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Carlisle Weekly Herald from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 2

Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II hfj Victory in Georgia The Whigs of Georgia have acheived a brilliant victory in the triumph election of iilvctiou ttttitrna The returns of the election so far as received show thai the loco fooos will probably have the legislature by dreith majority in the Housr, uuil a rmjnriiv of nerhani one in the Senate. Huiins, Mr. Crawford, their Candidate for Gov Fur thu IJciuId Expositor. 'MPirision of Wtul PenmboroS Mr. Editur 1 proceed to give some rtccuiinl of in idlers connected with the Common Schools in our towiiHlnp, which it in bcliovctl have find no tittle influence in bringing tibou the present poa.

lure of ntfuirs. In 1838 the Hoard of Director of tins lowntdiip divided it into sub-districts for 8c pernio Schools, thus affording the votcri of ettch 1 an hPHE subscribers would rec tl'ul ty an- nouiiee tlml tlfljii Imvt; just reeeivofl new hikI frMH iMOi'tinairt DliUOS, PAINTS, OII.H, I'KIU'UMKHY, fAN'CV KOAl'B, tt. fci: all ol which ihey will tell at a advance for CASH at their itand opninlte Wiprott'i Hotel. STEVENSON MEHAFFEY. Carlule, October 23, Fall mifinfi'tf.

ernor. Polk's majority in the Slate last fall was 2,040. This has now been swept away hy the gains already received, which in addition leave a clear majority of from 1,000 to 1,600 for Crawford. a VSXVe find the following in the last week's 'Volunteer' i appointment by Ihe Directors of the Poor. Joseph Esq.

Steward of the Poor House for the ensuing year. It sirilics us that considering the time and the circumstances this is a most unwarranted and unjustifiable proceeding. The common practice of the Hoard is to make their appointments in Junuarjfl I5nt mi Thursday last it became currently reported that the loco foco candidate for Director of the Poor was probably defeated hy the whig candidate, Dr. Whether it wa3 that Mr. Lobach feared that his former conduct merited a dismissal from the Stewardship or not, ihe fear of The returns also indicate that the whigs sub-district nil opportunity of oppoiullng their own toucher under the of the board.

In 1 t3G the board adopted a rule requiring instruction to bo given in English Grnrnniur and will have a majority on joint ballot in the E. BEATTY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MRS. NEFF begs leave to Inform lior customers and Indies in general, lliol she ha returned from the ciiy, and bus opened large assortment of FAI.TV Mir.MNKRY.suchoaVol. vet, Bilk and Braid tiON.

urged ns a good reason for division. Wo ask the public io hear another statement before tho sub-jeet is dismissed. Tho school directors of this townrffup have within the last nine years expended in ihe erection of School houses nbou $2 100. Of this suiit about $1800 has been expended in tho upper end, und COO in the lower end. Thu whole ot tho sum of 81800 was expended In building six houses in the upper end before there was a cent expended below.

The two houses built in the lower end were put up in 1844. During all this limo while this largo sum was expending, no complaints were heard from above about money passing across tho line, but the moment $100 crosses the other way, then you hoar of diviaiun. What are the offertts of division 7 In addition to doubling the expenses in carrying on township business and multiplying offices needlessly, three School districts will be divided, thus irnptsing on us joint Schools always a source of trouble, or the great expense of building additional School houses and remodelling the whole township, and for what is this to be incurred Aye for what 7 Thanking you. Mr. Editor, for your courtesy in publishing my statements I will trespass upon you no further.

A CITIZEN OF WEST PENNSHORO. October. 1844. the loco loco candidate forCannl CommU-sioncr, is also elected by a very considerable majority. We shall be able to present correct table of the members elect to the Legislature in our next.

In Philadelphia city the whigs have carried their whole ticket. The vole for Mayor was, for Col. Swifl the Whig candidate, 4902 Keysor, Native, 4824 and Col. Page, Democrat, 3028 giving Swift a over Keyser of 4.T8. 'I'll is Geography whsn it wo desired by those having the cure of children, thus by necessary inference making the capacity to give this instruction an indispensiblc qualification in teachers.

In 18-10 a supplement was made td the school law the fins1 section of which is as follows, viz "The directors of every school district rIiuII examine every NKl'S; Ribbons; Flowers; Cops Feathers. Laces Spencers; (Jnrselts; Fringes; Kid.glovea; Hose; Muff's; Thibet and Silk Shawls; Velvet and Siliis for Bonnets; Urc sa Silks Cusliniore Do Cosao Eollati Satin; Muslin Delaine; I'lttid Cloak iryBonnetl altered after tliu latest slyle. Oct 23. person wishing to be employed as a teacher in their district, and if found qualified, and of good moral character, shall give them a certificate majority was not sufficient to overcome the locofoco majority in the county, which causes the election of the locofoco candidates for city and county officers. In Philadelphia (JOUIlly the locofoco can WEDNESDAY, October 22, 18(5.

rich expose of some llin leaders of the loco foco party in the United States, will be found in the article on our first page entitled the Mackenzie Pamphlet. We shall give further extracts from 4 the f7The first exhibition of the Cumberland county Agricultural Society, will take place to-morrow near this bon ugh. A considerable display bl slock, agricultural implements, is expected, and there will also be a ploughing match. Legislature. The Senate will probable stand, S3 Whigs to 25 Locofocos giving a majority in that body of three, which will be more than balanced by a Whig majority of six or eight in the House.

Title victory is as unexpected as it is brilliant, and furnishes cheering evidence that the Whig spirit throughout the land is recovering from the shock sustained from the disastrous result of the Presidential struggle, with a determination to stand by the organization and long cherished prin. ciples of the party. This is the right spirit Let it be adopted every where, and victory will yet perch upon oht banners. The lielrogeneous mass of modern Democracy are too weak long lo withstand a warfare as active as that displayed by the indomitable Whigs of Georgia in the recent contest, and by them presented to the count and that no person shall be employed as a traihcr unless he shall have procured such certificate, which shall be i enticed annually." In 1842 James Superb Shawls JUST RECEIVED enotlicr supply of elegant1 Takcri Shitwft, from $IC tu' tS; ditto Thibet, dilto Silk Fringe, embroidered arid plain cha, Blanket, Cashmere and all other kinds of Shawls, at low prices, can bo had at the store of oct23 CIJAS. OGlf.BY.

Elliott. was selected as teacher of the joint didates for Senate, Assembly, ike. sucoeed school (made of parts of West Pennsboro1 and the election of a Whig Director seems at any rate to have produced this most precipitate haste in securing him bis place for another year If the People of Cumbn-lnnd county will but reflect a moment they ill see how this appointment violates all right and justice, it completely forestalls public opinion, which the late election shows is now thoroughly aroused in regard to the condition and managemeiitof our Poor House. Had Dr. Myers been elected he would now have no choice in the appointment of a Steward Dickinson) by the committee, and commenced Mineral Kesouhces ok the United teaching without having appeared before the board for examination, and of course without hav.

States- The N. Y. Gazette has a cor-reipodeht who occasionally furnishes that paper with scraps ol truly useful informa ing procured the certificate, although both lie and the committee were distirrcly informed that the board would hold it indispensable. Several meetings of the board were held expressly for the purpose of examining ihe Squire, but he never by a majority of 558. The natives have been totally routed in the city and county.

In Lancaster county ihe whigs have fcleeieii their enure ticket, by majorities varying from 200 to 900, over the Democrats and Natives. In York, the entire locofoco ticket with ihe exception of Treasurer, was elected without opposition. In llncks county the loco Conns have elected three members of the house of Houses for Rent, THE two atory plastered house, lately occupied by Irwin, Esq. in Eawt High street, opposite the residence or General Armor, is for rent from the first of April next, or will be sold, if desired, on accommodating' terms-The weather hoarded house, garden, ui present Occupied by James West South street, adjoining the property of Patrick PhiHips. Oct 2X J.

W. EBT, ppeared before the board A committee of the two boards was appointed to meet at Mount Rock it a time agreed upon to examine him. A ma- ority of the committee, us also the Squire and ry as worthy of imitation and adoption by all friends of correct principles. A few years will suffice to rend them asunder, if not soon disrupted by the corruption and and profligacy so characteristic of its ele. merits.

his friends, attended. But if we should jude To ihe Heirs and Ijpg-l Uepresentatives'of LEONARD WE1SE, late of South-MidJIeton Township, deceased. SplATCE NOTICE, that in pursuance cT a writ. of Partition and Valuation, isBucd out of from what took place, we must say that the for the ensuing year, and almost every purpose of his election thug rendered a complete nullity It is not necessary that we should comment farther mi till most extraordinary transaction. It will startle the unsuspecting People of this county who have so confidently trusted the men who have had the management of our county affairs, and will convince them that something must be "rotten in Denmark," when such extraordinary proceedings lake place ilfl llin mIimCO hv llio Ilirncl.trs tC llm P.v.v,.

juire's object was not to be cximfue'fy but lo Representatives by a majority of about 250. In Chester county the entire Whig county ticket is elected hy a large majority, with the exception of the Prolhono-lary. In Montgomery county all the loco foco abuse the committee. At the next meeting of the board a leading mpmber of that district, and a member of the committee that selected ihe Squire, and with expressions of regret for Ihe failure of ihe last attempt, named two members the Orphan Court of Cumberlm nd county, and to me directed, an Inquest will be held on the real esta'e of said deceased, on SATURDAY, the I 8th day of November, A 1845, at 10 o'clock, of said day. on the premises, fur the pur.

CT" Mr. Hbnky Lechmcr, of North Hanover street, gave us a few days since an evidence of the success he has met with in the cultivation of the grape, by a present of several magnificent clusters. We never tasted grapes of a more delicious flavor. They are of the Elsinborough stock, white in color, and although not quite so large, are decidedly superior to the Isabella or Catawba. The trouble attending their cultivation has in Mr.

Leehlcr's experiment been well repaid. New Dress. Our neighbors of the Volunteer' brought out the organ of the democracy' last week, in quite a handsome new uniform." It now presents an appearance very creditable to the typographical taste and skill of its publishers. We may add, too, that its new ediUrs really seem disposed to repudiate the scur-rillous personalities which have so long made the prosperity of the locofoco press Ohio is Cowing ffThe returns of the election in Ohio as far as received are most flattering to the Whigs, and indicate that we shall have the Legislature in both branches of the board, whom he requested might be ap It. wv calm Itiit lea uy i iitiiiitnv (ii pointed to meet with the Dickinson board, and irt pose of muk log partition arid valuation on the real estate of said deceased.

ADA VI LONGSDORF, Sheriff. Shorifl's Office, Carlisle, October 23, 1815. is any thing wrong if ihere is any if mere about 1700, except McOlalhery, the can conjunction with such a one as they might appoint tion. In a late number lie yit-cs a sketch of the mineral resources of the United Stales, from which we condense the following. The granite of America surpasses the graniie of all other countries, both in quantity and In Maine the graniie quarries are more valuable than in any other part oT America.

The whole expense of it delivered in New York, is $3.02 per ton and is worth here $7,00 per ton leaving a gain of $,38 per Ion. The atwoffnt of Lime annually manufactured in Maine is about 700,000. Casks valued at 87000,000. This is more in value than the produce of all ihe gold mines in our country. one Lime Factory on the Hudson a kiln is charged' ami liea-let? every 12 hours The amount daily manufactured there is about 700 bushels, to malic which amount, requires about one ton of Anthracite coal.

The divtffhess county XAme kilns produce annually 15,000,61) bushels, worth about $93,700 The quarries of gypsmn or plaster in New York are very Valuable. In Wheatland, Monroe county, OOCHV tons are annually obtained. In excavating for ibr Auburn and Syracuse Karlraod, 30.000 lo examine the Squire, pledging his word and honor lhat the Squire should submit to the o.tam'- corruption any where, ihe People will now more than ever demand that it shall be fully and thoroughly exposed. nation or Ihey would give him up and appoint some other person. I no board acceded to ins equest, and the persons select by him attended didate for Prothoeotary who received only 200 majority.

In Adams, the gallant Whigs of the Young Guard, have elected their whole ticket by an average majority of 300. The Whigs of Franklin have thoroughly purged their county from the taint of locofoeoism, by the election of the entire at the Stone tavern at considerable sacrifice of personal comfort, in the fond hope of putting an lotltw nitl 4 iX EXTENSIVE assortment of English and French Itroad Cloths, from S3 to Brown and Pilot Cloth for Overcoats, anewsr--ticle. American Rrond Clatb, Irom, $1 25 to a splendid assortmcntol fancy Casshneres; Plain, HIaek and Blue Cassimerca of all qualities, selling very low, at the cheap store of Oct. 23. CHAS.

OGILBY. Bobbin ants Thread Edgings. i assortment of Thread and Bobbin Edgings just received, and for sale low, by Oct 23. G. HITNDR, nd lo disagreeable and unprofitable contention- ll parties interested were there.

The committee Connecticut Town Elections. The Boston Daily Advertiser makes ihe following summary of results of the recent election in Connecticut. The annual election in Connecticut, took place on Monday last. In a large portion of ihe towns the two political parties supported distinct tickels. The Whigs appear in general to have well sustained their ascendency in a majority of the towns, A question of great interest, in the greater part of the Stale, was the choice of town commissioners, under a new law, lo whom is delegated the authority lo decide whether licenses shall be granted for the sale of soirit- from this township insisted upon doing the duly county ticket, by about 200 majority a victory worthy of the intelligence and pa assigned Ihern, but for some cause unknown to hie the examination did not take place.

Our board and our committee did every tiling that could rcsonably be done in the matter, and no blame could attach to them, let it fall where it A Good Joke. The following is communicated to the Richmond Whig. We don't know how true it is, but names are given: It is said that the day on which Mr. ('lay arrived at the White Sulphur, Colonel Singleton, of South Carolina, had invited Mr. Andrew Stevenson, Judge P.

V. Daniel, and John Tyler, to take lea in his cabin. Mr. Clay, being unaware of the fact, determined about twilight, to visit the Colonel. The three worthies above mentioned, had already arrived before the candles were lighted.

Colonel S. was standing in the door, as Mr. Clay approached, "flow do you do, Mr. Clay?" said the Colonel, in a loud voice. Tyler sprang out of the window, ditto Daniel and Stevenson following suit.

When the I i a I i is were brought, the Colonel was surprised to find his visiters had sloped rtn Bjjs, Ac. fc'C'ieral assortment of Jet and other verities of Colored Breast Pitas and M-uir Pins, just opened by (J. W. BITSER. nay.

Instead of appointing another teacher and party, and to conduct their paper with a due regard to dignity of tone and character. Of course we shall not let the Herald' be long eclipsed. We are now making arrangements for procuring new and beautiful type instead of that we are at present using, and expect shortly to present our paper in a style that shall as well elicit admiration of its external appearance as commend it to the further patronage of the community. But the change is not to be wrought in a moment and our friends must live in hope" for a short time. agreeably to the pledge given, the Squire kept possession of the public School house lor four months, and the committee sustained him in doing so.

And the same person who made the ii Berlin Iron Necklaces, jiist BAD, Bn received oils liquors, or not. Ill a large majority of the towns the Temperance parly has prevailed in the choice of commissioners known to be opposed to the grunting of ledge went to Harrisbnrg to procure if possible a decision against the board, presented the report of ihe School and demanded payment for the itfiack swwf face's, It addfttonaF dp ply of Black Frftiges and Ladfes, jriat reefeWed1 by Oct O. W. HITNER. Velvets a fid SHI.

tons were obtained between Spracuse and Camillus, which sold for 35,000. The marble quarries nf Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York are very valuable, and produce marble of great beauty and excellence. The income of the Berkshire marble quarries in Misssaehusetis, is annually $70,000. Four chimney pieces of the Vcrd Xntique maihle, were obtained from New Haven, for the eapilol at Washington, D. C.

for which $3000 were paid. The pillars of the Merchants' Exchange ill Wall street, are the largest stones ever full assortment of this article, all colors and it if style, tor sale cheap. Gel S3. CHAS. OtJIUiV.

licenses. It is supposed that not more than twenty towns in ihe Slale have chosen commissioners in favor of granting licenses. A proposition for amending the constitution, by abrogating the property qualification for being a voter, was submitted for the consideration of the people at this election. There appears to have been a very small vole on the question, but of ihe votes given, the majority are in favor of amendment. triotism of the citizens of that enlightened cou nty.

In Huntingdon county the loco foco division candidates for Legislattne are elected by a small majority. In Cambria county, Michael Dan Ma-oeehan, whig, has been re-elected by a handsome majority. In Lebanon, the entire Whig ticket is elected by majorities ranging from one to five hundred. In Bedford, the entire locofoco ticket is elected by about 300 majority. Lehigh has not done better" she is loco foco as usual.

Westmoreland is of course locofo; but by a reduced majority on ihe Senatorial vote. In Allegheny the entire Whig and Anti-masonic ticket has succeeded by from 300 to 500 majority. Nativeisrti is completely roi ted there. In Perry, Eleazer Owen the Independent locofoco candidate is elected to ihe Assembly over Hickok, the regular nominee, by a majority of about 40. Joseph Miller, ihe Independent Whig candidate for Prothonotary is elected by over 200 majority.

In Dauphin the Whig candidate for Senator has a majority over locos and Natives and Mr. Kunkel, one of the Whig candidates ior Assembly is elected by 400 ma quarried in America. They weighed 23 Cassitietls 4 Tremendous stock of Oassi potts just receiv-lm cd, cheaper (ban ever, (i ood Cassinett from 2.) cents Recollect the oiti stand 4th store below the Market House. Oct. 23.

CIIAS. OGILBY'. tons, and cost -1000 each. They are from Quincy, of Ihe same material as Squrie, one lime soliciting, arid again threatening he terrors of legal coercion, and for three successive years the most strenuous efforts have been made tc get un implied condemnation of the board by an election of directors favorable to the Squire. To the credit of our citizens be it known that all attempts of this Bort have signally failed.

And now as a last resort, an appeal is made to the Court of Common Pleas to dismember the township. It was during this time, while Squire Elliott was demanding to be paid for taking possession of Ihe public School house and teaching in defiance of the School law, lhat he decided that the consent of Ihe board was not necessary to en-title a teacher to recover. Il is hard to believe that this decision was altogether impartial. So much for that part of the subject. It has been said that the division is asked for because thu upper end have been imposed on by the lower end in the location of ihe Supervisor for the upper end, and having to contribute to the making of the roads in the lower end.

This I have heard myself from one of the rnosl prominent of the division parly. The allegation that the Hunker Hill monument. The same granite is even taken as Car as N. Orleans. snv a i a torv.

No. 17j Frankin Street, near JPcnmylva-uia Avenue, BALTIMORE, Md. Independent Catholic Church. We Outlines of the History of Greece, Rome, England, and America, in four volumes. This series of School histories was published in London by "the Society for Promoting the Christian Knowledge." They are said to be the ablest books of the kind published since those of Goldsmith.

They are generally used iu the Schools of England, and arc recommended by the highest English authorites, as the works which should by all means be used as introductions to the departments of history to which they relate. They are so condensed that, while the cost of them is but a trifle and the study of them an easy task, they present a clear and pleasing narration of all that is important in the histories of which they treat. They are well printed and bound, and contain a large number of illustrations. They are published in Philadelphia by Thomas Cowpertb wait Co. and for eale in Carlisle at ihe book slore of Mr.

Loudon. We recommend them to all who are interested in education. understand there is a movement in this city, says the Cincinnati Gazette, to establish an Independent Catholic Church, in accordance with the avowed principles of the Reformation now in progress in Germany. A city German paper contains a call for a Pastor of a new Catholic Church. ICT" According to Willis, ihe practice of street smoking is universal in Paris.

He says: every man smokes in the street in Paris. Anil what is worse, (or better, as you chance lo think about it,) the ladies smoke very generally! I was sitting by the side of a lovely English woman, yesterday, on a morning call, when she suddenly threaded her fair fingers through the profusion of blonde curls upon her cheek, and said: "I hope my hair is not disagreeable yon!" 1 looked amazement at the possibility of course. "Because," she added, I have been smoking all the morning, and it stwys in one's hair so!" The ladies smoke small paper segars, made of very delicate tobacco. They scout the idea of ever giving the practice up, and are only astonished at so long having left this charming thought-softener lo male Hy- is1'1 The Whigs of New York State are preparing for ihe November elections with their old spirit, and with an energy that deserves, if it does not command success. The party is re-organized evety where all third partyism, of every name, is es-chev ed, the best men in the ranks take the field and the ancient fires of Whigism are re-liirMed.

This example will not be hist. The brilliant achievement of the Whigs of Georgia, who have shown how LATH Of F.N LVANI A yv ESP ECTFU LIY informs the public that he has commenced the ma niifhcturiB of the genuine Lancaster Rappee as was made by the late Christopher Demuth, the original inventor and founder of tbn establishment in Lancaster, and which recipe is in the possession of no other person bat the advertiser, ho is now sole pro. prit tor ofthe original recipe (fur malting the celebrated Lancaster Rappee Snuff) and which will be found a Oner and ftr superior article lo any sold as Lancaster Snuff, N. Ii. AH orders for E.

E. DE MOTH'S Gon. nine Lancaster Rappee Snuff will be thankfully received and promptly attended to, at a reduced price fur cas h. October 4r. jority.

Harper me ottier nig cantiitiaie, Vermont. The Legislature ofthe Stale of Vermont convened at Montpelier on the Bill inst. Whig officers weie elected in both branches, by decisive majorities. In consequence of a non-election of Slate officers by the people, the duty of appointing the Governor, Lieut. Governor and Treasurer, devolved upon the Legislature, which was promptly discharged by the election ofthe regular Whig candidates William Blade as Governor; Horace Ealon Lieut.

Governor and John Spalding as Treasurer. The old Green Mountain State continues Whig all over. Death of an Editor. Mr. Moses A.

(Janan, editor of ihe Johnstown Gazette, died on the 6th inst. in the 2tiih year of his age. Mr. Canan was a young man of pleasing manners, and amiable disposition, and possessed a fair degree of intellectual ability. The acquaintance we had with him, gave us an opportunity lo appreciate his worth and excellence of character, and it was with sincere regret thai we received the intelligence of his untimely decease.

It is understood that the subscribers to this church are numerous, and ihe main object of their association is ihe establishment of a Catholic Church, independent of the Pope and Bishops. Factory Girls. The l'iltsbtirg Gazette says, the factories are all idle of course and the girls doing nothing. Neither side appears disposed to yield on the contrary, both sides arc becoming more an, more irritated. is defeated, and Michael Keller, one of the locofoco nominees, elected instead.

The Whig and locofoco candidates for Prothonotary, Zinii and lloas, are a tie in this case the Governor appoints for one year. The Whig candidates for Sheriff and Treasurer, are elected the locofoco candidates for the remaining offices are elected. In Schuylkill county the whole locofoco ticket is elected by several hundred ma MAKV WEAKLKY respectfully informs tlic public timt she Hub removed to the house lately occupied by George Fleming, ironn opposite Ihe House Hotel and Hail Road l)c o', where she is prepared to supply all kinds of large ml smr.l 1 KS of ihe various kinds, upon the shortest notice. Orncei-iet Con feet iniiHri e'Queeu-wre. Toys and Fancy Articles always on hand, uiiich ill he sold on as favorable terms ns nossi- (Li Bn.rous Fete genrrally begins with yawn ing, stteclhing, potti in the bones.

Ufirrnor, giddi She Bolicits a share of miMie nalronAfre. and ness, a swelling it bout the region of the stomach, hie the north side of the upper part of the township with the aid of lower end, have prevented the south and vest side from baring a due share of tho Supervisors. The public mad from Mount Rock to Newviilc divides that end into two equal parts, North and South. This complaint comes from the Southern portion. I have examined the township records on this point and will give the result from 1828 to this time.

1828. Wm, Hoyd on the Big Spring one mile from Springfield. 1829. David Rrieker on Ihe Big Spring two and half miles from Springfield. 183U.

John Brown Barrens one mile from do. 1831. John Dunlnp Turnpike say two miles from do. 1832. David Rine on the Mount Ilock road one mile west of Uock.

1833. Jacob Myers on the Mount Rock one mile east of Newviilc. 1834. Wm.Donlap on the Turnpike 2 miles west of Mount Rock. 1835.

Samuel McKeehan (tower) one mile north ofthe Rock road. 1S3G. James Monlgomry Esq Big Spring two and a half miles from Springfield. 1637. Jacob Lehman three fourths of a mile north ofthe Mount Rock road.

1838. James Dunlap on the Turnpike about two miles from Springtkld. 1839. Samuel Bowman State road three miles north of Mount Rock. 1840 41.

Jacob Kissinger Mount Rock road two miles from Newville. 1842. (Jcorcc Shaffer Mount Rock, jority. invites her lormer customers to call at her present Cat lisle, October IS, MS. fields may be won, by winning the most brilliant victory that has graced the Whig standard since the glorious days of 1840, Cart isi f.

Bans October 1H will not be without its effect. The noble ICT The Washington correspondent of tiie Journal of Commerce speaks confidently, that the Tariff will be broken dow by the next Congress. He says, the Presi lent and Mr. Walker will pursue such a course, "as will give entire satis- spirit they evinced will be aroused in the breasts of ihe Whigs elsewhere, and the bilious vomiting, and other unplcftaunt symptom. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill are one ofthe be it medicines in the world for the cure of because they purge from the body those morbid humors which arc the cause of every malady incident to man.

In all cases of fever from four to eight of said Indian Vegetable Pills fthould be taken every night, or ii the syrnptons be violent, night and morning. The plan, if properly carried out, will in a short time, subdue the most violent attach or fever; at the same lime the digestive organs to healthy tone, and the blood so completely purified, that fevers, as well as every other dis-eate, will be driven from the bodjwtnd health and vigor will be given to (he whole frame. It should bo be remembered lhat a man by the D8' tie of Wm. ME. Spear, who sells medicine purporting to he Indian Pdls, at the corner of Kace and Front streets, is not an agent of mine, neither can I guaianty ns genuine any that he AX tleolion for TU1KTEBN DIRECTORS of ibis Institution to serve fop one year will be held at ihe Hanking House, on the 17tb ol November next, between the hours of ten o'clock A.

and two o'clock I'. M. GEO. A. LYON, I'res t.

Icloher 13, 1845.. le. BOOTS AND SHOES, Whig flag will yet wave in triumph over In Fayette, the "Locofoco Railroad Ticket" has prevailed by a majority of 300. Green county has gone loco foco as usual, with the exception of Register and Recorder. A majority of less than 300 in Monroe county for the regularly nominated ticket, secures the election of Messrs.

Hineline, Hackman and Snyder, the People Candidates" on the Independent ticket, by a majority of over 100 votes. In Indiana, the Whigs have carried their whole ticket by about 300 -jority. Returns from the Senatorial District composed of Juniata, Union and Mifflin, show that Mr. Wagenseller. (Whig,) is ihe Union redeemcd from the errors of faction to the friends of Free The Young Democracy.

As one of the fruits of the recent election, we are told the young democracy is rampant and means to do hereafter jusl as it pleases. Young Democracy is progressive, and it seems to be considered that such old Hunkers as AVoodburn, of Dickinson, Judge Stuart and others have piogrcssed about as far as natural limits will admit, and therefore they must go by the board None of these old Hunkers, are henceforth to be permitted to have any thing to do with the pulling, dictating the tickets, or sitting as delegates in the county Conventions. Every thing is to be managed by the poling democracy. Of course Mr. Beetem is by right of success to he the leader of the new party.

The next candidates for Congress and Assembly were settled at a jubilant oyster supper of the young democracy a few evenines since, but it is not necessary to name them jusl now. We shall watch the progress of thingg under the new regime. 'Neck and It will be seen by the official returns that Dr. Myers, ihe Whig candidal for Director of the Poor, fall" below his opponent only THREE VOTES This not only shows a popularity of which Ihe Doctor may well be proud, but gives good evidence that the People were anxious to have the Poor House affairs looked into by a vigilant and qualified whig, who would perhaps be able to tel! why that establishment is so expen- Locwfocoism. JAM now opening upwards of fifty cases, hoots, t7A New York letter, published in the Washington Union, mentions a rumor, said to bav been received through a highly respectable channel, that the territories of California are about to establish an independent Republic, in which they are to be QThe U.

S. Gazette of yesterday, says, the opinion has now gained extensively upon ihe People of the city of Philadelphia, lhat ihere must be a direct rail road communication between this city and 1843. Allen on the Turnpike one mile has for snle. The only ngtiinst imposition, is to pnr- from Mount Rock. esuo.iisnnient in 1 am now prepared lo offer to my oh! customers and all who (rive a chU, every article in this line at greatly reduced prices.

long boots from lo $4,50, do do llrogans 64 to I jO, Ladies shors from to Childreu'sshof from 1 Sj to 50, Gam shoes at all pi-ires. llon't forget the old stand. F.ast Hijh street, 4tll store In low the Market house. Oct. IS, 1115.

CII AS. OGILBY. lti44. James McCtllloch two and a half miles chase from people of unblemished character, or Pittsburg. The question is whether it supported by England and other Govern ai toe uonsn ana ncral J'epot, no, I Kace Philadelphia.

Wm. Wright. For sale in Carlisle by CHAS. OGILBY, sole from and three fourths south ol the Mount Rock road. 1845.

Isaac I.t levrc on the State road. ments. The editor ofthe Union says he is not advised tbal our government has re- elected by 190 majority. In Juniata and shall be made by a connexion of the Cum-Union, Messrs. Curley and Cruni, berland Valley Road with the Baltimore h.

From the foreoinj statement tt appears that aecnt for ilis (Whigs,) are elected Members of Assem- and Ohio road, or by a direct route by the Juniata river. MARRIED, On the 9ih in Philadelphia, by ihe bly by a majority of 333 votes. In Mifflin, Hums, (L. candidate for Cannl Commissioner, has nearly 800 majority. in eighteen years successively, there have been fourteen Supervisors on and west of the Mount Rock road, while lor the same time there has not been one north of the State road, all hough the territory between the State road and the creek is Notice.

T'IF. Partnership heretofore existing under ihe firm of Alt MOLD KINSTKIN, is this day hssolved bv mumal consent. All persons knowing themsclv. to the said fit will call at the store of David H. Arnold.

whom the hooks have hMKB led) for and all lumiigelaims 3 Commodore Stewart has published a lone statement in the N. Y. Courier in Rev. J. P.

Durhin, Mr. F. M. h. GuJM-len, to Miss Rebecca Jase, daughter of ceived any information to confirm or contradict this rumor.

China The Christian Religion. The Emperor of China, at the request of the French Minister, has issued an etiicl tolerating Christian worship, and declaring that his Government has never prohibited the Christian Religion, hut only Bought to suppress the vices and punish the crimes "Sheriff LoiigsdorlT has appointed reply to what he considers flections upon nnd four miles ilbotit delay. ill present them 1 of Cumberland co. DAVID II. ARNOLD.

U.l! with regard to the upper end paying ames reason, tsq his ntptttatioU which are contained in James P. Lamberton, late of lower Dickinson, Deputy Sheriff, in place of Wm. Charles J. Ingersoll's lately published History of the Last H'ar. In his vindication the old Commodore styles Mr.

Ingersoll's money to make roads b.low.the record shows that in John Drown drew from below SI 3 28 ls3i John Dnniap 2U23 JS38 James Uuiilap 8 19 MORRIS KINSTEIN. The business will be continued bv Ihe un-dersiirncd SPEXUID of fall and inter trooelt in the course few days DAVID II. ARNOLD. Carlisle, Oct. IS, 1 Hi.

at, Beetem, who has got a rather more If the vote should be contested and comftirtaMe beMn. Mr. OII.O, On Ihe inst. Mrs. consort of Joseph Kirolf, at an advanced age.

On ihe IGih inst. Mr. Robert Halbebv, in the 37lh year of his age another election held. Dr. Myers migh boot as "little more than a Compilation of practised under its cloak.

Henceforth ah facts, follies and falsehoods." Chinese and foreign residents, may pro safely count on a majority of 200 have 110 doubt will make an active and efficient officer. His appointment has chau-jged the tune of certain folks who were re- 9-6 65 In 1836 M. Pavidson drew from above $12 53 1 Hil John Davidson II 00 1844 Daniel lloner 17U00 rv the honorary degrees con tUMSn HEvIVAL IN DUTHip. ferred at the recent commencement of Co- 1,16 V. lWfeM Ia5t Wetlnes- C0MM3N SCHOOLS CF CARLISLE.

I If ID otitis CI HAS. OGILftY is now cIWapeR stork of gofwis trxer een in Cr-1 It w. uttl be iinpcitie to etienienite the hiiieU'S prices. To purchaser he colli say, Call on, call all, before you Uy out your cash, and convince vowr-aclces that the halt has nor heeo told I nf mr fctg ami cheap Mock of good. Uncollect the old stand, -lore belo ihe Market house.

East fess that religion if the please, creating 00 disturbance and doing no wrong. But should they resume their former ways, ihey are to be e.h with according lo law. This edict published a- length in the dav. most amazingly they look now The states thai the proirarletl meetings lalely heli! hy the Methodist Episcopal Church in lhat city, have resulted in 1 ree accession lo her members. Six hun- $193 59 The above statement shows that lip to last year the balance was in favor of the lower end SELECT SCHOOL for October, IP-Is.

of the ihree best Scholar, tor nndoet and Attendance Iron, ibe Female lumbia College, New York, was thai of 1). D. upon the Rev. J. W.

McC'txtorcH, of Wilmington, Delaware. very much as if a wet blanket had fallen on them. Missiona. her. id h-r October.

favor oflheopper end Se100; for ihe last three month. 9106. While the balance was in favor of the Main SOS Sarah J. Darn 735 fcjFlour in Baltimore from t4 87 to drfd anu eighty-seven persons have been s5 25, heat up to price advancing received on probation in the last four weeks. Hijrh rrcet- B.

Country merchants ran la supplrrd jjrods at eit prices, Ott.lJ. 315. 7The Mormons have agreed lo fro Illinois in the spring. lower end there was no complaint from above, Sana McFeclj 56. but a heu it i chanrcd.

immediately we hear it Oct 1 AMILl ON, SecYy. Mr Frtlinghuysen lias nearly recovered front his recent serious illr.ess: The meetings are still progressing. ince ihe last Foreign news..

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