have been threatened.

But they also serve to call attention to the necessity of guarding by every possible legislative precaution the rigid administration of the law. Wherever the law can be strengthened in this, as well as in other respects, the legislature should be quick to act. An honest ballot is the safeguard of our institutions. No public service can be more patriotic than that which seeks to establish it. Any measure properly drawn and not In conflict with the constitution, which will so bulwark the present law as to make intimidation and bribery impossible, will receive my hearty approval.

REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS. In 1890 the ballot reform act was fitly supplemented by a statute compelling personal annual registration of voters in all the cities of the state the statute being in this respect merely an extension of the law which had for years applied only to New York and Brooklyn. The efficacy of this statute as a means of discouraging fraudulent voting has been amply demonstrated. I recommend Its still further extension to tho remainder of the state, so that personal registration each year shall be required of every voter as prerequisite to his right to cast a ballot. This is necessary to prevent false registration In villages and country districts.

In conclusion permit me to express the hope -which I am sure will be your own endeajwr that the necessary legislative work of your session may be accomplished expeditiously and wisely. We should "pot forget that little legislation detml by the great ma-jbritiy of oitiWe than fctbnch legislation; that shoes legislath sessiMm are more popular than long sessions, an4bs4 public legislation is a worthier object oflrtaly than private legislation. The people expect the same businesslike fidelity to public interests from their lawmakers as from those who administer the laws. A clean, industrious, honest and economical legislature, discharging its duty intelligently and promptly, will justify publlo confidence and render valuable pnblio service. Boswkli.

P. FI.OWS8. A Bad Cold If not speedily relieved, may lead to serious Issues. Where there is difficulty of breathing, expectoration, or soreness of the throat and bronchial tubes, with a constantly irritating cough, the very best remedy IS AVer's Cherry Pectoral. It removes the phlegm, soothes Irritation, stops coughing, and induces repose.

As an emergency medlehiet Ayefs Cherry Pectoral should be in every There is nothing better for coughs than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. use no other 8. Butler, 169 Pondst Providence, B. 1. 1 suffered severely from bronchitis; but was CURED BY Ayer's Cherry PectoraL "It saved nry Geo.

B. Hunter, Goose Blver, N. 8. "About year ago I took the worst cold that ever a man had, followed by a terrible 'trough. The' best medical aid was of no avail.

AUast I began to spit blood, when was supposed to be all over with me. Every remedy failed, till a neighbor reconv mended -Ayer's Cherry took half teaspoonful of this medicine, three times a day, regularly, and 'very soon began to improve. My cough left me, my sleep was, undisturbed, my- appetite re-turned, mrmaclated limbs gained and Strength a tnvtav. thanks tn the Pectoral. am ft A Beau winter--fst Lawrence, Mass.

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rr I ton w. vmm.ii i TOrk la faal 11' Mr moo. 4 utu-uinc riuo ww.wiwksmi the crew of the Child well were drowned. Prepared Wlthscroputoik aW. rigid investigation is to bo held as to 'award at an Pure Food Expositions.

Eah JTr "package makes two Urga Avoid 1 Imitatlorii andi Insist? on -hivfn th6 ba nrAferred tr tho mornlnfir and come tor this lfvri''tir' Pc rn i destroyed itia-tm. vt4 rtW mn mH -t ltstru At vYNashvEIe; Tenn. bottle at T. AUen's IN XBX TVTIXQ a eft.

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