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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

str mm EDUCATION A Opportunities qfitl kinds are bstfourid through the Classified Advertising tirnns of San Franciscos best newspaper THE CHRONICLE aaaavk rB 3Alttf l3 riflwittLi i Ltaiitwiiii II mj eaenB Bahse VS1 bbf aaTjejasV eBBaaneasSW JbbV JBBa 1 if aaa jj wap i LEADING NEWSPAPER ffe PACIFIC COAST Aw IM Srgp VOL CYII il i tfe Weather Rert Sea rrasette Ottttw TMatttt Clewdy ijfajrgjrr Wt4lli4q saeralaaj edearna tolif th day light WWttwtaaw JX WtLLSON Forecaster i vvi SlN FBANqiSCO CAE TUESDAY 8ETEMBER 7 1015 XXX REPUBtIC VT HprMMnrv PruciAen Will Take Place or Monarchy and Yuan ShI ka Is to fy Start lewDynastyWith vt li Jy Peculiar Powers Pithy Statements FtomTafrsralk NOW hat at liiiBta it tk flaw la tk rklllrki niMt tan taok Ta ew rlimrtt ky WllMa utMr HarriMS la mtnlT retrTMla at Hlaaxiiaa dinraltie for m1 MlTCf BerJ kttnwffM tM MiU ifalaea ai kpeaka tka ass aa wltk aorraw Not a aelatllla afsarttaaaakl waa railt4 aaaerMeKlalar Oa aia vaj jia Heaalala Gar raa Uarrtoaa aaaaaae aat kaaa aaraaala1BlaBaara la aTtaa Jtraaklieaaa It la aaw vraaaaad taaiak tk af tatarloratla fmltai Jai kni aad a aeelaratloa tkat i Utea la gtrt tka Ulaada ta aa iadaaaalaat PklllayU GaTeraawat NO 54 in OPfOSESjMONARCHICAL jyRULEINMESSAGE Compromise Under Constf njnopWHrrTOQuce AMost 4 Uniqueriorrn of Govern sjWnj In Existence Sim t4 IJlaVto United Kingdom i TotTlata hanoalty obtain fog tha recoenlUoa ot torelf ii nation tha OQVrnmnt decided vtnt tlrely to maintain the form of a riubllolnteKl ritorn a mon ajchybut toSmaJcatha Fraildenoy parmantat and hre4iUrTaccor31na 1 to nfofrntlei Qbtalnadtodaf in hlh arwTyerstSSCjWSr CaneralXUrrtua HeAaVh raprtadio TarrIned sth Vlcai i frtildancronrSaptfiDbar Ilj preild vad oW Mfjon of th adTisory nuTiAlt tha tiawaiaDara hav baan a i i auciiQriea wnnunvt rviwinar aiif iAfc tJ At 1 I VK iaB Iu Bniafci57 avf Ti nartshc4aii oaartdent tuaiv 8hl KJ aaldJ itt liAkmr constant duty ia protacj AUTO HITS TRAIN 313MB DEMOCRATS 2 Merry Picnic party Meets a Tragic Fate inValejo Crushed UnderWheels VAUJBJO si 17C Baptmbrj ii I John yaarp old a hlrt school puplL and Qortrud MarhaK IS yaan old a Kljh chool strl war klllod Instantly thU aftarnoon Jrhn an automobll aa llyary waf onW which thsywra rid Inrteruhad Into JSouthr Paclflo train at thaiMain itraat croMlag iP WJ Brown a boilnaai man of thla dtyr MUi Rom Browrihla dauchttr atditran JJnehan l5 yean of act who waralaliotn th machine weta injured Brow and hU vdauhr were bruised andMlsa Llnehan la luffertnr from severa bruises and a crushed hand st sl 1ojt wcitic imp 4Th party were oii trip to Be Mela at LyonMnvltstUn He was driving the car and Was Hahley and Ulss Meagher were in the front seat with hijn Thwoihera oeotipled a rear at Juft aaWy had arrive it Main street eroaalng from Montgomery strait Seutharq Paclflo train ap pcwcaeavnrivaanna auuw Mtka wyoountry ana Vny paople and my 1 IT llo Recently many dtlaens from the fp fcrovlnets have petitioned the acting Parliament torehangethe form of givarnmenCHoposmonwnvir is Incompatible ttn my position aa President But as lhPreldency 4 corifsrrsd by tha people It should oe pend on tha will of the people Mroven since th acting Parlla went ti an Independent body re autalde interference 1 should not express my views Before the people or acting Parliament hut as any altratlon In the form of government makes a radlcat charige In the exeeutlt powetf I annot rerfaln sl lent viA at the risk of mislntere A tatlOOv TL orrosca monarchy i retard thsClproposed change as iniiiiU ia tha countrys clrcum sUnoesj If It 1 decided upon hastily kens oiJet Jle ftaturally only to trengthaa th loundatloo of the tats and Increase the prestige of the country If the opinion of th ma Cross Cadetaaome from acamo at Ahead of Lyons machine was one driven Edward Sutter who had stopped about ffftyfeet from the rail pwialButJnialntalntli repub Jroad tracks whiiu ni oar hu ran up towathla few feet of the an proachlng trelnV ilere there was a hS1 iorlty li consulted good and proper rr means undoubtedly will be und Furthermore aa the Constitution of the republic Is now being drafted bydue consideration of aha countrys condition and bycaraf ul thought and mature discussion a suitable and1 practicable law will be devised I commend this to yourJattentloivgtn UiWof Fa Yuan Parliament FARLtaHISNT ponders The advisory jf ounell Voting a i rliamtnt under arecent President tlal order I virtually nominated body of sixty men to whom the so called peace society has presented petition circulated by ithaf sodefy calling for the1 re establishment of tnonarcliy tv I sharp grade downward Iri front of his ear Lyons and his party hailed vihe engineer yof the train as It passed I them amd nothing i out of the way occurred until the third of the nve coaches had run byf Then Lybns prepared to drive on rsleaaed brake on his car and It got under war Before the train had gon on the auto slipped down the grade I CRUSHED UNDER WHEELS Before thedTlver could get it under control the fourth coach haVcanght the headlight of the car and had Jerked the auto so violently that those In th front seat were hurled under th swiftly moving traln Brown ind th two girls In the rear seat were pitched out but were thrown clear of the train Lyons head yi severed thev two glrltwere ls mangled Miss Hanley died within a short time after she was taken out of tha wreckage rTln train did not stop as the engineer twi not Informed of the accident Until after1 th train reached South ViHeJo Lyons Is survived by a wife and child Miss Hanley was the niece of Mrs Walter Lambert of this city Miss Meagher was th stepdaughter of Patrick Hefleraanj who Is employed at the tfavyyard Irene XJne hens father Is Thomaa Xlnehan ma ohin shop foreman at th Nat yard Altot tha girla attended St Vincents High School iv i Former president Denounces iWHsons PJans for Islands asBelng DestructiveofK the aWorj Formerly yHcgompusnea i i A AUUKE55 IS HEARD COMMONWEALTH CLUB riXv Talk Is Notable as Bejng the First Criticism of tteftres ent Administration Eyer Made bheTBe publicart Speaker Denouncing the Wlls6n Administration policy In th Philippines as struct of most of th good ac complUhed for the Philippines by the two former administrations ex-President William Howard Taft delivered aa address of far reaohng Import last night before th Commonwealth atf yt i Taft prefaced his remarks bysay i Ing that as had supported i Presi dent wnson his foreign policy if nrmatrvely jandiwlth jeal heUkewlse oottsldered tMsdutytoipolnt put what he considered fatal shortening ings and a fundamentsllytmlstaJkenj coDopiion oc tn ueraocratia Administration in the Philippines nCl rORJUERLT BARRED DurlngjUie twipriflousl admfnisi tratlonsv Tft tid there bad keen ARMOURS 3R0BBEDINV i home ir Masked Thugs EnterCliicago i Residence and L6ot the Place of jewels FACES PISTOLS Of MEN Wife of Millionaire and three Maids Locked in fRoon BYes escape1 a i iv cl Mapetch Cbrailcl CHICAGO September Mrs1 Ogden Armour in her resldenc at STJt Michigan avenue was held up and robbed of 3000 In jewelry and tli i In money tonight ahorqy after th dinner hour by 4wo men who escaped rt Mrs Armour was forced at the point of a revolver In th lands of a masked bandit to retire to am upstair Ailffn vflAlA tarfW 1 4 tnknuirB inaiua she Was locked in while the man ran sacksd th house While one Of the masked men stood guard over Mrs Armour andher maids the otner man turned ower the Jewel boxes found In thrrpus rooms and otherwise prosecuted th search for valuables owcVoi jRAii Both itf wore handkerchiefs over thsir facesibut a good description of them was obtained fromMra ArmourArmour as Veil 4lie maldsaadthe poliaelramedlately began the search The twwsbandta i galnect entrsnoe to the Armour residents by porch on tjfe north sldaA screen was cut and a idoor Jimmied Once lnsldethe houe th Vwnt atrat vh hr Ing roome where they foandf Mrs rlTf WPafrVT PrtCif Armour and on maid Am i3lli 1U UCC1 I UU i Vbtenti but a report of th Altaic lm meaiauiy wag telephoned to him Mra fArmour Immediately 1 tele phaiid the polk and when the ile tectlve arrlvidgave accomodate Victim bfAiitp 1 Unidentified Is Close to Dqath Youth Struck by Machine rrg jwii ior mounuora fwnson Has Skull Frachirecl and Is Unconscious li Mountford Wilson member of th legal Arm of Wilson Wilson and prominent clubman figured In what probably will prov a fatal automobile colllelon with a motor cyeleyesterday afternoon when the ear in which he was being driven northward onValencla street struck th motorcycle ridden by an unlden tilled joung man at the corner of Sixteenth street throwing the youth to th street so hard that no sustained a frontal fracture of theskull George Toulson chauffeur for Wll aon was arrested on a charge of bat tery Wilson furnished ISO ball Th yonng tmsnv whose identity baffledJth police detectives until si late hour last night was operated on at Bti tukes HospltaL Wilson also want to th hospital and spent son Urn vainly trying to Uarn who victim Th young man is about years old oft dark ooniplaxlon smooth shaven and 1 rather poorly clad Th motorcycle bears the number Mill Wilson stated last night that the accident was wholly unavoidable SO rar aa ma anver was ooncerneo JJelsild that his car was proceeding easily down Valencia street toward Market when the motorcyclist approached at a high rata of speed and when th automobile turned into Sixteenth street the rider struck th machine with terrllio force haVjng aonarAUyi neglected XQ slowdowi Th police gleaned front bystanders statement that th i chauffeur hes itated when he made the turn from Valencia streqi lntortfilxten and that thla was rwbatceused motorcyclist to misjudge 11 Jrhlng and thus meet Ub his accident i fThChnw ContitutlonlCouncillt0eiit rlaaeel Pag a g1 was made GREAT QUAKE1 SOMEWHERE WASHINGTON Sen tember An arth shock of extraordinary vio lence I was recorded tonlght on seismographs at th Ceorgetdwn Unlvem sltyr The disturbances began at lilT oclock and continued for several estimate of th distance FalKReaitv Bargains Are Many Fall ireajly wpedallyin the dtaridsu burbsvison Uieboomjn Septembet fbrthisis IJK lime ottU times the year when tJjebigowneSjregp thefr harvest ot jpli If you are looking for a home this1 fall get in touch with thi bigbargairistbyfolibwincjf the offerings of The CJuomcleWsntCoIurrmsiaiv fyou will be able Jlotunr the Ubles en the really men and tear a golden hirvetourieliiimoneyMtAJntAd real eitate is the best and tittriost reaioaable in Drica ia trv it TV 1 thi Septembertan4 jjroveJfor yourself tha truth of this 4 A eJrlMWA tAS lit aiuiiiiuur twHXmnKu ty hZi Jf 1 Wt rf I fcl 15 SC Pfil I i ArbsKJWjy WMw rrT 1 1KA fe Tr rrr ygMlMv ai aVaTT iATSBaCTaefkaj erttnp TrarrinAtvnn rinrj rTirurj lJt tIi7 Tn Ztr i vTB iaotttfaSpeiMidsdh i nd less thai llitrennnlhl jll 4A SXr ri officials ware removed iwtthln thre months and thelr places fliTedwlth Democrats or Filipino politicians who havs stnee demonstrated their unit ness 4 1 i1 A STaft took the round that mnttnnr iglng th Filipino with the idea that self government in the Philippines was possible within the next two generations was fstal tothe best Interests of the Islands and their people recounted the claim or th KtllplnOi polltlclanthat SO per cent ofn the people were of Vhe obedient olass and that there were enough educated Filipinos in ahe remaining 10 per cent to provide two shifts for holding an the efllces as an IIItis tratlon of tha fire with lwhleh President Wilson is1 playing In turning over th executive offices to Filipino and encouraging idea that complete Independence will soon follow SFREiADOv RINDERPEST rAs an example of what has actually followed Taft ssid thatthe rtnder peep which bad beqjeary stamped out among the caitle in the Philippines by th former American leads of th Island department of agrloul tureV had increased 111 percent sine their offices were fllledby ex lnsur reeto generala Eo6evlfs soggestlon that the United States deerttth Philippines ar a preparedness measure was also vlgordusly attacked by Taft who hit stralgttfrom th Jsboulder aad hopdB that an administration may follow which will see and ao knowledge th error of the Present policy In th Phillpplnea ESCAPES FROM WRECK That the Department of Education alone had escaped i In the geharat Vl10 it ireda of enraged and armed cltuen Wlngton was ts assertion nad In guccsful Wa huntW mwa mas in reason ror this Ion escape may have been that tha Tjead of that department was a uemocrat wn waa appointed byth formerAdmlnistrstlon for his ability Among th many memorable speeches that bar been delivered before th Commonwealth Jciub this noWpernd i zr am cararfsermpleaWh He wor a rain Cloth peajted cap a gray oeat and over Ms faeAwors 4 hlts hindkor1 chief with arefnk border DESCIUBES Rnnnicn TheseconitBrobbrv was a man it fvmrm viu vum ici incnes tail weight lUarfc hair and brown yes He wor a 8luecap and awhlta handkerchief over his eyes Although Mrs Armour wu Unable to make a complete estimate of th amountof valuables taken by th rob bers she said thought S00 would cover th Jowelfy and ITS th money Shoots When Driver Asks High Auto Hire LOSANOELKB September Angered when a motor bus driver asked 15 touring a part from Venlc to Xo Angles a man passenger opened fire with a revolver today shooting four bullets one of which Wounded Mrs Mariraret tv i the knee i rs Waters say Ih i -as Ernest Held and police began a search for him The bus driver took Mri Water to a hosplUl in Santa Monica Reaches London Bangl al it Two AreInjnred While rtinilnlTig SSit German tojfler VfkUfVIWtlaiamhailiLUwiiSJlM 8 Trlllfflliril1aMal1allllll THaaarsaHsa Mine May Have Sunk Allan Liner 0 W9 CKefl 00 OKI OKI Dual Citizenship Puzzles Ann mm GOES DOWN Big Vessel Crippled Sinks on Way ttoPort No Americans in Ust of Lost Say Companyt Officials WASHINQTON EXPERTS SAY-SHIP HIT A MINE 4000 Sacks of Mail Lost on V4 I 11 V1 cig iboai invesnoation is Blocked by the Depth of Vesse Gravel itrij st ter tK 1112S passengers QCBKNSTOWK September fill eacond rahln mini si thlrdeablnassengersi and thir tenof th erewof th steamer Hes ioiJ1abIOrdhintif Board jUdCap uinB Baker were Injured tonight whan a Oermsn shell whloh had tailed tcraxplodfwhWtlred from a Cterman gunwenl oft at th headquarters of the parcel post In London The shell was In a naeka frnm Ion of the battle front and th on Cera were examining the contents when the explosion occurred General OCullaghen had two fingers Mown off and Captain Baker was woulided in both arms USe to Investigate Damageio Boats HONOLULtr September LieutenantLieutenant Commander Mark St a Kills of the gunboat Princeton waa named chairman of a board of Inquiry today to investigate and Ox the responsibility for the collUlonbetwenthe steamer Supply and three submarines of the 7 type yesterday The Fa1 and liwen damaged by the Supply when th latter attempted ta dock here DIversT1 who examined the hulls of the submarines today reported th diving steering gsars of th flotilla damaged They will be dry docked later this week i speech ofx Presldent Taft pranks kght witli th robber th townpeo 3e3aajBssT5taassBses Catae4 high for itwa thflrsterlticlsnr naa iiiisrca or in present Administration and it was spoken frolrith Jntlmat knowledge of ceo wboknew th Philippines as Governor for four years and aa President sftTJnied kUtes for a tormla wJieirj car lied out th island policy which had been initiated by himself under th KbKlnley administration ADDRESS OF WELCOME VTeftwaa Introdueefnot only by th president of the club Beverly ffedg head but Id short addresses orwel com by Joi JsteNab 4atid Earrl WinstockV In aniwertq McNabs allusion to rth three ouretlsugested for eX PresIdenti acoontry estate a eatwlthot1Voilnth Senate aad th presidency of a great university Taft replleOhataaehihadlU diffi culties rbat that He bJectedto thjj MURDERER SAVEDFROM MOB BYV MARXSVILLE OFFICERS i 1 After Robbing Gamblers JohncLarney Kill Police 1 rnanand Is CajJtured by Angry Armed rPosse tliiNiuuuMtcttii Tk Cbrealele marched to thjall and through the erxorts or Judgs It Morrlssey dla prsed th mob that waa trying to 09m oard th prison 4 Upon word of thrrobbery of th lottery Chief otolice Smith and Patrolman Sperbecktook up th cas Tney traced McLarney ta a limhV yard He pulled out a revolver and wim a warnin rv Chlef Smith dropped A SperbefS attempted to draw MeLarny shot th bolWpasslngi through th po llcemaaa mouthy and out of the back if hie head He died shortly afterward atth cKy hospital Th shooting was heard and tnen quickly gathered aad took up th hunt wlta Chief Smith at whom slayer Shot twlc in his flight toward nr riTr sscaraey emptied his weapon and reloaded itv firing until aie ammunition was down tortw night mtheTuba tlverDottoirJ In pursuit John WUIIam MeLarneyJ wnosiew strwrnan japa ivan eperr beck In a three handed battle jroU lowing ftii robbryttbls afternoon of a Chines lottery pises by the fugitive Headed by Chief of Police aHlk uVa Kersi KaT 1 Miuiut wiiv iuwi lu roiijiu uif pie took up th chase following Jj fleeing tnerd erer over fences through lumber jrardsand down Into the thick brush along ihrrtvaibanka Ther th trarl was found and th fugitive was eapturad after a run sing or from plstolagnd rlfloa with whleh th poise was armed Andrew Garcia and Jamea Chapman 1 earn upon McLarneyi Chapman knecked hlnt down gnd subdued nts prisoner who waa wlttr ao JJttlej dlffleulty cartridges SSaaClld fsBaeWS jaataSJSnn MSialat ka4aVI saea 1 id Caaad Psg VClau xlalpoUcsmett saved from a second posse headed by Mayor Harry Hydev who prevented violence being don M3Larny waa taken to th City Jail which was surrounded by angry men4 threatening to breafcjln and do VloMiie to th prisoner i sofcj4 4 Mayor JHrde and the City Council Vil i iiiiJ I ltiiantiUBM 4 Vfc wm auwrai until jomorrowaftsrnoan Twenty spe jf At th police auttonv kcLarnev saldthat had shot only to frighten the policeman Did kill nlmT he Inquired Th Prisoner ls year old He sildj that he earn to Caii fornla iwo years ago from Nw Torlt wa wll dreesed StMKatriwaa SS vaJM1jt a been a member of te polio fore laal aHn4aSahia Ma Ua 1 aaaa la at aaufjaa perlan torpedoed lit mile off Queenatown Saturday evening were unaccounted for tonight according ly th revised official figures Issued by th Allan line Thla brings the a rrooaDie death njit including Mlsa Ckrbsrryof St Johns KF whose wu iiii uiiv vvvfwvaix ll Th captain of the stricken llnsr remalnedbyhUi ship until it sank Hs aellned to comment nlWdle Uftfhill1vie1JthoffiW Ial itetemearaaiahehierhr ierea bw iflipjwMtni jrioxiinoE a torpedo or atjntn must com from th Admiralty althoagh tha captain la uoted as having told an Allan Jin official today that the Hesperlari was torpedoejL Most of th survivors passengers an4 crew win leave Quesnstown tomorrow by special train and bogt tor Liverpool Captain Main and th officers who remained aboard th steamer while efforts were being mad4 to tow th liner to port were able to save some of their effect before th ship plunged to th bottom seventy eight rallies southwest of Fast net hot far from the seen of the attaoltl taking with hr Sail bags of malls Inueh of it originating Jn neutral countries The flooding of the forward com partments which caused the lies perlan taslnkso much by th head as to throw tb propellers out of the water made the task of towing the liner to Queenstownlmpoaslble in the rough sea The names of the missing second eabin passengers follow Mlsa Bannister Mrs Fisher Josph Fowler Mrs Hannah Fowler Maria Jenkins and Miss Murray WASHINGTON SKEPTICAL Navy Experts Believe Liser Might Have BtrucK June WASHINGTON September i No th ing in todays advice regarding the sinking of th Allan liner Hesperian servdto change the waiting attltuds of tii American Government Judgment Is suspended pending complete Information and in spit ef the state men of he Hesperian eaptaln that hlashlp waa the Victim of a torpedo amllhadnowarnldg high officials br are notdlsposed to question the good faith of recent unquaiinea as suranoee from the German Govern ment that her submarine commanders ha4 been ordered Xo atUck no more llnrs without warning i Reports during the day front Ambassador Pag at London added few details to the Story told In the brief eablegrama In which Consul Frost at Queenstown last night announced that tjie vefssl had been torpedoed with a toss of abont eight Uvesnone of them American Tb Consuls statement that th ship carried on her stern a iT lnch gon went unamended though the Allan Una of fleials hav declared that she had no gun when she left Montreal Newe that th crippled Hesperian bad foundered while being convoyed toward Queenstown dissipated the hope that an examination of her hull might prove beyond a doubt the a tur1 of the wrecking explosion Th faot that th vessel waa struck forward when well outside th son in which th German submarines su allyoperate ha caused som veteran1 naval officers here to advance th theory thit she struck a drifting mlneIt Is plnte outthat Consul Frost rspjbrtdthatwhll thBrlttsh Admiralty believed the shipvwaa tor Ptfloed jwlthout warning ther hait LONDON IS CAUSTIC ON DUMBA CASE Says LorcJ Sackville Was Recalled 26 Years Aco for Lesser Offense A a I 1 sHUsman mDassador to cjc plain James Archibald VILettets tb Lansing wi LONDON Soptembei1 180 AM The bumba Incident attracts a good deaIof attention from the London papers Th pally Chronic reminding lis readers thaiTora much less flagrant offense th British Ambassador Lord Sackville waa recalled from Washington twenty six years ago considers that th Austrian Ambassador cannot be allowed to remain and adds i 1Th United States Government can draw up a veryblaek Indictment on Its own account against th Teutonic emplreIts forbearance up to the present time has been perfectly mar Joo7yrM TLAitSnro oitajm urrEnviKW 4jVAHINOTON September 80 rotaxy Lansing has granted an interview at tha Stat Department tomorrow to Dr Constant Theodor bum ha th Auitro Hungarlan Ambassador who deelres to discuss published reports that heVhas taken part In a movement tq Interfere with th production of war matarlala in th United SUtea Ambassador DumbaVrequestfor a conference reached Mr Lanelnglate todays It Is understood here that he wishes tomakan ixplanatlon regarding dispatches seat by him to the Foreign Office at Vienna and seised by British authorities from Jam Archibald an American wai coVr spoflatr srhwa acting a angrfTi i Thee dispatch which ire said reveal that the Ambassador sug gsstedtlans for handicapping munitions plants and had undertaken warn Austro Hangarlan sUbJeots that they were violating th criminal cod of their natlv land by accepting employment In American establishments making war supplies forth alllss are declared to hav raised a subject for which there 1 no prece dent la American diplomacy The anaUoB at duel eltlsanshlnl Tone disputed between this Govern ment and Several European powers ia Involved and because of this th mat terwilt bs approached when Ambas sador Dumba arrives without prejudice Officials doubtthat tberahaa been any violation of law to whether there haa bean breach of dlplomatlo propriety or international ethics Secretary Lansing must decide after he haa heard th Austrian Ambassadors statement Copies of pipers Uken from Archi bald in London hav been forwarded th State department by AmbeaJ sador Paa a They had not reaehad her tonight but it was understood that Dumba would talc copies with him when he called at the Stat Department HURRIES TO WASHttraTOl LENOX TMasaji September Dr Constantln Theodor Dumba Ambas sador from Austria Hungary i left th summer embassy her for Washing ton late today It was understood that ti would meet Secretary of Stat Lansing tomorrow afternoon to ax plain matters contained In dlspatohes whleh British officials found la custody of an American newspaper cor respondent regarding war munition factories la this country NAVAL ATIAMI OPEN WAYTO CRUSH RUSS 4 I 1 1 Pa Sea Air nnrl I anrf Camnauoi Pnrmlnn in fAJUrAi jf burrs Last Drive to Capture Armies GERMAN FIELD MARSHAL WAITS SEAPORTS FALU French Artillery lsstiItBoni barding the Crown Princeji Teutons Sink Fleet Blockade Guff A LONDON September 1010 PMJ Th menace to Riga aa lmnertanl Russian seaport la th Baltic 1 be coming more serious Th Ctermatut sUll held th bridgehead at Friaw rlehstad occupation of whleh ftlTfUte1lltRIgasriIway aonv mnnieatlonito thasonlh wblla oev aJTtrftaraetiv4ijitbiuMi prhapS preaaa1g aother naval i I Ma i yJ vl fci lVUVEW IWIj movement from land and sea to oom platV th Uolatlon of th elaad forc ita abandonment by th Rus SWVTfl 4 ft for fonrteen rears Ua leave wa wr Swora la and ohUd two brothers and a eUUr iLtOUteed ea Pag Celaaaal iaV7 7jj i LJ i it ji vWkr rfcJf Tffi a BBS ajaJnaw i i 11 ililA vj iaiJ tf i I i Catholic Colony Wifl Be Broughrto State Land Siskiyou County Praeti eaur Accepwtior Jiamiues Spaelal Mfpetcb The Cfcnolde MONTAGDE September Seeking a tract oa which ta place seventy fle families under the auspices of tha Catholic Colonisation Society Rev Father DeToss of Cblcaro has ptae tldally accepted a large trsotot land from two i companies of Siskiyou county All th prospective settlers are financially able and of a class that will prove a welcome addition to Siskiyou County The Cathello Qol enlsatlon Society haa placed colonies in nvoa vvarviina jsinnesoia Tm neasee Wlaconaln Montana iad Other statea The Settler come largely from Eastern cities Many Belgians ar seeking locations through th society i i sawter Goes to capital jt i BERKKLET Bepterobsr lC Dt vr ar injw 4M fpviubl SertanT 1arStat ysoardjot Health leaves for SacrsJEentoj this wk to take up his nswfdutlea HI tinAliAtrli Swa la a 4aluifAM on th eampusvAihaa not been ap puinudJLi AairaBvtijsaV4aa afBcial Bn l4 iA vwlTJyway1loiiivopn uermana ciaim possession ef tht tuir Jb iRassians htvlnaf abandoned Dageete horthernmosfof th thrss island Just outside the gulfi TOW HinDErTBCTIO WAITS Todays Berlin cffiolal oommanica tlonlays no claim to further prog rlbjrJ3ldMrjihsAtjr0tt Hlndn i i bursr trmn thBaltlete rodno4 but thirroe southward tn armies Jot Princf Leopold and Field Marshal von Mackensen are skid tct moving forward while ah Austrian offlcjat i statement covering th battle Una farther south and east records noth4 ins but Teutonic galas Th great artillery duel fa th west goes on unabated with the French and presumably tniBrlqshth aggressor Th tact that it haa cod tinned for a fortnight unabated lead ta th belief in sm quarter that I it may bean preparation for aaai Ued offenalv before tha approach cold weather Tha lavish us shell byth French would seem to Indicate some great undertaking bat tha plan is not yetapparent to th general pubile SAMK BLOCKaSinaBOATS i JRussia haa corrected earllerreoorla concerning tb sntsmpt tthaer man to make a landing at Pernsrtt confirming Berlins atatement that-stead of losing vessels aa tharesnit of attacks by th Russians the Ger man Intentionally aankevral smalt eteajnersto block the entrance tot gulf of Riga The deduction Is mad that the German feared the Russian would Jand ther sufflelentlyv strong forcee to threaten Field Marshal Hint denbaVgs left flank 4 i No news has bean reetvd pfa resumption of th battla at th Oa danoUes except th French rejJoTt that the4 Australians had repuleedrf Turkish attacfc Rom tell ef encounters between Italian and Austrl Infantry onva i rloua sectors In which It Is assarted XO Asri wa KIUUjyUW4 JJWi ana retrv In reprisal for German aSriaT raid arhtrh nulted acccrdlsc to the I French official report In many casual tlea for the most part womeajspd nhiidrB a anuadron ef ortv Freaeh im aeroplane has aotnoaraea weaiaianwS ruckenMa th province of it jl Prussia I work i Saarbrucken Rhine tV ti A Suestioth Lefojorne ci Bmoke bo the new i iV timo 3 tiifs iy ti I mJtol If I 4 ft 1 rt fc 1rV tlHriwWrlIFT J1 rtffaf fr CMRMAN BfwOv COL i srt y-.

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