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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 12

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BUFFALO COiCIERCIAL, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1C03. SHI: discussed at the last' meeting of the club SATURDAYS ATIO P. M. STORE OPENS 8.30 A. M.

CLOCEO-6 P. Kt, 265-267 Ciin Street ESTABLISHED 1 84S "1 Agents for the 1 Famous; Buttefick Patterns AV ''AX Chriistmas Gifts C3 GREATEST STORE shape In Leather Hand' Base-from $1.00 up very elaborate one $10.50 each, colors Brown, Black, Tan and 'i Genuine Aft Iflator, rJT' Pine assortment of Fanes and Small Leather Horeltiei. 'HOLIDAY UMBRELLA 8, BRACELETS, BELTS, 'NECKLACES, HAT PINS, SASH PINS; GOLD JEWEL CASE8, SILVER CAN DELABRAS, Friday we, have almost doubled burvusual number of Buffalo can you find an equal number of true money-savers. They are worthy Agents the Edwin C. Burt Shoe Women of close investigation.

49 Items From the Toilet Goods, Etci Handsomely Decorated Japanese China Dishes Caps, Saucers, Plates, Trays, Vases and Ornamental Pieces. TXfireat part of the charm of Christmas Presents is the way in which they are done up. 7 Use Deoalsoa's' Holly Boxes. Tags, Seals, Address Card Specials, 50c Colonial Cigar $2.75 Stag-Handled Carving Sets of 3 pieces. 5c Crepe Paper, a roll $2.98 Jardinieres and 1 $10.00 Pinner Sets 112 pieces.

Japanese Hair Receivers. Salad Sets 7 pieces i 1 .75 98c Sugar and Cream Sets $6.98 China Tea Sets 56 pieces $4.9 8 11.48 Cut Glass Olive or Bon Bon Shaving Stands, including brush, Ebonoid Smoking Stands, 5-piece Celluloid loilet Cases for.i.... Glass Tobacco Jars plated tops 3-piece Toilet Set with Dresden Backs r. 1.12 Glove and" HaudkercbieT Boxes, 2 1c Gold. Plated Ink Staads, each.

w. 1 9c Fancy Ribbon Side Hose Supporters, pr. 2 1 tl Austrian Court Collar and Cuff Women's $1 Hand Bagsblack or brown 'Tissue, Red and.Oreen Ribbons, Etc. FIND THEM ALL HERE. JHE DOLLS WE HAVE ON SPECIAL SALE t- SHE THE BEST EVER SHOWN FOR THE MONEY.

lOc 30-inch 'Bleached Cambric; f3n' 5c White Mercerized Waist Patterns Jewelrx and 1.75 Toilet Sets with fancy 25c. Sterling Silver Thimbles, each V. 1 7c $1.00 Fountain Pens, each 79c 39c All Steel Shears and Scissors 1 9c 65c Silver Plated Gravy Ladles 39c 75c Silver Plated Berry Spoons war "s-s -A i Handkerchiefs6Neckvear 10c Fancy Mercerized Handkerchiefs 1 iV6c: 12c Initial All-Liaen Handkerchiefs, 1 Oc 15c Irish Linen Hemstitched 1 Oc Childrea's 25c Novelty 1 9c 15c Embroidered Collar arid Cuff 1 Oc, 25c Fancy Stock Collars, each. v. ,21 50c Pierrot Neck Ruffs, each.

1 1 $1.50 Embroidered Chiffon Veils, each f.OO oc cnuareas duver natea UZBQCIAL REGISTlJR. awn Engagements Announced Irnrita-itiofcsTor a New Tear's Eve Wed-t Jding1 A Debutante Introduced. Kinship. If the sons' I span of my sadness Has lightened pain, Then the hoars that I spent In grlering Shall not have been wholly rain. If the song I spun of my gladness Has quickened another's mirth.

Then the boors that I spent In laughter Khali hare had their bit of worth. If sitae my Joy or my sorrow Has nourished another's heart, Then I In life's clamorous workshop Shan bare done my little part. Charlotte Becker in N. Y. Sun.

25c Children's Knife. Fork and Spoon Sets 1 9c Men's $2.50 Kid Slippers, GA OH Women's 65c Felt pair. Pictures $2.25 Pictures with oval gold en Furnisftings-1 Umbrellas; Hen's 25c Wo61 Socks a pair. .....7, .1 4c 35c Shield Teck Ties 29c Men's 69c Boxed Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 for, Men's $1.15 Cape Gloves stitched Men's $2.00 Negligee Shirts, each 1 .39 Men's $2.50 Grey Worsted SweaterfCoats. 1 .95 Women's 1.

50 Umbrellas fancy handles. 1 1 Women's $7 to 10 Sample Umbrellas. V. Vol Uo-Carts with reed bodies uvii.V:. 9 Imported Teddy Bear with voice 69c 15c Biisell's Toy Carpet Sweeper 1 Oc $1.69 IdearSport Target with Gun 1 .48 $1.39 Daisy 00 Shot Air Rifle til 9 $1.00 Roly $1.25 Children's Tool Chests, each V89c 25c Maracaibo Coffee $3.98 Untrimmed French Or 7 ponwd Felt a i i Books and Art 6oods and Ribbons Boys' and Girls 45c Books, fatopy T.

and 6-iach AlfBHk Taffeta 35c and 38c Mixed Lotof Fancy 50c Post Card Alaums-will Mr; end Mrs. Walter Weed are In JJew-Tort I -MIss Wslbrldge of Toledo Is rWting Hs9-Olara Urban! Mr and Mrs. Harry ates are at the Waldorf, New York. Imm -Curtis of New York Isvtbe guest f-fise Bath O'DonneL Tie Smith students will return home for the holidays on December 23d. 1 Mrl sad Mrs Iti Kleinhsns will iako the Mediterranean trip in February i Mrs.

Charles W. Keep of Iockport, N.JY, Is spending somo time at Tho Msrkeen. I Mr 0. L. Whiting of 'Rochester has Kkea an apartment at The Markeen for i winter.

Mrs. T. Jones and Miss Jones ftf.Jortb. street returned from Gulf '-bTrtKias, cTMias 'Henderson of New York, woo tas been Tisiting Miss Mildted Fierce, returns home today. i Mrs.

Qeorge Scailss of Hartford is the, gnest of her mother. Mrs. Daniel i Brown, of Ashland, areauo. s. Miss Annette Kahler, Miss Edna Win-' ters and Miss Pauline Ellis are among the Yassar stndents who return home i wyt week for the hoBdaySi 50c Finished.

Pillow Slips 3 9C 29c Laundry Bags, each' 1 9c 65c Lined Dresser 50c Belasco-Byrne's Book of Fairy Tales $2.50 Tweatietb Century Atlas, 1 .59 Children's Books cloth' bound and illustrated before the holidays yesterday at. the home or tn president Hrs. E. G. Hagadorn of Oakwood place.

Samael.H.. Tillman read a. paper-on Lord Winters read one by 8peaear, Darwin and Huxley Mrs. George H. Clark read aj of Bandolph and Mrs.

Koes Gardner were gaests for th sfternoon. Tho hostess served refreshments. Reception For Rev. Anna Shaw. The Bsv.

Anna Howard Btw, who speaks this evenlns la Central Presbyterian Church nnder the auspices of thejiocal snffraglsm, will be the goast of honor st a reception to be given 'this afternoon from 4 until 0 o'clock "at the Chapter House by the Woman Workers' 8uflrage Leagrue. Th gaests will Include the members of the Buf falo Political EouaUty. Clnb. the members the recently. organised German Woman's BuSrage League, and the members of th Womea Teachers' Association, Is the receiving line i will bethe officers of the.

Woman Workers' Suffrage Ieagne, Mrs. Helen Z. M. Bodgers. Mlas Mary Merrlng-ton.

Miss Ada M. Gates, Miss Mary Hard, Miss Mildred Brock. Miss Ceefl B. Wiener, Dr. Jane N.

Frear, the officers of the Buffalo Political Equality Club, Mrs. S. Cap well, Miss Ada M. Kenyon, Mrs. George Howard Lewis, Mrs.

Dexter P. Bumsey, Mrs. James 8. Ladd, and Mrs. Truman White.

The others receiving will be Dr. Ids C. Bender, Dr. Amelia Earle Trant, Mrs. Frank J.

Shnler Miss Effle Bums, and Mrs. Kate Van Aeruam. Lecture Recital at Iroquoia. At the Hotel Iroquois this afternoon there will be lectors recital under the auspices of the Western Mew York Division of the International Sunshine Society, the being foe the, Industrial committee of the Federation ft Women's Literary and Educational Organlations of Western New York to use toward a scholarship for a Buffalo girl and for the Christmas work of the sunshine society. A reception will be given from three until four o'clock, Mrs.

Fred Saint John Hoffman, Mrs. Frank J. Bhuler, Mrs. Henry Altman and Mrs. Frank H.

Bliss receiving. Assisting in receiving will be Mrs: Charles H. Cheeve, Mrs. Joseph Jaixen, Mrs. Ellen Jam, Mrs.

Frederick-. C. John Harrison Mills, Miss Florence Oberist, Mrs. Eleanor G. Tanner, Mrs.

G. Frank Sherwin, Mrsr Dean Cberrier, Miss- Charlotte Biselay, Mrs. F. B. Burt.

Elisabeth Koelsch, Mrs. David Foley, Mrs. A. 8. Collins, the Misses Durney, Miss Jeannie Miss May Madden, Miss McCradI Miss Mary Bey-burn and Mrs.

Charles Ellis. At Your o'clock Burton Fletcher will read The 8 errant in the House, and Mrs. Laura Diet-rlch-Minenan wlU sing. Waldenaian Aid Society. Ths Rev.

Alberto Clot' pastor of the Protestant Churcn at Grotte, Girgentl, South Sicily wUl arrive in this city next Saturday to speak before the Waldenaian Aid Society. He speaks English fluently, and with only a slight, trace of a foreign This is owing to his' residence st Edinburgh -during 'his college Tho Waldensians have a large number of admirers and supporters, in Great Britain which as a country, is the largest contributor to the work-A London committee, with offices In Pall Mali i In constant sommuni- peation with the headquarters of the church in the Cottlan Alps, Pinerolo and Turin. In a recent tour through -England, Slgnor Clot spoke af over 80 meetings. Grotte in Girgentl Is located in the heart of the sulphur mining district. The sulphur Industry1- is gt present in a very depressed condition, and last year over 100,000 emigrants left the island for-the TJnlted States and Canada.

Six years ago there were 90 children In the day schools, now there ire over 300 and 80 were refused for want -t Up to ten years ago at Grotte there were on- an average murders each year. These. crimes were generally committed on Sunday. Mowthe nam ber of similar crimes does not amount to two or three per year. The police Inspector assigns much of this csangs to the work and influence of the Evangelical Church.

The -Waldenaian Church In the three' valleys, called the Mother Churchy Is self contained sad self-supporting snd is under an administration called Table." The mission work controlled by a board of Evangelisation, covers practically, vthe whole of Italy is worked by a staff of CO pastors, 10J wvangeiisis, ov ceacners ana colporteurs. The meeting of December 12th will be held at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Henry H. BosweuV" 178. Ashland: avenue, corner of Hodge avenue--- Due to the arrival 'of the delegate, reading, of -the paper by Hon.

John Lord CKBrian will be "postponed. Mr. Clot will Illustrate his address with crystals and photographs from the mining district never before shown. The devotional service will be led by Rev. Richard Earle Locke, pastor of Calvary Church.

1 A cor dial Invitation Is extended to all interested. HARRY BLISS, hoto-Portrslts, at Main and. Eagle Streets, Sterling Silver Toilet Ar-: tides and Manicure -Sets for Gilts. Our broad collection of new and elegant designs Is to. those seeking Christmas offerings.

Brush, Comb and Mirror, in case, $16.00 to) $45.00 Manicure Sets, $3.50 to $20.00 Complete Sets of 22 pieces, $75.00 to $180.00 vC A large assortment of use-' ul requisites for the dress-Jng table. T. iS Dickinson Co. Goldsmiths, Jewelers, Silvsramiths, St474 aSTABLISHKO 1S40 Fire Sale of: Fine Furs is riowow at 326 Washington St An Exceptional -Opportunity-. Some Damaged Some NotT 50c to $1.98 Hardwood Book Vc Warlc Joxes, eacn Womei 25 Hermfdorf-dyed Hose.

i i GREATER BUFFALO'S Slippers, XL A aty and T6ys frames i 1 98 hold 400 A33c Racks PRICli v. ii 25 Linen 1 ,49 ONE CENT V0RD ANTS. Tar Sale, To Xst, LMt, 7onnd, and other adterUiementr of a niUetUantaut onraw, 10 worn, or more, tntmea taiMiaxsm (Uut bat potato the paper) or Oat Cat wgrn aes taasnus. cocm nowrt VorO. tack ftusrttoa.

cotmtt smtt 1 PERSONAL BATS CLfeANED. BEBLOCKED new FsU style. Ticker's; 13 N. DItIsIosj jSt. OTAMA-TOGO MARCH.

BT. MRS. JOSEPH. T. Cook, oa ssle at Denton sod Cottier, s.


Dp to date ads. all the kt-: est sad best atm of the local Real Ee tatav Market, to be Covets North, South. West snd East Buffalo. STOVE REPAIRS: WATER FRONTS, ALL" to S. Dlrlsloa St, st Dossidsos'a FURNITURE.

DO NOT, THROW A WAT TOTJB, OLD furniture, it Is' better than the sew If ererhsnled. upholstered, etc. st the Rouble Fnraitars' Works. Both 'phones. HELP WANTED-MALE.

WANTED V1 ENERGETIC TRU8T-. worthy ye4ig msa: mint come well recommended; 12 per sreeS gnsrsnteed, B01 White ttdg. SI .95 S2.90 Furniture, Rugs and sx.du caK magazine ivnctts 8M0KER8 ARTICLES, TOILET HAIR BARETTES, COMB3, STERLING' NAPKIN RINGS, FOUNTAIN PENS, Opera and' Miss Harriet Phillips. entertainer of the Mildred Holland will entertain in the Buffalo Club Theatre with "Echoes from the Opera" (in costume), vocal selections, recitations, etc, on Saturday evening, December 12, at o.a o'clock. Mr.

Alfred H. 3rown of Boston gve a delightful address on "Stephen Phillips and His Plays" before the members of the Twentieth Century yesterday morning. After the there were' several luncheon parties, among those entertaining being Mrs. W. H.

'Hill, Mrs. Lauros H. Allen, Mrs, Charles M. Greiner and Miss Grace Jones. In the afternoon Mr.

Brown repeated his lecture before the Women Teachers' Association at the Chapter House. Miss Louise Preston ''Was introduced to society at a large and charming re ception given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Loran Lb Lewis, and Mrs. Austin Boe Preston at the home of Mrs. Lewis in Delaware The house was decorated with a profusion of beautiful flowers, pink roses, violets, lilies and countless bouquets adorning the room where the guests were received.

Mrs. Lewis wore a black- satin trimmed with gold and Mrs. Preston was gowned in black lace with black velvet and white lace trimmings. They both carried bouquets of The debutante wore a dainty gown of white embroidered mull with bands of pale green and amethyst satin and a dfrec-toire sash of satin. She carried a clus tor of Dues of the valley and Violets.

Sherbet vwas served in the living room and the table in the dining room was decorated with marguerites and maiden hair era had green shaded candles. Mrs. Francis Kahie, Mrs. Herman Myn-ter, Mrs. Irving Browne Mrs.

Adelbert Moot, Mrs. Harry Walbridgo and Mrs. John W. Bush presided at the table, and a number friends and the debutantes A BEQTTLAESTJBSCEEBEB't An half-hour with the Commercial In the earl evening will put you In touch with the events of the r. day just closed.

You can spend mm hour very profitably If you are so Inclined. No Home or Fireside Is quite HOMELIKE without It. There la virtue in having the Commercial regularly and establishing 'the readlng-hablt. A word by 'phone (Frontier' 1915,. Bell Seneca or mall, will ensure prompt and regular service.

The engagement of Miss. Susan P. Pierce to Dr. Justin William Egbert of San Francisco is announced. Lawrence-Seibold.

Mr. snd Mrs. WUliam H. Seibold an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Edna Lillian, to Mr. Bt Bernard Lawrence of Cleveland, formerJy of Buffalo.

The "marriage will be solemn ised -on Tuesday, December 22d. Mr. and Mrs. George Kingsley, Birge have'-issued' for the' marriage, of daughter, Allithea, to Mr. George Gary on the evening of Thursday, the thirty-first of December, at half after eight o'clock, The Circle.

Graduates' Association. 'At the meeting of the Graduates' Association oq Friday afternoon, Mrs. Stickney will give an illustrated talk on A Tourist In Iceland. A number of articles from the booths st Stratford Town will be on sale at the meeting. St.

Margaret's Alumnae Association. The next meeting of the St Margaret's Alumnae Association. wlU be held at tho School on Monday, December 14th, at three o'clock." The subject will be Milton, snd the speaker will be the Rev. Richard Boya- ton. There wiu be vocal music by Miss Florence i -t (., -y A New Officers of Scribblers.

The new board of directors of The Scrib blers met yesterday sfternoon at the Hotel Iroquois and elected officers and chairmen of committees as follows: President, Mrs. Frank A. Wade; vice-president. Mrs. Court- land Manning; corresponding secretary, Mrs.

James B. Parke: recording secretary. Mrs. -Alfred -G. Hauenstein; treasurer.

Da Amelia Earle Trant; house committee. Miss Anna L. Harlow; program committee. Miss sianoa ueroreet snd Mrs. Robert rultoa.

The club will give a reception on the sfter noon or Monday, December 28th. st o'clock, st ths Hotel Iroquois. Each mem ber win be privileged to Invite two guests. Phllologla Club. The PhlloioEi club wCJ cive a Sew Tear's party on the evenlne of January 1st the home of Mrs.

J. J. Kingsbury of avenue lor -the families -of the mem bers. Plans for the entertainment were $2.75 Mahogany" and Oak Parlor $4.00 Buffalo-made Parlor Rockers. 11 v' Col and Mrs.

Symons hare retnrned to $20.00 Princess, Dressers in several 15. 75 Silks, Dress Goods. Linings Remnants of Silks an4 -Velvets at 1 PRICE 85d Messaline and Taffeta (colored) Silkst i S9c $1.50 Plaid Waisting Silks V.V..:.'. $1. 50 Black Taffeta and Satin $1.00 Cream 44-inch Batiste 58c $1'.

75 Shadow stripe Broadcloths 1 $1.00 Lupin's Silk and Wool Plaids i $1. 50 Black; Diagonal Dress Goods 7 5c $1.25 Black and Colored 30c Black and Colored Sateens yard 9c 1 Washington after spending some weeks In New York. CoL Symons has decided to make his permanent home la Washing- ton, and to this end has purchased the $1.39 Cocoa Mats size 18x30 incites $7.50 Royal Wilton Rugs--size 36x63 1 9 25.00 Oriental Rugs Large Variety. i i 1 S.OO 10c Yard-wide Curtain Muslin. $2.50, 60-inch Oriental Couch Covers, 1 .69 13.50 Utility Boxes with matting covers.

$2.39 KvennsAo which he will make extensire I i ss rwtawsi mmssm-b wOl glre a dinner tomorrow 'i 10c, 30-inch Chatties, Ca a yard. 39c Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares fMrs; Jtyman M. Bass gare a dinner on! Tuesday: erening. Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Etc. Bargains in Winter Gloves i Misses' 25c Golf Gloves, a pair.

1 2c Women's 1-clasp $1 Mocha Women's 1-clasp 00 English Walking Gloves. i i79c Woman's 1-clasp $1.25 Pique Glpves .3 5c Miss Xncy Graves will giro ord party next Wednesday. i The Kharanta Club will hold 'its reg-- nlar assembly Thursday evening, Decem-; ber 10th, at the Colonial 1 Mr Harry D. Williams of Hodge are- nue will give a bridge party thia afternoon for Cecil lightfoot Mrs. John D.

Larkin will give a hutch sou during. Christmas Jn honor of ne 'SaUghter, Miss Buth Larkin. Mrs.Charles Goodyear has issued favitstions for a small cotillion on Wed-. ijesday -STentag, December the thirtieths ChildrenV $2.50 Bonnets, all sizes V. 1 .49 Women's 59c Flannelette Night Gowns .41 25c Large White Aprons 1 9c Women's 69c Fleece-Liaed House Sacques.

Odd Lot of 50Corsets i i 3 1 Children's $6 to $9 Coats (Infants' Dept) $3.98 Underwear and Knit Shawls, i Children's 50c Camel's Hair Shirts Women's 85c Natural Wool Underwear i. Womev's $1.50 Mercerized Silk i98c $1 Large sized Hand-made Shawls i 69c Waists, Suits, Furs, 18.00, 4-stripe Isabella $400 Net and Lingerie .98 $5.00 and $6.00 Women's Dress Skirts .1 $2.98 $20. 00 Women's Suits, each V. .1 i $9.98 75c Shirt Waists, each i 25c A A for S1.QO 1 9c oc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. NO CHARGE -UNLESS SALE 18 MADE.

List your atocks with as. Jaekson A Prudential Bldg Specialists la Local and Cobalt Stocks. FOR RENT. FURNISHED FBONTROOM. PRITATH5 both; fat fine residence, reference.

Poc- Commercial office. Chop Suey FENTONTS PEKIN RESTAURANT delivers this Inexpensive Oriental 'preparatloa to; borne parties and social cotertala-meats. Chinese kftchess are tne deaaest Utctaens. ,86 BROADWAY Bert. Sesecs 303 5 i Prewtler ROOFING B.

JATISC3, 44 Builders' Kzw AH kinds ef fstt grarel and ssipssldoa roofing. Special attentlont grrea as repsir. log. Both telephones, av i I Mrs. Portor Norton win give a tea' on flikiwdSj, December twelfth, from four six -Vdock.

to meet Mrs. BJchard ffHrHL Charies C. Calkins has issued m- Tcttaitony for an informal dinner-dance at flMCJPark Club; on Monday, December fwenty-firs1v for Miss Helen uanans. Mrs'Cary has issued; invitations for off anrl a small dance on Friday even- ng, December the eleventh, at half past eight o'clock, at her nome in jeiaware Mrs. Cameron J.

Davis gave a beauti ful dinner of ten covers last evening in honor of the Bev. Pembroke W. Beed nd Mr. Iester Gilbert, who has recent- ly come from Boston to make his home in Buffalo. -The table was decorated with pin rose.

1 jQgs Both O' Donnel of XJnwood ave-nne gave a very pretty standing luncheon today for Mrs. Henry Oliver Smith, one of ths.antnmn brides. Bed csrnationa rowned. the table in. the fining- room.

The friends assisting Miss Edith Hinkel, Miss-Helen iroster, mim ueien Jones, Miss Helen Bice and Miss Curtis of New; $3.00 Children's Coats. means jitst this the Very finest candy eptswn slors 1H tT. sum sx -v fco NOTICB TO CKEDITOBa. Varsoant to as order of Hon. Louis B.

Hart, StBTogats fs Eri. Coooty, -N. Bstlcat is hereby siren to all persons baring claims- or demands- against EllsabeUt Morse, lata of toe City of Buffalo, In said poonty. deceased, that they are required to -exbibtt the same with tne Touchers cf tb nnderslcned. Charles M- Uorse sn Kobert S.

DonaldBos, the ezecstors of the last win and testament the said deceased, st the office of the ssld executors. In ths Erie Cooisty 8a rings Sank, Brie Coticty Barings Bank BoUding, in the City of Buffalo, In said county, oa or before the 4th day of March, MOB. Dated the 27tfe day of Jnly, 1908. v. CHARLES V.

MORSBL HKOBERT B. DONALDSON. B. CORKTNG TOWKSEND. Attorney for Cxeeatora, 1212Prndeatlal, Bldx fecssthe boat ysen.

st the Cosuoexeisl Office. "Of XTtr Dn-Vn-r SwnrnwaMm Ran Vk and DLAn. JMnma WerVhiTWle to order lioja the best papers, at the Commercial Office. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT-TJNTII.

MAt t009, S9S West sresne, 0 bedrooms, bath. Rent reasonable. B. Ooodo Co. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE HAVE TOU MONET TO LOAN? LET THO public kaosr- It throogb this cotnmsk, sm It ssot be long before yos wffi hare all the bssloeas ion ess handle comfortably.


HOWE. MORGAN BTIILD-- lag. Loans oa Real Estate st loweet rate Interest. APARTMENTS TO LET, OPPOSITE HIGHLAND; serra room fist, beat, hot range, Janitor sei i hard wood flnteh throng b-" out, tile baths; fifty doOsrs. H.

M. Gsll, sbore, sddrenv FOR RENT--TOREa, OFFICES. dU. FOB RENT NEW STORES AND OP-fleas, 73J and SIS Mala street. SJ.

W. Pstr ten Mala 4 ATTENTI0N1 READ THE'REAL ESTATE oa Frldsys of sreryi Best 1 FOB BENT WE WILL SELL TOO FIF-teen words nnder this heed for 15e a day Can yes rent that hoeee gson essliy chesplyt Crampton, bariton Miss Miriam 1 Norris, soprano, Miss Anna Brady, pianist, of the Aboru Orchids. Ilclctxcps, cad Clls Violcb S04 B22 Maln treat mm. Nsas 7 STORES 0 o2T.

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