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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 6

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r33g7srjiF5ZL Z3T 4TiIT9raj3 iS iSfaVls rv or Se frZs trics isr -JF 1 ffiiiK 1 flK 3 wi Sy tV i Si SAN ERyCISCO CHBOlgftR TUESDAY APEED 24 188b af8 3 3 lp EfW SHE Escape of rGoimcls at Vs SaniDiego The Slayer of Solari Hdd Without Bail The Cue of the gnrriror of the Hoosa Canyon Tragedy Jin Court HUwitawuIitfl better Mediedudit jrerolverfenueep Jlertln took off his untu wammaned Botla are confined 1 chain and passed ant of the call la bU to toe tr bed Tbt doctor uy it will take tucking feet hU tboet bdng undented tn caair on wbichth guard yz I S3 9 CToancepnrtcted ef telling th mom lend twice Theodore Fowler under a tea rear lenience for grand larceny JoaeShock a ore thlf end Pool ellae a Heir a counterfeiter escaped from th Saa Diego County Jan yesterday moralaxv June McCarthy who coolly ibot TJominJci Solarlead kilted blm new Virginia Ner on the 20th has been held for murder without un The case of Mrs Going of Moon curan committed to Ja for contempt of lb Seeri VaRey lattlcel writ of eviction has been token utter aitttraent br the Sao Diego County Superior Court on taheu corpa proceedings George BLaWd Postmaster at Kamu VT on trial tor making ndi returns of gamp tvf nmivia fpecialWipatcbetW tat Chbosicix EE8FEKATE CHABACTKBS OCT a nl to reeoTtr frcta fht effect Tbo window being cnm Mr wcati iavta A Pioneer Drop DoW Itxxxv lOtX April 23 Je Applerate dUd maaenlT at toll plica to dr Ho tttlng lav chair eoaronlac cheer lally when he laddeslr fell orwgrd df lngalmoat instairujA Tbe Heceaatd wu on si tno old and prominent Plouetnol tie Btato Bo esmo to Orejoa orer fprtf yean ago god wu Terr prominently Identified wlia too early blitory ot the Territory Bo wu a ncmberof lae Conrllta ttonal ConreoUon ot 189 and bat btli ranont poeittoni oi ruga tnut ut wai 77 yotrg ol age Man and Honor Hitting Lot Ascxut April 23 The ttatemtst pnblUbed bero tiat cot a nilami who ctmt hers about flfuen nofitbi ago and married lira Nannie Catching hat abandoned bir and fled with 2500 the frocotdt of a lot be indaeedhertotell bo laajr it highly rttbeettd bare bat fell a Tlctlm to wmunt1 tmootb wayt and ebarmlBf Tocallam It It toppotod that WlUlamt bat coat to AoitriUa where It la rumored that ht bu a wile I 4 JewUh Temple Sodleated Forth April 23 Thlt aftarnoon the eorntr itona of the navJawitn temple of the Coatrtgatloa Aharf Bhoolema wai laid with impotiag ceremoniea la the pretence ol a largo andleaea Addruiet woi maao oy ner uiocu ana com Conn Tne bnudlsrli ol beantllal and impottng dttlgn and when completed wui con in too Ticuuiy ox hvvw rnard wai aeated and loctad the guard In the cell Ha then sauad oat of thn front door Of the Jail and hu not been teea tinea Tbo gnart woke np aboatanboaralUrward ana gar lae aura Tbo crraant Sheriff WHL wag elected two yaart ago Unco which time teren prteonen bare escaped from bit canoay ana two eaaw ana iaucamias committed tutcldt Tbo 8neriflJu of tared 9x reward or Marnna capture bnt the hodIi of the Pint ward where ielUelllTed are to lacaated that if the muratrer it toaaa na wui asaouBicajj lynched 4 A cnrlong phut ot tht affair It that a ditpatchthaa net beta recelred from Olympia annoanclng that tht Saprtma Coon baa granted tne condemned a writ ol error and that a rehearing ol hit cue would bar taken place at a I atnre term of coart probably In January HQKEI POKEE BILLIARD EXPERTS TOET DISXGEEE ABOUT TABLK Ten Indictments forJSun fning Games FinC CUKPEITS Xerested Democratic Politicians Exercised Orer the Capture of a Lamb IS Nr 5 Yaar Criminal kaeap Prom tba Baa Dlero Jail SajTliJtooi April 23 Fonr prltoaert otcaped bora thaXodaly Jail thortly bo Sort daylight ituimorainr meirnamia wera Young Towler Pool and Shock The ckad oTidtntiybeen at work for twenty fonr boon beoro making their eicape los Merrill wu tbo only guard on duty at the all but night and It It tUted that a abort time ago the Judge ef tbtSoperler court caused the night walch to re duced by NtfuiJng to allow tht Sheriff pay for more than one guard Caring yttter iay afternooa the men worked at the Iron ta tbo window at the north weit corner of tht ta Tbeyl ttwed off oat ot tht ban and about 4 uock thlt morning iijaeezed thronth tht imall aptnore broke tht futtnlfifi ol iht iron icrttn and by meani ef a blanket let tbemulret oat ol the window Into tbo courtyard From bare they ecaled the high board fence ta the tear of tht Jail and jumped landing la tht toft earth ouuide Tbo fonr who etcaped were Yoaag Theodore Fowler Joae Shock and Pool allaa 8 HairJ ionnr waatried recently for telling the tamt land twice and waa nnaer teaieaca oi ore yean me pem tentiary lie It one of the alickeat eeunn drelt trtr confined la tht County JalL Theodore Powlarwu aeatenead a week or two tgo for grand larceny and wu under a ten year lenience He it a well known trimloaL Jolt Shock li a hone thief He pleaded guilty1 lut wttk and wu to re celT bit tentenct to morrow Bt it an Indlin aboat 30 yean of lit Pool wboit real name li laid to HL 8 Hair Jru arretted at OctiMtiUafewdayiago or paulag a flctitloni cbeck Bt li atout 29 yean of agt The Sheriff thinU tht bib wtrt utsted from tht oau da The track of faonei feet were found tali motnlDf ta tht rear of tht Jail wberi they bad been left nitcbed daring tht night Tbeio trackt were la tn unuiual puce and the Sheriff tbinki tht men eicaped from tht city on boneback Kewardi hare been offered tnd trery effort will bo made to tpprehend tht criminal Tacoma Ledger April II Sheriff Wilt WaitteabT the Ifacr reporter ruterday and qacittoned regard tag Martin the doomed man The Sheriff aid Mr EromtoDtbo priionert law ytr tad I called opoa Martin thlt morn log to learn bit wlibei ngardlog in appeal The priaoner teemed Impatient and ex Treated a dcttre to hart the execution take place at the ear leet poaiiblt time He thanked Mr Bronttoa Terr klodlr for aenrlcu rendered bat laid he waattd no mora deity narun laid no wouia mncn rather bt hnnr at once than lit la tail any longer Mr kronaton baa therefore decided to let tht law takel Hi conrie The execution will take place In ta Jail yard atcoonontnaiTinuni liwuiLetriouT prlTit none being admitted but the oftf dali and rtpoiteri The prlionef It not weakening In tht lUgbteit althoughMi atlnlittrwbo wu there thcoherdiy ut bim to thinking itrloaaly AKOTHEB INSANE UtltDEBEE lie Coolly Shot Hit Tlctlm In the Back With a Flttol taotsii Nty April 23 Jamet McCarthy tht tlxtttn year old boy who thot and killed Domlnlck BoUrl at a wodd raneh In Ihii conn on April 20th had a preliminary examination to day oa a charge of murder and wu held without ball ta eaiwer befort tht Grand Jury Tbe accnitd refuied to make a itata ment and dlaplaycd a atolld Indifference The ttldenee ol tht wltneu of the homl elde indict ltd that the crime wu pre meditated murder and that McCarthy1 Intention wu ta kill bit Tlctlm a companion mount the aaddle bone beatked the loin of and make bit ticape Tht fact tbit bt offered hit TloUm 75 ctnti foe tht latter bona and laddie Injlcatei that be not of tonnd mind ung doiaoT CASE The Baar Valley Jnillcee Commit meat Under Fire 8iK Slioo April 25 la accordance with the iaitractloat ot Judge Parker lira IllitbeUiJUolnt of Moota canyon fame wu brought before blm thlt mora lag on a writ ot htbeat eorpui to determine whether the thould be discharged from custody jThe cue wu argued at Kat length but to mixed were certain al polcu that no concrualoa wu reached The Court finally took the matter under adrlement until next Monday allowtnc the attorneri to oreeent aatbort Uea to him and Jo the meanwhile permitting aire Going bo releawd on balL Tht appointuent of llritiih rice oonnl at tan point nu neea lenoereo ueuien ant Colonel Ci Alien who it expected to enter opoa the datlet of the petition Sew ta tbe BtltJlb army on tbe retired tiat and au raided ta Ban jaciaio ta uui count lor about two yean i a JL POBTUASTKU I PICKLE 4 PraTllenee oftha PraeUea oMak BtT Palto Betnmi Bai Jau Crrr April 23 George Leonard Pottsaiter at Kama a littlt German iittltmtat of ilxty amtllti in Bumntlt county wu placed on trial to day in the Third strict court oafoar eontol ldated Indlctmenti charging blm wUh making fraud oent retoma of ttempt canceled in font quarterly report to tbe Pott offleo Vepartmtnt Mil ofilca la of the fourth elan depending far ealary upon the aamber oft atampa aoeleo rot th4uarter enjllsf ilaren 31 J8S7 LeonarTkT3rted high tt S43i wonhof canceled tamper Tbe Got crnment theni tcltlated as iBTCltli auoa wnica rtiouea in nucoTery that a Ttry imall amount ot mail left ktmu And tbatthe at amp cancellation rttaniiwtrta fraud ttampa being nttd for merchandlilng parpoiet by which meant Leonard drew almoet a maximum galaxy Th Oaee will concluded tomorrow Many other poitmaatert ta email Betllemenu are kail to bare retorted to tbe tame dtrtce for increulng thtlraala Ilea rp a lr4ma Sltatter Bo Not i April 23 Flremaa Triak Campbell oa the regular paaunger train iu diieo rertd Xa be mining ahortly after the train paiiedtHuffaktrt by Engineer Clark to Bigbt ht uila tu ttopped ri After backing op tome Are mllu Ttry ri alowiy tearing be might bar wandered A and be lying on the track tnaenalble and 2 sot finding blm the brakemaa wu left hes hind and the tram proceeded to Ueno ar riTlng but an hour late whence they 9 returned a ipeciaL it ta unknown whether CaapetU li alira not Bit Irieadi and ltlattTea bar tht wont Itallrsad Snlldlar Poetlakt April 23 KUpetnck Broth tn who iicurtd tht eofltricti for build Incthe Beppner and Eureka Flat tranche of the Oregon BaOwayand Karigatlirfl company rauroaa naTt tuoitt worx i cary croiuen oi ugaen wui suua tne Eureka Plat road and Smith of Portland and Tom Jeiiop ot Utah will build tbe Htppaer branch A Ctrl Probablo Fate PoETHKt April 23 SetoctlTea Who bare been lnteatigttlng the dteappearanee ofMUiLUUo fiteeplea bare come to the eoncluilon that ibt nu been eoileed away by a procurer for a home ot Ill fame at Seattle An Inltmoni fellow ollhli kind lan nera Barardar areolar In comDaar with girl annrerlnglho deecrlpuoa of aiui steepiea Bndt Vicn TJ ad 8t Beuka Cat April 23 Badd Venn wbowuthot yeiterdayrdoralnr dial at 13 dock lait nig au John Wright who did the ihooting uyi bt doei not expect io bt hanged or ltu be wu protecting bit iliur i property at the time Wright li ouly 18 yean old and a brother of Pet Graham the womaa who keept the bouie Badly nnrt by a Hone 8it Jose April 23L Bertram Btrrere a laborer wu picked up oa the Aimed en road la an uncontcioui condition thla moraine He wu thrown from ble hone lut night and bad lain all night nn conicloaa Hit head and face are badly cut but the phyilcian tan he will recover Bala at Portland roRTLaKD April 23 Thli erealag a grateful cooling thowtr tell here The weather hu been yery dry tor tereral weeki aad crop of all klndi are much In need of a good eoaklng thowtr Tht rain that fill will be of great benefit to the cropa Clara Bella Brother Maimed Caksos ftT April 23 George Gard ner ion of Major Gardner and brother ot Clara Belle McDonald of 8an Frasclica fell under tht wheal of an engine near hli lather i cattle ibipplng corral to day aad both leg were cutoff below the ine II no Tronblo Peered Alscqcxkqcx April 23 The wooad recelred la tht Jaw by Pedro Pino wbo ia turn ibot aad killed Jouph Silrt near Lo Cerillos li a danreroui one and nporti tay be Cannot lire More trouble feared A Popular Reaort Burned roRTHKD April 2J The popular city retort known the Yi bite Ilouii located a few mile from Portland bu been totally deitroyed by Are The km will reach 2000 nolniuraoce A Tallcjo Burglary ViXLUo April 23 Thltrtt opeaed tht door ot Jotepb Scbwalbe Ttrlety itore Utt night and canted away Jewelry wetehea cutlery and molting apparatus Thty left no clew behind Atnadsr Cannty Dalagatee JACXSOX April 23 Tbe delegatea to the BepnbUcan State Conrentlon from thla nrantr are A Earon LOTerlax Kern ntimore a stewar ana Jonn tiiower A Unyor Illneee Poitlam April 23 Mtyor John Gtlei It lerloatrj IlTof nenroutprosiratloo and bit tltuiiloa cauiet much uaeuiaeiito hiifrlanda Ha li unable to 112a tiaperi or to lee cauera Depot and VTarebonaa Burned Tkact April S3 The railroad depot and freight home at Bantu were burned to the ground about 0 clock thlt even Inc Brichettoi wanbouie containing a large amount of grain wu alto dettroyid Trichoma Saed for tbo Price Bo Ordered tbo Beat Bat Waa Dot Satlefled In December 1887 a Wickham ordered a billiard table for hit pri ete reii dtnee oa OTarrell ttreet from Jacob 8traale Co He laid bt wu not particular about tbe price but wanted a flnt elaaa table which tbe firm agreed to tup ply for 319 After hiring paid S228 60 Mr Wiekham dUeorered or at leut thought he bad that tbe table wu not what be bad bargained or ana rtiaiea to pay the balance ot tbe parcbaae money He wu toed In Jnttlce Baktr court yet terday by thf firm for the amount Mr Wlckham la bit trldence admitted that be did not know much about bll liardt or billiard tablet though be could beadle the cue la ft wiy It wu hli frlendi wbo tint diicoTtrtdbe laid that there wu aomethlag radically wrong with tbe table they could execute aome brilliant iboU and make phenomenal break at the club aad on other tablet bnt when they went to bia hoate their cunning with the one completely failed them and they itemed abuhad Then Mr Wiekham aid be wtat ut and while at Grand Kaptat he played jon a table that wu far inperior to tha one at home When he re tarned be tent for a profeaalonal to tx amine the one at ale home and erea be could do nothing with it Be lint to themekent renrare It and return tbe money be bat paid A Graham wu with Mr Wlckham when he ordered the table and the wltneu atatad that the tnitroctlone gtren were to make it good could be made at ha wanted the beat table that mouer could bar Since thea Graham tald he Bed plired oa the table but laougni 11 nu cooa in cros examixiauon be admitted that 315 could not parehue the belt table that coald be madt MsCletry tht billiard expert wu called for tht defame After Marine bow long be bad handled the cue a prof he weat oa to itate that be ex tmlntd the table by hit niual method I took a ball be uld andahotlt round the table but it tailed to bring up the perfect engte by a foot aad I taw at once taere wu lomethlog tbe matter I then metiared tht table aad found It A feet by 7 feet 8 iachta It ihould bare beea exactly twice long wide to that It wu four tncbtt ihort Tht fitting were nicely finlibed bat the cloth wu Terr Interior rough and all ta knota Do yoa kaow thlt different mekeri hart different proportion for tbelr tablet tiked the attorney for the croi ecutloa ao they makt different luea but the proportioat are alike replied tbe pro feiaor He wu thta croit queitlonid to tht rartoui tablei he bad played on and ibelr proportion but be penlited is net ing tfat tbe table la dlpute wu four Inehei too thort The proeeoutloo Introduced lereral wit atuei to proTe that McCleery wu all wrong la hli itatemtnti ibout the length aad width of tables Certain allowance had to be made for the cnihlom la the bed Hli etatemeat would bold good tn regard to the frame but otberwiie he wu all at tea The furnlahingt and cloth were examined by practical makers who atated that thty were firit elm la erery reipect They alo teited tbe playing capablilttei and found ibem ae good usual The Oourt in glrlng derision for tbe plaintiff Jacob the aulgnee of Strahle 4 Co for the full amount aald the de feme hid failed toproTt that the table wu not what It wu represented The preponderance of teittmooy wuln ftror of toe plaintiff eipectally la regard to the proportion of tht table about which the expert matt hara been miitekea THE LABOB TCKIONS The unnd lory filed ten iadictmeati yeiterday ia Judge Marphya court agalatt gamblere now plying their to catloa la thla city under tbe ruling of Jadga Hornblower rhe fact that the Grind Jury bad prepared ruch indictment bad beta plainly forecast In theie column and thlt prediction re enforced by additional ramon that et caped from tbe regloa ot tbe Jury room yesterday morning determined tbe gam bienoa a temporary laiptauoaol tbtir games Hokey pokey tba axempied port which It alone openly practiced wu therefore abut down aad throughout tbe gaming quartan ot tba city lor lb rest ot tbe dty all wu itlll tbt roulette wheel when tbe Joint raided Meanwhile la tbe deep receuet of the ancient City Bill wu gathered a little band of patrolmen la citiaaaa clothing their nosee keen lor tbe ecent aad their mmclei taut for the chase wbea a deputy cou bty clerk tupping among them lup piitd them each with benca warrant and initruetloni to acoar the city In their ier Tice They proceeded to icoar The first man brought la wu a dudlah tooktng sharper wbo gsTt tbe name sf Chariet Doyle Contrary to cnttom be wunot charged by the trreitlag omeer MJ OSnlllTan who thowed bim tbe moitdlitlacaiibed eoailderatloa The fellow wuflyand wu prompted by the pollcemaa to aay notalag lae ball iyw wu uicaiy piacea ia ut desk eercaanta hands and the priaoner aad officer departed Doyle wu arrested oa Kearny itrert but OSulliTan refaaed to ttate where or under what eircumitencea obeerring that it wai nobody bailaau where the gentltmaa wu found After tbe two left the station they disappeared arm in arm Into a neighboring aaloon where OSulllTin made profoit apol ogiee to Doyle for being obliged to make tbe errert Sergeant Haanon refuted to permit aayooe to tee tbe warraat contrary to all right aad cuitom He erea refused to tut what the charge wai but another officer who uw the warrant stated that it wu for misdemeanor gambling and wu one ot the ten tworn out by the Grand Jury Shortly afterward about 1 oclock tbli moraine Officer Couraeen brought in two othare tCherlee Booner alias Patrick Booney and Frank Todd Tbey were arretted at the Baldwin Hotel and Jake Budolpb tbe well known lamb politician and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney II Long Mcreury ot the Democratic County Committee accompa sled them to the station Long hew around the corridor reiutsttag the re porten to say nothing about the cases there two particular wolrei were Iambi and did not know hokey pokey from hodge podge While be wu trying to mppreu the matter Kudolph counted outfluoo in gold for Booney 1 bat aad then left to raise the time amount for Todd who wai permitted to tit oa a bench awaiting 1U coming Officer Wliwell arrested Charles Dexter and Billy Kennedy at the Baldwin at the ame time the other two were taken In charge bat they were not taken to the prison The accommodating policeman started la a Back with them to find hall and up to 3 0 clock tbey bad not pat in an appearance enl Aiiemfctf reorganise tht work oi the Beard of Home KSalons I At ta meeting 01 the congregational 1 Club yesterday the question arose to waa count aaouta oe iaaa in naara lecelriag Into tbe church men employed upon treat rauwtyt wbo oesirea kjjoiu and appeared qualified to become mem ben outrwho would aot consent to girt uy thalrpositiout which rtqnira Sunday labor Mr Pond laid tbit wu a practical taeatIoa It bad come up ia bit church a two casta one that of as employe the Mukat etrMt railway aad the other of tbe Caiifornla ttreet road Hit mind bed nen greatly exercised ore the question Jhetbtr it wooll be right to refute thenar Amission except upon their contenting to resign their poilOona aad that isbjtct themselTM aad their fimUlra probably to greu blrdtblpa Be would be glad to hare tome light and adrtca ia the matter Ber Mr Hammond tald tba command toobeerre the sabbath tnuit be obeyed aad tba Lord mnit be trurted to tuitaia bU obedient larranu If tbey lott their position Cbriattasi ihould commend ibem to their frlendi for other positions A GREAT PRaJECT THE FOLSOH LAND COJIPAVYS CANAL GOVERNOR DOWNEY HE SLAKES BIS AFFEABAhCE Hi LOS ANGELES Th Baker City Fatality Poamtsc AptO 23 The name of inmta who wu killed by a railroad A Denial That He Bat Been Under Bettralnt or That There la Any Truth In Tdat Addis Stary Los Atoixis Apra 23 Old ei GOT eraor Jobo Downey urired in tbli city yeiterday accompaaled by OKellly and a lemnu Hli ladden ippeinnce coupled with tht recent pabUettloni con ctrnfag hit relationi with bit family and tht affair with Mlu Tda Adila earned a Tariety of rumora Among the reports In circulation one to the effect that Miu Addle la also la the city Efforts to dle coreT ber wbertaboatt however hare that fir tailed Another itory which gained oredeuctli thattha ex Goyernor through tht aid of Major 0 BtiUy bad eictptd from the re itralnt alleged to hare beea placed oa blm by hit relatiTU at 8an Francisco It wu tUted that Major ORelily who ia aa old friend of Downey met the latter on the ttreet at San FranclicoMd that Downey tald be wu under restraint whereupon the Major declared that hit friend should go bare ha pieued Oa thla the report goat Downeyt body ttrrant Interfered aad wu promptly knocked down by the Major The latter tnd Downey than cam 1 down to Lot Aagtlea the servant however be in allawad to tecunfiUV tham A reporter called at the hadeaarHotel inta oreoing wee we uoveiuor vui uw wu out making a celt On bit return late at night be weat at oaee to kit room and pleading fatigue declined to be inter ritwed The Major boweTer wu found Be tald Gonrnor Downey was not under restraint aad to tar he knew bed not been He declared thai he had come to Lot Angelee tor a Bleuore trio aad It wu their lutea tlon to ipend a abort time here yiiltlng tbe principal pomti 01 interest in tati notion Whta antttloaed to tht rtported fight between hlmsalt and the Gorernora bodyguard tt San Praaclaea tbe Major anrnaarJAail danud that there waa anr truth in the etory aad repeated that the Governor wu unaer so retirtuu eiuu there or here In rerard tofthe Addll affair be laid at did not think Downie wu a marrying man aad that bad he contemplated matrt mony be would bar beard oi it from Aim nownT narrar nanhew ef the Got ernor wu seen to night at bia residence in tali dty He dictated that tbe itate meat pauianea in Ban rrancuco or jut Addiion Sunday wu untrut from begtii stag to ead Beyoad thla Harrey relajed to talk about bit unele affain A MURDERER ESCAPES THE CHrOBTXnCATEJBECOrtD OF A SHEBIPT cldtatSear Baker Croa tba Ongoa JiallwayaniavIgltloB Company toed 5 ruterday wu Bobeti VeCrearyv George KaUehbecb the engineer wu to badly fHcraibed tbttha dledthte taornlag The fireman wu InatiaU killed being fear srtneer WU taxen to ui uranue sub wwu fiad Tht train ran rata a band of eatUt 1 lie engine ana lererucaiawaieuiaun No one elte wu Utjartdv Tbe tod wilt set exceed fSQWr Savta BotlV April 23 JW Pirtour ead wuefrem Mitaoort narrowly eicaped i death by uphyxiaUoa theOccIfltntal Bote Utt nlgitj WbraJUcorered thta xoorolax Mr Partona wu able to talk bat riatic Whenbeanempted toarUefroml i atu wa at iw sututsia on vu noox Nettiela Slayer tTeJkc Oat of Jail WbUe Hit Oaard Sleeps lie Hajr Be Lynebed If Caught Zs Tacoka TJ April 23 Wtmaa Uartin tbe condemned mardererot Fred Keltxai tba laloon kaepar eacaped from fully rTBihrtuadtrfieeartne Tht tH xuom Jtlt thortly titer midnight Bia death warrant signed on Saint diT and nreoaratloBa were belnr made for bit execution on Friday tbt 37tb iaiv A death vatch aad beea itrorer the mnrdcrtt ia ten which wu beilered to bare been Heart SlejUnwu chained to the floor with tnacklti tad a guard wu with blm at ell time Hahad lately pro tested to nu attorney wno wu siring ut get bin a aew trial that he did not want ft andthal he wanted the execution to rJimr mm aAUB COaalbla JUlt liter SBid Digu tat luirtjwlw TO anned wUa a Seamen Object to the New Bhlpplna Artlclet The Coast Seamen held a meeting lut night tn Irish American Hall aad discussed the new inipplng article which tbey claim are DBjnit and one aided glv the ruiel ownen to ranch control of the men that the teamen are rednced to the tooting of tlarea The constitution wu revlied aad twtlTt new member elected At a meeting ot the Pattern makers Colon held In Irish American Ball last night It wu decided to Instruct Johnson gentnl secretary ot tht National League who will act ai proxy for the anion at the meeting of the league at St Louis on May 4th to rote for the measure fixing tbe working day at nine hours The meeting then adjourned in reipect to the memorr ot James Cameron a mtm ber recently deceased Tne charter will be draped In mourning for thirty daya The Agituoa Board 01 toe cigar mak ers In ion held a meeting lut night at which a committee worked oa the re islonof the bylaws to make them con form with the new International coaiUtu toa A aitCTUiion wu neia on tne iriai 01 Cunii 4 Dixoa whose cue will come up la court oa Miy Zd They art charged with mutllatlni tht Pacific coast label The following firms will be proaecuted If tne anion wini in ueir suit against curua A Dixon a Kloptteck Co Jotepb Bremer Max Armer and Llebei Brothers Herman Guutedt will leave oa Thursday to deliver ipecchei at Greenwood and roint Arena wnere anu cninete aemoa itraliom re to be held 910CBED BT A aXUtBOIL Peatoai Encounter ITlth Bit Conn tennnea He wu coniplcooni la tht dock by a tall collar a flaring necktie a light suit ol clothes and by a countenance perforated rcry ranch like a cracker Biehard Fen ton vent oat on a visit to tomt tritndi oa Sttordty night and bt imbibed too maeh lid uor Going along Kearny ttreet be went into a laloon ornamented withmlr ron and ordered another drink Hli eye aa ha wu turnlnc to tear caurht a refiec tlin oa tht miner ot a fact iirdonlc and mirtntuu What are yoa grinning atr asked Fentoa ht stepped forwerf Tbt flgare In front of him also advanced aad looked threatening Fentoa made a lunge at hli ODnonenLThere wu a crash a muttered uatn and the youth was carried to the counter ana epongea oc anen vmoer Gilfoy went in took blm to tbe station aad booked blm for drunk aad malicious mischief To ta fint charge be pleaded guilty bnt to the other charge be would aot plead Tbe yoaag man tald hit tttorney had no mallear against the mirror and the mischief wu to bit own faataraa which wart to blame In the fint instance for the trouble Bad tbey not leered aad mocked bia tobtr itif why he would bare let the glut alone Jadga Hornblower on condition that Fentoa pan tat damigea dUmiued the aecond charge CBOnDIXO THE COtTBTS Bar John ITlTAhll arraad with Dr Hammoad and aald there wu a great want of stamina among Christians oa thli Sunday question There seemed to be er little nowadays ot the stuff ol Which uartyra ar made erDr Barrowitook entirely different ground No advantage wu gained to the matter of Sunday observance by the advocacy of inch extreme positions In his opinion it wu a poor Christianity that would require a man to altaated to girt up hli living aad go oat into tbtitrttU with his wife and children nUr Chamberlain aald a man COUld barer loee anything lathe long rua by obeying and trotting God Ht would ad Tla a fnM Ia Hfni all RnndaT work Bar Mr Scndderot Alameda tald if it wu rlghtfor mlalsten to ride on the care oa Bunaay 11 exmia not oe wrong ior su menioworr en tne can uainougntu wu wrong and would not use the can or erry ooaia oa eunaay Bar UeVIUalrt Itwu difficult to kaow where to draw the lloe Some rery good CariitliB ot bit acqualalaace wouia go out to ndt on snnaiy intrnoon If tbli wu allowed why not the mooting match ana baaahall ram Mr Mountain tbt Eagllib evtngellit tald hie mind wu clear It wu a cue ot untntneed How could we ret on com fortebry without tbe Sunday can Bun oar Tutus mmiatara woratar aar ana the ear man wu much justified ia worxing oa aunaay ar uammona wu in preaching Ber Dr Holbrook took tht umerlew Banning th itreet oinrui Btceiury work like carrying the malls He did not believe In a ttrict twlsh Babbatb The early Christians did hot observe Bun dtyutht Sabbath Ker George Morrie eonld aot consider the itreet can a naeeaalty Tby were no more 10 now than 100 yean ago But if itwu right to ride la them it coald not be wrong to work on them The chairman KtT Mr Sondder doted tht dltcnulon The cart would ran on 6undtybe said aayway Heniedthem aad thourht It rlrht to do so Oa oaa oc casion tea souls bad beea ttrtd byaier moa se caa preacaea wnicn Bt coaic not bare delivered had he not availed him self of the can Nothing wu gained by taxing extreme poiiuoaa tie wooia cart so hesitancy oa inch a qaeiUon pro poied by Brother Poad WORK OMRTISTS Opening of the Spring Exhibition XflE BECEiTIOIT TO JflGHT A Display of alntin fS Superior to Any Shown Hereto foref A LAND SUIU BAGUfK CHABGED WITH PKACD To Gas Oat of Solid Grauito for a Mile and a Half ParaHel to the American BlTer At the meeting ot the Board of State Prison Directors tt Folaom on Mty 5th next yery Important butiaeu will be transacted The principal affair before the board will be the diicuiiloa of the propo altiona of the Folaom Land and Water Company looking toward tbe construction of th canal projected by that company and which 1 to ran from th American river and paral el thereto for a mile and a bail aad to be about forty feet wide The canal will be built of granite Thf prlioa property wu purehued from thlt company tor 30 000 and instead ot money being paid for It It wu agreed that th State ihould furnished the company the labor ot con victs at the rate of SO cents a day ior each man This agreement caused considerable difficulty and to decide tbe equltleajof It the contending partial took it to the 8a prime Court The company claimed 60 000 days labor aad tald it had the rignt to demaad the labor wbea it wlabtd The directon claimed that the company had a right to oab 30 000 daya labor to be far nlahed at he option of the board The Supreme Court decided ia favor ot the corporation The parches and agreement wu made before th adoption of the new Constitution which prohibit the State letting out coo lot labor Tbe Supremo Court decided the contest la livor of the corporation Although the fetate hu possession ot the prison property and hu bad since the purchase it hu not fulfilled lti part of the contract and yet owee about two thlrdi ot the purchase price Having already glrea the corporation about 11 WO dan ltbor which wu utlltxed la bulldtai damt and other work It yet owet about 49 000 dayi labor which tbe company wishes for tht construction bt tht cinaL Tht dlipoaltlon of thli energy and the benefit to be derived from tbe canal will be dlsctuied at tht meeting referred to Tbe State alto owet the corporation the labor of 330 con vlct tor are era at 50 cent a day The canal poken ot It ia thought will be a craat asce of Improvement to too country rarroundlng It and It will also It I laid greatly develop tbe town ot Fol som Mill which will be built upon ita bank will je furalihed with power by ita waters and tbe adjacent country will be lrrlratad br a aloe terrice The Fol aom prison will draw water from It for lti reservoir aad for maaufaclurlngpurposee The Folaom Land and Water Company has already spent about S100 000 oa the project There it now a dam ilxty feat aeep near wnu wui in aeaa 01 an canal MONDAY MEETINGS BECKEATIOS GBOtTHDS FOB CHBI8TIANS Some Basteraere Do Business with a Berkeley Widow Who Had a Few Thousand Dollars Suit wu begun ytiterdiy by Mn Florence Waatoa tgsinit Frtnk de Wolf hit wire Iubella dt Wolf and Horace Barnei to rtcorer a one halt Intereit 4000 acres ot Fresno county land oat ot which the olalms to hare been defrauded The defendants are Eastern land speculators and the plaintiff li abandioma Btrkeltyan Her itory told In the complaint It fouowi In 1873 ibortly after her tint hatband John Hayes bad dltd tht wu Induced by the defendant De Wolf to parchiit 1SO0 bead of iheeo which ht wu to kctp oa bit ttock ranch ia Frtioo Thty lubitquenily atated to her taat It wu Impossible for them to keep the eheep uateiiihe purehued a oat half tntereit lathe land Thli ihe did paying at the rate ot 810 tn acre whta the land wu thea really worth but 2 All this wu dont before she had even teea the land She taw It in 1875 aad thea being convinced that the had btea defrauded she began tult agilnstlhiDe Wolfs They bad transferred the note for 10000 which the had given la part pay meat with a mortgage to a man named Dlmmock who had again transferred It to Haggln Htggta soon aa the began action tnonght that two could pay at that gam a and he brought suit opoa the note Upon Higzin a statement that he had paid a valueou conildera ion for tbe note Mrs Warton dismissed ber lult aad aeeded to him the property Be lubse ouentlr redeeded to Dlmmock who con reyeaittoae nou ana tne Jitter trans ferred It to hli confidential agent Horace Barnes She aski that all the deed iabteqntat to that made by De Wolf to her be declared rold aad that ihe be declared tbe owner of a oae halt interest ia the lead Her Interest at pretest prlcei the eitimatei worth 200 OOP WRECKED STEAMER THE SAN PABLO CANNOT BE SATED Orer Two Tboaiaad Chlaete Walt lag to Ba Heard Soma idea of how badly the United Statei Courts art afflicted with Chinese casts caa be gained by th statement ot the fact that oa tbe doeketof Jodge 8awyera coart there art 400 cue yet to bt beard and there art 100 In Judge Ho ffmtni court be aldei the 1200 Chinese who are now la quarantlni who bare bo relura certifi cate aad wbo to gain aamiaiioa into vae United State must prove their prior rest dene There are twelve lyadicawa with emeu ia Chinatown and Hongkong who make a regular buttaete ef Importing Celestials taw thla countrr ana evading the Restriction act It It claimed that one ot the compaaiee bu ejnely fiued up office ta tbe Orient and that the cooUet are carefully acnooled to what qutiUoat will be tiked by th cuttome oIBcen aad Uuamiiu if Chines JMrna bia lesson weil the egent will guarantee the landing in urn country tor i3u a WEABT AND HOPELESS A TeargBws Peculiarly Sad Sat 4 nidev 1L HLIndeaberger oi 2313 Batter itreet died early yesterday morning from the effect of a dote of morphine taken with lalcUal latent on Sunday afternoon Tbt deceased wu 24 yiart old an em ploye 61 Barnu A Col putjlshlng house and a wintrlbntnr to the snnnonoKhli aged and Infirm parents He left ft bote addressed to kit father and mother plead ing taetr forglreoeM tor nu raua ana acnbtng It to the fact lhar bia wagu ot S50 a moaib made lift too math ot a atrugxto asd tht luiart efftrtd na bopa Titxte Girlnc Among the Calrln 1U and Sabbatarianism of th Congrerationallsta At the meeting of the Methodist preach en yeeierday Ber Dc Anthony atated that a project wu under consideration for tbe establishment 01 Chnauin recreation groBBdi neat thli city Dr Benjamin Lrford bad agreed to give 100 aaraef lead on Strawberry point near Seed 1 sta tion on tht North Pacific Ballroad to bt made with the conttguoui territory a Chrlitlan lammer retort Tba landt art to bt told gabjtct to tbt proTltloni governing the groundi at Monterey known the Pacific Grove Betreab The reeort la to be free from all denominational control but subject to high morel and prudential management NoSundayplcnlciaorany tali of liqnon will be allowed Meeting ol ail aorta connected with educational beneTO lent and religion object are to be la Titea ana nrorea oy tne mauagemeni si II expected that a portion of the summer vacation will be spent ia meetiagt ot thli general character The management Inlands to erect pavilion tnlseammer end tameleat dormitories restaurant etc Tbe opportunities tor boating bathing aad fishing Dr Anthony aald are good aad tt la expected that many ChriiUaa taontei will tpead tbt lummir oa tht round When the arraaxemeate which be aad the other geotiemea on tht com mittee th rum caa irt nana wtrt perfected a fall report would bt made aad tbe name of the committee representing different denomlaatloae ia the management would be announced Ser a Debbtaa prettaea yeiteraay Th Lou Will Orer Half a Ulllioa Dollar Came of th Accident The fint announcement of the wreck ot the Occidental and Oriental Navigation Company iteamer 8an Pablo near Turnabout light in the Strait of Formota wti coupled with a itatement that tugt htd gone toiler relief and It wu hoped the Teasel would be got off with lut liltle damage Thli hope wu aot Indulged la by itinera here wbo were familiar with the rocky aad daageroua cout where the vessel wu reported uhore aad their Idea that the iteamer could not be tared wu confirmed by a cablegram received yesterday from Charles Barman the reetdent agent of tbe Occidental and Oriental line in Hongkong reading follow BHiifBHar April 23d Ran TPaMo tatat vmclc Bead and crew la I Shanghai Nokveskat The San pabio reacned yotonama on thelth IniC and it presumed to here left that port oa the following day Tbe run from Yokohama to Hongkong generally occapiee about eight dayath distance being 1600 miles It It therefore presumed that tbt reisel mutt hart struct oa the 18th The first newsotthedituwr came trom tne agent on ta zui out is so meager that only surmises of what might Bare occurrea cau maoeu siiaioougui thlt tome iteamer plying between Hong long and Shanghai uw tha San Pablo la dlitreu aad took ber passengers aad crew with the mall aad treasure to Shanghai it li prnumed that the diiuter occurred during a dinst fog and that one oi tbe severe itormi Ireqaent oa thu Coast at tnletimeof thereat rendered the eavlng of tbe react aa imponlblllty A deicrip Tbt tprl ngexhlbltlon ot tbe San Fraa ciico Art Atnoclatlon wilt be opeaed thla treaiag To the parroni of tht iniutu tloa a recepiloB will ba glrea and tomorrow tbt doon will bt thrown open to the public Thla year ieti a rtaewal ot that Interest la art and artists that made 8aa Francisco within tbe put decade a recognized art tenter Tbe dliplay li of greater iatenit thla leuon thaa thoie ot the put two tan Then art cot many pletnrea on tht will to day a year ago bnt there are more ratrltoiinai works more originality la subject indulga la treat mint Many of tht Btmu uea on tht plcturti here beea teea before bat a riper Judgment bu aided a higher am bition better chromatic knowledge bu come to assist more graceful sketching Th Commute ot FIT gentlemen of rare knowledge In art mitten of great ex perience la choosing pictures to waom wen referred ell workt teat ta lot the ex hlMtloa did their work well There are 145 pictaree on tht walla The Hanging Committee tbowed excellent tete In tba manner ta which they hung the palBUBxt Mn Mary Carta Klchartf tout tymphony la white When the Year Wu Young tu tbe place of honor Thla anlsfi Lenten LUIei gained th Dodg prise of f300 ia th New York Academy tor the best painting by a womaa Whin th Year Wu Yoaag la in pale ihadetagtrland a baby being th 10s ject The girt it a Ttry clerer life ttady ana tne coionog nearly lauiues Alexander Hamilton hu a remarkably clerer trine ikttch oa tht walls No 8 It ia entitled Le Crepuscule and will attract attaatiaa both for tht originality of tht tubject and th dtslga The eua It tlaklBg to rest and la tn opeoiky tht full moon riiiar throwing silver beami icron tbe toning tea Tht wtru ate wbirilng la opposite ulfrectlons and the observer will bat toitudvoceaa effects a moment before he caa reconcile the foreground with nalure 1 John A Stanton buitrtrtl plcturti that ar worth itudjiug A Sketch tt Monterey It a ebole bit ot palatlag the tabled a beach icene being handled la a vcrypleailsg aad annuo mtnner Portrait head studies etc are cleverly done by thla gentleman There It lite la tbeuLe Mtfla of Qlrroux in out door effect The thadti art full of meaning and bare map and rlror in them Fred Yatti thowi a pltuing tcene Erealag In the quiet twilight an old womaa itte among th fading Sowers Ibt dty the flowers tad tht womta are fairing aalaep togethar but the promts of a dawn of a spring and ot a resurrection is een in a little child that pliyi about lti grandmas knee It it a good itory aad 11 excellently told lathe ehro rustic effect Mr Yatet bu tome rery txeeUent land Ictpei aad beada Joe strong ihowi a couple of Hawaiian to canoei ia action Tbty are much finer thta many picture with tbe ttmt inbjectt thtt hare beea teea here before The lava bu a quick liquid appearance that dlffere much from tbe etrawberry tee cream effect uta la eome volcano studies Mlu Austin 1 Hollyhocks thow artistic ftellng and the young ladyappean to mow folly the trut value of colon KNarioti SnUh Girl which bu received mention la theie columns will attract notice Thlt artist thowi also an Itallaa girl that It a Ttry fint example of flnith Emlle Carlien ihowi a number cf plcturti One Is entitled Tin Ann Sandi In Masaachuieta Carlien hu another picture ot land and a couple of lUU Hie labjecta A Joullln ihowi Sind Doses at the Preildlo Thli picture will hire mtny admirers It Jiu purpose foreground backrround and effects Mr Jooilin a La France Boiei It the best floral pict ure in the exhibition It displays a deli Cacy of ahadlng that li woaderf aL It a muieriy rrearaent oi a ouucui in ojeci Mis Nellie Barreli California Botei displays aa accurate knowedg of ibadci and le rery pleaelng Picture William Lafth a Scene In Vapa Valley WU mentioned In th art eolnmne ot Ina LHgOXlttl last week Mr Keiths picture hai a charm that will aot become leu through closer acqaalntaace It li a quiet pastoral effect Tom Hill 1 Yoiemlte views wIU attract notice He hu a pretty Like George tudrthat la aot la bll niual Hat but which bu In ita treatment all tha beauty aad accuracy of thli pleulag anUV work Kachel 1 Tomb by Gifford tl a BIcture that will hare many admirers It 1 a clou itndy and diterrei attention Miss Williams portrait of her mother which wu tbown In the Salon of 1887 hu a place on th walla Elites aa Eutera ertlit bu a picture ot horrors which be termi the Bep tilian Age Charlei Ulrica ehowiWuhtag the Feet a rery remarkable paictlug repre entlng the cuttom of the Pop cteans lcgthefeetof thefiltnfnl Tbeiketching la fanlUeu and th coloring ia rery pleating There are many rery fine water col on In the exhibition The Committee of Arrangementi will lerve a collation tbli erealag to the gueiu Oa frldiy of thli week aad ouusxt Tact day Sydney Dlckenon will deliver lecture oa art matter Tbe plcturei will remain on exhibition for a month Seart but that WU alwayt ityUtbtT raised aad bad plenty ef money ror too uiiaase caeriee niisoa wao laid he kept a elgu ttort asdwuatooe time a Uadtctp stintar aacearad a witness He had too wo tha defendant fog teverai TWH ae aaia ana ae wu a taaa ot high Integrity aad reraelty What means hare yoa ot knowing of hie reraelty queried Mr Mott three moathg and paid for them replied ta witness Well that 1 tomtthtng In BU ftTOr I ad aut remarked the attorney and tat wltneu wu allowed to go A doctor wu ealltd brCpoa toteitlfr tbit he wu la bad health aad unable to work but the evidence of tht wltneu did not Impress hie Honor who uld be wu unified that Uponwu quite fit to earn alt livelihood wera be not too buy will receive uateaee to day ST GEORGES SONS ANN1TEB8ABT CELEBBATION AT SANTA BOSA ai OAKlIfytIOTS Meeting of tbe Boand of Education THE POLICE COUET H1X TJP The Suit to EJet the Conncil men Continued Sotes From Alameda List of th Eraat and Kama of tbe Prise Winner Accident te lire Horn of Thte City Santa Boea wu la gala dresi ruterday oa tne occasion ot tbe tint anniversary picnic ot tbt nnlted lodgu ol tht Song ot 8t George Santa Beta it a place well adapted to tuck affain aad moat of the crowd Including the entire band Fifth Regiment National Guard of California wu left there lut night to increue the rural income William Moreton wu most energetic in perfecting th arrangementi tor oat of tha grandest picnics oa record He personally entertained the football teama also and played tbe hoet erery perfect English gentleman can Nearly 3000 people lift thil city by the 9 and 10 JO oclock boiti and foand tht railroad accommodation entirely inade quate to 111 ucmaoo sac progKBime 01 iponi openea wita a football match between tbt Unl renlty dab aad tha 8an Francisco team The champion team comprised Mefflt captain Beard 8mlth Brown Woodhami and Wnlte forwirdi a Bioney qaartr oick uitwu and MeNear haltbackt Thompson bask San Fnnclico Club Moreton Vary Hart ley uioioa icaptaiai naaaeu nooaana Barboarforwardi blomaa quarter back LolUni aad Dr Bowhlll half backi TJrla tboroe back The alrenltr team won oy tnirty six polnu to tort Heltear mak log tour trie Stoney Brown and Motfitl alio doins brllilast work Tba bast work don by th Sea Fraaciseoi wu showa oy wood ot cpptazham Dr Uowmu of thtEdlnOurrh Aeadamicala and Varrof tht lam dab The prU competed for wu a fifty dollar illver cap ot moet artlitlo workmanship and aomethlag which wlu beea article de laxe la the CnlTereliy collection of trophies Tbt remalndtr of tht nrogramme ot gtmeiwuuloUowit Hace ror beys under 12 yean Tint pearl handle jack knife and tl second baseball and bet Joaea first Mailer second Bar tor girls Under li yean Pint par ro wtw vauswa kgoik aotoarapa aioum third Little Patience picture boor bhand Pat men race HUO poundl or over Tint pantaloon vain 110 gUt or Joaeph Lancaster second box of flaec ganUOOj girt of 0 A lnteroottom Canton fint Kohia loaieconi uirts race under 10 yean aaugaten or memben only tint gold brooch second flre poand box at Preach mixed candy third First case of Birxandv wtja rut Garner A co aeconjclotbfQrDalrornanta girl of It Gordon third leather medal Gallagher fint Vary second Alarrled ladle1 race First ten pound box of tea gift Of Waller Oaklud aecond rov etty Wringer girt of John fun tbtrd ball Jkellr eecoad Atr Cohen third Three lkCed race for boy under IS Fint ti second 3 Wiilla and Arc Clock Bace for memben oaee round theSrack Pint tlO second pair of pants Talu 10 glftpfltoo Broat tbint box of dgan 60 KUlofCurUsDUontCo WESomHllM bmyth aecond 1 Taylor third Bace for memben wive First order for dress ralue fiS on Keen BroaMarket etreet wen triple plaled tdter cutorgift of FairDurn third terHpouod tox of lea Mrs Fnllerarst Mr Wat aecond Mrs Jones third gx and ladle rac for man ed ladle reat dentofsono ma county ilrst gold pin and earring second one naif dosaa sllverlatad spoons gift ot Phelan A Ftsch third Bnrns poems gut or Uoxey Mrs Gorham Bnt sin Cohen second are BtoLi third steeple chase first caae of Bieallna wrae gUtotdCarpeyA Co aad tl second box 01 tagara iiwi gut os a iienne uioson ciaqaauneo pair of flrot Wright second Tug of war tttl heat Burneby re Lon doa second beat Albion re Pickwick final beat tw wtnaer of arst aad eecond neaa rtnt aaoltine darac gut or lleauwoce aecond Box At a mtetlng ot tht Board of Education held lut evening a communication wu reed red from the Jtsightt of Labor uk Ing that the etudy ot political economy be enforced la tht puhllo ichooU Th com mUnlcatloa wu placed oa file TL Samntr wbohu bad alaartof ibiinct oa account ot ill health pre tentedhU reslgnailoau principal of tha Franklin School bia health not having Improved Tbe resignation wu accepted aad I rv Chandler who hu been filling tht petition temporarily wu elected aa Mr Sumner tucctetor That ancient boat of contention tht legality of dty ctrtlfleatea wu again dragged out The Superior Court uvetal month agoTtad decided that tht City Board of Examlaert which tha board abolished it a legal body There bad bea torn talk of carrying th matter to th Suprem Coart Saveral efforts mad by tbt laptrlBteadtat to haTt a board ot examlnen ra estebllihed hart bam de feated By resolution lut erealag itwu dtdded not to trouble tht Supreme Coart with the matter bat oa the other head a resolution Wu adopted directing the luperiatendint to renew dl certifies expiring until Jane 1889 By tbit action It will aot necessary to re establish the soars oi examiners at uui untu uu time Fill elected Ceasui ManhaL Mlu Wtbb of tbe a rant school wu given a leare 01 aoseace from stay 7tn untu ht alaaa of tha htm Dr Fine offered a resolution to elect teacben hereafter in tht fint week ia Aagaitatthe earn time that salanu are fixed Instead ot tne fint week la Jane neretoior nu mgut rui in ergo meat wai urged thtt put experience had been that mora ttaahen had been elected in June than In Aagatt potitlont coald be fotlnd for The nidation wu Uld over until next mi ting STBIU10 AatlNTEBS TBtfX i ii 11 iivhuubw vviva wu the title of the aaoject or consideration ipecial rtftreac bdng had to tht Utt action ot tht Preibyttry Ktr DfK AHortoBOpadthdlscBulOB Hebu for man tun daroted cna tenth of his aatire Income to religioui aad beaeroleat parpoaeaS Th speaker regretted that nil adentad br all Christians the chareh would bare ample funds to thoroughly nMMnEn nn nranen 01 11a ara I Other lalaltterk who participated ta the dlicUedoa held the tamt rliwi aa did At tbt meeting oi tht tuoclttioB next Monday the eubject ior dlscusaloa will Tbt orerture recently adopted by the Bjnodof jUBnaAotiagatgucxfhi Oat MEMORIAL DAY FEELING AS TO WILL PBK3IUE oiher detail hu already beea publlihed In tht CaaosiCLBV COPBT OTES Tbertie KtUer hu petitioned to bt appointed a eolt trader John KeUy deemed leavet all of bit propeny worth atooO to bit wmow Tbt third trial ol LouUt Bagtaowfor ihe murder of Loelse Darbow Is aow going oa before Judge BoWtm aad a Jory Patrick Kelly deceued bu left hit et tate to hit widow wtth the exeeiHoa ot a liouse and lot oa Netoma urtwblch oostolil son James 1 COAST NOTESV There wltTbe a good peach crop ia So corre and TidaltyV Mowing machlnei are busy in tht alfalfa field of New Mexico Fart Loa anreiaa clTUln bar itgacd aa agreemeBt aot to patraaUe Sanday morning piper Work hu beea began oa the railroad from Easenad to Yam Carle White bu eicaped from th Stockton Iniaae Atylom Btno tramp burglarised th reildeaee ot Beno 1 coaittble the other day Quite a number of ettfJe hart died la Maaoa Taller NtTada of alfalfa bloat The machinery for the Mountela View cannery aad winery baa arrived at thu place Theodora Bemer a prlrite iddler at Fen Towpiend fell dead while drilling Uttwtek The Tacoma ledger bu beea enlarged by eight columns and 1 baadtom Jae saw draw of type The tasr a new and iprtghtly lot ABgelu weekly paper which deietet null a portion of lie time to the expoear lol Jocei ofiteid trickery At TaUrou JL lastwt torn partlu wenrto Hurt ii place in Ua night end took eereral bIvof beeebe loaging to tt Steal aad burned tuem 8erertl tat on bare been iioleoatti on Pal mnna Kanta Crnz recatlT Bad oat of th mourning ownen offer in reward of 100 for tha arresi ana convio tioa of tba poisoner It te add that th bett eyttera oa the Sound are found luth Blaine harbor both oa the hrialia aad Amedcas aid bat tht beat bed era from tea to tweoty feet under wear aad hare sever beea property dt Ttioptd Dr Marrow Cbmrch Selected ai a Plac of Worship for Poiti oa th Preceding Sunday Th general committee harlngln charge the arrangementi for ihe Memorial Day xercteei held a meeting ia the Flood building lut night Salomon preild log Dibble wu txcnitd chairman 1 ef tht Committee oa Parade and Brady ot Lincoln Pott wu appointed to fill the Ticincy Aa tarnation wu extended to the Mul can Vtterant to participate in tht day 1 exercitea A communication wu read from Ber Ct Barrows putor ot the Pint Coagre gatlond Church inviting the rulou posts to Join ia dlrlno lerrlcei at hli church on thk 8oaday erealag preceding Memorial Day Tha chairman stated that alike invitation had previously ba re rlat from Plrmonth Church which brought oat th fct that Department Chaplain Bcott oaa ainaay acceptea aa invitation to preaoh on that night at the latter place oi wonhlp Cocpiderable dit euaslonwuollelted at to whiea church should be favored It wu finally moved that tbe committee ihould recommend that the peat attend Dr Barrowi chorea which wu carried by a rot of 17 to 8 Chairman Hobbart ot tha Finance Committee reported that if the 1632 memben of tht rarloui poiti wtra aueiled 22 nnti ner capita it would defrar all tha expenses ot the day Including the rent oi netropouiaa xiaii waica wooia 01 It tbt opera boou iwire ulected muilu would be reqolred aad aa aiimnt of 25catt would probably cover expense No action will be taken until next meet lag wbea the Committee on Halli will report Comrade Griffith Introduced a resolution that the Woman Kallel Corp and tb Ladle of th Uread Army of the Ke pabUo mould bt iBTittd to prepare flowen aad partlclpat ta tb procecdlagi ot th day Culrer rather opposed the resolution itattag that there wu a rivalry between tb two orgaBliationa Grlmthi made a stirring epeech ta favor of th motion which wu finally canted unanlmouily Adlscunloa then took place to tha ulecttoa of a president of tbe day Com rade Brown ald babad called noon De partment Comrade Goodman who bad Dexter A Co aad a box of cigar SO cut ot soicra uaauna Aibioa on the lie Ia tbe married ladlci net Lin Horns nee Woodtaorpe feU on the track Hinting and wu then unlucky enough to get kicked on the backot her head Sht wai well cared for on the ground by Dr hteTtai and Dr Gilbert and oa her 000 rilesceaco wu removed to her home Mr Hartley of the an Iranclico Football Club wu alto on the lick list luccumblng to sunstroke during tne tint half of the game but recovering speedily without serioui trouble being Involved Lalucklly tht managers of tht toasting cot involved la a misconception of the conditions of matear athletic and pub tithed money prises in purely amateur event lh difficulty wu rectified without tropbl being caused and lb money waa convened into a piai iropor 10 se ordered aad selected by tht winner Th Alorntag Herald For LaT Their Caiee There wutemi trouble lut trtnlagln tht office ot the Morning BenOa which wu started about two months ego Early la the erenlsg the compoelton wdked out upon aa unrequited demaad for re lumptlon ot ipecle payment la the matter of warea Tha man agement then madt aa effort to iccart othtr compoijora hot at tna office under union control no union men would go to work unless the inecie resumption took place Ala Ut boor thli morning no compoiiton bm been lecured Tb Police Coart Maddl Mtyor Pierce yeiterdty rtcetred a litter from Chitt Jnitlct Seulii of tht Saprtmt Court In answer to the Mayor 1 letter requeuing a tptedy decision in the cue of Dtaleli tl Hemhaw rslatlv to the Pollc Judg contest Th Jaitlc write Th importance of a teeedy deciiion 01 tail cause bu beea before euggetted to at by eouasel la the cue end I caa uur yoa It will be disposed of toon possible Jadtt Tcmolt Is aad for some time bu beta ttrlouily 111 ead wholly unable to attend to buifneu Both MoKlnitry aad Thornton nave of lata beea temporaru lick all of which bu aomewhat deUrei a decision In over 250 cuu aow nadir labmiulon many of which like your own aemaaa speed act oa wiu nurry your cue mucn pouiaie Tb Councllmene Seati YUrdar th caa of Amo BoUee a citizen to Oust the memben of lb City Council from their office oa the ground that they bad refund to give 8 Daaleli a chamber in which to bold a Police Court wu called In Judgt Greene court City Attoraer Johnson stated to the Court that tbe plaintiff had refund to bare tbe esse tried before any other judge than judge Greene In reply to tbli Judge Greene ita ed thit Bt would dicLnt to bttr tbe caaa and woold endeavor to bar Judc of another con aty alt tar his place li marrara wera uea niea ana a conunoance granted tor on weakv An Administrator Salt Tht toit ot th admlalilratorof ibt estate of the late Mary A Bulierdlck againit a Denlionto compel tht dtltndint to deliver tin a note for S150 belonging to the eitite end payable by defeadiat wu tried oeiore jnageureeoe yesterday ineu su mony showed that tht deceased held Mr Denlsoa I note tor 450 but having occasion to call upon her the day before ber deatb she gave blm th aot aad tore it up tea tmoay 01 pnyiicuai wu introduced to show that th deceased wu not mentally la a condition to tranuct Dullness at tat time SIXTEENTH STBEET Fetttloa Exteciloa fcr Filed A large aamber of property owaen la the vicinity of Sixteenth atreat between Doloret tod Church itreet petitioned the Superviiore yeiterdty to extend that street through Und which Uowntd by Dthon the Leroy estate and th Million Dolores Church Dthon tome time ago deeded to the city all of tht land claimed by blm en SIxteeatn itreet being a strip commeaolag at th northwest corner of Sixteenth and Dolorta streets thenc south 50 feet by 393 feet in depth to th burial ground also a atrip north ot tb cemetery The heirs ot Ui Leroy estate bare agreed to deed to the city th portion of Sixteenth itreet la front ot thlr property If the otner obitruciiooi art removed The cbnrcb cltlmi the tonta portioned tbt ttreet 30 feet on Doloret ttreet by a depth ot 393 feet to the burld ground and mat portion of the burial ground north of the touth line of Six teeath itreet The church bu been ia poiaeuioa of thtt land ever since the Miction wu atlabliihed and the rematm Interred therein are of the ploneen of the cout It li represented by tbe pelitlonen that the property In the vicinity is being improved rapidly and that the opeatag ot tbe etreet te a pubUe aecenliy Tney mtlntala that it rignt that tht proptrty claimed by tbe chareh ihould be acquired by tne dty aad tha bodiei there interred be removed at th dty expanse end that Sixteenth street be declared a continuous thoroughfare The petition hat been referred to the Street Committee WBABF AND WATE a Heket In tn harvest Thta consideration part ot the dtiuai will caa tomt ream among the aaxtoua Athamber matto red tel wilt be street kbit evening at tne usembiy hall at tb nnlrenirybythe Hirmia Braadt atrlac Qairtet aasiited br Mtei JaeoWne Wteh rnana eontraltol aad Mrt Jallai Hto rtcht nndtr tbt direction ot Hermann Braadt Tne concert It riven under tht anspteae ef tha BarkaUy Choral Soclatyv it 1 auiaorisauraiy uiuuussai un ground will bt broktn and tht lite fr tht ttAial art It ha rradad thla morolnr Tht work ot building tt hotel will pushed ahead tut poail bl ai aU tha ttock within a few thouasdilart hu ba taken ap the financid prbbtem hu beea aolred ft Uated bit tfaralr road people rriooely considering tb dvliibUlty ot extending tht local Btrktr ley line to thi hotel groaada SJl An ALAMEDA NOTES Salratioattt Obttreperoui Itemt or Intereit Dr Mary Wdktr wbt hu a national notoriety for eccentricity ta tht guest of Ml DletiwhoresldeioaCalrsl tveau nar Second The Poundkeeper reported that he had killed aereaty flvedogi duritg the month ef February aad Mirch upoa which her artSUt50dalafeev Tblrty dght Otic ten bad been eoUeeted in fete Th Board ot Health will Aald a meet lag thla weet probably on Thursday tvenmg a caaooex su ueea ippoiniea uep aty grana preildent of the Native Sent tog Aiameoa coanty Joeeoh Clark a member oi th Salva tion Army who ltadi a new feature to that oraanuatloB br olarlnc th oo eertlaa darls itreet procceiloa aad urvle wsa attetied tut erenmr by Manhd Bogirs The army wu holding service near Park street depot and attracted a crowd that Mocked no the aide walk aad eroMtaga The crowd had bex comeBefcaclng aad tb Manhd told Clark ta go oa to tht opposite corner aad be would tee that tha iilvitlonliU wera not dlitorbedV Clark refuud to xaottv aad became impndtat ha th otaeai took blm into eaitody He took bit concertina to hit call aadipeadi bit tlraa la pinying ana auging Aa ordinance wu adanted lot nlrht by th Board of Trustee to tubmlt to rot the proportion to Uioe boadt la the total turn 01 soAiwiorpnlie tmprortmtna follow For tchoot purpose 35000 tor tht rtrt Dipirtaint S15000 to bar atot aad erect thereoa dty Hall 25 Th plcuio UccBt ordinance by which a tax of 500 le lmpeeed upon each ploaU park aad buebali ground wbirt an tor H110 ti charged wu 10 ameadei tbat It ahaU take effect on Jnly lit aai 4 adopted pariiuvu tiwiwi uwwMau wuv mmw elgnlfledawlliiogaeit to act If there wu no oppotltloa That there woald be other caaaiaaree man prooaoic aaa a ssomob wu carried to elect the president manhal orator and poet at the next meeting A 11IGH TONED TAG Dreiiet Well aad Fay Ier Bit Cigar A youegman jotoed JT rpcnwiih a pltntUal 1 apply ot lima aad Jiwtlry wu tried la Jadge Ltwlert court yesterday oa a cbargeot vagrancy He wu arretted at tht Instigitioa of a Pptalih woman named EaoaKatqat with whom he lived for iiriral yean She wu rery plain and matter of Uct In her itatemcnU to tht court I bare kapthla too lone aad treated turn like a gentleman the aald and refated to marry mev If he will eoaaeat aow I will forgive him yet tor eU hu dont to ma aha waa Informed he It WU too late Anambx el witsuiu wera ceiled to prart thu I ton had not worked to Tba Oceanle Steamer Saa Pablo a Total Lost Tle iteamer San Pablo wblcb TrtBt uhort oa Turnabout Ulead la Formota Urdu on Friday tba 20th ion re ported to be a tout lota Her crew Bu been takta off and landed at eningnai A dUpatch recelred at theMtrchaalt Exebang from Sandy Point yeiterday dated March lllh aaaoaactt that tht Houlttte bu beea larviitd aad declared unset worthy and unable to lean or be repaired She wu told at auction for 434 Tat British ihlp Shannon bound from Ntwcutie New South Wale to San Pedro put lato Tahiti about Mitch lit leaking badly She will dlicharge hir cargo Tnt Armla tu tpekia on April 19th ia Utitad 5V deg north aad 5 deg weit 1 Sold tb Wrong Party 2cvaaa city Trantcript I tell you that a man who hat a mine to tall aad hu ore la It eaaaot rob a pur chuer add a mining taperlateadeai to tbe YirglBla tNer Enterpntt 1 11 Jut tell yoa what 1 toatldir the miinest thine tereraiaiu myiue so iuuuai waa mesa la 1834 at Preach Corral Cat I pat ap the first tail Home trer pot up la cdlforala Ihere arc a little litigation wlih regard to the dulcet aad tbe water and 1 winted to get oat of the enterprise 1 cleaned up 200 oae day trom my flame aad 1 put the amalgam back salted the cldm yoa know ia the flame and got a man ta watch ma lata ant S4O0 th next day A tewdijl later I told the cldm for 7000 and tbe partiea wbo purehued it dendapOTr 100000 oat of it la a tew months That why I up bat a miner telling a cldm wli any ort ia It at au Winn vw 1 Ancient Gambling Plttabarg Dispatch Tnarateinralrnoihinr new under th son Itte now learned that the gambling gimrln which th players plac com oa th ground before them and bt oa th probability ot a By lighOng oa a particular coin bu been known to the people of Central Ada for centurus aad it probably a hsrit thai ther bar received from their pwhlitorlt Aryan aBCaatora More Smallpox Thatrlehd aad nuneot Wilton the tingle patient in the smallpox tent hu hlmaalt been stricken with the disease Wilton it now recovering and wid take ctrt of hit Utt nun Another child la the LydlcJuoa itmuy at 1379 xweutn itreet reported wita tne autue Starr A Co Get a New Trial Judge Hamilton yesterday granted motion foranewtrid In theinilof Gilbert Curtlsi agdntt Starr A Co 8omeweek ago the plaintiff wai riveu a Judgment for 4018 the fall amount uked damagei rowiaz out 01 a certain woeai tTaaiacioo be defeodanti irked for a new trial on tbe ground that tne Judgment wu ex eeulre JUHlt College Inauguration The Inauguration of Ber Dr Stratum nreildant of Hills Collere wtiltak place on May 4th 1 he alamnl will hold their annual meeting on to morning 01 ta earn day Pablola Hospital Optned At a meeting of the Fabiola Hoipltal As locutioa yeiterday afternooa a pro gramme of tha dedication txirelses which wiU take place oa Saturday afternooa at 2 oclock next wu adopted followi Introductory addrist Mrs IX Hinckley President ot tbe association addretl by Timothy Barktr President ot the dty prayer Iter a Wheeler fiTe mlnuteeddreuei bye luge aamber of citlteni iddreis oh behalf of tht Udlet ot tht aaaoclatlon Mrs Littlt dedicatory prayer Bar Drliadsey A Slight Bolltr Exploilon Early ywurdtymoralag tht boiler ot Ihe Xarnna TUna exploded Lackily the engineer the only one about the fire room wu In aa adjoining room and escaped without lajary Aa electrio plant wu tecure i yesterday and the Journal 1 motire power tail morning wudtctricUy Iteme la ttrlef Jpha Puxrli hu told the Otklaad yacht Idle Hour to be uud ai apHot boat for Saa Diego George Htanenger who fell from tht Alameda cart on Sunday the 15th Intt dltd yeiterday at the Oakland Hospital Dirgle th weH kaowa publisher aad tz Poiimaiter anaoaaced a candidate for the Bute Senate agalatt Henry Yroomao inetrtel of noward tha railroad brakeman charged with ourgltry wai Bommancad before Jadre Greene reeter dty aad after tbe iBtrodactloa of toatt testimooy conunuea unui 10 aay Judge Hamilton yesterdiy morning appointed Teresa Uvermore guardian ot her minor children and ordered her to give a bead to the amount of 400 tor eacBcnua Alien Osborne the San Francisco boy who wu struck ty the train at Market ttreet ea Friday test laffariag a fractar of th ikull hu aow a taaace of recovery Pheian lott aa orercoat Saodir eon elnlcg check amounting to GOa it 1 wu raturnad te poue neaaqaanart oy a lady who found It lb Sixth ward KtpabUccaa will meet to morrow evening la Judge Ogden court to nominate delegate to the State Convention to voted for at the primary etea Uon BextSatarday Packard th man taken ta custody for lnanttr on Saturdar nlrht at Six teentn trt tattoahu a bit of queer bittory iiiimsanity issuppoeeato nave bean earned br the new of the sudden death ot bli wife la San Francuco while he wu ut uaiaaa a tew moatae ego Ht Oakiaad where he bu been living Ha bad bought ttckeia to fend hli children back to Omaha aad oa Sunday taey darted oa their jooraey wlihoat going to ee their lather Packard bu been a postal dark la Omaha and it ia rated possesses coaildirabtt property Ha known urorably to tererd Oatlandtrtv Keheei Pram Bet lalay Professors Bunnell and Pufxker aad Mr Dramer are taking charge ot Protestor Pa get cluaet ta Freacb aad Spaaiih dur ing tbe lllnen ot tbat ginuimaa Tht oomlng town auction will a Tary quUt affair teem Wat the CUlies BOAT EXHIBITION A Sight to Be Sees at tba Fa Tllton let Jan A muting of the numbers ot tht Ariel Bowing Club tad outers Inttnited wu hdd in tbe Mechanics FavUioa oaSdur dty trtalng It wu decided to giro grand ball eaterrdameat ead exhlbltlea of rowing aad email aaiiiag boats la th Parulon on Bdurdiy erenlag June 16th It Intended to make thu a gathering ot those iattretted In rowing maturs Place for tha exhibition ef raa Inr ami mll idling craft will be provided and a most latereitlng and instructive mow ia thli respect It promUed Cuh priiei will be offered tor tbe best racing ibdl beat dak oarge mi wanes au coat oau aaaee etc comnlat In arl thalr annninmianta A fine collection ot marine modils rala luure tBipe etc 11 also promised Tht novel character ot the exhibitlod ia attracting great attention ia tbe boating community and among thoee Interested la imtll pleuart eratt on oar bay EXPBESSXANS EXTOHTION Charged With Bobbery for Beat lag A Customer GeorgePlerce an expretsmanv greed to carry a Chlneiti effee a from the ferry Cock to the comer of Clay aad Dupoaf itrttte lut night for 25 cents Whitt about half way to the Journiyi tad Plere raised the price to 2 aad ontharefuaal ot tbt Chioeit to pay threatentd to beat hUfaead off Mi ibooldtra wlih heavy whip He charged another douar Vor tht trouble of collecting 2 aad made the telettid handover 3 Specid Offioel Stliengsr arrested Plre wbo waeehargad with robbery at tht dry priun by Captain Douglua 11 A FBEE CONCEBT Dprrd Young Gtrti Are Seat to JalL Th offiean at th aoathem pellet ita tloa wtra treated to a rarlpty performaas wlthoBtcbtrxt lut Bight OEtin Ktliy tna Crockett brought in a qairtet oi VlOked litUt ftrlf Blmed Mary Quklaa Annie Orimetitllle OBrien and Maggie Kourke who Instead of being at home asleep were giving aa Impromptu concert ta a Hubbard etreet saloon They wee arretted and booked for the Indutrui School Wbea pat la tbe celt they kept up their song aad dtace tad mad a merry row until late in lae morning Nona oi the glrlt orer 17 yean old Late Shower Showere wire reported yeiterday at rartoui polnu along th cout At OiympU 34 ot aa tnen Of rain feU Tatoosh UUad Oi Portland 02 aad Lot Aogdai 03 Lecdralai are expected to day iaWuh iagtuB Territory Oregon and Northtrn California 26 win porchon the CHStasictgi Wgh arm aawmg mecfilne and th Dartr Caaoj icrjt mailed to any address in ta Caltet Btatetror on year MISCELLANEOCS PARISIAN 1 Sill MTIIL For the Eemoral of MTTflTANFRECKLES es Flesb Worms BLEMISHES OF TSE MM PBEPABED OSVT AT kifCXX MfffT IXI wYiO mwv mp FflOtf fi BAlDyINlOTEL Srai Store Gerj sd Stotktos Sinti i Onp TJnia Sqaar 8F Price One Dollat The Great Secret 0T EXCEPTIONALLY LONO AND ahuadaat hair may aerer bt aolred bet that AYEB HAIB VIOOB preeerTet the halrUaBlU beauty andlaxurlance aad ertA reatorea It wbea thla aad gnyto WELL KNOWN CnneaSertogarSrliigirTTrrIlt My father at about tht agt of 50 lott an tht batr from the top of hi JuodV After ong tnonthi trial of AynTl Hair Ylgortht hate Mtaacomlogaad ta three month ke had tv 8m growth ef hair of the natural outer JTGIboaft Hop street Huntiey 8U fbrhlra Eng tayi 1 bar teea young acta ta South Australia qcite gray whott hair hu beets restored te hi aaiural color aftet ostegbtitBoebottMcf AyvrtHalrYtgot A yersSairVigor i FrepaMdky Dr AyerA Co Lawtfoj aaiti BoaprtiijraaadPttfiBitrt 1.

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