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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 8

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A4M flier Yl VY Colorado Legislature Counted Upon to Ratify Amend tf mem I 7 GOVERNORS HOLD OUT 4 Executives Decline to1 Summon Special Sessions fiL for Action FAt Sperlal by teases Wire to Tk Cknmlcle PrM arista er finnilAnt fht tti IVIahJIm tltla mKmmlm will IV amendment thus making twenty two atatea to take this action There are aeven Governors of full Suffrage states At of Whom are Republicans who decline to laitimoa their Legislatures into apeclal teuton for the purpose of ratlf lcatton accord ing to eutfraglste The other els In addition to Colorado are fte Got ernori of Washington Oregon Idaho nvvoam Amona ana oKianoms These states have ratified i I WisMaala Jim It avte Bmli Meals aa Jaae 10 rate uuluu 1 gaaaM ae lit rate aaaauneea Oil lya 14i vete liuu 174 Enu slaw Yeifc Jbb lil vete luilBMl avnilMU in IT vete lauu aaaalawie now tae a PeaaarlTaala Jaae vete tWte IM Hesae 1M 44 MaeiaeknaMta Jess tt vete luiU Hesse 1SM7 Tut ini tl vete Saaate aaaalaess lira Ili 10 lewe July fjlvete Seaste aeaalateai Boh se tL 11 Mtaieaii Jely rata saute SH Im Arkaasee Jaly Mi ntt Seaste hm le lT JCoauaa July Mi vete Seaete HO Seaee WWIWPfife IR Guirah Comedy Opens pist Week CHHl KH HK KH SpectacidarMelodramaoIldws iiiiti in niTiiru Bl bLa1A mmummmmmmvm ii 1 1 i i 1 1 fu bBMBI i 1 avilllllfl el ft I BJ I i flniifl wnnntr Hakiuk Awtt St nUL cai MIMMi umM eute II ii TlimnUt biumWi nta nHP ASP RimptUn aavieWt It TK i Ueut til It 17 DUk apUmbr nu aualBMU 1 Oslitwela araWrl Tote net aue II ntl MlttlH 1 Mtjo 2lTOlVWr Hum Tl f1 Monk Dku Seeetten 1 vete Btut Bom MM tl ontt Saktu SmuV 4 ni asul Suf frare leedere art that there are aeyenteen atatea upon which they count to ratlly the Federal auff race TTT TM1 SYMPATHIZERS MrsFletcherHDutton The bndeUeutenantFlrtDu tbivUS trouglrtfroin wrjorktywterday i Conttanza RokAiwn who plays one of the leading parti in Seven Oayi Leave the melodrama coining nest week to the Curran William Courtenay in Oliver Moroscos Civilian Clothes Will Close Satyfday Evening STn Dare Leare the br thrlll in nillltary nayal melodrama which oomea tOthe Curran Theater for the amendment It the Oovemore ofthoeelfea bnln VnextjSanday nig hC atatea will call apeclal eeeelona of lloldi the record for1 all playe of lta type not only In Great Britain and Anitralla but In few York if here It played ever all moothe at the Park Theater to the laraeit andlencea of the aeaaon It lainow playlnf at Sir Henry Irvlnr Theater London where It la rapidly approachlnr Hi third year while eompanlei arepreientlna it In botn uelbourne and Sydney i their tclalatnrea Twelve of theae atatea are Republican Nino hare ranted fall Presidential euf trace to women Tnete aeventeen atatea are arUoei pyiertUe LeaiaUtare XeeaUIeu Oerenwr Caaeeetlnt aereWeaav OereiMt aad It ltrevv vti nH Selavwe Xepeelleu Oerenwriau lafiu tan XSfke Bepitbllou Oerener aal XeeieUtaie leeimae KepeUlema Qeeeraer eai lefUletefe Xeataoky iMnecniUe Oeeeraer aad Letll tase Xtiyli4 Beeieerene Oeretiier aal XectiU tele JaTeeaaa SepaVUeaaj XetiaUtaie Semeentle Oeeeraer 9w laiM Jiqitllliu OmiMI aadileti i lataie ii Hew atexlee BepakUeaa Oeeener a letf Utan Oelihotm BeiaeeretteOeeeraei eat lectala taie1 -Orte lepeilleea OeeeraM eat ualilataie Uwde Iilne aepiMleaa Oeteiaer aa htif letare i -mat Sepiklleaa Oereiaetead tedeUtere Veuiaiiee BeyekUeeaOeeeianvaad Leci Teet ViixiaU keeaUleaa LeiiaUtare aad Oemeoretle OeTeraer Wyemlac aapekUoea lUletr Vae Oer ewr flr Seventeen of the twenty one atatee ratlfylnr did at apeclal aeaaiona IVepubltcana controlled the Xclila tures of elchteen of them and the Democrat three Sevenofthe twen ty one Oorernora Were Democrate and fourteen Republican a Special aeaaiona haye been called for ratification by live Democratlo and nine Republican Ooveruora Including the Governor of Colorado The atatea that hare ranted foil woman auffraca are Wremlat OMtea Celemae atoauaa PUk Xrrrt llake Mw Teik Waahtactea Xieklraa Calltenia Oklaaeau Xaaaaa aeeth Daketa anaa The autea which have sranted Free tdentlal auffrace to women are nuiataViH Xaiu Vakimalu tUaaeaeta 8kMe Iatead Xiaenrl na Saaau lewa WUooaala Teaaaaaee taoiaaa Okie i 1 Accountants Assn to Discuss Income Tax The AccounUBli Aieoclatlon of California at Hameetlnc tonlcht will diacuaa the Income tax law Bereral expertf will explain the yarl ouaanslee of the income tax eiccaa pront and capital latock tax lawa Queatlona will be answered from the iioor inua anorainc every boolc keeper and accountant an onnorini nlty to learn Juat what the Federal liovernment wanta to know Wa employera bualneaa one company will acaln present tt In Canada The American version of thla Walter Howard play centera about a BrltlahArmy whoae invention to de tect underaeaa boata ha been atblen by German spies man and woman This leads to all aorts comollca tlona In true melodramatic atyle and enables the producers to show the run deck of an American cruiser in action with the dlacharg of alx pounders and rapid fire runs and the crew stripped to the waist de atroylna a German boat It also leads to the race for the buoy In the Kncllah channel by the heroine and the German Bin Spectacular effects with great power to thrill follow one another with startling rapidity in Seven Australia and South Africa while Days Leave and the play will be round an interesting contrast to Jhe quieter type of play of today Saturday nights performance will be the last of William Courtenay In young Irlah Araerlcan Major In thdt Oliver Moroscoa wonderful comedy euccess Civilian Clothes fTotRequireraimtsBlameI for Increase lKRTIANbfpr December A Balsley sales manager or the Qta4idard OU Company In this district today conflrmel an announce fnetat ibi the current iasUe of the SUiidard Oil Bulletin to the effect that gasoline sold In Oregon would advance shortly from 1 to 4 cents a gallon Advances ar looked for upon the part of other oil companies It Is gild Consumers of gasoline In this State will have to pay more for their motor fuel than wilt consumers In adjacent atatea because of the fact that by a law enacted by the Oregon i gisia tura nearly two years ago a test dif fering tron requirements of any other Stats is applied jo gaaoune soia oere Freighter Puts Back for Repairs HONOLULU HT JJovember zs correspondence of the Associated Press The Shipping Board freight erfHathaway which called here re cently with a general Cargo while oiCher way from New York to the Far East has put back to Honolulu wth herboner tuoes leaaing oaaiy The Hathaway had gone S00 mllee from Honolulu on her way to Kobe Japan when the leaking tubes rend ered her engines almost uselees She sent out distress calls but latercan celed them and made temporary rer pairs which enabled her to get back to thla Borf The ship will undergo bout I Complete boiler repairs before pro Iceedlng to Kobe Red Cross Asked to Continue Army Work me American Ked Cross has been naked by Secretary of War Baker to continue lta operations with the Army during peace times the same during war according to word that reached Army headquarters here yesterday The War Department wants the Red Croaa to continue to be the connecting link between On Hated men and their families as It was during the war help out In the work for patients and convalescents under tne Meaicai corps and supervising athletics and educational work among hospital patients SpcietyfarjdiCltibWomen and Radicals Present atiPre i Jimlnajlaniihation A Thel ptellmlnay examination of Miss XnltaWhitney radical speaker on a chaff of criminal yndlcallsm arfested a week ago following a ses slon ofj tit Oakland Clvlo Center at which she spoke in rdef lance of po llce orders took place yesterday before Police Judge George Samuels of Oakland The courtroom was crowded iwlth society andf club womenfrlends of Miss Whitney and radicals wh6 had gathered la anticipation fit sensational denouements The examination was without striking feature Mlas Whitney wa represented by AttorneyX B1 Pern berton former District Attorney of Mendocino county with lOall JLaugh ltrj wpraart attorney as associate counaeLI The prosecution was oonJ ducted by Deputy District Attorney WMeSowk -Only a portion of the States case aalnat Miss Whitney was brought tuv ai im pxtinunary i examination rHOECEnoNg DUrVELOPatKNTS The prosecution contented Itself witai developing the fact thati Miss Whitney was a member of the Com munlst Labor Party of California rmJttii i myA ah A mil tended the recent organisation oon muon in uriaar nail at which sixteen delegates from various parts of therSUte appeared to complete party organisation Thetehletvwltneseeej were Keedt aotlna orranliar of th Com munfst Labor Party for the State Ji 1 a aeierate to the convention at present under Indictment on a similar cnarge of criminal ayndl callsm Edward Alverson a member of thevpartyj Edward Condln a newspaper reporter and Police Inspector William Kyle who staged a raid in Lorlng haU in which cer Uln radical literature waa aelsed 1 eea testined that Miss Whitney was a regularly authorised delegate of the Oakland local to the Slate communist party organisation TESTIFIES UNWlLUMflLT Reed declared that she was also a member of the committee on resolutions which reported at that meeting He declared that he gave his testimony Tunwilllngly but had been oroed to appear Waller and Condln substantiated Reeds statements by reiterating portions of his testimony as their own knowledge Alverson refused to testify on the ground that his answers might Incriminate him Attempts by several witnesses to deny connections between tbe State communist party with the national organisation were answered by the prosecution when It placed In evidence a charter issued to the California body In New York Attempts by the defense to shut out documents and papers seised by the police In their raid on the communist party headquarters recently failed when the prosecution showed that Miss Whitneys signature appearedon several of them JUf he conclusion of the evidence submitted by the prosecution Judge Samuels took the matter under ad vleement until Thursday December 11 The defense rested without Introducing any witnesses Julian Alden ffleir Famous Artist Dies NEW YORK December Julian Alden Weir noted artist and president of the National Academy died Jiere today after a long Illness caused by heart trouble Weir was the eon of Robert Weir one of the foremost painters oi his aay lie atuaiea under Qerome at Parla and won honorable mention In tbe Parla salon In 1S81 SKMjHHHBRJsiM BBBBBBBBBBaPiaBBBBBBBBBBBBB taoaalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB Iff aLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH sKf HalBHH BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHriilB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBQBffiiV jft bbbbbbbH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPEHrFa bbbbbbbbB laallRPil ABBBBBBBBBBaWBTnB SBBbM LaaaaaaanVKfSHI bbbbbbbbbV ri jhWsmn BaaaaaaaaaaaaaHb Mft vlfciT tnWSftBaaaaaal bbbbbbbbbbbHC WisrS aHPSaaaHH WHmwtkF mm iaaaaafllMaeHaaflil aaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHlaaaaaaaaaHiBBli BaaaaaaaaaaaHaB MHF iLaRl WWWmmmKm MM aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaHx iSMr dHfielaaaaaaHBBaaaB aBBBBBBBBBaHaaWl IMjaaBBBBBal bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS H6 fMjfWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT IHBBBBaiiBBBBBBBBKl aBBBBBBa pBIF Big fCleveland Storage Bat i tecMrnronptesiltsK Mineag59 ANjdsWblli on of the bright stars of the Wlllard t6rjiga Battery Com panyvof Cleveland has Just arrived tir Sail Franclarb to assume chares of theibeltetrlcali concerns entire Western idlrislon Jwhjch embraces California Oregon Washington Ida hoflTJtah Nevada aid ArllonaVWolf surceeQa ajT ucwge wno nasxn slgndf romt the roinpajy The appointmentof Wolf tothe faM9mecBdi ReacHed llhojigK plumber Is pwej Washington December A Teoord breaklngumnpensiorwas uikvujm TxTwfni nMi i wMvUJvmUitof eiir yar nc 1at ON UIEIJ fCotioPrescn I fon Nai com alnt2peSMerjB fi Officer Who Won Brooklyn Girl Enlisted as Seaman of Second Class high post of Pacinq Coast dlitrlct manager comas inllneof a promotion fr tbe meritorious eervlce he bui performed Ilhca hlaohecf Ion with taev big uieveialKj plant iroc tnq past kfouriveara Wolf hns been In charge Of the companys northern Mi trtct With headquarters In fMinne apolls and tb sucoeas he made thererftade him the loglcat appointee the lirgeTWcatern coestidivialon iWsi lathorougMycorfveraaotlnXhe matters bf WUlaVdT service and pblii Ctes andhe la gslntrto lose no time In bflnglng thenv tbttbe blgheat slanaardln this kectlonfof the coun tryt vDurhng the Jomlng week lie 1 going to make a swlnw of ttheteri I tory togetacquiinUdwlthhlsor ganlsatlon and to explain cwlsat he will expect tronveabh WUfurd bnch and agent In his territory jj Welf la alert and aggressive1 atta lie i plans om big thlngsifor the Coast organisation as soon as he gets permanently settledlle Is jto make BaniKranclscoJils headquarters AUTO MEN MEET AT BAKEnSFIELD BAlt ftRSFittLb December Two hundred automobile dealers delegates to th Slate Automobile Deal 1 era convention which opened here to day together with their famine I rode in a parade through the streets of Bakerafleld this afternoon and later witnessod thai apectA le of a high powered automobile driven over aiClirc Tbe affair waa sts ged by a recen tlon committee as a diversion from business grind and to whet the deal ers interest in the business of the convention which will officially open tomorrow morning when President George naberf elde calls the meeting to order A dance will be the feature of the entertainment tonight Realty Commissioner Soon to Open Office nil wast revealed the annual vanort todav lot the Commissioner of Di lrtma rhn mmfA tS9 tSCSaV flfS to IJ44IT oersona durlna the I Dr Paul Lon a 170 Mather street yeariascompared with 179SJ5J1I Oakland was found dead In bed at to 4IS5 penalonera the year before the Hotel Herald oaEddy street at The largest number of persons ever oclock last right Ha engaged a on the pension roll was v4 in room at the hotel Sunday afternoon 10J aid they Tecelved1ll70JTllrgiVlnsrorders ththewasnotto be roll during the year was J146I the not appear aftert being In the room number Of names removed being I tbirty hours hotel clerks entered the lO ahd thermmberjaddednOhlp room laat nlghtand found the phy 1a4 thj atatea erlth the laraest rOlL rii4j iw i mKmm ri Ijl Jt mm mtmt WmiA VUWI VW BJ beside hlmand the eleotrio light on Death la believed to have neen oue to natural cauaeC DrLanwhotwaa about SO lyearsi old was a member of the Athenlan i Nile CluVj He waa arrested Septem en iin ha i hare of foralnar the BusIriessf or the state dbmpenea names of prominent prsonsto pre of the State Board of Pharmacy said they found his oRlce atlt6Wash ingtbnstreet the namesofl0 Oak landers whlchDt Lanshadfored toprescrlptlon Complaints were filed against Zauns iifMn Lou Templetonr formerly of Sacramento who was his office nurse ana oy cunmu uu there beln 10101 pensioners draw inrtii3o04r -Industrial iwnfe ilhSicAeMncreaseli tlon Insuricer Fund has Increased 100 per cent in the last year accord ing to ngurea just laauea py tne oo portment The aotthati the cldse of the war has sent many soldiers back to peace work has had a bearing on the growth During October 43 Industrial au cldents were reported as against 1I94 I niku ft 1 there were lt7i Industrial accldertts soldier According to JeputyjRoy The average tcmpnBatlbnVDaJdroaavOtths phannaeyvMair woikers IS about 148 i The maximum Templetons huBBana1cpmpiainea inai wnicn canbe paid ia iioJS a week irc lyana exerciaea ior st weexa Arier tnai a aiaaniuty able 4 person mey receive aa much as 1CCB AaiiAaiiAVai ma Dr tans Is survived by a wlfs mbthbrsand sister Mrs Milton LeBal listerr 1114 vThIrd avenue Lieutenant Fletcher II Dutton for more than two years In the service of the United States Navy returned to California yesterday bringing with him the bride he won and married in New York city just before returning home Mrs Dutton was Miss Diana Thomas daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas of Brooklyn During his career in the service Dutton waa promoted from second class seaman to the grade of Junior Lieutenant He enlisted at Ban Pe Am in Anrll 1S17 mnA fnm went to the Navy training school at Indictment Aaainxt Annipolla He waa asalaneJ to the iIHlcnenl ngaiTOl Cruiser Dea Moines which was engaged In convoy work While stationed In New York young Dutton met and won Miss Thomas They became engaged but postponed their wedding until his return to New York from service hi the White sea in the vicinity of Archangel Dutton is a son of Warren Dut ten ranch owner and capitalist of Duttona landing Before entering the service he was a student at the Uni verstly of California He Intends to return to his studies and the young couple will make their home in Berkeley i A cnnoMCLi ciAsmrinD ad win find a fb for aay man or Votnio who la capable aod ffli lont aod who really wanta to work Advfc SACRAMENTO December 8 Ray Riley of Colton real estate license commissioner whose right to office was sustained In a recent Supreme Court decision arlved In Sacramento late today to arroange preliminary details for opening an office In the Capitol Riley said he would go from here to San Francisco for a conference with Attorney General a Webb and after that vtpuld make a statement of the policy of bis of lice and then would make known the date on which issuance of licenses to reslty dealers would begin Mrs Mooney Dropped Superior1 Judge Louts ward yes terday dismissed the two remaining Indictments In his court charging murder against Mrs Rena Mooney The Indictments grew out of the Preparedness day parade bomb explosion Alexander Grady appeared for District Attorney Charles Flckert and said his office had no objection to dlsmlsBtagtte indictments In Judge Wards court There still remained several Indictments against Mrs Mooney la Judge OrifflnS court I VI EjSS tt 3 GIFIS iprMQlRlST motpnstvvould appreciate receiving some or these things especially made tor hiscomfbirtT Reyerible CoatsLeather on one sideEiiglish Gabardine on the other stylish durable1 ahd rainrproof 1 00 Motor Rugsrr Scbtch English and American Motor Rugs of wool plaid plush and whipcord 750 to f500 Motor Lunch Cases 750 to 25 KtVcst5rt610 Dnwig Glovc 250 to 1000 jGifiSuggatiwE Pot at Kearny Still II If I llsfSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPSSBBaaBBBBBBHVl BPsPsWBmBsBH VwV 1 mmmmmmmmmmmm iff naBBiaraaaaeBaaaaa iSvll wxwr Safety Razor Vx I into a little corner of yoiir traveling bag and ypull find that averylittle spaceholds a mighty big amount of shaving saving conifortandsafetymuseevOTonlurclung railroad trains cr wiling pitching boats And all because of the simple little angle at which the handle is attached which seta the blade at the correct angle fw qukk easy cotDiortable shaving Shave yourself and back the amount of money you save YouU be surprised at the arnount you can lonate to the Red Cross at theend of alx months Andall this for the outlay of bat cAterAte the eye the ear and tfcei palate Bening at 7P the brilliant rote mmm TArrs DOWNtOWISI 168 CVFarreil St Opp Orpheum Many new numbers ie The Malini Four Celebrated troubadours in operatic and popular ain LUANA Native Hawaiian Hula dancer with the Hawaiian Sextette Beautiful girls Magnlfictnt goBm FIFREE A Free Order fori an irplane Flight over San Francisco tonight and every night in our PAVO REAL BALLROOM Third floorTale elevator jBy special arrangement with the Friesley Aircraft Grporition Alto manyboxe of Pign Whittle candy with spot dances without contett BSBBBBBBaLBBBMBaBBaLaaeaBBBBBBBBBByflll WCC JSaBsfiBBB JftjLLiLglVqllH BWIPaaaaSSK8WFSaSaaS assa ssaaaaBaaasss it MsJ2saJ 11 Tr Li Stld by Rttalt UtrehanH ttwywhtr SIMMONS HARDWARE COMPANY JIiiS nTOaa 3iL Sim JSriK i Wrekei otf The Dictaphone Every rush of actory production to fill orders mean a ruth of new letters and rnernos to read and answer The result is conttant con gettion and confusion that only sustained speed can overcome The Dictaphone makes for speed all the way from the dictators brain to the rhail chuter Itsalwayaieadinesa encourages promptness in annnnlettfersaBtch as opened when they are fresh in your mind You gain all kinds of speed there and thus give your secretary or stenographer an early tart on her transcriptions And The Dictaphone saves her about half bf every minute because she has to write each letter or memo only once directly on the typewriter 15ifinate Demonstration Phone or write for an actual working demonstration of The Dictaphone in jonr office on iur work If takes but little time because we let it do most the talking And there are no obligations mirnMmm feffetered in tin 3 aad Poralga Countries Phone Kearny 4153 Call at 130 Sutter St San Francisco Officer located at Sleektea a Freaee cai There Is bat ear Siotapkoae tmse aiarkM The Slattpbeu iraykaaaeae TU Sin Hut MwmH tfll tUU mmMm MIMr rt AMiw feiife JmjlI flitrA rt lW 1lii rf ry Mt Blade aai UWBIMFI A I HMH.

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