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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 7

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1M mwm tniAi laak eta as1 Sfc LBUmHll 1 7 I SSM Ilj I ml mine VMiihUiii i iitill i i i i i TTi ii jiii ii I niiiMjiini I I Aif im i i i i mi st rf iTgiiiiWHjiriiiiipiiiiii i i wwfoE yyi111iu AfkigtgL TfinMUJABT 3f irtOli i ELUXORYv isafcp MT IV fe lKv3 nf i ili rV I Br LADXT tezlev i jXEftlh etreruoueries8the weslfis ayetls yj few dya in XT the country are invariably welatiiftd tv the memhere of tha iybuntefatt ana minyot th homaeiihAt ar kept open all winter nous r7He throughout th asaaon hv add immensely tothelr pleM UTtt Miss Arabella 8ohwerln i4 Mill jOnevlv Bolhln wlll Rav parti over th next wWk ond 1 thalr home ia San Wateo Miss Boihwtrln ailhrJiou ut Miss Edith Harrison orChtoairo1aiia th mere ban of bant Mliii Bothini and Ml Schwrlna houee parties will tertatned by the latter at a dinner fidano Saturday evening lienor of 1 J1 Ut 414I IWW ounuay oveninar uiev wm oi auenta at tllnnratth nem at MissBothlrii Th vui Da taken up with tn usual diversions of Sunday in Bur llna ame and San Mateo rf Si One of themonb elaborate dinner tHh eeeort will Be given by Mr and JMrn A UUlernext Tuesday evenlnc at the falrmont Hotel Thii affair labelna nlanned In honor it Mr and ilre CarleUinffiartMUleM itnl A Starr Keelefiwaa hoateea at at handiomely appolntel luncheon vytarday atlthaTown andCpuntry Clubwben a aoore of uetta enjoyed her hoapltallty Tha honaraa cuett MrX Cbeeter Xell ot Boeton the tormarUlu Jeele Sealer and thoaa aiked tovmaat hwwra old Mend whom aha had known here fore her marrlaje Mr and MraL Laeell arrived in Ban Francleoo a tw dayiiaro and ata a ueata at tha PalaoeiHotel1 The will aatl today tor Honolulu hera lhay will ba for aereral waeka On thalr return thajK wliumaltas an extended vlalt In San Jranclaoo wnen many alfalra wMi be glyan noompU mentto tljem i Mrai Amelia MaoQavtil will entertain at an informal dancing party Tnuraday erenln at hen home on Jaolcaon treats It will ba In oeleJ bratlon of the hoataaa birthday ui fiiAiwfthAilrat Ii raeeivlna th ponjratulatlona of friend on the announcement ot hla na sgeinent to Mlaa Hannah iteertlefi the only daughter of Mr and Mra A Moertlef Mlaa Meertlef la one of thla yaara 4HM i tWbutantea and waa formally pre B1 HeSnted to aoeiaty at a largo reoeption I riven br her mother In November She la an attractive and aooompllahed Blrl and receiyea partoi ner euuoa tinn in Shirone where she devoted ber time to rouafo and the itudy ot lanruagea Frank 8ohwabackr la the aon ot Mr and MraBla mund Sehwabaoker Ha iea member of the claae of 1801 at Vnlveratty of Calif ornla Jhe An nAiimrtJifTKint wa made at a reception glveni by Mri and Mra Meertlef at their noma on itobkuv avuut iXmonr tbeuTtaweraii MBSSSS NDMBSDAMBS rit Reo 8lmid 8obwtbdt Jm Ulltl Jf Albert ShrBii AeMUe Boon Leopold Miebale Momi Heller leo triMbUfaer UH wlwr Walter Tb wadding will ba aa event ot the aprlng Ona of tha delightful dlveralona of the week waa the dinner danoe at the Fairmont laat evening Thatabloa ware daeorated with roaea tullpa hya clntha daffodjla and othar aprlng flowera One of thlargeatdlnnra waav prealded over by MeaArablla 8hweri and waa In honorA of Mlaa IBdlth Harrlaon daughter of Mayor Harrlaon of Chloag whorSe a gueat of Mlaa Schwann a nr nomavrq ijrwi Jjt i 9m i fSrtviW nl BaagaillMBiajakH Vv fi i 3Mw 1 tt i rPtWrfa4HHRHvJiLaBaKSU TzxeZrZ ViiuMaiiiiiMkiBttalb OLr2aiiHaHaaiJE7u i2MS9iSraMPGI rMtlllKBAKUj XBSi aK IrSroSMil laRmil iiHOlK WSbibiiiHMbFL Sj lIXrMmLl eBPO vi vi WvVjll VlIJBKP3SngjB WlalMEfjaaW rVLWInLf ffXXHM c9aiKt 4 wTOHjBSai iaHKIHn1Hv ii vti fl JaTaM tBI1i nlMvirdbm3iSnWK a Tiv I0MIES ii tf Bijaixf tjfttcludatlon Appoints Thirty Three Who finished rrooaiionary ierms Sf1 p7rurnc Jl P7 airi i iwiwp lOHB Ws8uchafrlvoiu glrlut did you eVeri anything more Joyom kd4 jfresponaible than that coctntratsd hit of frivolity th aunbeamf She trtvola right Into the heart oj the oruatleat bachelor and though he taowa hlsaa expealv luxury the aheer Relight of her captivate him and melts the Ice from hta froat bound hearts And whara dreary world It would be wlthont theae colorful confections which iare to a mans heart aa the first spring blossoms are to a world weary ot winter rr Sbheol Superintendent Dtonoovlerl reported to the Board of Kducatlort Yesterday that that Board ot ffix aminera reoomni ended the laauanoe ot teaohera eartlfloatea as follows Grammar achool oertlfloateai MIhm Alblee Medbm Marrwet Murdeek yilnor Bertelei BAlili PerrT otaoe Onj OreWV WfUveber Vera rreokUn Met Krat JUodfll Loslae Knight Oirlo Braea rotbr PrterrJ Oledre tnan Etallr Mtr eed IxiuIm Kent Permtatel eertlSeetMi MImm Mty PkWjiwn aad Cbtrlotte Crt Ralii UpecUl eertiaeetee Byroh ion Donld UleheriHrfTJeiii hert AwilteMrfcClra Mr AbreaiiNof mtn pitlniryi Theoard oMDdueatlon eleoted the fallowing aa regular teaoher they having aerved ther probation with aetlafiatlnn Headrtek Wlaln 0 0 BeOMtt Berkeley ra Cmaeugli 8 Ax niMin A uury uTy areletu leliber TnlTi fJierW I fit Lf DcU JLevr Mi Meok unermyr a itoblimon 0 Botvn stnble a Riurtleir iASowrt end MV The Jeavea of abaenoe of Mlaaea Mar ruerlte Moore and Belle Levlng aton were exteAded Kadea applied for apoaitlonl aa teaoner The Interadholaatlo Debating League ot California waa granted the uae of tbe auditorium 6f the Girls High Sohool next Saturday evening ror a aeoate Between tn santa crui High Bohool and the Lowell High Sohool of thla olty Thai proprietor ot a lunoh plaoe on Fillmore atreft appealed to the Board from an order of the prlnolpal ot the airlsHIgh Sohool forbidding the pu plla to go to Fillmore atreet tor their midday repaet The BoaTd declined to interfere holding that the rule that puplla ahould take tbelr lunoh at home or at the school was proper The Board protested to the Super vlsore agalnat tbe laauanoe of a per jnitifor a atable opposite a achool lot on Harrlaon atreet between Tenth and Eleventh atatlng that a school building might be erected therabe fore long ii i vA UJAN ln1 i6l7olty rebreeiti tbe wife MANHtU in tbie sltyl Tebrmry Vf thewUe jf Alfreil Wintisr i ion TorriTO lnf tble city Vrtruery tie irtfe of Jefterna itotttUot dnbtr fiwm ttui cur reeniirr io iu of Boaeoe Peecere ef oe QtINN Ju tble elty rehruur IS he wife of Obtrlw QulnD ef a ou htr SCmHMMll In MHl elir yebrntry 11 uie Wlf nt Urkt Hihlm tit AnllKbter 8TuYatB la tbliltri Febroerj 18 tbe wife of Jrr 8telKr of aon or wnorw HTOiKflr oz ainii THORNTON Id Uiie ltr robrueryll the wire or uowarai inerntont ot imnini T0WNI4 1B tbi oltyi yebrmrr le ije wife or minier lowae oi oniuw TRANSR Jn tbla cTitj Ttbmnn the wife of Hirrlfenji ioaf A aon rWAlstfln tkl city IfaWoarr A tbe wife of wiiium valahiafe flaMbtjB WinALL In Oailand febmarr the wife ef tqarj A WlnelT of jijUgaiti The fotlowlna mirriiae lloenaeai wore waned in Bum Vaaaiiajilauaja aktaiu1ar Cluranw a leoobMO HUi Pertleod Oh aed wprornj ureoaeoeun aoa a wu Sunel Hickman 88 and Joiaphlue SuIU ireoi 31 botb of rreeno Oal PrVettiTMi Woodard 1 StnU Croa I Nn Bala 84 Fort Brasf end Wimilt Jnhaltw i Lucretroet ueorao ffintnaotbaiv 2S 1 eojmour btqm Oil Mollis MldraeiL H87 ol atwat John Pmar7Sf 821T Fillmore atroot and Marlatr Koowland 80 Sill Pine etraot William rjowoao jr hvow treat ead Helen 0 Hayea Aloioili Otto Wnnderilch 5 OTrrllatrit ana Lottie kf Beeralnx 20 1S8 Qeary rr M1 Thoae who were Invited to meet the oharmlng vialtor were MISSES Hath Ztlla QertrtHle OBrien Aarrruda ItoDklDa Loalle Miller MESSES Corbott Moody Kenneth Moore Frederick Via Slok Alfred Wblttell Jei iJrT ronla MeoMonagle IJord Tevla William Pirrott Boloo too Scbreedei MxinA Mra ITred MoNeaentr talhed elgb guests their party in oiuding4 MBSSBS AMD MBSDAMM Joeapk 0 Tobla Mi Sorane Mortky AtboU McBeaa raocli CaroUn Oeorge Cemeron i Anathef larare dinner was given by Mrvand Mrs a Millerwlu and Mrsii Rogerv iApnam ins complimented guests The other friends who enjoyed Mr and Mrs Millars hospitality were MISSUS ANB mbspames Horace Carle PUUbury Benjanla Klttredge CberlM Heederaon Henry BotSlni fleorga McNear Bernard ford MISSIS Kreeetlae McNaar Beatrice Nlekal Oerwula Tkoeoie i MISSBS Cberlee Blrthe Meiitenant Comnandiie Rudolph Sertbeen lller Woodward AthUli 8tow Mr and Mra Rennia yiarre Sohwerln and Mr and MrafCuyley Lee were the gueata of Mivjand Mra Oeorge Howard Mr and Mrs Latham MeMullln compllmentad ten of thalr frienda at a delightful dinner The guests werei MISSES AND MISDAMBS filter Mtrtla Wllllen Taylor uMan Tboroe Mlaa Marlon Zelle Aujaitua Taylor Stwert Uwery AtMw and Mra William i Thomae table war aeatad Mrs and Mra Fred Wick Pickering Mriand Mrs James lAnghorne and Mra EB Rogers ot Boutherm California In Mn and Mr Elmer Coxa party wereK MBSSaSjANDMUplMIlS1 Berry Mortoal William Seenoa 5 Milton laberf JIr end Mra Walter Scott franllllil Mri yrank Kmrrlian Mlaa JToog Pleree i MISSBR John Merrill Elmer 0oi Jr At Mrind Mrar Wlnlleld Sqott JDavla table were MESSRS AND MBBSAMIS Sarold Waldesi Wiltrr Boclf owtrdHolmM Carence 3 Wetmore CHruoaMctooald of Oakland MISSES LRIe Banadlet rhUeoa Wetmore ef Oakiaad MESSRrv Keeaeth Tavisi Oer Onrleeef A Merrill Portland Mr sid Mrsh 1 Hsly enter tatned a party of eUhteen The guests wersi UXSBBS AHD MISDAMRS i Hub SrewirtBrowa If TI annum Pater Dunne jXlernlS Horaoa unwara nroiaoa Jiniet Vmriainb Wbltlns Hnr Lertuaaler 1 Mr Jainea Jrrlne Tha nreW ot the aarlas of slipper danoos at theCIft Hotel was given Miaf evenini and was attended by an unusually large nv tJT1UI take ftlaoe every Tuesday Wednes day Friday and Saturday evenlnga uuii ua aai ana quentin too were seon in several exhibition daoes amonc their nilmbera belnaan avia tion glide a three ln one whiohi oomblnae raaturna or the oneateo the waits and the tang A Parlalan maxlxeana the Malaguna a Spanish pantomime dance were aleo tremendously ucplauded Thls series Is being given under tna patronage oip William Crocker Oeorge Caniaron wiuera urowa Mofl McBeea Arthur Mnrrer Ueorge A Pope Bowie netrlbk Jooepb Orant Uula HrtbartJ Herbert MoSltt Denial Murby Penoorer Horace PUUbury TUJUOQl WDICMJ unanee It one B0m4 Frinaie Edgar de Wolfe Oeorce Mendell Jr Beldwlat Tbe Frantleoa Club wllVbe the aet tins for a delightful luncheon to ba given thla afternoon by Mra A MlUer Mra WlUlam Hathaway will entertain at an Informal luncheon today at the opening of the Japaney building at the exposition ft Sympathy is being extended to Mlaa Ruth Perkins who waa obliged to go to a sanatorium yea terday afternoon where ahawill be operated on today for appendicitis The dinner that waa to have been given by Or Bruce Foulkaa last even 1 in at the yairmont Hotel had to given up at the last moment owing to the sudden serious Illness of the host who was removed yesterday afternoon to the St Francis Hospital W1 Mies Kugenlei Mastan entertained at an informal tea yesterday after aoon at ber home on Washington street Most ot the guests brought their sewing and an induatrlous aa well aa pleasanT afternoon waeeh Joyad Amonc those who paeeed their time In thia way werei MISSES Porta Kflgartt Marloa Stovel Dorotbr Allan Belon Huibaon Buth Perklna Tareaa Harrlaon Many of those who will attend the tear danoe atr the St Grande next Monday will precedethe pleasure ot that hour by another form of en Joyment ln attending the lecture that will ba given In nhe red room by Oeorge Wharton Jme His subject jwiir bo California Literature and its Makers ana us wju reaa eeieu tlona from variouai aiitbora ofsthla State The Dartoneaaea for the aerlea that is being glyon bj George Wharton MISDAMBS yrencls OerdleS Lane Leonard Carwr Pltkla Pomercy Rlebr Barne ergrouna Beers Lorenao Areoall Rudolph SlircokelS Lawrence Harris Oeorge Kalbara Edward Oaroenter jonn sioweii bn Bl i UI11 Or Alesander WllUsm Donman Mlae Merj Pkelea Among the engaged girl who are being extensively entortalned ara Miss Camilla Dome and Miss Helen Weaver Miss Raraoua Iiamberger wllia glveav lunoheon and theater patty tomorrow afternoon In their honorr lAmohir those i who have been bidden to this delightful affair are MISSES William Isgelhert Hinai Cbeuncey Oeodrlcb ta Helen Dunning Eiiganie Meatea Helen Hogheoa Dorotbr Stone Marion vorn AdeleLucke Dorotkr Doe Alflta Haiubergar taarj ur Anaelea I Maries BtovaU Kathryn lArliale I tHa Ht vH Hc ta The California branoh efthSAsao I olatlonof Collegiate Alumnae will en rtertaln at an elaborate luncheon Sat urday afternoon in the rooms of the fiorosla Clnh I Dying mother Asks Police loBwdfSon a FlentgePostmaster at Cape Olrardeau Mo01 has asked Chief of Police White to find hi son John Flentge who 1 helleved to be here with to vaudeville oompany The young mans mother I dying and she wishes to see her son Thai boy i years of age WATCU LOST Ooldbera 114B Turk atreet reported to bei polios yesterday that Uls pocket had been plolted and a watcn valued at 8s tna property ot hle wiferstolnr He sald he waa ear rrlna the watch In hla tldei eoat pocket and that ltwastolen while jiSraa on ma way onrnQ anneal uuitf ae yfcn avvnui This Is Our Opportunity To Educate Themr Aright Take Our Visitors Gently in Hand and Coax Em Not to Say Frisco By ELEN DARE SOMETIMES 1 ahudder with all due humility modeaty and thankfulnaig I aaaure you at the thought ot how Ihlnga might go to tha demnition bowwows it there were not this open and reoeptlve column In Tha Chrpniel in which to aet them rie ht Nearly everything that needs flxlnf ana it seem that most things ao need fixing Is blessed wlth some deeply ocncerned advooate who does his or her duty by writing to The Chronicle about it and asking that the matter be taken up in the Helen Bar oolumn Some days as on yesterday it Is the urging of tha Dutch treat as a desirable exposition period policy some daya it la th need ot Improve ment In our street oar munner aome days tha question ot overcoming the dlffloulty of matrimonially Inollned persona in meeting congenial mates AIHA i WC111 nverydayv1rlnsianroblem of Its own thaU public spirited per lons wouldlllte to oall onjooal pride vo soiva untwi wonaer wnstwouia happen to sanu Pranolsoo It this always cordially yea eagerly reoeptlve oolumn should pull In thelatoh string ornhut up shop jpor rlnstanceuW have today Com hither gather closer all ye SJ3 ye a and ye even mora rabid and devoted volunteer champions who regard your selves as son and daughters by choice ana adoption ana listen to tne important th pressings the vital matter we have to attend to today Comes a letter from a loyal Sari Franciscan whose ear has been of ftndedwbose soul has been wounded by the no doubt amiable and unwitting sacrilege against on of our most sacred institutions and treasured possesslonsi i Itis a letter calling i us tov actional asit were against the violence done and threatened to the beautiful naroeof our fair cltyr It Is a letter arousing us to the cOnSoiousness that this la tha time now have wa our opportunity to put an end tof the abominable practice to stamp out tbe deplorable tendecyof outsiders to designate thl Incomparable olty br such an undignind unmusical Inadequate aborted and al together unlovely combination of consonants ana voweis as Tiaao Assuming that there tl none among us who could fall toi do all in his powai to aooompllsh thla unanimously by Callfornlana daalred purpose and none among us who can endure with equanimity to have our hem town so miscalled the writer of this opportune letter proposes her remedy thuat My Dear Helen Caret I Have felt for some time that this would be a most opportune tlmeuo undertake to educate the WORLD toi speak of our beloved San Francisco as San Ifrsnolsoo and not dub her Frlsoo a thousands are doing now allovef the world I feel sure that you could start tha ball rolling some ho wt AND KBEPiITTOLLINCl until toi speak ot our city as risoo would tossy the least bespeak Ignoranoe on the part of on so designating our Golden Oat olty Th women olubs and th merchants ot our i olty mlghtb glad to do their part It ourh to ba a matter of olyio pride wlh all of us Some kindly hints in our show wlndowa i downtowni would go a long way lalntormlHg our visitors ot their error Many dclt 1n Ignorance I am sure Frlaoo la anythlngby euphonious and is a most erude corruption of SAN yRAN CIS COi There hardly seems any excuse for any one to connect th two It seems a long stretoh tor th most elaetlo ltn agination between Saint Frauds and TrlaooV Canneti Th Chroalcte start something atthis tlmetnab will win the gratitude ef all1 true San Ffeneoaristhrwerld Ywf Tours truly 1 A A nAVJB lrfl therefore thus and uv response to this earnest and unquestionably timely appeal Tbe Chronicle here with Start th ball rolling that should bowl over any ao temerarlou and misguided a to addres deacrlb or refer to our beloved hometown aa yrisoo confldont that every true and prldeful SAN FRAN CIS CAN will do his or her beat to keep rolling It as our ardent Instigator suggests our womens olubs engage in this admirable crusade with their usual effectiveness it our merchants put polltt and persuasive lltU re minders In their show wlndowa and about their premiaea oalllng our vial tori attention to the pleasant fact that they are in SAN FRAN CIS CO it our ever useful end energetlo school ohildren are enlisted in the good oauae and each ot us doe his personal and Individual duty In tha matter bVtaklng a visitor cently ln hands and teaching him aright coax 1 tnc mm i to aesist from saylna Prlsoo andtto praotlas enunciating san vrinrvii oojui we an puw together Psrhapsi with a long pull and a strong pull the thing can be done Anyhow Its no more than right to keep our guests from going wrong and this duty Is sat in the hand of a community famous tor Its hospitality a NOONDAY LENTEN MEETING Th speaker for today for th downtown noonday mooting for young women In Xohjer eV Chase Hall is Bishop William Ford Nichols of the Eplsoopal diooeie ot California The meeting will begin promptly at 12lt Doings of the WomenVClubs THE three charter amendments Mat are toi be voted on next March will be the subject ot three addresses under the direction of the San Francisco Center at the Wednesday morning speakers class The first address will take place thii morning at 11 oclock when Supervisor William McCarthy will speak on amendment No 1 providing tor the abolition of the dollar tax limit The address will follow Dr Helen Watermans InstruotlonMn publlo speaking and will be open to the public Tbe otner amenameme will oe oisousaea next Wednesday morning and the Wedneaday following-The San Franclaoo Center announoe that a aerie ot waralkawin given on Friday evening heg lnnlnc on March 5th when Hugo 9Mtv Ing profeaaor of the Oenajaan tap guage and literature at th eswisr of California will deUv tie jt addreaa of the aerlea ynSl A juncneon wui sme or in flan Franotsco Center nest Wednes aay at tna ncwirranci joioi wun a ia At the meetlna ot the California Club yesterday afternoon Mrs Oeorge preck presentaa an luueiratea travelogue of Mexico with an aooompanl ment ot Mexloan natlbnal airs and hymns sung by iirs Charles cross JfillTHS MRiadESj DEAHS l1 i ii mi ii in i i ii in i I 7 i i 4 the Yonitraf aerrleesi Wadoaadar rah IO18O oclook at tha residence ot the tTrumaq Ihidertaklnsi Co SUM Telaartoli Te iy cort80tk itOakJaoV Jsteruient ortvete BASnnMe thla iclt rb loin be IOT04 bnebaod et Ami A Bastelar end loving father tfi Anne ii andO oraa A Baatalni andi brother ofMre QWIes niahn native fflarsiseraged eoyeara wuifi na oara Prank AwSeraon i Whitney street esd Anna ajYoborte 19 Wbltner street 1 Tl Tvnnhr I vi wvj mv 1 matvt hh Dt onermeyrrt a Roblnaon 0 Bogera wuuam Rlokaii OT creaoeiii miui ii vr a 1 Snue and Helen Sralleyl 80 gnettle Wash Martin Enke 6 Vend Mauda Laireoorei Edward Borden gf CostlnenUl Hotel and Tla I II ninan ftHO I Al atiWt William Nritron sT Orpbenm Ann HoUIh san Ann scnmit ss urpnanm dhi 00 John dlloour 281 and AlUe Mi Dowelji SI ootb of Loa Anseieai wau Earl I 3atMi end Marie Benslea lu1 a 1010 DnMl ttt Warren fables 2S and Grace Browne 51 herb of Emoroaa Hotel Norman Rebak SW Bob Air eparttnenle in ii omh 11 iltrtin rthln Charley BrnaetorlT 8281 Polaom street snd Aana Salnasbl jr aeo vesseiu sTenuo Jownb A Btewel 80 1888 Valenole etreat end Annie Brenaei soioaaiana Leo Mlecbke end Dorotbes Warrea Stt both of Chleaeo III Allien Brockol 3 Oeklsnd anil Jeeale McMrtUn 8 Neps Edward Stehblna 44 San Rafael end Tercela Jtotto 8a 18B OParrell atrort tinarina improFiu am pii Loftua Monatban 28 Seoreoiento end Vlnnle 0 Nelson 18 Peuluoie Rhhardj Klatt 82 1080 Oeerr street Vrfn lvaff en Han Antonio Tax Horace Msiburry SI Los Anselea and Lillian Patera 28 888 Blxu annuo OAKLAND February 28 Tbe following marriage licensee wore lesoeo aere Lee 0 Werren aged 83 end Helon Lv I ft ontler Mcirfnesam aou wt 90 a llapWiilMV Rarmond Herert 23 and Joeepklse Llanea Is both of Pleaeeawa Xmlllo Psrelle Si and Marie Psnna 27 both of Richmond Oofira A Devis 50 sod litelle Ruddock 28 both of Borkalar Noebj Wbeatlerv 80 Sen Pranrlaeo and Leo poldlne Laplerre 20 Oakland Rano Bruah 28 Sea rrenclscs esd Alice Hull lj Oeklendi Manuel MendossM sod Justine Montoje coin or uemano una rr hiiui vwj wu Tornwtht 84 OaMend Ralpn Kins 20 ttl oniua nu Cone 22 Berkelar Harold Hilton 28 end Irene Lloyd IS both of Oakland Richard Pcnbottl Vlcftirla fc end Mary A Hsrklnsi It Oakland Bull Konnennoefar 88 Oakland end Zrnosttne MarooYlobSO Alameda Jacob A Malllns42 San KrancUco and Kathertne HartT44f Stockton liana Johawo 28 and Lulu Potter 21 both nonitiacn ft 1 leSJB WeddlngRIngs lajeksnakera jeweler Opttetaau siirket ft Bear Tktrd TTaSD yAftgrAv3riP3s rfjWjtyi Jecfem Not how mueh ne sell 011 but hov pa3 jou The captivating individuality of Redfern Corset it not at all lessened by their unutusl variety The most discriminating een faitidioui woman may find in their beauty of materials and piquancy of trimmings not only what she fancies but at they are made in both Laced back and Laced front models the is sure to find exactly What her figure requires And the is sure to find it at the price she want to pay Then too they are antieipatiye of the season styles to tee Redfern it to know the vogue At high class ttoret and alto at the MARRIAGES i AtVAMS WALKBR la ntt Tebraary 10 jbmiim a th Pmoo Sanwit Charles Mrs Pethlck Lawrence of TtnjiiMaJtmLW I SSLJBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaaSHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl KljaflnlD UBSSB HIITl rWIUBII aa th ruest ef nonoreM tbr OoopeAattred Allr renoee airjerlAnceaaer svnfajajwRleeajBajljBTerM Mmrtn MardML a th ubiat of her dJaoeurss 1 AifneTresoNyAKBBi in Seraon and Bdna ferroU BAKKH ZOKLLNgn tn Jttt Cltyj fbruarr 1 by Justice ot tbe Peace Rocba ltd ward Hiker end Qathrra aoellner BAKVTllilOtlfl 5n this eitr rrbroary 19 br RevflJ WUeca WUUem Pt Barutb end roffaJV tMsW bJ br Ber father Couper Buberli Bet ton and Grace Komn BBVBBLieiaHWOODARI la this eltr Pen raarr 28 bsR 0 Evans Reginald Dewir lelali end Horetta Woodard BOWBRD0LJWBT In tiila Cltyr Fehruary i IT bv ReVTO Miner William Bowers 1 and Klale Pollwet CAVA PANOOLyi ilq tble cltr Pebniary IS by Justice ef tbe Pesoe ey James Cave end Rw PandolS DKAN NIRHINO in tbl city fehrnery IS bv tor Dickie Herrj Dsu and lDKKXAiRT this cltr Pebreary i8 br Justice of the Peece Dcaar John Dk kert enrtPrlallle Pry BROrT KLlAHON In Mill I ottr Pebrnarr 18 br Jostlce ot the Paace 0 CreUthton Onataf Im and Mnrtba Sllasoo PINK MINln thla city Pahrnarr 10 br JiKtloe oftlie Psace Ot Orelghton Jsmes Pink snd Minnie JS Dunn PONTANA ALCHISRIln this cMt Pehroarr 101 br Justine the Peace Conlan Frank I Pontana snd JSItIw Alcbleri JAMSS IAN1 In this otty Pshrosrr IB by Re Miller Oeorge A James snd Prse JOUNSToS aiCKS ln this city February 18 by Joallca of the Pence 0 relahton Her rfson Johnston and Ljiella Hicks JORKMSBN HARLINIn this clvr Pebmarv Id bv Key Braeuor Martin Jorgensan ami Minnie Hsrlln LAYTON caniSritNSON In this cltr Peb nisry 1 bv Rat Wriiht Salter Larton snd Hannah fhrlaieoson M1INMUM ISi1i this cltr Pebrosry 1 fir Ret Sorilurom JJrtlo Mllner and I Slsrld Nfleoni MnccHIWt WARR1H 1 this cltr Pcbrnarr 28 bv Justice jf lis Peace AT Barnett lrt MlN hlci snd rmrorhes Warr SIRLSBN PErKRSK bs cltr Fsbroarv 1 by ltey Steesrud Vtgso Nleleoo and OSKH Lx MASOV In tbla city Psbrusry 38 by Justice ot tbe Pssoe Conlan Jooeph ORelllv and Dalsls Mem OSSAN BIDALOT In Jhlsolty Psbruary 20 by Rev Pr Le Blhao Jacqule Oesan and SALOJTJHala In thl olty February 28 by Justice of ibo Peace A Bsrnctt Xeiror Sim end Wondls Jubal SMITH WALDIS Iotble oty February 20 br Rev It Hart Oeorge ft Smith and Sue Waldlc SPBNTKR CAVANAUOn In thU cltr Feb rtiarv 20 by Rt Hart Fred Spencer end Oraoe Caransuih STOirR CRAMFR in bis city Fehnurr 20 by Rer Father Couper Rsymond Stone srld Minnie Cramer STRINGBR MANLEY I thla olty Pehnir arv IT bv Roe A Smeu Adam Stringer and ftoldln Msnler TOBIAS CROWN In this cltr February 22 by Kebbl Lary Sam Tobies and Charlotle Crown WARDKR Iirfrl In bis cltr February IT be Justice of tbe Peace Deasy Hanry Wirder and Xfarle I Lyon WKSBL ROOOS In tble cltr Fahroarv IT bv Jnstloo of the Peace Roche Frank Wseoeil snd Mollis Bongs WRBDB IMR1TK 10 this olty FebKisry 21 by Rer Pspsr Henry Wrede snd Emma I lmslck BIRTJIS AHBRJJ Inthlacltr February ra tbe wlfc of Wllllem Abern of son ALLISON Io this cltr trebrnsry IS tbe wife of Charles Allison of twla sons jBANKH In this city February 17v the wife of Frank Banks of a son ffuD ii 1 4 1 Ir of Carl A Csthry of a Osusbteri CHIPCUASB In this city February IT tbe wife ot Oslrert Cbpcbeeei of a son CHRISTIN In this city Psbruarr IS tbe wife of Charles A Christie of eoo COLBY In this olty februsry 18 tha wife of Harry Color of a daughter DONOHUE In this olty February 20 the wife of Pstrlok Donohue ot son KLAM In tbla city Fehrnary 12 tbe wife of drovef Bum nf daushten FRANKKL In this olty Fobrusry 18 the If oCGeorge Prankel of dsugliter fiKKKNB In this city February 18 tbo wife of Crawford Oreano of aon HANWAii in una our jrenruary ao tna wire of Joseph Hannah of twins son end danehter I1OOT0M In this city February IS tbe wlfs of Robert Hooton of a daughter TOHNBur In tble olty Febmsry III tbe wife tt Frk Redfom Corteli 3 to 25 QsAwW CQR5KT SNOf 114 Grant Ave Aniolnttia Brauieres 1 to 1950 Bssteln lobn 11 Ilexleyt Joseph 84 Rltser Carl 40 Bolrtrmeon Charles A VlntnriS Connolly Ulebsel 47 CM nmms a Dubseber Anton 58 Blppsr snssuwu Bralnger John rrenklln John TS Frsnklls John 18 Uodena Oaasar 88 Oreur fleorse T2 Hlrgene Mnrssrsthe Harrington Mary A Hsuechlldt TO Xssne Catherine Kelly henna Bridget AX1XT DEATHS Mscdonkld T8 Msilon John Mullar Nette OS Mitchell Msrgsret uulTla wihiso oor Nowuy Pearl 1 ill NlchoUs Parry rhomsa 0 88 Peck Qrsos AmolU Oulno John Russell Hsrry A 84 Russ II rors iw Rutitdce T8 Scott Hsnrlslts A telim dt Allwrtins hmlth Mark 8 28 Hteltan Mathuua oi etrrong Jonn Thompson Use 89 kla all Vh 9Q JnftanK WsU tar Bailey balored heabaod of SmiUe end Joseeh A Bailey son ot Fannie end the late John Bsilsy snd brother of Oaenrs Wllllem Fennls A Cksrles end Alfred Bexler snd Mrs PeuJ Boeslar end Mrs 0 Vockel nstve of OSktert Calr ssed Tesrs sn osye A member ef the Ordes Railroad Conduo torevaad tbe BrotlisrUood ot Railroad Bm rdeudi are retneettuuy lavttto attend itllll end I18IU sts Revelns et his lste re nencei itwo Howerd eu nnUl II clock Friday Jitemiunt Oreenlewa Cemetery BIMSRIa this olty Feb 28 Carl deerly beloved biihband of Msrgsret Bitter loving father of Holan Bluer brothar of sirs Christian lrln Mri Mi Yeden Louise Bit 1 eee snd Mrs Bmrnlei of Hertford Con I sou of Juhsnui and Marie Rltser of Ger nuny a native ot uirmaoy aged 40 years 8 months sod 4 ders A msmlMir of Enrolls Lodfte No OrdorefH snd Stair Builders Union Local No 8 Mends inct soqusiitanoss are resnectfnlly Intllea to attend tbe funeral ssrrlces frM 4 wu ivv si lam parlors or Sdhr Co 2011 Mission tt bst 201b end 28th streets Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by tvttmoMt BOXPSMAjrar In tble city Fib 28 Chsrln An beloved hosbend of May Oi Boldsmenn sod lorJnii father of Elmo end Csrl Bolils menn and brother of A 0 Emma Uus Ben Oscar Lille Alloc and BmU Bolde menor a nstlro of Sso Frsnolsco A tnetu bur of Oellfnrnls Tarlor No 1 0 and Orleolel Lodge ead A ClUIOBIATJ In tble olty Feb 28 nassed swey st ber residence 1408 Onerrero st Vlctons beloved mother of Alfred A of Ouoracrine end 11m late Dr Victor Ohalg aesu and Paul Clislgnenu grandmother of I oolse UhslHOosu Mrs Motberhesd ot Nana Mrs Donovan snd Mrs Ln Torros nstlre of Talma France sgeil 80 years and 10 month A uomber of California Pioneer Womens Association Funeral notice hereafter C0JOJ01LT la thla city Feb 21 Mlcbssl dearly beloved eon ot Mery snd tie lste Peter Connolly aodlovlns brother of Den nls Jeremlsh John Julie sod Bridals Con nolly end Mrs John Hsdntt diOts of Co kK XVe iT 1 i jrBir I of Dlvulmi No IT A 0 lli Potrero Council No T4 I end OenUemeas So dsllty of 8t Tbereess Cbarcb Frienda and aoqnaintagoea ere resnootfully Inrlteil to attend the funeral Wednesday at ft oclook from tbe parlora of Ryan Mo Donnall A Donohoe 401 87 Valencia st thence to St Theresas Church where a re culemi high mask win be oelebreted for the renoee of his soul commencing et 80 oolock lntermont Holy Ctoaa Cotnetery by eutomoblls DIVISION 10 IT A 0 ft OFFICERS end members you ore hereby notified to st tend the funeral of our 1st bretbsr Mlchsel Connolly Wednesday Feb 24 at 8 clock from the parlors of ityen McDonnell Donohoe 481 Valencia st By order CUMMINS Preeldsnt JtD POWER swretery POTRSBO COUNCIL NO 74 1 Ofdoers sod members era raouested to st tend the funeral of our lste brother Mlcbsel Connolly Wednosdsy Feb 24 st clock from tbe parlors of Rysn McDonnell A Donohoe 431 ST Valencle st UKO IACX Preeldsnt HENBX LAU Secreurr 00X lu this city Fob 28 Emms A wife ot the Into Wllllem Cos loving mother of William Edward Urltt and John Cck sister of Mrs Fletcher Mrs Julia Noose and Mrs Msrta Howerd a native of Ohio aged 82 yrers Funeral Iprlrete fbur davi Feb 23 st in clock from hue lato residence 1223 11th are DTBACHI8 In Naps City Feb 28 Anton Dubacuer native af Canton Url Swltser land aged 88 years A member of Swiss Mutual Benevolent Society be funeral wlU teks plscb Thursdayr at ooirk from tbs Kayser Undertaking Parlor Napa EIPFZB In this dty Feb IS Elisabeth Elb per beloved mother of Mrs William Pattl scn anil William TBlpper grandmother of Lillian Solallero a natSve of tiarmsny i Friends ere Inrlteil to attend the tunersl Wedoesdsy at 3 clock from tbe residence of her dsughter 471 8th sve Cremation Cypress Lswn Cemetery by automobiles ER2IN0IR In tbla oily Feb 22 John Fred orlck beloved husband of Joaephlne Br singer father of John Frederick Erilager Jr a netlve of Illinois Krlendfc snd sogualutsnces sre respectfully Invited to sttend tbe funeral Thursday at 11 clock at tbe chapel of Hslsted a Co 1122 Sutter et undsr the suapicos ot King Solomons Lodgo No 200 end A FRAJntLn Id tbla city Feb 22 John Frsnk lln natlrs of New York aged 7S resrs Friends snd scquslntenceo are reanrcrfully Invited to attend toe funeral Thorsdsy st 10 clock from tha niortusry chspol of Joseph liegsu a Sons 1710 Sscrsmeoto street et Iolk ehers serrlres will be bold under tbe nuiplobs of PUs Drlrers Bridge end Struotursl Ironworkers Locsl 77 Interment Mount Olivet by automobile ySAVKXIN In this city Feb fc at the Relief Hoiue for Aged and Intlrm John Frauk lln a native of New Vorkv aged 79 jeers OODANA la thla olty Feb 33 Csessr Iollans beloved bmband of Msrle Oodsns rather of Eldon Oodsns brother of Julia OcKlaiiav i netire of Lallfornla aged 88 lyeursi Knencs sre tnriren to etrenn tne runersi Tliorsday st 2 oclock from tbs psrjors of Ashley At McMullen 828 Birth sve bet Ooerv and Clement ate Cremation Mount Olivet by automobiles QREXNln this city Feb 28 Oeorge beloved bimbaml of tbe lste Elite Qreen snd lot Ing father of Mrs John Butler Mrs A Limls Mrs Butler snd William Oroen a native of Stratford Couu aged 72reare end 2 tnontae rlonds and acqunlntancta are rcspectfnlly Invited to sttend the funeral services Thursday tt 2 JO oolock st tbe parlors nt Il Suttr dt Co 2018 Mission st bet 28th snd 28th sts Interment National Ooinoterr by automobile HARDENS In this oltv Feb 22 Msrgarethe detrly beloved wife of Fred Hargsna devoted mother ot Oeorge end tha late Hbruisu Sargent end loving sister of Mrs Jsns sntl Peter Sehwerts a native of Oermeny sged 88 yesre 3 mootus end 27 dsys A menibor of tbe Sen Frsuclsco snd Scbleselg Holsteloer Frsoen Verelns Friends snd acquaintances sre respectfully invited to sttsnd tbr fanorel Wednesdsr st 8 clock from the porlors of Suhr a Wle boldt 1888 Valencia st nesr 28tb Incln erntlon et Mount Olivet Crcmetory by suto mobllei Speclsl cer for the eooommodatlon of friends et 28th and Vslencla sts HARRINGTON In this city Ftbrusry 28 Msry A dearly beloved wife of the lste Judge WMtford Harrington snd lortng mutber of Mrs Charles Whiting Mrs Alloa Williams and the late Beojainln Harrington end William von Poelnltr a native ot Ireland aged 74 ycara 7 months aud 7 dare Itomelns lit ths parlors ef Snhr Co 5118 Mission it liotwesn 28th snd SOIli sts HAVSCHIIDT In Otklsnd Feb 22 Henry HeiiHotitldt Koloved busesnd of Mlnnls ilsuuchlldt and loving fatber ot Mr Irorer of Sunttle Irs Herbeit Ssre of Ssn Frsnclsoo snd Rose Alena Harry Ai von and Fred liautcbtldt a native of Qer menvi esed 70 yesrs Funeral end Interment strictly private Xlndly omit dowers Funeral eerrlct Wednesdar Feb 24 st 10 oclock st ths parlors of Grant Miller W72 14th st oor 24th sre XXAXX In Alamsda Feb 22 Catherine he inreu wire ot ins late Aiaiecnt iteeee aoa loving mother of Dr Joseph 8 Dr Cbsrlea Mtlschl and JEva Ksane Mra Ed word nrydent Mrs Harrv Courneen Mre Harry Burke and the late Mn Mooney a native of Ireland Funeral Tbursdav at oclock from tbs chapel of Julius 8 Qodsan 41 Van Nest thence to St Mervs Cathedral nhere a requiem nlitlt mm wlU be oelebrstsd tor tho repots of ber soul ccmmenclog at 9 40 oclock Intcrineat Holy Cross Cemetprj by automobiles XIIXY In tUlt eltv Feb 21 John beloved husband of Mary Kelly fatber ot Bart Enid Josephine Anita Paul Helen tna Hnrry Ksllv snd brother of Mary 0 Rtlly snd Mrs Carllale netlve of Sau Fraa Cisco Frltndt and nfqualutenees srs respectfully Invited to attend the fuhors Wednesnev et 8 oolook from his lete residence 1819 Howard st tbrncs to St Josephs Choroh whers requiem high mess will be oelsbretsd for the repose ot his soul commencing st 9 80 oclock lntormsut Uoln Cruse Ceuistfry by sutomoblle KZNMA In tble city Feb 22 st her lste residence 878 Eureka it Brlditet desrly beloved wife of tbe lste John Kenns and lorlng mothsr of Frank Kenns native of lrelsnd Prlendt snd acqutlnttneea are respsotfully Invited to attend the funeral Tburtdty Feb 28 st 0 clock from tbe parlora of Ryan McDonnell 4 Donoliot 431 41T Vslenolt nt thence to Holy Redeemer Cbureb where requletrt high mess will be oelebrated for the reposo of her soul ceininenclng at B10 uclock Interment Holy Croat Csiqotery by carrltgt XACSOXALD In Richmond Virginia Ftb 30 Ihincto neinTtu nutbend of the lete Alice Holt MiodootlJ father of Herat hel Mtcdoneld of OUtelanrt Oblo Evelvn Mtcdounld tnd Mrs llemmlngs of Bscrtmcuto tod Oeorge Miclontld of San rrenclMC nttlve of rortb Scotlsnd sged 73 years MALLON In this city Feb John Mai ton beloved sou of the litu Jobs tnd Cam trlue Msilon and lorlng brother of Mrs Ai 0 Burnett astlve of lrelsnd Fnnsrsl will aks niece Wednesday st ino uloek from his late mldnnoe ism nroen st nr OcttTie thence to Ht Brtgltls Church where requiem utseg will ho oslebrnted fee the repose nf his mill jcnramsiiolngstJL Wclwk Interment Holy pCroee Cvuiefery snomoHJe MITOBILIrln this olty Feb 23 Msrgsret At ooiaven ueuenter op tne teie uoetricn MltdjsU fadJailai slsteto John Burster JfU IAZB 1 talk city 28 NetaA DViortB wiiB nr Oermasy aged 8 I Henry god James A MlreeH end Mrs 15 yseney active ef CsUforcle Funeral strictly orltstt tT jft tyires WeJeeie1e rite Mallei a nertfit ef yatie awnth aad 4 jiitrrWssaS vm mov rciocB etr tbe aerlere ofH 8uhr Co 19 Mle i J3 I viu rethw Slarr and she lete William in UMVU uuiTin neuie oi irilana ague 09 yetra 0rlm take place Wsdnetdiy at i3 9KlVn narlere ef Leery Bros 2017 24th tt bet Herrlsotj and Kr ant staiL Utrnpe to Mlesloa Dolores Churck where a requiem mace wll be selehraud tor in renom or ais som commencing st 0 oclock interment etriotly prlvetrtla Holy Dross Cemetery by sulMaoblle irawBT in thla city Feb or a 18 Pearl MjkeV od lanbelle Ttewhy lovtd daoshter ef ran ubiitv vauivrnisr atoa i ynert mwwi Hwcv ai van uenrqraia SIfHStArlM Feb 22 Oeorglnla Pauline Nicholas belovsd deuihter of end Adt Nloholas snd sister of Dors Juno end Metthlss Nlobolesa astlve of Cait fornlt aged 8 years i Fuoerel services Wensidsyeh 24 it oolock et Trumans eliapel 1M9 Mission st assr Fifteenth Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by automobile i 4iaT ttA cw ebi 21 Thomas Obara bolevsd bospend ef Annie Parrv snd ua Ariaur rviDlsm to Ill1 ltf a natyrefag jlsnd seed 88 years in a na soqnsictancei art retnectfully IcvUed to sttend the toners Wednesday st LiS1 rt aarlefa of Suhc A Wis boldtM 1881 Valeno a tt near1 28th Inclner Uyprees Lewn Cemetery by auttv mooiiei Peog4Mrly belored sister of Mra A Bi Bflidlcy a ntttve of Wostbrook rinn tlvl no acquelntanrcs srq respectfully ill invited to ettend ths funeral Wednesday hrSlooV Jrora wtnary rbspel of aaJi Oate Dndertaklng Co 2478 Mis slonst near fileU Interment CloverarUW lUtt1 JI Feb 28 Jobufdeaelv belored husband of Annie Oulnn end loving I ISth0 iJMT Oatlierlne QnlnrA ii1 Huojallr County Louth lrelsntl tZJ of the Amalgameted Society of Larpentera snd Joiners nr iyi luatntaociM are respectfully i TiT1 tbs fonerel Thursday et feSw0olsUl I1 WcOwsrty Mccormick tl Velencls St nuar 20thV I5ln obI1 Choroh where requiem high mass will be celebrated fir the repose of his soul commencing st 0i80 clock lntermont Holy Croat cemetery bv sutomoblle vFaztn Vl f0 nsvld Rutlmlge helmed hiiehsnd of XllsttHith Rut Mite father of Wlliitm Mrry Tliomts Ueorge Rutledge Mrs riuii3ii ensae nettve of Bellvllle Ontario Canada sited 71 ears nlSthi JJ llv A member of Lovsl Ornnte Lwigt No lis Bellvllle Ontario papers please copy iaS11 rvlcet THursdsy Feb 2S et u2iQCokJn fcloon of Mre ulIl Interment Wootl rwSCtrr1Lunlle Remains st iSn ahV Ml near WtlS et until 8 oclty Tburedar AjeMLL Iri this city reh 21 Nora flesrlr t1rTTS1w Patrick RSLell Rifil lll1 cf Mre Msv sml Patriots Rnasell snd the late Mary Rueeell native of Co fork Irelend igsJI 00 vetra 0 months snd 11 dsys IJ D1 aoqnalntsncss sre respectfully a end tbe funerel Wednesday at S2 lSk frm nir ftsldence 8874 Kuo11tD1r Churohj tbeace to St PauJt Church where a requiem high meat wm be celebrsted for ths icpose of her soaj commencing tt 9 oclock Inters ment Holy Cross Cemstery by csrrlsge RTJSSELL In tbla city Feb 22 JUrfv At Rustsll brother Mre lar sndSusle A Ruurll uucle of Ltuu tnd Elsie Clsrk nntlve of CsUforcle aged It yesre 10 months snd 13 dsvs Friends sre Invited to sttend the tunersl servloee Wednesdsy Feb 24 st 3 oclock st bis lets retldtnct 802 Laurel et Interment private SCHMIDT la Stntt Clart Fob 23 Alber Schmidt snd beloved mother of Mrs Foots end Mrs I Ring Jr nttlvt of Germany aged 78 yeers Frlcuds and Acquaintances ire retpertfuUy Invited to ettend the funerel Wednesdsy at 10 clock at st Francis Dt Silet Church Otklsnd tf ft 8O0TT In this city Feb 23 Henrletts A Sootu dnrotod dsughtst of Mr snd Mrs Lawson Roott snd loving slsicr of Mrs Ells Brsns Rcott Mrs Tire Mrs Bsr low Anns grout Lswson rtrott Jr snd the lste Scott nstlve of Oregon Notice of funsrtl heretfter Rtmtlnt it her late retldeoce 88 Franklin st SMITH In this dtv Feb 21 Mark Edwin Smith belnrtd husband of Florence Smith a native of San Francisco aged 26 Mea A member of Merlne Engiueers Benellcltl Assoclstlon No 88 Notice of funerel hersefter Remelne at Oray Oetry sad Dlvleadero sts STEFFAN In this olty Feb 21 Mstbllds dearly beloved wife of John Stefan mother of Mre Stein tnd lister of MrsL Htrdy nttlvt of Oerasny tsed 81 ihrs sod 7 months A member of HofKings Lodgs No 1 Od 8 sod Oeuaan Krleitr Frsoeo Vereln Friends tad seqnalntineet ere respserclly Invited to itttnd the funerel Wedneedey Feb 24 at 2 oclock from the cbWl ef Potersen 1842 Dlvltedero st st OPsrrell Interment Mount Olivet lemc terv by automobile STR0O At eSanti Rest Feb John Strong Besides bis wife he learn twoi dtuglitorn Miresret indEratua Strong tod slg sons John Ht Jr Joseph A Samuel Bonlsmtni 0 sod Strong Funeral Thuredsv tt 180 oclock from hit late home Interment sgnta Rosa THOMPSON In Camp Masker Feb 22 George beloved husband of Bertha yhonip aon and loving father ot Clvde A tad tbt lite Ralph Thompson a nstlve ot New Jr sev seed 89 yetrs Friends snd scquslntsnces sre respectfully Invited to sttond the tunersl Wedneedly st 2 oclock from the Mission Mstonlc Temple 8QS Minion tt under tbe auspices or Mlsr slou Lolse Xo ItW sntl A Inter mont private Remains st the ptrlort of Bunker a Lunt 2808 Million st I i 1 Wi Mi i SJ I i ESTABLISHED 18S0 GRAY CO Funeral Directors Geary and Dhisadero ireyt Chapel Phoae1 lVcst 477 Bay Counties and Feninsnla Seimet BURLINGAMIE BKANCHi Phone Burllngarne 813 Phone Mtrkat 39DO Elltbllahtd J888 California UndertaKing Co a a vjsl4spiu LOCAL UNDBRTAKETtS FOR THE AJIHY 100 FILLMOnn STRKET Cor lltraiaia noxici or bbmoval A WHITE Formerly IortT Whtt rtJNBBAU JOIKXOTOM Ub to lotlfy thtr friandi and ptroo of th ttow to thlf nw and ttAQdtom funeral nbiplt Snttr tret nortbwtt oorotr of llroi reltpttoot Wm T70 ooaatcUitif tU dppart X1h whi AlUrt Sevll Uo if yraohial YiotTr wi lUoarvt GOLDEN GATE UNDERTAKING CO Treaabty ead Peninsula Servloe AVTOMOBILRI SKAVICIO S4T8 3483 MISSION STHRHT Pane Mlttioa StSS SAU rANCISOO GREEN FUNERAL DIRECTOR formerly ot th corporation of Qrn Ryan A Oonohu ha opened hla new parlors at list Valencia between 23d arid 14th Telephone Klsslotv 70 ARTISTIC fSST fUaSeral Km I Designs MmH rteRiST3 ms artAT Amt TeL Sotiaf kMA Vila SWM mMMmiJm JfiMitiM lj ii nsi4.

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