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San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California • Page 5

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

vgfr 1 ft 5 IMesBaJBVxBBIS9S IKES II AS SBUDDL TEACHER Convicted Woman Goes Back to Profession Followed Nineteen i Yeafs Ago AWAITS APJJAiT DECISION ae Most Widely Known in History of San Francisco Police Coiirt Klrta yeariago Mr Alio Hay Tig Woodcock wlh of Edgar TFood eeekAWliotbot an killed ltd ward a Kollynpon tb street of Sin Fran eloo en the night of September at 1111 wu a teacher In the public school of Eureka It waa announced by Superintend i nt of School Bugbee at Eureka tirday that while Ur Woodcock wait the decision upon her appeal from the verdict which found her ability of offering perjured testimony luting her husband trial she will he employed in the schools of Humboldt county once more She has been designated aa the teacher of Wtchpec Scboot which standi near the banks of the Klamath river In a of the wildest sections of the cnty it 1 100 mile north of Eureka Vi There the majority of her pupils will be Indiana the school authorities ntata IHrOIANI FOR STPDETTI Shortly after she was found guilty bf the eharrf nerlurr end a sen tence of from one to fourteen years serveo a Ban Quentln Prison had been Imposed Mrs Woodcock waa liberated upon 10000 ball pend lag the outcome of an appeal whloh wan filed by her attorneys Bines that time she has lvd In eclUBleri la Eureka where her father a well known civil engineer and her ibr 1 the county truant officers iVTh erlme with which Edgar Wood cook formerly a chemist In the Stat Mining Bureau and hl wlfv were charged and of which he waa later acquitted In open court has become one of the best known la the citys recent criminal annala HOOTING ITORY TOLD Edward Keilywas shot by the husband early on the evening of Sep timber It llll iI Woodooclc at the corner of Van Ness nrenne At the trial both testified that th dead man had accosted Mrs paeseaner and that an had turned to infom band and Warren Cooper a friend who ware following her a few feet behind engaged1 In conversation The tragedy followed They stated that Mr Woodeoek wa tn the habft of going to the Public Library dally and that at th dinner Ubla ah had Informed her husband and their guast that It waa not af for a woman to bo upon the 7 rZ cn Bt one She invited them to accompany her and bo for themselves public ivDiaifAsrr After the shooting detectives testl ma mat wnen they went to the Woodcock home to place the wife under arrest aa a party to thmurdr they found bar at th piano and singing th perjury Indictment whfen waa mad against ooth Mr and Mr Woodcock folio wd an Investigation demanded by public Indignation at th acquittal based upon the atory of Warren Cooper who ald that earlier In the evening Mrs Woodcock piade her assertion relative to the ctlys afrt and related instances ol Insolence and familiarity to her hua bard whereupon he had deliberately auggesled that they should start out in th business section with a pre arranged plan for the punishment of men Th Indictment of Mr Woodcock was mad on eleven count Woodcock who vu Indicted wth his wife ha disappeared completely and hi wife states that she ha no knowledge of his whereabouts Bail of 15 Aliens Is Ordered Exonerated Attorney General A Mitchell Palmer yesterday notified Acting United State Attorney Edward Leonard to order exonerated the balls of flf teen San Francisco alien enemies taken In custody at the outbreak of war between this country and Germany Thost affected by the Departments order are Herman Benk wan David Raft Thomas Wllhelm Fetrrcbv Herman Schwellmu Carl Klemme Joseph Ibler Dr Bachelder Ov Vln Wuhdorf Otto Kloss Hamy Herre Walter Meumark John Schneor Emli studt William A Eckerley and George SehukeL Ex Convict Accused Of Chicken Thefts Sari Holme a former convict wa arrested yesterday by Dtctlv GAorge Richards who mi hi I Wanted In San Mateo county for th theft of several thousand chicken from Baa Mateo ranches The arrest NwyYafdMen inlflflfl in Alcohol Theft Employe Who Drove Truclc Loaded With Booty Is Sought by Authorities Lloyd 5 Davl and Fournter employes et the Mar Island Navy yard arreited on the charge of stealing from a Government ware hous namber of drum of alcohol were arraigned yesterday before Federal Commissioner Francis Krua During the hearing Krull expressed surprise that vral thouand dollars worth of alcohol should be taken front the Island unless on or more officials wer Involved In 11 removal Davl and Fournler wer each held to answer to tb Federal Orand Jury In 11000 ball Th Navy yard employ who Qnrt the truck actaaa the causeway with om 100 gallon of alcohol on th SOth of l4st month Is being sought by th Navy yard authorities prohibition enforcement official and th Vallelo police Th officer far have failed todlvulf hi nam buU is saiqon gooa auvgoruy mains was known by th nlcknaro of T7hlty Th Navy yard efflcers hav eom Pleted their Investigation of the theft of the alcohol and are but waiting for the return of Lieutenant Colvln aaitbtant shop superintendent to explain the charge that he signed the personal property paaaes for the drum of alcohol In urlng them af eonduct past th marine sentries on th causeway Friend of the officer maintain that officers are often called on to algn personal property passe and hav no essurano that th privileges given th civil employ by th paa will not violated Accused Slayer To Be Deported Tried in San Rafael for Murder SAN RAFAEL July JIAfter el caplng conviction by th disagree ment ot a jury trying aim for an ai leged murder In this county and two unsuccessful attempts to take his own tlfein the county Jail cell Naxareno NlcoletU alia Jo Hossl will be turned over to the federal authorities tomorrow tor deportation to Italy to serve a life sentence there for slaying his nepbw Nlcolettls testimony In his trial here that hVnad no relative In th United State waa proved false today when Deputy Sheriff Allen in tercepted a paper which the prisoner banded to Joe Nloolettl of Richmond who had been posing as a friend of the accused The document waa a will which bequeathed Rossis effects to JoeNlcolettl admitted by the prisoner to be hi son Nlcolettl was tried here for killing Domlnlco Mar celo a charcoal burner employed by him at Irnaclo i Witness Scored In Bribery Case Friend of Accused Held on Perjury Charge Albert Mamado charged with attempting to bribe Justice of the Peace Thomas Prendergast with 110 was held for trial before the Superior Court and Albert Adelson an alibi witness for Mamado was ordered Into custody on a charge of perlury at a lively hearing of the case before Police Judge Owens yesterday The offense charged Is alleged to hav taken place a week ago In a corridor at th City Hall Prendergast said Mamado passed him an envelop oontalnlng 10 On th wltneae stand Adelsen said that on th day of the alleged often Mamado waa In his company during Uh entire day and therefore could not have teen Prendtrgaat judge Owea acored Adelson testimony ftrdered him Into custody and directed Aaslstant District Attorney Jonas to hi a complaint charging perjury Adelson I 10 years old and a Jeweler Former Professor Takes Vacation Stanford Man Returns From Washington PALO ALTO July Vrnon Lyman Kellogg who recently resigned a head of the Stanford entomology department after twenty five years connection with the university reached th campus yesterday for a two months stay In the West before returning to Washington to become permanent secretary of the National Research Council Mra Kellogg who ha nst returned from relief work In Europe accompanied him They left today accompanied by their daughter Jean who ha been attend tiVf yw JA 1r i i Vvt AJJ sM tf Ht yB Kitrm kvt1irmAi nimiinmvkntrmTkvTTrrry4m Wiw ahMivwvv vawVMSri 0AJvAarwv mfmmmwaeametsmsKKaamtam an xV Jl vW tls gflj EUENIIFISOUIINDEIIIF I I Appeal to President Over Action of Burieson and Saltzgaber RESOLUTIONS DRAFTED Special Reference Will Be Made to Cases Who Lack Short Period Iseetsl er teased Wire te The Okrealils WASHTNOTOK July II Appeal to President Wilson aralnst the aatlan of Postmaster General Burln and Pension Commissioner Saltigaber In deny lag retention In the service to Such of their superannuated under th retirement lawa who are still fflcUnt I to beUken by th joint committee on retirement which met today to draft resolutions of protest IUOHT OF RETEBfTIOM 8peclal referenc will be made to the oases of superannuates who lack on or mor years of th period of service eecMiarv tn Atisiir tAn retirement benaflta and who rtsn tlon ope year or so under the law providing for retention of efflolent employes who arir willing to rv and who rvc would of value io in uovfrnment would make them eligible for retirement with annuity The denial of the right of roten tlon to poitofflce and pension offloe employes and the recent decision practically letUnjr out employ of retirement ag who hav not rved nrtn yar both ar contrary to th spirit of the retirement law according to th committee APPEAL TO WILSOX Members of the committee appoint td to draft th proteit will make speolal ffort to get thlrappal for the President In time to prevent the automatic retirement of superannuate who hav not been certified for retention by Wednesday July Jl which marks th aplratlor of th period within which certifications must received by the Civil Service Commission according to th Pension Bureaus Interpretation of the law in Warrants for Thrre Ifra revre Wer renta for lh apriMt nr Wllll a kii ji rtej Wktinioe nrroM re laaued uj iK tfutran nwnrj uwena yeeterasr OS eemplalst rrind prtprleter of a cloth Ins AM A IKk a vi wiuwin iranii wnv aera thry broke loto hie place on July and stole tiiOOS wwtk of elaUilsf Tbe elothlna wee re-n wwvw i aai aaiea eieur rress ata am Millie i uw lupin rron le MwKIDS koaae ie Jseee street mi 55J Labor Council to Wild Bill Weighting Soldier at Presidio Grows Tired of Army life NOTED SPENDTHRIFT Fugitive Is Also Wanted by police Charged With Issuing Bad Check William Welghrman better known Wild Bill la In troubled again Wild Bin who I said to hav undrd two larg fortunes and who when was In the Police Court last October fer passing a worth check on theHetet St Frsncla said he was going to settle down has broken uf again Ibfpolic ay fc wcigbtraan who alnce the war ha been a soldier stationed with th Motor Transport Corps at tbs Presidio waa posted a a deserter Thursday according to th police WORTBLESS CHECK TOLD Yesterday Morris Brown a military tailor ah tot East Cantonment In th Presidio appears before Police Judg Morris Oppenhetm and wore to a warrant for Wetghtman arrest on a charge pf passlnr a worthless cheek for 110 Brown aid that Welghtman had passed a numsr or ether cheek and additional eharg will tiled against him Brown said that Wetghtman has besn missing from th Presidio tor several days and on Thursday th mllltarjl authorltlei posted him a an Army deserter Welghtman I a man In hi early fortlesfls of took staturs and aay he gu a lotef fun out of llf 80VANDERS FOftTUKB He Is th great grandson of the late William Welghtman who wa a pioneer manufacturer of Phlladet1 phla and who when he died several year ago left an estate of M0000 OOOi a general portion bt whloh was settled on Wild BUI lie sauandered this estate and several year later an aunt died leaving him etOOOO Lad September he wa arrested for passing a worthless check for SltO on th St Franct Hotel and had to remain In Jail because he did not hav 11000 for ball un uoiQvir iu vaavsv was Ufa missed by Poll Judg Mortis Oppen lielm when It waa announced that Welghtman had made good th sum Welghtman said he as going to remain In the army and settle down In CamsYfam Asks Tha Budget Ar ranged tp rovide for Increased Pay In view of th fact that th aueits of th employes of th municipal railway for an Increase In wag I being refused on th ground that the restriction placed upon th maintenance budget by the Board of 8u perviaor prohibited an Increase th Sapxr Franclsjo Labor Council last night adopted the following reaolu ilon Resolved that earnestly arge upon th Board of Supervisors soon rearrangement of th financial affairs of th municipal railway aa will afford th employ of that road a living wag and enable th management to pay the Increased wage requested Th council also requested that aH member present at the next meet Ingot th Public Utilities Committee at which time tb propoeed ordinance governing tn car stops on uarnet street win considered This waa reauestsd In view of the fact that It has bsen brought to the atsntlon of th council that should th propossd ordinance passed It would place th municipal ear In a dtsadvantagaou position at the stop and would result In th Inside car Motiving most of th passengers Hospital Call Leads To Lottery Arrest Fred Solomonwbom th police accuse of being on of the officials of tb and A lottery Company wa arreited by Detectlv Thomas Reagan at th Central Emergency Hospital yesterday and charged with hav lnx littery tickets In his possession Solomon arrest was brought about through a doctor at th hoapltal who overheard a telephonic conversation of Albert Palmers a lottery agent brought Into the hospital yesterday morning1 suffering from locomotor a tat la Palmers telephoned Solomon he had 107 ticket on hi person and that some one had better come and get them Solomon got the tickets and as was leaving the hospital we arrested Ashbury Heights Men Form Political Club The Ashbury Heights and Sunset Political League at It regular monthly meeting last night elected A Kasebeer president and Hanbrldgi secretary iThe club wmen nas a membership or soon residents of the Height and Aahbury dis trict win at ita next regular monthly meeting review the record of Samuel Shortrldg and other candidate for United States Senator 2 CONTINENTS Bernard Dunbar Arrested in New York Search Lasted Year and Half HAS CONFESSED DEEDS Detective Agency Says He Is One of Most Clever of Type In World I i An intemattenal chase of San Francisco forger which eovrd th wast coast of America Panama England and back to Amerloa and which consumed mor than a year and a half ended with th arrest of Barnard Dunbar In New Tork ytr day Dunbar wa rrsted on a war rest sworn te by Sommer Kaufman Ino a Saa Francisco boo arm which was th victim of hi forgeries which ran Into thoussnds of dollars In San Franelseo When arrsted Dunbar waa manager of a restaurant on Broadway New Tork Dunbar was Indicted by the Orand Jury last night on charge of forgery In order that may Ztra dlted from th East BECIJIS FOROEItlEJ IM Th forgeries began In th lain part of llll when Dunbar wa implored a pay clerk at th Schaw Batcher shlptuildlng plant and continued for om month until was uepected Dunbar then left San Franelseo and waa aen at Panama San Cristobal and then traced to Liverpool England Tni pollci who ay that I an xoeptlonally cliver and eluiivi person next Iocatd hire In Jacksonville Fla where escaped before they could arreet him was found In New Torkthre day go and after torn surveillance toirnak ir thstfh waitb man wanted Dunbar wa arreited After his arrnt Dunbar confused and presced his willingness to return to Sn Francleco without extradition BOGUS CHECKS APPBAB While he wa pay clerk at th Srhaw Batcher ysrds checks began to appear at the various bank bearing the signature of Forrest as pay master while the tru signature should have bun William iThei had been preunted to nearly very representltlv itorl In San Francisco also to many saloons on Third and Fourth treets which klac nave gone out of business According to a detective agency wnicn wa miereited his arrsit Dunbar exreptlonslly clsver at dis too who telephoned tha nollce rester day morning that Holmes waa on hi way to this city with eighty itolen bona Jtlchardi arrested Holmes as he was disposing of chickens at a Washington street eomm lesion house The record show that Holm erved a term at San Quentln for robbery Yife Is Accused in Sausalito Mans Suit SANiRAFAEU July 1 Charglng that hi wife Emma Sutherland for the last two or three month ha been carousing and drinking with oilier man Archibald Sutherland Sauaallto fisherman today filed an action for divorce alleglnr cruelty The plaintiff aver also that hi wjfe had treat their 4 year old child with cruelty Tha eoupl wer married In Saa Rafael In J13 I iin Cen Hines to Head Waterways Service Brigadier General Frank Hines ha been appointed chief of th new Inland aad oeastwls waterway erv lc according to information received lat night by the Army recruiting new service M0 Market etreet from th War Department General Hines waa formerly chief of tramportatlon from which th new service was formid i 0 I KFTICIRSCT MAW TALK Harrington Emereon one of New Tork feremeit ffleleney men ad drsd th class In industrial men agement at the Butler School of Com mere last evening Butler Miner Chlpman and Fowelli of tclatsd a th rscerOWt oommltt Cox sGhanGeof Winning the presidency earn about en Information from Sheriff Michael Sheehan of San Ma Inlg school In Berkeley for a few Imi fA llvtliin4 4h alt WMki aiillnvRifh Vlai 4ap an rvfl weeks ovtlng 1n the King river and Kern river countries on thir return they will remain In Palo Alto for about a month During this time Dr Ktllogg will compute all business connected with his membership on the unWersity faculty in order that may devote his entire time to the work of the research council ii is i License Revoked for Illegal Operatidh Following the revocation of his license by the Board of Medical Ex amlniri of th Stati of California for performing an Illegal operation upon Mill Tillle SsrenaOn of Alamada In March llll Dr Fisher Jordan of thla city yesterday lost hi right to practice In thla Slate whan the District Court of Appeal affirmed th judgment of th Superior Court Jordan had petitioned the Superior Court fer a writ of review July 1 llll but the writ wa dismissed on June 10 111 Jordan and his nurse Mr Nellie Weld wer arrested July I llll for performing an Illegal opera lion upon Mrs Marl Mooney of Oakland 4 Fire Department Increases Granted Five assistant engineer of th San Francisco Fir Department wer granted Increase in salary yttrday at a meeting of th Flnane Commit of lh Bosrdof Supervisors their pay being advanced from 1171 a month to I ton month Inspectors from the Auriau of Street Inspection re refused the same increasi by Ralph McLeranr chairman of the commit a ii MmsSi While Senator Cappers Topeka Gapfa Rep considers Republican victory at the polls not evenin question declaring that after November the DempcratswiU biow that a political party cannot carry a Presidential election in this country by sprinkling a little booze on its clothes other Republican papers agree with the New York Tribune that it would be most foolish if thev Senator Hardings supporters did not frankly recognize the formidableness of the Cox and Roosevelt ticket The Chicago Tribune Rep iays that uSe bosses nominated Governor Cox because they thought he ws the best vote getter arid the best goat getter Democracy had If you would obtain a practical idea of Governor Coxs chances of winning the election at pointed out by newspaper editors of all shade of political opinion you will do well to read THE LITERARY DIGEST for this week July 17th The leading artitle is a careful summary of American newspaper opinion of the Democratic nominee and the advantages and disadvantages that will be his during the campaign Other articles of almost equal interest in this fine number are The Prospects For a Third Party A the Elements of Dilcontent with the Preieht Political Situation and How They am a a aaxja 1 tf it TVlay Be Welded Into a 1 bird rarty at tne roiu in November The Fi rh tin cr Creed of the Democrats Our Decreasing Population Increase The Greek War on Tiirkey Britain Too Pro American to Suit Japan Hustling Bulgaria Another Soviet Confession of Failure Anti Japanism in Californja Science as a Curse to Mankind Paper Shoes American Artificial Silk When Picking Flowers is a Crime The Universe in Miniature Our Debt to Negro Sculptor New Record bya New German Designed Monoplane British American War Over Language The Menace of the Dope Doctor Rftlionnua Harmonv in Iticrnmnvta i The Golden Rule vs The Rule of Gold Foreign Trade of the in 1920 Geo Perkins A iNewFashioned American Tom Cat Vibrators Hamlets and Ordinary Reds Mexican Invaders Relieving Our Farm Labor Shortage Commencement Addresses By Some Recent Graduates in Americanization i Hamburg Now a Tributary of the Allies Constantinoples Kaleidoscopic Conglomera tion The Whole World Loves a Presidential Nominee Motor Mad America As Seen By a Supercilious Briton Many Interesting Mutiraliont Including Humorous Cartoons July 17th Number on Sale Today News dealers 10 Cents 4 a Year VIIITCW iL i bi CWtWih ffwaawiJeM atbaatiLiSaJla UqutoVcwskes fyutywficers Accused in Suit Hotel Proprietor Charges ho mp and Ly With Strange Mystery Charcsa that Otta Thomnaon ana WUUan Xron former rdral prll bltlaa afereimiat offlcers had disposed i worth of lliuors iKn from th Nw luilan Hotel In Bouth San nancUeo wer m4s in th Ualted Stat District Court vtrday brorTdral 4ud William HJaw tell when an attorney reprssentln Gmienpl Vintura th hotel proprl ior ac tnat tn east against Ven tura dlsmlsst Th attorney stated that Thompson and Lyons had ntred tb hetal without a search warrant that they hid brokn down vral door on tb nd floor th hotel and ntrd room In eesrch of liquor aad Ahat th liquor taken wa lawfully itored In th basement of th hoiulry iiilstant United Statu Attemey Wllford Tully opposed th motion for dismissal and statid that th time ha mi for th Court to call a halt on th abu heaped upn th head of rnt In pursuit of thllr duties Thss mn took away th liquor and It ha dlssppsarid hundr4 in auorney tor veniura Xiked by Tally If hi eoald ubtan tlat th ckarve riiadaaaliit Lvons and Thompson Vtnturaa attorned aia wa preparea 10 oaca up IB chare Th cai aralnst Vaatura waa post ponid to July St whin It will down tr trial 274289 Wanted For School Building At si meetlnr of th flnane commit to of th Board of Supervisors yss terday a rcbmm4atlon Wa road for an appropriation of tlT4ltt7lto carry on th construction of th nw Jlffarion School bulldln Th rcom mendatlen will placed en th cal endar for Uoaday meetlnr of th Bupervlaora ruHlnr both bl handwriting and his ptnonsl appaaranca and they feel that In capturing him they hav laid hands on on of th cleverest forgers who ha worked on th Paclflo Coast for many yrs DEBT HURLt I FIRYMILLIONS Hetch Hetchy Predominates 7 in Amount of jVlunicipal Securities RAIL BONDS ALL SOLD I ialiii sitW Nearly 200000 Redeemed School Issue Voted In 1918 Slow Seller 5 A general statement shewlnr th bonded indebtedness of San Tran elsco ha been issued by vrhomaa PV Bcyl auditor It shows th total amount of unredeemed bond to t4tau 000 Th Hatch Hetcby Issu laoda ttiAi llar aliAavlnff that out of th t4S009000 lssu authorised only tiSlbt004 worth hav been old sine this date of tsau Th chart was compiled by Ben nlng Wertworth who 1 attached Boyl effleo and glv complt data on all of th bond lleuo how Inr th amount sold and redeemed line they wer authorised It 1 planffldytrfVTeaeent St00 of Hetch Hetchy bond annually Thsra atllt remains tStt 15000 worth of these bonds to sold which com under the heading of miscellaneous AVi pr cent Tk AinhlYiaA aata nt all thnaMi nlclpal bond line they wr an thorlxsd amounts to l423800 ji LIU tf4il AAA wAtV Vaam aa deemeda Th Municipal lUllroad Issue of ISIS anwuntlnq to SSSOOOOO haV all been disposed of and SltlSOO worth remed Tha 11500000 achool bond laiu voted In ltlS ha prove to a alow IIr Tbes bonds carry 4 14 pr cent and th sale alnc th dat of lssu amount te only tttsooo vFIRK CLOSES BTllDOK Th Sixth street brldg will be cloed for tverat day because of damage caused to It through a fir yesterday Hester acting secr tary of th Board of Publla Work announced laat nlghU TRAVEL INFORMATION jjmw tws a MWSa riarkt aarrtee TirvVTI Vstaat It 3aaa Haul TICKTa II Maakat tl Plan It ll eekltaa liTT rae4y rkme Oak 1T aseraaaau taata Her If IU SPECIAL LOS ANGELES 25 AJfD RBTPIW I FOUR SaILTNGS EACH WEEK I ADMIRAL rABIlAUUT 11 A Sararday Jaly ST A Taesaay Jaly S4 SAN DIEGO AJtij tf tUETPRH TtrosAaraas sach tteei ADMIRAL FARRAGUT 11 A gatarday Jaly IT aUICEN Pat 1 A Taesday Jniy Fare laclad Blrtk aad Meals SEsATTLE TACOMA TBBJEE SAILINGS EACH WEEK ADMIRAL DEWHY latarday Jaly IT SU GOVERNOR Calls Victoria 11 A Tady Jaly 20 MEXICO CENTRAL AMERICA I SBNATOR ir1 AUG I EUREKA COOS BAY PORTLAND I CITY OF TOPEKA It A Wednesday Jary St JAVA PACIFIC UNE Direct i xtxtxtxtxHsSxtxV fjrv Serric NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC Tkxvt Otic Tarry Peeot I Poet Bt leave SANFRANClfcCO Arrive lUa rWalmna Beata Rasa OoamavUIe Modi RlcDunoaBMilla OMf il Petalanvs uu BoeS Besldaburg I7ita Boooma breaeh polota tS4o jj WoodacraLamnltaalt RaratlXlap MiPaluinaeAntaRaeHealdbuJT CloTardalaUklth WUlllaFlBraM Lootvaia rortunsEarekaAnata TdWy tISa Noaooia braaeh pouts gxKa lUa Reyes Camp Keeker Meal rlUoba4MltilK2Mader7Ai S4I PaUlira 8ata Boaa OuanrrUl Meoi Rio Dnaeaa MillCaaatere 7 My tlla Weodecra LscuBitaapt Reyes T10 44 Wasdaora tacuaitaa Pt Hares tMf 1141 PMaluma Baata Rosa Haaldabnra lUp Petaluma easts Bon GoamerUla Moat Rio Duaeaa Mills u10ap tSp8t oalyl Lafuojta Pt3ys Cams Iteekw Caiadero 1 i tSp FeUluma Baata Rasa BosMaburg ClonrdaKCkiah 41Us dstpSoajonmbtaaahpolat tr tHJp Woodacre LagnBitaa Pt Reyes Sa llp Petaluma 8anU Rosa Healdsburg Sa Baata Rasa Paul uniaNoTato JJj towy pniy tai waoapa oniway ittrvibiMrUPmrMmhio tk IUul FsUrUjt lsUaor igjii a fIl aja an ansasamiA nu imm miaini iwi uatll lUatluo hourly aatil laUp the tiltpaad so roisvrtl4 7 tbea IKIS llp ujitaiaivjiT Manor very to ntla tHS and 1 00am Sal aad flu aixhta oaly est to Manor Sua nuthtl Additional ftuadav trsiaa at tl 1014 llrtfiav Ullp Tlburoa asd BelvBdars Daily svery hour from 1 48a until lp then tti tS MpllHtpBaial 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