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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 6

San Francisco, California
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TH SAff FRANCISCO CHllOiaqLBv1VEDNESPAK HiAxH a CmiojnqLB v1VEDjfESPAYf lAiijir ii23 mr irvTi Mruw VtV i1 ir PWMMMMMMHMMHHIIBMMMa rtfiCl muz fl fcl 1J 3y000000 Lincoln Pantheon DedieateffBy TW TilFT PRESENTS Mill It i mvirLL HardingLauds Lincoln as Human Being Not Superman fcr Wl wr Qa vq ChO Points Lessons for Toda in Life of Master Martyr III I III Rill I 1 1 HI asaa gaa a I ii 1 1 ir iuh till iu IU MIL I Ml I II um Ift Kt Sublime Patience and Un selfishness Evidence of Greatness Shrine in Potomac Park Ended by Government for Grateful People EMANCIPATOR LAUDED President Declares Old Abe lAie f2fAVAef Af All II iiiao uicoicoi ui nn Chief Executives tCeatlsaed Froaa pace I Calajaa 8 grateful American rather than one In Wlclal responsibility Ha spoke ot LInooln as a very natural tiuman being nota superman referring to tbe hardship disappointments and sorrow that beset kltn the calumnies heaped upon Itlnv during the groat crista of his I Ufa and pointed to Lincolns career as offering outstanding proof that representative government con 3t atltullonally founded can find Its VSt wtwn way to salvation and aceom Illshment UCOLl no xcrunMAX LVs wAhnhim Lincoln salif Pn ldent Harding was no superman lf 11 iiih inn areai waBiungron wnoae monumental shaft lowers neurbv i BS A fit companion to the memo tnl we dedicate today he two testify ing the jrmtertil Ioe of sll Amer loans to founder and savior Ilka Vashlngton Lincoln waa tery iv natural numan neing itn me 5 tiutrtanlty There are nwlther sn ti Deemen nor demlsrods In th rov a Arwiaani nf ItlnrHnmi wiii np i j1rPUbllcs It wouldj be better tur conception or soumipienr ana Hs Institutions If we will under iatand this fat It Is lastly greater tban finding the supernmn If we justify the confidence that our In rt ASHIXGTON May 30 President Hardings tpeecli In accepting the Lincoln memorial in behalf of the American people said in part It a supreme satisfaction ofr flclally to accept on bsriatf of the government tbla superb monument to the saviour tha republic No official duty eoufd be more welcome no official function more pleasing This memorial edifice la a noble tribute gratefully bestowed and In Its offering Is the reverent heart of America Jn Us dedication Is the consciousness of reerence and gratitude beautifully expressed HATITlDK AS AMKHIIAN RATIIBR THAI PRBHIDBNT Somehow my emotions Incline me to speak simply as a reverent and grateful American rather than one in official responsibility am thus Inclined because the true measure of Lincoln Is In his place today In the heart of American rllKcnshlp thouxh near hslf a century hat passed since his collosal service nd his martyrdom No great character lit all history has been more eulogised no rugged figure more monumental no lkeness more portrayed Painters and sculptors portray as they tea and no two see precisely alike So too Is there varied emphasis In the portrslture of words nut all are agreed about the ruga ed arreatness and the surpassing tenderness and unfailing wisdom of this master mwrtyr llatlns human slavery as he old he doubtless believed In Its ultimate abolition throun the developing ronsrfence of the American people hut he would have been the last man In the Republic to resort to arms to effect Its abolition Eman cipation was a meana to the great end maintained union and nationality Here was the arreat purpose here the towering hope here the supreme faith He treasured the In herltanoe handed down by I i men III enough and stroni enough meet all demands MEMORIAL FOR TODAT a an memorial the President de IjClared was less for Abraham Lln jVi i mi than for those who live tc day yfitlavnd those who follow after Lln i wttfi tiirnlHinr COmDeilSAtiOn lia aald would have been in living to have his the inf rcjuiiiii Ml Ifcelf century i Chief Justi Borrows dissipate 1 In of the succeodlng rejoicings Chief Justice Taft In presenting tbe memorial for which the Amer lean people have wulted fify soven Iy Uyears traced the history of the i jltnemorlal project from the bsln nlng giving credit to two sons of Illinois for their great part In Its accomplishment the late tnlled BtaUs Senator Shelby Luiioin and Representative Joseph Cun tion who it about to retire from Congress MEMORIAL PRESENTED BY WILLIAM TAFT WASHINGTON May 10 by the Asclated Press The Lincoln memorial was presented to Presi 11 ent Harding for the American Si neoDle today by Chief Justice W1I IVS Howard Taft as a shrine at i 4 I a ytltutlons are capable of brlnalngf foundl nc rs the ark of the cov Into tuthorlfyl In flmes of stress wrourh heir heroic sacrifices and bullded In their inspired genius PIlICSKm INO THE MIVIOM HIS CENTRAL THOIJOHT The Union most be preserved It was the central thought the unal tared purpose the unyielding Intent the foundation of faith It was worth every sacrifice justified every cost steeled the heart to sanction every crimsoned tide of blood Here was the great experiment popular government land constitutional union menaced by greed expressed In human chattels With the greed restricted and unthreatenlng he could temporise When It chal lenged Federal authority and threat ened the Union 11 pronounced Its own doom In his first Inaugural he quoted and reiterated his own oft repealed utterance I have no purpose directly or Indirectly to Interfere with the Institution of slavery In the itatea where It Ists I bellee I have no lawful right to do so and 1 have no In cllnatlon to do no He believed In maintaining Inviolate the rights of the atstes but he believed no less firmly In the perpetuity of the union of the states rno union having been contracted could not be dissolved except by consent of all parties to the contract He recognised the conflicting viewpoints differing policies and controverted questions LBut there were constitutional meth ods of settlement and these must be employed Llltrnl WAS FAITH PtTRlOT COUHAGK His faith was Inspiring his resolution commanding his sympathy wee II ill nil mwass saaaaaaaa gaanmSi asaarliW Hil li KW nkffiWW wWHi ml yMmWmi aaaaff I gs slHHl 1 2ggsKWl aaaall laaaBBgs I VIMfigsBi jMb rifWiffigH aaBBmJa alaVanaBBBBBBBBBBBBVHaanV I WsJjSfcWgsaB SanaBBBQsanaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWsMaBBBaW StWim iVM a BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmiBttw ftMM mVhFW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlsaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaHVaanmV fSKipWWMm TTf3 i7 Bosaaaaaa IBbI BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBlBBKm QttiUIBt gSanaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBWaHHaV sfevJWK JgaanamWaBTl SanaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfaaBaBBafam jTOS MM SaBBBBBBTTil sl sl sl sl sl il sl sl sl sl sl sl nKIBM Br MKKmHU0Mi7Jm siiV siiisl sHHil siiisHlI yk msmsmmm i BSBaBBSMI Wi4 gSmfllmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaMBWsaWlBMSaanaBBBBBBBBBBBBeWam is aanaBBBVolrPI aaaaaaaamaanaaaBBBBBBHHSSs anaBBBBBl aaBaKlfWaaBinaaanaBBMfllas9aaa7 BsmnPIvii sanaBHPilaisstansaaaamBsnmBBBl wJjSf IbbbbbbbB BaBS ksiS BBBBaalsVRHVsaawr sajclWBneeBpflangaaBaaBnBnB aIvvj vaaBBBBBaa Bsyl Sf BBI MiilHBHaaBB mtWME Hi lBH ms sB SBWrnCaarymJ mBBBBnCBBanBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBanBBBBBBBBBBBBB jigHlLT BnBBBBBBtyMlINsBBBBBBBBB awinatJru fc MaPBHgPS President Harding who dedicated the memorial erected beside trie Potomac to Abraham Lincoln by hit grateful countrymen and accepted the work in the Nations name v1 i I i tuf i 4 which all can worahlp an altar upon which the supreme sacriflce was mad or liberty a aacred religious refuge In which those wno lov country and love Ood can And In splralon and repose Harding Accepts Flag Given By French Envoy Gift Played Historic Role in France During the World War WASHINGTON May 30 As a aouvenlr of Americas participation In the orl war President Harding today accepted for his rcoumrjmen ins prcorniaiivn djf Ambassador Jussersnd of France of the American flag which was dU played beside the French trl color 7i ton the Eiffel tower when news cams of Americas entry Into the vS struggle JjJ The historic flag also later dla 4W Played at the celebration of the jjl Harne victories a the Trocadero IV I palace In Paris In September 1918 was presented by the ambassador fSjW on behalf of the union of large A French associations for national StS growth It was first displayed at IWf a celebration of Amerlcus entry Into tbe war held by that rrgnni astlon on April SO 1917 the same day upon which It tfiis iinfttrled 4jy from the Rlffel lower The flag preeerd In the National jfg Museum here President Hnrdlna In a few words fyt of aoknowledgment told Anihasna dor Jussorand that the flsg prescn cm tatlon meant a renewed commit Went ot liberty losing France aid 7 liberty loving America to the lib frty to which we have Jointly con i trlbuted The President assured Ambassa dor Jussersnd that the flag would if placed In Hie American trcaa ifiltn ll 0UM of souvenirs to be pre UL nerved as one of the richest heir 1 1MMMM A 1 ua aCllISs iwww Wl nr wi reassuring Ms simplicity enlisting his patience unfailing He wis Faith Patience and ourive wtli hla head sboie the clouds jnmocd by the storms which raged nbout his feet No leader was ever more un sparlnaly crlllclred or more bit tcrly assailed He ns lashel by anarry tongues and ridiculed in press and speech until he Iran from as hitter a cup bs was even put to human lips but his alth as unshakiti and his latien never exhausted He knew of course before the rssassln robbed him of fuller reall ralton that the en 1 was bringing hhn out all right He knew when bwouls were sheathea and gunalaid lown lhat the Union he sated was rlveled anew and mado forever ln dlxsoluaie He knew that In the great crucible of 1re and blood the dross had been burned from the misdirected patriotism of seceding a ates and the pure gold restored to snfning stars In dear Old Glory CKaln He knew he had freed a race of bondmen and had given to the world the costly proof of the perpetuity of the American Union He roae toiolossal stature In a day of Imperiled union He first appealed and then commanded and left the Union secure and the nation Supreme His was a leadership for a great crisis made loftier be cause of the inherent righteousness of his cauae attdV the sublimity of his own faith Washington Inspired belief In the nei ibllc In Its heroic beginning Lincoln proved Its quality In the heroic preservation The old world had wondered about the new world experiment and was quite ready to proclaim Its futility when the i war waa threatening but Lincoln left the Union unchallenged for all sui reeding time Not only was our Nation given a nen birth of freedom but democracy waa Kl en A ticu sanction hv that ttuxrf of dhlniii itself which has written the rlBlits of human kind and point cd the way to their enjoyment A SI Pl RMANl Jl 111 MAI llhltti Abraham limoln was no superman Like the great Washington hone monumental shaft lowers near In as a fit companion to the memorial we dedicate today the to testifying the grateful love of all Americans to founder and savior like Washington Lincoln was a very natural human being with the frailties mlxedwith the virtues of humanity There are neither supermen nor demigods In the government of kingdoms empires or republics It will be belter for our conception of government and Its Institutions If we will understand this fact It is vastly greater than finding the superman If we Justify the confidence that our institutions are apable of bringing Into authority In time of stress men big Faith Inspiring Resolution Commanding in Every Act enough and strong enough to meet all den in as Washington and Lincoln offered outstanding proof that a rspresen tatlve popular government conetl tutlonslly founded can find Its own way to salvation and accomplish ment In the very beginning our American democracy turned to Washington the aristocrat for leadership la revolution and the greater task of rounding permanent Institutions Lincoln earns almost as humbly as the Child of Bethlehem His parents were unlettered his borne was devoid of every element of culture and refinement Biographies differ about hla am bltlon but Herndon who knew him as did no other says he was greatly ambitious can believe that Ambition Is a commendable attribute without whloh no man succeeds Only inconsiderate ambition im perils His work was so colossal In the face of such discouragement that none will dispute lhat he was In comparably the greatest of our Presidents Ha came to authority when the republic was beset by foes at home and abroad and reestablished union and security He made tbat gesture of his surpassing generosity which began reunion HI1 SUBIIMK PATIKNCE AND UNSELFISH KSS Let ue forget the treachery corruption and incompetence with which he had to combat and recall his wisdom his unselfishness his sublime patience He resented no calumnies upon himself he held no man his enemy ho had the power and will to serve the union his vision was blinded by no Jealous This memorial mstchless tribute that it Is Is less for Abraham Lincoln than for those of us today and for thoee who follow after His surpassing compensallon would have been In living to have his ten thousand sorrows dissipated In the rejoklng of the succeeding half century How It would soften his anguish to know what the south long sines came to realise that a vain assassin robbed it of its most sincere and potent friend when It was prostrate and stricken when Lincoln sympathy and understanding would ha helped to heal the wrongs and hide the scars and speed the restoration How with his love and freedom and Justice thin apostle of humanity would have found his sorrows tenfold repaid to see the hun dred millions to whom he bequeathed reunion and nationality glvlnf of their sons and daughters and all their resources to halt the armed march of autocracy and pre serve civilization en as he preserved this union HEART WOlln GIOW AT AMERICA ACHIEVEMENT More how his great American heart would be aglow to note how resolutely we are going on aava on holding the constitutional methods amending to meet the requirements of a progreslve civilization i linxlng to a majority right to rulo properlv restrained which is the only true sovereign of a free people and working to the fill ftllment of the destiny of the world a greatest republic Fifty seven years ago this people gave him heir ranks sprung from their own fiber this plain man holding their common lrieala They gave him first to service of the Nation In the hour of peril then to their pantheon of fame With them and by them he it enshrlneJ and exalted forever Today American gratitude love and appreciation give to Abraham Lincoln this lone white temPle a pantheon for him alone CHEAT BRITAIN FRENCH 11 PM5 HON TO BIB II AMERICAN DFJ DIED FOR TO II Iass 1 II I i as fix 1LiaLrlgtaa Millions Starve In China Famine Boys Sold at 25 Cents and Girls Given Away SHANGHAI China April 10 Correspondence of the Associated Press Six million people out of a population of 27 00 000 In Hie province of Hunan are starving Mm hundreds of thousands are certain to die before midsummer according to estimates of mission workers there The bodies of the desd are stripped by the emaciated Survivors and the pitiful rags that clothed the corpses sold for the few brass coins they may bring with which to buy a handful of rice In one part of the famine belt the last dreadful resort of the starving cannibalism Is being practiced according to lis Llng yl former minister of education at Peking Girl children are being given away on Hie mere promise that they will be fed and boys are sold at from JO to so tents apiece Thos Ratines Memory Honored by Society N1IW rtOf UJflUIi May 30 The nemorr of Thomas Paine uiillur of The Age of Reason was lonoied today In exercises hld under the direction of the Thomas Paine National Historical assncla lion on the site of what was foi merly his home here and not a yJ fffi atavtrifiTi AJ ATaDetJmOanduo frleH rV We are proud of lh CTtrvday performance of larl cars driven by Karl owners who prove their satisfaction by briag Inir In their friends to bur Earl cars i Delivered Here Field Inc Van Ness at Golden Gate AN FRANCI1CO American Jewry Petitions League Urges the Recognition of Palestine ATLANTIC CITY May SO A petition drafted to the league ef nations asking the recognition of Palestine as the Jewish homeland and a resolution opposing the passage of Federal blue laws featured the closing session of the annual convention of the Independent Order Brlth Sholem today The convention In opposing the passage of the blue laws by Congress ststed that such laws would have the effect of uniting the slate and church which would be con trary to the provisions of the con stltutloa In regard to the petition to the league of nations it was said lhat no action had been taken by the leaarue In reference to the declare Hon of the British that PaleMlne waa to be the Jewish homeland After two days of debate It was decided to refer the proposal to In the rales of fiaternal In special committee Pari Wires Support of Entente PARIS May 30 Th members of the Paris post of the Veterans of Toretgn Wars at a dinner given tonight In honor of Ruel Klton attorney general of the organisa tion sent a message to Commander Woodsids of Pittsburg saying the fraternal entente between all the Franco American veterans of the war would never perish no matter what political changes might occur Myron Herrlck the American ambassador and Major Ueneral Har Lord were guests at the dinner Burying Ground Near London Dedicated as National Cemetery to Fallen LONDON May 80 by ths Associated Press Great Britain joined wltb ths United States today In honoring tbe Amerrtan soldier dead At Brookwood twenty eight miles from London the treat plot of irorse studdod ground in which rest 150 American soldiers and sailors who gave their lives In the al lied caute was dedicated as a national cemetery for the American Illustrious dead The cemetery also contains bodies of soldiers from Greet Britain a overseas possessions DEAD EULOGIZED Most or the Amerlcsn desd are those who died In English hospitals from wounds received In France and whose relatives wished that they might rest In the soil of Britain The dedicatory service was read by Chaplain II 8 Smith USA Brigadier General John Blddle who commanded the American forces in the United Kingdom during the svar eulogised those who had given to America all they could give At Plymouth wreaths were plaoed nn behalf of the American Loirion In the church and the graveyard of Irincetown In memory of the 2S0 Americans who died as prisoners of war In Partmoor prison In 1812 14 After the Brookwood dedication Ambassador Harvey accompanied by General Blddle placed a massive wreath upon the Cenotaph Great Britains hugs granite memorial to her gallant dead on Parliament street on behalf of the Britishers comrades In arms in the United Htales At noon Harvey Post Wheeler counsellor of the American embassy and General Blddle acionipanied by the embassy staff went to St Margaret diurch the official chnn of the British Parliament to participate In the memorial servh for the fallen American soldiers and sailors who are buried In the British Isles STIRRINfl PIKA Rev Canon Carnegie chaplain of the House of Commons addressed the vast assemblage of Americans who filled thst ancient edifice He made a stirring plea for strengthening the bonds of mutual friendship and understanding between Knglalld and America which he said was sanctified and made holy by the blood of brave fighting men from across the sees whose memories were being honoredoday Forest Fires Cover 3 Miles in Canada PKINCB RUPERT May JO Forest fires are raging along a three mile strip on the north shore of the Skeena river and In various districts all the way from Haselton to Quesnel Dry weather aggra ates the danger and the situation Is becoming serious The town of Hazelton Is cut off from telegraphic communication and details of the situation there are lacking The fire la raving on two sides ot the town it JtrW A Distinguished Californians Are Spectators at Servjce at Arc de Triomphe TPARIS elated May to by the Aaso Prest Memorial da has significance In every French home where there are children because several million French trhool pu pils were told today what the American army and people did for France during the World war Americans decorating the a rares of American soldiers burled In France found that one of the most touching features was the proces sions of children with flowers which they had picked themselves to place on the soldiers graves with their own hands KRENCn TOICE THANKS Expressions of gratitude for all that America had done for France furnished the otaief feature of the principal memorial service held at the Seresnes cemetery near Parle Marshal off re declared that France would never forget Americas arrival In a time of utmost need and said that despite political conald eratlons the ties whloh bound the two republics were certain to grow stronger each year with the silent and eloquent encouragement which 40 000 American graves throughout France would give to sucla cause At Suresnes aa at other cemeteries the Trench people made the dsy their own 1 The 40 000 American war dead burled In France were visited by groups of their comrades today While the bodies of 24000 have been taken home and most of those remaining ha been gathered In the six permanent American war cemeteries some remain In scst tered spots where they were first burled end where they were left In accordance with their families wishes GniVES DECORATED To each of these places Brest cemeterjes and lone graves alike their comrades of the American Legion and representatives of the French people today took flowers French troops groups of French veterans organizations and school children attended the six principal services and many of the smaller ones and the government waa represented st almost all of them The Americana In return made a pll ifrlmaee to tho tomb of the un known pollu at the Arc de Triomphe where Ambassador Herrlck delivered an address Among the distinguished Callfor rlans preset at these exen Ises were de Young Charles 1 ay and George Cameron AMBASSADOR SILAKl At Suresnes neat Paris Ambassador Herrlck Major General James Harbord American deputy chief of staff and Marshal Joffle took part in what was tho principal core mon of the day During the Suresnes ceremony 10 000 persons Including seversl thousand Americans heard Myron Herrlck the American ambassador deliver an address In which h4 asserted that the strong friendship he tween France and America would continue regardless of political do velopments I isWVYi tSandi SeconJdoWKbbVrrs apeem by Lsusd wWaslTbe CeMtJde CHICAGO QMKt JoTvAndlt waa killed and anotker probably fa tauy wounaeaonlhaihlhiraT tween Gary and Itainraond rniLtoU day when ther walked Infolstrap set by the Hammond police tto capture the men Who hart bean robbing motorists along tharoC Sergeant John UrAiuIrltb PolicemanPoliceman Walter Moore1 drest4 as woman stopped their oar near the aide of ths road A noHnem potted on each aids of the highway lna ditch Tha two policemen in the car pretended they were tpoon ma wwa aa Buiomoouo arora pastil tbim It stopped a short dlttanos away Then It backed up TWd men approached the ear In whlch the policemen were sitting The ban dlts drew rung and ordered hands up Policeman Fred Frandrev oneried fire from the ditch killing Lloyd Parlley years old ot Oconto Wis As the second bandit attempted to flee he waa shot through the right lung by Policeman Morse 11 was tsken to th hospital where he gave the name of Howsrd Fowler 21 years old of Canville 111 MOTHER Clean Babys Bowels with California Fig Syrup Hearst and Family Arrive in England Special Table In The rkroalrle LONDON Ma 10 William Randolph Hearst his wife and three sons with Lady Astor were the only Aqtillanla passengers who were permitted to disembark st Southampton lam night Hearst and his famltv left for London bv automobile In a statement In the London Tvenlng Standard tonight Hearst proposed a while league of nations asserting that the race question Is the world great compelling problem today Mail Sacks Looted In Station of 56000 TRINIDAD Col May JO Gov ernment postofflce Inspectors today relessed Information of the loss of three pouchts of registered mall from the Atchison Tnpeka and Santa Fe railway bsggage room some time In the early morning of May 21 last A checkup of trie con tents inspectors said showed that 18000 In currency and 48 000 in Liberty bonds are missing together with checks and money orders of unknown amounts The mail pouches mysteriously disappeared from the baggage office while walling to be forwarded on another train for points east and north In Colorado Hurry Mother If baby has colle diarrhoea food souring feverish breath coated tongue Is restless and cant sleep because of clogged bowele give half teaspoonful of Calfornla Fig Syrup It movee the wind end gas and all the souring food bile and poison right out of lh tender little bowels wltho jt cramping or overacting and baby usually gets peaceful relief Con tains no nsreotics or soothing drugs Millions of mothers depend upon California Fig ssrup to keep babya boels clean swket and regular Ask your druggist for genuine tAiifornla Fig hyrup which has full directions for Infants In sNns children ot all ages plainly printed on bottle Mother You mu say California or you may get an Imitation fig svrUp Advt FOUNDATIONS FOR HOME and FORTUNE creaae surance to LKTl llllt DIK1 LOS AVGEkh Mav 10 John Henry Morrow 71 known throughout the Pacific coast as an authority and lecturer on free Masonry died at his home here today lie la sur ltd by three daughters and a ton ft ft ADVICE TO THE Ruptured KWjtWvhi Tfll TH 3iTC i A ii Cm aaPWaffll Let our experts fit your next truss and see if you are not more than satisfied We are the oldest and elaatlo house In the West Over 40 years suc cessful business experience Trasses 300 tp Elastic Host fZBO up ZeSy Attestant HATTEROTHS Trust and Elastic House SSS rOTfEIL STItKET at bear aad UVanrcll 34 Flee ttjrvXi tfv ri Flil A fflk it cie aiT i jtt rft Kjtrmt ir i fe iX If youre all sT focraed out and no place to go ilMK WW WXSs JttDUCCO SUMMER EXCURSION PAR DAILY TO SEPT30 a Ask tor a copy of our Outing Resorts BOOKLET in California and Southern Oregon Golf PolQlfennk Fishing Hunting Mountaineering Suvf bothing Hovseback Iiding Motor boating JvVThichever may be your nobby you can enjoy it Tex details about hotels and votes railroad fare and train service Ask Any Ageotv Southern Pacific lines SO POST ST flBstY STATION THIRD STSTATION OM PHONE SUTTCft 400O Is your Tea fresh KbV a sasssBBBBaaV JfrQsaasssaam1 aHaTaat aHHvHaaRsMeasI If i sureto be if comet from the round vacuum da which holdj F6LOE1S CrOLBEN QjOB TfeA Black Tc or Green All the ipll fliYorcd goodness md aroma of FoLCBjfs Golden GatbTea comes to jour cup It economical too because you use less of it Ask your grocer FOLGERS Golden CateA TEA ganananTsrBrliBaBBBBBl WJvJV Despise not the day of little things someone has said The foundation of a mans fortune is made up of nickels and dimes and dollar bills The Nations richest man made pennies the foundation of hla fortune And small rooks and sand or 4x8 tnch bricks stuck together with a little mortar make the foundations on which rest the homes of a whole Nation fl You can lay the foundation for eimer your Dome or your toriuae dv oorrowlns or lending small sums of money through the co operatiTeserTlc of the Building and Loan Association which proves again that small things should not be despised The association pays dirldends to the Investor on the amount of money large or amalL that he placea with it 4 This money is lent to folks who warn to Dunn a home tendering house and lot as security The borrower pays it back a little every month nnlll the loan Is entirely repaid In this way small sums of money are made to work for the investor and for tho man who wants to build a home If you want to lay the foundation of home or a good future income it is a Rood plan to stop in at tho office of one of these associations and talk matters oer why not do it this week ciuroMHA mmjat a votes umd LAB Atis 191 Xsattemsry stmt CtTIZIHS BUXIDDfd LOAS AS9W OS rise Strast lankX BUIlDlifO 4 LOAN ASS III ttsattsnsry strtet rnnxm Bunjinjo a toiir assk SIB Koatfomery Strtet EOaTX sIUTtfAL OXFOSIT LOAB COMFlsT iuu aieg 111 Ham mtZT SOITHIair CALD7 IUO A tOAB AM IS Xeattsaery Stnet CaXUOlKIA aTOVZ BTCLBnro LOAaT Ota ecus Tleai Xaaisl Bias mmmiMmmMi 1r FA ilium tuQJi i MVf lit 1 MWW 3fi 1S A iMMm yiU ft nt Of Vj.

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