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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 1

San Francisco, California
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i HJfci vi A fiPI ISsSSt II rP i7ttymwvaiwniii 14 irtUiUifrtUdrTiBnrM SUNDAY SCURONICLE PSEWWBKaS tSkiSE 5EOLiv S2 8srasffi lkilLl jiiiifi5i wiKiiiki ti mi 1 1 ivV i a aiiB BV imtgizz A aBr Br rK1 bsssstVlv anssssU1 aasaaaaar aasaWr JsasaaaaasT BkA Jmr Jmrl saBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav ViiHiJBVMv1jVWrWvi tsssavT jjsssasr Hr i earn niaav ew ssaaaf laaanar ssasr i ssar asaais ssBBBBBaBnv snap ev ananaar eaBBsn sanaaaar nanar bsbsbf i aasnr aaBnanaBS aaanw aaBsar ssaaBnasnasnasnaBB aaar anassni aaar anw iit a aw aaar bwl aaar ar aav wasr lit sbf 4aananananananaEaaaw a fy ffjft nTTT ij Tfc JiVa UMI oion i rrUAY uiiUI4V mrvtaM frr3r caM WMkimtti rw i bALYbEtft sUndXi bCExSt glVgygai I tl JB HP i iiililn ii liirrtiS Gnres Uii Battles CTfecf ilCli Tit DV ill cilTiiin ifDwooi UIVDC CllPPtfP Hflli In lrUlf vif i rJ Hit li It Hi Ufll rli INII i wtwymiMieVmittw HUH fir hPlfr UirriltulUCilI FrtimFranaDonna sm I fill JIUkRI UJ JJnOtH mmsm mmBSBB si mWmjm 1 i Wt A i IIIhhV i noP4 IBBBb Ct bIBBBBbw aiEor i BBBTafeiftBlB saBBBMtefciL 13BBBBBBB1 BBBmcWBV WiiHl3BBBBBBB BillMgllM mm JBJSIBlBlK PIiBlBBMlBBfc sBBlB aJPIB1B1B SJjBVi fijHf vP PBBBBb BBBBBtflByBnBJHBlBBP B1BBBBB1BBH993EB1BB1BK fwjBl lHBBHBflHBBkiHS MMrv Kv MhY VntPS hAMMMMMMlnrtlIHMaiMAiMIMriaH I 9 Liifc i 1 llillfTIfc I StfKaSuBHRSSSi IJIIIW llllll Nation on threshold of Ac live Era He tells Busl ness Gathering SHIP SUBSIDY FIRST Would Not Destroy AmerU can Commerce to Build Op Foreign Lands i WASmNQTON May 18 Ilt Hrdlnc pklnr today before th chamber of Commerce of theUnltedStaUi declared that the country atiJfeUVerr moment If oji the thrtahhold of a new era that niielneii lireTlTln and the conn try Attain tieeM The aoTrn Jrfcnt lie aalaV wae greatly Inter ceted to reatoratlon of normal World bnelneae fend economic con Bltlona and be ajlded that there wee dlepoaltlon on It part to hold aloof from other natlone American lnduitry however he tald ahould not be destroyed to bull np the commerce of other iandi American Marine Holds First Place la Mind The tTefldent declared there not one conetructtTe thoufht In the mind of the AdmInetrton at the present time which took rank over that of a delrto establish firmly And acceafullya JLmerlcaa merchant marine Her doubted he laid It the World war would have occurred had the United States poi seeeed a merchant marine commensurate with III commercial lmport ence If there le any one reaUxatlon lie said which flxei itself more firmly than another In the mind of bne chaffed with treat retponsl blllty It Is the convtotlon that the business life of the Republic la the reflex of all Its good fortunes tbnk I can venture to say that commerce and clTlllxatlon sTO hand in hand and were It not for commerce there would be no civilization Commerce Mutt Never Be Placed Rear From the viewpoint of one In authority and having responsibility comes another consideration Com tnerce finds Its place In all our con siderations Undoubtedly it bad mnch to do with the brlngrlnc about of the World war and I think I can ay Just as oonfldently that IV was sever once rorrotten in the neso tlatlon of peace It Is so lnextrl cably assoclatld with all we do that commerce Is always foremost In the life of any people We In America am sure It Is not unseemly to say It are oom merclally a creat people and we oudST to be Qod blessed us most bountifully in resources In the citlienship of this republic la te blend of every people In the world iOmoat and 1 like to eay I belHte we are unexcelled In cenlus are Incomparable In our Industry had we have the talent an the determination the rtshteoua determination to be commercially one of the foremost nations of the world Speak for a Commerce Having a Conscience This aspiration to excel laborer an Impelling one because we have learned from pur observations of social and civic life that from the vreat golden stream of commerce flows everything In file WoffK while GlotzijaCh Writes Mme Matzenauer HeWiU Hot Stanci in i Light of Hit Happiness rloyd Glpubach chauffeur hus band of Mme Margaret Uatieaauer will not stand In the light of the prima donnas happlneis la tplte of the fact that Mme Matsenauer has grossly wounded him by hen charge of Infidelity ashesaya lie will maintain his Integrity to the last permitting her to obtain a divorce In her own way and at her leisure In pursuance of his new objective aioUbach yesterday In strucUd Attorney Maxwell Peyser toconcel the divorce petition he filed a ew weeks ago as a counter action to the suit the singer had brought against him In New York ABANDONS FIGHT After a conference with Attorney Peyser Glotibach mailed the foU lowrag letterto his wife Mme Margaret Matsenauert have today Instructed my attorney to drop all counter actions and any other proceedings that may arise In our affairs I will Uke all responsibility and consent to a default that you may get a divorce from me I do not want to tamper ycur lifeln sny wsy sndI know I would If I oon tlnuea this action It has cost roc a great deal of embarrassment time and money butJn the end It Is no great glory to nie or any man to beat or beit a woman riease grant the privilege of congratulating you upon yotjr com ing birthday rtOYO GLOTZBACHJ DEAIUSO OI MAY It Is problematieal what effect aioUbecha chivalry will have oa Mme Malsenauer Peyser sajrsi She has secured an array of witnesses for a hearing scheduled at Salinas on Msy 21 It Is presumed that they will be asked to testify In regard to Qlotibschs relations with the Carmel woman mentioned In the i prima donnas divorce complaint Glotibach declares that thero Is nothing behind his apparent change of heart save an honest desire to accede to Mme MaUenauers desire for her freedom The move has been made entirely on his own Initiative be maintains and there has been no recent communication between hlmeelf and his wife I Grnivoroiis Frogs Latest Menace in City in Oklaiioma Residfents Attracted by Cackle of Distress See Fryer Thawed to Pond A I JI IX were uyv ruui stream that comes from exchangesrr OH JT CU RCntliyi8 from productivity and exchanges there would be little of educatba there would be less of art there would be few of the finer attainmentswhich make life worth while While I am speakintT very briefly I wish to speajic ladles jind gentlemen a commerce wlthY a conscience1 irTVere to bring only one ad monition to you I would like to Charge you men and women of ln Ceallaaed ea Page Coleaia 3 i dragged to rond BLACKVBl4v Jfar 1 The Blackwellua fiuay Inves tlgated a report that carnivorous frogs were menacing chickens in the south portion of the city and fottnd tw4 Besidets Of the district detlarsd they had been attracted by the cackles of distress from the fowls to a nearby pond and found enlarge bullfrog dragging a frying sixe chicken Into the water SbriityWorkinUS MEW fofaZ May XSv Frlts von Falkenhayn only son of the late Field Marshal voir Falkenhayn fori chief of etaif of th Oerman army arrived today on the Bey as technical chief of Qerman air forcee during the war He said he going in iodine automooue dusi ieavlnjAmerlcik rijr President Confers Witft In dustry Chiefs ai White House Dinner REQUEST IS FAVORED Standard Work Shift Held Vital to Prosperity Jn Future Br ARTHURS HENNING rMlal by Leased Win Tbe Chronicle WASHINGTON May7 leV Aboll tlen of the twelve hour day In Ihe iteet industry was favored by forty one steely company executives frfrinall parts of the country who wers guests at the White House tonight of President Harding who breached thfs subject tp them A appointed by Klbert Gary chair man of the board of the United States Steel corporation acting In the capacity of president of the Iron and Steel Institute will undertake formulate ways and means of meeting the administrations request when practical The President expressed the belief that the country Is on the eve of a great revival1 of industrial activity and the opinion that unless the twelvelhour day Is abandoned now it will he dlfflcult to ibotish it when he mills are again operating atfullcapacitjr ti General Agreement Held Necewary Harding has been making edorts for some time to induce the United States Steel Corporation to sat the exampfe of abolition of the long shift on humanitarian grounds but he reached the conclusion that success In this direction could be achieved only by a general agreement of the steel companies to abandon the system so long In vogue IS Gary chairman ot the board and James A Farrell presM dent of the United States Steel Corporation wers among the distinguished captains ot the steel Indue try at the dinner tonight and one Of the bs features of the gathering wai a dlscueslon of conditions In the iteer mIls and the steel trade tn which Gary Secretary of Com tnerce Hoover and Secretary of La bor Davis took a prominent part Discussion Covers Rail Rate Also The discussion appears to have taken a wide range all the way from the factor of the proposed redact of freight rates In the re sumption of normal business ac tivity to the question ot the abolition ot the twelve hour day la the steel Induetry IOn the latter subject the Presi dent le reported to have had something Important to say all to the effect that the twelve hour day ouihtto be abolished on humanl art an grounds Secretary Davis supported the attitude of the Ftil dent fiom the viewpoint of the In tereit of the working men 8 Hour Shift tv Big Mill Is Success Secretary Davis pointed out that Ih eight hour shift had been established In a Chicago rolling mill one of the largest In the coun try and assorted that the change has Increased efficiency and volume of production with only alight ln Movie Actors Wedding Causes Investigation of iruenocutQry mupuais DESERT FETE REVEALfeD Officers Report Onique Ac tibns ofBrldal Entourage Tlear Border Special Dlts4cfta The Cbroelcle LOS ANGELES May II A Silk pajama party In tHe desert following the marriage in Mexico fIto dolph Vaientiho Idol of the flappers and Winifred Uudnut the bride who hee forsaken him after three days of marrlagehas started state and federal prosecutors on the trail of the men who married Hollywoods Interlocutory brldea committee of five steel men to be 7 1 against Valentino as a result ot his marriage to Miss HudnUt only three months after the granting of his interlocutory decree of divorce from Jean Acker District Attorney Woolwlne said Several other members ot the Hollywood colony are sad to have been careless about waiting the statutory1 year which would fie them from their former matrimonial bonds Walthall and Mayo Under Investigation Henry Walthall and Frank Mayo are among those whose second marriages sire under Investigation according the proseoutor ln addition to the possible bigamy charges Valentino Is under investigatlpn in the metter of possible violation of the Mann act Prank Sturgla the Federal ofJW clal In charge of ihe case said Sturgls has been Informed that Valentino caused Miss Hudnufs trsnsportatlon across a state line after a marriage ceremony which la not recognised in California SOk Pajama Party Revealed The Interest ot the authorities flrst was drawn to thscase by the reports of Deputy Sheriff Couts and Bell first detailed on the esse that the bridal partv entered the dining room ot a hotel in Palm Springs clad in silk pajamas They reported this on their return to Los Angeles and the authorities decided that kind of a wedding would stand looking into The result has been a sensation that sent the bride scurrying off to New York probably to cross en route her father who Is reported to be hastening toward Los An eeles Also It hs stirred the movie ICeaUaaed ea Page Celasaa Pinchotin WSi create in payrdll expense At the dinner ot the railway diltt tSUgo tivwork yalkinhayakBtv on ii Ji A 3Mmt will endeavor to brlnar arsii a ne isr iss nn i ax uin nan siavrsHi iew I1 2 I Vulr ttVa Aniii about the consummation pf a plan for the promotion of business re vival which he has been considcr ingVrr several months RADIO SETS GOOD NEWS FO lRYBDY Seepage TODAYS CHROLE SSd vwr if TntLADELPHJA May 1 3if ford Plnchot tonlf nairtaliijed hls lead over Attorney General qeoipfe Alter In the returns from Tues days primary With all but IU of the 7M districts ta the state un officially reported Plnchot had a lead of KI7 Thetptal vote so far received gave Plnohot UIT9 and Alter 4S0I01 Pittsburgs rsturns completed today gave Alter a majority of eStU Philadelphias majoritymajority for Alter was 11041 Plnchots vpte In the state outside of the two big counties according to the incomplete returns was S21J08 and Altera ISSSSl Several women were nominated for the state Legislature by both republlcansand democrats Two women were nominated by the democrats for representative la Con gress Plnchot today received a oongraU ulatory telegram from Mrs Edith Roossveit widow of Theodore Roosevelt under whom Plnchot served as national forester uurrah i for Pennsylvania Tour the II ll I I I I I I I i tii rp iXtsif ri viF 1 urned Into Kum r4n friends are gram read righted tele Santa Rosa Electa Modern Idea Board special unpens te tm cnneiaa SANTA noaA May 11 A new board of school trustees was elected at a maes meeting this evening to take the place of the board which recently resigned because the par erits and students refused to allow the dismissal of Mrs Stella Thorn berry Close principal of the Lin coln grammar school who was ac cused oXjvearlng her dresses too short and using face powder The mass meeting of 111 residents was presided over by Benjamin Bal lard The new board elected con slats of Henry Peess William Brayton and Mrs Alfred Wolfe hi 1 1 i i 0 Air at St Thomas Dense With Dust ST THOMAS Virgin Islanda IS by tmi AssJoUted Pres ror some days past an unusual atmos pheric phenomenon has been ob served hers and on other of the West India islands The air has been dense andhasy a heavy dnsty mist apparently consisting of very light particles of matter falling continually The visibility has been Indistinct The phenomenon Is supposed to be of volcanic origin but all of the volcanoes in the West ladles are reported quiet Prohibition agents who have been waiting1 sinoe May Sforsomeons to claim forty one barrels labeled dried herring and consigned to the Olsen risk company by a shipper In Seattle got tired of their vigil yesterday and seised the Jbar rels which contained SCO bottles of lne Scotch whisky Prohibition Director Pf Hutter and Agent CH Wheeler received a tip that he liquor was coming in Apparently the consignee In his turn got a tip they were waiting for him Another seiture of US botll of fine Scotch was made yesterday by Captain Goff and a posse when It was brought la from Petaluma on a truck driven by William Hent mleter 1417 Geary street Operatives followed Hen tmlster to Petaluma when be wentithere to plik up the liquor and trailed him back Ha said he did not own the wblsky but refused to tell the owners name He was arrested The two selsures made the larr esr eoaflsoatlon of liquet ot such fine quality any day this year i i Son of Millionaire Injured in Crash CHICAGO Mav 1 Val Crane son of kerbert Crane millionaire and xormor nusoana pi f1 uoa Pisa Crane CosUMcsa beauty was seriously Injured in an automobile wreck last night wheahlacar struck Vr strain ear 8t Charles 111 It was learned today Crane was vhadl injured about the head and suffered a broken leg HU car was completely wrecked i i hi Berlin Movie Actress QenwdUSp Entrance NEW XOhKMay ll Jisrle MaW berg Berlin motion picture aetress who cam here on fhe steamship America tier be married waijsi eluded by mils Island authorltiei today en the ground thaYabewas likely to become a putllo charge When she tried toleatetheveMl she wm toidhrV wssa married waa IramlgrauVj oftlcew say IC mK VS i jii7v frh jk i i ttmou4mtePot Jtov ireV Vi lt i --Tv rldPfirticmliitellabrtv ibArrsj wjymEjg Thif remarkable toiy ho lann a TiT7JiC i i UUa sTiit rrixri fJSMSl3 a yV Vu ri JI i -hi Mr wM5i Awy1 MTfwWSww Bi mmM ws liMsatSensas 1 11 ii1Si I ii I a 1 mwmsms 1i7 rr TtrSj ryr i Miia iiT1 fClseyVJJittiSto TihyTMry MoMeriLmked it si ariiir vi ilt iivA i With Liquor Plot wwW iyiiii9 riifVmt LOANaELES May Important develop mentf loom in the Gov ernment inquiry Into thai landing Ot ill casesf tiuoTatiiai Beachruesday linking prospeiilve customers In Bollywood andbe iitOpjos suatedJth the media pviire ioaueiry4 ava wen a amp pearance of the liquor from a steamer Xrora Sootland after registry at the custom house here This was annuonced here oday by1 Federal prfhibltlon of Ooera MAIUKC SEABCH OJT -K marine search was in progress off Los Angeles harbor tonight for Thomas Quintan Chambers and George Vlahovich wanted by Federal officers In connection with selsure oflll cases of ponded liquor at Long Beach Tuesday by the police of that city Warrants folr their erreit have been Issued and new complaints have been preferred against Benjamin Cohen Bay Iladcllf Nick UrsIcnaudyincontServentochrho were arrested by Long Beacaj police after a uu battle At the time of the selsure the tour last named men and two others were alleged to have been bringing the liquor ashore from the launch Hollywood The fifth man escaped and the sixth believed te have drowned after a policeman wounded him MOTION PICTURE C1VB A high priced aedan automobile operated by Ben Cohen said by his etterneya to be prominently identified in motion picture distributiondistribution and two trucks one pf which contained evidence of employment by a motion picture concern were found at the scene Cohen was one of the men arrested and fined Investigation by prohibition officers they say disclosed that the liquor was part of a consignment kt vessel which stopped over at thsr1r hVrS aadV departed shortly before tKi seliur The cojiislgnment regretered at the CU toms bouse was manifested to Ensenada Mexico to wheratb steamer apperfntlr started and is at present en route Fon HOTKt AMD STTOIO Prohibition pf fleers say asothat they havK uncovered vldeneeyn dfcatlng that the smugglers If tended to coavey a portion of the contraband liquor tor onejefCthe woiitt prominent httlsij laHily JIV VmJ inCttJverCftyiesrChersrblLa lngyoueofthelMgestudIostThIs studlaSits the sanjaTOncerhins which evllence was found lajshe of the iruokathat the truck bad tMim taitaaniSlov Violation of State Comoj tion License Act Charged tyy Statefa Attorney i iv i i iVi kW A3 froWsidris jpf ajjprjR taw or Secret Ortters MMIlef i St Special MspaM re The Osteelcfa vt AJrtT Hiy 4 auer nla representatlvee ofthe SCnlghti ii nM i hi 4 fc corporated underthe Uwa of Oeof 1 gla7mayfae Criminal proSecuUea for allegedjViolatlou i ot thej state eorporatlon license act iby dolad business tathls sUte without flrst havinc filed copies of their articles of Jncorporatloa with the secretary Of tate Secretary of State Frank Jordan today announced he wouM go to San Francslco late today fa consult with Attorney General tCft Webbrelatlre to having charges ta stunted arainet the state reoresenU auves of the Knights of the Xji KlncKlaa under the corporatuaM CotmJtatlon Witrt Statei ff havoreoeive4 rPrtadecUretI ir4inhatuiiWintii obtthi toiirhlfs otthei Ku iaui Klaiiu incorporated under the laws1 i of aeorglal Ifsuettls the cWthe 4 av vByijf was iiiuiuiruyuis vjj calirornia anol snail lmraeaiawiy Consult Attorney Oeheral Webb la oereon relative to prosecuting those reanonslble fer thVa annareut rtola3i 41am MnruVaiiMiillanaar mf4 r7rT Acoram to lnrormatien receivea Vmr A tlanllL fl th Vlilkbtm Of wm rrT7 tj vi Pa charter In the Superior court ice Fulton county aaIateV tai ilWI Under the laws of aeorsiathls cone stltutsa as IncorporaUon if i stated 55 500 Fme Provided fe In STatutes of State ftf Section 1 of the corporatloiv mt ikf nalirornia nravldea lii iLJiii1W IM4 any xorejea wiiwiMve business In this state must first tela la the secretary of stateSofflce ceruned eopof itSvsrtfoUsjW corporation and a designation representative for the purpose service of oroceasv rS It is further provided that js foreign eoiroraUon which trtjisaojgj buslnesa la this sUte without ooa ir tieieef cla Ml 1 tli must yquicvcyc gliisijcs be aJnfbri your ycvbut5lq should btaatMum the occasion awell4c veningaf faiw calli or thfenaignihedl elegance pf the eei 1Jei iiffV -Colonial imli eyegiasstis rtvjjel al tnV ine xsnei i ear kglass areproperf1 for business or win ZZ7i2lZ7 ft NwJ i 5fl I 4 IS i mM KVAwrVJ7rai itV I 1 iWII lOf tJfSJ s1y riSttsW Oaklaad Berkeley vji UMSBateaestAwa MMWuWSiy VwaP rMtlrTfTyvtir1 Cv KrnVjmri 12rrZ 5 or nmwasmR iiw tn rLvV Mmm tmmmm.

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