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Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York • 1

Elmira, New York
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peace Parley Between Sinn Feiners And English Nearing BreaMown yesterday's cibcciatiox 24,354 Members of Audit Bureau of Circulation. WEATHER FaV tonight Sat. orday partly elofry.piModerate temperature. Moderate north and northeast winds. SEE PAGE FIFTfEV.

VOLUME 15. NO. 65. Elm ra Gazette. Founded If If.

Evening Star. Founded J8M. ELMIRA, N. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921. Full Member, of Associated TTTPTTP Cmia Per Week All Rights of Republication Reserved, XimHitU KjlUiS I Delivered by Carrier.

ARBUCKLE WILL TRIED ON CHARGE OF MURDER; ODIES'OF ALLOON VICTIMS ARE BROUGHT HOME IElLKflniEA Bombshell LI ova oeome Brady Determines To Try Film Star On Original Count Franklin Roosevelt Suffers Infantile Paralysis Attack New York, Sept. 1. Franklin D. Roosevelt, former assistant secretary of the navy and Democratic candidate for vice-president at last year's election. Is suffering from a mild case of infantile paralysis, his physician.

Dr. George Draper, announced. According to Dr. Draper's diagnosis, made Immediately upon Mr. Roosevelt's arrival at the Presbyterina Hospital from his summer home at Campobello, N.

he la slowly nearlng recovery after suffering from the malady for four weeks. Power to control the affected muscles of the lower legs and feet. Dr. Draper said, is beginning to return and Mr. Roosevelt's general Creates Various Views GERMAN WIVES HAVE FORMED LAM UNION Prussian Parliament Refuses to Recognize New Organization Because of Distinction Between Employer and Employe- Deserts Man Who Married Her That Her Baby Might Have Name condition and spirits are good.

"I cannot tay how long Mr Roosevelt will be kept in the hospital," Dr. Draper added, "but you can say definitely that he will not be crippled, and no one need nave any fear of permanent Injury In any way fnom this attack." Charge May Later Be Reduced in Trial Court, and, Further, Jury. Could Bring in Manslaughter Verdict-Party Consumed Forty Quarts of Liquor. Shantung Dispute Now Up to Chinese Tokio Believes United States' Wishes to Con- elude an Agreement Between the Great Powers as Substitute for Anglo- Japanese Alliance. Tcaio, Sept.

U. It was intimated In responsible circles here today that If China declines the recent proposal of Japan with regard to the turning of Shantung ever to China, which the government con elders eminently reasonable In nature, Japan may refuse to discuss the Milan' uoig question at the coming Washington conference, Miss Emiljr Knowles with her baby and Guy Spiker. photogrsphed wliea the couple mwrm msiried, Guy Spiker, the Baltimore man who two years ato married Miss" Emily English who had been wronged by fais married brother, Perley, in order that her baby might havs a name, has been deserted by his wife. She is said to have gone with another companion, lea vino; bet baby as well at her husband. Berlin, Sept.

II. The National Association of German Housewives has asked the Prussian Parlalment to recognize it formally as a Isbor tfnion, but the request was denied when It was teamed the organization's constitution had failed to specify whether the housewives were employers or employes. TiiS rejection of the request dis closed differences of opinion among the members of ths various branches, some asserting that women who did their own housework were em- ployes, while housewives having maids or other hired help were employers. Objections, particularly by peasant members, to classifying married women whose household duties were performed by servants as "pro fessional wives, brought about an attempt to evade the Issue by the use of ths words "professional call Ing," Instead of laborers, in the con stitution. Explaining denial of the applica tion, which would havs gVien the organization official privileges en- Joyed by labor unions, ths perils, mentary spokesman said: "As or.

ganlsatlon must Justify under the statutes by Its activities ths right to be designated ss composed ,0 pr-feionsls." In connection wirh fl-e'semcta-vlon's activities, which extejid vlrtu-sliy to all towns snd hamlets, with thousands of mem bent, there Is much discussion as to whether an attempt will be made to enforce the demands by strikes, lockouts or arbitration. It is even suggested that the ultra-radicals supersede the present conservative officials there Is a probability that busbsnds will be asked to put their wives 0 a salasy and recognize woman's equal-Ity by sharing In the work of cook-! Ing, washing and caring for the children, -r Harding Intercedes For 300 Immigrants New York, Set. If Presl-dent Harding has temporarily saved Armenian inmi-grarts from being back to Turkey, RepresentsUve lease Helgel, who said tnat the President sent a wireless message from, ths Msyllower yesterday, ordering their deportation suspended' pending a conference at Washington Mondsy when Ihe prot-Ic-n of deportation of i Immigrants who have exceeded the monthly quotas under the new law will be threshed out. Sobbed of Big Sum Montreal, Spt. II.

Conrsd La- belle of Chem plain, N. T-. yesterday reported to police that two men had robbed him of a roll of II 2.010 In bills, brought here from his horns to be Invested in whiskey. Sbelle said that Ihe men who look his money, pretended to lead him to a liquor cavhe near Montreal, secured the cseh and then made off In an aufomolrt'e. funeral Ship Home With Balloon Dead 1 Do Not Anticipate End of ifruce, Although Situation Reverts to Status Before Con erences Began English' Premier Is Under Care of Physician at Gair-loch.

Inn-mews, Scotland, Sept. 16. Lord Dawson, physician extraordln-Hf to King George, bac been sent lor attend Mr. Lloyd George, the time Minister, who Is suffering front a chill and neurallgla at Galr-fcrh, It was learned tbJs afternoon. Hit demist also was summoned.

It was announced at the Premier's aids! residence in Downing street Totndar night that be' was suffering Iras a chill and that it would be Kceawry lor him to remain Indoors. London, Sept. 16. Relations between England and Ireland to lay too as they did before Eamon de Viler, cams to London on July 14 discuss with Premier Lloyd feonje a possib'e basis (or ending OiIrlgh controversy, The, 81nn Ms leader yesterday made public ha ante to the Prime Minister af-mlnf fais stand that Irish Repub-fcm plenipotentiaries could enter a ronferenee only as delegates of an Wepenlent power, and Mr. Lloyd George, quickly announced the can-tellmlon of his -Invitation to Irish Sen to a "parley at Inverness.

It wu made plain by the prime Sinister that he could not meet tin Sinn Fein delegates If ths claim of Irish Independence and severity were insisted upon, but he 414 sot close the ioor to further ex-thange with the republicans. Lloyd fcerfe Is indisposed and' is eon-8ji4 to his rooms at' Gairloch, Scot-lind, where he has been spending a nation, and It Is expected here that members of the British cabinet will with him before the govern-oit takes further steps. Ths British Parliament adjourned August 1 until October 18, but Premier Lloyd George announced stor the adjournment that if ne-toUiUons with ths 81 nn Fein broke on anl the position became hope-' the speaker of the House of Commons would be empowered consultation with the to summon Parliament on 48 rs notice. v- was no Indication here to-2'ttat either the British govem- (Continued on page Sixteen.) HAKE PROGRESS IN DEVELOPING GUARD FORCES General Staff Reports That Reorganization of 18 Divisions of State Troops Nears Completion -Old 27th Is Near hlrsrt Sept. 1.

Substantial rfs Is being made by the Army Staff, acting In co-operation the states executives, In de-JVMng ths National Guard along of 'he new organic law design-fat Conr to make that body rt reinforcement of the regu- In time of mm The de. up to September 1 hsd re-itkl lv Federal recog- uo, National Guard units sg-iTfa .00 men. an increase tui i since Jan-jT The authorised strength nas Keen lncreseed in the rPrtod from to 125,800. Guard divisional uniu which "l-ted the war have been Zf and three additional "wens vfrwn orgsnisea. ti.

b' Plan for reorganising IUar4 uuiia oy ine general r.Wovidea 'or the creation of II ProgorUon of army troops, so that when 5 "mr ble to furnish on mo- f7i. combat elements nia armies. rganlsation of these II dl reported recently as (jT per cent of 0' Hth was nearest the per ceat. DEMOCRATS ARE IN CONTROVERSY OVERCHAIRMAN Intensive Contest Going on Within Party to Bring About Harmony George White Willing to Re'sign- Oklahoma May Get Job, DAVID I.WRKXCn Vir ioe Mar-uaiette). Washington, Sent.

If. Hoott 1'er. rls, former member of t'ongress from Oklahoma, may be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee. George the present chairman. Intends to resign if all the factions can sgree on a new chairman who shall not have been identified w.ith the quarrels of the past.

Tbe name of Mr. Ferris is being urged by his friends for that very reason. He was not: present at the San Francisco convention, where the rift between the McAdoo and Cox forces developed, and he has not taken part in the controversies that have developed since that convention. The' public may not know it bul inside the Democratic party the eon-test over the selection of a chairman has going en with the same intensity as might occur on the eve of a national convention. The struggle for control of the party machinery so as to influence the convention of 1924 In Its choice of a Democratic nominee for the presidency has benat bottom responsible tor the Impotence of ths Democrats since their Overwhelming defeat last autumn.

Although every consideration of strategy would seem to Indicate that the party forces should be harmonized for the good of the party instead of the interests of any Individual, the fact is the factions are as fsr apart as ever and pulling in all directions. George Whits, the present chalr-msn. holds the whip hand. He announced some time ago that he was esger to retire. He has dona a creditable Job ss national chairman as the party will discover when the record of his work is disclosed, bul he doeen't went to continue In the management of the party's Interests.

The Job was originally forced upon him. But George White can continue If he likes until after (he next national convention in 124. It is not customary for the national committee to pick a new chairman between presidential elections unless one resigns, snd although the McAdoo forces probsbly have a majority on the national committee. It Is unlikely thst thev would compel White to reelsn. Considerations of a rmenr would prevent s'ich tact.

(Continued On Page Thirteen) ARGEJrm. DROXGHT ESTMI. Buenos Aires. Sept. it The unusual pheromenon of an almost unbroken winter-long drought, which caused serious concern'for the crop prospects of Argentina, has been ended by good rains which fell yesterday snd lodsy In msny sections of the country.

Mast Estate Keep On Paying Alimony? New York, Sept. II. Must ths estate of a deceased divorced man continue to pay weekly alimony exacted of him In his lifetime? This question, said to be Without precedent In New York, yesterday was put up to ths Bronx Supreme Court for decision whea Amelia Korber began suit suit against Mary Charlotte 1 Korn, widow of her divorced husband, Edward Korn, who had been directed by the divorce court to pay her 30 weekly for the rest of her life. Mrs. Korber sked the court to prevent the widow from disposing of any of.

their former husband's property until provision for continuing her alimony payments had been made. SENTENCE FIVE FOR HOMICIDE Mother, Daughter, Son and Two Others Will Spend Life in Prison for Murder of Marcellus Cook. Columbia. 8. Sept, If.

Mother, daughter, son and two. male friends Of Marcellus Cook, aged farmer, were sentenced to life imprison nwhl yesterday for the murder several weeks ago of the elder Cook, The Jury In the trial of the five persons was directed by County Judge Seahe to bring In a verdict of guilty after attorneys for both sides had given their consent and experts had Untitled that the defendants were persons of arrested development. Those sentenced are Mrs, Julia Cook, who was charged with having Instigated the crime for ths sole purpose of getting rid of her aged and paralytic husband; Ira Cook, the; son, who cut his father's throat from ur to ear; Mlmie (look, who held her father's feet while the crime wss committed; Henry Wheel-' rr, a friend of the family, said to be the )axce of Mimle Cook, and James Barfleld, accused of having planned ths tnurder. THIRD ACCIDENT ON LACKAWANNA Monietown, Sept. II, An odd accident late yesterday on the Ielwsre, Lackewanns snd Wmtern Itallroad between Dover and Rock-sway, caused when a westbound local passenger train crashed Into a car of an eaetbeund freight trsln which became derailed Just as they were paeslng.

resulted In the death of a locomotive engineer snd sllifM Injury lo a pnaaenger snd a fSremsfi. The paesenger locomotive Jumped the track, uncoupling itself from the basgage car and rolled down an embankment. Tbe baggage car steo was derailed but was not overturned. Ths pasenger coaches remained on the tracks. Joseph Hendricks, of Hoboken, the dead engineer of the local, applied ihe brakes, but not In time to evotd collision with the freight.

This was the second close call the Prince hsd during the last fortnight. While he wss at general headquarters st Cswmbek, a bold sttempt to rapture him wss made by Turkish Irregulars, who evidently planned to make the whole general staff prisoners. The attack wss frutrid, however, by machine gun and rifle fire. Prince George las joined his father. King Constantine.

hre. snd they aee living In pevate Turkl villas tutside the Iowa. Han Sept, 18 District Attorney Brady announced lit ths police court of Judge Sylvan Lazarus today that tbe "people are ready to proceed on tlio uiunlcr charge," against Itiistno C. (Fatty) Artnckln, who is held nwponslble' by the authorities for the death of Ml Virginia Rappe, motion picture Tito announcement came after tmnferenca between Brady ami police ftfltHiUs rolled fsr the purpose ol ('b illing which of the four charges eeglnet Arhtickle would bo tried. Then are two murder and tws nuui slaughter charge prndinsj against Arbuckle.

Judge tjaxarus continued Ihe ease until next Thursday at 1 p. m. Court tiflli lnls espluinexl that even If Arliu klo Is held on the nturdce tlmrire ft may 1m reduced later In tile trial nmn If tlx' evidence) I neat not Justify it proerrottawi. Tlw tiiiirihie clinnro Mlf itm lndea the 'minor clmiK" nf manlaugnter sum! trial tan be linrf unci enll-t returned on cither charge, cctl though murder tn the only elianre s4vming on the docket, It was expiainrd. Los Angeles, Sept, It.

More than 40 quarts of liquor were consumed In ths parly In Roscoe E. Ar-buckle's suite In sv Han, Francisco hotel thst ended with the death of Miss Virginia llappe, according lo information given Federal officials hers last night by Frederick Flack-bach, a member of ihe party, It wss announced early lodsy by Robert Camarlllo, aaaistsnt L. a). District. Attorney, Ftechbech's statement, which was taken down by a stenographer, was given In the presence of Mr.

Camarlllo, K. Forest Mitchell, Federal prohibition director for California. J. luibert O'Connor, V. S.

fnstrtct Attorney for Southern California snd other Federal officials, accord ing to Mr, Camarlilo. Twenty bottles of whiskey, Mr. Camarlllo said, F.scliback told them, were taken In Arbuc.kle's car from lis Angeles lo San Francisco and while at the hotel a case of gin was taken to Arbuckle's suits by a "lall thin man" gnd other Mquor by "a dark sirunger." The statement was given at Flat h-bach'f yesldence. Tbe home of Lowell Sherman. wi other member of the Arbuckle party, was viantea ny me rmwi officials seeking further data.

The officials stated that If Flsrh- bach's declarations were substantiated, Arbuckle's automobile, said to be valued at would be confiscated under the terms ef the Volstead act Arburkls declared Ihet he had ordered a reservation on a train te Los Angeles this evening and that he was going back to his home, In an Interview at Han Francisco pub- llshed here today. Arbuckle, sceordlng to ths ar ticle, said that he Intended to go ba'-k Into plctuies and that ths case would clear up ss soos as the pun-tic knew about It. lie said that he could not understand why the newspapers pfnted so much shout the case. Explaining the orderad reservation, he said, attorneys were grrenring It, The oodv ut Miss Virginia Jtappe win he removed from San Frsn. etsea to I Angeles today.

The manager of the establishment wa asked in a telegram from fienry Ihrmad, Miss lupoe's fiance in York, to whisper lit the dead girl ear, "Henry loves yen." "Hh will hear you. the reie grant continued. Four Miner. Rescued Catbondsle, Sept. 11 AH four men who were caught behind a fail of cost and rock In the Wilsos Creek mine of tbe, Hudson Coal Cam-fpaly near here yesterday, have be ires, tied end st a II' tie the worse for their experience.

Two Were reported rescued last night and i ihe other two shortly before boo to-'dsy. a British hospital. The others were: Commander Louis H. Maxfleld, of St Pauk Lieutenant Commander Valentine N. Bieg, Alexandria, Va.

Lieutenant Commander Emory Coll, Westboro, Mass. Lieutenant Charles O. Little, New-buryport, Msss, Lieutenant Marius H. Easterly, Columbiana, Ohio. Lieutenant Henry R.

Hoyte, Seven Oaks, Fla. Charles I. Alter1, rigger, Denver. Maurice Ley, rigger, Birmingham, Ala. A.

Pettlt, rigger, Dickens City, Texas. Robert M. Coons, machinist, Ow-ensboro. Ky. Lloyd E.

Crowl, machinist, Fort Wayne, lnd. J. T. Hancock, machinist, Shields. Mich.

William Julius, machinist. Bed alia. Mo. Albert L. Loftln, machinist.

Lake Charles, La, William J. Steele, machinist. Green Castle. Ind. George Welsh, machinist, Bredgon, Canada.

Small Asks Venns Change prlntfleld, Sept, Petitions for a chanae of venue from ftangammon county and affidavits alleging Judge E. S. Smith Is prejudiced and could not g.vs them a fair trial was filed with the court today by Oovernor Len and Vernon Curtis, Orsnt Psrk banker, both under Indictment charged wlth em. bezslement end operating a confidence game. It Is underfeed "ths government has auther'rvd tihide hara to pursue actively ncgntletiun with Secretary of Slats Hughes concerning the agenda of the conference." -Commenting on the tentative sgenda suggested by the V.

M. government leading newspapers think it confirms the idea that the L'. 8. dislikes the Anglo-Jspanese Alliance. The Kkhl Kichl believes the 8.

desires to concluds sn agreement between the great powers as a substuuts for ths Alliance. "The American agenda." says he Nlchl NSchl. "proposes to apply the principles ef territorial ana ad-mlnstratlve Independence to China and also equality of economic op portunity snd extend it above so as to Include Slber a. According. ly our government shouid propose equal opportunity In all the territories bordering on the Pacific." FIRE SPRINKLER TRUSKHARGED Witness Testifies in Chicago That Absolute Monopoly Exists, in the Industry Making Fire Extinguish ers.

Chicago, Bept. II. Charges of the existence of a countrywide romoine in the fire sprinkler and terra eotta Industries were made by witnesses before the Imily Commission Invesd. gstlng building conditions In Chi cego yesterday. Hsrry M.

Nscey, of Chicago, tea titled that an absolute monoroly ex isted In the sprinkler Industry, eon- trolled by the Fire Protection Sur vey Bureau, of Chicago, sn organ Ixatlon controlled by the Automatic SprAkler Company, the Globe Automatic Snrlnkler Company. H. G. Vogel snd Company, the Independent Aetna Company, the Kockwood Sprinkler Company, the Orlnnel Fire F.xtlnrulshed Company, and the General Fire Extinguisher Company. Precent Recurrence Wall St.

Explosion New Tork. Sept. II Extra- i Ordinary vigilance was maintained by puliee on duty in the financial durtrtrt today, the anniversary of Ihe Wall street ex- plosion of l2S. which cost 4f Uvea snd resulted In Injury to, more than lo persons and propqgty loss of thousands of dollars. At polios headquarters it was aid police -hsd no particular reason to antic) pa's a repeti-tlon of last year's disaster.

Such steps as were being taken were purely precautionary. It was ex-plained. With the expiration of a year the cause of the disaster still remains a mystery. Full Honors Will Be Paid Deceased Airmen Tomorrow, After Which Lieut. Commander, Coil's Remains Will Be Consigned to the Se.

New Tork, Bept 11. Convoyed American battleships, destroye.i and aircraft and marked as a funeral ship by the half-masted colors, the British cruiser Dauntless srrived here today from England with the bodies of If American sallormen victims of the ZR3 disaster. The Dauntless was met far at sea by the American flotilla which put out from the Sumner naval base at R. I. With an American destroyer masking the way the Dauntless, followed by the American vessels and with seaplanes flying overhead, will pass up Ambrose channel after-noon to the Mew Tork Navy Tard.

past forts which will thunder a salute. In the yard the cruiser will find waiting it a special guard of honor made up of marines and bluejackets recruited mainly from the new dread naught Maryland, sent here for the memorial services of the Navy's dead. As soon as the Dauntless mskes fast the bodies will be removed to temporary chapel where they will rest until tomorrow when full honors will be given the deed airmen. At a near date one of the bodies, that of Lieutenant Commander Emery W. Coll.

will be again taken to sea. this time on an American warship and somewhere off the coast will be consigned to the deep, in accordance with his wishes, The bodies brought home include all but one of the Americans who were on ths Ill-fated dirigible when it was destroyed. The exception la Rigger N. O. Wslxer, who escaped with his life but now Is is STICK TAFT IS S-4.

Murray Bay, Quebec, pt, If William Howard Taft. Chief Jsstice of the Bupreme Court of the United States, yesterdsy celebrated his 4th birthday by entertaining about one hundred neighbors at his summer residence here. Justice) Taft has played goK ptiiUmiif every day Warned Away From Ku Klux lulsvllle. Sept, if. The Board of Public Safety today served "notice on all rlilxens to remain away" from a proposed meeting of the Ku Klux Klan Sunday night and warned owners of public halls not to rent their places to the organisation.

1 Iwialled methods to be employed ip stopping the meeting were not disclosed. I nr-il" J1 i. J-sgsl Turks Nearly Capture Greeks' Crown Prince East Indian Agitators Are Held For Sedition Bombay. Sept. II.

The Britten Tndten government has Instituted proceedings against the brothers, Mhammed All and Rhsuket All, on ehsrges of attempting to cause dltaffectlon among the troops and sedition. London. Sept. II It wss stated In official circles here today that the new arrests of agitators In India In no wy Indicated serious new developments In the situation there. About a half dosen arl aiors were Involved, it was said, snd the proceedings were in connection with political speeches delivered seversi weeks sgo.

one to the ect ht St was sinful for Moslems to serve In or recruit for the Indian arrry. re. a d'lay In taking action waa due to the lime necesmry fog obtaining detailed reports ef speeches and their actual legal effect Brueea, Asts Minor. Sept. 14 Crown Prince Oeorge of Greece nar-rowb capture by a band of mounted Turkfsh Irregulars while en route to this rl'r from 'be battle front early this week.

The motor eer 'n which the frown Prtnce. General Stratlgos and other officers were coming toward Kskl Shehr. hsd Just le't the weet bnk of the Sakarta River when band of Turks opened "re from The bul-lets rsme close to the Prince but the driver speeded up the car anl the pvtf seta wed. since be came here. 'Hi.

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