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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 10

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 ih ik 8 iMs I T54 At at io flljjMffiMjl iSAiT irRACISCO OHEONiaLE TOTRSDAY OCTOBER 12 1893 Restless II it iii hti i Snap Mots Taken on the Ihigragcmcnts Anndancedand Wed dings Soon to TakeiT piace 1 Mi ii i Hf i xl i I Hli ri 6 i i jf I 1 Ii Rfiffi I I2P5 ft I 8 Bff tp lii llilfe 1 ii mm ml wn i if wj II ii I i It I Tie wedding of Mrs rcfyhTowne JrShafr and Clinton TVordeh wlUUke piaaBatnctfrrin Grace Chuieb oiLthe Slh orjfoTeinbir Oa TYednesdayy tne 4th Inst Miss Stella gtandetord of Oakland vat united in marriage to John Conner alto of OaUani The wedding trip wif I conilst of monthi tbur of the Eastern States ndi the World Fair St Mary Cathedral was the sceneof a Terjr pretty wedding on Thursday September 28th when Miss Maggie Kettle danjthter of Mr and Mrs Charles Relllev was united In marriage to Grat tan Phillips son of Captain and Sirs John Phillips The ceremony was performed by Kt Father Kirby The bride was attired In a becoming gown of cream tatln with pearl trimmlngv She wore a larse white bat and carried a bouquet of brides roses Miss Mamie Jleilley was maid of honor and Jennings Phillips brother of th eroom was best man After the ceremony a reception was held at the home oi the brides parents Mr and Mrs Phillips departed in the afters noon on a Southern tour The engagement is announced of Miss Emily Britton to Den tenant John Howard IT A The engagement is announced of Miss Alrina Mj Heuer daughter of Mr and Mr Ph lleuer to Frederick Eaton Will son the civil engineer The wedding will take place in November The engagement is announced of 2iss Daisy i Kidd and Woodbury Burnett both of Oakland The engagement is announced of Miss Hester Appell and Samuel Loventhal both of this city The marriage of Fred Bsuer and Miss Pauline Schiltinjg will take place October 20th at St Pauls Church Mission street The engagement of Miss Lillian Eg ra to Hilmar Stepbinv is announced A dinner party was giv i at the Bohe mian Viuo oji numiwroi ipe raemtwn on the evening of the 4th pf October in honor of the return of AlGerberding who has been spending some weeks the East An elaborate and tasty Menu was discussed while an invisible orchestra discoursed numerous selections 3 Mrs Peter Donahue entertained several friends at dinner on Sunday lastin honor of Baron von gchxoeder who has just returned from Germany Mrs Splivalo entertained a number Of ladies at luncheon at her beautifnl cduntry residence at Belmont on the 6th Jinst Mr and Mrs Henry Scott and family are at the Hotel Rafael Mrs Luciearie Herman has been very ill the past fortnight with la grippe butis now convalescent Miss Carrigan and Willie Camgan of Ross valley leave to morrow fora months trip to Chicago ifr and Mrs Merritt Weed of Franklin street are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of adaugh ter Mr andMrs George Monroe Pinckard have decided to pass the winter in San RafaeL Kev I A Shepperd of Santa Rosa CaL is staying with friends in this city Mrs FrederictW Sharon arrived from New York on Saturday last and is domiciled at the Palace Hotel for the winter Judge and Mrs Canneld of Santa Barbara are visiting their daughter Mrs James Otis on Broadway Paul Delmas is in the city having come Tin from Casa Delmas to visit his sister Mrs William Barnes Baron von Schroeder is making a short visit to his ranch in the southern part of the State Miss Annie Grant leaves to day on an extended Eastern trip for avisit to relatives and will also attend the Worlds Fair Mr and Mrs LbuisSloss have returned to their home for the winter aier having spent tbe summer at San Rafael Colonel and Mrs Isaac Trumbo will de part for a visit to the Worlds Fair on Sat urdajr next Louis Sldss Jr left last Tuesday for an extended trip to Chicago and other Eastern cities Mr and Mrs II Sherwood are at present in New York city where Mr Sherwood is making ah extended business and pleasure trip Mr and Mrs George Richardson are at present in Chicago viewing the Columbian Exposition Miss AdsVoung has gone to New York where she will spend tbe winter Mrs Cbilds and tbe Misses Childs who have been making a brief visit here have returned to Los Angeles Heller is in Chicago viewing the exposition Mrs Phoebe Hearst is at present in New YorE where she went on a short visit Mrs Georye Law Smith and Miss Smith have returned from their European tour Miss Mamie Dooler in company with Mr and Mrs Frank Zimmerman has gone East and they expect to make a tour of Europe before their return Mrs vharles Clough has returned from Chicago Miss Alice Ames Is in Chicago the guest of her sister Mrs Robert Wood Mr and Mrs Robert 8 Moore of Oakland returned this week from a visit to the Worlds Fair Mrs Charles Thomas wife of the superintendent of Government works at FortFoiat left here on Wednesday for a short Visit to New York and the Vr orldr Fair Mr and Mrs Jacob Heyman and Miss Clara Heyman have left New York city for ah extended trip through Europe Charles MFIum Jr left last Monday on a business and pleasure trip to Chicago accompanied by hisvrife They willTe main until the closing of the Columbian Exhibition and will then join James Irvine and his sister Anita and return home with them Figel hasfetnrned home after a two months visit to the East and the Worlds Fair Mr and Mrs Wlter Cook have returned fromNiles Frarit Peterson and Samuel Cheyney have left this city to visit Chicaeb New York and other Eastern cities They expect to be away for three months Mr and MrsDafid Kline will leave on the 18th fbrChicago and New York Misses Minnie and Sadie Hennebery left last Tuesday with a partytof Oakland era for Chicagdi They rill spend the winter with relatives ia Chicago and Racine Wlii Mrs Marcus Lcry returns to dar from Chicago where she has been malting a seven weeks visit1 to herfather Dr Ai Messing MrandJMra A BEuggles and Miss Lillian Buggies have returned from a four rnonthsYisit to Chicago arid other Eastern cities -Mr and MrsT BiWiMe MissaVilde and Miss Wilde have retnrhed from Eu rope after an absenceotighteenmonthv Their future home willi be in Sanl Diego but they iWlll remain inithis cityjfor the winter Mr and Mrsi George Dowfre la Chicago TisiUng the jYorlds Fair Thty will visit the leading Eastern cities before their return in Noveaaberi Mr and Mrt Felton Ifeave re turned fromthi Worlds Fair and re stopping at the Occidental HoteL They will return to Maiatlahto morrbwi Mr and Mrs II Flousky hare removed to 1407 Webster at Mrs Jw Glassman hSs fetuxned loathe city afteran absence of six months in the Eastern States a Mrs Park ol San Kafael and her aisteriMlss Belle Nichols left for Chicago arid the East last week Mr anixMrsAIH Boomer are horn from an extended trip East and North and are living at 2512 Washington street Mrs Whitei mother of United States Senator White and her daughter Miss Geraldlne left for Chicago last Thursday Miss Rose Meyet has returned from Colusa whre she was the guest of Mrs8 Levy Mr and Mrs Ed Harris and daughter have returned from their EurBpean trip and are stopping at IS06 Laguna street Miss Charlotte yeroWaite after visits ing relatives in the East and spending month at the Worlds Fair is at present in Denver the guest pf her aunt Mrs French Miss Waite expects to return about the holidays It A Cranston and Miss Jessie Cranston son and daughter of Cranjton left this city October 4th to visit tbe Columbian Exposition and other points of interest in the East and will also visit Canada Mr and Mrs James Ford have just returned from an extended trip in the southern part of California Mr and Mrs Laumeiater have taken a flying trip to Chicago and New York Mr and Mrs Fred Butler have left thecitv for a tripoverland through Mexico and South AmeEica Miss Flora Abraham of 834 Fulton street has gone to Chico to visit friends Mr and Mrs Webster have returned from their Eastern trip and are now at their homepn Lyon street A pleasant surpnseparty was tendered A Cranston br a few of his friends LTuesday evening September 26th at his boat 1550 rage street previous to Ills departure for tbe Worlds Fair at Chicago Borromean Council No 129 Young Mens Institute will give an entertainment and social at Mission Opera Hail Friday evening 27th inst PRESCIENT SPIRITS THEY 5IYE INFOEMATION OF BUEGLAEY The Exact Knowledge of the Theft Possessed by a Lodger There was a most curious case ot burglary a few nights ago at the lodging house at 214 OFarrell street Mrs Rose the landlady went to the theater Mdnday night Before she left the house shef gave her keys to one of her lodgers a dress maker whose room is on the second floor This was done in order that should any applicants call for rooms during Mrs Rose absence they might be shown those vacant When Mrs Rose Teturned from the theater she was met at the head of the stairs by the lady with whomshe had left the keys and was told that her house had been robbed The dressmaker explained that after Mrs Rose had left the house she remenv hered having promised a friend living on 1 Mission street to call on her This lady is the medium As soon as she entered her friends house the medium told her that Mrs Koses house was to be robbed before 12 oclock There was to be J30 stolen from the bureau The dressmaker was then afraid to go home alone She thought she might meet those awful burglars As a special lavor her medium friend accompanied her to the house They waited in the dressmakers room till Mrs Roses retujn when they told her what bad happened She immediately went to her room and found ber door unlocked The closet door was open as was er trunk The contents were thrown about in the middle Of the room A bureau drawer had been Opened also and 30 in cash taken The money was all that was missing While Mrs Rose Was looking over her wrecked room Officer Gibson was summoned He seemed to think Che story of the marvelously exact knowledge of the medium as to the amount of the theft and the time theiraoney was stolen was suspicious As others had keys whichntted the landladys door and there was no evidence to prove that the dressmaker entered the room the policeman went away again without mating any arrests The spirits have so far given no clew as to the identity of the thief whose work they foresaw THE EICnMOND 8ETVJJK Another Effort Being Made to Have an Outlet Built Several hundred Richmond property owners met last night in Farrells Hall Ninth and Point Lobos avenues to discuss and find means to expedite the construe tion of the much needed and long delayed outlet for the sewer system of that district The meeting was under the aus Ijjces of the Richmond Improvement lub which has recently been reorganized to effect that and other improver infnts in the Richmond Addition Deputy City Engineer Charles Hol comli addressed the taxpayers and exhibited a number of large profile maps showing the line of the proposed outlet and various matters connected with its construction Each piece of property affected by the cost of the work was also shown The district which is to be assessed for the construction of the outlet runs from Josephine street to Thirty ninth avenue and between street and the Presidio reservation In this territory there are 1300 acres consisting of 4000 lots 25x120 in size The total estimated cost of the work according to Engineer Holcomb win ouw or aooui oior eacu twenty five foot lot The incidental expenses will be for printing and engineer ing and amount to 7500 or less than 2 cents jer front foot A Considerate Thief It was evidently a very considerate thief who paid a visit to the schooner Vine at Berry street wharf yesterday morning and the man he robbed is thankful in conseauenee After tivine the Icrew tieit breakfast about 8 oclock steward Manuel Trusty started up town to buy some groceries During his absence and while there was ho one on deck atfme one stole into the galley and picking np a suit of clothes belonging to the steward departed as noiselessly as he crept on board When the man of hard tack and salt horse returned his grief was treat not because the clothes were the best he had but because a package containing discharges and letters of recommendation from various ships he has sailed in were in the coat pocket Shortlyafter noon a mait carrier hailed the Vine and handedthe skipper apack age addressed to the steward which on beinp bpenedproved to contain the discharges and letters for which the steward mourned IDJQMTHECIT A MYSTEEI0US EAST BOUND PASSENQEE He Xeft San Francisco Tvf pDay3 After the dynamite Expiosipn The detectives who are engaged on the dynamite mystery quit work last iight no nearer a solution of the terrible affair than when they began in the inor nihgl Some of them turned their attention to the outgoing shipping yesterday and the various shipping offices ere closely watched but no man answering the de sepp tion of Try ggve Johnson put in an appearance he list of names in the Shipping Com missioners office has been carefully gone over but so far as could be discovered no man of Johnsons discriptiori or that would be likely to be mistaken for Tyrrell the one eyed man who now lingers in the tanks charged with murder has left San Francisco ion any of the American deep water ships since the eventful 2itn of September when the terrible explosion took place It was learned vesterdav that a man went north oil the steamer State of California when she left here on September 26tb who might be able to throw some lighten the mystery if be were inclined to taic ine man in question haa no Baggage of any discriptiori when he boarded the steamer which he did just before she left the wharf on hr trip north and he was also very shabbily dressed but he had plenty of money and told some of the pas sengers xnai ne was going Jasi over tne Northern Pacific Railroad The strangest part of the affair is that for at least four months before he went north on the steamer the man had been loafi around the water front in Sari Francisco and never seemed anxious to work Yet he was seldom short of money arid was never hungry or without a place to sleep He bad no fixed place of abode and in spite of the act that he had been a sailor he nude no friends with any one he met on the city front He was not a member of the Sailors Union and more than once was heard io Sa that the davs of the union were num bered and that when the end came he would not have to work any more So far as has been learned no one Knew the mans name or where he came from but he is described as about 40 vears of age ofmedium height and with a stubby rca oeara ine man aia veryntue taiic ing while on board the steAmer but wbenr he did talk his words seemed to have a hidden meaning He had a bottle of whisky with him when he boarded the steamer and while sharing it with another passenger he remarked that the sooner the boat got outside the heads the better he would like it as he had to leave in a hurry end the quicker be got away the betterpleased somebody in San Francisco would be Nothing was thought of the words at the time but a few days later when reading the story of the fruitless search for the dynamiters the mans words and actions were recalled and then the idea seemed to dawn on the passenger that possibly the roan who went north with plenty of money and no baggage bat a bottle Of whisky might be able to throw some light on the mystery if he would Some of the men at work on the case put in yesterday trying to find some link by which they could connect the pistol cartridges found in the hat on Pacific Street wharf yesterday morning with the explosion in front of Uurtins house or with the valise left at the Grand Central but up to a late hour last night they had not succeeded Aclases His Partner Charles 5 Fechheimer has sued George Van de Mark to secure anr accounting of a former partnership in the business of importing and dealing in fancy goods wooden and willow ware etc The part hership was dissolved in January 1892 at which time it was agreed that Van de Mark should collect all assets and pay all debts and thereafter divide with his part ner any oaiance ine aeienaant is now alleged to have appropriated moneys to his own use and Fecbheimer fears he will make the same disposition of some W0 yet remaining to be collected He warits the court to appoint some competent per son tcrwirid up the business i i irt i Th Foundling Home Iuquei1 The Coroners Jury in the case of the foundling whose death Caused Coroner Hughes to Institute an investigation of the management of the San Francisco Foundling Home returned a verdict yesterday exonerating Dr Cheney and the attendants of the home from any blame The jury found no fault with the care givenjts inmates The Coroner refused to approve the verdict Hersald that the evidenee was conclusive that the hygienic surroundings of the infants were bad The sanitation was far from good These things should have been considered by the jury A Rough and Tumble Fight Fred McGregor who ekes out a precarious living around the old City Hall was given a thrashing yesterday by Clerk John IVIahOney of Department 26f the Police Court McGregor made some remarks designed to cast a reflection on the Clerks honesty Mahoney failed to notice the fellow who left the courtroombut soon after returned and assuming a decidedly belligerent altitude dared the clerk to a fieht Before the pair could be separated McGregor had been well whipped Bailiff Kelly in his attempts to quell the trouble was seriously bitten in the hand by Mc Gregor Masquerades Slutt Fay The members of the License Committee of the Board of Supervisors yesterday decided to recomxriend that hereafter all ap plications for free licenses for the holding of masquerade balls no matter by whom presented whether by charitable societies or not suouia oe reiusea ine regular charge for a masquerade license is 200 Miss A Thomnson da Bonner sanU Rosa OWooctdtr IKnllMns Sutdlnv VE Morgaa Wdley aicjiaun rresno Tbora England TCreswelt Spokane Clrtia San Jooe Dr Abbey Lanftry Farm Fllcttnorr da 1H MaiwUAwJi Diem WPolwclty HOOrMt CceiitCHjr A JHarrell vlsaua JKtone ao WUTibbettsAwcUT Bromen8anJosfr String uennany OConnor iw do vr SUes Aw York Buelt PanUBarbara Ebrenweller Aaitrla Bleekman Voa Ang VGbxpo5 Bulgaria A echneWefOermaay de Lone Relloai UoWen Concord FOneddeoOoleoada Kaufman Sew York Babcock Coronado UBASD nOTEt 3 Devendorf Saa Jose Arten Arizona A Partridge Kexico Hamilton rttatama DJ AJnswortli Caltforn MDGoeben do vr seeban Jr Aus Rant rucervllle 1 Mootoom Uvermr rarklnson Palo Alto Tvson California I Gbenstebi CalUonjla CallUon Freano JSrottd tlo WSeosanodtwOat Etnlston Stockton WB Ambrose Lockfrd WW MajorJr Tort XOreen Petaluma 31 Blum Martlnex Hunter Martlnei Hall Point Bevea ThompKoa Mod McLaughlin Sac Mopvrn Kaairur Mecttm Coluja Moalton do 1 VT Clark Pt Townsend Wood Pasadena Holland Tuiare Mra i Kingsnuui jmu liuy at siru SWBonlucSanJos A JHIttnCallstog IiFHout Blacks Laoiley California IsBaxgles Stockton Mileo Nevada City CM Weber do Meyer A Pel Manaiwe Xapa II Roper A apa DPatton do I Wk kersham Peta II lioth Oermany a Paeheco Ifnaclo DrWFinlan 8 Rosa BIBTHS CLARK Tn this dty October JCvtn wlf or Elmer Clark of a son CIA RK In tola city October 2 Iht wife of XJo coln Clark of a too KATJFM AN October 7 tbe wife of Frea Kaaf maataon 8T0flCl In Baosallto October 10 tbe wife ct Alexander storck of a aon KABBLtGES 8MITII MtCARTnY lB thU elty October by Rev WK William John a Smith to Amelia McCarthy both ot tbli city SEEBOD SEItSIn Alameda October 10 by Hr Ongerthlt A6eebod to Emilia H1U both of Alameda BATJTES ELLENBROCK In this dty October It by Rev 1L Onserth Nicholas Bantea ol Alameda to LUttte EUenbrock of this dty nOTFIANJi KRIEcER In thts city October 10 by Rev Omen Adolpa Uoffinann to Martha Krleger both of this city METZON nESSUER ln this city September 16 brltev Orneo IjoremvMetzon to Christina Uessler both ot this city BT CtAtR IiCPTOS I this dty October 9 by Rr II ILWlkoffJL FSW Clair to Mrs AltcU Iopton both of San Jose DEATHS CARO In this city October II Panllne beloved daughter of Charles and Ilannah Caro and sister of Jirman Lena and Heckle Caro a na tlTe of San Yranclsco aged 19 years 1 months and days tFiiends aod acqaalhtances are respertfnlly Invited to attend the funeral this day Thnrs day at 1030 oclock from the residence of her parents 919 McAllister street interment Ke at Salem Cemetery by train RICllTER In this city Oetober 10 Catharine dearly beloved daughter of William and Catharine Rlcbter and sister of Annie Emma Helena and Flora Ulcbter a native of San Francisco aged 7 months and 1 day S3Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day Thursday at 130 oclock fiom the residence of her parents 1237 Eighteenth street between Douc lasa and Clover Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery HOHWIESWBR Ia this dty October 10 Annie neiovea True oi rreaerict xionwiesncr ana eldest daughter of Tlllcisnn a native of san I Taneisco area a years montns ana aays jSSf lTlendsandacqualntanceaarerejpectrally Invited to attend tte funeral this day Thursday at 2 oclock from her late residence 203 Sacramento street between Plerc and Scott Interment Odd Fallows Cemeierjr BOLLIKQBERY In Alameda October 10 Wfll tam noUlmrberya native of London England aged 47 years 1 month and 12 days a3Frlendi and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral this diy Thnrs dav at 130 oclock from his late residence 2109 Sea Antonio avenoe Alameda under the ansptces ot General Relief Committee of Alameda Interment Mountain View Cemetery Oakland MORON In Alameda October 10 Benjamin beloved son of Benjamin and the late Loalae Moron a native of San Francisco aged 20 years and IS days 3 Friends and acaualntances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day Tbnrs 1 dar at 1030 oclock from the residence of his ratner ixAiameaa avenue Aiameaa interment Italian cemetery San Francisco MorrORET In this city October 10 Margaret beloved wife of Victor iloltoret and mother of lira Dowllng and A Moitoret a native of county Clare Ireland aged 59 years KF Friends and acquaintances are respectfally Invited to attend the funeral to morrow Frl dvl at 8 S0 oclock from the residence of her daughter Mrs Dowllng 126 Twelfth 1 strvct tbence tv St Joseph Church wbera solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of hersoul commencing at Sxi IntermentInterment Holy Cross Cemetery WATSON In Oakland Octobar 11 Ellen Waicoa belpved mother of Mrs HA PowUanatlvof I iuiiana agea oj vearv ieThe funeral will take place to morrow Friday at 11 oclock from tbe residence of her daughter 921 Jilyrtle street Oakland Funeral and Interment private WATSOX In this dty October li Charles Watson aeed 48 years ai Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to morrow Friday at 10 oclock at his late residence 2211 Clay street Interment private GOODRICH MrsMaxy Goodrich daughter of the late General Thomis It WUllama 9Frlends are resprtfnlly invited to attend the funeral to morrow Friday at 1115 oclock from St Lnkes Church corner of Clay street and Van Sess avenue JOlINSOS la Alaska September 7 Andrew Johnson beloved son of Bertha and brother of Ole and John Johnson a native of Bergen Nor wSv aged 37 years and 9 months jfirf rtends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Sunday October 15th at 1 oclock from Red Mens Hail 320 Post street between Stockton and PoweU Remains at ValenteOodeau fc Cos parlors 1524 Stockton street MATHEWS Efttered Into rest October It at Los Oatos William husband of Bebecia Mathews aged 58 years and 18 days IXew York papers please copy aSotlce of funeral hereafter DA VlS ln this dty October It Rees Wbeloved husband of Margaret Davts a native of Wales aged 80 years 5 months and a days JEsJNotIce of fnneral hereafter ROTHSCHILIIn this City October llvMlndel beloved mother of Mrs Goodman of Portland Mrs Ooodmao Mrs A JUeslintz Mrs Kramer and Mrs A Rothstetn of Kew York aged 73 years flaotlce of funeral hereafter SHATTCCC In tWsclty at St Lnkes Hospital September S3 Alonzo iioah Sbattuck for 32 years a resident of librae San Mateo county a native of ashua Hillsborough county JS It aged 60 years Boston Mass papers please copy BREOX In this dty September 26 Paul Charles Breon a native of California aged 19 years DREW In this city October 9 Mary Anne Drew a native ot California aged 15 years BALDWIN 4 AXHAYXA3t ftCo ISCEttAEOUS Uaklne Stronr Tonntr Slen Black physical directbr of the San Jfrancisec loung juenr uhnsuan Association jis mee tin with emlhen success in his Svork amonp jrounft mvri and boys at the Association Gymnasium A Urjte number of yonnjr men are Uking advantage of the physical department and on Iuesday eveninj Kbvember Tthj an athletic exhibition given by the members of theiathletlc Classes of the ain association and branches will taxe place at iletroptojitan llall which promises to be a most lntertstint aflalr HOfAL AES1VAL3 BAtDWtN HOTEL Charles Qutggle Gait DrTABennyhntTJSir Bowers sacramnto Ilnzhes Madera A Lyon do A McMahon Martinez TMColeman do Campbell Jr Kew Yrk Corey ChiCO Grant do Mctiarver Ckiah PHOKeefe Akwclty Mrs Smith Jfna Clara Kewnsaa do JVKeUey GA VanderbeckAwXA Brown Chicago Caaty Graysoa GW Clark Alameda CBBalnt Amador JGersonLshlp Patrson 1 Harklneu san Jose A Prersley Costoa Laederickv do A Keith Ban Jose RC83 UOPsE Wr Brewster Gait Sutherland Madera Hudson St Helena 8 Fomef Ferndale 8 Mathews Ckiah 6 McClonchey do Fry Rutherford Cornell California JPRodsers Westnort CP Smith Jones Sacramento Johnson do SdO BFCatlett KBDodsoni Malcolm ADMlUer do Young Stockton A ppoonexv A Hamtllon city waro ao BR Mount do Stokes fc Palo Alto aqartte nba City RRotribllt TWnrnlpvlliA 0 puilson Vacavine Miss Carpenter Wltow MrsRennlsAfmSnBrbra 8 Ferguson Ophlr Meane Hawaiian la Walker Kew York RM Wajaon Tahoev A Snyder California A Owens Fresno Wightman Oeden McSweeny Mnl Frk Durney Oakland art Ran Jose Woodora Woodland Hlckey StrKan Tran Newton do Rllhart A wHanford Blgelow do FrtlweUlogdPeUma 8 Little Dixon Snider fin Dav Urle Ketta Chicago Mlse Montgomery do OEnglLih California Miss Edwards Conectlct Mrs Garrett Healdsbarg Stlss nibb Perclval do 1 Mesmer tps Angeles iCMcCleary Mt view OF SeavVy Auburn Blow ba Bernardno PALACE HOTEL M8PosfcSeriJose HHIUger Chicago JKInkadew Auburn OC Kemp do Epstein ew York Sleimers Hamburg fraley Tennessee KocnlerNaanhetm HA Healy Pasadena DTuppec Fresno Buckingham Vacavll Mrs It Massey York MCnarpenUerJria KW Wilson Sew York TDnmonte do GKKmaUiw da Bradbury Los Angeles HockmeyerGuatemat a nKuac er R8Bakerw do A jaaer WBuUs do EP WertoelmerGetmny A Blacklngton Mass Kirscnten Russia tanroru Denver AMUSEMENTS THE ALCAZAIW355d 75 Cants GOOD RESERVED HAT FOB 25 CESTS THIS EVBfeXa AT 8 MR AK1 iTKEE RANKnr MKEK RANKIX EEE RAKiK irs MTCEB TtAXKTX MKEE RANKIN MSEE RANKIN Sapportedbyan Efficient Company in NANCY NANCY NANCY NANCY i NANCY NANCY NANCY NANCY NANCY NEXTMONDAY EVENING wm wUnesstte first production In this city of the powerful Melodrama entitled SARA SARA SARA SARA SARA SARA Thlr play Was written especially for MRS McKEB RANKIN and Was origtnaUsprodueed ml Palmers Theater New York when It icored an emphatic success seau for every night next week are now on sate at these welcome prices A Good Reserved Seat for 25 cents A LRU Better for Kn cents The Bast Cost Only 74 Cents STOCKWELLS THEATER 8TocwwiaLLemee and Proprietor ALT TlAfannnmm jtnjf THIS EVESINO AT 8 OCLOCK PaistxTiD Vrox a Sciut or Maasiyiexscxv DAMON AND PYTHIAS DAMON AND PYTHIAS MATINEE AT 3 SATCRDAY 0h SA ruiDAT EvrsriKQ Octobib Uth CHAS itcCABTHY and W3L CB0NI5 Uc ONE OF THE BRAVEST SaaTaow Ready TIVOLI KJtEUsca Baos OPERArHOUSE Proprietors and Managers PLANQOETTE3 ROMANTIC OPERA RIP VAN RIP VAN RIP VAN RIP VAN RIP VAN rip Van KIJT VAJS WINKLE WINKLE WINKLE WINKLE AVINKLK WINKLE WINKLE OCTOSXX 1 RlArrEABASCV TILLIE SALINGER PortTLAB PMCES 25c ass 50a THEATER Lessees and Managers TO NIGHT at 8 ifATINEE SATVBDAY At 2 Great Success of New Bill BOS IN A VOKESr USD HEB LOSDOX C0KEOT COXrAST 3 tfLAYS EACH EVENING 3 AtS riNSET At a THAT LAWYERS FEE Atl8 ifAlb MARIAN SHss Yokes great est creation PALtlFORNIA AtRtrius fe Co THEATER PLAYING TO CROWDED HOUSES Sutton Vanes Realistic Drama THE SPAN OF LIFE THE GREAT LIGHTHOITSE SCENE 1KB BRIDGE OP HUMAN BODIES EVERY NIGHT MATINEE SATCRDAY PRIZE MASQUERADE BALL THIRD ANNUAIA Given by the SPANISH MPTPAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY at the MECHANICS PAVILIONPAVILION on SATURDAY EVENING October 14 163a Prises will be distributed at mtdnUht No one allowed on the floor before 12 odock unless in run costume ainsic or Binms celebrated Band Tbe Parade will start from etocktonand Ijnlon fttreets at ft sham Thn In rMtnmn who wish to participate In on street demonstration can do no by sending their name and address 1413 will GOLDEN GATE HALL THTBTIETH CARR BEEL SATURDAY POP Concert Takes Place October 14th at 3 MR OTTOBENDIX MR LOUIS HEINE Soloists Seats now on Sale at Sherman Clay otCOs THE TITKP TE0TTIHO EOESE BSEEDEE3 A3SH RACES OAKLAND RACE TRACK October 7 la IL12 13 14 FOUR KACES TUESDAY OCTOBER 10TH Races commence at 130 oclock Mme Marantette with her worlds champion hlKh iumplns horses win give an exhibition each afternoon The Orloft Trotters recently sent to Palo Alto by the Czar of Russia exhibited each day Boats leaving foot of Market street at 12 1230 130 and if oclock connect with trains stopping at the track Fare 10c ADMISSION 1 LADIES FREE MISCELLANEOUS For Infanta and Children Caatorla proraotea Dlgastlon and overcomes Flatulency Constipation Sbnr Stomach Diarrhcea and Feverishness Thus the child is rendered health and Its sleep natural Castoria contains ho Morphine or other narcotic property Caatorla Is so wall adapted to children that reoamnund tt as superior to any prescription known to me it A Aschib tL Ill Sooth Oitord8tBrootlTBNY From personal knowledge and observation I can say that CastOria is an excellent medicine for children actinjr as a laxaUvo and relieving the pent np bowels and general system very ranch Many mothers have told me of Its excellent effect upon their chtldren Db Osocod Lowell Mass Tor several years i haw recommended Castoria and shall always continue to do so as it haa invariably produced beneficial results Eowcr Passee 125th Street and 7ihAve New York aty HThe use of Castorla is so nniversal and its merits so well known that It seems a work ot supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach Gasxo Mabttk DD NewYorkCity MARTIN MOBEI8QN Jhanaral Dlrctrs It Embalmers Are BtUl ta Buatness at 1X8 CrEAItXSTIllSErr YEUtPHONE 11 NOTIOEL Taxes 4neTJpon Assessments Made by the State Board of Equalization CONTROLLERS DEPARTMENT STATE OF California Sacramento October 10 1893 In accordance with the provisions of section 3068 of the Political Code notice Is hereby given that I have received from the State Board of Equalization the DuDlicate Record of Assessments of Rail ways and the Duplicate Record of Apportionment of Railway Assessments containing the as sessments upon tne property oi eacn or tne 101 lontir niRiwl awttxHatfona or cornorattona a fixed oy the said State Board of Equalization for the year D393 to wlt California Pacific Railroad Company Central Pacific Railroad Comnanv Northern California Railway Company Northern Railway Company Ban iTancucoanu jonn racinc jajiway tom pany Southern Pacific Railroad Company Southern California Railway COmpaOT Carson and Colorado Railroad Company Moran Moran and A Moran Nevada California Oregon Railways Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Company North Pacific Coast Railroad vornpony racinc tass Jiajiway lompauyv Sooth Pacific Coast Railroad Company Gualala River Railroad Comnanr California and Nevada Railroad Company Pajaro Valley Railroad Company Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company San Francisco and san Mateo Railroad Company and Pullmans Palace Car Compenr The frfate and county taxes on alt personal property and one half of the State and county taxes on all real property are now due and payable and will be delinquent on tbe LAST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT at oclock and unless paid to the state Treasurer at the Capitol prior thereto per cent will be added to the amount thereof and unless so paid on or before the LAST MONDAY IN APRIL NEXT at 6 oclock it an additional per cent wlllbe added to the amount thereof The Temalnlns one half of the State and county taxes on all real property wilt he due and payable at any time after the FI RST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT and will be delinquent on the LAST MONDAY IN APBIL NEXT at6oclock and unless paid to the Mate Treasurer at the Capitol prior thereto per rent will be added to tbe amount thereof COW AN State Controller 8TXAMSHTP TRAVEL PACIFIC OA 8TSAMSHT CO QTKAMERS willsailfrombroadway wharf fan Francisco as foUowi Lorinz Wfantle Jtreeao Sitka etc Aliska at 9ifOct 1137 Nov and Dec 11 8 For Victoria and VancoaverB ti Port Anae les Port ownsenaVKeattleiTaroma Kverttt An arortesFalrhiveo and New Woaicomi Wash 9 a October 2L and every nrth day thereafter connectlnx at Vancouver with ft at Ta coma with at Seattle with Gr Nor By lines St Fort Townsend wttn Alaska steamers For Eureka Areata and Fields Landing tfnnv boidt bay steamer Pomona every Wednesday at 9ak For Santa Crux Monterev San Mmeon Cay ess Pert Harford San Lnls Obispo Gavtota Santa Barbara Ventura Hueneme san Pedro East san Pedro Lot Anceleal and Newnort 8 a net 9 1418 SS 27 Nov 1 6 1014 19 23 2 Dec 1 1 1L 20 25 SX ForsaaDlezostopploa only at Port Harford Sait Lais Obispo aot Barbara Port Los Anxe tea Santa Monica Redondo Los Anrelea and Newport II Oct 2 7 It 18202S29Nov 7 ii 1831 25 30fDc4 9 13 DX 2X 27 SL ForEnsenada Sail Jose del Cabo Matdalena bay MaiatlanTLa lax and Gaaymat Mexico steamer Newbem 10 A it 23th of each month Ticket office Palace Hotel 4 ew Montgomery street GOODALL PERKINS A CO General Axenta 10 Market street Ban Francisco PACIFIC MAIL STalAldHIP CO JHROCGH LINF TO NEW IlORK VIA PANAMA Calling at various ports of Mexico and Central America Kalllnf at noon Cc41mOct 181 Acapulco Jct 28 I ffat vnC ntan Xnr 8 Nora When the salllnv day falls on Sunday steamers wlUb dispatched fotlowlns Monday 4APAN AND CHINA LINE FOR YOKOHAMA AND HONGKONG Connecting at Yokohama with steamers for Shaaghat and at If onxkorqr for India etc ftauin at 3P CltyofRlodeJanOct t9iC1tyofreklnir Nov City of New YorkOctMiChtBavUHonlttNOvii Ronnd trlp Tickets at reduced rates For trelcbt and passaxe apply at the omce corner First and Brannsn streets Branch ollce W2 Front street ALEXANDER CENTER General Af ent FOB PORTLAND AND ABTORIA OB THE DNrONlPACinO SYSTEM OCEAN division and Pacific Coast Steamship Company will dispatch from Spear street wharf at 10 AM one of their Al iron steamships vlx Stat or CAtrroaWA Oct 6 16 26 Noy sad Dec 6 Jo 29 QOLUMBIA Oct It 21SINov and Dec la 20 3a Connecting via Portland wrth tbetThion Pacific and other diverting lines from all points In Ore eon Washlntton British Columbia Alaska Idaho Montana Dakota Utah Wyoming Yellowstone Park and all other points east and south and to Europe Fare to Portland Cabin S18r steerare 8 ronnd trip 3a Tlrket office Palace HnteL A New Monte ornery street and 1 Monts omerv street Fretxht oQce 200 CaUforuia street GOODALL PERKINS CO Supts Ocean line 10 Market at Sao Franct tco OCCIDENTAL uEIENTAL SrE tMSHIP CO FOR JAPAN AND CHINA STEAMERS WILI LEAVE WHARF COR ner First and Brannan streets at 3 at for YOKOHAMA aND HONGKONG Connecting at Yokohama with steamer for BHANGHAL nAsrTTn Ttmriy NovcmberSd BELGlC iiThursday November 30th Honndlrfn tlrk at rpdnreri ratea Cabin tilana en exhibition and sassensera tick ets for sale at Comoanva aefterai oSces room 74 corner Fourth and Townsend streets tan tvancucoi lor freight apply to the trade manager at the Pacific Mail Steamship Companys wharf or at 202 Front street San Francisco HuouuiA7iuen rassAgent GEtt RICE Traffic Managar OEiGOS PACIFJC C08TEAltEK Steamshln line to YAOCTNA BAY By this route 235 miles by steamer Is saved over any other route ttteamers are buUt of iron with water tlsht compartments Will salt from section 4 seawall VALLEY will sail from San Francisco Tuesday October 17th at 9 a No freight received after a on aay oi sailing Passenger rates to Portland first class 14 second class f8 Albany first class 112 second class S7 For fretirht rates aonlv to VACG1LN General Agent section 4 teawau FOR HUMBOLDT BAT EUREKA ARCATA AND FIELDS LANDED and DIRECT ROUTE TO NEW RIVER MINES carrylnx the Unit4 For freight and passage apply to KALISH A COh 400 Front street SHOAIWATEK BAY AND GBATS HARBOH ONLY DIRECT ROUTE Commercial line of steamers salltna ererr other Saturday at 10X lff commendnc January 6V 1893 tot all nninta on the above harbor GRAYS KARUOK COMMERCIAL COMPANY 121 Market st Saa Frandsco AMERICAN AND RED STAR UNK8 THE ACCOMMODATIONS AND INDUCE xcenu offered by these lines are unsurpassed Refrni wrelclY aerrlce between New York Southampton Paris Antwerp and all continental points by the new twin screw steamers of 10500 tons Steerage tickets to and from all European points at very low rates ror iicxetscaoin plans ana raruier lniormauon apply to G7w FLETCHER AXnt eiSMarketstreet Grand Hotel buTldtnk INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY NOuTH GKRMAN LLOYD CO AtEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON BREMEN JLl The fast einress steamers of this company 1 sail every TUESDAY and SATURDAY 1 Spree aale Werrs Kaiser Wilhelm II Havel AUerFulrta Latin Elder Elbe Trave Ems FAST ROUTE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN Direct line to fronth of France Riviera and Italy touchtnir at Gibraltar to land passenger to rvnain M5ruioa iat jrovam aia rM SB Werra Sat Nov 18tnat 2F leave New YorJc for Genoa and reamltrly thereafter ROBERT CAPELLElGeneral A tent for Paclfie coast 118 Montgomery street under Occidental noteisairTancisco CJMFAQNIE QNRALE TRAN ATLANTieUEfc PRENCH LINE TOHAVRECOMPANYS pier new 42 North river foot of Morton street Tiwrelrrs by thlsUne avoid both transit byEngilsb railway and the discomfort of crosslne the channel in a small boat La Bourxojne Capt Leboeuf Saturday Sepw 30 at pm La Ere ugne Captain Collier Saturday Oct 7 at 2 La Gascojne taptsantelll Saturday Oct 14 at 6 a ml Touraine Capt FrangeuL Saturday Oct 21 at noon La Champagne Capt Laurent Saturday Oct 28 at 6 Ttv La Bret agne Capt Coiiler Saturday Novs 4 at 1 pm For further nartlculara ppiy to A FORGET Agent 8 Bow linr Green New York JE FCGAZI ixk Agents 5 Montgomery ave in Francisco branch office 19 Montgomery st HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO FAST LINE TO IXINDON AND THE CONTINENT- I New York Southampton Ilambnrj fast twin iscrew express steamers TCnnnannla Siept 111 Avirtorla flrt 5 Bismarck Pept 21 INortDaanla Oct 13 Columbia epu 281F Bismarck Oct19 Passengers for London landed at Southampton forwarded by special train to London free Express cabin passengers for the Continent are landed at Cuxnaven and forwarded by rait to Hamburg AWMYKRGenlAgt Pacific Coast 401 California st cor Sanson San Francisco RAlXROAD TRAVEL ODTUEStN Atiric cojipant TAfinO SVSYCKV Tritlisa leareasil nredn tanrrl vt has rpasaMio LXAva fKott oert lyU Aaaivi 7rOAAUauiklKipraMOdeiiEast 43 700a Benlda Vacarilie JEamscT fteautectoandReAdiss Via DarU 7J3P 7i0A Martlnw San Ramon Napa Cauatogatnl3aiitsRosaM tttlSr lilllKilca Saa Jax Hiocktotv lone Sacrauiento llaiys UleRtIUiraadOmfUI 4ilSp ttaeANsw Oiltsiis Xxpresa Santa Barbara 1 A lwu Injc Kl 1kv New Orlcaps East flHSp 9A Stockton al Mnum 10OAlIaywardiiNilesalrinJoM ll3p taiOvxIIsrwardNilca Can Jose 4il3e lrOrHacnusutUItrKteam IiHi 4wOr Marttnex fan Ramou Vallejo Napa CaSxtoga XIYctaMi and KanUltiK 943a 4tMP lienida YacariUe WonHand KntybU Landing altryiriOs HrwillleandHactaiiwuio ISilSa 4i30rNUeLlferMMiceandSasJoM i4a Siooe Karopoan Mall VUn Kant 1 03a 8i39r Uxnlntx Ktatiton nartMud for YoBcmiCT auJiTTsno I0t3a SiSOp Lna Anucim Kjts tKano lUtersUeU tUuU Barbara and lmAnipiles IttfSA OiSOr Haiita Itonifl AtinU Ex pre for Molars aiM lixt 10i43a rMr1lsgruttrdKUrsaadiaaJoM 7M3a t7t0rValleJ Si43r 7r Orejon Express rUcnnenta MarrsHlle HsdiUor Port lau CPirtXwimlaiIKat lia4 StSTA III DiYIMOt Xarratf StwT t743 A Huwlav Excursiou for Newark Salt Jose JdS Catos FeltOB ind8aBtaCrai ttit il8ANearkentervllleKanJoaa FelWB nonlibr Crttk Santa Crux and Way Ptatione i3t 3l3r Newark Ceatrrruia San Jose Aunadrn TcUon Bontdar Creek Rant Srux and Prto dpi WsfBUtlODJ IlSt di43eNewsrk H40 Jew ls Oatos 03a COAST IIITISKH Third A Timiunicl Ma lOOAHan Jose AusadM atat Way flUtlons jr tTiSOABan Jose SanU Crux Paelfis GrovePractpalWtyStaeioBt i33r StlSfio Jraw Tm HmU Crux PsdOa GrvTcPaao Ro XSan ImIs OUspot awt PrliKliml WTUUons tr iSOa Palo Alia aad Wy fiulioo 9i3p iOaKu Jaand VTKUtlans 3p ltt3e PahAltaad Way BUIiw 4il3p aSr ban Jaw GUroyTres linos buita Crux ttalinaa Mea terey and Tacifio lrT I0H0a vasSapSM Jose and Principal Way Rtal4oa Oi47a tsSSr PliAltond Wtybutioo StlapaaaJouandWyetjabna Ss IAa 6i30p Palo Alto and WsyttatUns CiOSa 11Il43e Pl Alto awl lMadpal Wy Statlous ttsttr CHEEK ROUTE FERRY tub SU lUimBDtmt sMUrxet Street Si 7 CO 800 SCO 10 00 and 11 00 A Jl US 300 CO 69 BOOand JWiut run eUUia Foot BmlxxT CO 7 CO r8C0 900 1000 asd 1103 ait Ud 8C3 3C3 4C3 SCO and 08 AforMcmfng for Af tvsott Sundays excepted 1 8atordsxs only 1 Snndsys only I Monosy Wednesday and Friday bly KOBTH PACIWC COAST 3S CO Via Bausallto Farry TIME TABLE IN EFFECT OCTOBER 189i Fpom Frannlwor fiATJSALItO Stid 8ASRAPAEL weekdsynl 730 9M lliOO A tr lH5825v 8ia 6rtfS Sundaysi 800 100a 1130 a H4 10 3X0 430 600 It Extra trip on Sundays to SACSALTTO at 73a PM To MILL VALLEY week oys 7a90011Kxi a 823 5ia WJra lSuaays ai 1000 1130 a Jr 1X300430 Jt Extra trip on Saturdays to MILL VALLEY at l45pt 1 FrancUeo 4LSSe fis Extra trip on Saturday at 635 xr iTqm MILL VALLEV wekdays 4iSa7il5 810 1110 AK SdSS CIO PM Sundays 805 1010 1140 A it 140 80440615 pi -From SACSALTTO week djtys 655 815 955 114V a K22S 405 645 PM igundaysl iS 105 a 1240 315 345 615 645 PJC Extra trip on Saturdays at 35 pm 7301 week 145 joaya 8 SB Sunday 730AJcTweexi l4Jpicdar 7 A it week days l45pitSatmr days CampTajlor Tocaloma Point Beye Marshaa Hamlet Tomalea Howards Duncans Mills Csxadero 10 Mila days 1215 Sua lion expo lSritweelt A ara 715 1 pays 8m Mob ujas cars 1215 pxtSun Msn exed 815 px week nays 10S5akMob days 615 week ays Thtrty day Kxcursioo Round trip 2SI reduction Frldav to Monday excursion Round trip ttcketa Tocaloma and Point Rerea SI 25 Tomalea 32 Howards 32 50 Caxadero 33 Sandar Excursions Round tHnt Caaap Taylotv Tocaloma and Point Reyes 3L STAGS CONNECTIONlx siaes leave Caxa dsro cally Sundays excepted on arrival of mora lax train from Sag Francisco for Stewarts Point Ocalala Point Arena Coffeys Cove Navarro Mendocino City Caspar Noyo Fort Bragg and all points oa the North Coast Stage from above points will connect af Caxaderowtth trains foraa Francisco at 1 it week daya FB LATHAM Gex Pass tTkt Agt jGaaeral offices 14 Eansom street SF BAUFBANCISCO AND NORTS VAr CIFIC BAIiWATCO Txscaos Fiaav Foot or MABirrr Sa OFFICIAL i TIME TABLE Isr Emci Aran is 1893 Leave -Baa Francisco 740a 800am I Ukiuh and 330pm tatermedl ate pomu TOaK rOAM I aURJAM 740ASI I J0 740AJT 800am VSiOaM ASSIG NEE SAIJE BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEE OiP GOLDBERG Stockton the entire stock of mens and bova clothing hats and cans boots and shoea contained In the store of said Goldberg located nn El Dorado street and known as lL will be MldtothehlghestbldderOCTOBERUTH Bids will be received at tbe office of HyaravFcuson Co 23 and 27 Sansome street San Francisco until 2 pm of the 14th Inst All bids must be accom panted by certified check of 10 percent Ire serve tne ngm to reject any or an mas GUMPEBTZ Assignee NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECETVED at the omce orthe ooara ox trustees or tne Southern California Slate Asylum for the Insane and Inebriates at the Farmers Exchange Bank building San Bernardino California until 12 oclock noon THURSDAY the 26th day of October 1833 for the following branches of labor and materials to be furnished for the erection and completion of a ward building for the Southern California fctate Asylum for the Insane and Inebriates located at Asylum San Bernardino county California separate bids rill be received and separate contracts made for the furnishing of the materials for and doing the Mason and Iron work Including grading concrete brick work Vone cast and wrought Iron work and steel beams Proposals on this branch of work to contain lwfl nrica jnim it Swpl broirn atone is used in tne basement ana tne oiner AnzonrDrowir atone ts used as set forth la tbe specincatlona a carpenter ana pusterera wore llndndlnc caroentrv mill work hardware alaaa and glaxtng lathing and plastering a xrinmotng gas stung ana ikiu neaung work 4 Galvanised Iron an tin work 6 Painting and polishing Electric work Flans and specifications can be seen and blank forms of proposai obtained at the office of tbe Board ot TTrnsteesV tarmers Exchange Bank Building San Bernardino CaL and at tne effica op William Cudett architect Pheian BuUdingv can rancisco vai Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond as provided by law for 10 per cent of the amount of iheproposal tendered No Chinese labor or materials maitnfartnrd hV Chinese labor are to be used In the construction of said ward buuaing Contractors to accept Controllers warranton the State Treasurer In navment of above worfca The Board of Trustees reserves the tight to reject any or ail bids If found necessary as the pub lie cood may require Board- of Trustees of the Southern California State Asylum for tbe Insane and Inebriates 1 DREW Chairman toss Moktow secretary 920am 930am 1100 am 1 1U20AM BUSIHESa TJOLLEQE 2Po titrrmt Saa Francisco CaL Bead fotCtrcalac Daiij Gnerne vllle and In termed at pelnta JXnt 1 tMini jSebastopot ana intermediate points 880pm OOOFM 503 PM tlflJWAM UOra Glen FJlea SDaiater medlate i points Santa Rosa and intermediate poinla a 3nra Kan ttftfal i 500pm I and Inter SOjpMr mediate 620pm 1 point I 70nt 860AM 10411a 850am T1U5UAX 104AK 725am1 860am I 915am I e63ni I eaupst 6D5pit 10Pat i Pat tli30Pt jt 340PK 448 rat tiasCUM B05PU iia40AM 1CPX Dally except sunaar tsunoayaoaiy I ftaturdsys and Sundays only Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs Stages connect at GeyservtDe for Skaggs Springs Stew arts Pot ntGualala and Point Arena stagea connect at Cloverdale for tbe Geysers Stages connect at Pleta for Highland Springs KelseyVUU Soda Bay Lakeport and Bartleii Springs stages connect at Uklah for Vichy Springs Sar toga Springs Bin Lakes Upper Lake Lakeport Boonevtlle Greenwood Orrs Hot Springs Men doctno City Ton Bragg Usal Westport Cahte Willltts Calpella HarrG Blockxburg Brldevilla Vydesvtlle and Eureka Special reduced rates on Sxturtxy to Monday tickets -On Sundays half rates to all petatt beyond Baa Rafael Ticket office corner New Montremery and Market streets under Palace HoteL a WHITrNa BJC RYAN Gen Manager GenFasaAgV LMi ui Pacifie 1 Sani Mi Trains Leave and Arrive nt SnFrneIo Market street Ferry Leave Dauy From Aug lhSt Arrive Dally 630 900 Fast exp via MoiaveL 10 16 a auduc lvxprrsa via Los Angeles 845 PM Ticket Office 650 Market St Chrojtlcie buildlngv Saa Francisco WABISaELL Geuerat Passenger Ageat VrOTlCE THE CALIFORKIA DEBRIS COX Xt mission duly appointed under the actof Congress of arch 193 having received a petition from Buckley and Louis Hillman for permission to mine by the hydraulic process la the Illinois Gold Gravel mine at Secret Diggifljrinear La Porte Flnaias county California ana to de Bosittallingslnanold hydraulic pit hereby gives notice to all concerned that a hearing will be held at tbe omce pf the Commission room 82 Flood building san Francisco en October 24 1833 at 130 oclock pm On and before this hour and date all parties interested may file affidavit pians and maDS In sucoort of their Tpsnerttre claims By order of the Commission HEUER Major Corps of Emrtneers0 BrA Secretary ol TO THE TJISfFOaTUNATE Dr Gibbons Dispensary iftOQ KEARNY STREET COR COM iO merdalSanFTanciscoentgaac on Commercial street EstabUAed la 1854 for the treatment and cure o7ll iW eases of the urinary and generative organs and all stages of seminal weakness consMraent nmn th rrnra at traK ranee of tbe sexes successfully treated The sick and afflicted should not fail to call unooblm The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there obtaining a great deal of valuable information which he is competent to Impart to those tn need oX his services The Doctor cures when others fhiL Try him DR GIBBON will make no Charge unless be effects a care Persons at distance may be CORED AT HOME All communications strictly confidential Charges reasonable Call or rite Address DR JF GIBBON 623 Kearny street of box 1957 Saa Francisco.

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