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Pine Bluff Daily Graphic from Pine Bluff, Arkansas • 7

Pine Bluff, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY GRAPHIC. PINE RMTW i m. MAKCII 31 1900 Stt i'j. in "A SUKE CUR.E $100,000 Hicks, President D. C.

Bell Secretary Brokers, Real CLASSIFIED WANTS 1:1 Advertisements under any of Insurance Agents Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Banking Department money on deposit, solicits accounts from Corpora- mtnt, such as Help Wanted, Lostand Found. HouseVor Proper Sale or Rent. Board, Rooms or 3 House Wanted, to Buy Sell ra'03 for six taseront IS WORDS 19 to 36 lnd individuals, allows Interest on time and savings depos- Is exchange and loans money. 37 to 51 WORDS And so on proportionally.

Initials Trust Department as Executor, Administrator, Receiver and Trustee, be- Uuuuv.uUutj lur ikhs man six insert ons and i ls taken for less than 25 cents. Positively no advertisements taken" i.v telephone and under no Circumstances except foi cash with 1 AH notices must be paidfor in dvan aSl in before I clock p. m. to insure iirtion in the next morning's issue avLt of copy w.l not be permitted within less than a week Tom first insertion, and only vyeeVy thereafter. No money will SreSnd" where order Is cancelled beforo expiration.

SI TUATION" Wa ADS. LIMITED T9' lSVORDS INSERTED FREK TEI ipustodian, prepares wills made Executor and takes Makes SURETY BONDS and guarantees titles. The nortant feature of a will, In making his selection, one should net commit their unsafe hands, wiQi a eliminated and its undertafcinge are otherwise safe ffteinst all uncertainties. durance best Old Line Time lis of Fire, Tornado ITrBBStt Co. Sprplos and rrofits, J.

S. Ingram, Tlcc-President aud Treasnrcr. Estate and free of charge where the com- charge of them requested Is the 'appointment of a proper Trust Company the element of Department Tried Companies represented, ajid Accident risks. management and results This in the way of Here are some Timber Lands. FOR SALE Vacant Lots $iww i 1041, and Poplar; terms to suit purchaser.

$10002 choice building lots 70s 140, Gibson add. 1 block of paved street and car line; 11000 $12002 choice building lots 70x HO, Gibson on paved street and car line; $1,200 each. $300-i-Lot 50x150, Wiley Jones addition. 500 Lot 1.1-2 acres; Meyers W-Two lots 50x150 each; Allis addition. 1600-Two lots 30x150 each; Senyard and Holderness add.

WOO-Lot 50x150; Hanfs add. 50 Choice building lots in En terprise add. $25 Choice building lots in suburbs of city. $150 Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Monk's Western add; will be teal Estate Department I i Vwl Real Estate, -Acts as Agent for others in the lAsale aIud renl property, secures loans and invests individuals. leeotlie best possible py genuine bargains to offer VOODOO WOMAN HAS A LARGE FOLLOWING ARcd Sep af SewporM.

Whom Utn Vt to nS -urn of Criminal, Has Bodjfrnar Nport March 28-6lJ Am.f (Caroline Dye, the negreSS. whose powers of "voodoo" wer. the citiaens of Austin to aid them In t5T nL'o who assaulted Miss Bertie Warren at Old Austin about two weeks ago, is bv manv norsnna Viuv. "wuts wiiii performing many acts that the miraculous. She not only by negrots, but by aome wllite persons who come from ncar to secure her assistance i fmdin? hidden things.

The "seeress" is about 70 ytars old and is a former slave. She has lived in the vicinity of Newport all her life and since childhood has claimed to be gifted with powers of foresight and other mysterious capabilities approaching the famed voodoo powers of the Haytion negroes. The old woman is quite wealthy, having purchased a considerable amount of property with the money she derived from her services. She is always surrounded by a veritable bodyguard of negroes who live with arid ar alwavs noar "hnr Has larg Following i While many persons in Newport scout the possession of the faculties which she claims, neverthekU her following here is a strong onl.iller influence away from here is greater, home farmers in jity of Newport often seek hlr aid in locating their lost stock af test very other effort has failed them. I they declare that she has "repeatcly informed them correctly.

She il said to have aided persons in locatiifc lost relatives and in securing poss of estates to which they. were hii-sj At the time of the assault lapn Miss Warren, the aged negresi e-; elared that Turner, the negro aAvit-: jed, was not guilty, but that she doiVt name the guilty negro and tell wtycH he could be found. This report ed Austin and a committee was nl'i-' ea at a mass raeetme there to fall on the negress and learn the guilty man. lias Much Correspondent The old woman receives a correspondence daily from employing her supposed po assist them. Her mail also many postoffice money ord kcludes and checks for these services, She has regular hours for receivini callers and at all other times sua will re fuse to see them.

Thereare also tinies when she declares pat she. is not able to use her occall powera. "Aunt Caroline" came jo Newport five or six years ago fro the country. While, she was in he country she was patronized by nersons be- lieving in though to present. her, niysteri' powers, a lesser degree than at Hives, eczema, "itch or! salt rheum sets you crazy.

Can't bear the touch of your clothing. (Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggiats sell it. Freight Train Broke Through a Lake Bridge Ashdown, March A Kansas City Southern freight train was wrecked Sunday morning between this place and Red River, nine miles south of here, while crossing a lake.

he engine and tender had gotten over when the bridge save way, 1 from? ner njss of rs to I. 1 i i i i 9 TaiisaUA YOU CAN HAVE A ealthy Stomach T7JP" "ji it is easier having-an un 0110, without Kodol for some' timst.he slomachwill k'-p healthy, iisflf; bi't it. will never bo unhealthy if you take a little Kovlol occasionally, And yet Kodol doesn't do Anything but digest the food in a nraural manner, oiVcetnally assist the tired and over-j workeil stomaeh do it work pi-oj-' But by doinjr just this, Kodol at oneo relieves indigestion aud all the aggravating symptoms and prevents sfH psia. 11 stccompjisnes ims juso as surely as the law of "cause and effect." Out ntmrinfoo Oct a dollar bot- xjut vjuarantee. Ko(ioL you arc not benefited the tlrut'Ewt will at I onertwii your money.

Oon't hesitate: any erug-'ist) will sell jou K.ndo! on these terms. '('lie tiollar 2'j times as wiu'li 1 the aua Kui -ii is nrepwrea in the borotories of O. De CbiCM Fletcher Burnett PROGRESSIVE TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, prmirtg snd Ladies Sne garments given special attention. Largest establishment in the city. Give us a trial and be convinced.

We call and deliver all work Satisfaction guaranteed. 1810 West Sixth Avenue. UXSmjOkmimxrmmtmemm SCREENS. Windows and Doors. The season now at hand.

Let us figure with you. Household goods renovated. 404 W. Second. Old phone 1183 PARKER SHEPHERD.

OAK WOOD AM) fr Cnl I 0 1 1 1 IOF Oalt1 Stova wood 2 horse 1 load, greon J2.00, Blocks for heaters or grates 2 horse load green $2.00, 11 in. and 18 la. for heaters and fireplaces, 1 horse loads in two 55041 $1.00 dry 15 dry A Calhoun Wood omp'y 121 K. Mb ate. 01LoB 2g BEN HOVARD Cor.

Fourtbnd Mine Bluff. Arkansas Buys 'd Sells Horsesnd Mule The G'fong Hospital The WcpBnc, Clothing Hospitu and owing the rece of extraordin cjjy dyeing drugd an dry cleiOS ctclcalfl received, are to inform our cuBtomer yjjm rcafter we will be able jjjat even better work for jro tjja, have done In the past. call on vm early in the week jtfAold the mflb nerrerthiilesa latt F. CAVm, Prop. 1714 Weat AvcBar 014 PBORf! FOB RENT.

lhrellhtc's 24tfc and Alabama. rooms. No. 1908. W.

Pulkn iroom8.r No. Mid W. Pullen No. 1709 W. 7th 3 rooms No.

609 W. 6th 8 rooms. Dwellings (Colored). No. 716 W.

8th 2 rooms. No. 801 E. 3 rooms. No.

1010 Orange 2 rooms. No. 1216 Fir 3 rooms. No. 1220 Fir 3 rooms.

No. 1222 Fir 3 rooms. No. 2612 W. 12th 3 rooms.

No. 904 W. 3 rooms. No. 923 State iTrooms.

I have a greater demand for dwellings than I am able to supply. If you have a dwelling vacant, it would pay you to place it with me. I solicit a share of your insurance, represent Old Line Companies. Telephone and I will call. i CIIAS.

HAYCOCK. I FOR. ALL WANTS' the hnnri ISO TOR RENT ON E-I I A LP OP A COT-tage, furnished or otherwise; also afngln rooms, with or without board. Mrs. Meyer, Phone 1270.

POR RENT TWO PlTRNiSHEO rooms, light housekeeping; gas and bnth; price 12. Apply 622 Walnut. 3-26 fit Found. FOUNDLADIES' GOLD PIN, with pearls. Call on G.

W. Pine Bluff Trust Co. SET Dyer, -2(5 St LOST PLAIN LOCKET AND CI IAIN with picture enclosed. Return to Graphic office and receive rrward. -27 WE STILL HAVE FOR SALE THE Rhode Island Red Eggs for setting; also one young cockerel left for sale.

Clara Holcomb, 818 W. 13th av. Old phone 917. 3-2S nt GO TO IAKE M0SEBY For Fine Winei, WhiWt Tobacco and Cigars. 3 Trains Daily to Little Rock St.

Louis aud points beyond. 4:30 a. m. 7:50 a.m. 5:30 p.

m. Agent, I A. ABBENE CUSTOM MADE Boots and Shoes Shoes Made to Order. Renalrlni Neatly and Promptly done Prices Reasonable. 40 MAO ST, FI5E BLUFF, ABK.

When You Paint buildings, inside or outside, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use Sherwin-Williams Paint, prepared claude cLcaaej co. Its, Farms, and 5ath, wired i room, spair, de- E. page, has will sell wood- fen house; I fl (t I of at fiac 1 L. in rent- special bath, situat- paved tt: 7- orches; water; I i terms Vacant ySaved fO.OO k'al I 1 fi 1 I 1 sold for $150 each. $10,000 Lot 160x154, 'with.

Tesi-v dence; 7th and Main street; daily increasing in value as business property. Lot 100x300, Meyers sur-tt near Rutherford Park $1100 Desirable 1-4 block in Ringler's on car line; East 2nd avenue. $12,00013 acre track of land i conveniently located in South 1 east part of city, suitable for Wante WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG man; best buslnea men as references. Address care Graphic. 3-28 6t 1 SIX WEEKS' XSTRUCTION LN Salesmanship id position as traveling saleina with a reliable firm secured.

"Wrfe for our book, "How to Succeed a Salesman." Brai- street Syst11, l.b Main street, Ro- Chester, 2-10 lOOt WAN 1'fZ tA I A MAIL CLERKS, postofll clerks, carriers and rural free d'very carriers; thousands of poslt)fls to he filled. Excellent op-portify for young men; salary $S0'to examination May 13; frp instructions; write immediately Government Positions Bureau, 3 Powers Rochester, N. Y. 2-10 1001 ANTED S.VLEMAN IN EVERY town in Arkansas to represent the American Life and Accident Insurance Company, of Salisbury, capital stock, surplus, ladies and make from $50 to $75 per week. Call or address T.

M. C. HARTMAN, state agent, room 318 Southern Trust Little Rock, or J. C. DE-FEE, 1211-2 E.

3d Austin Pine Bluff, Ark. 3-26 tf WANTED POSITION DY STATION-ary engineer; references given. Address, C. Route 3, box 1. 3-30 51 WANTED 7 WAITRESSES, 2 chambermaids, 27 tie makers, 23 log cutters, 21 men for extra gang, 2 first class cooks, 10 salesmen.

Ap- ply O'Brien 211 1-2 Main st. 3-30 tf WANTED AN OCEAN STEAMSHIP corporation desires competent party to sell their treasury stock; big pay and executive position awaits party who can "deliver the goods." No Idlers wanted. Dr. Southers, Oermott, Wednesday and Thursday. 3-30-dSt Miscellaneous.

AMATEUR PHOTO WORKERS; SEE me in my new rooms at 211 1-2 Main where I am prepared to I finish from any size plalo or fllm i and get the finest results. F. W.l Eck. 3-24 lm For Sale. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE LARGE feather bed and two pillows, lately renovated.

Address King, Route 3, Box 1. 3-30-6t ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished; modern conveniences, Apply 711 Mala; old phone 1311. 3-31 6t For Eent 4 FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms with hath; suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 714 street, 3-24 6t FOR RENT 2 nished; close, -Frank Dietrich, store. ROOMS UNFUR-to business.

See at Henry Marx's 3-24 Ct FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS ON first floor. R. H. M. Mills Sons.

t-54t FOR RENT TWO COTTAGES. 308, 310 South Elm all modern conveniences. R. H. M.

Mills sons. 3-24 6t FOR REffP NICBLT FURNISHED k-pflt 08 B. Sixth 3-26 6t throwing six cars loaded with vacztiM me attended witk eare, manufacturing site or city addition; this property is a bargain. Timber Lands 1100-acres hardwood," 50 per cet oak, balance hickory and ash; 2 1-2 miles from railroad; net price $20.00 per acre. 1000-acres, containing 5000 ft hardwood, such as gum, oak and ash; 2 1-2 miles from railroad; net price, $6 JO per acre.

1800-acres, 1-2 second bottom and 1-2 upland; heavily timbered, with white oak, over i cup aM ash; prioe, $14.00 per W0 seres hardwood and pine; mill on land and in operation; 'situated on Cotton Belt road; will be sold at a bar- pit. 4 006,900 feet pine stumpage im 'ggllB'e county 2 to 4 miles froBi railroad; write for price, 550-Bntire holding of mill-ing Interests, Including 12 to 15 million feet yellow pine nfld about 75 per ijent hardwood, 35 per cent nine WW acrea and. 1060 of which goes with timber, bal- MM-from 2 to 1 years; tim-' 1 wtfrYif Vila nwtiL. easily worth $10,000 is asked for It virgin timber, lying Wd Desha coun-. on reasonable v.

"1 and cy-: Jid. in Lin-ijf i bunties; ap- iii terms. ist it with us. ing. 4 Co.

St. to the lake. No one was hurt. No. 4 passenger train, due here at 12:32 had to go by the way of 'Hope frc Texarkana, then over the Frisco II' arriving here at 6 p.

m. -COM WEATHER HAS HATE TOU HAD TOUR winnow panes pmcm BO IT NOW AID LET JF-? BAUGH3TAK DO THE WO' 0M, FRO YE, 806. C. I Thompson, a Ljle Rock ar chitect, was in the on business. Cream THE GUARANTEED WORM ncMcnv 'r 11 ill THE CWLDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC.

IWARC IMITATIOMB. TMrMNUINI FHlPmO ONLV IT OsQaxl-Snow Liniment Ct T. XVOV1V, MO, Far ft. trrta4y 4 I 1 ite line. ONTENT can be your ou dine here, and delicious; of all klndik id palate, anijJV a to the map cigar and Isfactory meal, A jnnirinpn.1 -tv nnn 1 ania 1 ti 1 mma y': T-TWU.

V57JTUKJilSHKO 417 EJd EtHet, TWO tWFTJRNISHEO 417 nea ttnrt, 1 1 rZ fans 1 m'y''.

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