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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 4

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

alB 10 WA Ui COLLEGE BOY GiVEN FREEDOM BY VOLLMER ltudent Who Was Arrested in Oakland Hejeasea oy me Berkeley Authorities wi JH3WSUST Jlr 0 fc inlng student of the summer session rittb University ot California who fvwsjr arrested to Oakland on the charge ijs Jof Jiavlnr stolen carpenters toola In ft this city and waa brought tbla city fc tadajCwes releaaed by Chief Polka WJITI pw cvimnaiuk ataia a lllivu aainl iim jvwwt is aiiesa tua inwwy kuivu Xj tin crlma to an Oakland detective K1 clamlrig that hunger dnsVa Mm to It Hi Bald thee he canoe tf5niMendoctni IK I to att4n4 tt summer session of th iy University and that whan ha lt homo had no in his possession rnia If amv ha1 niU fclaf hnr 4 fop th tTsarlsd he wis to ramaln here Ha had Ra nnm tha Terminus Hotel corner Slot Shattuek and University avenues Berkeley On Tuesday night he loitering 1 around tha Lafayette apartments on Dwight way His actlona caused Policeman Thompson to question aim and when he refused to tell his name or 3 five any Information concerning him Ef Jaelfi Wllmlng waa taken to the po lice station There he explained hla if movements to the satisfaction of tha desk sergeant and waa released He I taken Into custody on Wednesday t5 MmnwMlvm a Tlulf la nA whan I a 1 i legea ne conieasea to caving taicen ma tools While Wllmlng waa at the Berkeley etation Principal Tuck of tha i i whims align ocnooi wio restuce frill Tlwlrhl tri told Chief Vollmer that he knew Wllmlng well the boy having attended hla achool Ha aald mk Ull Bu aVwjrsr uvu aw itwiivih iirusiworioy ooy ana ne wouia see insi wt I got enough money to carry him Kv through tha summer session Mlaa Han MX nan voner aieo a zormer leacner ok eWliminB woo la at present iivina Alameda also testified regarding the career of the boy and promised to get JMnV a poaltlon tVl i ClViaV a taA lha vmih nan a crat jbackln the right path and give up all ff aklada of wild ways Tha boy promised Ito accent tha aiivlee nt hie friends and latter thanking Chief of Police Voll fxmtr left tna station IPORTUGUESE MAY BUILD HOSIPTAL FOR STATE ftTartar Ic PnnciHorpH at San twlr feRafael Convention Dance IZurAn Kw na Anatea tWvi Wicil UJ ucicyaivo a is I riAiraVT lulv 14 TaHjil i aaa PJ aion OI me lenin Annual unvrmiou uguese oocieiie over entirely JAtT i liatnAaM hoth durlnflr tha mornlns KSv anA afternoon BP tr Rnv ril phinti In the constitution 4and by lawa came up for consideration tha prolaa Arrangements are being rcontempiacea looking lowsra a irsir IiV scope of the charitable feature of the enMattlafl ind it la evnected that a hoe 1 apltal or home may be the next step In By that direction pf This evening one of the most suc nassful dances oc tna season waa neia Share at Hall Rafael given by tha local council Estlmulo Acoreano No 19 In VLr hrinrti nt ttee lunrnml officers and the 1 lirilalaa ataa Tha inilnm hall wu haftn tha occasion and ndona to make the I pjjofthe Combined Portugt Wi ot California was given A aV A 1 ENjomm omnwm 1 1 1 11 i 1 aisiisisnsMiBaaaaaaeaaaea staeaaaaaBsMsBMsBtwjaWaajaeaMPWa siiaiisiMnft ft Wf2 3BaHjVM ril3aSatiI 4Sat as ffl Jiil aVi SSS1 fjfi jiBBraJMBBrjffr itKfJ tjittJU jtMVyWtBLl aV A a TL laaVn 3fS Siaaifta aalaBaaaaaaaaaaalaHBaaaaUV VMHPVf lbLJatflRaaaPIVaPvalv EjXeaaaaflnaiaaaaDBalmaa 5AYSliiMNu1SC0y Will a claNss Pamaoitidn snpuia ue lieiQ flere OPEN AIR SCHOOL HOUSE IN FRUITYAIJS PLANNED FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE IN NEED OF dVTOOOR AIR Oakland School Department Plans Annexes and Baths to Benefit Health of Scholars OAKLAND July Keeping In touch with the advancement that la being made throughout the country for the betterment of the sanitation of educational Institutions Oakland la planning to introduce two Innovations In the achool department The first of theae la tha addition to alt of tha schools of open air annexes while tha other will be the supplying of hatha which can be used by tha children at all times Tha open air annexes have been planned for children who are In need of outdoor air who are lacking In vitality and are therefore susceptible to tubercular contagion Already the annes In connection with Frultvale School 3 1 completed and ready for occupancy It will accommodate twen ty tlve children who will be chosen by the proper authorities from the entire number of the echooL The Frultvale open air school is a one story structure which Is entirely open on three side The fourth side Is made solid solely for the accommodation of blackboards and other paraphernalia neceswiry to the school room The open sides are equipped with awnings which can be lowered during Inclement weather but when the sun la shining the place will be av free and open as a summer veranda The room la to ba uaed throughout the year In several of the Eastern cities where tha system had been proved a success It waa found that children were comfortable even In aerd weather Plenty of wraps and a little care exercised on the part of the teach ers to see that the pupils do not alt with damp feet will make the annexes easily usable during the entire winter The second project of Oaklands Board of Education that of supplying batha and plunges la also well under way A bathhouse has been construct ed at the Tompkins achool and la now In use In connection with the summer playground work In the course of time a tank of aonre kind as Well as showers will be furnished to every school house In Oakland Improvements of this kind have long Been contemplated In other Coast clt les but It has remained for Oakland to take the lead In the matter and actual ly take up the substantial part of the work The great success which has met these measures In the Eastern cities where much severe weather In encoun tered precludes the failure of the plan wnen put in operation in California Daan law kt frtiti ha mnaili lion in celebration ei me opening 01 the Panama canal should be held at Ban Franolsco Tno Panama canal meena tha development ot the Paelflo ocean not of Uie Atlantis ocean Why thenfehould the cities of thejAtlantlo Coast have any claims uTfon the Panama celebration The Atlantic seaboard haa had Its Hay now let the Paelflo Coast come Into Ita owriv am not sneaking without due con sideration when I declare to you that wnenr the Panama canal i opened and in use tha Paelflo ocean will be the center of maritime activity and the Atlantic must assume the position at preaent occupied by the Mediterranean a Speaking of San Francisco aa a site for tha axpoaltlon I do not know where a more Ideal spot could be found Tou have the greatest factor considered In holding a gTeat fair perfect ellmatlo conditions Tou have tha money tha transportation facilities and the great spirit of progress to commend the choosing of San Franclsoo Following Mr Crafts remarks on tha exposition he delivered a stirring address on the work of the International Reform Bureau against tha following thirteen great evils in eight ot which Amerjca leada the world Murder divorce consumption of liquor lynching labor riots municipal corruption Sabbath breaking Impurity yellow journalism brutal sports judicial mal administration gambling and graft Divorce Mr Craft characterised as a greater offense even than murder for he declared that the man who breaks up a home without cause strikes al the foundation of aoclety Speaking of Impurity he claimed that the workers should concentrate their efforts on purlfylrig the theaters and the nickelodeons the roots of the social evil Mr Crafts was ha gueat of honor at a banquet this afternoon In San Francisco given by the League of Justice Captain Payson presiding which was attended by sixteen prominent business men of the city He delivered an address on the fallacy of expecting local reform movements to obtain reaults and declare that reform must be International to achieve Its purpose Tomorrow afternoon Mr Crafts will speak at 3 oclock at the San Francisco Young Mens Christian Association building and will address a mass meeting In the evening Kg tlfully decorated for Bf nothing waa left urt jt Aas atli ie that mala jajM tltil Ati Ay la 1 i faffalr of tha convention Besides the lt members of tha order there ware also In vPrMnt many Invited gueeta proml wnent In the professional and social life jfof iCallfornla BLl mmImm 4 a IVHIUIIUI uviillil atia iiiivvh Will again ba given over to the transaction ot business when a pending matters will be disposed of and at I oclock In the evening the newly elected officers will be Installed publicly The full and impressive ritual ot the order will be adopted for that oc easlon Which promises to be a fitting Ve aWOaa Jaa 41 lla aha ak aa fr II AHA ll I lAHVail Kfil elAa tatraaaali mi i TEACHERS HIS TORICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS Second Session of State Body Held at the University of Californfa Yesterday BERKELEY July 14 The history aeeflen of the California Teachers Association held Its second meeting of the year at the University of California today There were two sessions In the morning and afternoon JThe morning session waa devoted to a discussion of The College Prepare tloa of the High Seho Teacher of His itory TV EdVards of the local High School read a paper arid the discussion lthat followed was led by Professor cXlDtKunt of the University MKjjAttha conclusion of the discussion course of study for prospective high lobool teachers consisting of ten se esters waa proposed but no definite itloowaa taken iThofternoon session was devoted to th discussion of a paper entitled t5alerted Reference Library tor HIs Id lgh Schools which waa read Ulsa It Stevens of the Palo Alto gfr School the discission belns led by Sutton of the Oakland High fichoot Si LTk iattendance at the convention waa Jargsr than during the drat meet InaT held lirr In the year Most of tba delegates will remain In Berkeley several days in order attend some of th lectures that art scheduled for the ext trtr daya i tali i JACCIIlFXTLrlHo6Tt WOMAN iBEDWpOnr CITti July It County ue are rarrruuy searching the Pea dero region fr an effort to find a ung man namedJosepb Jackson who eiaeniaii shot Mrs nolaodi Munro tlVcaj revolver as result of the lalKa ab a 1 wawlHawaBawaya mWTYf Jackson wes expertmentiag with the arusLwhen It went off the bullet strlk imgMrs JKwrli thlgiii earln tit cbneauencee Jackson fled and has yeiaeer eeatew Jhe injuredf in TO Miss Mary Pond Purchases a Large Tract of Land Near Dixon in Yolo County ALAMEDA July 14 Miss Mary Pond daughter of Dr and Mrs Pond one of the beat known young women of Alameda and well known society girl until she gave up tha social whirl for the more sober side of life will take up aclentlfle dairying on a large tract ot land near Dixon Yolo county Tha property was purchased expressly for dairying purposes and Miss Pond haa drawn all her own plans for the up to date buildings with which the property Is to be equipped Tha pasture lands will be seeded to alfalfa and the water supply davalopad In sufficient quantity to permit of ample irrigation Certified milk wilt be on pf tha products of the dairy The ranch will not only ba unique In being managed by a city brad girt but also ttecause a definite effort will ba made to follow tha latest steps In eel entldo and Intensive farming which la accomplishing audi wonderful results on small acraagea Miss Pond Is confident that aha can make the eeme showing with her larger acreage that owners of small tracts are making Standard bred cattle win stock me ranch and the earning capacity oteach cow will bo clearly ahown by tabu lated dally figures on quantity and quality ot tha product furnished MOTOCYCLIST IN TROUBLE OAKLAND July 14 Martin and Walter Helno motocycllsts attempted to escape the clutches of tha officers of the flying squadron laat evening but to their sorrow Helno who resides at East Sixteenth atreet and Seventeenth avenue attempted to elude Patrolman Smith and Boyle at Eaat Fourteenth street and Ninth ave nue by turning his mlchlne Into tha latter thorougniare Tna neavy machine which was valued at UD crashed Into a fence and waa demolished Martin attempted to elude the officers on Twenty fifth street turning in from Telegraph avenue Ills machine struck a street closed sign and he wa thrown and slightly Injured Both were Ingd la the Police Court this morning TO CLIMB MOUNT fHASTW BERKKLET July HProfeeic Jt 8 Holway ot the University of Califor nia Is escorting a party of ten teachers up Mount Shasta The party has arrived at Maryavllle according to advices received here and will gov to Orovllle Chlco and Slsson and tflen climb the mountain Those In th pirtrrafe A Gertrude Antony Helen Sheldon Orace and Edith Rehwotd Ada Wild Irving Snow Francis and a Grulk TALKS or ENGLISH AFFAIRS BERKELEY July Wt Ertwin trtott welt known English lecturer and educator leetured at ike Unl versiiy oi caurornia yesterday a chose tor the subject The English oiiait ana ncsuitaac crisis Tha speaker reviewed the political and Demands Purse but Young Woman Breaks Away and Flees to Safety ALAMEDA July 14 Breaking from the grasp of a negro who had demanded her purse Miss Irma Horn head night operator In the Alameda office of the Paelflo Telephone and Telegraph Company ran away from tha would be highwayman and reached the Tele phone building In safety Miss Horn lives at 828 Thirty third street Eaat Oakland She was on her way to work last night when tha at tempted hold up occurred She left the electric car at Santa Clara avenue and Walnut atreet and walked a block south on her way to the Telephone building While She was In the shadow of the Adelphlan building at Walnut street and Centraf ave nue the negro grabbed her left arm and demanded her purse Miss Horn Is quick and athleticand with a sudden jerk tors loose from the groe grasp and fled across tha street to the building where she worked Th man wore no mask and In the moonlight tha young woman could sea thathe was a negro but In her haste to get awaiCshe did not pause long enough to be able to accurately de scribe him C0MMEECE CHiLMHEK GETS BEAST FOE EXPOSITION OAKLAND July 14 In addition to the esfclblt of Us own fenlt and flower products to be sent to the United States Land and Irrigation Exposition to he held in Chicago this fall Alameda county will Include In the list some of the very choicest specimens from the Burbsnk Experimental Farm at Santa Rosa exploiting the wlxarda numeroua successes Vf Nichols accompanied by Secretary Denlson of the Chamber of Commerce vlalted Burbank yesterday and obtained a number at specimen which Nichols who does the special processing for the Alameda County Exposition Committee will Immediately prepare Among the specimens are twelve varietlee of plume most ot therrt aa Urge as apples and of every shade of color from a deep crimson to a psle yellow Two of the varieties are seedless Among the floral specimens are same Shasta daisies and a white American Beauty rose Specimens will ba sent to the Chamber ot Commerce from time to time as they mature tor tha Chicago exhibit Other material from outside of Alameda county exploiting what Californiafurnishes In general wilt be soecl Unen of the Oold of Ophlr anil single wkta Paatlllaa waaaa a aAns -WW aa vam nvi QWICII splrea from the old Hlsafon at Santa Barbara Over HID large Jar will ba used for the exhibit which vli Ineludo floral vegetable and fruit pacimena 1 grown fit Alarmda county ent time twot mem lOea JiUJUtlOaV 831 held ran burglary R15DWOOD CITY July Jeae Cfldeinegro employe of the dairy Wpwrsivi aaiire a IUOQ nO Capitalist MenloPark was today held for eretlmlasry examination on July tin nyJUjiteiiireiinuuaon economical altuatlerK in England or ny JJllnoIVn fccharga rather the United Kingdom fron thi 6rJTtoI default of Izaoevb umm eaiviaea ni tajk Into 1 1 principal parts tna electlorj of bera of the House of Coaming god She rlirKobetCIiatrlmi mi him pin A Irlit wilt eeevlMr yns eC tee eunty ef ttie Itiiies sirtte cowey ras CaJlKrma eeet tiUjet WIlU 11a TiSnl jtt trtsJJ liiataili1 ffltLDISCOSfPtANr flev Wilbur il Crafisi pe JPrMsniers Ti Uriibn Invests jn ijExpositKip Shanes ltemSjOf thilabd Unjohsv oixNi iuiir tii iThiihi PaiurakposltrinJjtrfd3 Said In Sni rranelco wafthadaelaraton made tonight by Bar Wlbut JVCrafts vrv i Wi ifatai iiai1aWBtT lor tniTiitlttt ot in adovi eelffr In navtf 1ThsittboTmpa IHii Asoclatloa will pitat nitxt Sundayy Afternoon in the Labor Temolet receive reports from committees recommending sites ror tna construction of the proposed new Labor DllERINKiimES KJZ i WOMEN OF THE SOUTH A Daughters of Confederacy in Berkeley Depict the Old Fashions in Costume BERKELET July 14 Membere of Le Conte Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy gave a vaudeville teg at thehdme of Mrs Valentine Stzs Hlllegaa avenue this afternoon The performance was attended by 100 or more women and children and was of an Interesting character The tea waa planned as a benefit to the charity fund of the organisation The specialties depicted scenes from plantatlona of tha Old South ot ante bellum days The following waa the programme Muslo by Adeline Ann BIggeranuft Toboggan Ride Miss Spleen The College Daughter Aunt Mlrandy vio lin solo MInervy Christy School Days Ruby Plnkborn Ellja Jim Tar box Uncle dabea White Polka Chloe Ann A Born Inventor Nank Gunner toe dancing Patsy Peach Blossom The programme waa quite attractive depleting two nee roes In ths aot of dancing white the Stars and Bars of the confederacy waves above with the Insignia of tha Order of the Daughters ot the Confederacy Fictitious names only were printed on the programme Among tna prominent members of the local chapter are Mrs Clement Miller Mrs Lercy Near Mra Dana Harmon Mrs Abble Burns Mrs Marl Anderson Mrs Antoinette Stearns Mrs Valentine Mrs Joseph La Conte Mrs Oeorge Maora and Mrs la Knight peJ CHUD mW TROM PORCH i THIRTY FEET TO GROUND REDWOOD CITT July 14 Armand Keld the 1 year old son of Mr and Mr Raid owner of the Penin sula uaaery ten thirty leet from a porch thla afternoon and sustained probably fatal Injuries The youngster was playing on the back porch ef his home with his twin brother about oclock this afternoon According to the belief of tha young sters parents tne oaoy mint Have climbed up oa the banister and fallen from there to the ground When picked ur the child was In a serious condition and was placed In the hands of Ross and IX Taggart who were hatljy aummoned ii was found inai tne skuii nad been fractured and a piece of bone was sticking through the exposed brain Arrangements were Immediately made for a delicate operation wocS was performed late thl afternoon Tha chances of the childs recovery are extremely slight credit to tho orgatiatlon aiuta ornament to San Prandsco CarMntera Union No 1 1 iff hag leafed jU Cola 4elgat to rep resent the anion In thai annual conven tion of tha Unlted BroUiarhood of Carpenters acT Joiners tobeheId In Des Moines Iowa early In September eiialiHlan Mlaialft Mnirrtm iA Labor day with the tWwlr officers in charger narsnai A waiaer aids Brower and Tv Johnson standajrd bearers JX ReardoniaxiaA morns EleotrlealWorters Colore No 1404 donated 280 to the LoaAngelee men on strike and electeel the followtng officers president CrCOnagny vlca preldentv Harry Hansons racbrd InrsecretanP Sharp financial leers taryH Zecher treasurer JIOardneri foreman KBurcnara trustees josepa Wright William Wood JPaSoydf in spectors A Schults and Collin delegates to ihe Building Trades CoanclL Jt McConaghyr JJarry Han sen John Hardy and carette Pressmosa Union No 614 haa de elded to Invest 1500 In shares of tha Panama Patlflo Exposition The Lumber Clerks Association haa decided to parade In uniform dri Labor day It indorsed IL Betatsa lor Clerk lot tha Supreme Court of Cali fornia Mlllmena Union No 423 has In dorsed the candidacy of Bemlss Its member tor Clerk of the Supreme Court and appointed the following committee to further hi interest Jobn Dougherty Louis Berger Charles Ellxaldaand Alexander Gordon Branch 5 Amalgamated Society of Carpentera haa elected Smith vice president and Winiam Ramsey secretary to fill vacancies Electrical Workers Union No In dorsed Bemlss for clerk ot the Supreme Court of California at Its last meetng and Installed the following officer President Osorge Flskr vice presidentpresident Alexander recording secretary Loemts foreman Philip Dunn inspectors Prank Allen and Thomas Smith The Butchers Union has sent Its fourth weekly contribution to Los An geles and Indoraed tha candidacy of 1 Bemlss Houaesmlths Union No 78 Indorsed ir Bemlss for clerk of the Supreme Court and wnl vote upon Investing In Deary street bonds at the next meet 1 ng Varnlsher and Polishers Union No 134 at Its laat meeting adopted a resolution calling upon all union and their member to withdraw their money from the banks and Invest it In Oeary atreet bonds The union decided to parade In is a I form on Labor day and appointed the following committee to make arrangements for the celebration Lamafleld William Page A Mofelll Tobln and Cunningham 1 jii ibeilderwpge rr rn i Sad Faced Greeks Declares intwas wronged i ir tff JohnSVeatie Wliaadl faeW Oraek with eyea of a drowsy AUoal was cued from the mawUtrom otnen4 Ungled mle lartha teatauraatiotrthef billiard parlor ot John Papas at ISO Third i strae laa Saturday night by the polloe He wa wedged loose from a seors of excited i belligerent I and charged with aaut with deadly weapon 1 A iPonderous bltllard oue brokett In the middle fend John Fepaa wtth a towering patch of abeorbent cotton covering a healing laceration on hla ecalp were the exhibits In the baa wbenJudga Shortall called yesterday the name of Swaatika The Judge twaa corrected and Papa took the Itbegarliraduaythitrtth Judge ear through the Interpreter mat mere war jdontenegrins us slans Greeks vustrlanaVan various other representative of the Balkan Mces In Uie billiard parlor and that somebody made seventeen points and somebody etsa made thirty four points Then th trouble begin Bit wltnessea awore that Vestlca struck Papas with tha cue and six others swore that a Russian named Majors had atfuek at Vtlca and misting hlm had bit hla friend Papas Wont soma withes tali ma that Papas received hla Injtrry by falling from the chandellerWhlla doing a trap eie actr askod tha bewildered magistrate Ask him If he will plead guilty to a charge of petty lareenyf suggested Prosecutor Oppenhelm The case was continued to enable Vestlca to bring mora witnesses to court Days Doings in Railroad Circles Minister From Belgium in San Francisco on inspection Trip of Consulates Witt ENLARQK hospital RAM MATKO Julv 1 A firt contemplated enlargement of the Red Cfo Guild Hospltar wRIeh was erected thro nth the benencenc of Mrs Whltelaw Jteld wlf ef tha Embassador to England la reported here Mra id whoi during her visits to the Retd country home at MITtrae has arways dieplayed an intimate interest In tha affairs of the local Episcopal pariah ha placed the community greatly In her debt by erection of the uoepiiatf inf nvn iimsoir nr pcrniBDJ been enlarged a number of times by and It Is now reported that he I eon templatlng tha purchase of larger tte tnw fha ereetfoie At a ihnaviiar jjulldlncoLsachj to fulfil every neea 01 id cumraqnity i ilArTliBiL niyl4 Tir entnirtttsre emlMrerles to lioiltr a atsn wbo kliiai no TveMsr SI ort Coats arf aat laa MimrM flia I iiPfVtJf9i I Wf a bfettkeett sad tiiies i ttnoer Count de Bulseeret Mlrilater to TVaahlngton from Belgium arrived In San Francisco yesterday and is at tha Palace Hotel He will depart far the north today visiting Portland and Seattle and will return to Washington after visiting other Western cities My visit to San Francisco la one merely of Inspection and haa no significance be said There are thirty one consulates of Belgium In the united Statee and am on a tour of Inspection I have visited many of them end will return to Washington When I have completed the Inspection count de Bulsseret is said to be a fine shot and a great sportsman Ha was married to Miss Caroline Storj daughter of Major General and Mrs John Story of Washington Before ner marriage the Countess was leader In the Ajrmy set at the capital and both she and her husband are prominent la Washington society AHHHA1 REPORT SHOWS THE WORK OP THE PUBLIC WUNIJ Oaring tatt litcal Teat 7593 Dog Were Impounded of widen 6120 Were Deitroyed lIceaek A report showing tha work of the public pound during the fiscal year Just closed has been filed with the Mayor by the San Francisco Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals unde whose management the pound has been for a number of years According to the document 7J9J dogs were handled by the pound during the year and tha necessity of such gri InstitutionInstitution I demonstrated by the fact that Slid of the total numberVOf dosa Impounded were destroyed only 1219 being redeemed and 25T sola Thre port sl shews that 4310 dag licenses and Sis duplicate tags were purchased from the city Two hundred and sixty seven head of large stock and ninety fctur head of small stock were Impounded Although cats do not eome under the provisions of the pound ordinance sits of the small animals were destroyed by the pound without sost to the city a Til Pi PirtE RKCOItD Itubblsh burning under the sidewalk caused a run of the fire apparatus to the earner of Sixth and Howard streets at 050 oclock yesterday morning The damage wa llght A plot of dry graa and dead weeds at Twenty fourth street and Corbet road waa aet on lire yesterday morning by children The name spread rapidly and the Fire Department was called upon to extinguish the blaset sparks dropping from adjarant WITH Its first tralnload shipment of fruit out of the State of California Wednesday night the Western Pacific haa entered Into active eompetltlorr for transcontinental freight business The train of fruit the first the Western Pacific has ever aent East left Sacramento Wedneaday night for Chicago It consisted of shipments of pears peaehea and plums snotwaii assistant general freight agent and Davenport general agent of the Western Pacific wars in Sacramento together with other officials of the new Gould road to au perlntend the shipment that la re garded aa an event of Importance In railroad circles Ths Western Paelflo haa provided Itself with extensive Icing and refrigerator equipment and evidently intends to make a strong bid for transcontinental business Bean aupertntendent ot the mechanical department of the Santa Fa at Los Angales arrived In San Francisco yesterday and will remain for several days II Adams traffic manager of the Pioneer Fruit Company of Sacramento la In San Franclaco on a brief trip A report ot the board of Inquiry that was appointed to Inquire Into the wreck ot the Southern Pacific special train near Metx at an early hour Tuea day morning was submitted to officials of the company yesterday Th wreck according to tna report was caused as a result of the excessive speed of the train In rounding tha ten degree curvo where the accident occurred Paul Shout assistant general man sgerln charge of the electric lines of the Southern Pacific will return from tna cast jury 411 hi waa suaoeniy called to Chicago and New Tork but the purpose of hi trip haa not been announced Clapp district freight and pas senger agent of the Southern Paelflo at Fresno and Burkhalter who occuplea a similar position at Oakland were In San Francisco yesterday The statement from Vallelo to the effect hat the Southern Pacific Is to build a lerry noat at cost or Muououu to carry passenger trains between Port Costa and Bsntcla waa denied laat night by Calvin vice president and general manager of tha Southern Pacific The story from valisjo was that a contract had been let to the West Oakland Shipbuilding Company tAr 4hv pnnetriictlonr Af aa twin boat Ma th noiano which ltwaa reoorted would haul freight trains between South Vallejo and Rodeo Plcutelt of Omaha who for several years nas neon commercial acent of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road at that city haa been appointed general afent of tha Baltimore and unio sc nan rranciseo nt win succeed Edwin Anderson who recently died Plculellls expected to arrive vlthn a few days and will begin hi new duties Immediately The net earnings of the Union Pacific during the month ot May were 13237 7S4 as against 341U for May H09 For the eleven months endingending May Slat tha net earnings were 131128101 compared with 134733539 tor same period ending May lo Gross earnings for that month this year wart 1753534 as against 17735 for May 190 For the eleven months ending May 31st ths gross earnings were H171tJ3 Compared with 7ISe2M or the corresponding period ot tne previous year locaharUlea Tho Institution has chlmneya ransed smalt fire at 47 oetock yesterday afternoon on the Mrs Raid as av result of its popularity roar of ths Challenge lodging house at Third and Hunt etreeta waa imai1 Th damage IlilVe Iha edi tV Mlf la ha aaaaal lUlen no It 0f 1 Jxil Jgr WHi street wlMr dliepi sr it Ifflmhl borne sbo i si siomii Ilie mlmlne I ilm rlb by OU Bo ass bis otsis inc it3 Mr ef tire feet it 1ole kailnxsii walsmns sbeas ISO twuMS tliai la Un a3 Is miiris is teustsd ta 1ft the VlJlnltr past twenty yrg a aaaMC fc iSvfeala Hi a nil iT QLMn uuun mmx 1 vf GieppdOIessandrpte yvhilfouthenJita nrthe City Prisbri GiBSppWilVf6tssaiiron oViav count and mercharit prlnceu of Southern ItawjiiiiihevCtPaonacUJiOt the accusation of his friend and room mate Henry Benvenutl of Mr Broadway Benvenutl told tha pollcer that Do Oleasandro had Uken hi ult clothes and sold It to raise some ready money and Detectives Sullivan and Drolette wen to the II Trovatora ree taurant where do OIMandroha beer employed aa a waUerf andarrested him 1 US declaredto the detectlra that he had sold the clothea as hv would hare sold tho clothes of his brother and that Benvenutl could have a suit of his which waa Vorth a gooa deal more money The detectivea were adamant According to the sutements otnu merous friends of De Olessandro in tha tialln quarter the younr man recalvea aovTbtithly remittance from his family In Italy of 50 and haa the reputation of being agood pndet In reorts of that locality wharewle flows And Joviality and coin are ialport It la also aald that Da Olessandro Is perfect Ing ait invention in the field of elec triclty which when completed will as tonlah thaworid DaOUaaaVndro felt keenly his Incarceration and was very lotito answer quesUons Ha said that he left Italy when be waa 1 years of age for his own private reasons and since that time for eight years has lived lni different parts of the United States He said ke waa employed aa a clerle ln the Bank of Philadelphia for eight month and haa also been employed In other banks 1 He was amending a collegtn Italy when ha left and was studying to a civil engineer Ha plays tha cUrlnat but he la devoted tovaclence I took the ault aald he because I thought Benvenutl waa mjrtrlend I Intended to py him later I needed the ready money qulcta I couldnti mAke him listen to reason He Insisted on having me arrested and charged with petty larceny Da Olessandro said that He was never a waiter befora ba came to San FranW Cisco He remained silent when oues 1 tioned about his family SPRING VAIIEY WANTS TO REMOVE ITS HY ORAITTSi Harbor Board A forDeliy TJatii lire Conimlitionerii Con Be Consulted in the Matter Tha Harbor Board at Its meeting yesterday received a communication from tho Spring Valley Water Company stating that the company desired to remove about twenty hydranta along the water front which were placed there for protection against fire without charge to tha State and informed the Board that like communication had been aent to the Board of Fire Commissioner The secretary waa Instructed to request the water cbmpany to hold the matter in abeyance until the Harbor Board shall have heard from the Fire Commission In reply to a letter to fha Standard Oil Company Calling attention to the dripping of oil into the bay while loading and discharging the campanye vessels and ordering a cessation of tile practice of polluting the waters of the bay the company Informed tha Board that the charge wa unfounded and that Investigation proved tha oil was discharged through a aewer at North Beach The Boardiordr an examination ot the City Electric Companys pip line to ascertain whether oil Is dripping Into the bay from that source Pletto CrtscL who supplies gaaollne to small launches of fishermen wis ordered to remove his tanks to tha outer end of Fishermens wharf I I TtAv aBcirnie shoe pactoiiy REDWOOD C1TT July 14 Red wooda Board of Trada ba hutlv I gaged endeavoring to obtain a large number or manufacturing enterprises to locate at this point At present a committee of the leading membere Is hopeful of securing a shoe factory whose payroll wilt amount to about 1 15000 a year OUT negotiations have not yet reached a point where we can give any dbtalls 4ald II Tuchseh one of the active workers this afternoon but believe that our efforts will be aucceasful and result eventually in the building of a large number of enterpriaaa on our water front To lneure the locations of tne factory a iltOOO bonus necessary on the part of the dtl ens which the Board ot Trad eOn fldently expdets to raise Hi TBAtTan PAlTFlltT ItJVHBD Urtconsclou and with every rib on fits left side broken Philippe a teamster lies in the Harbor Hospltsl ir a dying condition as the result of a peculiar Accident at tZQ oclock last night Phtllppft his team Standing on the Lombard street wharf andYwas standing near tht bulkhead when tha I horses suddenly barked up and crushed ta HafaeiiieSig fHSn saias tha It ing Dr Millar at lh hospital entertain lit hot for Ms reovery as We4ll re a tea nrVM at A aaMa fji nil iy Miiit in ns mq ternal Injuries besldrs the orok rib He lives at 1371 Sixteenth street rJAMK KIA tAfiKR BEia5i REDWOOD CITT July titKii BKBKfIgYJulj 14 fi BrU eilrKI for thepat yeatraarageroftba Rsdwooa city commereiai flank and Its afllett Saving and TB Company hc resigned for the purpo ef look Incalter hla rln Diego Interests Hla plaeawin Ukny John PWeller tfiei pat twenty yrg asItn i tOnCOrrJr wia An Nottlt jvangton ita kottaaMg ins raw Arrow COLLARS fOrt SUMMER Hlik mmimA for lee eaaMsk fee eeesfert aad pteatg al 1 IIS Ve SIMS 1 a i IMeelwlfesWi Clo tt rsebedy Cetoseirf Anew ft krfi1lllilg sy LOW nounoMTRm RATE TO EASTERN CITIES Durn that Summer Month with 6op ovr prlvllessg CANADIAN PACIFIC HAILWAy ilx BnAiIlUlMif tfssttrpusfltf Jewiiy Jlu oaib tte 3sJla lack Modatalni TTI lllTJ all I aH ffr tovrrliffo RatMinef Infoftnatloi OtMtaai AeiMT Post aatir DrratMirr Mfatirt mi ttiH Rtdar tsMiM i jmM 1 iUEJijM Ju Jiavfiai 1 ri.

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