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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas • Page 20

Corpus Christi, Texas
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Production of Crops Higher i Than Last Year Second Largest i Wheat Harvest in Nation Expected THE -CHRISTr TIMES, THURSDAY: SEPTEMBER 11, 1911, 11 ifPj -The Agriculture Department re- ported yesterday that despite August drought conditions, aggre- gate crop production this year was expected 1o be nearly 2 "per cent last yes.r and'substantially larger than in any previous sea- foil except 1337. i Prospect for corn declined I sligh'Uj'-' during August but wheat production estimates were in- creased lo give ibe nation its' sec- ond largest crop of record. Corn I production on the basis ol Sep- Umber 1 conditions was forecast, bushels: a drop about 64,000,000 bushels Jrom the! August estimate but sull .75.000,000 bushels shove the 1940 crop and about 217.000,000 bush- rls above the 1930-39 average 2,307,452,000 bushels. Dry, Hot Weather The department "said hoi. dry: weather which prevailed over! of the corn bell 'early caused the reduction in corn prospects.

Trie wheat crop WES es lima led 1 st 557,563,000 bushels largest! Upturn since, the 1915 crop of 003,637.000. bushels. Production 1 1 SPll Jast year totaled 816.698.000 bush- cis; The 19-11 estimate included bushels of winter' wheat. 43,249.000 bushels of dti- niiTi and 229.348.000 bushels othr- wheat. This year's crop of barley, vice, grain sdrphums.

dry beans. dry peas, soybeans. and Vom- mcrcial vegetables were expect- i PtJ to exceed production in 1 previous season. The depart- menl expects the fruit crop to be to previous records and I possibly to exceed them. Flax- i seed was expected to be larcer than in other year excent 1902.

i The peanut crop was saJd (o be second only to the record crop year ago. CANADIAN TROOPS STAND GUARD--A contingent of Canadian troops sfanding'guard outside the commuhol building at Borenrsbtirg as their'- brigadier. Gen Arthur'E Potts of Saskatoon, confers.with the commissioner of Spitsbergen Island on their mission to seize and cripple coa! facilities to prevent their German hands. An exoedi- tionary force of British, Canadian and Norwegians accomplish photo by cable from iplished the mission. 1A? i Are Needed To Solve Trade Crisis MONTEVIDEO.

Sept. A Uruguayan government decree yesterday ordered the expropria- of four idle steamers, two Italian and two and their immediate use in inter-American trade to relieve a severe shipping shortage because of the war." The vessels were the Italian steamer? Adamello (5 785 tons) and Fausto (5,285 tons) and the Danish Chris-dan Sass (2.319 ions). department 5 aid production! TM tO S) The 'v! a i i a i nlorUeviaeo. It wa? beheved grains this year would be.j ivc average but hardly eoual ps wil! be operated bv Of By UNITED TRESS DALLAS-Andrew Allison, at- night nd then gave the jury per- hs expecied Fa rmers Aga i nst Aberdeen, Sunshine Proposed A movement for consolidation of the" Aberdeen and Sunshine school districts the Corpus Christi Independent School District is meeting strong opposition among fa rmers in the two outlying school areas, it was revested last night. Opponents the two districts contended that the merger' would boost taxes higher than they were able to pay, backers of the proposal contend that it would increase the value of the property and overshadow any tax hike.

If a proposed merger of the Aberdeen and Sunsnine districts is made, it is probable that school taxes in the '--will reach as high as. $1 per valuation, proponents of the consolidation with Corpus Christi contend. The Corpus Christi school-tax is S1.25, while the rate in the Aberdeen district is 50 cents and. 6 0 cent's'-in" the Smishine district, on valuations estimated at opposition' spokesmen said. In Corpus Chris ri; some opposition was heard following reports that a of the schools with the local district would necessitate a bond issue 'there'-that would a.

burden to local taxpayers. The bond issue would provide Aberdeen and Sunshine with funds to match a projected government grant oC $350,000 ior a new building. Countv Mociel Prison, is Resisryecl for Ihe Prisoners Only CH1NO, Sept. 10. (U.PJ-- Chino prison, walls" or giu'ds, has its.

first; class over the'nation are Avalchihg the results of the experiment. The 1 prison without -was established in San Bernardino County as a place-of; confinement for "minimum whom-the state 'keep put contact with more "iriedium''V: and "maximum" security offenders. Chino to been only a prison farm. But as the plan progressed, acre farm site on i work started in 193? grew to a acre reservation with, accommo- dations'now for 440 prisoners and expan- tc-rney who drew No. 153 in the to retire.

districts. It was still de- week on historic October draif and became i a i al candidate for the first man to be called into the Army here, today had the Navy. He was ordered to ICew Orleans for train- toward an ensign's commis- sion in the aval Reserve, I GALVESTOX Meritorious soldiers who rise early and work late, will get their breakfast in bed and live luxuriously each week end in Galyeston hotels, effective from now on. The hotels will entertain two soldiers ARL1XGTOX--Funeral services were held today for 1. E.

Arnold. t9, cotton buyer for 48 years. He was connected with the Texas Co-operative Growers Association. DALLAS--A negro walked from each of the four military camps in this area free of charge, as a contribution to Army morale. hst profits i be de- a special account to bo i pL'ircd si disposal of the I end of the war.

pointed 'hat i i in cxpropriaiins ships Ut provide additional" bni- to carry her fcreisn trade, i HOUSTON The police force planned renewed drives against marble tables today as result of Ihe conviction of E. M. Martin as 3n exhibitor oC "free game'' ma- a Nrw Livestock Records Thf dcpartrric-nl the s.c- le production of livestock' and livestock products to be prob- i ably the largest oi record. Reports on and ess' production continued io show PIW high records for moyt nT ihe principal producing The crop of citrus fruits produced from this year's bloom ncXv exnected be difjhtly smaller than last year'? JQVS crop, but this year's production principal deciduous fruits--mc)ud-j YORK, Sept. 11.

fU.R)--The ir.p peaches, pears, grapes, cher- Berlin radio reported-last night ries, plums, prunes, spricots a in a broadcast a New apples--is expected to be about York listening post of the United 12 per cent above the rather light production last year. Allowing ior the effect of early September rains in the corn belt. facilities 'for 'future sion to care for 1,500. Set Aside In seeking to make Chino" as little like a prison as possible, the state board prison directors and officials have introduced many innovations." There are no walls, only fence. Prisoners, have a choice of in the cafeteria and choice There tire no guards.

Their place is taken by work supervisors who do not wear uniform's. The riot fence was built more to keep; people out than to prevent prisoners from walking away if they are. so disposed. One of the greatest obstacles the state had to overcome was that of the opposition of residents of San Bernardino County who did not relish the idea of having a thousand or so convicts camped in their midst with nothing it i in S- Eventually the residents we're! consolidation of the two reconciled to the iden. I For rehabilitation, tlie farm has I facilities for agriculture, dairy farming, poultry and' hog raising, truck gardening, berry and field crops, all processes used in can- ning, quick (rcezing, mca'l preparation and an industrial tram- ing shop.

cothe, was chosen as.warden of the new institution. He lias definite ideas thai prison guards--or rather, they are known--need to be' of (he right Uype mentality. So he lias them study "Judo," the Japanese philosophy of by non- aggression, which jiii-jitsu is an integral That, howeveiy is only the athletic side system and is a philosophical one as Scuddci- (he has', given to; supervisors a new. gr'ac'e of movement and a calmness of. erased the.

defense mechanism of suspicion. so often found in prison "Jtido implies high moral standards," Scudder declared, "and is essentially a philosophy. It; is. the. application of mental and physical strategy in times of danger in which the other on ism is used' to tage." person's anlrig 1 thcir disadvan- Steers Dogged By Injury i AUSTIN, Sept.

Texas; Longhorns, with less than a week of.Iootball practice behind in Attorney Charged With Accepting' Various 'Bribes- KA'NSAS GitY, 1 (U.R)-- Kansas state -officers': swept'- down -establishments on the offrKarisas City yesterday. They arrested, among others, Johnson WCbun'ly '--Prosecuting; Attorney -Frank D. Hedrick, The 27-year-old Wa.shburn Law School, Topeka K.nns., wiis fchargcd with' accepting bribes and released, on $1,000 bond. The Kansas state 1 attorney -general, ahho'imced at-Topeka a would: institute duster proceedings rick in thfMslale.supreme court as soon as possible--probably today. He said hevwould of tlio Johnson' Cg'uhly prosecutor from offico immediately, jieriding clearing of- the-present Herdricks' father, Frank D.

ricjk, jiijominent altorhcy, was arrested also. Investigators from Vs office, appeared Xi i -Peace. John Steed Olrithe, John- bruises Couniy seat and obtained them and already four players 1 benchod, appeared -today, to be of dogged by the injury 1 Those now crowding with minor injuries anil include ciice A oblc backficld. and senior The -Longh'orns yester-j a i a i fime first was day's practice session with drills; obM rved iii the United States in their aerial attack. i On Cash Basis Texas May Be Out Of Debt in '63 Cells as Precaution of While the prisoners sleep AUSTIN (U.R)-- The state of While the prisoners sleep In Texas expects to be out of debt, in dormitories, nevertheless a block 1S63.

An elaborate plan to put the I of escape-proof cells is 'main- state government a cash btisis i ta 1ed ior Ulose wll Prove has been submitted to the people I Ihe liberty they re- for adoption or rejection in an election to be heid on November 3, 1542. For a years state i a Iraq Army Officials Press thai the former chief of the i Iraq general staff has been ar- rested in Iran along i oihcr high ofJicers of. the Irao. and i army. held, by the British.

prospects -(or fall pastures ranges now seem the best since 3928, the department said. i wise present moisture conditions! HenderSOtl SHOWS were described as fu- to shoot me I grabbed him tore pocket, gun and the negro explained, DALLAS Confidently Ihe man stood ami smiled while Dr. L. E. Ramey prepared to give him a sobriety tcs(.

"I always cet into trouble when I come to Fort 1 he mused. "But you are in Dallas," Uam- ey' (old him. "Don'l kid me. d'oc, live Dallas and I know Fort Worth when I see if." "Drunk." Kame.v promptly diagnosed. 'DALLAS--Ma j.

Meigs O. Frost of tlie Marines, former New Orleans newspaperman, today cum- had been i Monday. ceive. Under tlie present system for selecting men for the experiment --ail prisoners of the state are i now cleared through Snn Quen- Plainous' been appropriating far more tin where thcv are classified as 1 given a similar penalty money a they provided for in a i medium, and i i tax bills. Latest treasury report security men.

i I IIClt a cl Ke to s30 i men eo to Folsom. prison a 000,000. By the tune the medium security men are held at you-go plan is upon, i linanciers estimate the deficit i paret Texas HOUSTON 1 The La Gloria Corp. reported today 50. per cent completion of an important gas- rtistillalc.

recycling project in Us field near Fal'urrias. Ten of the firm's 20 wells have been recycled. In. the project, the wet gas is processed of liquid hydrocarbons and the dry gas shot back into the hole for later tapping: for industrial useage. AUSTIN--Centers for teaching industrial safety to inexperienced workers going into the national defense program will be established by November 1 in Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth R.

Woolrich San Qucnttn. The minimum security men are i i i i i i i i i i i i i 11: i I i 1 have risen to nearly 550,000.000. then classified by the warden and It" the plan is approved the state will issue bonds to pay off whatever debt is accumulated by September 1. 1943. The bonds to be retired i riot more than '20 years and interest on them may not exceed 2 prison psychiatrist and a list is recommended for rehabilitation at Chino.

The Chino warden and psychiatrist in turn examine this group and moke a final choice. to George A. Briggs, prison director, all groups arc com- If the slate Is cleaned this way, director, all groups arc com- the plan includes a provision that 1Kscd ou hl classifica- will prevent future deficit spending. It prohibits, any. legislature making appropriations until the for fa!) seeding in mos.1 of! the winter wheat belt.

LILLIPl'T I from the past: A newspaper vcrtisemcnt, hiudinc a minia- Uire course, described it as irity's Attendance was to be thriving. the corps to the i.v..i.u.= Ranuers. It puts fighting up to i advls or ior the national defense individual, he said. Ke added i that the southern division i COLLLGE STATION. Sepi.

its relatively population total, (U.P.1--Parents accompanying their i contributed "38 per cent of all re- enrolling at Texas yes- emits: since the emergency, and that the Marine? nov." had become ii ft 11 i i i 11 in t.i/ ich announced tSfv' com lr has provided a Jnivcrs of sworn stat cmcnt that the state i con will be adequate to take care Woolrich, Univers engineering dean, is regional safe- 1 A 1 T-, I i A a a f0.1=1 Echoes i terday were treated to a a i snaring on the gridiron by Bill 1 Henderson. i i 'cm i Dcrace and Leon Daniels, i Power dviviiiij and blocking prac- lice continue. WHfTEWfNG AND MOURNING DOVE SEASON OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 Get Your i at Keith's Sporting Goods FOR INFORMATION CALL US DIAL 7262 618 MESQUITE ST. a i a a "southern club." I i MINERAL When the report name into (he station that a prowler was molesting the home of Patrolman Walter Daniel everyone on the force i from the chief down to the i i gerprint expert turned out the chase.

They quarried every entrance with their puns drawn. Finally they treed the culprit-a mizzle-nosed possum who had invaded Wie Daniel chicken yard in search of an eventide rcPast. FORT WORTH--Police today described- the local bugs as effi- cier.t as Hitler's "tourists." The in- vasion of bugs last night knocked out two radio; transmitters by i landing on wires to cause a short circuit. Alter the emergency Irans- rra'lter was shorted, police solved the difficulties by sending and receiving messages from two-way I'Kdios in a car Jocatcd outside the door of the FORT WORTH--A suit for S25.000 in attorney's fees allegedly owed Chester Collins by Guy L. Wagoner, wealthy New Mexico rancher and snortsman, was on file today in 96th District Court here.

Collins, an attorney rftpreenlinRr himself, said that Waggoner retained him when he was srrdntetl a divorce from his seventh wife, the former Virginia Green, of Dallas. JACKSBORO A U'd todtiv in verdict wns the case of thrice-tried Mrs. Bessie Holt, prominent Graford ranching woman, who is charged with the murder of Gerald Billings, 3 horse trainer. The case was given to the late yesterday. Judge J.

E. Carter remained in his chambers i after 10 o'clock, last AUSTIN'--This city's a i death toll for 19-U stood at 15 today with the death Edward Duett, 31. a hit-and-run victim. Duett was knocked down ty au automobile while crossing a street last Saturday night. No trace of the car has been by Austin police.

AUSTIN--Services from a local a home were planned todav for John H. Bird, 34, former Aus" tin butcher, who" died yesterday in a San Antonio hospital from burns and injuries suffered in an explosion in his home there. Firemen said gas accumulated in the walls of the house exploded when Bird struck a match to light a cigarette. The house was destroyed by fire. AUSTIN--Stale police inspections of 26 school busses showed mechanical defects in all, Slate Police Director Homer Garrison, said today in urpiup school authorities to rheck their equipment.

Of the busses tested at a had defective brakes, 13 defective 13 lacked fire extinguishers and 1C carried no first aid kits. Safely lanes for testing private cars have been discontinued of the expenditure. W. Lee O'Daniel, as gov- Sen. ernor, proposed the campaign against deficit spending.

He now is recommending it for the federal government. The last Texas state bond issue was $20,000,000, popularly known I a.s ''bread bonds." They were sued to meet relief needs a the I 1929 depression. Last of ihe-c .1 bonds will be retired in 1942. tions as follows: incorrigibles, morons, the sexually unstable, psychopaths and the "run of the mill" generally. At Chino, the first (our groups are rejected and the experimental group is chosen from the best or the last category, Kcnyon Scudder Warden Kenyon Scudder, former warden of the Federal prison at i i WJ-STL-RN BREWERY I THE BIGGEST LITTLE STORE FOR MEN IN TEXAS Resigns Position as Vice President of CPL Walter E.

Dickerson, who several weeks ago moved from Corpus Christi to San Antonio to open an office as consulting industrial engijieer, ha resigned his position as vice-president of Central Power and Light according to Lon C. Hill, CPLn president. Announcement has been made a Dickerson accepted an appointment as deputy co-ordinator for Southwest Texas for the Office of Production Management, duties of which he will perform' in addition to his general engineering practice. Dicker-son's resignation termi- at ive ears Rs a officer of temporarily but police will CPL. He continues to be a a i a continue to assist school author- itics in bus inspections.

AUSTIN--Texas ranges and pastures this year showed the highest reported condition in 19 years for September J. the Federal Agricultural Marketing Service reported here today though the condition rating had dropped from 'M per cent on August 1 to 91 per cent on September J. Stock water was reported ample to a a throughout the state. Stokers, furnaces, no less a a and trucks, need periodic attention, says the Chicago Coal Merchants Association. Thousands of men swing to "Hollow Ground" shaves Local dealers report men all over town enthusiastic over New "Pal Hollow Ground Kaicor Blades.

They're Hollow Ground like a barber's straight razor--give master barber's sliave right in an ordinary safety Never such" a blade before a never such an easy, quick, sliave. I'alj arc made lor both rlouhle and edge for TOc and Tor 25c. pack today--use as many Wadei a.t you tike. If you're not joldon full, for consultation on an advisory basis on industrial development problems in CPL territory. Jn 1925 the engineer was employed as manager at Victoria and later became district manager.

In 192R, he moved to the home office, then in San Antonio, to take ciiarjje of the newly created Department of I i a Development. Dickerson held this" position- i his removal lo San Antonio last At various limes, he has served as assistant to the president and as vice-president. Double Bill of Sportsman's Park Ethel's Cafe will meet Ynrbor- ough's Coffee Girls in a Women's League softball game at 8 o'clock tonight at Sportsman's Park. A Jaycec loop contest will be player! between Alamo Iron Works and Nueces Hardware Sports as the second half of th'e twin bill. Kicking Stressed In SMU Workout DALLAS, Sept.

I Mustangs are putting a kick into their Conch Malty Bell today sec-mod more Interested In punting and place-kicking Uuuvin i plnys. The Mustangs held a "sUlioiinry 1 scrimmngc yesterday, putting the ball back in the same plnce a a a ut the rill continues. What Wil! Be Your Rating in IS THE ANSWER IF YOU WEAR A Hollywood Style By EARL AR'DEN First, you're sure lo like the smart new a ideas out for coming school year--and as for colorings--well, you'll have to pick "the one" among many host suited to your particular taste and type of masculine beauty; and when it comes to i and style--BOY! OH, BOY! hi-nad shoulders and trim' waist line--makes one look like an all American quarter-back--and you know how the girls go for All-American quarterbacks, BETTER PICK YOUR FAVORITE THIS WEEK $29.50 to $40 TOP-COATS FOR GAME OR CAMPUS $29.50 and $35 ARDRU. THOMAS (JO, Successors to AUK KLKIN Nucccs Hotel Bldg, Corpus Christi.

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