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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 10

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 SAX FRANCISCO CHEOXICIiE WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 13 1S93 ss mi im lr 4 lifei te 1H Why Contractor McMuilen He Was Not Afraid of Being Exposed More New Facts Com in Light In Connection With the Ferry Scandal Harbor Commissioner Dan Cole did not wear his wonted pleasant smile as be talked along tfae water front yesterday The tall sycamore from Sierra was out of humor and he made no herculean effort to conceal the fact All this talk about crookedness and corruption in connection with the terrv foundation contract makes me weary quoth the Commissioner to a sympathy ing friend They siy we are spend ng too much money ind overdoing the job Bab Just look at those piers and those arches Why they are the biggest things on eartb I am not an engineer and do not claim to know all about concentrated weights trains and such things but I think I can recognize a Great job when I see one Suppose we are using an unusual quantity of cement and other materials Don the people get the benefit There is no Chance for anybody to do anj stealing in connection with this work The State buys the cement by far the most impor tant ingredient employed in making concreteand all Contractor McMuilen has to do is to attend to the mixng and build the piers and arches McMuilen is not going to make much out of this job I can assure you Commissioner role is en dent very much worried and eels that the end is not yet To drive a stage in Sierra ia evidently an easier job than to serve the State satisfactory Notwithstanding Commissioner Cole sympathy for Contractor McMuilen tne latter has not been heard to com pi very bitterly of his lot On the contrary he is credited with having ion tided to sev eral of bis cronies the al eged fact that he would quit a good winner as a result of bis contract with the btate In Tiew of numerous facts tbat have come to light since Governor Budd declared his deter rnination to probe into the ferry sea id 1 McMuilen estimate of bis prospects is i entitled to more credence than the theory advanced by the tali liar bor Commissioner There is ever reason to believe that he will quit a winner just as he edicis There were some doubts on hn point however whn he lirst undertook to lay the foundation for the net ferrv Many i contractors were anxious to secure the work and close figurine was the rule McMuilen bid was deemed bv man fo be ridiculously low and the opinion nai i freeh expressed when the contrict was awarded to him that would lose money This prediction was based prin Cipall upon the fact that the specihca tions called for the construction of piers bj means of the cofferdam system The latter is recognized as an expensive and to some extent I uncertain metiod of sinking pier3 and the Harbor Commissjoners were event i ually convinced of this fact Before Mc Mullen got fairly under wa with his bi undertaking the Board notified him that a change hid been decided jpon and that the caisson should be substitu ed for the cofferdam This aheraton of the plans it is aid by competent engineers should hate brought about a sating to the State of at least 2o 000 The caisson sxslera is cheaplv operated but withil is quite as effective in regard to re gults as the cofferdam Of co use the Uarbor Commissioners knew tins and at a subsequent meeting deodU to deduct from McMuilen allowance sum calculated to cover the difference in the cost of operating the to systems After consulting with their engineer and architect thev agreed that liW should be forfeitrdby the contractor According to careful estimates vhicn have been made bt engineers who have been giving some attent on to the erry foundation question of late the Commis sion could have made a reduction of 20 000 instead of lo00 and McMuilen would still hac hadi better bargain than he did under the specifications calling for the use ot the coffirdau It may hare been that the Commis sioners had a desire to deal generously with McMuilen while dispensing tho Btate money or it is possible that they were ignorant as to the real state of affairs It is a fact however that McMuilen was ono ot the happiest men in town that day and was the recipient of many congratulations from friends who were aware that the action of the Commissioners meant thousands of dollars to the con tractor which would bo clear prolit It has been hinted by some rival contractor that McMuilen knew in advance what the Harbor Commissioners intended to do with reference to the redaction but this Will be a matter for Governor Budd investigating committee to ascertain McMuilen has since beginning work on the Jerry foundations defended himself against charges that he was not fur rushing tho State th quality of cement the contract called for by po nting to the fact that the State supplied the cement the chief ingredient and that he therefore bad no opportunit to do anything wrong He simplv supplied the sand and rock fie would say and in addition did the mixing Under the terms of his eon tiaet with the Harbor Commissioners McMuilen is required to use cer ain proportions ot the several mgreiients necessary to mace concrete and also mix them thoroughly This part of bis contract he li accused of violating It nas been said that in many instances particularly when the concreto for the arcbei was being made the materials were not mixed at all but were dumpul into the molds just as they left the wagons MI put in an hour watching McMulleaa men mixing concrete one da siid a well known Oakland civil engineer yesterday I was gi eatly amoied at the methods employed for saving time and labor A wagon load of rocks would first of all dumped into one of the mixlng boves a layer of sancUnext and finally a liberal addition of cement Before the dust arising from the last installment had settled three or four men began shoveling this dry ccm position into wheelbarrows When the latter were filled the foreman would squirt some water into them from a Jiose as they passed him That was what was being used In building piers and arches and what was meant for high class concrete I would not hare believed itbad I not witnessed the operation The proper method of mixing concrete even lor the most ordinary work involves con i Jfesfcwtafe i a4 varied to any great extent Up to the present time we have used between 14000 and 15 000 barrels of cement a very few more tiian onr estimate provides for the work now completed I do not think that boring fnto the piert will injure them to any extent and is far as I am concerned I would not oppose tbat kind of an investigation In a few days we will run a te i ton roller over the bituminous rock on one of the arches which will be one of the mot evere tests tbat ran be made It has been stated that the contractor is siving his mateml bv using an unnecessary quantit of the cement which is furnished to mm by the State As I nave remarked before we keep a check on the amount of cement used and thus far it has not exceeded the estimate to any verv great extent It is true that in the pier condemned Governor Budd there was more cement than we estimated to be re quired for it and more in it than in any of the other piers It has also been charged that the cement is being stolen If this be lire there must be a largo nura ber engaged in the stea ing Including the check clerks employed by the Commis Clarendon Heights Houses Damaged A Cottage Nearly Blown to Pieces Mrs Henderson lias a harrow Escape from Reeemng berious Injury contractor were slighy injured by being struck by pieces of living rock RUSSIAN rOHTICAL EXILES An Illustrated Lecture by George Kennan George Kennan illustrated lecture in Golden Gate Hall last night on Russian Political Kxiles was epprecated by a large audience desj itc the weather Mr Kennan in his Introductory remarks said that the American people had an erroneoneous opinion of the Nihilist There is no party or hodv or men to which the term is applicable he declared The word nihilist should be discontinued It is a misleading one and has been unjully applied by the Government officials of Russia to all political offenders The Msit of Mr Kennan through Liberia and the scenes in its mines prisons and prison hospital and the various characters whom he met in his trarels were detailed He also explained the difference between the three parties who are The residents of Clircndon Heights aiming to overthrow the existing state of went to bed last night feeling more con alar5 a 7 who aim to attain the sime tiltimate end tented than they have in sevenl weeks bu by ffere methoU They are the hen trey arose yesterday morning they Terrorists the Lib rals ind Mie Revolu were not quite satisfied tlmt the would tioiista The chirarterutics of each were siderable care and attention It cannot be done in a moment The component parts should be turned over and thoroughly mixed and dried out twice before they can be considered co icrete It makes no difference what quality of cement is used it is of absolutely no value when ued as McMullens men have been doing The fact tbat one of the big arches built by McMuilen tumbled in of own accord not long since goes to prove that there was something radicalh wrong in the mixing McMuilen has not carried out his contract in this regard and an expert examination of the piers and arches such as the Governor has projected will prove tnatwhat I sav is true Contractor McMuilen should he be asKed by the investigators if toe fore going charges are true will doubtless repudiate them on the spot He will probably point to the fact that his opera tions are watched constanth by an in spector employed by the Harbor Commis sioners aid will declare that it would be impossible for him to shirk the work without being discovered and immediately reported to the Commissioners Wniie it may be true that negligence in mixing concrete wou be etsilv discov ered en expovire by the inspector would depend to a considerable extent upon circumstances The inspector in this in stance it is said happens to be Robert Cheeseman one of McMuilen intimate friends and a former employe of the cot tractor He is said to have left Mc Mullens employ to accept his present position tinder the Harbor Commiss on ers If this be true fie inspector would hardly be expected to be too vigilant especialK when such a pnctice might make things uncomfortable for the man who had been his friend The charges that there has been a la mentable and unnecessary waste of ma terial in the construction ot the founds tion for the new ferry builuing hac caused numerous engineers who had heretofore piid no attention to the mat ter to make investigations is a rule out of curiosity A on Schmidt one ot the oldest engineers on the Coast bas come out with a statement that the tate would have beer saed many thousands of dolhrs had the arches which connect the ers been leit out of the plans altogether He agrees with others who have Leretofore givpn opinions en the subject iliat seel beams should have been exie ided Iron pier to pier in order to support the floor me of the depot The we ght of the building oul I rest ent reiy upon the piers The arc es he ai will never be called upon to support the build ng The are far more expensive than the teel oems and wi 1 do more harm than cod is ev will in crease to an enormous degree tie weight TIIE WRtrk OF THE HENDEPsON COTTAGE AFTI THE PIG EMT tt EXriODFD riARFSDON the piers cirri Ihe latter shottl 1 not be put to too severe a tet ays because they relv for sup upon tie es whic 1 have bee i vei to the lioners I do not bliee that an atei ing is being done mud ear liquake would be I kel to lislurb the ml an 1 he es ai well an 1 tin grea weasen the fo lrJauor If il later is cir np too heav load dis astrous resuts wo ild be itab The nrches ook we i lioteer eicnif tbe did gre ircraie the co ol the foundation on iccount of the ei ornio i lantit of nia erial that i neces ir for them The arch ida ir hwe been a hobb with lie irchi ect nn dcij nel the erry foundition but is aiso possi ble that the fact that he was to recene a percentage on the cost pure of all ma tenals used in thestructi mj hie in fluenced him imost twice is muih concrete was required to car oi the pec ncation tti the arctie uc uded as would hae been ihe case ha 1 they i hshed hoir been omitted and steel beams used in their places hen the CHRnvirLF stated that an attache was intereste 1 in the iarr from which the rock uied in the conduction of the foundation fo the nen forr pot is obtained i was the attache to whom reference wis made said Howard Holmes chief engineer for tie Harbor Commissioners last night I own tne Ian I on whi i the quarry i located continued Homes but I do not de me an benetil om the sale of the rock I bought tne land about ghteen months before I became engineer fortue Harbor Commissioners and at the time SAN RAFAEL HOME HEIGHTS rave homes to sleep in when ght cime explained and many views of tyjes of The ciuse of the uneas ress ws due to ec tre three part es were shown the knowledge that at 10 ncock jester I li morn ng between 1 0i and JO 003 OMPLrTF LIM OrFICFRb OF THF Defin te Locaion Ha Ben lected for th Pirby teiian Orphanage The di ectors of the 1 resbi ter an Or pinnace met eterdav mornin at the Occidental Home and accomplice i od deal of tne pre minar work llii lies between organ 7 itioi stcmo fhe Scliloser noue in nn Pafae was definiteh accepted It 1 is twelve large rooms cnpable of holCng evcril beds prema ure explosion they fcired that bv some unforeseen circumstance the pounds of rnnt powder mid beetp oded jnde li II south of Man an eet and west of iioli avenue 1 or months past wor nen in the em I lo of John terns hae bei tunnel ng I I the hi I prepjrntorj to blat ng for ma te al to le used in tilling lot the neighborhood which a now below the il gra le Two tunnels jnnmg east in 1 net each about 200 feet ong were dug into the hi lside ind six drifts were run into the main opening The hill was about ninety feet above the grade of btanyan street and the con trjrtor tcc ded upon uing i iifTicient qua Uity of powder to blast the ent re lull at one time hen the residents in that i crli aw keg after keg of giank powder De ng deposited in the tunnels and dr fts the became alarmed Ithouch eerv precaut on wai taken to prevent A MURPHY MYSTERY WUUBIE PPER HAS BEE STOLFV Part of he Voluminous Record in the Jamous Case Is Missing apiece and is urrounaea 0 cry large grounds In the absence of the president Mrs I Browne the meeting wa pres ded oe the icc presi le i Mrs I deout On rebrum Id it the a i Pa ael home there wil be a donation ind rece virg di sim lar tr lie pia i so succesf Jll nursued the rib oil liosp al powder ni it be exploded wb le the were as eop Tiie onl consolation thev hid wis that if the charge went oft they wond not fire as badly as the workmen who wre the grading camp at the base of the hill on the Kivoli aven le side that wis poor comfort tc them There is a mystery in the estate of Anna Murphv deceased The inventory and api aisement in the estate habeen tolen from the ctfice of Ui lameda County ev dentlv for a pi rpose mes senger from the office of Garber Boalt A Bishop was dispatched to the County Cleri ofiice in Oiklin 1 lor the purpose of ecur ng some gi res from the mven tory which were to be ned in a private mittcr It was then innounced thit the taper wis now bcro to Le fo in 1 11 tie other paters the cas including the twodsnutel Is were ill right ind in the proper ace The riier wbif i is ng miy or But I mJ n0 bate son bearing on future lit Tl giiion in lie lan uug nuri nv cuse Mrs MrMirlmel kc i Mrs Den nis on Mr Dock Mrs Dr Nooleand Mrs Kent was ippo nted Thu comm tee is to sol an receive furniture A cirpnlip leltpr nr Itptl hv Mr Dork otthe purchase did not ant pi receiv who has been interested in in ind ing snch an appointment vt nen oougnt trial farm for cj ldren telore will be siortlj ent toall the minapers win be explanorv the work I nn nf Jo Jin so iesterdi tint 1 turn shing comm ee cot stina of thought going to bed and probably he Qu ol ow hat re tlie Hie land leise was held on itbtce tain firm of contractors which I was com pellet to assume The lease gi es them number of li memberships have a reidv been secured I nesc cost Ki apiece the right takeout the rock and mv I nt ftu faslllon t0 ukethem it reitalisnot regulitd the amount of tjie name snpie friend or relat ve rock tlm take out Iesterdi life memucrsh ps ueretakei My deed to the operty is on record I out bv Miss Ju ck fo Mrs Dr llemj I and the Harbor Commissioners hive Mrs th fo Kev I Cummine knon all the that I owned he I th Mr I Kentjor Mr quarn They also knew thit I wis not ton ani UnU deriving any benebt from the fact thit I Robert Dolir gave achol rh fo ie rock from the quarry was being i scd in of the older ci lrei These ronst ite the construction of tSe foundation It the latest contributions The officers are uinn mu to I now all at po nte 1 and tl hrge tuinibe nw inetn nd i hi of lad managers Iue acccpw 1 their po tentton of putting myself nanjuchpre dicament The attack upon me abo it the qua rv and other things in connect on with official acts I bel eve sre insp red bv bnsi ness rivils epcciallv by an ex pirtner whom I was rompelled to sue in order to get what was due me when we dissolved partnership I am willing and anxious to have the fullest investigation nude of my work in connection with the ne depot It has been stated in sTne of the newspapers that I designed the founda tion when in fact I have ilwavs ben opposed to it and frequently urged the Commissioners to change lL A much lighter and I think a much safer design could have ben adopted I do not want to be understood as meaning that the present foundation is not erfectly safe tor I think that it life except in the event nf an earthquake and it is thcult to determine just nuat structure can stand in such a case Just what line of investigation Governor Budd will follow I do not know but whatever he does I have no doubt that be will have the hearty co opention of the Commissioners I do th nk the Governor was a little premature when lie declared that the work was not being properly done 1 am certain that he is not an expert on cement and concrete work and it would have been much better for him to have first sjueht the opinion of some one who is thoroughly familiar with such work The rontract for the construction of the entire foundation was let to the San Francisco Bridge Compiny the latter be silions of honor The complete list of oficers is as fol lows Presd nt Mrs 1 I Browne ce presidei ts Mr VHP deont kin Francisco Mrs John Bidnell Crico Robert MniAenzie Mrs John Hemphill Van Francisco Mrs Johnson Los Angeles recording secretarv Mrs MacPae correspondi lg secretan Miss in Winkle treasurer Mrs Dr Noble assistant treasurer Miss Paache director Mrs Crocker managers Miss Davis Mrs Prentiss 8elb Mrs II Van Kirk Mrs Homer Craic Mrs Captain Martin Mrs Robert Covlr Mrs Palmer Mrs Thomas Mrs I Condit Mrs I Be cher Mrs Robert Dixon Mrs Michaels Mrs Kelley Mrs Chown Mrs Cyrus Wright Mrs Van Winkle Sirs James Thornton Miss Palacbe Mrs ewhill ban Rafael Mrs Farraweil Mrs Mofflt Mrs VV Uliani I naemll Mrs Mvnck Mrs Charles rish Mrs John Bidwell Mrs 0 John son Mrs Divid Jicks Monterey Mrs II Rice Mrs Ketchum Mrs Noble Mrs Felix Tncj Mrs Stevensor Sicrnmento Mrs Breyfogle Mrs McLaren Hanon Irw Miss A Hark Mrs in Winkle Mrs Henshelwool Mrs umraing bmith Mrs A Merrill Mrs Bessio Tl ornton Mrs Albrecht Mrs A Baldwin Miss Heed Mrs Beans Mis Qu ck Mrs Brav Mrs Crosb Mrs Arthur Smith Miss Fish Mrs McMahon Mrs Pirks Sin Rfcfiel Ms Ga rette Mnmeda Mrs Brush Miss Berrj Mrs Hogg Mrs Lindon Mrs Mmton Mrs Robbirs Mrs rife Mrs Mills Mrv Dalton Mrs Paj ne Mrs Browne Miss Van Winkle Mrs Wintennghim Mrs Newhall Mrs Stevens Mrs Dr Reed San Dieio Mrs Swain Miss Chase Santa Rosa Mrs Babcock Mr ller Aapa Mrs Ji being hurled into spac ind eternity was I document did cut me case but he had nth ng but qu eting tc the nerves It it thej made the best ot a ba ation It an touncrd jndaj that tie blast would be set off veterda ind fiey ill inxiousU awaited the dreaded hour whic was to determine whether or not ej ot Id meet hnarc al less if not ice the lives Ire of the griders went to tne residents th reighoorhood adjacei to th II earlv esterday morning ind adviseo them to open all the windows ho lses heard mm inq es for the paper He hi I not bee i al le to id tie document i lougli tic ni several clern searching for it all li Jordin said hat 1 had been info med tl a tl iper appared during the erm oftice ot i prede cessor an hence he iicjt feel in re sponslbilit in the matter It was his des re howerer to ti id the ss ng paper in order to set as de isp ons that have been aroused on accoint of its disappearance I ini not finiilia Plough un the cfse to iow who won be beneuted the desrncton of that that faced the mined lull Ihey fo lomert pat er 1 ut it strikes me tl at it would be i7tructions being told that force of I a ea matter to have the estate re tne shock wquld not he so percept ble Mr or alnAe rK i re rose to live an steal ng of pipers when the blist went off if the did so In a iminli fnr I chM consequence ma ly housewives will ha cons uerable bousecleamng to do beore their homes look as tidy as the did be fore the blasting In seeral instances the loose earth was thrown through the open win lows ikcver man gt a receipt for papers ik lit rece ves the irtce Deintvt erk Mrs coby siys that she is si re the riper es ion has been I missing quite i time for she raide a search fir it dur ng Mr Crane adminis i tration It was th igl then that the bout 10 clock the blast was set off bv document lad heen milud but now the electr Lity an electncconnect on with the be cf is generil thai Ins stolen tlousands of pounds of powder stored I Tl lnicntory aid appra aemei shows under the hill being cons dered safer than I Cri f11 VTl th Co in Ctasea ana wis a nde to the Co irt in 1 Ol I 11 1 ing the lowest bulder Thetonsderaton Zlik is 247 000 the contractor to furnish every Wheeler Merced Mrs StoweU Pai tbmg except tho cement which is pro vided by the btate At the time of let ting the contract a careful estinete of the quantity ot cement that would be required was made and it was dedided that 40000 barrels would be sufficient The contract for the cement was made with Spreckels Brothers 2 35 a barrel being paid for one lot and 2 6 a barrel tor another The contract calls for a thorough mixture ol the material tne proportions being twentv foor parts rock six parts sand and Jour parts cement The work of mixing is under the care of an employe of the Commissioners and as far as I know the proporton each material usd has not adena Mrs George Present Mrs rear Mrs Mathews if rs Ramsey Los Gatos Mrs Stnrge Mrs Maxon Mrs Fincb galn in the Toil Con Sweeney and Georgo Thomas were booked at the City Pnon last night by Detectives Lgan and Silvey on a charge of burglary It is claimed that on Saturday afternoon last they stole a lot of clothing from a house atKKr Oak street Sweeney was only released from prison Saturday morning having been held for several weeks on suspicion of havine been concerned in the attempted robbery of a janitor and elevator boy at 212 San some street a ise The blast as far as teir ng up the hill was concerned was a success The Pi ill was almost turned inside out Tiie shock was felt for blocks around and in many houses a nev supply of crockery will be required Dishes and glassware were thrown from shelves and broken into ts on the floors The worst sufferer by the blast is Henderson who is employed in the motor house of the electric roid running past the Olympic Club grouti is Ha occu pied a one story cottage on Rivol avenue about 200 feet south of Stanvan street His home wis nearly blown to pieces The side of the house next to the li 11 was completelj torn away and the ce lings in the rooms and the roof were disloigd The front fnce was blown into Rivnii avenue and the shrubs and trees in the garden torn up the roots That Mrs Henderson escaped being killed Is marvol ous fche was in the yard at the time the blast was set off and alibongh boards flw in all directions around her she escaped serious injur The rear end of the stable owned by alkup who lives on the corner of Stanyan street and Rivoli avenue was blown in and all the plastering in the house was badlv cracked His loss will amount to several hundred dollars The cottage occupied by Henderson is a complete wreck Other boucsinthe neighborhood were badly shaken up and there will be extensive repairs needed in the pin ering line The residents of Eureka villej who had not been apprised of the contemplated bast were badly frightened and ran from their houses believing that old Pluto had thrown in an earthquake to help out Pluvius with the rainstorm Poultry will bs a staple article of diet on Clarendon Heights for several das to come The shock of the blast kilted all the fowl in the neighborhood and dead chickens darks and geese were to be found in all the backyards Two of the workmen employed by the Poor Satisfaction for Von Schmidt The Jury Gives Only a Moral Verdict Attorney Clara Follz VUxw Eloquent but in a Vain Cause lJt i making orders It is be leved however that a complete cop ol ihe missing paper is in ex stence IlMltAL Of ROIVINt A Big Regatta I lanned for Next Memorial Dv The South En 1 Rowing Club has made arrarifemcntj fo ho ding a regatta and Coast champ onslnp rices at El lampoon Maj 50 Two i uab trophies one tor i senior and the other for i junior four oared barge race I ave been pre sented to the committee having the ar ringements nan 1 The races wifl be under the direcnon and itl tte sa iction ot the i acme Ann teur Athletic Assocntion ot the American Amateur Athletic I nion which sanction has alreidt been obtiined from the bojrd of managers The Oiynip cs of this citj md Vcmes of Oakland have alread gnlhed their will liigness to ener and have organized crews and wnl commence training this weec tho Ohmpics at the boat house of the boutli Knus and the Acmes on Oakland creek The races are open to all clubs belonging to the Pacihe Amateur 1 1 et Association and it is tnonght probable that the illamettes of Portland miy send down a ew to compete ior the senior cbam onship On this de of the ba there are a number of flour shmg ooat clubs th boutb Ends nt the footof Third street the A nets and Pionee on Long DriCipc and the Dolphin and Tritons at North Beach On the other side the Columbias Lnlver sity cf California and the Alamedas rmle Stanford has a boat club it Palo Alto Races between all these clubs over a protected course would certainly be worth traveling miles to witness The Cniverstyof California Stanford South End Olympic Acme Willamette and Reliance clubs belong to tne Pacific Amateur Athletic Association bnt the other clubs have not as vet joined the association If however they wish to compete for the Coastchampionshipon strictly amateur lines they will only have to Join the association and enter crews in both the senior and junior races Loavs made on pianos and larnlfure at Noonaa 1021illslon rree JSAx We the jnry find a verdict for the plaintiff and hx the amount of damattes at 1 Such was the verdict rendered at a late hour last night in the suit of Alfred von Schmidt acalnst the Home for Inebriates on Schmidt wanted 100 000 damages and a few minutes before the verdict was received bis attorney Mrs roltz said tbat she would be satisfied with JIOO0O The verdict although a moral uc tory forMrsFoltz and her client was a victory which proved rather expensive To carry costs the verdict was required to be for300or more As it is on Schmidt must pay ill the court expenses amounting to 180 in addition to witness fees and the fee of his attorney As appeared after the discharge of the jury on bchmidt was more fortunate than he knew The jury at first stood seven for the home as against five for the plaintiff A deadlock existed for four hours before an agreement was finally reached to give Von Schmidt 1 as compensation tor all ill treatment he might have suffered in the home and as vindica tion from the charge that while under Dr Potter care he was a raving maniac The rendering of the jury verdict came very near being preceded by a dramatic scene A leature of the trial bas been the ill feeling displayed between the plaintiff and his brother Captain Edward A von Schm dt The Captain yesterday went before Pol ce Judge Campbell and swore out a warrant for ifred arrest alleging that his brother was dingerous to be at large The warrant commanded that young ton Bchmidt be taken into custody and produced before tome Superior JudVo for examination It was in ten ted thai the arrest should be made while Von Schmidt was in the courtroom and await ine the verdict of the jury The programme to serve the warrant however was not carried into effect Judge Daingerfield was informed of what was go ng to be done and promptly in dorse I on the warrant not to be served until the farther order of the court News of the issuance of the warrant was kept from onfcchnndt hat will fol ow in the matter no that the trial is at an end vet rema ns to be seen Mrs Foliz was tl central figure in the proceedings hich closed tbe case There was little offered 111 the way of testiraon and then came the arguments Mrs ioltz was honored by the presence of a large ludience Members of the fair sex were out force while prominent in the foregroard was a delegation of the la lawyers associates and pupils of tbe Port a Law Club The opening argument of Mrs Foltz was full ot fire and vigor ous eloquence She could find no words too severe for denunciation of the manner in which her poor client bad been treated though it was not outrage enoucn to deprive a nan of his libera he had been subjected to tbe 1n dign i of being bound hand and foot Whetner on bchmidt be sane ar insane said Mrs Foltz it was an outrage that he should lave been deprived of htsiberty without due process of Jaw The lady as sailed the jury with excerpts from the national Constitution Reference was made to the Magna Charta and King John to Runni mede and to tbe landing of the Pilgrim fithers In her most eloquent manner Mrs Foltz figuratively displived the Stars ard tripes as emblem atir of thit spirit of liberty which ne desired he jury to support and vindicate by their verdict To sav that Mrs 1 oltz interested the jury would be to put it mildly She both interested and impressed the twelve men in the box as she interested and pleased her and ence When the lady finished there whs vigorous hand clapping on all sides while is a more eloquent testimonial to the attorney powers of eloquence tears stood in the ees of Mrs von rhnndt and her husband aunt Mrs Julius von Schm dt Judge Daingerfield sho ved his apprec ation of the ladys effort by oneru a recess of five minutes for congratulition Ft Judge awer argument in reply was short and to the point He grare fill congritulated Mrs Foltz and hen according to the news of the ladtes spoiled it all asking the jnry to forget a 1 about Mrs F0U7 and to render a verdict for the home Sawter advanced tbe very plain proposition that Von Schmidt bad been received and treated at the home as ar insane man It was nonsense said the counsel to imagine that the plaintiff was ill treated The home was a quasi public institution and designed only to do the public eood Mrs Foltz replied to Judge Sawyer in a seco id peecj of half an hour a duration she was eloquent as in her opening and denounced 111 most vigorous English tbe treatment to which her client the poor vounr man as she termed him had been subjected during the four temblel vieeks in tn home wnicn he would never forget as long as be lived Mrs Folt7 spoke eloqnenIy and well but as the result showed the case was one which even her eloquence could not win Judge Daingerfield tn hts cbarge told the jury that Coonel von Schmidt had a right to place bis son in the home if he believed the young man insane It was moreover he added the righto the hone to detain on Schmidt until his violent insanity had pased away and lor a reasonable time thereifter The jury retired at 5 45 and an hour later returned into court for further infractions They were enlightened to the law and then sent to dinner in charge of a deputy sheriff Consideration of tbe case was resumed at 80 clock and a verdict was arrived at shortly before 10 After the verdict had been entered some of tho juror learned for the first time tbat it did not carry costs for the plaintiff Regret was expressed that this was the case ua iu anu veneration lor Ine memory of the Father of Hit Country the im mortal Washington His birthday irjti be celebrated next week in air the Ieadm Cities of the United tales There is not in San Francisco any ctrle vi muiuuy society jn wuicu tbe fires ot patriotism burn hotter than they do in the loyal hearth of the members ot tS Native Ssons of the Golden West and the Premcns Association of Califor ria These organizations met last nirht and unanimously decided to particfnauin the celebration of the da All of the cttv parlors of the Native Sons will parade with many parlors from the counties of Alameda 8at Clara tan Mateo Contra Costa 80U110 Ban Joaquin and Sacramento JatneaD Prre an Will bo president of the dav and Honce Pnndfe of San Jose Parlor Jo2 grand marshal The literary exercises will be held at the site of the societys new halt corner of Post and Mason street the ceremonv of laving the corner stoat to be conducted under tbe direction ol tJnroul pfnd nrirint Ttak 0 Donnell ol erba Buena Parlor will be tne orator 01 iueaay The eteran Firemen Association has accepted the invitation of the Native Sons to join with them in celebrating the dav uu iwng last nigni enator Mahoney who has been re elected president was given a handsome gold badge set with diamonds Tom Sawyer made the presentation speech which was supplemented by sorne raely remarks by Captain Martin Bulger and ex Sheriff Mc Mann The response Senator Mahoney was in his usual witty and sensible vein The old firemen will turn out strong full uniform and take tbeir engine with thera Tbe Junior Order of United American Mechanics is also making progress In its preparations for fittingly celebrating Washingtons birthday A well attended meeting was held last night at 102 OFar rell street at which much preliminary work was transacted THE STOW FUNERAL IT WILL BE HELD TO MORROW MORNttG The Remains Now Repose at tho Family Residence on Pine btreet WASHlGTOV BIRTHDAY aTlveSom and Veteran Firemen 1Y1U Celebrate If there is one distinctive feature of tbe character of the true American it is that The remains of the late Stow politician and Park Commissioner who died suddenly at bis oftice in the Crocker building on Monday afternoon repose in a massive casket in the darkened parlors ot his late borne 1013 Pine street Tbe remains were prepared for burial yesterday morning No autopsy was held and the family of the dead man will be spared the annoyance and inconvenience of an inquest Dr A Wlihelm who attended Mr Stow during the brief period of illness which preceded bis death signed a death certificate in which apoplexy is attributed as the cause of death The death certificate was countersigned by the Coroner and that ended tbe need ot any fur tber official inquiry into tbe cause of death The undertakers took charge of the remains and the body was yesterday placed in the casket in which it will be interred in its last resting place There were very few callers at the Stow residence yesterday Only a few Iraroe diate friends called to condole with the members of the afflicted family and none ot the associates and acquaintances of the deceased called to view the remains The casket is strewn with flowers and will remain closed until tbe hour of the funeral services The funeral will be held from the late residence on Pine street to morrow morn ing at 11 clock The Interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery Oakland MBS NOBLE DEAD An Abscess on the Brain Causes Her Death It is with much regret tbat the death is announced of Mrs Noble wife cf tbe literary editor of the Examiner She was the daughter of Professor Joseph Leidy of the University of Pennsylvania and was married a little more than two years iga The wedding took place at Narragansett Pier and was quite a fash ionable function Mr and Mrs Noble have been residing at 2623 Sterner street and recently have had as therr guest tbe mother of Mrs Noble The first symptoms of tbe ailment which finally caus tbe death of Mrs Noble were neuralgic pains in the head but aa they became more severe it was ascertained that tbe trouble was an abscess on the brain All that medical power could do was done but the life departed at 1 30 clock yesterday afternoon Mrs Noble was known as a most intelligent young woman a loving wile and a devoted mother to her little infant boy who is now bat 8 months old Her instincts were naturally charitable her feelings kindly to one and all and there are many who will sympathize with her husband in his great loss RALPH SELBYS FUNERAL A Large Number of Friends Present at the Interment The funeral of Ralph Selby who committed suicide at Bakers beach last Saturday afternoon took place at noon yesterday from the family residence 2119 Buchanan street A large number of friends attended the obsequies There were numerous beautiful floral offerirgs Rev Dr jtonte of Grace Cureb officiated He took occasion to eulogize the deceased At the close of the impressive service the casket was borne to the hearse by tbe following pallbearers A Eastoo Hamilton Mr Mailhard Edward Eyre Percy More Charles Mo Harry Wilson and Qatton Ashe The remains were taken to Oakland where they were in il terred in Mountain view eeraetery American Concert Band The advent of the American Concert dj Band in a couple of weeks will be the musical surprise of the season This It an entirely new combination of 100 pieces under the directorship of Alfred Ronco vieri At this time there are many of uil mores men in this State and they as well as ex members of the Thomas and Souza bands have rallied under the baton of Roncovien These concerts have ons merit at least that will favorably strike the massei the admission prices wilt be low This however will be no Interference to the high class ot music the American Concert Band will produce Job DiaXe Notary Public and CoanU Flooev ot Seeds CtUce boars from 9 to 8 Mventb floor Chronicle Duftd nt room ua Residence 193 QalHornla street between GonS and Oct a via the Whale had taken a glass of tETNA MINERAL WATER after swallowing JONAH lie wouldnt have lost his dinner 3for distress after eating or after drinking Etna is infallible Delivered in cases of pints or quarts Office 108 Drumqi Street Telephone Main 538 fcSi3itei.

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