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The Evening Standard from Uniontown, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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PAGE -THE EVENING STANDARD, TUESDAY, MARCH Ear) Wikoo That's Earl For Today NEW YORK There's fresh laughter i N'cw York i Rilz Brothers gol a oration at the International dome comics nowadays cot running ovations) one nisht rr- cently Hcnny Yoiir.gnian's turban, tails snd vert a triumph at the a when hr preicnled he was a I'ersum in the Persian Room Kerr's "Mary, Mary," starring Geddcs proved to he sonic i merry rncrri- mcnt and the a herman was I funniest of a when he painted sidc- a with signs in sleet i said. 'Yankees. Go Souih." Ethel a a r- W1LSON over Benny Youngman. took time out to show me her grand- LEGAL NOTICES BEDEVQJOPME.ST AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF FAYETTE. PENNSYLVANIA Union Trust Bulldrng DDkintern.

PEnr-fylTaciB "Hollow Prfjecf. PrcJTi R-s the nontoTE.!ia INVITATION FOR PHOFOSAI.S Tbe Auihomy of Counly of bodj oorporite and under the of the wrkmn EUdrreVopmer.t LAW cJ the Commonvtallh ol Act May 24. IMS. P.

E31. as ftmendcd. mv.tts piopceals for ol tract lanl sattd as Parctl Xo. 11 situate witb- IB the Urbia Redevelopment Ara, Pnlfct Penna. R-5.

Cr.lontOAn. Pennsylranla. bounded and drwnbcd 35 Beslnnln; at a point on western line of Iowa Eueet and a 50 foot thence South 54' west 194 ftp: to A point on the Northern of a 15 fool alley; liejjce alonz thf Unt ol sMry North SO' 6 Writ I35.7i let: 10 a point on tae Eaitern line cf 10 foot alley: thrace fiteus tne lice of saUl alley Korth 9' K' Dist 15893 to point on the Somtiern line of a 20 foot alley: theuee Uorg the line iaid Kcrth 35' rail 2 I (ret to a'polnl. UK oT containing trea of OM59 arrr as shown on i ol Hraak B. Gosr.ell.

K. P. E. Xa. P53T.

dated Jaruary The redevelopment area described JOued tor commcrciaJ, md use. (1) FORM OF PROPOSAL All proposals iJiall be tuboUtted on the fonn approved by llie Au- tborttT ind contain the Information nquiied therebv. Ill OF PROPOSAL Bid proposals. InclvdJnf: all EC- eooipanjlnE docurr.eats. be encloted tn envelorKS (outer and both of -a-hlch be srfil- ad dearly labeled OTth the "Bid Proposal Dfcumentf-- JTo.

II Project Ponna. K-5 untontoin. and BKme of Proposer. (3) TIMS FOR EDBHIESION OP PHOP05AL All proposals for the and of the aforedfbcribrd Parcel ho, 11 must be deilvered to ue ollkti ol the Redevelopment Authority of the Co-jmy Faretie tn Tniit Btillrilns. Unlontou-n.

Pennsylvania or brtore 2:30 o'clock P. E. D. S. on the day of May.

IvSl. at which time they win he publicly opened and rrad alo-id (41 EVALUATION" OF PROPOSAL The REdfTelopmen: Authority of the. Cfcxumy of Fayttte TMila. sbaU arcEpi the hlciiHi-. bid proposal which Is accotd wtth rjsqulremenls and of the Redevelopment Proposal- FL rt Piac.

prepared" by the City Planning and Zonlnr Comrnislon of Unt-jnlnwn md approved by tht Authomy ana tf.r City Council or the rf TJr.ion- howrvrr. that thr Propoier posjesfts tlDns and financial rcsourres r.crrs- to acquire and Imd In accordance i Rr. Oevtlopmpnt Rr- Plan. (il Then must the propOMI a EOTrl sum to of tr.t nU'RCH Bl'S-ML Rose Baptist Church of Uoionloun held special srn ires (o dcdicalr its new bus. At left of pholo In fronl of vehicle.

Iffl (o aboie. are Hie Rrv. Rarrox of Brownsville, speaker; the Rev. Ourlcs J. Walker, minister of Mt.

Rose; the Rev. J. S. Brack, moderator of Youghiogheay Western Baptist Ike Thomas, Trustee Board chairman; Earl King, Deacon Board chairman; and tt'ill Jones, trustee. --lltrald-stiadaid Prioto daughter's picture anrt exclaim: Miss Kerr "has thought "Jsn't she foe.iutiful? Only two weeks nid and already on cereal! i never heard of a two- iiue.

njtyna), ai weens old b.iby a i cereal:" Sai-di's, the party-goers ordered Kenny, at home in the plush Plaza, said: "livery woman coming out of a beauty parlor ow looks like Kennedy except my wife. She looks like satisfieW. She'd like lo change a 1:1.1 lOIlu Ol rue- I'd chip in a lo help her 1 already boughl her a mink-looking coat." "Or.o day she drove our car up the side of a building. She met another woman driver coming dnwn the pa; kin; problem. I bought a parked car." 4 Flash from Taylor.

Tex "A rich termite down here gave his wife a lumber yard on their wooden anniversary." HI vas from Great Scolt. disc jockey.) I'm no drama Critic thank- Heaven 1 was constantly laughing or being amazed at "Mary. Mary" over such sharp Jean Kerr lines as one spoken by Michael Ronnie, playing a washed-up Hollywood star, who sajs that when he left: I knew I was the sinking ship leaving the rats." Crilic Judith Crist wrote that LEGAL. NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDEHS EraUd are requested lor Ihe furnishlns of the lEstrucuocat. Janltoilal.

Industrial arts. foctbaU supplies and equipment, furniture, and medical supplies the school year 1961-62. A Isn of lequlrenicntj rnay be obtained at the of the board JfrCitllind- Pa. Elds to be tn the hands of the Secretary brlore 7:30 o'clock P.M., March 11. 1561.

GERMAN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT TI3ERI. Ko. 11 vhlch bond shall te ea ey responsible corpcuatr eure- tr In the form hv the Authority. The Amliw.v nc- i certified clwk lii-r amount to lieu ma Bond. (6t REJECTION OF The LE iTfrn'd r.y tflonty it lu or ETjy or ail iri any acd in (71 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A copy at Ml forms lo tw u-t! In the submlttal rr with irjrvtv cf orrs jnd other data ran" hi irorr, the officrs pi P'dfrlo-i- mem Authorllr of LV r' All Inqinrw i TA ir disrxxltlon rrcrr-am tty should if Franks r' Authority.

AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTS' OF FMTrrTE PENNSYLVANIA LABRV A FRANKS TiTE STATE AIJTiiOrUTY 15TH HERR 5TREF.T6 HAITRISni'RG rrVNSVtVaSH NOTlCr TO CONTRACTORS Bid Dilc-- Witlaesday. 1561 Timp of Opentr.e--: :00 P. M. Tune Thf Crr.nal Sialp Aiuliont; rfcivr ahovf office u-ILl tr puhllclv rprnrn ar.d rr.i^ at stated tlrr.r Jo: thr Conlrjrt. Nr.v B-lU- anti Belated Eq-atp- rr.rnt.

I I A A STATE COLLEGE I I A A I I A A COl'STV. Urxivtr. J1J Boulevard Ginr Drp Kd Check. BanV rhtrli. Tt Company n.i the fo-ni by Trie Gt'p- a a stale up -and unfortunately inserted juil too many good lines." itself a memorable and undoubtedly controversial line.

Anyway, at "Bloody Mary. Marys." Jim Downey, the restaurateur, says a customer bought 51,000 worlh of Arthur Murray lessons to get popular. did you?" Jim asked the guy, who said. Comic Marty Allen's got a 3- year-old nephew who was taught lo say "Monuny. wheu I grow up, I'm going to buy a mink coat, Cadillac and diamond ring." The other day when she spanked him.

he pointed a finger angrily and said. "NO COAT!" Pan Mail: "You made a boo-boo in your bit aboul Chinese food. Those ridiculous 'R' sounds in place of 'L' sounds would never have come oul of a Chinese mouth. Since no 'R' sound exists in Chinese, they arc apt to sub- stitule an lor an 'Velly and "Solly. 1 The 'rols of ruck" cxjiression was exploited by a comedienne doing a takeoff on a Japanese person's English.

Donald H. Palmeler, San Francisco." Dear DHP: Sorry lo say. you're righl! Further proving your point, a Chinese girl disc jockey in Hong Kong told Irving Hoffman, have lols of Iclalives here who have luined my leputation cliticiz- ing me because I play lock and loll lecords." THE MIDNIGHT EARL Dag IlnmrnarsijoW's hobby: He's adapting two American plays into Swedish Shelley Ber- man'll entertain in Washington al Ihe radio and TA' correspondent' dinner Duo: Socialile Gary Latimer and Waller Troutman. Die was Debbie lieynolds's fre- quenl escort) Comic Carl i first Laughing." will become a Broadway play hut there's no role in il for him TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: "I won't tell you how long I've been workinp." Phyllis Oilier, "-bul 1 was fired from my first job (or stealing 2 cent stamps." WISH I'D SAID THAT: You can figure Ihe marriasc has gone sour when your wife stops helping you wilh the dishes. PEARLS.

Many married men start tilings they can't finish such as sentences. -Tony Pcltilo. A local merchant described one of his cashiers who disappeared: "He was about SIN feel tall and about S1.200 short." That's earl. brother. 'Distributed tiy The Syndicate.

Inr.i Hall DID YOU William A. introduced the first telephone used in I'niontown about 1SSO. Bell Telephone opened an office here in 1S9. DID YOU AISO KNOW THAT If you need money lor a naw kitchan, an extra room, medical expenses, or any worthwhile can gel il from Fayette at convenient terms lo suit your budget! JOV Harper, ninrtrl, a IrllfHiW Airport in New York. She ffcw in from Angeles she worked in TV.

TO BECOME PRIEST Garran Cavanaagh, 53, formerly of East Kvrtratti, will become a Roman Catholic priesl hi Rome Saturday, the New York Herald Tribune reports. Cavanaugh, head of the hai family and said io be one of the wealthiest men in the United Slates, was quoted in Rome as saying there is more in life than "piling dollars oo dollars." Wirephoto Gold Outflow Is Stopped WASHINGTON (AP)-For the firsl time in many monlhs. two weeks have passed without any loss ol American gold lo foreigners. In fact, the latest Treasury report shows the U.S. gold supply increosed by $729.000 las! Wednesday lo $17.373,100,000.

Olher fluctuations the past two weeks have been even smaller. The changes have been so minor that experts here said they almost certainly have been due solely to gold dealings within the United Slates. The Treasury buys gold from American mines and sells to authorized users such as Ihe jewelry industry. Foreigners thus have been out of the gold picture sir.ce Keb. 20, a highly significant fact in view of the S2 billion of gold sales to foreign governments and central hanks during 1960.

Although no one expects the currenl stability ol Ihe gold supply to continue indefinitely, officials do hope that sales on the IfKiO scale are a mailer ol history. They say two main factors are creating Ihc improved outlook: 1. Restoration of foreign confidence in the dollar. President Kennedy. Ihrough a series of public slalemcnts.

has convinced the world the dollar will not be devalued, foreigners thus arc more willing lo lie up their funds in dollar investments. 2. Sharp cutback, if not a reversal, in the licaiy ISSrt flow of shorl-lcrm investment funds to Europe where inlercsls were higher. European rales have dropped somewhat while short-term rales here have risen. The adminislration has estimated the flow of short-term invcsl- rr.cnt cspilal lo Europe contributed more Jhan SI billion to last year's U.S.

balance of payments deficit of J3.8 billion. Paladin To Desert TV For Films By BOB TH01IAS AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD Pala- dir, is going over the hill (o join the flickers. TV actors are pouring out of the corrals and private-eye offices to make movies. This is the season for it, noil' that the IV series are winding up their produelion years. So we find Chuck Connors planning to play Geroaimo, Robert Taylor filming in Formosa, a flock of Warners cov.pokes in the Philippines.

Even Andy Griffith is going into "The Diamond Bikini," if you can imagine it. Richard Boone is staying here playing in "A Thunder of Drums" at MGM. "It's a post-Civil War story," he reported. Boone will portray a tough cavalry officer who chews out everyone in his command. Only at Oic end of the movie will we find out what's chewing him.

This his second film since he started his TV series. The first was "The Alamo." in which he ted one of unique fflrn deals of all lime. 'I never had a contract until ahout the time I was going to Ihe premiere," he recalled. "John Wayne just asked me if I wanted to do it. and I said sure." Boone said he worked a total of six hours and the pay came out to $4.000 an hour.

"When I got back to town." he said. "Duke (Wayne) called up the Rolls Royce dealer and (old him to give me whatever I wanted. I went down and picked out a S24.000 Rolls. It was like a dream." purposes, and the amount cominc in. Pro-Commir Rebels Mnvinp In VIENTIANE, Laos (APi-Pro- Communist rebel soldiers were reported advancing toward the road junction of Vang Vieng as efforts intensified to bring their leaders into pe.icc talks.

So far the rebels have no tcrc.M. Although the military silitatiwi was the pro-Western gov. ermr.enl's front on the main road between Vientiane and the royal city Luang Prabsng was not holding firm. FATAL BLAST LOURENCO MARQUES. Mo- zamhiqiie (AP)--A corporal, with four soldiers watching, hied In dismantle a grenade Monday with the intention of making it into a lampstand.

It exploded and all five were killed. Beaver Plea Is Opposed HAKRISBURG (AP)--The Stale Superior Court Mondsy was told four Beaver County men convicted in a highways kickback scheme p-ere allotved "every conceivable liberty" during their trial. That position tvas taken by Dist. Atty. Richard P.

Steward of Beaver County in argument before the appeyate court. The four men arc seeking rcver- of 195D in Ihe county's Quarter Sessions Court They are former State Sen. Samuel G. Neff. Robert Yoho, Leon Kaleia and James Macry, all of Beaver Falls Earlier, defense lawyer John A.

Conte conlended Judge Morgan Sohn erred in refusing to gram a new trial. Radar Bill Compromise Is Pushed I1ARH1SBURG AP) Legislative leaders worked on a possible compromise today that eventually could result in passage of a bill legalizing use of radar lo curb highway speeding. The radar bill was defeated last week wlien a solid 25-vole bloc of Democrats failed to get one Republican senator for the necessary 26-vote constitutional majority. Under Senate rules a defeated bill must be called up reconsideration five legislative working days of its defeat. One day is gone.

Democratic senators said prospects were dim that they could muster a majority today-bailing a compromise on the restricted license bills. Meanwhile, bills were introduced in both the House and Senate Monday which would revive the state's former system ol issuing a restricted driving pei-mit to motorists permits are suspended for traffic violations. Two Senate bills and one House bill were introduced. Though details of the measures differed, they all were aimed at providing limited driving privileges lo persons wire must drice to earn their living. The stale had a similar privilege until five years ago, when it was repealed.

The bills were put forth, reportedly, as a possible exchange for passage of the controversial and once-defeated radar proposal. Gov. Lawrence's administration is opposed (o restricted license legislation. In other action the Senate unanimously gave final approval to legislation giving the state's boroughs and second class townships a choice in the payment of tax collectors. The approved.

49-0, House amendments to the Senate- originated bill. It was sent to the governor. The governor's office designated it the number one piece of legislation for Lawrence lo sign on his return from Florida today. The bill zipped through both houses in near-record time in order to beat a Saturday deadline. The deadline stems from a feature of the election code.

To be binding on candidates in the Mails primary, the legislation must be enacted, then backed by local ordnance at least two days prior to the last day for candidates to withdraw from the election--Monday, March 20. A community failing to pass an ordnance carrying out the legislation by the Saturday deadline ivoiild have to work under the old system until their next tax collector is elected'in 1965. The new measure gives the communities an option of paying the collectors a salary orup to per cent of what they collect. Under present law, ttic collectors receive up lo 3 per cent of what they collect. In other legislative action: Library Bill--Sen.

Jo Hays. D- Centre, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, said he expected to send the House-approved library proposal ID the floor next -eefr. He added that he expected enough Republican support for the proposal for final passage. Historic Districts The Senate approved 3S-D and sent to the House a bill allowing and municipalities to create historic districts "to protect the distinctive historical characer of these districts." The measure provides for a board made up of citizens living within any designated historic district to regulate erection, construction, reconstruction, alterations, demolition or razing of buildings inside the area. Driver Has Ivalller As Road Companion SAN ASTOMO.

Tex. fAP Jose Cornew heard a rattle in his auto Sunday night, but found to his horror that it wasn't coming from the motor. Corncjo. 2fi. discovered a Moot rattlesnake in the front seat with him as he drove along State Highway J1S south of here, on his way lo his home near Jourdanton.

The auin thieugb The deficit represents the dii- rural mailboxes on one side of flic ference between the amount of ro 1 l5 fccl on the money leaving the country, for all ler sidc A passerby kiiied the snake Hospital Accredited In District Six dislrict hospitals have been accrediied by (lie Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals for Ihe current year. They are: Unloatown. Coanells- ville, Brownsville, Frick Community Hospital at Mount Pleasant, Somereel Community Hospital, and Greene Counly Memorial Hospital at Waynesburg. In Use country there are at the present time over 6.000 hospitals which are eligible for accreditation. Of this number 4,500 have applied for accreditation and of this number, 75 per cent have been accredited.

"It is a mark of distinction and a by high standards of care," an official publication of the Commission slates. The Joint Commission is aji agency established by four organizations, The American College of Physicians, American College of Surgeons, American Hospital Association and the American Medical Assn. "Accreditalion ol a bospilal Fork-Wielding Bandit Cleans Out Station CHATTANOOGA (AP A young bandit forced a filling station attendant to fork over So in a holdup here. Police said the robber was armed with a table fork. FIRE TOLL HALIFAX.

Fjres kilM 32 persons, includinc IS children, in Nova Scotia last year TVlrd tn rojrfa of S.iKl U.S. P. perfectly haliacrj i of phRrmiceuticlR InM a i au- siipcnrtf fcv irB icM upset. Thfrr'l uorM of tni quiel i I of Tum. so make mental nolp rt-ck i--Jip i pactijrt TX'Uftahy.

You'll flurf 5-00 NOTHING WOtHS IIXE TUMI STARLIJE Drive-In Theatre ROUTE -1 OF UMOXTOWS NOW PLAYING "SEE THE UNTOUCHABLES" EIYKEIOROOFAUTM mSOBSS PLUS I RftiCTiUlf Fint Slow Stub A HEATERS CKDOOGGOOG a Lollobrfflita, A thony a a NAKED IN- THE WORLD" (scopt-color) l-ss, 1:38, MAXDS--mnk Sinitra. Shirley MitLUuc In "CIN A IT' (xuft color), 4:33, means," said Dr. Ketuwrh B. Babcock, Commission director, "that it has voluntarily submitted to a survey of its facilities and patient II is a badge of recognition which it can display to ils communily lo prove that il conforms lo high standards of patient care." Certain basic requirements such as a physical plant free from fire hazards; careful supervision and review by the medical staff of the palicnl care rendered in the hospital; special sludy by Ihe medical staff of all unusual or complicated cases; adequate medical records; ethical practices; investigation of all tissue removed at operations; proper nursing care; and proper administrative and medical staff organization. NOW AT YOUR SKY-VIEW CarmMuels "FAST AND SEXY" "HELL IS A CITY" Connie Francis in "HHL'RE THE BOYS ARE" LUND Carmichacls HELD OVER! "BEN HUR" Feature al 7:30 Adults 51.25- Children 50c THE EXCITING ESCAPADES OF AN EXQUISITE HEIRESS! rt PETER.


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