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Pine Bluff Daily Graphic from Pine Bluff, Arkansas • 8

Pine Bluff, Arkansas
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EIGH1 THE DAILY APHIC. PINS 3LUFF, ARKANSAS, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1906. rJJ THE EXHIBIT BUILDING BEING DEMOLISHED BY WORKMEN AND WILL BE REMOVED FROM COURT YARD. Henry Roberta left Tuesday morning to assist in the Hlneiiion Loving nuptials at Aikadelphiu. W.

Wonldrldgu ami family will leave about July .10 for Corpus Chrlsli, Texas, to spend a month. L. Dewoody and wife loft "Monday for Memphis to visit relatives for several days. Diivo Well returned Tuesday from a three weeks' visit to Litllo Bock. K.

Holderness, who has been visiting in Pine Bluff for several days left Tuesday evening for Nashville, Ti where he Is prominently connected with Vandeibill, uulvcrslty. Ed O'Rrien of Little Rock was In i be city Monday business. S. B. Williams and wife of Little Mock are registered at the George Wells of Monfleello was a BY LOUIS TRACY AUTHOR OS' The Wings of the Morning Far more fascinating than the attractive titles are the author's inimitable romances of the sea.

The wreck of a liner, a hundred lives at stake, refuge ia a lighthouse with great guns blowing outside, the difficulty of getting food to the imprisoned survivors furnish thrills galore. But there are more j'et, the thrills supplied by two love stories growing out of the circumstances. Propinquity, you know, is Cupid's strongest ally. The Pillar of Light Illustrated by Heyer Exhibits to Be Preserved in Room of New Court House Addition Being Erected. The old Jefferson county exhibit building is beiug rapidly torn down, the roof having already been torn away.

The exhibits have been moved to the court house until the new addition is completed, when they will be put in a room made specially for them. Some of our citizens are under the impression that hese relics are not being taken cave of as they should be On the contrary, all of them that ate wanted are being watched by Judge Kerwin, and a choice collection will he at hand to start the new exhibit room with. Brooks' Favorite Femael Prescrip tion cures women. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dan ASSOCIATION Addresses to Be Delivered by Promi nent Attorneys.

The program for the joint meeting i of the Arkansas-Texas Bar association to be held at Texarkana July 10 and 12, has been arranged. It provides for several papers of importance during the three days' session. A banquet will be given on the, even ing of the third day at the cl the meeting. Judge U. M.

Rose of Little Rock, Judge Selden P. Spencer of St. Louis and Justice David J. Brewer of the United Slates supreme court will be guests at the meeting f.nd will be asked to respond to toasts at the banquet. Your food don't hurt you when you take a dose of Brooks' Iron Peptol after eating.

THE MARKETS. ft QUOTATIONS. (Corrected daily and company. by C. C.

Taylor Readers of The Wings of the Morning who hav? beet: asking for something as good are assured they wiil find it in The Pillar of Light in This Paper The Oakland (Cal.) Tribune says: In "The Pillar of Light," by l-onis to 1m found a story just as exciting and fascinating iw "Tim Wiags of the Morning." And the New York Sun, whose reputation for candid book reviews Is as unquestioned as its judgment and good taste, goei one better. The Suu says: As a story there can lx no doubt that Mr. Louis Trvy's "The Pillar of Light" surpasses bis "The Wings or" th Morning." There is not a dull page in it from beginning to end and th ral sea episodes are thrilling and exciting. Remember The Pillar of Light Will Begin This Paper LOCAL AND i. OTHERWISE.

0. W. Boyce devotes his Hrne to reota -i-Simou'B Great Dump. -Simon's Big Dump Sale. T-Walkcr's Liver Tablets for sale only at Bedell's Pharmacy.

Everybody goes (o Simon's Dump Sale! Everything is kept fresh and up to date at my new store, corner Main and. Seventeenth. Fresh groceries' and Meats of all kinds at the cheapest ices. Einmett Simmons. Been to Dump Sale at Simons? For manicuring, sham pool ng, hair dressing, hair blenched or dyed or artificial hair, see Miss Minnie Kin-eer, at the Grand Loader Miss Lottie Byrd was too ill to lie work Monday niorniug.

Every article In the store reduced. Simon's Dump Sale. For rent, one or two nicely furnished roome, in private family, modern, electric lights, bath; two gentlemen or man ami wife, close in; 914 West Second avenue Whatever else you do, go 1o Simon's Dump Sale. Call up 578 old plioue for cakes made to order. Fresh home-made bread and rolls every evening.

Will be delivered when ordered In time. T. H. Skidmore, baker Corner Sec- 'Born, to Mr. and Mrs.

S. K. Pierce, June 24, a girl. -Agents wanted to sell high grade confectionery for manufacturer to dealers. Salary $1S per week and expenses.

Address Huler Candy Co-Cleveland, O. Got yours yet? Simon's Dump Sale. For rent, cottages or six roomc including bath and electric lights; No. 302 South Elm street; $20 per-month. Possession given July 1.

It. H. M. Mills and sons. Clothing going fast.

Simon's Dump Sale. A iarge crowd of young people Will go to Sulphur Springs Tuesday evening. Dancing will be engaged in. and a pleasant time Is assured for all who attend. The chaperones will he Mr.

and Mrs. Will Riley, and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Smart. BRIEF MENTION.

Miss Emma Scott, trimmer for the Grand Leader, left Sunday for her homo at St, Louis, Mo. Virginia and Eulalie Walker returned from Stuttgart Monday, where they have been visiting relatives. Miss, Susan Kirk of Hot Springs is Tisiting Mrs. A. T.

Ball at West Third avenue. Fred Fox and daughter, Miss Blanche, returned Monday from Hot Springs, where they have been attending the National Hardware convention. M. Danaher is in Benton on professional business. Ray Levey and wife left for a ten days' visit to Hot Springs and Tex-arkana.

C. W. Wesner and wife of English will leave Tuesday for Las Vegas, N. to spend the summer. Mr.

Wesner owns a beautiful residence in this popular health resort and usually spends his summers there. SOCIETY NOTES Ragan-Ritchie. A quiet wedding took place lust Monday night at the parsonage of. the First Methodist church. The con-it ract.tng parties were Miss Mattle Bagiin of Pine Bluff and Mr.

W. Ritchie of Commerce, Texas. Rev. T. Y.

Ramsey officiated and -only one or two friends were present. The bride is very popular iu Pine Bluff and the groom, who is a. brother of W. W. Kitebif' of this city, also has many friends who wish them a future.

To Wed in Texarkana. The following announcement has been received in this city: Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Bradbury request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Wi I ninth Frances, to Mr. Roy Lee Walker Thursday morning, July fifth, 190C, at ten o'clock 220 Grand avenue. Texarkana, Arkan- sas. At home after July tenth Austin, Texas. Miss Bradbury is one of Texar-kana's most charming young ladies, and is well known in Pine Bluff, having sjwjnt her school days here.

Mr. Walker is quartermaster of the old Confederate home at Austin, Tex. There are scores of friends in this city wbo wish them well. Y. M.

C. A. NOTES. Unique Advertisement Physical Director Rawllnston Is put-ling up a tent in the gymnasium at the Y. M.

C. A. as an advertisement of the summer camp. This tent was kindly loaned by Major Trulock. Spent Sunday at Springs.

Engineer W. II. Graves, chairman of the Y. M. C.

A. membership committee, and family, Chas. Smith and family, J. O. Gold and W.

L. Cook spent Sunday at Sulphur Springs and Lea Springs. They took dinner at Lea Springs and after taking supper at, Sulphur Springs, returned home. The yreport having had a delightful time, and the only incident that was the least unpleasant was that while en route home Mr. Gold, who as on a rear seat in the wagon, went to sleep and fell from the vehicle, receiving a severe jar, but no injuries.

AMUSEMENTS. 9 Pearl of Savoy. A large crowd, considering tlu threatening weather, was out to see the Spooner Dramatic company present their new play. "The Pearl of All the characters acquitted themselves with dramatic skill, especially Allie Spooner as Marie, the Pear of F. 13.

Spooner as Perirot, a goat herder, pleased the crowd very much with his comical role. Allie Spooner again sang sevv illustrated songs and the Misses Shrewsbury did some fine special! work, all of which was received with much applause. Tonight they will again present "The Pearl of Savoy" and on Wed nesday and Thursday nights they will present "The Cast," one of their most flnishod productions. EAST END NEWS. Parlor car 350 has been repaired aud is ready for service.

Mr. G. H. Salone, who has been to the Cotton Belt hospital for treatment, has returned and resumed work tit the Cotton Belt shops. Mr.

W. has returned from a visit to Blackburn, O. T. John colored, had his thumb cut off yesterday at the shopa. Printcra' Tocn The printers have organized a baseball team and will soon be able to play with other amateur teams of this city.

There are a good many good basbeall players among the printers and a first-class team will undoubtedly be the result. business visitor in the city Monday. W. H. Lephew of TVni.iolt Is in the city, stopping at the Antlers.

Will Bonn, an old Tine BluiT boy. in the city today en route from Torre Haute. Tndjana, to his home in Warren. Ife has been attending the Rose Polytechnic Institute in that, city, and has made an excellent: mark in his studies. He is greeting friends on every side, and says that he will be in town several days before he returns home.

Miss Gladys one of Pine Bluff's most talented musicians, left Sunday for Chicago, where he entered the Bush temple conservatory of music. She will take private lessons from Mr. Harold Von Mick wit a pupil of Lischitisky. L. T.

Knox left Tuesday for Hot Springs to spend about a month. He is stopping at the Arlington during his sojourn in the "City of Vapors. John Bloom of the Pine City Electric company left for Fay-etteville to visit school friends. Maj. J.

Renwick Campbell and Brnnson llammott have returned from a pleasure trip to Mr. Walker Jones at Hannaberry. Sheriff James Gould left Tuesday morning for Noble Lake on business. Rev. J.

S. Hawkins and Sheriff James Gould left Tuesday night for Little Rock, where they will attend a meeting of a committee of the state good roads board. EXCURSION TO MEMPHIS. Tiaveliug Passenger Agent Mc-Neny today gave out the following to a Graphic reporter: "Within a short time we expect to give the people of Pine Bluff a very rare treat in the way of a few days in Memphis at exceptionally low rates; about $2.75 for the round trip. Tickets will be good leaving here on fecial train at 5:00 p.

m. Saturday, and leaving Memphis for return 11; 00 p. m. Monday. In addition to this there will be rate of $3 for the round trip leaving here on the regular trains Saturday, and returning on regular up to and including Mouday night.

Parties desiring to avoid excursion trains can use higher rate on regular trains. There will be champion baseball games on above mentioned date. East End park (White City) will arrange special attractions for this occasion." Brooks' Chill Tonic best by test. Ooard of Health Did lot Moot The board of health did not meet as was expected Monday afternoon. The reason is unknown unless it, was on account of the absence from the city of their president, Dr.

Z. Orto. black suii8 $20.00 black suits 18.00 black suits 16.00 black suits 15.00 black suits 14.00 back suits 11.00 III 1 i 7 C' us; i I 1 "Dang in, but ihty'tt. two oiucky 'cs. LOOK FOR IT! "BETWEEN ME LINES" There is much when a lady uses elegant stationery, which gives grace aud tone to her correspondence.

Such a paper is "Autocrat Linen," of which we have a full assortment. Order a box by telephone today; it's sure to please. A "Western Linen Tablet' with envelopes to match, for 25c, is one of our specialties. BEDELL'S PHARMACY. Quality Store.

LITTLE PRINCESS Fairy Spectacular Play TV! WCAST ELKS THEATER, FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 29 O'CLOCK. Most Artistic Child's Play on the Stage. Gorgeous Costumes. Beautiful Music. Scale of prices: Lower floor, $1 and 75c; balcony, 50c; lower box seats, $1.

Sale of seats begin at box office of theater Wednesday morning, June 27. Dry floods Co. in a Few Days. envoy, Charles H. Graves, minister to Sweden, and Mrs.

Graves; Lieutenant Commander John H. Gibbons, the naval attache of the United States at London, and Mrs. Gibboons, and Major William W. Gibson, American military attache at St. Petersburg, who was accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. William J. Bryan. The crowd watched the party with great interest. When the royal, party entered all present in the Cathedral at once arose and the cere-onial began immediately.

The com-pietion of the crowning of King Haakon was communicated by two i army signalers wigwagging across the city from Cathedral to the hiil batteries. The crowning of Queen Maud commenced immediately afterwards. Her Majesty, who is of a naturally timid retiring disposition, bravely faced the coronation ceremony. She looked dainty and attractive. Their majesties looked exceedingly well and took lively interest in every part of the impressive ceremony.

Nothing occurred throughout, the cermony to cause the principal participants the slightest uneasiness. The king was thoroughly composed throughout. The crown, although reduced in size since it was used by King Oscar, proved too large for King Haakon, and failed to confer dignity on the monarch, but he maintained his composure despite the fact that it threatened to fall over his ears. Cathedral was the special American Today Yesterday July 1010-11 October 1025-26 102C-27 December 1032-33 1033 34 January 1036-37 1038 39 Spots New York 1080 1080 New Orleans 10.15-16 10 15-16 Liverpool 014 614 Wheat July ....83 1-8 September 83 3 8 82 7-8 Corn- July 51 7-8 50 5-8 September 52 3-8 51 1-8 Oats-July 38 1-8 37 1-2 September 35 1-2 34 3 4 Pork-July 1717 1700 Lard July 880 62 Ribs-July p- A PARADISE OF REST HONEST REDUCTION ON Clothes of udifcy FOR mw All $27.50 fancy blue serge and All $25.00 fancy blue serge and All $22.50 fancy blue All $20.00 fancy' blue sergemd All $18.50 fancy blue serge and All $15.00 fancy blue serge and STATE SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION Will Hold Annual Meeting at the Capital July 9. A meetjng of the Arkansas State Sheriffs' association will be held in Little Rock July 9, and it is expected many important matters will be discussed.

All the sheriffs of the state pre eligible to membership, and the meetings are held for the mutual benefit of the officials. The present officers of the organization are: Frank Kitchens of Helena, president H. Paterson of Woodruff county, view president: C. C. Kavanaugh df Little Rock, secretary; James Gould.

Pine Bluff, treasurer. CROWN TOO LARGE. Threatens To Drop Over Hi Ear When Placed Upon His Head. Tiondhjejm, June 2C King Haakon and Queen Maud were yesterday crowned, respectively, king and queen of Norway in the Cathedral here. The royal party left the palace at 11:05 a.

m. and entered the Cathedral six minutes later. Among the first to arrive In the In our Shoe Department for the next coming week wewill place on sale four different lots of Shoes at Short Prices and Long Values, White Canvas and Vici Kid, Oxfords for Old and Young S1.25-89C S1.75-90G 82.25-81.24 The Fourth Uot, Men's Canvas Leather Sole, 98c a pair Also a large display of Men's Linen Ware at saving prices Many of the nobbiest suits are left one of aslze. This one may fit you. Alt this season's productions of Hirch Wickwire and Hart, Schaffner and Marx.

is Progress Toggery Shop PINE BLUFF'S BEST STORE. Wolf Nichols.

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