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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THIS DAY rCBBTAIT IBT. TO xic I. UT o'clock a. Sal 7Jo UI TIHTTT I 90ZXAR8 WOKTB or BTkaorla. MI aUttrto PiWUU 3t.

WABV AamlBBnao' IKS" TBTfnl extra tram naa Tms at 70 a Lr1TI. Mfl atUO 1 trie it nor BL a MtBrtara. OTtHrI KPPtY WILL wrfl. PWTLUD avka AroeaJ aod rtwiar. robaettaB lAIUIIl fa Ik at OBT I USFnde Vek.

14. al 01. at iriUA. lv er ar IV tr U. fatartiy.

ch LatPa-ai butt threaa l-CB'm mc o-aaectiu a ronlaad wok Lad nttraUa tad tbnr eauneetat I far aa rwaoi IB tirecea. OJB Brttb Cefwkkiaad trTIItW awd Brtuah Cola libMralatWweetnte t- tr41. Arcata iaI Br eBnyiac I Fa amlmoM aaatt Craia4Vav krasac Miaaier leae sna Oua Inc. arrmac at Baa rraaoawe Me I to BM DNMB Brmeea. 1 kta rerun tad Ma BUlSI2fl.

I tat Oute taafeaceri sad wlE t-r ehnuM Vert Rarfert Ma oiaelerBBBUaa i KoMea at wgt Ooadalupa tnai Mil lay ota ItckeweniileeSrkepnadr placea ral ut aai ta regard to tfcketa. a BlTiB fTtt. LU PITKIKI OO. Areott. lOBUrtMt imH.

Il ARD UKE. TILT OF ItIIsRhXG LUiIMS tb lsn of lot i aothiar IS lorlA i trirl sIacuuarthaa lia raorkiattaikaaertkot 42. rw yoz ASD LirrBPOOU UIe UAkIL lu IAUL. rtaa iw IO JL 14. Feb lIBothahv M.

cal ilrem AatrattalirwXB 14r a- Ike Taurd Una it oj loaal fadlltW tethrowh i ll tMni Ml WIIJU- OAgu ta 3X1 ST Ji ldSHIP CO U. to rogrLUjaM tad LSTOLIL TO tfedat a7ii cit. CTTW lwtriiai atatcaMaw. aa sioUsa Hue Uail. all Vaaurartoatad llaheTerri.

aoa the Caeapan. ke. JIO Bat. 03 atTir Pf AreaC JR. CfSBCKXT OVA.

A. WHITLUW tWatwreaora treat SssIl A IA pkaitaexln rAreataeti rex. Aaevta. cMee tfvtf an an. witk abtac hri ke cM la ua Vrr tram tr5SI Ills'S.

sM 505554 wttk WIl4a iUsl ptatta bvpu 4b IS. Uuiy Jr 5055555 am ail pnaua I BTIMWVM fiU thrir t14 me af Che CVrk II I 41554 SIT aiw. all meet tipiuMH by evctiB Ma a what atreat ho Taloiit rketotMtwa tke alferaaaae WS-rS geetraeai a ilaajlj gf I treaLbeai thaenhartr lia I tew iivam 4 a 1 ftBIIBrTBlw I 5540. 514 BeajxiJ 41 raaa iM na aad nruMra. tea rnadaea.

thiileac aa r. Ja rt Matt JXa A kl4LU. Oo5. tl Btrarar S1IeC Itx auono AXI trrxxu Tor a ayuiVma. i UILxg.

The- Homa of tbi Chronicle11 Oesvriptoii of the Edlflo and its Equipment A QuxteT of a nitea Hem paper EriaiMBest. Tw. Sew Frenei with a Cipadtj vf eC000 Copies Per Hoar. aUeUiery ad Coflvei- lucas of Every Oeacriptloa. Tho Most Complete Office In the United States.

ThCBaoneL8baruK Sot ti tart line yoara 5555 sv1j trmitaaed far room to ooditi iti ever aaliur bsltzev will 55. LII Boroi mort ssu1osa pod omimoiioinmuirtm Afteraloar psrk or dwibU toealitlei. It. rpdtus at laat aaeeoeded Is ecurmr tb I. property S1 tbo fKriseait corner of Bub.

and Krany tns ksowi a old Odd Yellows' Rail. which they 01 at one pooos5 to prepsi Sot 11410 PUrISISS. Tb. old buBd- lu will hi removed to ho foundation. sod tit Plica will be erected a solid sod slicast brick 105000.

from dlgui by William Psttn architect of 15. Bale Deport Bock th Mechanic lsititst. tad ether promlBett WUdiui In ha rity. Tbe pita tad tpoeUlealioat bar all bus pared sod work wilt usdLly om ta Bd. 15.

Sow Cwaonei8 benldlnc will 5. 1' teTU high. Including th attic witk a off eoner 154 deep buo- siesta ztesdiu sod. th sidewalk. XsiM.

will 5. left usdio to perfectly adapt It It Istodd eWert sad to atak it th modal awspspct oitabliih- taaat of hi oouBtry. TWO iw rttatta. Itwwaldaoamaaran to diadoa et thU tune all tk WOysiI2t5 OOIltOPltld tat obIng mar bt said to fJurly indi cate 55. 52515 154 tzuat of this treat istIS Tk pro St prust uaed by tk CIBOnCLI I a very perfect tad admi- 5514.

pioeoof siaehIsey. but baa hr. proved satiny iaad aatt to tat watts of largely dnalaud a JosmI. Ia set so irii matter how well o4. or rel1slly adapted could do all tb work of tho DIUT CNSOIICLI.

Two vro. ksrc bets ordered trom R. Ho. A Co. sod so.

aoarly completad. aalike aay var mtd la the teitsI State and mbodyiBC many odera improvement 0514154 by oa th proprietor of tho osiai dirthy bli retest rwlt to Europe. Etch will prin and fold 83OOO o1. of the Tsp. per r.

making 00000 ropli ef tk DAILY CSROJICLI fiefl to the world oery hear they an Is operation. The dtsrstagei afforded by this facility of labor will 55. to th moat lna ponanaed. Whcro- IL SOT want of mmciant prea faoilltles. 1.

raphio matter ha. frtQ111UY tad to bt osittod entirely it eaa BOW given to th public up te the Uteat moment la lb. moo- Sat 5. It son applied from the office If lbs Eastern APIOci1O4 Yrmi. TU 110111 An SOSLIL Tka engine tad boOar of 15.

pew ef tab- Ibast will bar. all recent Improve- meata. They will hi ooootrietd by th Data Iros Work. The boiler it of TO hone power made of th beet materials workwbtp and ssppliid with over aUvtoe for tb economical eombuation of fuel tad Is sot. operation sodert a working txetran of On.

hundred poeadi to th ejotr Inch. Th feed water tupply an Uaipar so. operated stostilly sad 5. each a manner a to control th ttean prep. art at a anifonn rite.

Tht entiae a vatved. tatonitie off of 60 awrao power with XSeili valve motion. paralad with a Sstt A Eekart governor. sf1 highly tahhod end eoutruetd of th beatBttcriala. It eombtne all the modera lasvovmenti for ooosomj sd rgslaiity tpted.

la daiicB. esillty and eomolete- aa It I aot rurpaaaed by any ngt oa th Formic mast. The boiler pump i teparatt device. wholly tndepesdentfrom from tk mala nt5. takIr it water from the apply teak and psrIns th ran boater I tk boiler preventing the pouibiil of soy want of water.

AX AtnaiAi TILL. Tao water tupply will taken from an 151. wall in the bseemet and stord la bergs tanks on the top of building. nth a capacity of fir tbotutnj gallons. Coatectloai will a mad.

for Sr. bydranli. to. a that at meenIs warnIng every teor la the building is. flooded.

Th well Seen stands directly over the well sad i a complete engine tnd pump laitaeli Th Lain la sbuft It carried on the tna eels. npportlac the floor the tearing an oUing. StIed with drip ejapt tad astomatlo ofleri ho pnllyi tan ttnwd lund. sod oat an balanced tad aad with all th perfection human kin. yll zrnvos or TI.

tomca. There wLl be a roof. la which tke ad room will ho located. To can it from dansbv by Sr. the open spaco pboet St under tk ik p4ur part of tke root will tUbily btlkVatded.

Tke oorale winabob balkheadH errory I. ft to reveal 5:0 from ereepfaA tbout U. Tk Mfiaae rlc will th prsmlnist nrofthbwSldiiir. Ilwill beruperMT Ittodaptuths ttylt of a bank. sad will bay.

as a pritehisi kater. a pats ventS zpreauly kuflt for It by Haemal A Urban lhscInstt. Betide th cszoztczs oomitlngiwoa. stirs win be on IS. list floor hacdoms store boUni an Eetray tmwt flitted both In front tad rear.

wkioS will 5. rooted Ice buainea ours. TBTB cyraa Teal TaereeoBlaeor win be divided Iota of- to Tb ratin third will 5. sand tor hi editorial noaa sad library of ta CssncLa. Thai rtloa of th buIlding ka been derlraod with srist can aad with direst reienaoe to tko ort and ooa- tMeoBpy d.

OBth fourth a rwfllbtkeonip roiB sad tter- a yp 105417. flu ttary wffl nztou gist SIgh and perfectly ysnDlazdbai ot oaty She snot oomplemeat of Ian viadees for light. bat shots them paaallw rw to ate. fn 0514 to 5. sir.

Th ooposlac- raoa will rmenI seac sow and admirable fwtare The Ueo of Lb. old oaaea wd applied by other of aowI twttera. owd par lb. Ins tlm oa 1514 eoaau then win ho torn loipnrBati ra typorraphy. lb.

dueattioa which womld aow ho prvmarara. Th tterootrpiat xoaadry will ho largo and amply supplied wrthaU oh. device soesusoy for the ta- ootated ttbor of tho pa r. Amoac th MTtt leatvn will be th IIOreOIYPISI standing adrerUaemoaU. which 01 Intro.

atuecrejaryft mtad to siIl to more ftuM tad labor. AU tka rooeu will ba oaaaartat- by robe sd teotrfo bolbart- Dank waitor will baa to oa- weveSwm editorial room to the room. Uoilogm tim wUl laraltbod tH parti of tbo JteuUiac by vaeumttio doekaf tb Uteet pattara. on tAkmcioiiiarlott of lies. parterutbo Wmy Cnoncu will S.

Inesa4 tjiaaoirkt eoramu. mtkiac it a maauaoU shoes of omrratyrtwooolamaa. sad win Impeeved by th Introdacitos of sever. mow dapartmMU at to bs sat oaly tho argatbBtthe bt sad ehespeM weakly wrpaperoa tkt Patia eoatt. to Si ueartB IT ZLncTIlaTT.

ojlectrkitr. Tb. atehia ryforcaratinr tb sow Ethtaad an tie scompsai raaH aarwaary for too parpoewa awyebaaal by oao of tbo proprioton te be. Xrpaeial oar an uke. to terun ail ot ts.

latent Imprcvemaiit BtoJtb- kCotadlwUl hi sood. lId. tnr treat experuaemtt alrtfeinadt ta til tatrlt wiU nramk a thonockly aaUuto. taa liatti trpi a U4 wken a tm WiIuat it spesilys soreisity Tke Ctaoncu betiding. whoa tabbed snd eecapicd.

will one of tJko meet com- plate" awsus talflahests ta tb wend. Ta ro boat it la Ban bo ihaooatataf tbssulM bwiaof tkaUy. aM A. buIlding will be us of ufItishlef usamoiti. 01 thi nest proeperite of the steer.

tad the brOHtat intun bofore t. usId wurnat the jusas. zpsudttsre brolrod 1. the thaart sod Improve- iseStL Tb lot ou which the building Mud. it rained at HOaOOOj lb.

build. IS. wUl sum T5XXXX sad tumn.n- da boiler. slectrb. 51:51 apparatsa- typo.

frnlicre. etc 75000 mar. miS- ar a ostlay of sot let baa a tr- ter of a mmbo dollrp So ntlro wilt the tSar. tkat Bot en snide will tk from the old establlibment to the aetr. AD Uo vtlaibl stock sod sdinlrsble appointments sow In Roe.

Indudinc I Baa- teruciaeariOhanepower.afear-cynoder pro two Loldieg machine deski ttaade furniture sod flxtarea will have to 5. old. not buss. they are sot till capable of nc sro. bat bees.

the CuloncLa hM otgewn tad longer seed. them. POACHING PIETY. Al a a laiu OiBrrav. Tbt eontrortny to lb.

Epueooal Church la rrvrd I th orrastiation by th Bow. W. p. Momaoa of All Salata' Church with In the Sew. Alfred Todkaater portals of St.

Jobs's to sos yetUtoided. Tht Oraoncts of Febraary 6th stated the ftet of thi ootroworty. which are that by the canon If tb eberb a snoond ebsoek euanot orrtaUod Is a oortab without the ooareat of uo rector of th Utter. The Rev. Mr.

Mrn0e believing that a church at the omerof Eichtkaad Market streets wu a 5145. cad sititskealv believiac tact Lhat locality wu wiles the bouadarieaof th parish of th Church of tb Advent. applied to Hi. Bishop onder wh3so tonI1 that perish then via by rruoa the rent BBtioB of tk Rev by. Latkre for per- mlM otwealso useS Surou Iiwei cheerfully given and AU Saints' wu or- rinled On the lit of Novembcrltiuthe services being hold la one of the romeo Too.

of IS. Meehtnict' Pavawn at EtOtS and Market street. Tha ervKe were different from tboee 01 aav other Eplacopal Coaacb in Ih city in that they wen IB toned. end too BIT. Xr.

Morrisoj rInses that at lout one of th pIseopaL Cherebes 01 aa Yrencigoo shoeld nave these rails. dnlor closAs. enIliCil. rta many Episcopalian of both the Uirh end Low Church BOW living her. birr veon accustomed to them either in England or Canada or th Enters Statea and behave in their efficacy end tmDraivew Too three month the little church thi until bad 155 member regularly en rolled.

and aboit at using more frequent attendant At th end of that time the Rev. Alfred Todhunltr of Pt John' oar- uh 454 upon the Low. T. Morriorn ad remewhat startlot th latter by the annonnemet that All Saint. wu within JoSns boundzrtre end had Men organ.

lied without the content of him. the rector. Mr. Todbunter. howefer taid that it Mr.

Moroiso. would make written spnleatio. tor 01540. ft tabliah the church he would us hi taflnene with tbe vestry of the parish to have ligrinted. tioch application wu thou made Lot the permuiioB 151 not Mr Toohunter then laid tb matter before the Biahop and S.

laid it before the IIioeesn tx mmittee. eonatotinc of tb Eev. Dm. U. W.

bier os Trinity. W. Ii. Putt ot Grace and Btnja Dim Akerlo of Oakland end of laymen Uirum T. Grove.

sndWiItIam Bibcock of lb. our. and John A. Stanley sod Ralph W. Ku of Oakland.

Toe Committee riot on the Sib of February tho tIny. Mr. Todhnnter losing present. bat not Mr. Slot.

on. he not having bees cited to appear nia Coesmitte. has the power to sethori tk OruIUtiOn of en additional church in tka varan. vm if th rector objeets. Their decision bu not been sanosnoed but prcebeoLy will be tMi week.

It ii rumored that It tonal TBt LOT HIH Will favor the orvanixatioa. Pt4ing the dortnoa the Rev. Mr. Morrtoon does not eusId th church and these aervMe may i and probably will continued even if the Committee' decision be adverse the raaniaalMm. It Ii a traction over a.

mile from th corner of Eighth and Mulon streets to the next sweet Epuooptl church. The foregoing view of th contra- vroy so. thoaa entertained by the AU Rain onsoesauon These held by the people of the parwhea of St. John in the Eleventh Ward. of Stblephenbt Paul tad St.

Lake In the Twelfth Ward of Tim. Sty in the Eighth Ward and of Ua Advent ia the Tenth ard. in tIe. center 01 which All Sainta his located. are that a prime law of Uoebunbif that all extniion moss be slide outwardly.

la thIs city each parish includes otto ward or a subdivielos of oa wart. The ehureh law. are definite a. to th wet is which a nweh a missIon can So created within the boundary Sin. of a parish already en exutenoe.

If it i a parish that is desired to be established a pertain number of lumen apply to th ISubop. arttinc forth their ability to provide a church buildinc and snpnort clergyman. 11. MIsS. laya th matter baton rat niocesix coanzrrzs And th latter fact boundary line be.

tween the new paruh tppUadtor and to. old one from which the territory ii taken. This. however. Sot Snal bat mail re- lerred to the next Annual Conjereace.

and if approved by it tb laymen of the ptriib then elect a Vettry and the latter invite a clergymen to become the pastor of the parua. and it then fully sad formally tbIiahd A mission where then are mem ben of the Cburek who driri the me. of I parlor. Sot who hive insuL. etout meat to establlab a paruh.

Th Bishop then usmu a pastor. ho Church boon sue. of Ue expense. Ue mission i onaole to and In. property of lb.

mission itveatad in UeCbureb. AU Saintiiti slaimed. ii neither a perssh nor minion but a nondescrIpt ornaiied without my compliance whatever with the moon. of Ue Church. Too allisalion that the Bishop was so Iguuiwt of church boondarie ai to believe he Pavilion was la the parish of the Advent or that he was tgnort of th canon of tb Church a.

to believe that a church might ornaited is perish of tho Advent volely upon the conical of tbe pastor of the Advent ia which capacity hawuactiac alter the reaignatioa or Dr. Ltthrop i declared to be tTTI1LT rxiroiTiiot. Tke correct genealogy of AU Paint elated to a lollewa i The Reverend Uellon Eajen. shot he bad been dpood tram th Church orvnnts4 on his own risponisbOlty Trinity Chapel. Oat of this ruec4d St.

Mbsni still at Dahawav Hall end tb Kay Mr. Mayor officiated there. They were seat at th Pavilion as M. Alban. tad the.

Mr. Badger had a Church St. Albani Sunday School. and Mr. rib.

nestS to atciat. for him. Boo- ssrtly Mr. Morn. Ciawtved hi eon- neotioa with BadgerYind started AU Saint Mr.

Morris. la not oaty a molersyman bat a pkysicianwho spoinltl Mtb diem. of women. MO arrived hiss torn month ito from Chicago tad bit raideae and cfflc an tt 142ft tlloeloa street. On of paiton.

la an effort refer to him to as to an all th honor or his dual call alludes to him as ohatotneal lonan. It SI claimed that the an Comsilds to it it last meeting did decide that they hid nothing whatever do in the matter OS AU Sainta. Tb oltlmsut OBtroverty BOW devolve soon the IHooeaaa Committee. whom It hit been rotomd. STATUS OF THE BANKS.

fcaml laaaiBl air niexl fcy tav Tbo Btak CommlitioB en Say. aom pitted their usual report of tkeooaditioa of ho boakt ol California preseatta a Tory elaborate document sd howlaclB diteU standing of different InitlIn. ttoat la all departments. Then are 82 beak to active operation to Slit. it sad Lot thtatat a Bank tad Firman' tad Mo.

Bank of Savior. of MB Francisco and tho Odd Fellows' Bank of Saving. of Sacramento dl hu bea dedded rehabilitate the Fna bank of this airy 54 tho Odd PellowV Bait af Sarian Sacramearo. Two new banks bit bee. added danar tk lona tao Bank sI Boot.

ad Mo. Consty Beni. both of Men euary. The report of th BaakotBodia wkiek wu raeetv Thnrdur ha. been returned tpr correerioB.

and to sot la- eluded is the tabulated statement neither an th ar baakt menttoaed above as Is a tttteof tupoaao. Of th bank la opera. tion. 9 are ommrcial and 98 are etnata beak. Ik tollawtac to a tooall op tk itettati of the resorts Atajte al CMa owned.

941 a se ttooktaad bwoda. rf wa ether aecwrttt rtb rervbl aad porwaal Iisrsty 814Te2O40i money oa band 10121888 deposits to ether bank. 2U28LUTJ Jl 7487 20. ttl ataetl. 68048428.

Uliti hCe merBi JUnkt-Caphtl pent up. I33lbS003 nrTi fund. 6734418 due doassstors. $34.732.584 UerliabiliUei. 3403347.

Total lMbUitieaf88oe8SJ8. Aaaett of rtafi iUakf Keal setato wood. RSL7UB toaaacareaJ eotato ft51au7 S7i tarotadlB stat aa4 5545. 2 10478 team os 10051 tad bead' 02004291 loans on other pecurt- ti S30 I btlli receivable pr- mial moirtty 814124 O4i- ma os kanxk 2 754141 tfaaoairt ia stb nka. uSiLneapf fvisii nk5.heftel et.

aatH4M210r nrrrvvfcad. 82120226 waVaopoaitor $57.848.021 other lis14lltln. 7e3 l. Total aArMa Utm tP POim JiL Dee1opmeuta of Last Week in Political Ain WORKINGMEN'S NEW DEPARTURE lmthcrlng sn Iaritlr UoB. Star Chamoar Eoaoa of Zepublicani Democnttt Tacttca.

The moat sirnldcaat treat th peel week In local political circle was th n- sntminlpfformal eJum against William Wolloek. th Vwt-Preildeat of the Work. acmes' pert by a member of that party. before a Committee of tko Pretidenta of thu party Ward Gab epsletsd to reeeln them and Lsqitr. Into tbolt tzsth and the summary smothering.

at thetatlou of Ksrer the investIgation thutBto- 710. Tieoceanenccemtrktowert Ii lb. ht of tho Worklngsnene party. They indicate the point In It career where it leaden hip found ueoeiuary to be- b5d tk tradilioaal 505 and policy of tho party. to hid In tsz-chimbsr Ktsioa Ut.

Inc rrer known la the ki ory of the ortaefsados whil. devising BaatoTad tk truth and prevent in Inquiry tat it conduct within the party and withIn That leadershIp. to shield Shalt from Invtlgatlo has placed the party la as attitude than which It wont enemy could wlah it no worn. It has by this one fill step discounted the tlran tare it bid gained by a number of excellent preTkeaa moves. a.

sot forth end credited to it to Sail Wedneeday review ef lb. ittattiOB la the columns of the Canoxictu. There wu noISing la th tkarie befon which a eoaselooily basset Jeaderhtp need bay. quailed. If met with lb.

boldnsi of innocence end OOIfII4 they would hare sot the party higher than ever and nor. firmly la tht public eonldcaoe. Ii the ta vestisaion had bees allowed to we on and the aecuied bad bee rovrd saUte. hi. re-inns expulsion would have demon- strnted the good faith of the pub In Its profeeoiou of political punts.

and in trenched It more strongly than ever In popular favor. eoLp OTOITtZITT LOST. It wu a friendly act to th party to ex- poee the traltoroa corrupt tad senodalos. praitfoes of Wtlock who was proitlInlin the fair na. of the party.

and hi own position is IW to his own polish ends. So far from splItting it it would hay mad. it Stonier and better thin ever. It afforded a goIdu opportunity for the party to prove It title to what It claimed In the way of political honesty and reform. It was to rtgsrded by th CoioiicLa in making ti expoaure.

The Ward Presidents took the sam. view of it in ordering tie tovestigs- lion. and expreaxd It pointedly in their dLcuwlon of lut Sunday morning. Wt can not afford as a party. saId they.

not one but all. to bay. soh char. bp over our party. If they ar fate they can do no bum.

and ihonld be ihowa to bt to tad Wolloek exonerated. If they are molt kick him oat. Their view wu conznrred in by Kearney who on the day on which the Investigating Committee mot. most positively tnured a CxtoncLi reporter that is. wonJd not inurfere that the UTe il aUon uboold go on and go to th bottom faeu.

no matter who i touched. Tb Investigating Committee expreiicd the tame determination to the nlcht of their it meeting. when two ol their number openly championed She eases of Wellock and began a erere ac. uuion ot the accaier. deiined they ttid.

Uioncht would sonstitut. it a conspiracy and eatitle Welloek to the dumiasaJ of the charge. Tbe majority rejoined that it made no difference who preptnd the charge. even it was a Chsoaman. or if then wen a osnasiracy.

The only fluea- lion wa Wen theytraa laUiaapint they reoueated seesoer to meet them IS. next evening wuhaliaiof his witaeses. and intimated that if any of tbewitneaiet would not attend them they would go to the witneisee to ret all evidence and lb. nude arranmnenta quietly to ret a secluded plan. in which to bold the investS- cation inure from the rod tntenereneo of Welloekt sympathizers.

All thu was proper and in the right spirit. It placed the party in a. honorable attitude what- ever might bathe result to the aetuped. But when th appalliar array of charca mid. by Olotir urn.

out in ho morning paper th heart of President Kearney mit- gave hlmafttaoai chaste rams over his purpose. east. down tows early. as- ao Binc to ovryB mat that tk chug. were frvolna and that ka was Loin to atop the lnvetigsuon tad prevent it entirely.

WHAT yAUno nowxl In pursuant. of this policy rot Ward President. end Welloek with him in a small roost. locked the door. plated a double guard at it.

and not utirfied with that. had a barricade 01 beoehe built be- lore it. and without allowing a icmtilla of evidence be traduced. onaeid the investIgators to stop the isvutliatlon. Tb President.

tooht herd for the open. honest voile Uey had started oat with. bat after four boon' itrartle yielded and earn out of their sore conclave that thecbtrgea went eonioirtcynotneeding to uteatlnied add WUOOS we bUma- lea thresh had himself on the Sunday before avowed publielv before them Utlbt hid and would beg and tike money whir- ever he-could ret it to ran hit paper and that he would stnke Ue devil himself it he my countrymen Ii wonder lb. lead- Its tad follower of 15. old parties were delighted at this falre step.

They as. at one. that tb leadership in it anxiety to dodge as lovestigatlon it dir. sot mess had placed party in a false petition. They taw that the young and vitorous party which had mad.

political parity and reform Ua cry and heck in trade which in the strength 5 iou principle bad toad. vigorous and ttai war againit them. had been seriously compromised. They caw that whIle tana aetioa mirht placate the comparatively few haadndi who rather at the sand lot and shout at the hel of the leaden lb. stisut.

thinking. stay-at- home thoaaand who wore diaruted with the zttavsgane tad corruption of gay- eru14enl under the old ptrtiei and prepared to vote for the new in hop. of better Uinn. woald be weaned mm their new sympathies and pa losger eonntauenoe party sneer leadership that. while mating each pro ot bounty dared not meet laveetirnlion oy.

ltwusrreai nets- lake. one which will eoet the party thoa- sand. of Totes unless rectified and on. which lb. sober.

thinking element of the party regret. Dotter say amount of per- aoaal exp9sute 155 551. talie cringing attitude. It bit greatly betrteaed their aeon and shaken their beat friend. It ha.

eves warmed with a gleam of hope the cockle. 0 tbo Domoeruti heart. chilled in long winter of a dreary discontent. tan zutzLzi rauoracim. TheRepibl have all the wee and drillIng Ui icrvaucA Man already to rood spIrits week bees rallying ornnuiog their sore.

for tho tray. So nruczpnaedtttU' iabalamiad assoeg larorot stralebt ticket for every office to bo filled fay lecUoa Uu Sail. No more Partisan to But popular ery with them. Club have already bees mass. lied on thIs ban ta the Troth.

Eleventh tad Twelfth bsatomat District and Uoe ot the Ninth tad Thirteenth an well under way tad will ho completed thai west. Tbo Toast Meat CeatraiClabal- effected an rwanizaooo during Uowoek. There wea a panted and eteso eoaioet for Uo official posittosa is lb. dab. aad so was a noteworthy characterlatl.

that billowing each eetdMit eonght pull dews other by ehTgthg him witk being la the In tanat 01 the Federal office Ke sad ropolling Indignantly th ouss otatioB agalnat htaelL 111 lgnsl cant of tpirit ot tho masu of Ko- wobllcan party. It I to hfpd th gsa. tlemea Indicated will take the hint and kee ton kaada off Ue local orcaauatiOB. and that the ste spirit against tker eon. tiasid maaipulauoa may extend to ex- olanoa of settee lry political Bta cert who have bees raaanti Uo Repuliees County Commltteo for torn years put.

Ti. gentleman elected Presidst Youu Qlu ia a pooat ik Ttatter II tormerly kaldaladeral TPaKloji la this city bat it was is a sfla et tVcottor Ooiean4 be buaeTorboeala fcvorwiih th6ajtnl-Oorktm'Carr-Ckau draaity. Thinieatirnlamah hiotavee Tk 8 rtary of tb Repebileas star. thu. it.

Committee I boar vtoar Ue way 141. tb organiastics of lab uiwocaoat Stat. tie proeoofilby tppaulur to use tad tried Ripebticaus to etch eonty tad lows of tuffesaent population ta. Ii. Btete.

Bd to every oat is says baa mot with a mess anooaracuic reapona his written replies uses SI. of lb. teal aDd enabaiium Ii. Republican I. very pan tb Mat and tart that ka sorer leea RcpuUieaal aq ooaAdoat tad useS for a 555 55 BOW.

Hi mayo- VOBdeat to every utner amaze him that th pony to Intact. boo ton no member and til there and ready for th ward to salt into Us Twist aid odd elub. have already bee ergastoed vataM tkt eUy. uralatmc poese is Krra. Solaoo.

lass. Boma8aa Joaquin. lube. Yefo bacnana- to aad 014110. tad others wlstjodsev ii rapid aw ealoa.

fill plan of orgdeisaisa soaprebeds 40OelaB orrastiadsa. in tk Stale. Theae an 5. termed Ztatia5 orraaltt- tisisare pnitmiaary to th Preeldeotasl itat erf 1 SO. and an to ramipe ta rail IH adefleet uil thea.

a tkat tho work ot sigusiessios will sot bar to roaoowr Scm. apprabsuisos ka woa owed doritc th weak by Ih clients- tMa the Miniesisi party of 110. Isyiting taoai to sominede ser. Limo moaseipsi bat Wion KOBoraUy adhere so lb. dtermiaatia to rofaa any eoaattatat to each a move.

taeni. and lot their Party bow it owa trvactk and Beat it owa battle TbeDeaxxm are ala. merinc tathlc oity. tad tiring I hatch oat so. pita of ctasa Their soncera i lot with refer- an.

to this esespaigs- thaa I put their party la order. a 555 it will thnmab storst I. as rood sac. a. poaubl tor th rrmidssliot Sgbt.

To tnt. ad tb re roiactbroachiao tories of calling the- Slate Central Committee torttber to till a primary election for a sew County Oomstitte which will sleet delegate a. State te meet tat. is Jan liter the other Tho primsrv will arabs. U7 5.

halt latt la April or In May. na5ocUnC tscmica. Is th call for M. proTbloa win mod. for redact 55.

Cstteiu from tk ar at wawMldy body of SO to tbo old Bomber of 40 member but th detail of Ala matter have et Seas decided. Step. have ala. boa takes for eallinc toraiberth LeelalatiTe Committee In this city. to masS straight soatsatiosa for the Letntla- tan.

AU thi to bets done to put tho party In the attitad. of making a Cgbt la Iwesy direetlo. to to keep it ornaiia- Sm. istaei tsr tb Pretidwiial ficbl. by.

which time 01 I honed by tbo leader. lb. Wrklnsmoap mofem nt will hare speul itstorre and relipeod to th boomoflu parent Democracy. After noun PTOTi- uoa for this it i pressiuI tha poliorwill to swill tb orison of the Workinc- utm Covstios and If nothing bretsi offer ludorse noaesea of thitri known to bar. Demoeratio sympathies on strictly pattisan quetuoa and endeavor to divid.

with oh. Workingmoo the honor as their 550016 Per inataBMit Jadeefemlbe nominated by lb. WorkiarmoBof tbiarity for Contrees Ih Democrats are likely to consider him a rood enoach Democrat for them have in th lIons. and to out a tar part of their vote lot him eve. II they dl sot iSo nominate him.

Ibis policy was proclaimed by Lultrell in a receatlater- view with a reporter of he Wuhlngtcn Pod and baa often been Slated at here. Another plan to capture the Workiarmani vote next year la to dloevd the name of Democracy In the event of Senator Thor- miis retvin the Detnocratis nostins. 1105. which it considered probable. iii miking til ponibl emit.

ol Thurman' Planes tnti-Chinera record. orxaniie ut Thurman anti Cblneeo Party. flees. an 01 oouro. bat dim lOretbaJett-lnga of the possible In tb Demoentie mind mop- isp toT ions teuiblt way out of iii srsent unpromising dilemma.

In 151. city new candidates. with bedding ambition to serve thtr country at good salaries and pvqststie are constantly eppesrin. Among them are ill. C.

Cone not un known to fame who iffirn to the Republican nomination for tb Stat. Senate In th Ninth District and i laying hi wires foritm only he knowa how. Ex-Supervisor bracket of the tOtal Ward is said to bare his eye on the Revordorshlp. and to Charlei Sonnrir. tb new Prtudentof the new Toss.

Men' Reoublican Club. to Sm- papers aowa ineru are. aoi fhowinc a dispoiliou to pat men on the back. call them i remind them that th two oto. whatevar.

Two year ago was a prominent candidate Sot Recorder boion the Taxpayer. Convention. TI 1100 II TEl rOCBT nruviicr The Fosrth Conrreuional Dutnel will a helly contested ircund. The Con- gresIonal strife Is likely to prove much nor animated than that for Governor and candidate. are numerous.

IbtDemoeratie down there some of them. at th Workiag- em good tallow parties ass practically one now line the ChInes. re- ate bill passed. and propose Shot they unit tee to boat tho odious ilectnbll- cane. But the Lue Angela.

lltrmld the leading Domoevido saner denganees with onteoipt loch unprincipled coquetry. Oa tht Republican lid Governor fr- ebeoo i considered the itronreitmia by election eertllcate rightly riven by a Democratic Governor and mOoned by the deei- rioBoiabcoobofDemocntiflawyenlB the Rooreme Court. Oor Wor Oor 1. Hoodaof Oregon. the Webfoot Deeaoa- those.

Is eli. anxioaa to teat hi. pee-ion. popnlarttT as tb Republican esadidain. umerai Dinning i also sa ta Odd the lilt Republican candidate in the district.

The name 01 Thomas R. Bard of Veutara his recently been urged for Conirsetonal boson. IT is upoed to repreet the Interests of the Texas and Pinto Railroad in that lection tnd would therefore bpop- olar. i Eutmas. tormaiiy a lawyer In this city.

baa bees erred to enter the Gas- ryeaaloaal race aid has th matter under advisement. The emoerati who felt as- mewed at the election of Parley to the United State Senate now demand that their next candidate shall tea. Southern hi. use and the name of 1. Bank Sborb appeara as their trngei and stout a raila hi.

candidate. Mr. bhorb to lathe prime ol life till of energy and it lay more proem- lire than the majority of th Demoentie leaden. Governor J. 0.

Downey I. alao men- hosed si a prominent apirant for the Democratic nomination. Then there are th Marsha-B. D. of fan Jose and Senator P.

W. end all that numerous tad ussr- Ie tribe. for Dintriet Jude. the name of Tnaclo Sepilisda. the presseS tec beat th bench of the Svaalesotk I utnet.

hu been broogbt forward without dutino- uon of party. Sine his elevation to office In 1873 the judge has takea so part in Khtice and assents to popular with the sod. all political parties. Amos the Lu. Aneelee county emcee the Workingmen's element appears as a prominent Sactor tad canoes ninth commotion tmonc th Democrat.

who hold ill of th id office but thtt 01 Public Administrator. Rccrder Mile. and County Clerk7Potu with their time majority of 5100. feel pretty sure of a re-election In sPits of any diversion which the Woe-kinsmen may produce in the Democratic ranks. The eanepeign to developlnc at an unnraally early period and pnmiae to be torrid.

The Republican of the District test Sir. of the Stats and Conrreulonai tickets os account tb bad ninafeneent of the Democratic party tad the loss to that party of the Workiogmens vote. A OUT CASE. stool tk Baui g5555 W. IL mtgss A.

Buncroft and IL M. Baneroft have commenced salt in the Nineteenth DistrIct Court against William IL Kntgt for a di olatioaofthfirm Baneroft. Knight A Co. asking for the appointment of a receiver son lb. winding up of 15.

basIn. and Judgment for a eonilderable sum ol money claimed to da plaintiffs from defendant. The substance of the thoostplalnl was published In lb. Cnaczictu eevort day. also.

TA. specie basiness ondBot4 by the flits. was the puhlieauca of music. knight bsisg th mecataieal head of th department. Defendant ha now alodhu reply la the ma.

which contain a amoral denial of all tbo polite an forth I. the complaint. and Oh. points of the reply are suniaoi a ia tb following language I Ih laid A. 1.

Btaorait lo it a Trick and Influential ho. largely engaged Ii the tale end puklioation ol books an competed of the plaistil' who areintelli- ranttnd oloee. fully Bailed in all their porpoise thoroughly devoted to their owa Isteruti. tad obUTlou of sup obligations which have sot a strictly legal sane- tion. The buainen of lb.

silt ilancroit Kuight A to. throuch tb exertions and oliuggles of this detcndant Saving now heaairoegbtto a point where Is has bo- come Serge and Important and promises immedlit. tad osidenbto prolts. this defendant charges that to th Interest and object II th plaintiffs to so manipulate oh. boils.

and to wind up the is. ui between thtnueive and th dladaat to tabattautlly tranitr th Mid boil- nest to themselves tad derlve tb dfad- ant of all lb. fruits tad emolument of hi labor industry. ntelliceao s-nd Perle- ymanes. Dtedaat la tb petition of rtaintiO that a receiver S.

ippoiuted bat asks th Court chats a proou be elect for that trill without nforeaeo to lb. pominatioa of staintul. aid that heboa Serbs who Se vesnlaoaabSy ajot liable to ytoM kiaiaelf to lbs naSa. and oati 4 A. I.

sit A Ce Dtlendaat slates that th apart of plaintiffs has deprived him of tko proAt and advising daU eutbt roan of st effort 14 baud ap tk bsatma of the Ira. aser having ac vioaaly gives tweivo yean sf hard labor to their service. tb Y5etsIm. The launch of th roeonitrueted. usmn Vioteta took place yoiterday.

fkowu ekrtateaod by Mn. O. W. Thckey in. wile of the SuperiBteBdeat of Constriction.

Taaaam ofthaToajol before bet Ito. we tk 6k wiled aader th Rstgliah tag sod pat Sigatod la th South toissioni are roe feet Ions 29 foot beam tad 20 see deep. Sh will sly between this port tad Jltnalmo. Victoria uaeol- alloaui Amasio tr ay. With a desire wuaox lb.

reckleesnees witk. whiok tho balrtoakrt hawley ritk bit lit absus 7000 people visited Wood. wends Otrdeaa yeetrda tk bet-air balboa aseesslos. It tad aeoa ad advertised to tile las0 at a quarter put 8 elok Sot several kolesIa ta btlTaoa boise des. covered porn.

Utje was It tea is ropainig them tad wuaittr selock when Hawley. haaaxar Irom hn tn act left tb earth as roe heavenward. Whit th ballooi baiiiesa about 3100 feet it drifted toward yie store iaiavry pretiact al South Baa naoiaoo. where p. may teadtac Wu made ialheneialtyoflborotreroeBt.

Hawley expected to dropped tat tk bay. and provided kimaalf with pre ntn la jStWtUOB 91 i cj aa STB of a Maa wbo Counter feited Them bj. Millions. A SECRET CHAPTER OF THE WAS. Printing Conb4t Xoaey at Sew Trk-AKl iBAln who DIM CaUftnU lOntr.

Ik matted at CousIns 8. AMos. from a mala atejdmt lb. irtbee part of this Btato ltnga to light as satin- ordlnitj story. 4 formerly printer ta Now Folk.

tad dunnt was- ssgag.d to eo UrfWtinc paper oumney Of th nfsdetst. States. I this bottom ho Jwamalattd a lortaa which. toewrdJac. torthe ittfemaat which S.

toad. to wrmar- hnf. mast Bar amounted to man Qua mUll. of dollars. This subsequently lost la stock opecila- Uonjind an lb.

oataitropho of Black Friday ho earn pUUaraU tad worked Mtalnu. T. slsryse told orhlaMlf tad la hit ow. kttdwritiar Is as toll nrti In I860 iT nI Southern States pmd an ordinance of Moentot. tad appoint to mesI oa Mho dii of Yobroary 180111 XontgomoryMa AU.

At tat Cons vention Jeforiso rii was Shots. Ye-eel- dent. Slope ro at epos takes to raise money. A. aiiU May.

1861. tko Capital of tk t1odsiae was to Bovod Biehmoid. BUIivwoadopudtBtaonitat tb lain of Trtiftrr noiti of rtnou do- oBi fw. uo. aa tea.

100040. did iil sd yold bMa that orationa and tadirMmal flnaa were ostalled to taiM Ties. were oa nll7 printed from tip. and ou common The city OS jjiebond issued notes printed trim a wood-sit. Tho 55414 maebaaiaal rmaees tko Cofedwoay eomaaliad it 04 resort to Lb.

as. of sosteo lukomphio prlatuur p4 it printed It. Ui tad boo from lithographic ttonat miklnc trtoifon Stone old sank diet which had tod their way Into the hand. Of some litkofnpkte astabllshmoat in the South. So prtmiUra aa I ha paarknaa at the.

notes that they wv oatarir sooghs for la the warmu. thee States curl' 011115. Sonic of then rushed Wtihtaf- ton shortly after tie first emission. md en onlrevtsin Sawidasler. named lLaay Iram New York.

wio pplied the obisoen Sd oOeen itatiened ta tad around the pital TitkMorthen publications con- calved the id a ft printIng tae of these notes sod illiac tkem as euriocitiat. With a essay dUkravt kind. as So could priest ka haIIId to New York And cave a printer tAsto. in ardor to set np In typo tad engrave on od Imitations of Ire or six now ol dentlnaIlons from one dollar to ten. via nsT oinas Was for abot fig or seven tkosand note.

Tko demand boetmo so tress that the plates were eleotrotiMd and twenty or tslrQthound espies per day were turned out. These were 5510 to ill the Miles at the North by newahayaud newodealer As the reblIlos ptocraaaad lb. ioidiar in the army looad this. notes poorly printed a. thei were.

more potent In procuring sun- pllce of farm prodace. chickens sIn. from theoolorod nooplo than our own currency. In laet. that.

war many paivoaa In lbs South ao wo ld not iak any other. A. tenuenea a proftssorf must. Qoon U. Brun.

lIving at tisnta QorttwhUe naming through new York on hi way home procured from IS. newsboys a sop- ply of the tao-ensUe not. with a view of lettlac up bettor tmitatioBa. On hla arrIval at Atlanta ho made tnuremaat with W. IL Teller formerly from Hartford.

Conoj a ptyin toUar or oLma in the Bank of Puts. at Atlaaua to precut. a battar imitation of th lam notes. which tatboctaphad sal printed at Riohmoad and aied by ill the banks Us the South. This bush ofleer.

having a knowl- edgo of whit sates wet. used had no difiemlty in oaktng a selection sad tapplrinc 15. ptofaaaor. as hs was ossally called. with tie necessary land.

ho sass him to New York to procure Imitations of BOB uma. Alter a wau ho was to procure baa. when a teataatlyd rnnd and ha not been heard of i Ib im a money was alas printed the moat deviraW. kinds. The protestor wit quit.

a soetabi. patios. who could adapt kiaaaalf simet any eireuoatane 54 ratcvina' to a a Hartkara bora stan. he sought out a prism Aston tad made a contract with him for engraving tad print- iDf 10. Sa SO and 100 notes and bond.

A dematt of secured the oanaaaae mBt 05 tko work la a low wish the saa-atallea was reed and at- reniements wade to pay for the ptltaoe of the prtpting on the dellrery of the workThe profesetr proesred a Urto trunk. with a false bottom and pocked what ropeseanted aesely two aulliaaa of doUara ia tkia moaar and latt Nw Turk ab th Uttac part September. 4802. He passed through our linei it ndaeta As and susoesded In retehiachome in about two week time i salali sonvetung tk a tao-attailaa into th kaadaof kia friend Toilet In the bank at Atlanta. A faw cioaibi aitorward cousin- stable tetiTity vii manifested by oaeol tho promineat links In CharjMtoa C.

Bank ol o5Ghartestou or Bank of booth Oar. oltna to dsoivav Iron which batik at Atlanta. tiaoma. they had reoived soms- thini over a quarter of a million dollars Ii VMTIUSS ooiyiauira Sousa. The act oomld not bo directly tneed and the guilty party orotpod.

Tbta will probably th ant istunatlon to any of thee. parti who war directly intsrested la tan transseilo of the US. soorco whtnee they received their had mousy. Prom that time forward there wit a lam amount of those iimUo uad. They won advrtiasd in tb Morthora papers to aold at tires oa oa a dollar.

and million of these were printed tad fold. Thoaazt spring 1863. the professor tftia appeared In New York applied with an tbaadaaoo of toad Attar ha had boaa la the city aom tkrae weeks Aeton toot htm and compelled a settlement of tk haliios of his unpaid tint. Bricnwairery relaottattoietUo. but trader tho siicumstanc.

he deemed It boat to do to. At aboat thu period ponoa were froaaeotly tent to led Latayetis and other prisons Son oxpraaainc any dia- loyal sesstzaest tad an enemy at that time could easily ness. con- tiderabls- trosble to a person by char- iat- SI. with After tereral rraUloai effort. on the part the Professor to acau proooro Ito.

Acton an additional supply of laa-aimila of new not of the so-salad CoaMertey ho caused out of revenge. letter. to be sent throarb snob stories that they would likely S. captured by our loreee. to the affect that Aeton was making toauaa not lot tb Confederate QeTarBaancaadhoeaaaed hi arrest and detention unfit the true Mate of the matter dteooTered.

The Prolcsor huaielf was then immediately attested tad held for sesto time. Aljer while wa aUOmi4 sold la fiiitleiphitbyB Uphtm. who had a itota oaChonaat itreoLBear Yurth That raapufaatarad Sn Maw York warn moat upeaor name in every way Uka the tennis Lam amounts were oaod La baying eottoa ia all part of tb Southern State laiAofataaiB of 1883 the Confederate. ateat Ii Korope. Mr.

Spenco ordered a qaanUr ol thee. noIse and they waraaaat to aim. Bat SwimS to the ix- ooixinx Op I oomosttcT allowed th dnlt on him for their Tain 0. 5. returned vapaid.

There eaaot aaaeearauaatiiaatoof the amcaatofthia money which wa printed I. New York or Philadelphia darlat- she three yea' for it was federally eelS by the thoesand plesco tad it was printed tad misSed panic wanted It. 1514 Acton' story. as told byhlmielL added. la oMTmatioa.

that fc had foot' it Uoel prests run In Ou those notes. tie and to thip a torn postal every Lay They were purchased by bank. at Atlanta sad haslaetosf also- by business arm to lie. Xork. who saud tbaea wherewith to pineS.

ootiAa it the South. Amanctb ina mentiased ware sackect. Belch. Co. Tho notes wart printed on wttor- mashed ppr The musdealers did a treat bossiest in them.

Aotoa vii liberated frost lent Lalayette. a aUeced. in aa BM tire 5 pabua psliv. Ms PaM uaamlSteklud taiDnltedfitate Mtrshai pi Now York and lb. Cabtaei effl- sen at wtahiactea were aware of the nature of his transaction.

tad win willing to allow him taooatiaaotheniaamoleeted tnrertdadkodid sot mali than too saSh. tortkitoaaoojk witkdrowkidTertio- manti ran the smospers. The moulvi tor intl saitof ooaaiTtaeo was that A. Confederate States micht ho lalarod by the renmeat tatl is. a ue et the Asiucti baaatal CoMreea.

aad It wu considered ltiau laaa5 of inilcilsi danum a Blats wit whisk we were at war. that tecritarriSlantoa was aware of his tra UoB tham. Uuedtoaltth throe coat on lb. ere wen other oa fiaeee oome In Pklla- Uoatoa. was th frost third I.

one-half ol all thoCqoifedoraMmoaey alias eooalsted of tlis5 Jfanhatn eouterfeiu. Hotumaelt aad made aoM thas a million of dollar prolt. all stint wu throwa away on the took taarkek Whoa lb. kiatortisi okaraetor aod dacalls of these revitadosi are osaldared it suit be oonfoee4 that the death St tIm poor miner has insights. tuhl a very rftr Mon.

A now Dtatrtt Directory for 1879 of Mamnda Oujtra Costa. San Matoo Santa Clan. Santa Baa BiIto tad Moo. teray OounUm hu Jut been published by L. MMaKeaab It Ueladee th aamaa of all raeidetZwiU sketches of tie giBer.

eatdu aadthwnatnd a promlasat tea. tar. of th DiVctory It tilt me 550 names of alt rsidel Uad-ewaera Is the terec ooint4 flamed with the number of aero held by oaeh and their yoevoOoo ad- BOtB at tat. The eaVeifi aaVa Ho WHY HE LED. Tbo myoteviosa dippenaee of Hood Uitop leaviir behind him a wit.

tad two babe to whom a was devotedly attacked a. dtaDd to tb Onosicuu of ysewday. formed an totenttiar topit of foaver- patio. tmoar lass. slam of total mystery which oavuloe th affair Sanding additional attnatioa to tab.

toes. At to when AUtaaaU detectives do not pretend to ttyj their knowledge of him tad with 34 tad 4U of February. at tStenmeato. With lb. latter date th trail become.

a bln4 on and the dtap- pazaiee Is as complete thoah the eartk aid opened and walloeed ip tk ma. A reporter OS the Vuoncu ooavirred ret- terdey with Ciptaia Lee and auo with oLceri Be Slid Ayers wk are detailed to witch the movement the bvuk men. tad found that they scoffed at ISO Ides of there beIng anythIng like violence to IS. tSairbat have dotnllhy tattled In their ova mud that It a clear esoo 05 derentloa I hi lamity a ALrteni part. Mr Blaton.

sesmeanled by MeCullourh. Ue tar. ram bler waited soon Captain Lees yesterday forenoon anti that official live th follow tug th nnjtol hi osvereUon with firm. combined with the lufertastlon healed tnmoffleon Baad Aveton Mr. tad llrf.

lotoe lived upon a place owned by the latter at ITIIYiU. wtuta wu worth torn 10400 OB 12000 The kaakaad kad vtgsged It to nearly two-third. its value a ed to KoTember last key disposed of tt. ktviar. after paying tome debt about 3000 rsmaliuu with which they nerved to to ta bay had hut a a in Berkeley a.

it weal peevd it wit byoad tkeiBuaeaadl powor to do Ult. tot the ree. that soeldas. It apptan that on lbs Rh of lut December AIM. went to Sacremon with Uo 83000 wtfoa aaoaey ia kia makes.

tetter vd ken mm Chief el Pollep of that olty show Uat duriar kit visit than rambled sway between 1800 and 1900 of Ui money. Ms wens homo and told hi wife to order lo aocoont Ion sot havIng tk stoav that had he. 55. oail oeh oa the Vail boat rbortlr after leaving San trasciteo Sail metf iaak Fix ley. who vii aa old friend and had placed ho money to III htadj.

with the re- uaeet that he plae It In Saab and hold thsustisoutaf deBoaitaabieelata hie de mind. Ihto It disproved by Mr. rlaley who informed oLoere Bee and Ayevs that didn't know and never bid known dl. ton and had ne'er received ssr neon pm of money. Tha theory of the detective.

i that AlMon and hi family same to isa rraneneo to buy a home ib oatuvn that had 3000 of her soosey with which to do to. and will knowing that bwaiomieoohort of that mount felt aekamed to toll hi wif that had rambled It away. and tb leetInt was a strong Uat willis to do aayUiac rather than oosfem hiiweakaee and ohortcom- logo he resolved to utrieatt hlmsW iron Uo dilemma by auaano tat rAvnr Aadfleelnc. aod with Ala obtest In view proceeded to Berkeley on Sunday last. lb.

trip being Intended to dwrt suspicion from th etl purpose ta view. Be nr hi 11. tosunscea 1511800 was oaf. in bank. sd told her that be had between 200 and 300 is eels in hi.

pocket. alas a check Sot 581. which latter ho showed her. After his leaving born. on Sondti morning hU wifai knowltdr of hi movement ends.

Metlulloogh tall the officer that Alsion Paste to him and borrowed 300. clvi. kia pot. as seounity. U.

subsequently took MoCillough to tke bank where he cashed hicheekier 691 and paid 150oathe note. Afterwards iitia sought MoCul- that needed money a mmodttidhTmand atVaot alltf ea Men him nao This 1 MeCulIoughe story the poll. officer To Mr. Aliton. however he paId when hs went to her with her watch a few days alter her hobaida disappearunee.

thtt her husband bad lot all his money and hit watch and th amount of the note he held nnblinc. alter S. Soft bar on January Slit. MoGul- CuUosh tried to proads Mrs. Alstou to leer th city and pretended not In know in what den Aliton had lost her money.

Omscrs Mae and Ayers potitirely inared Mr Aliton that they had certain knowledge that her huband had been pauaaiv A Soajon. Taken on Sunday arteraooa 15. 21 mt. ui I aucjv 5055 slits sunS as oacrumanw. It Is now repr ntBd that word ba been receIved from Ssvatnesito that bs rambled appear to hay.

denied their entire knowledge of Alscon morm ati la this city tram MoCuJleach who taaart that having ben well acquasnled with tk stIssing man. sad having leaned of th dutreaaia treumataoea ia which tk latter left ki family' went taa man horn he knew held Alitons watch la payment of gin- bunt debt represented Mr Alston' onhappy condition. and that taa watch was her private properly when raadUr handed it ever and Melulloh restored it to Mrs. Alston ado teleirIDbing her father to come to her. Contain Lee.

disbelIeves that ilito mot with say troablo at Mo. Gailoughs hands or through Sh. tattnq that I oa of tk tins. Mr Alttoa scouts th idea thtt her ha- basil i a gambler or that voluntarily deserted her. He was a rood and scud 50550.

hi dtapoeitloB being store ate. donate tkaa that at the svenuge man. eh sir. ho never played card. at all.

a not a dnnking man sad whatever may Saw. becomeofhimbe never ia hi right mind dtierted her with a ire weeks old bib. pennilou In a strings city. One of the sir- eumitaae that moat strongly militates agaInst the eorrectoeee of ran DsTicrlvIa Tixozy Ii that Mr. Aliton left with hi wife his manuscript book of poems which so had intended to have published In this eity.

A eommunicatwa ba been received at this oLe. from MeColionrh in which he says a tar repeating the story furnished above by officer 0. Saturday when the note became due. I foust I. wui aibalnc and I called ea SOs wit.

to ate IT I 051 tad where S. had coa and whea IkraHhrr tale and alao earned what ha had done on his was to the city ii Sacramento. I it sum soactadod teal ha bad nrt bu wife and gone to Sc. foreic oovatry for S. wit gwatobuyiowelcna or Aneseiran gold.

to the anoint of stasy Isadrd dollara. lid I sin. dlscvired that he was thiac bete road as. He only married his elf to get what Uttle aha poesusped i ho to kits. to be one of the.

lisa who ire nod of a high life aid who dsped thou vile eunulnc and kncwledce of bviaaa satin. toaulateiB theai tbrevch life. la re- aid to hi. wile who. I Reid in.

wu imrted. ealr thnaah a feeUac ef aratpkthy lor her Meitloa wu I aazluae ta hel her all I ecnld. I found out where he had lift his watch la pltdjre snd wu more than three daiitapamadlBC the puttee rtori It to her. ART NOTES. What tk TarloeuLwoal ArtS.

AN IXIBC Among th recent eoeeslods to our local arttstis talent I Coulter a marine painter. who blooigs in San Franc lioo bat ass lived abroad for 15. put three years pox suIng hi s004les la Beliium tad other part of northern Europe. Ho brings back with him a portfolio fall of sketch. and one or two tea pictures nearly completed.

Oa of the which Intends to hire ready for the Ezhibitloo. I a vIew off the 04 of Deuiaarh with the issUe of El. sinus In tho distanes. It a bright and breu eavas. with a lnmlnoo.

atmoe- shore tad th easy motion tad peculiar color of the see. whore It shallows to. ward the land Mr. Coulter I full of ass. 51510.

sad willIng to work hard and scientiosaly to schlve sieses. Toby Rosenthal I mauding th few weeks before he tear for Parti fa vortrnlt- painting. Mo has on hi easel the portrait of a young lady nearly tauhad. which will show his talent in this pssal hue of art. It I strong and accurate showing futility in sliina tad transferriag to tanya trait Of penoaal ehtntr seen In th lace.

Tho Tojotti hive Scsi too buy ou their work for the Hopklu Souse to do mach la 15. line so pure art. Their latest effort I a small. tad eqaally ehatOIerIMIS portrait of Mr. Hopbine who i represeutsd Is a sitting SCIStOSe.

They hays alto surly earn pleted a small sopy of the Ophelia which ha. a genII. exprmalon of the fu. aad yes aad in varieoi ways more Twl UliBB kaaaa ExklMUoa plecnrs pearly ready. Though lot a large canvas.

It to oa of the Itrcett has evev painted ind no. difficult than hi ordinary work in tho creator Bam her of cur and tk effort have them all- In motion. It rep- yesent. reran sesiants both sexes cost- log over lbs brow cc a hill trots whisk they eateh a tluaneo of Ross. sad St.

Peter on the 5510. Theehureh and roof of the 151 Ins outlined against a soS Italian in act. Tier i a leader fooUnc la tho iky. sitS licht bathes tk ldscupe aa fiio penou tout to petticipain la thigoutlo Tm Uill has been carefully lsbratiis al oool gray landinep. riew os howards ruash at Is.

Mat. baa also la hand oxesllent length portrait of his danghtara. lb. feee being admirably don tho drapery riots and tho nUtudu Steam win ozoibU a losesoese swims iotaro aad hi oyprof toraatia Moatorey. with irises.

rspresatiag th loaidiu of ih list toe. A aVawfj nakla Bam Th lasgeat bUai boat yet buIlt hero wit lasached yesterday tram the head of street wharf. Bk. wu bent for Finns BeUtraaao. Her dinasslona art follow.

Lantthof kl83fotatBohei oautdo depth of keel. 10 inch ln th TrlIMIot6lBbi boom lufeet lacbaa bol let. Sb spreads ISO yard of esvas is bar niainlaik and 86 yard la Set Jib. la memory of the day ih vu hristened th tfewral Uospe WataMeta To-day there will be trial of speed S. tween lb.

aawkoatUe host psdor Ik naM add tk fni ruruac traai VtU tret wh oolock i Tho mire-ed ma. who COM away froat boo. to visit 1. ssacies has Af in5 tovm Tisul Ua to orrv AND TRI661E8. The Shooting Match at Milbrae.

SOME INTERESTING CONTESTS. TaoWariaalPriJuCaniaiOfftyla A A Wv Maa Attaav IA. Craek. Iht lbs plceoa-fhootlnr gives aaderth aa pice of th California tab took place tt UUbra yesterday. Ifwus well affair reftectiar midSt on the Club ad giving taUelaotie to all pat- ttelpaau a.

well as epeetator Tko day was raverabls for the sport and th grouidz In rood condition. The arrasi emento wee th beet ever mad. for match In th State. A stand was built for lids. and ssema.

Testes were erected to keep ISO crowd ck from the seer. sod they wee kop bank leasing the ikooten undisturbed. lasids the ionan veto boa the foe tho ann- tlemaatt5 and th outra. frees 550 load- room to tht score wu rtarded by faaoo OB aata aide. MJOIIIna this was a lo4iac ro BV provIdsd with astanltio hozeeead sober aesesisods- lions for.

IS. ooatatteat These kola were numbered. ah belng awttoed kb box and number la th order of shooting by masts. iota. Tko SO aad 190 veto.

bean- dart. wen chatty ladiaataj by liaea at red lac cute the gronadi. sd 40 yards tho 100 thji tB beyond yard. bonpdary vu another line of flaaxwithia whlchaeene Su allowed to Ire a tun net tka ma. at a eeor Ibis to ket OB tko jusl lia of outside sklrInher and preYoat dupatet tad proved IXCILLIIT IttMXSHUT.

Tbeeouteft was fharacteriied by Ih but of toeltnc. There wet ie wraarlnic ordiapBtlac tb deeiatoaa el tb lodge. tad in nothinc to mat the plessun. of too day. One and all present agreed that they had sever enjoyed a mor plessnnt days Port tad th reutletne.

from oat. side the etix were tree la aekvowledfnaat of tk ooBrtooaa IreauneBt tier had re- wived. Mot of th prlieo. as was aetIci- pled were carried off by men from Baa Yrinciieo who were more experienced In kind of ofshootiog than the Others. ettiU envy a a aobr at press.

They were iiilally uafereuaso Is getting hard bird stisng teller which. though riialed. carried ISO cbugi oat of bounds. and two-third of ebb. fallinr td out of bound.

were scored cramps th ontvy membera. Th Santa Rare Cth a reprsentailvea a qilee. swattemassly tri of good hot were epeeeslty un- fortunato la losing badly hit bird E. A. Robert of Crass Valley who proved a rood.

steady shot. alto loot one bud which tail dead IBM outside th boundary and twa badly eripuled cot away. La shooting off ISO tie ifurnotS of the Spots Rosa team the only out of the three who oor entitled him so participate. did son. brilliant work.

killiac hi thro pair. nakl aad left eurtenac Urely bud I. alaahisg sirS. J. is.

Bnoa tk wevs- eniatlTe at tb Polpria Glib. proved has- self a steady reliable sbeese it nan bird and very else tire at doubles kUltac BIB OBI of flic pair and winaiac the tlf hln pnaaacainata Sold of nine sboi- inc at hi. laat pair at alt. OS tko three peered tcauiat him in lb. aiocl shooting two were en pled one of which he night htTeretnered bat for it beiac nthteaed Jut a it wu alichtiac la front the crowd by ths diseharns of a gun within bounds.

lie made claim toy a new bird bat oa cc. count of hi mskln efforts to retrieve Usq bird subsequent to the torbiddea ihol tad alighting within bounds after that the claim was disallowed. tna uuLw or vu ssooveso Was a complete opeetling of the calculation TOtirthn probable vIctors preceding the match. The vsteran oneS psamo slots. incladinc oh.

champion BobinaeB. had to content themfelTes with lafenor priee and th ant arise was carried off by a man who had aerer beea thoatht of ia eopaea- effeetiTO ihootfnf. Altheach tho Timor dot. not belong to any picoon ahaotiac dab and seldom participate in It. showed that poeteseed th needy nerve.

rood locirmeul tad quick sorority to cope with th most skIhId tad experienced trip- ihootor. Grillcndcs tUhinfoni fatling back to tiled plan was dae to his mistake ladmaint of a bud wsish dropped bssid. th trap as soon as it was spring and alighted an instant or the chirr pid. died it The bird not being on thswth. 15 5005154 a.

a miss. Most of the Iris round of birds wet. easy but after that they wet. srsrr and swifter and were in the mala a good lot. Th preliminary arrangements for the match were completed by the choice of St.

AaltaadMWUaoa ujadcaa. a C. Cad- ma se referee. 3. W.

Uastjatu a. seer. lade Charlie SlIcer and 1. Murray as losdini Judge. and Rie a.

tripper. Th eontertisti war lor ooartaieaet dIvided into three squads of ten men each. tin. oh the hit scaid trine tour minds each and then gIving way to tb second seaad who I. turn were follawed by th thud.

Th birds were placed In three plungO trap th shooter being Ignorsat which oat vu to 5. sprung. Everything being In readines. forth. match.

Critteadaa Robinaoa made a View appropriate remark. on behalf of the California Glob sayIng that they hoped by this tournament to prove that the sport of a a sport patroaiied tad pertielpated in by th sentry and nobility of Europe wu a re- fpoetabla one and could S. conducted honorably ken when gentlemen took it in hand. The Ub met them ho. and tacit upon a common plans of rood ltlowuhso tad th mutual later 01 true sportsmen.

11 extended a cordial welcome So the. was had costs from place outsIde of the oity. and loped that the asoouation would prove so pleasant that it memories would vr llictr with them. The shooter wet. then called sp and the Ins con of the tournament wu Bred at 10 o'clock sharp Seonta Tows.

SeSl of lb. uua dub. was the flops mis at the scoro. Us soc a quartering bird and missed it. II II.

Havens ot the urn cleft got a similar bud tad tlao messed C. IL GaSton got an In-dyer. which was blown to atoms within oix feet OS lb. maul. of his gun.

Th rest of tho to. aad followed Is laocoanoa. each killIng hi bird. VIZ ICOZI Tells stery of the shooting In detail 00. Towaatad 0 1111111111 10 HHBaTeu 1 1 1 U- O11OO1O11 iiiiiHr ooioioiio- 11000000 01011101 ooiiiioo 10OOO1 III" Si lb arrsagtneclts were to uoalleat that the matih prorrwed much fatter than witiateadad.

The uurnuncnt proper was ended by 3 o'clock. and contrary general ezpotetioa it was found practicable to shoot off the tie. IS. sans. day.

By the terms of the tourney tie. were shot Of at three pair of dtablt bird Mem Vat- key tad Uanrlgau having tied with a tleaa Sent. at the tinale their match at rtaee tor the ant avis. crested mush lotsest. Ker- ruaa was tavonito with bolting seeo bus th event showed that their judgment was not rood.

Tko followlox wit the re sill of the trot tie takev 10 4 fl' 85054 Ut laakey. Karritaa. Kemraa. Motor It tiapoesible to tikl ppoatat again did wi shoot at hla third Then CritteadeB Eoblo aad B. B.

Zadd shot off their to as Sallow 10 til 4 ihoottnc off of ho remaining ties up all th attsiooo. a turd and booting off being tsequesuy sane. Tk took birth tary. The roralt rummad op 1 as follow i ntpriwVf. Mask.

21 John Kerrina RI. Vrleudeo Robinson 4th. K. H. 5144 I SIn Oeo.

W. Downey eihMttl fuller 7th. Oeo Towaeendi is. 500 BU IL Spencer 1051 0. W.

W. Boeb llih. Woks 12th A. M. ThoTBOi 18ihJrBAl opj 14iaaRia- bharpt ti J.

lIeuaetts 17U. 3. M. Burnout 18ikTkomu Vat- lust Ifttk. A.

Rberuo 2055. Joka Stack. A lam utstbe of taortimea romtlaed atiboberoatoea-ailo hloaso last night to as hand for to-day's iport. ohaotlnc will be nacwed Skis moraine. Three priie a Ioedtngrij.

and tw a 1 otainc implement receIved from ta burn. coataet day wiU 5. devoted to pool ikootiir tad tae i too let sot plaetar In tho 510 01 tey will be pot up ft. lo alt aataat to ihoot far. tad real 01 the A rwwiaaol ale.

lhloiid Maiotr a on. individual appareled ia th etsians. of a Trtaeh marina with a tri tub about 55. with. who torture.

will tk muit at ii. Sinai-organ. was arrested last 5101 by oLcer Psckiapa en Ktany taad ckarred with mudemeaaar ia herring. Edotard was nle4tromca lody. bail biag sivee for him wkil hi sisatrantal Wflpre wa rtAUM.

ATHLETIC 8PMTS. Tk tzbibttioaof atkuti sport. orta tTdty at tk Keerouloa Onaad vu tiriy artoadwd. about TOO spectata betig prweat tweaty-tw aaaaejaood evrata sad cue or two ImprovIsed ones wet. eta uotlltat.

Ai am shendaiso of toutahle pncTjaaikadb BnrikatdtBwmia rates rovtratar IS. ooadaotof east event bad boo Ttrydoafly laid down there was no room hr any iiiadriiaid nc. tad tene ootaried. Th feds. or all tbeeventa wenAaaiwW Foroaa 8r and iEaadenoai rofano.

Jseid rConarj plaster AFriaa api tamerUK Brows aid they fended to promptly aad sash sseeedis eve. was tailed to reid- laxly that eh. whole dews apart witkoat beta at all named av drear or a auaat and wa oaola4 by A o'clock to afternoon. Ttlrnoairttwamhaa dred yardi rio lor kitk then wt ilx a- trie ta tr pria. of an Arab rmokiat set wu vary baadeisely we.

hi B. B- Jeaeo of the Oeas Gusset US as ft seconds. 5. p. OUaon at thIsdeess dab wen the ttaad priw ia the qaiti mazzh.

it. BtikSJ 1 tko Saa Inns- taao likes dub doing torn very Btntr Isea Int priae bol tha ieayef4t ra eke7 ad L. jXUnaiot th OeeMeat CrttkM Oubmeacaresi 4 feet5lsches- tyra woa the slam. tad eisner milraeta6 a 1 imatj. Ollr atria rtk thnwiaa.

leer wen trom CiledoiiB Cltb tadUo tth irma th Ulynspie. A. MiLoaeta tad Ocred Paul both of tk toner oil. was Iris sad osead pnaa rn.OssiiveLy.- MsLeaaa staklat lb wndiaww tbrew 7 lot half aa iaeh. aad Paal 63 ft aid a Such.

C. B. Brown of lbs Otrmpit mil a runoing Sons lump ot 18's leet CS Brho winning tk mltrtlMeua and M. f. La drange th su.

elal Jumped eet and 9 laeke winiest a at of tad the JOO ycrdf htadietB raeo vu raiily a by Is J. KUJroar to 10 8 ecends. R. 8. Haley wtniiuc roeoad Brit tf MeIntyra sea the mile race and a Ohernesaste lalel A.

LIt. Hlrwui th ban Franmoo Lacto. dab threw htball 99 feetQ toeBewiapiaratearf- plaaad IL LhIott thtMapIt Leaf hub threw It 63 10 Inched wlgaing a curd- thy. Tha 210 yarda kaadioaB rup. was wsn by Uafay aaratoh la 3 A wends Tho bronte dot.

wets awarded ta Stile los wining th oat-ail bicycle raet to the anooaneod time 014 minutia second. Mr. Settle feeling that the Ii. had een Itieofveetlv aaiouoeed to. atdla 3I49.

W. llonkiaa woa tb bass. 11 Unwuc match. Unwiac the nil the splenoid distance of 110 yardi and feet. Tho one milt rise tad 15.

irii cop were won by P. Mclatth In Lt3 A. W. J. OOauacv out Uo keavy WMcht tie pomadi leet 3V teak hot 7.

A. MeLesaaa pet It 84 155 and 20 inches. William Blair won boy100- yard tact In 13 2- teooadi. Wlnzow second. To.

yard hurdle rat. wIts 10 ntyrt tcritehj ruhton kit heels. 211. Shereti threw the eneknotll 86S lest aad L. J.

Kilroar 84 leer. D. A. Fonman woa II. hole 7 Soot 11 laahea.

erKktn yard rues was wen by J. RillOiX Ig 17 5 ecoad with C. Pordascond. Naoatotormforth100- trd roe. consolation stakes Jades Sta- lerioa an Pore.

and Referee O'Connor ran oso. Sander. winning I. 12 5 sea- oada. A Enntg Ilatoh At Uo eoacluioa ol the port held at eereatioa Ore and yeeterday.

a miles. connected with theatrical profeselo. offered to nines an amateur athlttt who would run aay amateur la California for a trphy worth 1000. Neo of tk mess- ar reatlemi. oo tk local olah teeJmg cLsioat oajdsc la Umaelva 150 challenge Arehit MeComh ta profsutonsj raaaer.

took in th rauntlat la defense of Oahlorslan pedestzsasism. Tk parti mat at th Lash ktoee lass night sd arrsntod a staach wieS traspte4 that th amateur ia Kiar Medley a member of the Baldwin Theater tonpany and a recent arrival Tom Assralia Tb event ha. esaaed outi a Ur BBCI tk soetias frater- aity. a. MeComa thasag tk iasspaeahts of California tad has ttpirtboaa to ho sills of Champion of America.

Sines isti arrival bare Iledley baa challenged loadiop amateur athletes to vanisu trial. 01 agility. withoat RIGHTS OF A TENANT. Sot 1051. by a Ia a ty.

la.nadertaa- decision la theltunicipal Court of Appeals in the case of Adaai who sued to recover a peculiar claim for mean 1 rent. Jade Trades maintained ortai point. tovarninc tho riahta of ten- atiofceaaraltetaTaft. Thoplaintli at will benmembendwai tht proprietor of a harbor ihot- en Dupost tbeet. seer Market tad sub-leased a portion of lb.

bulldja to isle. Quigley. who kept a store stocked with a eiai cood ipeeially Is- wiling theeaitemofladiet. KxbeiviUaia a ooadaet I well known. It gained publicity thnuch th pro tad proeecaslon.

In the Poll. Court. taaomaeh that the locality wit uaraatind asrigoewuply by ladieaaad resseetablo people rtaerally a a plato. stricken district. Mr.

Qulgleys business Immsdital deollaed from a prosperous patronag. to no trad at all. and tha was compelled to abandon bu lesaq and retreat Irons th odlo. nsighbenioosL Bibs is- leased the premises at a erectly reduced rats end sued to recover Iron Sirs. Quigley tAo d8ei ncy a it Scm due.

on her leaao tor lvo mouths. Os. of Bibs's troBt points was that ho warn sot rospones. St. tsr the damacinc offaeta of hi moral show.

Scm ho did us tnthorue th aewtptptn to ejpoee th anessne. tad brins the locality into diireputo but the Coart id nt eoualder this point worthy of discoision. Th evxleno vi. Meat that plaintiff did create tb nulssa. sad was by hi ewe act responsible for the scandal that ruIned the trade of defendant.

Plaisul had used that dlendant no. stained on th pramiaea Myeral month alter th. nuisance was Ins exposed Is tk Kpra. Is eoasldena thIs point th art remarked that defendant wit not called soon to leave premises oa which ah Slid upended lane lumi of money Is order to render them St tad eoveaiseO Ion the purpoee of her bum. until th hid become SaZIaS4 that the Injury was s.nsln.- inc tad likely to be permanent perbape not intil the had learned that th aauaao was eased by th acts of tho landlord himself and 51 by Sal.

reports palsuIstoS do him mon. wrog va thaa IIThSIL Tk knowledge th tat tk port of tho plaintiff elving ii. to th reoori did not ooaotothe knowledge of dsfndaalintll long alt. Ih publicity tad tad within such ruaoaablo time thereafter aa the etreumataaeee permitted ah left IB premises and refused to pay th nut. 8 tloa 1932.

subdivislo 2. of the Civil Code I an tpitta the law on the subject applicable to the at WIthout segilgsne or fault on lbs part of defendant. aid throoeb In. wvegfsl sets of pUiatilt Uo material tndeemat of defendants hiring th premie had nani to zit. there vu So law us tTi tioaaad thereafter th prim.

lies bream. Bt Ion tk psrpee for which they had been hind and ooatiaoaaoo sa them would have been ducraeeiul to say octal pains of view useless for buals. senses. and pot demanded by any pits. slpls of law.

Jidrment was rendered for dofssdas with her sees. THE COUNTY MIL Yel r4aya CawdlUw og' itre ta ThtDt la tk County Jail wenwhlte- washed yesterday and their ghastly Is- stats. allowed la bsthm a 11111. exersla. to tbtapptr corridor.

The Jail held 330 Orion yesterday. Th met of making a hole hi order of th Supervisors la oell 40 for ventlletiot asd light ha. retailed tarrenwdiaromotiwoUB. Cell 401 en ho lower corridor is uS. northeast corner tad is tertottly dark aad the lr sbtalaed by.

lbs inmates was through IA. wicket tad two two Is Oho have i Tytoa men have boa iir ooiaiBoa By kaea IB tk eases waM. now i lever iav tome to light bet Kdwarti Roach IB tad Oaths were Mricfcea yaeterUy i asoolsotie fit Iki it timo to us. Jail tad tk tool them. Tie maa Hay Mel wit fever.

is la a meat entieal oditis aad 1 dtUnoaa. There I pal Hula hop of hit recovery sad hit death is dally expected. Koala itroTiTiar an also Joha and Chart O'Brien. latter of whom rul- feting with a eomitieauos disease. aad.

as Stsself stats will aat Pnhaaly no. pove the us. OS hit limb Tka sceesme. datloni for these ia valid ale wholly toraf- Bcitak th patients being pypylded sot tram with a pillaw. sad must nseds lay a com ma.

paths. ow an lies trtmo. with so aheetia aid only a blanked tar us- snag. Rudo ire th aeeoaimodatioaj invalids. they stated Uaaualret.

no- terrotUpoMiblttan froa tho maa-aano aad Uo Jailer C. Baacaa. a Mac sbowi Ih prepared for km repctos iatimated to captain Oaaa tkai eel did tot rulttimtl all. Tkooalyatppy tad ansossernod srlsenu to jail Ii a line dog. under rplsitn Ih ttatoo prison.

vu teat tkutheg tram ta li Court tad la to remain tyoUayt letter. ovid pom eedioasns baa be a footed. fl. dot hi allowed to toes aboat totboiau. A mule.

and dssmoIm- eatsetsiemial will given to merr vcamr. at Onad Opera Hoot undei the aatp ML EHATttt Mr. Bafi of BaknrftM a Hew Jafllfgian. ITS PuTra OF PBHWtfUS BatruaferthAftamotitttiaHotltk Ud a Uit af 6 Tb Teatha Dtnatory. lilT Hw ar4ttncma tearUattea already knwet tlmoct taraaskoat tko wbolo TJtloa at boo ho.

and tateuireaoa Sinai ro- ported by obanttabs. Baa rmaataeaaj fo dwtttat obildrca of aay tofcao or ktadnd. Atta khbtofr eatcraraU ainolp of idvIos front reaeroo taikadtitt to aW pests of esuntry. Boo. of the Metes-a kawhtobtki advise I warded aaotaiat So most woadcrftlly sstiested sat inpla tehemt for tbe tospraj aa4t tf nal tiltaim of hl.d..i aay asabsu yasib.

aar maa of sooth. A propoatttoaJaMreoatvwdPr tb Wreetory to ooaVr tatmfdjf. tot tatr is tart. otoat way of fdisncelag of sauniSor lbo nds of todlcaat ywatb but a itsewlss tevesilsi tzaainuise of aw aad remarkably toreaiou tekott of tat ratio lib fromtawImatB. Bamfard.

a well maaalarmrmoraf Kim eeeatn. Ul State wart 5. a hi le Mite Sods- sum. Is alt a wtO-edaoited ass. Mr Rinfard is somaesdahlj tlfetattna lbs born psoste who have eeitrlheOed fn raetroettooa.

Is ibis baa karetotan mon. tfsted a working Interest I. the promeuw of ebjecfi ot tho Toatht' Diractory. hg srovtding ecmfsrtakl plaits to kiiacUk bonbeod for several your maple tor- wards. to mtreat Ut tnatjtwtiow and eves tile letter treat Jaataitae nten4i prondiBC for this aw deal.

which trail will be rrttaaatr senewed. i a i cam ry to a bnef iketeh ot ftr. bw iei ia rdraxwkxlk awtdttwia TI. aauaaw. Of watch tken I reaaaa to Sector.

that Mrf Rumford Is htauelf the lveater epd par- apt tho patentee ud of vaith tatn to a doubt that CaUforaJor-aad BsksniMd. ra misty at that hat ooroMattat ar of beta tb CMW is of be ass HTtty. La his Sacs. Mr. BaaiteTdaaj a we proeuMtottveuaogthaiVl work Ut oa tbaret otvottarj or bouritoluor glti 05 a teejfcrtabi thus.

lad tb oat tuaatopraveraad Imam IteakaW il we 4 th. IIII MI aa N. wna us. I he ta lb. liasly aa use 1 a aBUy rmeIotIls I tdacatiooil alvantages.

tad they raw ta tort they will be tdmMd ant daav Mr. Raien4 todwe a priatod copy el Uo Cveaaat Scal-aUeraiiaai Came seetty. 515 I a ten gtaeeat el tk tanata aw faith. Th ptwablo el lb. oortnaat sets ntth that wktrai tbd persona ortaaiaiarUo oomaaaitr wwh ta crow mess ssirssual.

mor Into th tora eeextitlaa maaifeat by Jesus wkva apai salts. sad tahlist ktaudoca A. to long locally prayed Uerufen Ua pledge utnutlyet to tterinot AU viisu or cm Lad an their Individual and esliertly. poo aeaawa aad the fruit shear loll. to thai end.

They ate to live as Soother. andn ten to a eomuIty home. Tkrr ass to pat all Ueir poesloai cadet' tb. of tbreo Tneten. Mr.

Ramsoed ha4 S. pe peeulatfj Sappy la evolvIng a motkao lor th salami. of tkee Trots. tkatwUj aboolttaly tofaro thou perteeOoo. flop are to be chosen after a psychoinetilo road- lactfUeehanctenof alt themamben UfimUaa.

Tk theeioe-ieat reporter tat to when thIs matter wa rfurtd d. all. a dlhgeat monk threesh all knows booki of rsterepcs from Smiths Ready Reckonpi telhe Amriota Ea fopodla ka keen ssablt to aiiam what pyohoosery Is. However. Uke tk boy suiting hi.

nUkera kne. wa a ksiwlai witt tb bolt. were. told a qo- lionin biddtr that 15. boils wet.

rooj for a hone hi her had thorn thia re porter doe. net dbt that peyckoBMfr would psea eat a swlsadid trusts. every ties. Still Mr. Kaeae0.

la af a iniy ttUiaed with pyosostetry and if pay a Is dtssatlsled with a txutss laleeteoTby Its pntiOBtBd ante six steath trial al lb. traateathe diaaatiafaoitoa still exi taaar other payakaatnal. nlicwa to. Si. aatar slall eeue freaa a sew mdlac.

betwatwrawraf thecom Urack it ought to settle say differ- isrtsty or uaearthiy bat Taaa provides. a kind ot hedge anchor that ISis miraculous machinery should baa. pta to stair A vis. Thaa. tto dlavato attled ky mortal metkod astttrnda TI.

plan for Ih toad act of tie oommaahyt bat to it as limp it it attic. Ta Trot- tee bay. merely to tsanct it to Ua end that God stay gIndd Bach luaiattatoBwrforat assdiae to all- dreoeiT aeoidist to nesaMzy It delIghtful know that bookkeeper will that sit treat al lout tkat porUoa ef tha country. for the eoreaaat declare that so account shall kept. Tian baaka and miaiac rorportttoa would ashy Mops this rule an laToctinUoa mIght they pee- nbly trrtr at tome tpproiaatt Hra of th itate of their tlaln.

The rioulBtra- an ate divided tat. three elm. The Int cira ererrthlna they bar sad mak to 110 omstuaily end reesv too. and odciac. boeedtnorteehetnofdeoedaBM tsoave aothing hack Is.

tsccst ar thoaa who splrt4 erewik 1 not yet siutu vigemis. It attec rebstIos pyehatry ensosnes ties aot 5114 to iato the Int 115. their property la returaed 5. them. ThUirdaluiompdofthoM who lire sears from th oommaalty.

bat believe la It. doetrInas tad oarraipoad with It and a last daily average tilaat r. woald Btaparato Ik acth day. This would ne appear a IrTtrtowabt harsh id it had set fostac on been averted we mist live at cab bala ta th lower love until as ana tad daagbtre of 04 we are prepared Mr a. kicker geanutloe.

Tkl la ssrtaiuly sffring an irrsIsUbli teoptlsg prrauum to become a wa or dtacbter of Ood. a. the eu may be. with all dispatch. To taabl theeotta dwtaaoo dettreu of letntnc tka ommnlty to bar.

seousisicalLy St their iratlabiUty. the. tatsomaea ar cir lea can sdmitiM to push elaa a perehoasaic exuniaatuos of your auto' uSa sontalned in rear halt or writIng iMloeod atty Isdlsaio. What a bald- leaded mis who usuet write hi to do thai Taaat do 4 ma. AathaCoaaoiaaiw mews to sos.

and daughter. of Ood. ft lope. to able to ttoorb itt th tadlreat yoata ci youths that tTtr go to Uo in roetory THE MAZATLAII MURDER. Co fwaaMm kl Lima Tnartax Prom a pa en 555 Jawlara Sam.

Mamuan tad Ireai pio af the TnseisZm. reform Pepsi of whheh lee. GLTalada whowu a ta IS. sighs of Ua 2755 ultimo was editor IS. tUowiac paxticuinin It.

sas- eerlng th sasianliois I Tb. aesassle. 801. altar tommtttiar tk deed ld amos tko Plan. to the flaW ItsiUda where Overnoz4 cnd wee ttappiaav.

It vu reported 155 aat Immediately- hi univ. th erar esess to bus and aid. IB aa aadanaaia. eiL Ur To wkiaa heaaiwerdIt to doao3 Tao belief wu tuertl that ka wu hqst by th aT rawr to esasstnaso Ttitdot. Bay BO paaa atve biding tBr a isa army.

Thither a wu followed 6 excited eroed. who stoned th wlad wks tho Galenal sad th Oswamer ipaieiorpraauaad to 000 on. jo awoaaiurth with Solano OTeraeraadaui Unpopular xruemut tot treat and Uo Ualrac etna tcaiatt his tk imppeaoii tnatiaxor murder 101 tka kotaiaad went to tk booM Cotoaet enrages Spanish to th Mz lw4byua jttcBorlb tat Uaenwd. Ultw enVaua and wooad- tag awvoral. la tk raia IB4 Sievernar 14 to i two day tearaey from Miaatlaa.

At Met. oaa dai Item Muatlta ho tpt a the ulgtt of Ik28taaa4 gtlesa from wUbm soiss of these portMulan ass rsed a erupted Ue euto moo. with is. 55. Soon Ielst ruarded bj taldlera.

Ka siuttiman pressind to matla aad maicd Uen twvtnl Lisa Semis psttars steamer. ax oUac less mm Coliaeaa. Os three nair day. the ttac amved ttem Slata hat Uyowaro no ttt from Guliasu. us von.

counsel. tor at Hot A oaprof Tor listed Jut before the milinr tf tk teaeasi stated taq ilsauril Loiatkad a td la arise Oovaraor 554. and that tso thetkoaUeaa of UaCruaiaat OaartwoaM oclatratlwai Toaoro Tko Board of Eectie Commitmioaerf buaoUled J1 boil ualtAsd and th following spse1lidvepr to apply at Bee- Istrul Klaa tmoa a or bo LC airt. to verity fitu rwbtratio rnk wfwai that they- may S. oaiatod to vet.

as ur May to. i Tkoo tka did nat toaa reaeral Leetlo tsniishel 517 at the Judicial ele4ea0ta 171771 tbot whoa name. wet net en the wail rwiattn seed ii the CaaitUa pU Coo- I rcrio SiLS. JOXA ctLo. 2.

i 1 Vdcck. 7rK XLU SZ DOLLARSWORR trwr 11 ad Cu1s14 b1i1s tiIi S4 LdI fls. bt4Ii. ssli S. L.

Ass XEaTLTEL LHLGV- rr. A Fr4 S11ai 1OS41b 4MI 4:20 IDAY TII. Vv1ts 45 1 1Ja t1' DftfZ P. 1 Lpstr4alL zAsa Thkl CiLZTtTUtIIP CCMPLtT. 2 bi4z IL Iu1tL sd I.

I flO JstktY 35ui. Tir TLM h.vyMs.w- 1 1LPMp 1bfl4i1S UILtLa4s iKh 4MV. Ifl. tbzia. 6sP Ga 4.

fIU S. cu rtIM Ad rl tdat id th eoII. S. I 4 1 ltZMflIII N1ItlL Jrat bId vIwiyjag s4 IMa LZI Ou 4 Iar b. I SjI tIs ThI.

fr. Is MIS. III1 I. a i rdI. lIo.

rgir 0 Lu niu a UXARD LI11 TIXfiP aIIS 1 lb. I ISIId SlIl fr. S. I4Ia 160 Il vD jiwu lIl. JEW Toll.

4122 aIaIMwt 12 4. lAbpt k19 4. a MIl. IS 4. lbIIl 4431154 WLILIIAT bl YLI 07 PL8ACE.

1O 0 SIl wylu Ili O. 5100 sIsw4tu I. hill. 112. g14.

i 4ueo kIla 5 Illorabl. If IS 4 oTT l. roiss. ll loIS lkt. 5 Mid of oMg SI I 1I Aotssp pad utbor p1j id ta Mo4nsosi port I 1 lb.

zi1t4iJlClLTC. sL sewl Atzstls ew zis. isd TheouJ UMI5 thosj 5ssstn ls. 5 a oppIIe4II. llAMD IMISI.

ETEAMSUIP Tzj PoVTU PrsdTL liT1i 15007 briotut yy AID L4 K. Il IlLs4ts. witk is cdSSltAalld AisIls. Isa. s4 14 lS IlUlCISIMlllI105Il.

IlL L1kle. A IL ZL EXVE CITV asb or 2L5Il Ss. r'0 Erswu I 7. 0kIT1411Mtgosjii. LM1ICAU SAIL t.

Ce. MzIrlIuT ILIIILICILT 1 04. Ibn psS o4 1 bSrissws tyatL L1541s. I. sy ssd Thf4L 2.

lcUAkb PlMgII AVIIL5 501415 llssqo 5Ss 7i5LkE 0. 55115. OS OYITI3no. XU2T102 4 Iii. ISh1 4lis j5zt51 lls Iloss tho st4y SI.

IllU 54 lol4 ITIISSIl l15Slstk I Si rIlIl Sh. 4 Jrks fr. Sb415Tha d4l15SLI PSIk. sSnI. b.

Mbt4 4th bo lI4 5ss 1455. Sj5 Oolt A40055 IIl4snd I. bo ris4 5 84. 54 4 5 5 4570 Ts 4 si.4.I 4S I. Isp 5saIs s4 I IS.

li 1L4aM. 451Sjfla 4 5 5141 514155 IlUV5 155. SIosi 4. 55 I. I54.

5. 554 SI 5 4 5IS11sLM5 br. tr5. Is5t55V44. 1s55i5.

4Ims. JzuAl4zLLoI I mii0P ZXT1ZT1oi 13zlj tIIS5SlS5SIssuItlSwd r1 aa STsSI5s pIl5 5. 1tIwIl 45 SI. 14. 55 455 5 555sld1Awd aS47Il4SI5m4.

15 114 5 lI5555 I441. 55554 50554 la c1AM. sPIS5. IltIlrS555d5bSlII 145. 0.

10. 14 b.t F4Il55SItIM ia 551 rIS SIIIS55l. 54 s14Qttc I. 0554 I. 104 55s55 5.

l0055s4 5 :4 frpe 9U U555 5. I- Islbt s0 751755. Sl05sU 0551. PINNET co 5 LI. Totta 55054 4.

l4m Il 54I55Il14 4J4 4. 141 54 II. 1514 5o. or 54 1451 5sIi. 15.

SrXisY IG5155sb1d4olINlr UkSpl1Vl4440S tIb 5. DDLtAW tX. W5M l5s 1 sa ts 5lsso 44. SIaJ ll0. 1dIsp 5541k55 I.

1 III'S. I i 0 4. 4 I I. tuItsS T555- 0Lr4tXXtT4c I 1w ttas v3rToRTii 1sbs P4aawr 5 104 oh. IpU55lMIll5 FlwPadIlI I I- I 4 I I IvI 1I JwT1 5fj o1j)4 I 0.

Je gf 7 tth. I VOLXYX. SAN FBACISCO CAL. SUIthAY YEBUUABY 23 1879 i a I tur I XiIli eW PThnNrLth T5. aow1cLibavtoa 5.

hr. too It u1 ori eo410ll IuItITl After 0lZ 155 i41 tbs vcrtheutcoriserofBllh42dKssrz1 as hi SILIOSTIli ersetods 5 I 511551o4 5. 15. ths fti iko 15. del ISV II 5514 5.

pr usr. ni 555 15. Ii OOt 4 bsdqsata S. 1 IS. PrSsi.

S. ho 1ro osrlyeunpletdulik axayoyrssad odr roymaeafa 5 is. of lb. CzeoyicLs I lL 515 lb. 5.

ibwosiiusprInd entledentiralyfteanow 5. 15. 5114 5 I itab the lb. 54 dovi lb. the I.

and sd nnor th. te enreitauniform is 501sI 5OV vat ISo best materials. tp 5 IndssIg Ot 0 I I. a t5. il It.

15. tk. to tho ho 1 ho 5 be OS a a. Tb. Ii enginoond 1 ifioff.

Sr. pporti it aad 5. of i 514. sew tb isall I hoop. IS.

iIo4g 5. win alp. ho belkhesde4mr i ero 1s The butn a 15. eerie otIS. botiding.

Ii will 111 i 1 si4. lb. C. a ty Tb. seoa Coos SOIL Thientirs ro.

lb. T5 pestS. the derIgnedwits earead wtt Tislis. St 55. plo7nd.

tk. lois will be the sitrosm 55o be ISt are. tb a of Tbo 550 1t is. be I 4 Las 1 of a. Theitoreetypiug TOtS 11 I.

peon. the So of 1 455. Srister eu moseisy pf limo Lips IST1IUUUT. 4fl Musetdbr boll. ortIn ousIs.

wisntfl be seed boom. ho be 1raiebtssUprtaofsjsJlIdlngby C- iusa. IolIktooInmSLaglajlta eatywo e1mne. willS. S.

the suiytbo lamIl bit iSo wpspwooIbFul5scost. Tb. etua ej ahioery Sw the 5ghz pM SpesZltis ps per w. I PerbdbvsndtbosvsrlmoniZ xns ur in s. jab.

1edk modle will ldisai I oertmisaLism4. a ollLltwlU theimbiysitiefao. is 2ot1 I Twa eno be Ze5. tb. lhoiWnsboetlLk lobe bo ler 1 bio of 15.

47. it. 5nol Tb. ill. pr.

ot. Li. Sn. in be be SI. tbvttubIs srn4oflO erflndor long COsut STor Sbo Iav15.

LII SaInts' to the the ofYebrnnrilth tbfsta sf151 IS. be to IS. 515th sd wais thtlocalitywss the tbq tIe 01 rout- 15. mIesio. 0.

It was oembev last. the I I MeebsntcPsilten ernie. of. the eityinthat WreIn BavMr the tan dysi or Beoto hs been the ii. thrive the no.

sad the I or 51. Sal made. the I the mm P. I KickS. neon.

Tbis th. I eves I. tO. Tn ol the serviees no 5. I the ofthe 1 Ward.

I. lb. eberoh ii thatalt ous 15. ur b. exist.

I. the Bubopoettinc la lbs bao 71 lb. Sb. olden. trimwhh territoryisIsken.

5. It. lb. is memboru Tb. I afth.

astho Is I Saints. it is I I so the the 5. th. th sold oftO. AdeunlIn 5.

115 aCtIDI is Ii ho as loll. be Dash. lbo. IL lb. p-i Sr his peefboowitb Badgri eM pomo aratldlOio On.

of-lb. 1 to 55555 ISo caIIiit the thee. 1 lb. St lb. OF ssunAasn 514 tbo BtakCoamlnlosers completed the 5.

the the The act lb. preeuI and 5 14 reipn 15. IsItir befog iS. rncb baviots and jesn Society. Odd ytIws Stying.

Bask. Macon. Savings as hr. to Foisob tas ea the DamS of Mod w. iseetv4 o5 eszroefio 155 lye bukeaentlosd Stat.

sass. 0 lb. Rho reesplealauco tbeetalisisesotb. 04 78 1 bmodshsss4 sleek. sag 5138146300 55s 53aO6fUOl bilh as a Lsaieailes.t-caesmoveiot rese I24.

elbn IlablIstles labilitia kU6882S. Ass ti olavtogI Zul C- lnai a0 real at. 510mj7037 taveslad I tess l6006 and l4j9O4o. mossy 55412375414 5 sivi hesS. 6305OB otaw asseu ldlttbT 141 np 4488210 riser' LaId.

I da. dlpsetterl 178SBI. I FGLITI4L PInEW Iyssstgttioi Cha S.r-flo. at the 15. uTs- iSo Pr ldest ofth.

ho of thu mans- flee. ocerenees mart a wv eta Its It. leaderehip go tho ITt blaiory stun' Is md lb. its ill oilS. the china-before In- 5.

In- OOLDU LOS Itvaafrlend1acttotbopart 01 Do his lt it. listitItowhat wnyof the the cape- hanging are soharmandsboc1desahownIob. so. we that InvestIgation clear the wa. Tb.

of scorer. inationotheacculerdeslguedas tbe7satd. 10 SlOW 11551 UWCWSI wsi conceits WiLl him in prepenng the char which they was. ro lb. true 1.

thes spirit the andthtunstod thitIt anyof the witnesses lb. tion. rod. be lb. 15.

char ppersth beartofPreeidttEearney hi. a faluou II. soaneing over ha Ohs nowy I be 15. 01 Tb. or the charges a soy sot needing S.

was less. be could get mosey roe- thst purses. 51 05 him. What a failing down was thor. I Mo deli hted tho It.

the If or is ha boseaiydard notmeet tb ho 0 ortn ig enemies the TSeBpnblican ftr a. xrssd at all their mtings there I. bet oae wind IS. and toil in a bellied byelctaonthia mnaiiae. Is the popularery I thoTrotLllvetb i th Ceatral Club alas.

oh. week Qoand the of escheedldate the intemotot ne tho impatatisa it I. the spirItof thmasoraoflbeBa Is 5. 151 kandssfthloeaI the elsa maim. ers ceentytommttts lb.

poautf hi. lie betfl Is. sever been Is vor with to Ibo Sterstary lb. Se pavist oh. eMbe Lb.

macsec. by Id in esle. ho seeosngesseepam 1501101pflAT. IH. lb.

Sass. eaotae 5. 5. IS. Bgpebijcaaaatyeondsut Ms IS.

andidailtbarpadvaiy word II Rty bo Jaaqpinluba Tseobacsn 5 a4 i sseeeslo 55. Tbeesar. Is as hhaLSa1QoinTilh li ge4 sn a asdemiaadlng that lb. i. IA.

trdtedlbROnd aresrmaai ia-55li sot. 551 is attbs 0 bays- So roe. sort hit bees thwesk 5 lb. I bvtb. BabIiwoi sbpw ta Its 1 ohM se ii Lb.

Os so g. oh. e. the they are die to Jsng. bL lawliApril thsealO Itwit.

ho ndseine IS. avis- 01 oh. bavehot 5. treeS. 15.

sls to lb. Is 15 momut be the is pots. will 5. the is. lb it mitts.

il Jdc Fermi ha 5 orkisgiaen ofehis rity lb. I 155 recesS Inter- a. a Chinese Part Ibe 1 on- vLre the the is hi. for tI as out so CbarleoSounsg the I neted so iteM Sot the County Clerbhmn Rrnotag btmseU disclaim say desir. for I he I I be bail I forOovernor.

I I the I the I I Li I I 15 side Is stronrest man I reason of his perional popalarity sad hi. having barn r0bed ot the oLe. by a patti- I isa decision ot th Ilonib is. the face of hIs sian ota bench oftiomocralil lawyer. in trov.boor Woodi of the the II te oeetionsnd bpo J.

0. the lismocrats nowdemand thattbezr 5. Do 5 p550. In the prtmeof Si the 1. the or tnesobet St lb.

Diitniol wlthontdistlno- ion politic. So within. bar the the said PubllcAdmintstiator. clerk Potts a of toe th s. Lb.

Baserofi Co. I dii- solutloo ofthe beef I I I of be doe several the tb. has 114 his ettorth as the be flck and are iu5.UI- ale. ow the ansi polniwser. the the the the lb.

his Jot. the the selects he Sea 0. 150 ntrsd St ti. beofiha proCtiand the 15014 of Sb. be tbs 5k.

wes Toss aaeso rth smoet I sh. efiea Rb. osdertbe the moriesi trait. 555 Wa. booth.

by lb. waSl 000. F. foznishherwifl take about 125O01t. a.

that ti satIre sect will be sbus 150000. dIet proisat di- She Bana1noVlotoria. as a cot- esali. Yesosrday. to wkhwblek Ibe-balluslat 70 peep an.

lbs S. to. taken was SAtin hanainglromka ttaseulfttheartk the sc the Frnassoo. Sandtsxwas I. ins vicinity es.

Faire no. be dzep lb. yeia JEll 1 3L 1 Death boConter- WiTh. Tb. esh sei 44u was- a palates-Ifs tks wit 5 aoitsrf5Ltiat tho tb.

Is slatsd rtu. wbichaceordlig the Says a he dona. andsitar Bac foflowsi mISdO several gatee onjthe 1861. at Bawls wet. of I lii to Slits wet.

ndept4 anthoneing the issue of7rvorirynoteiofvanoni nominations 585110. 820. 6O100roJ So scare. siIyct besesis 000500toae gas- of note. nub titus si.

primit5vewo. garly oflhecn Sr. and Capital with Northern idqi as TOTtMO aewoboys and the colored 00Db who wo14 ak. Georgia. whlle ala ay1ng bolter thtiar wet.

usedby oaer 5. tiers In 20. 50 0ti0 esesmanceisoha ofth. anftlassodollarin thiamoasy about the ol l0 reachIng hone. the.

the bands of hI on. 5. of5outh Theactcosidnotbdirectlytraeed act be the oi ptie. hi the So eta 0 a Afterkehadba oomithree the Brim warn very rileotant to settlo bestodso Atabostthiaperlodpsrona In with disloyalty. 5mW of at.

notes 5ore noses lb. Government. and he cauad fo S. disap- Pird has sine. and a tiila4slphia by 8.

on vi seas ew ork I lb. wet. peat pooled 71 H. thi draltou val an accusal. estimal.

1 aonnOf this was PbiladelphIsdsrjng tent orernlir bytb 1 las. he rinsIng ski Irma Amost tho ntis ho it ha troesImodves IeanaI Stekies and thu Catted Scales 14 coatinse them soleted 5rvided ho did Me Ski seas. is wIthdrew his adv.rt- fresa to gireIackc of lii. ss000i I. printed.

IA. Mntli ha4 extertesiadtka assigoah sad seandam 5th. 1055 Bovolutlaary Qovernmist acts. Coatlneastat Cowesosud liwas a lsuitilL apa Aecj Pel4r' truaetjone aM Mihem. Ther.

thero en. 0 4lsMa. ma lie ot tht ct that of lie Smash badmadw esacrdiJtarJ ma DIirIIlDIreetOZY IOT1879 to N. MeKean5y IA. an.

s. reeIdeit4 with eat cities sad liwal. and the gy i. 1WHY NEhED. ISvecsry babeeto S.

Ike I 15. lbs tao whmalatoa is. lbs ea ho ths oae thsarth be Des who of likovoelenne aSbir. bus o5 hi. samilyos At the as tho result 01 hI.

5 iseera Bed and is SI 100000812000. Aa efIt- debts. it semi to. hew tie hosbsnd5 be ta it reMed hermies the ho 1800 his Lb. ha qeile asiPsash Pizley a band tie do- ha Ii hi.

sb. be he be was some 1900 short amoast. fettaskasned blawfs ha 550 an hi. weakness mov And Seeing. 4 vi.

tbereal 1 give hI. 359L 51 his alto tb his chock Icr 3150 on th ho louiS aeserted he bdlysndwohdlike iii bewould return bus the 150. promising to pay tOo entire 300 I. a few day. thereafter.

MoGultoogh asoonemodated bin and bat not be alleges. since. Is watcit. lbs us so as. rpneesuisd has away some BlO I agtib sovsrtgn daring his ls5 visit theis.

Tb. polio. hero movements 05. lbs the hi. S.

to a siewaspa hi he I. on. lb. Mgi. the Is be hI.

Sit. asa luSh On MrAlston leftwith hI. has aItar the mistS toelfI a. lbeerdhevOsieoudstolearsid whatbi hadessrted Si hsOus Is bay oerlgn fet a. thiag bet a Ihadofa 05 to Ill gard we pled data IS peraunding lb.

varliosl the Is Francisco SI. On. these hs is ISo is Is the heteavesfor Parlilo Si. Ii ofprnonal tb. I.

Hsphenowbo is eoinpletsd 5. greeetal sd phedne Virgil Williamohas as lsisoseofbelargeet ho bis numbeT douses IA. to several of Tb. shunS Is 5k the as4 ssllil1 Si. vi H.

SS picture. hi. the ISo pet head. we area. LenctA keel.

83 fOOl 0 Inches I Iaehest length a holsldleet. She l5oyazd. ofJno cbs 15. a bcasthe IA. Ba.

IA. Si. 4aM. rtal rO atree1 wharfis 12 Sin ma Principal Film carmli by tam Win-Labs- under tbO asipless the tockplaroas and the ainogemenis the IS. woreereeted bsrkfrtm leashes lb.

lath. gwdolbta ami each- lc.dhaswroeis- bones aad simbanis 515 sOaad togi beyondth. aotherline which so ono was seers. harp eff 115 Tb. easiest 5 the or the lb.

1410 sport. tb. the the sh4 dull1 ambma we. birds. Os doad th.

Tb. trIo sbota. bIrds. lass the gotawa ties. whoo mars kill Ala thee.

riahtaad the the sins. birds ianotofbvepajrand winntagthotjghth onto. lust a wthot is tatpalr slngi. thptle botfer Iii ichs.oed juatasitwas allghtlnulsfrontefthacvowd 5 Ueaadslaim huton him It. BobS.

to1 Iso effonirahooUngAlthoightrthviet It he he the the SI. diodit Tbebirnot the The wereooinpltd AlIt and if. Wits. as 3dte ma. indse.

Tb. she 55. Tb. trips. lb.

th. waa Sb. Interest Me its lii cal un Gun The quad St. IA. TowsuaL0ll 111111110-10 lilL4aowj10l1011011J14.

4. CUCatto11uO1lOU10u1 7 I ii I111 1I I C. ft 1D1e 5 C. isadaIL1 0 5 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1- 0 io5iasa100l1 1100101- LATulcrlOOl0009iOQ is. Telle111101110111 OW.

40 Johuiuel11111 00101 10- 0 JohuRetet aa111111111 12 RatcUddis00i1O1101l1t Jilass4. 11011111011-0 s. isar0o1201lo110 O.Aobl.- 111301111111-1 TVatlesallOlOlol 1101- I. H. taks.

i 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 11-1 LAotsrta101110011110 0 IL on 10110111111- wr 010111010- LLtbippIe1111100000g.o I. HBaraoL01 1001111191- 5 JMSosos110111110110 0 was intended. nd birds. MssarLMsa- is So K. the the to- tiel issik 10 01 4 4 111114 10 11 tie SI.

didlnoi ku pap tie. Ibtes J1 10 6 iaAJ 4 The uS. tj First pvlto- f. I U. I 5th.

MaSt. I kntIer Coo. I 0 Rochei lltbB is Thom lSihJLAlaopj 14th C. ILin- dilL tkJ 16th 1. I 1015.

Thomas K. at ISo Seventeen So I rsewesl Sw. see I a. East isle 1 I eo.teoeaati the daywill poishsotlng Mdeesatsaeq Xoaie. 1 15.

IS. street. sad 1 relesseg from ted SI. td TI. a WI.

014. Csnd ai 550 mmaesso. S15mo TeoberIlay Tb. of vts yeseerday lbs tslylyttsdsd T5e tweits-tSaaeosee4 asia paaa ls bad bees dlatrtbstedls 51414 td. 1 very IeaIl log.

TAs Ibe 551t. we Lsasew 8 5. Randersen 5 isv A. I5rini. doses C.

B. esy- 4 wlthsut sever fei wMeoacIndsg the IvPeeontcat was a Son. dredynids ilsi. lonwblO thcnwptoil tripe. and tie Inst waveey BJsn th lbs l.

I Ba wenesu rat. pItching aad iuabIogwooo4. 1. ii. miss 5lk eso Y.

LsUraagof ens Olympe Uab prialaed lbs oonsid. ibl elevatlo oI 6 foot and a quatsar an4 vu awarded the of a 14sf hand. Uermaln of the is. sass eaatsre As tth a leapeld toes 0 isiS. and vhs OotldoulCotcsq PM the wila vu.

Is 55 2 UI svs for ls he sad lbs the of IS. nniaes oS eli andhalfanjsbaaPanl Isohes. tbs P. SW the feet lachee. atuds.

00 ysrdijandtcsp you 6 P. nacegid in 2:10 IL IrwIn tie the bali feet 6 theses wining a scarf- pin. and of the Maple it serasch' 25 boon B. he ci 4 51 sisted a ho ball 2 pits. at 34 laeAs the boys' 100.

24 hard. each 5 sect lasses lIst. was we. a a. io.

Jasu C. Isad sesead. The 000- yurd hndjcep rue. wit won by U. Woodotaatdalln 1:17 2 P.M- Lttrs cricket ball 85 andLZKil ariileet.

Dicneman Uth I Ta. 14 seeodj yard aol Lrvsagsd. theonoluoioaol spent. the Grandjwterdaj lbs an amatsarjn ibs far Si. is.

the The parties lit. I tAo I ing ho quit. the sit she the ssc. gi Deaam Lm4. lord' Depowelty.

55. Erb 1 anti 01 gietsl Interest. Bib. be remsmbered was ciaesf reodipeiahty thcsstom oflathen. 00 Ii the as all be the detciency.

as lb. the Courtdld TI. IA. 5 hi. acti thspramlaessevralaonihsaltsz lb.

paperu. tea Lourt abs lanesums abs p.rmaaeno-p.rbap. tAo antennas WiSe oftb. 5 1 oh. ii the reponiq tb.

and- injury I ho tao the Be. 510 is of sass. tie evictlosand the ho be. Tatrdarn 1 ii. 5.

Tb. sells were vblto. a. the user aII IS. Is overcrowdIng anmo isv sell.

40 Is darkaMafl air S. it. ma. to I with It. These bat a short Ia.

air upset iS se ayes with sadie Is I rnsviu h. Iatt is of hs uotpyshably fl isvsiide lb. pill. sasoa. tb.

aoceo. eiattoas lb. eell ODiaeflthat tA. seI4 nit him at flonlj happy ISo TA. ths Jus- 51.

been Ia As tail yI CoespOlgi WesoLl. So morrow 5th. asphees of tha Workiacasenc Pasty 2 calstornis for the purpee. of tslsls faa4s Is data7 Lb. travlsg expestee 55 rrseldent Sisal Kearny In hi.

eapaa 5uolirsih ho A wnI arrer thient iil4irls0. 1TL Ratee4 ata3J Eyoaee ma tb. Preandia aE alt14y nd Iaj yeyt14 lab 15 nsfO. TSo YsstioDtre5y To. aid smise Is as almectlhroughout tkebolstlsIei a few dtltamhlldre sWtslgs.

MflcbisisIsfreqweatru1iftoce1p4 the In walsh ScM is tsIa as4eier. 1 an of ow as propesIti. Just p5554 by the kdobtylitepesttag. aooli saobooi them. es lbs ssowansl vatica.

IIIfrsomIsaaaB1epfop1 wellesalsg 14m of In this as it. eeo ala. of fr 5. oSthoWeetaotthoToothajllrcisry his ahh. 50.

14. te apllssiu tsr two steen. issi 5. show a. isn.

esSec4 So be freququtiy It wilt be secesenry rye ICIoAtch SIT Ofwhl5 tie Is via. Wr bspathoputIntaoandofhIel5twaIese Kern did ho as. tsa eus cud MamiM is V. have esuabod Int' a esisesinily 5. are.

tlcatlyltessIauhaWJeus sad we vial 4 eeeabds55oberotwe5asy a hsvaaiadl ery. isac sad weesa 4 a rlIglcs ess a. I4. wio wetd esther ese. Cod the.

lid in ii bias. ma 5. en dud. 5 eat ahe me onso an Is es Is oesmap 4 5 visa. we prop.

teSs. em b4. p5s lagonshazdIeo ing fegS the ad eu Use a. prees sad bapreresene. II is 5141st SM ees stI eeestb14 SobopeswaMUswerkweudaeseaes a.

5veIeso aM a en equally ea5 tAsYwIIlWIdBl4W5M1Xcises. a cc lb. Ii Sq tonetaoftheawlaIsl The onanism 555 evb go0 55. the 5 for theg cs5 psiou. sod ste.

Tb ptall Tryst. Il lb. aL atteolitol Ins of tho character St the mimbesi 4 the Ort elass. wit knowujiocks tothAmorlsen Lacy- ha. i.

saseslala SI. bar. whg. sae the sus Al. boris tbaatki.

to. eseireSy eu selected by trusses th. ini an- psyahesesrissrsiges name. aMes nidia bce Iwo secr of- the qemminuty nts to b. settled by mob through a thictoatip submtuin tbatr magnetIsm So a eInIst.

Ts us sutsider Ibm feels em I ho sevuae If Pinto thdhtohaeodbylbs he eondet bust- es simple Tie I. sets be eaeassiaist Is to erfsr Its and receive ii to 5. attest tkaipniss fths 5. em ea theotatsef theirslslr. so Irntyivsevecytbtns tao hay.

p5. beedr sr to balsa of deeedoaua arethoso Is tsslsto Ta. tssto uia. I. oapssed aS lAce.

II lbs aadeotresps4 d. ef pray. Ws noO essraie tie esu during 155 an eel- Islesta lb. sosaasd 5 her Tbie a. eaje thee.

at 5 at. gives b. ass dose sad Ai 515 Ccost ho be tie zipssad aslas sad a of sad. fremeplesof tie who wan addltleoal lbs LA. almost en hIs ike Oowerar 0 andssldsaaaundettess W5lbew Iil Tswhhukeaaswered Iilsdoue.

su hevulo the doves. Valades I and it was spartod ibat elao bad I 554 thai Coned. had pM or premised bia 5or Jb Mesa wise IS. aesetag tb Ovemr Sodag ISo pepular to be sa lbs she best and Ii. ho.

ef tAo Maui- uris h. by as ho window. tAo lied Ins. am stan sever. 15.

eeAa tbj Oulicaa do 115 lSta and 010 ptsl is. soIdkrsJSbs vs. thi do. of sbs ezseslns anceeiv atvtvs4rtes stairs IsgaMota. Aeapyeftas Tmaetote.pus- uaillnyef 55.

Colas had Eeatst IA. aS 01st bulsses ibi Ontealsal benee4 Os try kima Tos has notiBed ill bebi. toyariiythW sed ii. wepa tIe SI 5. Iff 5 siestA.

OettOe IT. lvii vi ConsthtMpal vutlos sleetica of Jan. 10 1575 I 5145 that have chaated taetv raiosse mu. tao genmal eiseoa 1 2527 su aoselat eleciass ofA33..

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