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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Novelties! eckwear! Handkerchiefs! Gloves! Suspenders! Night Robes! Elegant Goods! Great Variety! DEWENTER, THE HATTER. wsss 1 GOING Said one of our Customers, but I- want you to save my measure. When I get a GOOD TAILOR I stick to him. You Suit me to a E. PLURIBUS UNUMI TOUB If AME LN PK1ST.

at m. Person it Character Concerning LuK'tuMportem and PrleutlM. In the city yesterday: Dr Brenton of Peru. Geo. Snyder of Marion.

Frank Land to Marlon. C. H. Klui'. of Reynolds.

Dr. Crampton of Delphi. A. L. Anderson cf Elwood.

Harry Frank, of Flora. George Pllcher from Frankfort. J. Don Gorrell of North Judson. Harry L.

Chaney of Fort Wayne. T. S. Nichols and H. Woloott of Wolcott, H.

Henderson and William Moore of Kjkomo. Eigrit Galvestonlans were In the city attending court yeiterday. A. C. BarntjU of the -Barnett hotel is at Delphi.

THE HIN.STEKIAL ASSOCIATION DECLINES TO CALL A MASS MEETING- Aitsnclation C-iunot llrle Renpounlbilllit of Any Kind 48 Individuals and la Thrlr Pal- PaaiuiH Will Aid Any KoTrmirut to Improve Itoe of Confidence In the City OflirUlfl Able Fmptr on a Timely TUCKER YOUNG, THE, PEflRL STRBET TfllLORS. P. J. PITZLIN, of St. Louis, In Physical'Culture.

Everyone wl.itilriK to Join can obtain full particulars at 'I WKIjJL'N ClUAll HTOJIK. AWFDL DISASTER. MOJIOIK, Doc J8W. We hnvo mem' era of P. Hltzlln Aiaiftlc Clasn find have iTen w-11 with his method iwicblnR riiyttlciu Culture tror Plizlln la trachnrmid woi (treat ciin, Hint each pupil li- correct Instructed In nvory mori We heartily rrccomend Irin 10 111.5 onfl desiring tolUKMViftb.

Hi- Is BI HI thoiouglily his business. It WiiL-btt-11 Wlnnns hcn'li Hiinro Ed M.iddy Nee'y Scott TboaLIiyan will JlBysrs Arthur CH.IB, DAILY JOURNAL TUESDAY JAN. 29 Thirteen People Killed and Thirty OF THE NEAR BY THE DERAILMENT VANDALIA JXPKESS INDIANAPOLIS. A llrokcn Itnll CaiiHea the Total Wrrek Trnln So. 20, llie Fnot JJuvTrnlu at LiKht- cliiix Tram All Broken Up and ihe tpslac NtiriitN Follww the Colll- J1E UETS EIHIIT UCNDRED.

V. ill" Man, Hetili WJtli the liiHiirmice Jluv Jtntpeu. The Justice building OD Broadway suay not in future bo occupied by C. Renbcrtfer with a balclnp esiab The ioturance adjueters been here, and Mr. Renberger allowed $800 and the part of ice that la loft, which mty be worth $400.

Thoieulemeni not Mr. Renberger detlred, nod bo la undeo'oed as tore-openlog the bakery The esute WAS allowed ia lurance In the eum of $565, which it is thouKbt, will fully cover the The repairs on the bulldlog will begin soon as possible. A Tliorn ihe Flesh. Charles Gnaria, after carrying thorn over an inch long concealed In ane of his for over seven years extracted the Irritation laet Saturday The thorn well preserved, (tnd bad given its possessor very little trouble during the time be carried It with him Foui- applicants for teachers licenses were examined Saturday by Supt. Gardner.

Additional Loca. un Fourih Special to tlie Journal: JNDIANAI-OLIS, 28. One of the must railroad wrecks in tho history of tha State occurred at a late hour tonight on the Vtindaha, west of Indianapolis. Thirteen persons wero killed outright and thirty were wounded, some fatally Train No. 20, the St.

Louis limited express, was moving westbound at a lightning rale of speed, when without a moment's warninf, the train was thrown from the track and the engine and cars were a mass of ruins. Toe cries of tho wounded were heart rending. The few that were not seriously hurt assisted In carrying ite wounded from the wreck. The oars were all broken up and turned upiide down. Some of the killed wore frightfully mutilated.

The terrible news was wired to this city and a wreck train with physicians aboard was quickly sent to the scene It is impossible at present to give details of the disaster or the names of the killed and wounded. Miss Grace Toby ia visiting relatives in Kewanna. Ackoy Cahlll has returned from Michigan City. G. L.

Ullery was at Dal phi yesterday OB business. T. S. Kerna NileB, yesterday on busineee. Mies Nellie Cooper of Kokomo, visited friends in the city iesierday.

Harry De Grout of Chicago, spent Sunday with his mother in the city. James Foughty acd wife of Idaville were here over Sunday with friends. J. Stanley went to Lakevllle yesterday to begin a. series of temperance meeting.

Charley Gratfis left for Indianapolis yesterday, to aesume his duties as expert accountant. S. A'plner of Kankakee, was here to attend the luneral of Moses Michaels, Sunday. Landlord Bennett, of the Carson Hotel at Monticello, called Sunday on Logaoeport George B. Forgy came home Saturday morning from Hot Springs, after a ten days' stay.

Mrs. C. H. Church will leave the last of the week for Brooklyn. M.

where nbe will visit relatives. Mies A E. Cornish returned Saturday to her home at Chicago after visiting Mies Fannie Taylor of this city. Sol Alplner and daughter, Mre.Chas. Michaels, left for Chicago yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs.

Michaels' uncle. Mies Diamondstone of Watselca, II 1 is spending a few days with a sifter, Mrs M. Barnard of Fourteenth street. Hon. Chas.

Longwell spent Sunday with his family in the city, returning to Indianapolis yesterday morning. Mlas Celia Loftus, who has been for a month the guest of relatives at Chicago, Juliet and Wilmington, 111., has returned home. Eli Greensfeldsr and wife enter- ttloed Dr Hirshberger of Ft. Wayne, who was here Sunday to preach at the funeral of M. Michaels.

L. if. MuKord of Lafayette, was" Here Friday and Saturday and attended the turkey sboot at the home of Herrington. Mr. Mulford is an ex.chief of police at Lafayette and Is now in business OB that city.

LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Awarded Highest Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. A mite Grape Cre.i(n Free torn Ammonia, Alum other adulterants 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BIEEDJXG 10 DEATH.

Alex Burk The Clzar Maker. Hai SighlJt-ai Eyo Komuved With Serious Yesterday morning an eye was ic- mofiid from Alex Burk, tbe cisrar maker, and when heard late last nipht he was in danger of bleedicg to death. Tne eyo'which was taken out bad bean algatlass for many years as a result of an accident. Burk is one of thase rare cases to physicians as "bieedero'' and tho operation resulted in a continuous hemorrhage, which it was impossible to stop. Do you ask for a test of DOST'S power, Just to talk to a lady for halt an hour; If her breath is sweet, if her teeth are white, If ber are clean, if.

her gums are bright, If her mouth is pure and her teeth are clean, uses the SOZODOSTF, thea, we ween. Senator Ths.Tera Draih Bttih Honst-S Adjourn JIM ft Hartt of Henpccr. Indianapolis, Jan. 2j. The death of Senator J.

D. Tnayer was reported this morning In the House, andjihat body, after appointing a committee to draft suitable adjourned until 2 o'clock as a mark of respect to the deceased. Senator Thayer, reptesented Kosciufiko and Wabash counties. He was in poor health when be came here to lake his seat and soon became worse and had to be taken to hia home at Warsaw, where ha died this morning. His death was caused by paralysis.

There was no morning session of the Scoate. When that body met the afternoon it immediately adjourned out of respect for Senator Thayer, until tomorrow morning. A The bill (o provide that the Ciiurt shrill fix th.9 punisnment after the jary has decided that ihe accused person is guilty, was defeated on its third read. ing in tbe House. A Three hundred and forty-four bills have been introduced In the House and 239 in the Senate- Hood's Sarsaparilla.

acting through the blood, reaches every part of the system, and In this way positively cures catarrh. An anonymous communication purporting to be resolutions adopted by the "local lodge," Independent Order of Good Templars, having been published In the papers o( tho cUy nnd having beea suot, likaivise anonymously, to our Aifoclatlon, rf questing uslocalla "mass meeting" of tne citizens of the city "to dbvlse ways and means of co-operation with tha lawful authorities ia suppressing law lessneas to assist in maintaining law," the ministers at tbelr meeting ibis Monday morning appointed the undersigned a committee to publish the following puper adopted as a reply to the eatd anonymous cornmu- Di-ation: We, as a Pastor's Association, can not assume civic respoasiollitios of any kind and tberefura we cannot at prsdent, if ever, regard as our duly to call a mass meeting for the pur. poses indicated, no-icn as we would rejoica to see a well directed move ment of the kind referred to started. The very caUlng together of such a mass meeting as is asked implies tnat wo must be prepared to assume the lead in, or at least to suguestsome well considered plane for carrying on such a campaign. The securing of definite information on which to base recommendations for such a plan of operations involves the expenditure of an umount of money such as we pastors havo noi at our command, and also an amount and kind of detective agency and work such as we do not feel called upon to engage in or to use.

Wo further foel tbat wholesale and random reflection cast upon our city officials, such as is too often Indulged in, and such as the communication referred to contains, without specifically fixing responsibility upon tasm and also without giving definite infor mation as to ibo facts which would establish tboir neglect of sworn duly, Is liable to do great iDJustlce to Jul'officers and may possibly help to dsfeat tbe very end in view. We are fully persuaded that many of our city and police officials are as desirous of the enforcement of law as we ba Just where tbe responsibility lies for the non-enforcement of law, where this non-enforcement exists, we are not prepared to say and vre can not aasuma to say without definite- knowledge us to the law and ihe Wo will also say that we not unlnt-reated spectators of the various movements for civil and municipal reform now to common in our country and possibly becoming more fashion able than efficient. We think we do underestimate the value of those movemenls when wisely directed. We cerialnly know something of the difficulties attending any real and substantial work in this direction, but we also think that we have ob. served that wherever these movements hare been the most effective they have been inaugurated and pressed forward by a email band of individual citizens entirely disassociated from any church affiliations or clerical position.

Ia any movement for tbe public good we hold ourselves In the preeent and futme, as in the past, ready to co-operate as individual citizens anc In our official cipacity according to our best judgment, and should such a special movement as is contemplated In these resolutions be inaugurated, our pulpits will ba found giving no uncertain sound concernin? righteous- nesp, temperance and judgment. We wott'd farther say that the agency of our churches is primarily for the regeneration of Individuals and through these we aim also to secure the reformation of society and the batterment uf all civil affairs. Some may scoff 05 they do at "the of Moses" and at the "preachers mumbling over ibe came dry creeds" as v-worn threadbare a thousand ago." but' when men do ibis they shou'd sot appeal to us to lead in muciciptl reform, for we know of no better ihe world's Cut Price No 2 Ladies Jersej brand rubbers 2 3, 15c Ladies spring heel Caadee rubbers 3 to 5, 25c Childrens heel rubbers 7 to 10, lOc Misses heel rub) ers Caudte nnd 13c Lad es storm rubbers 2 and 3, 5c Ladies French Heel Oandee 1 to 4, 18c Misses Caadee heei 13 io 35c spring 13 to 1, Ladies "2 io 3. 50c Childrens 6 10, '25c Misses high button Arctic? worth $2. C5c $2.98 WORTH 1 5O.

$4.50 See Windoi. Ladies 1-inccl worth £1 25, 7oc Mens heavy rubbers rt -i 40c Mens heavy rubb 50e Meus boots a.M<i cu Mens kip Mens rubber Ladies calf cu wor £2 50 98c '25 OTTO KRAUS. Big Bargains in Overcoats. J.G. BRIDGE.

I A A BEST STANDARD P. ICES LOW. TERMS EASY. 410 Broadway. Rear Hauk's Jewelry Store.

regeneration these same old laws of Moses coupled wish the of our Lord Christ, which is tbo common lo all our churches. 1 Tnou shall not kill." "Thou shalt not commit ediiHery." "Thou sbalt no'v steal" are wbat you bs disposed to cill "ethical cb.esinuts;'' but they are what laid Tammany sijs that oblef leader In municipal reform. Dr. Porbharat, in a recent address. Aad it is thass aa-ne armastiug old chesinuth" thai wo preachers iind churches have usud expect to use continually, pressing ihem upon the conscience the people.

And we arc srladtonoto that tome conspicuous members of the'/.nlon from which tbeso revolution? craanaled are tuemeelves tbe fruit of Ibis kind of work on the part of our churches. If now thi so men whose lives make them familiar wilh-the reckless diere gard of law and good morals in tbo community, feo! It to ba obligatory upon themselves to look afler a better enforcement of lav? we shall greatly rejoice and feel tbat our preaching has not been in vain, and at the same time we shall bold ourselves ready to give practical aid and support whenever we feel that opportunity offers. It is true that we have ourselves seen enough of vice and disregard of law In this city to make our hearts tche and to cause us to speak out against these things even when others are tllent. and Aomeiimes- some of us have bien tempted to turn detective on our own account that we might, have fuller information to give to the people, bat If we ever do undertake this, we shall not begin by casing a mass meeting of thus Hushing (he game before our ammunition it prepared. P.


1895. InOldeu People overlooked tbe importance of permanently beneficial eff-tts and were satisfied with transient action; but it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual constipation, well-lnformec people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. A SER OCS ACCUSATION. In. Memory O'Donncll.

A precious one fr -m bns gone. A vJce loved Is Mil A place Li vacant In mirscaool, Wnfcj nsver can be oiled. God In Els sd-iro has called The noon 81s love had zlvea: And the bod; cere The soai is ssfa In St. Joseph's School. An entertainment will be by the ladies.of the G.

A. R. in tbe G. A. Hall February.

6th. Admission 10 cenu. I .11. do Kr till T.vncr AcaltiNt I J'fcrlrr, Hulli lilve L'orter, of Clinton township, arresled Sunday night by Deputy Sr.erifl Jobu uiih oa a grand jury indictment. Tbo cliurge contained In the indictment, Is a serious one, tbat of theft.

Toe plaintiff and defendant bulb live iu Clinton township and till adjoining farms. The allegations made by tbc plaintiff charge that Lewis Porter, tho defendant, lifted two bogs from Tyner's pea, and among oiber things it is eel forth by the complaint that the porkers were tracked to tbe borne ot tbe defendant, and tbat on the d-ty following two dressed hogs wore ecen suspended in tbe defendant's yard. The complaint does not aver ibst the hogs we recognized as the plaintiff's meal supply. Lewie Porter, the gave bond in the sum of $500 for bis appearance at the proper time to answer the charges. N.

Martin, Patrick Canuy and Isaac Reed, three Clinton township citizens, went oa his bond is sureties, and he was allowed to re. turn home. Tbe caae will probably be heard before the close of the present term of court. A Cold HoiMe. The heating apparatus at tbe opera house was out ol order, very much eo, last night and some of tho patrons left the on account of tbe barnlike atmosphere that pervaded the auditorium.

Gorman's comedians went through their business as well as possible while their teeth chatterec and. their noses turned blue from the cold. Wben the performance was over the mcoabe of tne company hurried to their hotel without waiting to change their stasre costumes for street dresg, ac they claimed tbc dressing were not healed. Aillnir Every woman above 25 jears of age should read the book "Adflce to Mothers Coccer; icg of and Children, 1 published by tbe Zoa-Phora Medicine Company. Send to tbe Secretary of the Company, Colzoaa Ktlamazoo, or your druggist for a copy.

Sold by F. Keeping and Coa'soo Co Salt rheum with Us intense itching dry, hot skio la cured by Hood's Sar. eaparii'w, becauee it puriSes the blood..

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