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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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pJfWfFBfm wppajjig mSSm WMPLOTMNT is best secured through the Classified Advertising Columns of San Franciscos only growing newspaper THE CHRONICLE Ir VUl2P mnmfti LEADING NEWSPAPER of the PACIFIC COAST httmtne Weather Report lYiadsea Oaklaa s4 TUMtfl Claady a assy Im ka lac Friday proeaMy faUaw fair weather atadarata waat wlaa REED Forsoaatsr VOL CVI BAN FRANCISCO CAL FRIDAY JUNE 18 1915 ONE KILLED 34 HURT IN RAILCRASH Santa Fe Train Runs Head on Into Truck Laden With Workmen Near Richmond TRAINMEN ARE ARRESTED Cause of Collision Is Mystery but Police Take Conductor and Engineer Into Custody One man waa killed eleven were ertously Injured and twenty three ware bruised and shocked late yesterday afternoon when a Santa Fe witch engine drawing a string of ears crashed Into a Standard Oil Iruck which was conveying laborers Into Richmond at the Point Orient crossing Of those seriously Injured It was aid at the StandTrd Oil hospital that probably three will die Every doctor In Richmond was rushed to the hospital to care for the men Only one of the thlrty sli men on the truck Iverson the driver escaped Injury THE DEAD Jaeajnla Synsas Miguel laborer raa factory Standard Oil Comaaay II laff la Rlekasoad ground to pieces SERIOUSLY INJURED Charles Perry MeCord Rlehsaoad Ota leg brakes Internal lajnrlrs srabaklr will die Harry Joaea waarflager Rlekssoad eaacasaloa of brain body terribly braised aad lacerated probably will die Qcorce Christopher Rlcbmoad right lea ampalated latrraal Injuries nsay die Maaael Jose Rlcbmoad lateraal In larlea several araJtaa alba Dsasio RJvaao Rlehsaoad lateraal lajnrlrs aina Biases Richmond laceration aad lateraal lajnrlrs Kayfer Richmond lateraal Injuries Tim Croala Rlehsaoad brokra ribs aad laKeraal Isjarles Charles Tabnrehl Richmond lateraal lajnrlrs lacerations fara aad cheat Alrla BJeMaster Rlrhasoad brokea rlba lateraal lajnrlrs Patrick Walsk Richmond Is I re tateraally Joe Garollettl Rlehmoad brokea arm lateraal lajaties aad lareratloaa MBlf HCRTLK THROUGH AIR The Impact of the crash turned the heavy truck over twice and then ground It to pieces Men were hurled In avery direction Thomas Mee was the only one of the thirty six men on the trip beside Ivsnon the driver who was able to tell of the accident last night The rest were suffering from a severe hock and still frlrhtened Charles Hamilton engineer of the train and Henry William Bryant eonductor have been taken Into custody by the police The Santa Fe belt train which struck the big truck was pulling a number of cars off the Point Orient wharf Just why It waa not seen by Iverson the truck driver Is not known The Richmond authorities the Standard Oil Company and the Santa Railroad are making an Investigation Efforts last night to gat a coherent story of the accident from the survivor waa unsuccessful PTRB IJf FEKA AMSTERDAM via London June IT The Lokal Anielger of Berlin according to a dispatch reaching here from the German capital has received a message from Its correspondent at Constantinople saying that a Ira In the Hassana Bostanla smarter of Para has destroyed a total DO dwellings and warehousea Ruef Again Seeks Parole His Third Try May Succeed Application Will Be Acted Upon August 1 3th When He Will Have Served Half His Sentence For the third time Abe Ruef haa made formal application to the Board of State prison Directors for a parole from San Quentln Hla last petition now la on Me with the Board and will be acted on at the raetlna of the Prison Directors on Aupit Uth next It Is generally understood that Ruef will be liberated Before August 1st he will have served half of hla term of fourteen years An unwritten rule which the Prison Directors have abided by for two years requires a prisoner to serve one half his sentence before being eligible to parole It was on this ground that the Board last year refused to give Huef a hearing on his application for release Members of the Assembly who a friends of Ruef proposed to Introduce measures looking to his parole at the last session of the Legislature were given to understand that the Prison Directors would look with favor on a petition from the prisoner In August Grecian King Is on Way to Convalescence Efforts of Venizelos Partisans to Declare Regency May Fail LONDON June 1 328 A The Kings physicians expect their patient to enter upon convalescence In a day or two says Reuters Athens correspondence They think his majesty can be transferred to his country cattle at Dekllia within a fortnight The Kings mind is now entirely clear He has been informed of the result of i be election and concerning the political situation In view of the Kings Improved condition the proposals for a regency are not likely to be onMdered by the Government ReKardinjr the demands of the Ve nlselos part Ibh ns for the immediate convoking of Parliament and the resignation of the Minister Premier Oounarla declare that he will adhere to his former derision to postpone action until the regular convening of Parliament luly 20th Cries Robbers and Thieves Are Caught Victims Lusty Shrieks Cause the Prompt Capture of Two Bandits LOS ANQELE8 June 17 After giving up 160 to two men who confronted her with revolvers In the office of her apartment house this afternoon Mrs Frances Stfllman shrieked Robbers and a few minutes later the men were in custody and the 80 again in the hands of Mr Still man John Powell a deputy sheriff was riding by the house which Is Just outside the business district at the moment Mrs Still man cried for help He chased and captured the men who gave the names of Cox and William Smith The latter recently waa arrested on a charge of having tried to extort money from another lodging bouse keeper GRAND PRIZE DELEGATION WILL GO TO AMERICAN Exposition Jury of Awards Confers Great Honor on Renowned Painter CHOICE IS UNANIMOUS Frank Duveneck Chosen From Among Leading Artists of World for Award in Thai the Worlds Grande Prix art will go to an American Is an announcement which was confirmed yesterday on the eve of departure of Frank Duveneck upon whom this great honor has been conferred Since the first meeting of the Jury of awards some weeks ago at the Palace of Fine Arts of the Panama Pacific International Exposition interest and speculation have filled the mind of the local art world So many men of note from Europe and the United States have splendid work on display In the Fine Arts palace It seemed Impossible to guess where the prlte would fall Duveneck however wan the unanimous choice of the Jury tnd to those who not only know and a rec late art but who realize the strength and fee II of Duveneck a work the verdict will not come as a surprise and the concurrence of forty five men establishes this artist In the most enviable position of the world of art Duve necks duties calling him Eastward at once the announcement was made to him a short time ago at a banquet which though informal was called at the request of John Trask commissioner of the fine arts department of the exposition Alden Weir chairman of the American section of art was one of the most enthusiast Ic of those present concerning the high qualities ot Duveneck John Sargent the renowned portrait painter in an address nearly twenty years ago In London said The finest talent of the brush of thfs the nineteenth century Is Frank DuveneCks the tribute excepting no rountry or school Duveneck was born in Covington Ky In 1 f48 and developed his love of art st a very arly age With some Instruction in this country he went to Munich in 1870 entering the Royal Academy returning to Cincinnati In 1873 Duveneck with his daughter Miss Mary Duveneck is leaving today for Gloucester Mass where he conducts summer classes for renowned artists who make their pilgrimage each year for Instruction MACTMM MAKES LOW 3 FIJfiHT HAN DIEGO June 17 Lieutenant Leslie Macdlll 8 A this morning made a flight in the Army tractor No 37 from Loa Angeles to San Diego The aeroplane was flown to Los Angeles yesterday by Lieutenant Carlton Chapham In two hours and forty minutes The return flight today was made In three hours and was accomplished without mishap of any kind OF WIN SOME JEWELS REBUFFED House Committee Refuses to Hear Representatives of Suffrage Union MONDELL HAS TO EXPLAIN Chairman Fitzgerald Sends Party From Room and Has Door Closed SE7TLE DOCTOR IS SARTORIAL DELIGHT FOR HIS HEALTHS SAKE Says Light Suit Bright Tie and Buttoniere Straighten One Out in the Morning Dr 8 Petekln of Seattle president of th Kirn county Wash Medical Association and delegate to about every medical congress convening In this city studies sartorial subjects as deeply as he does medical matters The frequency with which he appears fig 1812 1864 Juno 18th War against England declared Battle of Lynchburg Va ended Be Wise and Rent Your Flat We wise Mr Man of Family and dont let your house or flat stand idle and empty eating up rent or taxes while you are away on your raca tion Rent it furnished and make it help pay your vacation oral least pay for its own keep while you are away This you can easily do by1 advertis ing ft for rent furnished in that peat little renting medimn TTCtfeleWantpiurrfflt Try it thS Summer any wayWjwt whatr laVing the Wants wjll make for youC Re and The i jairii 2J II IttTT In suits both gay and gayer makes the St Francis lobby rasp The doctor Is vogue from his Ions sliver locks to his patent leather oxfords Somewhat startling his color scheme are nevertheless always harmonious Tie matches hose and buttoniere alwaya matches both An ex ceptional waistcoat may occasionally add to the noise Dress with me said Dr Petskln last night la a matter of Independence I Ilka good clothes and I like stylish clothe and as lour aa I wear what I want and hoy with my own money I cant see that anybody has any kick 1 might add he continued that I also like flowers I wouldnt feal quit drsaaad without one In my buttonhole also Independent about oflwera IM wear an orchid If It matched the color of my crarat To wear mourning la rn the doctors opinion one of the crimes of the times Mourning black haa a depressing effect on all who it said tha doctor Its presence make the Innocent share the grief of the bereaved That one reason why I never wear a black suit whso visiting a patient Bright Wor In a sjck room are undeniably cheering and ft flower in the coat lapel spaka It message of Ufa outdoor The doctor say thai when he doesnt qolta right In the morn ins light suit buttonlera 4d a bright tiwalway help in atralghun ijtVXbZfoftr ZWWm Twenty members of the rongres slonal Unlnn for Woman Suffrage who attempted to present their case before the House Committee an Appropriations at the Palsce Hotel yesterday morning were coldly turned down hy Chairmen Kltsserald of New York and ssked to leave the room The result of the visit left Representative Frank MonrtHl of Wyoming fare to fare with an extensive explanation to the women MondU who la the iponior for the suffraKe amendment now before InnxrM had arranged for the visit and according to the women artaured them of a hearing When the delegation failed to get a aecond of the committees time anil waa unahle to even atop the Congressmen In the hall Mondell was a busy apologist DKIKfiATlON IS HFBLKKKD Headed hy Miss Charlotte Anita Whitney Km William Kent Mrs Sarah Bard Field and Mrs Lloyd Baldwin the delegation went to the Palace at 9 clock to be In lime for the sitting of the committee which waa to hear a number of Irrlsatlon Ists Entering the committee room with her party Miss Whitney asked Chairman Fltigerald to give nve minutes to the suffrage case Fltigerald flatly refused and asked the delegation to leave tha room At the suggestion of Mondell who said he hoped to obtain a hearing at the end of the committee sesalon the suffrage party waited In the corridor until the Irrlgstlonlsts were through nd I he committee arose Aa the Congressmen came Into the hall Miss Whitney tried to slop Fltigerald say Ing We wish to let you know that the omen of California stand back of the womans constitutional amena ment THItKE APOLOtJIZKIJ Without hesitating Fltigerald and Congressmen Fred 11 Ulllelte or Massachusetts Davis of Minne sota James Byrnes of Tennessee George Rauch of Indiana and Swager Bhlrley of Kentucky bruahed past Mondell with Congressmen James McAndrews of Illinois and William Borland of Mlsalaslppl stopped to apologue for the action of their fellow committeemen Miss Whitney said afterward We consider the freedom of women a most Important Issue If these men representing the National Government could take time to learn of the reclamation question from California men surely they could hsve given time to a representative delegstlon of women voters who wished to present the Justice of the movement to enfranchise the women of thirty seven states In the Union It Is a significant fact that the chairman who took this autocratic action Is a Democrat and not answeraoie to women voters WOMEN VOTERS AMAZED The freedom of women Is much more Important than the queatlon of Irrigation laws Important as they are said Miss Doris Stevens Here was a group of local men given a healing before national legislators In the hope that the Federal Government would come to the help of their local needa The group of local California women who appealed to these same legislators on a question of national Importance were refused a hearing The women voter wwra amaiad at the discourteous treatment they received from national representatives who are responsible to them The members of the delsgatlon were Miss Charlotte Anita Whitney Mrs William Kent Mrs Lloyd Baldwin Mr Sarah Bard Field Miss Doris Stevens Mr Genevieve Allen Mrs rda Finney Mackrllle Mrs Beatty Mrs Hannah Nolan Mrs Katharine Hughe Mr Oliver Mrs Jessie Hampton Mis Theodora Pollock Mrs Aylett Cotton Mrs Edward Olaser Mr Mary Brook Mr Cecil Mark Mrs Richard Dean Mis Bertha Crone and Mrs Moulin I ifjH xx NO 154 4IIALIAN1 etJi DIVER IS 1 SUNKBY 1 ENEMY 1 i Willi HS SWEEPING Auto License Chief Picks Own Number Bpadsl Dtspsstet TksChroal SACRAMENTO Juns 17 A Tranche soparinUndant ot thaMotor VahlsMa xp rtmant or tna Btata of CaJtforaU lwu dart4 pUbaJan oera mon carriwft for a nw roadatar Haa further rratlflad hla ranlty by Chooaln a particular numbar for hla nw machina liotoo uudar ordinary tilrfivmstaneas Francba Uoanaa would har baa In th HMO nlb borntjotVbut balar atipriBtantlant jumped about aumbsm ta on wip iiuisa iMWt a Two Americans Wounded in Battle Near Mapoli Sailors Go to Rescue ON BOARP 1 roiJDRAVO nff Ensenada Lwr California by radio to Kan DleiBro ral Jtin 17 Heporm of Yaqnl Indian activities received from Ouaymas Pnnora today Mated that approximately 3000 rmed raiders have formed themselves into banda whlrh have been rn Trying their deprednt Ions from fifteen sixty mller tnland from the moun tains where they have been making thetr rendezvous FLKK WITH LOOT Part of the Tnquls irrorrlini to th report hsve left the Yaqul valley with their loot This action was followed by the retirement of the greater part of Governor Msytorenas troops despite the protests of manv settlers who feared a return of the raiders As the result of the attar by Yaqu Indians upon a work train of the Southern PaclftV Railway near Mapoli Son or a last Saturday night two men were killed and eleven were wounded InsVejad of one killed and threa wounded as previously reported AMERICA WOINDFD Two Americans were nmonjr the wounded Barn wnter superintendent of the railroad wu shot throug the arm and Smith a brakeman was shot through the back Hla condition waa said to be grve today Flva of the wounded were Mexican soldiers Tha 800 marines proceeding to the cone of Indian disturbances rn board tha Colorado will be landed at fluay mas Bonora It waa decided today and will be sent by Adanlral Thomas Howard Inland If necessary to aid Americana who wish to establish a place of safety DRIVElf TO MOtrnTAIeVS DOUaiaAS Arli June 17 Lack of food In tha towns and farming dla trlcta haa driven moat of the ptopla In Eastern Sonora Into the mountain ous sections where they are subelst lna on acorns and pltallaa fruit a apeclea of caetua according to reports receWad here today Hundreds In addition to those already ha tha hllla hare been forced to lea re thetr homes In tha Cumpaa district It reported because of the confiscation of the wheat crop by General Trujlllo Villa commander for hla troops Only a small portion of the Top was fWen to the civilians HAN DJBOO Jnne IT With three eotnpanies totaling 100 man of the Fourth Reflment aboard tha flarahlp Colorado Admiral Howard commanding sailed from San Disco at 915 aclock this moraine or Lower Caltfondsv cowt CANADIAN AVIATOR WHO DESTROYED ZEPPELIN AND PASSENGER FALL TO DEATH Lieut A Warneford and Henry Needham an American Writer Killed at Buc France When Aeroplane Explodes in Midair and Plunges to Earth PARIS June 17 Unite nun Resl Mr Nreilham ealleil for America ell Submarine Medusa Is Destroyed by Austrian Boat in First Battle of Kind in the Great European War TEUTON ADVANCE IN GALICIA NOT CHECKED Austro German Forces Invade Russian Territory at a New Point and Battle Their Way Toward Lemberg nald A ni who i fame rerently by blowing to ptrM es a Zeppelin over Belgium was killed day hy the fall of an aeroplane at Rue France i Lieutenant Warneford was piloting I the machine which had im a passeii gr Henry Beach Need am an Aineri i ian writer who also was killed Lieutenant Warneford and Needham fell from a height of 500 feet The Lieutenant had been spending few i days In Paris where lie ame after his Zeppelin exploit to receive his de i ration of the Igln of Honor EXPLOSION IS MIDilH I According to a report rereived in Paris the accident resulted from an explosion In midair which caused Ltleu tenant Warneford to lo control the machine crashing to earth Need ham body wae taken to the Kngllsh hospital In Trianon Palace Versatile He had been In Ku rope about four months acting as orre pendent of magazines and a New York newspaper He had received permission from the military officially to make a fllsht In order get ma tertal for a story His wife who also Is a writer accompanied htm fl uring tha early part of his trip abroad weeks afro ResrlnaM A Warneford a younn Canadian nub lieutenant In the Royal Navy suddenly acquired world wide renown by destroying a Zeppelin over Belgium on June 7th fills beinir the flrat time on record that a Zeppelin had been wrecked by an aviator In an aeroplane Hy a brilliant flight Lieutenant Warneford obtained a position above the Zeppelin and dropped bombs on It The dirigible crashed to the ground and burned up The twenty eight men of the Tew were killed For this feat Lieutenant Warneford wan decorated with the Victoria Croes and the Cross of the Legion nf Honor Lieutenant Warneford made his first flight at Hendon Kngland len than five months ago and had been with the flying squadron only a few weeks Henry Beach Needham was a native of Wyncole Pa He waa born tn 1S71 studied at Hrown University and waa afterward admitted in the bar He Joined the staff of the New York Evening Post In 1S9 Later he contributed to magazinen be came well known through hie In vent Igat Ions of labor and living conditions In the Mn Mha Hung Minnesota and on the Isthmus of Panama HIGH POWER CURRENT LEAPS GAP OF FOOT TO SLAY AND MAIM Special Dispatch THBA CITY Juns 17 A small Iron plats on top of a hay dsrrlck attrsrt3 electric rurrent enough from a hljh power wire of the Pacific las and Klectrle Company near Nlcolaus to day to electrocute one man and Injure another John Anthony Breslaln 1 yean old eon of Mr and Mrs John Breslaln of Sacramento waa killed Rotsri of Nlcolaus was severely burned about the hands The accident happened on the Whlt Horse ranch owned by Frank Parker The two men wre pulllna a hlf hay derrick across a creek They were compelled to pass under one of the L0M0n Jone S2 Jr It Is oftlHallT annonnred that the Italian snbmarine Medusa has beea torpedoed and sunk bj an Austrian nbmarlnr sata a dispatch from Borne to the Mtrfani Agency 3B miME Jonr 17 tU ChUsso to Paris Jane IS 220 Mt Italian outposts hate arrived In sight of Tries LONDON June 17 UK Another lwnly four hours ftKhtlna In Jallcia has developed iM tr em the Austro liermnn arivanc toward Lemberg fnm tli wt and northwest nd tinlnhi lli aim lhat the Russians are ig vr their own frontier tuuul M5roJ ah nil four llea rrm a border MA 411 HI 1 This means an miami 8ian territory at a new orrilnK military tiTa II may spell ultmiuli adv i 1 for Ihe Kiiselans In that ttua aian retirement njtvia p0 land woud Inert i Ii inen attempt to rfi entr near Zurawana HfTec tvely aever the cmm jnt at itns of the liusallin rnlv tlallcla nd Riikiiwina The nuiitary writers here a that the rd dang ur zone from the Kunsan ntapint I In the Zurawna dlelrl and a ng the Dniester ADVAni Arrordlns i 7 A I rj a to Tke kreslele blsrh power wires The derrick was lowered to make It pneslhle ti under the wlrt rlear of them by about a foot The Iron piate on top if the apparatua wa directly under the heavy power wires It tirrit the current from the naked copper The electricity passed down the guy wire of the derrick Breslaln was holding one end of the Kty wire and Rogers the other Breslaln was standing In the center of the creek With the water as a con ductor he received the full fore the current Row of this town nd sent the remains to IKMBFRG Berlin the Autre Herman fre have hatn nroug Nlemerow thirty ones west of lemberg and are advancing inward Jaworow which Is only iwenly Uva miles to the went the ai lan capital Three great masses of Vntrc Qr mans thon are sweeping from the San toward the capital city and the prediction Is made that the decisive battle if one Is fought will take plaoa in the vicinity of llrodek where tha Hrltlsh military observers consider that the Rudaians should benefit by the lake country SLAV THtTKV PRAISED The British newspapers rhoug not minimizing the importance of tha Aoetro ieiman eijccesftes ialhtla acclaim wont is style tn irand I Mike Nirhoi ev airagely In shifting his front rom rt and south to nnrthwet and southeast This maneuver It Is asserted ha deflected the Austro tlermao hlAa to some extent and at the imi time denied 10 them a full tt of strength Thus Ihe Russian retreat Is characterized In ljOnfcn Am strik ingly paralleling the allied retreat In the west last fall which cuimlnatad oatlaurd on Page 3 olama of toroner was notified Hacramento Oregon Spruce Sent for Allied Aeroplanes Fire Million Feet of Lumber Ii Shipped to Warring Nations PORTLAND Or Juns 17 Mors thaJt 1000009 ft of Oregon spruce oleari har been snt to tha warring nations ot Euros within lsvat three month for use In the making if military aeroplanes according to the records of th lumber association Orders for additional amounts were not filled on account of the scarcity of shipping space as a result of the heavy war demand Oreron sprnce clears have advanced from 13S to MO per 1000 fet and for sprues logs from 17 to to 19 per 10O0 feet Great Britain the principal buyer La Sonoma RUB10 a delightful California red wine tha equal ot an Imported Xapa Sonoma Vine Co tanltmiaitisj HtfsfWiH mmfctiMt Imm fcflJMAs1T4 1 Ml 4ikJ kxM.

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