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The Osceola Times from Osceola, Arkansas • 4

The Osceola Timesi
Osceola, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1:1, 1905. LEON ROUSSAN. KUITOK AND PCHMNIIKH. thousand delegates meets in Washington City, for the put pose of briugiug the right kind of pressure upou nud placing correct in-format'on before Congress so us to secure National aid to Water Ways where it is most, needed. Among the delegates from the St.

Francis Improvement Association, ared. A. Fox, John B. Driver. W.

J. Driver ami J. W. IUiodes, of Mississippi county. MIMA 7 Last Tuemlay, in response tit the Advertisement fur ddeiK fur the foiiNtiuctiiMi of tlm water work plant, eifiht sen led bids were Entered itt the roat-Ofllce til Osceola.

A rk. Ij or triiiisporliiiloi) tliroiiKli I tit" United titles mull nit second-clio. mutter handed to the by representnlivt'K and at the hour set. the seals were broken and the bids examined. For some We have one half dozen Rain Coats left which we will sell at greatly reduced prices, call and see them, our $18.00 coat we now offer at $12.

and etc. We would like to call your attention to our Silk Shirt Waist Patterns, they are new in design and colorings, if you need one now is the time to buy. reason, however, unexplained, tli Business Meu's League. raison tl'etie water works plant, ie. a water siinnlv, was Notices are out antiouncr.

a meeting, of the Business Men's it wholly eliii.iiiul.ed from the speci Official Directory. MTA1R OKKICKKKJ Governor Jeff Pnvln. Herretny of Kl ate Lmtwig. TreMsurer Tipton, Auditor A very Moon-. Hup.

Put. Iiiht. .1. II. Hlnemoii.

Coin. Htnte I.iimls K.conwny. Attorney (JcneiH I Holicrt 1j. Hotter. Coin.

M.A A.U.M.-ll.T. Hrmtf.nct. RK Com. It It JIihIkIdkh, I'litlHp. E.

Hampton DIHTKIOT OFFICER. I'ongreMMinnn It Miwon. of Helena. Chmicellor I Kohert son. of Wynne.

Circuit JuriKe Allen II itKheH.of Progeria I tig Attorney Onlnn. Hnrrlnlnirt'. Senator K. HnrrlHon.of Onoeoln, licit ioi, nud for this and other j-ieague tor next luesdav eveniuir, uunl and sufficient reasmiw, the laumrv Kith. At this ttipetintr, Hie ('oinmissiouers saw proper to turn Lxecutive Committee will appoint the various sub committees, thus down all bids.

The Commissioners will re-advertise for bidders, am completing the organization in it's contract let, within the next twenty entirety. Ihus far, the organiza da vs. tiou has been a success, as every OOl'NTT OKKIOKRH. BherllT John A Lovewnll. one seems to be hopeful and to look forward to great things for our Strength In Union.

Chancery and Circuit Clerk Rhodes County Clerk II hovewell. County Juclire I I) Hozell. town and community through it Our stock of Hankerchiefs is now complete, ranging in prices from 5 to 75c each, come and see them we are sure you can find something to please you among the many designs we are Treaaurer I. Moore. poatOUlce Hlylue- The potentiality of an organize influence.

We are told that at the meeting to come several proposi A new lot of Vnl. and Linen Laces just received, also the new and up-to-date German Vals. IMgings and insertions to match. The very latest fads. Tllle.

Representative LRtde v. tiou to advance the interests of our Asseuaor--H A Webb, Pom Ofllcfl Iilytbe- towu is a tiurprise even to the men VlllH. tions will be submitted that have been received from parties wishn Surveyor Klncnnnoii. Tout Office, who were its most ardent, promot era. In response to thw limited adver it locate in our midst and establish various husinejses.

Certainly this Using done bv the Business Men's is a step in the right, direct'ou, and League, sixtv letters of inquiry one which we hope to see carried have been from business Blytheville. Coroner II Hojfitn. PokI Office, I.uxora CITY OKFIORK8. Mayor Sam Itowen. Recorder- Jnmes Union.

Marshal I Holland. Aldermen W. HethrltiKton, Rrewer. Henry Kinerson. H.

Wmy, Rom. COUNTT, CHANCEHY AND CIRCUIT CorKT: County Court Klrttt Monday In April, July ami October. Chancery Court First Monday In March and OctolHT. Circuit Court KlrMt Monday In May and December. 0 out to the fullest ext -nt.

The possibilities of pur tow and country are absolutely unlimited, and when fostered and directed by common- firms and individuals seeking new locations and opportunities for investments. About forty sense ideas, and modern methods, mWR have been answered, aud others will be as rapidly as the busy tneii who are at the head oC the League oh at the hauds of an organizied com munity, determined to succeed, can get to them. Every mail now ANNOUNCEMENT. and who are actuated ny that sense of civic pride, without which no brings letters, showin-' that the be For Assessor. man can be a good citizen, we shall The Times Is authorized to announce know no such word as failure.

W. Davis of Chlcknsawbn Township, it a candidate for lie otnee or county Assessor If there are those in the commu iubject to the action of the liinoenitlc party at the primaries. We are authorized to announce Geo. nity who reel no interest in this matter, or uo sense of responsibil Crawford, of Chlckasawliit Township, can- dldate for Assessor of Mississippi county. THE GOLDEN RULE unject to the acUon of the democratic? ity, let us say to you all kindness, get iu the "band wagou" if you will, but if you wott't, then eyes of the great world is at last turned toward the St.

Francis Ba sin and by a judicious presentation of the many advantages- Osceola and Mississippi county affords, we oau secure the cream of the tide of emigration flowing this way. To do this will require earnest, concerted persistent, intelligent effort. The United States is too largeand has too many desirable localities for progressive, capable men to force themselves on a towu or business center, which otters part announce Wm. get out of the way. Harrison, of Neel lowushlp, as a candidal for Assessor, subject to the action ol the democratic party at the primaries.


Osceola, Ark, Your Patronage is Slicited. For any disease of the skin there is We are aut horlzed lo announce Clarence nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching and E. tlutler as a candidate for County Assessor, subject to the action of the democratic party nt the primaries. iiurning sensation instautly and Drugs, Stationery, Toikt Articles, Tobacco, Cigars Fine line BLANK BROS.

CANDIES Order. From Country Filled With Care and Dispatch. oon effects a cure. Sold by C. II.

For Sheriff. no inducement, and it we want such men we must invite them and open the way for them to secure Gaylord. We nre authorized to announce Winn of Monroe Township a candidate forSUer- B.C. BRADLEY, jn aim i oiiertor, ot Mississippi county sub Ject to theactlou of the democi-atlc party. business sites in our town.

This can be done only bv a unit Gunsmith, Locksmith '1 For County Surveyor. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is under thii special enru of that well known ami reliable Pharmacist, AV i 1 1 H. Stanclll. who will fill your prescriptions with none but genuine rhemlclj, and will he pleased to serve you nny hour, day or ninlit. Competition met ant: your tiade solicited.

LEGAL NOTICES. ed purpose of the citizens to have, We are authorized to announce J. P. Kln-eannon as a candidate for re-election to the -J and build an up-to-date town. otneeof County Surveyor, subject to the ae Lnyiugoutthe found ations along lion of the democratic party at the primary Brickey Stancill.

liberal, progressive lines, send and Bicycle Repairer. HARTS KEPT CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. AU work entrusted to me will be neatly and prouiply done and in a way to please you. Osceola, Arkansas. CONFIRMATION NOTICE A A bioad cast au invitation to the great business world to come aud invest Agents for HHERWIX VI LLIAMS' PAINTS.

The best on earth. 'Phone io.7, New Hrlck, next door to Itiickey Mercantile Co, election. For Circuit Court Clerk. J. W.

RHODES, Candidate for Ciimtit CorKT Clerk. Subject to Democratic Primary Election or take up their abode with ns. Homes, schools, churches, society NOTK'K Is hereby pi von that the undersigned. Chapman A Jewey Land Comprny Is thu owner of the West half of the 'ortheast quarter of Section (15) llfteen. Township 111) eleven.

Kanre (H elKht, Kant, Osceola Ols-I rict. Mississippi County. Arkansas, under the following chain of title, to-wit: all that is best in our civilization will follow, and property values Chamk A decree of the Chancery Court of Missis- increase a hundred fold. On the the other hand, we can standstill W. A.

RICHARDSON, sinni Countv. Arkansas, nt it's October term JAMES ANTHONY, C. E. MEMPHIS, TENN: For County Court Clerk. We are authorized to announce Tames Lovewell as a candidate for County Court Clerk, subject to the action of the democratic party at the primaries.

wherein the Board of Directors of the St. Francis Levee District was plaintiff, and growl a teach other, and let the and the Memphis Land Jt Timber Co. and moss grow a foot thick on our backs others were defendants; which decree de clared a upon said land in favor of the while the world rolls by in its pal We are authorized to announce H. A. Webb as a candidate for County Court Clerk, subject to the action of the democratic party at the primaries.

plaintiff therein for levee taxesdue thereon, and directed Charles S. Driver, clerk of said Court to proceed to sell said land as Com- JAMES ANTHONY COMPANY Southern Traber Lands, ace cars and smiles disdainfully at our sloth. Which shall it be! Men of Osceola, it is up to yon. misssoner, to satisfy sata lien. 2nd.

A sale of said land by said Com mis sioner in pursuance of said decree. Decemlier with to i'. Kiioues. wtucn sale was County Treasurer. Wft nre authorized to announce Moore as a candidate forCountv Treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic oarty at the primaries.

A CALL MEETING. 128 Randolph Building. subsequent Iv approved by said Court. 3rd. A deed March 13th.

190( by said Chas. H. Driver, Commissioner, conveying said land to the said Clara P. Rhodes, In pursuance of said sale. Of the Democratic Central Com 4th.

A deed November 7th, bv Clara I Farms, Lands and Timber For Representative. We are authorized to announce Hon. J. T. Lasley as a candidate for Representative, iubject to the action of the democratic partr at the primaries.

mittee of Mississippi County. The Democratic Central Com P. Rhodes and her husband, J. V. Rhodes, conveying said land to the petitioners, Chapman Dewey Land Company.

Therefore, all persons who can set up any rlht to said land, so purchased. In consequence of any Informality or Irregularity connected with such sale, are hereby notified and called upon to appear at the next term BOUGHT AND SOLD. Cough Remedy The Childrr-n'a Favorite CURBS Coughs, Clds, Croup and Whooping Couch. This rmJy 1 fa.nou-. f.

1'" mrr ovnr larte irt of tho ci II alwnys be UpiiO't n. 1 no mittee of Mississippi county, is of the Chancery Court for the Osceola Dis Money in any amount to loan on Farms, Tou will be notified of the time 8Dd place of the next meeting of Business Men.s League. called to meet at the Court House, in the Town of Osceola, at 10 o'clock a. Feb. 1st 1906.

Said Committee is composed of the following named persons: trict of Mississippi county, Arkansas, and show cause If any they have, why said sale so made should not be confirmed. Chapman A Dewey Land Compast. January l(i. opium or 'hr 1 I given as un.lfUej-1 i is 1 Price 25 ct; Larfeo tiijo, bci eld. Hickman lowDship: Click Huff man, rrauk Liotton.

Lands or Timbered Lands, at legal rates. Correspondence solici'ed. Telephone. Randolph Exchange. I TRUSTEE'S SALE.

Notice Is hereby given that uuderthe terms Clear Lake Township Bill Byler, v4 so YEARS' EXPFRIFNAC 01 lie Stewart. of a certain trust deed, to the undersigned executed ns trustee fortieorite Dillery, on the 11th day of October, 190-1, by Warren Sav-nue. which Is of record on pane 2tl trust (Iced record volume at Osceola, and Bowen Township: Henrv Bryant, B. Cook. Carsou Lake Township: Alex default hnvlna been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured bv said trust deed and which now amounts lotliesumof principal and Interest, the undersigned (ioble.

Lee Parr. will, within lawful hours of edneKday. the Golden Lake Township 3Nt day of January. Iwtf, at the front door of the Court House In the town of Osceola, Trade Marks M. w.

J. E. Cole.G. W. House.

Senator Berry at Blytheville. "Those of our citizens who braved "the disagreeable weather Monday and went to hear Senator Berry, speak in the highest terms of the good impression he made upon his audience, converting many Davis men to his standard. Ills speech was uecessarily along the line of Davis' attack upou his offical record, but, it was so clear, so manly aud strong that it had all the characteristics of a discussion of state and national issues. Seuator, Berry has to return to Washington at once and will not be able to ipeak in this county ajrain during the campaign. A.

Webb For Countv Clerk. Designs i Pecan Point Towuship Copyrights Ac. Arkansas, offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the follow ne described real estate lying beiniiand situated in the County of Mississippi and Uzzell, W. Friend. Whittoa Township E.

K. Calvert, it. P. Kerr. htnm9 Tornado, LIE 7ND neeiDBNT.

LEADING OLD LINE COMPANIES Special attention given to Country Dwellings, Churches, School-houses, Barns, Stores, Lumber, Staves and Shingles, Cotton-Gins and Cotton. Any amount from one hundred to one hundred thousand, Subject to one fire. Fletcher Towuship: W. B. Cal houn, J.

B. Driver. Anyone sending a oketcti and description tnf quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communlc-tinnsstricllyomiUdential. HANDBOOK ou I'atenta 6etit free, oldest ftk'ency for securing patents.

Patents taken through Munn Co. receive tpeciai notice, without charee, In the Scicutific JItnerican. A riiindsomelylllnnTrnted weekly. I.areest clr-culation of any scientlflo Journal. Terms, 13 a J'ar HKinthg, Sold by ail tiewsdealera.

MUNN New York Branch Office. 625 BU WhiMton. i. Swavne Township: II. E.

Bowen. J. S. Dukersou. Cooktown Townshin: R.

A. state of Arkansas, to-wit: One lof In the southwest corner of the 3S.i-! acre tract purchased by K. J. Powell from Will J. Driver and known as the Mo-(iSenls place and decrilwd as follows: iictfiiinlngat a point teet from southeast corner of said acre tract and in feet nort of said line ami extending north li" feet, hence west 70 feet, thence south feet, thence east 7l feet to point of be-irinnituj.

same beina lot number 11 and 20 feet lot number VI. all located In Sec. i T. el N. and in K.

11 K. and conveyed to Warren savage by E. J. Powell on Oct. 7th The tit le lo said real estate is Ijelleved to wood, but 1 shall sell nud convey as trustee onlv.

This December, ml, isms W. KTU "vT ORDINANCE NO. 70. We solicit your liusines in Mississippi nud adjoining counties. Prompt and sHtisfnetory sen lee sriiiinuiteed.

Ssueeessors to C. Cochran, Leallna Agency In COCHRAN, HARRISON HALE, Bevels, W. I). Henley. Cauadiau Township: Jerry T.

Johnson, Chas. Waiters. Chickasawba Township: S. T. Hardin, A.

G. Little. Hector Township John Perry, Jim Basse 1 1. Office in Citizen's Bank, Osceola, Ark. North-east Arkansas I Pone to Provlcl, for the Payment of tf Assessments for the Construction of a Sys- Irov Township: H.

M. Boirne. Scott Township: D. H. C.

M. Bell. PERFECTLY SAFE Zhi Capital Tin Insurance Co. Of Littk Hock, Jlrk. Desires your busi- nessandsolictsin-vestigation.

An ODDorlunitv for I I J- Beall Ntem of i i Osceola, Whereas the majority in value of the property owners, owni-; property adjoin, lug the locality to affected and si.uated In the Improvement District organized for the of nu of ter-woi ks. have iwiilioned the Council of the town of O-ce'iiit. Ark, fur the construe-tioi! of said aiid that the cost thereof shail be assessed upon the real prop- J. cG a voc Township: Friend, J. W.

Fonviile. Dig La To sh i Stevens, George Mathews. Neel Towuship: Chas. Tom Bran num. Little River Township: Breakfast, 7 a.

m. to 5 a. m. umner, m. to p.

m. Supper, 5. p. m. to 7 p.

m. PROPRIETOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY Yielding to the solicitations of his mauv frieuds, uot only in Blytheville District, but over the county, II. A. Webb announces himself in this issue of the Times, as a candidate for the oflice of Connty Court Clerk. Mr.

Webb as a public officer, is well and favorably known by everybody who owns property and pays taxes. Four years service in the capacity of Assessor has brought him in close contact with every citizen of the county, and we have yet to hear of a single eompiaiut. His friends would like to see him step up higher. He is thoroughly identified with every interest of the county; a fine business man, honest and upright in all his dealings with his fellow man. and well qualified to discharge the duties of the office be seeks.

When making oat your ballots don't fail to consider claim for your support. Davi. erty of said I nciHirdim to the benefits rwi vel and I Whereas the said benefits received by i each block, lot orimrcel of real property sli- W. S. OR VALUABLES UNLESS PLACED IN HIS CHARGE.

-v IVIIUI1W agents. I uatet In said district equals or exceeds the local assessment til- and. i Whereas the cost of said im-! provement Is Tiirefore. It is aw ordained by the town Council of the of i that sub! severd biH-ks. hrt or parcels of real 1 itroiertv In ald i strict be assessed 'tccord- Frazier, F.

O. Hatcher. Monroe Township: F. B. Hale, J.

C. Brickey. R. P. Kerr, Chairman, J.

C. Brickey, Secretary. (( tng lo the H-wssnieia lits forsjild Improve- Cures Crip To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. nieiit oistrict as (lie same now remains in the office of the Recorder nr itv Clerk, and that 5 per centum of each of -wild blocks, lots or parcel tiit be pn; I r'nnuatlyon or le- forethe day oi Keltriiary. until the hole of sal i lv asu'sment shall be uald.

Passed aai apl 've-1. Im.l 4. SAM BoWKX. Mayor. JAKESJ I.ISTOX, Recorder.

The most important iu the United States next week will be the national Waterway Cou-gress, which, with its four or five i czs LrOAau vu jJi uiiiu iuuunu i sziza. ys on every Sewn MZSon boxes soM in past 12 months. Thb gnstCTe, box, 25c 9.

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