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The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York • 6

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Uii-: BUFFALO tX)MMEECIAI- THURSDAY EVENING- JULY 13. JtU. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BAXLnO AD 1 Ot TACLCS. tonishing use of rather sombre colors.

of thick cream and half an ounce of dis BY THE EVENING LAMP. central) larse fourths of lean Teal. Mince all the meat until fine, ttnao to every pound of minced meat adfa scant teaspoonf ul of alt. about a aalta-pootiful of pepper, half a aaltspoonful of nntmeg and the same of thyme. After filling the hollow place with this mixture, tie the heads tojrether securely, place in a pan and pour a cup of brown gravy over them.

Cover and let the whole cook in a hot oven from twenty-fire to thirty minute. When taking the lettuce from- the ovea untie each head, then serve upon a hot platter. If the forcemeat is first cooked in butter before it is packed into the lettuce it will not hare to be baked so long. Tribune. i EXCELLENT RECEIPTS AND HOUSEHOLD WPGGES- TIONS.

WITn ANNOUNCEMENTS CONCEKN1NO THE LATEST FASHIONS. CULLED FKOM THE VERT BEST or CO SUES PON DENTS AND FBOM THE MOST BE- LIABLE OF AUTHORITIES. Moire is to one of the sills of ths ancient flays, aire a necessity in warm weather if not at other time. Much ls- itude la allowed in the sty la of tKeae garments, the only requisites being be- jcomingness and style. The vomii who Is clever with her needle can make her own room gowns for comparatively lit- When they bare to be purchased, their coat is considerable.

Forty dollars .1.. -1 ttU. i JC Lingerie polo hats are made of Yalen- ciooa edging and insertion. An umbrella that matches the rain coat la a fetching eotnbinatkm. Tswrhrne-a mnA nther loether srticlea are made from Japanese frogskin.

Cbena weaves in louisine or taffeta silks wHl be much worn in the fall. H.Banana red and banana yellow are conspicuous on the Parisian color list. linen turnovers heavily embroidered are worn with linen suits and blouses. I I Embroidered batistes in delicate snaaes com? to robe patterns with ruffle, and i two pieces, and this form really to be preferred, because the jacket is easy insertion, to match. jto A charmlng HV A daisy ring is one of the novel con- sample was plain whfte striped ots in floral jewelry.

The petal, are Ity trimmed will fine embroidery The fcetttlxned in brilliants and a pearl forms had three tucks with a fine line of th.mti.r 'beading above ench tuck, and a flounce vue ceuitr. eratroi(JerT t0 finiBn xxf bottom. The l-: Mourning brooches of filigree show a 'jacket was long, and was trimmed all diamond or amfthyst in center. Some around with an embroidery flounce, the art circular in form, others are fashion- points of which met-in the front, and ed in imitation of flowers. I were fastened with bows of blue ribbon.

(Three wide tucks on the shoulders made ft Make a water ice with twelve oranges, the fulness. At the waist line was a six lemons, and the proper quantity of belt of embroidery, under which' was water. Add a quart of trrape juice, and slipped a ribbon meant to tie on the left sweeten rather highly. Do no freeze too side. The la'rge sleeves were confined at fUhard.

the elbow with' a similar band of em- t-3 broidery and a ribbon bow. Deep ruffles Poe race meets and similar functions, of embroidery finished the sleeves. Even. Direotorie wraps, in delicate bued tnf- eta, light weaves of cloth, white satin i and lace are much favored by motiisn Parisians. rt A Parisian novelty in veils is one de-g sipned more for the protection of the hnt and trimmings than for the face.

The Jl veil is a large and perfWt square thrown 11 over the hat and the fullness falls evenly at the back, front and sides. It i not jjfi draped or tied, hut is eaucht to the hat rf by two pins through the crown. Mock Mince Pics. 1-iour cracKer rolled fine, one enp of sugar, one cup of molasses, one-half cup of butter, one-i half cup of vinegar or boiled cider, one-half cup of cold water, two egg, well beaten, one cup of chopped raising hlf teasDOonful of cinnamon. nntmeg, one-fourth teasjioonful of cloves.

will make three pies. i Peach ice cream is one of the most de- 1 licious of fruit creams, a fid is not at all hard to make. The peaches must be 1 ciuite ripe and of s.mie rather soft vnr- As gathered from a collection of 1m-tnt Peel nnd mnsh the fruit and sweet- ported frames, of which we were per- 4 en It well. Whin a quart of cream and ll'nartisllv freeze it before adding the -V Beaches. When the cream is frosen to a soft mush, stir in the fruit, mix thor-, oughly, and finish the freezing.

jluis Pemsjiyania Yestlfcales Trains Btttea tatMf a Plasswa, Tfcrssta VestttralaTraUy TMveea Batata. snaqi. bis, aartfaer aas ttsahlaftaa. Schadul In afTact' July 3. 08.

Via Bcvrua Trains iMTt s4 antve follow: L. ImffUo. canga Btrset IHnii At. Bsflalo Karasss. Mvr- I SO rm.

a.4S XUv vlU Oorrr. TtMuvUle. Ml City, PnMOvrrU. Toronto Pvluaan purra .00 AM. nmiiu Wnmsa l.SBnt.

Tom D.T Exram. Tkroac Mtaea BnAslaud Wash-tnrtaa. PmUnua (srtor nd covfa BudaJoto SUM tj Cllr diy. from AUif frua blaWlphla illf. BetUla o4 t.10 TU.

Imwwa Sruauit. Mar- n. VII Oorrr OUCItj. mni Turn-tra. Tbrtma-t raumu parlor car.

Gate car earn. 8.00 ru. Pnuminu (urao- 1.SO AM. rrm Hiaar Kirmi Thrnaa-B nrtbaw train. rnUasan baffat lacaa-ieea nJ rnarn betwaaa Baffalo nd WaihlnrMn.

TUma arawlne-ronai alanine car ndroara boiaaaa BaAalS and rhUafWInrtla. 11. 00 m. Kravr rrrmmaa. Marrtna, rorrr, Tiiaarlllav Oil Oxw.

T.oa ak. nd Tttuhnnrh. areata yrllman Tlrirtng cu. local trains leaa and arrive BUITAIjO as roir loaat T-yiiif rmuorluui Jtiix-Uon Aecoo 12.4Srai 8.0f ixBmrtnn Areotn T.Slrn S.Ort Procvm Arena Il.teUK S.4nrM mpontim Jojirtloa ActVo MSr prarrUlandOtToitv am l-CBrw fa Aurora and Olaaa S.4SPW Marri Arrom H.Oa MS "ora Acccmt. fll.dlrktFaat Aurora Aecfan.

S-S1 0iMn Bradford Acoom id. 10 rat f.0M Faat Aurora Aocoan TiA Sox-rraa QnrraAr. Trams leava Eschanr tract Station via Caoaa- daigaad-OO, 10.00 A.M., 90 and 0. SO P. at.

aa days: 8.20 r. M. Enndar. Tal'T. 1 Tally rrpt Fnndar.

rondarnntii. TcrSIrerlna-rer frrrlha end tjret Fraw.tjawnaer ArratEaffalsDlTia on. POT Sal a ftreat, lUc Foaara, JSffalo. Tf-lrpUwa SanacaSdd. Bell land ko.

aSOS Fronuarr W. W. ATTVKJBtTRY. t. R.

WOOD. Sanaral Manajrar. P-aaa. Traffic Kaaaa-ar OKO. W.

BOTP. danarai ri Paaaaorac Asani. New Midnight Special FOR LEAVING BUFFALO (Lthlgh Valley Depot) At 12.01 A. M. DAILY Carry-In throarb Pullmta aleapar to Maa-kok wbart.

raacbing tnere P. 8 a. m. and connecting wild steamer for prlaclpil points. Including Roral Uaakoka Hotel.

Train alao earriea rCLLklAB 6LEEPEK TOBOSTO, ln ahlch passant-ars ran remain notll JSQ m. BoUi mi placed far eceaaaacr at 9.83 p. m. CorrespoVtdlngr Roturn Service tteaTtna- Mnkoka wbarf at 8. IB p.

m. datlp, wltb Pallm ui Slsepor lo Baffalo, dlract connection belnv maae from all pilne pal laka pnlata, arrlTlntr In Buffalo at 4. 00 a- m. Tola train laaTva Toronto ai IS. ul An.

and carrlas laoal TORONTO-BCf FAoO SLKKPRB. Wbich la placed In Toroato for oompancp at ft. 80 p. m. Paaaencera la both atuekoke and Toronto aleepera allowed to remain In alee pet a at Bnffato antllT30a.

m.N For iaam ittltm. rail on Chaxlea L. Coon. Clr raa. A Ticket SS5 Main 8k.

Bufla.o, BUFFALO, ROGHESTiR I PITTSBURGH RAHIIT Ticks Omm, nob sis Bxw LLnooet Saaara Telapaone Seneca lesa. Pronator SSB1. Traina DeCMirt jt.T70.Ficnanr SVStaHeai Tralad I Eastern 8iandar4 Time I "S.IS A Bradford Uatal. ..1 M6 aaa 8 JtO numif mm wa ArcnmrondaUom. Bx ea Pntabora Klb Srnraat n.lgaaa Fprtncvtile Sondaf Accom Dally.

tOallp Kxaapt aaadap. (aaa dan aalp. Nicks. Pate VaaafatXasaaaa CTty Ticket Offiaa, S01 Vain Street, KlXcott Bqoara, Trlephoae fl7 Seneca Trains arrive and depart Mtchlgea aad Kacbaacs avtaraaa eriTa Aaarra, Varkeft'leM preaa i0t3 t.lla Barkal Plate tai 1.M eaa Standard Kxcraaa A Oft All traina daj It. tueerb aiHlnc rare aerre ladl- octoei, cieatuaa nueptB.waa Detroit i Bnrralo Stesmtinat Co- WKiir 9QBX ap Mail stTsIf tr Tor Detroit tMt caw, Michigan Rcaorta ana wret.

a aaved Daily 5.30 p.m. WoaR End Exouralona to Detroit Every Saturday, ta.90 Round Trip Ctty Office, Lehigh Valley ny-. S6 Wals flhsat CLEVELAND BUFFALO TRANSIT CO Daily Steamer to Cleveland FARE $2.50. 7m $2.50 Week End Excursion to Cleveland try Setnrdar night, eJand, reiuratBc to ajlnwlnr all day Fnndaj In C)et Rnffaloaarir HrvdiT mornlna. Cffice and dosK tent at IlUaota atraet.

DETPARTMINT OP PTJBUO WOBXE. Boffalo. Jaly 1009. SBAI.ET rROPOgAIig for work ast ap-pllva, as set forth below, will be received at the office of this department. Room 1, CVy snd Oioty Hsll, satll 11 o'clock a.

m. July Mh. 1PQ5. No prnmol win ba eonsfdered aaUaa It be seeoinnaaled by a certified ebrck, payable to to nrdar of the Department of Pnblie Works, In tbe amount apeeiOed In epeeiflca-tloRa or by bond conforming to law; such bond to ba fifty per cent, of the sum named In the propossL Plana and spectlleatloas and esttmat ef qnantltlee can be aeen. aad printed forma of prop oea la.

sod any deal red lnfarmsttoa. ran be had on application at the Boreas of En-gineertng en and after this date. This department reserves the right ta re-Jeer any sad all bids, sad waive any informalities. A separate proposal moat be aside for the work sad snpplies included is each descriptive paracraph following; For conatrnetinf oi hridfe oa Klver stract over Blip No. 1.

In accord ace with plana tnd speelflesUaaa aa file la the Bnreaa of ElOBlneertBC. For moving Scott Street Bridge to proposed sbatments oa River atreet. la accordance with plans snd on file hi tba Boreas of Engineering. rAxci a. wiBD, CommlaeioBep.

Joly T. IS. 14. vADAsn n. n.

CJTT pa a i AS 1 U-atW AN iil 60f 1 eo WaaAsa is! s.oo'n eat 101 fli "TRUSS. makea very rich cream. Two examples of brown gowns exhibited at a Rue ds la Prix place may be classed as novelties. One of brown tulle. that heavy sort of tulle used for daytime gowns, is trimmed with a lot of pompadour ribbon snowing a faintly tinted flower pattern on a brown satin ground.

The ribbon la slightly ruffled and used in three rows on the skirt, rising in points on the sides toward the back. On the bodice the ribbon makes a small loose, open waistcoat to tbe straight sides of a short bolero, which falls over aa anderblouse of old lace of a soft ivory tint. The other gown has a skirt of brown mousseline de sole bung over green silk. Tbe skirt is la threa parts, with the edges finished by rnch-lngs of narrow green velvet. This Is worn with a fitted habit of brown taffeta having a white waistcoat embroidered in green and gold.

There seems to be no limit ln the use of ribbons. Some of the embroidered ones are so lovely that they are used as bands. Short silk costs are In great favor to be worn with muslin skirts, snd ia some instances these are bound with embroidered or printed ribbons. Painted ribbons are suitable for thin muslin and lace gowns, snd straps and bands of embroidered ribbon make a smart trimming to loose coats of toile or linen. It would be erroneous to state that English embroidery Is in any danger of going, out of fashion, but for trimming solid embroidery combined with lace entredenx is newer than the perforated patterns.

Among the summer gowns there ere many In which the all-over perforated embroidery is used for the whole gown or In combination with lace. Valenciennes lace and English embroidery seem the favorite combination. Tribune, Pari seor. Another reason why pies sre so universally disapproved is that tbey are nearly always made with or half lard and half butter. Lard should never be used in a pie, or, in fact, in any dish.

An eminent physiologist in a leading university says that "lard is the bane of American cookery and is fit for no stomach exeept a pig's." A tiny bit of lard in a batch of bread may be excusable but even then butter is better. All pie cruets, of course, should be of waferlike thinness Not only are properly made crusts harm less, but some popular fillings are exceedingly wholesome. What, for in- stance, could be better than a custard or a pumpkin filling? The latter is, as a rule, only a custard rich in eggs, with an addition of pumpkin and a few spices, which are aids to digestion. Without doubt all pies should be eaten in moderate portions, especially by delicate persons, but this rule applies to any dish. Even cream is not good for persons under certain conditions, yet not one but a crank would deny it to a person in gcod health.

Many food faddists expect healthy people to live doily on an invalid's diet. There ore five rules to observe in the making of a perfect pie. First Rub the nndercrust with a white of an egg before putting in the filling, to prevent it from soaking into the pastry. Second-Bake it in the hottest of ovens. Third Place it ln the lower half of the oven at first against the bottom, later removing it to the upper shelf.

Fourth Always place crust in the refrigerator to become thoroughly chilled and hard before filling and baking it. Fifth-Pound the pastry well until it is filled with air spaces. Volumes could be writ ten on correct treatment of pastry. Any of. the recipes in standard cookbooks will do.

however, if a few details are carried cut. A marble board is an ideal arrange ment for rolling pastry. A current household magazine suggests that the hideous marble tops of old-fashioned tables might be fitted np for this pur pose. Smooth, even piecrust is sn abomination, and yet many housekeep ers think that is the proper way to have it, and sometimes they will even be beard to complain when by sccident their piecrust is rough and almost breaking into waferlike flakes. This flakineess is, bow- ever, the proper condition of pastry.

Pies as a rule are better adapted to 'a winter than a summer diet, because of the butter, which makes them too rich for warm weather fare. Buit pies. however, are good at all seasons, and there are few things more attractive than huckleberry and other fruit pies even in the hottest dogdays. There are also many good cold meat pies which sre welcome at picnics. When preparing a chicken or meat pie it is always better to add a little baking powder to tbe regular rule for ordinary piecrust.

Add one cup of butter to every two cups of flour (postry flour). Then chop together in a wooden howl, with an ordinary old fashion 4 chopping knife, until the mixture is broken into small bits tbe sizes of peas. Add half a cup of Ice water. Mix with a knife; then beat and turn nd beat and turn until the whole Is smooth, but lull of lightness. This pounding and turning is better If done upon a marble board iu a cool storeroom or cel lar.

Never touch the pastxy with a spoon or the hand, but with a knife; then put it where It will become Ice col and hard before rolling it out. There are several variations to. this rule which can do no harm. If baking powder is wantod, add a teaspoonful to this mount of flour and butter. Tribune.

BUSINESS Why Not a part of the 'ear sammer vacation by attending the morning aeatlon at Bryaat Stratton'a, No. 9T W. Genesee St. Learn something useful knowledge of accounting, buatneaa forma and office methods, or ahort-hand and typewriting. Is Invaluable no matter what one's occupation ma be.

Every Boy and Girl should have the Bryant fttratton training ta business affaire. It Is different from all other schools and in a class by itself. A Short, Precise Course that aiar be acquired la vacation tie. Practical and Intereatlag a change frem tbe routine of claaa work. Pereonal Jnitructlon rapid progress.

Write lor mteraaUng bookleV-eent free. SEEDS that GROW O. W. CLARK A SON, 8EEDSWEN, Senaoa Straart, exr, Elllatetta VVARRHN ROOMNO CO. 4 aaUdeqi KarnaaA-e.

Tea. S. 1ST, to WUXLAMS oa ROOFING al-rix. HALT HRaiy? 'artteaiap attratiaa gtvaa as renairtaa solved gelatine. Cook together, allowing it to boil for a minute or so, and then as it is ready to stiffen.

Use it as yon havs planned. To make a brown chaufroix yon have simply a brown aauca of any sort, bnt add no cream to it. Add Instead a little sherry or Ma deira, and this, of course. Is for the meats of dark hue. A tomato sauce may qaickly be converted into a tomato chau froix by the see of gelatine, and with it have no wine, but rather rich cream, as with the white cbanfroix.

A chaufroix for lobster or for crab meat or for cold satmon may by the use of a little lobster coral be tinted to just the shad of pink your eye for color approves. Start with the whits chaufroix, of course, and after it is quits done sdd the coloring. It must be remembered that in making a cbanfroix it should be skimmed a litO as it boils, to remove so much batter, that it will not when cold have a greasy appearance. In making aspic jelly there are precious few now who favor the old process of cooking calves! feet and other gelatinous things forever and the day After to secure a pint or half pint ef glass that would when cold consent to be jelly. Gelatine is and after being dissolved is cooked in stock, either white or brown, according to the color desired, and it dees all that is required of it.

And the stock need not be very strong either, but it should be judiciously flavored. The use of vinegar In it is not to be recommended; it is too aggressive; use Instead a few drops of lemon juice and secure a tart taste in a delicate way. Onions, of course, or their Juice may bs used to savor the Jelly, as may any vegetable or herb reckoned desirable. And often, very often, in fact, sherry wine in moderation should be used. But if a dish of extremely delicate flavor is to be prepared, all strong savorings and flavorings will be omitted, and instead of lemon juice Rhine wine will be usea This especially for dishes to be made of pate de foie gras.

Boston Transcript. There is a great revival of Spanish lace shawls, and scarfs of all shapes are being worn either ia black or cream color, and many of them are dyed in a soft pastel shade. Another fetching lace shawl is of cofTee-colored silk Cluny. shaped like a ficliu with long, tapering ends- Cream colored net ia also outlined In fichu shape with heavy Arabian lace. The fad of fashionable women with a comfortable allowance for dress accessories is an As--yrian shawl.

This is a long scarf of black or white coarse net In geometrical mesh and is thickly spangled with gold or silver tinsel. These can readHy be made from a length of spangled net such as was used during the winter in glistening evening frocks. Lighter even than these sparkling geuse shawls, the flimy Liberty scarf has lost none of its popularity. The newest of these show stripes and bara of silk crepe In the same or contrasting paste) shades, and borders of gloriously colored Persian deaigna. One specially fas-clnating-scarf has a crepey scarlet polka dot on a white silk ground, and is finished with a deep Persian border in which scarlet is the predominating color.

Scarfs of silk mousseline with scalloped and embroidered edges and embroidered floral patterns on the end are charmingly picturesque with summer evening frock. Another simple but effective scarf is made from the sheerest French mull or batiste, and is hemstitched at the end or scalloped and buttonholed all the way around. One of the loveliest novelties in shawls is a delicately tinted cashmere. A length of three yards is edged with a twelve-inch silk fringe and at either end, extending well up into the body of the shawl are woven huge fullblown roses, and a shawl of lavender resolves itself into a bonier of baby-blqe blossoms. But It is the feather boa to which, after all, a woman clings as the most becoming protection for her tliroat and shoulders.

Dainty little neck pieces like the flat fur tippets worn during the winter, are mads of marihout In white or pastel blues or pinks, while fastened in among the downy feathers are tiny curls of ostrich tips in black, lavender or some contrasting color. Flower such as primroses er one large American beauty rose are also nestled in the maribout at the side of the throat Wash. Star. English usage about gloves differs from the habit of some other countries. In the summer, it is not usual to wear gloves wih a jacket suit if the weather is very warm; but a pair of gloves Is carried In one hand by most men.

With a frock coat, even in the height of summer, at least one glove is worn and when only one. It is the left hand that ploved. The reason of this is, that It is flla-ar. 1 I naOQS Wlin me hand; but is not correct to re move glove for the specific purpose of so doing, except ln one instance. If you attnd a levee of the Prince of Wales, or a stag reception by the king, the right plove must be removed ln sny case, because although, as a rule, the royal house will acknowledge your bow with a similar (but somewhat slighter) Inclination, he may elect to draw you Into conversation, and in that case will shake hands with you.

You may shake hands out of doors with anyone and keep the glove on (and 't Is a bad break to apologize for doing so); but never with royalty. At a levee, 0f course, one is generally Indoor and on entering any bouse the glovt 1 removed, though the hot and cane (if anyl must be carried into tbe reception room (an umbrella always left downstairs the hall) and whn tea Is served the other g-love taken off also, and both are put Into a pocket. These regulations are always observed. At night, white Krovrs are oniy worn for dancing, and i 8t 'nd thi" nviu uui oi aoors, OUt put nn in the dressing room at a ball. Pinner dress dos not Include gloves.

Very few men wear gloves in a theatre. White glove are always worn at the installation ceremony (but not, of course, at the sue? ceeding banquet) of a Masonic lodge. At other Masonic ceremonies the custom vgrjee with different lodges, but, as a rule, nothing but ordinary dinner dress is worn. The dress day glove of the present moment is a rich tsp buck, of two button length, but with only one button. But psle drab glovea of the same skin are also a good deal seen.

The yellow -wash lesther chamois glovt of reeent seasons Is not at all worn now. Gold-tsa kid dog skin gloves, with bread black stltehtna on the points, ar never lBcerri a settled English institution, always assured of a certain measure of faror- naoeraasner, that ths season is supposed to be over and dressing is less format, one sees me appearance or a great many gowns with short skirts. These sometimes present the moat curious mixture of simplicity and elegance. For instsnca. a pongee gown with a short, pUat4 skirt snd shirtwaist ia finished with a leather belt and stiff lace or embroidered Unea collar.

Over the shirtwaist hangs a Ioom bolero of beaotlfnl tinted lace made with loose short sieeves. This Is, of course, worn with long gloves, for the sleeves of the original dress art also elbow length. White gloves are not so popular as they were, as many tinted gloves that match the costume are worn, Several well dressed women at the Grand Prix wore green gVves and thereby made a sensation, although ths fashion will probably not be tken ap to any extent. Among the model gowns intended far the summer there is an aa- raitiaaae aa, saaooa. a Paoa A CkJrace Ir eat J.

CWao SK dwiaaaiii aa TJSafa. TV MetrapotMaa rM XaaUtad ST tJO Sbera LaaUd.MM SJSaaa 11 aaa iB-aW Baaa.a t'-a! ftM iaoant.MM...ta Kw 11.00 aaa. Aoeoanaodaoon aaa fl.fiOpav.. XJarptra eaataXaaraaa. H- ar arad ita "SJO Wav lor '(lSaaa 1S-a aav.Ororva am (sVM lMfe a Aaaaaf murtattrai J6 aaa.

K.t. lMTtoa gorpraaa. HUM aaa "0 pas Battel aortal T.l aaa S.S6 A V. I. pea VjOO ata.

Soalhwaatat a L- aaa Ss 6S pat. Taa ST at pet lAmiaad Faat Mail T. IS am Ta aara Falla e0. "a OB. "jLO paa.

19J. ii. is a. at-i naao, na-aa, s-on. nae.

-s-ss. a.os, tdJ, so. a-sa, eas, uaa, Ta lorkpon-iaja. "CM, PJkX IVLSS A.

BL( tl JBk, ao. a.oo, "aia, nuir Ta La-a-wtoa-S -e), BSlOu, WMI A. W. ntao. M-cs.

a.r, aeii rM. todvataa eanpt tXUp aataal Bnndavt Sa-aatpaoailri xTmllr. mm Maawlar! paaaaraaT ear aaaiangem eelr. ninain coanartlea) at Xw iaaaa Sail? sarae taavSaf. IMm TWrkrt OrSxa, JT7 Masa St, awaw Baia.

Talassiam PaM. Iiasrs FTISt Prettier 430S. Bagrase called for and caecked tbmaa- a) aeatlnanon. Ticket ocoee saw at Kactkaare street Statlna. p.

A. WWU. OMUK.Bata DH. Pa. Aft.

a bLSbOXB. OBO. m. PMUIA een. afgr, Tock.

Oea. Paaa. At, lfKE. SHORlt Union tickct ornci, 377 Main pn) TSLZTaToint, am. aaacea ana.

raomaa tte4. Trama arrtra and aanart rrcnanga Saraal Bta num. PEP AST, iMlirn eT) Tiaaa. AlUUTTt IMitK Ccagoast.Unla,UailmSad 7SA.I AX A. Kzpreav ttt A.

I A. Ran-aloaJKl OnkM r. S.W A. and Ctaciaaatt SpaoaaL. tSM

JaakB-k AeeaataKxlatloB a. 1S.M A.M Ptterture- Laml led. as r. M. Loula Faat H.UF.

9 VTaaiaal said Aeeonimorlalloa A. K. Lit P. krle AeaoanaMOauoB. tlkat haoa M.I P.

P. Aecomaodatlea. tl JL Pat H0t K-S; A. X. Nurht SL rSrar.

3.M A. M. tool and CbwHmatt A. aad Banale Ka H.W p. a.

ta p. k. 11-at PaUp. Dattp, eaaaat Saadag. Daily, except Mmrtaa t.

vr. alt. cuat O. t. sis prssurt a-ta-a.

Michigan Hentpm crrr ticltt omoc ttata street. Tavboae Sail. Smaoa trt JTroaUar BirtaT ia eot Jane (Seat. Ttaee) I AkaiTj 3t Ta Taoaaaa. Patoalt TU lade.

Bar1 Jaakaaa. OraiWti 3 ta Ua CTeak, laltmatoo. tcalaa Oio, Coloaa-a, (Trmirw nuted Flav 4 IMWixinommk i t.lIM 1 iDatroltaad tatermaiHate. fttacara Mrtatea aad Tereate sriar I Seat aMai I Asarra fa. at UZU 'tea 1.

tt UH a. a. I r. I r. a.

r.M- is't a. ail Baffale. Wu.a! ai' I.e. let t.U't maaaoa-tha I are it t't t.aet U.M.t A atlt 10 TXitU.en a. a.

I r. r.a i A.S. i a. a. r.

av SUodAT Train laaraa Buffalo oa arrma Xavrra. on-Uw-Lka 10. at A. at. Rumter.

laaraa SJaora oa tee Jke I.M P. aL, arrlraa BaOatoAd P. K. Batrala aad Teieaaa low An BaS aeaeT" sar ast ABJUVa Tim M.u't I lO ao a red Baaale. Jtja a 1 OS Hamlltoav.

06 l.saj JM a. a. I p. a. Pally, Eacept uaday.

Iroeyt aoodayi W. SALT. Cluef Aef O. P. (l Ptaatttr BaaMlaa.

letBaaace na, Preamr new RAILROAD Traina teava Haw Terk Central Depot. Karbenata" Street. (Eaetera Standard TUaalL aa foilawa 4 8 A Cent taeotal LtoiMad i daU dna York a 30 p. av 6.15 A. A I ban uaeai.

daily, eacaea Saadaip J.tOA-U. Rocoeater local. So a da, an rp. 6 A. K.V.

di daa Veer yorfe 0 4.00 Kewark Loral, datip; 5.30 P. U. National Zapreaa. daUp. Bnndr ran.

only to Albany. Arnrea Kea? TorS ft-00 a aa. .20 r. Erpraea, datipt SleeBtni' rare to Saw Tork aad Boa Loo: ana Xeer Tork 74 a. aa.

Traina arrive from taa F-aet at 1.S0, 0.85. tTJtO and eao a.m., '1 95. rr.ia- DaUp. tDaflr aa-cept Moadar. tDallp ascept Snndnr- A.

O. LATNO. DUt. Paaa. 41 gathaaeeSe, M.

PAXRT, Oeo. Aa-L. BaCaloi V. C. B.

XAUMB8.T.a'I Paaa. AmU Bear Tork Q0 ERIE RAILROAD Ticket Offloe, 309 Mala St, EJUoott vu. STATION, tXCHaHaE SSP MIC Ml San tTs. Sun. Kao.

Sanday. TLT.BaSaler Ar.BaOala. a AoeoauaodarkaL n. a t. UI A tm p.

n. 1.a.a. law Vork Dai Brrtajai'weeil lanilia Saadey Ctanll ealy At, Keci RarBeUarule. Biatlja, Bear Torfe Dartea, Salaaunea "and aVnairord Out I la. Area aad Rackr pew i era ucat i wiaatu a Aoae Caattla a.

a. at a. Hi AS. Atttea Aeeewtmodatloe. Btaaaia Patta, I a au a.

laey, a. n. TCLCFHONC. SELL, lEBECl M0MTKI til H. T.

JAIOER, B. V. MJHOBMTaIK, Oa a. f. Borpaba, I.

P. BcrvaLe, H.T. LACKAWANNA TICKET omCKM.tee Main ElUcottSqaara Dtauon tun I xiffl uzxice at toot oa aaa In effect inly IA IStaV jlt.UtA.Al jr. IX. '-t ft OO am Xrw Tork aad Phil.

Exp ncranion Accno B0 ant Tepaa Orowiand AWi aa KewTork Expneea 5.c0nt Few tork (at aaa ar r.r The r.a)pB aaa Daily. Pal IT lacept San dap. Bjeeeer noee vieu a. Owl." Pvoearrafon BA rimrm In idrinnL TelOBMiite BelL 601. Frreitler leOU Pullman and eialna eara en a4 tnrooa traina, LEHIGH VALLEY Station, Washington and Scott Btvexta.

Lai' Mi J.T t. )e Iwiiy ti.ieeap. rth ri JM rm BAM AM I T. a PMla. VatiBMIa laall.

Pallaaaiakla Eiaraat ei.t pa Tiee ra ea a ra lkM aad layr eu. mi it Tara aa4 KMiaertiala Piaraw. ij as a tM Ptl-atra gaetart aef PaintanMl EapiMJ. 1 Ma Mi- raiM, tiaaaaM aaa laraata it-lt rm etu aa MS ra bu.u tm eta S'Mf. lTctiai na ra 'Mac r-taej aa meB tiiaw.

Jet1- ra ea-w ra etaet pjoTriv rrTiox, WAAHiGT0 aip mxiTJ ra. Both 'psoska. sea. nCUT OmCat, 8ST MAX3T fTUTT, EXUOOTT SOCaVKJC laaaav a. a.

1 SU A.B. 4 1 A- a. aa a. B. JIB p.

a. ttkt a av ta a a. ilm a a. it.E ta a. Itar.iL (at a a.

4 aaa e. a. a av a a. i. a.

I a. i at aa. 1 p. Ice Cream Cake -To the white of five Inrge and smsll hats were noticeable in egg, lightly beaten add two cups of su- the frames in question. ery great dl-a i.mtor nnp enn of mik.

I versity ws diacernible in the shapes crown, for the most part otaerrabla. f- they re variously square. beU shaped i and oval, with some of eccentric lines TWO ana oiiw-iibh. vims Ul ugai xuyi tmtr- threa cups OI nour. and tnree teaspoon- fala of baking powder: bake in thin lay- nse as a cream to spread between a half cup of water boiled together; beat Cottage cheese, will made, la a rarity.

Perhaps because the process is so simple, housewives grow careless and fail to observe the few rules ueceaaary to Its success. When cottage cheese is prepared from freshly "loppered" milk, that baa not a suspicion of mould or bitterness about it. and is hung in a bag of snowy cleanliness, it will be good. The addition of chives to a cak of cottojte cheese is a great improvement. A Connecticut housewife cuts a few long blades of this herb into quarter-inch lengths, and with a spoon works it.

all through the cheese; then moulds the cheese into small cakes, and puts them in a cool, place to become firm before serving. Philadelphia cream cheese is even easier to make than cottage cheese, as one does no, have to heat It on the stove before hanging it in the bn'u to drip. The sour cream used should not be especially rich. If it is, the cheese will be too Aa soon as the sour cream has become solid. but not bitter or mouldy, put it without heating in a clean cheesecloth bag.

thoroughly sprinkled with salt, to keep it free from mould. Hang the bag where it can drip. In a day or two turn the cheese out of the bag, form it into a neat cake and serve. It should be quite dry and in every way similar to the kind sold in tinfoil package. When care fully made it ie even better than the commercial variety.

Tribune. Several prominent women have this season affected the Empire costume, which allows of thin material and dainty embroideries. A contrast to, this mode-l Is the Byzantine style of princess gown which the Countesae Greffulbe adopted last winter. At a recent charity bazaar she appeared in a gown of silver brocade, made with a sheath composed entirely of jewels. The ornaments in her hair consisted of a large diamond star holding a pear-shaped pearl and a half loop of dangliiy; diamonds.

The loop was suspended above the head by Invisible wires, and the star was set in the pompadour with the pearl falling down on the forehead. As sensational as this ornamentation sounds, it was not more so than that worn by other women present. The rapidity with which one fashion follows another in Paris is illustrated by the almost total disappearance of the little saucer hats perched on one side of the head or, in fact, of anything turned up in too exaggerated a fashion. Among well dressed women these are now no longer seen. On the contrary, thet wear broad, flat shapes with falling lace" draperies and graceful, conventional arrangements of plumes.

To wear with the red ingot or any form of the Direc-toire garment are high crowned hats with narrow brims trimmed with tall plumes arranged in a bunch on one side or sometimes draping the crown. Tribune, Paris cor. Hefe is a new wrinkle for the girl who likes to make things. She will need as a starter waist of very fine white linen or lawn. Tan is even better or a pale shade of buff.

This waist is the starting point for one of the prettiest articles in tie wardrobe. Take any thin linen waist, or a waist of washable organdie, or anything that is sheer and dressy looking and match it with a piece of lace. You will need just enough to 'go across the front in yoke fashion, and enough for the cuffs. Take the lace and apply it. Then, with embroidery stitches, buttonhole stitches, fagoting and cross stitch, go over the lace working it here and there until it seems to be a part of the waist material.

When it is done, dampen slightly and press flat. In this way you will get the effect of lace worked in the material like a pattern dress. There la something of au inlaid effect, though the lawn or the linen is not to be cut out underneath. A lovely waist was made recently for a woman who likes pretty things. It wns a white linen, very heavy with heavy lace medallions worked into the linen.

They were elaborately stitched into the goods and were then pressed until they seemed a part of the materini. I This n1B iH -nn ho onrrioH a flannel waist and is, perhaps, most successful in flannel and cashmere as the lace seems to sink Into the material better and become a part of it. Care must, however, be taken to use a great many stitches in order that the medallions lie perfectly flat. They must be stitched in the middle as well as along the edges, sort of worked into the pat tern. Brooklyn Eagle.

A canary diamond framed In fine diamond, niakvs a beautiful ring. Another costly ring noted is a round black pearl which is surrounded by diamonds. An ingenious device for shaping ribbon girdles is a silver or gilt strip which clips the material at and bottom and Is invisible while holding It in place. Very handsome is a crossover bracelet, with five round gray pearls set diagonally iu the opening. The folding locket ia a little novelty to be worn as a chatelaine charm.

It opens as a straight frame for six photos, and folds into a perfectly round ball of bright or yellow gold. A prettf oblong card case of bright gold bss a dainty chain attached. Very smart and unique is an ornament which has the red currant as the motif, with graceful stem and leaf work in diamonds, while rubles simulate the drooping bunch of currants. A pearl like Australian shell of a rare shade of pink forms an exquisite brooch. It is sot en a bar.

with a cluster of diamonds at each end and a diamond on the pink shell. Dog collars come In many taking styles, from the simple bead collars to those composed of- elaborate rose gold filigree conjunction with diamonds, pearls or sapphires. A beautiful fruit basket of silver gilt haa the circular sides of open ovals, with bunches of grapes and leaves at regular Intervals, while the bottom of the basket ia covered with a mass of leaves. Pretty bonbon dishes snd cnt glsss berry dishes have two or threa loop handles. A six bandied fruit dish of Irish silver is also shown.

Berry and leaf designs in a variety of arrangements are shown in strawberry shortcake servers and other flat ware. The broad, heavy effect is now seen In comb tops of plain gold or of plain gold ornamented in delicate vine work or set with pearls. Both bright snd rose gold sre employed in ornamenting the curved tops. A toilet tab'e set of carved hrory Is further embellished with silver gilt tracery on a vinelike pattern of the fuchsia, the brush and mirror backs being somewhat trlancnlsr ln form. From the Jewelers' Circular-Weekly.

A simple white ehanfroix to be used with white meats snd with some kinds of cold fsVmny be made by nsing with a gill of white sxura an equal quantity 1 the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth. Jiru Iibmii is the role-tuminga-p at Liic unt--e Hiuc tru uf viua muu white flowered dimity gown with a deep rouud yoke and shoulder pieces of laca and needle work. The long skirt of the gown wta trimmed with hree deep tucks, under which fell ruffles of the dimity, edged with lace. The model was simple. Mid could have been made at home for one-third the price asked.

Evening Post. nv r.t th hunrfanmeat necllsees are Post The rules for ahoe etiquette, as adopted by the short skirted girla of a certain Western town, are these: Wear low shoes all you can. They make the ankle look smaller. Put in new shoe strings every day, Iiearn how to tie a fetching side bow. Match your stockings to your sho.

Have your shoes polished twice daily. Never wear a worn-out or a worn-down shoe. Be careful of your heels. One run-over heel will spoil the effect of the walk. Study your shoes and walk properly.

Each pair of shoes has its own peculiarities. And, finally, don't have corns. The corn question is one to be settled individually. There are fewer foot blemishes today than ever before and the girl of the summer will confess to none of thenv Her feet are her pride and she understands how to keep them beautiful. Brooklyn Eagle, mitted early inspection an Idea haa been arrived at concerning shapes with which the pext season will open headwear.

Indications now point to prevalence in hats of medium size, rather than to the decidedly large, or the decidedly small shapes, although illustrations of both hpnitirht nut this designers having in their adjust ment From the Millinery Trade Review, The. new gloves are close'y related to There are no new vlrletieg of rloves, 1 calculated for wear with the new short aleeves. Very pretty gloves are finished with little frills of lace. They are wrist gloves with the lace frills setting out above them. Then, above the frills, come the bracelets, without which no wrist glove is finished.

Another smart glove is finished with a band of velvet with a little frill set along the upper edge of the velvet. Still another pair of short sleeves is made with a wide embroidered silk band around the too. There are ever so many neat fin ishinga. The long glove is admirable thifl year for j8 msde so that It sets or snugly to the arm. snd is not as hard to manage as It might be, These long gloves come in kid.

both KBTf' Bni suede, snd they a'so come in silk and In a kind of silk which looks and feels like ponaee. In length, they are both elbow gloves snd shoulder gloves, with a preference for the elbow sort. Prooklyn Eagle. The skirt of the moment shows many phases, and just what we are to expect In .1 i Jlntt.l. i 'I for the lklrt, close over the hips and rippling at bottom into graceful though extreme fulmess, is the most st-traetive walking skirt model that has ever been devised.

Tunic skirt effects are having a pronounced vogue, although. so far, only the famous French matters exploited them vigorously, and they effect, and trimmed with inset -lace and frills, and" other overskirts are of the peplum order, shortest ia front and crossing over where the -fronts meet below the waist line, but none of these more eccentric models is so graceful and pretty as the beU shaped tunic, pointed in front aud back. Inter-Ocean. The French cook, with her proverbial economy, utilise lettuce to the best advantage- For salad she aaes only the Crisp heart leaves, saving the green outside leaves to use as "greens' or la a delicious cream of lettuce soup, A stuffed bead of lettuce la another food dish prepared from this vegetable. After taking out tbe heart leaves, leavina the shape of the lettuce unbroken, fill the I head with a veal forcemeat similar to I sausage.

The heart leaves that are I taken out should, of course, be laid aside for salad. Plae the head or heads in iuf knil tnr Kwm tk" tb into ld when drained, fill wfttj the forcemeat, using a scsnt fourth of veal suet to three in the now frames. Low j3 cruaw A delicious iced dessert is ginger mousse. Hair a cnpiui or sugar is nrst Douea wim ioUrlu .,1 until it reaches the thread stage. Whip the whites of two eggs very stiff and 8rn? 1 1.

111 I.U I i-. i. of whipped cream is folded intothis mix tare, and a cupful of preserved ginger chopped very fine is mixed in at the last moment. Puce in a mold, seal carefully, and pack in ice and salt for several hours. The syrup in which the ginger was preserved makes an excellent sauce for this mousse.

s. 1 f- i A ffl The chef of a famous country club-2? bouse has been prevailed upon to give his recipe for "O'Brien" potatoes. This is a combination of Irish potatoes and pimetx or Jamaica peppers. ine po- tatoes ere cut into slices and parboiled. A layer of potatoes Is put in the baking dish, then a layer of the peppers sliced a sprinkling of flour and bits of butter, another layer of potatoes, then peppers, the same as in scalloped potatoes.

Cream and the liquor from the can of pimentos are poured over the top and the whole is baked in the oven and is delicious. What to Eat. Perhaps ths 'ntlest of an -negliges nrmtnn ot tbe oW tlnw bell and m. tboaaoC dotted Swiss over pale pink skirt with modifications, tqr bias China xilk slips. The slips are.

a Vtmn phenomenon in the sphere of course, nnlined, and are plain princess MlVin, vi nH l. hniiait with shapes trlmnnd around the bottom with yui.i iiviuii. hi n't v. 1 1 gown over one of these simple slips was kind of in Empire model, tucked in a square yoke and tied with' a pale bine sash. Tbe sash was arranged -around the back of the gown and fas- Interned on either side of the front panel.

VttV. iK sa lana ssmmAl 'Ilia mnAm rail have not become common, J.ns pen snap- over the skirt to the edge of the deep i tnnlc at the sides snd fallius ijhsm. The front of the short waist was i CTW nBdersklrt or a deep flounce set snrplie of the Swiss striped with lace, on a kirt fonndatlon. is the model most -snd was crossed with two lengths of often een ln broadcloth and other wools, -jribbon at the waist line. Evening Post, amj Tariationa upon this Idea, with miegs of lace, are used for the sheer y.n The silk and fabric gloves sold this materials.

Some of the models have ----year; are much beter in the quality of corner tunics slit all the way np -the silk used as well as in shape and fit tt, mm whnt micht Ho nnA nmn ever na gioves usea 10 os Qrathsr uncomfortable on the band, ea-p: 4eclally to nervous people who objected Ma the "crawly feeling of tbe silk. That objection has bean emoved, and ailk gloves are about as comfortable as kid. The glove this yesr has a pin In silk palm, which wean better than the aO mesh, but it is not quite so pretty. For wearing vith elbow sleeves the fancy lace gLve are extremely pretty. Mitts with Uoe tops are also good.

The 5 4 gloves are to ie had in almost svery shade' besides black aud white. For wear the fine thread gloves ara liked. They wear very well and tit perfectly. Evening- Post. PM Drror.

T.aOl t-a A SOI I a. t.eo.i5.. frrv. 1 i.tai.....jiou i pa I pa 1 am I pat I aorrira. p.

AAAXn. Sean Art PaarV atPTAAa, a. Room gowns-or negliges, which have en- tirely superceded th floppy wrapper of i i Oj. a rn Tr-. Wtt.

Ml (yZyjrTt Lona. All Trmiaa Pally ally. CACUIkAal twna Aa, aa. UK la. ao 4.

a. CUy Pa.

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