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Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York • 2

Elmira, New York
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Gartland Has Bill of $1,000 Against City. With a thought "SQL, of coming Winter the ACE mmM SHOE $3.00 $3.00 None as GOOD None 'BETTER The liincL xou uao use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of uo ftnd has made under his per- Sir S1f9-t- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thb, Ati nnimtfrfeits. Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but Tifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA 'Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Tare-iroric Drops and Soothing Syrups.

It is Pleasant. Ifc Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other arcotio ubstance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys onns and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.

It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children Panacea-The Mother's iriend. csnuiriE CASTO I A always Bears the Si Tlie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, THIS FALL'S STYLES TN CCKTAUM COMPANY. Tt Gazette Business Want Directory, are made in gun metaU-blucher; gun metal "button; corona colt "button; corona coltblucher and lace; Velour and lace; shell cordovan "blucher and lace; Vici oil (Viscolized soles).

Jill Goodyear Welts. 8 styles, 12 sizes, 5 Widths and 2,000 chances for satisfaction. R. Frank Bohoney, 106 MAIN STREET. You Don't See What You Want AdVer Use For It.

A Powerful NoVet of Social Life EALLINGTONS The One Remedy Particularly Suits for the Most Common Feminine His. To women who- suffer- Dr. William's Pink Pills are worth their weight in igj At special, periods a woman needs medicine to regulate her blood supply or her life will be a round of pain and suffering. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are absolutely the finest medicine that ever a woman took.

They actually make new blood. They are good for men too but they are good in a special way for women. "It was three years ago last spring that my health failed me," says Mrs. Arthur Conklin of No. 5 Coldwatei Street, Battle Creek.

Mich. fl suffered from leucorrhoea and other troubles that, I presume, were caused by the weakness It produced. I had sinking spells, nervous headaches, was weak and exhausted all the- time and looked like a walking skeleton. "My ache and limbs would ache almost continually and there were days when I was absolutely helpless from sick headache. I tried one doctor after another but cannot say that they helped me at all.

My liver was sluggish and I was troubled some with constipation. "One day a physician who has now retired from practice met my husband on the street and Inquired about inj health. He advised my husband to get some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for me, said they were a good medicine, better for my trouble than' he could put I took six boxes and was entirely cured. As soon as the lencor-rhoea was cured the headaches and other pains I am entirely well now, but I intend to continue to use Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills as a spring tonic." Mrs. Conklin permits the publication of her statement in the hope and beliei' that it will help suffering women to find the remedy that will cure them. And she is right. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest cure there is for the common ailments men and women for the weakness and backaches of Anaemia, the heaviness and distress of Indigestion, the pains and aches of Rheumatism, Sciatica and Neuralgia; the misery of Spinal Weakness and the ill-health: that follows any disturbance of regularity in the blood-supply.

All these- ailments are caused by bad blood, and Williams' Piuk Pills actually make; new. blood. They don't bother with mere symptoms. They strike right at root of dis ease. But.

of must get the genuine pills. Substltues and imitations never cured anybody. The genuine Dr. William's Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or by the Dr. Williams Medicine Schenectady, N.

Y. Get Under a Peach-Hat THE HEST $2.00 or $3.00 HATS IN THE WORLD. HARRIS, 113 West Water. Force of Life Company May Locate Here. IMPORTANT CONCERN Men Interested Are Meeting in Eimira Today and Matters Will Soon be Definitely Settled-Employs Many People, The Indications are that Eimira will within a short time be the home of the Force of Life Chemical Company, a large concern manufacturing fourteen different kinds of proprietary medicines.

For some time' past there has been an effort on foot among- certain interested Elmirans to get the com pany located here, and just now it looks as though the efforts are about to bear fruit. During the lasl'week representatives of the company were here from New York City looking over the local situa tion and upon only one point rests the possibility of Elmira's securing the industry. 'That point cannot be made public, but a meeting at which it is likely the whole matter will be settled, is being held this afternoon "by men who are interested. At noon the chances were good for the location of the industry here. If Eimira should get the company it would mean much to the city, for the business is fast growing and bids fair to be one of, the largest proprietary medicine concerns in this section the country.

The company has been located at 2255 Broadway, New York City, and has outgrown the facilities of the ac-try. It has come to a case of getting more room and in the search so far Eimira leads. The company would require about 10,000 feet of floor space. The payroll of employes, outside of the high-salaried officials and office help, would be about 1,000 a week. The postofnee of this city would gain about $1,500 a month in bus iness, or a total of $18,000 a year.

The whole matter will be settled either today or within a short time. Action is being taken independent of the Chamber of Commerce among some business and financial men of the city. REPEATED0 TONIGHT. Cantata, A Day in the Woods, in North Church Great Success. The cantata and concert given last evening in the North Presbyterian Church under the direction of Miss Ida James was largely attended and was a most delightful event.

About fifty children took part in the cantata, which was 'A Day in the Woods. The scene is a woodland one, where grandma has for a holiday. While she lies sleeping In a shady nook the children romp and playj until they are interrupted by an elec-i trlcal storm. It soon passes over and the children continue their sport. A little gipsey girl entertains them for a time and suddenly disappears.

The children search for her everywhere, but grow very tired and some of them fall asleep. They are soon awakened by some boys who havereturned from an expedition end make the little girls think they are most wonderful with their strange stories. The little fairies in costume who peep out from behind the trees add greatly to the pictur-esqueness of the scene. The plants in costume, represented by six boys and four girls, were most unique and one of the prettiest features of the evening. The concert following the cantata was most excellent.

The cantata will be repeated this evening. Mrs. Frank Allerton will recite and Misa Mabel Rose will take part in the concert tonight. DOUGLAS CHURCH. Songs by The Park Church Choir, recitations by Mrs.

D. Adams and H. J. Brooker and Dr; Eastman's talk on "A Trip to The Woods," made up a most enjoyable program given last evening In the Douglas Memorial Church. Presiding Elder Patrick will officiate at the services this evening iwith Pastor Starks assisting.

The soli-! citors will report the amounts collected Ito apply on the church mortgage. A fish supper will be served from 5:30 until 8 o'clock; i.i Large supply of Fresh Dry Cell Batteries just received by the LA FRANCE MOTOR CAR cornet of Market and William Streets. Automobiles to rent by the hour or day. Bell 'Phone 527-B. York State 'Phone 46.

You've got to get a new one somewhere this fall, why -not get it at the store that gives you the most for your money The new stiff Hat in the Dun-' lap, Knox and Young's style is the best value in quality ever shown in Elmi- i nnrxs stun anA ttnn i I 1' lOfl West Water Street. in fitiifrrit. and which lias hrwn Signature of HUB RAY STRICT. NCW YORK CITY. u'Fmmi'Li' and 3 Lines 3 Timjs 25 Centj other work required.

A poor! horcf, permanent position, and highest wairot. Address L. Gazette office. 9-16 BOYS AND UlRui. WAXTW spinning.

Paid while learning m4 texdy work. Apply owe Klmiu Knitting Mills. tf SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. EXPERIENCED 'STENOGRAPHIC with good reference woukl position in Eimira for a few months. AdJrrii M.

care of Gazette Office. tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE -TWO FAMILY RPdCS house W. Gray Street, rented $16 month. $2,000.00 if taken at oner.

M. Coller, 820 W. Water iSt. York State 'phone 191. ONE WHEELER WILSON machine, nearly as good sis new; cleap.

Address 347, care Craz. e. FOR SALE BILL POSTING AND Dis tributing plant, nearly 1,00 tet boards with wagon, hors. harness, sleigh and other tool nici-, sary for carrying on the mine an association plant, (loins 8 good business, cover the whole county, will bear the closest inspection; an eclient opportunity for a hustler with a few hundred dollars capital. Reami-for selling other business.

Addrw W. D. Ilusted, Mansfield, Pa. 11-14 FOR SALE (53 ACRES, FINE CONPI-tion, 4 1-2 miles from Bath and Keuka, 13 acrps timber; cut 43 ton -with buildings and fruit: price $1,200, cheap. 1309 College Avenue, Elrnira, N.

Y. 11-18 FOR SALE EIGHT ACRES OF GOOD tobacco land, near river and at south end of Dininny property in Flmira. Address Coller, Hotel 820 West Water Street. Eimira. tf FOR SALE CHEAP-SCHOLARSHIP in International Correspondence School of Scranton.

Address Scholarship, Gazette Office. A23-tf FOR SALE MATCHED PAIR OF black horses, 4 and 5 vears old, sired by Jack Barry. This team will I sold cheap for want of use; also car riages, harness, robes, etc. Enquire Sit) John Street, at v. l'J-12t ROOMS TO RENT.

TO RENT-HOUSE AND BARN 75 Linden $7.50. E. K. Roper, lawyer, 320 E. Water.

7-11 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO UNFURX-s fehed rooms suitable for light houw keeping, at 363 1-2 West Second St. tl DAY NURSERY. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA, 237 W. Water Street Day Nursery. We cart for the little one while their mother work.

Mrs. Captain II. William, matron. T-T-S-Sepl2-lmo LOST AND FOUND. T.OST GRAY CAT NEAR CARROT Street.

Answer to name Jack. Fii TElH notify Gneatta efflc IK' at a toWer price. at any price. -By FRANCES Coaches on side tracks and ready for occupancy at 9:00 p. m.

$1:75 to Rochester and return October 12. Leaves Eimira 6:40 a Return limit October 13. $7.10 to New York and rtftarn Tuesday, October 24th. Tickets bear 10 days limit. $78.75 to Los Angeles or Sail Francisco.

October 16 to 20 inclusive, account W. C. T. U. Convention.

Return lim it November M. J15.80 to Los Anereles. San HVnn Portland. Vancouver, Seattle, and Ta-coma, Sept. 14 to Oct.

30, inclusive. Proportionate low rates to othw- western points. For further Information consult E. J. Steele, ticket agent, Eimira; J.

K. Web ster. D. P. A.

Eimira; H. Wallace. u. f. New xork.

Full of Tratric Mpjtm'ncr are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la, lhmk what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.

Couchs ami Holds which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Gerity druggists; guaranteed; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Porterhouse Steak 18c Sirloin Steak 16c Round Steak 12 l-2c Shoulder Steak 10c Prime Bib Roast Bee! 104121.2c Kettle Roast 5c and 10c Pork Sausage 10c and 12 l-2c L. H.

FREEDMAN i Foot of State. 118 Fast Water BALDWIN ST. LOT Was Purchased by Common Coun- cil Committee to be Used as Site for Proposed Garbage Crematory Plant. The city has not yet paid for the Baldwin Street lot which was purchased some time ago with the intention of locating the proposed garbage crematory on, it. The lot is situated on the east 'side of Baldwin Street, nearly across from the Lehigh Valley roundhouse.

Before the opposition, resulted in the abandonment of the site, developed the Common Council's garbage plant site committee had bargained with the owner, Mrs. Anna Gartland and the transfer had been made. Then it was found impossible to locate the plant there and the search for another location was carried on. The lot on Baldwin Street belongs to the city according to the deed made by the former owner, but the $1,000, which was the purchase price, has never been paid and Mrs. Gartland has called upon several city officials in a effort to bring about the payment of the amount.

A house is located on the lot and the tenants have had an easy time of it since the city became their, landlord. No rents have been collected and they have been permitted to build on or tear dawn any parts they saw fit. Mrs. Theresa Connelly, Mrs. Gartland's daughter, who was also interested in the property, was asked this morning if any action would be brought against the city for the payment of the $1,000 and she stated that none had been started.

She declined to say whether or not onewill be. It lsnderstood that efforts will be mar soon to collect the "m-Jney within a eWrt time. TALKED TO STUDENTS. Principal Conant Urged Them to Attend Football Game and "Root." This morning in upper chapel at the Academy the principal gave a short address before the student He strongly urged the students to attend to morrow's football game. He referred to BInghamton Central High School as an old rival of the Academy.

He said that the cheering of the students was needed more when the Academy team was losing than when it was winning. The fortnightly rhetoricals which were to have been held yesterday, and the usual, Friday morning exercises, were postponed owing to the absence of Miss Foster, instructor in elocution. The first number of the Vindex was distributed to the students at the close of school tonight. STOCKS New York, Oct. 13.

Opening prices In thestock market today showed very small changes from last night but nearly all were gains. The execution of orders on hand was completed within a few minutes and the market came almost to a standstill. A rise of a point in Canadian Pacific and of in In Reading were the only changes, Gains melted away in a slow downward drift of prices, which carried Reading pfd below last night. When the decline wa schicked trading became profoundly dull. Bonds were irregular.

NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York, Oct. 13, Flour, receipts. sales, firm, with light in quiry. Rye flour quiet.

Wheat, receipts. sales, opened steady and a shade higher, but later reacted under realizing. December, 91; May, 9191 3-16. Rye quiet. Corn, receipts, no transactions.

Beef and pork steady. Lard, firm; prime western steam, 7.65. Sugar, raw, steady; fair refining, 3 31-16; cfgal. 96 test," 3rg3 11-16; molasses sugar, refined steady. Coffee quiet.

Tallow and hay steady. Hides and lead firm. Barley dull. Straw firm; long'rye, 7580. Beans quiet; peas 1.80.

Wool and hops firm. Butter, steady; unchanged; receipts, 6,637.. Cheeae, firm; unchanged; receipts, Eggs, firm; unchanged; receipts, 8,256. Potatoes, Jrish, steady; sweets, dull; prices unchanged. Cabbages, dull; unchanged.

CATTLE MARKET. Chicago, 111., Oct. 13. Cattle, receipts, slow; steady. Beeves, 3.706.30; cows and heifers, 1.254.50; stockers and feeders, 2.154.30; Texans; 3.40 4.50; westerns, 3.254.80.

Hogs, receipts, weak to 5c lower. Mixed and butchers', 5.05 5.52; good heavy, 5.306.50; rough heavy, 4.90(55.10; light, 5.055.50; pigs, 4.S0ii5.30; bulk of sales, 5.105.50. Sheep, receipts, strong. Sheep, 4.004.30; lambs, 4.758.00. East Buffalo Cattle receipts 250 head; Joule and steady; prime steers, 5.50 Daughter of late T.

H. Squire and Gradute of Eimira College. 12mo. Decorated cloth. 'A story that treats a fresh and vital theme in two situation which finally become mutually involved.

Two families are presented, in one of which the husband is the financial power, in the other, the wife. The main interest centres in the spiritual awakening of Agnes BaUington, her struggle for the rights of the soul, and the steady involvement of other homes and other individuals. The growth of a tragic climax of profound ethical and practical significance is worked out with daring logic, and its solution is bold and unmistakable. The plot is full of incident, with increasing momentum and suspense to the end, A perennial humor relieves the earnestness of the book. For Sale by MISS JEANETTE ADAMS.

Masonic Temple, Eimira, N. Y. A Tell Your WANTS To The People BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AM starting: a co-operative coal com Danv here, where all share, in the profits and get their own house coal at cost. Shares are $100 each, fully paid and non-assessable and guaranteed by a Trust Co.

Stock will pay from 6 to 10 per Send all communications to W. H. Blight, Eimira, N. Y. 3t HELP WANTED -MALE, WANTEI BRIGHT REPRESENTA- tive to introduce "Eleclricura." Greatest remedy for coughs, colds, aches, pains, etc.

Cures in three minutes. $1 package of powders makes $8.00 worth of "Electricura." Send for trial outfit. Electricura Dept. 11, 247 West 125th New York. 13-17 WANTED Good salesman to sell stock in an Eimira industry.

Big money in commission for a hustler. O. Box 173, Eimira. N. 3t WANTED TWO OR THREE GOOD canvassers.

Liberal commission and salary for the right party. Address at once Box 24, Gazette office. tf MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $5 a daj, after two months instruction, position guaranteed. COYNE BROS. CO.

PLUMBING SCHOOLS, New York, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Mo. (Free catalogue.) Octl-lyr WANTED-BY CHICAGO WHOLESALE and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary 920 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent.

No investment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self -addressed envelope. THOMAS J. COOPER 132 Lake Chicago, Ills. 30-14 FEMALE HELP WANTED.

GIRLS WANTED Apply at Read 4 Lovatl Madison Ave. and Filth St WANTED A GOOD DINING ROOM girl, New England Kitchen. 11-14 WANTED A RELIABLE WOMAN OR girl to assist the care of two children, one three yenrs and one ten months old; two nursea employed and 5.7o; shipping steers, 4.755.40; butchers, 4.25(a5.00; heifers, cow 203.85j bulls, 2.504.00. Veals, receipts 450 head; slow and easier, 5.508.75; a. few 9.00.

Hogs, receipt 101,200 head; active shade lower; heavy, 5.70(3)5.80, a few 5.D0; mixed, 5.705.75; yorkers, 5.00?i pigs, 5.5O55.0; roughs, 4.40(54 70 sirmt.di!rit,:,nd Sheep and lambs, receipts 8,000 head; sheep strong, lambs steady lambs, 5.75 8XX); yeaj-hngs, 5.506.00; wethers, 5.25 fkotweA' 5005-25; sheep, mixed, 2.505.25; Canada lambs, 7.507.75. OIL MARKET. Plttrtmrs, Oct. opened ttZO to Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return Sunday morning, October 15. Special train leaves at 12.30 a.

m. The Candy Season IS BOOMING And we are offering tomorrow for a special Marshmallow Caramels also NUT MEAT FUDGE at 10c per pound. 131 E. Water St. Laskaris.

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