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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jBMmsua visrfijMi i51tl5jfcJs iv sSS i5i Ssgsir If ICBLLANEOCS ismm Cutely Pure rDER rrrvEB vamb a partly atrenctb sad wbolweni economical tbaa tb ordinary Ba ot im cta jo cc mpotitica who i of fcs taat abort wta kt abusi bom oair rDJ OLKMAN A 00 Agents Baa tpri les Largest mock rest Prices beauty of do ty of work tnd nor price our dis no equal in this rniture Co Bush Street larettes BEST OKftRU WHO ABB ninrn thavu the nrtr a Ty trde tVrtlt wil ligarettes tTO ALL OTHERS from the very htfhetrt rn In Vlrcntv uu4 vr ud WlctU fcrom va4 rr KRAT10X OR DRUGS MnafKcturerS fZiJWENATOIL 1HE OHEATK8T TAL RESTORATIVE 4ND INVIUORATOR Xtorea irlihoat rail IVm out rbl tr u4 muni ILott Manhood bower omp heated tbtc may ir rttmlniln all tk Vil MttfCrtUlHU Uhl elr Wtoa uom ana eusaoer com uuoos or iu uiooo itaa Cwlleraddnas ALFIRLD PranrUen Cat Ownias Ita CRUZ Rock Pave mipany Mouttromery St TO LAY SIDEWALKS I ti from 7 to 9 cent pcx par than fiH lYENORg BLASTER lUanRPTlOW DM Warmth Im amlls tot Ugh siAiiiauu Biumc hS Ss rurpixa ttegeat Oisflslon RKobtoylBood pnlictUoa LIDDL8 Dtgattisar Mmwm iit aglfi 1 i JV WrfB 7a TjgSE jf VOL XLYI SA2T FEACISCO CAIu iS BTEteER 17 1887 WM fflisli Journals Heady Eight Secretary Balfour Soon to Retire Bismarcks Coining Anniversary Glimpses of Italian rolitics mr torx wosts caji mnct hisbt 1887 arECUi to tk aaostcxa ratow aiaconMtfojM i 1 thefact tiatalt thrat Ciippr ber aul en the Continent art ttttertnglo cetncr larfe fUBi of wit correipondenta and by bayinj Mitlceable none and in other waya ara prcparini for toe great tniggle they teem confidant i coming la ths mean time ctatesraen are puff io oitenitatioatly the pip ci pees that lutpicion ii excited that under the friendly cover of the imoke they are preparing for war Tbe so called compromie in Central Asiaii not regarded aa promising peee between England and Ruala Men who Vdow the disputed territory well are not backward in saying that the bear got all she wanted on the Murghib and in Feud jeh and that the concessions to the lion are not worth from a miliwry standpoint tbe paper they are printed on The evidence of the activity of Ayoub Khan has raised an uneasy feeling in view of his past career and nndoabted power oter the Afghans who are disgusted with subsidized Abdnrrahamsn tertians Salisbury will be able to satisfy still fewer three months hence than even at present by turning from unhappy Ireland and saying exultlngly See the fruits of my policy In Asia peace at rendjeh which it the sum and substance of the Queens speech I hear from food authority however that Balfonr will loon ttsp out and be succeeded by Ritchie Sccretsry of the Local Government Board The most mediocre man will do anything lor a raise of salary Perhaps his physical and mental Incompetence so long palpable to others has at last dawned upon Balfonr Doubtless he will return to tbe laud of the heather and the grouse and write another book on philosophic doubt In view ol tbe notion that tbe marked tsrtiallty of tho Queen for Bcsconsfield was one of the most powerful causes contributing to his fall In 180 the Liberals can look with complacency on her twice visiting Hatfield House In the past session Tbe Radical papers rejoice in the fact that the royal footsteps have never crowed the threshold of Hawarden Cutle and that only with great reluctance on Imperative occcslons has she called Gladstone to Windsor This royal favor ind Other circumstances are accelerating the gentle process of attrition from which the irresolute allies of the Government are suffering and the day is not dUUct when Iho Liberal Unionist will be classified with ISe mastodon Things look blue In Bulgaria for the Cobnrger princeling since Bismarck has applied aud obtalued permission from the Saltan for three German corvettes to enter Bulgarian wttere Bom weeks ago an Insignificant paper at Sofia printed an un tinpleasant paragraph about the German Ionsul The offending journal was suppressed A full apology was made but Wllhelm Strasse seems not yet satisfied Little symptby is felt for Ferdinands mother Clementina whose dally fainting Ets occasioned by fears for the fate of her son are chronicled in the Vienna papers the 1 credited with having put a stop to lils courtship in Vienna but bis wedding balls will yet rung iiulgena is not tne bourne from which no traveler returns vide Alexander Nothing definite is known regarding the tipectcd moetingof Kolser Wilhelm and Ciar at Stettin The probabilities towever that it will not take place which clearly goes to show that tb relations between the two Powers are not nearly so good as they were before the crusade Inaugurated last January against Russian houses About one quarter of the two million marks of stock which at that time was In German hands has been unloaded but tbe rest cannot be owing to the want Cf confidence which is everywhere felt in Russian securities To day the long heralded meeting between Kalnoky and Bismarck took place In Frederieksrnhe The ostensible purpose of the meeting Is the discussion of the basis for a renewal ef the Austro German commercial treaty which Shortly expires but there can be no doubt but what these two wis men will puttbelr heads together in regard to many more Important subjects at least to the peace of Europe A prominent American sow In London has Just returned from Klasingen where he had many opportunities of seeing the Iron Chancellor The first thing that Strikes you about Bismarck he says is that be Is a man who weighs about 200 pounds mostly brains On tbe 23d Bismarck celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of his entrance into the Prussian Ministry and every brewer ia German land Is going to send him a barrel of his best At the conference with Kalneky Bismarck is accompanied by bis daaguter Marie now Countess RamUeer who as he is Ttry fond of saying has mora brains in tier little fingers than hit big boys Herbert aud William can aho between them Ii the lata Premier Depretia from bis present abode wherever that may be an ioy an occasional glimpse ol hia native land ha must very much surprised and fiUgutted to find out bow exceedingly lit tlb Is missed Kradfflarboroofh which be carried In bla Test pocket for to many years ha returned another Deputy Crlspl though 72 It looked upon tn Hotspur of Italian politics ThtLordof Mica and Baa tt he it called ia reference to cit Boutbern origin has however not gotten himself into bot water at ret Along with ZerandllU for many years Crlspl at the leader ol the Dalian fourth party On tb death of Dtpretia however Crlspl mansged to monopolism the Ministerial meat while ZerandlUt was given ihemittan sotheynevr bow when they meet on the Coro Indeed It it said and cot dented that Crlspl bit placed all UH colleagiu under police surveillance It would not be fair to make a criticism on bii probable policy at bit only decree to tar has been on to prevent tat giving of absurd and ludicrous names to Children strtngt fancywhich hat lately possessed the Italian peasant In Spain tbe spirited foreign policy which Senor Stgtsta elected to porta bat Just received aa amusing check The Admiralty sometime ago determined to raise the Cestllllsn fUt Jovera small rock near the entrance of tbe tea to nflllied a a coaling station gunboat was fitted out tor the purpose and with their own soft bandt tbe fair ladles of Cedli wot a liken banner to be unfolded to tho burning breesea of tbe East When tb gunboat reached the coveted rock it commander was much turlied to find one of ncr Britannic Uajestyt gnnboaU already Inert Tb crew and officers were engaged In a gam of oricket The SpanlshCapttin emoosiraledbut th only answer he It aid lahtTreoelTed was this signal from be British thlpt Keep off lb grass Tit banner woven by tb fair lad let of adtx bat bean pat In camphor and tb panisb Admiralty art looking for another coaling station Queen mother bat writed JnBliboain tba course cf ber triumphal progrtat through berpouet aiont ana Premier Btgtsta la on nit way tbe Qerattt batba to recuperet befora iMmtiunceltnt Corilro ti eutt out ministerial dnUet of bathing tb baby King every day at San Bebaetlap A FE1END OP IKELAIfl A XJboral Kembert Sympathy for Horn Bnltv wrw Tomx wobls caaxa mnai oorraiaKTED 183T tricru to cwsawscxAl Loscoti etptember IS Tb most tig nlScant evidence in proof of the growth of bom ml tor Ireland la given by tbe expressions of sympathy for the cause by prominent Englishmen John Brnnner liberal member for Norwich hat started the idea of raising a fund In England for the Iriah cause In a public letter to day be gives himself 1000 to the proposed and The objects to be secured by this fond are shown in the following extract from bis letter First the relief of acute cases of distress among evicted tenants and laborers now in enforced idleness second the adoption of Sir Redevers Bullers suggestion to provide some machinery that will inquire into the tenants situation before eviction third aiding etthtr with leral assistance or moderate but sufficient gift those in danger of eviction fourth the helping of fishermen at iay ourueu traflakMMktteieMtsroOTt i ji tr i etUf wPKveTrprmaneT nttrepr i dnctlve thirtctcrin themore dlatreaed districts sixth generally as far possible to replace tho moderatiEg Influence until recently exercised upon both gnat parties to the struggle by Sir Michael nicks Beach and Sir Redevers Bailer For the effecting of these objects and the meeting ol these needs large sums will be needed which I sincerely trust will be obtained Let ut ask Lord Spencer Lord Aberdeen and Lord Wolrerton tt be trustees of the fund and let us ask Mr Juke to give ni the benefit of hit close knowledge of Ireitnd A commission ol well known men ol the four nations should be appointed to superintend on one hand tbe collection of fundi in ureat amain ana on the other their disbursement In Ireland I have great pleasure in Inclosing a check for 1000 with the sincere hope that this appeal may be met by a hearty response I can imagine no more poverful agency for brfhglng to an end the bitter strife now existing over so large a portion of Ireland 1 need hardly add that I am prepared to give time as well as money to the furtherance of so great a work Fatal Railroad Wreck in England Opening of the Mexican Congress The Filibnstera Still Restless The Manitoba Railway Troubles SpacUI Dispatches to the CKBOxtrax FEARFUL COLLISION Reports are alto fair from tb other gold Dealing streams The Sear broozht down tb murderer Of Arcbblahop Segbers to where it connected with tbe Rush which latter steamer took him to Sitka He will be tried on the second llond ay in November The Rosh bat bean deputed to bring down tbe Indian hunters and whit crews of tb seised schooners to Victoria it It expected that the will arrive down la anoni a wees time Colonel Bell District Attorney of Alaska who bat been ill for tome time in Sitka died on tb Ancon on Tuesday last He was pleading in court two dayt before the steamer tailed and had to be carried on board Ho wat suffering from long trouble Captain Warren state that daring their whole term of detention the ofnctrs of tbe cutter it ash treated the masters and crews ot the seized schooners with every consideration as did alto tbe Sitka officials When they arrived at Sitka everything wat taken from them even their marine glasses but these and all other personal effects were delivered up to tbeta when they were released from custody Tb Bear previously reported lost 1 teen by the foregoing to be safe 8he captured tb two last schoonert taken PARLIAMENT PHOROGUKD sXJ Twenty eight persons were killed yesterday uirx ttmMimahs AytiSSIiami uuta i zr i vw 5 a ir iio lfcie0SkirfeMwia fcwrtaifatffi van Canadian authorities attribute th trouble over the seized sealers to the incompetency of tbe officers at Sitka KILLED HIS FRIEND Honting Fatal Termination of Expedition Laramie Wy September 16 A terrible tragedy occurred late Wednesday evening at the Twin Mountain ranch of Howard WIndnam near this city resulting in the death of a young man named George Gordan Gordan came to America three weeks ago accompanied by hia friend and college mate A Whitehouse Both were students at oxford and sons of wealthy parents They ere visiting Mr Wiudbam with a view to future Investments in the stock business Wednesday afternoon they saw two antelopes nesr the Windham ranch and left together to capture the game rinallv after stalking the antelopes for several hours one of the animals disappeared and the other was seen iu a little gulch where the hunters thought irer could get him It wat agreed that liordn should steal along the gulch on one ilde while Warehouse bould creep along the bottom to that the game cuuld not escape tnd the two separated It was about datk After walking some distance Whitehouse caught signt ot an object going through the eame guft lO yards ahead of him He look a long look and finally decided the object was a mountain lion Ue then fired and the object fell Calling to his partner and receiving no answer and hsvlng heard ot tbe cangeremt character of the mountain lion when wounded he fired three more shot and then supposing fh nhtit La dead havabDroacbed II horrified on eettine Bear tot find that he bad killed hit ineirt The bail struck Gordan in the right temple and paised through hit head coming outol the neck below the left ear The body was brought to Laramie and an inquest held Uordin was but Zi yean oil ti in body will be sent to Engltnd for burial BEEEMAN EXPLAINS uv lk Twenty Toar fersons Killed on an English Railroad Loxnos September 16 A dreadful col lision occurred to day on the Midland Hallway The train filled with exeor sionlsta who were going to Dorcatter to tee the race at that place collided with another train and was wrecked The total intcred it seventv Tho Mid land train was standing on the crorsing a sum irom monaster wnue tne ttctett were being collected when the Liverpool express dashed into It The guard box wat mashed to atoms and the first carriage of the Liverpool train wtt telescoped by the next It was a long lime before the injured and dylngwho were wedged in the ruins could be rescued Twenty four persons were killed and many of the injured cannot recover The disaster wat caused by defective signaling Tbe scene at tbe wreck was horrible Scores of people lay bleeding or dead wedged amid the splintered woodwork and debris Their shrieks and moans were heartrending but it wat impossible to help them until mechanical appliances arrived Many were taken ont shockingly mangled some decapitated and diaemboweled Soma of tbe dead were only recoeclzable by their clothing The curve in the line bid the express until it was within a short distance of the excursion train The driver hat not explained how he ran put the danger signals The latest returns this morning from tbe horrible disaster show that twenty eight passengers were killed while of the many wounded several are expected to die On the occasion of the terrible accident in Illinois the papers here were loud in their praise of the English railway system on which it wat claimed similar accidents could not occur and the evidence in sad rebuttal comes very quickly Besides the Board of Trade returns of accidents during the past six months appearing to day does not furnish the Engllh railway with such an excellent record a even here it wat supposed they were entitled to eighteen collisions ol passenger trains bv which seventyseventy one passengers were killed or injured seriously tad twelve collisions of freight trains by which eighty four were injured MEXICAN AFFAIRS prorogued to day The Queens speecbron closing the session was rormtl in Character and contained the following I have agreed with the President oi the United States to refer to a Joint commission tb difficult question respecting tbe Kort American fisheries which have recently been aiscussed by the two nations Tbe following it in reference to Irish matters The wants and difficulties of Ireland have occupied yourclose attention daring a protracted session 1 trust that the remedies your wltdom hat provided will gradually effect the complete restoration of order in Ireland and alve renewed courage to peaceful industry In order to pats them it has been necessary to post pone many important measures affecting other parts of to kingdom which doubt less you will be aoie to resume witnout hindrance at the coming session The speech concludes thus This year tbe fiftieth anniversary of my reign has been the occasion of the expression of fervent loyalty which has deeply touched me I am indeed thankfnl for the warm and hearty nroofs of affection which have reached me from ell classes I am thanking God for tbe blessings that be hat vouchsafed mo aud my country I trust I may be spared to reign over a loving faithful and united people Parllment is prorogued until November 30lh THE MANITOHA RAILROAD txeBBSPV Jt Six Pqppat fjsasBsaBK a im4i The VoliiBMfcJfrefeats tslBSp i Ires TraBMjBgHam SU pplejHwli Kev OrteuyesJSE8f5v TBYoMIHfPpiBf and Padflo SaQroad and vTtUx Fargot Kjrpreas Company offr81000 tach foi tha arrest and eonvlctlon of tb robber HAILBOAD TTIltBIlt Toad nat tokl the story of I lncoura tgT George GardanawlthTcrZgEMJih man was acclintajiyMi wMJiuntlng near Laramier Weclesday WeUrBajTJ Train robbers stopped sJlAUai aid Pacino train near NavaJc A yesterday and cleaned out the sift Sf Special TMapatche to the CSaosrcix DEATH IK THE FLAMES He Says New Terk Did Not Intend to Slight Cleveland Nkw York September 16 A letter made public to night regarding the declination bj Mrs Cleveland of tbe Invitation to present certain Ssgt to the Fire Department of this city on the ground that the ITesident himself wat not also invited is from Preldent Beekman of tbe Board of Aldemanl to President Cleveland saying in substance that tbe matter has been misinterpreted by a portion of tbe public and assuring the President that in nothing could the city be less wanting than welcome and hospitality in the fullest measure to one whom It will always delight to honor meaning the President President Cleveland replied at length recognizing the misapprehension and saying that neltber Mrs Cleveland nor himself btd the slightest Idea of anf discourtesy to him the President either intended or apparent In the Invitation nor was Mrs Cleveland reply Intended to rtcognlie or admit th existence of anv anch Intention Mra Cleveland was simply not willing to asdme sueh a EUbllc rote entirety lnaepenucut oi ocr usband The President is now glad th declined because if the plain Imeaning of ber declination is distorted betasareher conduct would hav been If she had accepted They regret any disappointment to the people or firemen of New York A TOPUKO WIFES TBIAIS She Leaves tier Hatband and Be eomet at Cbora Girl Niw York September 16 About three yetrt ago Mitt Mary Thompson tbe belle ot Memphis Tenn and granddaughter of the late Secretary of tbe Interior Thompson was married to young Stonewall Montgomery owner of several million dollars and a man of considerable society and political prominence Soon however rumors began to circulate to the effect that Sang Montgomery wtt not only wild bat at he ill treated bit wile Mra Montgomery about two Weekl ago disappeared from Memphis Sha was provided with letters cam to New York and aecarcd employment from Colonel McCaull at a chorus girl The yooog woman taothv aoma weeks tine arrived beta and pleaded with ber daughter to return to her Southern borne Htr visit wu supplemented by on from tb young woman husband II Commenced dlvorco proceeding in the Supreme Court without filing a bill of complaint lira Montgomery hat engaged counsel to defend the cats Thlt action It it thought will lead to a separation Instead of a divorce On th detth of ber grandmother Mn Thompton Mra Montgomery will Inherit a fortune of 00000 or 500000 MABLBOBOCQH8 MANIFESTO lie Cannot Etcap tb Betpontlbll Ity or Writing It Xgw Yosx StpUmbtr 10 In connection wlih a unit which th Dak ef lltrl borongb It ttid to hav written for this weeks Trait denying that be wrote the recent Memorandum attacking the prctt end published on Sunday It may be ttid that th autograph letter It la possession of a well known gentleman who bat been engaged to do torn writing for the 8tal while here The gentlemen referred was aiked to furnish It to the press and be did so Tho Duk wis more than anxious to have tb letter prlntod Tne Dak wu hardly satisfied wrth th reading of th letter and he tent word to tbe office of th Newport Vevs requesting that It be published in their Issue of Monday with a slight alteration Tit changing the words American eagle to American press Tbe correction wst made The gentleman who wu banded the letter wu teen thlt morning and be corroborated tb above fact HKXICAM FHUIT8 Railroad Aiding Competition With California CncAOo September 10 Tb freight department of tbe Mexican Central road bu made exceedingly low export rites on Mexican trait to Chicago Denver LonU Uinneapollt Omaha and other Wutarn ettiea and arrangement bare been mad with tb Interoceanie tarrowaog line ran nlng down into th bot country beyond tbe City of Mexico for Ttry low rarei from points on that Una and great car will be taken in packing the fruit tt It expected to compete with Southern California eraBjeiandctharXruUln WttUxa cJU President Dials Opening Address to Congress Citt op Mexico via Galveston September 16 President Dili opened Congress with the Usual ceremonies this evening Hit message which It of tome length dells mainly with practical topics tbe material progress of the country tnd education Harmonious relations continue to be cultivated with the United ntates and dlplomatio complaints are generally due to alleged injury to private Individuals Mexico declines to recognise the dictatorship over Guatemala assumed by Barrlliu until the is assured that it represents tbe wUl of the Guatemala people Independence Day was celebrated in this city to day with extraordinary eathu lissm There was a grand civic and military parade witnessed by enormous crowds The American colony took tn activ part in the celebration and every where tbe stars and stripes were seen mln tled with tbe Mexican flags All sorts of entertainments were Included in the festivities TBE riLlBltSTERS Report of Berrlbint Death Discredited at Key West New York September 16 The rWouc Key West special says panolthe organ of the Spanish Government at Havana announcing the capture and death of Berri bin leader of the expedition which recently left here says The balance of bis band are surrounded by the troops and mast soon surrender This statement however is znach doubted here Private advices positively announce Berribins safety and It teems that the false resort of hit death wu circulated by Jhe Spanish authorities to dlcourage others from going from here Co Join him and filibuatert numbering about 150 did have an encounter with the Spanish soldiers near I stanzas Sunday ana for a time held at bay 1500 troops sent agalntt them Thirteen soldiers were killed while the filibusters til escaped with only Berribin and three men wounded and none seriously and Berribin oy last nlgnti steamer from Cuba tend encouraging report of the wtf friendi of the cause in Cuba are flocking to bit standard and says that hit lupply of dynamite did bii band good service In both their encounters with tbe troops On account of the Government censorship little credence can be given VEtpnnol or any other Cuban Journal Another expedition it believed to anticipate leaving Tampa bay shortly if It bat not already tailed intending to land on South Cuba THE SEIZED SEALERS Hove the Canadian Officials Look Upon the Matter New Toaa September 17 Tbe Tribal Ottawa special of Septemberieth sayt In reference to the Behring sea cUnre ot Ust season It la alleged here that tbe trouble tu occurred through the ignor ance ol thr American aathorltle at Sitka Tt appetn that Secretary Bayard on receipt of th report ef hli officer at Sitka itatlng tb ground on which lb Canadian Tesselt bad been elied at once telegraphed ordering tha restoration of tbe vessel and iklm to their owners and he alto informed tbe Minister at Washlnston ot hit havlnr dona so The magistrate at Sitka on receipt ol tb telegram from Secretary Bavard or dered bit Marshal Jo carry oat th instruction bat before it wu effected withdrew hi order on the alleged ground that th telegram might not be authentic He denies having received any farther Instructions from Wuhlnglon and refuted to act en Bayards telegram It it understood that thlt matter will be made the subject ol aa Immediate report to th Privy Council by tb Minister of Fisheries Captain Warren says tt wu daring tbe foggy weather that his schooners were taken When th fog cleared they found the cutter near them and a free and euy captor When the Captain wu seUed on th Dolphin he uktd the commander ot tbe Rush to allow blm to take tbe Anna Beck wblch wu strtcned at Oonslaaka to Sitka Tbit wu acquiesced in and a crew put aooara in captain aito uatea tottn woald not tt ks th schooners to Bilka until a representative ot the American uoTern mnt waa olscad on board each TeueL Tblt Wu done and tbe icboonen pro ceeded to Sitka Tbe Captain doet not think that the other tctorta schooners lb favorite Kate and Triumph htve been seized br th cotter Rush Thr arrived a tailor In Sitka who ll the only survivor ot tbe whaling schooner Napoleon which wu wrecked In th Arc tie two years ago at leiii a tern oi laie of suffering Th vessel got crushed in the ice Tbe crew had to take to the bottt and tbe man wno bu arrived In Sitka wu on of eighteen who were oa tb Ice for thirty daya lrurlng tblt time bit seventeen companions died from starvation and exposure He wu picked up by ttqnl man and lived among them until the trip of tbe Bear Into the Arctic when he wu found among tli protectors Tbe cutter brought him down and connected with the Rush la Behring lee and tb cutter brought him to Sitka A number of men from Forty mile creek intho Yakon region are on the steamer and report a com cuoft la tHat itrcaa A Decision Expected Legalising It Construction WINN1PE8 September 16 The injune on cue against the Manitoba Railroad Ii 11 pending In court bat It is expected to be concluded In a day or so Chief Justice Walbridge before whom tha cue Is being tried said while hearing th cue that in view of tbe arguments brought before him he would probably have to hold that tbe province bad a perfect rlgit to build the road under the Public Works Act Should the Chief Justice to decide it will strengthen tha province Immensely It will make the work legal and give the province an undoubted right to appropriate the land tnd will wipe out all injunctions excepting those filed at the instance ot the Dominion Government It will also remove ail obstacle In the wty of railing money for the road Tbe Dominion tioverJaent organ bere draws a doleful picture of the horrors of a civil war and advises the province to back down ii it finds peaceful mows unavailing in securing lu end Thlt does not meet with tne popular view Of course force will only ba resorted to In the laar extremity after every constitutional measure of securing redress has been frustrated bat tb province it not going to back down this trip however much th Dominion Government may desire it Emperor William at Stettin Berliv September 16 Tbe VeIsee ZiUung asserte that the Czar recently in timated hit desire to meet Emperor Villitm on hit return from CoDenhazeh to St Petersburg Tbe Emperor remained at tne sterna review lo oay irom ivvw a till 1 In tbe afternoon he gave a dinner to Prince and Princess William Count Von Moltke and several generals ana nun Officials It a rial of a Mitcbellttown Victim Mitchells cows September 16 The funeral of Casey another victim of the riot took place to day Over 1000 persons marching eight abreast all bearing laurel leaves Followed the remains to tb grave The father of ONeill of Cape Colony has contributed 200 a fund for a monument to the victims A Generona Llbfral Loypos September 16 Brnnner Liberal hu given 5000 for the purpose of starting fund to meet the material needs of Ireland aud relieve the distress prevalent in that country Declared Innocent Pai September 1C The clerks in tbe War Office who were arrested on a charge of divulging the details of tbe mobilization ol the Seventeenth Army Corps have been found innocent and released The real offender Is a percon not in the employ of tbe War Department An Australian Jnstiee Suspended Loxnos September 13 It Is reported that the Governor of Western Australia bu suspended the Chief Justice of the colony Hon Alexander Campbell Onslow The cause it not stated Six People Perish la st Fire at Sfew Orleantv New ORLtixs 8eptembfV16v Early tblt morning an explosion occurred la tbe grocery store of Dominict 1LC Mttsine at the corner ot EDghleh andDenphin street and a moment later the enure Dniidmg wu on are and all escape from tbe upper mriei where Jfeulnt i family resided wu cat onV Th fire mutt have been burning for tome time before tbe explosion which wu doubtless caosd by the ignltiou of powder which Meuina kept for sale When the firemen reached the scene the voice of the family could be beard mingled with the roaring ana tne eraexung oi tne names crying lorneip every enort oi tne nremen to rescue the unfortunstes failed and the entire family consisting ot MesHna hit wife and four little children were burned to death i i THE YACHT BACK The Tolanfceer Pass Everything iraivrve The Fltherle Commission New Tobx September 16 An Ottawa special saxaSttsirfffirzacdonald will be a rntwhber of the Fiiheii Msamiulon iDstasfl of the Minuter of JosUceTwAt first The commission wU meet in hington the first week November END OF A ROMANTIC LIFE Death of Mr Emma A William in New York Nsw TORE September 17 Mrs Emma A Williams wife of William Williams of Lower California died Tuesday at tb house of her niece In this city She was about 73 yean old and wu tbe Mra Cunningham of the famoui Burdell murder case A gentleman familiar with mining affairs in California says that Mra Williams wu owner of extensive copper land in Lower Calitornlaknown tsthe Mullje Con per Mlnea She mad various attempts to tell these mines or part of them and had them examined bv mlnlne exnerrx 1 The report of the latter wrt howvir not ot av cntractsr to pear oat hir own high estimate of th vtluo of the property Her daughter are now living lu Lower California and are Hid to be married The facta of the murder of Dr UtrTey Burdell In hi bout on Bond street on the sight of Jan nary 30 1S57 and tb trill of Mr Cunningham who wat bit boate kteper and who claimed to bay been married ta hlm bay been repeatedly published Alter her acquittal tbe brought tult in tbe Surrogate Court to establish ber claim to Dr Burdell estate at bit widow and pretended to be confined of a child which ihe uierted wu Dr Bur della It wu proved eonclnJvaly that tbli child btd be imngjled to her ia a buket from tbe almshouse She wu defeated In her salt and toon afterward went to Kan Francisco Referring to tbe murder ot Dr Burdell Mra Phcrbe MorrllL niece of Mrs Will lams teld lit night No on bat any doubt now of th poor womtni Inno eence Mra Morrill said tost night Sb wu acquitted la Court and time bu shown the JuUcol the verdict fiheiurvlvedher troubles thirty year anddledaCbritrian death It It hard that ihe should be par sued In bar coffin iv the story ot that awfol iccnjitloo and the knowledge ot it forced upon these ot her wonager relative from whom it he been mo far carefully kept -Mra WlUIasaV had been ia this city about a month oa a visit from ber bom in Lower California She wu lost ia New York torn four year ago and on that occasion wu recognised on the Brooklyn bridge and ber story wu printed In th fapera She hrsU bowgat oa contain ng it without knowing of tt until confronted by tbe bead tines After her disappearance from New York tome year ago she went to California where ber daughters were married She became th wife ot William a Williams wuaraan of wealth tn stocks and bond and mining property left bere taking all tbe stocks and bonds and bit whereabout 1 still unknown Th Muteje copper mine be could not carry away i GoTernor Ogletby Feaaloaed Wasinseiow September 16 Govtrnor Richard Oglesby of IQlnol hu Jutt been granted a penaion under the Mexican Veteran Act and will draw 8 per month daring th balance et hit uiV Ktw Yobe September 16 Th Ameri can yachts Volunteer and Mayflower again started thlt morning to ssil th first of the three trial races that are to decld which of the yachts it to defend th American cup against the Scotch yacht Thiitla Tb wind wu blowing through the rigging twenty five mile tu hoar land th Thistle which iu accompany ing the two contestant rolled great deal in the heavy tea Ah inter 1 sung clinch took place between tb Thistle and the schooner Lockwood on the wiy to the lightship in which the Lockwood apparently showed that the Scotch visitors speed it gTUy Overestimated The Lockwood at Romer Beacon was one mile and a half behind tha Thistle She gradually overhauled the foreigner until dnalb over tbl bu both Teasels were sailing on even terms There seemi to be no question but that the Th telle wu sailed for all she wu worth her sails were full all the time A Added to the splendid condition of the weather wu the excellentjudgment of the committee who decided after the yachu got under way that a triangular race should be sailed Tbe decision ilave I vvukimiiw Hfuipi ywiii eight mile to tUoTewitltrladi Lon veijhtndat teiy iMfxata every weatner oaring uinXuTtftv5j tb race to thleeward whea thMtflowr tailed bettertban th Voldnteori JiTi latter beat her opponent ana thonfcomof the day race wu that the Volunteer wu chosen by th America Cap Committee who Judged the event from the flagship Elect re to meet tho Thistle in th international contest The Thistle wu out too but ber handling was of inch kind during the first hall of the race to give no Idea of what ihe could do After that the Scotch yacht wu evidently tailed for all the wu worth Th Volunteers time WU 42049 Mayflower 36S1 4 3 IVES TROUBLES Vlc rretldnt Walto Telle Abont tbe Doctored Report CisaKSan September 16 The Commercial OautUi Hamilton 0 tpecial says In the cue of Duckworth va the Cincinnati Dayton and Hamilton Road Vice President and Xenral Manager Waite wat questioned to dtylf he bad uked anything as to what had been done regarding the disposition of the preferred stock He said that he bad been auuredtbat nothing bad been done When he had prepared hit annual report Ivei and Siainer changed it and altered the report io to show the Issue of two and three quarter million dollar of preferred stock Walt did not rtallx that hit own report bad been changed until be read tb piper tho day of the meeting then brought the matter to the attention of the President in stiff terms and subsequently had th directors authorize the destruction of the editions Subsequently he prepared a correct report and Just then the present trouble Of the company commenced Waltet evidence showed that Ives bad deliberately doctored tbe annual report after Walt had left tb office Thlt matter bat not been mad publio before OscisstTi 8spMmber lfX The Com mcrcia uazeart special irom Hamilton about the Cincinnati Hamilton and Bar ton cue uyit Tbe whole day tu pent tn xamlnin Vice Priiident Waite He detailed tbe opposition to th original nroDoaition of Ivet and huvaaaoelat tn Issue tb 900000 mortgage and subse quently in action ttxen by lhem In conclusion he far them a hlstor nt tha idaa lag hove of the Ivet reglm inclndlng th arrest and confession by It of bis financial embaraument and eronost tion to reUevethe tame by a leas of tb tbu time Mr Wait un individual consulted with hi father Chlaf JnirJca Waite Mr Harrison and other friend a to hit ruignation He wu advited to rr maininasangnt our i yii A 5LUCKT7WOKASV i i7 4T She Retain He Seat on the Back lOf a JInnawaT Hertev NWYoEt6ptmberlo Atthcotre trytaUrreob6IdriNJxnievlanl Casslnt forme tlr with Foriptuilv rod in ahtlf milerice the gelding Zimpt The horse plunrtd madir arouna me track tb tecond Hm itJid it hecarnt evident that the rider wu losing her suength Shekeptonand on the seventh round ihowed ilgm ol fiUing but the boru tu not ttopped till be ran three and a qoarter lle Mile Cattiaiw unea tromine taaoie ano owwrpwa hara TT ktMtni daeked With blood from her Ups and her flngsrlp were blue In an boor sh wat abl so walk Several women tainted IfOm ui exeuement While sh wu being rritd abont the track by bermad honex iampa wu ralsedbyDD Wither and nctd and tr nit coior lor two 7ert A aEBjoracgABgEy A Kama lty Folic OtBeajAe tVirr4Irvler rJSA KaiA CiTT8eptembrl16rFolIce man Samuet Peter bu been arretted onl a Chart of ttuMrtngTboma3onrl4a well to do eUUeh C8 yeirt of age Bourk wu illghtly latoxicaudiSnndiy and raited a dUtar bane hit hoasetlThree EDUeemtn eatrlad him to th wu iint to tb Workhouse in the morn Ing The doctor there found him in a dying eondiUon and nthlmhom where be expired yuterdty Beforerbi death taid that thepolIcenianL kicked him and Clnbbed hint1 all the way to the station wu terribly bruid and rnp turd TRAIH BOBBKBa AT jnpkjjd An Atlantl mB4iaiefiojrraJBi aekV DewtexV BeptmbriI6V A panragec train oa th Atlantic and Padflo SaQroad coming watt wu Hopped ttStTajo tank about three milt frota KaTtJo ttatlon A by in nuked Who nr4 Ut era ihot the engineer flremtn and brakeman They boarded the expren car and robbed the uie whlch only contained small money bat did not inierter with tbe pauengert They then monated their nor ana rod in a toutaeny nireo An ImpoTiant Decltfoa by C6t orada Jndge WAtinBTOg September lSV raiUd Etxtn District lodge HalleU of Colorado hu rendered Important decision ia TolTing the right of a railroad company to eal Urnber from lands adjacent to it tinea The Judge hold thtt the tight to Uke Umber extendi laterally tome distance from tbe right of way and from inch land may be reached by ordinary transportation by wagon and nototherwlte Tbe timber moat be used tor the construction ot tbe road at or near th place of delivery If elsewhere the company It liable In tret pan fer value The Government bound to prove that timber wu taken front pub lielandac 5T 5 JiNOLISH pETEUTlVEI They ara 8aid to Shadawlng ii ir Near Yik Irittmezu siNlWYoar September 16 A report that anEngaahdetocttTenamedrfvIi WalUri Ctoerwiia kHOwn aaUaarice Moaerr it it ittormasttttaM would Famell ortom of bii ioaoweri frith th outrttet la Ireland doet not tur priielrishmtni WeTl known Irithmenln taw eiry are ready to near tesumoayrto to fact that English detectives are in the dtr in large numbers and are constantly itriv rngtonna out sometning connectea witn the movements of the frith revolutionists on tnusiae ot the water Who Will Be Bayard AatlttaatT WasmxaTos September 16 There it still some uncertainty to who will lao ceed ex Governor Porter Assistant See rettry of exate Mr Bayard choice win probably not be known until the appoint ment it lormaiiy announced tx Kepre entaUT Cox ot North Carolina it spoken of for the position He wu an active member of tb Foreign Affair Committee ln the House and Chairman of the Civil Service Reform Committee He it quite wealthy and would It i laid combine dignity discretion diplomatic ability and civil service reform in a manner which would be quite acceptable Tildeat Gardener Skint New Yobk September 16 John Miller wu Samuel Tildent trusted gardener and florist and wu retained at Greyitone after Ttldens death He wu authorized by the executors of the estate to sell off the flowers fruit and vegetables aud he made regular retarns lie hu suddenly disappeared with bis family and it Is currently reported that he did not make proper returns to the executors The latter ceny any knowledge of false retarns and say they are making no effort to find him Ancient Order of United Workmen St Pact September 16 Tbe setslon of the Supreme Legion of the Ancient Order of United Workmen to day wu principally devoted to the consideration of the future of the order The most Important question wu th opening of membership of the order to others than member of tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen The majority report wu accepted which gave the proposition to virion jurisdictions At the next meeting It the majority of the Jurisdictions are in favor of tbe plan tbe Supieme Legion will to vote ine next session ot toe supreme Legion will be held tt Kansas City the third Tues day in August 189 Pensions and Foatnfficet WasniueTOS September 10 Pensions have been granted to the following resi dents of the Ftcific coast California George Hook lone Lieutenant Hallet Notwalk John Davit Bould In Islands JohaDCaUagban Fan Francisco Oregon jonn niounxcanoy vvuotngton Territory Thomas father of Windsor Roulo 1 TIJM01 The Chicagos Defeat the New York Boston Takes a Game From Pittsbnrg Detroit jLdtU Another Victory to Its list Indianapolis Irose Asaliuy S3 KSiWSi 15r jys Ji i StrlS rlS wi uHJvAooceptemBerio iiewiora pot T2jcomn utio pHcaaaiHi had Mntldwbl fun With bijir betting hint at will and Mealing baa with treat asav Clarkaon pitched a loo game him tell bat there wu margin ana tt dldnt make a treat deal of difference Tbe amusement loTlng publia tt greatly tickled over the following correspondence made public to dayt FtrrR Atxstje Hotel I New Yore September 16 A Spalding Cafeage DtAh Sat here recently noticed tbe lerere and what seemed to me unjMt erittclimj on Anton The paper teem to desire a change of management Becognixisg the ability of Anson both a ball player and a manager I would uku a tpecial personal favor that it any change it contemplated you will notify me Immediately 1 am not oaly wlUIng bat anxious to pay more for bit relets than any other Club would With Anton in charge the present Detroit Clnb could hold the pennant for yetrt to come Kindly wire me on receipt of this what my chances are for securing him Fraternally yours 8TEABSI Would an offer of 10000 be entertained Mr Spalding replied by wire in these words Chicago September 16th Stetmt PrtrideKt Detroit Baseoaf Clvb Aside from a few newspaper critics Anson is fully appreciated here No offer that vou can make will be entertained TB latter written by the rretldent of the Detroit Club laid Mr Spalding doe not surprise me Very many times we have received inquiries from other club mauarementi uklng whether we wouia euienain a proposition or Ansons releue To all such queries I have invariably replied in the negative What bu Anion to uy about it himself Well according to my best recollection Anson hu smiled He hu a very expressive smile you know and it meant a great deal csiCAOoa AB 1B8B IK A Peuitr IIHJI1 IKIUIHj IMUI Ul IUUIV1 Cutle Rock Matthew Bllta Tacoma Frederick Ottat hu been appointed Postmuter at Estrella Cat Mary if amell hu been appointed Actio Postmuter at Kativldad VtL The postofflce atTeeriy eorwhCMt8ljatmpcd 4f JBa 111 WaiBtsoto September 13 Dr Ed ward Bryan of San Francisco Consul at Lyons France bu applied to the Stat Department for leaTe of absence to visit tbe uniiea Biatea it is saia at toe atate fe fiartment that Dr Bryans health Ii much mpaired and that it ii necessary that he should take a brief respite from business in order to avoid a physical breaking uown Dr Bryan li well regarded at the State Department here no nu received a notification from Secretary Bayard that his application will be granted as soon new Vice Consul can be appointed to act in hit Head Another Strike Imminent PlTTSBCRO September 16 A circular bu bjeu issned by tbe Coteworkeri Association to the effect that ail suspend work Monday next The circular recites that tbe colliers resumed work after the twelve weeks strike with a guarantee from the operator that they would sign satisfactory Hiding scale after the resumption All the ope ators except Frlck Co bare broken faith and refuted to sign a scale giving an id vantage to the working men They now itipnlate thtt tbe suspension shall continue until all sin tha Frlck scale The strike will throw 8000 men out ox employment Racing at Fleetwood Fleetwood Pare September 16 The weather wu rtw and windy and the time slow to day In the 2 25 clats Clara wu first Jesse second Ida Belle third Lowland Mary fourth Beat time 221 In the free for all Spofford wu first Electric second Maud Mestenger third Beat time 224 in the 233 clu unfinished Camlfle wu first Eclipse second Pilose third Pequoit fourth Best time 223 Closed It Door Coeet Pa September 1C Tho doors of tk First National Bank were closed thlt morning by Bank Examiner Young It it Impossible to learn the financial condition ot the concern Everything Is quiet there being Utile excitement on tbe street Itti thought that tb bank hu become entangled with the oil firm ot dark A Warren who failed yesterday and that this wu tb cauie ot the failure oo bt taauu trtrtfrirt 0 1 a Earned rant IndlanaooHi IPtrjafMnhlu 5 Twerbate hits Wood 2 Fmtmoji and Denny Double playi MMTey Ferzatoa and Fairer Irwla and rarrar Fr oat on ball Seerer FgartyaCeivey Wood and Ferguson First has oeerrore IniiaoapoUa ttiUadet pblal 2Btreete ont Brown and Ifaat Piaaed balls Arundel Cmplra Valeutla Aaneaeciarta oattotoataag ootoioracr JEFF DAVIS AGAISV A Soathrn Opinion ef thai Coated rata Leader Charlesto 3 Ct September 16 Ed itors who were bailet when Lee inrretv dered haTo been miking tt hot for the rVriri tm4 Omiet becaute it aald that Jeff Dan should not gn to Atltnta to meet President CTeveland The Xewt aad Corrfer hits back tO dlT airfol lowt Mr Davit it totttltd to alt pout pi eoneaertuon tor wnat ne was a no AVw and Ctarttr deal WUh him lit It It It true he it a man without a country noxiiAjitlsxuas EKifeoee3srra 4 i SnnselU illitlaa of Vlet lTesldent Swphens Pott master General Keogh and ahostot other Confederate rot high position Ii it bit prtfereao to Hand alon and be a Coafedertte algn pott Th man dtcliae to aa American Tha cant of the ex Con federates to day 1 the cause of the United State Tbe United State It their country Thy have no other and want no other C0N0RES9 OF FORESTBT Proceeding of the Bastion at Spring field 8r6r6riED UL September la Today teulon ot th American Coagrn of Forestry opened with the reading of aa interesting paper on the subject of Forestry prepared by Joaquin Miller of California Resolutions were adopted thanking Mr Miller tor bit production Th Committe on nominations reported tb following officers for the ensuing year President Hon Prlngleof Atlanta Ga Vice Presidents Hon Goty of Quebec Can Joseph Fay of Boston a EL Persons of Colorado and Albert Xenaey of Colorado Treuurer Hon Martin Conrad of Chicago Secretary 2 Fernow ot Wuhington Recording Secretary Charles a Bell of BoonevtU Mo Benolutlons were adopted naming tb months from August to October inclusive the time of holding nnnal meetings of thecongrcts Tbe exact date it to be fixed bv the executive committee The life membership wu raised from 10 to Sioo There were ether reaolatlon In reference to measures or tbe encouragement ol toruatry etc and th convention adjourned tint die LAMARS CHANCES Bvaac SuUivaot I Anson lb rrerr so Williamson a a Barns 8b Flint CUrluon 4 3 3 10 0 1 I 3 0 2 3 110 0 9 0 Total 33 12 17 10 18 18 jcarw Toaaa Aa iasa po a Gore 4 2 3 0 0 nerntmr 422020 ward a a GUlevple tV Bichardton 2b Marphyc Tltcomt 4100 302 3 12 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 Totals 31 8 10 015 18 lettlt out for not touching third base scoax bv issise 1 3 3 A rOrJaoi 4 113 0 12 1 New Vorka 2 0 4 2 0 0 8 Earned runs Chicago 10 New Tork 4 Two 8ohlt Rlchardsoo Three base hit unt uore TMrnan tiome ran Tiernaa First bat on balls Ryan Petlt Sulilran OarkSonCCRourke GlIleDlo Hit br Bitched ball Williamson First bate on errors Cbt VRoorke iamton cagT IjNew York 3 etmck oat By CUrk sou 3 TrtcomO 7 Umpire Power BOSTON FLATS BALL The 1lttlbnrgl Defeated on Their Own Groands PirrtBTRQ September 10 Boston played ball to day and won an interesting contest Conway wu wild bat his pitching puzzled the local team and not a clean hit wu made off him until the eighth Inning Score rrrrsBCBoa AR IB SB po A varro1 A Siatoe of Becoher New Toes September 16 A Ward win receive a commission for a 1 statu Henry Ward Beeeher to be ereeteo in urooxiy i ae statue wui oe in bronze on a granite pedettaL Tbe money available ia i300o bat it i expected that considerable more money will be raited and tbe pedestal will be adorned with tctnrt tram Beecherl Ufa Cleorg Latest Scheme fysn Tobe Septemfcei 16 nrr i Oeorg ad sJDr McGlynn tt la reported tntena to tttrt a dtuy nawipaper each ottha ltrgaicitt In the Interest of th werklngaen George think thtt by a lyttem ef co operation th ptptrt can be locceilf oi and contain all the new without the aid of organized pre association Bowing oa tha Menongahela Frmarao September 16 Th llminary heati ia tho UcKtesport regatta wererowed on tb Mononrahel river at that placa this vnlug Tb races wtr three miles with tarn The first heat wuwon bynemmln 2028 Turner WOO th second best In 19 58 Tip on tha Races NtwYetx September 10 The TrfJimes tip on the Sheeptbetd Bay rac are First Barch and Argo Challeng itaku Stuyvestnt and Touch Pu Antumn i AlitL Lao ILand Halls ton Great Lone uai i voiant ana Leiex A Loan Almoit Redeemed fiiRtK0T0 September 18 Of th 3 per cent bond loan of f303581230 Utaed la 1882 300289000 bu been redeemed Kt saw Qs ntPlta ahlt1st vahAgm tSUiA PJ awe tJ wieiw leaving but lfm000 ol thlt loan ont stanaing tu att Fope ft Brother Fallnr Hw YotE BepUmber 16 Fope A Bro Co failure ppar to be Urgir than at tnt thonvht Tha llabllltle wLU probably amount to 98OUO0O a large part 01 wmen wia11 BOBomateciaucus Tired of Life Taxirtoit pt JJ September 16 lfercer Beuler Jr ton ol Chitt Justlee Beuliy of Nw Tork ihot himult fa the hud to nignt aying in a soon time isimn 1 oaknown wu a brilliant lawyer Tha Amilaa Party ConToaUon FaxtasaxpzaA September lov Th ant eonTtntion of the newly organized Asier lean cartr for th onrnoa of nomintUDg tt fc rfi Bon peytoajwagnnx aoj ttaetl Coleman 4 110 2 0 0 Beechrcf 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 LWlrymple Lf 4 0 3 10 0 0 BaKleylb 4 0 0 0 12 0 0 Smith 2b 4 0 10 3 3 0 Knebne a a 4 0 0 0 0 10 Wbliney 3b 4 0 3 0 0 10 Morris 3 10 0 0 3 0 TotaU 3S 8 11 123 i 1 B09T0XS Aa IB Stt PO A Kelly 4 2 3 3 001 Naba 4 0 2 0 2 8 0 Wise 4 0 2 0 2 7 0 HorauncL fM 4 110 0 0 0 Morrill ID 4 0 2 0 15 0 0 Johnston 4 1113 0 0 Burdock 2b 4 0 10 8 6 0 Tatec 4 0 10 0 0 0 Conway 4 110 0 10 Further Indications That Ha Will Sit oa tbe 8uprem Bench WAaHTioTO September 10 There it Increasing belief that President Cleveland hu definitely determined upon the appointment ot Secretary Lamar to the recency on the United State Supreme Bench caused bv the death of the late Justice Woods several dayt ago a distinguished Southern politician called on Mr Cleveland to urge the claims ot one of bit constituents for the place The Pretident heard him patiently until hi visitor btd finished and then abruptly replied I have no doubt your friend ii amply qualified for the poaitton I Enow personally a good many gentlemen who are well Sued to discharge lu duties I have already decided upon the gentleman who will succeed Mr Wood and hav no reason to believe that I shall change my mind Tbe President did not sty nor wis uxea wno tnts gentleman waa out irom remarks mad incidentally hit visitor left the Executive Mansion firmly convinced that Mr Lamar wu the person whom lb President intended to select JE7FEBSUVS tJBASTJ CHILD Totals 39 5 14 3 37 17 Hornnng ont for running ont of Use conn ar muxes 1234S8789 0000 PlrMmrgx Bostons Earned rana Ptttabn base hits Coleman and 1 0 0 0 0 8 03 0 3 1 6 2 Boston 3 Two Merrill First baseoa balls Dalrympl 8 Whitney 3 Carroll Smith Burdock and Wise First bww on errors Botteas 1 Struck oat Burdock Umpire Doetchez EASILY WOW Detroit Wastes an Afternoon In Defeating Washington Detroit September 18 The tecond gam of the Wuhington aerie wu very similar to tb tint and wu devoid ot special Interett Cllmoret gapport wat poor Score DETROIT Aa ib sa pa Broathers lbv Bow sa Tbompsoarfi 5 WhtteVUo Twitcbelllt i BenBeUc itaawa cv zv 2 0 0 0 a 4 I Pwwaypij iVOX 9lt louu rrt9 as io 1 10 av wAtjnsarojr 7 Sft AB ia8BPO AiE UirTOU 1mym A A i7TtZ a luTt tarrell si 4 Donnelly 3b 3 Wright 3 OUmorpMi 3 I li I 4 J3 I i i sa 1 coasar njmrea 1 3 I 4 8 7 8 irtft Death of Mr SepUma Melkle hana at lt attilngton Wajkihotos September 16 Un SepUma Randolph Meikleham th last tur vivlng grandchild ot Tboma Jefferson led on Wedactdty iTeulng in the 74th year of her age She wu the widow of DaTld 8cort Jlelklebam a prominent scotch physician and bore a striking re mbianc to her grandfather bhe leave three children one ion and two daughter Randolph her ton It in poor health Mlti Alice the eldest daughter hold a position la tbe United 8Ulet Patent Office and the other daughter attends to th household affair Her remain will be sent to New York for Interment in Wood lawn Cemetery BAD WOMEN Two Georgia Convicts Too Profane to Remain in th State Atlanta Ga September 10 Carroll county in thlt State sends to Governor Gordon a novel petition It allege that Francei Watkina and her daughter Mat tie have both been convicted of a heinous crime and sentenced to the penitentiary So wicked ar they that all the convict camp have refused to receive them and the County Jail ii la the center of ths town the profanity ot tbe women 1 annoying to th neighbors Thewomon hav agreed to quit the State if permitted to do to and th petitioner uk th Governor to paraon them DR DOUGLAS HEALTH General Grant Ffaysleian la it Serf on Condition Kgw YotE September 10 Dr John Douglas who hat been broken In health and fortune ilneo bit attendance on General Grant In hit hut Hints hu about completed hi history of th dead General i cue He ttyt bit trip South last winter did himuo good and though be it somewhU better now there are day when be almost give ap bop He received 17000 from tbe Grant family for hit med eat lervlcea 9000 ot which Grant re qoerted hould be given him over and abov hi medical bUlt at a token of hit love and affection i i Tha Northern Paeifle Election New Yobe September 16 At to day meetlfig of the Northern Peciflo stockholder the total rot Of 754103 sharu wu announced Tb new Board of Di rectors wu reelected and the ola omccrt except Second Vice President Anderson Tho President was anthonzed to acnolnt a I committee to conimer ana aajatt tn cu liuMildorr HfiSsoiis A rS iSriSSSTS i l2m2 a contultaUoft tbtmulva to talk over their ease In it Ti tioa bearlngt A elose friend And mem ber of th Defense Committee uw theta afterward and whin he left th hs wu induced to make known the result of thedltcnulon Hetald they bad Ulked the matter over first the ouesnoaof whether thiyihtlltppeal to the Supreme Court of theUnltedutcs tnd second the great petition which It la proposed to get irp pictaiBg lor eieenuve cieaeneyThe last meuureWuToted against unanl motnly The condemned men aald they bad don nothing for which vto ask the pardon of ocletythuodelr ought rather to uk their ptrdonu Atfor an ap peal to the Saprem Court thtt Ut different thing Some ot them feel tby should hare every resource to be found is law and then their detthi If eotunmmtted will accoie tbe lyttern Tb person who told thlt said itt addition that no matter what the final decision of the men waa their friend would go ahead and make every effort for a reversal ol th Judgment by tbe United State Supreme Court lath event ot thtt falling a petition would be rotten un A local saner ttate tbla evening that there I a lover qaarrti or pernsps tome more serious trouble between Mlu Nina Van Zanot and August Splet Tbit morning tba lady called at tb Jail according to her usual custom tnd went to tha west end of th cage Splet who wu pacing th farther end of the corridor loon stw her and coming to the tcreea the pair enraged It i what seemed to ho an Intensely interest lag converaadon for a few minute Then be tuxned obt hi heel and walked away while hit waiting bride called to blra without receiving a reply Then Ihe slowly turned walked awty and left the jaiL As sh passed out her eyes were filled with tears and when Turnkey Pierce aald Yon art going early thUsTortriac ber lip quivered in a sob tnd tetri fell ti bar tipvtrembllngly uldr Yet About ten minute later she returned and had a talk with Spies when sbe left at 10 oclock She seemed lest unbsppy Soles hu been treatlns her Terr Mldlv of ate Yesterday she stood fifteen min utes in the cage before be condescended to nonce ner ana hi action indicated in at be regarded the conference something of a bore It It tuggtsted thtt tbe novelty of a foolish young womtni Infataltlon hit probably grown doll to tbe anarchist tnd ber dally visit are becoming tiresome to blm Mrs Engel and Mrs Parsons also visited tbe condemned men thlt morning When th prisoners were wrapped ap Mra Ptrton took Nina In charge and wu evidently bracing her up The three women teemea aownnetrtea ana too risonert wre mora than unuiuilly rrltable Tbe Defense Committee 1 ardently tchemiag to work up public sentiment In ftvor oi commutation of tha ten tenc Every effort to thtt end will made The leader are tittlogdown con ttantly on the radicals who wish to break lottnin a neree denunciation ot tneau tboritles Tha Central Labor Union whlert 4 iaiuedafierce manifesto Wednesday call Ing for an indignation meat Log ht been induced to postpone all action and theAr beiter Zeitnng hat been toned down It I understood that one ot the object of Schlllinr iournev to New York I tv tilence JohannMoat An fTart will be mad to Induce Mm to dUapper for awhile to keep bit month that and not to wast too rnnca ink la expreiilttg bit in dlgnation SchilUnr had aa Intertiew with file and took from him a number of instructions He had with hira many letter of Introdactlon andl will bo attirted in New York by Editor 8beTiu otthNw York uater Tnprevumg Deuaremons th fnends of the anarchist leemi to be that Bob Ingertoll and Geoeral Bntler will be TetaiiKl hstha dafanaa Th Inftntnra tt tha Seeoiai tTBlaa el which Ingerioll is national rretiaent win ce nroagnt ro bear on the celebrated Uwver On tha other band General Bntler will be at-tended in Boetou by Ben Xnckcr edftor7 of the Botton IMertg and A lUSlmpton th Chicago tnarchitt now ojoarnlng in that city In Boston a reporter wu in-formed that many ot tb free thoaght tocl etlet Uk an interest la th anarchists ana a large sum oi money nu alftdy been collected there rtbe defense fund Captain Black sayt tbanhere is noting to tell about tha movement of the oefenso nnltl be hear what arrangements hav been made In tbe East tnd aha will on act the cut before the Snprem Court it It Is taken there C8rcA008ptember 17 TbeThah ttyt Th decision of tb 8upremeCoartwill exercise a powerful lnilucnce on the annual General Assembly ol the Knlgbttof Labor which will meet at iilnneapoUi and thereby indirectly on tbt labor more mentand verhape tbe yery exisunce of the Knlghu of Labor A year ago when th Knight wire holding iheir assembly at Richmond they adopted a rt solatlon with re erence to th qaetuorj then pending la the anarchist ctu At tn itated a fewdtyi ago It it intended to bring tbe matter before the annual aaaem bly again when it convene atMlnnetp oil nen nwnUi tad putt rttolutlon denouncing the recent decision and de manding the interference of the United State Sapreme Court The move will proceed Irom the radical wing and there will be tn element is the figbv on Powderly Reporu tbit haT been received bf those promtneat among tbe radical knlghu lit tblt city ity that tbe radical hare elected their delegate in nearly all the big crtlet and tin many place ouitld of th center of in dattrjV Vii fireuce wih tha Union Paclflo and th Oregon BaUway and TlgaUon ptaiwv acom II 0y dfel etfim Additional Telearplilfi No on Mt8CELlEOJsVt5 Detrolts 0 8 0 3 0 WsshSngtonuA 0 0 0 0 0 Earnad uit Detrat WAshlnfftoas 1 Two beset bits Twitaheil Conway Mennetk Three base bite Farra Firt baa oo bans Broathers Tbomptaa White Bennett llan hMv PartalL lint bat on rrar Detroit 4 WaOilnftoos 3 tracK out By Onaway 3 by Gllmor rassed balUvWrixht 37 Wild pitches Gllmort 3 Umplra Danieia i POOB INDIANAPOLIS Tba Talt Endr Olr Wa to the aauii xahtAHAyout September 16 Tbe taO endert tot ahothtf game by not being able to safely bit the ball at th proper time FoUowltg it the cor tsoiAWArotrs AB IB 8B PO A fieertvt I Brown 4 Ulasscock 4 Dwiny BU 4 Sbomberv lb 4 MeOeaczrIUi 4 JUsaeU 3 4 Sbrvp 4 Araadel a 4 TotahU Li 8 ii oo a a 5 0 OL 0 4 0 S4 SHABF4 COSDIT10W I Alleiiefs That i HI JTIIneilV I AlHuyAusniww New York Correspondence Globe Demoerst There it good retsoo to believe ttbt Jtcob Sharp la not nearly to lick a minu bu beta represented and that hit alleged foaietarxaagntfid to lerve a fine game ol potaam that be i pitying for pnbUe and Judicial sympathy Tom mon impression hu been that It shriveling with diabetes andjhu hit heart may fill tt tor time Adlffeftnt ttory going tb round of the doctor They do not belitra ha dlabete Sharp it 70 year Old and in th court of nature cannot last forever Medical gossip it to th fleet on tha authority of a phyil elan who recently examined blm that hit btart and kldueyt mtybe somewhat weak might bo Xt petted in a man ol hit years bat that be tnffer from no ohir orgtnla ailment Tb hospital eareat Blag sing tn pure air and lalutary lurToundtazs would be really wholesome for him phvil ctuy pnjructtnt uy eomparsawiin nit lill oUarurs which ara in a nelxhborhaod I Of squalor tnd filth ir AnepBysiciBBireierria tossy BHarDts no donbt bsdly scared and the eminent prisoner it himself credited with th eb ttrvitlontoon of hi goardt that if ha had luppoted matter would coov to tblt but bit heel would have raited inch a dost at to hav ioadd tba rt of hit parson oa lit northward Journey 1 DtLoomlawhO has charge ot Sharp to tmloeut that profession etiqaette restrains anything ilk open criticism of hit diaenosia What th doctor SIT it laid with much discretion tnd nnlyimoBr themielTii They Dive let enougniuio however to matte raaucuy a a ii ranAPEtrmA i ABB lBBPa AiE Wood 2bi 8 4 3 Ov 0 Ainrtwsarnu a a 1 i Fenrosoo rarrar Irwin i fjlamsnta ltAallA arAaiPolly rwln a L4 5 fi laments 4 4 0 9 TotlvoiTS 4 ll Bird Attaek CaU TowaadstPa Reporter At JttribJtld In Tiogt county th etbtr dty a marauding eat taw th bird in a pr tree and climbiagap toward the nest td preparation for a gam break fast Th birdi dldcot fly tnd did not wslt to attaeksd bo beforetb cat reaehtd tb nut both tittcktd their telise enemy and with flatterlpg wingiand iharp beaks drove grtmalkitv toraficed and dltcomflted to ground Mm JJufsMrsnrCaaeiandtMjatfcav THE SRttTEST STUW OR MnnVinH Iq Mm mallM Ill 13 iTlfJHs ABd who Ver Ut wondroo frame doth teu ponder tad dtvis to cor in IU whetbtr by utfrmtOTpaaobrartorlshj and but tbintaior ot a Cohartle oi flellcloaiUtotodordmbOnor whoremem ben not hewtk4tattrtad mothtr to chOdV atreatit trie to mother that tb insist not the horrid osaUtatJinoibrtziei how dot nausea awaken and toad father to be wltwtof hi tbfldt tortarawouw rawer paw SV ii I hfch prls if money could vhtss Caartlci sue htv Itnowi Ana great rxAiia Ttame tppeon tpon tb Kroll ef Eoulpiaa fe tof afui long indy whrtwenll tut bu hit upon dtlicinxrml to eore our Ol Away UlndloehvtreomplalMorcentirtioD ortny dlaeat to which flesh it fctlr bere wtthtvW doas boldly declars and eo the atserUoa Wul wager Ut that It Ota be ord A i and li X6 Bt a tinuaweaX BiifiiNi i i fsri 3 jt5a5HjBi Or Tff MW fr fe 2jia 3 0.

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